HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015_05_26 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes ToM Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0526Meeting Agenda Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0526 Meeting Minutes 6PM @ VFW Attendees: Nancy Seligson, Steve Altieri, Tony Gelber, Beth Radow, Marc Karell, Michele Lewis, Stephen Moser, Frank Owens, George Roniger, Mitch Green Absent: Andrea Grenadier, Lesley Seymour, Andrea Boyar (Meeting minutes appear in italics below. If agenda topics did not result in specific decisions or agreed actions, no italicized minutes are included) 6:00 PM Greetings & Call to Order 6:05 PM Minutes of April 20, 2015 Meeting Approved 6:10 PM Air & Noise Pollution Quiet Leaf Blowers update and next steps George R Discussion of the Quiet Leaf blower demonstration and next steps. Those present at the ting) were significantly quieter than the typical models (75 dB). It was also noted that running also considerably quieter than standard operation, but that gardeners may not utilize that alternative much unless pressed. Next steps are to outline legislation that would mandate a 65dB max sound reading at the prescribed distance, identify leaf blower manufacturers and specific models which achieve this standard, and recognize these quieter leaf blowers as approved for operation in ToM through stickers (available from ToM) Collab hopes to review progress at its June meeting, with the goal to forward a proposal to the Town Board as soon as possible. 6:20 PM Climate Action Plan progress, time frame, team Nancy S A wide-ranging discussion resulted in the following next steps: ToM will be updating its GHG data by the end of June (thanks due to Owen Hurley) Summer Intern Noah Horowitz hopes to assist ToM in Climate Action Plan preparation. Noah will be invited to the next Collab meeting Collaborative members will assist Noah in preparation of required information and in developing the specific targets needed for the Climate Action Plan (CAP). It was agreed Waste reduction, ToM would likely use Renewable Energy and Community Education as topic areas. Further discussion and agreement on process at the June meeting. It was noted that our ability to translate GHG data and information into dollars, and specific economic impact for residents, can be a successful strategy to build support. 1 ToM Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0526Meeting Agenda 6:45 PM Community Charrette - Saturday Sept 26 or Oct 3, 2015 Beth R & Michele L The Collaborative endorsed the idea of a Community Charrette for either Sept 26 or Oct 3. Location TBD, but VFW is likely. Timeframe 8:30AM Noon Considerable discussion as to agenda topics. It was agreed that the Collab would present its progress in each of our Priority areas, followed by break-out discussions to obtain feedback from residents on the varied topic areas. The Climate Action Plan would be a part of the presentation, augmenting our existing focus on Resilience, Sustainability & Quality of Life. The Community Charrette will provide valuable feedback from ToM residents on our progress and set the stage for further Collaborative actions/proposals to the ToM Board later in the Fall. 7:15 PM GHG Data Collaboration with Columbia Capstone update Marc K Mark reported that Max and the Columbia team are proceeding in our neighboring communities. Marc will report again in June. 7:25 PM Walk-able Bike-able Bike Month Programs Steve M The ToM Bike Event will be postponed to the Fall, probably Sunday, October 4 (rain date???). Steve M will work with Steve A, as well as VoL CoE colleagues, to start organizing. Steve M will report in June 7:30 PM Sustainable Infrastructure Khris Dodson Syracuse Capstone update Mitch G Mitch G reported that although the Syracuse Capstones did not take up either of our proposed Workshop topics, Khris Dodson will be attending the next Collab meeting to 7:35 PM Energy & Preparedness Micro-Grids update Tony G Considerable congrats to Tony G and Frank O and Steve A for landing $100,000 in NYSERDA funding for the ToM Micro-Grid feasibility study. Congrats! A kick-off meeting will be held with ToM, Collab, ConEd and Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) on June 30 with NYSERDA. The study will take 3 6 months, review a series of options, and identify optimal feasibility of various alternative Micro-Grid scenarios. ToM and the Collab will take strong leadership roles, including weekly communication with the BAH team and feedback to NYSERDA as to how the study is doing in meeting ToM expectations. 7:40 PM Renewable Energy CCA and PACE Financing Nancy S Nancy S reported that CCA is under study by the ToM Board. PACE financing has not yet progressed to ToM Board level due to a slower-than-expected process at Energize NY regarding the Delinquency Fund description, rules and establishment. The Collab noted that, even if PACE is too late for the Solarize Program, PACE financing is a power ful tool for community betterment through energy-efficiency projects at commercial, multi-family, and retail properties. 2 ToM Sustainability Collaborative 2015.0526Meeting Agenda 7:45 PM Renewable Energy - Solarize Larchmont-Mamaroneck PACE Financing Frank O Frank O reported that while the ToM-VoL-VoM team has developed the largest number of leads for the installer selected by Solarize Westchester (more than 350 as of June 10), conversion to signed contracts remains at an unexpectedly low rate (31 signed contracts as of June10). Our local team is in active discussion with the installer and with Solarize Westchester to understand how the local team can assist. Frank will update for the June meeting. 7:50 PM Collaborative 2015 Budget requests & allocations for June TOM Board Mtg All 7:55 PM Next Meeting Monday June 15 or Monday June 22, 2015 @ 6PM - VFW 7:55 PM Plastic Bag Ban in Westchester County statement of support from Collab to ToM The Collaborative will submit a Statement of Support to ToM Board on behalf of Westchester an effective way to move this important initiative forward. ToM Board will take up this issue soon. 8:00 PM Adjourn Meeting minutes submitted by Mitch Green 2015 Priority Initiatives Task Force Leaders Air & Noise Pollution George R Walk-able, Bike-able Mamaroneck Stephen M Improve Water Quality Nancy S, Michele L, Beth R Maintain & Improve Infrastructure Steve A, Frank O Improve Community Preparedness Tony G Renewable Energy & Local Energy Frank O, Marc K, Mitch G Near-Zero Waste Community Mitch G, Steve A Education & Awareness Michele L, Beth R Climate-Smart, Zoning & Codes Nancy S, Andrea G 3