HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985_05_15 Town Board Minutes 039 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD ON THE 15TH DAY OF MAY 1985 IN THE COUNCIL ROOM AND THE AUDITORIUM TTJM F THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSES WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. _ CONVENE REGULAR MEETING - Work Session The meeting was called to order -at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Battalia, in the Council Room of the T a r Street Firehouse, and the work session was commenced, Present were the Following: Supervisor Dolores A. Ba.ttalia Councilman Lee H. Bloom Councilman Thomas I . Amlic e Councilwoman Caroline Sil.v rston Councilman Lawrence Lerman Also in attendance at this portion of the meeting was Town Administrator Stephen V. Altiori, Counsel to the Town Steven M. Silverberg, Co-chairmen of the Coastal Zone Management Committee Wallace Irwin and Shirley Tolley. Mr. Irwin and Mrs. Told.ey appeared before the Board and reviewed :. the current status of the Coastal Zone Management Committee s draft of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, which included a discussion of legislation which would have to be adopted in conjunction with the plan. N At the close of the work session, the Board members proceeded to the Auditorium. CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits Supervisor Battal.ia pointed out to those assembled the location of exits as required by law for public gatherings, At this time the Supervisor changed the order of the Agenda in order that those raking presentations could be heard first. PRESENTATION - Cora Rust, Chairperson-Human Rights Commission The Supervisor introduced Mrs. Cora. Rust, Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission who, in turn, introduced three additional members, r R 1 a Bendix, Judie Martin, Virginia Gunther and offered regrets 15.�� FINDINGS OF THE TOWN �OARD OF 'THE TOWN- OF MAMARONECK PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 8 OF THE NEW YORK STATE ENVIRO0MENTAL CLTSERVATION LAW ANDTHE IMpLEMENTING REGULATIONS UpON �HE ��PPLICAl�IOW TO REVIEW THE PROPOSEl} MAX�ELL P VENUE TRANSFER FACILITY LEASE. ' — On or about June 271 1984 this Board declared it!iieIf to be the lead agency in this ma t�er �nd =sued a po�1�ive declaration noting potential sig-dg environmental, impacts resulting from the propo-ed acticm.The app nt ` Joint Garbage Comnission ,was requested to prepare and +ile a DEIS. ' � ^ l'hereafter , a DEIS was IL:iled , a notice of completior, d and ' a publ ic comment perioQ in accordance wi�h the appl�cable reguIe±ions permitted. In addtion, a Public hearing .waSE, bE-:Id on the DEIS. . , ' -- Ba�ed upon a review of the DEIS and the Public comments this � Board determined that an FEIS shoul d be prepared end filed~ Thereafter , an FE IS was fiIed »a notice o u and a publ i c comment period in accordance with a c�bl s» | � / � regulations permitted~ Tbe requiremen�ex of Articl e 8 of th� 1 t� ^' `- .. Con�ervation L�m, Part 6 of the implementing regulations and the Town of Environmental ReguIa±ions have notel been met.This Board h��s fully re»iewed the FEIS an � the � ' At the present ti me' the .archmont—Mamaronect:: Joint Garbage I�i�posal Commission opera�es at the facility vihich iss the ' subject of the proposed Iease. The proposed lease w* lI increase the volume. of soIxd was t e brought t t.he site and ' increase traffic , as added to the solid presently brcnLght there will be the solid waste of the Vill f age o -- M- As par. of the l-ease, the County of Westchester which will operate the farility will impro»e� upgrade and replace equipment presentiv ustad. lrhe DEISnBEIS and public comments are based in I�r-g - part on . . the present operation of the faciIity. While -Lhe* impac�s noted ' below could potentially be increased due to the ari di tion of the Village of Mamaroneck in this operation; we tkelieve �h�t if the If,i-tigating measures are followed such Poten�ial ' impacts will be mdnimized and in fact will actualI' �t y cre e � � conditions which are an improvement over present conditions from an environmental standpoint. SPECIFIC PUTENTIAL IMpACTS AND MITIGATING MEASURES: FIND%N8:TEMPORARY LEASE. ~ The proposed Iease -is an interim measure by the County of Wmstche�ter which after- a four year period wiII aIIow the us=.---- of this property for other than a solid waste transfer d l t facility. �heref�re, the 1ong term use an� e«� opmen of this site wilI b e enhanced from an standpoint_ - The hopper c h~_t 5h La l d b . o z-0. I eincl Ossed t�h i ch i.S proposed, Furt-Ifir--i as rL ommae ndcfd i bL� dorzLxmc�nt ubmi d vj n d ID]. o r;tit:n t r a:�b on the sit r r r tc p prevent th b o t:k4 j.n g be conTz.,tructeud along the nc:1t--th(--:-�r-ni propc-mirty and, corner f the shed to the et:,nc— I��i�� �� �� ��� � ���� only p Veri- n real;ie . in. vnindblawrs trash but will actually r z:tte an improvement r present conditions. The' rt--2view and testing. urid r �� %. l what t-here are p =Rin problems i unrj-F-� psi r ig ponding -F w r near the main oate the r-ility Pros n� -fecal strep i ; the =_..ySterr; in the fz-kcility-The r'�d noted c= are n stan��.-ir�- for centr at i �� �-)• ; and t .cal r. # ' o r ml water- �: d o.i.I �u t. Clid co : rid' r"Cain retesting and c_i�ic mitigating AneaSures to be Undertaken in on i un c t i ont t--At ocrsp l at 047 : grade ro r*t y and r charin 1. yin o- -F in a rr,,F.tnner t-w11 tz chi will Fiji nimiz e ponding O-F - - . :� - rd r iu e Sur-.FEtc: - ntaminan .s- e I B r OPr_i ate houseE keep irig measuress, noted in the Cached letter of the Coy nt.y Hea.I h 'DepartmentO All plans to be reviewed and approved bar ��e State Departmen of Environmental Conservation and the J s r }to i on o-F these y . the reducx Departme-jit of Health as tO Contaminants. 11-here Pre cv,F, of thie contamina.nts noted and. } 1` .a di . - t at the siter the rF,!placerrient oF the . w+ 7+* 4.�-r J F I .a� � � '• W }tea o�-d E Ci p e �L.0 ! ........... t-11ITiGArit,,G MEASURES: problem. n a d d I- i min there must r- provIsion T r` ':� ` .rf-�..aezn,firnc to a :' l � �ptu1�.: hose= n t.he3r- be PrObl - There f u5t e,:-e mi d1 atioti of ttie storm vied" system at the site hannel runoff to one or more oil raps. W� note u48 FINDING: NOISE There- will be some increase over present not 'or and trailer .-trips and extra dumping resulting from. the addition of thte Village of Mai-ii r oriE-C:F., .r-i . i s_- ,, however- ,W111 be off met- by th r l ac ent of the t ascsl i n p ce-j r - L.Cr with the. ui titer elec-tric m 'act Qui��- �r electric compactor Fisot,or. Planting I LA l row % r green six n center the northern ��r r t. l i t as sugge5ted and the -F eni s i n g rioted Linder our i nd i relating to wind blovin neighboring properties. -FINDING: AIR Q- UALITY i over which ruck - r<-avL1 within the Si to are paved. Th - liaiitaiorss set -f rth in te-- Find County r eCjU1 iC!r-1 the i in 07' gasoline and diesel engine;-:. should be strictly obs r-wed. Thi s along wi th ' tine l i rii n. i n ' the present. y �� �� ������ -~_ - FINDlNG: TRAFFIC As al)-eady note[ there will be some increa-e in traffic d . e to the inclusiom of the (/illage of Mamaroneck at the site. This increase will not be of major proporJions» In the absence of a specif c alt�rnative proposalv the ' /i routing o� Village of Mamaroneck truckss over the �ew Yor� _ St at Th � inn the lea� vii h�� � I�� e �uway, as propos n e e , - impact on the area. Based upon the makeup of the Surrounding roads it is not expected that there will be any significant increase in road wear. ' — MI�I8ATING MEASURES: ' Routi ng of ��rucks and trai l ers i n a manner whi ch wi I l least _ impact upon local traffic including the routing of VilIa�e of � \1amarcxneck trucks over thwe l[hruway '. � ' F1: RECYCLING P ' GRAM: A� proysent there is a re�ycling progr�am at the sitc�. Ther*� _ sh'all be no elimination or reduction of the program , although concerns have been expressed that the relocation of the program within the site may adversely impact upon its ' ��l � lit��. However..) the mowing of' the program wilI help reduce �oise to nearby Properties. Pavments by the County� �pec1fled in the lease, as wx�lI a� the re�rofit��ing of certa�n. equipnxsnt will aid in maintaining the program. MITIGATING MEASLRES: � The lease shoulj provide for adequate access to the program . -. �' _-_� .^ ��� �en 050 WHEREAS, consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations from among the reasonable alternatives thereto the action which is proposed minimizes or avoids adverse environmental effects to the maximum extent practicable; including the effects disclosed in the FEIS if the mitigating measures set forth in our findings are fully carried out, and WHEREAS, we believe that the mitigating ' �._.. .. measures set forth in our findings are a practical method of deali 051. RESOLVED., that this Board hereby authorizes that ore-half of the $72,000 added expenses incurred for the repairs to the Ho=oc .s Pool be paid by the Town of Mamaroneck and that said. amount not be paid until such time as the last payment with respect to the original agreement has been paid. 5. Proposed Resolutions re: 1 Federal Revenue Sharing 2 Deductibility - Local Property Taxes Supervisor Battalia asked for the Board's consideration of the resolutions and Councilman Bloom stated that he would be in support of a gradual reduction of the federal revenue sharing funds since they are initiated with specific purposes in mired, but further stated that they should not be discontinued. abruptly. Thereafter, on Councilman Bloom's motion, seconded by Councilman Amlic e, the following resolution was unanimously adopted WHEREAS, local government is faced with even increasing operational costs coupled with the demands of citizens to provide improved municipal services; and WHEREAS, local governments are facing decreasing sources of revenues; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck endorses the continuati 6. Update - Urban. County Funding Application The Administrator, announo d that notification has been received that the application for funds for flood control made jointly Frith the Village of Larohmont has been denied and then elaborated further on the matter. The Supervisor added that the Town does not agree with the decision and noted that she and the Administrator will meet with Mr. Salley next week to discuss the matter further and try to convince the County to reconsider the application. She further noted that she has asked County Legislator Keane for her support in this endeavor - and asked the C.A.C. Chairman to prepare something to help the cause which can be taken to the meeting. She also asked that letters be sent by residents to the County in support of the application. 7. Update - Police Commissioner Litigation. Mr. Silverberg added to his report of the last meeting with respect to the Judge's order and reported that a letter has been received that the County will certify the position, 8. Salary Authorization - Recreation On motion by Councilman A liok.e, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that Carrie Forsman, Any Peet and Claire Dowd, Recreation Assistants in the Sailing Program, be compensated at the following respective hourly rates: $4.25, $4.00 and $3.50, effective May 21, 1985; and be it further RESOLVED,ED, that this Board hereby authorizes that Christopher Adams,, Matthew Futterman and Colin Villone, Recreation Attendants at the Hommocks Pool, be compensated at the rate of $3.00 per hour, effective retroactive to April 29, 1985. 9. Town Clerk's Requests Approval. of Polling Places Authorization for Public Notices Authorization to Request Waivers re Access to Certain Polling Places On motion by Councilwoman Silverston , seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously RESOLVED., that in accordance with the and be it further RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Town Clerk, this Board agrees that a waiver of Section 4-104 1--1 of the New York State Election Law should be requested pending further negotiations for changes in the location of inaccessible polling places; and be it further RESOLVED,LVED, that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is, authorized to convey said request for waiver to The Westchester Counter Board of Elections. 10. Discussion - Tri-Municipal Bicycle Safety' Committee Councilman Amlic e noted the receipt of the resignation letter from Ken Dem s who has served as the Chairman of the above captioned Committee and asked the Board to consider whether the group should continue in existence. Councilmam Amlicke advised that the Committee has indicated that they are no longer needed since they have completed their task.. Supervisor Battalia suggested that Councilman Amlic e contact the two villages and School Board to solicit their opinions on the matter. 11. Authorization - Open Checking Account-Police Pension Fund - Following the Administrator's explanation, on motion by Council- woman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that an account entitled "Town of Mamaroneck Police Pension Fund" be opened with Barclays Banff of New York; and be it further RESOLVED, that hereafter all deposits and withdrawals shall be authorized when signed by the signature or facsimile signature of Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller, and Dolores A. Battalia, Supervisor, or Genevieve F. Soriano, Deputy Comptroller, and Dolores A. Battalia. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Arthur Gasparini addressed the Board about the hazardous situation of basketball playing on Hickory Grove Drive and the problem of obstructed view at the intersection of west Garden Road and Weaver Street; After some discussion., the first matter was referred to Counsel to take up with the Building Inspector and the latter matter was to be further explored and placed on the agenda of the next meeting. f THE TOWN CLERK Regular Reports The Clerk presented the reports of the Town Clerk's ffice and Building Inspector's Office for the month of April 198.E. THE SUPERVISOR Reports Supervisor Battalia reported that she and Councilwoman Silverstone would be attending a two-day school on computers in Hauppauge. b on the next meeting of the 325th Anniversary Committee to be held at 8:00 p.m. on May 29th in this Auditorium and pointed out the logo which will symbolize throughout the celebrati 05 .. Councilman Amlick.e reported: a on his desire to have the Conservation Advisory Commission present the annual report for 1984 at the first meeting i