HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015_08_04 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes ToM Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0804 Meeting Agenda Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0804 Meeting Agenda 6PM @ VFW Attendees: Nancy Seligson, Steve Altieri, Beth Radow, Marc Karell, Michele Lewis, Frank Owens, Mitch Green Absent: George Roniger, Stephen Moser, Lesley Seymour, Andrea Boyar, Tony Gelber (Meeting minutes appear in italics below. If agenda topics did not result in specific decisions or agreed actions, no italicized minutes are included) 6:00 PM Greetings & Call to Order 6:05 PM Minutes of June 15, 2015 Meeting Approved with some corrections 6:15 PM Climate Action Plan & GHG Data progress, time frame Nancy S & Marc K Nancy Seligson presented draft graphics which illustrate the results of GHG data entry being undertaken by TOM Summer Interns. The graphics are legible and demonstrate questions were raised relative to the software now in use as compared to software used for the earlier studies Marc Karell will meet with the interns to discuss. The revised graphics, which ll be presented at the Community Charrette in October. TOM reported that the Climate Smart Community Certification Program may present more challenges to completion than the likely benefits are to TOM. The Collaborative agreed that our priority remains useful and meaningful action toward a more Resilient and whether it will proceed. The Collaborative would like to thank the 2015 TOM Summer Interns, Michael O Collaborative hopes that he will continue to find time to assist TOM and the Collaborative on mutually beneficial activities. 7:15 PM Collaborative 2015 Budget requests & allocations for TOM Board Mtg All Action on this item postponed until the September meeting it was noted that, through the first seven calendar months of 2015, the Collaborative had spent very little of its budget allocation. Tony Gelber has requested $5,000 for NYPA consulting services in relation to the NYPrize Micro--Grids study, and how consulting from NYPA might be able to advance the feasibility of our proposals. Tony Gelber and Frank Owens to discuss and report at the Sept 1 Collaborative meeting. 1 ToM Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0804 Meeting Agenda 7:30 PM Sustainable Infrastructure Khris Dodson Syracuse University - Collaboration reviewed. The Collaborative agreed that all potential areas of collaboration should be pursued, and that Khris should know that the Collaborative is very appreciative of his willingness to help. Mitch Green followed up with Khris Dodson. Khris will proceed immediately with the items of greatest use at the Community Charrette. Khris also agreed to speak on Sustainable Infrastructure at Khris requested that TOM pay his expenses related travel, lodging and food to the Community Charrette; The Collaborative will take up a motion to that effect at its Sept 1 meeting. Motion: The Collaborative requests that travel, lodging and meal expenses related to Khris TOM budget allocation. 7:40 PM Community Charrette - Saturday Oct 3, 2015 Beth R & Michele L The Collaborative reviewed a Charrette Planning Outline, with progress on details related to date, timing and location. Further homework was assigned regarding invitees, particularly the list of 2014 Charrette invitees. It was agreed that greater involvement with MHS and the other schools was desired Frank Owens to contact Sophie Andrews, who teaches AP Environmental Science, about attendance by her students. Considerable discussion of the Charrette Agenda yielded the possibility of a two- part Agenda Part One will concentrate on Update Reports by Collaborative members on progress on 2015 Priority Action Items. Part Two will concentrate on current and upcoming initiatives by TOM government to improve the Fairness, Delivery Efficiency & Cost Control of TOM Services. Nancy S and Steve A will focus on shaping the message for Part Two, as the Charrette will be an important opportunity to present a new strategy to TOM residents. New Business Green Gardening and Green Purchasing Nancy Seligson discussed Patti Woods of Green Roots Environmental, who is interested in developing neighborhood-level Green Gardening and Green Purchasing programs, which may include Pesticide-free neighborhoods. The Collaborative noted that this was a subject raised by some residents at the 2014 Charrette, and wondered how environments: private residential property; multi-family residential property; other private property; TOM and other governmental agency property; School District Property; the three Golf Courses and the several Private Clubs. It was agreed that Nancy Seligson and Mitch Green, plus any other Collaborative members who find this subject of interest, will meet with Patti Woods at 5PM on Sept 1, directly in advance of the next Collaborative meeting. The Collaborative endorses neighborhood initiatives, the Collaborative recognizes its role to support and coordinate neighborhood efforts where possible with Education and Outreach. 2 ToM Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0804 Meeting Agenda New Business Energy Dashboard funding related to Mamk Schls Fdn Grant Frank Owens reported that he continues to work on the $10,000 funding required for the MHS Energy Dashboard. The Collaborative discussed whether companies supplying Dashboards might offer T same Dashboard, with the same software, for the geographically contiguous MHS and Town Center. This may enable real-time viewing of energy consumption and savings efforts at both MHS and the Town Center. Frank Owens to investigate and report. 7:55 PM Next Meeting Tuesday September 1, 2015 @ 6PM - VFW 8:00 PM Adjourn 2015 Priority Initiatives Task Force Leaders Air & Noise Pollution George R Walk-able, Bike-able Mamaroneck Stephen M Improve Water Quality Nancy S, Michele L, Beth R Maintain & Improve Infrastructure Steve A, Frank O Improve Community Preparedness Tony G Renewable Energy & Local Energy Frank O, Marc K, Mitch G Near-Zero Waste Community Mitch G, Steve A Education & Awareness Michele L, Beth R Climate-Smart, Zoning & Codes Nancy S, Andrea G 3