HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Feasibilty Study Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue Intersection Study & New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Avenue Pedestrian Improvements 8/1/2021Draft Feasibility Study Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue Intersection Study New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Avenue Pedestrian Improvements Prepared for Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Revision 0 August 2021 Page 3 of 87 Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue Intersection Study New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Pedestrian Improvements Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County Draft Feasibility Study August 2021 Prepared for Town of Mamaroneck 740 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Prepared by Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. 10 Airline Drive, Suite 200 Albany, New York 12205 Page 4 of 87 Page 5 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C.- iv -1902.008.001/08.21 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Traffic data and Initial Public Comment ..................................................................................... 3 2.1. Existing Traffic Volumes .................................................................................................. 3 2.2. Future no-build design year traffic volume forecasts ...................................................... 3 2.3. Level of Service and Mobility .......................................................................................... 3 2.4. Public Outreach and Comment ....................................................................................... 6 3.0 Concept Designs ......................................................................................................................... 8 3.1. Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue ........................................................... 8 3.2. New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Avenue ....................................................... 12 4.0 build traffic data ....................................................................................................................... 15 4.1. Level of Service and Mobility ........................................................................................ 15 5.0 Recommendations and project cost estimate .......................................................................... 16 5.1. Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 16 5.2. Project Cost Estimate ................................................................................................... 16 Figures Figure 1.1 – Project Location Map Figure 2.1 – Existing Heavy Vehicle Traffic Data Figure 2.3.1 – Weekday PM Peak Hour Levels of Service Figure 2.3.2 – Weekday ETC+10 PM (No Build) Peak Hour Levels of Service Figure 2.4.1 – Survey Question #3 - Type of Issue (Concern) Figure 3.1.1 – Concept Alternative #1a Figure 3.1.2 – Concept Alternative #2a Figure 3.1.4 – Concept Alternative #4a Figure 3.2.1 – Pedestrian Warning Signage Figure 3.2.2 – Concept Alternative #1b Figure 3.2.3 – Concept Alternative #2b Figure 3.2.4 – Concept Alternative #3b Figure 4.1 - Weekday ETC+10 PM (Build) Peak Hour Levels of Service Attachments Attachment A – Traffic Data Attachment B – Survey Data Page 6 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Town of Mamaroneck has received public complaints of unsafe conditions for motorists and pedestrians at two separate intersections within the Town. The Town retained Barton & Loguidice, D.P.C. (B&L) to conduct a turning movement traffic study to investigate turning movement options for the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard at North Chatsworth Avenue and to investigate pedestrian movements and potential safety improvements at the intersection of New Jefferson Street and North Chatsworth Avenue. Intersection of Myrtle Boulevard at North Chatsworth Avenue At the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue the origins of the issues appear to be as follows: Traffic congestion for right turning and through movement vehicles. Conflict point across the intersection with lane shift. Conflict point with lane shift and left turns at Murray Avenue. Potential to limits left turns to North Chatsworth Avenue from Myrtle Boulevard northbound. The Town is looking to collect data involving turning movements and driver behavior at this intersection for use in a potential traffic operations revision. Intersection of New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Avenue At the intersection of New Jefferson Street and North Chatsworth Avenue there are safety concerns regarding the movement of pedestrians and motor vehicles. Origins of the issues appear to be as follows: Vehicles traveling at higher rates of speed toward the intersection. Parking allowed to the very end of the median, restricting visibility of left turn drivers attempting to turn left from New Jefferson Street onto North Chatsworth Avenue westbound. Vehicles stopping in the crosswalk, specifically when attempting to make a left turn from New Jefferson Street. Sight distance obstructions such as man-made barriers and shrubbery. Pedestrians walking in the direction of North Chatsworth Avenue, toward New Jefferson Street, are obstructed from view of the vehicles on New Jefferson Street. Page 7 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 2 Figure 1.1 – Project Location Map New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Avenue Myrtle Boulevard at North Chatsworth Avenue Myrtle Boulevard at Murray Avenue Page 8 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 3 2.0 TRAFFIC DATA AND INITIAL PUBLIC COMMENT 2.1.Existing Traffic Volumes Intersection turning movement data was collected with B&L’s traffic cameras for a 24-hour period starting on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 and ending on Thursday, May 13, 2021. The data was processed to determine weekday AM and PM peak hour traffic counts. Refer to Attachment A of this study for existing traffic flow diagrams and data. Based on all of the data collected, the morning and evening peak hours were found to be 7:45 AM to 8:45 AM and 4:45 PM to 5:45 PM, respectively. Traffic during these time periods is typically commuter traffic utilizing the roadways to travel to destinations beyond the project limits. The traffic types include local traffic commuting to and from work, school and transit buses, delivery trucks, emergency vehicles, and Town DPW trucks. The PM peak hour had the larger volume of traffic. Existing Heavy Vehicle Traffic Data (2021) Route Myrtle Blvd. South of Chatsworth) Myrtle Blvd. North of Chatsworth) North Chatsworth Avenue Murray Avenue Daily Trucks 1%4%1%4% Figure 2.1 – Existing Heavy Vehicle Traffic Data 2.2.Future no-build design year traffic volume forecasts Forecasted traffic volumes were derived for the estimated time of completion (ETC) of the project 2022) and the ETC+10 design year (2032). These are industry standards and consistent with the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual for minor intersection reconstruction projects. The forecasted traffic volumes are based on a traffic growth rate of 0.5%/year. This rate was advised by the Hudson Valley Region (Region 8) New York State Department of Transportation NYSDOT) traffic and safety division. This 0.5%/year growth rate was applied each year in order to determine the ETC and ETC+10 future traffic data. 2.3.Level of Service and Mobility 2.3.1.Existing level of service and capacity analysis The existing levels of service (LOS) for the project intersections were calculated using procedures described in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2016 and analyzed using Synchro Software, version 11. The existing LOS and delay times is tabulated in Figure 2.3.1. Page 9 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 4 Figure 2.3.1 – Weekday PM Peak Hour Levels of Service 2.3.2.Future no-build design year level of service The ETC + 10 (2032) no-build LOS and delays were calculated for the project intersections using the projected weekday peak hour traffic volumes. Peak hour LOS are tabulated below in Figure 2.3.2. Figure 2.3.2 – Weekday ETC+10 PM (No Build) Peak Hour Levels of Service Brief Summary of LOS Analysis: The LOS and delay time for vehicles at the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue was generally worse in the PM peak hour as compared to the AM peak hour and have been shown in the above figures. Overall, the existing intersection operates at a LOS of E and also in the future (ETC+10) which is considered unstable flow with intolerable delay. Additionally, for the existing no build model: S Myrtle Blvd. NB LTTR D (46.8) Myrtle Blvd. SB L C (27.0) Myrtle Blvd. SB TR C (23.7) N. Chatsworth Ave. EB L E (59.0) N. Chatsworth Ave. EB TR E (76.0) Chatsworth Ave. WB L F (125.6) Chatsworth Ave. WB T E (74.6) Chatsworth Ave. WB R D (49.4) E (58.7) Intersection Control1) Myrtle Blvd. / N. Chatsworth Ave. Weekday PM Peak Hour Overall S Myrtle Blvd. NB LTTR D (47.3) Myrtle Blvd. SB L C (28.2) Myrtle Blvd. SB TR C (24.0) N. Chatsworth Ave. EB L E (59.9) N. Chatsworth Ave. EB TR E (82.6) Chatsworth Ave. WB L F (163.1) Chatsworth Ave. WB T E (82.2) Chatsworth Ave. WB R D (50.7) E (65.7) Control1) Myrtle Blvd. / N. Chatsworth Ave. Weekday PM ETC+10 Peak Hour Intersection Overall Page 10 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 5 North Chatsworth Avenue eastbound left and thru/right movements operate under LOS E with approximately 59 and 76 seconds of delay, respectively. Chatsworth Avenue westbound thru movement operates under LOS E with approximately 75 seconds of delay. Chatsworth Avenue westbound left movement operates under LOS F with approximately 126 seconds of delay Future (ETC+10) no build levels of service further degrade from existing 2.3.3.Queue Length The queue length for Myrtle Boulevard northbound was determined as part of the LOS analysis. The existing and ETC+10 queue lengths for this approach were determined to be 95 ft. and 102 ft., respectively. In the existing condition, there is approximately 125 ft. between Chatsworth Avenue and the Town’s parking garage driveway. Page 11 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 6 2.4.Public Outreach and Comment The Town of Mamaroneck invited comments from the public as part of this project through the Town’s website. Residents, visitors, and business owners of the Town were encouraged to participate in the online survey. The survey was offered between May 7, 2021 and June 6, 2021 and the questions consisted of the following: Question #1 – Your Contact Information (optional): Question #2 – Please select the intersection(s) you are commenting on: o North Chatsworth Avenue & Myrtle Boulevard o North Chatsworth Avenue & New Jefferson Street Question #3 – Type of Issue: o Speeding; Careless driving; Not stopping for stop sign; Parking; Intersection; Visibility/Obstruction; Pedestrian Safety; Bicycle Safety; Request signage/ signal/road markings; Lane changing; Other (please specify) Question #4 – Description of issue/suggested action: Question #5 – Would other individuals and/or property be affected? Question #6 – Day(s) the issue most often occurs: Question #7 – Time(s) the issue most often occurs: During the comment period there were 184 respondents that replied to the survey, of which 125 responses were directed toward the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard at North Chatsworth Avenue and 137 responses were directed toward the intersection of New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Avenue (total of 262 responses combined for the two intersection locations). With exception to contact information, the raw data from the survey has been included in Attachment B. Of the eleven (11) Types of Issues mentioned in Question #3 of the survey, the issue that received the highest number of responses was Pedestrian Safety (119 total). The next highest response totals were Intersection and Visibility/Obstruction, with 78 responses each (See Figure 2.4.1 below). Page 12 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 7 Figure 2.4.1 – Survey Question #3 - Type of Issue (Concern) In addition to respondents providing responses to the pre-programmed types of issues (Answer Choices shown in Figure 2.4.1), they were able provide detailed written responses. Of the 46 written responses, predominant comments from those that identified Other (please specify) included: Congestion at Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth - 13 responses Conflicts between right turn on red vehicles and pedestrians at Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth - 8 responses Turning movements of large vehicles conflicting with pedestrians and curbing - 3 responses The remaining comments pertained to speed and aggressive driving behavior, sight distance issues at New Jefferson Street, and noise levels of motor vehicles. There was only one comment indicating no issues with either intersection. Respondents identified day and time of week issues/incidences occurring at the two intersections predominantly during the weekday, daylight hours, specifically: Week day – approximately 78% of respondents Weekend – approximately 22% of respondents Daylight hours – 95% of respondents Percentage of Responses Number of Responses Speeding 9%60 Careless Driving 9%60 Not stopping for stop sign/signal 11%75 Parking 3%18 Intersection 12%78 Visibility/Obstruction 12%78 Pedestrian Safety 18%119 Bicycle Safety 7%48 Request Signage/signal/road markings 8%55 Lane changing 5%31 Other (please specify)7%46 668TotalResponses Answer Choices Total Received from 183 Respondents) Page 13 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 8 3.0 CONCEPT DESIGNS 3.1.Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue 3.1.1.Concept Alternative #1a –Left/Thru Lane Conversion For this concept alternative the existing leftmost thru travel lane for the Myrtle Boulevard northbound approach would be converted into a left turn only lane. The existing thru/right turn lane for the Myrtle Boulevard northbound approach would remain as is. Vehicles that would normally utilize the leftmost travel lane to travel north of North Chatsworth Avenue would be restricted to only the right most travel lane. The existing left turn time restriction from the Myrtle Boulevard northbound approach to North Chatsworth Avenue westbound (no left 7AM-9AM & 5PM-7PM, Mon.-Fri.) would remain in place. Existing pavement striping for this left turn travel lane would be reconfigured to show an appropriate configuration in accordance with the Federal MUTCD, the NYS Supplement to the MUTCD, and the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual. Figure 3.1.1 – Concept Alternative #1a Concept Alternative #1a is not recommended for further consideration due to the volume of existing right turning traffic (Myrtle Boulevard to Chatsworth Avenue eastbound) compared to the thru movement (Myrtle Boulevard northbound) which has a 60/40 AM and 55/45 PM split (more vehicles make right turns than travel north through the Page 14 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 9 intersection during the peak hours). Additionally, public comments received as part of this investigation have described existing traffic congestion issues for this right turn movement that have resulted in right turning traffic being restricted by northbound thru movement traffic. Consolidating Myrtle Boulevard northbound thru and right turn movement traffic into one travel lane, while providing a dedicated left turn lane with a time restriction will only further degrade the intersection efficiency which already has LOS F for this northbound approach. 3.1.2.Concept Alternative #2a –Remove Left-Turn Lane Time Restriction and add 5- Section Signal Head, Dedicated Right-Turn Lane Conversion For this concept alternative the existing left turn movement time restriction for the Myrtle Boulevard northbound approach would be removed and the left turn movement would coincide with the existing protected left turn movement for the Myrtle Boulevard southbound approach. Additionally, a new 5-section signal head would be added to the existing spanwire, which is consistent with existing equipment currently on the spanwire, to allow protected left turn movements from the Myrtle Boulevard northbound approach to North Chatsworth westbound. The existing thru/right travel lane would be reconfigured to be a right only travel lane. Additionally, as part of this alternative, left turn maneuvers from New Jefferson Street to North Chatsworth Avenue westbound would be restricted to reduce the amount of New Jefferson Street cut-through traffic passing from Madison Avenue to North Chatsworth Avenue. This left turn restriction would direct more traffic to the Myrtle Boulevard/North Chatsworth Avenue intersection. Existing pavement striping arrows, text, and signage would be reconfigured in accordance with the Federal MUTCD, the NYS Supplement to the MUTCD, and the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual. Page 15 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 10 Figure 3.1.2 – Concept Alternative #2a Concept Alternative #2a is not recommended for further consideration due to the increase in traffic volume that would enter the Myrtle Boulevard/North Chatsworth Avenue intersection, which already has a LOS F for the Myrtle Boulevard northbound approach. Additionally, the residents of the neighborhood who utilize New Jefferson Street would be negatively impacted as a result of the no left turn restriction. 3.1.3.Concept Alternative #3a –Maintain Left-Turn Lane Time Restriction, Dedicated Right-Turn Lane Conversion For this concept alternative the Myrtle Boulevard northbound left turn lane time restriction would remain in place. The existing Myrtle Boulevard northbound thru/right travel lane would be reconfigured to be a right only travel lane. Existing pavement striping arrows, text, and signage would be reconfigured in accordance with the Federal MUTCD, the NYS Supplement to the MUTCD, and the NYSDOT Highway Design Manual see Figure 3.1.1 for layout). Concept Alternative #3a is recommended for further consideration. The existing 95th percentile queue length for Myrtle Boulevard northbound thru and thru/right traffic is approximately 95 ft. (5 car lengths). The existing length of bay storage space between Page 16 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 11 North Chatsworth Avenue and the Town’s parking garage driveway is approximately 125 ft. and can accommodate the right turn lane traffic flow. 3.1.4.Concept Alternative #4a –Dedicated Left, Thru, and Right Turn Lanes For this concept alternative the pavement and median area on the Myrtle Boulevard northbound approach would be reconfigured to include 11 ft. wide dedicated left turn, thru, and right turn travel lanes. The existing raised, curbed median between the parking garage entrance/exit, which is approximately 125 ft. south of the North Chatsworth Avenue intersection, would be removed and replaced with asphalt pavement. No additional median removal south of the parking entrance/exit are proposed as part of this alternative because it reduces the traffic calming effect and visual appeal of the corridor. Figure 3.1.4 – Concept Alternative #4a Concept Alternative #4a is not recommended for further consideration due to the increased cost to construct and maintain in comparison to the marginal traffic benefit provided. Maintaining the time restriction for this alternative results in the dedicated left turn lane being unused for a majority of the day. Page 17 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 12 3.2.New Jefferson Street at North Chatsworth Avenue 3.2.1.Concept Alternative #1b –Parking Modification to Improve Sight Distance For this concept alternative the positioning/location of parking spaces on New Jefferson Street adjacent to the curbed median and on the southwest corner of New Jefferson Street and North Chatsworth Avenue would be adjusted to provide additional pedestrian and motorist sight distance. In addition to adjustment to parking signage there would be placement of pavement gore striping to clearly identify where motorists can and cannot park. Parking space reductions would include two (2) on New Jefferson Street and one 1) on North Chatsworth Avenue. Additional signage for motor vehicles, warning them of the potential presence of pedestrians would be installed as well. Figure 3.2.1 – Pedestrian Warning Signage Figure 3.2.2 – Concept Alternative #1b Page 18 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 13 Concept Alternative #1b is recommended for further consideration due to the minimal cost required and the benefit provided. 3.2.2.Concept Alternative #2b –New Jefferson Street On-Street Parking Shift from the Median to the Outside Pavement Edge For this concept alternative positioning of parked cars would be moved from next to the center curbed median to the outside edge (sidewalk side) of New Jefferson Street. The same parking positioning improvements described in Concept Alternative 1b would be implemented with this alternative. Figure 3.2.3 – Concept Alternative #2b Concept Alternative #2b is recommended for further consideration due to the minimal cost required and the benefit provided. Existing signage along the median would be moved to the outside curb side of the road. No parking signage would be placed along both sides of the central median. Motorists who expressed concern about helping children in and out of vehicles would benefit from having access to the existing sidewalk on the west side of Jefferson Street. There is no sidewalk on the east side of Jefferson Street and the available Town right-of-way is not wide enough to accommodate new sidewalk without private property acquisition. Page 19 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 14 3.2.3.Concept Alternative #3b –New Jefferson Street On-Street Parking Shift from the Median to the Outside Pavement Edge, Curb Bump Outs at the Intersection of New Jefferson Street and North Chatsworth Avenue This concept alternative is the same as Alternative 2b except instead of pavement gore striping there would be full height concrete curbs. The bump outs would reduce the crosswalk width at North Chatsworth Avenue from approximately 58 ft. to approximately 45 ft. The additional area on each bump out will position pedestrians in a location that makes them more readily visible to motorists. Figure 3.2.4 – Concept Alternative #3b Recommendation of Concept Alternative #3b is dependent on Town preference and discussions with the maintenance department (concerning snow plowing operations). Page 20 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 15 4.0 BUILD TRAFFIC DATA 4.1.Level of Service and Mobility Concept Alternative 3A was modeled to determine traffic impacts by converting the Myrtle Boulevard northbound thru/right travel lane into a right only travel lane. The ETC (2022) and ETC + 10 (2032) build LOS and delays were calculated for the project intersection using the projected weekday peak hour traffic volumes. Peak hour LOS are tabulated below in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1 - Weekday ETC+10 PM (Build) Peak Hour Levels of Service Brief Summary of LOS Analysis: The LOS and delay time for vehicles at the intersection of Myrtle Boulevard and North Chatsworth Avenue did not vary in comparison to the ETC or ETC+10 models because Myrtle Avenue northbound left turning traffic was restricted during the peak hour. S Myrtle Blvd. NB LTTR D (47.3) Myrtle Blvd. SB L C (28.2) Myrtle Blvd. SB TR C (24.0) N. Chatsworth Ave. EB L E (59.9) N. Chatsworth Ave. EB TR E (82.6) Chatsworth Ave. WB L F (163.1) Chatsworth Ave. WB T E (82.2) Chatsworth Ave. WB R D (50.7) E (65.7) Control1) Myrtle Blvd. / N. Chatsworth Ave. Weekday PM ETC+10 Peak Hour Intersection Overall Page 21 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 16 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS AND PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 5.1.Recommendations Feasible alternative recommendations will be finalized after review and comment from the Town. 5.2.Project Cost Estimate Conceptual cost estimates for the feasible alternatives will be finalized after review and comment from the Town. Page 22 of 87 Town of Mamaroneck Feasibility Study 17 www.bartonandloguidice.com Page 23 of 87 Attachment A Traffic Data Page 24 of 87 Page 25 of 87 Page 26 of 87 Page 27 of 87 of DATE DATE Existing 2021 Peak Hour Period Starts 7:45 AM 0 56 0 56 0 0 0 0 4 68 66 138 51 1 2 54 248 8:00 AM 2 55 0 57 0 0 0 0 1 43 39 83 67 0 1 68 208 8:15 AM 1 59 1 61 0 0 0 0 1 52 31 84 65 1 4 70 215 8:30 AM 0 48 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 43 34 77 63 1 3 67 192 TOTAL 3 218 1 222 0 0 0 0 6 206 170 382 246 3 10 259 863 PHF 0.910 -0.692 0.925 0.870 ETC 2022 Peak Hour Growth Rate =0.5 % Period Starts 7:45 AM 0 56 0 56 0 0 0 0 4 68 66 138 51 1 2 54 248 8:00 AM 2 55 0 57 0 0 0 0 1 43 39 83 67 0 1 68 208 8:15 AM 1 59 1 61 0 0 0 0 1 52 31 84 65 1 4 70 215 8:30 AM 0 48 0 48 0 0 0 0 0 43 34 77 63 1 3 67 192 TOTAL 3 218 1 222 0 0 0 0 6 206 170 382 246 3 10 259 863 ETC + 10 2032 Peak Hour Period Starts 7:45 AM 0 59 0 59 0 0 0 0 4 72 70 146 54 1 2 57 262 8:00 AM 2 58 0 60 0 0 0 0 1 45 41 87 71 0 1 72 219 8:15 AM 1 62 1 64 0 0 0 0 1 55 33 89 69 1 4 74 227 8:30 AM 0 51 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 45 36 81 67 1 3 71 203 TOTAL 3 230 1 234 0 0 0 0 6 217 180 403 261 3 10 274 911 Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp Total Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Vine St. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound Myrray Ave. Eastbound Right Thru Left App. Total RightThruLeftApp.Total Right Thru Left App. Total 1 10 Airline Drive, Suite 200, Albany, NY 12205 Phone 518.218.1801 · Fax 518.218.1805 AM Peak Hour Turning Movements Murray Ave. & Myrtle Blvd. Myrtle Blvd. Southbound 7/15/2021 SUBJECT INTERSECTION 5/25/2021 Vine St. Westbound Thru JOB SHEET NO. CALC. BY CHCKD. BY Thru Myrray Ave. Eastbound Right LeftRight App Total Myrray Ave. Eastbound 1902.008.001 PJC KHS 1 Myrtle Blvd. Northbound App. Total Right App. TotalLeftLeftThruLeft Right Left Right ThruLeftThruApp.TotalThruApp.Total App Total Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Left Vine St. Westbound Right Thru IntervalTotalsLeftApp.Total Interval TotalsRightThru Myrtle Blvd. Northbound RightApp.Total Page 28 of 87 of DATE DATE Existing 2021 Peak Hour Period Starts 4:45 PM 2 82 2 86 0 0 0 0 3 51 43 97 72 0 2 74 257 5:00 PM 1 78 1 80 0 0 0 0 0 47 57 104 58 1 2 61 245 5:15 PM 4 80 1 85 0 0 0 0 1 55 61 117 65 0 2 67 269 5:30 PM 0 68 0 68 0 0 0 0 1 59 48 108 64 1 0 65 241 TOTAL 7 308 4 319 0 0 0 0 5 212 209 426 259 2 6 267 1012 PHF 0.927 -0.910 0.902 0.941 ETC 2022 Peak Hour Growth Rate =0.5 % Period Starts 4:45 PM 2 82 2 86 0 0 0 0 3 51 43 97 72 0 2 74 257 5:00 PM 1 78 1 80 0 0 0 0 0 47 57 104 58 1 2 61 245 5:15 PM 4 80 1 85 0 0 0 0 1 55 61 117 65 0 2 67 269 5:30 PM 0 68 0 68 0 0 0 0 1 59 48 108 64 1 0 65 241 TOTAL 7 308 4 319 0 0 0 0 5 212 209 426 259 2 6 267 1012 ETC + 10 2032 Peak Hour Period Starts 4:45 PM 2 87 2 91 0 0 0 0 3 54 45 102 76 0 2 78 271 5:00 PM 1 82 1 84 0 0 0 0 0 50 60 110 61 1 2 64 258 5:15 PM 4 85 1 90 0 0 0 0 1 58 64 123 69 0 2 71 284 5:30 PM 0 72 0 72 0 0 0 0 1 62 51 114 68 1 0 69 255 TOTAL 7 326 4 337 0 0 0 0 5 224 220 449 274 2 6 282 1068 Left App. Total Right Thru Left Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right Thru Left App. Total Right Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Vine St. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound Myrray Ave. Eastbound App TotalThru App. Total Right Thru Left App Total Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right Left Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Vine St. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound Myrray Ave. Eastbound Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Left App Total Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Vine St. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound Myrray Ave. Eastbound Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right CHCKD. BY PJC 7/15/2021 10 Airline Drive, Suite 200, Albany, NY 12205 Phone 518.218.1801 · Fax 518.218.1805 SUBJECT PM Peak Hour Turning Movements INTERSECTION Murray Ave. & Myrtle Blvd. CALC. BY KHS 5/25/2021 JOB 1902.008.001 SHEET NO.1 1 Page 29 of 87 of DATE DATE Existing 2021 Peak Hour Period Starts 7:45 AM 9 33 62 104 58 24 40 122 42 45 1 88 0 40 22 62 376 8:00 AM 8 44 63 115 34 40 42 116 40 25 2 67 2 28 10 40 338 8:15 AM 11 42 70 123 32 37 65 134 39 22 0 61 1 34 16 51 369 8:30 AM 10 42 53 105 35 35 55 125 38 23 0 61 3 46 12 61 352 TOTAL 38 161 248 447 159 136 202 497 159 115 3 277 6 148 60 214 1435 PHF 0.909 0.927 0.787 0.863 0.954 ETC 2022 Peak Hour Growth Rate =0.5 % Period Starts 7:45 AM 9 33 62 104 58 24 40 122 42 45 1 88 0 40 22 62 376 8:00 AM 8 44 63 115 34 40 42 116 40 25 2 67 2 28 10 40 338 8:15 AM 11 42 70 123 32 37 65 134 39 22 0 61 1 34 16 51 369 8:30 AM 10 42 53 105 35 35 55 125 38 23 0 61 3 46 12 61 352 TOTAL 38 161 248 447 159 136 202 497 159 115 3 277 6 148 60 214 1435 ETC + 10 2032 Peak Hour Period Starts 7:45 AM 10 35 65 110 61 25 42 128 44 48 1 93 0 42 23 65 396 8:00 AM 8 46 67 121 36 42 44 122 42 26 2 70 2 30 11 43 356 8:15 AM 12 44 74 130 34 39 69 142 41 23 0 64 1 36 17 54 390 8:30 AM 11 44 56 111 37 37 58 132 40 24 0 64 3 49 13 65 372 TOTAL 41 169 262 472 168 143 213 524 167 121 3 291 6 157 64 227 1514 Left App. Total Right Thru Left Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right Thru Left App. Total Right Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Chatsworth Ave. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound N. Chatsworth Ave. Eastbound App TotalThru App. Total Right Thru Left App Total Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right Left Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Chatsworth Ave. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound N. Chatsworth Ave. Eastbound Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Left App Total Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Chatsworth Ave. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound N. Chatsworth Ave. Eastbound Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right CHCKD. BY PJC 7/15/2021 10 Airline Drive, Suite 200, Albany, NY 12205 Phone 518.218.1801 · Fax 518.218.1805 SUBJECT AM Peak Hour Turning Movements INTERSECTION Myrtle Blvd. & N. Chastworth Ave. CALC. BY KHS 5/25/2021 JOB 1902.008.001 SHEET NO.1 1 Page 30 of 87 of DATE DATE Existing 2021 Peak Hour Period Starts 4:45 PM 14 64 70 148 47 54 55 156 40 43 0 83 6 42 14 62 449 5:00 PM 6 62 64 132 46 58 58 162 51 31 0 82 2 52 16 70 446 5:15 PM 16 59 56 131 62 65 66 193 37 32 0 69 4 46 8 58 451 5:30 PM 4 53 64 121 50 63 52 165 35 38 0 73 2 43 10 55 414 TOTAL 40 238 254 532 205 240 231 676 163 144 0 307 14 183 48 245 1760 PHF 0.899 0.876 0.925 0.875 0.976 ETC 2022 Peak Hour Growth Rate =0.5 % Period Starts 4:45 PM 14 64 70 148 47 54 55 156 40 43 0 83 6 42 14 62 449 5:00 PM 6 62 64 132 46 58 58 162 51 31 0 82 2 52 16 70 446 5:15 PM 16 59 56 131 62 65 66 193 37 32 0 69 4 46 8 58 451 5:30 PM 4 53 64 121 50 63 52 165 35 38 0 73 2 43 10 55 414 TOTAL 40 238 254 532 205 240 231 676 163 144 0 307 14 183 48 245 1760 ETC + 10 2032 Peak Hour Period Starts 4:45 PM 15 68 74 157 50 57 58 165 42 45 0 87 6 44 15 65 474 5:00 PM 6 65 68 139 49 61 61 171 54 33 0 87 2 55 17 74 471 5:15 PM 17 62 59 138 65 69 70 204 39 34 0 73 4 49 8 61 476 5:30 PM 4 56 68 128 53 67 55 175 37 40 0 77 2 45 11 58 438 TOTAL 42 251 269 562 217 254 244 715 172 152 0 324 14 193 51 258 1859 Left App. Total Right Thru Left Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right Thru Left App. Total Right Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Chatsworth Ave. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound N. Chatsworth Ave. Eastbound App TotalThru App. Total Right Thru Left App Total Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right Left Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Chatsworth Ave. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound N. Chatsworth Ave. Eastbound Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Left App. Total Right Thru Left App Total Myrtle Blvd. Southbound Chatsworth Ave. Westbound Myrtle Blvd. Northbound N. Chatsworth Ave. Eastbound Interval TotalsRightThruLeftApp. Total Right CHCKD. BY PJC 7/15/2021 10 Airline Drive, Suite 200, Albany, NY 12205 Phone 518.218.1801 · Fax 518.218.1805 SUBJECT PM Peak Hour Turning Movements INTERSECTION Myrtle Blvd. & N. Chastworth Ave. CALC. BY KHS 5/25/2021 JOB 1902.008.001 SHEET NO.1 1 Page 31 of 87 Attachment B Survey Data Page 32 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 12 / 35 67.93%125 74.46%137 Q2 Please select the intersection(s) you are commenting on: Answered: 184 Sk ipped: 0 Total Respondents : 184 N. Chatsw orth Ave. & M yrtl ... N. Chatswor th Ave. & New... 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES N. Chats worth Av e. & Myrtle Blv d. N. Chats worth Av e. & New Jefferson St. Page 33 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 13 / 35 Q3 Type of Issue: Answered: 183 Sk ipped: 1 Speeding Carel ess dr iving Not stopping for stop... Par king Inters ection Visibility/Obst ruction Pedestrian Safety Bicycl e Safety Request signage/sign... Lane changing Other (please specify) 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% Page 34 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 14 / 35 32.79%60 32.79%60 40.98%75 9.84%18 42.62%78 42.62%78 65.03%119 26.23%48 30.05%55 16.94%31 25.14%46 Total Respondents : 183 OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY)DATE 1 N. CHATSWORTH&MYRTLE BLVD- NO ACTIVE INDICATION THAT RIGHT ON RED IS ALLOWED 6/6/2021 5:31 PM 2 traf fic congestion 6/5/2021 5:55 PM 3 traf fic congestion 6/5/2021 6:03 AM 4 The My rtle Av enue Northbound traf fic approac hing Chats worth gets mas sively backed up becaus e vehicles that are going straight (continuing on Myrtle) occupy the right lane, prev enting traffic that is turning right on Chats worth to the VOL from making a safe, right on red. The right lane should be for right turns only and the left lane should be for straight only (no left turns allowed onto North Chatsworth) 6/4/2021 5:51 PM 5 As you know this is heav ily traffic ked by children and adult pedes trians , sometimes pushing strollers in front of them. I myself have been almost run down by deliv ery truc ks and speeding car driv ers who fly up Jef ferson Street to mak e a right or left turn without looking both way s. As you may be aware, there is no sidewalk on the right side of North Chatsworth for several hundred yards until you reac h Edgewood Avenue. This forc e is all pedes trians to be on the dangerous intersect ions of Jeffers on and Myrtle. Drivers oft en coas t through the stop sign without look ing bot h ways. And as noted I hav e observ ed them driving rapidly through without look ing at all on Jefferson. The pedest rian halt in all directions on My rtle helps the situation. Still, there are driv ers who do not see the no turn on red warning. 6/4/2021 10:14 AM 6 Frequent , lengthy bac kups in right lane which should be changed to right -turn-only 6/2/2021 10:47 AM 7 Too muc h dev elopment in this area is causing serious traffic issues.6/2/2021 10:46 AM 8 Traffic flow 6/2/2021 10:30 AM 9 the area is an unsightly welc ome into town coming off I95 6/2/2021 9:33 AM 10 Timing of changing lanes needs to be adjus ted 5/30/2021 9:11 PM 11 Other 5/21/2021 12:55 PM 12 Turning right onto Myrtle and then left onto NChat sworth Ave.5/17/2021 4:16 PM 13 Could traffic arriving from /trav eling towards NYC be directed to use the inters ection of My rtle and N. Chats worth instead of using New Jef ferson as a tak e-off / landing strip from I-95? 5/17/2021 2:38 PM ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Speeding Careles s driv ing Not stopping for stop sign/signal Parking Intersect ion Vis ibility /Obstruction Pedes trian Safety Bic ycle Safety Reques t signage/signal/road mark ings Lane changing Other (please specify) Page 35 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 15 / 35 14 There is always a danger of ac cidents for cars mak ing left turns onto N.Chats worth when cars on Myrtle can also make a right onto N.Chatsworth at the same time. 5/17/2021 12:04 PM 15 Try ing to turn on red with walk sign 5/16/2021 2:43 PM 16 Mak ing a left turn at New Jeffers on onto North Chats worth is dangerous 5/16/2021 2:31 PM 17 Left turn should continue to be allowed from Maxwell Ave onto Madis on Ave. This is for the easy access to 5th Av e and I-95 south 5/15/2021 11:45 PM 18 Conges tion 5/15/2021 7:13 PM 19 Driv ers coming down Myrtle around the curve to the entrance to 95 present a pedes trian safety iss ue to people try ing to cross My rtle at Was hington Square and/or North Jefferson. Als o, the entire length of My rtle along the intersec tion of Washington Square and North Jefferson is quite ugly and needs bett er sidewalks, trees, and overall improvement. 5/15/2021 6:07 PM 20 I see where this survey is going. Don't limit lef t turn from Jefferson to Chats worth as that is the only place you can do from Madis on when other streets are already limited. 5/15/2021 2:25 PM 21 Huge trac tor trailor truc ks tru to make the turn off Myrtle onto Chatsworth and they roll up in the side walk where we stand to cross . It happens all the time. So dangerous! 5/15/2021 1:41 PM 22 Horn Honking (Myrtle)5/14/2021 6:26 PM 23 Cars travelling at very high rates of speed coming south down N. Chats worth towards New Jefferson St. Pedestrians are in danger often. When driving on New Jefferson St. towards N. Chatsworth, driv er's can't see pedes trians crossing from the sout h corner to the north corner. 5/14/2021 11:26 AM 24 I don’t believ e either intersection has any issues 5/14/2021 12:38 AM 25 Right turn on red northbound on Chats worth turning onto Myrtle too many cars hurry that turn mak ing it almost impossible for pedes trian crossing safely coming from or towards the village. That inters ection is way too manic for right turn on red from Chats worth. Complaints on Neighborhoods Website in regards to motoris t rus hing and blowing at others to mak e the turn without pausing safely. 5/13/2021 9:46 PM 26 For NC and NJ intersection - cars turning right from NC to NJ often don't see or pay attention to pedes trians crossing. Cars coming to the stop at the end of NJ seem to stop past the white stop line and it's hard to see pedes trians approac hing. View is bloc ked by plantings . 5/13/2021 3:03 PM 27 Aggressive driving behav ior 5/13/2021 12:35 PM 28 Turning without looking 5/13/2021 7:35 AM 29 Heav y truc k and other commercial traf fic in residential area. Trucks should be routed to Pos t road via New Rochelle exit. In addition to nois e and conges tion the truc ks damage streets . 5/12/2021 6:40 PM 30 People creep out onto N. Chats worth to make left turn, others make it careles sly 5/12/2021 6:01 PM 31 The traffic signals are so long and confus ing.5/12/2021 4:35 PM 32 Large truck having diffic ulty turning onto New Jeffers on from N Chats worth often forced to jump curb. curb. 5/12/2021 4:32 PM 33 Conflicting Turns 5/12/2021 4:19 PM 34 The left turn towards I -95 creat es unnecess ary backups and traff ic jams .5/12/2021 3:40 PM 35 Timing of traffic lights 5/12/2021 3:36 PM 36 Noise Level: At the corner of New Jeffers on and N. Chatsworth, truc ks, trac tor-trailers, school buses use New Jeffers on to ent er Larchmont by turning right onto N. Chatsworth Ave. The decible level is very high. It shakes the windows, disturbs sleep, and people working at home during the day. I am sure if you studied the dec ible level, you will find it is ov er what is permitted to driv e through a residential neighborhoods . This traffic can eas ily be re-rout ed onto Madison Av e by making a right turn when they get off of I95. 5/12/2021 3:32 PM 37 Cars park ing in center median instead on curb(s) n jefferson force truc ks to mak e wider turns to nav igat e bac k into street. 5/12/2021 2:30 PM 38 You can not see a person waiting to cross from the east bound side, the garbage shed from 17 5/12/2021 2:28 PM Page 36 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 16 / 35 N Chatsworth bloc ks the driver’s view. NOt only that, but the stop line is far back and cars come out ont o N Chat sworth without seeing the oncoming eastbound traffic.. I hav e witnessed many near mis accidents at that intersection. 39 Light timing on Myrtle Blvd., during rush hour at inters ections with Murray and North Chatsworth. 5/12/2021 1:46 PM 40 Too muc h noise pollut ion with horn blowing 5/12/2021 1:21 PM 41 In general this light is a traffic nightmare. I think the turn arrows are never timed correc tly, traf fic backs up in all directions. I am not sure why and sus pect it's bec ause there are so many additional lights, walk signs , turn arrows. It needs an overhaul. I don't think it's dangerous from a pedestrian pers pective. But the traffic from all directions here is such a mes s and people turn from all different lanes. 5/12/2021 1:00 PM 42 A 4 way stop sign at new Jeffers on and N Chat sworth would be a HUGE help. It would help traf fic flow, slow down speeders and give pedestrian safety, 5/12/2021 12:29 PM 43 people in wrong lane who want I95 5/12/2021 12:28 PM 44 Lack of right-turn-only lane; lack of ability to legally turn left at all hours , "strange" traffic pattern acros s North Chatsworth 5/12/2021 11:56 AM 45 There is a tendenc y for people taking a right on red, whic h is normally a safe maneuver, to turn at the ex act moment the walk signal and no turn on red sign illuminates . There needs to be a better way to communic ate to driv ers that right turns on red at that intersect ion are only permissible when the cros s signal is not act ivated. 5/12/2021 11:33 AM 46 A longer 4 way, walk interval at Myrtle and Chatsworth would be mak e it saf er for pedes trians . An additional 5 seconds would giv e caregivers with strollers and toddlers, and elders wit h walkers more time to cross . 5/12/2021 11:28 AM Page 37 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 17 / 35 Q4 Description of Issue/Suggested Action: Answered: 174 Sk ipped: 10 RESPONSES DATE 1 mak e right lane on myrtle blvd at intersec tion with north chatswort h av enue right turn only. Cars that want to go straight would need to use the left lane. Will facilitate right turns on red and reduc e congest ion down myrtle avenue. Enhanc e pedes trian safety in cros sing Madis on avenue at the defunct restaurant. Cars don't alway s stop for pedestrians in the cross walk there. 6/7/2021 11:06 AM 2 The right lane on My rt le Blvd approaching N. Chatsworth Ave from the south, should be exclus ively for right turns to avoid congestion and honking and air pollution. 6/6/2021 9:47 PM 3 N. CAHTSWORTH& MYRTLE BLVD. - A SI NGLE TRAFFIC LIGHT LENSE THAT INDICATES A GREEN ARROW ALLOWI NG RIGHT ON RED AS AN ACTIVE INDICATION RIGHT ON RED IS LEGAL AND ALLOWED. 6/6/2021 5:31 PM 4 Coming from the bottom of My rtle going toward the inters ection of Myrtle and N. Chats worth, th right lane should be exclusiv ely for cars whic h are turning right. Hav ing that lane also serve for cars that are proceeding straight on Myrtle, causes a huge back up and last minute lane changing to avoid hav ing to wait through 2 or 3 light changes just to make a right turn. 6/6/2021 5:24 PM 5 vehic les going north on Myrtle Blv d, get in the right lane which allows you to go straight or turn. Wit h the volume of traffic , those going straight causes traffic to back up an prohibits other vehic les from turning. 6/5/2021 5:55 PM 6 At stop sign at intersection, car drivers cannot easily see pedestrians crossing from the right as the driver view is bloc ked; als o cars coming from right are hidden behind parked cars as are cars coming from the left. Sugges t putting pedestrian act ivated signal to warn cars on New Jefferson of their pres ence and eliminate park ing to right and left of inters ec tion. 6/5/2021 12:11 PM 7 mak e Myrtle Blv d's right hand lane ont o Chats worth a right turn lane only during construc tion 6/5/2021 6:03 AM 8 The My rtle Avenue Northbound traf fic approac hing Chats worth gets mas sively backed up becaus e vehicles that are going straight (continuing on Myrtle) occupy the right lane, prev enting traffic that is turning right on Chats worth to the VOL from making a safe, right on red. The right lane should be for right turns only and the left lane should be for straight only (no left turns allowed onto North Chatsworth) 6/4/2021 5:51 PM 9 The sout h side of the Myrtle Blvd./Chats worth Ave. intersection is constantly backed up due to traf fic in the right lane. Please mak e the right lane on My rtle Blvd a “right turn only ” lane, except when prohibited by the pedest rian crossing light. This would smooth traffic flow considerably, reduc e air pollution due to the exhaus t fumes of idling cars on Myrtle Blv d., and shorten driv ing time through and into the shopping areas. 6/4/2021 4:30 PM 10 How this survey was des igned does n’t make sens e if you really want to collect information...6/4/2021 2:43 PM 11 intersection of new jef f and n. chat needs to be a 3 way stop. currently, with multiple large apt buildings , park entranc e, and train commuters it is very dangerous. lots of pedest rian traffic trying to dodge the cars. 6/4/2021 10:39 AM 12 Cons tant build up of traffic on the South side of the Myrtle Blvd. / N. Chatsworth Ave. intersection. It would be in the best interes t of the town and its residents to mak e the right lane on Myrtle Blvd a “right turn only ” lane, except when prohibited by the pedest rian crossing light . This would smooth traffic flow considerably, reduce air pollution due to the exhaust fumes of idling cars on Myrtle Blvd., and shorten driv ing time through and into the shopping areas of Larc hmont. 6/4/2021 10:27 AM 13 Driv ers need to be somehow slowed down leav ing the I-95 ramp or in other ways driving north up on Jeffers on approaching North Chatsworth. We want to the train or village res taurants several times a day and often see truck and car drivers rolling through the stop sign without look ing or not even stopping at all to barrel onto North Chats worth 6/4/2021 10:14 AM Page 38 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 18 / 35 14 These intersections involv ing the Madison Avenue areas are often very congested, with the Myrtle/Madis on corner and I-95 entranc e area particularly problematic. Driv ers tend to speed around the corner, giv en the amount of pedestrian traffic due to the 4 large apartment buildings and New Rochelle project complex in the immediate area, it can be diffic ult to cross the street easily. Perhaps a lower pos ted speed limit across all of Madison, or even a light where Ex it 17 enters our area would be options. 6/3/2021 9:27 PM 15 Too many left turn lane only cars want to go straight when away from the village. Need better and earlier signage 6/3/2021 3:03 PM 16 Signs along N Jeffers on toward N Chatsworth indicat ing pedes trian crossing and stop sign ahead. People come flying off 95 and speed down new Jeffers on and don’t see pedes trians due to parked cars along new Jeffers on. Need signs ahead of stop sign and better mark ing for cros swalk. 6/3/2021 10:58 AM 17 Safety issues at 95 entrance/exit on Myryle/Jeffers on St. Intersection. Its dangerous to pedestrians & cars. Need yo make the area around more welcoming. Needs beautificat ion. Its the gateway to Larc hmont & not only dangerous but ugly. 6/2/2021 8:47 PM 18 Intersect ion of 95 ramps & Madison needs a light. Cars need to be slowed down & forc ed to use the one lane they ’re supposed to use. Worst problem is late afternoon cars zooming south on My rtle & making the 90 degree turn onto Madis on. Would be good to hav e islands all along Madison for pedes trian safet y & to channel traffic properly. 6/2/2021 7:12 PM 19 This area gets congest ed at certain times of the day and early evening which mak e for a need to control traffic in a more organiz ed fashion. Perhaps a traffic light? I would hope that thos e hired by the town to make recommendations are thorough at examining this current safety iss ue for pedes trians and cars alike. 6/2/2021 5:21 PM 20 Traffic signals should be implemented, partic ularly at the intersection of Madison and N Jefferson, due to the 95 on ramp and the three streets and park ing lots which meet there. 6/2/2021 3:47 PM 21 Create very well mark ed and delineated spac es for bikes and cars in the roadway as well as proper crosswalks with flas hers , etc for people. This is an ext remely car heav y part of town -- need to slow things down significantly as people are coming and going via this major art ery especially when bikes and people are out and about. I use all three modes of transportation -- there is a bit of surviv al of the fittest out there now when it comes to crossing with traff ic to/from 95. 6/2/2021 2:20 PM 22 Crosswalks at both might be helpf ul. Is diagonal crossing legal?6/2/2021 2:03 PM 23 Dangerous for pedes trians when trying to cross Jeffers on ( acros s from entrance to 95) Somet imes people speed down Jef ferson and don’t st op at the stop sign ( trying to get onto 95) It would be a good idea to hav e a light at the intersec tion of 95/ Myrtle Some people are driving to access 95, other people are driving pas t 95 to get to 5th Avenue Some people are driving from 95 to the exit 17 and getting off to go straight to Chats worth Other cars are driving from 5th Av e straight on Jeffers on to Chatsworth Cars driving from 5t h turning right to get onto to 95 All these different routes are accessible at the same time with no traffic lights There is no protection for the pedest rian or the driver - 6/2/2021 10:54 AM 24 For traffic on Myrtle heading east at Chatsworth, please change the right lane so that it 's for turning right only. Currently, the right lane gets clogged when a car is waiting to go straight on My rtle, meanwhile many cars could be turning right on Chatswort h while it's red. Thank you for considering. 6/2/2021 10:50 AM 25 If the first car in the right lane is going st raight , all the cars, whic h is most of them, that want to safely turn right on red cannot, so long backups , pollut ion and, sometimes , honking result. Als o, the doe-see-doe merge acros s North Chatsworth, with cars hav ing to switch lanes , mak es no sens e. The right lane should be right-turn-only, and clearly marked as such on a hanging sign and on the pav ement, with pavement mark ings so indicating starting at least half- way down the hill. 6/2/2021 10:47 AM 26 Too muc h car traffic. Pleas e do not allow more development in this area.6/2/2021 10:46 AM 27 Going north on my rtle blv d to intersect ion of n charst worth, right lane should be right turn only and left lane should be straight and left turn. Traff ic will flow muc h smoother. Most cars (70- 80%) want to turn right and are held up on red by a single car in the right lane wanting to go 6/2/2021 10:34 AM Page 39 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 19 / 35 straight. It is als o a very long red with ample (safe) opportunity to turn right on red, so the current system is poorly des igned and ineffic ient. 28 There is no stop sign there for cara coming out of cambium.6/2/2021 10:34 AM 29 The map provided isn't clear and is not terribly helpful. But it appears that there may be iss ues with traffic flow and public safety. 6/2/2021 10:30 AM 30 traf fic light needed for southbound traffic from My rtle onto Madison; cars are mov ing too quic kly going downhill and coming around the bend onto Madis on 6/2/2021 9:33 AM 31 speed bumps 6/2/2021 9:07 AM 32 Pedes trians walking Wes t on N. Chat sworth are at particular risk from drivers who are turning left from New Jefferson onto N. Chatsworth (they would be at risk to right turners also but right turners would not take this route). Visibility for driv ers (both direc tions, but look ing right /eas t in particular) and pedestrians should be improved. Changes to the intersection to mak e driv ers stop earlier would also help (there was a change at Huguenot and Lafay ette Rd.; while not perfec t, there has been improv ement). Another idea is a speed bump right before the pedestrian intersect ion. That at leas t would mak e cars slow down. 6/1/2021 4:21 PM 33 It's a dangerous crosswalk. Those turning right off of N. Chatsworth onto New Jef ferson, don't slow at all and this is partic ularly dangerous bec ause they cannot see pedestrians on the corner. The view is obstructed by cars parked there, right until the end of the curb. On the other side - where cars driv e up New Jefferson to turn right or left onto N. Chatsworth, pedestrians' and driv ers' views are block ed by the park ing lot wall -- cars must pull out over the cros s walk to see any thing coming from the right. Finally, there is no plac e to safely cros s the road to get to Memorial Park . It would be terrific to hav e a crosswalk here. The only place to cros s is up at Mrytle and N. Chatsworth and no one will walk all that way just to walk back to the park across the street from New Jeffers on. I feel like I'm playing Frogger every time I cros s. 6/1/2021 3:52 PM 34 Fences blocks vis ibility from cars turning from New Jeffers on into N Chats worth. Cars don't stop at sign/painted line on either end of New Jeffers on. 6/1/2021 2:45 PM 35 Cars come hurt ling down the road northbound from I-95. They come far past the crosswalk on Chatsworth before even realizing it is there. Also, the hedge at the corner (on the right hand side coming north on New Jefferson towards Chatsworth) makes the corner completely blind and urgently needs to be remov ed. There should be a crosswalk across Chatsworth for pedestrians crossing to the park. 6/1/2021 1:37 PM 36 Timing of changing lanes needs to be adjus ted. Light is too long for cars coming down from town and mak ing a lef t onto My rtle Av e 5/30/2021 9:11 PM 37 Highway, Jefferson, Madison and a parking garage all conv erge at one point with no directional signage. 5/27/2021 10:08 AM 38 mak e sure there is signage and someone to direc t traffic at all times 5/24/2021 12:07 PM 39 Large trucks and turns 5/22/2021 8:11 AM 40 Cis co smart traffic solutions : https://www.cis co.com/c/en/us /solutions /indust ries/transportation/connected-roadways .html 5/21/2021 12:55 PM 41 An inc redible number of cars and trucks do not come to a full stop at this intersection when approaching from New Jefferson. Cars coming down the hill on N. Chats worth make very fast turns ont o New Jeffers on. This endangers pedestrians and other vehic les, and also produces excess ive nois e. 5/19/2021 1:19 PM 42 Pedes trian safet y at N. Chat sworth and Myrtle Blv d----Some aspec ts of the exis ting traffic flow are excellent. My conc ern re safety has to do with the The overhead, lighted "No Turn" sign. The sign is good, but it should come on a few seconds BEFORE the pedes trian WALK sign comes on. Too often a car "jumps the gun" or is already in the crosswalk before that sign comes on. I hav e seen people nearly hit in that manner by a car turning right. Als o, too many drivers do not come to a full stop prior to turning right on red and some of them "clip the curb" and could hit a pedestrian who might foolis hly be standing too close to the curb. The same condition is true for the intersec tion of Murray and Myrtle where cars do a "rolling stop" after speeding downhill on Murray. Another issue is that the signs permitting "Right Turn on Red" indicat e that such turn is permitted, but is not REQUIRED. School buses CANNOT make such 5/19/2021 12:38 PM Page 40 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 20 / 35 a turn and others do not hav e to mak e the turn, but aggressiv e motorist s do a lot of honk ing to try to force people to turn. We should hav e some NO HONKING signs pos ted. It is beyond the scope of this study, but I would als o suggest that one of thos e signs indicat ing auto speeds be post ed further north on Murray Ave just before the road divides at the tennis courts in Memorial Park. Autos there routinely speed coming down the hill. Those signs are very good reminders to motorists not to exc eed 30mph which is the town limit. Las t is bicycle safety I see adults and youngsters who ride their bikes on the sidewalk often ignoring the safety of pedestrians, many of whom are elderly and unst eady who can be badly frightened by a speeding cyclist who comes up from behind fas t and with no warning. 43 Driv ing North on New Jefferson and turning left on N Chatsworth is often times dangerous due to reduced vis ibility. Driving north on Mrytle and turning right (right turn on red) is way too often not allowed due to cars want ing to go straight. Make the right lane a right turn only lane. 5/18/2021 9:31 PM 44 Driv ers often driving too fast making right turn onto N Jefferson from N Chatswort h.5/18/2021 4:56 PM 45 It is very difficult to see pedes trians when pulling out of New Jeff ers on on to Chatswort h Ave until you are on top of the cross walk . Als o difficult for cars to pull out and mak e a left on to Chatsworth. Numerous times during the day cars have near misses with ot her cars they pull out in front of. Make visibility better. 5/18/2021 2:16 PM 46 1. Myrtle & N. Chats worth - make right lane on My rtle right turn on N. Chats worth. St raight & left turn in left lane. Shortens line turning right. Coordinate light with left turn on Murray. 2. New Jefferson & N. Chatswort h - car at stop sign cannot see cars from lef t or right and pedestrians coming from right (My rtle Blvd). Eliminate parking at end of New Jefferson median, on N. Chatsworth on both left and right side of inters ection; cut back foliage on right of inters ec tion. Cons ider traffic light as high level of traff ic feeding New Jefferson off of I 95. 5/17/2021 11:09 PM 47 Cars do not adhere to the no turn signal. I hav e almost been hit a number of times crossing the street 5/17/2021 6:51 PM 48 Not clear what to do. Some people tak e a right and then switch to the left lane. Some people sit and don’t turn and the those in back honk their horns . 5/17/2021 4:16 PM 49 Could traffic arriving from /trav eling towards NYC be directed to use the inters ec tion of My rtle and N. Chats worth instead of using New Jef ferson as a take-off / landing strip from I-95? 5/17/2021 2:38 PM 50 Cars turning onto Jefferson from N Chatsworth are often speeding and twic e I have had my cars totaled when people lost control of their car during a fast turn. Cars turning onto Jefferson coming from Chatsworth (town) often cut off driv ers driv ing down the hill. As a pedes trian you take your life in your hands if you have to cross sinc e cars barely stop at the stop sign. When coming out of the parking lot at St onecrest, cars turning onto N chat sworth in eit her direc tion do not look to see if a car is turning from the park ing lot. 5/17/2021 1:38 PM 51 Diffic ult for driv ers coming up New Jefferson to see traff ic on North Chats worth without going past the stop sign. 5/17/2021 1:34 PM 52 Almos t every car rolls through the stop into the crosswalk bef ore stopping and people turning left towards the highway are not cautious of pedes trians . It’s very scary. I think it should be a 3 way stop sign and a clearer stop mark er for Jefferson facing N Chats worth 5/17/2021 1:19 PM 53 Cars pull up to north chat sworth very quic kly and it is quite dangerous to be a pedes trian. It is also very difficult to pull out of the lot of 21 n chats. Cars park right up to the corner on nort h chat sworth and then the cars coming out of Jef ferson zip through. 5/17/2021 12:39 PM 54 Mak e is so cars can on My rtle going towards the train station can't make a right on N.Chats while cars coming in the opposite direction making a left onto N. Chats? 5/17/2021 12:04 PM 55 No crosswalks or pedes trian control. Cars from I-95 driv e aggres sively as they merge onto N. Chatsworth. Poor visibility. 5/16/2021 9:14 PM 56 Exiting apt. garage onto Madis on it is very difficult to see onc oming traffic because of park ed cars . It's an acc ident waiting to happen.The two park ing spac es neares t the garage and Jefferson should be removed. Als o, that corner of Madison & New Jefferson is very dangerous becaus e traff ic is approaching from so many direc tions. A traff ic signal might help. A third issue: traffic exiting the driveway of the new building on Madis on has made the corner of Madison, where traf fic turns left onto Myrtle, a traffic haz ard. 5/16/2021 9:04 PM 57 The right lane of the two lanes on Myrtle Blvd approaching the bridge should be des ignated 5/16/2021 4:58 PM Page 41 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 21 / 35 right turn only. This will eas e traffic conges tion. Currently cars going straight are lining up on the right lane blocking the cars that want to turn right onto the bridge. Cars that want to go straight can use the lef t lane. If you observe the traff ic pattern, there are more cars wanting to turn right as oppos ed to those going straight. 58 Try ing to cross very carefully due to try ing turn onbwzlk vsign 5/16/2021 2:43 PM 59 Traffic light around the Carlton Apts or slightly further west might be helpful in giv ing motoris ts a chance to get across N. Chatsworth from New Jeffers on. 5/16/2021 2:31 PM 60 The intersect ion of Jeffers on and North Chatsworth could benefit from a traffic light to better cont rol traffic and make it safer for cars and pedestrians. 5/16/2021 9:24 AM 61 Myrtle/No Chats light: Cars speed through end of left turn signals, ignoring the light. Not enough room for cars in the Right on Red lane and the Left Turn signal causing reckles s lane changing 5/16/2021 8:59 AM 62 If the left turn is res tric ted from Max well Ave onto Madison Av e, the ac ces s to the I-95 south and 5th Ave bec omes very diff icult and inconvenient. This is also unnec essarily increase the traf fic at the inters ec tion of My rtle Blvd and Chatsworth ave. 5/15/2021 11:45 PM 63 Cons ider congestion created by the traffic light 5/15/2021 7:13 PM 64 Left lane changing to right lane towards Myrtle Blv d.5/15/2021 6:46 PM 65 The entire length of Myrtle along the intersec tion of Washington Square and North Jefferson is quite ugly and needs bett er sidewalks, trees, and overall aesthetic improvement. Need to hav e a better pedestrian cross ing at Washington Square and Myrtle as cars come speeding around the curve and many don't stop for people in the current cross walk. Need better signs or signals at the inters ection of North Jefferson / Myrtle and the entranc e to 95. 5/15/2021 6:07 PM 66 May be put a bigger sign or even traffic light there to enhance safety if something must be done. 5/15/2021 2:25 PM 67 No bug huge truck s should be on the streets here during the day when people are out with strollers and kids. 5/15/2021 1:41 PM 68 Hav e Speed and Red Light Cameras, Better Cros swalk Signals. More Traffic Enforcement pres ent 5/15/2021 12:54 PM 69 Better signage pedest rian crossings . Island/speed bump 5/15/2021 12:44 PM 70 The stretch of road from the intersect ion of Myrtle & Madison to the intersection of New Jefferson & Madis on is at times a kind of Wild Wes t. For pedes trians , many if not mos t drivers speed down Myrtle from Chats worth and many do not stop or even slow down for the 2 cros swalks (Myrtle & Madison). For drivers, any time there is traffic , the bewildering number of choic es and multiple intersections at Madison and New Jefferson creates an elev ated safety concern -- as you know, the on ramp for 95, the off ramp for 95, the northbound lane of New Jefferson, the southbound lane of New Jeffers on, the inters ection of Maxwell and Madis on, and the 90 degree curv e on nort hbound 5th Avenue as it veers into and trans itions to become Eas tbound Madis on are all grouped together a very short dis tanc e apart -- in mid- to high-lev el traf fic conditions, there is simply too muc h information that a driver or pedesrian has to proc ess successfully and then ex ec ute quickly and skillfully in order to avoid danger. On top of all that, in heav y rain conditions I have seen rainwater literally shooting upward out of the sewers at the inters ection of New Jefferson and Madison pooling into a siz able pond. I have seen the plan for proposed islands, cross walk s , green space for wat er permeation, lane changes , and so on and believ e it provides an ex cellent, well-thought-out solution for most of the haz ards cited abov e. 5/15/2021 11:58 AM 71 At the Jef ferson St inters ection, pedestrians cross N Chats worth to the park by das hing out between traffic. So when making a left turn from Jeffers on onto N Chatsworth, as a vehicle you wait for pedes trians in the cros swalk and when clear wait for traff ic to be clear and then start your turn and someone will run out from between cars to cros s N. Chatsworth. Would be good to hav e a crosswalk there but it needs to have a signal on it to notify traffic.same thing with the crosswalk further up N. Chatsworth, there is no signal, it's on a hill and there are children walking to and from school who have to run across before a car appears . 5/15/2021 10:50 AM 72 N.Chatswrth+New Jeff: Driver vision obs tructed in Ebound lane, forcing adv ance int o pedestrian cros sing. 5/15/2021 10:38 AM Page 42 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 22 / 35 73 Hard to see when turning onto north chat sworth from Jefferson. Pedes trians jaywalking. Cars rolling thru right turn at red light. Bikers constantly riding on sidewalk ins tead of street. 5/15/2021 9:30 AM 74 Both inters ections are dangerous for pedestrians, espec ially the one at New Jefferson where folks coming flying off highway, rarely fully stop and don’t see pedest rians due to obstructions. 5/15/2021 9:11 AM 75 eliminate autos and polic e 5/15/2021 9:02 AM 76 Mak e right lane right turn only 5/14/2021 9:58 PM 77 Pedes trians Safety 5/14/2021 7:32 PM 78 Trucks tak e this street to the entranc e to I-95, and routinely drive up on the curb and ov er the gras s, destroying the turf and appearanc e of that corner. I pers onally think that Jefferson should be one way towards Chats worth so trucks cannot use this street, which is too narrow for them, to get to the thruway. They would be forc ed to use My rtle, a wider street. 5/14/2021 7:16 PM 79 Not sure. Need to spend time obs erving with foc us 5/14/2021 6:49 PM 80 My rtle/Chats worth- right turn only lane with green arrow would reduce/eliminate excess ive horn honking and allow thos e who are continuing on Myrtle to safely mov e to the right after the intersection or turn left onto Murray. New Jeffers on- both cars and pedes trians hav e obs tructed vision at the intersection . Pedestrians hav e to make sure that cars coming up NewJeff stop far enough back from the crossing area and not pull up to get past the obstruc ted view. Als o, there is a driveway for building #21 so that cars entering North Chatsworth do so only a few feet from where cars are entering onto N. Chatsworth. 5/14/2021 6:26 PM 81 N Chat/New Jeff : need more visibility for both pedestrians crossing New Jef f and drivers trying to turn onto N Chat. N Chat/Myrtle: driv ers speed and of ten ignore the pedestrian crossing yield 5/14/2021 4:59 PM 82 slow traffic down partic ular problem with the corner of was hington square and madison ave.. cars go too fas t 5/14/2021 3:56 PM 83 Not stopping for pedes trians in crosswalk s . Ig boring sign telling them it is a state law.5/14/2021 3:15 PM 84 Do now allow “right turn on red” at this intersect ion. It’s too dangerous to pedes trians and to other drivers .A green arrow or dedicated turning lane would help. Thank you 5/14/2021 3:06 PM 85 Need to slow the traffic coming down the large hill on N. Chats worth Ave. heading south towards Myrtle Blv d. Cross ing N. Chat sworth to park ed cars on the eas t side of the street is very dangerous bec ause of the high rate of speed of cars travelling down the hill. Provide some type of buffer or clearance so that drivers can see pedestrians cros sing New Jefferson St. It's a very busy and dangerous inters ection. 5/14/2021 11:26 AM 86 Uns afe for pedestrians to cross the street 5/14/2021 7:32 AM 87 Don’t fix what is n’t broken 5/14/2021 12:38 AM 88 No rt turn on red from Chatsworth onto Myrtle 5/13/2021 9:46 PM 89 Speeding not stopping before turning has become a regular occurrence all over the interac tions around the Myrtle Blvd area. I can’t unders tand why the 25mph speed is almos t never enforc ed. For thos e of us living in the apartments the horn blowing and speed is a real danger. 5/13/2021 6:45 PM 90 Coming onto N. Chatsworth Ave and turning left, there is very little visibility.5/13/2021 5:44 PM 91 For NC and NJ not sure - I don't think a 3-way stop mak es sense and a 2-way (for NC heading towards town and NJ) will just lead to confusion similar to other intersect ions in town with unbalanced stops. Maybe better signage? May be also cutting down some plantings to give better sight lines for drivers coming to the stop sign on NJ where it hits NC? May be eliminate park ing north of the NC and NJ int ers ection to giv e drivers turning right a better view of pedestrians? For the intersection of NC and MB - the issue I've seen is that cars mak ing the left turn from NC heading north keep going through the red turn arrow. Also I 'm gues sing there's gps confusion about which right turn to mak e for 95. I see many drivers get in the right turn lane for MB and then move over to get into the through lane, only to make a left ont o NJ. May be a sign at the intersection clearly direc ting drivers to mak e a left onto MB to get to 95 South? 5/13/2021 3:03 PM 92 Not sure, but there needs to be better pedestrian flow and folks mak e tight right turns from 5/13/2021 2:32 PM Page 43 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 23 / 35 my rtle to North Chatsworth when they mak e a right going wes t. Usually people rus hing to make a train. 93 Driv ers on New Jeff ers on cannot see onto N Chatsworth without pulling into the pedestrian cros swalk 5/13/2021 2:22 PM 94 signage - no park ing 5/13/2021 12:51 PM 95 Driv ers treat the permit ted right turn on red from Murray onto Myrtle as a requirement of the intersection. It is the only area where a right turn on red is allowed while pedestrians are cros sing, noting that the pause of right turn on red permission during the pedes trian crossing is often not heeded at the rest of the inters ection. It is a confusing and complex inters ection already and a frequently utiliz ed pedestrian cross ing area; inc reas ed appetite for turning right on red will only serve to increas e danger to pedestrians and encourage more drivers to honk loudly where thos e in front of them decide not to turn on red. 5/13/2021 12:35 PM 96 Walking lanes for pedes trians to crossover from New Jefferson Street to Memorial Park . When trying to mak e a left turn onto N Chats worth it is impos sible to see who is coming from the traf fic light becaus e of the hill. 5/13/2021 12:32 PM 97 I cross the intersec tion on a regular basis and it is very dangerous. Cars are not coming to a full stop and are in a hurry to mak e a left or right on to North Chatsworth Av e 5/13/2021 12:14 PM 98 Motoris ts turning left with green arrow coming sout h on North Chatsworth potentially collide with motoris ts turning left on red at intersection going north 5/13/2021 11:57 AM 99 Speeding is a major issue for the area identified. For a town that prides itself on being a walking community not enough is done to protect pedes trians . I often walk to town and to the train stat ion. It is treac herous to cros s these intersect ions . I am in fav or of better mark ed cros swalks and better timed lights. At the corner of Myrtle and N. Chat when the light turns to allow pedes trians to cros s the vehic les are permitted to turn right on red. How about a full four way stop? One action by drivers is to go through the light mak ing a left from N. Chat when leav ing town to Myrtle heading to the ent ranc e to I95 south. Additionally, the problem whic h residents have expressed concern about for years is the speeding problem on N. Chat. By the time cars traveling down the hill towards My rtle the speed at which they are going is excess ive. The same is true going in revers e. There needs to be stop signs on N. Chat and Edgewood Ave. and N. Chat and Huguenot Drive to slow the traffic and to allow pedest rians to cros s more safely. This area is partic ularly conges ted wit h driv ers given the proximity to I95, the town and the train station. Safety precautions should be put in place accordingly. Where is the polic e enforcement of speeding regulations? 5/13/2021 11:36 AM 100 Cross walk sign is currently block ed on myrtle. You cannot see if it is safe to cross when you are on the town/train station side 5/13/2021 11:29 AM 101 Cars not stopping before turning onto Chats worth ave 5/13/2021 8:28 AM 102 Driv ers turn without looking for pedes trians or bicy cles cros sing. Als o, auto traffic needs wait too long at this intersection and back s -up. At bus y times , it can take two or sometimes three lights to get through the intersection. 5/13/2021 7:35 AM 103 Conc ern regarding pedes trian safety at new Jeff and n chats worth intersec tion if any rerouting occurs with the volume of traffic that comes off and on ramp for 95. Many senior citiz ens and children walk down n chatsworth to town. Als o concern that any changes will increas e traffic flow to new jefferson which is a more residential and narrow street . Want to mak e sure that through traff ic stays on myrtle which is wider and more commerc ial street. 5/13/2021 6:51 AM 104 Two issues: Westbound traff ic on N. chats worth often continues to make lefts onto Myrtle long after the through traffic has the right of way. This is the most common caus e of near ac cidents at this intersection. Also, lots of west bound traffic enters the left turn only lane, only to reach the intersec tion and go straight. Most of this traffic then turns left onto N. Jefferson. The suspic ion is that mapping software (e.g. Google) are directing I-95 traffic via N. Jeffers on when Myrtle is the muc h cleaner choic e (from a traffic flow standpoint). 5/12/2021 10:45 PM 105 Blinking light under STOP sign and 'stop here' (at line) on the New Jeffers on St intersec tion heading up to North Chats 5/12/2021 10:13 PM 106 Need more polic e presenc e to enforce the stop light, which is frequently ignored by drivers.5/12/2021 8:59 PM 107 Cars that approach the intersec tion of Chatsworth and Myrtle, do not always follow the No 5/12/2021 8:38 PM Page 44 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 24 / 35 Right restric tion when pedes trians are allowed to cros s . There should be a traf fic light for bicycles to allow them to cross after the pedes trians , but before the cars. 108 I was almos t hit when a car was turning left ont o N Chat s from Jeffers on. They could not see me. 5/12/2021 8:07 PM 109 Limit oversiz ed vehicle traffic on N Chats worth turning onto New Jefferson.5/12/2021 7:04 PM 110 As a walk er, I am often frustrated that drivers do NOT fully stop at North Chats worth & New Jefferson or just outright ignore the four-way walk at North Chats worth & Myrtle. I’m not sure the Town can be any more clear than red lights and the big signs wit h the right turn cros sed out and yet they are ignored. I feel if I hav e to wait for the walk sign, driv ers can wait for a green light. We are a small town and a little courtesy between walkers & driv ers would be nic e. 5/12/2021 7:03 PM 111 Currently, the right lane of the two lanes on Myrtle Boulevard approac hing N. Chatsworth from the south (coming off I-95 North, for example) are marked for “straight ahead and right turns Typically, at all times of the day on both weekday s and week ends: the right lane backs up with 3-12 cars , mos t of whic h are turning right but can be blocked by the first vehicle whic h is waiting to go straight. Or is uncertain whether right turns are permitted after a full stop. The left lane, which is for straight and lef t turns , usually has between 0-3 cars . The conges tion in the right lane caus es driv ers to honk since they know that right turns are allowed on red lights. The right lane should be for vehicles mak ing right turns, only. And the left lane should be for going straight or making left turns. A sign indicating that right turns are permitted after a full stop, would als o help with driver uncertainty. 5/12/2021 6:54 PM 112 Hav e truc ks ex it and enter 95 at exit other than Larchmont 5/12/2021 6:40 PM 113 I have witnessed near accidents when cars have the green left signal at n chats worth on to my rtle and are going fast while cars assume they can turn right on red coming in the ot her direction Cross ing new Jefferson is very dangerous for pedes trians and bikers trav eling on North Chats worth 5/12/2021 6:20 PM 114 It is difficult for traff ic approaching North Chats worth on New Jeff ers on to see vehic les approaching the intersect ion from both direc tions, but, especially, from the left , and it is difficult for pedes trians wishing or starting to cros s New Jef ferson to be seen (espec ially due to a large bush on the right) Eliminating park ing in a few spaces on New Jeffers on at North Chatsworth, and on North Chat sworth at New Jefferson, and remov ing the one large bus h, should significantly help both drivers and pedestrians. A Yield to Pedes trians in Crosswalk and an obvious crosswalk should help pedes trians . 5/12/2021 6:04 PM 115 Mak e Jeffers on Ave. one way from the throughway 5/12/2021 6:01 PM 116 I think most people coming off the highway are st ill driving fast. The visibility on the right side isn’t so great. I myself sometimes stop short when I see a pedest rian. 5/12/2021 5:40 PM 117 Speeding on N Chatsworth -polic e monitoring (speed traps ) and Jefferson (install speed bumps). Vis ibility to the right is not good for driv ers turning on to N Chatsworth from Jefferson and they don’t stop for pedestrians until it’s almost too late. Bigger sign or trim the hedge… My rtle st op light for pedes trian crossing is not effec tive - drivers still turn right on red. 5/12/2021 5:38 PM 118 Not sure what to do to mak e intersec tion safer 5/12/2021 5:20 PM 119 Pedes trian safet y concern walk ing along N Chats worth and crossing New Jefferson St -- I walk along here daily and have had multiple near-misses with cars -- Cars driving along New Jefferson and turning onto N Chats worth cons istently run the stop sign and stop (or only slow down) past the cros swalk -- while there's also an issue with cars not ac tually stopping, the primary issue is that cars have to go past the stop sign and into the cross walk to look for cros s traffic on N Chats worth -- This inters ec tion should be altered so that drivers traveling on New Jefferes on can stop before the cros swalk and assess cros s traffic from there before turning onto N Chats worth. 5/12/2021 5:07 PM 120 Driv ers often turn without looking and I've seen many pedestrians cross without the light and als o without looking. The left onto New Jefferson is of ten made haphaz ardly, and without clear lanes , drivers often speed around thos e making a left on the right shoulder. Perhaps changing the walk signal at Chats worth and Myrtle can also be addres sed. 5/12/2021 5:02 PM 121 adjus t the timing on the traf fic lights 5/12/2021 4:35 PM 122 Sugges t that truc ks be required to make right turn at Myrtle to access entranc e to I95. This 5/12/2021 4:32 PM Page 45 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 25 / 35 intersection has wider turn area. 123 On Jefferson coming onto Nort h Chat sworth, it is hard to see oncoming traffic so often times people roll through the stop sign and into the pedestrian walkway. That's dangerous for people walking on the walk way. At the other inters ection, the light hand signal for cars turning on My rtle conflicts with thos e on the other side making a right on red. Drivers don't unders tand who has the right of way 5/12/2021 4:19 PM 124 Need crosswalk painted and clarity where pedes trians cross over/around triangle garden in middle of I ters ec tiin. 5/12/2021 4:15 PM 125 Hav e more frequent pedestrian cross ings with the traffic light. The wait is too long. Often cars don’t want to st op for pedest rians at New Jefferson St. maybe a four way st op will help. 5/12/2021 4:03 PM 126 Diffic ult to cros s New Jef ferson, suggest traffic be routed to My rtle to get to/from i95 5/12/2021 3:57 PM 127 Narrow Street used very frequently by large truck s and multiple car carriers. Speeding!5/12/2021 3:53 PM 128 Mak e New Jefferson THE access st for i95 5/12/2021 3:40 PM 129 I have always worried about this stret ch of N Chatsworth... Years ago, I was stopped in a line of traff ic at a light at the corner of My rtle and N. Chatsworth (closer to the intersec tion with New Jeff ers on) and had a car full of carpool kids and was rear ended hard and pus hed into the car in front of me. I believe the visibilit y coming down the hill especially in the morning with sun can be an issue. In addition, my kids belonged to NY Sports and us ed to walk there and cros sing N. Chatsworth from Edgewood has alway s felt tricky and conc erning espec ially in the dark . In addit ion, when the kids were new drivers and going from Edgewood onto N. Chatsworth and when the street (opposite side) was pac ked with commuter cars taking Metro North, I felt it was a dangerous and narrow turn to make. I don't have a partic ular suggested action but wanted to mention thes e issues. 5/12/2021 3:38 PM 130 Slow light. Timing doesn’t mak e sense 5/12/2021 3:36 PM 131 Dec ible level: Route commercial traffic coming off of I-95 onto Madis on Av e. as the only way to enter Larchmont. Do not allow this traffic to enter using N. Chat sworth Ave. 5/12/2021 3:32 PM 132 Cars speed down Chats worth from Rock land and mak e the turn onto New Jeffers on to quic kly. Als o cars coming from I 95 to New jeffers on do not mak e a full stop and have come very close to colliding with cars which are going straight on N. Chatswort h, very few stop for pedes trians . 5/12/2021 2:49 PM 133 Seems when walking at intersection, you may not be as visible to driv ers who may be driving quite fast. 5/12/2021 2:42 PM 134 Swit ch sides the cars park from the median to the curb lik e a normal street and the corners will be safer for pedestrians. 5/12/2021 2:30 PM 135 The stop striping needs to be much more visible. The garbage shed and foliage on the sout h east corner oh N Chat sworth and New Jefferson needs to be cleared for better view of any pedestrians waiting to cross. 5/12/2021 2:28 PM 136 Far too many people make a right turn against the "No right turn" signal that faces all directions . No enforc ement means they know there are no reperc ussions. 5/12/2021 2:27 PM 137 Conc erned about ability to turn from new Jeffers on into Madis on.5/12/2021 2:20 PM 138 Cars speed down the hill on N. Chats worth Av enue heading towards Myrtle. There is a large population in Carlton Hous e at 35 North Chats worth Avenue, including many seniors and dis abled persons, who often want to cross to Memorial Park. There is no cros swalk any where until Myrtle Avenue, and crossing Nort h Chats worth is quite dangerous. There should be both a cros swalk and as sociated signage. 5/12/2021 2:19 PM 139 Need right turn only lane at Myrtle/N. Chatsworth 5/12/2021 2:12 PM 140 Vehicles do not come to a full stop at the intersect ion. You can not see pedes trian traff ic from the stop sign 5/12/2021 2:10 PM 141 There are barriers to visibility when approac hing N. Chat sworth from new Jeffers on. It’s imposs ible to see to the right of there are pedestrians or cars approaching unles s you inch up INTO the cros swalk. It’s very dangerous and I often don’t see pedest rians until I ’m already 5/12/2021 2:06 PM Page 46 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 26 / 35 ins ide the crosswalk. The problem is shrubbery and I believe large waste containers that bloc k the view. 142 We need an all way stop at intersection of New Jeffers on and N. Chatsworth. With pedes trians , commuters , traffic coming off of I95 and people going to the park . I feel every day is a ‘ near miss’ . Very dangerous intersec tion. The two apartment buildings hav e a real diffic ult y safely turning into N. Chats worth. 5/12/2021 1:58 PM 143 Diffic ult visibility when turning left from New Jeffers on onto North Chats worth. Pos sible solution - Limit park ing near corner on New Jeff ers on. Lights during rush hour when coming from train station park ing lot exiting onto Myrtle. Traffic builds up and bac ks up on Myrtle due to short green at that time. Lengthen time of green light. Build up of traffic causes impat ienc e and cars either running light or get ting into left turn lane on Myrtle to turn onto North Chatsworth and then swit ching bac k to right lane to either go straight, or worse, mak e right turn onto North Chatsworth. 5/12/2021 1:46 PM 144 The intersect ion with New Jefferson St when coming off the highway can be difficult to cross as there are cars coming from the right and left round each bend often at high speed. Furthermore with the entrance/exit to the dump very clos e to the ramp, there can be vehic les cros sing paths. The crossroad between New Chatsworth/Chatsworth Ave and Myrtle Blvd have a No Right when the pedestrian crossing is allowed, but some vehic les do not follow the warning. Furthermore cyclists are forced to cross traff ic lanes when then trying to cycle up Murray Ave so may be delay the vehic les to prioritiz e cyclis ts to get a chance to the next intersection saf ely. 5/12/2021 1:46 PM 145 traveling north on New Jefferson, where the stop line is, there is no way to see the traffic or peds coming down the hill on N. Chat sworth from Lac h Vill. Lived here 30 yrs & while the new cros swalk helps , its a terrible interesection. 5/12/2021 1:26 PM 146 May be more signage for trim on reds and nois e control?5/12/2021 1:21 PM 147 The light timing is terrible....spend a lot of time sitt ing there waiting.5/12/2021 1:09 PM 148 Very difficult to turn left from New Jef ferson St onto N. Chatsworth, partic ularly during high traf fic periods. Vis ibility obst ruc ted by park ed cars on New Jefferson and pedest rians have right of way impeding turns. Als o, frequently cars are speeding down the hill toward New Jefferson. 5/12/2021 1:07 PM 149 Reas sess the light s - timing off traffic patterns and follow the traffic flow through here. It's a mes s. 5/12/2021 1:00 PM 150 @ New Jefferson Street intersec tion, vehicles often speed up to the stop sign or through the turn causing significant potential for harm to pedestrians due to the low vis ibility. 5/12/2021 12:32 PM 151 Vis ibility is poor and I got hit onc e by a car at that intersect ion. We need to increase viability and/or put a clear sign indicating STOP or Pedes trian Crossing 5/12/2021 12:31 PM 152 sign to 95, if it can be attrac tiv e. 75% of the time I (going straight from town ) am cut off by a car "discovering" it's in a left turn lane, dec iding to go straight, only to turn left short ly after look ing for I95 entrance 5/12/2021 12:28 PM 153 Not stopping for pesdes trians 5/12/2021 12:27 PM 154 We frequent ly exit from I-95 onto N. Chatsworth Ave. The visibility for a left turn is poor. Please consider limiting parking too clos e to the corner so driv ers can see to their right . 5/12/2021 12:25 PM 155 The Intersection at N. Chats worth and New Jefferson is ext remely dangerous. Driver's can barely see traffic heading in either direc tion until they have pulled up way past the crosswalk. Onc e they have done that, they are in danger of hitting people who ware crossing the street. My children and I approach that intersec tion with dread and I force all of my children (even the 12 year old) to hold my hand when there. It is only a matter of time before someone gets badly hurt or killed there. 5/12/2021 12:22 PM 156 Create a crosswalk at Jeffers on. This is where people naturally try to cross either into the park or to get to the side of the street with the train station. There's a huge population of people who walk to the train coming eas t down N. Chatsworth, and the only "good" plac e to cros s the street is Myrtle, which is a disaster. Create a diagonal crosswalk at Myrtle. It's safe to cross this way becaus e all traffic is st opped, people do it anyway, and it would be safer if there was a visible crosswalk there. I'm not really sure how to solv e this , but I have seen an incredible 5/12/2021 12:14 PM Page 47 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 27 / 35 number of cars simply NOT follow traffic lights at Myrtle. They go st raight through red lights! It's a very confus ing intersection, especially bec ause you are allowed to make a right turn on red onto my rtle (going west) sometimes, but other times you're not. Jus t make it a no turn on red all the time turning in bot h directions! Station a polic e officer there during rus h hour to give tickets to people who go through red lights. 157 When approaching the Myrtle stop sign, people often stop IN the intersection and do not allow pedestrians to cross. When approac hing Jefferson, it can sometimes take more than 2 minutes to get an opportunity to move. Need a light. 5/12/2021 12:05 PM 158 Des ignat e right lane as right turn only. Paint over huge arrows in left lane. Permit left turns from left lane. 5/12/2021 11:56 AM 159 Many driv ers do not come to a full stop, they roll through and turn. When turning right this is dangerous as there is a driveway and pedestrians who cros s there and there have been many near mis ses. A hidden driveway sign might help. 5/12/2021 11:55 AM 160 Traveling SW on Myrtle Blv d, the double intersec tions at Vine/Murray and then N. Chatsworth can create a lane change logjam as one of the through lanes bec omes a left-turn-only lane. The timing of the lights is such that one may hav e to wait mult iple cycles if they us e only the right -hand through lane at Vine/Murray, or they use the left through lane at Vine/Murray and then cut over to the right between the two intersec tions. Not sure what the right solut ion is here, but part of the issue is the disincentive to get into the right-hand lane at Vine/Murray becaus e of the risk of getting st uck through multiple cycles . 5/12/2021 11:50 AM 161 Clarify lane rules on Myrtle heading north acros s North Chatsworth towards Murray; cons ider visibility improvements for people making the left turn off of New Jeffers on onto North Chatsworth - or a traffic light. 5/12/2021 11:49 AM 162 1. Myrtle & N. Chats worth: a) If you stay at left lane and you plan to keep driv ing on Myrtle, you will need to change into right lane at Murray (as the left lane is for left into Murray only), but it only gives you less than one minut e to do it , very dangerous. b) If you stay at right lane, cars behind you often make honks becaus e they want to make legal right turns and it's very annoying. c) Pedes trians need to wait for a long, long time to get to pass that huge intersection, and the time given is ex tremely short. So mos t pedes trians walk diagonally so they don't need to spend about 10 minutes just on waiting for green light at the inters ection. Some even jus t jay walk if impatient. Dangerous. 2. New Jeffers on & N. Chats worth: a) becaus e you cannot turn left at N. Chats worth from Myrtle during peak hours , people take New Jefferson as a shortcut, the road condition on New Jeffers on is awful. b) People leav e I-95 tends to take New Jef ferson, the road condition is awful. c) It is extremely difficult to make right /left turn at that corner, due to multiple factors . 3. Please als o monitor traf fics at Maxwell Madison, where a new stop sign is just installed. It's installed for a good reason. 4. It's is difficult for pedes trians to walk along N. Chats worth. 5/12/2021 11:46 AM 163 I feel like cars race through the inters ection, at furious speeds, despite this being a heavily used pedestrian intersect ion. And cars that are turning rarely look for pedes trians . Generally, people driv e too quic kly through this spot. 5/12/2021 11:37 AM 164 See desc ription above (right turn on red from Chatsworth onto Myrtle).5/12/2021 11:33 AM 165 i. Potential for added traffic to block the inters ec tion to turn onto to Washington Sq. That is happening now so with more potential traffic that will only likely increase Solut ion - create a no- bloc k interac tion sign / mark ings on the road ii. Turning onto N. Chatsworth from Jeff ers on could be an issue with additional traffic. Low visibility for pedestrian with the shrubs that are bloc king view when making the right turn Solution - again clear some gm amd mark ing on the road. Also need to remov e shrubs / flowers to increas e visibility to see pedest rians/ bikers 5/12/2021 11:32 AM 166 Need room (width) for safer bike riding entering into this inters ection, especially trav eling on Chatsworth to Nort h Chat sworth from train station. Also, the left turn light-up signal (for cars traveling in the same direction as noted in my previous sentenc e) that is NOT part of the typical traffic signal is very confusing, unless you have lived here a while and are used to it and know what to look for. I hav e nev er seen any thing lik e it. While it is clear, once you know how it works, it's so atypical, that I have even gotten it wrong and I live here and go through that intersect ion frequently. 5/12/2021 11:30 AM 167 The right turn lane from chats worth onto my rtle (coming from 95 ov erpas s) is often empty and i cant get into it bc the middle lane is back ed up so far. 5/12/2021 11:29 AM Page 48 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 28 / 35 168 Tricky during bus y hours to make left or right hand turn 5/12/2021 11:29 AM 169 See abov e. Greater polic e presenc e at Myrtle/Chatsworth and also police to monitor Jefferson/Chatsworth for full st op complliance. 5/12/2021 11:28 AM 170 need stop sign 5/12/2021 11:27 AM 171 Crossing New Jefferson on foot is very dangerous as cars need to pull forward to see traffic before turning onto N. Chats worth and do not always look for pedestrians. Cars turning off N. Chatsworth are often going too fast - especially if making a left turn onto New Jefers on 5/12/2021 11:26 AM 172 Close off New Jeffers on St at Madison and connect the two sides of New J, just short of Madison, so that it bec omes a sort of elongated U. That will eliminate the short cut from New Roc helle and I-95 and minimize the dangerous left turns on to North Chatsworth. Left turns will need to be opened up from My rtle to N Chat sworth going north but that's a muc h more open space with better visibility. Conf licting streams of traff ic at New J/Madison would also be reduced. 5/12/2021 11:18 AM 173 Right turn on red from Myrtle Blv d onto N. Chat sworth eas tbound is often imposs ible due to drivers eit her unaware they can make the turn or bec ause they are going straight but fail to mov e to the left lane. Markings and signage should make this clear. 5/12/2021 11:16 AM 174 Cars come fly ing down New Jefferson coming off 95 approaching N chats worth. We own an apt in 21 chat sworth that my mother lives in. We live at another property in larchmont. I hav e three kids under 7 and until I started parking on and around NÉW jefferson to vis it the apartment I never apprec iated how unsafe it is. Cars do not look at all for adults let along kids. Getting kids in and out of a park ed car on new jeffers on is the most stres sful/dangerous thing ever. Cars fly almost taking doors off . All night long my mom hears cars racing down new jeffers on. People cut through between larchmont and mamaroneck using new jef ferson and then continuing onto myrtle and vice versa. They are speeding with little regard for any pedes trians around them. The cars ripping down new jefferson towards n chats worth not only fly they don’t stop at the actual stop sign. The vision to the left of cars coming down north chats worth is diffic ult and the plants and other items limit site to the right . Also - we pull out of the parking lot of 21 N chat sworth and almos t get hit from cars flying and turning right from new jefferson. And when I’m coming down north chatsworth towards new jef ferson I slow down to turn right into the 21 N chat sworth parking lot and almost get hit by speedy driv ers turning right from new jefferson. It’s hones tly the worst situation in town. And I wouldn’t fully apprec iate how bad unles s I park ed there regularly and walked with small kids . Als o to note that the island in new jefferson has trees and uneven sidewalk. There is no way to push a stroller or walk safely with kids down the island. In fact my mother tripped very badly on the roots of trees there. So to safely walk with kids you hav e to cros s the dangerous new jeff ers on to the sidewalk side and then approach n chats worth and cross new jeffers on at the crosswalk. It’s impos sible and I can’t believe no one has been killed 5/12/2021 11:13 AM Page 49 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 29 / 35 Q5 Would other individuals and/or property be affected? Answered: 143 Sk ipped: 41 RESPONSES DATE 1 No 6/6/2021 9:47 PM 2 NO 6/6/2021 5:31 PM 3 I don’t know.6/6/2021 5:24 PM 4 no 6/5/2021 5:55 PM 5 May be shrubs and fencing to the right of stop sign at int ers ec tion.6/5/2021 12:11 PM 6 no 6/5/2021 6:03 AM 7 No 6/4/2021 5:51 PM 8 No 6/4/2021 4:30 PM 9 The design of this surv ey mak es this impos sible to provide feedbac k .6/4/2021 2:43 PM 10 anyt hing would be an improv ement at this intersec tion. Res idents of the 3 large apartment buildings , park patrons and pedes trians would benefit 6/4/2021 10:39 AM 11 No 6/4/2021 10:27 AM 12 N/A 6/4/2021 10:14 AM 13 As not ed above, residents in all the apartment buildings in the area are affected, along with the traf fic entering/leaving I-95. 6/3/2021 9:27 PM 14 No 6/3/2021 3:03 PM 15 No 6/3/2021 10:58 AM 16 No. Except for the Bus h located on corner of New Jefferson/N. Chat sworth. Wr need greenery but for safet y it needs to be trimmed. We need greenspace on corner of 5th Av e. & My rtle. 6/2/2021 8:47 PM 17 Yes — the guy ndreds of thousands of cars and people that go through these street s monthly.6/2/2021 7:12 PM 18 Pos itively !6/2/2021 3:47 PM 19 Could mak e the streetscape more enjoyable for retail. This area's retail corridor is lacking significantly pos sibly bec ause of some of these problems. 6/2/2021 2:20 PM 20 Yes 6/2/2021 2:03 PM 21 Yes- ev ery one driv ing or walk ing is af fec ted 6/2/2021 10:54 AM 22 We would just need signage to show that the right lane is for a right turn only.6/2/2021 10:50 AM 23 Everyone would be helped by this change.6/2/2021 10:47 AM 24 Affec ted by what? I live within a few feet of this area, anything that is done there will affec t me and my family. 6/2/2021 10:46 AM 25 No 6/2/2021 10:34 AM 26 Yes 6/2/2021 10:34 AM 27 I don't know 6/2/2021 10:30 AM 28 while traffic lights can be helpful, attention mus t be paid to the potent ial bac k up of traffic and diversion of traffic to Washington Square 6/2/2021 9:33 AM 29 no 6/2/2021 9:07 AM Page 50 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 30 / 35 30 Not of which I am aware 6/1/2021 4:21 PM 31 Some park ing spots might be taken away (off N. Chat sworth and off New Jefferson) to improve sight. 6/1/2021 3:52 PM 32 Yes 6/1/2021 2:45 PM 33 IDK 5/30/2021 9:11 PM 34 Don’t know 5/27/2021 10:08 AM 35 yes 5/24/2021 12:07 PM 36 No 5/22/2021 8:11 AM 37 yes 5/19/2021 5:21 PM 38 All surrounding buildings on N.Jeffers on and the bloc ks of N. Chatswort h between Myrtle and Edgewood. 5/19/2021 1:19 PM 39 Not really 5/19/2021 12:38 PM 40 I don't think so.5/18/2021 9:31 PM 41 I’ve pers onally experienc ed a hit and run of my car on that very corner and so has a neighbor.5/18/2021 4:56 PM 42 Only to cut bac k foliage on east side of New Jefferson/N. Chatswort h int ers ec tion.5/17/2021 11:09 PM 43 Yes. Everyone walking from Metro north to N Chats worth 5/17/2021 6:51 PM 44 It would benefit all.5/17/2021 4:16 PM 45 Refer to B&L study.5/17/2021 2:38 PM 46 No 5/17/2021 1:38 PM 47 No 5/17/2021 1:34 PM 48 I don’t think so 5/17/2021 1:19 PM 49 I think it would decrease ac cidents 5/17/2021 12:04 PM 50 I have no idea.5/16/2021 9:04 PM 51 No 5/16/2021 4:58 PM 52 Just trying to cross street carefully 5/16/2021 2:43 PM 53 I don't think so 5/16/2021 2:31 PM 54 the entire community 5/16/2021 9:24 AM 55 No 5/16/2021 8:59 AM 56 Yes, multiple residents of the Cambium and all users of Maxwell trans fer station 5/15/2021 11:45 PM 57 Cars turning left ont o Madison from Max well & Byron will have diffic ulty doing so if driv ers bloc k the inters ection. Pleas e consider this as well. 5/15/2021 7:13 PM 58 don't know.5/15/2021 6:07 PM 59 Any drivers coming of f of I95 or residents /people who has business on Madison Av/Washington Sq 5/15/2021 2:25 PM 60 No 5/15/2021 1:41 PM 61 Benefic ially 5/15/2021 12:44 PM 62 Of cours e -- any one walk ing, cycling, or driving through thes e stretc hes of road and their intersections would be safer if the planned changes were implemented. I believ e the quality of life in this long-neglec ted corner of the Town would be improved notic eably and als o that property values may very well be affected in a pos itive way by making the exis ting infrastructure more user- and environment-friendly. Demigraphic ally, I've noticed an uptick in 5/15/2021 11:58 AM Page 51 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 31 / 35 the number of families with small children as well as in the number of elderly walking through this area -- those 2 groups are at the greatest risk from the exis ting chariot race. 63 No 5/15/2021 10:50 AM 64 All folks commuting to train and walk ing to/from town.5/15/2021 9:11 AM 65 stop wasting $ on stupid surveys 5/15/2021 9:02 AM 66 No 5/14/2021 9:58 PM 67 No 5/14/2021 7:32 PM 68 No. It would just protect the property at 35 N, Chat sworth.5/14/2021 7:16 PM 69 Not sure 5/14/2021 6:49 PM 70 Pos sibly 5/14/2021 6:26 PM 71 yes 5/14/2021 4:59 PM 72 no 5/14/2021 3:56 PM 73 Any one crossing the street.5/14/2021 3:15 PM 74 No 5/14/2021 3:06 PM 75 Many pedestrians and cyclists come through the area in eit her direc tion es pecially in the morning but pretty much all day long. 5/14/2021 11:26 AM 76 No 5/14/2021 7:32 AM 77 Mos t traffic “improv ements” around the NY area have been terrible (confus ing, restrictive, ineff icient) for both pedestrians and cars . 5/14/2021 12:38 AM 78 Definitely 5/13/2021 9:46 PM 79 Yes 5/13/2021 5:44 PM 80 I don't think so 5/13/2021 2:32 PM 81 ?5/13/2021 2:22 PM 82 no 5/13/2021 12:51 PM 83 Potent ially 5/13/2021 12:35 PM 84 No 5/13/2021 12:14 PM 85 Everyone using that inters ection 5/13/2021 11:57 AM 86 Were additional meas ures be tak en the affec t would be pos itive overall.5/13/2021 11:36 AM 87 Yes 5/13/2021 11:29 AM 88 No 5/13/2021 8:28 AM 89 No 5/13/2021 7:35 AM 90 See abov e.5/13/2021 6:51 AM 91 No 5/12/2021 10:45 PM 92 Should tak e ov er property near inters ec tion and remove bushes so cars can see pedestrians. Can't properly see them at stop.line 5/12/2021 10:13 PM 93 Not sure I unders tand the question 5/12/2021 8:59 PM 94 Yes 5/12/2021 7:04 PM 95 The res idential buildings on the left side of My rtle Blvd would certainly benefit from less noise and exhaust pollution. No indiv iduals or property would be negativ ely affected by improv ing the flow of traffic and reducing the unnec essary congestion. 5/12/2021 6:54 PM 96 No 5/12/2021 6:40 PM Page 52 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 32 / 35 97 Not significantly.5/12/2021 6:04 PM 98 no 5/12/2021 6:01 PM 99 No - don’t think so.5/12/2021 5:38 PM 100 NA 5/12/2021 5:20 PM 101 No 5/12/2021 5:07 PM 102 Uns ure 5/12/2021 5:02 PM 103 no 5/12/2021 4:35 PM 104 All pedestrians 5/12/2021 4:15 PM 105 No 5/12/2021 4:03 PM 106 No 5/12/2021 3:57 PM 107 Yes 5/12/2021 3:53 PM 108 Thats your job 5/12/2021 3:40 PM 109 This would be for the survey ors to determine.5/12/2021 3:32 PM 110 Yes 5/12/2021 2:42 PM 111 other than negative cosmetic appeal of cars parked on curb instead of middle, nothing..5/12/2021 2:30 PM 112 Yes, 17 N would need to mov e their garbage shed.5/12/2021 2:28 PM 113 Every pedestrian cros sing at this inters ection is at risk .5/12/2021 2:27 PM 114 Yes 5/12/2021 2:20 PM 115 At mos t there would be a parking space affect ed.5/12/2021 2:19 PM 116 Yes 5/12/2021 2:10 PM 117 To remove the shrubbery and containers might mak e affect the apartment building but wouldn’t seem to be a big deal. 5/12/2021 2:06 PM 118 Any improvement would be benefic ial to the safet y of all resident s.5/12/2021 1:58 PM 119 No 5/12/2021 1:46 PM 120 Unk nown 5/12/2021 1:46 PM 121 IDK 5/12/2021 1:26 PM 122 Pos itively 5/12/2021 1:21 PM 123 everyone 5/12/2021 1:09 PM 124 Pedes trians and parked cars along New Jefferson.5/12/2021 1:07 PM 125 All pedestrians could be impac ted 5/12/2021 12:32 PM 126 Yes 5/12/2021 12:31 PM 127 Yrs 5/12/2021 12:27 PM 128 No, eliminating 1-2 parking spaces should be suff icient.5/12/2021 12:25 PM 129 Nobody would be affected if you simply removed 1-2 parking spots on both N Chatswort h and New Jefferson that lead up to the inters ection. This way driv ers and pedes trians would have better visibility. 5/12/2021 12:22 PM 130 No -- thes e are all suggestions for improv ing the safet y of things that are already happening.5/12/2021 12:14 PM 131 No 5/12/2021 12:05 PM 132 Yes. Many, sinc e most who turn right at that inters ection are heading into Larchmont Village and many of them do not live in the Unincorporated Area. 5/12/2021 11:56 AM Page 53 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 33 / 35 133 No 5/12/2021 11:55 AM 134 No 5/12/2021 11:49 AM 135 1. 10 By ron Pl., Larc hmont, NY10538 2. Murray Avenue Elementary school families 5/12/2021 11:46 AM 136 Yes 5/12/2021 11:33 AM 137 No 5/12/2021 11:32 AM 138 Yes 5/12/2021 11:29 AM 139 NO 5/12/2021 11:28 AM 140 don't know 5/12/2021 11:27 AM 141 Yes there would be more traffic at Myrtle/N Chats worth.5/12/2021 11:18 AM 142 All drivers would benefit.5/12/2021 11:16 AM 143 Yes 5/12/2021 11:13 AM Page 54 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 34 / 35 97.02%163 97.02%163 97.02%163 97.02%163 98.21%165 76.79%129 61.90%104 Q6 Day(s) the issue most often occurs: Answered: 168 Sk ipped: 16 Total Respondents : 168 M o nday Tuesday Wednesday Thur sday F r iday Satur day Sunday 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Page 55 of 87 Traffic Study - Intersec tions of N. Chatsworth Ave. at M yrtle Blvd. and New Jefferson St. 35 / 35 8.81%14 9.43%15 68.55%109 71.70%114 64.15%102 89.94%143 55.97%89 14.47%23 Q7 Time(s) the issue most often occurs: Answered: 159 Sk ipped: 25 Total Respondents : 159 12 am - 3 am 3 am - 6 am 6 am - 9 am 9 am - 1 2 noon 1 2 noon - 3 pm 3 pm - 6 pm 6 pm - 9 pm 9 pm - 12 am 0%10%20%30%40%5 0%60%70%80%90%100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 12 am - 3 am 3 am - 6 am 6 am - 9 am 9 am - 12 noon 12 noon - 3 pm 3 pm - 6 pm 6 pm - 9 pm 9 pm - 12 am Page 56 of 87