HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006_11_20 Town Board Minutes Special Meeting November 20, 2006 Minutes of the Special Meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck held on November 20, 2006 at 6:00pm in Conference Room A of the Mamaroneck Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY. PRESENT: Supervisor Valerie M. O'Keeffe Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner Councilman Ernest C. Odierna Councilwoman Nancy Seligson Councilman Paul A. Winick ALSO PRESENT: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney Denis Brucciani, Town Comptroller CALL TO ORDER The special meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor O’Keeffe at 6:00 PM. 1. Community Counseling Center Budget Ms. Jane Orans appeared before the Town Board to discuss the 2007 budget for the counseling center. Ms. Orans expressed her appreciation for the Town Board’s past support of the center. She further indicated that a decision had been made to withdraw the center’s original request to increase the budget subsidy from $45,000 to $50,000. The Counseling Center’s subsidy will therefore remain at $45,000 in 2007. 2. Emelin Theatre Jill Casner Lotto of the Emelin Theatre appeared before the Town Board to discuss the theater’s budget request for 2007. She shared with the Town Board information regarding the activities at the theatre and the community events that are held at the theatre. The Emelin Theatre requested that their budget subsidy from the Town be increased from $2,000 to $5,000. After discussion by the Board, it was agreed that the subsidy will be increased to $4,000 in the 2007 Town Budget. 3. Human Rights Commission The Town Board reviewed the letter submitted by April Farber, Chairman of the Human Rights Commission. The Commission is requesting an increase in their budget from $1500 to $2000. Additional funding will cover expenses relating printing, mailing, Martin Luther King Day event and speakers. Upon review the Town Board approved the increased funding. 4. Resolution Regulating Displays in the Public Forum of the Town of Mamaroneck The Town Board reviewed the resolution prepared by the Town Attorney in regard to regulations for displays in the Town’s public forum which is the triangle at the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Weaver Street. On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: 1 Special Meeting November 20, 2006 WHEREAS, the place known as the “Triangle” is the area formed by the westerly side of Weaver Street, the northerly side of Palmer Avenue and the easterly side of the lane that directs vehicular traffic heading south on Weaver Street to the westbound lane of Palmer Avenue; and WHEREAS, historically, although public assembly has not occurred in the Triangle, the Triangle has been used as a location where displays have been installed temporarily by organizations to advise the public of community events; and WHEREAS, the Courts have ruled that displays advocating beliefs are forms of speech that are entitled to protection under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution in much the same way as oral speech is so protected; and WHEREAS, the Courts also have held that publicly owned land where displays historically have been placed are public forums where the public may exercise its right to free speech; and WHEREAS, with respect to the installation of displays, the Triangle is a public forum; and WHEREAS, because the Triangle is situated at one of the more heavily traveled intersections in the Town, the Town always has regulated the materials, the size, the placement and the duration of displays in the Triangle so as to preserve safe and adequate sight lines for motorists traveling on Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that to maintain safety for both the drivers of motor vehicles who travel along, and pedestrians who cross Weaver Street and/or Palmer Avenue in the vicinity of the Triangle, the Town should continue to regulate the displays temporarily installed in the Triangle and that the Town Board should promulgate specific regulations to govern the matter. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following are the regulations for the installation of displays within the Triangle: A. For the purpose of this resolution, (i) the term “displays” includes but is not limited to banners, boards, depictions, drawings, flags, figures, pennants, pictures, posters, renderings, signs, statues, symbols and like objects, (ii) the term “organization” means (a) civic groups, schools or entities which were founded primarily for religious, charitable or educational purposes or for the promotion of amateur sports or the performing arts, provided that the foregoing have a principal place of business within either the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck, the Village of Larchmont or the Village of Mamaroneck, or (b) candidates for elective offices, political committees or political parties. B. No display can be placed within the Triangle until a permit is issued by the Town Administrator to the organization which wishes to install that display. To obtain a permit, an organization shall submit a request either in writing or by electronic mail to the Town Administrator or designee which shall (a) identify the organization, (b) state the address of the organization’s principal place of business, (c) identify the event to be announced, or the occasion to be commemorated by the display, (d) describe the material out of which the display shall be made and the method by which the display shall be affixed to the ground, (e) state the days on which the organization would like the display to stand, 2 Special Meeting November 20, 2006 (f) if the display contains words, set forth the words to be written on the display, (g) if the display contains depictions, drawings, figures, pictures, renderings or symbols, describe such items, and (h) state whether the display shall be illuminated and if so, the source of that illumination. C. No display can be greater than four feet wide. D. The highest point of a display cannot be more than five feet above the surface of the Triangle. E. No portion of a display shall move. F. No display shall contain moving pictures on a screen or scroll. G. No display shall contain words that scroll. H. No portion of a display shall contain inflatable figures. I. No portion of a display shall be animated. J. A display may only be illuminated by an internal source. K. Spotlights are not permitted. L. Flashing lights are not permitted. M. Displays shall not contain words, depictions, drawings, figures, pictures, renderings, statues or symbols that are obscene. N. No display shall be installed in a location within the Triangle which obstructs the sight lines of motorists traveling on Weaver Street and/or Palmer Avenue or the sight lines of pedestrians who cross Weaver Street and/or Palmer Avenue in the vicinity of the Triangle. O. No display shall be installed in a location within the Triangle which prevents another display within the Triangle from being viewed by motorists traveling on Weaver Street and/or Palmer Avenue or pedestrians who cross Weaver Street and/or Palmer Avenue in the vicinity of the Triangle. P. If a display falls down, the organization either shall reinstall or remove it. If the organization does neither, the Town may, but is not required to, remove the display and advise the organization where it is being kept. If the organization does not retrieve the display within three business days thereafter, the Town may dispose of it. Q. If a display is damaged, the organization either shall replace it with an identical display or remove it. If the organization does neither, the Town may, but is not required to, remove the display and advise the organization where it is being kept. If the organization does not retrieve the display within three business days thereafter, the Town may dispose of it. R. The organization shall remove the display on the fifteenth day after the day on which it was installed. If the organization does not do so, the Town may, but is not required to, remove the display and advise the organization where it is being kept. If the organization does not retrieve the display within three business days thereafter, the Town may dispose of it. S. Displays shall not contain advertising for commercial entities or products. T. If the display is to be illuminated by using the Town’s source of electricity, the organization shall pay a fee of $25.00 to the Town to reimburse the Town for using its source of electricity. The fee shall be paid before the permit is issued. 3 Special Meeting November 20, 2006 U. If the name of the organization is not contained within the display, the organization shall place a sign within two feet of the base of the display stating the following: “This display has been paid for, has been installed and is being maintained solely by \[INSERT THE NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION\];” V. The Town of Mamaroneck, Village of Larchmont, Village of Mamaroneck and the Mamaroneck School District shall be exempt from these regulations; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that other than the Triangle, there are no public forums in the unincorporated area of the Town of Mamaroneck. 5. Executive Session On motion by Councilwoman Seligson and second by Councilman Winnick it was unanimously: Resolved the Town Board will adjourn into executive session to discuss matters relating to litigation. The executive session was unanimously adjourned on motion made by Councilwoman WIttner and second by Councilman Winnick 6. Salary Authorization – Recreation/Senior Services The Town Administrator and Assistant to the Town Administrator presented information in connection with a proposal to hire a person in the Recreation Department that will assist with senior programming. The person will work with both the Superintendent of Recreation and the Director of Community Services in her capacity as Assistant Superintendent of Recreation. On motion by Councilwoman Seligson and second by Councilman Winnick it was: Resolved that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to hire Maria Gallagher to the position of Assistant Superintendent of Recreation at an annual salary of $61,500 and the benefits outlined in Ms. Gallagher’s employment agreement The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Winick - Aye Seligson - Aye Odierna - Aye Wittner - Aye O’Keeffe - Aye 7. 2007 Tentative Budget The Town Administrator presented to the Town Board a memorandum listing a series of proposed budget changes to be considered for preparation of the Preliminary Budget for 2007. It was pointed out that the Preliminary budget will be the subject of a public hearing on December 6, 2006. After the hearing, the Town Board still has the opportunity to change the budget up to the date of adoption which is December 20, 2006. The Board decided to incorporate all of the changes listed in the Town Administrator’s memorandum. In addition the transfer to the Capital Fund in the Highway Fund will be increased from $140,000 to $220,000 8. Proposed Parking Deck – Lot #3 4 Special Meeting November 20, 2006 The Town Board reviewed the design drawings submitted by FCD Mamaroneck for the construction of the parking deck over lot #3 on Myrtle Boulevard. After review the Town Board decided to select the design that illustrates arches between the support beams. Also the Town Board selected the stairwell design with the peaked roof. The Town Administrator was directed to advise FCD Mamaroneck of this decision. ADJOURNMENT On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson the meeting was unanimously adjourned. Submitted by _________________________________ Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk F:\\Documents\\Minutes\\2006w\\11-22-06.Specmtg.Doc 5