HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021_01_25 Coastal Zone Management Commission Minutes Town of Mamaroneck — Village of Larchmont COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT COMMISSION TOWN CENTER:740 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck,NY 10543-3353 TEL:914-381-7845 FAX:914-381-8473 conservationdept@townofmamaroneck.org CZMC Minutes January 25,2021 A meeting of the Coastal Zone Management Commission (CZMC) was held on Monday, January 25, 2021 via Zoom and was aired live on LMCTV. A public email account was monitored during the meeting for the submission of public comments and LMCTV provided a written transcript of the meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. C. Alan Mason, Chaiinian Matthew Teitsch Maurizio Bertini Kanan Sheth Sara Hanna Bob Fletcher Tara Anderson OTHERS PRESENT: Elizabeth Aitchison, Environmental Planner, Town of Mamaroneck Jaine Eney, Councilwoman, Liaison to Town Board Peter Fanelli, Trustee,Liaison to Village Board Adam Wekstein, Esq. & Tom Kerrigan, 40 Ocean Avenue Kelly Brock& Stephen Tilly,Preserve Larchmont Paul Fusco, Landscape Architect, 7 Highland Road Stephanie Fox, Architect, 2 Circle Avenue Stephen Marchesani, Architect, 68 Sherwood Drive Eliot Senor, Engineer, 151 Rockingstone Avenue 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the November 23,2020 meeting were approved as submitted. 3. Referrals: a. 40 Ocean Avenue, Residential subdivision and construction of two new single family houses. Thomas Kerrigan and Adam Wekstein presented the proposal to subdivide the property at 40 Ocean Avenue and construct two new single family houses. The original house would be preserved. This proposal was before CZMC in 2017 and at that time the proposal was to demolish the original house. CZMC had found that proposal to be inconsistent with Policy 23 of the LWRP which states "PROTECT AND RESTORE STRUCTURES, DISTRICTS, AREAS OR Page 1 of 3 SITES THAT ARE OFSIGNIFICANCE IN THE HISTORY, ARCHITECTURE, ARCHEOLOGY OR CULTURE OF THE STATE,IT'S COMMUNITIES OR THE NATION." Kelly Brock and Stephen Tilly of Preserve Larchmont spoke along with several members of the public about the importance of preserving the views and the historic character of the neighborhood. They presented several alternative layouts for the proposed subdivision that they believe warrants consideration. CZMC found this current proposal to be consistent with Policy 23, but may not be consistent with Policy 25B, 25C and 25D which all seek to preserve and protect the visual and scenic qualities of the neighborhood. CZMC requests that realistic renderings be prepared to demonstrate how the proposed walls, fill, landscaping and new homes will impact or enhance the visual and scenic qualities of the neighborhood. b. 7 Highland Road, Wetlands and Watercourses Permit for the installation of a pool/patio and restoration of lawn encroachment Landscape Architect, Paul Fusco, presented the proposal to install a pool and patio in the rear yard. An existing lawn area at the rear of the property encroaches into the neighboring Leatherstocking Trail Conservation Area. The grass will be removed and replaced with native plants and trees. In addition, a new pool fence will reinforce the property boundary. CZMC found the proposed action to be consistent with the policies in the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program,but has a few recommendations: • The pool fence should be attractive from the perspective of the trail. • Mr. Fusco agreed that the new plantings in the Conservation Area will be watered and maintained by the Greens for the first year. After that time period, unless a hazardous condition exists, the Town should not be expected to maintain these plantings or replace them if any die. • Calculations should be provided to the Planning Board's consulting engineer supporting the reduction of stoiiu water by the use of peiiueable pavers and the reduced driveway size. c. 2 Circle Avenue—Addition,Portico and Pergola Stephanie Fox presented the proposal to construct a mudroom addition with a portico, a screened porch and a pergola at 2 Circle Avenue. As proposed, there will be a 358 square foot increase in impervious surfaces that will be captured by 4 cultec units in front of the house. The engineering calculations and plans have been reviewed by the consulting engineer for the Planning Commission and found to be satisfactory. An arborist was hired to review the proposal and they deteiiuined that there would be no impact to any of the trees on the property as a result of the work to be done. In addition, the property is outside of the flood zone. CZMC found the proposed action to be consistent with the policies in the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. Page 2 of 3 d. 68 Sherwood Drive — Residential Site Plan for the Construction of a new Single Family house Stephen Marchesani, the architect for the project,presented plans to construct a modular house on the lot. The property is an existing non-confoiiuing lot,is long and narrow and is currently vacant except for a garage and a driveway. The proposal is to demolish the garage and construct a new detached garage with a shorter driveway. A cultec system will be installed in the rear yard behind the new garage to handle stoiniwater from the house, garage and part of the driveway. The use of pervious pavement is proposed at the bottom of the driveway to collect additional runoff before it reaches the street. CZMC found the proposal to be consistent with the policies in the LWRP. However, CZMC recommends investigating whether a trench drain could be placed across the bottom of the driveway and tied into the stoiniwater system in the road instead of using pervious pavement. Pervious pavement systems require frequent maintenance in order to function properly and the driveway of 67 Sherwood Drive is directly across the street and lower in elevation than the road. Any reduction in stoiniwater runoff from the driveway at#68 would reduce the impact on their property. e. 151 Rockingstone Avenue — Residential Site Plan for the Construction of a new Single Family house Eliot Senor, the engineer on the project, presented the proposal to construct a new house on the property. The existing house is to be demolished and the driveway will be relocated to the Wildwood Road side of the property. The property is high above the street level and surrounded by old, stone retaining walls which are located within the Town right of way. The Town has requested that these encroachments into the ROW be legalized by easement or acquisition of the land from the Town. The purpose for this being to clarify that the property owner will be responsible for the maintenance of these walls and stone steps,not the Town. Two sets of cultec units will handle runoff from the site, both in the front of the residence requiring the removal of several large trees. For the project, the applicant is proposing to remove 10 trees due to poor condition, the impacts of construction and grade changes. The planting plan shows 14 replacement trees: 2 red maple, 3 English holly, one dogwood, 4 blue spruce, one weeping spruce and 3 Japanese cryptomeria. These are primarily evergreen and ornamental trees. CZMC found the proposal to be consistent with the policies in the LWRP. However, CZMC recommends that more large deciduous trees be added to the planting plan to replace the large deciduous trees that are being removed. In addition, several street trees should be planted along Rockingstone Avenue under the direction of Elizabeth Aitchison. 4. Old Business Manor Park Pathway update- Peter Fanelli updated CZMC on the status of the project to replace the pathway and restore native plantings in the park. A bull pen was just installed as a staging area and work is expected to begin relatively soon. He was told the project would be finished in May,weather peiiuitting. 5. New Business No New Business The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. The Next CZMC meeting will be held on Monday, February 22, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. Page 3 of 3