HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021_12_01 Housing Authority Minutes Drafted Minutes from the Housing Authority Committee meeting held on Wednesday,
December 1, 2021 beginning at 7:OOpm, in the Community Room, Ice Rink, 140 Hommocks
Road, Mamaroneck, New York 10543
PRESENT: Dolores A. Battalia, Chair
Frank Pierson, Vice Chair
Joseph Mileto, Treasurer
Meg Deshpande
Margaret C. Delohery, Secretary to the Housing Authority
ALSO PRESENT: Steve V. Altieri, Housing Authority Consultant
Nuno Pires, Gramatan Management
Chair Battalia started the meeting at 7:10pm
1. Welcome and Introduction of Board Members - Ms. Deshpande, Mr. Mileto, and Mr.
Pierson all introduced themselves to the residents in the audience.
2. Review of the Role of the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority- Chair Battalia
described the background of the Hommocks Park Apartments and the Housing
Authority. She also elaborated on the relationship between the Housing Authority and
the Town of Mamaroneck.
3. 2022 Capital Improvement Projects Planned for Hommocks Park- Mr. Mileto reviewed
the Capital Projects that are planned and current actions of them. He mentioned that he
would like to obtain an engineering firm to design windows for the apartments, would
like to maintain and update decks, and have a total review of the building carried out.
4. Presentation of New Recycling Program - Mr. Altieri discussed the recycling program for
the tenant and the regulations. Mr. Altieri purchased cans for each unit that will arrive
in mid-January which will be labeled by unit number.
5. New Email Address for Tenants to Contact the Town of Mamaroneck Housing Authority
- Chair Battalia spoke about a Housing Authority email that has been set up by the
Town's IT Department for resident to correspond directly with the Housing Authority. A
resident asked about those who do not email to which Mr. Pierson responded that it is
another form of communication that will be available to tenants and that the Housing
Authority will continue with traditional forms of communication.
6. Questions and Comments from Tenants—
• Chair Battalia expressed that the Housing Authority is aware of the current
problems especially in regards to the Super, but reinforced that the Housing
Authority is committed to rectifying any tenant issues. She then opened the floor
to the tenants to openly discuss their issues.
• A resident stated that the issues with the units have been piling up for some
time, main concerns are the smoking problem, having little to no maintenance,
and some residents' belongings blocking the stairs.
• A resident stated that other residents have been having parties in their garage,
where smoking occurs, and tenants pay to have a super on site, which is not
representative of the current situation.
• Chair Battalia said that the Housing Authority is aware that there has been
problems with smoking. Mr. Pires said that tenants aren't letting him know who
has been smoking or it happens during his off hours. Another resident stated
that when they encounter the similar issue and gave the name of the smoker to
Mr. Pires, Mr. Pires handled it privately and resolved the matter. A third resident
commented that in the past the Super did give out the informant's information
to the tenant accused. Mr. Pires expressed that if the residents come to him
about others smoking, he will always keep the information confidential. Mr.
Mileto and Mr. Pires then spoke about the next steps of disciplinary action plans.
• Residents, Mr. Pires, and the Housing Authority discussed the notices that were
sent out to the tenants for the meeting. Mr. Pires said he had sent the notices in
early November. Residents expressed that none of them had received such
notice and only received a notice on the meeting date, with the envelope post
marked 11/29/2021.
• A longtime resident of the complex explained several issues that have occurred
to them. The resident stated that an issue from the below unit caused the Super
to turn off their dishwasher and were told not to worry. After speaking to the
resident of the below unit who stated the problem occurred because of a
window, the resident turned the dishwasher back on. When the resident pulled
out their dishwasher, they found drill holes. The resident also spoke about issues
with their sinks, window sills, broken floor boards, boiler, and inadequate patch
• A resident expressed that there needs to be more communication about on-
going issues as they receive little to no follow up. Mr. Pires said he would go to
their unit to walk through and discuss the unit's issues. Chair Battalia asked
about work order forms as a way to communicate tenant issues directly with Mr.
• Mr. Mileto said he would use the Town email address to send out contact
information for Mr. Pires and the work order form.
• Residents, Mr. Pires, and the Housing Authority discussed the current Super
situation. Mr. Pires said that the current Super's substitute left two weeks ago,
and that the current substitute is a past Super, but is only working 30 hours a
week. A resident asked about the current substitute receiving extra assistance as
a way to get work orders and maintenance completed faster.
• A resident and Mr. Pires discussed snow removal practices.
• Chair Battalia circled back to the smoking problem and asked when the smoking
is the worst. The residents explained it is worst at night after regular work hours,
and happens inside the units during extreme weather. Mr. Pires said that in past
the Housing Authority considered purchasing devices that could detect when
smoking occurred. He also disclosed that the past few smoking occurrences were
perpetrated by guests of residents.
• A resident and Mr. Pires spoke about some residents using their garage to hold
barbeques and gatherings. Mr. Pires knew about the situation and explained that
the resident had a George Foreman Grill and was told to not use it inside the
garage, and that the garage was not supposed to be used as a hangout spot. The
resident has since ceased the behavior.
• A resident asked for the contact information for the current substitute Super and
the work order process, which Mr. Pires then explained.
• Mr. Pires, Ms. Deshpande and residents discussed forms of communication and
where residents can directly correspond with the Housing Authority
• Residents and Mr. Pires discussed payment for this month. One resident
received notice that she did not owe any rent; Mr. Pires stated that it was a
discrepancy with the vendor who sends out the bills. Another resident said they
did not receive the physical bill yet; Mr. Pires stated he would investigate.
• A resident brought up rent increase and their concerns about the affordability of
the complex, they became concerned after speaking with new residents who had
higher rent increases. Mr. Pires explained that because the resident was
grandfathered in under certain rent increases they are paying a lower increase
than a new resident.
• A resident asked about the Housing Authority meeting schedule. Chair Battalia
explained that the Housing Authority meets the first Monday of every month in
Conference Room C and that they could find all agendas and minutes on the
Town's website.
7. Chair Battalia adjourned the meeting at 8:30pm.