HomeMy WebLinkAboutRemember Our Ninety Nine Fallen Local Heroes from WWII - Kemper Memorial Park =10V AMARM
Take _our children to our memorial arks
v �
and monuments. Teach them the values that
lend meaning to our lives and to the life of
our nation. Above all, take the time to honor
our fellow Americans who have given their last
full measure of devotion to our country and
fort e freedom we cherish" . Colin Powell
Kemper Memorinl ;—,irr J-11-111-1131"I 111—hated by JoepeP,Pepitone Creative Services
Kemp"Park illustration by Jon Murray
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Richard M. Kemper Park
World War II Memorial
The World War II Memorial in Washington honors the 16 million Americans "who
served in the armed forces of the U.S. during World War II, the more than 400,000 who
died, and the millions who supported the war effort from home. Symbolic of the defining
event of the 20th Century, the memorial is a monument to the spirit, sacrifice, and
commitment of the American people to the common defense of the nation and to the
broader causes of peace and freedom from tyranny throughout the world. It will inspire
future generations of Americans, deepening their appreciation of what the World War
II generation accomplished in securing freedom and democracy. Above all, the
memorial stands as an important symbol of American national unity, a timeless
reminder of the moral strength and awesome power that can flow when a free people
are at once united and bonded together in a common and just cause." National World
War H Memorial, Washington, D.C.
Anderson, Albert A. Hultzen, Robert L. Piacitelli, Michael J.
Anderson, David B. Jackson, Ian E. Retz, Edward L.
Bellom, John J. Johns, Woodrow W. Roma, Frank J.
Berggren, Edward V. Kane, Joseph Romano, Frank
Berry, Charles L. Kemmerer, Vernon L. Sabato, Vito Charles
Betker, Arthur Kemper, Richard M. Santangelo, Tillio A.
Bishop, Robert King, Mervin Ash Schaefer, James Gerard
Blechman, Soloman I. Knight, Richard B. Scherff, Raymond C.
Boyle, Charles J., Jr. Lancia, Guido Schmidt, Richard A.
Brady, John Francis Landsberg, John Schroeder, John F.
Brokaw, Irving Jay Lawrence, Ivers W. Scofield, Lawrence S., Jr.
Buckingham, Wilbur R. Lyon, Roger Powell Sestito, Orlando
Byrnes, Robert(Donahue) MacDonald, John A. Sganga, Joseph John
Cargill, Ronald Ames Maloney, Timothy Shea, Richard J.
Cassell, Clement Manning, Thomas J. Seigle, Alan F.
Carino, Pasquale (Patrick) Manny, Walter R., Jr. Smith, William H.
Crane, Duncan Marsella, John J. Smith, William Harvey
Croll, William B. Mather, William A. Spano, Nicholas
Cullen, Anne Kathleen McElroy, George W., Jr. Steinhauser, William
Dahn, Robert T. Merigliano, Joseph A. Stouter, Vincent Leo
Dobbs, Randell Miller, Edward Stratmon, Robert Leroy
Dolan, Charles F. Mitchell, Charles F. Sullivan, Thomas D.
Douglas, Stanley Allen Morris, Francis X. Theile, William
Downey, Michael J. Morris, Hamilton Francis Thomson, John
Ehret, John William, Jr. Morrissey, John T. Tompkins, Wilbur J.
Farrington, William Motz, Fred P., Jr. Tuck, Andrew Edward, III
Foster, Kenneth J. Murtha, Luke J. Twombly, Richard
Frye, Robert Neal, Clark A. Vitro, Carlo C.
Geers, Harry O'Brien, John E. Von Fritz, Peter
Graeco, Donato Overton, Alan G. Walker, George H., II
Hall, David Paonessa, George R. Whiting, Kenneth
Hill, Thomas Paonessa, Samuel F. Wollenberg, Lawrence L.
Hilton, Thomas B. Piacente, Vincent G. Zimmerman, Robert F.
"Liberty will last just as long as the desire for liberty burns in the hearts of the
generations to follow, as it did in those who created it.
Benjamin Franklin
b T
its~ t
America might have taken 60 years to build a WWII Memorial, but the people of
Larchmont and Mamaroneck, New York recognized the importance of a memorial shortly after
the war ended. In 1945 and 1946 at the suggestion of the School Board, Larchmont residents,
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph and Helen Kemper, whose son Richard was killed in action in Normandy,
bought three lots in front of the high school, razed the unsightly structures on them and built a
memorial to the 99 Larchmont/Mamaroneck men and women that lost their lives defending our
There were over 400,000 deaths and 670,000+ wounded Americans in World War Il.
Ninety-eight men and one woman ranging from the age of 17 to 60 were from
Larchmont/Mamaroneck. These heroes of Larchmont/Mamaroneck fought and died throughout
the world, including Normandy on D-Day, at the Battle of the Bulge, at Guadalcanal and Iwo
Jima, in fighters and bombers in the air, and on ships in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Many
were listed as missing months or years before they were declared dead. Many left children.
They all left friends and family. It is our duty to remember these heroes -- now and always.
Our neighbors watched their children enlist in the Army, Navy, Army Air Corps and
Marines to defend the liberties and freedoms that we cherish so dearly. Continuing a tradition
begun in WWI mother's of servicemen proudly displayed a blue star banner in their windows. In
Larchmont/Mamaroneck there were hundreds of banners displayed. By the end of the war 99
Larchmont/Mamaroneck mothers replaced those blue banners with banners with gold stars.
This told everyone that America and this family had suffered a loss. This tradition continues
today through the Veteran's organizations and the American Gold Star Mothers.
Today, 60 years after WWII, American men and women—including men and women
from Larchmont/Mamaroneck-- continue to fight for our freedom and to defend our way of life.
We have all benefited from their sacrifices. Join us this Memorial Day, and proudly remember
what these 99 people and their families have done for all generations. We celebrate their lives,
mourn their losses and thank them for defending America.
Diane A. Holland
Jan Northrup
Original Buildings Located on the Property
Purchased by Adolph and Helen Kemper
In 1945 and 1946, Adolph and Helen Kemper purchased three parcels of land on the Boston Post
Road and donated them to the Mamaroneck School District for the creation of a World War II
Memorial Park. The Kempers then razed the existing, dilapidated buildings that were on the land
and landscaped a beautiful, quiet and contemplative enclave. Designed to honor their only son
and the other 98 individuals from the school district who gave their lives during World War II,
this once beautiful park was deeded to the School District for public and school use for
perpetuity. The Memorial Park is the only place for some in this community to grieve. Too often,
their loved ones were buried far away, or at sea, or the bodies were never recovered. The
tradition of meeting to remember these heroes, at Memorial Day and throughout the year,
continues today at Kemper Memorial Park.
In the early 1890's, when he was a young boy, Adolph Kemper emigrated to the
United States from Germany. Although he was quite poor, Adolph worked hard and
eventually owned his own business. He truly represented the"Horatio Algier" story, and
loved his adopted country for making his success possible. According to his daughter,
Jean, nothing made him prouder than to see his only son, Richard, in the military uniform
of the United States of America.
Ever the optimist, Adolph, was devastated when he received the news that
Richard had been killed in action in Normandy on August 6, 1944. Wanting desperately
to do something to commemorate his son's sacrifice, he worked with Philip O,
Moynahan,then President of the Mamaroneck School Board,to create the Richard M.
Kemper Park. On May 25, 1947, the Memorial Park was dedicated, not just to his
beloved son, Richard, but to all of those from the Mamaroneck School District who gave
their lives for their country in World War 11.
Lt.David B.Anderson,US Army Air Corps
Larchmont Hills Apts.,Larchmont Lt.Charles L.Berry,US Army
Co-pilot B-24 Liberator"Tondelayo„ 21 North Chatsworth Avenue,Larchmont
Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross, Lt.Berry was Killed in Action in Normandy
Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters and Purple Heart following the capture of Omaha Beach,June 12,
Lt.Anderson was reported Missing in Action while 1944.
flvine over Austria on Julv 26, 1944.
Pvt.Arthur Betker,US Army
720 Palmer Avenue,Mamaroneck Age:20
Tank Corps
Pvt.Betker died in France on June 11, 1944,
as a result of wounds received in battle.
Staff Sgt."Solly"Solomon I. Blechman,USMC
530 Palmer Avenue,Mamaroneck Age:23
Combat Correspondent
Staff Sgt.Blechman died July 21, 1944,aboard a
hospital ship,after being wounded during the
invasion of Guam
He was buried at sea. Flight Officer Charles J.Boyle,Jr.,US Army Air Corps
2 Willow Avenue,Larchmont Age:25
Awarded Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster
Flight Officer Boyle was Killed in Action on February 27,
1945 in Germany.
John Robert Bishop,"Bobbie",Merchant Marine
Bishop was killed on March 18, 1942,when his ship
was torpedoed off the East Coast.
r,t*t.11 .
Cpl. John Francis Brady,US Army Air Corps
Pvt.Wilbur R. Buckingham,US Army 247 Murray Avenue,Larchmont Age 22
137 Larchmont Avenue,Larchmont Radio Operator Flying Fortress
Pvt.Buckingham was Killed in Action in Cpt.Brady was killed November 18, 1944,when
4. the plane,piloted by Larchmonter Lt.Lawrence
Italy on May 12, 1944.
S. Scofield,Jr.,caught fire and exploded.
Ensign Clement L.Cassell,USNR
Park Plaza Apartments,Larchmont
Lt.Ronald A.Cargill,US Army Air Corps Ensign Cassell was killed instantly by
58 Vine Street,Larchmont a radio controlled bomb off the coast
Pilot,851St Bomber Squadron,490th Bomber of Normandy on August 16, 1945.
Group,Heavy He is listed on Tablets of the Missing
Lt.Cargill was Killed in action on February 25, at Rhone American Cemetery,
1945. Draguignan,France. Lt.William B.Croll,US Army Air Corps
Awarded Air Medal and Purple Heart _.-•-_ 21 Stuyvesant Avenue,Larchmont Age:24
He was buried at the Lorraine American Pilot
Cemetery, St.Avoid,France. Lt.Croll was killed on a low flying mission
while dropping supplies to ground forces in
X Germany on March 14, 1945.
Pfc.Robert T.Dahn,US Army
1421 Mamaroneck Ave.,Mamaroneck Age:24
r Pfc.Dahn died from poliomyelitis on August 17, 1945 in
He is buried in the Normandy American Cemetery,
Anne Kathleen"Kay" Cullen
11 Woodbine Avenue,Larchmont Age:26 F�17
fc.Randall Dobbs,US Army
Red Cross Volunteer Addison Street,Larchmont Age: 19
Miss Cullen died on December 20, 1944,in Paratrooper
Belgium when a stray projectile hit the i He was Killed in Action on November 27,
building where she was staying 1944,in Leyte,Philippines.
Lt.William J.Farrington,U.S.Army
24 Concord Avenue
Tank Commander,33`d Infantry Regiment
Awards: Silver Star,Purple Heart with Oak
Leaf Cluster
Lt.Farrington was Killed In Action on February
27, 1945 in Germany.
S/Sgt.John William Ehret,Jr., 71
He is buried in the Henri-Chapelle American
132 Post Road,Larchmont Age: 19 Cemeter in Henri-Chapelle,Belgium.
141 St Infantry Regiment,36th Infantry Division
Awards: Silver Star,Purple Heart with Oak '
Leaf Cluster Lt.Kenneth John Foster,USMC
S/Sgt.Ehret was Killed in Action 14 Harmony Drive Age:23
on October 25, 1944 in France. Fifth Regiment,First Marine Division
He is buried in the Epinal American Cemetery, Lt.Foster was Killed in Action on Okinawa
Epinal,France. on May 10, 1945.
Lt.Thomas Bradford Hilton,U.S.Army Air Corps
10 Clark Court and Park Plaza Apartment,Larchmont ? "
` Co-pilot,B-17 Bomber Robert"Bob"L.Hultzen
Lt.Hilton was Killed in Action on April 11, 1944 1115 Knickerbocker Avenue,Mamaroneck
on Bornholm Island,Poland. Red Cross Supervisor
Pe is buried in the Ardennes American Cemetery, Hultzen was killed while giving aid to a
Pfc.Robert Frye,U.S.M.C. eupre,Belgium. wounded soldier on an Italian battlefield,July
35 Maple Hill Drive Age: 34 31 1944.
1"Marine Division He is buried in the Sicily-Rome American
Pfc.Frye was Killed In Action Cemetery,Nettuno,Italy.
in Okinawa on May 9, 1945.
Lt.Joseph E.Kane,U.S.Navy
21 Oak Avenue,Larchmont Age:28
Combat pilot
Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross Three Times Sgt.Vernon L.Kemmerer,Jr.,U.S.Army
Lt.Kane was killed on July 7, 1945,when his dive 1527 James Street,Mamaroneck
bomber crashed near San Diego,California. Sgt.Kemmerer was Killed In Action on
March 10, 1945.
He is buried in the American Cemetery,
Pfc.Woodrow Wilson Johns, U.S.M.C.R. Henri-Chapelle,Belgium.
4 East Avenue,Larchmont Age:28
First Marine Division
Pfc.Johns was Killed In Action on May 12, �.
1945 in Okinawa.
Lt.Guido Lancia,U.S.Army Air Forces
Mt.Pleasant Avenue,Mamaroneck
Lt.Lancia was killed September 12, 1944,when his
bomber crashed in France.
He is buried in Zachary Taylor National Cemetery,
Louisville,Kentucky,near childhood friend,John
J. Marsella.also from Mamaroneck.
Lt.Richard B.Knight,U.S.Army Air Forces Lt.John"Jack"Landsberg, U.S.M.C.
Brompton Apartments,Larchmont Age:22 1013 Cove Rd.,Mamaroneck Age:22
Navigator Fighter Pilot
Awarded Air Medal with 3 Oak Leaf Clusters Awarded Air Medal with 3 Gold Stars
Lt.Knight died on December 18, 1944,while flying over Lt. Landsberg was Killed In Action over the Ryukyer
Yugosalvia. Islands on June 29, 1945,when a bomb had a bad VT
He is buried at the Florence American Cemetery, fuse and blew up his plane upon its release.
Florence,Italy. He is listed on the Tables of the Missing at Honolulu
Preserve Our Memorial Preserve Our Community
May, 1945--A parcel of land fronting the Boston Post Road and adjoining school property is
offered to the School District for $3000. The offer is rejected because "no funds are available".
(School Board Minutes,May 8, 1945)
June, 1945--Adolph and Helen Kemper offer to buy and donate to the School District this parcel
and two others to form a World War Il Memorial Park honoring their son, Richard, who was killed
in Normandy. The offer is accepted by the School Board with the proviso that the Park be created
"without cost to the School District". (School Board Minutes,June 12, 1945).
September, 1945 and January, 1946--The Kempers purchase the properties for $13,500. The
properties are transferred to the Mamaroneck School District. (Town of Mamaroneck Assessment
1946-47--The dilapidated existing buildings on the property are razed. The Kempers design a park
that has walkways, granite benches, landscaping and a granite monument. The monument was
engraved with the names of all of those from the Mamaroneck School District who died in service
to their country during World War II. Some of these individuals have no gravesite, as their bodies
were never recovered. Mr. Kemper pays all of the costs.
May 7, 1946--School Board Trustee Theodore Riegel states "This Park will become a place of
beauty as a worthy memorial to the boys and girls of the school district who so valiantly gave their
lives for our protection and peace." (School Board Minutes, May 7, 1946)
May 25, 1947--The Dedication of the Richard Kemper Park. The Memorial Park was presented to
the School District by Mr. Kemper, his wife, Helen, and daughter, Jean, with "the fervent hope that
never again will it be necessary for others to suffer as the families and friends of those who gave
their lives in the last war suffered." (The Daily Times, May 26, 1947)
May 25, 1947--Charles W. Pease, School Board President, accepts the Memorial Park for the
district on behalf of the school trustees. (The Daily Times, May 26, 1947)
May 29, 1947—In a letter to Mr. Kemper, Hoyt D. Smith, Principal of Mamaroneck Junior High
School, thanks him for"having converted an unsightly area into a beautiful park which will be
hallowed ground for all time." (Mr. Smith knew many of the individuals on the monument
personally, as they were students at the Junior High School during his tenure.)
X00 % ' d
Preserve Our Memorial Preserve Our Community
80 North Chatsworth Avenue
Larchmont,New York 10538
January 3, 2007
Steven Altieri R E C ' D M A k4.A R 0 N E C K
Town Administrator
Town of Mamaroneck JAN -- 4 2007
740 West Boston Post Road
Mamaroneck, New York 10543 T 0 W R A 0 Ki I J, ! S T R A T 0 R
Dear Mr. Altieri,
On behalf of the Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund, I wish to thank you for all of
your efforts to encourage the development of athletic field alternatives. We are aware of the
enormous amount of time you are spending on this contentious issue and we appreciate the critical
role you are playing in resolving it.
I wanted to make sure you had a copy of the latest booklet on the Richard M. Kemper Park
so I am enclosing it for your use. We are currently revising it to include recently discovered
information and photos. We plan to have the new copy ready to go on Memorial Day, 2007, (the
60`x' anniversary of the World War Il Memorial). I am also enclosing a copy of the historic timeline
of the Memorial Park.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our organization or about the
history of this World War II Memorial. My phone number is 834-5757. 1 hope you enjoy the
Jan Northrup�
President,Kemper Memorial Park Preservation Fund
€' V.-
• Lt.Walter R.Manny,Jr.USMC
Specialist 3c Timothy J.Manning,USNR 15 Park Avenue,Larchmontr
817 West Boston Post Road,Mamaroneck Pilot,Marine Corps Air Servicer
Specialist Manning was Killed In Action on Lt.Manny was killed in October,
October 30, 1944. 1943,when his plane collided with
He is buried in the American Cemetery in another plane off the coast of North Pvt.John J.Marsella,U.S.Army
Normandy,France. Carolina. 111 Grand St.,Mamaroneck
Pvt.Marsella was Killed In Action on
the Anzio beachhead in Italy on May 26,
He is buried in Zachary Taylor National
childhood friend,Guido Lancia,also
from Mamaroneck.
Pvt.William A.Mather,U.S.Army ' s
37 Glenn Rd.,Larchmont Age: 18
Pvt.Mather died on March 24, 1946, Pvt. George W.McElroy,Jr.,U.S.Army
from a ruptured appendix at Madison 75 Briarcliff Road,Larchmont
Hospital,Fort Lewis,Washington. Pvt.McElroy was Killed In Action on
Guam on August 2, 1944.
Seaman Joseph A.Merigliano,U.S.Navy
4 Palmer Avenue,Mamaroneck
Gunner on Bomber
Seaman Merigliano died in a plane crash on
December 23, 1943,in the Carribbean.
Pfc.Edward James Miller,U.S.ArmyY
528 Grand St.
Pfc.Miller was killed on November 22,
1944,in Germany.
Lt.Frank X.Morris,U.S.Army Air Force
127 Spruce Street,Mamaroneck Age:21
Pilot B-24
Lt.Morris was reported missing en route from Labrador
to Greenland on June 30, 1944.He was officially listed
as dead one year later.
Lt.Fred P."Mickey"Motz,Jr.,US Army ,
3 Bayard Street,Larchmont Lt.Clark A.Neal,US Army Air Corps
142nd Infantry Regiment,36'h Infantry Division 111 Murray Avenue,Larchmont
Silver Star,Purple Heart Pilot
Lt.Motz was killed in action on January 8, 1945 Lt.Neal was reported as Missing In Action
in France. since May 25, 1945,in the Pacific area.(As
He is buried in the American Cemetery,Epinal, of February 7,2005 he is still offically listed
France. as Missing).
Staff Sergeant George Paonessa,USMC
» Waverly Avenue,Mamaroneck
� Staff Sgt.Paonessa was a crewman on one of
the five planes on the infamous Flight 19 that
disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle on
Fireman First Class John"Jack"E.O'Brien,USNR December 5, 1945.
122 Sunset Road,Mamaroneck Age:20
When his ship,the U.S.S.L.S.T.No. 342 was blown in
two in the Solomon Sea southeast of Rendova Island on
July 18, 1943,O'Brien was listed as Missing In Action.
Twelve months later,with no hope of recovery,he was
declared officially dead. Pfc.Samuel F.Paonessa,US Army
147 Madison Street,Mamaroneck
Nicknamed"Hook"as he excelled as a
pitcher in baseball
Pfc.Paonessa was killed in Mindanaro
on May 23, 1945.
Tec 5 Edward L.Retz,US Army
210 Sand St.,Mamaroneck
Retz was Killed in Action.
Pfc.Vincent G.Piacente,US Army
817 Mamaroneck Avenue,Mamaroneck
Age:21 >I
Pfc.Piacente was Killed In Action in
Germany on November 25, 1944.
Pfc.Michael J.Piacitelli,US Army
415 Thompkins Avenue,Mamaroneck
Pfc.Piacitelli was Killed In Action in
France on August 7, 1944.
T/Sgt Frank J.Roma,US Army Air Corps
12 Harrison Drive,Larchmont Age:22
Radio Operator Flying Fortress
T/Sgt.Roma was killed when his plane crashed in
England on July 5, 1944.
w "-t
Lt.Richard A.Schmidt,U.S.Army Air Corps
11 Maple Hill Drive,Larchmont
Lt. Schmidt was Killed in Action.
Lt.James Gerard Schaefer,U.S.Army
19 Oak Bluff Avenue,Larchmont Ae:27
Reconnaissance Officer attached to 82" Airborne Lt.Lawrence S.Scofield,Jr.,U.S.Army Air
Bronze Star,Purple Heart Corps
Lt. Schaefer was Killed in Action in Normandy 137 Beach Avenue,Larchmont Age:22
on D-Day,June 6, 1944. Lt. Scofield died on November 18, 1944,when the
He is buried in the Normandy American Cemetery, Flying Fortress he was piloting caught fire and
St.Laurent-sur-Mer,France. exploded in midair near Tampa,Florida.The radio
operator,Corp.John F.Brady,was also from
Seaman 1"Class Joseph J.Sganga,U.S. Navy
69 Murray Avenue,Larchmont Age: 19
Seaman Sganga was reported missing when the USS Morrison
was hit by at least four kamikaze planes north of Okinawa and
sank on May 4, 1945.
He is listed on Tablets of the Missing at Honolulu Memorial, ;
Lt.Vincent L.Stouter,U.S.Army Air Corps
1 Locust Terrace,Dillon Park,Larchmont Age:22
Pilot,Martin B-26 Marauder
Lt. Stouter died in airplane crash near Midland Army
Air Field,Texas on April 22, 1944.
r '
Robert Leroy Stratmon Maj.William Harvey Smith,U.S.Army Air Corps
17 Althea Lane,Larchmont 53 Edgewood Avenue,Larchmont Age: 58
Seabee,U.S.Navy U.S.Army Major in WWI(Photo)
Chief steward of the Officers Mess of WVII Air Force Intelligence Officer
the 22nd Special Battalion issing in Action July 12, 1944 `
Killed in Action in the Pacific in 1944 aj. Smith is listed on the Tablets of the Missing at the
anila American Cemetery,Manila,Philippines.
Sgt.Nicholas J.Spano,U.S.Army
64 Grand St.,Mamaroneck Age:28
26d'Infantry Regiment, 1"Infantry Division
Awarded Bronze Star with Oak Leaf Cluster and
Purple Heart with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters
Sgt. Spano was Killed in Action in Germany on
Thanksgiving Day, 1944.
He is buried in the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery,
� r
MM 2/c Thomas D.Sullivan,U.S.Navy
16 Winthrop Avenue,Larchmont Age:23 Sgt.John Thomson,U.S.Army
Sullivan was reported Missing in Action 132 Chatsworth Avenue,Larchmont Age:32
as a result of enemy action on May 28, Killed in Action in Germany on September 15, 1944.
His ship,the USS Drexler,was off the coast
of Okinawa at the time.
Awards:Purple Heart
He is listed on Tablets of the Missing
at Honolulu Memorial,Honolulu,Hawaii.
Seaman,1°'Class Wilbur"Butch"J.Tompkins,U.S.Navy
525 Stanley Avenue,Mamaroneck
Seaman Tompkins was reported Missing in Action on November 13,
1942 when his ship the USS Juneau was sunk during the battle of
He is listed on the Tablets of the Missing at Manila American Cemetery,
Lt.Andrew Edward Tuck III,U.S.Army "
80 Chatsworth Avenue,Larchmont Age:22
Paratrooper,506'b Parachute Infantry, 101 `Airborne Pfc.Lawrence L.Wollenberg,U.S.M.C.
After participating in parachute jumps in Normandy, Awards:Purple Heart
Holland and Belgium,Tuck died in a vehicle accident in Pfc. Wollenberg was Killed in Action
Austria on July 7, 1945(after V-E Day). on June 15,1944 during the invasion of
He is buried at the Honolulu Memorial,
Capt.Kenneth Whiting,U.S.Navy
98 Park Avenue,Larchmont Age:61
Capt.Whiting retired from the Navy in
1937 but was recalled to active duty in
1940 to command the Naval Air Lt.Robert S.Zimmerman,U.S.Army
Station at Floyd Bennett Field in NewN Brompton Apartments,Larchmont Age:33
York. Army Field Artillery
He died from pneumonia at the U.S. Killed in Action in Germany on February
Medical Center in Bethesda, 27, 1945
Maryland,on April 24, 1943.
The day after his funeral at St.John's
Episcopal Church the US Navy sent a
boat to pick up his ashes and burial
was at sea off Execution Rock in
Larchmont Harbor.
Albert A. Anderson (an E.Jackson
No information is available. Sgt. Stanley Allen Douglas Hommocks, Larchmont
Larchmont Staff Sergeant,
U.S. Army Radio Operator U.S. Army Air Forces
John J. Beilom Cause of Death: Shot down on Cause of Death:Airplane
U.S. Merchant Marine, an Army Bomber disappeared over Adriatic Sea
Radio Officer Place of Death: Over Alaska & Died November 11, 1944
533 Palmer Avenue, Aleutian Islands
Mamaroneck. Died June 11, 1942
Died June 7, 1942
Mervin Ash King
Michael J. Downey 21 Monroe Avenue, Larchmont
914 Palmer Avenue, No Information is available.
Corporal Edward V. Berggren Mamaroneck
85 Myrtle-Boulevard, Larchmont. Private First Class, U.S.Army
U.S. Army Place of Death: North Africa
Cause of Death:Automobile Date of Death:April 10, 1943
Died October 7, 1945 avers W. Lawrence
Larchmont Acres
Second Lieutenant,
Harry W. Gees U.S.Army Air Forces
Irving J. Brokaw Private, U.S.Army Cause of Death: Plane crashed
First Lieutenant, U.S.Army Died April 22, 1944 over Italy
Cause of Death: MIA Died January 16, 1944
Died April 1, 1946
�E ECt�s A 7 tg."
waitCtty it Roger Powell Lyon
Robert J. Donahue Byrnes C
U.S.Army MAY IAKC us` 17 Vanderburgh Avenue,
Cause of Death: DOW THIS PREMEDRAlio Larchmont
Date of Death: unknown THE AMY IC N , Lieutenant
Tiiimmli-V '4 • Cause of Death: airplane crash
�QQ J .L WINTil. Died November 5, 1944
'116 AgWLLITEVin,.
Pasquale Carino
35 Lester Place, Larchmont
U.S. Army Sergeant
KIA in Germany Dec.23, 1945
Donato Graeco John A. MacDonald
32 Madison Street, Mamaroneck Park Plaza Apartments,
Private, U.S. Army Larchmont
Died October 1, 1944 Private First Class, U.S.Army
Cause of Death:KIA
Duncan Crane Died November 11, 1944
Killed in Okinawa May, 1945
David Hall
Died March 2, 1945 in Italy.
Charles F. Dolan No Information is available.
Thomas F. Maloney
36 Hillcrest Avenue, Larchmont
236 Mamaroneck Avenue,
U.S.Air Corps Thomas Hill Mamaroneck
Died December 19, 1943 No information is available No Information is available.
Charles F. Mitchell William Hugh Smith
Palmer House, Larchmont Acres Tillio A. Santangelo Larchmont Acres
Captain, U.S.Army Engineers 412 Florence Street, U.S.Army Staff Sergeant
Corps Mamaroneck Killed in action in Belgium on
Cause of Death: KIA in North U.S.Army Gunmate, 2"d Class January 11 1945.
Africa KIA April 22, 1945
Died August, 1943
Hamilton Francis Morris Raymond C. Scherff William Steinhauser
5 Orsini Drive, Larchmont No information is available. 316 Heathcote Avenue,
Lieutenant Mamaroneck
Cause of Death: air plane crash U.S. Navy Machinists Mate,.3rd
Died October 20, 1943 Class
Died February 21, 1-945
:xK �
John T. Morrissey i William Theft
915 West Boston Post Road,
x. Taylor's Lane, Mamaroneck
Mamaroneck ` :. No information is available.
Private First Class, U.S. Army '
Died March 11, 1945
WWII Memorial
Washington, D.C.
Lt. Richard-William Twombly
129 North Chatsworth Avenue,
Luke J. Murtha Larchmont
1925 Palmer Avenue, LarchmontLt.John-F. Schroeder Killed in France-on January 6,
No information is available. 177 Delancey Avenue, 1945.
Died December-, 1944
Lt Alam G. Overton Pvt. Carlo C.Vitro
Beach Avenue, Larchmont 227 Madison.Street,-
Lieutenant, U.S. Navy Orlando Sestito Mamaroneck
Cause of Death: MIA 431 Waverly Avenue, KIA September 1943
Died October 20,.1944 Mamaroneck.
Frank M. Romano Peter Von Fritz
U.S. naval Reserve Alan F. Seigle No information is available.
MIA November 11, 1944 No information-is available.
George-R.Walker II
Richard J. Shea Wendt Avenue, Larchmont
Sgt.Vito Charles Sabato 78 Hillcrest Avenue, Larchmont U.S.Army Lieutenant 2r`d Class
125 Beach Avenue, Larchmont Electrician's Mate-Third-Class, Killed April-, 1944.
Sergeant, U.S. Army U.S. Navy
Cause of Death: Heart Attack Killed by a bomb in Philippines
Died December, 1943 On May 6, 1942