HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015_03_11 Town Board Minutes
March 11, 2015
PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson
Councilman Ernest C. Odierna
Councilwoman Abby Katz
Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney
Councilman Thomas A. Murphy
ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney
On motion of Supervisor Seligson, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the Work Session was unanimously
opened at 5:00PM.
Update – Property Assessment Maintenance
Additionally Present: Pamela Valenza, Town Assessor
Mr. Altieri began by stating that the memo included in the packet was, as of today, already outdated. Mr.
Altieri continued, stating that at the most recent meeting with John Wolham, from the Office of Real
Property Tax Services (ORPTS), the State will require the Town to do a more extensive maintenance
assessment. The Town’s original plan adopted in 2013 during the Revaluation, was to maintain 100%
property valuation, through yearly property maintenance and a complete property revaluation every four
years (2017). The original plan was that “ the trigger for conducting updates is a function of changes to the
effective equalization rates in the model neighborhoods that were established for the revaluation. When
the rates consistently fall below .95 and there are a sufficient number of property sales in a neighborhood,
then there is reason to begin a review of the assessments”. After the meeting with John Wolham he
advised the Town that this maintenance plan would effectively be considered ‘selective reassessment’ or
‘reappraisal reassessment’ and advised the Town that it would need to incorporate commercial and utility
properties in this yearly maintenance plan to be acceptable. Mr. Altieri and Ms. Valenza have discussed this
with GAR Associates, who has agreed to do the added elements for no additional charge. The Agreement
before the Board for approval will be updated to include additional verbiage which addresses the
additional work to be done. This item is on the Agenda for the regular meeting this evening.
Capital Project Review – Fire District
Additionally Present: Chief Noah Goldberg and Deputy Chiefs’, Joe Russo and Paul Tortorella
Mr. Altieri noted that the Town Board has discussed many of the capital projects in the Fire District Capital
Plan, and so specifically the Chiefs’ are here to discuss the purchase of new apparatus and its
corresponding referendum. Chief Goldberg began by stating that work has been done to prepare
specifications for the replacement Engine 36. Engine 36 is the apparatus next in line for replacement.
Additionally, the Fire Department learned that the inspection of Ladder 19 showed some unacceptable
issues which requires pushing its replacement timing forward. The Fire Department has begun to also write
specification documents for the replacement of Ladder 19, so effectively, the Department is writing
simultaneous documents. By combining the purchase of two apparatus, there is an economy of scale and
the potential for savings. Therefore, it is suggested that both specifications go out to bid at the same time,
March 11, 2015
both could also go out for bonding and a referendum. Mr. Altieri stated that although both could go out for
a referendum, the purchase of Ladder 19 could be deferred another year or two. The budgetary benefit of
this is the actual borrowing would be deferred. The details of this would need to be discussed with bond
counsel to assess the actual savings. After more information is received, the decision can be made to go
out for referendum on two vehicles and the building improvements, or one vehicle and the building
Volunteer Firefighter Service Discussion
Chief Goldberg explained that the Department has a request from a Firefighter who is away at college, who
as a member of the Department close to his school, would also like to volunteer with Town Department
during his vacation breaks. The Town Board reviewed a memo from Ted Hecht, Counsel to the Fire
Department detailing the applicable Municipal Law (s) for discussion. The recommendation from the Fire
Department is to authorize this per § 209-i (2).
Columbia University Cap Stone Project – Zero Waste
Supervisor Seligson asked that due to the length of discussion this item entails, she is recommending it be
deferred until the March 25 Meeting.
Lease Agreement – Mamaroneck Housing Authority
The Town Board received the original Lease Agreement between the Town of Mamaroneck and the
Housing Authority. The Authority is asking the Town to extend the lease agreement with the Town because
in order to issue forthcoming bonds, a lease must be in place for at least the term of the bonds. The current
lease ends on April 30, 2023. Mr. Altieri is recommending the Board review the lease in detail, adding that
there are areas of the lease that could be improved. Additionally, Mr. Altieri stated that the bonding the
Authority is currently working on has issues with the financials and the official statement. It is going back to
the Authority’s bond counsel for review. The Town will have to re-execute its guarantee once the new
bonding is prepared. The Town Board asked Mr. Altieri to prepare an ‘abstract’ of the lease for their
On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the Board unanimously agreed to
enter into an Executive Session to discuss the employment history of a potential employee in the
Comptroller’s Office.
Employment History of a Potential Employee within the Comptroller’s Office.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the Board unanimously agreed
to resume the Worksession.
Continued Review – Demolition Notification Law
The Town Board reviewed a redrafted legislation prepared by Mr. Maker incorporating the Town Board’s
previous discussions. The Town Board is prepared to move forward with a public hearing on this legislation.
This was added to the Regular Agenda for this evening.
Continued Review – Rock Removal Law
March 11, 2015
Mr. Maker stated that in reviewing the law specific to the Town’s discussion of requiring a rock removal
permit for all chipping, he would like to point out “that rock removal under the Town’s law includes not
only the removal of natural stone, but the breaking up of macadam, concrete, bricks and the like.
Accordingly, some consideration should be given to keeping some minimum threshold to avoid someone
who is installing a new driveway or ripping out a patio from having to obtain a permit.” The Town Board
agreed that additional information needs to be gathered before moving forward.
New Business
The Town Board gave Supervisor Seligson a briefing of the Library Budget meeting with the Village of
Larchmont Board. Supervisor Seligson was not able to attend the meeting. They noted that there were a
number of issues that need to be discussed further. Supervisor Seligson will follow up with Mayor
Councilwoman Katz would like the Town to address the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Weaver Street.
Councilwoman Katz noted that this has been discussed before but continues to be a problematic
intersection that needs to be addressed. Mr. Altieri will contact the State and see if can persuade them to
readdress this intersection.
Councilwoman Elkind Eney gave a brief update on the Ice Rink, noting that things are moving along well.
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at
8:00 PM, she then pointed out the location of the exits.
Supervisor Seligson noted that the Town Board met for a worksession beginning at 5:00 o’clock this
evening, adding this is an open meeting that all residents’ are welcomed to attend.
This winter has been difficult with many snowstorms and winter weather events. Thank you to the
Highway Dept for their good and hard work. Hopefully we will be seeing less winter weather. The Town
has pot hole repair crews beginning today to fix the roads. The Town is participating in a program
called Solarize Larchmont/Mamaroneck to promote discounted solar energy offers to local residents.
Sunrise Solar is the vendor who will look at your house to determine if you are a good candidate for
Solar power. Their phone number is (914 ) 762-7622 and their website is
222.solarizewestchester.com/Larchmont-Mamaroneck. You can also go to the Town’s website,
www.townofmamaroneck.org and look under Sustainability for the information. It is a great
opportunity to save money on your energy bills with solar power. I’m proud to announce that the Town
of Mamaroneck was named best to live in New York State by Movoto, but we already knew that.
Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone in the audience would like to address the Board, and there was not.
PUBLIC HEARING (S) – “Amendment to the Residential Parking System for Lester Place” Law
The following Notice of Public Hearing is entered into the record as follows:
March 11, 2015
LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of the State of New
York, and pursuant to a resolution of the Mamaroneck Town Board adopted on February 25, 2015 a
Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 8:00 PM or as soon thereafter as is
possible at the Town Center, 740 W. Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, New York to consider:
“Amendment to the Residential Parking System for Lester Place” Law
Section 1 – Purpose
Lester Place is a public street in the Town of Mamaroneck. It is a residential neighborhood.
Lester Place lies near the Larchmont train station and one of the Town’s commercial districts.
Parking on Lester Place by commuters and employees of the businesses in the nearby commercial
district had become unduly burdensome to the persons residing on Lester Place who often could
not find parking on Lester Place in the vicinity of their homes. To alleviate that problem, the Town
Board requested the New York State Legislature to pass special legislation creating a residential
parking system for certain public streets within the Town, including Lester Place --- as the New York
State Legislature has done in the past for sections of the Towns of Eastchester and Harrison, the
Cities of Peekskill and Rye, the Villages of Bronxville, Irvington, Mount Kisco, Pelham, Tarrytown
and Tuckahoe as well as other municipalities throughout the State of New York.
The Legislature granted the Town Board’s request and on July 28, 2009, the Governor signed
legislation that added section 1662-d to the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law. This new section
enabled the Town Board to adopt a residential parking permit system for, among other streets,
Lester Place. By Local Law No. 2 -2010, the Town Board exercised the authority granted to it and
created a residential parking permit system for Lester Place.
During 2014, the Town Board exercised the same authority given to it by section 1662-d of the
New York Vehicle and Traffic Law to create a residential parking permit system for streets in the
Washington Square area of the Town (see section 219-2.1 of the Code of the Town of
Mamaroneck). Section 219-2.1 contains certain provisions that the Town Board has determined
also should apply in the residential parking permit system for Lester Place.
The full text of this Amendment is stated below and can also be examined and copies obtained at
the Town Clerk's office during regular hours, Mon-Fri, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, In June, July and August
until 4:00 PM at 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the Public Hearing all persons interested will be given an
opportunity to be heard and that all persons are invited to submit written comments at or prior
Published: March 3, 2015
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Murphy, the Public Hearing was
unanimously opened.
Mr. Maker explained the law.
Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone wished to comment on the proposed Local Law.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Murphy, the Public Hearing was
unanimously closed.
On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Odierna, the following Local law was
Local Law No. 4 - 2015
March 11, 2015
This local law shall be known as the “Amendment to the Residential Parking System for Lester
Place” law
BE IT ENACTED by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
Section 1 – Purpose:
Lester Place is a public street in the Town of Mamaroneck. It is a residential
neighborhood. Lester Place lies near the Larchmont train station and one of the Town’s
commercial districts. Parking on Lester Place by commuters and employees of the businesses
in the nearby commercial district had become unduly burdensome to the persons residing on
Lester Place who often could not find parking on Lester Place in the vicinity of their homes. To
alleviate that problem, the Town Board requested the New York State Legislature to pass
special legislation creating a residential parking system for certain public streets within the
Town, including Lester Place --- as the New York State Legislature has done in the past for
sections of the Towns of Eastchester and Harrison, the Cities of Peekskill and Rye, the Villages
of Bronxville, Irvington, Mount Kisco, Pelham, Tarrytown and Tuckahoe as well as other
municipalities throughout the State of New York.
The Legislature granted the Town Board’s request and on July 28, 2009, the Governor
signed legislation that added section 1662-d to the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law. This
new section enabled the Town Board to adopt a residential parking permit system for, among
other streets, Lester Place. By Local Law No. 2 -2010, the Town Board exercised the authority
granted to it and created a residential parking permit system for Lester Place.
During 2014, the Town Board exercised the same authority given to it by section 1662-
d of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law to create a residential parking permit system for
streets in the Washington Square area of the Town (see section 219-2.1 of the Code of the
Town of Mamaroneck). Section 219-2.1 contains certain provisions that the Town Board has
determined also should apply in the residential parking permit system for Lester Place.
Section 2 – Amendment of a current section of the Mamaroneck Code:
Section 219-2 of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is repealed and the following
substituted in its place:
§219-2. Permit parking on a section of Lester Place.
The Town Board makes the following findings. Lester Place is a public street in the
Town of Mamaroneck. It is a residential neighborhood. It lies near the Larchmont train station
and one of the Town’s commercial districts. Parking on Lester Place by commuters and
employees of the businesses in the nearby commercial district had become unduly
burdensome to the persons residing on Lester Place who often could not find parking on
Lester Place in the vicinity of their homes. To alleviate that problem, the Town Board
requested the New York State Legislature to pass special legislation creating a residential
parking system for certain public streets within the Town, including Lester Place --- as the New
York State Legislature has done in the past for sections of the Towns of Eastchester and
Harrison, the Cities of Peekskill and Rye, the Villages of Bronxville, Irvington, Mount Kisco,
Pelham, Tarrytown and Tuckahoe as well as other municipalities throughout the State of New
The Legislature granted the Town Board’s request and on July 28, 2009, the Governor
signed legislation that added section 1662-d to the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law. Through
this section 219-2, the Town Board exercises the authority granted to it by section 1662-d of
the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law to create a residential parking permit system for Lester
A. When used in this law,
“Caregiver” means a person who either (a) provides assistance with the activities of
daily living to a Lester Place Resident (defined below) whose doctor certifies, in writing, that
the Lester Place Resident requires such assistance for more than 3 hours per day or (b) cares
for a Lester Place Resident’s child whose parent certifies, in writing, that the applicant for the
LP Resident Parking Permit (defined below) takes care of the Lester Place Resident’s child for
more than 3 hours per day.
March 11, 2015
“Contractor” means a person whose motor vehicle displays an insignia indicating that
he/she/it is a home improvement contractor licensed by the County of Westchester and who
is performing work on a residential property located on Lester Place either for a Lester Place
Resident, one of the entities named in section 219-2 E, or the owner or the managing agent of
one of the multi-family buildings on Lester Place.
“Eligible Person” means a Lester Place Resident, a Caregiver or an entity whose principal
owner is a Lester Place Resident.
“Lester Place Resident” means a person who resides on Lester Place.
“LP Resident Parking Permit” means the permit issued by the Town Clerk for a motor
vehicle owned or leased by an Eligible Person that allows that vehicle to be parked on that
section of Lester Place that lies within the zoning district known as the R-7.5 District. When
reference is made to an LP Resident Parking Permit being “Issued”, that reference includes
both the issuance of the original LP Resident Parking Permit for a particular motor vehicle and
all renewals thereof.
“Public Parking Spaces” means those parking spaces where a motor vehicle can be
legally parked on Lester Place whether or not it has an LP Resident Parking Permit.
B.Except in the parking spaces designated by the Superintendent of Highways
pursuant to section 219-2 C, and except as provided in section 219-2 K, only a motor vehicle to
which an LP Resident Parking Permit has been issued shall be permitted to park on that
section of Lester Place that lies within the zoning district known as the R-7.5 District.
C.Fifteen (15%) percent of the total number of parking spaces that lie within that
section of Lester Place that is situated within the zoning district known as the R-7.5 District
shall be Public Parking Spaces. The Superintendent of Highways shall establish the location of
the Public Parking Spaces.
D. (1) The Town Clerk shall sell LP Resident Parking Permits and shall maintain a
record of the license plate number and the vehicle identification number of each motor
vehicle for which an LP Resident Parking Permit is issued. The Town Clerk shall not issue an LP
Resident Parking Permit for a motor vehicle:
(i) unless the owner or lessee of that motor vehicle demonstrates to the
satisfaction of the Town Clerk, acting reasonably, that such owner or lessee is an Eligible
(ii) for which the Town Clerk has issued a parking permit that allows that
vehicle to be parked in any of the Town’s parking lots or
(iii) that has or is required to have a commercial license plate.
(2) The Town Clerk shall not issue an LP Resident Parking Permit for any motor
vehicle which has three or more outstanding and unpaid parking violations against it for
parking violations that occurred within the unincorporated area of the Town.
(3) The Town Clerk shall collect the amount shown in section A250-1A. for
each LP Resident Parking Permit sold. Each LP Resident Parking Permit shall be valid until the
last day of the first day of September that begins after such permit shall have been issued.
(4) The fees collected from the sale of LP Resident Parking Permits and
replacement LP Resident Parking Permits shall be credited to the General Fund-Part Town.
(5) The Town Clerk shall revoke a LP Resident Parking Permit if the Town
Clerk, acting reasonably, determines that such permit was issued based upon false
information or was otherwise issued or used improperly or wrongfully. The Town Clerk also
shall revoke an LP Resident Parking Permit if after such permit is issued, the number of
outstanding and unpaid parking violations against a motor vehicle for which such permit had
been issued for parking violations that occurred within the unincorporated area of the Town
reaches three or more. The Town Clerk shall mail written notice of the revocation to the
person to whom such permit was issued at the address for such person that appears on the
application for the LP Resident Parking Permit being revoked. The revocation shall be effective
on the third business day after the notice is mailed. The Eligible Person shall remove a
revoked LP Resident Parking Permit from the vehicle and destroy it. The failure to do so shall
March 11, 2015
be a violation of this law. A revoked LP Resident Parking Permit may be reinstated by curing
the underlying basis for the revocation and the payment of a fee that is triple the amount of
the fee for an LP Resident Parking Permit.
F. An LP Resident Parking Permit shall be affixed at such location(s) on the motor
vehicle as the Town Clerk may determine. An Eligible Person’s failure to affix an LP Resident
Parking Permit in the location determined by the Town Clerk shall be a violation of this law.
G. An Eligible Person shall be guilty of violating this law if the LP Resident Parking
Permit issued to the motor vehicle owned or leased by the Eligible Person is affixed to another
motor vehicle.
H. LP Resident Parking Permits are not transferable. If title to a motor vehicle to
which an LP Resident Parking Permit has been issued is transferred or if such motor vehicle is
returned to the company from which it was leased, the permit for that motor vehicle no
longer shall be valid and the Eligible Person shall remove the LP Resident Parking Permit from
the vehicle and destroy it. The failure to do so shall be a violation of this law.
I. If an Eligible Person replaces a motor vehicle to which an LP Resident Parking
Permit had been issued with another motor vehicle that he/she owns or leases, the Town
Clerk shall issue a replacement LP Resident Parking Permit; provided that on the date that the
replacement LP Resident Parking Permit is issued, the motor vehicle is eligible for an LP
Resident Parking Permit. A replacement LP Resident Parking Permit shall expire on the same
day as the day on which the LP Resident Parking Permit that it is replacing would have expired
if that permit were not replaced. The Town Clerk shall collect the amount shown in section
A250-1 A. for each replacement LP Resident Parking Permit issued.
J. An Eligible Person shall remove the LP Resident Parking Permit from the motor
vehicle owned or leased by the person immediately if that person ceases to be an Eligible
Person. The failure to do so shall be a violation of this law.
K. Section 219-2 B shall not apply to motor vehicles registered pursuant to
section four hundred four-a of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law or to motor vehicles
owned or operated by public utility companies, the United States of America, the State of
New York, the County of Westchester, the Town of Mamaroneck, the Mamaroneck Union Free
School District, the Village of Larchmont or Contractors.
L. Except for the type of violation whose fine is set by section 219-2 M, a
violation of this law shall be punishable by a fine of $50.00.
M. It shall be a violation of this law for a person to supply false information in
connection with an application for an LP Resident Parking Permit or a replacement LP
Resident Parking Permit. Such a violation shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $300.00
and not more than $500.00. For the twenty-four month period following the date on which a
person is convicted of supplying false information in connection with an application for an LP
Resident Parking Permit, the Town Clerk shall not issue such a permit for any motor vehicle
owned or leased by that person.
Section 3 – Sign(s) to be Erected and Painting to be Done:
An appropriate sign or signs shall be erected on and/or above, and/or striping shall be
painted on the surface of the streets or the appropriate portions of Lester Place.
Section 4 – Amendment of a section of the Code of the Town of Mamaroneck:
The Code of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby is amended by making adding the
following to section A250-1.
A.General Fees.
Code Section Subject Fee or Deposit
§ 219.2.1 I. Replacement LP Resident Parking $5.00 per motor
Permit vehicle
Section 5 – Severability:
March 11, 2015
Should any provision of this Local Law be declared invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such declaration of unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not affect
any other provisions of this Local Law, which may be implemented without the invalid or
unconstitutional provisions.
Section 6 – Effective Date:
This Local Law shall become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Murphy Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Seligson Aye
The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Seligson, and then on motion of Commissioner Murphy,
seconded by Commissioner Odierna, the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open.
Present were the following Members of the Commission:
Commissioner: Nancy Seligson
Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna
Commissioner: Abby Katz
Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney
Commissioner: Thomas A. Murphy
On motion of Commissioner Murphy, seconded by Commissioner Elkind Eney, it was
RESOLVED that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department Claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller’s Office:
AAA Emergency Supply Velcro name plate $59.00
AT & T Mobility Wireless service for 1/12-2/11/15 336.68
Bound Tree Medical LLC Volunteer uniforms 615.57
CIT Finance Monthly copier charges 2/19/15 235.00
Cablevision Cable services for 2/23-3/22/15 127.78
Dimuro Awards LLC Plaques for Installation Dinner 425.55
Grainger Light switches 18.10
Iron Compass Map Co. On-Scene Xplorer Software Mainten. (4) Users & Quarterly Xplorer Map 1400.00
Mario Vitti Roofing & Siding Co Repair roof leaks 375.00
Oakland Beach Deli Food for February 2015 Drill 120.00
Proftech Copy paper 89.97
Poland Spring Rent for Water Coolers - Feb 2015 111.96
R & L Consulting I-Backup 200gb Offsite Yearly Contract 199.50
Town of Mam'k Fire Dept Costco TV wall bracket 124.99
Villa Maria Pizza Dept Drill meal, Hommocks Fire meal, Fast Drill meal 202.56
Verizon Fire HQ svc 2/10-3/9/15 223.74
Westech Elevator Services Maintenance for month of March 2015 175.00
Total: $4840.40
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Commissioner Murphy Aye
March 11, 2015
Commissioner Elkind Eney Aye
Commissioner Katz Aye
Commissioner Odierna Aye
Commissioner Seligson Aye
2.Other Fire Department Business
Commissioner Elkind Eney read the Fire Report for the Month of February as submitted by Chief Goldberg
as follows:
February 2015
Generals 32
Minors 41
Stills 1
Out of Town (Mutual Aid) 1
EMS 43
Drills 7
Total number of personnel responding: 902
Total time working: 60 hours and 15 minutes
Commissioner Elkind Eney reminded residents that each year at day lights saving we are reminded to
change the batteries in our smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Katz,
seconded by Commissioner Elkind Eney, the Commission unanimously adjourned and the Town Board
1. Authorization – Gar Associates – Property Assessment Maintenance
Supervisor Seligson explained, that as residents will recall, the Town conducted a Town wide revaluation
project in 2013. As part of that project there was a schedule for keeping the assessments’ at 100% of their
value. This requires an annual maintenance be completed, with a full revaluation every four years, in order
to stay within the State guidelines. The Town has asked GAR Associates to help complete this annual
assessment maintenance. Mr. Altieri added, that the requirement to conduct maintenance of the
assessment roll will be done through systematic evaluations, review of building permits and actual sales.
The original proposal from GAR Associates had an expectation that some of this work would be conducted
by the Assessor’s Office. Since the retirement of Susan Thomas and the appointment of Pamela Valenza as
Town Assessor, the position of Real Property Appraiser has not been filled in 6 months. Therefore, most of
this maintenance work will be conducted by GAR Associates.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the expenditure to GAR
Associates in the amount of $175,000, for the update and analysis of the Town Assessment Roll,
subject to the approval as to form by Town Counsel, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf
of the Town.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Murphy Aye
March 11, 2015
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Seligson Aye
2.Report of Bids – TA-15-01 Cemetery Maintenance
The Report of Bids is entered into the record as follows:
On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, the following was approved,
WHEREAS, on February 26, 2015, The Town publicly opened and read two bids for Contract TA-15-
01 Cemetery Maintenance.
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby award Contract TA-15-01 to the lowest
responsible bidder meeting the Town’s specifications, Pat Scanlon Landscaping, for the amount of
$17,000 per year for the years 2015 and 2016, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said Contract on behalf of
the Town.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Murphy Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Seligson Aye
3.Report of Bids – TA-15-02 – Street Sweeping Services
The report of bids is entered into the record as follows:
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the following was approved,
WHEREAS, on February 26, 2015, the Town publicly opened and read one bid for Contract TA-15-02
– Street Sweeping Services.
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby award Contract TA-15-02 to the only
responsible bidder meeting the Town’s specifications, Three D Industries, in the amount of $32,520
for sweeping services and debris removal per year for the years 2015 and 2016, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said Contract on behalf of
the Town.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Murphy Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
March 11, 2015
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Seligson Aye
4.Approval of Certiorari
On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the settlement of Certiorari as
negotiated by the Town Attorney as follows:
Larchmont Realty LLC and Palmer Development LLC
2101-2105 Palmer Avenue
S/B/L: 6-1-486.1 and S/B/L: 6-2-494
Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Larchmont
Section/Block/Lot: 6-1-486.1
Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment
2009 $26,000 $6,440 $19,560
2010 $26,000 $4,000 $22,000
Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment
2011 $26,000 $3,370 $22,630
2012 $26,000 $4,000 $22,000
Section/Block/Lot: 6-2-494
Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment
2009 $24,000 $4,440 $19,560
2010 $24,000 $2,000 $22,000
2011 $24,000 $1,370 $22,630
2012 $24,000 $2,000 $22,000
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Murphy Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
Seligson Aye
5.Salary Authorization – Assessor’s Office
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the following was approved,
WHEREAS, the position of Deputy Assessor has been created to replace the position of Real
Property Appraiser, and
WHEREAS, Westchester County has approved the title for the Town as well as the transfer request.
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby appoint Daniel Pietrosanti as the full-
time Deputy Assessor, effective March 30, 2015 at an annual salary of $69,568.
The above resolution was put to a roll call vote:
Murphy Aye
Elkind Eney Aye
Katz Aye
Odierna Aye
March 11, 2015
Seligson Aye
6.Set Public Hearing – Notification of Demolition Law
On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby set the date for a Public Hearing
on the “Notification of Demolition” Law, for March 25, 2015, at 8:00PM in the Court Room of
the Town Center, and
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized to publish the notice of said hearing in a
newspaper appointed as an official newspaper, and that said Notice, be posted.
7.Re-Adoption – Water District Bond
Mr. Altieri explained that the original publication for this bonding was not published by the Journal News
within the 10 day requirement, and therefore a re-adoption is required. The first step is for the setting of a
public hearing.
In the Matter
Increase and Improvement of the Facilities of the Town of CALLING
Mamaroneck Water District No. 1 of the Town of PUBLIC
Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York: HEARING
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, has had
under consideration the increase and improvement of the facilities of the Town of Mamaroneck Water
District No 1 of the Town (the “Water District”), being its share of the improvement of facilities of the
Westchester Joint Water Works of the Town/Village of Harrison, the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town
of Mamaroneck (together, the “WJWW”), consisting of the installation of modular standby generators that
will initially be located at the Rye Lake Plant to replace the current non-functioning propane standby
generator, including original furnishings, equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, and incidental
improvements and expenses in connection therewith; and
WHEREAS, the aggregate maximum estimated cost to said Water District of such increase and
improvement of facilities is determined to be $125,000; and
WHEREAS, said capital project has been determined to be a “Type II Action” pursuant to the
regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to
the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”), the implementation of which as proposed, will not
result in a significant environmental effect, and the documentation relating to SEQRA is available in the
office of the WJWW for inspection during normal office hours; and
WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing on the question of the increase and
improvement of the facilities of said Water District, in the matter described above, and to hear all persons
interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, in accordance with the provisions of Section 202-b
March 11, 2015
ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as
Section 1. A public hearing will be held at the Town Hall, in Mamaroneck, New York, in said
Town, on 1st day of April, 2015, at 8:00 o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time, on the question of the increase and
improvement of the facilities of said Water District, in said Town, in the manner described in the preambles
hereof, and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and to take such
action thereon as is required or authorized by law.
Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of said public
hearing to be published in the official newspaper of said Town, and also to cause a copy thereof to be
posted on the official Town signboard, such publication and be made not less than ten, nor more than
twenty days, before the date designated for the hearing.
Section 3. The notice of public hearing shall be in substantially the form attached hereto as
Exhibit A and hereby made a part hereof.
Section 4. This Order shall take effect immediately.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing Order was duly put to a vote on roll call, which
resulted as follows:
Councilman Murphy Aye
Councilwoman Elkind Eney Aye
Councilwoman Katz Aye
Councilman Odierna Aye
Supervisor Seligson Aye
The Order was thereupon declared duly adopted.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – February 4, 2015 and February 25, 2015
On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Minutes of
February 4, 2015 and February 25, 2015.
Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Senior Center Valentine’s Day Luncheon, adding a thank you to
Maria Gallagher and her staff for their hard work putting on this wonderful luncheon. Unfortunately, the
Mamaroneck High School Varsity Hockey team lost the Sectional Semifinals in overtime to Pelham, adding
what a heartbreaker it was. On February 2, Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the Fire Council
Meeting, noting that they are working on specifications for new apparatus, as well as capital improvements
to the Weaver Street Fire House. On February 3, Councilwoman Elkind Eney attended the West Fair Rides
Sound Shore Advisory Council Meeting, at which they discussed outreach for fundraising. Councilwoman
Elkind Eney noted that West Fair provides rides for seniors to their doctor’s appointment throughout
Westchester. On February 7, Councilwoman Elkind Eney, spoke at the Woman’s Club Meeting. She was
March 11, 2015
joined by Lorraine Walsh, Trustee for the Village of Larchmont, and Norman Rosenblum, Mayor of the
Village of Mamaroneck. They each spoke about the latest trends in the three communities – the take away
is we all work well together to save our taxpayers money and give the best possible services.
Councilwoman Elkind Eney missed the Recreation Commission and Planning Board Meetings, as she was
attending other meetings. In closing she announced the Bunny Hop 5k Walk/Run sponsored by the
Recreation Department and the Fire Department on March 22 starting at 8:30 and 9:00am at Memorial
Councilwoman Katz attended the Library Board Meeting last night at which they presented their Budget to
the Village of Larchmont. The Library Brick Fest was a huge success. On April 19 the Library will hold its 3
Annual Spelling Bee at the Larchmont Temple.
Councilman Odierna attended, after the last Town Board Meeting, the tail end of the Zoning Board
Meeting, adding that they diligently addressed seven application. Yesterday, he attended, on behalf of
Supervisor Seligson, the meeting of the Westchester Joint Water Works, noting that they were addressing
many of the same issues as the last time he attended one of their meetings. He also attended the Library
Budget Meeting last night. Councilman Odierna attended the Rotary Clubs fundraising event at Half Time
the beer wholesaler in Mamaroneck. He reminded residents that the Rotary Club is working with the Town
on installing bike racks throughout the community.
Councilman Murphy congratulated Yusef Meta, Heavy Weight State Wrestling Champ from Mamaroneck
High School (MHS). At 220 pounds, he is a formidable wrestler. This is the first time in MHS history that a
wrestler has won at the State level. Councilman Murphy wished him much success in his college years.
Councilman Murphy wished everyone a wonderful Saint Patrick’s Day. He wanted to remind residents that
there is so much more to Irish Culture than green beer. He encouraged residents to listen to some Irish
music on WFUV or read a great Irish author.
Councilman Odierna reminded residents of the upcoming Saint Patrick’s Day Parade down Mamaroneck
Supervisor Seligson announced the upcoming Green Steps Expo on March 22. The event will be held at
the Larchmont temple. This is an environmental expo with speakers, information and vendors from around
our region. This event is in honor of Bruce McFarlane, a local resident who was a wonderful advocate for
the environment.
Supervisor Seligson closed the Meeting in honor of two former employees of the Town. Helen Mohan, who
passed away a few weeks ago, held various positions in the Community Services Department. Ms. Mohan
was a conscientious employee who began her career with the Town in 1979 and retired in 1993 as Director
of Community Services. We also close in honor of Ronald Reddy, also referred to as Buzz, who was a
dedicated employee in the Highway Department for more than 32 years. He was hired in 1970 and retired
in 2003. Mr. Reddy held various positions in the Highway Department including Heavy Duty Motor
Equipment Operator and Labor Foreman. We extend our heartfelt sympathies to both the Mohan and
Reddy families.
On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the meeting was unanimously
adjourned at 9:00 PM
Submitted by
Christina Battalia, Town Clerk