HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022_10_13 Recreation Commission Minutes TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES October 13, 2022 PRESENT: James Druker, Chairman Graham Gutter William Paonessa Susan Sigel EXCUSED: Rita Plansky Terry Rainaldi Brian Welsh Jeffery King, Town Board Liaison Eileen Puleo, Commission Secretary ALSO PRESENT: Jill Fisher, Superintendent of Recreation Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Board Liaison Vicky Laoutaris, Assistant Superintendent of Recreation CALL TO ORDER: The meeting held in the Senior Center; 1288 Boston Post Road was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Druker. ACCEPTANCE OF MEETING MINUTES: On a motion by Chairman Druker, seconded by Commissioner Paonessa, the Meeting Minutes of August 9, 2022, were unanimously approved as amended. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE: Ms. Fisher reported the following: 1 . The fall facility requests for use of the Carpino-Steffens Fields by Ms. Bari Suman and Mr. Simon McCarthy were approved as requested. 2. Registration for most fall programs began on August 22nd. The Recreation brochure is available online, and we will also continue to send out monthly newsletters. 3. Registration for Session 1 of Skating School was held on September 19th Current registration for Session 1 is at 177. Enrollment in 2021 for Session 1 was 136. 4. The Freestyle Skating Program began on September 11th with an enrollment of 15. Enrollment last year was 18. The new Wednesday afternoon session has an enrollment of 10. Walk-ins are welcome. 5. Copies of the October and November ice rink calendars are enclosed for your information. Daily public skating sessions will begin on Saturday, October 1 st 6. All fall swim lessons will begin the first week of October, and are fully enrolled as follows: Swim Lessons: 76 Dolphins: 55 Aqua Jog/Zumba: 15 Lifeguarding: 1 B Water Triathlon: 12 7. The preseason Hockey Clinic began on September 13th with an enrollment of 35. Last year, we had an enrollment of 30. The Recreation House Hockey program begins November 8th. We will be hosting Learn to Play Hockey Clinics with the New York Rangers from September 10th — November 12th and November 19th _ February 16th 8. Fall tennis programs began the week of September 10th Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes October 13, 2022 - Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE CONTINUED: 9. We held our last Movie in the Park this season with a showing of "Luca", which took place on September 9tn 10.A new Monday afternoon "Stick Time" hockey session began on October 3rd 11 .All Tot and Youth programs are underway. 12.The fall session of kayaking ended on September 25th. The kayaks will be stored for the winter season. 13.Our 5th Annual Fall Food Truck Festival was cancelled due to the weather. 14.The annual maintenance to the fields was completed on August 15th by Landtek, and the fields reopened for play on September 6tn 15.A copy of the completed topography survey of Memorial Park was enclosed for review. This survey will be used as a base map for any projects to support the design development stage. 16.The outdoor pool is being checked for any leaks before closing for the season. 17.Mr. Patrick Doherty has been hired in the new position of Maintenance Worker at the Hommocks Park Ice Rink. This position was planned for, and the job description along with Patrick's resume was enclosed for review. 18.The summer flooring has been stored for the season in our new shipping containers that are on site at the ice rink building. 19.The renovations at Memorial Park will not be completed until early next year. Hopefully, this project can start in April of 2023. 20.New lockers for the high school hockey team at the Hommocks Park Ice Rink has been approved through private funds and has been approved by the Town Board. The delivery and installation are estimated to be in eight weeks. 21 .On September 5th, the administration of the Town's Senior Citizens Programs and Services has moved from the Community Services Department and is now under the Recreation Department. A brief overview of the current Senior Programs and Services was enclosed for review. 22.On Friday, October 28th Mamaroneck Youth Hockey Association will be hosting a "Hockey Fights Multiple Sclerosis" charity hockey game featuring the New York Rangers Alumni. Proceeds from this event will benefit Mamaroneck Youth Hockey and the Multiple Sclerosis Society. 23.Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor and Meredith Robson, Town Administrator met with the owner of Hampshire Country Club, Dan Pfeffer to express the Town's interest in purchasing the country club and property. At this time, Mr. Pfeffer is not interested in selling the property to the Town of Mamaroneck and will be looking for a developer to develop the property. 24.Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor met with members of Fields For Kids. Fields For Kids hired an engineer to do a feasibility study on Carpino-Steffens Field to turf the north end of the field and leave grass on the south end of the field. Field for Kids will need to have an agreement with the Town of Mamaroneck listing us as the customer. The Town has agreed to the study, but this does not mean approval for the project. 25.Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor informed us that the Ice Breaker Tournament this year would take place April 27th — 30th. Last year this event netted $17,000, which was deposited into the Ice Rink Trust Fund. After further discussion, a motion was made by Chairman Druker, seconded by Commission Paonessa to host the event April 27th — 30th. All in favor. 26.Ms. Fisher informed the Commission that Ms. Terry Rainaldi will be retiring from the Recreation Commission at the end of the year. REVIEW OF 2022 SUMMER CAMP PROGRAMS: Vicky Laoutaris, Assistant Superintendent of Recreation presented to the Commission the 2022 camp season overview. The Hommocks Camp and Camp Rockingstone had a successful summer with the enrollment numbers up from last year. Both camps enjoyed many activities and visits from both the local Fire Department and Police Department. New this year at Hommocks Camp was the addition of Mini Golf and Go Cart Racing. Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes October 13, 2022 - Page 3 2023 RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BUDGET: Ms. Fisher reviewed the Proposed 2023 Recreation Department Budget. This is just the preliminary budget; it still needs to be presented to the Town Board for approval. The 2023 Department Goals were reviewed: Memorial Park 1 . Host more Town-wide group events held at the park. 2. Complete the renovation of the playgrounds. 3. Expand the Tennis/Pickleball program offerings and increase participation. 4. Continue to increase the sale of memberships and use of the courts. 5. Add additional Pickleball playing area options. Adult Recreation 1 . Increase participation numbers in all adult programming by 10%. 2. Add new program opportunities such as pickleball and cornhole tournaments. Ice Rink 1 . Secure additional revenue with "off-peak" programs such as stick time & additional freestyle sessions. 2. Offer ice skating birthday parties in cooperation with Barn Burner Grill. 3. Replace non-working air condition and heat unit in the rink lobby and office. 4. Continue to increase enrollment of all programs. 5. Increase revenue with additional off-season rentals. Pool 1 . Increase annual pool membership sales and revenue opportunities. 2. Expand and improve the outdoor pool complex and aquatic features. These improvements would also attract new families to purchase a membership. 3. Increase the number of participants in the aquatic programs. 4. Expand upon incentive programs to encourage more individuals to become certified lifeguards. Youth Programs 1 . Continue to increase participation numbers in all youth programs. 2. Offer a variety of new program offerings including art and crafts and STEM programs. 3. Return to pre-covid enrollment numbers in the day camps. 4. Provide the Teen Travel program this summer. Senior Center/Programs 1 . To be a focal point in the community that is a source of information, community education, advocacy, and opportunities for older adults. 2. To provide a broad range of group and individual activities, and services, that respond to the needs and interests of older adults in the community. 3. Increase attendance and enrollment in the senior center and for programs. 4. Increase participation in the Meals on Wheels program. 5. Create new collaborative programs with local groups, associations, institutions, and not for profits with the prime purpose of assisting to help identify those in need and provide information about the services provide. 6. Create a marketing strategy to increase community awareness of the programs and services being offered. 7. Promote a healthy aging initiative by offering additional educational presentations, seminars, and programs. 8. Explore the possibility of developing additional shopping opportunities. 9. Enhance volunteer recruitment, retention, and strategies. 10.Enhance the grounds of the center and add on a community garden for the seniors. 11 .Actively promote the on-site nutrition program and the home delivered meals option for those who may need it. 12.Create a small computer lounge for seniors to access while at the center. Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes October 13, 2022 - Page 4 2023 RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BUDGET CONTINUED: 13.Establish a centralized "information area" with flyers, calendars, and photos to promote the centers activities. 14.To utilize Town recreation facilities for senior off-site programs and trips. 15. Increase the number and type of trips taken. 16.Complete renovation to the smaller meeting room and the front porch. 17.Resume medical appointment transportation. 18.Create a volunteer Ambassador role to encourage new members to join the Senior Center. The 2022 Recreation Accomplishments were reviewed: Memorial Park 1. Increased the number of Tennis Memberships sold. 2. Provided outdoor programming events including four summer concerts, four movie nights, the spring 5K and Lil' Bunny Run and Fall Food Truck Festival. 3. Completed the design phase for renovations of the playgrounds within the park with an expected completion date of spring 2023. 4. Solicited and hired a new tennis professional company to provide youth and adult tennis lessons. 5. Introduced open play pickleball sessions. Ice Rink 1 . Secured additional revenue during the summer months with rentals and introduction of a new Ball Hockey Program. 2. Installation of new camera surveillance system. 3. Introduced new concessionaire, Barn Burner Grill, to service the facility and pool area. 4. Introduced new programming such as Pond Hockey tournaments and figure skating camp. 5. Recruited and hired a new General Manager. 6. Completed the last phase of the locker room renovation project with the purchase of four storage containers to house the summer floor materials. 7. Increased participation in skating program enrollments and general admissions. Pool 1 . Increased participation numbers in the summer swim team program this summer and resumed the Diving program this summer. 2. Reinstated annual memberships. 3. Hosted three day camps this summer (Flint Park Camp, Co-Op Camp, and Hommocks Camp). 4. Initiated a new lifeguard certification employee incentive program. 5. Resumed Monday evening pool hours. General Recreation 1 . Created the fall/winter Recreation Department brochure in-house. 2. Additional revenue stream with end of summer field rentals. Youth Programs 1 . Added a variety of new programs during the year. 2. Increased the number of participants in programs. 3. Offered a new junior tennis camp program during the summer. 4. Successfully operated two-day camp programs this summer. Adult Programs 1 . Added new fitness programs and offered a variety of programs during the year. Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes October 13, 2022 - Page 5 2023 RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROPOSED BUDGET CONTINUED: Senior Center/Programs 1 . Completed parking lot renovation project while continuing to offer senior services. 2. Provided a variety of programs and monthly special events. Added new programs such a chair yoga, chair Zumba, and a lecture series. 3. Purchased a new software system, "My Senior Center" that improves communication with members, handles registrations, and collects data. 4. Increased participation in County-funded exercise programs by 10% through outreach and marketing of programs. 5. Received financial donation from Larchmont Avenue Church for outstanding efforts in maintaining the meal program to homebound seniors. 6. Home Delivery Meal (HDM) fulfilled 100% of its meal deliveries with one part-time employee and several dedicated community volunteers without any service disruptions. 7. Delivered 3,841 meals to homebound seniors as of September. 8. Received 100% senior satisfaction survey with home delivery program and food vendor (Horizon Food). PERFORMANCE MEASURES: 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Item Actual Actual Actual Estimate Estimate 1 Pool attendance 35,858 17,422 19,249 18,000 20,000 2 Ice rink public session attendance 29,084 10,567 13,600 28,000 30,000 3 Pool permits issued 3,059 0 0 700 800 4 Summer camp enrollment 1,002 0 402 271 350 5 Tennis permits issued 179 0 174 233 250 61 Nutrition site meals served 3,200 2,000 7 Meals on wheels served 8,000 8,500 7,700 6,300 7,000 8 One-way trips 7,200 5,000 5,900 6,500 9 Senior program attendance 2041 216 237 2611 300 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, on a motion by Chairman Druker, seconded by Commissioner Paonessa, the meeting adjourned at 8.05 P.M.