HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023_07_10 Housing Authority Minutes MINUTES
Housing Authority Meeting
Monday, July 10, 2023 Conference Room C, Ground Floor of Town Center 7:30 PM
PRESENT: Joseph Mileto, Board Member
Meg Deshpande, Board Member
Christie Philbrick-Wheaton, Board Member
Lawrence Thaul, Board Member
Robin Nichinsky, Councilwoman
ABSENT: Dolores Battalia, Board Member
OTHERS PRESENT: Margaret C. Delohery, Secretary to the Housing Authority
Johnathan Di Bari, Dibbini &Assoc.
Stephen V.Altieri, Housing Authority Consultant,via Zoom
Michael Padernacht, Midas Management
7:30 PM The Housing Authority Regular Meeting
1. Call to order
Chair Mileto called to order the Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority at 7:34pm.
Approval of Minutes
1. Report of Minutes from the June 5, 2023 Housing Authority Meeting
Chair Mileto asked for a motion to approve the Housing Authority minutes from the
June 5, 2023, as amended.
Moved by Board Member Philbrick-Wheaton, seconded by Board Member Thaul
Resolved, that the Mamaroneck Housing Authority does hereby approve the report of
minutes from the June 5, 2023 Housing Authority meeting, as amended.
Business Agenda
1. Update
Chair Mileto said he would try to set up individual meetings with each member before
the September Housing Authority Meeting to discuss each members expertise and
their projects of interests.
He then reminded everyone that there will be no August 2023 Housing Authority
2. Report of Midas Property Management
Mr. Padernacht reviewed the year to date budget with the Housing Authority; he said
some line items are within budget but there are line items that are over budget. He
noted the benches that were recently installed were apart of a line item for supplies,
which is now over budget. Mr. Padernacht said that he and Mr. Altieri talked about
having a mid year review of the budget in future. He then updated the Housing
Authority about the arrears. Mr. Di Bari discussed a tenant who is in areas and stated
he will draft a notice to cure He then gave a possible court date. He and Mr.
Padernacht then discussed another tenant who was displaced because of damage to
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Housing Authority
July 10, 2023
a nearby unit. Mr. Di Bari reviewed what notices have been drafted and what has
been sent out to tenants, who are in arrears and the process to evict.
Mr. Padernacht said most tenants have renewed their leases and they have
submitted financial and insurance documents to Midas. He said that Midas is
compiling a spread sheet in hopes to analyze income levels. Mr. Padernacht then said
that unit 106 is being rented effective August 1, 2023, and another candidate is
submitting documents to rent a unit.
Mr. Padernacht indicated that the Authority's insurance policies will expire on
September 1. He has sent the policy requirements and loss runs to several other
agents for possible premium quotes. He hopes to get proposals back soon from the
alternate carriers. Chair Mileto asked if the current carrier surveyed the complex,
which Mr. Padernacht answered in the affirmative.
Mr. Padernacht updated the Board on the renovations to be done in four of the
apartment units. Contractors for the removal of the insulation and replacement of
carpeting have been selected. The costs for those two aspects of the renovation will
be under$35,000 so public bidding is not required. The repairs to the flooring
however are estimated to cost approximately$100,000 for the four units there
competitive bidding is required. Mr. Altieri and Mr. Padernacht discussed the
preparation of a bidding document in the next several weeks. The on site
Superintendent Brandon will be able to handle the other aspects of the renovation
with the help of another worker.
Mr. Thaul asked if there is there a link between the complex's insurance and the
tenants having insurance. He also wanted to know about the policies that tenants are
getting. Mr. Padernacht said there are no strict insurance requirements,just the
basics, but tenants should get some. Mr. Thaul asked if our insurance costs are
lowered if our residents have insurance. Mr. Padernacht said that it does help with our
insurance costs. Councilwoman Nichinsky asked if the Housing Authority can require
tenants to have insurance. Mr. Di Bari responded that Section 8 tenants are the only
tenants that the Housing Authority are not allowed to require insurance from.
Mr. Thaul and Mr. Padernacht talked about the boilers. Mr. Mileto and Mr. Padernacht
said that the next project may be replacing boilers. Ms. Deshpande and Mr.
Padernacht discussed the energy audit's suggestion of installing new boilers. Mr.
Padernacht said the main goal for now is getting the window/deck project completed
and that energy saving projects are going to be address further down the road. Mr.
Altieri said Ms. Battalia went to a symposium which stated NYSERDA has a grant
program for housing authorities to replace HVC with a heat pump.
3. Discussion - Housing Application Review Process
Chair Mileto said Mr. Altieri and Mr. Padernacht worked closely on the draft housing
application review process. Mr. Altieri gave background on an issue regarding a
tenant candidate. He said that the candidate was under the impression they were
approved, and when an audit of correspondence between them and Midas was
completed, it was found not to be the case. Mr. Altieri then prepared the draft
application procedure and would like it to be adopted at the September 2023 meeting.
It is a timeline of procedure so efficiency is maintained in the application process. He
will send out the draft to the Housing Authority for consideration. Mr. Thaul asked
what will happen if a candidate does not hand in certain material. He was told the
candidate will have 5 days to submit materials, if they fail to do so, their candidacy will
be rejected. Mr. Altieri then reviewed his research of other Housing Authority's
application processes. Chair Mileto reviewed the importance of the clarification of the
application process. Mr. Thaul asked if a candidate is considered on the list if they do
not have a complete application. Mr. Altieri and Mr. Padernacht said they are trying to
determine that. Mr. Di Bari suggested candidates may only be considered if they have
completed the application.
4. Update on Window/Deck Construction Project
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Housing Authority
July 10, 2023
Chair Mileto asked if Mr. Altieri could also update the Housing Authority on the
signage project when reviewing this item.
Mr. Altieri said the window and deck project is going well. Decks have been removed
at several units and Vinco Construction is awaiting the deck materials. He said piers
are being set up, and the project should be complete by end of August. Mr. Altieri said
a point of concern is when the delivery date of the windows will be. Vinco
Construction would like to start the window project as soon as the deck project is
done. He said residents are pleased with the project and Vinco Construction is
working out well. Ms. Deshpande asked about the rebates on the project. Mr. Altieri is
going to check with the contractor. Ms. Deshpande said that it had been some time
since the Housing Authority and Vinco Construction talked about the NYSERDA
rebates. She also stated Vinco Construction has to be approved by
CONED/NYSERDA for the Housing Authority to receive the rebates. Mr. Altieri said
he is going to check with the architect.
Ms. Deshpande chose San Signs to complete the signs at the complex. All signs that
aren't required to be metal will be MDO. She then described the materials that will be
used for the signs and the art work that San Signs will complete. Mr. Altieri said the
signs may have to be reviewed by the BAR. Chair Mileto and Mr. Altieri talked about
the requirements the Town may have regarding the signs. Mr. Thaul spoke about the
possibility of having signs put up on the units with an established date. Ms.
Deshpande and Mr. Altieri discussed how to proceed with pricing. Mr. Altieri said the
Housing Authority may approve the signs in September and approve the deposit for
the main entrance sign tonight.
Mr. Altieri asked Ms. Deshpande to tell San Signs that the deposit amount was
approved, and how deep the sign posts will be. Ms. Deshpande noted Midas will have
to remove the current signs. Ms. Deshpande and Mr. Padernacht talked about
removing the current signs. Ms. Deshpande said the main sign will be discarded by
San Signs but will have to check about the other signs.
Moved by Board Member Philbrick-Wheaton, seconded by Board Member Thaul
Resolved, that the Mamaroneck Housing Authority does hereby approve the amount
of$1,000.00 to be paid to San Signs as a down payment for the main sign at the
Hommocks Park Apartment Complex.
5. Adjournment
Chair Mileto closed the meeting at 8:35pm.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting -September 11,2023
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