HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012_03_21 Town Board Minutes March 21, 2012
Supervisor Nancy Seligson
Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner
Councilman Ernest C.Odierna
Councilwoman Abby Katz
Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney
ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia,Town Clerk
Stephen V.Altieri,Town Administrator
William Maker,Jr.,Town Attorney
On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilwoman Wittner,the Work Session was
unanimously opened at S:OOPM.
Meeting with Board of Architectural Review(BAR)
Additionally Present:
Edward Jacobson,Co-Chair of the Board of Architectural Review
Ken Ricci,Co-Chair of the Board of Architectural Review
Donald Meeker, Member of the Board of Architectural Review
Supervisor Seligson noted that in preparation for this meeting the Town Board has prepared an agenda
which includes:
• Review of the establishing legislation for the Board of Architectural Review
• Potential participation of BAR in updating design guidelines and zoning for the Boston
Post Road
• The creation of a 'look'for the commercial buildings in the Town.
Supervisor Seligson read from the legislation creating the BAR,specifically§3-6. (C), emphasizing that the
Board feels this should empower the BAR. The BAR Members thanked the Town Board for reinforcing
that point,adding they are aware of that section and understand it,adding they appreciate the Town
Board for reinforcing that.The Boards discussed a number of recent applications and how the legislation
helps and hinders the BAR.The BAR noted instances in which the specificity of the Signage Legislation can
work against the Town in that it can limit creative problem solving,adding it can force a bad outcome.
The BAR also felt they would like the power to grant certain variance without having to refer an
application to the Zoning Board.The BAR clarified for the Board the misconception that the legislation
allows the BAR to limit the amount and size of structures up against windows,adding suggestions are
often made and compromises are encouraged. The BAR emphasized that they understand there are
instances in which they have no power to legislate a design change,adding in these instances they try
and work as best they can with architects and designers to come up with the best solution possible for all
parties. Having more specific legislation in certain areas would help the BAR and give it more teeth.
The Town Board moved the discussion to how the BAR could help the Town in creating a 'look'for the
Boston Post Road.The BAR was excited about the concept of a 'look'. With respect to a 'look'the BAR
emphasized again, how sometimes very strict legislation can work against you. The BAR noted as an
example,the Staples Shopping Center. The discussion moved to Affordable Housing and Supervisor
Seligson stated that the Town is looking at the Boston Post Road Corridor as a potential location for
affordable housing. The Board noted that they have asked Frank Fish and his firm to revisit a previous
study they completed which looked at adding residential zoning to the Boston Post Road. The BAR was
March 21, 2012
enthusiastic about working with the Town on this. The Town will keep the BAR apprised as it moves
forward with these ideas.
Meeting with Town Prosecutors
Additionally present:
Town Prosecutors'Susan Fiore and Matthew McCauley
Supervisor Seligson explained that with a new Supervisor and new Town Board Members,the Board is
taking the opportunity to meet with Departments within the Town to foster communication and to
generally'touch' base with these individuals. Ms. Fiore began by stating that the Court Clerk, Denise
Cookingham does an excellent job with administration for the Town Court. Ms. Fiore also mentioned
that they have had difficulty getting State Police to come to Court.They have however,done a great job
of working with Town Police to schedule trials around officers'tours,adding this helps with overtime.
The prosecutors noted that many cases are settled in pretrial conferences,adding this is to the benefit of
the Town.
Mr. McCauley noted that certain tickets are issued seasonally,especially the quality of life tickets. The
Board discussed the benefit of having residents appear in Court as a deterrent to repeat offenses. The
prosecutors stated they rarely dismiss Town Ordinance Violations. Supervisor Seligson stressed the
Quality of Life Ordinance of particular interest to the Board. Discussion involved the difficulty in these
tickets,adding whether the Noise Ordinance, 'Leaf Blower Law',should be changed from the violator
being the Contractor to being the Homeowner.The Prosecutors noted that they work very well with the
Building Department and Code Enforcement,adding they have recently been working with both to try
and remediate violations during the Court process.
The Board discussed the possibility of scheduling a daytime Court,adding this could be helpful in working
with various Town Departments. The Prosecutors did mention that at times it would be helpful if Code
Enforcement spoke with them first before violations were issued,so as to clarify the exact violation
within the code.
Update—2011 Financial Year End
Additionally Present:
Tony Siligato,Town Comptroller
Supervisor Seligson began by stating that there is a lot of information before the Board this evening,
adding an additional session will probably be needed to do a full review of the Financials.
The Town Board reviewed reports prepared by Mr.Siligato and Mr.Altieri for this evening's discussion.
The analysis included fund by fund analysis of revenue and expenditures for the year 2011.
Excerpt from Mr.Altieri's memo:
For 2011 the Town projected that overall revenue for all categories would be$30,483,132. Actual
revenue for the year, however, totaled$29,900,922 a shortfall of$582,210 or about 2%. Later in
this report we will detail the sources of the shortfall.
On the expenditure side, the Town's adjusted operating budget for 2011 was$30,595,972. Actual
expenditures totaled$30,390,098, which left a remaining balance of$203,865. Again, the
highlights of expenditures for the year will be explained in this report.
Based upon actual revenue and expenses for 2011, the Town's total undesignated fund balance
for all funds is$4,802,596 or 13%of 2012 budget appropriations. This amount does not include
the$840,000 which was applied to the 2012 budget. When this amount is applied the surplus is
reduced to$3,962,596. As the Town Board is aware, we have been working on a surplus recovery
March 21, 2012
plan to improve surplus levels to at least 12%of budget appropriations. Ideally we would prefer
to see surplus levels closer to 15%in each of the funds. When comparing our 2011 year end
position with 2010, our surplus position improved by a modest 1%.
Mr.Siligato brought to the Board's attention the tax delinquencies,adding this number is
much higher than the Town has seen in recent years. Mr.Siligato explained how these
arrears are factored into the Budget. The Board discussed the fund balances in each of the
nine Town Funds. Councilwoman Elkind Eney and Councilwoman Katz noted that being new
to many of these reports,they would like to schedule a time to meet with Mr.Siligato for a
one on one session regarding the Financials. Supervisor Seligson would like Town
Departments to come in early in the Budget process for 2012 and speak individually with the
Board during Worksession.
Update—Murray Avenue/Colonial School Crossing
The Town Board reviewed the$2,000.00 cost estimate for installing the crosswalk.The replacement of
the flashing light would be an additional$4,500.00. While some Board Members questioned the
expenses,others stated it was a hazardous situation that residents felt strongly enough to come speak
with the Board about a remedy.The Board will get final approval from the PTA as to their financial
contribution to the project. Mr.Altieri will get final approval from the County and will notify the
Update—FEMA Reimbursement-Storm Expenses
The Board did not discuss this item as the memo was self explanatory.
Update—Property Reassessment Project
The Board reviewed a memo from Mr.Altieri highlighting 1.) Data has been collected from 1,085 parcels,
representing 13%of the total number of parcels 2.)Of that,21%or 231 interiors have been inspected 3.)
Data collection is complete in Sections 2 and 3 4.) Collection is being completed in Sections 1 and 4. Mr.
Altieri noted that the oblique photography which is being done by Facet Technologies is almost complete;
photographs will soon be attached to all property cards. GAR'S reassessment Web-site can now be
accessed through the Town's Web-site.
Due to the time the Town Board deferred any discussion of Collective Bargaining—Firefighters until next
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at
8:15 PM, she then pointed out the location of the exits.
Supervisor Seligson congratulated the Village Trustees and new Mayor on last night's elections.
Supervisor Seligson stated that the Reassessment Project is ongoing,adding the new Assessment Web-
site is connected to the Town Web-site. Residents were reminded to sign up for email notifications.
Supervisor Seligson noted the very successful Green Screen event that took place in the Village and Town.
March 21, 2012
The recent Fire on Ice Fundraiser,an annual event was very successful in raising funds for Milo
Delvecchio's education fund.
Westchester Joint Water Works is actively working on the Consent Order form New York State. This
Consent Order requires the Westchester Joint Water Works to build a filtration plant.As residents may
know,the Water Works has been fighting the Consent Order, but at the same time is trying to forge
ahead with options. One of those options was to address whether the Water Works could fulfill the
Consent Order by integrating with the County's Ultraviolet Plant at Kensico.Although this is an expensive
option it could be less than building a filtration plant.Supervisor Seligson noted that a lot of individuals'
time and energy is going toward this issue.
Supervisor Seligson noted with enthusiasm that a number of people were in the audience.
David Shafritz,of 4 Pheasant Run, Larchmont,addressed the Board with questions about what the
filtering is being done for.
Supervisor Seligson responded that 20 years ago water testing revealed a 1 to 2 degree increase in
Giardia and Cryptosporidium, and by the Westchester Joint Water Works(literally) not filing paper work
in time,the Environmental Protection Agency has gotten involved. Since that time,the water has not
been out of compliance. This sequence of events and subsequent Consent Order has forced the
Westchester Joint Water Works to investigate building a filtration plant. The Westchester Joint Water
Works is trying to find less expensive alternatives that would still fulfill the Consent Order.
Bill Zelenka,of 1 Pheasant Run, Larchmont,addressed the Board regarding flooding in the Pryer Manor
Area. He is here with a number of his neighbors who also introduced themselves as:
Richard Pogostin, 1 Dogwood Lane, Larchmont
Mary Spollen, 11 Dogwood Lane, New Rochelle
Ms. Pardiwala,27 Dogwood Lane, New Rochelle, representing the Pryer Manor Association
Ms.Shearer, 19 Dogwood Lane, New Rochelle
Mr.Zelenka began by stating that it is a known fact that the area at the bottom of Dillon Road where it
meets with Pheasant Run, Dogwood Lane and Pryer Manor Road,is a flood area;flooding was
particularly severe during the recent storms of Irene and Lee. Mr.Zelenka is not advocating that the
Town try and control this entirely,as this has to some extent do with the environment. However, Mr.
Zelenka recently read that the Village of Larchmont received a Grant to widen the culvert under US Route
1 that brings water from the Pinebrook Area. Mr.Zelenka is questioning whether the Town had looked at
the ramifications of more water into this area. Mr.Zelenka would like the Town to specifically look at
the drains and the catch basins,adding that cleaning and some modifying could help the situation. Mr.
Zelenka elaborated that modifications to the drain might be needed,as well as,the possibility of adding a
back flow pump.
Supervisor Seligson stated that the Town has already asked its'Consulting Engineer to review the
Villages' proposal,adding it is not really a project yet, but in concept only,and thereby difficult to fully
access. Supervisor Seligson assured the residents that the Town and their engineers will continue to
review this concept and be assured that the Town will advocate that this not adversely affect our
residents. Supervisor Seligson stated that she will work closely with the new Mayor,Anne McAndrews,
adding no one wants to see solutions in one area exacerbate problems in another.
Mr.Scharf stated that this area has experienced worse storms in the past and drained fine,this is more
than just a cleaning problem. Mr.Scharf is advocating that more extensive analysis and possible upgrades
be done to the infrastructure. Mr.Scharf believes the infrastructure has become deteriorated.
Ruth Campanelli,3 Barnum Road addressed the Board. Ms. Campanelli has a number of issues she
would like to bring to the Town's attention 1.) Due to the extensive organics in the area, residents are
advocating for a longer organic pick up season,especially with the kinder weather 2.)The plantings along
the bank of the Lake have never taken,adding there are deficiencies all along the Brook 3.)The recent fix
of the Valley Stream Bridge is not up to the same caliber as other stone repairs,adding it looks awful 4)
Leaves and debris are piling up at the bottom of the Falls 5.0 the Town continues to have issues with
overgrown hedging blocking site view for drivers and needs to be addressed for safety concerns.
March 21, 2012
The Board responded to Ms.Campanelli's concerns,adding it would be helpful if she would call the Town
with specific locations for some of the issues she brought to the Town's attention this evening.
Rich Pigostin,of 1 Dogwood Lane,stated that returning the Pryor Manor flooding, he questioned the
statement by the Town that this was a State issue,adding when will the State ever address a problem
involving so few homes?
Supervisor Seligson,interjected,clarifying that the Town was not putting the problem off to the State,
but simply clarifying that the issue here is well above and beyond something the Town can entirely take
on as the aging infrastructure is extensive and expensive to rebuild.
Mr. Pigostin stressed that these 5 or 6 catch basins are not State basins and need to be addressed by the
Town. Mr. Pigostin stressed that some amount of funds need to be allocated because there is a serious
safety issue in doing nothing,adding if he could not get in or out of his home for 4 days, how was an
emergency vehicle going to get to him or his neighbors?
Ms.Shearer addressed the Board for clarification on what exactly at this point the Town will be doing.
The Town will look at the issue of the catch basins,address whether they need to be cleaned and assess if
there are other things the Town can do within the Town's means,to change the situation.
The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows:
LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State
of New York,and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board of,adopted
March 7,2012 a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 21,2012 at 8:00 PM or as
soon thereafter as is possible in the Court Room of the Town Center,740 W. Boston Post
Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider Change of "Election to use the Valuation Date
used by the New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services for Equalization Rate
Purposes to Value Real Property within the Town of Mamaroneck" law.
Under section 238.141(3) of the laws of Westchester County,a Town may elect to use the
valuation date used by the New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services—currently
July 1—to value the real property within the Town of Mamaroneck. The Town Board finds it
is in the public interest to have the Town's date for valuation coincide with the date used by
the New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services.
The full text of this Amendment may be examined and copies obtained at the Town Clerk's
office during regular hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August
until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given
an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at
or prior thereto.
Published: March 14,2012
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Public Hearing was
unanimously opened.
March 21, 2012
Mr.Altieri explained that there are two critical dates in the Assessment Process, one being the Taxable
Status Date and the other the property Valuation Date. The Town Board at its' last Town Board Meeting
changed the taxable Status Date,the date in which the Assessor begins the process of reviewing the
taxable status of each property with respect to exemption applications. The second date is the date the
Assessor must use to set the values for the properties for the purpose of their taxes in the following year.
This Law reads that the Town will establish July 1 as the date of the Taxable Valuation. Specifically,July
1,2011, is the Valuation Date for the Levy of Taxes in 2012. The purpose of this is to synchronize with the
Office of Real Property Tax Services(ORPTS).
Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone in the audience wished to comment on the proposed Local Law.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,the Public Hearing was
unanimously closed.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Supervisor Seligson,it was unanimously
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board finds that the adoption of the
proposed local law"Election to use the Valuation Date used by the New York
State Office of Real Property Tax Services for Equalization Rate Purposes to Value
Real Property within the Town of Mamaroneck"is hereby declared to be a Type II
Action,with no impact under the New York State Environmental Quality Review
Act(SEQRA)and requiring no further action.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,the following Local law was
Local Law No. 4 -2012
This local law shall be known as the State Office of Real Property Tax Services for
Equalization Rate Purposes to Value Real Property within the Town of Mamaroneck" law.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Section 1—Purpose:
Under section 283.141(1) of the Laws of Westchester County,the taxable status date for
towns in Westchester County is June 1 of each year. By Local Law No.3 of 2008,the County
of Westchester amended section 283.141 to allow a town to elect May 1 of each year to be
its taxable status date.
The Town Board finds it is in the public interest to use May 1 of each year as the Town's
taxable status date because it will alleviate the timing difficulties with respect to(a)
accepting and processing exemption applications,(b)finalizing other work relating to
valuation and (c) meeting the annual deadline for publishing the Tentative Assessment Roll.
It also will make it possible for a Village within the Town,if it so chooses,to cease being an
assessing unit by following the procedure set forth in Real Property Tax Law§1402.
Under section 238.141(3) of the laws of Westchester County,a town may elect to use the
valuation date used by the New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services—currently
July 1 of the immediately preceding year—to value the real property within the Town of
Mamaroneck. The Town Board finds it is in the public interest to have the Town's date for
valuation coincide with the date used by the New York State Office of Real Property Tax
Services for that purpose.
Section 2—Amendment of a section to the Mamaroneck Code:
The Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended to delete the current section
195.40 and replace it with the following new section 195.40:
Article IX Taxable Status and Valuation Dates
§195-40 Legislative Findings and Intent
March 21, 2012
Under section 283.141(1) of the Laws of Westchester County,the taxable status date for
towns in Westchester County is June 1 of each year. By Local Law No.3 of 2008,the County
of Westchester amended section 283.141 to allow a town to elect May 1 of each year to be
its taxable status date.
The Town Board finds it is in the public interest to use May 1 of each year as the Town's
taxable status date because it will alleviate the timing difficulties with respect to(a)
accepting and processing exemption applications,(b)finalizing other work relating to
valuation and (c) meeting the annual deadline for publishing the Tentative Assessment Roll.
It also will make it possible for a Village within the Town,if it so chooses,to cease being an
assessing unit by following the procedure set forth in Real Property Tax Law§1402.
Under section 238.141(3) of the laws of Westchester County,a town may elect to use the
valuation date used by the New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services—currently
July 1 of the immediately preceding year—to value the real property within the Town of
Mamaroneck. The Town Board finds it is in the public interest to have the Town's date for
valuation coincide with the date used by the New York State Office of Real Property Tax
Services for that purpose.
Section 3—Addition of a new Section to the Mamaroneck Town Code:
The Code of the Town of Mamaroneck is amended to add the following new section 195.42
§195-42 Valuation Date
In each year,the valuation date in the Town of Mamaroneck shall be the first day of July of
the immediately preceding year. If the day used as the valuation date by the New York State
Office of Real Property Tax Services becomes a day other than the first day of July of the
immediately preceding year,the valuation date in the Town of Mamaroneck shall change
automatically to be the same day as the day used by the New York State Office of Real
Property Tax Services for that purpose.
Section 4—Severability:
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction,such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect
any other provisions of this Local Law,which may be implemented without the invalid or
unconstitutional provisions.
Section 5—Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
Seligson Aye
The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Seligson then on motion of Commissioner
Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Commissioner Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Board of Fire
Commissioners was unanimously declared open.
March 21, 2012
Present were the following Members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Nancy Seligson
Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner
Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna
Commissioner: Abby Katz
Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney
1. Other Fire Department Business
Commissioner Odierna explained that the Commissioner no longer feels the necessity to read aloud the
individual Fire Claims for payment. The Commission is comfortable in that Claims are reviewed by the
Fire Chief and the Town Comptroller. This is the protocol for Town Claims and the Commission feels
there is no need for something different from the Fire Department. The Commissioners understand that
should they wish to further review a Claim,they may do so at any time.
On motion of Commissioner Odierna,seconded by Commissioner Wittner,it was unanimously approved,
WHEREAS, under advice of Counsel,the Town Board as Fire Commissioners' has been advised
that the individual reading of Fire Claims for approval is not required by Law.
RESOLVED,that the Fire Commission hereby approves that it will no longer
read individual Fire Claims for payment as was previously the custom.
Commissioner Odierna presented Fire Claims for authorization of payment,thereafter on
Commissioner Odierna's motion,seconded by Commissioner Councilwoman Wittner,it was
RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department Claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's Office:
Amazon.com Wireless Keyboard,Battery,Olympus Camera 388.82
Amazon.com Craftsman 7 Piece,Board, Paper 113.91
Clean Air Co. Repairs to Exhaust System 120.00
Brendan Collins Reimb. For Weather Tap-Website for WX 83.95
Brewer Bulb and Socket,Twist Nozzle 35.48
Clean Air Co. Repairs to Exhaust System 120.00
Con Edison Gas 1/31-3/1/12 1,039.78
IKON Copier Service 2/22-3/21/12 221.64
Pitt Stop Auto Parts Rescue Jacks 607.00
Sound Shore Contracting Installation of New Receptacle for UPS 800.00
Technical Electronics FCC License Renewal 225.00
Verizon Wireless Cell Service 2/27-3/26/12 209.58
Westech Elevator March Maintenance 175.00
Total: $4,140.16
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Commissioner Elkind Eney Aye
Commissioner Katz Aye
Commissioner Odierna Aye
Commissioner Wittner Aye
Commissioner Seligson Aye
March 21, 2012
There being no further business to come before the Commission,on motion of Commissioner
Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Commissioner Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Commission
unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened.
1. Authorization—Memorandum of Understanding-NYS Office of Real Property Services
On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the following was approved,
WHEREAS, Section 305 of the New York State Real Property Tax Law mandates uniform
and equitable assessments; and
WHEREAS, computer-assisted mass appraisal systems, technical advice, and financial
assistance are available by cooperative agreement with the New York State Office of Real
Property Services; and
WHEREAS, the last reassessment of real property in the Town of Mamaroneck took place
in 1968 and
WHEREAS,the Town Board believes that a reassessment should be considered in order to
comply with Section 305 of the New York State Real Property Tax Law;
SECTION 1. That the Town of Mamaroneck shall develop a plan to consider the
reassessment of real property in the Town of Mamaroneck in time for the promulgation
of the 2013 assessment roll.
SECTION 2. That the Town Board does hereby agree, in conjunction with the New York
State Office of Real Property Services to support the Town's assessment staff in this
reassessment plan.
SECTION 3. That the Town Administrator is authorized to enter into any necessary
agreements to achieve this purpose. Any agreements resulting in an expenditure of
funds by the Town of Mamaroneck must first be approved by the Town Board. Any
agreement with a private contractor to provide services for this reassessment shall be
entered into only upon review by the Town Attorney and approval by the Town Board.
This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
Seligson Aye
2. Authorization—Transfer of Funds—Road Wall Repairs
Mr.Altieri explained that during repairs to the wall along a portion of Valley Stream Road,which the
Town Board approved on January 4,2012,in the amount of$28,555.00,the Town observed that the wall
on the west side of the stream was showing signs of being undermined. The Town received an excellent
price of$5,000.00 from the Contractor and feels it is prudent for the Town to do this additional work.
March 21, 2012
On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the
additional expenditure of$5,000 for the repair on the wall on the west side
of the stream,and
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the
Town Comptroller to transfer funds of$33,555.00 for road wall repairs at
East Valley Stream Road and amend the Budget as follows:
w Q
Q 4 ti
d H
Z C-9
CA �
C7 �
� C1
3. Report of Bids—Contract TA-12-07—Vacuum Leaf Loader Truck
Mr.Altieri explained that since this is a one man vehicle,it would save significantly on man power for the
Highway Department for leaf pick up and cleaning catch basin grates.
On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the following was approved,
WHEREAS,on March 14,2012 the Town publicly opened and read one bid for
Contract#TA-12-07-Vacuum Leaf Collector Dump Truck.
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby award Contract
TA-12-07 to the lowest responsible bidder,Trius Inc. of Bohemia, New York
in the amount of$147,132.00.
March 21, 2012
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
Seligson Aye
4. Authorization—Settlement of Certiorari
On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was
RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following
Tax Certiorari on the following terms:
Stanley Quittman
432-436 Waverly Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Block:825 Lot: 54
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2012 $19,500 $15,215
2011 $19,500 $14,780
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
Seligson Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,it was
RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following
Tax Certiorari on the following terms:
Linda Quittman
460 Ogden Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Block:825 Lot: 600
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Mamaroneck
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2010 $22,000 $21,480
2011 $22,000 $20,866
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Wittner Aye
Seligson Aye
March 21, 2012
5. Salary Authorization-Recreation
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilman Odierna,it was
RESOLVED,that as provided for in the 2011 and 2012 Town Budget the
Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the payment of salary to the
HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY—Extended March 9,2012—March 24,2012
Thomas Greason Instructor $35/hr
Jason Emery Coach $20/hr
Joseph Carducci Assistant Coach $9/hr
Nathan Mullaney Assistant Coach $7.50/hr
Florence Peters Assistant Coach $7.50/hr
Jake Danehy Assistant Coach $7.50/hr
SPRING HOCKEY—Effective March 31, 2012—June 16, 2012
Thomas Greason Instructor $40/hr
Jason Emery Coach $25/hr
HOMMOCKS POOL—Effective March 12,2012-(continuous)
Anne Hale Lifeguard $9/hr
Morgan Nugent Lifeguard $8.25/hr
William Mackin Manager $25/hr
Zachary Hackett Key Attendant $8.50/hr
6. Property Tax Warrant—Westchester County&Town of Mamaroneck
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the following was
To Anthony S.Siligato, Receiver of Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck in said County:
You are hereby commanded pursuant to the provision of the Westchester County Tax Law,Article 16,
Chapter 852, Laws of 1948,as amended,and also pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck adopted March 21,2012, by authority of Chapter 313 of Laws of 1934,to receive and
collect from the several persons named in the Assessment Roll hereunto annexed by the Westchester
County Tax Law,Article 16,Chapter 852 of the Laws of 1948,as amended,for the neglect to pay the
Judicial,County,Town and Town District Taxes,charges for services,exemptions removed,and water
arrears after the levy thereof as follows:
Judicial and County Taxes - $38,597,671.00
Town and Town District Taxes - 21,344,240.00
Charges for Services - -0-
Exemptions removed - -0-
Water arrears - 20,597.66
$ 59,962,508.66
March 21, 2012
And you are hereby directed to deposit to the credit of the Town of Mamaroneck into the JP Morgan
Chase Bank,all of such monies so collected by you by virtue of this warrant.
And you are further commanded to make and file with the undersigned, the Supervisor of the Town of
Mamaroneck, as required by the Westchester County Tax Law, Article 16, Chapter 852, Laws of 1948, as
amended,the reports provided for therein.
And you are further directed and commanded to proceed as directed and authorized by said Westchester
County Tax Law,Article 16,Chapter 852, Laws of 1948,as amended.
And in case any person named in said Assessment Roll shall neglect or refuse to pay his taxes or penalties
(after giving the notices and waiting the time as specified in said Act)you are hereby authorized to collect
the said taxes and penalties with the costs and charges of such collections in the manner provided by the
Westchester County Tax Law, Article 16, Chapter 852 of the Laws of 1948, as amended, and for so doing
this shall be your sufficient warrant.
Given under my hand and seal at the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, on the 21st
day of March 2012.
Nancy Seligson,Supervisor
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Wittner,it was
RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve
the Board Minutes from the meetings of February 15 and March 7,
2012 and the Special Meeting of March 8,2012.
Councilman Odierna attended his first Housing Authority meeting,adding he is quite impressed with how
the Authority functions,adding they are very detail oriented.They will be making some significant
Capital Improvements in the coming year,specifically a new roof and new siding. The Authority reported
that of the 55 boilers all but 11 have been replaced with higher efficiency units. The Authority spoke
briefly about their role in helping with the Affordable Housing Settlement. Councilman Odierna was
unable to attend the last Zoning Board Meeting, but was able to review the Minutes. It appears they
finally resolved a number of applications that have been on their agenda for awhile;their next meeting
will be March 281"
Councilman Odierna noted the successful Saint Patrick's Day Parade.
Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Recreation Meeting,their Spring Brochure is out and was mailed
to residents and is also available on the Web.Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Board of
Architectural Review Meeting,at which the architects for the Trader Joe's Project presented.
Councilwoman Elkind Eney noted how impressed she was with how well the Board of Architectural
Review worked through the application with the Trader Joe's architects. The Larchmont Library is about
to begin their outside repair work and should be completed by the end of May.The Library will relocate
the book drops to the front lawn area temporarily.The Friends of the Library will host a discussion this
Sunday with local author Bill Broad about his new and somewhat controversial book, The Science of
Yoga.Councilwoman Elkind Eney reminded residents that as a safety note everyone should change the
batteries on their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Councilwoman Elkind Eney very much
enjoyed serving the Seniors at their recent Saint Patrick Day Luncheon.
March 21, 2012
Councilwoman Katz attended the Traffic Committee Meeting,they are trying to avoid putting signs
everywhere. Councilwoman Katz attended the Planning Board Meeting,at which they discussed the
expansion of Trader Joe's. Winged Foot was also discussed, but it appears there changes may not need
Zoning or Planning approval,adding they distributed a very nice brochure of their changes.
Supervisor Seligson noted that the Mamaroneck High School Red Cross and CERT Team volunteers,were
recognized by the National Red Cross,adding this is quite an honor being received by a group of very
dedicated people. Supervisor Seligson thanked Mike Liverzani for managing these volunteers.
Councilman Odierna added that Dr.Schaps the Superintendent of the Mamaroneck Schools will be the
speaker at next week's League of Women Voters Breakfast.
Supervisor Seligson noted that on April 23,the Town and Villages will hold a No Idling Day. Residents
should be aware of this Law and the very negative effects of idling your automobiles.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the meeting was
unanimously adjourned at 9:45 PM
Submitted by
Christina Battalia,Town Clerk