HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021_03_10 Planning Board Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD REMOTELY Via ZOOM ON March 10, 2021 Present via ZOOM: Ralph Engel, Chairman, Elizabeth Cooney, Vice-Chair, Edmund Papazian, Ira Block, Ron Mandel, Sarah Dunn (Alternate), John Cuddy (Alternate) Also Present via ZOOM: Robert Wasp, Town Engineer, Lisa Hochman, Counsel to Planning Board, Elizabeth Aitchison, Town Environmental Planner, Anthony Oliveri, Consulting Engineer, Sabrina Fiddelman, Town Board Liaison, Francine M. Brill, Planning Board Secretary CALL TO ORDER The Chair confirmed with counsel that tonight's meeting had been convened in accordance with the Governor's Executive Order 202.1, as extended, which suspends certain provisions of the Open Meetings Law to allow municipal boards to convene meetings via videoconferencing. He asked the Planning Board Secretary to confirm that tonight's meeting had been duly noticed. Ms. Brill so confirmed. Mr. Engel stated that members of the public received notice on how to view tonight's meeting on TV and online. He stated that this meeting is being broadcast live on LMC-TV (channel 35 on FIOS; channel 76 on Optimum) and online at LMCTV.org., and that a transcript will be available at a later date. Ms. Brill called the roll, and the Chair announced that there was a quorum present (via ZOOM). Members of the Town staff and consultants identified themselves to viewers. The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M. Mr. Engel stated that there is a moratorium on mechanical rock removal in effect, which has been extended through June, and he further stated that the Town adopted a new mechanical rock removal law. MINUTES The minutes of the February 10, 2021 meeting were discussed. Motion: To approve the draft minutes of the January 13, 2020 meeting as modified. Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney Action: Unanimously Approved 1. 151 Rockingstone Avenue —JAF Builders Corp. - Residential Site Plan — Public Hearing continued 1 Eliot Senor, the applicant's engineer, was present via ZOOM. Mr. Senor shared his screen and stated that the met with the Ms. Aitchison regarding the trees on Rockingstone and the 30 inch oak, 20 inch oak and the Maple cluster will be saved. He further stated they are in discussion with the Town to acquire the retaining wall strip of land. Tree protection was discussed, Ms. Atichison asked that tree protection be shown on the plan. PUBLIC COMMENTS Hillary Macht, stated she is happy the three cherry trees are remaining. Catherine Sinsabaugh, questioned the retaining wall height, Mr. Senor stated there is no change in existing height, the driveway fill in will be 5 feet. She further questioned the placement of the Stop Sign, Mr. Senor responded that it up to the Traffic Committee. Mr. Wasp stated the final location of the Stop sign will be set before the issuance of the Highway permit. Judy Herbst asked if the cul tec could be moved to save more trees. Paralee McKenny voiced concern for the tree roots near the cul tecs on Wildwood, and whether a tree could be planted where the driveway was. Debra questioned the color of the house, Mr. Engel stated the Board has no control over color. Theresa Giacomo asked if a tree could be planted in the Triangle, Ms. Aitchison stated that one of the neighbors has paid for a replacement Oak tree. Motion: To close the public hearing Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney Action: Unanimously Approved The Board discussed the draft resolution. Motion: To approve the resolution as modified Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Ron Mandel Action: Unanimously Approved 2. 68 Sherwood Drive - Maria and Pat Stiso - Residential Site Plan - Public Hearing Continued Annette Stiso, Pat Stiso, and Stephen Marchesani, Architect, Dan Collins P.E. and Tony Rizzo, contractor were present via ZOOM. Mr. Marchesani shared his screen, explaining the revised plan has added cul tecs and the elevations are now indicated. He stated the crane will be placed on the property to install the modules, and they will pay for a police officer for traffic control when the deliveries are made. 2 The modules will be stored off site at a site to be determined. The crane will not be left on the property overnight as it takes about eight hours to install 4 modules. Mr. Papazian asked how the crane will be placed if rock is encountered, Mr. Rizzo responded a smaller crane will be used if necessary. Ms. Brill stated all required referrals have been made. There no public questions or comments. Motion: To close the public hearing Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney Action: Unanimously Approved The Board discussed the draft resolution. Motion: To approve the resolution as modified Moved by Ira Block, seconded by Ron Mandel Action: Unanimously Approved 3. 7 Highland Road - Charles and Valerie Green -Wetlands and Water courses - Public Hearing continued e further stated that he appeared before the Coastal Zone Management Commission (CZMC), which requested adding two pin oaks on Rockingstone and preservation of more trees on the site. Ms. Aitchison stated that the replacement trees will have to be small because of the power lines. Mr. Senor stated that are in discussion with the Town to acquire the retaining wall property. Motion: To open the public hearing Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney Action: Approved unanimously PUBLIC COMMENTS Judy Herbst of 76 North Chatsworth voiced concerns about the removal of trees #10, 4, and 9 and further stated that taking down large trees is an injustice to the neighbors as it greatly impacts the neighborhood. 3 Mr. Senor responded that they have an arborist report stating that one maple tree has root damage, and an oak tree is in poor health. The caliper of the replacement trees was discussed. Mr. Senor stated that he will have their arborist meet with Ms. Aitchison to discuss saving some of the trees. Ms. McKinney of 150 Rockingstone stated that the neighborhood has lost a lot of trees and noise and light pollution has increased as a result. She also stated that the retaining wall should not be changed. Mr. Senor responded that the only change to the wall would be where it will be lengthened and removed to relocate the driveway. The height of the retaining wall was discussed. Debra Whitman of 158 Rockingstone stated that trees shield light pollution. She further asked why tree #10 is being removed and Mr. Senor responded that the tree is in the way of the proposed drainage. David Kahn stated that the removal of mature trees will have a detrimental effect on the character of the neighborhood. He asked if it is possible for the applicant to shift their driveway. Jody Cahn stated that the proposed tree removal will result in loss of shade and natural habitat, and increase light pollution. Mr. Testa of 15 Mountain voiced concerns about the trees and the retaining wall. Felicia Morton of 173 Rockingstone stated that healthy trees should not be taken down and noted that mature trees provide wind protection. Mr. Block requested a copy of the arborist report be shared with the Planning Board. Mr. Papazian requested the arborist report to address whether the replacement trees can be bigger without compromising their likelihood of survival. Mr. Engel stated that if Ms. Aitchison (the Town Environmental Planner) feels it is necessary the Board can hire an independent arborist. Mr. Engel further stated that the Planning Board is authorized to consider only applications presented and must apply the Town Code as it is written. He further suggested that residents interested in preserving trees should let the Town Board know and that perhaps this will be addressed when the Town adopts a new comprehensive land use plan. Mr. Engel stated that the public hearing will remain open and asked Ms. Hochman to prepare a draft resolution for March 10, 2021. Ms. Hochman stated that she will do so and reminded everyone that the preparation of a draft resolution does not commit the Board to take any action. 4 2. 68 Sherwood Drive—Residential Site Plan—Public Hearing Stephen Marchesani, the applicant's architect, Michael Stein the applicant's engineer, and Pasquale Sisto and Annette Sisto, on behalf of the owners, were present via ZOOM. Mr. Marchesani shared his screen, explaining the removal of the existing garage and the proposal for a single-family residence with a 2-car garage. Ms. Aitchison stated that CZMC suggested the applicant investigate drainage across the driveway. . The Board discussed whether there should be pervious pavers in the driveway. Mr. Oliveri suggested that there may be a drain line connected to the existing driveway and also questioned whether there is sufficient separation between the infiltration system and groundwater. The drainage plan was discussed. The identification of the applicant was clarified to be Maria Stiso and Annette Stiso as Executrix of the estate of Victor Stiso. Motion: To open the public hearing Moved by Elizabeth Cooney, seconded by Edmund Papazian Action: Unanimously approved PUBLIC COMMENTS Svetlana Martinova asked how much disturbance will be in the road and how will she be impacted by trucks blocking street access. Mr. Engel observed that it is a narrow, dead end street and that traffic, especially access for emergency vehicles, should be managed. Mr. Wasp stated that any work in right of way requires a street opening permit. Mr. Wasp further stated that when the units arrive, trucks will need to be on the street while they are unloading. He further stated that a crane staging plan could be required. Mr. Engel stated that the hearing will remain open and asked Ms. Hochman to prepare a draft resolution for March 10, 2021. Ms. Hochman stated that she will do so and reminded everyone that the preparation of a draft resolution does not commit the Board to take any action. 3. 7 Highland Road—Wetlands &Watercourses Permit - Consideration Paul Fusco, the applicant's architect, and Charles Green, the owner, were present via ZOOM. Mr. Fusco shared his screen and explained the proposal for the pool and patio. He stated that the CZMC requested wetlands mitigation including the removal of lawn to be replaced by native species, replacing the asphalt driveway with permeable pavers to offset the proposed impervious area, and adding a dry well. 5 Screening was discussed and Mr. Fusco stated that the neighbors have heavy vegetation and there is no place on the applicant's property to plant more. Motion: To set the public hearing for March 10, 2021 Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney Action: Unanimously approved Ms. Hochman was requested to prepare a draft resolution. Ms. Hochman stated that she will do so and reminded everyone that the preparation of a draft resolution does not commit the Board to take any action. 4. 3 Cornell Street - Residential Site Plan - Consideration Eliot Senor, the applicant's engineer, and Shlomo Friedfertig, the owner, were present via ZOOM. Mr. Senor shared his screen and explained that the house is in Scarsdale and the proposed pool and equipment are located in the Town. He further stated that they plan to extend the wall from 5 Cornell and stated that the hemlocks will not be disturbed. He further stated that the grade is being raised and he showed how it relates to 5 Cornell. Mr. Engel asked where the stockpile and fill material is coming from and Mr. Friedfertig responded that the stockpile is top soil from the site and the fill is from a site in Scarsdale. Mr. Engel reminded the applicant that no fill material is to be brought to the site until permitted. The location of the pool equipment and its proximity to the neighbor was discussed. The Board asked if the equipment can be enclosed. The Board asked if the pool grade could be lowered. Mr. Wasp stated that a step or two down would be better. Mr. Senor responded that there are currently 5 steps down to the pool elevation. Mr. Wasp asked the applicant to submit a plan in regard to changes on 5 Cornell with respect to landscaping. The matter was referred to the CZMC. Motion: To set a public hearing for March 10, 2021 Moved by Edmund Papazian, seconded by Elizabeth Cooney Action: Unanimously approved Ms. Hochman was requested to prepare a draft resolution. Ms. Hochman stated that she will do so and reminded everyone that the preparation of a draft resolution does not commit the Board to take any action. 5. Pryer Manor Road - Residential Site Plan & Wetlands and Watercourses Permit - Consideration 6 Rick Yestadt, the applicant's architect, Michael Stein, the applicant's engineer, Liz Fry, the applicant's landscape architect, and Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, the owners of the property, were present via Zoom. Mr. Yestadt stated that the proposal is to remove the existing detached garage, extend the house and add a pool and patio. He further stated that the addition will be in the rear and not visible from the street. Tree removal was discussed. It was noted that there are a large number of mature trees on the property. Mr. Yestadt stated that the tree behind the existing garage is to be removed because the arborist report stated that it will be compromised, has dead wood and a fungus. Mr. Yestadt explained that the present, ground level garage beneath the house will be replaced by a two-car garage beneath the new extension. Erosion controls for the addition and pool were discussed. Mr. Stein stated that a rain garden is proposed for water quality. The Board discussed potential impact to the wetlands from pool chemicals (chlorine). Landscaping and materials to be used for the patio were discussed. The pool elevation was discussed. Mr. Wasp stated that permits are required from the Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Army Corps of Engineers. The Board discussed whether the location of the property is within a FEMA floodplain. The matter was referred to the CZMC and held over to March 10, 2021for further consideration. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. Minutes prepared by Francine M. Brill, Planning Board Secretary 7