HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023_03_06 Housing Authority Minutes
Housing Authority Meeting
Monday, March 6, 2023 Conference Room C, Ground Floor of Town Center 7:30 PM
PRESENT: Dolores Battalia, Board Member
Joseph Mileto, Board Member
Meg Deshpande, Board Member
Christie Philbrick-Wheaton, Board Member
Lawrence Thaul, Board Member
Robin Nichinsky, Councilwoman
OTHERS PRESENT: Margaret C. Delohery, Secretary to the Housing Authority
Stephen V. Altieri, Housing Authority Consultant, via Zoom
Michael Padernacht, Midas Management
Dominic Calgi, Calgi Construction, via Zoom
Michael Smith, Smith & Pucillo Architects, via Zoom
7:30 PM The Housing Authority Regular Meeting
1. Call to order
Chair Battalia called to order the Regular Meeting of the Housing Authority at 7:34pm
Approval of Minutes
1. Report of Minutes from the February 6, 2023 Housing Authority Meeting
Moved by Board Member Philbrick-Wheaton, seconded by Board Member
The Mamaroneck Housing Authority does hereby approve the meeting minutes from
the February 6, 2023 Mamaroneck Housing Authority meeting.
Business Agenda
1. Annual Election of Officers
Chair Battalia reviewed the requirement of an annual election of officers. She
confirmed that she had spoken with each member who had advised that he/she
wished to continue in his/her current position. The Chair then proposed the following
Chair: Dolores Battalia
Vice Chair: Joseph Mileto
Secretary: Meg Deshpande
Treasurer: Christie Philbrick-Wheaton
There being no further nominations, proposed, the Chair then called for a vote on the
proposed slate.
Moved by Board Member Philbrick-Wheaton, seconded by Board Member
The Mamaroneck Housing Authority does hereby approve and elect the proposed
slate of Officers for the coming year, effective this date.
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Housing Authority
March 6, 2023
2. Report of Midas Property Management
Mr. Padernacht reviewed the monthly management report with the Housing Authority.
He said he is still cleaning up the Section 8 issues from the lease newels process. Mr.
Padernacht described a situation with a current tenant who has overpaid, and he
reviewed the arrears. Mr. Padernacht said there is a tenant who was previously in
arrears but has started to pay his rent again. He further stated that the tenant does
still owe some arrears. Mr. Padernacht said there are two applicants for two units and
described what information is required to proceed with processing. Mr. Padernacht
said an integrity test has to be completed on a unit. Councilwoman Nichinsky and Mr.
Padernacht discussed how Section 8 tenants are found and if they are required to be
local. Mr. Altieri then detailed the exact procedure for processing Section 8 applicants.
Chair Battalia, Mr. Thaul, Councilwoman Nichinsky, and Mr. Altieri discussed how
Section 8 is administrated within the Town.
Chair Battalia, Mr. Padernacht, and Mr. Altieri discussed the preliminary budget of
required work for three units in disrepair; Mr. Altieri commented there has been a
change in the regulations of the bidding process, that may decrease the cost of work.
He said that they may not have to bid the scoop of work and instead receive
proposals. Mr. Padernacht said the most important project is refurbishing the floors of
the units.
Mr. Padernacht said renewal leases are being sent out this week and he is going to
put in a reminder about the financial requirements tenants must have to continue their
tenancy. Mr. Padernacht said that Brandon, the Complex Super, is doing well and
with his plumbing experience, the costs of maintaining the boilers are down.
Mr. Thaul and Mr. Padernacht reviewed the purchasing policy of the Housing
Mr. Padernacht said a tenant contacted Midas Property Management about the
installation of a new toilet. He said the tenant would like a reimbursement from the
Housing Authority, which Chair Battalia approved. Ms. Deshpande and Mr.
Padernacht discussed Energy Star and Tiso.
3. Update on Bond Financing for TMHA Contract 2023-1
Mr. Altieri reviewed the bond financing and the details of the bond sale. He then
reviewed the Town's relationship with the Housing Authority for bonding.
4. Report of Bids - THMA Contract 2023-1
Replacement of Windows and Decks-Hommocks Park Apartments
Mr. Altieri had Mr. Calgi describe the process of bidding, vetting, and selection for
THMA Contract 2023-1. Mr. Calgi said Calgi Construction received five bids in total
and that the bid was separated into three parts, which enabled bidders to bid either
the entire scope of work or part of the scope. He then reviewed who bid and their bid
amount. A1 Construction was deemed to be the lowest bidder and was interviewed.
After the interview, Calgi Construction received a letter stating that A1 Construction
could fulfill the bid proposal but with a different window type. After the window was
analyzed, it was found not to be the equal of the Anderson window. Vinco Builders
LLC and APS were then interviewed; Mr. Calgi said that both companies are
reputable. Mr. Calgi suggested awarding the project to Vinco Builders LLC, who was
the lowest responsible bidder.
Ms. Philbrick-Wheaton commented that Vinco Builders previous projects are smaller
compared to the Housing Authority's. Mr. Calgi said that he is not concerned. He
noted that Vinco Builders came from a larger company, where many principals retired
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Housing Authority
March 6, 2023
and who worked on large projects, after which Vinco Builders was formed. Mr. Mileto
and Mr. Calgi spoke about Mr. Mileto's past work with Vinco Builders.
Mr. Thaul asked about the pressurization of the windows and the amount of sound
that will enter the units through the window. Mr. Smith said that to get a much lower
level of sound, three pane windows would have to be installed, which are expensive.
Chair Battalia described the bid process and history as to why the Housing Authority
wants to replace the windows to Mr. Thaul.
Ms. Deshpande and Mr. Calgi discussed the timeline of the project and a possible
start date. Mr. Calgi noted that the deck project will be started before the window
project. Mr. Altieri commented that the bonds will be ready by April 12th to finance the
Mr. Thaul wanted to know if the windows are American made and how to dispose of
the old windows. Mr. Smith said they are made in Wisconsin, and Mr. Altieri said that
all debris would be processed through the County.
Moved by Board Member Mileto, seconded by Board Member Deshpande
Resolved, that the Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority awards
Contract 2023-1 for the replacement of Windows and Wood Decks at the Hommocks
Park Apartments to the lowest responsible bidder meeting the Housing Authority's
specifications, Vinco Builders LLC in the amount of $1,684,000.00 and be it,
Further Resolved, that the Chairman of the Housing Authority is authorized to execute
any and all contracts with Vinco Builders LLC for this project.
5. Update on Building Repairs
Chair Battalia stated that this was discussed in a previous item.
6. Executive Session
Moved by Board Member Philbrick-Wheaton, seconded by Board Member
The Mamaroneck Housing Authority agreed to enter into Executive Session to discuss
potential litigation.
Moved by Board Member Mileto, seconded by Board Member Deshpande
The Mamaroneck Housing Authority agreed to exit Executive Session.
7. Adjournment
Chair Battalia closed the meeting at 8:26pm.
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting - April 3, 2023
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