HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022_10_26 Traffic Committee Minutes • MINUTES
Traffic Committee Meeting
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Senior Center 7:00 PM
MEMBERS PRESENT: Doris Block, Chair
Camile Odierna, Committee Member
Matthew Wrzesniewsky, Committee Member
OTHERS PRESENT: Abby Katz, Councilwoman
Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Connie Green O'Donnell, Deputy Town Administrator
James Maher, Executive Lieutenant
Margaret C. Delohery, Secretary to Town Administrator
Thomas C. Baird, Barton and Loguidice
Peter J. Christiano, Barton and Loguidice
The Traffic Committee will convene in the Senior Center at 7:00 pm.
Staff Comments/Presentations
1. Barton and Loguidice
Mr. Christiano gave a brief background of the presentation. He then reviewed "traffic
calming", which is a method to slow down motorists of which there are many traffic
calming techniques. He described how to design roads to calm motorists and change
their behavior. Mr. Baird said that one solution will not cure all issues, and to cure an
issue, you may need to use several techniques. Mr. Christiano reviewed the toolkit
that the Town could implement. Mr. Baird also described grants that the Town could
apply for to pay for implementation.
Mr. Christiano and Mr. Baird then reviewed the different techniques more closely with
the Traffic Committee.
Town Speed Limit Reduction—Mr. Christiano reviewed the Town speed limit and its
background. He said that typically lowering the speed limit does help to improve
speeding in the area. Mr. Christiano commented on the state roads that fall within the
Town would not be readily available to lower the speed on the state roads, it would be
a lengthy process. Mr. Christiano said that an engineering study should be completed
when considering lowering the speed. He also commented that a pro of lower the
speed limit is that of increased pedestrian safety and a con would be the enforcement
cost and possible public outrage.
Pedestrian Accessibility and Safety—Mr. Christiano said that the Americans with
Disability Act (ADA) requires crossing and ramps to comply with ADA standards. Mr.
Baird commented that if Federal and State funds are used for a project, guidelines
must be stickily followed. Mr. Christiano described how to paint a crosswalk, so it is
more visible for motorists. Mr. Baird said there are many variables that go into
crosswalks and where you can place them. He said that the safest thing to do is
investigate the area and pay close attention to visibility. The Town has to look at
installing crosswalks from an engineering perspective.
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Traffic Committee
October 26, 2022
Intersection Control (STOP Signs and Traffic Signals)—Mr. Christiano reviewed the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) for Streets and Highways and
New York State Supplement to the MUTCD for Streets and Highways . He then
reviewed STOP signs, he said that the Town must have a reason for installing a
STOP sign. STOP signs cannot be used to slow down speeding. The default should
be the less restrictive technique to slow traffic. Mr. Baird suggested when a resident
asked for a STOP sign, the committee should flip back to this section and see if it can
either be approved and denied.
Parking - Mr. Christiano reviewed parking around the Town. He then discussed permit
and payment and parking.
Practice Summary—Mr. Christiano at Mr. Robert Wasp's suggestion, reviewed how
these techniques could be implemented, especially when a resident goes to the Town
with their concerns. He also described different markings that would make drivers
perceive that they are speeding, which would cause them to slow down. Mr. Baird
then discussed speed humps.
Mr. Christiano and Mr. Baird then took questions from the committee. Chair Block and
Mr. Christiano discussed the Town's speed limit. Councilwoman Katz and Mr.
Christiano reviewed the State legislation around petitioning. Ms. Odierna and Mr.
Christiano discussed the details around a raised sidewalk. Chair Block and Mr. Baird
talked about the relationship between STOP signs and crosswalks. Mr. Wrzesniewsky
and Mr. Baird discussed mid blocks and where to use them in the Town. Mr.
Christiano said drainage must be considered with curbing, as flooding may occur. Ms.
Odierna said that many residents have requested speed bumps. The committee
discussed the past practice of the speed humps and bumps. Mr. Christiano said there
are differences between the two. Mr. Baird, Mr. Christiano, and Chair Block discussed
which roads that would benefit from the speed hump/bumps installation. Mr.
Christiano said installing speed humps near schools and cut through roads does slow
traffic. Mr. Baird said the Town should compile data to see if the Town should commit
to installing the humps.
Councilwoman Katz and Mr. Baird talked about speed cameras. Councilwoman Katz
and Mr. Christiano discussed crossing lights and signs. Exec. Lt. Maher asked if
crosswalks must go to sidewalks. Mr. Christiano said no, accommodations should be
made for, but it is not necessary to have a crosswalk connect to a sidewalk. Ms.
Odierna and Mr. Christiano spoke about raised intersections. Exec. Lt. Maher and Mr.
Christiano spoke about mid-block crossings. Mr. Christiano said it may warrant a
STOP sign if the area is heavily trafficked. Ms. Robson commented on practices for
reviewing traffic review request forms. Mr. Christiano, Mr. Baird, and the Committee
discussed speed cameras. Councilwoman Katz, Mr. Baird, and Mr. Christiano
discussed residential parking permits and the state requirements. Councilwoman Katz
and Ms. Odierna discussed about how the training relates to the Comp Plan.
2. Meredith S. Robson, Town Administrator
Ms. Robson discussed the Traffic Committee agenda packets. She said after a review
form is submitted, an internal review would commence and then, if necessary, be
submitted to the Traffic Committee.
3. Exec. Lt. James Maher
Exec. Lt. Maher discussed past practice of the agenda packets. Exec. Lt. Maher said
when reviewing forms, objective data must be used in determining action. He
commented that when Police go to survey an area, people will automatically slow
down. He has puts up speed catchers help to gather data, to show a more
actualportal of the traffic in certain areas. Exec. Lt. Maher then described past
instances of when data helped to discern if a review form has accurately described
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Traffic Committee
October 26, 2022
Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting - November 30, 2022
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