HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005_07_13 Town Board Minutes July 13, 2005
Revised 7/14/05
REGULAR MEETING —Wednesday, July 13, 2005 in the Town Center Court Room at 8:15 PM
THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE at 5:00 PM into a Work Session to discuss Tree Permit appeal
74 Lansdowne Road, Update Conservation Area Encroachments, Repairs to Fire Apparatus, Town
Fire Whistles, Update Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation & Authorization —Storm Drain Easement
At 7:15 PM the Town Board will convene into Executive Session to discuss Litigation & Certiorari.
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
COMMENDATION — Highway Department Employees - Christopher Gonch
Ronnie Vega
PRESENTATION - Concept Drawings— Garden's Lake Restoration
PUBLIC HEARINGS — Installation of Stop Signs - Intersection -West Garden Road/Mardon Road
Intersection -West Garden Road/Clover Road
Intersection - Glen Eagles Road/Locust Ridge
1. Fire Claims
2. Other Fire Department Business
1. Appeal of Tree Permit—74 Lansdowne Road
2. Appointment—Coastal Zone Management Commission
3. Authorization —Storm Drain Easement Agreement
4. Report of Bids—Contract TA-05-07 — Pavement Roller
5. Report of Bids - Contract TA-05-06— High Pressure Sewer Cleaner
6. Authorization — Bonding Resolution — Garden's Lake Restoration Project
7. Authorization — New York State Grant Contract—Sheldrake Environmental Center
8. Approval of Certiorari
9. Authorization — New York State Grant Contract— Memorial Park
10. Authorization —Sale of Surplus Equipment
11. Set Public Hearing —Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency—Administrative Plan
12. Salary Authorizations— Recreation
*13. Union & Non Union Management—3.8% Raise Increase
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 25, 2005 Special Meeting
June 18, 2005 Special Meeting
PROCLAMATION — Father Brian McWeeney
Next regularly scheduled meetings - Monday, August 8, 2005 &Wednesday, September 7, 2005
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July 13, 2005
Supervisor Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner
Councilman Ernest C. Odierna
Councilwoman Nancy Seligson
Councilman Paul A. Winick
Christina Battalia, Acting Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney
The regular meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor O'Keeffe at 8:30 PM.
She then pointed out the location of exits.
Supervisor O'Keeffe thanked Christopher Gonch and Ronnie Vega for their quick response to a
situation that could have had a tragic outcome. Supervisor O'Keeffe wanted Chris and Ronnie
to know, as well as the EMS people and police, how much the board appreciated their actions.
Supervisor O'Keeffe thanked Joe Angilletta for painting the mini attack fire truck, it looked
Ernie Odierna added that he had spoken to Joe Angilletta who commended highway
department for their assistance
PUBLIC HEARINGS — Installation of Stop Signs -
Intersection -West Garden Road/Mardon
Intersection -West Garden Road/Clover Road
Intersection - Glen Eagles Road/Locust Ridge
A visual presentation was shown by Stephen Altieri, Town Administrator. He explained the
proposed stop signs on Mardon Road and West Garden Road.
PUBLIC HEARING — Installation of Stop Signs - Intersection -West Garden Road/Mardon
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town
of Mamaroneck on June 15, 2005 at 8:15 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible in the
Court Room of the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to
consider the adoption of a local law entitled "Stop Signs at the point where Mardon Road
terminates at West Garden Road"Law
The purpose of this Local Law is to regulate traffic where Mardon Road Terminates at West
Garden Road
The full text of this Local law may be examined and copies obtained at the Town Clerk's
office during regular hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, or until 4:00 PM
during June, July and August) at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be
given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written
July 13, 2005
comments at or prior thereto.
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilman Winnick, the hearing was
unanimously opened.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if anyone would like to speak to the history of this law, as well as
any feedback from the Traffic Committee.
Councilman Winnick stated, the conclusion of the Traffic Committee, after site visits, was that
it was necessary to control traffic entering West Garden Road from Mardon Road and Clover
Road. They determined this based on site lines, it would be prudent to have stop signs at
these locations. The committee felt this was a similar situation to Fernwood Road. They also
determined it was desirable to break the traffic flow down West Garden from Weaver, and up
West Garden from Brookside Drive.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if any one would care to speak to this proposed law.
Mike Mendelson, 40 West Garden Road gave three letters to the Deputy Clerk. Mr. Mendelson
spoke in favor of the law. He has lived at this address for 2 years. During this time has
witnessed excessive speeding on West Garden Road. He spoke about the blind spot caused
by the curve in road on West Garden when entering West Garden from Mardon.
Councilwoman Wittner interjected that if you do need to stop at Mardon Road when entering
West Garden because of poor visibility, why then do you need a stop sign.
Mr. Medelson stated the initial stop sign request was from West Garden not Mardon, which was
brought out during Traffic Committee work. Mr. Mendelson reiterated the poor visibility.
There was some discussion about bend in road, poor site visibility created by the curve, by
parked cars and excessive speed.
Wayne Jocell, 12 Mardon Road, spoke in favor of the stop signs. He echoed what Mr.
Medelson had to say, with a slightly different point of view. He emphasized that speed was a
real problem. People see a "straight shot" down West Garden and speed down the street. Mr.
Jocell felt signs on West Garden at Mardon and Clover was most important. He stated people
"roll" through the intersection when coming down Mardon and Clover onto West Garden.
Supervisor O'Keeffe, asked if he thought trimming hedges at corner of Mardon Road would
Mr. Jocell said he thought that would be worse.
Councilwoman Wittner stated bushes should be cut back, not removed, the height of the
bushes causes drivers to come out into the intersection in order to see on coming cars.
The Supervisor asked if anyone else would like to speak.
Eric Sunden, 27 West Brookside Drive, said he lived here all his life and agrees with two
previous speakers that a stop sign would help alleviate speeding caused by use as cut
through, and perceived "straight shot" up to Weaver.
Madeline Berg, 15 Mardon Road, spoke negatively about the boards preference for removing
bushes. Thinks it is antithetical to the CZMC as well as unnamed Conservation Committees.
Also feels site problem is caused at opposite corner than hers, being the view turning onto
West Garden from Mardon looking toward Weaver. Stated they could not be trimmed they
would have to be removed, they are decades old hemlocks. Ms. Berg agreed with putting a
stop sign on West Garden at Mardon, but not on Mardon at West Garden.
There was some discussion about site line at Mardon with the placement of a stop sign.
Discussion that the stop sign on West Garden would be more beneficial.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked Ron Carpaneto to speak about site line law.
Ron Carpaeto stated the law reads there should be no visual obstruction 30' back and 3' high
from corner back.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if anyone wanted to speak against the proposed stop sign.
No one came forward.
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the public hearing
was unanimously closed.
PUBLIC HEARING — Installation of Stop Sign at intersection were Clover Road terminates at
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West Garden Road
The following notice of public hearing was entered into the record:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck on June 15, 2005 at 8:15 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible
in the Court Room of the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New
York to consider the adoption of a local law entitled "Stop Signs at the point where
Clover Street terminates at West Garden Road"Law
The purpose of this local law is to regulate traffic where Clover Street terminates at
West Garden Road.
The full text of this Local law may be examined and copies obtained at the Town Clerk's
office during regular hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, or until 4:00
PM during June, July and August) at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will
be given an opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written
comments at or prior thereto.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Winick the hearing was
unanimously opened.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if anyone wished to speak for or against this Law.
Wayne Jocell, stated he was in favor of these stops signs as well as those at Mardon and West
Councilman Odierna asked Mr. Jocell if he thought the purpose of the stop sign on West
Garden would slow down traffic.
Mr. Jocell thought they would.
There was discussion, similar to discussion of signs at Mardon and West Garden, about
visibility, excessive speeding and it's use as a cut through.
Councilman Odierna stated his concern for having stop signs at every corner.
Supervisor O'Keeffe felt the need for a stop sign on West Garden and Mardon, but had
concerns about a stop sign on West Garden at Clover because of the elimination of parking
spaces in front of the corner home caused by the placement of a stop sign, especially the
White house on the corner of Clover and West Garden.
Mr. Jocell stated emphatically the need for a stop sign on West garden at Clover to stop the
"straight shot" up from the Brook.
Councilman Winick stated that for the same reason you need a stop sign on West Garden and
Mardon you need one on West Garden at Clover.
Councilman Odierna had concerns that stop signs could cause people to speed more after they
Supervisor O'Keeffe stated there was a town wide speeding issue.
Councilwoman Wittner stated that in recent years the traffic committee has misused stop
signs. She clarified that the state regulation states stop signs are not be used as speed
Supervisor O'Keefe asked if anyone else cared to speak
Chad Johnson, 75 West Garden, felt the need for both stop signs, saying safety is paramount.
The "white house" garage is on Clover, does not feel that their parking would be restricted. Mr.
Johnson stated there was a tree on Clover that does effect visibility.
Supervisor O'Keeffe said that stop signs are not to be used to mitigate site lines laws.
Councilwoman Wittner emphasized the need for people to come to a stop and carefully look
when coming to a corner without the need for a stop sign.
Councilman Winick said that a reasonable compromise would be to have stop signs on West
Garden at Clover and Mardon to avoid putting in 4 signs.
Councilman Odierna agreed with that compromise, even thought in general not in favor of stop
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Supervisor O'Keefe asked if anyone else wanted to speak.
Rob Lynch, 80 West Garden, stated he was in favor of the stop signs, saying we need to use
what works, which is the price to pay to slow people down. He emphasized there are
teenagers speeding at all hours, 40-50 MPH down West Garden.
Councilwoman Seligson asked if police had reported on these streets.
Mr. Johnson said West Garden Road was unique in that you have two streets, Mardon and
Clover, that enter West Garden Road at steep angles, which is a recipe for disaster.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if there were any reported accidents.
Mr. Johnson answered there were three at Mardon Road, and one at Clover Road.
There was then discussion about police presence.
Councilman Winick stated that you cannot have, nor would we want to pay for increased police
Ms. Berg stated she understood Councilwoman Wittner's opposition to misusing stop signs,
saying speed bumps work the best, but town cannot use them because of snow plows. We
need to use what works to slow people down. She also asked the board to check wording of
the law, she thought it should read southeastern corner not southwestern corner.
The following letters were entered into the record:
July 13, 2005
Valerie M. O"Keefe
Town Center
740 W. Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Dear Valerie:
We had hoped to attend tonight's Town Board meeting regarding the installation
of stop signs on West Garden Road, but unfortunately, a death in the family is
preventing us from attending.
We moved to West Garden Road in Larchmont two years ago from New York
City with the hopes of providing our young children with a safe environment.
However, shortly after moving in we recognized that West Garden Road was a
convenient "cut-through"for those making their way to Weaver Street and for
those looking for a short cut to Mamaroneck. These cars speed through our
street and we are very concerned about the safety of our children. We feel
strongly that stop signs placed on our street, and at Clover and Mardon, will
help control the speed of cars traveling on West Garden Road, and make it
safer for our kids.
Please accept this letter in our absence and know that our sincerest emotions
are in support of the stop signs being properly placed on and around West
Garden Road. The stop signs are crucial not only for our children and for those
who live here today, but also for those who will live here in the future,
Betsy and Michael Frank
Parents of Ava--4 years, Lily—20 months
107 West Garden Road
Robert& Kira Bartlett
32 West Garden Road
Larchmont, NY 10538
(914) 834-1643
Valerie M. O'Keefe 7111105
Town Center
740 West Boston Post Road
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July 13, 2005
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Dear Ms. O'Keefe,
We are writing in vigorous support of placing a stop sign on West Garden Road
at the corner of West Garden and Mardon. We moved to Larchmont just over
one year ago, and have been very pleased with our decision to move to this
community. Upon moving in, however, we immediately noticed that many cars
daily sped on West Garden Road far in excess or the permissible speed limit.
Although such a trend should be concerning to anyone, we have been
particularly concerned because we are parents of a nearly 3 year-old child, and
are also expecting a new baby in the fall. We do everything we can, of course,
to monitor our child, and make sure that he does not stray into the street. We
nevertheless feel frustrated with and worried about the speeding traffic that
places him and the many other children who live on West Garden Road at risk.
We understand that a meeting was scheduled last month to discuss the issue of
the stop sign, and felt sorry that we could not attend due to our schedules.
Given the fact that we are relative newcomers here, too, we did not at that time
know that the town meeting schedules were posted on the Town Center's
website. We wished that we could have attended that particular meeting to let
you know in person about our concern.
Thank you for continuing to consider this issue that, though small to the town at
large, means a great deal to us. Please know that we fully support the
placement of a new stop sign on West Garden Road, and we respectfully ask
you to give this matter your serious consideration. Thank you.
Kira Bartlett, Psy..D. Robert C. Bartlett, Ph.D.
Claudine Clark
49 West Garden Road
Larchmont, NY 10538
July 11.2005
Supervisor Valerie M. O'Keefe
Town Center
740 W. Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
Re: Stop Signs on West Garden Road Dear Supervisor O'Keefe,
I am unable to personally attend the Town Board meeting on
Wednesday. July 131. but I would like to voice my support for the motion
to add STOP signs on West Garden Road (at Mardon Rd. stopping
traffic from Weaver, and at Clover Rd. slopping traffic from Brookside). In
addition. I believe there is also a need for a STOP sign at the corner of
Mardon and West Garden. which is clearly viewable from my home, as
on a number of occasions I have witnessed automobiles take dangerous
full-speed turns in both directions from this intersection.
It is my opinion. that both intersections are extremely dangerous.
I have personally witnessed several near accidents as a result of the
excessive speed of drivers and the unusual combination of curves and
elevation drops on West Garden Road.
Please accept this letter of support. in lieu of my personal
attendance at the meeting.
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July 13, 2005
Claudine Clark
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked for a motion to close.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Winick the public hearing was
unanimously closed.
Councilwoman Wittner stated this was an Unlisted Action; the board can have a negative
declaration and proceed, so on her motion, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
Resolved, that the Town Board finds that the adoption of the
proposed local laws regarding Stop Signs at West Garden Road
at points were Mardon Road and Clover Road terminate at West
Garden Road Law is hereby declared to be an Unlisted Action
with No Impact under the New York State Environmental Quality
Review Act (SEQRA).
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if anyone wished to make a motion to adopt the Local Law "Stop
Signs at the point where Mardon Road terminates at West Garden Road" as presented. She
acknowledged there was no motion, no second, therefore no action.
The board discussed amendments to the proposed local law, thereafter it was decided to
delete sections two and four from the law, and then on motion of Councilman Winick,
seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following local law was adopted as amended:
Mr. Maker re-read the proposed law with the changes.
Councilman Winick made a motion to vote on proposed law "Stop Signs at the point were
Mardon Road terminates at West Garden Road" with the elimination of sections 2 and 4 of the
proposed law.
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the following local law
was adopted:
Local Law No. 13—2005
This local law shall be known as the "Stop Signs at the point where Mardon Road
terminates at West Garden Road" Law.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Section 1 — Purpose:
The purpose of this local law is to regulate traffic where Mardon Road terminates at West
Garden Road.
Section 2— Regulation of Traffic on West Garden Road:
Vehicles traveling northeasterly on West Garden Road shall be required to come to a full
stop on West Garden Road at the point where Mardon Road terminates at West Garden
Section 3—Sign to be Erected:
An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected at the southwestern corner formed by the
termination of Mardon Road at West Garden Road. Such sign or signs shall be erected
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facing the traffic traveling northwesterly on West Garden Road Road.
Section 4—Severability:
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any
court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall
not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the
invalid or unconstitutional provisions.
Section 5— Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
The board discussed amendments to the proposed local law "Stop Signs at the point where
Clover Street terminates at West Garden Road", thereafter it was decided to delete sections
two and four from the law, and then on motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by
Councilwoman Wittner, the following local law was adopted as amended:
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, the following Local
Law was adopted.
Local Law No. 12—2005
This local law shall be known as the "Stop Signs at the point where Clover Street terminates
at West Garden Road" Law.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Section 1 — Purpose:
The purpose of this local law is to regulate traffic where Clover Street terminates at West
Garden Road.
Section 2— Regulation of Traffic on West Garden Road:
Vehicles traveling southwesterly on West Garden Road shall be required to come to a full
stop on West Garden Road at the point where Clover Street terminates at West Garden Road.
Section 3—Sign to be Erected:
An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected at the northeastern corner formed by the
termination of Clover Street at West Garden Road. Such sign or signs shall be erected
facing the traffic traveling southwesterly on West Garden Road.
Section 4—Severability:
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court
of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect
any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or
unconstitutional provisions.
Section 5— Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Nay
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July 13, 2005
O'Keeffe - Nay
PUBLIC HEARING — Installation of Stop Signs — Intersection — Glen Eagles Road/Locust Ridge
The following Public Hearing notice was put into the record:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that a Public Hearing will be held by the Town Board of the
Town of Mamaroneck on June 15, 2005 at 8:15 PM or as soon thereafter as is possible
in the Court Room of the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New
York to consider the adoption of a local law entitled "Stop Signs at the point where
Locust Ridge Road terminates at Glen Eagles Drive" Law
The purpose of this local law is to regulate traffic where Locust Ridge Road terminates
at Glen Eagles Drive.
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the hearing was
unanimously opened.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked who on the board was at the traffic committee discussion and what
there determination was.
Councilman Winick said the committee heard from Cathy Devore, and that the committee's
findings, based on site lines, determined it necessary to control cars entering at the
intersection at high speed.
Councilwoman Wittner said she received the traffic committee determination and proceeded to
read from the report.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if anyone wished to speak for or against this local law
H.L. Devore, 6 Glen Eagles Drive, answered saying Glen Eagles Drive has more traffic, adding
speed was not an issue.
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if people stopped.
Mr. Devore answered no.
Councilwoman Seligson said when she was looking at the area she had the feeling that when
you approached the intersection you had to stop, adding it would be prudent for anyone to
Mr. Devore added that it was down hill to Glen Eagles. There is a wall on Locust Ridge Road
which blocks ones level of site adding there is nothing telling people that they are the
secondary street entering a primary street. Drivers just roll around the corner without looking.
We can wait for an accident but not good when kids are playing in the street.
Councilman Odierna said the middle of the street was not a place for kids to play.
Mr. Devore said stop signs should not be everywhere, but it's prudent were two streets come
Supervisor O'Keeffe said she did not object to this stop sign adding it was not being used to
control speeding.
Kevin McCarthy, 18 Glen Eagles said he agreed with Mr. Devore that speed was not the issue
adding he had moved from Rockland Ave because of speed saying it was just too dangerous
to live their anymore. He emphasized that kids ride bikes on Glen Eagles Drive and cars can't
see them when coming down Locust Ridge Road. The issue is to force people to stop and
look down Glen Eagles for traffic and children on bikes.
Mr. Devore said more stop signs and slowing traffic should be a priority in our town adding it
makes for a better town.
Supervisor O'Keeffe agreed if we could slow people down it would be better.
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the
public hearing was unanimously closed.
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Councilwoman Seligson stated this was a Type II unlisted action, the board can have a
negative declaration and proceed.
Resolved, that the Town Board finds that the adoption of
the proposed local law regarding the Stop Sign on Glen
Eagle Road is hereby declared to be a Unlisted Action,
with No Impact under the New York State Environmental
Quality Review Act (SEQRA).
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the following local law
was adopted:
Local Law No. 14—2005
This local law shall be known as the "Stop Signs at the point where Locust Ridge Road
terminates at Glen Eagles Drive" Law.
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Section 1 — Purpose:
The purpose of this local law is to regulate traffic where Locust Ridge Road terminates
at Glen Eagles Drive.
Section 2— Regulation of Traffic on Locust Ridge Road:
Vehicles traveling on Locust Ridge Road shall be required to come to a full stop on
Locust Ridge Road at the point where Locust Ridge Road terminates at Glen Eagles
Section 3—Sign to be Erected:
An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected at the southwestern corner formed by
the termination of Locust Ridge Road at Glen Eagles Drive. Such sign or signs shall
be erected facing the traffic traveling on Locust Ridge Road.
Section 4—Severability:
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any
court of competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity
shall not affect any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented
without the invalid or unconstitutional provisions.
Section 5— Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
PRESENTATION — Concept Drawings — Garden's Lake Restoration
Steve Altieri gave an introduction explaining that Westchester County has received a One
million dollar grant for improvements along the Sheldrake River and Garden's Lake, adding
that The Town of Mamaroneck would also contribute money, in the form of a bond. As a
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July 13, 2005
matter of history the Lake was dredged in 1977 and again in 1986 to solve the problem of
sedimentation. Last year county monies were used to build a sediment basin. The following
presentation is the next step in the solving of these sediment issues. Mr. Altieri turned the
presentation over to Mark Laska of Great Eastern Ecology, Inc.
Mark Laska introduced Mr. David Kvinge, Section Head Environmental Planning Westchester
County and Dr. Ira Wittman, the Wittman Co.
Mr. Laska discussed three major problems, first being the poor water quality, second
compromised ecological habitat and third low ecological diversity.
Mr. Laska then explained the major points of the project as being:
Removal of sediment:
Removal of all sediment would be too costly, proposal would be to remove 5,000 cubic yards
from 2 major locations. Some of the dredged material would be used to create an emergent
marsh on edge of Lake, some to be placed off site for possible reuse in another application.
Creation of habitat
This would consist of an Emergent Marsh, Marsh Meadow and Aquatic Benches at waters
edge, as well as the creation of a low meadow just above the marsh at ground level. This
combination would effectively create a blockade for the Canada Geese.
There was some discussion about how the lake would look after completion, further
explanation of aquatic benches, placement of storm scepters and their function and the final
appearance of the back wall of Int. 95. Supervisor O'Keeffe asked if the Marsh could take over
lake. Councilman Odierna asked if the lake would appear smaller, also worried about buildup
again of sediment. Councilwoman Wittner stated the original idea of creating a path way along
back wall along 95 was not pursued, due to having to remove too many mature trees.
Dr. Wittman spoke about placement of existing storm scepters, and their function.
Jeanne Lienau, 3 Lake Side Drive, questioned whether this design would keep the geese out.
Councilwoman Wittner spoke about small grant received to put up a "fence" of natural shrubs.
Charlie Lienau, 3 Lake Side Drive, had concerns about sediment removal.
Dr Wittman and Mr. Laska discussed the use of the sediment traps as well as the calculations
used to analyze how much sediment existed and how much was cost effective to remove.
Mr. Bill Gerrity, 15 Rocky Road, asked when dredging how you would handle wild life
preservation, especially snapping turtles.
Mr. Laska stated dredging would be done during the winter when turtles would be dormant.
Adding there were monies and plans for ecological over-sight.
Mr. George Roniger, President of Lake Gardens Association said he was delighted with the
plans and requested a copy.
A resident and member of the Garden' s Lake Civic Association, asked if skating would still
be possible.
Mr. Laska said yes.
There was additional discussion about the time frame for beginning the project.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner O'Keeffe at 9:35 PM and on motion of
Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, the Board of Fire Commissioners
was unanimously declared open.
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner
Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna
Commissioner: Nancy Seligson
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Commissioner: Paul A. Winick
Commissioner Seligson presented fire claims for authorization of payment, thereafter on
Commissioner Seligson's motion, seconded by Commissioner Wittner, it was
RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims as
approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's Office as amended:
Present were the following members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Valerie M. O'Keeffe
Commissioner: Phyllis Wittner
Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna
Commissioner: Nancy Seligson
Commissioner: Paul A. Winick
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 16.50
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 195.00
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 45.00
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 733.09
AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. 852.21
A&J Auto Parts, Inc. 137.08
Avaya 51.89
Brewer 184.24
Cablevision 29.95
Calgi Construction i 382.0-
Carpet Fair Inc. 450.00
Carpet Fair Inc. 7100.00
Cleaning Systems, Co. 191.70
Con Edison 163.73
D.O.C.S 90.00
Excelsior Garage & Machine 4830.00
Excelsior Garage & Machine 223.00
Gloves, Inc. 188.82
Grainger 110.90
Ikon 166.95
Nextel 290.39
O.S.P Fire Protection 720.00
Poland Springs Water Co. 33.74
R&L Consulting 111 .77
Technical Electronics Inc. 1101.60
Town of Mamaroneck Professional Fire Fighters 173.58
Tri-City Auto Parts 135.12
Verizon 68.22
Verizon 328.55
Verizon Wireless 13.19
Westchester County Assc. Of Fire Chiefs 150.00
Westchester Elevator 187.00
Westchester Joint Water Works 99.08
911 Wear, Inc. 3259.00
911 Wear, Inc. 701.46
TOTAL 24514.85
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
2. Other Fire Department Business
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July 13, 2005
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner
Wittner, seconded by Commissioner Odierna, the Commission unanimously adjourned.
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilman Odierna,
the regular meeting of the Town Board was reconvened.
1. Appeal of Tree Permit— 74 Landsdowne Road
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked who was here to speak to this topic.
Kathy Zalantis, of Silverberg Zalantis, LLP, representing neighbors whose properties abut 74
Landsdowne. Drive, saying she was here in place of Mr. Silverberg who could not be present
due to the short notice of this meeting. Ms. Zalantis said the board had received a letter
outlining the position of the neighbors her firm represented. She gave a brief outline of that
position, as outlined by Mr. Silverberg's letter, which follows:
Town Board
Town of Mamaroneck
740 W. Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
July 11,2005
Re: Tree removal application
Block 218, Lot 658, 74 Lansdowne Drive. Larchmont.
Dear Honorable Supervisor and Members of the Board:
This office represents several neighbors abutting the above referenced property which is the subject of
a tree removal permit hearing scheduled for July 13, 2005.
This matter came before you in January of 2005 based upon an appeal of the tree removal permit
issued by the tree commission. At that time your Board, in response to the concerns raised by my
clients, referred the matter back to the tree commission to examine the issues related to this tree
removal permit.
As you may recall, the concerns expressed by my clients'related to the overall plan for this project for
which the tree removal permit was merely a portion of the entire project. We pointed out to the Board
at the time that this application fell within the jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone Management
Commission (`CZMC') to review. We further noted that Chapter 207-6 (c)provided broader discretion
to review the impacts of the overall project than had been exercised by the Tree Preservation
Thereafter, you referred the application back to theTree Preservation Commission. As a result of the
referral back by your Board this matter was for the first time, examined by the CZMS, which made a
series of recommendations related to erosion control etc. In addition, the applicant made
modifications to the overall plan for the project which included moving he substantial retaining walls
further back from the property lines, reducing the height of those retaining walls, etc.
Your ordinance provides that any person who is "aggrieved, affected or interested" in the
determination may seek a review of the determination of the Tree Preservation Commission (Chapter
Several of my clients have filed an appeal not because they feel aggrieved by the decision of the Tree
Preservation Commission but because they are affected by the determination and are seeking the
assistance of your board in that respect.
As noted above this matter required your board to intercede in order to have a full review of the
application which resulted in substantial improvement to the overall plan which my clients believe now,
while not perfect, will have less of an impact on their property than the original plan proposed by the
It is my clients'desire to see that the plan on which the tree removal permit was based is actually the
plan developed. Therefore, the relief being sought from your board is rather limited. Again, this is not
merely an issue of removal of a few trees, there are substantial retaining walls, fill, etc. The CZMC
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July 13, 2005
noted concerns about drainage and erosion control, all of which are impacted by the overall plan for
the project and require that the project be implemented in the manner proposed to the CZMC and the
Tree Preservation Commission.
Therefore we are requesting that this Board set as a condition to the tree removal permit that the
construction take place in a manner which is in substantial conformance with the plans submitted to
the Tree Preservation Commission and that no material alteration can be made without obtaining
further approval of this Board. This is consistent with the intent of your law that work be completed in
conformity with plans submitted for approval.
Finally we are requesting that the board consider requiring that the applicant modify the wall adjacent
to my clients'properties by using a different selection of material. The material proposed is acceptable
as far as its structural components, etc., however, it has a highly commercial look which is out of
character with the residential neighborhood and therefore it is requested that the applicant use Roman
Pisa or Brussels Stone which are two other models of the same material. This had been discussed
previously with the applicant who had verbally indicated willingness to modify the material but such
commitment has not been reflected in the plans submitted.
My partner Katherine Zalantis and my clients will be present at the meeting on July 13, 2005 to discuss
these issues with you and respond to any questions that you may have.
Thank you for your consideration.
Very truly yours,
Supervisor O'Keefe thanked Ms. Zalantis for her clear outline of Mr. Silverberg's letter and then
deferred to Attorney Bill Maker, who would address the Boards jurisdiction with regard to
these requests.
Mr. Maker said with respect to material the wall would be built from the Board has no
jurisdiction, stated there was no mechanism to keep applicant from changing or modifying his
plans. The Board is limited to whether trees should or should not be removed which is
reflected in the law and Bonding is set forth in statute.
Rob Williams, 74 Landsdowne, the owner, stated he had no intention of changing building
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby reject the
application of appeal in the matter of tree removal for 74
Lansdowne Drive, and upholds the decision made by the Tree
The above motion was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
2. Appointment— Coastal Zone Management Commission.
Councilwoman Wittner recommended Mr. Howard Mc Michael for reappointment to the CZMC.
His term currently ends August 2005, new appointment would end August 2008. Councilwoman
Wittner praised Mr. Mc Michael's practical storm water experience
Councilwoman Seligson also praised Mr. Mc Michael's experience.
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July 13, 2005
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson it was
RESOLVED, Howard Mc Michael is appointed to the Coastal
Zone Commission; and
RESOLVED, that the foregoing appointment shall be effective
immediately upon the appointee taking and subscribing the
oath mandated by section 25 of the New York Town Law and
shall expire on August 2008.
The above motion was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
3. Authorization — Storm Drain Easement Agreement
The Town Administrator explained the easement request allowing the owner of 678 Forest
Avenue to install a pipe within the Town easement.
Councilwoman Wittner asked if we originally gave this easement.
Mr. Maker stated the board should recognize that Mrs. Bergassi's property floods. There is a
disclaimer that if this does not work (alleviate flooding) Town is not liable.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Winick, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
easement agreement for property located at 678 Forest
Avenue; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is authorized to
execute said contract on behalf of the Town.
The above motion was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
4. Report of Bids — Contract TA-05-07— Pavement Roller
Mr. Altieri said bids were sent to three contactors. Due to confusion regarding bid
specifications two of the three contactors did not bid. Mr. Altieri recommended that the one
bid received be rejected and that the Town reissue the bid specifications.
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby reject the bid
for Pavement Roller— Contract TA-05-07,
The above motion was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
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July 13, 2005
5. Report of Bids — Contract TA-05-06 High Pressure Sewer Cleaner
Mr. Altieri explained the High Pressure Sewer Cleaner and its uses.
The board asked Mr. Altieri questions relating to cost efficiency of not sub contracting,
amount of use and monies budgeted.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby award the
contract TA-05-06, to purchase a High Pressure Sewer
Cleaner, at a total cost of $134,000.00, to Gabrielli Truck
Sales: and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is authorized to
execute said contract on behalf of the Town
The above motion was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
6. Authorization — Bonding Resolution — Garden's Lake Restoration Project
Mr. Altieri reiterated the monies required for this project would be provided as follows;
$1,000,000.00 in state funds, $600,000.00 in County funds, and $200,000.00 each from the City
of New Rochelle and the Town of Mamaroneck. A Bond for up to $200,00.00 is now being
presented for approval.
Councilman Odierna questioned the listing of dredged amount at 5,000. cubic feet, when 5,000.
had been discussed.
They noted the above correction was made.
Councilman Winick said this was money well spent.
Then the following was approved:
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New
York, held at the Town Center, in Mamaroneck, New York, in said Town, on July13, 2005 at 8:15
o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor O'Keeffe and upon roll being called, the
following were
PRESENT: Supervisor Valerie O'Keeffe
Councilwoman Phyllis Wittner
Councilman Ernest Odierna
Councilwoman Nancy Seligson
Councilman Paul Winick
The following resolution was offered by Councilperson Wittner
who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilperson Seligson, to-wit
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July 13, 2005
WHEREAS, all conditions precedent to the financing of the capital project
hereinafter described, including compliance with the provisions of the State
Environmental Quality Review Act, have been performed; and
WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project;
RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, as follows:
Section 1. For the specific object or purpose of paying the Town's share of the
cost of the Sheldrake River Restoration Project, in and for the Town of
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, such Town work to include the
stabilization of approximately 1,000 linear feet of riverbank along the Sheldrake
River, the dredging of approximately 9,000 yards of materials from the Garden
Lake and the installation of new aquatic plants, including incidental expenses in
connection therewith, there are hereby authorized to be issued $200,000 serial
bonds of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, pursuant to
the provisions of the Local Finance Law.
Section 2. It is hereby determined that the maximum estimated cost of the
Sheldrake River Restoration Project is $2,000,000, and that the plan for the
financing thereof is as follows:
a. by the expenditure of a $1,000,000 grant from the State of New York;
b. the expenditure of a $600,000 grant from the County of Westchester
C. the expenditure of$200,000 monies provided by the City of New Rochelle;
d. by the expenditure of $200,000 monies from the Town of Mamaroneck
from the proceeds of the obligations authorized pursuant to this bond resolution,
which monies are hereby appropriated therefor.
It is hereby further determined that the maximum estimated cost of the Town's
share of such project is $200,000, and that the plan for the financing thereof shall
consist of the issuance of the $200,000 serial bonds authorized to be issued
pursuant to this bond resolution.
Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the
aforesaid specific object or purpose is fifteen years, pursuant to subdivision
19(c) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby
further determined that the maximum maturity of the serial bonds herein
authorized will exceed five years.
Section 4. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to
authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of
the issuance and sale of the serial bonds herein authorized, including renewals
of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer.
Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such
manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions
of the Local Finance Law.
Section 5. The faith and credit of said Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the payment of the
principal of and interest on such obligations as the same respectively become
due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient
to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations becoming due and
payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real
property of said
Town a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such obligations as
the same become due and payable.
Section 6. Such bonds shall be in fully registered form and shall be signed in the
name of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, by the
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July 13, 2005
manual or facsimile signature of the Supervisor and a facsimile of its corporate
seal shall be imprinted or impressed thereon and may be attested by the manual
or facsimile signature of the Town Clerk.
Section 7. The powers and duties of advertising such bonds for sale, conducting
the sale and awarding the bonds, are hereby delegated to the Supervisor, who
shall advertise such bonds for sale, conduct the sale, and award the bonds in
such manner as he or she shall deem best for the interests of the Town;
provided, however, that in the exercise of these delegated powers, he or she
shall comply fully with the provisions of the Local Finance Law and any order or
rule of the State Comptroller applicable to the sale of municipal bonds. The
receipt of the Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to the purchaser of such
bonds, who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money.
Section 8. All other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds,
including determining whether to issue such bonds having substantially level or
declining annual debt service and all matters related thereto, prescribing
whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds, prescribing
the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal
agent or agents for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said
bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed in the name of the Town by the
facsimile signature of its Supervisor, providing for the manual countersignature
of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Town), the date, denominations,
maturities and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also
including the consolidation with other issues, shall be determined by the
Supervisor. It is hereby
determined that it is to the financial advantage of the Town not to impose and
collect from registered owners of such serial bonds any charges for mailing,
shipping and insuring bonds transferred or exchanged by the fiscal agent, and,
accordingly, pursuant to paragraph c of Section 70.00 of the Local Finance Law,
no such charges shall be so collected by the fiscal agent. Such bonds shall
contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in section 52.00 of
the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such
recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law,
as the Supervisor shall determine.
Section 9. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for
purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150 -2. Other than as specified in
this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved,
allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the
permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein.
Section 10. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be
contested only if:
1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said
Town is not authorized to expend money, or
2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of
publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with,
and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within
twenty days after the date of such publication, or
3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the
Section 11. Upon this resolution taking effect, the same shall be published in full
in The Journal News, together with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the
form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law.
Section 12. This resolution is adopted subject to permissive referendum in
accordance with Section 35.00 of the Local Finance Law.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote
on roll call which resulted as follows:
Councilman Winick VOTING Aye
Councilwoman Seligson VOTING Aye
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July 13, 2005
Councilman Odierna VOTING Aye
Councilwoman Wittner VOTING Aye
Supervisor O'Keeffe VOTING Aye
The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted.
7. Authorization — New York State Grant Contract— Sheldrake Environmental Center
Supervisor O'Keeffe explained that the Town has received, through Assemblyman George
Latimer, a local initiative Grant in the amount of$3,000.00 for the improvement of playground
equipment at the Sheldrake Environmental Center
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the
Town Administrator, Stephen V. Altieri, to execute the
contract to receive the funding in the amount of$3,000.00,
on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck.
The above motion was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
8. Approval of Certiorari
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve
the following Settlement of Certiorari as recommended
by the Town Attorney:
Manuel Galvao
214-216 Rockland Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10538
Block:911 Lot:504
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Mamaroneck
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
1999 $35,100 $33,000
2000 $35,100 $29,800
2001 $35,100 $25,100
2002 $35,100 $21,600
2003 $35,100 $19,300
2004 $35,100 $19,300
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
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July 13, 2005
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve
the following Settlement of Certiorari as recommended
by the Town Attorney:
Ten Grand, Inc.
1330 Boston Post Road
Block: 410 Lots: 268, 310, 321, 332, 338 and 463
Town of Mamaroneck
Lot 268:
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2001 $143,200 $143,200
2002 $143,200 $125,200
2003 $143,200 $119,815
2004 $143,200 $117,050
Lot 3 10:
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2001 $15,300 $15,300
2002 $15,300 $13,400
2003 $15,300 $12,800
2004 $15,300 $12,500
Lot 321:
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2001 $17,000 $17,000
2002 $17,000 $14,885
2003 $17,000 $14,225
2004 $17,000 $13,900
Lot 332:
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2001 $700 $700
2002 $700 $700
2003 $700 $700
2004 $700 $700
Lot 338:
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2001 $5,000 $5,000
2002 $5,000 $5,000
2003 $5,000 $5,000
2004 $5,000 $5,000
Lot 463:
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2001 $332,700 $332,700
2002 $332,700 $290,815
2003 $332,700 $277,460
2004 $332,700 $270,850
Councilman Odierna asked why there was no independent review.
Mr. Maker answered that an independent review would be used when the numbers don't add
up, adding there was no automatic independent review
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Nay
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
July 13, 2005
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the
settlement of the following tax certiorari as
recommended by the Town Attorney:
Collins Brothers Moving Corporation
620 Fifth Avenue
Larchmont, NY 10538
Block: 132 Lot: 33
Town of Mamaroneck
Year Current Assessment Reduced Assessment
2001 $43,000 $35,000
2002 $43,000 $30,000
2003 $43,000 $26,500
2004 $43,000 $26,500
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
9. Authorization — New York State Grant Contract— Memorial Park
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilman Winick, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board hereby
authorizes the Town Administrator, Stephen Altieri, to
execute the documents relating to the disbursement of
the New York State Grant through the New York State
Office of Parks and recreation, in the amount of
$5,000.000, for improvements to Memorial Park.
The above motion was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
10. Authorization — Sale of Surplus Equipment
The Town Administrator explained that after purchasing new equipment it was necessary to
sell surplus vehicles. A joint auction would be held with the Village of Scarsdale, City of Rye
and the Village of Mamaroneck, this will take place at the Village of Scarsdale's public works
garage in September.
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Winick, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board hereby
authorizes the Town Administrator, Stephen Altieri, to
administer the sale of these surplus vehicles at an
auction to be held with joint municipalities in September
2005; and
DECLARED, that such vehicles listed hereto are surplus vehicles
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July 13, 2005
Insert list of surplus vehicles
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
11. Set Public Hearing —Town of Mamaroneck Public Housing Agency—Administrative Plan
4 2003 FORD(WRECK) CROWN VICTORIA 2FAFP71W73X105941 41,464 WRECK 2004 FORD
5 1995 CHEVY CAPRICE 1 G1 BL52P2SR182721 ATW2855 55,415 GOOD TO BE REPLACED
75 1991 OLDS WAGON 2G3AJ84N3M2333500 K57959 113,067 POOR 1994 FORD WAGON
90 1998 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 2FAFP71W8WX166798 K33751 58,793 GOOD 1999 BUICK
96 1994 CHEVY CAPRICE 1G1BL52W4RR186736 K57963 62,000 FAIR 1997 CHEVY BLAZER
108 1988 INTERNATIONAL SPREADER 1HTZTJMR4JH526540 L17895 47,241 - POOR 1985 MACK
196 1989 DODGE RAM VAN 2B4HB15Y3KK402482 CAR 21 63,386 POOR
July 13, 2005
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby set the
date for public hearing on the Town of Mamaroneck
Public Housing Agency—Administrative Plan for
September 21, 2005; and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to
publish the notice of said hearing in a newspaper
appointed as an official newspaper, and that said notice
be posted.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
12. Salary Authorizations — Recreation
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson, it was
RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 2005 Town
Budget the Town Board does hereby authorize the
payment of salary to the following:
Hommocks Playground
John Suman Assistant Director $600/week
Michael Alberico Health Director $425/week
Shannon Lowman Assistant Arts & Crafts Specialist$300/week
Veronica Pena Lifeguard $9.50/hour
Tommy Bates* Counselor $210/week
Dion Burke Counselor $260/week
Evan Burrell Counselor $185/week
Allison Carafa Counselor $240/week
Martha Fernandez Counselor $215/week
Anthony luso Counselor $210/week
John Lanza Counselor $230/week
Brian Lowman Counselor $200/week
Gabrielle Masone Counselor $205/week
Joaquim Nagueira Counselor $210/week
Daniella Rabino Counselor $210/week
Charles Rizzo Counselor $225/week
Yolanda Rose Counselor $205/week
Fanta Scipo Counselor $210/week
Ziggy Scipio Counselor $205/week
Darryl Stackhouse Counselor $225/week
Karen Snyder Junior Counselor $1 50/week
Murray Pre School
Amanda Antonsen Counselor $1 22/week
Kandi Brown Counselor $175/week
Christine Brewer Counselor $167/week
Audrey Chartrand Counselor $140/week
Shamida Davis Counselor $122/week
Laura DeRiggi Counselor $120/week
Guillermina DeRiggi Counselor $167/week
Stacey French Counselor $170/week
Stacey Fudge Counselor $167/week
Waleska Salgado Counselor $115/week
Amanda Sosa Counselor $167/week
-23 -
July 13, 2005
Doris Starr Counselor $169/week
*Transferred from Monroe Pre School.
Monroe Pre School
Biju Panicker EMT $10.50/hour
JoseyCanno Counselor $164/week
Nelsy Carcamo Counselor $145/week
Maria Cavallaro Counselor $185/week
Rachel Levy Counselor $150/week
Seth Moore Counselor $140/week
Vincent Vozza Counselor $140/week
Pre School Specialists
Ona McFarlane Naturalist $20/hour
Hommocks Pool
Toni Dahlgren Key Attendant $10/hour
Vi Le Mushroom Pool Supervisor $10/hour
Amy Ciraco** Lifeguard $12/hour
Andrew Regan Early Morning Swim Lifeguard $25/session
Caroline Spader Swim Instructor $16/hour
Timothy Kuklis Director $26/hour
Instructor $15/hour
Guena Borres Instructor $10/hour
Leah Citrin Instructor $10/hour
Will Cohn Instructor $9/hour
Jonathan Hecht Instructor $9/hour
Elizabeth Ingriselli Instructor $9/hour
Becky Schneider Instructor $10/hour
David Still Instructor $11/hour
**Change in salary from $11/hour
Carolina Bracho Counselor $225/week
Samantha Gagliardi Counselor $205/week
Rudolph Sawyer Counselor $205/week
Eli Cohn Director $28/hour
Instructor $15/hour
13. Union & Non Union Management— 3.8% Raise Increase
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by Councilman Winick the Town Board does
hereby go into executive session.
On motion of Councilwoman Seligson, seconded by councilwoman Wittner, the town board
On motion of Supervisor O'Keeffe, seconded by Councilwoman Wittner, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
increases to salary as follows:
Name Title 2004 Salary 2005 Salaries
Stephen Altieri Town Administrator $125,255 $130,000
Richard Rivera Police Chief $108,510 $112,830
Denis Brusciani Comptroller $72,000 Appt. Oct 2004 No adjustment
Marco Gennarelli Highway Supt. $92,210 $95715
Susan Thomas Assessor $82,285 $85410
Ray Bingman Receiver of Taxes $79385 $82,400
Ronald Carpaneto Dir. Of Building and Land Use $80,100 $83,145
Michael Liverzani Ambulance District Admin. $69,900 $72,560
Jill Fisher Supt. Of Recreation $85,825 $89,085
July 13, 2005
Anna Dancy Dir. Of Community Services $60,120 $62,410
Mary Stanton Ass't to Town Administrator $64,370 $66,815
Michael Orchanian Building Superintendent $53,640 $55,680
Robert Lunde Ice Rink Manager $53950 $56,000
Alan Casterella General Foreman $58,050 $60255
Elizabeth Paul Environmental Coordinator $41,950 $43550
Fran Antonelli Secty. To Town Supervisor $51,000 Appt 2005 No adjustment
Gayle Short Secty. To Town Administrator $40,810 $42,360
Kathy Simon Records Officer/Secty. Police $57170 $59,345
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 25, 2005 Special Meeting
June 18, 2005 Special Meeting
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
Board minutes from the meeting of May 25, 2005 Special
Meeting, as amended.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Seligson - Aye
Odierna - Aye
Wittner - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
On motion of Councilman Winick, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby approve the
Board minutes from the meeting of June 18, 2005 Special
Meeting, as amended.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Winick - Aye
Odierna - Aye
O'Keeffe - Aye
PROCLAMATION — Father Brian McWeeney
The following proclamation was read by Supervisor O'Keeffe.
-25 -
July 13, 2005
WHEREAS: Father Brian McWeeney is the newly-appointed Pastor of Saints John and Paul Church,
having previously been the pastor for 11 years at St. Martin de Porres in Poughkeepsie where among
his other duties he taught a popular adult education program;and
WHEREAS: Father Brian has from childhood had a love of learning which has led him to pursue a
number of degrees in higher education; and
WHEREAS: Father Brian was raised in a devout Irish family in upper Manhattan and as a young boy
pursued a calling, and as a 10th grader organized his sister and a group of friends and provided a
successful remedial program to help local children overcome reading difficulties; and
WHEREAS: Father Brian earned a Bachelor of Arts and Masters of Divinity Degree from St.
Joseph's Seminary and in 1973 continued his education at Iona College where he received a
second Masters Degree in Education in Pastoral Counseling and in 1997 earned his Doctorate in
Ministry from Princeton Theological Seminary; and
WHEREAS: Father Brian is presently a faculty member at the Institute for Religious Studies at St.
Joseph's and also teaches for the Diocese Diaconate Program,which is a 4-year program of study
for men who desire to serve as deacons, and has also served as an educator for Catholic school
teachers and Catechists for Religious Education Programs; and
WHEREAS: Father Brian has been an active, dedicated member of the Knights of Columbus since
1973 and has served as Chaplain to several K of C Councils and is presently Associate Chaplain of
New York State.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that 1, Valerie Moore O'Keeffe, Supervisor of the Town of
Mamaroneck, and the Town Board members hereby congratulate Father Brian McWeeney on his
installation as Pastor of Saints John and Paul Church and extend our best wishes for a long, happy
and constructive affiliation with our community.
I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 26th
day of June 2005.
George Roniger, Gardens Lake Civic Association, brought a petition signed by 62 residents.
The petition read:
The underground tunnel passageway at the Larchmont Railroad Station is partially
maintained by The MTA and partially by the Village of Larchmont. We think the
portion of the tunnel which goes under the highway and lets out at Memorial Park
is a disgrace. We want the Town to take action to clean it up and make it safer to
Supervisor O'Keeffe asked Mr. Roniger to also bring this petition to the Village of Larchmont
adding that the Town has been unsuccessful in getting the village to take action.
There was then some discussion about who maintains it, who uses it as well as the general
dismay at the appearance and maintenance of the tunnel.
Councilwoman Seligson urged residents to go and voice there concerns to the Village Board.
Supervisor O'Keeffe said the Town Board sends their condolences to the Accocella and Payne
families for their loss.
Councilman Winick reported on the traffic Committee meeting and thanked them for their work
on the stop signs. The Councilpersons agreed that the concerts at Memorial Park were a great
Supervisor O'Keeffe announced the next two Town Board meetings would be on Monday
August 8th and Wednesday September 7th
July 13, 2005
On motion of Councilwoman Wittner, seconded by Councilwoman Seligson the meeting was
unanimously adjourned into at 12:45 AM.
Submitted by
Patricia A. DiCioccio, Town Clerk
Prepared by:
Christina Battalia
Assistant to the Town Clerk