HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023_04_11 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
Meeting Notes—April 11, 2023
Attendees: Karen Khor,June Wallach, Sue Odierna, Mark Kramer, Mark Manley, Kevin Crowe, Karin
Weisburgh, Arlene Novich, Robin Nichinsky, Mike Smeets, Melissa Hughes, Zach Hughes, Mitch Green,
Sebastian Gold,Judy Caputo, Robin Nichinsky, Allen Reiter, Leo Tantillo (OCRA student), County
Executive George Latimer
Volunteers were welcomed to the meeting by Mark Kramer and the notes of the March meeting
were approved. Mark asked how many were signed up for GridRewards and gave a brief
explanation of the program. He suggested anyone interested sign up by the end of April to
maximize benefits. ( https://www.gridrewards.com/)
Meeting Discussion Efficiencies
Kevin Crowe explained the importance of keeping to the schedule. He reminded speakers to let
Karen and Mark know how long their presentation will be to keep the meeting running smoothly.
Increasing Recycling Options, "Books" at Maxwell Avenue
OCRA student Leo Tantillo, (working with OCRA students Charlie Masse and Colin Gilder)
recommends the for-profit company, "Discover Books"for the Maxwell Avenue site. This is a
company that provides a bin for people to donate usable or recyclable books. Currently, Bedford,
Yonkers and Scarsdale municipalities are providing this service. Leo mentioned that this service
would save the Commission money since books would not add to waste poundage. With County
Executive George Latimer at the meeting, he was asked if the County would consider having this
private company place a book bin at Valhalla. George responded that they would consider this,
yes. Mitch Green asked if the company reports back to the municipality on how many books are
donated or recycled. Leo said he would follow up on this. Update:student to meet with Town
Administrator at Maxwell.
Bike Lane&Complete Streets
Volunteer Mike Smeets updated the group on his further progress. In addition to all three
environmental committees, Mike has presented to the Safe Routes to School group as well. He
reminded our group that the deadline for the SS4A grant(Safe Streets for All) is July 10`h and that
this is a multi-municipal grant. Mike will be emailing Town Administrator Meredith Robson to get
her feedback.
Update: email sent and response from Town rec'd 4/24.
EnergySmart Homes Campaign
This Sustainable Westchester program can help households become more sustainable and help with
energy bills at the same time. Though there is a financial obligation up front to switch, there are
incentives and rebates available (see the SW site) to get started with the new systems. Through
NYSERDA, residents can get a free energy audit and a customized report on their specific energy
situation, along with potential improvements (examples include Geothermal, airsource,
groundsource, rather than oil-based solutions). Contractors have gotten up to speed on these
systems, adding details on rebates,financing, and tax credits to their estimates. For the Town to
benefit(CEC and CSC points), we must sign up five residents—not sure of the needed timeframe to
do so -- but since residents need to get a Building Department permit, this should be easily
quantified. Pound Ridge and New Rochelle are taking advantage of this program and June
recommends it for the Town as well.
Upcoming April/May Events
Karen mentioned the following upcoming events and highlighted those that still need volunteers:
1) Central School's Earth Day, Friday, April 21st
2) Native Seedling Planting, Kane Park, Saturday, April 22nd
3) Earth Day—LEC/Village of Larchmont, Constitution Park, Saturday April 22nd
4) Compost Giveaway Day, Maxwell Ave. Recycling Center, Saturday, April 29th
Update: this has been postponed to Saturday, May 6`"
5) STEM-Tastic, Friday, May 12th—Collab's proposed recycling activity done pre-COVID
Update: Collab will not run its recycling activity since the OCRA team working on improving
recycling in Larchmont's Constitution Park already signed up to do a similar recycling activity.
Updates on Trees
Arlene reminded us about the Tree Walk scheduled for Sunday, April 30th. (Note: this has also been
postponed —to Sunday, May 7t" )
Arlene went with June and Elizabeth to the "Power of Trees"event in Bedford, over 600 people
attended. She said the speaker talked about the difficulty of municipalities enforcing tree
ordinances. In several communities, there is apparently not enough oversight.
Arlene and others zoomed with George Profus, Senior Forester of NYSDEC Region 3, who made the
point that canopy trees are very important to reduce heat and consumption of energy. Also, he
stated that shaded streets last longer; he reported that 16% of Westchester is made up of
impervious surfaces.
Tree Plantings by MHS Tigers
MHS student Zach Hughes updated us on the tree planting project that he is working on with the
NYS DEC. The DEC donates seedlings to high schoolers to encourage plantings and Zach is
expecting 25 red oak seedlings (4"to 12"high)sometime in May. Liz needs to know where Zach
and his fellow MHS student helpers will plant the trees, but she cannot help with the project itself.
It was suggested to Zach that he and his helpers should tag or mark the seedlings so that there can
be easy follow up for watering and monitoring. Collabs also recommended to Zach that he contact
MHS Administration to see if the seedlings could be planted on school property so that trees will be
there for the next generation; this is a "better story"than planting in the woods where trees will be
more difficult to find.
Comprehensive Plan Update
The Consultants have sent the draft plan to the steering committee and to the Town Board members for
their comments. The next meeting of the Steering Committee is April 18tn
Note: The Steering Committee's final comments are in and the Town Board members are in the
process of reviewing.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.