HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985_05_01 Town Board Minutes 2,0 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE TOWN BOARD AND BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS F THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON THE 1ST DAY OF MAY 1985 IN THE COUNCIL ROOM AND THE AUDITORIUM F THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, TTN OF IAARONEC CONVENE REGULAR 1 BTIN The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Battalia at 7:45 p.m. in the Auditorium. Present were the following Supervisor Dolores A. Ba.ttalia Councilman Dee H. Bloom Councilman Thomas R. Amlio e Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Councilman Lawrence Lerman Tows. Administrator, Stephen V. Altieri and Counsel to the Town. Steven M. Silverberg were also present. On motion by Council Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlick. , it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board will recess into Executive Session in the Council Room to discuss matters of personnel.. Counsel to the Town updated the Board on various litigation matters, The Board discussed proposed candidates for appointments to various Boards and Committees* The Board by .consensus authorized the Administrator to pursue negotiations with the 21 North Chatsworth Avenue Association relative to parking. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silvers tone, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously resolved to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:23 p.m.. CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits Supervisor Battalia. pointed out to those assembled the location of exi t # BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The meeting was called to order by Commissioners Battalia at p.m. in the Auditorium. Present were the following: Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia Commissioner Lee H. Bloom Commissioner Thomas R. Amlio e Commissioner Caroline Sil erstone Commissioner Lawrence A. Lerman Also present were the following: Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk Carol A. A000ell.a, Deputy Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Steven M. Silverberg, Counsel to the Town 1. Claims Commissioner Amliok.e presented fine claims for authorization of payment and on his notion, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it was -unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office Con Edison 2.03 Coy. Edison 3.06 - Can Edison 4 .36 ESCO Exterminating Services 20.03 Excelsior Garage 29025. Larchmont Auto farts Dist. , Inc. 71.23 The New Rochelle Water Company 134-13. New York Telephone Company 962.6 New York Telephone Company 66.3 RAD Oil o p a ny 252.19 RAD 31.1 Company 213,82 Suburban Communications 60.00- West he ter Joint Water Works 91113.75 $129967.55 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion by Commissioner Amlick.e, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it was unanimously declare d that this meeting be adjourned. at 8:40 p.m. 022 The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavi PROPOSED INTERIM DEVELOPMENT LAST TOWN F MAMARONE CK, NEW YORK Local Law No. 6, 1985 LOCAL LAW- REGULATING FOR AN INTERIM PERIOD THE APPROVALS OF SUBDIVISION PLATS AND THE +APPROVAL OF SITE PLANS IN THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO COMPLETION AND REVIEW OF RECOMMENDATIONS BY A JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE WITH THE VILLAGE OF LARCHMONT,, NEW YORK, AND RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT -COMMITTEE AND A ENDNENTS TO THE ZONING AND OTHER LAND USE ORDINANCES CONTINGENT THEREON., -BY THE TOWN BOARD F THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK. BE IT ENACTED AT- THE REGULAR MEETING BY THE TOWN BOARD OF TEE TOWN F MA IARONECK, STATE OF NEW YORI , AS FOLLOWS:. 11 This local law shall be known as and may be cited as the Interim Development Law of the Tows. of Mamaroneck. 2. Legislative intent and findings of fact. A. Background The Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York is concerned about land use and development trends w*thin the unincorporated area of the Town. There are presently i 024 preparation and consideration of the aforesaid Joint Planning Committee and Coastal Zone Management Committee reports and prospective changes in the. Zoning Ordinance and other land-use ordinances. It is the further in•ten.ti AM.49 5. Penalties Any person, firm, entity, or corporation that shall construct, erect, enlarge, or alter any building or structure in violation of the provisions of this local law or shall otherwise violate any of the provi .may ID RESOLVED, that thi Section 4. Severability Should a court of competent jurisdiction declare any portion of this Local Law invalid, such declaration of invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other provision of this Local Law provided that such provisions can be implemented without the invalid provisions. Section 5. Effective Date - This Local. Law shall become effective immediately. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Local Law re Amend Local'Law #3-1985 to Provide for a Fire Inspector On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and it hereby is, declared open.. The Town Clerk presented for the record the Affidavit of- Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing. Counsel reviewed the intent of this proposed law. Councilman Bloom noted that up to this poi RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby adopt Local Law No. 8-1985 entitled "Amend d Local Law #3-1986 1 to Provide For A. Pare Inspector," and orders that said Local Law as so adopted and, herewi Murray Boxer, the attorney for the residents of 1007 Palmer .Avenue addressed the Board requesting the removal of the shelter and also of that site as a bus stop because i 0,30 Thereafter, Councilman Bloom clarified certain points b ut allowing additional time for comments without jeopardizing the Board's time frame for determining its findings; Dr. Mason stated that if the comment period is extended, he would then wait to present a formal statement on behalf of the .A.. ; Mrs. Powers stated that at this time she was confused about the present status of the F.E.I. . with respect to the Board's determination; Mr. Bloom advised Mrs. Powers that the Board's acceptance or non-acceptance of the F.E..I.S. is based on the co rents received relative to the Draft; Mr. Silverberg added further that this would be an appropriate time for Mrs. Powers to comment on the document. At this point, Mrs. ' Powers expressed her concern about data detailed in the document with respect to the spilling of toxic chemicals, oil and grease and also noise levels and asked what will be done to correct these conditions. Both Mr. Silverberg and Councilman Bloom explained that the matter presently before the Board concerns the comment period. Councilman Lerman, however, attempted to clarify whether or not the data Mrs. Powers referred to was of adequate significance with respect to acceptable norms. Some discussion followed Mrs. Powers' reference to various reports she had obtained from the Department of Environmental Conservation in White Plains and the Environmental Investigation Unit in Manhattan and Mrs. Battalia T s interest in obtaining said reports, After Counsel's final clarification on the Board's decision to extend the comment period, on motion by Councilman Amlio e, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, the following resolution was adopted by majority vote of the- Board with Supervisor B .ttalia abstaining because she is a. Commissioner of the Joint Sanitation Commission ........... RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that the Public Comment Period on the Final E.I.S. for Lease of the Maxwell Avenue Joint Garbage Commission Facility be extended from May 1, 1985 to noon on May 1 , 1985; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the Town Clerk to revi 031' manner in which Mr. Dubouchet has served tie Town. On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman ilverston , it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts with regret the resignation of Jacques Dubouchet as a member of the Water Control Commission; and be it further - - RESOLVED, that this Board's expression of gratitude be conveyed to Mr. Dubouchet. b Conservation Advisory Commission On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Gloria M. Allen of Mayhew Avenue, Larch ont, is hereby appointed as a member of the 'own of Mamaroneck Conservation Advisory Commission to fill the vacancy caused by Archie Messenger's resignation,, On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Robert Fun icel to of 206 Fenimore Road, Mamaroneck Village is hereby appointed as a. member of the Town of Mamaroneck Conservation - Advisory' Cornmission to fill the vacancy caused by Kathryn Cla.r e's resignation. c Zoning Board of Appeals On motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilwoman ilverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Elaine Price of 4 Rock Ridge Road, Town, is hereby appointed as a. member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill the unexpired tern of Anne McAndrews, effective immediately and terminating on February 1 , 1987. d Recreation Commission On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously V'2 4. Proposed Resolution - Westchester Legal Services Funding Supervisor Battalia reviewed the situation relative to funding for the Westchester Legal Services and stated that many presidents of the Town are served by that Agency. She expressed her concern that the denial of said funds would have a serious impact on those residents of this Town that may need those services which means that a special portion of the population will be denied legal services. Some discussion followed during which both Councilman Lerman and Councilwoman Siiverstone strongly supported the -...._ Supervisor's concern and thereafter on Councilwoman ilverstone's motion, seconded by ouncil an Lerman, the following resolution was adopted by a majority vote of the Board, with Councilman Amlie e abstaining because he stated that he dick not have enough time or opportunity to review the matter. WHEREAS, our Country was founded upon, a, guarantee of liberty and iustice for all- J and WHEREAS,, the preservation of that guarantee requires free and open access to our judicial system for all our citizens; rich and poor alike; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck is deeply concerned that residents of our eom unity may be deprived of legal representation to pursue their right to that guarantee; _..-. NOWT, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tows. Board of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby objects to the curtailment of funding to Westchester Legal. Services by the County of Westchester as announced by the x County Executive. Update. - Town Center Building Project Ir. Al.tieri advised the Board of the present status of the four separate contracts pertaining to the renovations. His update included the progress of the framing and sheetroc. ing and the installation of the new asphalt roof; the installation of piping and various plumbing fixtures; the .installation of the air conditioning units and the steam piping for the heating system although the dispute between the Town and HVAC contractor continues) ; the completion of the wiring for the fire alarm system and the continuing progress of the remaining required wiring and outlets. He emphasized that 6. Adoption - Management and ikon-Union Salary Schedule The Town Administrator presented the proposed salary schedule for management and non-union personnel, which was discussed by the Board in Executive Session and thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silver ton , seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED , that this Board hereby adopts the following 1985 schedule of salaries for Management and Ton-Union personnel: Employee Title Proposed Salary Stephen V. . lt U34 PROCLAMATIONS 1. May Senior Citizen Month Following Councilwoman Silverstone's presentation of said proclamation, and' on her motion whic was seconded by Councilman Lerman, the following was issued (see page 1 2, Police Weed. - May 12th Following Councilman Le rman's presentation of said proclamation, and on his notion which was seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, the following was issued (see page 17 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS There were no written communications to come before the Board. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral. communications to come before the Board. 3 O CLAMAT I O N ' TE AS, the Town of Mamaroneck is especially enriched by the contributions which older Americans make to all aspects -f of our Community; and WHEREAS, older citizens of Mamaroneck bring their wisdom, experience, and enthusiasm to countless endeavors which benefit all Citizens and represent a vital resource which must not be diminished; and WHEREAS, we celebrate the vital presence of older members of our families and the Community by understanding their need to live lives of dignity and independence with opportunity for full participation in life; and WHEREAS, in so doing, we will make the best and most fitting tribute to older citizens, OW, THEREFORE, I Dolores A. Bat-ta.lia., Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, do hereby proclaim the month of May 1985, as SENIOR CITIZENS' MONTH in the Town of Mamaroneck. Dolores A. Battalia. Supervisor Dated: May 1, 1985 036 PRO CLAMAT ION WHEREAS, the Town of am.a.ronec recognizes the efforts and contributions of the members of our Police Department toward assuring the health, welfare, and safety of our community; and WHEREAS, the members of the Town of amaronec . Police Department have served the Town and its residents with dedication, professionalism, skill and dignity; and 5 WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to honor the members of the Department and acknowledge their important role in maintenance and and preservation of the duality of life in the Town; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the week of May 12 be proclaimed as - POLICE WEEK throughout the Town of Mamaroneck; and BE IT FURTHEPdv10RE RESOLVED, that May 15 be proclaimed as POLICE OFFICER MEMORIAL DAY throughout the Town of Mamaroneck; and we urge all residents of our Community to join with us in honoring these devoted public servants. .Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Mamaroneck on the 1st day of Ia 1985 -037 THE SUPERVISOR Reports Supervisor Battalia reported: a. that the next Substance Abuse Task Force , eeting is to be held on May 14th at 12:00 noon in the offi ILF'Z6 c that the Hommoc. s Ice Rink Co=ittee will meet on May 8th at 8:00 p.m. in the Larcbmont Village Center, at which time a. determination will bo made as to the opening of the ice rink this fall. d on his desire to continue di