HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024_02_07 Town Board Meeting Packet w
Town of Mamaroneck
Town Board Agenda
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
All Work Sessions and Regular Meetings are open to the public.
The Work Session will convene in Conference Room A located on the Second
Floor at the Town Center.
1. Request for Executive Session
2. Discussion - Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers Law 3 - 13
Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers Law - Pdf
3. Discussion - Acceptance of Donation for the Senior Center 14 - 15
Donation for the Senior Center - Pdf
4. Discussion - Proposed April and May Town Board Meeting Dates 16
Proposed April and May Town Board Meeting Dates - Pdf
5. Discussion - Acceptance of Donation for Meals on Wheels 17 - 18
Donation for Meals on Wheels - Pdf
6. Discussion - Retainer Agreement for Labor & Employment Law Services 19 - 24
Retainer Agreement for Labor & Employment Law Services - Pdf
7. Discussion - Bid TA-23-12 - Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements 25 - 27
Bid TA-23-12 Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements - Pdf
8. Discussion - Pro-Housing Communities Model Resolution 28 - 29
Pro-Housing Communities Model Resolution
9. Updates
10. Additions to Regular Meeting Agenda
The Town Board meeting will convene in the Courtroom Located on the second
floor at the Town Center. The Public is able to view the meeting on cable access
television (Optimum 76/ Fios 35) or on LMCMedia.org
Page 1 of 61
1. Call to Order
2. Fire Claims 30 - 32
Fire Claims - Pdf
3. Other Fire Department Business
1. Consideration of Acceptance of Donation for the Senior Center 33 - 34
Donation for the Senior Center - Pdf
2. Consideration of Proposed April and May Town Board Meeting Date Changes 35
Proposed April and May Town Board Meeting Dates - Pdf
3. Consideration of Acceptance of Donation for Meals on Wheels 36 - 37
Donation for Meals on Wheels - Pdf
4. Consideration of Retainer Agreement for Labor & Employment Law Services 38 - 43
Retainer Agreement for Labor & Employment Law Services - Pdf
5. Consideration of Award of Bid - TA-23-12 - Town Highway Yard Drainage 44 - 46
Bid TA-23-12 Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements - Pdf
6. Consideration of Pro-Housing Communities Model Resolution 47 - 48
Pro-Housing Communities Model Resolution
7. Consideration of Settlement
1. Report of Minutes of January 10, 2024 49 - 61
Report of Minutes of January 10, 2024 - Pdf
Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to
attend the meeting should contact the Town Administrator's office at 381-7810.
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m Town of Mamaroneck
X Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
CC: William Maker Jr., Town Attorney
Re: Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers Law
Date: February 2, 2024
Attached is a memo from Town Attorney, Bill Maker, regarding a proposed amendment to the
Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers law.
Action Requested:
The proposed amendment to this law is only intended for discussion purposes.
2024=02-02-mx-TB-leaf blower law
Page 3 of 61
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, Town of Mamaroneck
T ~- 11 County of Westchester
~FOUNDED tans. 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
COUNSEL TEL: 914/381-7815
FAX: 914/381-7809
To: Members of the Town Board
cc: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Allison May, Town Clerk
From: William Maker,Jr.,Attorney for the Town
Subject: Leaf Blowers
Date: February 2, 2024
I attach copies of the Town's existing law regarding power tools and leaf blowers, a
redline showing amendments to the current law and the proposed amendment with the redlined
amendments accepted.
i, $i
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Select Language •
Town of Mamaroneck, NY
Friday, February 2, 2024
Chapter 141 . Noise
Article II. Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered
[Adopted 4-19-1995 by L.L. No. 6-1995]
§ 141 -9. Title.
This article shall be known as "Restrictions on Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered Blowers."
§ 141 -10. Purpose.
The purpose of this article is to reduce noise which is disturbing to individuals in their homes, on their
property and in their workplaces. Noise from certain equipment, used out of doors, causes
inconvenience to occupants of nearby property when such equipment is used during certain hours.
Further, gasoline-powered blowers originally designed for leaf pickup for limited portions of the year are
now utilized all year. Repeated statements by residents over a six-year period demonstrate the year-
round use of gasoline-powered blowers has expanded to the extent that the blowers cause a nearly
constant intrusion on the peace and quiet of the community, diminishing the quality of life in our
community. The unacceptable noise levels produced by the year-round use of gasoline-powered
blowers is particularly disturbing during the warmer weather, when residents spend longer periods out of
doors and windows and doors are open. This Town Board finds the noise from gasoline-powered
blowers impacts adversely upon the health and welfare of the community.
§ 141 -11 . Definitions.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any device powered by an internal combustion engine which discharges a stream of forced air and
which is used or designed to move grass, leaves, clippings, dust, dirt or other matter by blowing
them with air emitted by such device.
§ 141-12. Restrictions.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any power tool or equipment powered by an internal
combustion engine before the hour of 8:00 a.m. and after the hour of 9:00 p.m. on any weekday
and before 10:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays; except for
emergency repairs by municipalities, school districts and/or utility companies and for a period of up
to five days following storms for purposes of removing snow and debris resulting from such storms.
Page 5 of 61
B. The use of gasoline-powered leaf blowers shall be unlawful in the Town during the period from June
1 through September 30 of each year. This section shall not apply to utility companies, municipal
and/or school district emergency operations and for a period of up to five days following storms for
purposes of removing debris resulting from such storms.
[Amended 2-7-1996 by L.L. No. 2-1996]
§ 141 -13. Penalties for offenses.
[Amended 6-7-2017 by L.L. No. 7-2017]
Any person, firm, association or corporation who violates any provision of this article shall be guilty of an
offense and upon conviction shall be punished as follows:
A. For the first offense during a calendar year, with a fine of not less than $125 and not more than
B. For a second offense during the same calendar year, with a fine of not less than $250 and not more
than $500; and
C. For additional offenses during the same calendar year, with a fine of$500.
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Local Law No. -2024
This local law shall be known as the"Phase-out of Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers" Law.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Section 1-Purpose_
Section 2-Amendment of a current article of the Mamaroneck Code:
Article II of Chapter 141 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the
following substituted in its place:
Article II Restrictions on Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers
§ 141-9 Title
This article shall be known as "Restrictions on Outdoor Power Tools and Gasoline Powered Leaf
§ 141-10 Purpose
In 1995, citing the unacceptable noise levels heard by residents in dozens of homes
surrounding the site where a gasoline-powered leaf blower is being used, the negative impact of
their constant use on the peace, quiet, health and welfare of the community, and noting
that their use diminishes the quality of life in our community, the Town passed a local law
that limited the use of such devices to certain months and to certain hours.
In that same local law the Town also limited the time of day and the days when other
types of power tools or other types of equipment powered by an internal combustion engine
can be used.
Much more is now known about the effects of gasoline-powered leaf blowers upon the
environment. They emitgreenhousegases into the atmosphere. Moreover, advances in technology
have made electric-powered leaf blowers increasingly more efficient and a viable alternative to
gas-powered ones.
Accordingly, the Town Board finds that for the benefit of the overall the health and welfare of the
community, the use of gasoline-powered leaf blowers in the unincorporated area of the Town of
Mamaroneck should be phased out.
Page 7 of 61
hours. Further, gasoline powered blowers originally designed. for leaf pickup for limited portions
of the year arc new utilized all year. Repeated statements by residents over a six year period
pandcd to the extent that the
the quality
^j 1
. Accordingly,
health and welfare of the community.
§ 141-11 Definitions
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any device leaf blower powered by an internal combustion engine which discharges a stream of
forced air and which is used or designed to move grass, leaves, clippings, dust, dirt or other
matter by blowing them with air emitted by such device.
Any motorized device that is used or designed to move grass,leaves, clippings, dust, dirt or other
matter by blowing them with air emitted by such device.
An individual, a firm. an association, a partnership, a limited liability company or a corporation
_§ 141-12 Restrictions
It shall be unlawful for any person in the unincorporated area of the Town to operate any power
tool, orally equipment powered by an internal combustion engine or any leaf blower before the
hour of 8:00 a.m. and or after the hour of 9:00 p.m. on any weekday and before-10:00 a.m. and after
5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays on New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. Da. President's Day. Memorial Day, juneteenth, Independence Day. Labor Day, Columbus
Da,.J Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.; except for emergency repairs by
Page 8 of 61
The use of gasoline powered leaf blowers shall be unlawful in the unincorporated area of the
Town from the first day of June through and including the thirtieth day of September during the
period from June 1 through September 30 of each year. This section shall not apply to utility
companies, municipal and/or school district emergency operations and for a period of up to five
. On and after
January 1, 2025, it shall be unlawful for any person in the unincorporated area of the Town to
operate a gasoline-powered leaf blower.
The restrictions contained in sections 141-12 A. and B. shall not apply to the Town of
Mamaroneck, the County of Westchester, the State of New York. the Mamaroneck Union Free
School District, or utility companies or persons engaged by any of the foregoing to perform such
§ 141-13 Suspension of Title II
In the case of a severe weather or non-weather-related event, the Supervisor, in such official's sole
and unfettered discretion, may suspend this title for such period of time as the Supervisor deems
necessary or desirable to_protect the overall welfare of the residents of the unincorporated area of
the Town.
§ 141-134 Penalties for offenses.
A. Any person, firm, association or corporation shall beluilty of an offense if such person who
operates any power tool or any equipment powered by an internal combustion engine in violation
of any provision of this title. violates any provi
A person shall be guilt\ of an offense if such person employs a person to operate a leaf blower and
that person operates such leaf blower in violation of any provision of this title.
A person who owns or leases the property where a violation of this title occurs shall be guilty of
an offense_
A person and upon convictedien of an offense under this title shall be punished as follows:
Page 9 of 61
1_For the first offense during a calendar year, with a fine of not less than $125 and not more than
2. For a second offense during the same calendar year, with a fine of not less than $250 and not
more than$500j and
3. For additional offenses during the same calendar year,with a fine of$500 for each such offense.
Section 3—Severability:
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any
other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or
unconstitutional provisions.
Section 4—Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
February 2,2024
Page 10 of 61
Local Law No. -2024
This local law shall be known as the "Phase-out of Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers" Law.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Section 1-Purpose:
Section 2-Amendment of a current article of the Mamaroneck Code:
Article II of Chapter 141 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the
following substituted in its place:
Article II Restrictions on Outdoor Power Tools and Leaf Blowers
§ 141-9 Title
This article shall be known as "Restrictions on Outdoor Power Tools and Leaf Blowers."
§ 141-10 Purpose
In 1995, citing the unacceptable noise levels heard by residents in dozens of homes
surrounding the site where a gasoline-powered leaf blower is being used, the negative impact of
their constant use on the peace, quiet, health and welfare of the community, and noting
that their use diminishes the quality of life in our community, the Town passed a local law
that limited the use of such devices to certain months and to certain hours.
In that same local law, the Town also limited the time of day and the days when other
types of power tools or other types of equipment powered by an internal combustion engine
can be used.
Much more is now known about the effects of gasoline-powered leaf blowers upon the
environment. They emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Moreover, advances in technology
have made electric-powered leaf blowers increasingly more efficient and a viable alternative to
gas-powered ones.
Accordingly, the Town Board finds that for the benefit of the overall the health and welfare of the
community, the use of gasoline-powered leaf blowers in the unincorporated area of the Town of
Mamaroneck should be phased out.
Page 11 of 61
§ 141-11 Definitions
As used in this article,the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any leaf blower powered by an internal combustion engine which discharges a stream of forced
air and which is used or designed to move grass, leaves, clippings, dust, dirt or other matter by
blowing them with air emitted by such device.
Any motorized device that is used or designed to move grass, leaves, clippings, dust, dirt or other
matter by blowing them with air emitted by such device.
An individual, a_firm, an association, a partnership, a limited liability company or a corporation
§ 141-12 Restrictions
It shall be unlawful for any person in the unincorporated area of the Town to operate any power
tool, any equipment powered by an internal combustion engine or any leaf blower before 8:00 a.m.
or after 9:00 p.m. on any weekday and before10:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays
and on New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, President's Day, Memorial Day,
Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day.
The use of leaf blowers shall be unlawful in the unincorporated area of the Town from the first
day of June through and including the thirtieth day of September of each year. On and after
January 1, 2025, it shall be unlawful for any person in the unincorporated area of the Town to
operate a gasoline-powered leaf blower.
The restrictions contained in sections 141-12 A. and B. shall not apply to the Town of
Mamaroneck, the County of Westchester, the State of New York, the Mamaroneck Union Free
School. District, or utility companies or persons engaged by any of the foregoing to perform such
Page 12 of 61
§ 141-13 Suspension of Title II
In the case of a severe weather or non-weather-related event, the Supervisor, in such official's sole
and unfettered discretion, may suspend this title for such period of time as the Supervisor deems
necessary or desirable to protect the overall welfare of the residents of the unincorporated area of
the Town.
§ 141.-14 Penalties for offenses
A. A person shall be guilty of an offense if such person operates any power tool or any equipment
powered by an internal combustion engine in violation of any provision of this title.
A person shall be guilty of an offense if such person employs a person to operate a leaf blower and
that person operates such leaf blower in violation of any provision of this title.
A person who owns or leases the property where a violation of this title occurs shall be guilty of
an offense.
A person convicted of an offense under this title shall be punished as follows:
1. For the first offense during a calendar year, with a fine of not less than $125 and not more than
2. For a second offense during the same calendar year, with a fine of not less than $250 and not
more than$500, and
3. For additional offenses during the same calendar year, with a fine of$500 for each such offense.
Section 3—Severability:
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any
other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or
unconstitutional provisions.
Section 4—Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
February 2,2024
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ul 1 rri Town of Mamaroneck
# x Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Acceptance of Donation for the Senior Center
Date: January 29, 2024
Attached is an email from Anne McAndrews, President of the Woman's Club of Larchmont,
regarding a donation for the Town Senior Center programming.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby accepts the generous donation of $700 from the
Woman's Club of Larchmont to be used for the Town Senior Center programming.
Woman's Club of Larchmont Donation
Page 14 of 61
From: Anne McAndrews
To: Eney,Jaine Elkind
Cc: Town Administrator;Town Clerk; Fisher.Jill
Subject: Acceptance of$700.gift to Senior Center from Woman"s Club of Larchmont
Date: Saturday,January 20,2024 6:05:29 PM
Each year the Woman's Club of Larchmont makes a series of donations to various local
organizations in pursuit of its philanthropic mission.
The Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center is a recipient of$700. from the Club's 2023
The Club's Philanthropic Committee stated that the funds should be used for programming at
the Senior Center.
We have been informed that the Town Council must approve an acceptance of the gift. So, I
will appear before the Council at its next meeting on Wednesday, January 24, requesting
Thank you,
Anne McAndrews
Woman's Club of Larchmont, Inc.
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ul 1 rri Town of Mamaroneck
# x Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Proposed April and May Town Board Meeting Dates
Date: January 29, 2024
As you have previously discussed, there is a need to revise meeting dates for April and May 2024 and
we are suggesting the following:
April 10 and April 24 May 8 and May 22
Action Requested:
Resolved that the April and May 2024 regular meetings of the Town Board be held at 740
W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck beginning at 5:00 PM on April 10th, April 24th, May
8th and May 22nd.
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. 7
ul 1 rri Town of Mamaroneck
# x Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Acceptance of Donation for Meals on Wheels
Date: January 31, 2024
Attached is a check from the Larchmont Avenue Church in the amount of $945 for the Meals on
Wheels program.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby accepts the generous donation of$945 from the
Larchmont Avenue Church to be used for Meals on Wheels.
Larchmont Avenue Church - Meals on Wheels Check
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m Town of Mamaroneck
X Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Retainer Agreement for Labor& Employment Law Services
Date: January 31, 2024
Attached is an engagement letter from Attorney Paul Sweeney of Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP to
continue to serve as special legal counsel to Town of Mamaroneck with respect to Labor &
Employment("L&E") matters. The hourly rate of the partners and Of Counsel attorneys has increased
from $245/hour to $265/hour. There has been no increase for this firm since at least 2016. Should the
Board wish to continue to retain these services, the increased fees would be in effect from March 1,
2024 to December 31, 2024. I would further ask for the authority to renew the agreement on an
annual basis through December 31, 2024.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby approves the agreement with Coughlin & Gerhart,
LLP for legal services regarding labor and employment matters with new fees in effect
from March 1,2024 to December 31,2024 and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator
to execute the agreement, annual extensions and any related documents necessary to
carry out its implementation.
Mamaroneck Retainer 2024 (rev 2-2-24)
Page 19 of 61
Coughlin &
ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS www.cglawoffices.com
99 Corporate Drive
Binghamton,NY 13904
January 31, 2024 Mailing Address:
PO Box 2039
Binghamton,NY 13902-2039
Via Email
Town of Mamaroneck
40 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Attn: Meredith Robson
Town Administrator
Re: Engagement Letter for Labor & Employment Law Services
Dear Ms. Robson:
This is to confirm our recent telephone conversation and to thank you for your request that this Firm
continue to serve as special legal counsel to the Town of Mamaroneck (hereinafter "Town" or "you")
with respect to Labor & Employment ("L&E") matters, including: Civil Service Law, human resources
and personnel-related issues; collective bargaining and related bargaining unit negotiations;
grievance arbitrations; the defense of General Municipal Law Section 207-a and -c claims; the
defense of discrimination and disability claims; representation of the Town before proceedings before
the Public Employment Relations Board ("PERB"); and representation of the Town in L&E-related
proceedings and actions before federal and courts and agencies. We are pleased to have this
opportunity to assist you, and we want to acquaint you with our manner of handling your case.
Scope of Representation
Our representation of the Town is in connection with the above-referenced L&E matters only, unless
we otherwise agree in writing.
Firm Representation
While I will be primarily responsible for providing legal services, other lawyers in the firm may, from
time to time, be involved in the event I am out of the office or otherwise unavailable. On occasion, I
may ask C&G partner, Lars P. Mead to assist. To be cost effective, I may also ask a C&G associate
or paralegal to assist with legal research or the drafting of documents, which I will review. Should I
be unavailable when you call, please feel free to refer any questions to my paralegal, Ronitta J.
McPherson or my legal assistant, Allison Pascucci. If either is unable to answer any immediate
concern, I will be in touch with you as quickly as possible.
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Page 2
We will need the Town's cooperation from time to time to effectively represent it in this matter. This
may include assistance in the preparation of for collective bargaining and litigation as well as
attendance at meetings, depositions, hearings and other proceedings, etc. We will endeavor to
coordinate this with all concerned in order to make this as little an imposition as possible. However,
this cannot always be done.
Billina Basis. Rates and Retainer
We have agreed to provide legal services to the Town based on an hourly basis. As such, we are not
in a position to quote you a specific fee for our services because it is impossible to determine, at this
point, how much work will be involved.
We agree to invoice the Town monthly with a detailed statement and payment will be due upon receipt
of our invoice, but not later than thirty (30) days thereafter. We will send monthly invoices to your
attention. Our statements to you will reflect the rates in effect at the time of billing. If you have
questions about our billing rate or method, please feel free to discuss this matter early in our
representation of you.
While our current hourly rates for the legal services of this kind for Calendar Year 2024 are $295.00
per hour for partners and Of Counsel attorneys, we have agreed to charge the lesser amount of
$265.00 per hour for partners and Of Counsel attorneys. We will also charge $225.00-$240.00 per
hour for associates; and $190.00 an hour for paralegals. These hourly rates ($265.00 for partners/Of
Counsel); $225.00-$240.00 for associates; and $190.00 for paralegals) will be in effect from March 1,
2024 through December 31, 2024. We agree to obtain your approval of any future rate increases,
which shall not exceed five percent (5%) per calendar year, effective January 1, 2025.
We are not able to advance significant expenses on behalf of our clients, and we will try to anticipate
same. If we do advance any monies for nominal expenses and fees on your behalf, such as filing
fees, transcript costs, travel and photocopying, we will expect the Town to promptly reimburse us
upon billing.
Notice of Arbitration
Pursuant to Part 137 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts of New York State, in the
event of a fee dispute, the Town does have the right to demand arbitration against us in an effort to
resolve such fee dispute. In the unlikely event that a fee dispute arises, and the Town notifies us of
its intention to arbitrate, at your request, we will provide the Town with the appropriate forms to file to
implement its right to arbitrate.
The Town shall at all times have the right to terminate our services upon written notice to that effect.
We shall, subject to applicable court requirements with respect to withdrawal, have the right to
terminate our services upon reasonable written notice.
Statement of Client's Riahts
Attached to this letter is a "Statement of the Client's Rights" which you should read prior to engaging
of our Firm to perform legal services.
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Page 3
If you have any questions about these terms, please let me know. Otherwise, if they are acceptable
to you, I would appreciate the authorized Town officer signing a copy of this agreement, and sending
it back to me via email.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance to you, and look forward to working with you in this
By Paul J. Sweeney
We agree to the terms of representation and engagement as outlined above and have read
the attached Statement of Client's Rights.
Please print
Page 22 of 61
Page 4
1. You are entitled to be treated with courtesy and consideration at all times by your lawyer and the
other lawyers and nonlawyer personnel in your lawyer's office.
2. You are entitled to have your attorney handle your legal matter competently and diligently, in
accordance with the highest standards of the profession. If you are not satisfied with how your
matter is being handled, you have the right to discharge your attorney and terminate the
attorney-client relationship at any time. (Court approval may be required in some matters, and
your attorney may have a claim against you for the value of services rendered to you up to the
point of discharge.)
3. You are entitled to your lawyer's independent professional judgment and undivided loyalty
uncompromised by conflicts of interest.
4. You are entitled to be charged reasonable fees and expenses and to have your lawyer explain
before or within a reasonable time after commencement of the representation how the fees and
expenses will be computed and the manner and frequency of billing. You are entitled to request
and receive a written itemized bill from your attorney at reasonable intervals. You may refuse to
enter into any arrangement for fees and expenses that you find unsatisfactory. In the event of a
fee dispute, you may have the right to seek arbitration; your attorney will provide you with the
necessary information regarding arbitration in the event of a fee dispute, or upon your request.
5. You are entitled to have your questions and concerns addressed promptly and to receive a
prompt reply to your letters, telephone calls, emails, faxes, and other communications.
6. You are entitled to be kept reasonably informed as to the status of your matter and are entitled to
have your attorney promptly comply with your reasonable requests for information, including your
requests for copies of papers relevant to the matter. You are entitled to sufficient information to
allow you to participate meaningfully in the development of your matter and make informed
decisions regarding the representation.
7. You are entitled to have your legitimate objectives respected by your attorney. In particular, the
decision of whether to settle your matter is yours and not your lawyer's. (Court approval of a
settlement is required in some matters.)
8. You have the right to privacy in your communications with your lawyer and to have your
confidential information preserved by your lawyer to the extent required by law.
9. You are entitled to have your attorney conduct himself or herself ethically in accordance with the
New York Rules of Professional Conduct.
10. You may not be refused representation on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, age, national origin or disability.
Source: https://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/clientsrights.shtml
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m Town of Mamaroneck
X Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
CC: Robert P. Wasp, Town Engineer
Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller
Re: Bid TA-23-12 Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements
Date: February 1, 2024
Attached please find a memo from Robert Wasp, Town Engineer, requesting consideration of award
of bid TA-23-12 - Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby awards the bid for the Town's Highway Yard
Drainage Improvements Project received and opened on December 12, 2023 to Tony
Casale, Inc in the amount of $199,030 and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to
execute the agreement and any related documents necessary to carry out its
Page 25 of 61
u_r "v t; rn Town of Mamaroneck
Engineering Department, Town Center
oINDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
Date: January 31, 2024
To: Meredith Robson, Town Administrator
From: Robert P. Wasp, Town Engineer
CC: Tracy YogmanTown Comptroller
Subject: Bid TA-23-12 Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements
Bid procurement was recently completed for the Town's Highway Yard Drainage Improvements
Project. The project scope consists of storm sewer infrastructure improvements including
rehabilitation/replacement of heavy-duty trench drains at the highway garage aprons and around the
sanitation hopper, and installation of a hydrodynamic separator system, resulting in storm water
quality improvements.
On December 12, 2023, seven (7) bid proposals were received as summarized on the attached bid
tabulation table. The apparent low bidder is Tony Casale, Inc. at the submitted total price of
$199,030.00 for the full project scope. The Engineering Department contacted the references enclosed
with the Tony Casale, Inc. proposal and received positive feedback on their completed projects.
Further evaluation of work quality and project understanding was assessed through discussions with
the Contractor. No errors or omissions that could potentially impact the viability of their bid price
have been identified at this time. The Engineering Department recommends authorization of contract
award to Tony Casale, Inc. based upon their submitted base bid amount of$199,030.00.
Budget for the Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements was planned as part of capital project
H5136. Funding for the project will be provided through contributions from the Sanitation
Commission and Town Highway Fund, determined based upon the respective construction bid items
associated with each entity's facility improvements. No additional soft costs are expected to be
incurred during the construction phase as construction contract administration and field inspection
will be provided by Engineering Department staff.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Tabulation TA-23-12
Page 26 of 61
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4 4 4 . . Page 27 of 61
Pro-Housing Communities Model Resolution
Any city,town, or village government in New York State can take part in addressing the housing
crisis by adopting the Pro-Housing Communities pledge. The resolution must be adopted as
written below by the highest body of elected officials (e.g., town board or council). The final
resolution document must include a signature from the municipal clerk verifying the authenticity
of the resolution and indicating the date of passage. Local governments should then designate a
primary contact person to complete the online registration form and upload the resolution as part
of their submission to the Pro-Housing Communities program by following the steps at [new
HCR website section].
[Member of highest body of elected officials] moved and [other member of highest body
of elected officials] seconded that
WHEREAS, the City/Town/Village of (hereinafter "local government") believes
that the lack of housing for New York residents of all ages and income levels negatively impacts
the future of New York State's economic growth and community well-being;
WHEREAS, the housing crisis has negative effects at regional and local levels,we believe that
every community must do their part to contribute to housing growth and benefit from the
positive impacts a healthy housing market brings to communities;
WHEREAS, we believe that supporting housing production of all kinds in our community will
bring multiple benefits, including increasing housing access and choices for current and future
residents,providing integrated accessible housing options that meet the needs of people with
sensory and mobility disabilities, bringing economic opportunities and vitality to our
communities, and allowing workers at all levels to improve their quality of life through living
closer to their employment opportunities;
WHEREAS,we believe that evidence showing that infill development that reduces sprawl and
supports walkable communities has significant environmental and public health benefits; and
WHEREAS, we believe that affirmatively furthering fair housing and reducing segregation is not
only required by law, but is essential for keeping our community strong and vibrant;
,in order to take positive steps to alleviate the housing crisis, adopts the Pro-
Housing Communities pledge,which will have us endeavor to take the following important
1. Streamlining permitting for multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing,
accessory dwelling units, and supportive housing.
2. Adopting policies that affirmatively further fair housing.
3. Incorporating regional housing needs into planning decisions.
Page 28 of 61
4. Increasing development capacity for residential uses.
5. Enacting policies that encourage a broad range of housing development, which may
include multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing,accessory
dwelling units, and supportive housing.
Page 29 of 61
ul `" m Town of Mamaroneck
Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 i 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
CC: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller
Re: Fire Claims
Date: February 2, 2024
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Board of Fire Commissioners hereby approves the attached list of fire
Page 30 of 61
u_rt1;' 'rn Town of Mamaroneck
Comptroller, Town Center
oINDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
Date: February 2, 2024
To: Meredith Robson, Town Administrator
From: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller
Subject: Fire Claims
Attached is the list of fire claims for approval.
Page 31 of 61
Town of Mamaroneck
From: Tracy Yogman - Town Comptroller fit{
Re: Fire Claims
Date: February 07, 2024
The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Thomas Broderick and submitted to the
Comptroller's Office for payment:
Amazon.Com Philips frameless monitor $ 203.12
Con Edison Fire HQ gas service 11/28/23-12/28/23 1,265.12
Glatfelter Specialty Benefits LOSAP Group Life Insurance Premium -2024 5,461.17
Ready Refresh by Nestle Water Cooler rental and paper fee 12/19/23-1/18/24 237.69
Starr Uniform Center All weather jacket for J. Russo 374.95
TOM Fire Department Textbook for FFI Class 240.00
TOM Fire Department Food for Ice Rescue Drill 1/16/24 248.26
UniFirst Corp Cleaning supplies 1/19, 1/26/24 449.14
Verizon Fire HQ service 1/10-2/9/24 290.53
Village Pizza&Pasta Food for Drill - Fire Scenarios 1/03/24 79.80
Village Pizza &Pasta Food for Drill - Fast Review 1/24/24 59.85
Total $ 8,909.63
Page 32 of 61
ul 1 rri Town of Mamaroneck
# x Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Acceptance of Donation for the Senior Center
Date: January 29, 2024
Attached is an email from Anne McAndrews, President of the Woman's Club of Larchmont,
regarding a donation for the Town Senior Center programming.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby accepts the generous donation of $700 from the
Woman's Club of Larchmont to be used for the Town Senior Center programming.
Woman's Club of Larchmont Donation
Page 33 of 61
From: Anne McAndrews
To: Eney,Jaine Elkind
Cc: Town Administrator;Town Clerk; Fisher.Jill
Subject: Acceptance of$700.gift to Senior Center from Woman"s Club of Larchmont
Date: Saturday,January 20,2024 6:05:29 PM
Each year the Woman's Club of Larchmont makes a series of donations to various local
organizations in pursuit of its philanthropic mission.
The Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center is a recipient of$700. from the Club's 2023
The Club's Philanthropic Committee stated that the funds should be used for programming at
the Senior Center.
We have been informed that the Town Council must approve an acceptance of the gift. So, I
will appear before the Council at its next meeting on Wednesday, January 24, requesting
Thank you,
Anne McAndrews
Woman's Club of Larchmont, Inc.
Page 34 of 61
ul 1 rri Town of Mamaroneck
# x Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Proposed April and May Town Board Meeting Dates
Date: January 29, 2024
As you have previously discussed, there is a need to revise meeting dates for April and May 2024 and
we are suggesting the following:
April 10 and April 24 May 8 and May 22
Action Requested:
Resolved that the April and May 2024 regular meetings of the Town Board be held at 740
W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck beginning at 5:00 PM on April 10th, April 24th, May
8th and May 22nd.
Page 35 of 61
. 7
ul 1 rri Town of Mamaroneck
# x Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Acceptance of Donation for Meals on Wheels
Date: January 31, 2024
Attached is a check from the Larchmont Avenue Church in the amount of $945 for the Meals on
Wheels program.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby accepts the generous donation of$945 from the
Larchmont Avenue Church to be used for Meals on Wheels.
Larchmont Avenue Church - Meals on Wheels Check
Page 36 of 61
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Page 37 of 61
m Town of Mamaroneck
X Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Retainer Agreement for Labor& Employment Law Services
Date: January 31, 2024
Attached is an engagement letter from Attorney Paul Sweeney of Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP to
continue to serve as special legal counsel to Town of Mamaroneck with respect to Labor &
Employment("L&E") matters. The hourly rate of the partners and Of Counsel attorneys has increased
from $245/hour to $265/hour. There has been no increase for this firm since at least 2016. Should the
Board wish to continue to retain these services, the increased fees would be in effect from March 1,
2024 to December 31, 2024. I would further ask for the authority to renew the agreement on an
annual basis through December 31, 2024.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby approves the agreement with Coughlin & Gerhart,
LLP for legal services regarding labor and employment matters with new fees in effect
from March 1,2024 to December 31,2024 and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator
to execute the agreement, annual extensions and any related documents necessary to
carry out its implementation.
Mamaroneck Retainer 2024 (rev 2-2-24)
Page 38 of 61
Coughlin &
ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS www.cglawoffices.com
99 Corporate Drive
Binghamton,NY 13904
January 31, 2024 Mailing Address:
PO Box 2039
Binghamton,NY 13902-2039
Via Email
Town of Mamaroneck
40 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Attn: Meredith Robson
Town Administrator
Re: Engagement Letter for Labor & Employment Law Services
Dear Ms. Robson:
This is to confirm our recent telephone conversation and to thank you for your request that this Firm
continue to serve as special legal counsel to the Town of Mamaroneck (hereinafter "Town" or "you")
with respect to Labor & Employment ("L&E") matters, including: Civil Service Law, human resources
and personnel-related issues; collective bargaining and related bargaining unit negotiations;
grievance arbitrations; the defense of General Municipal Law Section 207-a and -c claims; the
defense of discrimination and disability claims; representation of the Town before proceedings before
the Public Employment Relations Board ("PERB"); and representation of the Town in L&E-related
proceedings and actions before federal and courts and agencies. We are pleased to have this
opportunity to assist you, and we want to acquaint you with our manner of handling your case.
Scope of Representation
Our representation of the Town is in connection with the above-referenced L&E matters only, unless
we otherwise agree in writing.
Firm Representation
While I will be primarily responsible for providing legal services, other lawyers in the firm may, from
time to time, be involved in the event I am out of the office or otherwise unavailable. On occasion, I
may ask C&G partner, Lars P. Mead to assist. To be cost effective, I may also ask a C&G associate
or paralegal to assist with legal research or the drafting of documents, which I will review. Should I
be unavailable when you call, please feel free to refer any questions to my paralegal, Ronitta J.
McPherson or my legal assistant, Allison Pascucci. If either is unable to answer any immediate
concern, I will be in touch with you as quickly as possible.
Page 39 of 61
Page 2
We will need the Town's cooperation from time to time to effectively represent it in this matter. This
may include assistance in the preparation of for collective bargaining and litigation as well as
attendance at meetings, depositions, hearings and other proceedings, etc. We will endeavor to
coordinate this with all concerned in order to make this as little an imposition as possible. However,
this cannot always be done.
Billina Basis. Rates and Retainer
We have agreed to provide legal services to the Town based on an hourly basis. As such, we are not
in a position to quote you a specific fee for our services because it is impossible to determine, at this
point, how much work will be involved.
We agree to invoice the Town monthly with a detailed statement and payment will be due upon receipt
of our invoice, but not later than thirty (30) days thereafter. We will send monthly invoices to your
attention. Our statements to you will reflect the rates in effect at the time of billing. If you have
questions about our billing rate or method, please feel free to discuss this matter early in our
representation of you.
While our current hourly rates for the legal services of this kind for Calendar Year 2024 are $295.00
per hour for partners and Of Counsel attorneys, we have agreed to charge the lesser amount of
$265.00 per hour for partners and Of Counsel attorneys. We will also charge $225.00-$240.00 per
hour for associates; and $190.00 an hour for paralegals. These hourly rates ($265.00 for partners/Of
Counsel); $225.00-$240.00 for associates; and $190.00 for paralegals) will be in effect from March 1,
2024 through December 31, 2024. We agree to obtain your approval of any future rate increases,
which shall not exceed five percent (5%) per calendar year, effective January 1, 2025.
We are not able to advance significant expenses on behalf of our clients, and we will try to anticipate
same. If we do advance any monies for nominal expenses and fees on your behalf, such as filing
fees, transcript costs, travel and photocopying, we will expect the Town to promptly reimburse us
upon billing.
Notice of Arbitration
Pursuant to Part 137 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator of the Courts of New York State, in the
event of a fee dispute, the Town does have the right to demand arbitration against us in an effort to
resolve such fee dispute. In the unlikely event that a fee dispute arises, and the Town notifies us of
its intention to arbitrate, at your request, we will provide the Town with the appropriate forms to file to
implement its right to arbitrate.
The Town shall at all times have the right to terminate our services upon written notice to that effect.
We shall, subject to applicable court requirements with respect to withdrawal, have the right to
terminate our services upon reasonable written notice.
Statement of Client's Riahts
Attached to this letter is a "Statement of the Client's Rights" which you should read prior to engaging
of our Firm to perform legal services.
Page 40 of 61
Page 3
If you have any questions about these terms, please let me know. Otherwise, if they are acceptable
to you, I would appreciate the authorized Town officer signing a copy of this agreement, and sending
it back to me via email.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of assistance to you, and look forward to working with you in this
By Paul J. Sweeney
We agree to the terms of representation and engagement as outlined above and have read
the attached Statement of Client's Rights.
Please print
Page 41 of 61
Page 4
1. You are entitled to be treated with courtesy and consideration at all times by your lawyer and the
other lawyers and nonlawyer personnel in your lawyer's office.
2. You are entitled to have your attorney handle your legal matter competently and diligently, in
accordance with the highest standards of the profession. If you are not satisfied with how your
matter is being handled, you have the right to discharge your attorney and terminate the
attorney-client relationship at any time. (Court approval may be required in some matters, and
your attorney may have a claim against you for the value of services rendered to you up to the
point of discharge.)
3. You are entitled to your lawyer's independent professional judgment and undivided loyalty
uncompromised by conflicts of interest.
4. You are entitled to be charged reasonable fees and expenses and to have your lawyer explain
before or within a reasonable time after commencement of the representation how the fees and
expenses will be computed and the manner and frequency of billing. You are entitled to request
and receive a written itemized bill from your attorney at reasonable intervals. You may refuse to
enter into any arrangement for fees and expenses that you find unsatisfactory. In the event of a
fee dispute, you may have the right to seek arbitration; your attorney will provide you with the
necessary information regarding arbitration in the event of a fee dispute, or upon your request.
5. You are entitled to have your questions and concerns addressed promptly and to receive a
prompt reply to your letters, telephone calls, emails, faxes, and other communications.
6. You are entitled to be kept reasonably informed as to the status of your matter and are entitled to
have your attorney promptly comply with your reasonable requests for information, including your
requests for copies of papers relevant to the matter. You are entitled to sufficient information to
allow you to participate meaningfully in the development of your matter and make informed
decisions regarding the representation.
7. You are entitled to have your legitimate objectives respected by your attorney. In particular, the
decision of whether to settle your matter is yours and not your lawyer's. (Court approval of a
settlement is required in some matters.)
8. You have the right to privacy in your communications with your lawyer and to have your
confidential information preserved by your lawyer to the extent required by law.
9. You are entitled to have your attorney conduct himself or herself ethically in accordance with the
New York Rules of Professional Conduct.
10. You may not be refused representation on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, sex, sexual
orientation, age, national origin or disability.
Source: https://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/clientsrights.shtml
Page 42 of 61
Page 43 of 61
m Town of Mamaroneck
X Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
CC: Robert P. Wasp, Town Engineer
Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller
Re: Bid TA-23-12 Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements
Date: February 1, 2024
Attached please find a memo from Robert Wasp, Town Engineer, requesting consideration of award
of bid TA-23-12 - Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements.
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board hereby awards the bid for the Town's Highway Yard
Drainage Improvements Project received and opened on December 12, 2023 to Tony
Casale, Inc in the amount of $199,030 and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to
execute the agreement and any related documents necessary to carry out its
Page 44 of 61
u_r "v t; rn Town of Mamaroneck
Engineering Department, Town Center
oINDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
Date: January 31, 2024
To: Meredith Robson, Town Administrator
From: Robert P. Wasp, Town Engineer
CC: Tracy YogmanTown Comptroller
Subject: Bid TA-23-12 Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements
Bid procurement was recently completed for the Town's Highway Yard Drainage Improvements
Project. The project scope consists of storm sewer infrastructure improvements including
rehabilitation/replacement of heavy-duty trench drains at the highway garage aprons and around the
sanitation hopper, and installation of a hydrodynamic separator system, resulting in storm water
quality improvements.
On December 12, 2023, seven (7) bid proposals were received as summarized on the attached bid
tabulation table. The apparent low bidder is Tony Casale, Inc. at the submitted total price of
$199,030.00 for the full project scope. The Engineering Department contacted the references enclosed
with the Tony Casale, Inc. proposal and received positive feedback on their completed projects.
Further evaluation of work quality and project understanding was assessed through discussions with
the Contractor. No errors or omissions that could potentially impact the viability of their bid price
have been identified at this time. The Engineering Department recommends authorization of contract
award to Tony Casale, Inc. based upon their submitted base bid amount of$199,030.00.
Budget for the Town Highway Yard Drainage Improvements was planned as part of capital project
H5136. Funding for the project will be provided through contributions from the Sanitation
Commission and Town Highway Fund, determined based upon the respective construction bid items
associated with each entity's facility improvements. No additional soft costs are expected to be
incurred during the construction phase as construction contract administration and field inspection
will be provided by Engineering Department staff.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Tabulation TA-23-12
Page 45 of 61
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Pro-Housing Communities Model Resolution
Any city,town, or village government in New York State can take part in addressing the housing
crisis by adopting the Pro-Housing Communities pledge. The resolution must be adopted as
written below by the highest body of elected officials (e.g., town board or council). The final
resolution document must include a signature from the municipal clerk verifying the authenticity
of the resolution and indicating the date of passage. Local governments should then designate a
primary contact person to complete the online registration form and upload the resolution as part
of their submission to the Pro-Housing Communities program by following the steps at [new
HCR website section].
[Member of highest body of elected officials] moved and [other member of highest body
of elected officials] seconded that
WHEREAS, the City/Town/Village of (hereinafter "local government") believes
that the lack of housing for New York residents of all ages and income levels negatively impacts
the future of New York State's economic growth and community well-being;
WHEREAS, the housing crisis has negative effects at regional and local levels,we believe that
every community must do their part to contribute to housing growth and benefit from the
positive impacts a healthy housing market brings to communities;
WHEREAS, we believe that supporting housing production of all kinds in our community will
bring multiple benefits, including increasing housing access and choices for current and future
residents,providing integrated accessible housing options that meet the needs of people with
sensory and mobility disabilities, bringing economic opportunities and vitality to our
communities, and allowing workers at all levels to improve their quality of life through living
closer to their employment opportunities;
WHEREAS,we believe that evidence showing that infill development that reduces sprawl and
supports walkable communities has significant environmental and public health benefits; and
WHEREAS, we believe that affirmatively furthering fair housing and reducing segregation is not
only required by law, but is essential for keeping our community strong and vibrant;
,in order to take positive steps to alleviate the housing crisis, adopts the Pro-
Housing Communities pledge,which will have us endeavor to take the following important
1. Streamlining permitting for multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing,
accessory dwelling units, and supportive housing.
2. Adopting policies that affirmatively further fair housing.
3. Incorporating regional housing needs into planning decisions.
Page 47 of 61
4. Increasing development capacity for residential uses.
5. Enacting policies that encourage a broad range of housing development, which may
include multifamily housing, affordable housing, accessible housing,accessory
dwelling units, and supportive housing.
Page 48 of 61
LLP m Town of Mamaroneck
X Town Center
FOUNDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
To: Supervisor and Town Board
From: Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Re: Report of Minutes of January 10, 2024
Date: February 2, 2024
Action Requested:
Resolved that the Town Board approves the minutes of January 10, 2024.
Page 49 of 61
u_r al 'rn Town of Mamaroneck
Town Clerk, Town Center
* `oINDED 1661 740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353
FAX: (914) 381-7809
Date: February 2, 2024
To: Meredith Robson, Town Administrator
From: Allison May, Town Clerk
Subject: Report of Minutes of January 10, 2024
The final minutes of January 10, 2024, are ready to post.
2024-01-10 Final Minutes (1)
Page 50 of 61
Town of Mamaroneck
.; Town Board Minutes
o ,f_ } z Wednesday, January 10, 2024, Courtroom, Second Floor of
z ` 4' �,
1 Town Center 5:00 PM
PRESENT: Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor
Sabrina Fiddelman, Councilmember
Jeffery L. King, Councilmember
Robin Nichinsky, Councilmember
Anant Nambiar, Councilmember
ALSO PRESENT: Allison May, Town Clerk
Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator
William Maker Jr., Town Attorney
The Work Session of the Town Board was called to order by Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind
Eney. Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, the
Work Session unanimously opened at 5:02 p.m.
1. Review of the 2024 Organizational Agenda
2. Board Training
Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney reviewed the roles of the Town Board and
Administration. The Town Attorney William Maker, Jr. reviewed his role next,
described what is covered in executive session, and reviewed how Board members
could best function in the role of committee liaison. Town Clerk Allison May reviewed
her roles and responsibilities next.
3. Updates
Supervisor Elkind Eney relayed that Tiffany Zezula requested clarification on whether
to or not to include all resident comments in the final version of the Town
Comprehensive Plan. Comments that did not make it into the final Plan could either
not be included at all, or they could go into an appendix. The Board preferred to
include all of the comments in an appendix, ensuring that anyone that had submitted
a comment to the Town's Comprehensive Plan would be able to find their comment
either in the Comprehensive Plan itself, or in an appendix.
Page 51 of 61
Town Board
January 10, 2024
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Elkind Eney at 8
Supervisor Elkind Eney noted that the Town Board met for a Work Session beginning at five
o'clock this evening.
The Town Board meeting convened in the Courtroom Located on the second floor at the
Town Center. The Public was to view the meeting on cable access television (Optimum 76/
Fios 35) or on LMCMedia.org
Jaine Elkind Eney, the Town Supervisor, was sworn in by the Honorable Dolores
Jeffery King, Councilmember, was sworn in also by the Honorable Dolores Battalia.
Anant Nambiar, Councilmember, was sworn in by Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind
Jean Marie Brescia, Town Justice, was sworn in by Town Justice Ronald Meister.
Allison May, Town Clerk, was sworn in by Town Justice Jean Marie Brescia.
The Town Supervisor stated, now it's time for the 2024 Supervisor's Annual Address.
This is my annual report to you on some of the highlights of 2023 and what we expect
to look forward to in 2024; it's my opportunity to share with the Community what the
Town is involved in throughout the year. Here are some of the highlights:
Town Comprehensive Plan -We are almost done with our Comprehensive Plan,
Together Our Mamaroneck. As you may recall, a Comprehensive Plan is a framework
and vision for the future of our community. It sets forth goals; it's a road map for the
future actions by the Town Board. We will complete the environmental review process
next month, then once the Plan is adopted, we will prepare an Implementation Plan
consisting of specific actions to be taken by the Board to achieve the goals set forth in
the Comprehensive Plan. We will be exploring such topics as revising the Town's
Land Use Laws; creating more housing opportunities, affordable housing being an
integral part of that; creating enhanced pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure;
improving our recreational facilities and parks; and mitigating and adapting to climate
change; and reducing the Town's carbon footprint and safeguarding the health of our
Flooding- Flooding is perhaps the most pressing issue in our community. This year
we took great strides in addressing this issue. For the first time ever, the Town is in
the process of doing a comprehensive evaluation of our storm water sewers. As a
result of the study, we will be able to identify defects in the system and repair them,
which should then reduce severity and occurrence of floods. The cost of the study is
$367,000. The Town received a$300,000 grant from the County--thank you,
George, and Catherine--and a $225,000 grant from FEMA to conduct the study. With
the remaining funds, we are going to start to design the solutions identified in the
study. On top of that, the County plans to repave Murray Avenue, a County Road, in
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2024.At our request, the County added another$500,000 to their County Budget for
the repaving project so that while the road is open, any drainage defects identified in
the study along Murray Avenue, and particularly at the intersection of Murray Avenue
and Colonial Road, can be addressed. Steve, Shelley, George, and Catherine, be
ready, once we design "fixes"to the problems identified in the study,we will be
coming to you for more funds to implement them.
Environment-The Town, a 31 year"Tree City USA" is engaging in a robust program
to increase the planting of street trees. The Town received a generous donation of
$55,000 from the Virginia A McGuire Foundation to be used for planting 100 trees
along the Town's streets and 10 trees on Town property.This is a wonderful gift to the
Town, and we look forward to purchasing and planting the trees starting early this
Among other environmental initiatives that the Town engaged in in 2023 were Energy
Smart Homes, Grid Rewards and Repair Café.
Initiatives we are looking forward to in 2024 include, examining our leaf-blower law
with the help of the Sustainability Collaborative, and adding EV chargers in the
Washington Square area to be funded 100%with grant money, to enable
apartment dwellers there to make the decision to purchase EVs if they so choose.
With the help of the Sustainability Collaborative, we are also looking into programs
that will fund the installation of additional solar panels on municipal facilities,
where appropriate and instituting a Climate Smart Communities Task Force to help us
achieve Silver Status. (We were recertified at the Bronze Level last year.)
Infrastructure-We continue to make improvements to our infrastructure. In addition to
our regularly scheduled program of paving streets and repairing sidewalks, curbs and
catch basins, we are building a lot of bridges this year. We are in the process of
rebuilding the Waverly Avenue Bridge,which is owned by the Town, even though it is
situated in the Village of Mamaroneck. Engineering consultants retained by the Town
recommended, for public safety, that the bridge be rebuilt and for flood mitigation
purposes that it be widened at the same time, as the bridge is located at a constriction
point that exacerbates flooding. The cost of the project is $4.53 million but the Town
received grants totaling approximately $3.835 million that will fund the majority of the
The Town received a $769,200 grant from the NYSDOT Bridge
NY program that will fund the replacement of the superstructure of a bridge on
Rockland Avenue. Thank you, Shelley, and Steve.
Recreation --On the Recreation front, this year we completed the renovation to the
Memorial Park playground.The fabulous playground got rave reviews from the
children of all ages in attendance at the ribbon cutting,who readily admitted that
playing at the playground beats screen time.
In 2024 we hope to complete a design plan for a much-needed renovation/upgrade of
our pool facility. The design is being funded, in part, by a SAM grant. Thank you
again, Shelley and Steve. In the spring we will be renovating/upgrading our Senior
Center funded by a $308,000 grant obtained for us by Congressman Bowman. Thank
you, Congressman Bowman.And we will be working with Fields for Kids on a
renovation of the Town fields behind the Hommocks School, which will include an
outside rink, if I have anything to say about it.
Technology-We have also been using technology to provide services to our
residents more efficiently. One example of this is the new online portal. Through our
new online portal, Town residents now have easier access to their Town government
and are able to conduct their business on the Town's website from the convenience of
their homes twenty-four-seven. For example,the public can file for permits, request
information, and so much more. I'm delighted that this will make access to our
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government easier and will allow our employees to use their time more efficiently to
serve our residents in other ways.
Finances-The Town maintained its Moody's AAA rating. This is the highest possible
financial rating and allows the Town to borrow money for essential capital projects at
the lowest possible interest rate. The Town's 2023 Budget was awarded the
Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers
Association. This award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting
and represents a significant achievement. It reflects the commitment of the
governing body and sets an example for other governments to follow. This is the 4th
consecutive year that the Town has received this award. Kudos to Town Comptroller
Tracy Yogman as we go for five in a row!
First Responders-On a sad note, for the first time ever, two of our volunteer
firefighters', Dennis Tortorella and Brian Payne, names were added to the Fallen
Firefighters' Memorials in Albany and in Westchester County. They both left the safety
of their homes here and ran down to the city to serve on 9.11.2001. They died post
9.11 as a result of 9.11 related illnesses. This year, in proximity to Girl Scout Rock
(which is a memorial to those members of our community who died on September
11th),we plan to add a 9.11 first responders memorial dedicated to all first responders
from our community who died post 9.11 of 9.11 related illnesses.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention all of our first responders, both volunteer and
career. Our Police Chief and our Police Captain are right here.As Town Supervisor, I
am extremely proud to know that our residents receive the finest emergency service
possible.As a resident of the Town myself, they make me feel incredibly safe.
lsrael-Hamas/Antisemitism- In the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel,we
held a Tri-Municipal Vigil for the State of Israel. Hundreds gathered to speak up, to
stand in solidarity with the State of Israel, to grieve collectively,to hold each other
up and to find peace and comfort in our community. We issued a Tri-Municipal
statement against hate, particularly antisemitism, to let people know that the Town of
Mamaroneck and the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck have zero tolerance for
antisemitism and hate in all forms. We want everyone in our community to feel safe,
and to know that we value ALL members of our community.
These are only some of the highlights of what is going on in the Town. I did not
mention anywhere near all the achievements, accomplishments, legislation, events
and meetings that took place in 2023. The list is exhaustive; if I went through it all,
we'd have to serve you breakfast!
We are proud of what is going on in the Town and we want you to know all about it;
and there are some things, like emergency notifications, that you NEED to know.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go to http://www.townofmamaroneckny.org and press
the gold circle"sign up for alerts"to sign up for Town news and notifications...and my
monthly newsletter.
And we want to hear from you! Ours is a representative government, so we want to
hear what you're thinking. Call us, write to us,visit us! Our doors are always open.
All of this accomplishment doesn't just happen. None of this would be possible without
our dedicated, professional, caring staff. They exemplify the highest level of
public service. They work tirelessly under the leadership of our Town Administrator,
Meredith Robson. The staff thrives under her management style; she collaborates
with them to determine what needs to be done and then they take ownership of the
solutions. She also encourages them to take advantage of professional training
opportunities,whenever available, so that they are exposed to current best practices.
We are also blessed with many community-minded residents, some here in the room
tonight, who volunteer their time and energy to serve on our many boards and
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I am also looking forward to continuing to collaborate with our sister villages—the
Village of Larchmont and the Village of Mamaroneck, and my sister Chief Elected
Officials, Sarah Bauer, Mayor of Larchmont and Sharon Torres, Mayor of
Mamaroneck on matters of mutual interest.
And we are so fortunate to have representatives on the federal, state and county level
who have all been incredibly responsive to the Town when we seek assistance on any
number of issues. No matter what time of night or day, I know that I can pick up the
phone and call any one of them. And I have. Sometimes they even call me,just to
check in to see if we need anything.
Finally, I am proud to be working with my colleagues on the Town Board—Sabrina
Fiddelman, Jeffery King, Robin Nichinsky, and the newest member of the team, Anant
Nambiar. They are committed to the Town and our residents, and to providing
services in the best way possible. They work tirelessly and diligently, looking to the
future, willing to ask the tough questions and to make the hard decisions when
necessary. It is truly a labor of love.
I look forward to continuing working with the entire community in 2024 to keep the
Town moving forward, thank you.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor does hereby appoint Sabrina
Fiddelman, as Deputy Town Supervisor, effective January 1, 2024, and
terminating December 31, 2024.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck does
hereby appoint Meredith Robson as Budget Officer effective January 1, 2024,
and expiring December 31, 2024.
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman
BE IT RESOLVED, that Tracy Yogman is hereby reappointed Comptroller of the
Town of Mamaroneck, for a term of two years commencing January 1, 2024, and
expiring December 31, 2024.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nambiar, it was
RESOLVED, that Tracy Yogman is hereby reappointed Receiver of Taxes of the
Town of Mamaroneck, for a term of two years commencing January 1, 2024,
terminating on December 31, 2025, and
RESOLVED, that Tracy Yogman is also hereby reappointed Deputy Receiver of
Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck, for a term of two years commencing
January 1, 2024, terminating on December 31, 2025.
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Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember King, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby
appoint Jaine Elkind Eney and Allison May as Marriage Officers effective
January 1, 2024, and expiring December 31, 2024.
Moved by Councilmember Nambiar, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby appoint
Allison May as Registrar of Vital Statistics, Records Management Officer, and
Records Access Officer effective January 1, 2024, said term to expire on
December 31, 2027, and
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does appoint Laura DeMuro as
Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics, effective January 1, 2024, said term to
expire on December 31, 2027.
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman,
BE IT RESOLVED, that Jay Reynolds is hereby reappointed as Civil Officer of
the Town of Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one-year, effective January
1, 2024, and terminating on December 31, 2024, and
RESOLVED, that George Mgrditchian is hereby reappointed as Civil Officer of
the Town of Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one-year, effective January
1, 2024, and terminating on December 31, 2024, and
RESOLVED, that Thomas Poretto is hereby reappointed as Civil Officer of the
Town of Mamaroneck to serve a term of office of one-year, effective January 1,
2024, and terminating on December 31, 2024, and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointments shall be effective immediately
upon the appointees taking and subscribing to the oath mandated by section 25
of the New York Town Law.
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Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky, it was
RESOLVED, that the 2024 Regular Meetings of the Town Board be held at 740
W. Boston Post Road in Mamaroneck beginning at 5:00 PM on the following
January 10 and January 24 July TBD
February 7 and February 21 August TBD
March 6 and March 20 September 4 and September 18
April 3 and April 17 October 4 and October 18
May 1 and May 15 November 6 and November 20
June 5 and June 26 December 4 and December 18
RESOLVED, that said meetings, dates and places may be changed at the
pleasure of the Board upon notice being given.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nambiar, it was
RESOLVED, that The Journal News is hereby designated as the official
newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of publishing legal
notices during 2024.
Moved by Councilmember Nambiar, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman, it was
RESOLVED, that the following banks and trust companies are hereby
designated as depositories for funds of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year
2024 to be:
NYCLASS Investment Pool
The Bank of New York Mellon
JP Morgan Chase Bank, Mamaroneck
Wilmington Trust
Webster Bank
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember King, it was
RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore granted to withdraw funds, draw
checks, transfer funds and other orders upon the Town of Mamaroneck
accounts maintained at the aforesaid banks hereby is rescinded and revoked
and hereafter such withdrawals, checks, transfers, and other orders shall be
authorized electronically. External transfers and checks require dual
authorization either by signature or electronic approvals. Checks require
signatures by the Town Supervisor and the Comptroller; external electronic
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transfers require electronic approval by the Town Supervisor or the Comptroller
and Payroll Supervisor or Deputy Receiver of Taxes.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman,
WHEREAS, various sections of Town Law and Public Officers Law require that
certain officials execute an Official Undertaking, and
WHEREAS, we, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck require the Town
Clerk, Tax Collector, Town Justices and Town Comptroller execute an Official
Undertaking as required by law, and
WHEREAS, Jaine Elkind Eney, of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected to
the Office of Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck effective January 1, 2024,
WHEREAS, Tracy Yogman, of Great Neck, NY, has been appointed to the
Offices of Town Comptroller and Tax Collector for the Town of Mamaroneck,
effective January 1, 2024, and
WHEREAS, Jean Marie Brescia, of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected
to the Office of Town Justice of the Town of Mamaroneck, effective January 1,
2024, and
WHEREAS,Allison May, of the Town of Mamaroneck, has been elected to the
Office of Town Clerk of the Town of Mamaroneck effective January 1, 2024, and
NOW, THEREFORE, the respective Officer above, does hereby undertake with
the Town of Mamaroneck that we will faithfully perform and discharge the
duties of our office, and will promptly account for and pay over all moneys or
property received as a Town Officer, in accordance with the law, and
RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck does and shall maintain coverage,
presently with the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal; $1,000,000 limit
per occurrence and$2,000,000 aggregate limit, for the Supervisor, Town Clerk,
Town Justices and Town Comptroller/Tax Collector, to indemnify against losses
through the failure of the Officers, covered thereunder, to faithfully perform
their duties or to properly account for all monies or property received by virtue
of their positions or employment, and through fraudulent or dishonest acts
committed by the Officers covered thereunder.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk hereby appoints Laura DeMuro and
Jennifer Gonzalez as Deputy Town Clerks, effective January 1, 2024, expiring
on December 31, 2027.
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman
BE IT RESOLVED, that Charles Toothill be reappointed as Member E of the
Board of Architectural Review, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026,
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RESOLVED, that Edward Jacobson shall serve as Chairperson of the Board of
Architectural Review for the year 2024.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman
BE IT RESOLVED, that Cary Sleeper be reappointed as Member A of the Board
of Assessment Review, said term shall expire on September 30, 2028.
Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember Nambiar
BE IT RESOLVED, that Carol Scharff be reappointed to the position of Member
E of the Board of Ethics, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026, and
RESOLVED, that Robert Degen shall serve as the Chairperson of the Board of
Ethics for the year 2024.
Moved by Councilmember Nambiar, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman
BE IT RESOLVED, that Colin Barrett be reappointed to the position of Member 5
of the Coastal Zone Management Commission, said term shall expire on August
31, 2026.
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember King
BE IT RESOLVED, that Christie Philbrick-Wheaton be reappointed as Member A
of the Housing Authority, said term shall expire on December 31, 2028, and
RESOLVED, that Joseph Mileto be reappointed as Member D of the Housing
Authority,said term shall expire on December 31, 2028.
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Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky
BE IT RESOLVED, that Edmund R. Papazian be reappointed as Member A of the
Planning Board, said term shall expire on December 31, 2028, and
RESOLVED, that Ralph Engel shall serve as Chairperson of the Planning Board
for the year 2024, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Elizabeth Cooney shall serve as Vice
Chairperson of the Planning Board for the year 2024.
Moved by Councilmember Fiddelman, seconded by Councilmember Nambiar
BE IT RESOLVED, that Joyce Callahan be appointed to the position of Member
F of the Recreation Committee, said term shall expire on December 31, 2025.
Moved by Councilmember Nambiar, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky
BE IT RESOLVED, that June Wallach be reappointed as Member H of the
Sustainability Collaborative, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Arlene Novich be reappointed as Member I of
the Sustainability Collaborative, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mitch Green be reappointed as Member J of
the Sustainability Collaborative, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026,
BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mark Kramer shall serve as Chairperson of
the Sustainability Collaborative for the year 2024.
Moved by Councilmember Nichinsky, seconded by Councilmember Fiddelman
BE IT RESOLVED, that Virginia Picciotto be reappointed as Member B of the
Traffic Committee, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Robert Blaufarb be reappointed as Member E
of the Traffic Committee, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Camille Odierna be reappointed as Member F
of the Traffic Committee, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026, and
BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that Abby Katz be appointed as Member G of the
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Traffic Committee, said term shall expire on December 31, 2026, and
BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that Doris Block shall serve as the Chairperson of
the Traffic Committee for the year 2024.
Moved by Councilmember King, seconded by Councilmember Nichinsky
BE IT RESOLVED, that Jonathan Sacks be reappointed as Member A of the
Zoning Board of Appeals, said term shall expire on December 31, 2028, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Randy Heller be reappointed as Member B of
the Zoning Board of Appeals, said term shall expire on December 31, 2028, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Arthur Wexler shall serve as Chairperson of
the Zoning Board of Appeals for the year 2024.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointments shall be effective
immediately upon the appointees taking and subscribing to the oath mandated
by section 25 of the New York Town Law.
On motion of Councilmember Fiddelman,seconded by Councilmember King, the
meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:35pm.
Submitted by
Allison May, Town Clerk
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