HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021_03_09 Recreation Commission Minutes TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 9, 2021 PRESENT: James Druker, Chairman Graham Gutter William Paonessa Rita Plansky Terry Rainaldi Susan Sigel Brian Welsh ALSO PRESENT: Jill Fisher, Superintendent of Recreation Vicky Laoutaris, Recreation Supervisor Jennifer Pollak, Recreation Supervisor Steve Altieri, Town Administrator Jaine Elkind Eney, Town Board Liaison Eileen Puleo, Commission Secretary CALL TO ORDER: The meeting held via Zoom was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Druker. ACCEPTANCE OF MEETING MINUTES: On a motion by Commissioner Rainaldi, seconded by Commissioner Sigel, the Meeting Minutes of February 2, 2021 were unanimously approved as submitted. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE: Ms. Fisher reported the following: 1 . Programs for late spring and summer are being planned by the Recreation staff and will follow the current guidelines and protocols. Adjustments will be made as guidelines change. 2. Tennis permit renewal forms have been emailed to all 2019 permit holders. Permits were not sold in 2020 due to COVID-19. 3. The pool is scheduled to be closed for maintenance and cleaning during the spring recess, March 27th —April 5th. Reminders have been distributed. 4. We will be hosting a Snapology LEGO Camp program for children ages 5 — 8 during the April school recess. 5. We will be hosting a spring golf clinic in cooperation with TGA Premier Golf at Memorial Park. 6. The Recreation House Hockey program is scheduled to conclude on March 30tn We had 93 players enrolled. We will be offering a variety of spring hockey programs this season. Flyers are enclosed for review. 7. A Freestyle Skating program is being planned for Tuesdays and Saturdays. A flyer is enclosed for review. 8. A schedule of current spring ice rentals are enclosed for review. 9. The spring Adult Fitness programs have been well attended. 10. Westchester County has informed us that at this time they are not renting the Showmobile Stage to outside groups. Ms. Fisher has informed the County that we are interested in renting it if it were to become available. 11 . The Recreation office is looking into showing movies in the park again this season. Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes March 9, 2021 — Page 2 SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE CONTINUED: 12. LandTek is tentatively scheduled for the third week of March, weather permitting. They will be seeding, aerating, topdressing, and fertilizing the Hommocks Fields. 13.The Memorial Park tennis courts are scheduled to open April 1 st weather permitting. The courts will be cleaned and new nets will be installed for the season. 14. The ice rink locker room construction project is scheduled to be completed March 17th. Once construction is complete, we still need to coordinate the installation of the rubber flooring, benches, hooks, and any other finishing touches. Updated photos are enclosed 15. Paperwork for the new Zamboni has been submitted. The cost is approximately $113,000. The lead time is approximately five months. 16. The solar panels are being installed on the roof of the ice rink. The completion date on this project is April 7th. Startup of the solar panel system is scheduled for April 17th. The ice rink will be shut down on Wednesday, March 31 st by Con Edison to complete the work associated with this project. Photos enclosed for review. 17. Ms. Fisher will update the Commission on the plans to go forward with the renovations at Memorial Park playground after her meeting with Town Engineer, Robert Wasp scheduled for March 23ra 18. A copy of the 2020 Year End Revenue/Expense Comparison Report is enclosed for review. The overall net loss for the Recreation Department in 2020 was $1 ,100,000. SPRING FREESTYLE SESSION: With guidelines and capacities changing, the Recreation Department is looking to resume more programming at the ice rink this spring; including a modified Freestyle skating session. The Recreation Department has received emails from four parents looking to re- instate this program as soon as possible. The Freestyle skating program is for experienced skaters that come with their own coaches to practice their skills. The Recreation Department is proposing to provide a Saturday morning session for nine weeks, 10:00am — 11 :00am and a Tuesday evening session, 5:OOpm — 6:OOpm. In order to cover the ice cost of $4,050 per session, fifteen skaters paying $270/session would be required to break even. After a brief discussion, the Commission would like to offer this program with the hope that it builds itself back up. In order to help, the Commission is willing to subsidize this program at a cost of$1 ,000/session for this year only. A minimum of eleven skaters will be required for each session if it is to proceed. On a motion by Chairman Druker, all in favor. HOMMOCKS POOL 2021: Ms. Jennifer Pollak, Aquatic Director presented to the Commission a few different options to accommodate all user groups interested in accessing the pool for the summer pool season: • Swim Team, Camps and the Public • Swim Team & the Public (no Camps) • Camps & the Public (no Swim Team) Last summer, the pool was open to residents with reduced capacity limits, reservation requirements, and a pay per use fee of$5.00. There were no summer camps or a swim team being offered. Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes March 9, 2021 — Page 3 HOMMOCKS POOL 2021 CONTINUED: Ms. Vicky Laoutaris, Recreation Supervisor recommended to not have Hommocks Camp use the pool this summer. She feels for the short amount of time the kids would have at the pool, that the camp staff could actually provide better alternative program options. Co-Op Camp is looking for space in the pool and would be interested in additional time if other camps are not going to use it. The Village of Larchmont and the Village of Mamaroneck have expressed that they are not planning on using the pool this summer, due to many restrictions. Ms. Pollak also suggested that the swim team start an hour earlier at 8.00 am if this helps with the scheduling. The Hommocks Pool fees and Resident/Non Resident policies will be reviewed and presented for approved at the April Commission Meeting. HOMMOCKS CAMP AND PRESCHOOL CAMP: Ms. Vicky Laoutaris, Recreation Supervisor presented camp recommendations to the Commission. Ms. Laoutaris has informed the Commission that this year due to the restrictions placed on camp capacities, that the facility at the Monroe site can only accommodate (40) campers. Therefore, Camp Monroe and Camp Rockingstone will merge for this summer into one preschool aged camp to be held at Central School. The camp hours will be extending by an additional hour and operate 9.15 am — 2.15 pm. This year, Hommocks Camp will not be offering a Breakfast Club or Extended Day option due to the COVID-19 protocols in place by the Health Department. Campers will be placed in pods of (15) and campers will stay in that pod for the camp day. In order to try and accommodate all those campers wishing to attend camp this summer, the Hommocks Camp will offer (2) three-week camp sessions with a maximum of (250) campers per session. By reducing our enrollment numbers we will be able to accommodate all campers inside during inclement weather, and allow for the required social distance spacing between pods. Many other municipal camps are opting to hold camp outside with their normal enrollment numbers but will cancel camp during inclement weather. However, since we have the ice rink facility, we prefer to make the commitment to hold camp every day. We will be prepared to make adjustments as needed, if restrictions ease up prior to camp. The Recreation Department will also be offering additional sports and Snapology programs for alternative options during the six weeks of camp. 2021 SPRING/SUMMER PERMIT AND PROGRAM FEES: On a motion by Chairman Druker, seconded by Commissioner Plansky, the following fees were approved. PROGRAMS ADOPTED 2021 Camps Session 1/ Session2 Camp Rockingstone resident $580 $620 Rye Neck resident $625 $665 nonresident $650 $690 Camp Monroe resident $ n/a Rye Neck $ n/a nonresident $ n/a Session 1/ Session2 Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes March 9, 2021 — Page 4 2021 SPRING/SUMMER FEES CONTINUED: Hommocks 1st resident $630 $675 Rye Neck resident $700 $745 nonresident $725 $770 2nd resident $ n/a Rye Neck resident $ n/a nonresident $ n/a 3rd resident $ n/a Rye Neck resident $ n/a nonresident $ n/a Late Registration $50/per session Hommocks resident child $ n/a Extended Day Camp Rye Neck $ n/a nonresident $ n/a Hommocks resident $ n/a Breakfast Club Rye Neck $ n/a nonresident $ n/a Hommocks 1st resident $ n/a Camp Experience Rye Neck resident $ n/a nonresident $ n/a 2nd resident $ n/a Rye Neck resident $ n/a nonresident $ n/a 3rd resident $ n/a Rye Neck resident $ n/a nonresident $ n/a Teen Travel Camp resident/per session $ n/a Rye Neck resident/per session $ n/a nonresident/per session $ n/a Tot & Youth Programs Mad Science resident $ 50/1 day nonresident $ 70/1 day resident nonresident $210/4 days resident $235/5 days nonresident $255/5 days Kids Bingo/Pizza Night resident $20/person nonresident $25/person Grit Ninja Warrior resident $280/8 weeks nonresident $300/8 weeks Kids Cooking resident $155/6 weeks nonresident $175/6 weeks Babysitter Training resident $ 95 nonresident $120 Dance Tot/Youth resident $ 90/6 weeks nonresident $110/6 weeks Music Tot/Youth resident $ 90/6 weeks nonresident $110/6 weeks Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes March 9, 2021 — Page 5 2021 SPRING/SUMMER FEES CONTINUED: Pre Ballet resident $ 90/6 weeks nonresident $110/6 weeks Kids Zumba resident $ 90/6 weeks nonresident $110/6 weeks Snapology resident $170/6 weeks nonresident $190/6 weeks resident $240/4 half days nonresident $260/4 half days resident $150/3days2hrs nonresident $170/3days2hrs Snapology Weekly Programs Theme Based resident $215/weekly nonresident $235/weekly Robotics/Engineering resident $260/weekly nonresident $280/weekly All US Sports Institute Weekly Sports Programs resident $140/6 weeks nonresident $160/6 weeks resident $125/5 weeks nonresident $145/5 weeks Tennis Camp resident $215 nonresident $235 Multi Sport Camp resident half day $200/4 days* nonresident half day $220/4 days resident half day $150/3 days* nonresident half day $170/3 days* *$5 Multi-week discount/per child Junior Kayak resident $150 nonresident $170 Youth Kayak resident $125 nonresident $145 Golf Programs TGA (Child) resident $260 Nonresident $280 Adult Programs Women's Fitness (per class) resident $ 8.75 nonresident $10.50 Total Body Fitness (per class) resident $ 8.75 nonresident $10.50 Yoga Sculpt (per class) resident $ 8.75 nonresident $10.50 Total Yoga Combo (per class) resident $14.75 nonresident $18.75 Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes March 9, 2021 — Page 6 2021 SPRING/SUMMER FEES CONTINUED: Summer Sizzler (per class) resident $17.00 nonresident $20.00 Adult Kayaking resident $170 nonresident $190 Ice Rink Spring Hockey Programs resident $300 Rye Neck $320 nonresident $340 Tennis Programs Doubles Strategy Clinics (6 weeks) (7 weeks) 1 day/per week permit holder $210 $245 non permit holding resident $230 $265 nonresident $250 $285 2 days/per week permit holder $405 $475 non permit holding resident $445 $515 nonresident $485 $555 Adult Group Evening Instruction permit holder $155 $180 non permit holding resident $175 $200 nonresident $195 $220 Adult & Youth Individual Instruction permit holder $195 $225 non permit holding resident $215 $245 nonresident $235 $265 Cardio Tennis permit holder $130 $150 non permit holding resident $150 $170 nonresident $170 $190 Spring Junior Development Lessons permit holder $145 $170 non permit holding resident $165 $190 nonresident $185 $210 Pee Wee Tennis resident $120 $140 nonresident $140 $160 Introduction to Tennis— Little Aces (6 weeks) (7 weeks) resident $170 $195 nonresident $190 $215 Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes March 9, 2021 — Page 7 2021 SPRING/SUMMER FEES CONTINUED: Tennis Passes Resident Adult $140 Senior Citizen $125 Youth $105 Family $300 Nonresident (Village of Larchmont &Village of Mamaroneck) Adult $180 Senior Citizen $160 Youth $130 Family $350 Guest Fees Weekdays adult n/a youth n/a Weekends/Holidays adult $ 7 youth $ 5 *Same guest fees apply 7 days a week Aquatic Programs Bubble Babies resident $18/class nonresident $20/class Seahorse resident $18/class nonresident $20/class Tot/Youth Swim Lessons resident $17/class nonresident $18/class Dolphins/Jump Start resident $15/class nonresident $17/class MSC Diving resident $270 nonresident $295 MSC Swim Team resident $425 nonresident $450 Aqua Jog resident $12 /class nonresident $14/class Aqua Zumba resident $12/class nonresident $14/class Lifeguard Training resident $400 nonresident $450 Team Barracuda — Mini Session* resident $225 (Kid's Triathlon) nonresident $235 Team Barracuda — Mini Session* resident $240 (Performance) nonresident $250 Multi Child Discount* resident $20/per child nonresident $20/per child Barracuda Triathlon Training Camp resident $240 nonresident $250 Town of Mamaroneck Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes March 9, 2021 — Page 8 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, on a motion by Commissioner Paonessa, seconded by Commissioner Plansky, the meeting was adjourned at 8.05 P.M.