HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023_01_18 Town Board Minutes ' Town of Mamaroneck Town Board Minutes r Wednesday, January 18, 2023 Courtroom, Second Floor of Town Center 5:00 PM PRESENT: Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Supervisor Abby Katz, Councilwoman Sabrina Fiddelman, Councilwoman Jeffery L. King, Councilman Robin Nichinsky, Councilwoman ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Allison May, Town Clerk Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator William Maker Jr., Town Attorney Lindsey M. Luft, Assistant to Town Administrator Shyam Pandya, IT Director 5:00 PM THE TOWN BOARD WORK SESSION CALL TO ORDER Moved by Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman, the meeting unanimously opened at 5 p.m. Carried WORK SESSION ITEMS 1. Discussion - iPad Training with IT Department Town of Mamaroneck Information Technology Director Shyam Pandya led the Town Board through iPad training. 2. Updates Town Attorney William Maker Jr. informed the Town Board that he now has Attorney Menke's response to Ralph Engel's comments regarding the new 5G Law. Attorney Maker will proceed with revising the law and will incorporate what is appropriate from both of their comments. Town Board January 18, 2023 Town Supervisor Elkind Eney shared the announcement of Governor Hochul's new statewide strategy to address New York's housing crisis and build 800,000 new homes, see Attachment A. Supervisor Elkind Eney pointed out that the high priority is not only for affordable housing, but is for all housing. The Board discussed the proposal and the requirements, they questioned the waivers of regular requirements like SEAR, as well as the exemptions and benefits provided. The Town Board discussed the housing density that might result, as well as the lack of environmental protections. The Town Supervisor then provided updates on many other projects including the Senior Center Grant, the Sewer Grant, an optional 25-mile-per-hour speed limit, the Local Waterfront Revitalization project, the Weaver Street sidewalk, the Waverly Avenue bridge, the proposed crosswalk to Memorial Park across North Chatsworth Avenue, Hommocks Park Ice Rink lockers, generators at various Town properties, and the Police locker room expansion. 3. Extension to the SJY Management Agreement Town Administrator Meredith Robson reminded the Board that the Town has had a temporary consultant through SJY Management helping with the Community Service Department for the past couple of months. The Town Administrator estimated that these services are necessary for at least six more months, so she requested authorization to sign an agreement with SJY Management extending their services through July 30, 2023. The proposed agreement remains the same as the one originally submitted in October, for what the Administrator thought then was a temporary situation. Based on the significant need for the Town to maintain the current Section 8 and affordable housing programs, as well as to meet Federal management and reporting obligations, the Board agreed to authorize at tonight's Regular Meeting. 4. Discussion - Tree Law The Board agreed to defer this item to the next Town Board meeting. 5. Request for Executive Session On motion of Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman the Town Board entered into an Executive Session to discuss the potential sale or lease of property and to discuss the employment history of a particular person or persons. (Note, Councilman King recused himself during the Executive Session discussion of the potential sale or lease of a particular property.) Carried On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Nichinsky the Town Board ended their Executive Session and resumed the Work Session. Carried 6. Additions to Regular Meeting Agenda There were no additions to the Regular Meeting agenda. 8:04 PM TOWN BOARD REGULAR MEETING The Town Board meeting convened in the Conference Room C located on the first floor at the Town Center. The Public was to view the meeting on cable access television (Optimum 76/ Fios 35) or on LMCMedia.orq CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Elkind Eney at 8.04 p.m. Supervisor Elkind Eney noted that the Town Board met for a Work Session beginning at five o'clock this evening. Town Board January 18, 2023 SUPERVISOR'S REPORT Welcome to the January 19, 2023 meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck. The Town Board met today for a Work Session here at the Town Center in Conference Room A starting at 5:OOpm, which is open to the Public. Tonight, we have Assemblyman Steve Otis with us. As I said last week in my Supervisor's Annual Address, we are so fortunate to have representatives on the federal, state and county level who have all been incredibly responsive when the Town seeks assistance on any number of issues. Steve Otis, our State Assemblyman and State Senator, Shelley Mayer (who could not be here tonight) are exemplars of that. No matter what time of night or day, I can pick up the phone and call either, or both, of them about an issue confronting us for which their assistance would be helpful. They are responsive and effective, helping us find and execute solutions. And they work together, as a true team, which has a synergistic effect for our benefit. An example of this is their help with the NYS Thruway Authority to get them to relocate the i- 95 U-turn so that it would be safer for our emergency service workers and reduce response time to an emergency by up to 10 minutes. Tonight we also have Chiefs of the Fire Department and the Chief of L/M VAC, who will describe just how important the relocation of the U-Turn has been for their ability to protect us, while staying safe PUBLIC HEARINGS The was no Public Hearing. RESIDENT COMMENTS Supervisor Elkind Eney asked if anyone in the audience wished to address the Town Board and there was none. STAFF COMMENTS/ PRESENTATIONS 1. Assemblyman Otis regarding 1-95 Turnaround Location Our State Assemblyman, the Honorable Steven Otis, presented a brief history of the advocacy of the new 1-95 Turnaround. Mr. Otis thanked Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney, as well as the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Chiefs and Larchmont VAC Chief for their hard work advocating for the new 1-95 Turnaround. Mr. Otis pointed out that our First responders have to work 24/7. They would have trouble crossing three lanes quickly with a car let alone a rescue vehicle with traffic moving so quickly on I- 95. Mr. Otis credited the advocacy of the Chiefs and the Town Supervisor, in giving Senator Shelley Mayer and him the information and support that they needed, to work with the Thruway Authority, and to make the project both happen and be completed quickly. Mr. Otis also thanked Matt Driscoll at the Thruway Authority for stepping in and completing the project quicker. Tom Broderick, Chief of the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department, and John Pomponio, Chief of Larchmont VAC, both thanked Assemblyman Steven Otis and Senator Shelley Mayer (who could not attend) on behalf of their membership. They both noted the increased safety as a result of the new 1-95 Turnaround. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Call to Order Commissioner Elkind Eney called the Meeting to order, then on motion of Commissioner Fiddelman and seconded by Commissioner Katz the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open. Town Board January 18, 2023 Present were the following Members of the Commission: Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney Commissioner: Abby Katz Commissioner: Sabrina Fiddelman Commissioner: Jeffery L. King Commissioner: Robin Nichinsky There being no further business to come before the Fire Commission, on motion of Commissioner Nichinsky, Seconded by Commissioner Katz, the Commission unanimously adjourned, and the Town Board reconvened. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Extension to the SJY Management Agreement Moved by Councilwoman Nichinsky, seconded by Councilman King, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the extension to the SJY Management agreement through June 30, 2023, and authorizes the Town Administrator Meredith Robson to execute the agreement and any related documents necessary to carry out its implementation. Carried REPORTS OF MINUTES Report of Minutes from December 7, 2022 Moved by Councilwoman Fiddelman, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Board Minutes from the meeting of December 7, 2022. Carried REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL Councilwoman Nichinsky • Hoped that everyone enjoyed their Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Councilwoman Fiddelman • Attended the WMOA with Town Supervisor Elkind Eney and Councilwoman Katz and this month the speaker was Tremaine Wright Chairwoman of the Cannibis Control Board and former member of the New York State Assembly, who spoke about developments in the cannabis program including the opening of the first cannabis dispensary in New York City. Councilwoman Katz • Nothing to report. Councilman King • Recreation Announcements: At the Hommocks Ice Rink this Sunday, there will be a Character Skate from 11:30am until 4pm. On Sunday, 1/29, also from 11 :30am to 4pm, Town Board January 18, 2023 there will be a Winter Festival featuring raffles, a Character skate, and an inflatable snow globe. • If you are planning a birthday party, the Hommocks Rink is an ideal venue. TOWN CLERK'S REPORT TOWN ATTORNEY'S REPORT Nothing to report. ADJOURNMENT Town Supervisor Elkind Eney closed the meeting in honor of Lindsey Luft who has been the assistant to the Town Administrator for the past 4 years. The Town Supervisor stated that during Lindsey's time here, she has been the go-to person for so many of us in the Town— her capabilities and her positive can-do attitude have made her invaluable to the Town. Lindsey is leaving the Town for an incredible job opportunity in another community. While we will miss her terribly, we wish her all the best. Thank you, Lindsey. Moved by Councilman King, seconded by Councilwoman Fiddelman The Town Board entered into an Executive Session to discuss the potential sale or lease of property and to discuss the employment history of a particular person or persons. Carried Moved by Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Nichinsky The Town Board ended the Executive Session and closed the Town Board Meeting at 9:48pm. Carried NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING - February 1, 2023 Submitted by Allison May, Town Clerk Town Board January 18, 2023 Attachment A For Immediate Release: 1/10/2023 GOVERNOR KATHY HOCHUL GOVERNOR HOCHUL ANNOUNCES STATEWIDE STRATEGY TO ADDRESS NEW YORK'S HOUSING CRISIS AND BUILD 800,000 NEW HOMES New York Housing Compact Will Set Local Housing Targets, Include Local Participation to Achieve Housing Growth in Every Community Includes Proposals to Remove Obstacles to Approvals, Grow Development Opportunities in New York City, and Incentivize Construction Plan Will Also Strengthen Existing Housing Supply and Increase Support for New York Renters and Homeowners Governor Kathy Hochul today announced a statewide strategy to address New York's housing crisis, build 800,000 new homes over the next decade to meet the historic shortage, and support New York renters and homeowners as part of the 2023 State of the State. The New York Housing Compact, a comprehensive, multi-pronged strategy, includes local participation requirements and incentives to achieve housing growth in every community so that every part of the State is a partner in solving this urgent crisis. The plan will also require municipalities with MTA rail stations to locally rezone for higher density residential development. "New York faces a housing crisis that requires bold actions and an all-hands-on-deck approach," Governor Hochul said. "Every community in New York must do their part to encourage housing growth to move our State forward and keep our economy strong. The New York Housing Compact is a comprehensive plan to spur the changes needed to create more housing, meet rising demand, and make our state a more equitable, stable, and affordable place to live." New York State is currently facing a severe, once-in-a-generation housing crisis. According to the Population Reference Bureau more than half of New York renters are rent-burdened, meaning that they pay more than 30 percent of their income on rent - the second-highest rate in the nation. In the New York City metro area, rents have risen 30 percent since 2015 and home prices have risen 50 percent over the same period. Outside of New York City, rents have risen 40 to 60 percent since 2015 while home prices have risen 50 to 80 percent. The New York Housing Compact will call upon all levels of government to meet the ongoing crisis. Statewide Housing Targets The New York Housing Compact will require all cities, towns, and villages to achieve new home creation targets on a three-year cycle. Downstate municipalities served by Town Board January 18, 2023 Attachment (Cont'd) 4 the Metropolitan Transportation Authority where the housing need is most acute, including New York City, will have a three percent new homes target over three years. For municipalities in upstate counties, the new homes target will be one percent over three years. Under the Compact, localities will decide how to best meet their new home construction targets. From repurposing underutilized office parks and strip malls to offering new incentives towards multifamily buildings, localities can choose how to tailor their strategies to increase housing supply. To encourage the inclusion of affordable housing as part of the new growth, affordable units will be assigned extra weight in calculating localities' progress toward their goals. Localities that do not meet targets can achieve Safe Harbor status for one three-year cycle by implementing certain good faith actions- or"Preferred Actions" -that create zoning capacity to achieve the growth targets. Infrastructure and Plannina Funds The New York Housing Compact will make available a $250 million Infrastructure Fund and $20 million Planning Fund to support new housing production statewide. Municipalities may submit requests for planning funding to undertake either required Transit-Oriented Development rezonings or Preferred Actions to help them hit their growth targets. The plan will also create a new Housing Planning Office within New York State Homes and Community Renewal to provide municipalities with support and guidance. New Focus on Transit-Oriented Development The New York Housing Compact will require that localities with rail stations run by the MTA undertake a local rezoning or higher density multifamily development within half a mile of the station unless they already meet the density level. By expanding housing potential in these transit-oriented communities, more families will be able to enjoy improved access to jobs and thriving sustainable communities. Facilitate Housing Approval When Targets are Unmet After 3 years, in localities that do not meet growth targets or do not take steps to implement Preferred Actions, proposed housing developments that meet particular affordability criteria, but may not conform to existing zoning, may take advantage of a fast-track housing approval process if the locality denies the permit. The appeal can be made to a new State Housing Approval Board or through the courts. Appealed projects will be approved unless a locality can demonstrate a valid health or safety reason for denying the application. Municipalities that fall short of their targets can still take good faith Preferred Actions to spur development for another 3-year cycle in which the fast-track approval process will not apply. In municipalities where there is no market demand for new housing there will be no practical effect if localities fall short of their targets. Town Board January 18, 2023 Attachment (Cont'd) Remove Obstacles to Housing Approvals To expedite rezoning and development of new homes, specific relief from environmental review will be included in the New Homes Targets and Transit Oriented Development proposals. The State will continue to exercise crucial safeguards that prevent environmental harm and ensure that public health remains a top priority. Provide New York City with Vital Tools to Increase Housing Governor Hochul has put forth several housing proposals specific to New York City to address the outsized impact of the housing crisis in the five boroughs. The Governor will propose the reversal of an antiquated state law that restricts maximum density of residential floor area. This measure will allow New York City the ability to allow for denser residential development where City officials deem appropriate. Governor Hochul will also propose legislation to expand the universe of commercial buildings eligible for conversion to residential use and provide necessary regulatory relief, making an estimated additional 120 million square feet newly eligible for conversion. Additionally, Governor Hochul will propose granting the City of New York the authority to provide amnesty by local law for existing basement units that meet health and safety standards to be determined by the City. Critical Incentives to Build and Rehabilitate Housing Governor Hochul unveiled a series of new proposals to incentivize new housing construction and the rehabilitation of existing housing. This includes new property tax exemptions to encourage mixed income housing development near train stations and incentivize affordable housing in commercial buildings that are converted to residential use in New York City. This also includes updated property tax exemptions offered by local option to support homeowners that build Accessory Dwelling Units and for property owners who need support undertaking certain renovations in New York City. To support the development of mixed-income housing outside of New York City, Governor Hochul will direct New York State Homes and Community Renewal to make $5 million in State Low Income Housing Tax Credits available. Governor Hochul will also make necessary changes to ensure that localities where new housing developments utilize Payment in Lieu of Taxes agreements are not penalized in tax cap calculations. The Governor will work with the State Legislature to develop a successor for the 421-a property tax exemption program that expired last year to stimulate production of new rental housing in New York City. Strengthening New York's Existing Housing Supply The Governor announced additional proposals to increase the State's supply of safe, stable, comfortable housing for all New Yorkers. Town Board January 18, 2023 Attachment (Cont'd) Governor Hochul will propose legislation to create a program that builds on proven models to drastically reduce lead exposure risk in rental housing outside of New York City, targeting areas classified as "high-risk"for lead exposure based on incidence of childhood elevated blood lead levels. This will require multi-family rental units in such areas that were built prior to 1980 to undergo a lead risk assessment every three years - if lead hazards are found, the landlord will be required to remediate the housing unit. There will be grant funding for eligible landlords to help cover the cost of these assessments and the remediation of identified hazards. The Governor will also propose legislation that will update the existing law that enables local governments to take ownership of certain dangerous abandoned properties. This legislation will help localities reduce public health risks, improve property values for neighboring homeowners, increase property tax revenues, and create new housing opportunities. Support for Renters and Homeowners In addition to proposals to build new homes, Governor Hochul unveiled two new proposals to address the impacts of the housing crisis on current New York renters and homeowners. Governor Hochul will propose a targeted initiative, modeled on the Buffalo East Homeownership Assistance Program, to finance home repairs in communities statewide that have been identified as having high levels of low-income homeowners of color and homeowner distress. The Governor will also propose increased funding for the State's Tenant Protection Unit, enabling them to open an additional satellite office. The increased capabilities of the Unit will be of particular benefit to manufactured home park residents and will improve access to grants and loans available to municipalities for farmworker housing. Homes and Community Renewal Commissioner RuthAnne Visnauskas said, "New York's acute housing shortage impacts all communities both large and small, rural and urban. Governor Hochul's New York Housing Compact is a broad and far-reaching strategy to greatly increase housing production across the state in a way that benefits our climate, accommodates our growing workforce, and expands fair access to quality housing opportunities for all New Yorkers. These sweeping actions will ensure that our communities have the support they need to meet housing creation targets and implement smart growth strategies that will ultimately make our state an even better, more inclusive, and more affordable place to live." Governor Hochul's 2022 Housina Plan The New York Housing Compact complements the Governor's $25 billion comprehensive Housing Plan, announced in last year's State of the State address, to create or preserve 100,000 affordable homes across New York including 10,000 with support services for vulnerable populations, plus the electrification of an additional 50,000 homes.