HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023_06_12 Town Board Minutes o
_ ��9_1_ Town of Mamaroneck
0 o Town Board Minutes
W 1� j m Monday, June 12, 2023, Conference Room C, First Floor of
n Town Center 5:00 PM
PRESENT: Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor
Abby Katz, Councilwoman
Sabrina Fiddelman, Councilwoman
Jeffery L. King, Councilman
Robin Nichinsky, Councilwoman
ALSO PRESENT: Allison May, Town Clerk
Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator
William Maker Jr., Town Attorney
Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller
The Work Session of the Town Board was called to order by Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind
Eney. Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the Work
Session unanimously opened at 5:00 p.m.
1. Request for Executive Session
Moved by Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the
Town Board agreed to enter into Executive Session to discuss the employment
history of a particular individual.
Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the
Town Board unanimously agreed to resume the Regular Meeting.
2. Discussion - OCRA Participatory Budgeting Presentation
A group from the Original Civic Research in Action program at Mamaroneck High
School -- made up of Jason Senders, Ezra Wang, Harry Middlemiss, and Kurt Ryden
-- presented an idea on participatory budgeting to the Town Board. Afterward, the
Town Board discussed the possibility of the Town funding a participatory budgeting
project at Central Elementary School and Murray Avenue Elementary School. The
Board noted they would like to have funding for this program included in the upcoming
2024 budget.
Town Board
June 12, 2023
3. Discussion - Extension to the Agreement for PACE Land Use Law Center
The Town Board discussed extending the Town's agreement with the PACE Land
Use Law Center from December 30, 2022, to May 30, 2023. The Town Supervisor
confirmed there are no additional fees or costs involved, the Town simply needs to
extend the timeframe in order to complete the Town's Comprehensive Plan. After a
brief discussion, the Town Administrator agreed to revisit with the PACE Land Use
Law Center the possibility of extending the agreement through December 31 , 2023.
4. Discussion - Consideration of Acceptance of Title to a Portion of Pryer Manor
Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney explained how a portion of Pryer Manor Road,
located within the boundaries of the Town of Mamaroneck but owned by the City of
New Rochelle, is now ready to be accepted as a gift from the City of New Rochelle.
The Supervisor noted that the Board had discussed this property in detail at previous
meetings and thanked the Town Attorney William Maker Jr. for his work with the City
of New Rochelle. The Town Board reviewed the resolution and requested that it
include the phrase 'at no cost to the Town'. Attorney Maker agreed to amend the
resolution for approval later in the evening.
5. Discussion - Q1 2023 Operating Budget Amendments (out of order)
Town Comptroller Tracy Yogman presented an overview of the First Quarter 2023
Operating Budget Amendments to the Town Board. Comptroller Yogman mentioned
that Mike Orchanian and Mike Pinto have been working on the Town Center
generator repair. The two have arranged for a company to determine if the tank can
be drained, if it must be filled with sand, or if it should be removed. As next steps are
to be determined, final costs are to be confirmed. The total cost for repair work so far,
as well as renting a generator in April, May, and June totals approximately $26,300.
Comptroller Yogman then informed the Board that two chiller pumps, which were no
longer under warranty, had failed at the Hommocks Ice Rink. It was less expensive to
replace both motors than to repair them. Comptroller Yogman then recommended a
budget transfer from the Ice Rink Trust Fund, which includes the revenue from the
recent ice hockey tournament and currently totals $69,000, to fund the purchase of
two new televisions for the concession area at the Hommocks Ice Rink.
6. Discussion - Q1 2023 Capital Budget Amendments (out of order)
Comptroller Yogman presented an overview of the First Quarter 2023 Capital Budget
Amendments to the Town Board. The good news on budget amendments,
Comptroller Yogman stated, is that the net amount is a return of funds. She explained
that Westchester Joint Water Works (WJWW) reimbursed the Town with grant funds
from EFC for part of the expenses incurred for the Rye Lake UV Facility project, which
offsets the smaller funding needs for the additional Weaver Street Pump Station and
the Country Lane Water Main Replacement projects. In addition, Comptroller
Yogman, pointed out that the Shaft 22 Chlorination Project did not require the 2023
funding adopted in the budget, as the project was overfunded.
Comptroller Yogman then updated the Town Board on how the Town has changed
how we will now code our capital projects in Munis. Going forward we will have one
project code which we can build on each year, rather than having to move money
around from one project code to another.
The Town Board asked, in reference to the Traffic Signal at Myrtle and Murray
Avenue Project, if they are making changes to the signal light cycle. Town
Administrator Robson was unsure and agreed to check with Town Engineer Robert
Town Board
June 12, 2023
After a discussion about the numerous projects on hold and awaiting parts or a
deliverable of some kind, the Town Board suggested putting an asterisk on projects
that are on hold because of an external delay.
7. Discussion - Q1 2023 Operating Budget Report (out of order)
Comptroller Yogman presented the First Quarter 2023 Operating Budget Report to
the Town Board. Comptroller Yogman noted that this budget year has been
challenging as the economic climate has been fluctuating. Comptroller Yogman
suggested that this may be the new normal and may make effective budgeting
challenging as we move forward. Comptroller Yogman explained that the most
significant non-tax revenues the Town relies upon include mortgage tax and sales tax
revenue. As inflation causes general prices to increase, sales tax is expected to meet
the budget. However, home sales in the Town have significantly slowed down and as
a result, mortgage tax will be affected. The Town Supervisor noted that home sales
have slowed because of a lack of inventory but she is hopeful things will improve.
8. Discussion - Q1 2023 Capital Budget Report (out of order)
Comptroller Yogman presented the First Quarter 2023 Capital Budget Report to the
Town Board, noting that the project budgets include the proposed capital budget
amendments for approval on the agenda. In total there is $64.3 million in open
projects of which the Town has expended or committed $24.3 million, or 38% of the
total value of the open projects.
9. Discussion - Adoption of 375-e, 375-g and 375-i State Retirement Benefits for
Members of the Professional Firefighters Association, Local 898, IAFF, AFL-CIO
Town Administrator Robson reminded the Town Board that the 375-i pension plan
was discussed and approved at the last meeting on May 17, 2023. The Town had
subsequently been advised by the New York State Comptroller's Office that we had
originally been sent the wrong information regarding 375-i, and that the adoption of
375-e and 375-g were also required in order to provide for the adoption of 375-i. The
two additional plans were being offered at no additional cost and further, because the
error was on the part of the New York State Comptroller's Office, they will honor the
Town's original effective date of May 19, 2023.
10. Discussion - Professional Firefighters Association, Local 898, IAFF, AFL-CIO
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Administrator Robson explained that the adoption of 375-e and 375-g to the
retirement benefits above, necessitated revising the MOA for the Professional
Firefighters Association, Local 898, IAFF, AFL-CIO.
11. Discussion - Award of Bid - TA-23-03 - Myrtle Blvd & Murray Ave Traffic Signal
Administrator Robson said procurement was recently completed for the Myrtle
Boulevard and Murray Avenue Traffic Signal Replacement Project. The project scope
consists of traffic signal replacement and pedestrian improvements. The signal at this
intersection is directly coordinated with the adjacent signal at Myrtle Boulevard and
North Chatsworth Avenue. The Town Board asked if there will be flexibility in
changing the timing of the signal, which the Town Administrator agreed to discuss
with the Town Engineer.
12. Discussion - Authorization for Town Administrator Signature for Equitable
Business Opportunities ("EBO") Portal
Town Administrator Robson explained that this is required by the New York State
Department of Transportation for federally funded projects. The authorization will
allow the Town Engineer to create an Equitable Business Opportunities portal account
Town Board
June 12, 2023
and to begin realizing available discounts for the Town.
13. Discussion - Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution for Elected and
Appointed Officials
Town Clerk Allison May explained that this is the standard reporting resolution
required of her as an elected official. Once approved, Clerk May will post the reporting
resolution on the Town's official sign board as required for 30 days, and then submit it
to the New York State and Local Retirement System.
14. Discussion - Recreation Scholarships
The Town Board agreed to defer this item to next meeting; however, as
Councilwoman Fiddelman will not be able to attend the next meeting she went on
record stating her support of the recreation scholarships as overviewed by
Councilman King. Councilman King confirmed he is hoping to have an answer on the
possibility of Recreation Scholarships by the fall of this year.
15. Request for Executive Session
Moved by Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the
Town Board agreed to enter into Executive Session to discuss the proposed
acquisition, sale, or lease of real property and the Save the Sound litigation.
Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the
Town Board unanimously agreed to resume the Regular Meeting.
16. Updates
The Board discussed the request for a new pedestrian crosswalk or yield near
Madison Avenue at Myrtle Boulevard by the owner of a new karate business there.
Also, in regard to crosswalks and Myrtle Boulevard, the Board discussed the desire to
add more signage at the Memorial Park crosswalk near Billy and Pete's.
Supervisor Elkind Eney provided brief updates on both the proposed donation of land
from the Hampshire Club to the Mamaroneck Union Free School District (MUFSD), as
well as the proposed playground planned behind the Hommocks Middle School.
17. Additions to Regular Meeting Agenda
The Board agreed to add the appointment of Mark Manley to the Sustainability
Collaborative and a certiorari to the Regular Meeting agenda later in the evening.
The Town Board meeting convened in the Courtroom Located on the second floor at the
Town Center. The Public was to view the meeting on cable access television (Optimum 76/
Fios 35) or on LMCMedia.org
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Elkind Eney at
8:35 p.m.
Supervisor Elkind Eney noted that the Town Board met for a Work Session beginning at five
o'clock this evening.
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Welcome to the June 12, 2023, meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. The
Town Board met today for a Work Session in Conference Room A starting at 5:00pm, which
is open to the Public.
I want to remind everyone to visit the Town Website townofmamaroneckny.org. The draft
Comprehensive Plan is now posted along with an opportunity to comment. It will be there for
this entire month. Since the Plan is based on resident comment, we ask you to please read it
and give us your comments and suggestions.
On May 22, I attended the LGCA Annual Meeting at which two members of our police force,
Detective Mike Guevara and Detective Bill Kolman of the TMPD spoke about crime
prevention and safety steps that residents can take and should be taking. I thought their
presentation was informative and helpful, and there certainly were a lot of questions from the
residents in attendance. I want to thank the TMPD for all they do for the community each and
every day, as well as their many efforts to reach out to our community.
On May 23, I had a zoom meeting with OCRA students who presented their civics project
through Mamaroneck HS on Participatory Budgeting (a project conducted they say in over
2,000 communities, which is designed to inspire engagement among youth in civics & local
government). They actually develop and implement a municipal project. The Town Board
also heard a presentation from them in the Work Session. More to follow....
May 25 The entire second grade of Central School descended upon Town Center as part of
their social studies unit called "Active Citizenship." I spoke to them about what a Town
Supervisor does and Vicky Laoutaris, Assistant Superintendent of Recreation and Alli May,
the Town Clerk spoke about their roles. Always an exciting part of the tour, the children got
"up close and personal" with the Highway Department's Dump Truck, TMFD's rescue
firetruck and an ambulance, courtesy of our Ambulance District. The tour of the Police
Department, which includes the jails, is always a highlight of the tour and this year was no
different. We hope that the children learned a bit about how Town government and staff
work. Each child went home with a recycling themed coloring/activity book from the NYS
Department of Environmental Conservation.
There were a multitude of Memorial Day activities beginning on the Thursday before
Memorial Day through Monday, Memorial Day. There were essay contests, parades,
ceremonies, and breakfasts. It is important to take the time to recognize the day as a solemn
one in which we remember the service members who lost their lives while fighting for our
country. We attend ceremonies and march in parades on Memorial Day Weekend to honor
these fallen heroes, to remember their achievements, their courage, and their dedication,
and to say thank you for their sacrifices.
May 31 , I had the special treat of cutting the ribbon at the new Memorial Park Playground
dedication. The fabulous playground got rave reviews from the children of all ages in
attendance, who readily admitted that playing at the playground beats screen time! This
amazing playground didn't spring from the ground overnight. It took the work of so many
people on our staff to make it happen—it truly took a Town. I would like to thank Jill Fisher,
superintendent of recreation, and her staff; Rob Wasp, our Town Engineer, who
spearheaded this project, and his staff; John Baretto, highway general Foreman, Mike
Mendez and the rest of the tree crew for making this park and all of our parks so beautiful,
and of course the recreation commission for their continued support!
June 3, I attended the opening of the 49th Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center Annual
Senior Art Show at the Oresman Gallery of the Larchmont Library. The art show features
paintings in every medium by seniors who attend the art class at our Senior Center taught by
Patricia Miner- Sutherland who has been teaching the class since 1974. The works of art are
June 4, I attended the Neighbors for Refugees annual donor/ volunteer appreciation party.
Among other things, NFR works directly with refugee families in our community to provide
them with the necessary services, resources, and community support to bolster their
resilience, achieve self-sufficiency and thrive in their new homes. Right now they are helping
families from the Ukraine and Afghanistan, among other countries.
June 9, I attended WRAPS (Westchester Recreation and Parks Society) 65th annual awards
and scholarship luncheon. I am delighted to announce that the TMFD was awarded the
Voluntary Service award for an organization. The award is for an organization that has
provided unselfish service in the interests of recreation for at least 5 years. Jill Fisher and
Vicky Laoutaris, superintendent and assistant superintendent of recreation, nominated the
Town Board
June 12, 2023
TMFD stating that the TMFD continually demonstrates a deep commitment of unselfish
support to the Recreation Department and the Community. Not only do they fight fires and
respond to emergencies but are always willing to answer the call when assistance is needed
by the Recreation Department. They have jointly sponsored or helped the Recreation
Department provide a variety of special events for the community. Without the help of the
TMFD, these events would not be possible. It is with deep appreciation that I thank both the
TMFD and the recreation department for their continued dedication and hard work on behalf
of our residents.
The Town Offices will be closed on June 19 for Juneteenth
The Annual Fireman's Parade in the VOM on June 28
There were no Public Hearings.
Supervisor Elkind Eney asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Town Board
and there was no one.
There were no Staff Comments/Presentations.
1. Call to Order
Commissioner Elkind Eney called the Meeting to order, then on motion of
Commissioner King and seconded by Commissioner Fiddelman the Board of Fire
Commissioners was unanimously declared open.
Present were the following Members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney
Commissioner: Abby Katz
Commissioner: Sabrina Fiddelman
Commissioner: Jeffery L. King
Commissioner: Robin Nichinsky
2. Fire Report - May
Commissioner Elkind Eney read the Fire Report for the Month of May 2023, as
Generals 30
Minors 26
Stills 3
Out of Town (Mutual Aid) 6
EMS 43
Drills 3
Total number of personnel responding: 610
Total time working: 45 hours and 05 minutes
See Attachment A.
Town Board
June 12, 2023
3. Other Fire Department Business
Commissioner King mentioned hearing sirens in the middle of last night and for this
he was thankful. He knew that a volunteer with the Town of Mamaroneck Fire
Department had jumped out of bed and rushed out on a truck to help someone in
need on 1-95. Commissioner King reminded everyone how lucky we are to have such
a competent Fire Department.
There being no further business to come before the Fire Commission, on motion of
Commissioner King, Seconded by Commissioner Katz, the Commission unanimously
adjourned and the Town Board reconvened.
1. Discussion - Extension to the Agreement for PACE Land Use Law Center
Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney explained the need to extend the agreement with
the PACE Land Use Law Center for the completion of the Town's Comprehensive
Plan. The Supervisor noted that there are no additional fees or costs involved, the
Town simply needs to extend the timeframe from December 30, 2022, through
September 30, 2023.
Moved by Councilwoman Nichinsky, seconded by Councilman King, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the extension to the
agreement with Pace University for Comprehensive Plan services to September
30, 2023, and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to execute the
agreement and any related documents necessary to carry out its
2. Discussion - Consideration of Acceptance of Title to a Portion of Pryer Manor
Supervisor Elkind Eney explained that we thought Pryer Manor was a Town road, but
a recent title search revealed that various small sections of Pryer Manor Road are
actually owned by the City of New Rochelle. The Town should have title to all of Pryer
Manor Road located within the boundaries of the Town of Mamaroneck in order to
provide for clear and appropriate municipal service areas. As the City of New
Rochelle has no use for these small slivers of land on Pryer Manor Road that are
completely surrounded by the Town of Mamaroneck, the City of New Rochelle has
agreed to transfer their title at no cost to the Town. Originally it was anticipated that
the City of New Rochelle would approve this transfer back in May, but the transfer of
this property was inadvertently left off of the City of New Rochelle's May agenda. It is
now expected to be approved by the City of New Rochelle on June 13, 2023.
Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilman King, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the transfer of the title to the
portion of Pryer Manor Road, at no cost to the Town, located within the
unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck, that is owned by New
Rochelle and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to execute any related
documents necessary to carry out its implementation.
Town Board
June 12, 2023
3. Q1 2023 Operating Budget Amendments
Town Comptroller Tracy Yogman noted that there are six budget amendments up for
approval that were reviewed in detail during the earlier Work Session. Comptroller
Yogman added that this budget year is challenging as the economic climate is
fluctuating. The most significant revenues the Town relies upon include mortgage tax
and sales tax revenue. As inflation causes general prices to increase, sales tax is
expected to meet budget; however, home sales have significantly slowed down and,
as a result, mortgage tax has declined.
Councilman King asked about the amendment for the generator for the Town Center.
Councilman King understood that the generator may need to be drained before
refueling but wondered about the life expectancy of the current generator and the
need for additional spending against it. Comptroller Yogman explained that we are
planning for a new generator, but while we await a replacement (which is taking
longer than expected because of COVID-related supply chain issues) our current
generator must function as well as possible.
Councilwoman Katz pointed out that because of COVID, supply chain issues continue
to be a problem, affecting the Town's plan and necessitating budget amendments.
Councilwoman Katz added that earlier the Town Board discussed some ideas on how
to highlight any supply chain issues relating to future budget amendments.
Moved by Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Comptroller to
make necessary budget amendments, as presented.
See Attachment B.
4. Authorization - Q1 2023 Capital Budget Amendments
Town Comptroller Tracy Yogman presented the Town's first quarter operating budget
amendments for Consulting Services, Town Center Generator, Ice Rink Chiller
Pumps, Diesel Fuel, Crosswalk Signals, and the Ice Rink Trust, as discussed in detail
during the earlier Work Session.
Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilman King
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Comptroller to
make necessary budget amendments, as presented.
See Attachment C.
5. Adoption of 375-e, 375-g and 375-i State Retirement Benefits for Members of the
Professional Firefighters Association, Local 898, IAFF, AFL-CIO
Town Administrator Robson reminded the Town Board that the 375-i pension plan
was discussed and approved at the last meeting on May 17, 2023. Subsequently, the
Town was advised by the New York State Comptroller's Office that we had originally
been sent the wrong information. We were then informed that the adoption of 375-e
and 375-g were also required in order to provide for the adoption of 375-i. The two
additional plans which are included in this resolution, are being offered to the Town at
no additional cost, and because the error was on the part of the New York State
Comptroller's Office they will honor the Town's original effective date of May 19, 2023.
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Moved by Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Katz,
BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck does hereby
elect to provide the pension benefit of Sections 375-e, 375-g and 375-i of the
Retirement and Social Security Law for paid Firefighters, as presently or
hereafter amended.
Be IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the effective date of such shall be the 19th of
May 2023.
6. Authorization - Professional Firefighters Association, Local 898, IAFF, AFL-CIO
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Town Administrator Robson explained that the adoption of 375-e, 375-g and 375-i to
the retirement benefits, necessitated revising the MOA for the Professional
Firefighters Association, Local 898, IAFF, AFL-CIO.
Moved by Councilwoman Nichinsky, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the revised agreement with
the Town of Mamaroneck Professional Firefighters Association, Local 898,
IAFF, AFL-CIO to authorize addition of the 375-e and 375-g pension plans, in
addition to the enhanced retirement plan 375-i originally adopted in May by the
Town Board and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to execute the
agreement and file the resolution with the New York State Comptroller. No other
additional benefits are authorized under this resolution.
7. Award of Bid - TA-23-03 - Myrtle Blvd & Murray Ave Traffic Signal Replacement
Moved by Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Nichinsky, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby awards the bid, including the alternate
for the backup battery system, for traffic signal replacement services received
and opened on March 16, 2023, to Verde Electric Maintenance Corp. in the
revised amount of$588,570.50 and hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to
execute the agreement and any related documents necessary to carry out its
8. Authorization for Town Administrator Signature for Equitable Business
Opportunities ("EBO") Portal
Moved by Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Nichinsky, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to
sign the certification form, required to open an EBO (Equitable Business
Opportunity) account and any related documents necessary to carry out its
9. Authorization - Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution for Elected and
Appointed Officials
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Moved by Councilwoman Nichinsky, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman,
Be IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck/30054-010
hereby established the following standard work days for this title and will report
the official to the New York State and Local Retirement based on their record of
Name Social NYSLRS ID Title Current Term Standard Record of Pay
Security# Begin&End Work Day Activities Frequency
(last 4 Dates Result
Allison May XXXX R13057020 Town 1/1/23 thru 7 25.09 Biweekly
Clerk 12/31/23
See Attachment D.
10. Salary Authorization - Building Department
Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of Jennifer
Ransom as Secretary to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Board of
Architectural Review at an annual salary of$59,798, effective June 12, 2023.
11. Salary Authorization - Comptroller's Office
Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of William
Lacerenza as Senior Account Clerk at an annual salary of$98,560, retroactive to
January 1, 2023.
12. Salary Authorization - Police Department
Moved by Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Katz
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of Joseph
Detz as Probationary Police Officer at an annual salary of$75,895, effective
June 13, 2023.
13. Authorization to Approve Employment Agreement - Captain, Police Department
Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Nichinsky, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of James
Maher to Captain at an annual salary of$186,032, retroactive to May 1, 2023.
14. Appointment of Mark Manley to the Sustainability Collaborative
Moved by Councilwoman Nichinsky, seconded by Councilman King, it was
Town Board
June 12, 2023
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of Mark
Manley to the Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative, and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective immediately upon
the appointee taking and subscribing the oath mandated by section 25 of the
New York Town Law and shall expire on December 31, 2025.
15. New Summer Meeting Dates
Moved by Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby sets two new Town Board meeting
dates for July 19th and August 16th, and two Work Session dates for July 12th
and August 9tn
16. Certiorari - 172 E. Prospect Avenue
Moved by Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Nichinsky, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the
following tax certiorari on the following terms:
Christian Gray Realty LLC
172 E. Prospect Avenue
Section/Block/Lot: 9-6-117
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Mamaroneck
Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment
2018 $1 ,280,000 $285,000 $995,000
2019 $1 ,280,000 $285,000 $995,000
2020 $ 540,000 $ -0- $540,000
2021 $ 650,000 $ -0- $650,000
2022 $1 ,395,000 $ -0- $1 ,395,000
1. Report of Minutes for May 3, 2023
Moved by Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was
RESOLVED that the Town Board hereby approves the minutes of the Town
Board meeting of May 3, 2023.
Councilwoman Katz
• Enjoyed the Memorial Day Parade.
• Congratulated all the recent local high school graduates.
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Councilwoman Fiddelman
• Congratulated Lt. Maher, now Captain Maher, and thanked him for his service.
• Attended a Zoning Board meeting and thanked them for their service.
• Attended the Memorial Day parades and services as well.
Councilman King
• No liaison meetings over the last two weeks.
• Had an enjoyable time at the Memorial Day parade.
Councilwoman Nichinsky
• On Monday the fifth, attended a Housing Authority meeting where the new Chair
thanked Dolores Battalia, now Vice Chair, for her incredible leadership.
• Mentioned all is going well on the Hommocks Apartment remodel.
• On June 6th, attended a Sustainability Collaborative meeting where they were putting
together comments for the Comprehensive Plan Draft.
• Will attend a Planning Board meeting on the 14th, where once again they have a
packed agenda.
• Attended at recent At Home on the Sound gala. What a great organization.
• Marched in the Memorial Day parade.
On motion of Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the meeting unanimously
adjourned at 9:22 p.m.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting - June 26, 2023
Submitted by
Allison May, Town Clerk
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Attachment A
OFFICE OF THE A- Headquarters
����� 834-2438 CHIEF'S OFFICE
STREET 834-0922-FAX
F Zmus....200N
To: Board of Fire Commissioners
From: Chief Thomas Broderick
Date: June 05,2023
Re: Fire Report for the Month of May 2023
The following report outlines response to calls made during the month of May 2023. It summarizes the
nature,the number of personnel responding and the total time spent.
I have also attached a report showing a further breakdown of these alarms.
Alarm Type Number
Generals 30
Minors 26
Stills 3
Out of Town(Mutual Aid) 6
EMS 43
Drills 3
Total number of personnel responding: 610
Total time working: 45 hours and 05 minutes
Respectfully Submitted,
Chief Thomas Broderick
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Attachment A (Cont'd)
Incident Type Count Report
Date Range: From 5/1/2023 To 5/31/2023
Selected Station(s):All
Type Description Count
Station: EMS
320-Emergency medical service,other 1 0.93%
321 -EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 36 33.33%
32IF-EMS call,excluding vehicle accident with injury 2 1.85%
381 -Rescue or EMS standby 1 0.93%
Total-Rescue&Emergency Medical Service Incidents 40 93.02%
554-Assist invalid 2 1.85%
Total-Service Call 2 4.65%
611E-EMS:Dispatched&cancelled en route 1 0.93%
Total-Good Intent Call 1 2.33%
Total for Station 43 39.81%
Station: HO
210-Overpressure rupture from steam,other 1 0.93%
Total-Overpressure Rupture,Explosion,Overheat-no fire 1 1.72%
322F-Vehicle accident with injuries 7 6.48%
324F-Motor vehicle accident with no injuries 1 0.93%
350-Extrication,rescue,other 1 0.93%
353F-Removal of victim(s)from stalled elevator 2 1.85%
Total-Rescue&Emergency Medical Service Incidents 11 18.97%
410-Flammable gas or liquid condition,other 1 0.93%
412-Gas leak(natural gas or LPG) 2 1.85%
424-Carbon monoxide incident 1 0.93%
440-Electrical wiring/equipment problem,other 2 1.85%
444-Power line down 2 1.85%
Total-Hazardous Conditions(No fire) 8 13.79%
511 -Lock-out 2 1.85%
Total-Service Call 2 3.45%
622-No incident found on arrival at dispatch address 1 0.93%
651-Smoke scare,odor of smoke 2 1.85%
Total-Good Intent Call 3 5.17%
700-False alarm or false call,other 4 3.70%
733-Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 2 1.85%
735-Alarm system sounded due to malfunction 1 0.93%
736-CO detector activation due to malfunction 2 1.85%
743-Smoke detector activation,no fire-unintentional 6 5.56%
744-Detector activation,no fire-unintentional I 0.93%
745-Alarm system sounded,no fire-unintentional 14 12.96%
746-Carbon monoxide detector activation,no CO 3 2.78%
Total-Fals Alarm&False Call 33 56.90%
Total for Station 58 53.70%
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Town Board
June 12, 2023
Attachment A (Cont'd)
Type Description
Station: STIL
322-DO NOT USE**Use 322F I 0.93%
322F-Vehicle accident with injuries 1 0.93%
Total-Rescue&Emergency Medical Service Incidents 2 28.57%
554-Assist invalid 1 0.93%
571 -Cover assignment,standby,moveup 3 2 78%
Total-Service Call 4 57.14%
611 -Dispatched&cancelled en route _ l 0.93%
Total-Good Intent Call 1 14.29%
Total for Station 7 6.48%
108 100.00%
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Town Board
June 12, 2023
Attachment B
1 Expense A.1221.4035 Consultant Services-Communications Increase $ 45,000
Expense A.1900.4050 Contingency Decrease (45,000)
2 Expense A1620-4002 Service Contracts Increase 26,300
Expense A.1900.4050 Contingency Decrease (26,300)
3 Expense A7265-4163 Equip/Building Repairs-Ice Rink Increase 24,000
Expense A1900-4050 Contingency Decrease (24,000)
4 Expense SM4190-4006 Diesel Fuel-MEMS Increase 5,402
Revenue SM999-5995 Appropriated Fund Balance Increase 5,402
5 Revenue A9999-2705 Donations Decrease (10,000)
Revenue A9999-5995 Appropriated Fund Balance Increase 10,000
Revenue B9999-2705 Donations Increase 10,000
Revenue B9999-2680 Insurance Reimbursement Increase 11,105
Expense B3310-2129 Traffic Signals Increase 21,105
6 Revenue A7265-2705 Donations Increase 9,858.80
Expense A7265-4036 Operating supplies Increase 3,308.30
Expense A7265-4010 Supplies Increase 4,000.50
Expense A7265-2102 Equipment Increase 2,550.00
Page 107 of 155
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Attachment C
l Revenue Transfer from Fie H3472.5034 Increase $ (,. Sl
• Expense Vehicles-Fire Chief vehicle outfitting H3472.0400 Increase 6,384.33
2 Revenue Transfer from Water H1384.5038 Increase 6,157.48
Expense Brevoort Lane H1384.0400 Increase 6,157.48
3 Revenue Transfer from Water H1387.5038 Increase 26,901.23
Expense Purchase Booster H1387.0400 Increase 26,901.23
4 Revenue Transfer from General Fund H1614-5031 Increase 58,627.20
Expense Town Center Generator Design H1614-0400 Increase 29,000.00
Expense Town CenteIReSMIOms H1614-0400 Increase 29,627.20
5 Revenue Transfer from Part Town H3172-5032 Increase 16,950.85
Expense Police Vehicles Outfitting H3172-0400 Increase 16,950.85
6 Revenue Transfer from Water H1393-5038 Increase 24,259.00
Expense WJWW Garage H1393-0400 Increase 24,259.00
7 Expense Ambulance toughbooks H4120-0400 Decrease (2,345.00)
Evens Transfer to Ambulance H4120-9909 Increase 2,345.00
8 Expense Tablets for sewer maps H8120.0400 Decrease (6,000.00)
Expense Transfer to Sewer H8120-9906 Increase 6,000.00
9 Expense Transfer to General Fund H6758.9901 Increase 8,000.00
Expense Sr Center Building Improvs H6758-0400 Decrease (8,000.00)
Expense Transfer to General Fund H6758-9901 Increase 25,663.12
Expense Sr Center Banquet room H6758-0400 Decrease (25,663.12)
10 Expense Ice rink dehumidifiers H7271-0400 Decrease (6,053.93)
Expense Transfer to General Fund H7271-9901 Increase (6,053.93)
11 Expense Water Infrastructure Paving H1368-0400 Decrease (233,621.22)
Expense Transfer to Water H1368-9904 Increase (233,621.22)
12 Expense Hillside Ave Bridge H5163-0400 Decrease (184,087.70)
Revenue Apprropriated Fund Balance H5163-5995 Decrease (184,087.70)
Expense Waverly Ave Bridge H5162-0400 Increase 184,087.70
Revenue Apprropriated Fund Balance H5162-5995 Increase 184,087.70
13 Expense Waverly Ave Bridge H5162-0400 Increase 2,342,152.00
Revenue State Gant H5162-3999 Increase 166.00
Revenue County Funding H5162-2706 Increase 2,084,986.00
Revenue Transfer from General Fund H5162-5031 Increase 257,000.00
24 Expense Field Replacement H70101-0400 Increase 36,150.00
Revenue Donations H70101-2705 Increase 36,150.00
Page 109 of 155
Town Board
June 12, 2023
Attachment D
Office af the New Yorlt State Comptroller Received Date Standard Work Day and
l\YSLRS Reporting Resolution for
Hew York State and Localaettremenl System Elected and Appointed Officials
110 State Street,Albany,New York 12244-0001
Please type or print clearly
In blue or black ink
Employer Location Code RS 2417-A
3 0 0 5 4 Ise-rvr91
BE IT RESOLVED,that the Tow^ertnamamae, (30054-010 hereby established the following standard work days for these titles and will
(Nome of Employer)) (Location Code)
report the officials to the New York State and Local Retirement based on their record of activities:
Record of
Social Current.Term Standard Work Activities Not Pay Tier 1
Name Security NYSLRS ID Title Begin&End
Number Dales Day Result Submitted Frequency
Elected Officials:
Allison May XXXX R13057020 Town Clerk 1/1)20231c 12,31/2023 7 25.09 ❑ Bi-weekly 0
❑ ❑ =
- ❑ ❑ —
Appointed Officials:
❑ ❑
❑ ❑
_ ❑ ❑
1 Allison May ,secretary/clerk of the governing board of the Town of Mamaroneck ,of the State of New York,
(Name of Secretary or Clerk) {Circle one) (Name or Empioys4
do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing with the original resolution passed by such board at a legally convened meeting held on the 12th day of June 20 23
on file as part of the minutes of such meeting,and that same is a true copy thereof and the whole of such original.
IN WITNESS citrate')
RE I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck on this 12th day of June 2023
(Name of Employer)1 r
grater)of Sacra r Clerk
Affidavit of Posting:I, being duly sworn,deposes and says that the posting of the Resolution began on
(Name of Secretary or Clerk)
and continued for at least 30 days. That the Resolution was available to the public on the:
l� (Date)
ir�y Employer's website at:
LSCJ Official sign board at. /{'f d 1-3, }-0 17,T1 e-nc Ai, (seal)
❑ Main entrance Secretary or Clerk's office at: Page of )for additional rows,attach a RS 2417-B form.)