HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983_10_26 Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE
In the absence of the Chairman the meeting was called to
order by the acting Chairman, Mr. Carr at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Mr. Stephen K. Carr, acting Chairman
Mr. Egbert R. Hardesty
Mr. Peter D. Mosher
Mr. J. Rene Simon
Absent: Mr. A. William Boraczek
Also present: Mr. William Paonessa, Building Inspector
The minutes of the meeting of September 28, 1983 were pre-
sented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved as
The Chairman declared the hearing open and the Secretary
presented for the record the affidavit of publication of
the notice of hearing.
Mr. Carr said he would like to hear the applications in
order and read Application No. 1.
Application of Mrs. Lieselotte Novak for modification of
variance granted September 24, 1980 permitting an addition
to building used for retail sale and storage of furniture
having a total building coverage of 44% and off-street
parking for 37 cars so as to allow the subdivision of the
building for the retail sale and service of bicycles on
the premises located at 1331 Boston Post Road and known
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 411 Parcel 119 on the grounds of practical difficulty
and/or unnecessary hardship.
Mrs. Novak was represented by her Attorney, Mr. Edward
P. Tanenbaum, who stated that at present the building is
occupied for the retail sale and storage of furniture,
and the space is too big. Mr. Tanenbaum said they now
Afew want to subdivide the building and use a portion of the
building for the retail sale and services of bicycles.
Mr. Tanenbaum further said that the furniture business
is very competitive and if the applicant could rent out
a portion of the building it will ease an economic hard-
Mr. Mosher questioned as to what portion they intended
renting out for the bicycle shop and said he was concerned
about the safety of the children travelling to and from
the Hommocks school on their bicycles. Mr. Carr and Mr.
Hardesty, also, expressed concern about the school chil-
dren and Mr. Robert Novak said he did not think the traf-
fic would be increased since most of the people who would
bring in the bicycles for repair would come in cars because
the bicycles were broken and it would probably be mostly
on weekends. Mr. Carr questioned as where the parking
would be and it was pointed out that the parking for the
bicycle shop would be in the rear and there would be no
new construction as the entrance is already there.
Mrs. Doris Sandstrom said she was familiar with the setup
for Novaks and could not see any problems with traffic,
After further discussion the Board decided to vote on the
application and the Chairman pointed out that if the ap-
plication was approved a condition of the approval would
be that there be an access from the rear of the building
to the parking lot.
The Board voted on the application and the result was as
Commissioner Carr - Aye
Commissioner Hardesty - Aye
Commissioner Mosher - Aye
Commissioner Simon - Aye
The application was therefore approved and the following
Resolution adopted:
WHEREAS, Mrs. Liselotte Novak has submitted an
application to the Building Inspector to allow
the subdivision of the building for the retail
sale and service of bicycles together with plans;
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused to
issue such permit on the grounds that the plans
submitted failed to comply with variance granted
September 24, 1980 permitting an addition to
building used for retail sale and storage of
furniture having a total building coverage of
44% and off-street parking for 37 cars on the
premises located at 1331 Boston Post Road and
known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of
Mamaroneck as Block 411 Parcel 119; and
WHEREAS, Mrs. Lieselotte Novak has submitted
an application to this Board for a variance on
the ground of practical difficulty and/or unnec-
essary hardship for the following reasons:
r... 1. Repeat variance for subdivision
of present store for retail use for
warehouse for storing of furniture
and outdoor furniture.
2. To use present retail furniture
and outdoor furniture use for bicycle
store and repair.
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard all per-
sons interested in this application after pub-
lication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the applica-
tion on the following grounds:
[a] That there are special circumstances
and conditions applying to the land
for which a variance is sought, which
circumstances and/or conditions have
not resulted from any acts of the ap-
., plicant subsequent to the date of the
Zoning Regulations appealed from.
[b] That the said circumstances and/
or conditions are as follows:
1. The subdivision will
help the applicant economi-
cally as the furniture store
is too large for the present
2. The bicycle shop will
not add to the traffic.
3. That said circumstances
are such that the variance
as granted by this Board
on September 24, 1980 per-
mitting an addition to the
building would deprive the
applicant of the reasonable
use of the land and/or build-
ing and that the variance
granted by this Board is
a minimal adjustment that
will accomplish this purpose.
4. That the granting of
the variance is in harmony
with the general purposes J
and intent of this Ordinance
and will not be injurious
to the neighborhood or other-
\I.. wise detrimental to the pub-
lic welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted and that Article VII Section 89-41 [3]
and E "Construction Requirements for a Business
District" and modified by Zoning Board Resolution
dated September 24, 1980 to allow the continued
use of the building for retail sales and storage
of furniture and retail sale and service of bicycles
on the premises located at 1331 Boston Post Road
and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town
of Mamaroneck as Block 411 Parcel 119 in strict
conformance with plans filed with this applica-
tion subject to the following condition provided
that the applicant complies in all other respects
with the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code of
the Town of Mamaroneck.
The applicant provide an access from
the rear of the building to the park-
ing lot.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with the
en**"' Rules and Regulations of the Zoning Ordinance
where a variance is granted the applicant shall
obtain a building permit within three months
of the date of the filing of this Resolution
with the Town Clerk. The building permit shall
be void if construction is not started within
six months and completed within two years of
the date of said permit.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section 267
of the Town Law.
The Chairman read the next application.
Application of Mr. and Mrs. F. Hafetz for modification
of Article III Section 89-12 "Lot Subdivision" subject
to Article VI Section 89-34 Subsection B [2] [a] "Construc-
tion Requirements for an R-7.5 One Family Residence Dis-
trict" which requires a minimum side yard of 10 ft. to
allow a subdivision creating a side yard of 0.4 ft. to
existing detached garage located in front yard of Lot
"B" on the premises located at 31 Seton Road and known
on the Tax Assessment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 116 Parcel 428 on the grounds of practical diffi-
culty and/or unnecessary hardship.
Dr. Nicholas Marsh, who bought the vacant lot from the
Hafetzs appeared before the Board and said that after
he purchased the lot he realized it would be difficult
to construct a house that will suit their needs. Dr.
Marsh said that the Hafetzs have offered to sell another
10 ft. which will put their garage in violation and because
of the odd shape of the lot he is restricted a great deal
as to where he can build.
Mr. Arthur Wexler, who is Dr. Marsh's Architect, said
they want to build a house to conform to other homes in
the neighborhood and presented photographs of some other
homes presently in the area.
Mr. and Mrs. Hafetz, also, appeared and said they are
the owners of the property which will be next door to
the proposed house and the application is necessary because
it would be a hardship to the Marsh's to build the kind
of house they want.
Mrs. Mary Ellen McAden of 12 Seton Road said she thought
they wanted a larger house on the property in proportion
to the lot. Mrs. McAden stated that the houses in the
area have large yards and she does not want the neighbor-
hood to be adversely affected.
Mr. John Pyron of 219 Rockingstone Avenue said he had
appeared at the Planning Board meeting when the Hafetzs
(:: originally requested the subdivision and he knew all along
that the house would not fit. Mr. Pyron said he does
not know whether he is for or against and does not want
to object.
Mr. Mosher questioned Dr. Marsh as to whether he knew
all along the situation. Dr. Marsh said when he bought
the lot he did not have his Architect lay out the house
and did not find out the difficulty until after it was
done. Dr. Marsh said he only wants a house that will
not be an obstruction and thinks it will be to everyones
After further discussion the Board decided to vote on
the application and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Carr - Aye
Commissioner Hardesty - Aye
Commissioner Mosher - Aye
Commissioner Simon - Aye
The application was therefore approved and the following
Resolution adopted:
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hafetz have submitted
an application to the Building Inspector to al-
low a subdivision creating a side yard of 0.4
ft. to existing detached garage located in front
yard of Lot "B", together with plans; and
WHEREAS, the Building Inspector has refused to
issue such permit on the grounds that the plans
submitted failed to comply with Article III Sec-
tion 89-12 "Lot Subdivision" subject to Article
VI Section 89-34 Subsection B [2] [a] "Construc-
tion Requirements for an R-7.5 One Family Resi-
dence District" which requires a minimum side
yard of 10 ft. on the premises located at 31 Seton
Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 116 Parcel 428; and
WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hafetz have submitted
an application to this Board for a variance on
the ground of practical difficulty and/or unnec-
essary hardship for the following reasons:
1. Due to physical condition of Lot
"A" which is very steep and irregular
in shape it is necessary to relocate
the boundary line between Lots "A"
and "B" 10 ft. southerly.
2. This will increase the width of
Lot "A" and provide the necessary area
to locate proposed dwelling on Lot "A".
WHEREAS, this Board has examined the plans,
reviewed the application and has heard all per-
sons interested in this application after pub-
lication of a notice thereof,
RESOLVED, that this Board granted the applica-
tion on the following grounds:
[a] That there are special circumstances
and conditions applying to the land
for which a variance is sought, which
circumstances and/or conditions have
not resulted from any acts of the ap-
plicant subsequent to the date of the
Zoning Regulations appealed from.
[b] That the said circumstances and/
or conditions are as follows:
1. Because of the topography
of the lot it is necessary
to relocate the boundary
line in order to construct
a house in conformance with
the other residences in the
e"'"' neighborhood.
2. That said circumstances
or conditions are such that
the particular application
of the Ordinance with res-
pect to Article VI Section
e 89-34 Subsection B [2] [a]
"Construction Requirements
for an R-7.5 One Family Resi-
dence District" would deprive
the applicant of the reason-
able use of the land and/
or building and that the
variance as granted by this
Board is a minimal adjust-
ment that will accomplish
this purpose.
3. That the granting of
the variance is in harmony
with the general purposes
and intent of this Ordinance
and will not be injurious
to the neighborhood or other-
wise detrimental to the pub-
lic welfare; and it is
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a variance is hereby
granted and that Article III Section 89-12 "Lot
Subdivision" subject to Article VI Section 89-34
Subsection B [2] [a] "Construction Requirements
for an R-7.5 One Family Residence District" be
varied and modified so as to allow the subdivi-
sion of a lot creating a side yard of 0.4 ft.
to existing detached garage located in front
yard of Lot "B" on premises located at 31 Seton
Road and known on the Tax Assessment Map of the
Town of Mamaroneck as Block 116 Parcel 428 in
strict conformance with plans filed with this
application subject to the following condition
provided that the applicant complies in all other
respects with the Zoning Ordinance and Building
Code of the Town of Mamaroneck.
The applicant obtain approval from
the Planning Board for the subdivi-
sion of the lot.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this decision be filed
with the Town Clerk as provided in Section
267 of the Town Law.
Mr. Carr explained to those present that the Board would
review the variance of LMR Associates to determine whether
the conditions previously proposed have been satisfied.
After talking with his clients Mr. Purvis the Attorney
for LMR Associates requested that the hearing be adjourned
to the next meeting so that he and his clients could talk
with the representatives of the Pine Brook Association.
Mr. Purvis said it would take at least two weeks to see
if they could possibly work out a settlement so that his
clients could construct a building that will be economical.
Mr. Engel who represents the Pine Brook Association said
that the conversation began a year ago.
Mr. Mosher questioned as to whether they would change
the building in any significant aspect and Mr. Purvis
said it would depend on whether they reach a settlement.
Mr. Carr mentioned a letter of October 14, 1983 from Mr.
Engel to Mr. Clifford and asked if any effort had been
made on the part of the applicant to follow up on the
contents of the letter.
It was pointed out that if the plans are changed a new
application will have to be filed.
Mr. Carr said that the Board would vote on whether they
were willing to adjourn the hearing until another meet-
ing but they would not vote on the merits of the appli-
Mrs. Joan Williams, who is the Chairman of the Village
of Larchmont Planning Commission, said she represented
another group and a number of people spoke in opposition
to the application including residents of the Village
of Larchmont and the City of New Rochelle.
The Board members voted on whether to adjourn the hearing
to another meeting and the result was as follows:
Commissioner Carr - Aye
Commissioner Hardesty - Nay
Commissioner Mosher - Aye
Commissioner Simon - Aye
The Board decided to adjourn the application to a Special
Hearing on November 15, 1983.
It was, also, decided that because the date for the next
regular meeting falls on Thanksgiving Eve the meeting
will be held on November 30th.
There being no further business to come before this meet-
ing it was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
to A. Johnso , Secretary
'/�* A Court Stenographer was present and his transcript will be
part of the record.