HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013_06_12 Town Board Minutes June 12, 2013 TOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA WEDNESDAY JUNE 12, 2013 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE—at 5:00 PM, In Conference Room A to discuss: 1. Model Housing Ordinance 2. Proposed Zoning Code Amendment-B-R and SB-R 3. Potential Site Alternatives—Housing 4. Review of 2014 Budget Document Format 5. Update-In Rem Proceeding 6. Proposed Towing Law 7. Update-Hazard Mitigation Plan 8. Update-Washington Square Parking Committee 9. Posting of Signs—Land Use Applications 8:OOPM CALL TO ORDER—COURTROOM SUPERVISOR'S SUMMARY REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS PROCLAMATION-Certificates of Appreciation-Emergency Medical Service Awards PUBLIC HEARING—Amendment to Vehicle Idling Law BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1. Fire Claims 2. Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1. Authorization-Inter-Municipal Agreement-Road Resurfacing 2. Authorization-Retention of Title Search Firm for In Rem Proceeding 3. Right of First Refusal-Proposed Sale of Westchester County Land 4. Resolution-Amendment to General Municipal Law: Notices of Claim 5. Appointment-Alternate Member to the Town Planning Board 6. Salary Authorizations- a) Highway Department b) Department of Community Services c) Recreation d) Conservation APPROVAL OF MINUTES—May 15, 2013 REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK'S REPORT NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETINGS—June 26,2013&July 24, 2013 1 June 12, 2013 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AND WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON JUNE 12,2013, BEGINNING AT S:OOPM IN CONFERENCE ROOM A AND CONTINUING AT 8:00 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER,740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner Councilman Ernest C.Odierna Councilwoman Abby Katz Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia,Town Clerk Stephen V.Altieri,Town Administrator William Maker,Jr.,Town Attorney CALL TO ORDER-WORK SESSION On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,the Work Session was unanimously opened at S:OOPM. Model Housing Ordinance The Town Board reviewed again,the document prepared by Tiffany Zezula of the PACE University Land Use Law Center dated March 11,2013,which outlined previous work done by the Town Board and the conversation the Board had regarding the fourteen provisions of the Westchester County Model Housing Ordinance. The Town Board discussed each provision in detail and Mr. Maker will draft legislation based on this evening's discussion. Proposed Zoning Code Amendment-B-R and SB-R The Town Board reviewed a memo prepared by Mr. Maker dated May 24,2013,in which Mr. Maker noted that at the May 20'2013 Planning Board Meeting,it seemed clear that off-street parking requirements would be addressed in the Planning Board's report to the Town Board. In anticipation of that report, Mr. Maker drafted an amended paragraph to the rezoning proposal.The Board discussed the off-street parking requirements and the verbiage in Mr. Maker's redrafted paragraph. Potential Site Alternatives—Housing The Town Board discussed the four potential sites the Town and Westchester County have identified as sites for fair and affordable housing opportunities. In specific,the Acura Parking Lot on Palmer Avenue, Ferndale Road alongside Stop&Shop,40 Weaver Street(old Toy Store)and Lot#1.The Board discussed two additional sites suggested by the Town Clerk,the residential lots next to 1299 Palmer Avenue and the parking lot behind Trader toes.Supervisor Seligson noted that these would be added to the list being provided to the County. 2 June 12, 2013 ADDED ITEMS Supervisor Seligson informed the Board that her Office will be registering for the Westchester Children's Association of Mayors Challenge,adding no fee is involved in just taking a pledge. At the Westchester Joint Water Works meeting,it was noted that the City of New York will be increasing their water fees by 12%. The Town will need to adopt an increase in June or July,adding that Mr.Caneta will present this to the Town Board in the near future. Review of 2014 Budget Document Format The Town Board discussed the format for presenting the Budget information to them.Specific suggestion to format was addressed. Mr.Altieri will incorporate these changes for the 2014 Budget. Update-In Rem Proceeding Mr. Maker stated that in preparation of beginning legal proceedings,Title searches of the delinquent properties and notification of lenders or other entities with a financial interest in the property must be initiated.At the request of the Town, Mr. Maker asked six companies to propose fees for searching the Titles of the 60+/-delinquent properties identified for In Rem proceedings. Mr. Maker stated that three firms did not respond.The Board reviewed three proposals and discussed contacting Benchmark Title to see if they would like to propose a fee that would be competitive with the others. On motion of Supervisor Seligson,seconded by Councilwoman Wittner,the Board unanimously agreed to enter into an Executive Session to discuss Litigation involving the Fernandes Property. EXECUTIVE SESSION Litigation involving the Fernandes Property On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney the Board unanimously agreed to resume the Regular Meeting. Proposed Towing Law Mr.Altieri stated that there has been a proliferation of unpaid parking tickets within the Town which can amount to thousands of dollars. It is being recommended that the Town discuss the towing of scofflaws. The Town Board reviewed the draft of the"Towing of Scofflaws' Law as prepared by Mr. Maker. Mr.Altieri emphasized that with this Law in place,the Police would have clear authority to tow when needed or required. Mr. Maker will update the Law's title and the Board will review at the June 26`" Meeting. Update-Hazard Mitigation Plan The Town Board received an update memo from Mr.Altieri dated June 7,2013, in which Mr.Altieri reminded the Board of the Town's receipt of a FEMA Grant to develop a Hazard Mitigation Plan and outlined the current status of the project and the next required steps. Of note was the contracting with Environmental Technology Group Inc.(ETG)to help the Town with this project. Update-Washington Square Parking Committee Supervisor Seligson reported on the recent meeting of the Washington Square Parking Committee. Discussion involved the possible need to initiate the Residential Parking District Legislation allowing the creation of on street residential parking permits. Although this legislation has been in effect for a few years,it is currently only being utilized on Lester Place. Members at the Meetings did not see a current need for it, but would do a survey of residents in the area. Posting of Signs—Land Use Applications 3 June 12, 2013 Previously the Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals,appeared before the Town Board to address the Board's concern that on occasion signs which the Town Code requires,announcing an upcoming application before the Board of Appeals,due mostly to weather,do not remain in place for the time required by Code. Without meeting this requirement,the Board of Appeals is unable to act upon an application. The Board of Appeals is recommending the Town consider Amending Chapter 144 to address this specific issue. Previously Mr. Maker was asked to draft an amendment that the Town Board has before them this evening. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,the Board unanimously agreed to enter into an Executive Session to discuss Collective Bargaining with the Firefighters Union and the Employment History of a Particular Employee within the Police Department. EXECUTIVE SESSION Collective Bargaining with the Firefighters Union Employment History of a Particular Employee On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilman Odierna,the Board unanimously agreed to resume the Regular Meeting. CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at 8:10 PM, she then pointed out the location of the exits. SUPERVISOR'S SUMMARY REPORT Supervisor Seligson noted that the Town Board met for a worksession beginning at 5:00 o'clock this evening,adding this is an open meeting that all residents are welcomed to attend. Supervisor Seligson noted the closing of the Weaver Street Bridge by the Department of Transportation, adding it is expected to reopen at the end of July. Pedestrian access will be open till the end of school but will then close until completion. At a recent Parking Committee Meeting, residents had a fruitful discussion regarding the implementation of the Residential Parking District.The Town Board had a Strategic Planning Meeting and worked on follow up to the Town Survey to develop areas of interest for goals.These goals will be set into policies and procedures for the Administrator and the Town Departments.Supervisor Seligson attended a Meeting with the Army Corp of Engineers,Officials from the Village of Mamaroneck and Senator Elliott Engel to discuss updated Flood Maps and to receive an initial report by the Corp of their flood mitigation proposal slated for official issuance in 2016.The Town has experienced 7"of rain this week and the Town is glad to report that there has been little flooding due to the Town's controlling of the reservoir levels and the new Duck Pond Control Valve. Residents are reminded of Grievance Day on June 18,with day and evening sessions by appointment.Supervisor Seligson noted the many Memorial Day events she and the Board participated in,and then thanked our Veterans for all they have done and continue to do. CITIZEN'S COMMENTS A representative from the Larchmont Gardens'Civic Association (LGCA)addressed the Board.The LGCA thanked the Town's Conservation Department for the program they provide in planting trees in honor of individuals. Kevin noted that trees were planted in honor of his father and his wife's Father. It was reported that the LGCA would like to donate funds to repair the stone walls at the entrance on Myrtle,adding donations from residents'are greatly appreciated. Kevin addressed concerns by residents for a time line for clearing the path around the Lake and for continued weeding. 4 June 12, 2013 PROCLAMATION—Certificates of Appreciation—Emergency Medical Service Awards Supervisor Seligson read the following: PUBLIC HEARING — Amendment to Vehicle Idling Law The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New York,and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on May 15, 2013,a Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday,June 12,2013 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible in the Court Room of the Town Center,740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider an Amendment to the Vehicle Idling Law. Purpose: The Town of Mamaroneck Vehicle Idling Law does not include a maximum fine amount. Therefore,the Town proposes an amendment to incorporate a fine for violation. The full text of this Amendment may be examined and copies obtained at the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior thereto. BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK CHRISTINA BATTALIA TOWN CLERK Published: May 21,2013 On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Public Hearing was unanimously opened. Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone wished to comment on the proposed Local Law. On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,the Public Hearing was unanimously closed. On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Wittner,the following Local law was approved: Local Law No. 2 - 2013 This local law shall be known as the"Amendment of the Idling of Motor Vehicles Law". BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck Section 1—Purpose: The purpose of this law is to establish a fine for the violation of section 219-1 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck. Section 2—Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code: 5 June 12, 2013 Section 219-1 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended to add a new Subsection E which reads as follows: "E. Anyone who violates section 219-1 of the Code shall be liable for a fine which shall not exceed $75.00." Section 3—Severability: Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law,which may be implemented without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions. Section 4—Effective Date: This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Seligson,and then on motion of Commissioner Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Katz,the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open. Present were the following Members of the Commission: Commissioner: Nancy Seligson Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna Commissioner: Abby Katz Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney 1. FIRE CLAIMS On motion of Commissioner Odierna,seconded by Commissioner Elkind Eney,it was RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department Claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: Amazon.com Power supply and replace broken Security DVR 504.98 AAA Emergency Supply Akron 2.5" Smooth Nozzle 473.50 AAA Emergency Supply Scott Pak Repairs 106.28 AAA Emergency Supply Air Cascade repair 309.00 AAA Emergency Supply Repair to Nozzle 207.00 AAA Emergency Supply Recharge CO2 Extinguisher 28.00 Brewer Hardware Misc supplies 10.49 Cablevision Cable service 5/23-6/22/13 143.99 Christopher Pallett Supplies for May 2013 Drill 70.29 Clean Air Company Repair Exhaust leak on Plymovent System 327.00 Cleaning Sys Company Cleaning supplies-Towels&Bags 256.16 Cleaning Sys Company Cleaning supplies-Garbage Bags 37.90 Clarity Testing Services Physical Exam for FF Michael Houghtaling 405.00 Lawn Sprinklers, Paint&Sand Paper, Nuts, bolts& Foley Hardware screws 35.78 Foley Hardware Brackets for Repair to Shelf 9.96 6 June 12, 2013 G&K Services Mats and Rags-May 2013 93.51 Home Depot Replacement Dryer for Decon of Equipment 899.00 Home Depot Replace Thermostat&Light Sensor 76.45 Interstate Diagnostics Inc. Physical Exam for Mark Tamarin 350.00 M.S.L. Refrigeration, Inc. Service call on refrigeration unit 238.35 Oakland Beach Deli Food for May 2013 Drill 283.70 Poland Spring/Deer Park Water Rent for water cooler&dispenser 99.96 Redwood Nursery (4) Bales of Hay(unpaid balance on previous invoice) 60.00 Ricoh Copier contract for 4/22-5/21/13 204.35 R&L Consulting Symantec Anti-Virus License Renewal 150.00 The F-Bar Inc. Flowers&Wreaths for Memorial Day 310.00 Tony's Nurseries Inc. Fertilizer,Turfbuilder&Grass Seed 212.76 Verizon Phone Service for 5/10-6/9/13 363.85 West.Cty.Vol. Firemen's Assoc. 2013 Annual Dues 15.00 0.00 Total: $6,282.26 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Commissioner Elkind Eney Aye Commissioner Katz Aye Commissioner Odierna Aye Commissioner Wittner Aye Commissioner Seligson Aye Commissioner Wittner read the Fire Report for the Month of May as submitted by Chief Russo as follows: May 2013 ALARM TYPE NUMBER Generals 34 Minors 27 Stills 2 Out of Town (Mutual Aid) 6 EMS 52 Drills 7 TOTAL 128 Total number of personnel responding: 1027 Total time working: 49 hours and 39 minutes There being no further business to come before the Commission,on motion of Commissioner Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Elkind Eney,the Commission unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened. AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 7. Authorization-Inter-Municipal Agreement-Road Resurfacing On motion of Councilwoman Katz,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Intermunicipal Agreement between the City of New Rochelle and the Village of Pelham,Village of Pelham Manor,Village of Mamaroneck,Village of Larchmont and the Town of Mamaroneck,in order to publicly bid and award a contract for implementing a street pavement resurfacing contract, utilizing CHIPS funding,for various public roadways in each of the Communities,and BE IT FURTHER 7 June 12, 2013 RESOLVED,that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said Intermunicipal Agreement on behalf of the Town. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the expenditure of$502,257.00 for road resurfacing and curbing as specified by the bid documents approved by the City of New Rochelle pursuant to the approved Intermunicipal Agreement. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye 8. Authorization-Retention of Title Search Firm for In Rem Proceeding Deferred 9. Right of First Refusal-Proposed Sale of Westchester County Land On motion of Councilman Odierna,seconded by Councilwoman Wittner,the following was approved, Whereas, the County of Westchester ("County") desires to convey a County parcel consisting of approximately 0.10 acres, located in the Town of Mamaroneck (the "Town") at the dead end of Harrison Drive and adjoining the southerly side of the railroad, approximately 190 feet northerly of Palmer Avenue. The parcel is designated as Section 5 Block 501, subsection 1, block 84 on the tax maps of the Town.(the "Property"); and Whereas, in accordance with Section 209.101(8)(b) for the Laws of Westchester County, the County has offered the Town the opportunity to purchase said Property under the following terms and conditions: 1) For use in perpetuity for park and recreation purposes for the sum of one dollar($1.00); 2) For other municipal purposes at the current appraised value as determined by the County Board of Legislators, or for no more than the same consideration for which it is proposed to be sold, whichever is less; 3) The deed conveying said Property to the Town for either purpose listed above shall include clauses specifying said purpose and that the Property shall revert to the County if it is not utilized for that purpose within five(5)years or at any time that such specifically enumerated use ceases; 4) The Town shall elect to make such purchase within ninety (90) days of its receipt of this offer from the County; 5) This opportunity to purchase this Property shall not constitute a right to purchase and may be withdrawn by the County at any time. Any sale of the Property shall be subject to all necessary governmental approvals. • Now,therefore be it • RESOLVED, that the Town waives and relinquishes any rights that it may have under the aforesaid opportunity to purchase said Property. 8 June 12, 2013 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye 10. Resolution-Amendment to General Municipal Law: Notices of Claim On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,the following was approved WHEREAS,the NY General Municipal Law has been amended by adding a new section that allows notices of claims for torts to be filed with the Secretary of State of the State of New York,as well as the Town Clerk,and WHEREAS,the new section of the Law requires the Town,among other things,to designate the Secretary of State as its agent for service of a Notice of Claim and to provide the Secretary with the name and address of an officer, person,or designee, nominee or other agent-in-fact to whom the Secretary is to transmit notices of claim served upon that office. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that Town of Mamaroneck designates the Secretary of State as its agent for the service of a notice of claim served pursuant to section 50-e of the NY General Municipality Law,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Town Clerk file the certification with the Secretary of State that is required under Section 53 of the NY General Municipality Law. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye 11. Appointment-Alternate Member to the Town Planning Board On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilman Odierna,it was unanimously RESOLVED,that Elizabeth Cooney be appointed as Alternate Member of the Planning Board,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the foregoing appointment shall be effective immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the oath mandated by Section 25 of the New York Town Law and shall expire on December 31, 2019. 12. Salary Authorizations e) Highway Department On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,it was 9 June 12, 2013 RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the hiring of the following employees to work at the Town Highway Department from approximately June 17`"thru August 30`",2013: Francesco Caporale $12.50hr Andrew Fenwick $12.50hr The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye f) Department of Community Services On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the salary authorization and hiring of Ms.Alicia Nowlin-Downey as Senior Services Coordinator,at an annual salary of $36,280.00. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye g) Recreation On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilman Odierna,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve of the following salary authorizations as approved in the 2013 Town Budget as follows: ATTACHMENT A The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Wittner Aye Seligson Aye h) Conservation On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,it was RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the following summer conservation crew members: Crew Leader at$9.00/hour Christian Degenhardt Conservation Crew Members at$8.50/hr 10 June 12, 2013 Frank Giordano Noah Odierna Eric Meeker Troy Wittemore Daniel Marks Hunter Boyle Erick Linares The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna ABSTAIN Wittner Aye Seligson Aye APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney,it was unanimously RESOLVED,that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Board Minutes from the meeting of May15,2013. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None REPORT OF COUNCIL Councilman Odierna attended the Mamaroneck Chamber of Commerce Meeting,at which they discussed changing the parking regulations on Mamaroneck Ave by extending meter hours past 6:OOPM.On June 6`" he attended the Party on the Pond at the Sheldrake Environmental Center—a delightful event.Councilman Odierna attended the Healthier Mamaroneck Program at the Hispanic Resource Center,adding this is the ongoing program sponsored by the Rye YMCA. Councilman Odierna attended the bench dedication for Lee Bloom,as well as a number of Memorial events,the Kemper Memorial event,the Mamaroneck Village Parade and the Larchmont Village Parade and the services at the Weaver Street Fire House. Councilwoman Katz attended the Art Show at Mamaroneck High School and was glad to see her daughter's work. She also attended the Mamaroneck Artist Guild Small Works Show, noting her friend's son had a piece in the show.Councilwoman Katz is glad there is a venue for young adults to show their art. Councilwoman Katz attended the Village of Larchmont Council on the Environment and the Garden Club's dedication of the new garden at the Library. Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Westchester Municipal Officials' Dinner, noting the topic was water.Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the 'Trash On'Show at Mamaroneck High School,judged by Supervisor Seligson, noting it was a big hit.The Larchmont Gardens'Civic Association held their Annual Meeting on May 18`", noting what an interesting meeting it was.On June 5`",Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the LMC-TV Awards Ceremony,adding what a valuable service LMC provides to our Community. On May 21,Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Summit Meeting,at which they discussed the Playland Model. Residents should stay tuned to see what happens with this project.The Larchmont Gardens'Club celebrated its 1001"Anniversary with an installation at the Larchmont Library. Finally,Councilwoman Elkind Eney and the Board attended the American Legion Installation BBQ at Flint Park. Supervisor Seligson reported that she was glad to be asked to speak at the Larchmont Gardens'Civic Association's Annual Meeting,adding it is wonderful to be able to speak about the Town in these important formats and would be happy to do this for any others. Supervisor Seligson had a special thank you to American Legion Posts 90 and 347 and the VFW Post 1156 for all their efforts in our Memorial Events and their ongoing work throughout the year. Supervisor Seligson added that at the Party on the Pond, Rick 11 June 12, 2013 Cherry and his Company Community Environmental Center were honored for the sustainability work they do,as was Plates Restaurant's farm to table efforts. Supervisor Seligson and Mr.Altieri attended a meeting with Con Edison regarding'Blue Sky' Planning,a term used to prepare for storm related emergency events during non-storm times. This important work is being done in the aftermath of Storm Sandy and was very productive. There is also a similar preparedness meeting taking place with Westchester County.Supervisor Seligson reminded residents that there is a ban on leaf blowers that began on June 15`and runs thru September 15`".This is an important quality of life issue for the Town that will be enforced. Supervisor Seligson noted the passing of three very special people in our community. Mike McClintock was a wonderful husband to Cynthia and father to his three children. Mike brought joy to everyone he encountered. He was respected throughout our community as someone who was thoughtful and engaging, with a love for life and for others.Supervisor Seligson's neighbor Stan Gelber passed away, he was husband of Sandra Miller. Bill Capadano's wife, Krista Capadano passed away. Bill has been an active member of our VFW and a great citizen in our Town. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Wittner,seconded by Councilwoman Katz,the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:30 PM. Submitted by Christina Battalia,Town Clerk 12 June 12, 2013 ATTACHMENT"A" PAGE I of 18 co E a 16 lw (D U 8 N E 8 N l .8 9 9 9 9N 9 2 w 00 00 2 8 to (0 (0 U. 00ccloco 19 0 si 0 83 Na N N F- E N t '15 s tX C W.— 0 0 CL 0 L. CL F- z7 0.0) -@ < - 4-5 G 46 0 L.0 -0 a q3 -a aaaaaaa 31 CL C r- r r- r- a c r a a c r- c g a a r- Oc 'h y vo 0 to 0 0 0 LD 0 0 C) 0 a g c a) 1 0 0 to 10 e 12 e � a 12 a � CT 0 12 (2 a .2 09 oQC w a a 112 a m" W 0 13 June 12, 2013 ATTACHMENT"A" PAGE 2 of 18 (9 co m co i5 'r 16 w wcomcfl 116 n m c C, c: ro0 0 1 fa a 1 0) 160 164 cn, c) C> 0 (0 is U o. 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