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Adopted Budget_1949_12/1/1948
4 • Adopted =mum TAX BUDGET F O R 1 9 9 T OWN OF NAY'IA R O N E C K NEW YORK SUPERVISOR Ogen A. Mandeville COUNCILMEN David Embury Edward F, Watson George E, Mills , Jr0 John T. McKeever TOWN CLERK, Charles J. Gronberg Qc TEL. MAMARONECK 9-1800 FOUNDED IN THE YEAR 1697 st.R.ERvmoR OWEN A. MANDEVILLE TOWN OF MAMARONECK ND WESTCHESTER COUNTY. N. Y. HENRY R. DILLON RECEIVER OF TAXES ANDD ASSESSMENTS EDWARD F. WATSON ASSESSMENTS NA JOHN L. DELIUS INCINERATION ®�- /1. ATTORNEY RECREATION 4 GEORGE E. MILLS, JR. • 4 \® r Z ' P LEO N. ORSINO FIRE PROTECTION VETERANS' SERVICE COMPTROLLER 0 / a1 DAVID A. EMBURY (,y>✓.l. I $ JAMES M. SMITH LEGISLATION '-i' POLICE PENSION FUND * �wi I ASSESSOR PARKS ` FII, / * A. J. FOOTS J. THOMAS McKEEVER if v 1. HIGHWAY SUPT. AND TOWN ENGINEER DRAINAGE SANITATION BUILDING AND PLUMBING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK TOWN OFFICES CHARLES J. GRONBERG 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, N. Y. October 27, 1948 Members of the Town Board: Attached hereto, for your study and consideration, is a tabulation of the Departmental Budget req uests and recommended Budget for 1949. The estimated gross levy is $743,235.08. The estimated cost of operations including capital improvements and equipment is in- creased by $84,016.46 and is partly offset by a decrease in debt service of 50,421,75, or an increase over the 1948 budget of $33,594.71. Of this amount, there are included salary increases approximating $13, 000, and provision has also been made for three additional police officers and new police equipment. The 1949 Budget provides for the retirement of 815 9,100. of the outstanding bonds, and, as has been the case for the pact six years, no commitments have been rude for the issuance of bonds, and none are contemplated in 19490 The bonded indebtedness of the Town was reduced by $201,500. in 1948, to $2,451,100. , as of December 31, 1948. From January 1, 1943 to December 31, 1948, the Town has retired 51,388, 900. in serial bonds, in addition to the unbonded debt outstanding on January 1, 1943, which was $341, 304'12. Again, as in 1948, it is recommended that we use available cash to eliminate the General Town Tax. Our surplus as of October 1, 1948 amounted to $367,274.65, and the above recommendation would de- crease this amount by $87,697.00. As you know, this surplus be- longs to the General Town and can only be used for a General Town purpose. Because of the increased costs of living in 1948, it is recommended that all Town salaried employees be increased equally in the amount of $240. per annum, with the exception of the Supervisor, the Town Board, and certain part time employees. In addition, there are yearly increments to be received by four patrolmen and one fireman. A complete salary list is attached to the proposed budget. r _ Members of the Town Board -2- October 27, 1948 Our operating costs have been increased because of the continued rise in cost of materials and supplies, and while on the whole the total is not excessive , it must be taken into consideration in the preparation of the Budget. As has been the policy of the Town Board, capital improvements and equipment are on a "pay as you go" basis , again in 1949. Included in the attached budget are the following items which are of such a nature : 1. Larchmont Gardens Lake Retaining Wall. 2. Improvement of Holly Place, Crest Avenue & Hudson Place. 3. Bank Walls along Sheldrake River. 4. Two Trucks for Highway Department ordered in 1948. 5. Two Sand and Gravel Spreaders., 6. Loader 7. New Truck Park Department. 8. New Radio Sending Apparatus (One-half cost ). 9. Preparation of Plans and Specifications for Sewer Improve- ments. 10. 500' New Hose for Fire Department. In 1948, the Town Highway Department was able to perform consider- ably more construction work for the amount of money expended than ever before . This increased efficiency is directly attributed to better supervision and more efficient modern equipment . It is expected that this trend will be continued and improved in the coming year . In this Department provision has been made for two heavy duty trucks and snow plow equipment which becomes a definite necessity by reason of our 1948 experience, and at the direction of the County Commissioner of Public Works. Attached to the enclosed Budget is a comparison of assessments and estii.ated tax rates together with a co. plete statement of the debt service req uirements of the Town of Mamaroneck. Respect fully si/ubmitted, Owen A. Mandeville Supervisor JAM : JC enclosure 1111 . xi INDEX SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET 1 to 4 FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 ESTIMATED REVENUES. . 5,6 Fire Department 27 Hydrant Rental 28 GENERAL TOWN STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT Department of Town Offices 7 Streit Lighting 28 Department of Supervisor 8 Department of Comptroller 8 'NATER DISTRICT NO. 1 Department of Town Clerk 9 Debt Service 28 Department of Elections 9 Department of Receiver of Taxes 10 PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Department of Assessor 11 Department of Parks 29 Department of Lav 12 Debt Service 30 Department of Justices of the Peace . . . . 13 Contributions & Donations 14 SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Department of Board of Appeals 15 Sewer Department 31 Department of Engineer 16 Debt Service 31 Building and Plumbing Department 17 Department of Highways 18 MISCET.L<,NEOUS Department of Public 1elfare 19 Comparison of Assessments 32 • Miscellaneous Expenditures 20 Comparison of Tax Rates 32 Debt Service . . . . 21 Schedule of Outstanding Bonds 33 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Salary Schedule 34- 35 Department of Highways 22 Debt Service 22 Police Department 23 Miscellaneous Expenditures 24 GARBAGE DISTRICT N0. 1 Garbage Department 25 Garbage Incineration & Debt Service26 . MI III/ ill 1. I TOWN OF MAMARONECK i SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1949 1948 1949 • Budget Budget Recom-- GENERAL TOWN Approp. Request mended Allowed Town Offices 15,460.00 16,605 00 16,605 00 16,605.00 Supervisor 5,375.00 5,510,00 5,510 00 5,510,00 Tcwn Clerk 5,840.00 6,640,00 6,640,00 6,640.00 Comptroller . . . 1,300.00 1,880.00 1,830.00 1,830.001 Ei.ections . . . , . 6,656.00 6,440.,00 6,26500 6,26500 Receiver of Taxes 10,220„00 11,205,00 11,185,.00 11,18500 Adessors e e 8,780.00 9,960: 00 9,94500 9,945.00 1 4 + • La`". e c 10,420.00 10,420,00 10,395.00 10,395.00 Justices of the Peace 5,852.00 6,332,00 6,33200 6,332„00 Contributions & Donations 1,600 ✓ 00 1,600,00 1,600„00 1,600.00 Bi-:-.rd of Appeals 425.00 450,00 450.00 450.00 - Engineer 6,620.00 8,290.00 6,290.00 6,290.00 Building & Plumbing Department 2,710.00 3,250,00 2,975,00 2,975.00 Highway - General Town. . . . . 29,600.00 59,426,00 48,371.00 48,371.00V Public Welfare 1,700.00 - - - Miscellaneous Expenditures 15,350.00 16,860,.00 164850.00 17,160.00 ` Debt Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79,373.00 63 454 °00 63 454,00 63 454.00 i Gross Total 207 281.00 228 322,00215,05-7.00! Less : Revenues �� `�` 21�:: 70'��00 r.207,281.00 228, 322,00 21,1.707.00 215,007.00 Net Levy _ _ - 1111 w 1 2. TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1949 (Continued) 1948 1949 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Allowed Highway Department. .. . .... ? 36,550.00 93,500.00 67,000.00 67,000.00 Debt Service .. 46,531.50 17,048,00 17,048.00 17,048.00 f Police Department. . . . . . . . . . . 93,515.00 115,015.00 111,895.00 111,895.00 Miscellaneous 13,820.00 14 491.46 14,491.46 14 ,491.46 Gross Total $T90,416.50 240,054.46 210,434.46 210,434,46 '�'� Less: Revenues 2,351,49 3,250.00 3,250.00 3.250.00a Net Levy $188,065.01 236,804.46 207,184.46 207,184.46 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Garbage Collection $ 25,275.00 33,210.00 30,815.00 30,815.00 Garbage Incineration 9,200.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 Debt Service 6,389,50 5280.00 5,280.00 5,280.00 Ill, Gross Total $ 4=0,864.50 47,,490,00 45,095.00 45,095.00 '(- Less: Revenues 27.18 Net Levy. . .. . . . . $ 40,837.32 47,490.00 45,095.00 45,095.00 " 3. TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1949 (Continued) 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom-- FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 Approp. Request mended Allowed Fire Department. $ 340935.00 38,170.00 23,174.0D 38,970.00 Hydrant Rental 9,500.00 9,600.00 9,600.00 92600.00✓ Net Levy $ 44,435.00 47,770.00 42,770.00 48,570.00 LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Street Lights $ 16,000.00 16,200.00 16,200.00 16,200.00 WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 Debt Service .. .. . . . . $ 44,059.00 43,071.50 43,071.50 43,071.50 ' Less: Revenues 44,059.00 43,071.50 43,071.50 43,071.50 Net Levy - - - - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Operating 0 15,120.00 22,613.42 20,915.00 20,915.00 ' Debt Service.. . . 22.382.50 21 ,889.50 21,889.50 21,889.50 Net Levy. . $ 37,502.50 \ 44,502.92 42,804.50 42,804.50 = • 4. TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1949 (Continued) 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Approp. Request mended Allowed Operating $ 12,485.00 7,145.00 8,745.00 8,745.00 Debt Service. . . . . . , . , . . . 116,596,87 114 ,167.62 114.167.62 114.167.62 Gross Total. . $129,081.87 121,312.62 122,912,62 122,912.62-+-' Less: Revenues 1,000.00 1,500.00 1._500,00 1.500,00 Net Levy 0128,081.87 119,812.62 121,412,62 121,412.62 SUMMARY Total Operating 0394,308.00 523,812„88 478;084.46 479,184.46 Debt Service. 315.332.37 264 91.0.,62 264,910.62 264,910.62 Gross Total $709,640.37 788,723.50 742,995.08 744,095.08-r- Less: Revenues 254,718.67 276143;50 262,528.50 262,828.50 Net Levy $454,921.70 512,58000 480,466.58 481,266.58 ill fir w 5. 1949 BUDGET RE+yUIREh NTS TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REVENUES 1948 1919 Budget Budget Recom- GENERAL TOWN Approp. Request mended Allowed Interest & Penalties on Taxes 3 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Justices ' Fines and Fees . . . . 1,300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Town Clerk's Fees 1,000.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Mortgage Tax 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Cash Available 85,83'1.91 101,072.00 87,457.00 87,757.00 Building & Plumbing Fees 1,000.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 Per Capita Assistance for support of local Government 105,000.00 111,000.00 111,000.00 111,000.00 Fees Zoning Board of Appeals 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 Balance Bond Issue Funds 996.09 - - - $207,281.00 228,322.00 214,707.00 215, 007.00 OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES Dog Licenses $ 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 Franchise Payments 600.00 550.00 550.00 550.00 Balance Bond Issue Funds 51.49 - - - State Aid - Highways - 1 ,000.00 1,000.00 1000.00 3 2,351.49 3,250.00 3,250.00 3,250.00 Nit 6. 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS TOIN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY Or ESTIMATED REVENUES (Continued) • 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- WATER DISTRICT NO. 1 Approp. Request mended Allowed Water Revenues $ 44,059.00 43,071.50 43,071.50 43,071.50 SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Cash Available $ 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Balance Bond Issue 27.18 - _ 1111 1111 1111, 7. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1949 BUDGET REQUIRElt4ENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OFFICES 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- COMPENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed Telephone Operator (P .T ) 1,0400.00 1,160,00 1,160.00 1,160.00 Int. Acc ' t Clerk & Stenographer 2,310.00 2,580,00 2,580.00 2, 580 00 Accountant . 4,600.00 10840,00 4,840.00 4,840.00 Intermediate Account Clerk 1,980.00 2,220,00 2,220.00 2,220,00 . Custodian (P.T. ) - (1 ) 700,00 700.00 700.00 OTHER EXPENSES Rent & Maintenance of Town Offices2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 Light 250.00 300,00 300.00 300.00 Telephone 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 Office Supplies & Other Expenses 550.00 425.00 425.00 425.00 Janitorial Service 900.00 180,00 180.00 180.00 Postage Expense - (2) 400.00 400.00 400.00 ,15,460.00 16,605.00 16,605.00 16,605.00 (1 ) Carried in Janitorial Service appropriation in 1948 Budget. (2) Carried in each Department Budget in 1918. Now shown in total for a 11 Departments. w TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 8 DE.J ti' iEN 0! SUt'ERZ ISGR 1943 1949 Budget Budget Recom- COMPEIISI,TION Rprcp. Request mended Allowed Suporvior : e0r4 . s2o . < <; C0c1f6 $3 .6.i0.,;00 3,600;,00 3,600000 3,600.00 Clerk to t,'ie Cvrervisor MI III III/ TOWN OF Ml'M RONECK - GENERAL TOWN g' 1949 BUDGET RE UIHI MENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOVTN CLERK 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- COMPENSATION L.pprop. Request mended Allowed Town Clerk ,. , , . $ 4,600.00 4,840.00 4,840.00 40840.00 Clerical Assistant, P.T,. . ,. , . . . 1,040,00 1,160.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 , OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies & Expenses 200.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 Office Equipment . . . - 340,00 340.00 340.00 5,840,00 6,640.00 6,640.00 6,640.00 DEPARTMENT OF ET,FCTIONS COMPENSATION Custodians (2) . . . . . . . . 300.00 300.00 300.00 300,00 Inspectors & Poll Clerks 1,692,00 4,320,00 4,320.00 4,320,00 Instruction Meeting. . . 128.00 192.00 192,00 192.00 Labor - Temporary 326.00 425.00 425,00 425.00 OTHER EXPENSES Rent of Polling Places 295.00 288.00 288.00 288.00 Transportation of Equipment , , , . , 500.00 500.00 500,00 500.00 New Equipment, Supplies & Expenses. . . . . 150:00 150.00 150,00 150,00 Publishing Notices ; . . . . 175.00 175.00 (1 ) - Rercanvass of Voting Machines 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 Special Elections 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 6,656.00 6,440.00 6,265.00 6,265.00 (1 ) Publishing Notices for all Departments combined in one appropriation for 1949. illir • TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GE1 ERAL TOWN 10. 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVrR OF TAXES 1948 1949 • Budget Budget Recom- COMPENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed Receiver of Taxes . $4,800.00 5,040.00 5,040.00 5,040.00 Senior Account Clerk 3,600.00 3,840.00 3,840.00 3,840.00 OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies & Expenses . . . . 1,800.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 1,950.00 Publishing Notices 20.00 20.00 (1) - - Office Eqi. ipraent - 355.00 355.00 355.00 $10,220.00 11,205.00 11,185.00 11,185.00 (1) Publishing Norices for all Departments combined in one appropriation for 1949. 11111 p 11. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1949 BUDGET REQUIREJENTS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSOR 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- COMPENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed Town Assessor $4,800000 5,040,00 5,04000 5,040000 Senior Typiat 2,340,00 2,580000 258O000 2,580,00 Board of Review 750.00 750.00 750,00 750.00 OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies & Expenses 150.00 150,00 150000 150;,00 Traveling Expenses 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Publishing Notices 15.00 15000 (1) - Deed & Mortgage Abstracts 250.00 300.00 300000 300.00 New Maps . . . 175.00 175.00 17500 175.00 Duplicate Assessment Cards . . 50.00 50.00 50,00 50.00 Office Equipment . - 650.00 650,00 650.00 $8,780.00 9,960.00 9,945.00 9,945.00 (1) Publishing Notices combined in one appropriation for 1949. 1 12. TOWN OF M1,M4,RONECK - GEMERLL TOWN 19499 ?4Uz)G':'I' v_ w�U_IRE!it.NTS • 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- COMPENSi,TION Apiri°vp. Rc.:jacst mended :.1lowed Torn .::ttorney ? 6,600.00 6,600.00 6,600-00 6,600.00 Senior Stenographer 1,920.00 1,920.00 1,920.00 1,920.00 (1) OTHER EXDENSLS Traveling. . , , 200.00 200.00 200.00 42OC.00 Supplis; stationery, title searches, and other expenses 200,00 200.00 175,00 175.00 Foreclosure Costs 500,00 500 .00 500,00 500-00 Certiorari Costs 1,000 00 1000.00 1 000 00 1000 00 010,420.00 10,420.00 10,395.00 10,395.00 (1) Total Compensation of Senior Stenographer, )2580., applicable as follows: Law Department - x1,920. Board of Lppeals 400. Park Department 260. (2,580. 411113. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1949 BUDGET RE UIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OF THS PEACE 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- • COMPENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed Justices of the Peace (2) $ 4,200.00 4,680,00 4,680,00 4,680,00 Clerical Assistance 900.00 900,00 900.00 900.00 Stenographic Charges 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 OTHER EXPENSES - Rent. . . 480.00 480,00 480,00 480.00 Telephone 120.00 120..00 120.00 120.00 Light 12.00 12,00 12.00 12.00 Supplies 90.00 90.00 90,00 90.00 5,852.00 6,332„00 6,332.00 6,332.00 14. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN • •_• T REQ 'MINTS CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recorn- • Approp. Request mended Allowed _a Patriotic Days Observances $1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Maintenance of Pct Quarters American Legion,2 Posts 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 Veterans of Foreign Wars, 1 Post 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 $1,600.00 1,500.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 15. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENER.1L TOWN • 1949 BUDGET REQU IREMEN CS DEPARTMENT OF BOARD OF A?PEALS 1948 1949 • Budget 3udget Recom- COMPENSATION Approp. Request mended illowed Senior Stenographer $ 250.00 250.00 400.00 400.00 OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies & Expenses 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Publishing Notices 150.00 150.00 (1) - - 425.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 (1) Publishing Notices combined in one appropriation for 1949. t 411F 16. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 19 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DE ARTIJiENT OF ENGINEER 1948 1949 BUDGET BUDGET Recorn- APPROP REQUE&T mended Allowed COMPENSATION Town Engineer (POT. ) . $ 1,740.00 1,740.00 1,740.00 1,740.00 Asst Town Engineer (P.T. ) 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 Senior Engineering Aid 2,780.00 - - - Junior Draftsman (P:T. ) - 1,900.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 Surveyor & Draftsman (P.T. ) . . . - (1) 2,000.00 (2) - - OTHER EXPENSES Office & Engineering Supplies and Expenses 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Office Equipment - 550.00 55'0. 00 550. 00 6,620.00 8,290.00 6,290.00 6,290.00 (1) To work on Pumping Station plans and intake and discharge lines for Pump at Colonial and Murray Avenues. (2) Transferred to Sewer District Budget 4111 17. TOWN OF iIAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENT BUILDING AND PLUMBING DEPT. 1948 1949 Budget Budget Re c orn- Approp. Reque3t mended Allowed COMPENSATION Building and Plumbing Inspector (P.T ). 300.00. 550.00 550.00 550.00 Assistant Building and Plumbing Inspector (P.T. ) . . • • 2,200.00 2,450.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 Examining Board of Plumbers150.00 150. )0 150.00 150.00 OTHER EXPENSES Publishing Notices 25.00 25. )0 (1) - - Office Supplies & Expenses 35.00 75. )0 75.00 75.00 2,710.00 3,250. )0 2,975.00 2,975.00 (1) Publishing Notices combined in one appropriation for 1949. U 18. TCAJN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1949 BUDGET REQUIRE1 NTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGH' AYS 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Allowed Bridge Fund, Item II. . . 0 500.00 500,00 500.00 500.00 Machinery Fund, Item III10,650.00 37,926.00 34,391.00 34,391.00 Snow &: Mi s c, Fund : Item IV Supt,. of Highways (P_. 3,000.00 3,500.00 3,240.00 3,240,.00 Asset Supt. of Highways - - - 490.00 490.00 Snow Removal Town Highways 4,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Insurance . . .. 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,850.00 2;850.00 Miscellaneous . 2,000.00 2,400.00 1,900,00 1,900: 00 y 22,750.00 51,926.00 48,371.00 48,371.00 1949 BUDGET REQUIREiI NTS HIGHIAY CONSTRUCTION - G ;ERAL TOWN Highway Construction Construction of New Roads.. 0 6.850.00 , 7,500.00 - - 0 29,600.00 59,426.00 48,371.00 48,371.00 1111 11111 19. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GENERAL TOWN 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFJ.RE 1949 1949 BUDGET Budget Recom- APPROP Request mended Allowed COMPENSATION Service Officer . $1,200.00 - - - OTHER EXPENSES Office Supplies 500.00 - - - $1,700.00 ill ill ill, TOWN OF MAM1RONECK .. GENERAL TOWN 20 1071D BUDGET REQUA2r';IE dT S . MIaCELLtiNE�J rs - ;?',t r iiIIUF ES 1943 1949 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Allowed Auditing Services $1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,500„00 TOWN BOARD 200 hoo 200.00 200000 20000 _.�!i,tng .and other expenses fii�dcen1,000.00 1,000.00 Salaries tices and CouncilmeenR....ts1)4,800.00 4,800000 00 4,800.00 4,800,00 Salaries • Bond & Coupon Servicing 40O00 400„00 400400 400.00 . Legal Opinions , Forms, etc. 100.00 Insurance & Surety Bonds 750.00 650.00 650.00 650000 Care of Town Cemetery 100,00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Association of Towns Dues 100.00 110.00 110000 110,00 Taxes on municipal properties 1,000.00 600,00 60O00 600.00 Retirement Fund Contributions 6,200.00 6,300000 6,300,00 6,300.00 Recreation - 1,500000 1,500000 1,500000 $15,350.00 16,860.00 16,860.00 17,160.00 (1) Reportseformerlyccarrie carried departmentalbudgets. and 111 21. TOWN OF MAMARONECK -- GENERAL TO IN 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- • Approp. Request mended Allowed Amortization of Highway Improvement Bonds $67,000.00 53,600.00 53,600.00 53,600.00 Interest on Highway Improve- ment & General Bonds 12,373.00 9,854.00 9,854.00 9,854.00 09,373.00 63,454.00 63,454.00 63,454.00 ■ 1111, 22. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1949 BUDGET REQUIREME! T3 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- Appro2. Request mended Allowed Repairs & Improvements to Highways and Drains. 136,550.00 93,500.00 67,000.00 67,000.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1949 BUDGET REQUIRED NTS DEBT SERVICE Amortization of Highways and Drainage Bonds., . . . . . . $42,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 Interest on Highways and Drainage Bonds4.531.50 3,048.00 3.048.00 3,048.00 146,531.50 17,048.00 17,048.00 17,048.00 MI TOWN OF MAMARONECK - OUTSIDE OF VILLAGES 1949 BUDGET I UIRE NTS 23. .-. POLICE DEPARTIdIENT 1948 1949 • Budget Budget Recom- - Approp. Request mended Allowed COMPENSATION Police Chief $ 5,200.00 5,440.00 5,440,00 5,440.00 Police Lieutenant . . . . . ., 4, 600.00 4,840.00 4,840.00 4,840.00 Police Sergeants (3) 11,520.00 12,240.00 12,240.00 12,240.00 Police Detectives (2) - 7,760.00:: 7,760 00 7,760.00 Police Patrolmen (16 ) 52,120.00( 17)57,600.00 57,600.00 57,600.00 Custodian (P.T. ) . 1,500.00 1,740.00 1,740,00 1,740.00 Stenographer (F.T. ) 600.00 720.00 600.00 600.00 OTHER EEPENSES Telephone 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 Traffic Signals 1,000.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 Insurance 1,900.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 Water, Light & Gas . . . . . 325.00 325.00 325.00 325.00 Miscellaneous 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 Repairs to Headgzarters . . . 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Fuel Oil 500.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 Gasoline & Oil . . . . . . . . 1,700.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Office Supplies . . .. . . 300.00 300.00 300,00 300.00 Equipment . . . . . . . .. .. 200,00 250.00 250.00 250.00 Clothing. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . , 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Repairs & Maintenance of auto- motive Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Fingerprint Equipment . . 150.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 Range Supplies 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 Radio Maintenance & New Equipment1,000.00 5,000.00(1) 2,500.00 2,500.00 Traffic Safety and Signs 50.00 50.00 50.00 50,00 Purchase of Cars & Motorcycles1,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500 .00 Retirement System Contributions 1,900.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Traffic Signs 300.00 - - - 593,515.00 115,015.00 111,895.00 111,895.00 *Two detectives carried under Patrolmen Appropriation in 1948 Budget. ( 1) One-half cost of new transmitter included. Balance to be included in 1950 Budget. 1111 11111 24. TOWN OF MAMARONECK- OUTSIDE DF VILLAGES 1949 BUDGET REQUIREP,MENTS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- Approp Request mended Allowed Care of Animals $ 1,500.00 1,500.0) 1,500.00 1,500.00 Public Library 9,770.00 10,431.45 10,431.46 10,431.46 Public Health Nurse (P.T. ) 1,290.00 (1) 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 Shade Tree Fund 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Fees for Vital Statistics 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Fees for Dog Enumerator 210.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 013,820.00 14,491.46 14,491.46 14,491.46 (1) Other half of nurse 's salary paid by Village of :Iamar,neck. am sr 11111 25. • TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 1949 BUDGET REQUIRE MTS ' GARBAGE DEPARTMENT " 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- ' COMPENSATION Approp. Request mended Allowed Salaries of motor operators and Sanitation Men ( 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ;11,750.00 (7) 17,500.00 (5) 12,950.00 12,950.00 Waes - Laborers ... 7,750.00 6,265.00 8,770.00 8,770.00 OTHER EXPENSES Insurance „ . .* 6 . 4 . 6 . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Retirement Fund. Contributions 1,050.00 1,200,00 850.00 850.00 Gas and Oil . . 4e , . .. . . . . a. o800.00 1,200,00 1,200.00 1,200.00 Truck Repa irs . _ 750.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 Rat Control at Dumps : , . . © . . . . . . . . . 225.00 225,00 225.00 225.00 .Equipment and Sappl.ien, . . . . . . . . . 25000 250,00 250.00 250.00 Dump Maintenance , . .. . . . 1,500.00 2,270.00 2,270.00 2,270.00 Loan from General Fund to cover deficit of 1948 Operations . . . - 2,000,00 2,000.00 2,000.00 $25,275.00 33,210.00 30,815.00 30,815.00 11111 11111 26. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - GARBAGE DISTRICT 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS • GARBAGE INCINERATION 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recorn- Approp. Request mended 1llcwed Town Share of Incineration . $ 9,200.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 DEBT SERVICE Amortization of Garbage District Bonds $ 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Interest on Garbage District Bonds 389.50 280.00 280.00 280.00 6,389.50 5,280.00 5,280.00 5,280.00 11111 1111 IMF TOWN OF MAMARONECK - FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 27. 1949 BUDGET REQUIREIVIEITTS FIRE DEPARTMENT • 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- Approp. Request mended Allowed COMPENSATION.. Fire Truck Drivers (8) y$22,450.00 24,370.00 24,370.00 24,370.00 Fire Inspector (P.T. ) . 700.00 700.00 700,00 700.00 OTHER EXPENSES Light ; . . .. . . . 250.00 350.00 350.,00 350.00 Fuel.. . c. . . . . 750,00 900.00 900.00 900,00 Water, 0. . . . . ,. . 50,00 75.00 75,00 75.00 Insurance.. . , . . . . .. . 1,350,00 2,250.00 2,250000 2,250,00 Telephone & Alarm System 675.00 675.00 675:00 1,425,00 Retirement Fund Contributio ns 1,700,00 1,800.00 1,800000 1,800.00 Office Supplios 50.00 75.00 75,00 75.00 Gas and Oil, _ 300.00 300.00 300„00 300300 Miscellaneous .. . . 85,00 125::00 125.00 125.00 Materials, Supplies & Equipment. 1,500.00 1,750.00 1,750:00 1,750,00 Clothing 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000,,00 1,000.00 Repairs & Maintenance of Building 500000 1,400,00 1,400..00 1;400.00 • Fire Inspection & Convention Expenses 500.00 950.00 950,00 1,000.00 Repairs to Equipment.r. ... . . .:, . . . . . e1,400.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 Convention Expenses, Chiefs & Deputies100.00 (1 ) - - - Dues Fire Chiefs Emergency Plan 50.00 50.00 50.00 50,00 Repaving Parking Area 925.00 Clerk 100.00 150,00 150,00 150.00 34,935.00 38,170.00 38,170.00 38,970.00 (1 ) Combined with Inspection expenses for 1949. 11111 FIRE DISTRICT NO 1 28 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS HYDRANT RENTAL 1948 1949 Budget Budget Rec orn- Approp. Request mended Allowed Rental of Fire Hydrants ... . . . $9,500.00 9,600 00 9,600000 9,600.00 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT 1949 BUDGET REQUl iEMENTS STREET LIGHTING Rental of Street Lights . . . . , . . 516,000.00 16,200000 16,200000 16,200.00 WATER DISTRICT NO 1 17-47 BTaET R 1REMENTS WATER DIS TAIL T DEBT SERV ICE Amortization of Water Bonds cro. . . .. e . . . . . . . • • • . o • Q• $22,000000 22,000.00 22,000 00 22,000.00 Interest on Water Bonds SVO000 22,059,00 21,071.50 21,071.50 21,071.50 $44,059.00 43,071.50 43,071050 43,071.50 M MI 11111 29. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 192TT �T REVTP7M7NTS DL - ., AT K3 y l Mi �1, P 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- • Approp, Request mended Allowed COMPENSATION Park Foreman $ 3300,00 3,600.00 3,540.,00 30540.00 Senior Stenouaphor (P,T ) 170,00 170,.00 250,00 2C0_00 • AssisLan Farb, Zor`man,, , . 2,540,.00 2,900„00 29860.:00 2180 00 Park Groundsmen & Laborers . , . • , 6,000.00 6,000„00 6,000: 00 6,000:00 OTHER EXPENSES Light; Power & Leases 70,00 70000 70,00 70,.00 Water. . . . . . . . .. . . . a . . . . . . . , . . • . . 0 • • • • 400,00 400,00 400,00 400.,00 Insurance., , . , a , s . . . - . ns . • • c : , • e • • • • • 550.;00 600,00 600, 00 600,00 Retirement Fund Contributions 275:.00 275;.00 275.:00 275-,00 Office Supplies . . o 15.00 15_00 15,00 15„00 Gas Oil & Repairs. . . . � . .. . . .. , . . . . . . . • 150,00 175,00 175.00 175,00 Materials, Shrubs, Supplies. , 1,000 00 800.00 800,00 800,00 General Equipment 250.00 2,50842 2,000,00 2,000.00 Repairs to Building, . . . . . . . . • • . . • . • • 150,00 150.00 150.00 150.,00 Repairs to Equipment.. . . . . . 150.00 150,00 150,00 150,00 Gardens Lake Shoreline Repairs - 4, 800 .00 _ 3,600,00 3 600,00 $15,120000 22,613.42 20,915 .00 20,915700 I ■ 11111 TOWN OF MAMARONECK - PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 30 1949 BUDGT3T REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE • 1948 1949 . Budzet Budget Recom- Approp. Request, mended Allowed Amortization of Park District Bonds $11,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 Interest on ,Park District Bonds 11,382.50 10,889.50 10,889050 10,889.50 $22,332.50 21,889.50 21,889.50 21,889.50 MI IV IIII 31. TOWN OF MAMARONECK - SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1949 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS SEATER DEPARTMENT 1948 1949 Budget Budget Recom- • Approp. Request mended Allowed C OMPENSAT I ON Services of Town Engineer. . . .. . . . . . ` 700.00 700,00 700.00 700.00 • Supervising Foreman (P.T ) - 350.00 - - Salary and ''.'ages - Sewer Maintenance3,000.00 3,000,00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Surveyor & Draftsman - 2,000.000) 4,000.00 4,000.00 OTHER EXPENSES Power... . . 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Insurance . 225.00 250,00 250.00 250,00 Lease Rentals 50,00 50.00 50.00 50,00 Retirement Fund Contributions 125,00 125.00 75.00 75.00 Gas, Oil and Repairs . . . 75.00 60,00 60,00 60,00 I Materials & Supplies 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.000 Clothing 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 Loan from General Fund. . . . . 7 ,700,00 - - - fD12,485.00 7, 145,00 8,745,00 8,745,00 (1 ) Services of surveyor & draftsman to work on Fenimore Road sewer plans and Pumping Station plans and intake and discharge lines for Pump at Colonial and Murray Avenues. SZIER DISTRICT NO. 1 - DEBT SERVICE Amortization on Sewer District Bonds353,500.00 53,500,00 53,000.00 53,500.00 Interest on Sewer District Bonds. 63,096.87 60,667 62 60,667.62 60,667,62 0116,596.87 114,167.62 114, 167.62 114,167.62 III IIII 11111, COMPARISON OF ASSF5SMENTS 32 . Assessed Valuation 1948 1949 General Town $78,602,405 81,293,302 . Outside of Villages 32,803,318 33,868,983 Park District 31,105,213 32,180,956 Sewer District 29,123,767 30,229,545 Fire District 32,803,318 33,868,983 Light & Water District 32,810,818 33,874,983 Garbage District 32,803,318 33,868,983 COMPARISON OF TAX RLTES 1948 1949 Increase Decrease Tax District Actual Estimated over 1948 over 1948 General Town . t Outside of Villages 5.73 6.12 .39 Park District 1.21 1.33 .12 Sewer District 4.40 4.01 .39 Fire District 1.35 1.43 .08 Light & Water District .49 .43 .01 Garbage District 1.24_ 1.33 .09 r,___, + 14.42 14.70 .68 .40 SUMMARY BY AREAS Village of Mamaroneck - - - Village of Larchrnont - - - Unincorporated Area 14.42 14.70 .28 • 33 TOWN OF MLMLRONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHLRGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1949111 Year Amortization Interest Total 1949 w 159.10000 105,810,62 264,910.62 1950 162;50000 98,682,37 261,182,37 1951 150,500,00 91,672,62 242,172.62 1952 146,500,00 84,748, 62 231,248.62 1953 1O12530,,00 79 ,162,87 180,662.87 1954 99,500,00 74,752.12 174,252.12 1955 99,50000 70,38637 169,886,37 1956 99,500400 66 .030„62 165,530.62 1957 96,500,00 61,664087 158,164.87 1958 92 ,500;,00 57,463.37 149,963.37 1959 92,500,00 53,328.62 145,828.62 1960 92,5004,00 49 ,193.87 141,693.87 1961 90,500,00 45,080.62 1352580.62 1962 88 500. 00 41,099 87 129,599.87 1963 69;500,00 0 37,157,87 126657•87 1964 89,500,00 33,194062 122,694.62 1965 85,500,00 29,231,37 114,731.37 1966 85 ,500„00 25,438.,12 110,938.12 1967 81„50000 21,723 )62 103„223.62 1968 74,500.00 18,357,87 92,857.87 1969 70,500..00 15,114,62 85,614,62 III 1970 64,000.00 12,.104.50 76,104,50 1971 57,000,00 9,237.50 66,237.50 1972 50,000,00 6,885,00 56,885.00 1973 49,000,00 4,772,50 53,772.50 1974 40,00000 2,853.50 42,853.50 1975 27,000„00 1,423,00 28,423.00 1976 11,000.00 602.50 11,602.50 1977 5,000,00 2374,50 5,237.50 2,451,100,0b 1,197,411.52 3,648,511.52: General Town Bonds $ 246,600,00 Outside Village Bonds 67,000,00 Garbage District Bonds 16,000.00 Water Bonds 477,000.00 Park Bonds 248,000.00 Sewer Bonds _2:J396,500.00 Total $2,451,100.00 III W ill SCHEDULE OF COMPARATIVE SALARIES 33. Name Title Paid in : • ' Proposed 1948 for 1949 Wilhelmina Schroeder Telephone Operator & Deputy Clerk 2,080. 2,320. Jean Corbia Int. Account Clerk & Steno. 2,340.- t. • 2,580. Alexander Finson Accountant 4,600. 4,840. Donna Wiedemann Int. Account Clerk 1,980. 2,220. • Owen A„ Mandeville Supervisor 3,600. 3,600. Charles J, Gronberg Town Clerk 4,000. 4,840. Henry R- Dillon Receiver of Taxes 4,800. 5,040. Leo N;. Orsino Senior Account Clerk 3,600. 3,840. Comptroller 1,000. 4,600. 1,000. 4,840. James M, Smith Assessor 4,800. 5,040. Frances Riley Senior Typist 2,340. 2,580. John L. Delius Town Attorney 6,600. 6,600. Margaret Barnes Senior Stenographer, Law, Park, Board of Appeals 2,340. 2,580. Charles M. Baxter Justice of the Peace 2,100. 2,340. Wesley M!. Messersmith (Vac. ) Justice of the Peace 2100. 2,340. c A.J„ Foote Supt, of Highways 3,000. 3,240. Town Engineer 1,740. 1,740. Bldg.&Plbg. Inspector 550. 550. Engr. (Sewer Dept. ) 700. 5,990. 700. 6,230. Edward F;, Watson Councilman 1,200. 1,200. George E. Mills, Jr9 Councilman 1,200. 1,200. John T. McKeever Councilman 1,200. 1,200. David A. Embury Councilman 1,200. 1,200. Thomas J. McEvoy Assft Bldg. & Plbg. Insp.2,200. 2,200. Asst Town Engineer 1,600. 1,600. Asstt Supt. Highways 250. 4,050. 490. 4,290. 4 IIIII III 11111 SCHEDULE OF COMPARATIVE SALARIES (Continued) 34. Name Title Paid in Proposed 1948 for 1949 Edward Proch Sr. Engineering Aid 2,780. - Vacant Junior Draftsman - 1,900. Charles D. DeVinne Service Officer 1,200. - Paul A. Yerick Police Chief 5,200. 5;440. Paul Euiler Police Lieutenat =,600. 4;840. Louis Boivin Police Sergeant 3,840. 4,030. Francis Waterbury Police Sergeant 3,840. 4,080. Eugene DeVoai Police S g,ant 3,840. 4,080. Joseph Paonessa PatroLnai; 0Leveu+:lve i 3,640. 3,880. Chauncey Smith Patrolman. (DetoctIvo) 3,640. 3.880. George Blenniss Patroln.al, 3,440. 3,680. John Gre nan Patrolman 3,440. 3,680. John Caputo Patrolman 3,440. 3,680. William Cunningham Patrolman 3,440. 3,680. James Knox Patrolman. 3,440. 3,680. Laurence McAllister Patrolman 3,440. 3,680. t Philip Millheiser Patrolman 3,440. 3,680. Christopher Loveley Patrolman 3,440. 3,680. James Mancusi Patrolman 3,440. 3,680. James Staropoli ratrolman 4.040, 3,380. George Mulcahy Patrolman 3,040 3, 380. Louis Turco Patrolman 2,700. 3,040. Edward A. Bakker, Jr. Patrolman 2 . 00:, 3,040. John J. Welsh, Jr. Patrolman (Prov. ) 2:700 . 2,940. Vacant Patrolman - 2,900. Vacant Patrolman - 2 ;900. Vacant Patrolman 2,900. I 1111 a SCHEDULE OF COMPARATIVE SALARIES (Continued) 34A. Paid in Proposed ' Name Title 1948 for 1949 • Charles Seufert Custodian 1,500. 1,740. 700. 2,200. 700. 2,440. s Marjorie V. McCulloch Int. Steno. (P.T. ) 600, 600. Thos , M, Aitchison, Jr. Park Foreman 3,300. 3,540. Arthur Johnson Asst Park Foreman 2,640. 2,880. Patrick Nolan Fire Lieutenant 2,920. 3,160. Michael Gallagher Fire Lieutenant 2,920, 3,160. Michael Harrington Fire Lieutenant 2,920. 3,160. Joseph Miller Fire Truck Driver 2,780. 3,020. Alfred Moll Fire Truck Driver 2,780. 3,020. Earl Mellor Fire Truck Driver 2,780. 3,020. Louis Testa Fire Truck Driver 2,780. 3,020. Edward Muller Fire Truck Driver 2,570, 2,810. Paul Fortuna Motor Eqpt. Operator 2,350. 2,590. Curtiss Major Sanitation Man 2,350. 2,590. t Anthony Cugliari Sanitation Man 2,350. 2,590. Matthew Halley Sanitation Man 2,350. 2,590. David Lyde Sanitation Man 2,350. 2,590. George Osborne General Repairman 2,800. 3,040. Jos-oph Donohue Automotive Mechanic 2,800. 3,040. George W. Burton Fire Inspector (P.T. ) 700. 700. Kathryn M,, Dolan Public Health Nurse 1,300. 1,300. . 1 . .. a EXHIBIT "A" LIST OF UNPAID MATER CHARGES LEVIED PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK BLOCK PARCEL OWNER PREMISES ACCOUNT DUE 127 369 Jas. C. Brandenburg 11 Overlook Terrace 4864 3.06 401 82 Charles K. Mink 129 Palmer Ave. 8232 100.99 Total - "104.05