Supervisor Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner
Councilman Ernest C. Odierna
Councilwoman Nancy Seligson
Councilman Paul A. Winick
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney
Christina Battalia, Deputy Town Clerk
Parking District
Councilman Winick reported that the Parking Committee had met and discussed various
options in the Washington Square area for setting up a parking district. He added that in
researching this he had learned that 15% of spaces cannot be restricted. A discussion
Member Item Requests
Mr. Altieri said last year the Town had requested from Congresswoman Lowey funds for
VFW as well as water access for Kayaking. He then asked the Board members for their
requests for this year.
Councilwoman Wittner suggested an access area for Kayaking be developed near the
Premium Conservation area and to resubmit the community center idea at the VFW.
Councilwoman Seligson said that Congresswomen Lowey was in a good position to obtain
funding due to the changeover in the house. She noted that she strongly agrees with the
water access idea.
Supervisor O'Keeffe said a generator at the high school for municipal emergencies would be
number one on her list.
On motion made and seconded the Board convened into an executive session to discuss
land at 6:10 PM.
The Organizational Meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck was called to order by Supervisor
O'Keeffe at 8:20 PM. She then pointed out the location of exits.
Town Of Mamaroneck Valerie Moore O'Keeffe
State Of The Town Message Town Supervisor
January 3, 2007
January 3, 2007
Before beginning our meeting this evening I would like to take the
opportunity to present my annual State Of The Town message to the
community. At this time of the year it is helpful to look back at all that has
been accomplished by the Town government and to also preview with you,
the residents, some of our plans for the coming year. Also, I want to mention
those initiatives that began in 2006 and will continue this year.
For the Town, the end of the calendar year also marks the end of our fiscal
year. We have just completed the preparation of the 2007 budget that
includes the appropriations necessary to continue the services that the
residents continue to insist upon from the Town government. With the
budget now complete, I am pleased to report to you that we enter 2007 with
the Town's financial condition remaining quite strong. We have included in
our budget the funds necessary for planned expenses but we have also
planned for the unexpected. To do this, funds are set-aside in reserve to
meet unscheduled expenses and emergencies that inevitably occur during
the year. Our ample reserves allow us to meet these expenses without
seeking additional funding by incurring additional debt. We have established
a stable stream of revenues from both property tax and non-property tax
sources that enable the Town to enact property tax adjustments within the
range of the annual cost of living adjustment. We accomplish this even at a
time when costs for energy and employee benefits far exceed the change in
the cost of living. Our financial strength and conservative budgeting will be
particularly important in 2007 as we join with the Town of Harrison and
Village of Mamaroneck to construct a court-ordered water filtration plant. for
the town of Mamaroneck this will mean raising funds for what will be the
single largest capital project in the Town's history. This project has been the
subject of much discussion by the Town Board over the past year. Our
intentions were to develop a sound plan for raising the funds needed for the
project and we believe we have accomplished that mission. During the last
phase of our budget process in 2006 the Town unveiled a plan to use a blend
of both tax revenue and water rate charges to finance construction of the
plant. The plan will insure a stable source of revenues throughout the term
of the new debt for the project. A stable revenue stream will avoid wide
fluctuations in property tax rate adjustments and water use charges. The
water filtration plant project is scheduled for completion some time in 2009.
Another important matter on our agenda in 2006 was the residential
development of the properties on Madison Avenue. In 2006 the Town Board
granted final approval to Forest City Residential to construct 139
condominium units on Madison Avenue. Five years ago when this project
was first proposed to the Town, we knew how critical it would be to assure
the residents that a careful analysis would be applied to the project to make
certain that the development was right for the Town, that the project would
have limited impacts upon the town, and lastly that the development would
provide benefits to the Town. We have accomplished all of these objectives.
Careful planning of both the aesthetic and physical design has resulted in a
development that is well suited to the residential character of the
Washington Square neighborhood. In terms of benefit to the Town, there
will be added property tax revenues. but, equally important, the Forest City
development will provide noticeable benefits to the Town as well. First, the
new residential development will include sorely needed workforce housing
for the community. In addition, the construction of a new parking structure
on Myrtle Boulevard will help the Town address the long standing parking
issues in Washington Square.
In connection with the Forest City development, the Town in 2006 initiated
a parking study for Washington Square that builds upon an earlier study
done in 2000. Working with a committee of residents from the neighborhood
we are exploring new ways of providing more parking spaces with both
physical improvements and better parking management techniques. Our
plan is to complete the analysis in the early part of 2007 to coincide with the
construction of the new parking structure.
In terms of the Town's legislative agenda in 2006, we continue to look at
meaningful legislation to improve the quality of life and maintain our
suburban character. Enforcing our quality of life laws regarding such things
as noise and sanitation has been a priority for the Town. Looking to improve
upon the enforcement of these laws, the Town adopted legislation in 2006
January 3, 2007
allowing for the appointment of constables. Under the laws of New York
State, constables will have greater authority to enforce our quality of life
codes and work with residents on code compliance.
Our quality of life is also defined by the physical setting in which we live
each day. One of our longer-term projects has been to evaluate the use of
illuminated signs in our commercial districts. To do that we have inventoried
all of the illuminated signs in the Town and will, in 2007, look to draft
legislation aimed at further controlling the use of these types of signs.
Thanks go to one of our residents, Don Meeker, who has been of great
assistance in this project.
Measuring quality of life also includes one of our most important functions;
the protection of life and property. Therefore, it is important that we
continually evaluate our emergency preparedness plans. This past year the
town experienced several severe weather emergencies including a major
snowstorm in February, torrential rains in July that caused significant
flooding, and Tropical Storm Ernesto on Labor Day weekend. Each of these
events tested our coordinated response plan and the skills of our emergency
service agencies. Although some of our residents did unfortunately
experience some property damage, the community as a whole rebounded
quickly from these events.
As part of our continuing effort to improve emergency preparedness, the
Town in 2006 conducted a survey of residents regarding their own plans for
responding to emergencies and what services of the Town would residents
most need in time of emergency. We are at this time tabulating the results of
the survey and will use the information in 2007 to refine our own emergency
response plans. One of the components of our emergency plans that will
receive particular focus this year is resident notification. The Town Board
has included in the 2007 budget funding for an emergency notification
system for our residents. Several different alternatives are under review and
we intend to select a system this coming year.
We are always looking at new ways to reach out to our residents with news
about the Town and in 2006 we initiated our first e-mail notification system.
To date close to 200 residents have signed up to receive special notices and
agendas of our Town Board, Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings. If
you have not yet signed up for this service, please go to our website
www.townofmamaroneck.org and sign up.
Without question, one of the most exciting events of the past year and one
of our most important accomplishments was hosting the 2006 US Golf Open
at Winged Foot Golf Club. As the premier golf event in the United States, the
tournament attracted as many as 50,000 people per day. The task of moving
that many people in and out of the Town for seven days with limited impact
on the community was daunting. Our Town police, fire, highway, and
ambulance services did a remarkable job planning for the event and
protecting not only the community but also those attending the tournament.
Special thanks also go to the officials of the USGA, Winged Foot Golf Club,
Westchester County and New York State for their efforts in making the
tournament a special event for the Town and also their understanding for the
needs of our residents.
One of the very special qualities of the Town government is its relationship
with its neighbors, particularly the Villages of Mamaroneck and Larchmont.
Although the relationship has flourished for many years, 2006 presented
further evidence of our mutual desire to work together for the benefit of our
residents. In 2006 the Town joined the villages and a local resident group on
the question of improving the availability of playing fields in our community.
In 2007 work will continue to evaluate the feasibility of improving field
availability in all three communities.
In 2006 the Town and the two villages also provided support to a resident
organization that is following the federal aviation administration's review of
the use of the airspace for landings and takeoffs at Laguardia and Kennedy
Airports. Those efforts are intended to reduce noise pollution in the Town.
This effort will also continue into 2007.
January 3, 2007
Inter-municipal activities over the past year have not been limited to the
Town and the two villages. The Mamaroneck School District has also been
an active participant in our joint efforts. With the school district's assistance
plans are underway to further improve the Joint Emergency Evacuation
Center at Mamaroneck High School. All four agencies have determined that
the high school is an ideal location for an evacuation center should an
evacuation be necessary. Therefore, we continue to work together on plans
for the facility.
This past year the Town and the Village of Larchmont began to consider
ways of improving our services at the Senior Citizens Center in Larchmont
village. Both our Recreation Department and Community Services office will
now work jointly on planning new programming to serve the needs of this
segment of our population. We often tend to reserve our recreational
planning for the younger segments of our population but with this new
approach to programming for our senior center we hope to place greater
emphasis on adult recreational programs.
Inevitably, more and more of our services are dependent upon technology.
In 2006 the Town began the process of updating all of its tax assessment
maps into digital form, which is the first step in the development of our
Geographic Information System. With the help of two grants from New York
State we, along with the two villages, are developing a system that will allow
us to better track our activities in virtually every department. The GIS
System will also allow us to gather better information regarding our
infrastructure and natural resources. Construction of the GIS System will
continue into 2007 and should be completed in 2008. Also, in connection
with technology we will, in 2007, be evaluating our current
telecommunication system. Our current system is over ten years old and is
in need of upgrading.
In 2007, the Town and Village of Larchmont, through our Joint Sanitation
Commission will conduct a sanitation collection route study aimed at
improving the efficiency of garbage collection in the Town and Village.
2007 will indeed be a busy year for the Town government. There will be
many challenges but the result will be better service to our residents. In
conclusion, I want to thank my colleagues on the Town Board for their
efforts. All that we accomplish is the result of an exhausting number of
meetings regarding the issues facing the Town of Mamaroneck. Also, many
thanks to the staff, whose professional attitude toward the delivery of town
services, make them critical to the Town's success.
To all of the residents of the community I wish you and your families a
prosperous new year in 2007. Thank you very much.
Supervisor O'Keeffe introduced State Assemblyman George Latimer. He was asked to
address the Town Board regarding the possibility of establishing a Parking District in the
Washington Square area.
Assemblyman Latimer said the establishment of a Parking District is not unprecedented.
Home rule legislation allows local governments to ask for authorization; this is intrinsically
under their Charter. He stated his role is to serve as a conduit, to help draft a law which
could then be approved by the Town Attorney. "It will be introduced by myself and Senator
Oppenheimer in our respective houses. You will see the bill before it goes into the
legislature for your final approval. You will then be asked for a formal resolution."
Supervisor O'Keeffe thanked Assemblyman Latimer for taking his time to speak with us this
The Board decided to make all the appointments at once since they were all renewals:
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilman Winick, it was
January 3, 2007
RESOLVED, that Edward Jacobson is appointed to the position
of Member B of the Board of Architectural Review; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on December 31, 2009 ; and
RESOLVED, that Edward Jacobson shall serve as the
Chairperson of the Board of Architectural Review for the year
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that Jeanne Kiernan is appointed to the position of
Alternate Member of the Board of Assessment; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on September 30, 2011 ; and
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Supervisor O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that Robert Degen is appointed to the position of
Member A of the Board of Ethics; and
RESOLVED, that Edwin Kaufman is appointed to the position of
Member B of the Board of Ethics; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointments shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on December 31, 2009 ; and
January 3, 2007
RESOLVED, that Martin Ronan shall serve as the Chairperson of
the Board of Ethics for the year 2007
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that Jay Reynolds is hereby reappointed as Civil
Officer in the Town of Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of
one year, effective January 1, 2007 and terminating on December
31, 2007; and
RESOLVED, that Joseph Mitchell is hereby reappointed as Civil
Officer in the Town of Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of
one year, effective January 1, 2007 and terminating on December
31, 2007; and
RESOLVED, that Frank Maresca is hereby reappointed as Civil
Officer in the Town of Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of
one year, effective January 1, 2007 and terminating on December
31, 2007.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that Frederick Baron is appointed to the position of
Citizen Member A of the Historic Records Committee; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on December 31, 2009.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
January 3, 2007
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that Susan Sidel is appointed to the position of
Member D of the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on December 31, 2011.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the following
was approved
WHEREAS, Marilyn Reader has resigned as member F of the
Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board,
RESOLVED, that George Roniger is appointed to the vacancy to
the position of member F of the Town of Mamaroneck Planning
Board; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on December 31, 2011; and
RESOLVED, that Marc Rosenbaum, shall serve as the
Chairperson of the Planning Board for the year 2007.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
January 3, 2007
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilman Winick, the following was
WHEREAS, Ronald Meister has resigned as member E of the
Town of Mamaroneck Traffic Committee,
RESOLVED, that Mike Harrington be appointed to the vacancy in
the position of member E of the Town of Mamaroneck Traffic
Committee, term expiring 12/2008, and
RESOLVED, that Nancy Angiulo is appointed to the position of
Member A of the Traffic Committee; and
RESOLVED, that Donald Sutherland is appointed to the position
of Member B of the Traffic Committee; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointments shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on December 31, 2009; and
RESOLVED, that David Lobl, shall serve as the Chairperson of
the Traffic Committee for the year 2007.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilman Winick, the following was
WHEREAS, Tom Gunther has resigned as member A of the Town of
Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals;
RESOLVED, that Ronald Meister is appointed to the vacancy of
member A of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals;
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointments shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath
mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall
expire on December 31, 2008; and
January 3, 2007
RESOLVED, that Arthur Wexler, shall serve as the Chairperson of
the Traffic Committee for the year 2007
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Supervisor's recommendation
Stephen V. Altieri Town Administrator is appointed as Budget
Officer, effective January 1, 2007 terminating December 31, 2007.
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Supervisor's recommendation
Phyllis Wittner be appointed as Deputy Town Supervisor,
effective January 1, 2007 terminating December 31, 2007.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that the regular meetings of the Town Board be held
in the Court Room of the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road,
Mamaroneck at 8:15 PM on the first and third Wednesdays of
each month except for the February meeting being held on
Monday, February 26th and only one meeting will be held in July
and in August, July meeting is set for July 11th, August meeting
to be determined, and
RESOLVED, that said meetings, dates and places may be
changed at the pleasure of the Board upon adequate notice
being given.
The above resolutions were put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that The Journal News, The Soundview News,
Sound and Town Report and The County Press be, and they
hereby are, designated as the official newspapers of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing legal notices during
January 3, 2007
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that the following banks and trust companies are
hereby designated as depositories for funds of the Town of
Mamaroneck for the year 2007 to be continued in their present
MBIA CLASS Investments, Armonk
The Bank of New York County Trust Region, Mamaroneck
JP Morgan Chase
Bank of America, Larchmont
Wachovia Bank NA, Larchmont
North Fork Bank, Larchmont
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe, it was
RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore granted to withdraw
funds from and to draw checks, drafts and other orders upon
the Town of Mamaroneck accounts maintained at the aforesaid
banks hereby is rescinded and revoked and hereafter such
withdrawals, checks, drafts and other orders shall be authorized
when signed by signature or facsimile signature of the Town
Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor and Comptroller or Deputy
Comptroller and Deputy Receiver of Taxes; and
RESOLVED, that all withdrawals, checks, drafts and other
orders relative to the Community Services Discretionary Fund
located at the Bank of New York shall be authorized when
signed by the signatures of Anna Danoy, Director of Community
Services, and Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
January 3, 2007
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner O'Keeffe and on motion of Commissioner
Seligson, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, the Board of Fire Commissioners was
unanimously declared open.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner
Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna
Commissioner: Nancy Seligson
Commissioner: Paul A. Winick
1. Fire Claims
Commissioner Odierna presented fire claims for authorization of payment. Thereafter on
motion of Commissioner Odierna, seconded by Commissioner Seligson, it was
RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims as
approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's Office as amended:
911 Wear Inc. $ 514.94
911 Wear Inc. 507.96
911 Wear Inc. 149.00
911 Wear Inc. 136.99
AAA Emergency Supply Co. Inc. 291.00
AAA Emergency Supply Co. Inc. 180.20
AAA Emergency Supply Co. Inc. 109.00
A&JAuto Parts Inc. 180.20
Atlantic-Westchester 470.42
Cablevision 26.34
Cleaning Systems 107.55
D'Agostino Clothiers & Tailors 102.00
Fire Academy FSA 337.13
Noco Energy Corp. 166.48
Poland Springs Water Co. 51.52
Rye Ford-Subaru 22.50
Smith-El 475.95
Technical Electronics Inc. 91.00
Westchester Joint Water Works 63.68
Total: $3,983.86
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
2. Appointment— Election Inspectors — Fire District Referendum
Patricia DiCioccio explained there will be a Special Fire District Election on February 26,
2007. The purpose of this election is the purchase of a new fire truck. Election Inspection
personnel need to be appointed. These inspectors will take an Oath of Office and will be at
the Weaver Street Fire House from 6:00 to 9:00 PM on Election Night.
January 3, 2007
Patricia DiCioccio reminded the audience that voting was for residents of the
unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck only.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Supervisor O'Keeffe, the
following was approved
WHEREAS, the Board of Fire Commissioners of Mamaroneck
Fire District in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County,
New York, has called a special election of the qualified voters of
said Fire District to be held on the 26th day of February, 2007;
WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the appointment of a
permanent chairman, inspectors of election and assistant clerks
for said special election;
RESOLVED, by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the
Mamaroneck Fire District in the Town of Mamaroneck,
Westchester County, New York, as follows:
Section I. Carol Hoffman, a duly qualified voter of said Fire
District is hereby appointed as the permanent chairman of the
special election referred to in the preambles hereof.
Section 2. The following named qualified voters of said Fire
District are hereby appointed to act as inspectors of election of
said special election, so that there shall be at least two
inspectors for each ballot box to be used thereat:
Carol Hoffman Harold Moss
Sheldon Hoffman Harry Rogers
Section 3.Sheldon Hoffman is hereby designated as chief election
Section 4.The following named qualified voters of said Fire District
are hereby appointed as assistant clerks of said special election.
Section 5. Each inspector of election and assistant clerk appointed for
said special election, as herein provided, shall be entitled to
compensation at the rate of$55.00 for each day actually and
necessarily spent on the duties of his office. The Clerk of said Fire
District is hereby authorized and directed to give written notice of
appointment to the persons herein respectively appointed as
permanent chairman, inspectors of election and assistant clerks for
said special election.
Section 6.This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put
to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Councilman Winick VOTING Aye
Councilwoman Seligson VOTING Aye
Councilman Odierna VOTING Aye
Councilwoman Wittner VOTING Aye
Supervisor O'Keeffe VOTING Aye
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
Commissioner Wittner said the next County firefighter class would be run at our
January 3, 2007
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of
Commissioner Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Odierna, the Commission
unanimously adjourned.
1. Authorization — Contract of Sale of Land — FCD Mamaroneck LLC
Mr. Maker explained the Town is selling a parcel of land on Byron Place in exchange
for a parking deck on Myrtle Boulevard which will add 38 spaces to lot three. The
parcel of land on Byron Place will be used for visitor parking at the proposed
apartment house. He said the Town Administrator is to be authorized to execute the
contract of sale.
Mr. Sullivan, Attorney for FCD Mamaroneck, said this follows the covenants passed
at a prior meeting, adding this is the last piece needed to be passed.
Mr. Maker agreed, saying there are certain criteria still to be done, but essentially
yes this is the last piece.
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the
following was approved:
WHEREAS, on October 18, 2006, the Town Board resolved to
issue a special permit to FCD Mamaroneck, LLC ("FCD") for the
construction of a Mixed-Use development to be comprised of 139
residential condominium units, commercial uses and on-site
parking on the land currently owned by FCD and bordered by
Madison Avenue, Byron Place and Maxwell Avenue; and
WHEREAS, one of the provisions of the special permit is that the
Town sell to FCD the real property consisting of approximately
5,550 square feet that is located on Byron Place in the Town of
Mamaroneck and is designated on the town's tax assessment
map as Block 132, Lot 300.2 in exchange for FCD, at its sole cost
and expense, (i) constructing a parking deck above Parking Lot
#3 and doing other improvements to Parking Lot#3 which will
result in an increase of 38 parking spaces in Parking Lot#3 and
(ii) FCD constructing an open air parking lot on Block 132, Lot
300.2 which will be used as parking for visitors to the building
that will house the residential condominium units; and
WHEREAS, a contract for sale of Block 132, Lot 300.2 by the
Town to FCD ("Contract") has been presented and reviewed by
the Town Board;
RESOLVED, that the Town sell the real property known on the
tax assessment map of the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 132,
Lot 300.2 to FCD in exchange for FCD, at its sole cost and
expense, (i) constructing a parking deck above Parking Lot#3
and doing other improvements to Parking Lot#3 which will result
in an increase of 38 parking spaces in Parking Lot#3 and (ii)
constructing an open air parking lot on Block 132, Lot 300.2
which will be used as parking for visitors to the building that will
house the residential condominium units; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves the form and content
of the Contract (a copy of which is attached to this resolution)
and authorizes and directs the Town Administrator to execute
the Contract in the name of the Town; and
January 3, 2007
RESOLVED, that if FCD complies with its obligation under the
Contract, the officers of the Town are authorized to take such
actions and to execute such documents in the name of the Town
as are necessary to consummate the sale; and
RESOLVED, that pursuant to section 64 (2) of the NY Town Law,
the adoption of this resolution is subject to a permissive
referendum; and
RESOLVED that within ten days after the adoption of this
resolution, the Town Clerk is directed to post and publish a
notice (a) setting forth the date on which this resolution was
adopted and (b) containing an abstract of this resolution which
concisely states the purpose and effect thereof. The notice shall
be posted and published in the same manner as a notice of a
special election is posted and published and shall specify that
this resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
2. Consideration — Stipulation of Settlement Civil Service Employees Association
Mr. Altieri said the proposed increases are 3.5% for 2006, 3.65% for 2007, and 4.00% for
Councilman Winick said this appears to be a good outcome in the negotiations and the
increases are in line.
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following was
WHEREAS, a Stipulation of Agreement was made and entered into
the 14th day of December 2006 by and between the negotiating
committees for the Town of Mamaroneck and the Civil Service
Employees Association (CSEA) Local 1000 AFSCME AFL — CIO,
Town of Mamaroneck Unit, Westchester County Local 860, and
WHEREAS, the parties have engaged in negotiations in good faith
and in an effort to arrive at a successor agreement to a contract
that expired December 31, 2005, and
WHEREAS, the parties have arrived at a tentative agreement;
RESOLVED, that in consideration of the mutual covenants
contained herein, the parties hereby stipulate and agree as
I. The provisions of the stipulation are subject to ratification by the
respective parties to the contract.
II. The respective negotiating committees agree to recommend this
stipulation for ratification.
III. All proposals not covered herein made by either party during the
course of negotiations shall be deemed withdrawn.
IV. The provisions of the prior agreement shall be carried forward
except as modified in this stipulation.
January 3, 2007
V. Unless otherwise noted, all dates involving the duration of the
agreement shall be confirmed to the duration of the negotiated
Article 12 Vacations
Section 1
Add clarification: During the first year of employment, an
employee shall not receive paid vacation time. On the first
anniversary of his/her hire date he/she will receive ten (10) working
days of paid vacation leave for use during the second year of
employment. On the January 1 following his/her first anniversary,
the employee will receive ten (10) days of vacation and will
subsequently receive ten working days of vacation on each
succeeding January 1 until he/she completes five years of service.
Article 14— Longevity Pay
Section 1. Effective 1/1/08 employees with seven (7) years of
service but less than eleven (11) completed years of service as of
their anniversary date of employment in any year
will receive a payment of six hundred and seventy-five dollars
($675) in that calendar year and thereafter until they complete
eleven (11) years of employment.
Section 2. Effective 1/1/08 employees with eleven (11) years of
service but less than fifteen (15) completed years of service as of
their anniversary date of employment in any year will receive a
payment of eight hundred dollars ($800) in that calendar year and
thereafter until they complete fifteen (15) years of employment.
Section 3. Effective 1/1/08 employees with fifteen (15) years of
service but less than nineteen (19) completed years of service as
of their anniversary date of employment in any year will receive a
payment of nine hundred twenty five ($925) dollars in that calendar
year and thereafter until they completed nineteen (19) years of
Section 4. Effective 1/1/08 employees with nineteen (19) years of
service or more as of their anniversary date of employment in any
year will receive a payment of one thousand and fifty dollars
($1,050) in that calendar year and thereafter in each calendar year.
Section 5. Effective 1/1/08 employees with twenty-five (25) years of
service or more as of their anniversary date of employment in any
year will receive a payment of one thousand one hundred and
seventy five ($1,175) dollars in that calendar year and thereafter in
each calendar year.
Article 17— Insurance and Pensions
Section 3, Health Insurance
Add (e): Effective 1/1/07, all employees hired after this date shall
be required to pay, on a payroll deduction basis, twenty three
hundred dollars ($2,300) toward the annual cost of family health
insurance premiums or eleven hundred dollars ($1,100) toward the
annual cost of individual health insurance. Commencing with the
employee's sixteenth (16th) year of employment, the Town will pay
the full cost of health insurance.
Employees hired after 7/1/97, but before 1/1/07, will pay, on a
payroll deduction basis, twelve hundred dollars ($1,200) toward
the annual cost of family health insurance premiums and seven
hundred ($700) towards the annual cost of individual health
insurance premiums. The employee shall contribute to health
insurance premiums for the first fifteen (15) years of employment.
January 3, 2007
Commencing with the employee's sixteenth (16th) year of
employment, the Town will pay the full cost of health insurance.
Section 5, Dental Insurance
Add: Employees may elect dental insurance coverage in retirement
at their own expense through the Town's insurance carrier. It shall
be the responsibility of the retiree to enroll in and maintain this
benefit directly with the Town's insurance carrier. The Town will
not be responsible for any fees or charges incurred nor will the
Town be responsible for providing this benefit should it be
discontinued by the current carrier or not be offered by any
subsequent carrier.
Add: Death Benefit (new Section 8): Should a Town employee lose
his or her life as the direct result of an injury or illness sustained in
the course of performing his or her duties, the Town will, at its
expense, continue to provide dependent health insurance
coverage for a maximum of eighteen (18) months if no other
dependent health care coverage is available. Dependents are
defined as those beneficiaries designated in the employee's New
York State Retirement System beneficiary form.
The employee's beneficiaries will also be entitled to a payment of
any accumulated vacation time at his or her rate of pay at the time
of death up to a maximum of one year's entitlement; and to any
sick time accumulated over 75 days to be paid at the rate of$75
per day.
Section 18, Clothing Allowances
Add 2 (c): The Town Engineer and the Assistant Building Inspector
shall be entitled to a clothing allowance of 50% of the $550
clothing allowance currently paid to highway department
Article 22 Salary and Wage Administration
Add: Section 4 A:
a) Effective 1/1/06 the salary schedule shall be increased by
b) Effective 1/1/07 the salary schedule shall be increased by
Effective 3/1/07 Highway Department employees in Class A, B, C
and D shall receive an increment of$700 which will be added to
their base pay.
Effective 3/1/07 all CSEA members, except the employees in the
Highway Department specified above, shall receive a one-time
payment of$300 which will not be added to their base pay.
C) Effective 1/1/08 the salary schedule shall be increased by
Article 23 General Provisions
Section 1, Probation:
Add new 1(b): The probationary period after promotion to a new
title shall be twenty-six (26) weeks. [Current 1 (b) becomes 1 (c)]
Section 8, Tuition Reimbursement:
Replace with: An employee matriculating in a bachelor's degree
program at an accredited college or university is eligible for tuition
reimbursement by the Town upon prior written approval by the
Town Administrator or his designee. $225 per credit hour will be
reimbursed for courses that are job related, and $150 per credit
hour will be reimbursed for courses that are non job related. The
January 3, 2007
Town will reimburse a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours per
calendar year.
Article 25 Duration
Section 1. Amend to read: This Agreement shall be in effect on
January 1, 2006 and shall remain in effect through December 31,
2008, and
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby
authorize the Town Administrator to sign said Stipulation
Agreement on behalf of the Town.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
3. Authorization — Capital Projects #26-05 Storm Drain Improvements
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby
approve the establishment of Capital Project#26-05
Storm Drain Improvements —Account#H5197-4-5110-5019
in the amount of$75,000.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
4. Salary Authorization - Recreation
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 2007 Town Budget the
Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to
the following:
Kathleen Spader, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $9.75/hour, retroactive to 12/18/06.
Meredith Naughton, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $9/hour, retroactive to 12/18/06.
Cathleen Scanlon, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $9.50/hour, retroactive to12/18/06.
Michael Ragone, Lifeguard, Hommocks Pool, $9.50/hour, retroactive to12/18/06.
Elizabeth Linsalato, Alt Skate Guard, Hommocks Park Ice Rink, $9.50/hour,
retroactive to 12/23/06.
January 3, 2007
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - October 18, 2006 resubmission
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
Board minutes from the meeting of October 18, 2006 as
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
Councilman Winick said there were no meetings during the holidays.
Councilwoman Seligson said the same and wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Councilwoman Wittner said she attended the last meeting of the Fire Council and
Happy New Year to all.
Councilman Odierna reminded everyone of the Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration at
the Emelin Theater on January 10th. Ralph Branca is the guest speaker and they will
be honoring Mary Lou Berridge.
Supervisor O'Keeffe also invited everyone to join them next week at the celebration
and wished everyone a healthy and happy new year.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the
meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:45 PM.
Submitted by,
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk