HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989_09_20 Town Board Minutes 103 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD AND BOARD OF FIRE COMMIISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MANMARONECK, HELD ON THE 20TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1989 IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, NIl )NECK, NEW YORK CONVENE REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Battalia at 8:15 p.m. in the Court Room Present were the following members of the Board: Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Councilman Stephen C. Chapin Councilwoman Elaine Price Councilman John McGarr Also present were: Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Eric Zaidins, Counsel to the Town Richard Tortorella, Fire Chief William McDermott, 1st Deputy Fire Chief CALL TO ATTENTION Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the locations of exits as required by law for public gatherings. At this time Supervisor Battalia welcomed a group of Mamaroneck High School students attending the meeting as part of their study on community input and, she noted, within the past three years the Town has worked closely with the High School on internship programs, using the students in different departments and to produce reports in various areas. She then asked each of the students to stand and introduce him/herself. BOARD OF FIRE COMMIISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at 8:25 p.m. in the Court Roan. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia Commissioner Caroline Silverstone Commissioner Stephen C. Chapin Commissioner Elaine Price Commissioner John McGarr 104 September 20, 1989 i 1. Commissioner Chapin presented fire claims for authorization of payment and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it was unanimously III RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: All Power Equipment Co. $ 80.00 All Power Equipment Co. 15.00 Consolidated Uniform Service 36.23 Garfield-Wolar Electric Corp. 27.55 Garfield-Wolar Electric Corp. 16.88 Thomas Landau, M.D. 265.00- Mamaroneck Garage, Inc. 56.95 Multiplier Industries Corp. 54.00 NYNEX 9.00 Rad Oil Co., Inc. 124.56 Town of Mamaroneck Professional Fire Fighters Association 110.04 Tri-City Auto Parts 16.96 $812.17 There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion by Commissioner McGarr, seconded by Commissioner Price, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned at 8:33 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 16, 1989 were approved with additions and corrections made by Councilwoman Silverstone. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Appointments - Conservation Advisory Commission - Coastal Zone Management Commission The Supervisor announced that although Phyllis Wittner's tern of office had expired, both she and the Mayor Who together designate this position) had asked that she remain as Chairperson for another year and she agreed to accept that III appointment. The Supervisor then formalized the appointment of Phyllis Wittner as Chairperson of the Coastal Zone Management Commission. Councilwoman Silverstone noted that Conservation Advisory Commission is made up of three people from the Unincorporated Area, three from the Village of Larchmont and three from the Village of Mamaroneck. She stated that to fill the vacancy 2 i05 September 20, 1989 for the Village of Mamaroneck, Mayor Noto has recommended Herbert Calman and, she added, Mr. Calman has been attending the meetings as an observer for several months now. On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Herbert Calman of Seven Oaks Lane, Village of Mamaroneck, to fulfil the remaining term of Robert R mitor. 2. Resolution - E-911 The Administrator briefly explained the workings of the E-911 system and mentioned that it may be approximately two years before it would be complete. Councilwoman Silverstone stated that the County has been working on the question of introducing E-911 for well over two years and there have been many information meetings, several of which she had attended. She added that it has been an extremely complicated issue and all along the way there have been divided ideas as to one centalized place or a number of regional points, the other idea would be to remain pretty much with the system now in effect, with each police system answering their own calls. She stated further that for a long time she felt the Town should go with a regional system, and she still firmly believes that there are many good resons to go with the regional system, but she is concerned by the delay that has been going on for so long since she feels that E911 is so important. She noted that New Rochelle has had 911 for years and finds it very effective. She explained that with E-911 there is an additional factor in that when someone dials for help there is a lighted screen at the Police Station which will show the address of the person on the telephone. She concluded that because she believes it is so important to get this system established, she has decided to go along with what the County recommendation is at this time. Councilwoman Price explained that one of the basic differences, besides the obvious, between decentralized and centralized is that the centralized services would have emergency personnel responding to the phone call, rather than the local police as in a decentralized or regional system. In response to the Supervisor, The Administrator reported that the critical information the resolution must contain would include general support of the E-911 system, the liaison officer, whether the Town supports a centralized or decentralized system, and if decentralized, the Town must identify the primary Public Safety Access Point and the secondary Public Safety Access point within the Town. Councilwoman Price commented that although Councilwoman Silverstone's statements are valid, she is concerned that in many of the discussions that have taken place, there has been a lingering perception that decentralized is best at this time and that later it can be converted to a centralized system. 3 • 1OR September 20, 1989 She wondered if there were data showing the cost factors to regionalize or, in fact, centalize, and she questioned whether it made sense to look toward that goal now. The Administrator mentioned that Monroe County went to a centralized system two years ago and they have had to put on 140 dispatchers to institute a centralized system. He felt that given the way public safety responds, the Town would give up local control by centralizing. He emphasized that our public safety departments have a better understanding, all the information necessary and are better equipped to dispatch efficiently, and he questioned the efficiency of response in a centralized system. Both Councilman Chapin and Councilman McGarr supported Councilwoman Silverstone in wishing to retain the extra control of a decentralized system. Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, an E-911 system would provide rapid and reliable access for all those in distress, to the proper Public Safety service; and WHEREAS, the County Executive agrees that the County will assume initial cost of installation for the E-911 system; and WHEREAS, it is our understanding that the cost of operation will be absorbed through an annual telephone surcharge on each individual household; and WHEREAS, at this time, in order to facilitate the installation of E-911 service to our residents as quickly and efficiently as possible, we adopt the decentralized system of Public Safety Access Points; and WHEREAS, The Town of Mamaroneck will require one program and one secondary Public Safety Access Point; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Mamaroneck supports the installation of an E-911 system as described above for Westchester County; and believes that the process of embarking on E-911 is complex and the County should, therefore, engage a competent consultant to facilitate implementation and that the County will provide the municipality with information on cost analysis and availability of service and equipment. 4 107 . September 20, 1989 3. Renewal - Employee Assistance Plan Agreement Following explanation by the Administrator, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Administrator to enter into agreement with Westchester County re: Employee Assistance Program at a total cost of $1,725. 4. Set Public Hearing - Boston Post Road/Weaver Street Urban Renewal Area On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets October 25, 1989 as the date for a Public Hearing on the proposed Boston Post Road/ Weaver Street Urban Renewal Plan; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is authorized to publish in an official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck the Notice of said Hearing as required by law. 5. Set Public Hearing - Alternative Veterans Tax Exemption Following explanation by the Supervisor, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilwoman Price, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby sets November 15, 1989 as the date for a Public Hearing on the proposed Alternative Veterans Tax Exemption; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and she hereby is authorized to publish in an official newspaper of the Town of Mamaroneck, the Notice of said Hearing as required by law. 5 108 September 20, 1989 6. Authorization - Taylor's Lane Following an updated report by the Administrator and a somewhat lengthy discussion by the Board members, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Town Administrator to draft an Agreement with the Village of Mamaroneck stating that the Village is taking the appropriate measures for the cleanup of Taylor's Lane so that it may qualify as a compost site, will maintain the site as a leaf compost site and will adopt a resolution of intent by their Board to continue the use of Taylor's Lane as a leaf compost site, limited only by whatever limitations the DEC may place on them. 7. Authorization - Capital Project 89-5 Larchmont Motel On motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman McGarr, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this Board hereby authorizes the Town of Mamaroneck Comptroller/Director of Finance to set up Capital Project 89-5 for the purchase of the Larchmont Motel. 8. Item No. 9 (Report of Bid-50 Foot Aerial Tower Truck) was taken off the agenda. 9. Amendment - 1990 Budget Calendar The Administrator explained that because the Town Board will be rescheduling the October 18th Town Board meeting to October 25th, it is necessary for them to amend the budget calendar to reflect this change. On motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby amends the budget calendar so that the tentative budget will be submitted on Wednesday, October 25, 1989. 6 109 September 20, 1989 10. Update - Honii cks Ice Rink The Administrator reported that since the last update of repo upda September 6th, the roof for the pre-engineered building has been installed and the panels will be delivered on September 18th. He added that framing and new sheet rock has been installed, the area around the ice rink surface has received the bottom paving and the area within has been graded, with the first layers of sand installed. He went on to say that rink piping from the compressor to the surface has been installed, as well as 50% of the duct work, and utility service lines for water, gas and sewer. He concluded that electrical conduits for the scoreboard as well as other electrical services within the ice rink building have been installed. 11. Salary Authorization - Highway Department The Administrator noted that this hiring is a replacement of a laborer who has resigned. On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Kendall Wesley of the Ill Village of Mamaroneck, as a Laborer in the Highway Department at an annual salary of $18,200. PROCLAMATIONS - Constitution Week - September 17-23, 1989 - Bill of Rights Day - September 25, 1989 - Frederick F. Kellogg, Jr. Retirement The Supervisor announced that she had, as Supervisor, taken the liberty of issuing the the first two proclamations, and asked that the Board unanimously adopt the proclamation honoring Fred Kellogg on his retirement. Thereafter, on motion by Councilman McGarr, seconded by Councilwoman Price, the following proclamation was unanimously adopted: (see page 8) , (see also pages 9 and 10) . THE SUPERVISOR Supervisor Battelle announced that Councilwoman Price has been appointed by Congresswoman Lowy to a task force called the Lowy 1 Coastal Management Task Force and mentioned that she, herself, has been invited to present a paper on our CZM plan for rezoning the waterfront, including that of both Villages, at a national seminar in Washington this weekend. 7 I 10 September 20, 1989 PROCLAMATION ;_..i^ WHERE III '. �, FREDERICK F. KELLOGG, JR. has cIInsr2entzmtslg -!'; °!t` ant biligentlg serval the resibents of the Village of Carchmont anz3 town of Mamaroneck fur twentg-nine wars; anb .'. '.'; WHERE g, his bistinguishe>3 performance has inclu>je>3 ' serving in Carchmnnt as Village Engineer, .$uperintenbent of-Puhlic Marks, 5superintennent _ of Mater $upplg anb, I3uilhing Inspector art Sanitation uperirtterthent in the Carchmnnt/ Mamaroneck Sanitabto ;� ,Commission anb farmer town :Engineer,. flown of Afamaruneck; an.b 'i WHEREAS;: he is valueta as a torehuit4s. of knowlebge anb ' l historg, fix h uae Technical expertise; anj unfailln cour °esg an3 e h humor: NOM, 'THEREFORE, BE I?t R£ (DJv£A; 4 k-;;, l� . that bht inemhers of the town Ccur[ci1 wish to honurO oft 7,$g t S V'-=17e.A.W FREDERICK F. KELLOGG, JR, 0Xtcnt their beep appreciat t and .thi o him fur the:exemplarg service he has rent r`ib anb our vergihest wishes that he will �eztjui mang gears of retirement together with ,his,l r elg wife, 4 vy j. BE IT FURTHER [OREIRESOLV£P, that a cnpg of this resolution he spreai3 en the official recnrbs of the town of Mamaroneck aria ' ' a copg thereof he presentee to him. t ' l>3upt�eft hg the down Council of the down of Mamaroneck on the 20th bag of September 1989. all)/tA CZ ■ r� oifpo �u Supervisor, Aulures A. battalia Q! � �t �i� � tnwn of: lltamaruncrk k . -,z,„. -,-.---,,sohLerii.,,,v,,*- - h,r,�, s Air f s {a} 8 111 September 20, 1989 III PROCLAII1AtION 3l)H£R£A5, the Constitution of the United States, the guardian of our liberties, is a product of reflection and choice, embodying the principles of limited government in a Republic dedicated to rule ba law, not bg men; and WH£R£A$, $eptember 17, 1989 marks the two hundred second anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America ba the4Constinutional Convention; and MH£R£A$, it is fitting and lsrnperYrn accord official recognition to .this memorable anniversarg, and to the'patriutic exercises that will commemnrat. the occasion; and; f ' WH£R£A$, Pub1i `claw Nn. 915, guarantees;`;the issuing of a proclamation each gear li t the President of the`United $states of America designating September 17 through September,23 as µw44 COMZCUTZON WEEK y,ti NO3]), tH£R£FOR£, BE It RESOLVED, that Z, Dolores A. Battalia, Supervisor of the town of Mamaroneck An hereby prnclaim the week of September 17 through September 23 as Constitution Meek anal urge all citizens to pag special attention during this week to cur Federal Constitution and the advantage of American Citizenship. 7C\e p , "f ZN:. U)ZENE$$ WHEREOF, Z have hereuntn set mg `„ hann and caused the seal of the town of ,,, �' Mamaroneck to be affixed this 13th bag of '�ti� ,t a V i','. geptember 1989. k 0.,i, Zelezei �1A a n� '� ,. .. ., , ' �_' Dolores A. Battalia $u ervisnr ��lt, , ,;,,"},R: :,-4 _� town of Mamaroneck I 9 . 112 September 20, 1989 ■ - i. 1'RmCG111i1tZ(ON JUHEREA$, 1989 marks the tear in which New fork State and the nation begin the bicentennial commemoration of our feberal Bill of Rights, a hocument approve]) in New Jork Citi bt the First Feberal Congress on September 25, 1789; sent to the states for ratification bt PresiAent George Mashington on October 2, 1789; 1 an1 ratifieb an December 15, 1791; and , EREREIS, New gurk.State, umber the 1eabership of Governor George Clinton, haft been at the - forefront of the' nvement for a Bill of Rights, petitiunini;4 the,First Feieral Congress, evert before i ,-convenes, for a special corven1 ian te]braft a Bill of Rights; and' ` 7 .i` 4 its `":' , 'JDHEREAS, New gork;$bate plzgeA a sign ificant role in this,;ea`r1 `"struggle to protect intivibual rights, tin $�of the mast stirring chapters of our natianl's histart an) a struggle that can on � ' 1� alA appropriate tribute b� insurin e. � a g that all Americans continue to Work Cowart makings the promise of "liberty.7anu justice fora " a living reality for.all Americans; NOM, .QHEREF(ORE, BE It RESID ED, that I, Delores A. Battalia, Supervisor of the town of Mamaroneck An hereby proclaim September 25, 1989, as BILE OF RXGHES DAg D • in the town of Mamaroneck. 4^ � ' f • , y • -.J` IN W1tNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set W' '/,,e^ � § mm harm ann cause]) the seal of the town 4�'f a ,a °. i of Mamaroneck to bi. affixed this 20th .: ' ;-. �t.'• iY ita -ember 1989.., „„,,s,-,4e.m.*,0--. ` ' ,�, 11 r r. Dolores A. Battalia, Sup• visor *;+ I; RT6 . �• __-.down_ a Mamaroneck } V III 10 September 20, 1989 113 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no written or oral communications to one before the Board at this time. TOWN CLERK MONTHLY REPORTS The Town Clerk submitted the monthly report of the Town Clerk's Office for the month of August 1989. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL No Reports ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion by Councilwoman Price, seconded by Councilman McGarr, the meeting was unanimously declared adjourned into a Work Session on updating the Town Code and an Executive Session to discuss the sale and acquisition of real property and litigation at 9:45 p.m. Patricia A. DiCioccio Town Clerk 11