HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013_12_18 Town Board Minutes December 18, 2013 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AND WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON DECEMBER 18,2013, BEGINNING AT S:OOPM IN CONFERENCE ROOM A AND CONTINUING AT 8:00 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner Councilman Ernest C.Odierna Councilwoman Abby Katz Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia,Town Clerk Stephen V.Altieri,Town Administrator William Maker,Jr.,Town Attorney CALL TO ORDER-WORK SESSION On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Work Session was unanimously opened at S:OOPM. Energy Service Contract The Town Board reviewed a memo prepared by Mr.Altieri dated December 12,2013,outlining the current status of the Energy Service Contracts (ESC), as well as a matrix to evaluate the proposals. The three proposals being evaluated are from Con Edison Solutions, Johnson Controls and Honeywell Systems. Supervisor Seligson emphasized that the benefits to the Town are two-fold, there is a guarantee of energy savings, and the Town works with only one contractor. Mr. Altieri added that the Street Lighting Project is the greatest savings.The Town Board reviewed the matrix in detail. 2014 Town Budget Supervisor Seligson stated that what is being presented for adoption this evening is a budget with a 2.9% tax levy and a 1.4% tax rate increase. Supervisor Seligson stated that as she had previously mentioned with the closing of the CAP Center, the Hispanic Resource Center(HRC) has taken over many of the CAP Center Programs and have therefore, incurred added expenses. The Town is being asked by the HRC to allocate the CAP Center funding to the HRC. Supervisor Seligson stated that the Town has reviewed the HRC financials and will pursue an agreement with them. With those in place Supervisor Seligson is recommending the former CAP Center funding in the amount of $15,000 be allocated to the HRC. Supervisor Seligson would like to reach out to the Village of Larchmont and Village of Mamaroneck and present the Town's 2014 Budget to them formally. Boards and Commissions On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, the Board unanimously agreed to enter into an Executive Session to discuss resumes of potential appointments to various Boards and Commissions,as well as potential Litigation. 1 December 18, 2013 EXECUTIVE SESSION Discussion of Appointments to Boards and Commissions Potential Litigation On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the Board unanimously agreed to resume the Worksession. LMC-TV Board of Control Update Councilman Odierna reported on the continued discussion by LMC-TV for a new site to consolidate their operations. The former Fire House on Mamaroneck Avenue is under consideration at a renovation cost estimate of $1.5 million. Currently LMC-TV has $1 million in surplus. The Town is being asked to consider helping to fund this project.The Board discussed needing additional information before a more serious discussion of funding could take place. The Board would also like to be more involved in the analysis of purchasing a building versus renting, as well as involvement in discussion of the current project proposal before they would consider funding. The Board asked Councilman Odierna to report this back to Mr. Lewis. Councilman Odierna will report back to the Town Board after the next LMC-TV Board of Control Meeting. Laserfiche Implementation The Town Board reviewed a memo prepared by Mr. Altieri dated December 13, 2013 with an attached consulting agreement from Rosalind Cimino. It is the recommendation of the Town Clerk and the Town Comptroller to hire a consultant to help with the Lasefiche upgrade implementation and the Laserfiche/ Municity interface. The Town Clerk reported that she and Mr. Siligato along with other Departments Heads have done site visits to other municipalities who are using the Laserfiche system and feel that in order to implement this properly a consultant is needed. The Town Clerk discussed the importance of setting up the structure of this system prior to installation and for proper training to take place within the Departments. If this is done correctly the implementation of the product will be much more successful. The consultant being recommended is currently an employee in the Town of Dover who, with the knowledge of the Town of Dover, is willing to work on this project outside of her normal workday. Ms. Cimino has worked extensively with Laserfiche and Municity and is running successful programs throughout the Town of Dover. CALL TO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at 8:00 PM, she then pointed out the location of the exits. Supervisor Seligson noted that the Town Board met for a worksession beginning at 5:00 o'clock this evening,adding this is an open meeting that all residents'are welcomed to attend. SUPERVISOR'S SUMMARY REPORT Supervisor's Report December 18,2013 2 December 18, 2013 Town Supervisor Nancy Seligson reported that the Town received notice that the Federal Monitor requested the County Executive to remove the Town from the list of 7 municipalities that had been determined to have exclusionary zoning. The Monitor lauded the Town for taking exemplary measures to increase the opportunities for fair and affordable housing in the Town. Those measures included the zoning amendment allowing multifamily and residential development in the business and service business districts in the Town and the adoption of a new Housing Ordinance. The Town Board and administrative staff have been working to put the finishing touches on the 2014 budget that will be passed tonight. The Town Administrator and Supervisor have been reviewing the proposals for the Energy Performance Contract. Three companies have submitted proposals in response to the Town's RFP to renovate and upgrade the Town Center, Ice Rink, Fire House and Street Lights. The Town Board reviewed the proposals in work session this evening. This will be a large project and borrowing for the Town for needed renovations to key infrastructure. The Supervisor reminded residents to register for their STAR exemption with the State. The Supervisor praised the Highway Dept.for their response to the recent snow storms.She explained that the Town brines the roads in advance of snow with a saline solution that helps prevent ice and snow from adhering to the roads. It also allows the Town to delay using salt. Snow storms on the weekends are expensive for the Town as the workers are paid overtime. The Sanitation Schedule for the week of Christmas and New Year's will change to accommodate recycling pick up. For the weeks of December 23(Christmas)and December 30(New Year's)there will be normal garbage pickup for Tuesday/Friday schedule. Garbage will be picked up Monday only for the Monday/Thursday schedule. Recycling will be picked up on both Thursdays for all residents. Unfortunately, the Town learned that the large grant applications for the State Consolidated Funding Application were not awarded. These included grant applications for supporting the renovations to the Town Center and Ice Rink as well as green infrastructure at the Town Center. On a positive note, a grant application to help green the Town codes was awarded to a group including the Town, three other municipalities and Pace Land Use Law Center. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone in the audience would like to address the Board,and there was not. PUBLIC DISCUSSION—Town of Mamaroneck Hazard Mitigation Plan Additionally Present: Dr.James Brower and Valerie Rifkin,of Environmental Technology Group Consultants(ETC) Supervisor Seligson explained that the Town is lucky to have received a grant to work with ETC,through the leadership of Mike Liverzani,to create a Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP).Supervisor Seligson further explained that FEMA funding for mitigation projects will no longer be available if municipalities do not adopt a HMP. Before the Town this evening is a Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan which is available for public review and will be presented for discussion by Dr. Bower and Ms. Rifkin.This will be the first of two public discussions/presentations. Ms. Rifkin and Dr. Bower gave an overview of the plan via a PowerPoint Presentation. Councilwoman Wittner submitted questions and comments along with her contact information to Dr. Bower. Mr. Liverzani stated that his email will be available for public comments which he will collate and distribute to the Committee.Councilman Odierna suggested a summary version of the Plan be available for distribution. PUBLIC HEARING-Amendment to the Surface Water and Erosion and Sediment Control Law 3 December 18, 2013 The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York,and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on December 4,2013 a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, December 18,2013 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible at the Town Center,740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider: "Amendment to the Surface Water and Erosion and Sediment Control Law of the Town of Mamaroneck" Law. Purpose: The purpose of this law is to conform the Town's Erosion Control law to the requirements of the State of New York while at the same time continuing,as the existing law does,to safeguard persons, protect property, prevent damage to the environment and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating and controlling the design,construction,use and maintenance of any development or other activity which disturbs or breaks the topsoil or results in the movement of earth on land situated in the Town of Mamaroneck. The full text of this Amendment is stated below and can also be examined and copies obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK CHRISTINA BATTALIA TOWN CLERK Published: December 10,2013 On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Public Hearing was unanimously opened. Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone wished to comment on the proposed Local Law. Supervisor Seligson stated that the Town was asked by New York State to include the latest reference documents to the existing Erosion and Sediment Control Law,adding that this is essentially an administrative Amendment. Mr. Maker added that the Town's Conservation Engineer has identified additional manuals that should be referenced within the Law as well,again noting the administrative nature of this Amendment. On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,the Public Hearing was unanimously closed. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilman Odierna,it was unanimously RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board finds that the adoption of the proposed "Amendment to the Surface Water and Erosion and Sediment Control Law of the Town of Mamaroneck" Law is hereby declared to be a Type II Action, with no impact under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA)and requiring no further action. On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Wittner,the following Local law was approved: Local Law No. 9-2013 4 December 18, 2013 This local law shall be known as the "Amendment to the Surface Water and Erosion and Sediment Control Law of the Town of Mamaroneck" Law. BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1—Purpose: The purpose of this law is to conform the Town's Erosion Control law to the requirements of the State of New York while at the same time continuing, as the existing law does, to safeguard persons, protect property, prevent damage to the environment and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating and controlling the design, construction, use and maintenance of any development or other activity which disturbs or breaks the topsoil or results in the movement of earth on land situated in the Town of Mamaroneck. Section 2—Amendment of a current chapter of the Mamaroneck Code: Chapter 95 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the following substituted in its place: Chapter 95 Erosion and Sediment Control Article I General Provisions §95-1.Title. This chapter shall be known as the "Surface Water and Erosion Control Law of the Town of Mamaroneck." §95-2.Statutory authority. This chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority of municipalities to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of their citizenry under New York State Municipal Home Rule Law § 10, New York Environmental Conservation Law Article 36, the Waterfront Revitalization and Coastal Resources Act of the State of New York, Article 42 of the Executive Law, and other applicable provisions of state and federal law. §95-3. Findings of Fact and Intent It is hereby determined that: A. Findings. (1) Land development activities and associated increases in site impervious cover often alter the hydrologic response of local watersheds and increase stormwater runoff rates and volumes,flooding,stream channel erosion,or sediment transport and deposition; (2) This stormwater runoff contributes to increased quantities of water-borne pollutants, including siltation of aquatic habitat for fish and other desirable species; (3) Clearing and grading during construction tends to increase soil erosion and add to the loss of native vegetation necessary for terrestrial and aquatic habitat; (4) Improper design and construction of stormwater management practices can increase the velocity of stormwater runoff thereby increasing stream bank erosion and sedimentation; (5) Impervious surfaces allow less water to percolate into the soil, thereby decreasing groundwater recharge and stream base flow, (6) Substantial economic losses can result from these adverse impacts on the waters of the municipality; (7) Stormwater runoff, soil erosion and nonpoint source pollution can be controlled and minimized through the regulation of stormwater runoff from land development activities; (8) The regulation of stormwater runoff discharges from land development activities in order to control and minimize increases in stormwater runoff rates and volumes, soil erosion, stream channel erosion, and nonpoint source pollution associated with stormwater runoff is in the public interest and will minimize threats to public health and safety; and 5 December 18, 2013 (9) Regulation of land development activities by means of performance standards governing stormwater management and site design will produce development compatible with the natural functions of a particular site or an entire watershed and thereby mitigate the adverse effects of erosion and sedimentation from development. B. Intent. It is the intent of these regulations to control and regulate land-disturbing activities to assure that best management practices are used which minimize water pollution, retain valuable topsoil and vegetation and prevent flooding,erosion and sedimentation. §95-4. Purpose The Town of Mamaroneck declares that the purpose of this chapter is to safeguard persons, protect property, prevent damage to the environment and promote the public welfare by guiding, regulating and controlling the design, construction, use and maintenance of any development or other activity which disturbs or breaks the topsoil or results in the movement of earth on land situated in the Town of Mamaroneck. This local law seeks to meet those purposes by achieving the following objectives: A. Meet the requirements of minimum measures 4 and 5 of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Systems (MS4s), Permit no. GP-0-10-002 or as amended or revised; B. Require land development activities to conform to the substantive requirements of the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities GP-0-10-001 or; C. Minimize increases in stormwater runoff from land development activities in order to reduce flooding, siltation, increases in stream temperature, and stream bank erosion and maintain the integrity of stream channels; D. Minimize increases in pollution caused by stormwater runoff from land development activities which would otherwise degrade local water quality; E. Minimize the total annual volume of stormwater runoff which flows from any specific site during and following development to the maximum extent practicable; and F. Reduce stormwater runoff rates and volumes, soil erosion and nonpoint source pollution, wherever possible, through stormwater management practices and to ensure that these management practices are properly maintained and eliminate threats to public safety. §95-5.Applicability A. Article II of this law shall apply to minor land development activities. B. Article III of this law shall apply to major land development activities. C. Articles I and IV shall apply to all land development activities. D. The municipality shall designate a Stormwater Management Officer who shall accept and review all stormwater pollution prevention plans and forward such plans to the applicable municipal board. The Stormwater Management Officer may(1) review the plans, (2) upon approval by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, engage the services of a registered professional engineer to review the plans, specifications and related documents at a cost not to exceed a fee schedule established by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, or (3) accept the certification of a licensed professional that the plans conform to the requirements of this law. §95-6. Exemptions The following activities are exempt from review under this law. A. Existing nursery and agricultural operations conducted as a permitted use. B. Home gardening, landscaping and routine lawn and landscaping maintenance activities of existing cultivated areas. C. Repairs to any stormwater management practice or facility deemed necessary by the Stormwater Management Officer. D. Any part of a subdivision if a plat for the subdivision has been approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Mamaroneck on or before the effective date of this law. E. Land development activities for which a building permit, erosion and sediment control permit or wetlands and watercourses permit has been approved on or before the effective date of this law. 6 December 18, 2013 F. Cemetery graves. G. Installation of fences, signs, pilings, telephone, and electric poles and other kinds of posts or poles. H. Emergency activity immediately necessary to protect life, property or natural resources. I. Alteration of the interior of a building and alteration of the exterior of a building, provided that such exterior alteration does not increase coverage by the building or pavement or the alteration does not involve the demolition of a part or all of the exterior of an existing building. J. Any deck without an impervious cover above,on or below the surface of the deck. K. Any land development activity which is neither a major land development activity nor a minor land development activity provided that the existing flow of surface water at the property lines is not altered. §95-7. Definitions and Word Usage A. Use of words. Words used in the present tense include the future; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular; the word "lot" includes the word "plot;" the word "building" includes the word "structure." B. Definitions.Certain words in this chapter are defined for the purpose thereof as follows: ADJOINING PROPERTY - Any property facing a work site across any street or highway shall be deemed "adjoining property," as well as any property contiguous on any side. APPLICANT- A property owner or agent of a property owner who has filed an application for a land development activity. APPLICANT'S EXPERTS - A New York State licensed professional engineer or a New York State licensed landscape architect engaged by the applicant to prepare the Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. BASE FLOOD-The one-hundred-year-frequency storm. BUILDING -Any structure, either temporary or permanent, having walls and a roof, designed for the shelter of any person,animal,or property,and occupying more than 100 square feet of area. CLEARING-Any activity that removes the vegetative surface cover. DEDICATION-The deliberate appropriation of property by its owner for general public use. DESIGN MANUALS- For the purpose of this local law,the following documents shall serve as the official guides and specifications for stormwater management. Stormwater management practices that are designed and constructed in accordance with these technical documents shall be presumed to meet the standards imposed by this law: 1.The New York State Stormwater Management Design Manual (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, most current version or its successor, hereafter referred to as the Design Manual). 2. New York Standards and Specifications for Erosion and Sediment Control, (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 2005 , most current version or its successor, hereafter referred to as the Erosion Control Manual). DEVELOPER-A person who undertakes land development activities. DEVELOPMENT-Any human-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to construction of buildings or other structures and mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving,excavation,drilling or blasting. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES (ESCD)- Measures, either structural or nonstructural, that are determined to be the most effective, practical means of preventing erosion and controlling sediment consistent with best management practices identified in the design manuals, including but not limited to silt fencing, hay bales, temporary seeding or mulching,check dams and inlet protection. 7 December 18, 2013 GRADING-Excavation or fill of material,including the resulting conditions thereof. IMPERVIOUS COVER-Those surfaces, improvements and structures greater than 100 square feet in size, whether natural or manmade, that cannot effectively infiltrate rainfall, snow melt and water (including but not limited to: bedrock, stone, building rooftops, pavement, sidewalks, driveways, patios and terraces). MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT - A legally recorded document that acts as a property deed restriction,and which provides for long-term maintenance of stormwater management practices. MAJOR LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY - Any construction activity that (A) results in land disturbance equal to or greater than one acre or (B) disturbs less than one acre but is part of a larger common plan of development of one or more parcels, even though multiple separate and distinct land development activities may take place at different times on different schedules if the total land disturbance is equal to or is greater than one acre. For the purpose of this definition, construction activity includes but is not limited to clearing, grading, excavating, soil disturbance or placement of fill. MINOR LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY - Any construction activity that (A) results in land disturbance of more than 100 square feet but less than one acre or(B) creates impervious cover of more than 100 square feet but less than one acre or(C) may alter the flow of surface water at the property line even if such disturbance or fill covers less than 100 square feet. For the purpose of this definition, construction activity includes but is not limited to clearing,grading, excavating, soil disturbance or placement of fill. NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION - Pollution from any source other than from any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyances, and shall include, but not be limited to, pollutants from construction,subsurface disposal and urban runoff sources. PERMIT - Any permits, grants or licenses issued by the Town of Mamaroneck, including but not limited to building,grading, demolition, clearing and excavation permits and subdivision and site plan approvals. PERSON - Includes any individual or group of individuals, corporation, partnership, association or any other entity, including state and local governments and agencies, authorities or other political subdivisions thereof. PHASING-Clearing a parcel of land in distinct pieces or parts,with the stabilization of each piece completed before the clearing of the next. PLAN- Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or Site Plan. POLLUTANT OF CONCERN - Sediment or a water quality measurement that addresses sediment (such as total suspended solids, turbidity or siltation) and any other pollutant that has been identified as a cause of impairment of any water body that will receive a discharge from the land development activity. PROJECT- Land development activity. RECHARGE-The replenishment of underground water reserves. SOIL STABILIZATION - Measures which protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact, flowing water and high wind. Applicable practices include vegetative establishment, mulching, covering and the early application of gravel base on areas to be paved. SPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR DISCHARGES FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (GP-0-10-001 as amended or revised)-A permit under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) issued to developers of construction activities to regulate disturbance of one or more acres of land. 8 December 18, 2013 SPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORMWATER SEWER SYSTEMS (GP-0-10-002 as amended or revised)- A permit under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) issued to municipalities to regulate discharges from municipal separate storm sewers for compliance with EPA established water quality standards and/or to specify stormwater control standards. STEEP SLOPES - Ground areas where the grade changes by one or more feet of vertical rise for each four feet of horizontal distance. STOP WORK ORDER - An order issued which requires that all construction activity on a site be stopped. STORMWATER-Rainwater,surface runoff,snowmelt or drainage. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT - The use of structural or non-structural practices that are designed to reduce stormwater runoff and mitigate its adverse impacts on property, natural resources and the environment. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY - One or a series of stormwater management practices installed,stabilized and operating for a particular project. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT OFFICER - The Director of Building Code Enforcement and Land Use Administration or his(her) designee. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (SMPs) - Measures, either structural or nonstructural, that are determined to be the most effective, practical means of preventing flood damage and preventing or reducing point source or nonpoint source pollution inputs to stormwater runoff and water bodies, including but not limited to drainage pipes, ditches, culverts, water-retention and detention areas and structures,swales,slopes and other conduits and reservoirs. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PERMIT-A permit issued for a major land development activity. STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) - A plan submitted as part of the application for a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit that shows how stormwater runoff and pollutants from a site during and after construction activities will be controlled. STORMWATER RUNOFF-Flow on the surface of the ground, resulting from precipitation. SURFACE WATER AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN - A drawing prepared by a New York State licensed professional engineer, a registered architect or a New York State licensed landscape architect submitted as a part of the application for a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit showing the methods, techniques and improvements, both during and after construction, that will be employed to control surface water runoff and to control erosion and sedimentation. Such plan shall utilize the design manuals, contain all surface water control calculations, reduce erosion potential, assure the adequacy of existing and proposed culverts and bridges, increase water recharge into the ground, decrease nonpoint source pollution and water quality degradation, maintain stream channels for their biological functions as well as for drainage through reduced streambank erosion and maximize preservation and protection of stream corridors,floodplains and wetlands. SURFACE WATER AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT - A permit issued for a minor land development activity. SURFACE WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK - Lakes, bays, sounds, ponds, impounding reservoirs, springs, wells, rivers, streams, creeks, estuaries, marshes, inlets, canals, the Atlantic ocean within the territorial seas of the state of New York and all other bodies of surface water, natural or artificial, inland or coastal,fresh or salt, public or private (except those private waters that do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground waters), which are wholly or partially within or bordering the state or within its jurisdiction. 9 December 18, 2013 Storm sewers and waste treatment systems, including treatment ponds or lagoons which also meet the criteria of this definition are not waters of the state. This exclusion applies only to manmade bodies of water which neither were originally created in waters of the state (such as a disposal area in wetlands) nor resulted from impoundment of waters of the state. WATERCOURSE - A permanent or intermittent stream or other body of water, either natural or man-made,which gathers or carries surface water. Article II Minor Land Development Activities §95-8. Permit required. No person shall commence or carry out any minor land development activity in the Town of Mamaroneck without first obtaining a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit from the Building Department and all other necessary municipal permits. §95-9.Application for Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit;waiver. A. An application for a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit shall be made on forms provided by the Stormwater Management Officer. If the application is determined by the Stormwater Management Officer to be in accord with this chapter and if the application is accompanied by the appropriate fees,the Building Department shall issue the permit. B. Each application shall include a Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan and a certification by the Applicant's expert that the minor land development activity shall be done in accordance with the approved plans. C. Any modification of a plan shall be submitted to the Stormwater Management Officer and shall be processed and approved or disapproved, in the same manner as the original plan. Modifications of a minor nature may be authorized by the Stormwater Management Officer without the submission of modified plans. D. The Stormwater Management Officer may waive the requirement for the issuance of the Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit when there is an application for a Flood Plain Development Permit, a Wetlands and Watercourses Permit, Subdivision Approval, Site Plan Approval or a Building Permit. E. By accepting the permit, the applicant agrees to allow the Town to enter upon the property to inspect the work and to perform remedial measures when authorized by this chapter to do so. §95-10. Contents of Surface Water and Erosion Control Plans. The following information shall be shown on a Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan unless otherwise noted: A. The name of the development or identifying title. The name, address and telephone number of the owner and/or developer of the site and the consulting firm retained by the applicant for preparation of the plan. If the applicant is a corporation, it must list the name, home address and telephone number of at least two officers of the applicant. A phone number for an emergency contact must also be provided. B. The plan shall show the date of its preparation and all revision dates, the approximate true North point and the scale which shall be no greater than one inch equals 50 feet. C. The proposed site layout shall include: (1) the boundary line and acreage for the site (2) existing zoning (3) a vicinity map that includes state and local wetlands. (4) the location of existing buildings, structures, utilities, water bodies, floodplains, drainage facilities, vegetative cover, paved areas, watershed divides and other significant natural or man-made features on the site and land within 250 feet of the boundary. (5) a schematic layout of the stormwater management practices proposed to control surface water runoff both during and after construction. (6) a schematic layout of the proposed erosion and sediment control devices. (7) existing and proposed contours of the site and adjacent land within approximately 250 feet of the boundaries, drawn at no greater than two-foot contour intervals with critical spot elevations. (8) surface water control calculations using methods defined in "Technical Release-55", "Technical Release-20", the Rational Method, or other method approved by the Stormwater 10 December 18, 2013 Management Officer, unless superseded by a comprehensive local watershed and/or stormwater model and plan. (9) base flood elevation data using the most current National Geodetic Vertical Datum. (10) construction schedule showing the sequencing of the installation of the required stormwater management practices, erosion and sediment control devices and other site construction activities, which shall be supplemented as directed by the Stormwater Management Officer to show required inspections. (11) signature block language, including the seal of a New York State licensed professional engineer, registered architect, or a New York State licensed landscape architect. (12) the location of existing trees, including drip-lines, grassy areas and unique vegetation and detailed methods of tree protection. (13) identification and boundaries of the different soil types existing on the site. (14) the dividing lines and direction of flow for different drainage areas. (15) areas with potentially significant erosion problems. (16) areas which are to be cleared and graded or used for storage. (17) detailed drawings that explain and illustrate any structural practices used that are not referenced to the Design Manuals. D. In addition to complying with the requirements of A, B and C, a Minor Land Development Activity meeting Condition One below (other than for the construction of a one or two family house) shall also include water quality and water quantity controls (post-construction stormwater runoff controls)as set forth in §95-10E Condition One: disturbance of an area greater than 5,000 square feet but less than one acre or creating impervious surface area of 1,000 or more square feet, but less than one acre. E. Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan for Condition One: (1) Description of each post-construction stormwater management practice; (2) Site map/construction drawing(s) showing the specific location(s) and size(s) of each post-construction stormwater management practice; (3) Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for all structural components of the stormwater management system for the applicable design storms; (4) Comparison of post-development stormwater runoff conditions with pre-development conditions; (5) Dimensions, material specifications and installation details for each post-construction stormwater management practice; (6) Maintenance schedule to ensure continuous and effective operation of each post- construction stormwater management practice; (7) Maintenance easements to ensure access to all stormwater management practices at the site for the purpose of inspection and repair, and such easements shall be recorded on the plan and shall remain in effect with transfer of title to the property; and (8) Inspection and maintenance agreement binding on all subsequent landowners served by the on-site stormwater management measures in accordance with §95-15. §95-11.Approval of Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit. A. The Stormwater Management Officer shall approve the issuance of a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit or authorize the release of a performance bond or authorize the issuance of a building permit or certificate of occupancy only if the following requirements are satisfied: (1) Except in situations described in §95-17B, there is a Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan which demonstrates that the rate of stormwater runoff will not increase. Stormwater calculations certified by a NYS licensed Professional Engineer, Landscape Architect or Registered Architect shall be submitted demonstrating that stormwater management practices are designed to detain a twenty-five year storm using those methods contained in the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) publication, "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds,Technical Release-55." (2) Stormwater management practices shall be designed using a Type III, twenty-four (24) hour rainfall distribution. (3) Detention facility maximum discharge rates shall not exceed pre-construction conditions for the 25-, 10-,5-and 2-year storms. (4) The natural drainage features of the site, including natural drainageways and permanent and periodic ponding areas, shall be preserved, except for those reasonable alterations deemed necessary by the Stormwater Management Officer to allow for the development of the site in 11 December 18, 2013 accordance with the provisions of Chapter 106, Fire Prevention and Building Construction, Chapter 110, Flood Damage Prevention and Chapter 240,Zoning. (5) Stormwater management practices shall be constructed so as not to discharge waters onto adjoining property or public ways in such a manner as to impair the permitted use or development of those properties or be detrimental to public safety. (6) Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Devices and Stormwater Management Practices such as those identified in the Design Manuals, adequate to protect adjacent property, shall be installed at the commencement of the minor land development activity. (7) Properties adjacent to the site of land disturbance shall be protected from sediment deposition at all times. (8) Until a disturbed area is stabilized, sediment in the runoff water shall be trapped onsite utilizing debris basins, sediment basins, silt traps or similar measures described in the Design Manuals. (9) All stormdrain inlets operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment-laden water will not enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treated to remove sediment. (10) Natural vegetation and trees shall be retained and protected wherever possible. The applicant shall be guided by the Design Manuals and the Town Tree Preservation Commission. (11) Temporary vegetation and/or mulching shall be used to protect exposed land areas during construction. The applicant shall restore vegetative cover in disturbed areas as directed by the Stormwater Management Officer. (12) Permanent or temporary soil stabilization must be applied to denuded areas within two days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Soil stabilization must also be applied to denuded areas which may not be at final grade but may remain dormant(undisturbed)for longer than two weeks. (13) Permanent vegetation shall not be considered established until a ground cover is achieved which, in the opinion of the Stormwater Management Officer, is mature enough to survive severe weather conditions. Disturbed soils shall be stabilized as soon as possible and properties adjacent to the site of land disturbance shall be protected from sediment deposition. (14) Adequate barriers to prevent erosion and siltation shall be applied at the end of each day. (15) Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment on-site must be constructed as a first step in grading and must be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place. Earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions must be seeded and mulched within two days of installation and prior to any first step in the disturbance of upslope land,whichever comes first. (16) All on-site stormwater conveyance channels shall be designed and constructed to withstand the expected velocity of flow from a ten-year frequency storm without erosion or failure. Outlets of all pipes and paved channels must be stabilized to prevent erosion. (17) Clearing or grading shall generally not occur on slopes in excess of 25%. Development shall preserve salient natural features, keep cut-and-fill operations to a minimum and ensure conformity with topography so as to create the least potential for erosion. (18) In the design of cut-and-fill slopes, consideration must be given to the length and steepness of the slope, the soil type, upslope drainage area, groundwater conditions and other applicable factors. Slopes which are found to be eroding excessively must be provided with additional measures until the problem is corrected. (19) Provisions shall be made to prevent surface water from damaging the cut face of excavations or the sloping surfaces of fills. (20) All fills shall be compacted to provide stability of material and to prevent undesirable settlement in accordance with the Design Manuals. (21) Fills shall not encroach on watercourses, channels, areas designated as wetlands or wetland buffers under Ch. 114, Wetlands and Watercourses, State or Federal Freshwater or Tidal Wetlands , or areas designated as critical environmental areas and/or significant fish and wildlife habitat under Ch. 92, Environmental Quality Review, unless undertaken under an appropriate permit issued under such regulations. (22) Appropriate measures for dust control shall be exercised in accordance with the Design Manuals. (23) Where no acceptable paved access exists for construction vehicles to enter the site, a stabilized construction entrance shall be created and shall be shown on the plans filed with the Stormwater Management Officer. (24) All temporary erosion and sediment control devices shall be disposed of within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the Stormwater Management Officer.Trapped sediment and other disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with pertinent regulations or permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. 12 December 18, 2013 (25) Road surfaces must be swept and kept free of sediment as needed. At the end of the project, catch basins, storm sewers and road surfaces must be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer and the Stormwater Management Officer. B. A copy of the approved Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan shall be on file in the Building and Engineering Department and shall be maintained on-site at all times for the duration of the project and shall be made available to the Stormwater Management Officer. Article III Major Land Development Activities §95-12.—Permit Required No person shall commence or carry out any major land development activity in the Town of Mamaroneck without first obtaining a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit from the Building Department and all other necessary municipal permits. §95-13.—Application for a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit A. An application for a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit shall be made on forms provided by the Stormwater Management Officer. B. Each application shall include a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and a certification by the Applicant's expert that the major land development activity shall be done in accordance with the approved plan. The Stormwater Management Officer shall review all Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and forward such plans to the applicable municipal board. C. All major land development activities subject to review and approval by the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board, Board of Appeals or Town Board shall be reviewed in accordance with the standards contained in this article. D. All major land development activities not subject to review by either the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board, Board of Appeals or Town Board shall be reviewed by the Stormwater Management Officer who shall approve the application if it complies with the requirements of this article. E. Any modification of a plan shall be submitted to the Stormwater Management Officer and shall be processed and approved or disapproved, in the same manner as the original plan. Modifications of a minor nature may be authorized by the Stormwater Management Officer without the submission of modified plans. F. By accepting the permit the applicant agrees to allow the Town to enter upon the property to inspect the work and to perform remedial measures when authorized by this chapter to do so. §95-14. Contents of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans. The following information shall be shown on a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan unless otherwise noted: A. All of the items listed in §95-10 and all of the items required in order to obtain coverage under the SPDES General Permit for Construction Activities GP-0-10-001 In addition, SWPPPs shall provide the following background information and erosion and sediment controls: (1) Background information about the scope of the project, including location, type and size of the project; (2) Site map/construction drawing(s) for the project, including a general location map. At a minimum, the site map should show: the total site area; all improvements; areas of disturbance; areas that will not be disturbed; existing vegetation; on-site and adjacent off- site surface water(s); wetlands and drainage patterns that could be affected by the construction activity; existing and final slopes; locations of off-site material, waste, borrow or equipment storage areas; and location(s)of the stormwater discharges(s); (3) Description of the soil(s) present at the site; (4) Construction phasing plan describing the intended sequence of construction activities, including clearing and grubbing, excavation and grading, utility and infrastructure installation and any other activity at the site that results in soil disturbance. Consistent with the Erosion Control Manual , not more than five acres shall be disturbed at any one time unless pursuant to an approved SWPPP; (5) Description of the pollution prevention measures that will be used to control litter, construction chemicals and construction debris from becoming a pollutant source in stormwater runoff, (6) Description of construction and waste materials expected to be stored on-site with updates as appropriate, and a description of controls to reduce pollutants from these materials, 13 December 18, 2013 including storage practices to minimize exposure of the materials to stormwater, and spill prevention and response; (7) Temporary and permanent structural and vegetative measures to be used for soil stabilization, runoff control and sediment control for each stage of the project from initial land clearing and grubbing to project close-out; (8) A site map/construction drawing(s) specifying the location(s), size(s) and length(s) of each erosion and sediment control practice; (9) Dimensions, material specifications and installation details for all erosion and sediment control practices,including the siting and sizing of any temporary sediment basins; (10) Temporary practices that will be converted to permanent control measures; (11) Implementation schedule for staging temporary erosion and sediment control practices, including the timing of initial placement and duration that each practice should remain in place; (12) Maintenance schedule to ensure continuous and effective operation of the erosion and sediment control practice; (13) Name(s)of the receiving water(s); (14) Delineation of SWPPP implementation responsibilities for each part of the site; (15) Description of structural practices designed to divert flows from exposed soils, store flows, or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site to the degree attainable; and (16) Any existing data that describes the stormwater runoff at the site. B. A major land development activity meeting Condition A below shall also include water quantity and water quality controls (post-construction stormwater runoff controls) as set forth in §95- 14C: Condition A: stormwater runoff discharging a pollutant of concern to either an impaired water identified on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation's 303(d) list of impaired waters or a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) designated watershed for which pollutants in stormwater have been identified as a source of the impairment. C. SWPPP requirements for Condition A: (1) Description of each post-construction stormwater management practice; (2) Site map/construction drawing(s) showing the specific location(s) and size(s) of each post-construction stormwater management practice; (3) Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for all structural components of the stormwater management system for the applicable design storms; (4) Comparison of post-development stormwater runoff conditions with pre- development conditions; (5) Dimensions, material specifications and installation details for each post- construction stormwater management practice; (6) Maintenance schedule to ensure continuous and effective operation of each post- construction stormwater management practice; (7) Maintenance easements to ensure access to all stormwater management practices at the site for the purpose of inspection and repair, and such easements shall be recorded on the plan and shall remain in effect with transfer of title to the property; and (8) Inspection and maintenance agreement binding on all subsequent landowners served by the on-site stormwater management measures in accordance with §95-15. D. Plan certification.The SWPPP shall be prepared by the applicant's expert and must be signed by the professional preparing the plan, who shall certify that the design of all stormwater management practices meets the requirements in this article. E. Other environmental permits.The applicant shall assure that all other applicable environmental permits have been or will be acquired for the major land development activity. F. Contractor certification. (1) Each contractor and subcontractor who will be involved in soil disturbance and/or stormwater management practice installation shall sign and date a copy of the following certification statement before undertaking any major land development activity: "I certify under penalty of law that I understand and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. I also understand that it is unlawful for any person to cause or contribute to a violation of water quality standards." (2) The certification must include: the name and title of the person providing the signature, address and telephone number of the contracting firm; the address (or other identifying description)of the site; and the date the certification is made. 14 December 18, 2013 (3) The certification statement(s) shall become part of the SWPPP for the major land development activity. G. Retention of SWPPP on-site. A copy of the SWPPP shall be retained at the site of the major land development activity during construction and made available to the Town and NYSDEC from the date of initiation of construction activities to the date of final stabilization. §95-15. Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Stormwater Facilities A. Maintenance during construction. (1) The applicant or developer of the major land development activity shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the applicant or developer to achieve compliance with the conditions of this article. Sediment shall be removed from sediment traps or sediment ponds whenever their design capacity has been reduced by 50%. (2) The applicant shall have a qualified professional conduct site inspections and document the effectiveness of all erosion and sediment control practices every 7 days and within 24 hours of any storm event producing 0.5 inches of precipitation or more. The professional's reports shall be delivered to the Stormwater Management Officer, copied to the site log book and must be kept on site and made available to NYSDEC and the Town. B. As-built plans.All applicants are required to submit"as built" plans for any stormwater management practices located on-site after final construction is completed. The plan must show the final design specifications for all stormwater management facilities and must be certified by a professional engineer. C. Maintenance easements. Prior to the issuance of any approval that has a stormwater management facility as one of the requirements, the applicant or developer must execute a maintenance easement agreement that shall be binding on all subsequent landowners served by the stormwater management facility.The easement shall provide for access to the facility at reasonable times for periodic inspection by the Town of Mamaroneck to ensure that the facility is maintained in proper working condition to meet design standards and any other provisions established by this article.The easement shall be recorded by the grantor in the office of the County Clerk after approval by the counsel for the Town of Mamaroneck. D. Maintenance after construction. The owner or operator of permanent stormwater management practices installed in accordance with this article shall operate and maintain the stormwater management practices to achieve the goals of this article. Proper operation and maintenance also includes,at a minimum,the following: (1) A preventive/corrective maintenance program for all critical facilities and systems of treatment and control (or related appurtenances) which are installed or used by the owner or operator to achieve the goals of this article; (2) Written procedures for operation and maintenance and training new maintenance personnel; and (3) Discharges from the SMPs shall not exceed design criteria or cause or contribute to water quality standard violations in accordance with §95-16C. E. Inspection of Stormwater Facilities After Project Completion. Inspection programs shall be established by the Stormwater Management Officer on any reasonable basis, including but not limited to: routine inspections; random inspections; inspections based upon complaints or other notice of possible violations; inspection of drainage basins or areas identified as higher than typical sources of sediment or other contaminants or pollutants; inspections of businesses or industries of a type associated with higher than usual discharges of contaminants or pollutants or with discharges of a type which are more likely than the typical discharge to cause violations of state or federal water or sediment quality standards or the SPDES stormwater permit; and joint inspections with other agencies inspecting under environmental or safety laws. Inspections may include, but are not limited to: reviewing maintenance and repair records; sampling discharges, surface water, groundwater, and material or water in drainage control facilities; and evaluating the condition of drainage control facilities and other stormwater management practices. 15 December 18, 2013 Article IV Provisions applicable to both Minor and Major Land Development Activities §95-16. Performance and Design Criteria A. All land development activities shall be subject to the performance and design criteria set forth in this section. B. Technical standards. For the purpose of this article, the following documents shall serve as the official guides and specifications for stormwater management. Stormwater management practices that are designed and constructed in accordance with these technical documents shall be presumed to meet the standards imposed by this article: (1) The Design Manual. (2) The Erosion Control Manual. C. Water quality standards. No land development activity shall cause an increase in turbidity that will result in substantial visible contrast to natural conditions in surface waters of the State of New York. §95-17.Additional Stormwater Control: no net increase in rate of runoff. A. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, any applicant for any demolition or building permit shall be required to offset by on-site retention the increase in the rate of surface water runoff from the proposed development. This shall be done to the satisfaction of the Stormwater Management Officer. B. Exceptions (1) When the Stormwater Management Officer finds that the increase cannot be offset satisfactorily by on-site retention, he/she may permit the increment of the increase which cannot be retained ("increment") to be carried away by the land's natural drainage, provided that such Increment will not impair the permitted use or development of those lands over or onto which such water will naturally flow. (2) When the Stormwater Management Officer finds that the increase cannot be offset satisfactorily by on-site retention, he/she may permit such increment to be discharged into a Town stormwater facility, provided that applicant has established that the Town facility has sufficient capacity. Where he/she determines it to be necessary,the Stormwater Management Officer shall require the installation of water quality improvement measures prior to such connection.The Stormwater Management Officer may waive or reduce any of the requirements of this section if he/she determines that such existing Town stormwater facility is of adequate size, and will discharge surface water runoff directly to a Watercourse or the Long Island Sound without adversely affecting drainage from any other area.§95-18. Construction Completion Guarantee A. In order to ensure the full and faithful completion of all land development activities the Town of Mamaroneck shall require the applicant or developer to provide, prior to construction, a performance bond, cash escrow, or irrevocable letter of credit from an appropriate financial or surety institution which guarantees satisfactory completion of the project and names the Town of Mamaroneck as the beneficiary. The security shall be in an amount to be determined by the Stormwater Management Officer based on submission of final design plans, with reference to actual construction and landscaping costs. The performance guarantee shall remain in force until the surety is released from liability by the Stormwater Management Officer, provided that such period shall not be less than one year from the date of final acceptance or such other certification that the facility(ies) have been constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and that a one year inspection has been conducted and the facilities have been found to be acceptable to the Stormwater Management Officer. B. In cases where a wetlands and watercourses permit has been issued to the same applicant the Stormwater Management Officer may allow a single bond for both permits if it is determined that such bond is sufficient for the purposes of this chapter and Ch. 114, Wetlands and Watercourses. C. By acceptance of the permit,the owners of the property,their heirs, successors and assigns shall be responsible for the future maintenance, repair and replacement of all required stormwater management facilities to the satisfaction of the Stormwater Management Officer. D. Slopes which are found to be eroding excessively within one year after completion of all work must be provided with additional stabilizing measures until the problem is corrected. If erosion continues, the Town will take such measures as necessary to achieve stabilization and charge 16 December 18, 2013 the owners of the property,their heirs, successors and assigns for the costs incurred in achieving stabilization. §95-19. Maintenance Guarantee Where stormwater management practices are to be operated and maintained after the project is completed, the person or entity responsible for its operation or maintenance shall be required to provide the Town of Mamaroneck with a performance bond, cash escrow account or an irrevocable letter of credit from an approved financial institution or surety which ensures the proper operation and maintenance of all stormwater management practices after construction. If the stormwater management practice is not properly operated or maintained, the Town of Mamaroneck may draw upon the performance bond, cash escrow account or irrevocable letter of credit to cover the costs of proper operation and maintenance,including engineering,inspection costs and attorney's fees. §95-20. Recordkeeping The Town of Mamaroneck may require entities subject to this law to maintain records demonstrating compliance with this law. §95-21. Penalties for offenses; other remedies A. Violations. (1) If the Stormwater Management Officer determines that there exists a violation of the terms and conditions of any Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit issued pursuant to this chapter, written notification of such violation shall be given to the Applicant by posting a copy at the site and by mailing a copy to the Applicant's last known address. (2) All such notifications of violations shall contain the time, place and nature of the violation, the time within which the violation must be corrected and a statement that the permit will be suspended or revoked if the Applicant fails to correct the violation. (3) If the Applicant fails to correct any violation of the terms and conditions of the permit issued pursuant to this chapter within the time period specified, or within 30 days if no time is specified, the Stormwater Management Officer may cause the violation to be corrected. The cost thereof shall be assessed against the property upon which the violation occurred. Such amount shall be levied against the property in the same manner as Town taxes are levied, and it shall constitute a lien upon the property.The Town can use the bond to satisfy such an assessment or lien; and the applicant will remain liable for any amount not satisfied by the bond. (4) Failure of the applicant or its successors and assigns to maintain, repair or replace a stormwater management practice in an appropriate manner shall be a violation of this chapter. If the Stormwater Management Officer determines that such a violation has occurred, written notification of such violation shall be given to the applicant or its successor or assign by posting a copy at the site and by mailing a copy to the address of the property. All such notifications of violations shall contain the time, place and nature of the violation and the time within which the violation must be corrected. (5) If the Applicant or its successors or assigns fails to correct the violation in the maintenance, repair or replacement of a stormwater management practice within the time period specified, or within 30 days if no time is specified, the Stormwater Management Officer may cause the violation to be corrected. The cost thereof shall be assessed against the property upon which the violation occurred. Such amount shall be levied against the property in the same manner as Town taxes are levied, and it shall constitute a lien upon the property. The Town can use the bond to satisfy such an assessment or lien; and the applicant will remain liable for any amount not satisfied by the bond. §95-22. Restoration for Violation Any person who violates this chapter may be required to restore land to its undisturbed condition. In the event that restoration is not undertaken within a reasonable time after notice, the Town may take necessary corrective action. The cost thereof shall be assessed against the property upon which the violation occurred. Such amount shall be levied against the property in the same manner as Town taxes are levied,and it shall constitute a lien upon the property. The Town may require any person undertaking land development activities regulated by this law to pay reasonable costs at prevailing rates for review of SWPPPs, inspections, or Stormwater Management Practice maintenance performed by the Town or performed by a third party for the Town. 17 December 18, 2013 §95-23. Stop Work Orders The Town may issue a stop work order for violations of this chapter. Persons receiving a stop work order shall be required to halt all land development activities, except those activities that address the violations leading to the stop work order. The stop work order shall be in effect until the Town confirms that the land development activity is in compliance and the violation has been satisfactorily addressed. Failure to address a stop work order in a timely manner may result in civil, criminal, or monetary penalties in accordance with the enforcement measures authorized in this chapter. §95-24. Compliance required No permanent certificate of occupancy shall be issued unless the terms and conditions of this chapter have been complied with to the satisfaction of the Stormwater Management Officer. §95-25. Suspension, Revocation or Expiration of Permits A. If the Stormwater Management Officer determines by inspection that the nature of the site is such that further work authorized by an existing permit is likely to imperil any property, public way, watercourse or drainage structure, the Stormwater Management Officer may order that reasonable special precautions be taken to avoid the likelihood of such peril. "Special precautions" may include but shall not be limited to a more level exposed slope, construction of additional drainage facilities, berms, terracing, compaction or cribbing, installation of plant materials for erosion control or recommendations of the Applicant's Experts. B. The Stormwater Management Officer shall have the authority to suspend or revoke a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit if (1) activities at the site are not in accordance with the Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan or the SWPPP, as the case may be or (2) if in the Stormwater Management Officer's opinion continuation of construction in accordance with the Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan or the SWPPP, as the case may be is likely to imperil any property, public way,watercourse or drainage structure. C. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $2,500 for the first day and an additional penalty of not more than $2,000 for each additional day during which such violation continues. D. The Town may maintain an action or proceeding in a court of competent jurisdiction to compel compliance with or to restrain by injunction the violation of any provision of this chapter or the terms and conditions of any permit granted hereunder. E. Every Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit shall expire and become null and void if the work authorized by such permit has not begun within 6 months of issuance. If the Applicant must obtain a building permit as well as a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit,the Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit shall be valid so long as the building permit is valid. In all other cases,the Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit shall be valid for two years. If written application is made before the expiration date of the permit the Stormwater Management Officer may, if the Applicant presents satisfactory evidence that unusual difficulties have prevented the start or completion of work within the specified time limits, grant a reasonable extension of time. F. Every Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit shall expire and become null and void if the work authorized by such permit has not begun within 1 year of issuance or is not completed within 5 years of issuance, except that if written application is made before the expiration date of the permit the Stormwater Management Officer may, if the Applicant presents satisfactory evidence that unusual difficulties have prevented the start or completion of work within the specified time limits,grant a reasonable extension of time. §95-26. Inspections A. The Applicant shall not commence the work authorized by a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit or Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit unless the Applicant has notified the Stormwater Management Officer at least two business days before commencing work. B. The Stormwater Management Officer may require such inspections as necessary to determine compliance with this chapter and may either approve that portion of the work completed or notify the applicant wherein the work fails to comply with the requirements of this chapter and the Surface Water and Erosion Control Plan or the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan as 18 December 18, 2013 approved. To obtain inspections,the applicant shall notify the Stormwater Management Officer at least 48 hours before any of the following: 1. Start of construction, 2. Installation of erosion and sediment control devices, 3. Installation of stormwater management practices, 4. Completion of site clearing, 5. Completion of rough grading, 6. Completion of final grading, 7. Close of the construction season, 8. Completion of final landscaping,and 9. Establishment of landscaping in public areas. §95-27. Right of entry The Town may enter upon the Applicant's property for the purpose of making any investigation,inspection,survey or other activity that may be necessary for any of the purposes of this chapter. If the Applicant does not consent to such entry,the appropriate Town official is empowered to apply to the Town Court for an administrative search warrant permitting such inspection. §95-28. Greater restrictions to prevail Wherever this chapter is inconsistent with any other ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. §95-29.Severability If the provisions of this chapter shall be judged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such order or judgment shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any section, subsection, paragraph,subdivision or clause of this chapter. §95-30. Fees or Deposit A. Upon the filing of an application for a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit or a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit, the fees denoted in Chapter A250 shall be paid, except that no fee shall be required when the separate permit requirement has been waived by the Stormwater Management Officer in accordance with §95-9: 1. Filing fees: a. For a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit for a parcel with an existing one or two family dwelling: $200. b. For a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit for the construction of a new one or two family dwelling on either a vacant parcel or on a parcel where >50% of an existing residence is demolished: $375. c. For a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit in all other cases: $375. d. For a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit: $500. 2. Permit fees: a. For a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit for a parcel with an existing one or two family dwelling: $150. b. For a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit for the construction of a new one or two family dwelling on either a vacant parcel or on a parcel where >50% of an existing residence is demolished: $200. c. For a Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit in all other cases: $300. If the anticipated cost of the work covered by the permit exceeds $5,000, there shall be, in addition to the minimum fee, an additional fee of 6% of the anticipated cost that exceeds $5,000. This 6% is not part of the engineering fee for site plan approval. d. For a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Permit: $500. 3. Fee for applicant-requested modification: $75 for each modification, provided that no work has commenced. If work pursuant to the permit has commenced, the modification fee will be $125 per modification. 4. The minimum inspection fee for a parcel with a one or 2 family dwelling will be $100,for all other residential parcels: $150 and for commercial parcels$250. 5. If work is commenced prior to the permit being issued, all fees for the project will be doubled. 19 December 18, 2013 B. If an application for the Surface Water and Erosion Control Permit is not approved,the applicant shall not be entitled to a refund of any filing or modification fee(s). Section 3—Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law,which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 4—Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Seligson,and then on motion of Commissioner Wittner,seconded by Commissioner Elkind Eney,the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open. Present were the following Members of the Commission: Commissioner: Nancy Seligson Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna Commissioner: Abby Katz Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney 1. FIRE CLAIMS On motion of Commissioner Elkind Eney,seconded by Commissioner Katz,it was RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department Claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: AAA Emergency Supply Globe/Cairns NFPA Fire Coat& Internal Harness Pants $4686.00 AAA Emergency Supply Fire Hooks Hydra Ram 4" 1445.00 AAA Emergency Supply Replacement Tools 1095.00 AAA Emergency Supply Scott Pak refill& Repair 93.70 AAA Emergency Supply Webbing&Nomex Hood 157.74 AAA Emergency Supply Bunker Pant repair,Scott Pak Bracket, Light&Toollock 439.20 AAA Emergency Supply Saw Blade 90.00 ABCO Lock&Alarm Co Keys 4.90 A S A P ETC. Shipping Alarm Equip.for repair 39.65 A&P Rainaldi, Inc. Repairs to Fire Sprinkler System&Testing 998.30 AT&T Mobility Wireless Service for 10/12-11/11/13 759.45 Amazon.Com Notebooks 26.03 Brewer Hardware Plywood for mounting 34.49 20 December 18, 2013 Byram Mason &Building Supp. 4 Bags of Calcium 69.00 Bound Tree Medicals LLC EMS supplies-Latex Gloves 375.90 Cablevision Cable Services for 11/23-12/22/13 143.99 Carrot-Top Industries New Flags 181.55 Con Edison Gas Chrg for 10/29-11/27/13 532.19 Grainger Saws&Cutter 1112.75 G&K Services Inc. Mats&Rags for Nov.2013 102.80 Hi-Tech Fire&Safety Uniform Gear Pants Repair 585.60 Kaplan Continuing Education Online Training Subscription for Career FF's 1/1/2014- 1190.00 1/1/2015 National Standby Repair Hour Meter repair on Generator 180.01 Nick Bruno Electric, LLC Repairs to Sofit Lights 1000.00 Proftech LLC 2014 Calendars&Day Book 139.97 Poland Spring Rent for Water Cooler&Dispenser 10/19-11/18/13 99.96 Ricoh Copier Contract Billing for p/e 11/22-12/21/13 214.57 Superior Backf low Testing Tested 2 Backflow Devices 175.00 Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating Services 11/25/13 65.00 Town of Mam'K Fire Dept. Food for 11/2013 Drill & 10/2013 Drill 491.58 Villamaria Pizza Food for fast drill-11/20/13 59.29 Westech Elevator Service Maintenance for Dec.2013 175.00 Total: $16763.62 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Commissioner Elkind Eney Aye Commissioner Katz Aye Commissioner Odierna Aye Commissioner Wittner Aye Commissioner Seligson Aye Commissioner Witter stated that the Fire Department previously received a grant for the replacement of the Fire Coats and Internal Harnesses, noting this is a very expensive piece of required equipment that is only good for ten years.Commissioner Wittner continued by stating that when these become due for replacement this will be a very large expense. 2. Other Fire Department Business Acceptance of Minutes of Fire Council from December 2,2013 is so noted for the record. Commissioner Elkind Eney thanked the Fire Department for the hard work they did on the Annual Toy Drive. There being no further business to come before the Commission,on motion of Commissioner Katz, seconded by Commissioner Wittner,the Commission unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 21 December 18, 2013 1. Adoption of 2014 Budget The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PRELIMINARY TOWN BUDGET FOR 2014 PRELIMINARY BUDGET TOWN OF MAMARONECK FIRE DISTRICT#1 TOWN OF MAMARONECK, NEW YORK Adjourned until December 18, 2013 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at 8:00 PM in the Court Room of the Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider the Town's Preliminary Budget and the Fire District Budget for the calendar year commencing January 1, 2014 and ending December 31, 2014. All citizens are invited to attend and provide the Board with written and oral comments and ask questions concerning the Preliminary Budgets. The Preliminary Budgets can be inspected by the public from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, beginning Monday, December 2, 2013 in the Town Clerk's Office, Town Center, 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York. The Budgets may also be viewed on the Town's website www.townofmamaroneck.org PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that the proposed salaries of the members of the Town Board are as follows: Supervisor, $37,000;Town Council (4) $6,000 each and the proposed salary for the Town Clerk is$86,100 and the Town Justices(2)$21,000. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK Christina Battalia Town Clerk To be published: November 29,2013 On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Public Hearing was unanimously reopened. Supervisor Seligson thanked Steve Altieri and Tony Siligato for their tremendous amount of hard work. She stated that this is a responsible Budget and stronger than the previous year and was accomplished by using less fund balance.The Town was also able to bring the surplus balances to a higherlevel,while still maintaining the same level of services. Supervisor Seligson stated that what is being presented this evening is a Budget with a 2.9%tax levy and a 1.4%tax rate increase for residents of the unincorporated part of the Town. The Board Members each thanked Mr.Altieri and Mr.Siligato and added to the positive comments of the Supervisor. Mr.Altieri gave a PowerPoint presentation of the 2014 Budget. The following submittal letter is entered into the record as follows: December 19, 2013 Honorable Supervisor Nancy Seligson Members of the Town Board Town of Mamaroneck 2014 Adopted Town of Mamaroneck Budget Submitted herewith is the adopted budget for the Town of Mamaroneck and Town of Mamaroneck Fire District#1. The budget was adopted by a unanimous resolution of the Town Board/Board of Fire Commissioners on December 18, 2013. Although the budget discussion 22 December 18, 2013 in this letter will generally present the combined Town budget for all funds we are required by New York State Fire District Law to make separate mention of the Fire District Budget. Each budget year presents different challenges for the staff and the Town Board in determining how best to maintain the high level of services provided to the residents of the community at the greatest value. Of course we face those external economic factors faced by governmental agencies, private sector companies, and individual households but in addition we continue to encounter unfunded mandates from both the New York State and Federal Governments. Unfunded mandates are by definition costs imposed by a higher level of government as a result of mandatory programs or regulations are adhered to by the Town. In preparing the 2014 Budget we did see improvements in certain economic indicators that relieved some of the pressures that plagued previous budgets. On the mandate front there have been small improvements in areas such as pension cost and healthcare costs. Unfortunately the State and Federal governments continue to avoid action to reduce or remove other substantial mandates that impact our day to day operations. Nor do they offer sources of funding for compliance. In the face of all this however we believe that the budget adopted for 2014 is one in which we have accomplished a great deal in addressing the Town's strategic plan goals. We have insured in this budget the Town's continued financial stability by continuing to live within our means and improving upon reserves needed to fund unexpected conditions or funding small capital projects. Healthier reserve funds will also help us maintain high bond ratings. Finally this budget will allow for continued uninterrupted services to our community with a minimal increase in property taxes. This 2014 Town Budget will be the first for which the tax rates will be based upon the new full value property assessments. Later in this letter we will explain the implications of the new assessments upon average property tax bills for Town services. What is evident is that the outcome of the property revaluation is a more equitable apportionment of the Town's tax levy now that all values have been revised to reflect market rates. Going forward the Town is adopting a plan that will insure that never again will property assessment data become outdated and obsolete. The plan will provide for regular reviews of property value trends and periodic revaluations. The Property Tax Cap This will be the third year in which local governments will operate under New York State's tax cap legislation. Chapter 97 of the laws of New York State for 2011 establishes a limit on the annual growth of the property taxes levied by local government. The terminology of this legislation is important because it is not a cap on the change in the level of taxes to be paid by an individual property owner or on the tax rates established in the budget. Rather, this is a cap on the total amount of property taxes that can be raised by local government in the form of a tax levy. The legislation does not consider levels of assessment or other factors that impact the rate at which the tax levy is apportioned in the community. Addendum#1 provides the full details of the property tax cap formula and the calculation of the cap for the Town for 2014. Based upon the states formula the Town's tax levy for 2014 can increase by$445,840 to a total of$22,788,375 or 2%. Proposed for the coming year is a tax levy of$22,994,635 an increase of$652,100 or2.996. Included in the legislation is a provision allowing local governments to override the cap through the adoption of legislation passed by 60% of the governing board of that community. Such legislation is under consideration by the Town Board. Because of a small reduction in New York State Pension contribution rates the tax cap formula provides no exemption for pension expenses in 2014. While on one hand the reduction in contribution rates is positive, it does not change the fact that the property tax cap in its current form is generally unsustainable unless the Town wants to consider large scale changes in municipal services. A survey conducted in 2012 appeared to indicate that service cuts were not favored by the community. A realistic tax cap should reflect the realities of municipal service delivery and the true cost of local government including the costs of government mandates, the need to maintain critical infrastructure and costs for state mandated pension and medical insurance costs. In New Jersey these expenses are exempted from local government tax cap requirements. Implications of Property Revaluation 23 December 18, 2013 Mentioned earlier was the completion of the property revaluation project. The State of New York has certified that the Town's assessment roll represents 100% of market value which was the objective of the project to establish a fair and equitable apportionment of property taxes. Property revaluation is revenue neutral for the Town government. The property tax revenue needed to fund the Town government has no direct relationship to the development of property assessments. There is however a significant change in the presentation of the budget and tax rates. A straight line comparison of tax rates would show a dramatic reduction in tax rates between 2013 and 2014 when comparing rates calculated with fractional assessments versus rates calculated with full value assessments. Addendum#2 is a completely reformatted Comparison of Taxable Value and Assessments table. To provide a more accurate comparison of tax rates between 2013 and 2014, the 2012 assessed values, which were used to establish the 2013 tax rates, have been presented as equalized values using the 2012 equalization rate of 1.74%assigned to the Town by New York State. Using the equalized assessed values the 2013 tax rates have been re-calculated to be more consistent with the presentation of the 2014 tax rates which are based upon the new full market valuation of assessments. As you can see from the table the result is a very modest 1.4%increase in tax rates applied to unincorporated area residents and a small reduction in the tax rates applied to the two Villages; that being for the General Fund Townwide and Ambulance District. By reconciling the assessments to 100% of market value we have eliminated the confusion of a fractional assessment which is effectively an arbitrary percentage of true market value. When the last reassessment was completed in 1968 the Town established the assessment roll at 45% of market value. Transitioning to a new full value assessment roll changes all of the values. To compare the assessments in 2013 and 2014 for which tax rates would be established the state equalization rate of 1.74% was applied to the 2012 assessments. Again referring to Addendum#2 you will see that overall the Town's total property assessments rose by$369 million an increase of 4.4%. Comparable assessment increases were realized in the other Town funds. Budget Overview The chart on the next page provides a comparative lookat the 2013Adopted Town Budget and the Adopted Budget proposed for 2014. 2013 2014 Change % Adopted Adopted Change Budget Budget Appropriations $32,236,882 $33,019,546 $782,664 2.4% Non-Tax $9,624,347 $9,809,911 $185,564 1.9% Revenue Reserve $270,000 $215,000 ($55,000) (20%) Application Property Tax $227342,535 $22,994,635 $652,100 Levy 2.9% The Town Budget is a compilation of nine separate budget funds as required by the State of New York including the budget for Town of Mamaroneck Fire District#1. Part of the reasoning for the different funds is that not all services provided by the Town government are provided to the entire Town. Addendum#3 presents a comparative schedule of the 2013 Adopted and 2014 Preliminary Budgets broken down by fund. Each year the question arises as to how the budget impacts the average property owner. in the past we have established an average property assessment to illustrate the estimated impact of a budget upon an individual property owner's Town property taxes. Prior to the reassessment an average fractional assessment of$20,000 was applied. Now with the completion of the project the average full value assessment is $1,100,000. Therefore in 2014 a property owner living in the Village of Larchmont or Mamaroneck will see a decrease in the average property tax obligation to the Town of Mamaroneck from $539.00 to $517.00. For a property owner in the unincorporated area having the same average assessment there was slight increase in property taxes to the Town from $5,,9,95 to $6,08-T. Remember that residents of the 24 December 18, 2013 unincorporated area receive all Town services. Residents of the two villages receive only certain services such as recreation, election services, senior social services, ambulance services and some assessment services. Revenue Discussion Since 2008 we have consistently mentioned the extremely poor performance of non property tax revenues. Of course the importance of these revenues is to ease increases in property taxes. As we estimated for 2014 we found ourselves conflicted. In the 2013 budget cycle we began to see small evidence of improvement performance in the economy and non-property tax revenues. For 2014 there appears to be a bit more light at the end of the tunnel as some revenue streams showed improved performance over last year. However there is still no dear cut indication that improvements to the economy will continue in for the next several years. Therefore we made the decision to remain conservative in our budget estimates for revenues. The chart below is a breakdown of all revenues used to fund the Town's operations. Not surprisingly the property tax remains the largest source of revenue providing 70% of the Town's total revenues with the balance of 30%provided by other sources. Revenue Apportionment Sales Tax 2,068,000 Dept. Income 1,571,261 Recreation 2,272,000 Use of Mone) 296,250 Permits 350,500 Fines 235,000 Misc. 79,050 Inter-Fund 379,200 State Aid 1,454,500 Federal Aid 601,300 Prop.Tax 22,994,635 Surplus 215,000 Overall non property tax revenues are expected to increase by$185,000 or 1.896. On a percentage basis the single largest increase in revenue is for licenses and permits which are expected to increase by 24% or$70,000. One indicator of a stronger economy is an increase in residential construction. Most notably is this year's start of the new 14P unit condominium development known as the Cambium which is scheduled for occupancy in 2015. In addition new single family construction in the Town is on the rise. We are expecting sales tax revenue to increase by$/_T0,000 or 6%in 2014. Interestingly, even during the had years of revenue performance sales tax revenue remained relatively stable in large part because of high gasoline prices. Now with an improving economy there is greater confidence in sales tax revenue. Revenue from our operating departments for certain Town services will increase by about 5% or$75,000. Departmental income for 2014 will total$1,571,411. Departmental income is derived from the concept that the services supplied for the fees charged are not provided to the entire community. Therefore the departmental revenue funds a portion or all of the costs of these services. The major components of Departmental Income include: Ambulance Charges $860,000 Parking Fees $385,000 Water Revenues $293,311 Town Clerk Fees $ 8,000 A#Other $ 25,100 Recreation charges for programs and activities will actually decrease in 2014 by about $26,000 to $2,272,000. The decrease is caused exclusively by the expected early dosing of the Hommocks Ice Rink in April of 2014 to allow for the renovation of the facility. The decision to shorten the 2013/2014 season was to better insure re-opening in September for the full 2014/2015 season. 25 December 18, 2013 Although there are signs of improvement in the economy, income from interest earnings continues to decline for the Town. New York State law strictly limits the types of investment alternatives for local governments to such things as money markets, certificates of deposit, and instruments of the State and Federal government. At this time none of these alternatives offer high yields. Therefore we are again reducing our expected interest earnings by$10,000 to just $41,250. Another source of revenue from rental income will increase in 2014 from $245,000 to $255,000. The Town receives $2,055,000 in State and federa/Aid contributing roughly 2% of total non property tax funding. Aid from New York State totals $1,454,500 with the greatest proportion coming from local government's share of the mortgage tax which for 2014 is expected to total$P/0,000, a $60,000 increase. The Town is also expected to receive $65,000 to help fund road improvements and$140,000 in genera/aid. For the Community Counseling Center the Town will act as a pass through and receive $330,000 towards the operation of the program. There are then smaller amounts for youth programs and the supplemental meals on wheels program. Federal Aid for the coming year is estimated at $601,000 with the largest portion $535,000 app lied to the operation of our Section 8 Housing Voucher Program. The balance of the Federal Aid will help subsidize our senior nutrition program, the majority of our meals on wheels program, senior transportation program and selective traffic enforcement program. The last funding source to be discussed here is the application of surplus funds to the Town Budget. Earlier this year the Town Board adopted a Fund Balance Management Po/icy. The purpose was to establish goals for sufficient reserves to: Provide sufficient cash flows for daily financial needs Protect and maintain investment grade bond ratings. Offset economic downturns Fund unanticipated expenditures and events. App lying these goals to the 2014 Town Budget we have recommended the further reduction of the application of surplus. In 2014 we propose app lying surplus funds in the amount of $215,000 for all budget funds. This is a decrease of$55,000 from last year and a decrease of$625,000 from the 2012 budget application of surplus. The fund balance policy establishes a benchmark of maintaining a surplus equal to between 15916,and 25% of appropriations. We estimate for the end of 2013 our total surplus for all funds should he approximately$8.1 mil/ion or 22% of appropriations. On a fund by fund basis some of the Town's smaller funds have surpluses below the benchmark which we look forward to improving in the next year. In summary the revenue appears to be on the uptick but we remain guarded in our estimates until such time as we see greater confidence in economic indicators for future years. Expenditure Discussion For the coming year the Town's estimated expenses will be $33,019,046 an increase of$782,000 or 2.4%. Below is an illustration of the major categories of expense as a percentage of all expenses. Under the heading of personnel the Town's total salary ®Sala ries expense for the coming year will be $13.2 mil/ion an ®Benefits increase of 4%. /t is important to note here however that 27% 6% the Town has only recently settled two of its three collective °`°nt.Exp bargaining agreements dating back two years. Therefore the ❑Debt change between 2013 and 2014 represents the cumulative i impact of the salary adjustments for the two years. The .Equipment contracts recently settled provide for an average salary ®Transters adjustment of 2% over a four year period. The contracts settled in this latest round of labor negotiations provide for increases in employee contributions to health insurance for new employees. Also for the first time new 26 December 18, 2013 employees will contribute to the cost of health insurance in retirement. In terms of total headcount the Town's total full time staff next year will be 125 employees which is a reduction of two positions from 2013 and a total of ten positions since 2010. Cuts in full time positions has resulted in an increase in the time it takes to provide certain services however those changes are of no consequence to overall service delivery. However further cuts in full time personnel will have a more material impact upon service delivery. For 2014 benefit costs have stabilized significantly. Overall our total benefit costs will increase by less than one half a percent. Health insurance costs will actually decrease by$126,180 next year as a result of a decision by the NYSSHIP, the Town's health insurance carrier to self insure for claims. Pension contributions will total$2,738,000 an increase of$70,000 from 2013. This is a result of moderate salary adjustments and a reduction in contribution rates charged by New York State. Worker's compensation costs will increase by$43,000 in 2014 to $562,185. The increase is a result of our loss ratio and the continued impact of a doubling of the indemnity rate which was approved by the New York State. Also our premium rating continues to carry the effects of the tragic death of an employee in 2011. Contractual expenses, those that are incurred each day for government operations will increase by 1% to $8.9 million, an increase of$94,360. This category of expense covers a wide variety of expenses from liability insurance, to energy costs to supplies and outside vendor services. In the category of liability insurance there has been a noticeable hardening of the market which tends to drive up premiums. The Town is fortunate to have an excellent loss experience for liability insurance which limited our increase in premiums to about 6.5% or$21,000. Energy use as measured by units of consumption by and large has decreased within the Town government however unit cost increases have made it difficult dramatically reduce overall expenditures. However for 2014 our total energy costs will decrease by$3,200 to $805,000. An anticipated energy service contract in 2014 will help to further reduce both energy consumption and costs. The Town through its purchasing procedures and operations has consistently held changes in contractual expenses to a minimum. Debt expenses for the principle and interest payments by the Town will total$1,861,330 a decrease of just over$36,000 from last year The Town's total outstanding debt including principle and interest is $21.8million. As a percentage of total expenses, the Town's debt payments for 2014 are just 6% of total appropriations. Generally a good debt expense benchmark is 10% of total appropriations. The Town is well under this benchmark The discussion of debt expense leads to the capital projects planned for next year. In considering the capital plan the Town evaluated its entire infrastructure, facilities and equipment. The table below provides a detail of the financing of the plan. Total $6,692,0001 Expenditures Budget Approp. $286,000 Existing Capital $60,000 Funds Transfer Water $110,000 District lnsurance/FEMA $100,000 Funding Required Bond $6,136,000 Financing 1 Comprises$3,900,00 estimated for Energy Services Projects and $2,792,000 for all categories of other Town capital projects. 27 December 18, 2013 The largest component of the plan is $-T.9million of needed energy services projects to reduce energy consumption and replace obsolete equipment at the Hommocks Ice Rink, Town Center Building, and Fire Headquarters building. In addition the plan is to replace the Town's street light inventory with new LED lighting. Energy Service Agreements have become popular in that the goal is to finance all or a portion of the capital investment with the energy consumption savings. At this time the Town is evaluating proposals submitted back in September. The plan is to award a contract in January of 2014. Other Capital Improvements planned for 2014 include: Equipment Replacements $ 749,000 Other Building Improvements 299,000 Highway Improvements 753,000 Sanitary Sewer Improvements 35,000 Storm Water Drainage Improvements 60,000 Recreation Facilities 653,000 Water System Improvements 110,000 Technology 8T Other Equipment 133,000 Total $2,792,000 For 2014 the Town Budget appropriations for capital projects has increased by$110,000. This offers flexibility for the Town going forward. Included in this additional appropriation are a series of smaller projects for which borrowing funds are not worthwhile. Going forward into 2015 the Town has the option of reducing capital projects and removing the appropriations should other expenses increase or leave the appropriation in place to fund other projects and avoid further debt. Conclusion This completes our presentation of the 2014 Preliminary Town of Mamaroneck Budget. It is a responsible and resourceful budget that capitalizes on improving conditions that have previously burdened the Town's budget. The proposed budget provides an excellent value to the property owners by continuing all services at a reasonable cost. At the beginning of this letter we pointed to the accomplishments of this budget and they are worth pointing out again. The 2014 Town of Mamaroneck Budget the following. Financial Stability Growth in Reserve Funds Flexibility in Future Budgets Invests in Needed Infrastructure Improvements We want to thank the Supervisor and Town Board for their work and input on this budget. Many thanks also must go to the Town Department heads and staff for their work as well. We are fortunate to have assembled a staff whose expertise is invaluable in the delivery of services and preparation of the annual budget. Sincerely, Stephen V. Alder! Anthony S. Siligato Town Administrator/Budget Officer Comptroller/Director of Finance On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilman Odierna,the following was approved, WHEREAS,on October 16,2013 the Budget Officer submitted to the Town Clerk,the Town Supervisor and Town Board the 2014 Tentative Budget for the Town of Mamaroneck,and WHEREAS, on October 23,October 29, November 7, November 13,and November 19 of 2013 the Town Board held public work sessions to consider amendments and changes to the Tentative Budget,and WHEREAS,on December 4 and December 18 2013 the Town Board held Public Hearings on the 2014 Preliminary Budget for the Town of Mamaroneck,and 28 December 18, 2013 WHEREAS,on December 18,2013 an amended 2014 Preliminary Budget was submitted to the Town Board and presented to the Public. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Town Board does hereby adopt the revised 2014 Preliminary Town of Mamaroneck Budget as the Final Operating budget for 2014. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye 2. Appointments—Boards&Commissions On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby appoint Ralph Engel as an Alternate Member to the Planning Board,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the foregoing appointment shall be effective immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall expire on December 31,2019. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye 3. Authorization— Consulting Agreement—Laserfiche Software On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Consulting Agreement with Rosalind Cimino,for the upgrade of the Laserfiche Software and the integration of the Laserfiche and Municity Software, by for an estimated project time of 150-200 hours,at a rate of $50.00 per hour. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye 4. Approval of Certiorari On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was 29 December 18, 2013 RESOLVED,that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax certiorari on the following terms: 150 Larchmont Avenue Block: 613 Lots: 475 Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment 2012 $21,200 $12,180 $9,020 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye 5. Salary Authorization—Recreation Police Department Town Comptroller's Office On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve of the following salary authorizations as approved in the 2013 Town Budget as follows: ATTACHMENT A The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby promote Michael Guevora to the position of Detective with the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department at an annual salary of $107,955.00,effective January 6,2014. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby appoint William James 30 December 18, 2013 Kennedy to the position of Probationary Police Office at an annual rate of$40,000, effective December 19,2013. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby appoint Wendy Lee to the part-time position of Intermediate Clerk in the Comptroller's Office effective December 12, 2013, at an hourly rate of$25.00. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye APPROVAL OF MINUTES—November 20,2013 On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was unanimously RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Board Minutes from the Meeting of November 20,2013. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None REPORT OF COUNCIL Councilwoman Elkind Eney noted that the she and the Board attended many celebrations over the holiday season.Of note was the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Hispanic Resource Center. Councilwoman Elkind Eney thought this was a wonderful event and noted what a great service this organization provides to our community.She attended the Village of Mamaroneck's Tree Lighting and the Winter Celebration of At Home on the Sound.Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Recreation Commission Meeting where they discussed gearing up for the summer programming and she attended the Community Counseling Center's presentation at the home of Jane Orans.Councilwoman Elkind Eney also attended the Senior Center Holiday Luncheon,the Westchester Municipal Officials Dinner,the Winterfest in the Village of Larchmont,Skate with Santa at the Hommocks Ice Rink,the swearing in of Chief Caparelli of the Larchmont Fire Department,the Summit Meeting discussion of the Affordable Health Care Act and the Larchmont Chamber of Commerce's Holiday Party. Councilwoman Elkind Eney announced the upcoming Martin Luther King,Jr.Annual Events, noting there will be a Jazz and Poetry night on January 91"and on January 12`"in conjunction with the Friends of the Library,a discussion with Jonathan Reider,the author of"Gospel of Freedom". Councilwoman Katz noted her attendance at many of the previously stated events,adding she also attended a Town meeting for the web site redesign.She noted the enjoyable Senior Center Luncheon and the Town Holiday Party.Councilwoman Katz thanked Jane Orans for hosting the Community Counseling Dinner,adding this is a great organization that is very evident in our schools.Councilwoman 31 December 18, 2013 Katz attended that same evening the Planning Board Meeting,adding it was a quiet meeting with only two agenda items. Councilwoman Wittner noted she had a personal announcement. Councilwoman Wittner announced that she will retire in the month of January.She noted that she has enjoyed her years on the Board and her service to the Town.Councilwoman Wittner thanked the current and former Boards for their help and knowledge.She most certainly thanked the staff of the Town and Mr.Altieri for so many good years.On a lighthearted note,Councilwoman Wittner passed on the torch of closing the meetings to Councilwoman Katz. Councilman Odierna noted his attendance as well at many of the previously mentioned events. Councilman Odierna also attended the Healthier Communities Meeting, noting that the leadership team spearheaded by the Rye YMCA is working on a goal of a large scale community health fair.Councilman Odierna will keep the Board apprised of those developments.Councilman Odierna attended the Westchester Municipal Officials Dinner noting the attendance of former Supervisor Valerie O'Keeffe. Councilman Odierna noted the continued work on the web site redesign,adding there is still time for public comment through the Town's web site survey.Councilman Odierna attended the LMC-TV Board of Control Meeting at which they continue to discuss the relocation and consolidating of their operation into a new location. Supervisor Seligson stated that the Town hosted a Housing Settlement Workshop in conjunction Rose Noonan of the Housing Action Council and Tiffany Zezula of the PACE University Land Use Law Center. This was a very helpful forum that can be seen on LMC-TV. Supervisor Seligson personally thanked Councilwoman Wittner for her incredibly dedicated and loyal service to the Town.She has been a workhorse for the Town for many, many years.She has carved out a name for herself as a champion of our natural resources and for the entire Town. The Town is sorry to see her retiring but added that she will continue to be a sought-after resource. The Board while still determining the final dates for 2014 Town Board Meetings decided to make a motion on the dates for January 2014. On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was unanimously RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve of the January Town Board Meetings to be held on January 8,2014 and January 22, 2014,with the remainder of the calendar to be set at the Organizational Meeting on January 8,2014. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:50 PM Submitted by Christina Battalia,Town Clerk 32 December 18, 2013 ATTACHMENT A 33 December 18, 2013 oo E =(D ro MOTION SECOND Oro o zz Cc J E cn u) (1) co (1) g a) IL -- U3 it) 0 0 a) a 0 rL CL < E 0 Cq cl) (14 N N N N C\l p 0 D 0 0 N N N N 9 9 0 9 S 9 0 CX) OD W' w w C6 ob I Cb W, 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Co w w w w w w w Co w w C w w (D (D (o (o 0 to w 0 w 0 w (D M 0 0 to w w w w 0 LL N (N (N C', N N N N N " N N N N N N N N " N N C3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a) 4w a) -2 1 0 2 E 0 E u) a a) .0 n� 16 o < cLCf (L 0 C3 CM a) E 0 M Q a) Lo 0 0 0.0 Z5 Z5 Z5 Z5 w �5 o -0 u) E Co -j 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -01 -01 -j 0i -01 -1 -j -j -j > a) 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 O O O O 0 0 O O 0 O O O L3 .2 q W U) 4' 7- -�6 7t5 6 m — — is — — CL — 2 2 2 2 2 2 T 2 2 2 2 2 il ra U U 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 u U 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 75 A 0 cn �4 0:5 0 E a 0 M (D 0 it 0 E > 0 0 0 1 41 0 6 9 0) :� 0 u X I a) -j 75 0 (D � E 0 0 0 0 r4 u n 34 December 18, 2013 < z K on w 0 M ;3 (D M -u (D C 0 fi (0 (D 0 M F, 0 3 C6 0 M 0 C it M M M M M (D (D M (D (D @@ M (D (D CD (D (D (D (D (D (D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D > D > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ag a> > 99 9 9 a 9 6* 9 9 9 9 9 a a a 1:1 9 M > n :3 :3 :3 :3 -3 n CD < M a a 0- OL (D 3 0 (D 0-0 @ 0 -0 (D 0) > (D M 0 0 :3 o CD (A 3 (D (D 0 rr n 0 C3 0 n C) C, 0 0 C3 C3 0 0 0 0 0 C! 0 0 0 0 0 0 N " K) N " M . 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