HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023_10_03 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
Meeting Notes—October 3, 2023
Attendees: Karen Khor, Sue Odierna, Mark Kramer,June Wallach, Kevin Crowe, Robin Nichinsky, Karin
Weisburgh, Arlene Novich,Judy Caputo, Mike Smeets, Allen Reiter,Johnny Zox, Nick Zuba, Andrea
Hirsch, MHS student/CSC Intern Sebastian Gold
Guest: Chair of Planning Board, Ralph Engel
Meeting notes from the September meeting were accepted.
Kevin reminded the group of the upcoming "Rooting for Trees" event coming up on 11/5/23 at
Larchmont Avenue Church, by HOW (Houses of Worship) Green.
Ralph Engel—Thoughts on Proposed Tree Law
Ralph said that the Planning Board did not have enough prior notice about the Public Hearing. Criticisms
of the law include:
• several parts of the law may come under Planning Board authority which will contradict some
portions of the law
• no notice to anyone if their neighbor wishes to remove tree
• Coastal Zone Management Commission is not mentioned in tree law and should be
• difficult for Environmental Planner to determine if tree "might"need to be removed
• replacement trees—trees that grow to 40'tall are not tall enough to give shade to an average
home here which is about same height
• replacement trees mostly take too long to grow unless you require a specific type of tree that
would grow faster
• doesn't like that the Tree Fund includes monies for equipment used to plant and maintain trees
and other landscaping
• if Environmental Planner denies the tree permit, resident can apply to "next meeting"of
Planning Board(which could be a day's notice,for example)despite PB's required notice of 14
• fines are too low($300/$600/$900) when homeowners spend thousands, sometimes hundreds
of thousands on renovations and additions
Considering all the issues Ralph raised, Karen asked Ralph if the Town Board should meet with the
Planning Board to resolve and Ralph said yes. Ralph did emphasize that his opinions are his own, not
necessarily those of the Planning Board.
Monarch Butterfly Update
Kevin said he and Libby and their Pollinator group are looking for additional places to plant
pollinators. This includes following up at Town Center and the Senior Center.
Update: Both locations now have pollinators planted in the ground, thanks to Kevin and Libby's
work! If you scroll down a few posts, you can see their smiling faces planting at the Senior Center
and Town Center. https://www.facebook.com/townofmamaroneckenvironment/
EnergySmart Home Campaign
As reported last month, June mentioned the Town is approved by NYSERDA to start this campaign
to motivate residents to look into energy smart alternatives to how they currently heat/cool their
Updates: Press release went out and is attached. Also, see details on EnergySmart programs here:
https://sustainablewestchester.org/energysmarthomes/ The Collabs will be providing information
at the Fall Fest scheduled for November 18 at Constitution Park in Larchmont.
Repair Café
Kevin updated the Collabs on the planning for the Repair Café scheduled for October 15th. Seven
fixers are confirmed, many student volunteers and Collabs will be there to help.
Update: The event was a success and Kevin and Mark provided the following stats on the event:
48 customers attended, 16 from the Town, eight from the VoL and 13 from the VoM, the rest from
nearby areas or unknown. A total of 88 items were brought in to be fixed and 46 were confirmed to be
fixed (the rest were not fixed or their status is unknown). The top two categories with the most items
brought in to be fixed were electronics and sewing at 16 items each.
Tree Code
Arlene reported that Collabs have made/sent their comments on the proposed tree law. Karen and
Mark are to present Collabs'views at the Public Hearing to be held on Oct. 4th and many others are
also expected to speak. One addition to the proposed law that they'll request is for residents to be
required to get a permit that tree companies need to see before they can cut down a tree. Since
the law is not strictly enforced now (for those with lots over 20,000 sf), it's doubtful that will
change once a new law is in effect; requiring a permit changes that. They'd also like to know—
when a resident is fined for cutting down a tree unlawfully, where would those monies go towards?
Update: After two public hearings, the proposed tree law is being revised again and another
public hearing was set last night at the Special Town Board Work Session. It will take place at the
next regular meeting on November 15tn
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.