HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021_06_08 Sustainability Collaborative Minutes
Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
2021.0608 Collab Meeting Notes
Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
Meeting Notes, June 8, 2021
(Meeting via Zoom, 6pm – 8pm)
Attendees: Mitch Green, Jeff King, Sue Odierna, George Roniger, Mark Kramer, Kevin Crowe, Arlene Novich,
Michelle Lewis, Elizabeth Poyet, Nick Zuba, June Wallach, Jacob Levitt, Eliza Pertz, Frank Owens,
Ellen Martin, Marc Karell, Mark Manley, Beth Radow, Judy Caputo, Denise Dunn
Guests: Janice Kaplan of Harrison
Notes of May 2021 meeting were accepted.
Mitch G welcomed everyone. Marc Karell introduced Janice Kaplan of Harrison who is interested in starting a food
scrap recycling program in Harrison, but she has found that Harrison has a lot to do before getting there. Janice
also mentioned that stores are still putting food in Styrofoam and that she thought a law was passed banning this
within Westchester County. Mitch suggested she reach out to our County Legislator, Catherine Parker or George
Events -- Healthy Yards Webinar, Bee Team Video, Pollinator Pathways
June gave a recap on the Healthy Yards webinar hosted by Dr. Sarah Evans of Mt Sinai Hospital’s Department of
Environmental Medicine and Public Health. Over 110 people registered for the webinar which was very well
received and recieved many mentions on social media. June also noted that the Bee Video created by the MHS Bee
Team would be shown on LMC Media Thursday evening June 10 at 8pm.
Elizabeth P. promoted the Pollinator Pathways Garden Tour coming on June 13 and asked for volunteers to email
her to assist at the various local homes along the tour. There was also mention of the HOW Green event on June 6
which focused on Pollinators as well.
Climate Emergency Declaration
Beth R explained this initiative which focuses on inspiring local leaders to prepare for climate change. More than
1,920 jurisdictions have adopted this declaration including several countries. On May 13, New Rochelle passed
the resolution declaring a climate emergency. The resolution requires the municipality to look at their codes,
regulations and procedures through the lens of climate change minimization, preparation and adaptation. Passing
a Climate Emergency Declaration would potentially enable the Town to access funding that is under an
“emergency umbrella.” Perhaps we could then get action more quickly, and put less strain on existing Town
resources. It’s also a way to get more people involved. First, a policy is built – the procedural structure to combat
and respond to climate change -- and then the Advisory Committee (which the Collaborative could take on) looks
at specifics to effect change.
Update: The Collab will discuss the Climate Emergency Declaration at our July 13 Meeting, with the goal to
forward a recommendation to the Board before the end of the summer.
Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
2021.0608 Collab Meeting Notes
Tree Team – Updating Mamaroneck’s Tree Code
Arlene explained that the committee is looking at the Town’s tree code line by line. They feel enforcement is a big
part of the issue so that trees are not cut down randomly. They are aiming to get the draft of the tree code
completed by the end of June. Discussion ensued about trees, moratoriums and how trees might fit into the
comprehensive plan.
Update: The Collaborative sent the 2021.0708 Tree Code Update to Supervisor Seligson and Board Member
Jeffery King on Friday, July 9. The Tree Code Update will be discussed with the Town Board at the Collab’s visit to
the Board Work Session on July 21.
Repair Café
George R is starting to think about the specifics of the Repair Café. Kevin C and Wendy G are helping organize and
both Village Environmental Committees have said they want to participate as well. George R to schedule a
meeting with those interested in helping with the Café.
Update: The Mamaroneck Senior Center has been booked for Saturday, October 16 for the rescheduled and
first-ever Town of Mamaroneck Repair Café!
Community Fridge
Judy C. explained a program started by an MHS alum who teaches at a charter school in the city. Produce is
transported from the Hunts Point Produce Market to 22 community fridge locations in the Bronx. They are looking
for volunteers to transport the food. Installing a community fridge in lower Westchester is one of this student’s
goals. Mark K. suggested the student contact Fresh Direct as they do similar work. Judy C asked if the MHS alum
could use the Collab’s table at the Farmer’s market for Community Outreach and Education. The Collab agreed.
Community Solar and Grid Rewards Campaigns
Update: Sue Odierna has submitted, and NYSERDA has accepted, the Town’s campaign documentation and sign-
up lists. This qualifies the Town to receive $5,000 in funding for each campaign to be focused on further Energy-
saving programs.
New York State 2021 Stretch Energy Code
Update: The Town Board has adopted the 2021 NYS Stretch Energy Code. This Code advances energy savings in
both new construction and renovation through higher standards for floor, wall and roof insulation as well as
higher-performance windows. Economic analysis of the Stretch Code suggest that, for typical residential
applications in our area, the payback period for applying the code will be 7 – 8 years.
Sue Odierna has submitted to NYSERDA documentation showing ToM’s adaptation of the NYStretch Energy Code
2020. We are awaiting their approval.
Town of Mamaroneck Sustainability Collaborative
2021.0608 Collab Meeting Notes
Energy Sustainability How-To on October 4
Frank and Nick discussed the “Saving Money by Reducing Energy Costs” presentation to be given on Oct. 4 – this
will be the first of three Sustainability seminars that June has been working on along with the Center for
Continuing Education (CCE). The focus for this first presentation will be:
How to make your house more energy efficient
Low-cost Improvements
Resources (NYSERDA, etc.)
June suggested topics not be too heavy -- top three things to know, how to save money with renewable energy,
keep it simple.
Update: June worked with Frank O, Marc K, Mark M and Nick Z to refine the presentation outline and submit it to
the Center for Continuing Education in late June. The Center will start advertising the presentation in August.
Marc K and Nick Z will be our live presenters on ZOOM.
OCRA (Original Science Research Action) MHS Students “Green Mamaroneck” App
Mitch reported that the OCRA app has been launched. The goal is to update the app every three months (as well
as this summer) to tune up certain areas where text and icons can use some improvement. The GreenMamaroneck
App could assist in building awareness of the Climate Emergency Declaration – part of the fall update could be the
question, ““Where do we see the impacts of the Climate Emergency in 10538?”
Update: The Town has agreed that one of the OCRA Students can assist the Collabs as an Intern this summer to
update the App and fine-tune the content to prepare for the 2021 Q4 Update to launch in late September.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm
The next meeting will be held on: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 @ 6pm at the Mamaroneck Senior
Center, 1288 Boston Post Road, on the back deck if weather permits. Otherwise, in
large dining room (entrance up ramp on side of building).