HomeMy WebLinkAboutWestchester Joint Water Works Water Supply Emergnecy Plan 12/1/1990 k WESTCHESTER JOINT WATER WORKS WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY PLAN December 1990 John G. Hock, P.E. , Manager Richard A. Ruge, General Superintendent WESTCHESTER JOINT WATER WORKS WATER SUPPLY EMERGENCY PLAN December 1990 John G. Hock, P.E. , Manager Richard A. Ruge, General Superintendent TABLE OF CONTENTS Description Page No. Preface 1 Introduction 2 Source of Supply 3 Storage 4 Interconnections 5 Emergency Notification 8 Emergency Situations 9 Drought Emergency 11 WJWW Emergency Equipment Stockpile 20 Emergency Response Plans 21 I. 30" Main Break - Larchmont Plant Out of Service 21 II. Rye Lake Plant Out of Service 22, 23 III. Main Break on Purchase Street North of Anderson Hill Road 24 IV. Main Break on the 24" Low Service Main 24 V. Chlorine Leak at Larchmont or Rye Lake Plant 24 VI. Hazardous Materials Incident - Affecting Rye Lake 25 Appendix 26 A. Emergency Notification Roster 27-34 B. Intersection Sheets 35 C. Water Bill 36 D. State Emergency Equipment Stockpile 37 PREFACE This "Water Supply Emergency Plan" was written in accordance with the guidelines of Part 5 of the New York State Sanitary Code Section 5-1.1. The Emergency Plan is designed to assist Water Works personnel during any type of water supply emergency which threatens the Water Works' ability to provide a potable water and/or adequate quantity of water to its customers. Page 1 INTRODUCTION The Westchester Joint Water Works (Water Works) is a public benefit corporation established under the provisions of a special act of the New York State legislature in 1927. It was formed to supply water service to the Village of Mamaroneck, the Town of Mamaroneck and the Town of Harrison. In addition to supplying water to the residents of these member municipalities, the Water Works also supplies water on a retail basis to a number of customers in the City of New Rochelle and the City of Rye. A total of 11,689 retail customers representing a population of about 50,000 persons are supplied with water. The Water Works also supplies water wholesale to other utilities. The Village of Larchmont purchases all of its supply from the Water Works. The New York-American Water Company, Inc. purchases about 1.0 million gallons per day from the Water Works. The New Rochelle Water Company maintains two connections to the Water Works, and purchases water on a wholesale basis to meet peak demands and to supplement and/or supplant its normal sources when conditions require. Water is also sold to Harrison Water District No. 1 in emergencies. Page 2 SOURCE OF SUPPLY The Westchester Joint Water Works purchases all of its water from two connections to the New York City system. One connection is to the Delaware Aqueduct at Shaft 22 located on Crisfield Street in the City of Yonkers. The other connection is at Rye lake (Kensico Reservoir) located on Lake Street, near Purchase Street, in the Town of Harrison. The Shaft 22 connection has a capacity of 19 mgd. No pumps are required to transmit the water through the 30" main to the Larchmont Treatment Plant and Pump Station. The Rye Lake connection consists of a 30" intake into Rye Lake at an elevation of 349 feet. The normal lake level is 355 feet. A new lower intake is proposed for Rye Lake. The future intake will be at an elevation of 334 feet. Page 3 STORAGE The Water Works has five storage tanks at three locations providing storage for the High Service and the Intermediate Service. High Service Storage Name Quantity (gal) Purchase Underground Tanks 370,000 Pergola Tank 1,000,000 Total 1,370,000 Two tanks, each having a capacity of 185,000 gallons Intermediate Service Storage Name Quantity (gal) Kenilworth Tank 450,000 Winged Foot Tank 600,000 Total 1,050,000 Page 4 INTERCONNECTIONS The Water Works has inter-connections with four adjacent water systems. These include: the New Rochelle Water Company, the Village of Scarsdale, Harrison Water District No. 1 and the New York-American Water Company. Following is a list of interconnections by service. LOW SERVICE Intersection Utility/Municipality Location Size Sheet No. New Rochelle Water Co. Boston Post Road 10" 39 New Rochelle Water Co. Fifth Avenue 16" 146 New York-American Water Co. Osborn Road 12" 304 INTERMEDIATE SERVICE Intersection Utility/Municipality Location Size Sheet No. Scarsdale Water Dept. Griffen Avenue 6" 258 Scarsdale Water Dept. Old White Plains Rd. 6" 269 HIGH SERVICE Intersection Utility/Municipality Location Size Sheet No. Harrison Water District #1 Anderson Hill Rd. 10" 507 Harrison Water District #1 Westchester Ave. 12" 506 New York-American Water Co. Anderson Hill Rd. 16" 629 New York-American Water Co. Westchester Ave. 8" 621 The intersection sheets for these interconnections are included in the Appendix. Page 5 INTERCONNECTIONS (CONTINUED) Of the interconnections listed, the one with New Rochelle 'on Fifth Avenue can supply the most water to the Water Works in an emergency. This will be discussed further when a 30" main failure is considered. See page 21. The three connections with New York-American Water Company (NYA) are primarily provided to wholesale water to NYA. Under extreme conditions water can be taken from NYA at Anderson Hill Road. However, a portable booster pump would be required to provide the necessary pressure. The Osborn Road connection could also be used in an emergency. However, NYA would have to adjust regulator settings on its system before water can be supplied to the Water Works. The two interconnections with Scarsdale are only capable of providing water to a very limited area of the Intermediate Service. The Griffen Avenue connection could be utilized to supply the Murdock Woods area, whereas the Old White Plains Road connection could supply the Prince Willows/Marbourne Meadows area. The Harrison Water District #1 (HWD #1) interconnection at Westchester Avenue is capable of supplying domestic water to the Gannett News/Corporate Park area. Fire flows to this area are greatly reduced when supplied by HWD #1. An additional temporary emergency interconnection in the Intermediate Service could be made with the City of White Plains on North Street. This Page 6 INTER-CONNECTIONS (CONTINUED) connection could be made using either above ground piping or large diameter fire hose. A permanent underground main is not economically feasible since the main would cross under the Mamaroneck River and the Hutchinson River Parkway. White Plains presently has an 8" main that deadends on North Street at a hydrant with an elevation of 125 feet and a static pressure of 135 psi. The emergency connection could be made at this point and connected to the Water Works' 24" transmission main at hydrant 3325 (elevation 135 feet, static pressure 66 psi) located at the intersection of North Street and Kenilworth Road. The connection would require approximately 1,400 feet of pipe or hose. Page 7 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION The service area of the Water Works consists of three municipalities as described in the introduction. Each municipality has a fire and police department and either a Manager or Administrator. An Emergency Notification Roster, which provides the name, address, and telephone numbers of these officials, is included in the Appendix. The same information is also included for the Trustees, Manager and General Superintendent of the Water Works and for the Westchester County Health Department. Also included in the Appendix is a Customer Notification Roster which provides the name, address, and telephone numbers of all large volume customers, schools and colleges, hospitals, nursing homes, and dialysis patients. Page 8 EMERGENCY SITUATIONS The Water Works is most vulnerable to any type of emergency that puts the Larchmont Plant out of service. This is due to a lack of storage on the Low Service and only minimal storage on the Intermediate Service. The worst situation that could occur would be a main break on the 30" main between Shaft 22 and Larchmont Plant. This would cause a loss of supply to the Low Service (LS) and complete reliance on the Rye Lake Plant to supply the Intermediate Service (IS). The Rye Lake Plant is less vulnerable to an interruption of supply since it draws directly from Rye Lake through a 30" intake. In the past, however, low lake levels combined with a shallow intake have rendered this intake inoperative. Rye Lake has also been placed out of service due to power failures and one plane crash that occurred near the intake. The Water Works is also very vulnerable if all three tanks on the High Service (HS) have to be taken off-line for any period of time. This would occur in the event of a main break or shut down anywhere along the 20" main on Purchase Street between Rye Lake and Anderson Hill Road. A loss of one of the two tanks on the IS is less critical. However, such an outage could possibly require changing the pump controls at Larchmont Plant. Page 9 EMERGENCY SITUATIONS (CONTINUED) Failures on the transmission mains in the IS and LS are also a point of vulnerability for the Water Works. A failure on the 24" LS main between Larchmont Plant and the intersection of Fenimore Road and Waverly Avenue would result in a major depletion of supply to the LS. The IS transmission mains consist of the 24" main on Kenilworth Road; 16" main on Pleasant Ridge Road and Winfield Avenue; and the 16" main through Saxon Woods Park, Winged Foot Country Club, and Bonnie Briar Country Club. Any failures or shutdowns on these mains could require changing the pump controls at Larchmont Plant. Additional emergency situations can occur due to drought (see drought emergency pages 11 thru 19), chlorine leak at Rye Lake or Larchmont Plant, hazardous material/chemical spill on I-684 at Rye Lake, and loss of power to the Plants. Each of these emergency situations requires specific responses. These are fully outlined on pages 21 through 25. Page 10 DROUGHT EMERGENCY Since the Westchester Joint Water Works purchases all of its water from New York City, it has no reservoirs of its own and does not maintain records relating to the levels of the New York City system. The Westchester Joint Water Works would be guided by Westchester County and New York City in the establishment of successive phases of the drought emergency and the implementation of further restrictions and undertaking of emergency measures. ALTERNATIVE SOURCES The Westchester Joint Water Works maintains emergency interconnections with neighboring utilities. However, except for New York-American Water Company, Inc. , which obtains most of its water from Greenwich, Connecticut, the adjacent utilities also obtain their water supply from New York City. Therefore, these normally useful interconnections should not be considered as reliable alternate sources during a severe drought when those utilities would most likely be unable to provide supplementary supply to others. A summary of these connections is provided, however, on page 5. Page 11 CONSERVATION MEASURES IN EFFECT The Westchester Joint Water Works has taken an active role in the pursuit of water conservation since 1975. The major thrust of this effort has been to reduce unaccounted-for water, with emphasis in two areas. First, an ongoing program to replace old meters has been in place for several years. In conjunction with this program, oversize meters are being removed and replaced with meters whose range of accuracy best fits current consumption patterns. Second, leak survey consultants have been engaged each year since 1975, with the exception of 1981, to detect and locate leaks for repair. These two programs have contributed to the reduction of unaccounted water from 29.5% in 1974 to 13.7% as of November 1990. The following conservation measures will be taken or will continue to be pursued: 1. The meter change program will be continued. 2. The leak survey program will be continued. The Water Works annually engages an outside leak consultant to survey 100 miles of main or about half of the 203.5 miles of main in service. Page 12 ONSET OF DROUGHT 1. Efforts to make the customer aware of the drought situation will begin with a message on the water bills which reads: Reservoir levels are extremely low. Please conserve now to help us avoid mandatory restrictions this summer. See Appendix for copy of a typical bill. 2. No system wide hydrant flushing will be scheduled. 3. The use of fire hydrants for any purpose other than fire protection or the maintenance of water quality and public safety is prohibited, except where a permit for the use of a hydrant or hydrants has been issued by the Westchester Joint Water Works. However, such permits shall be limited to use conforming to the above purposes. 4. The serving of water to patrons in restaurants, clubs or eating places, unless specifically requested by the customer, is discouraged in accordance with the County Executive's request. In the event the drought status is upgraded to a Drought Emergency, restrictions will be placed into effect in accordance with Westchester County Local Law No. 5. It is assumed at this time that Page 13 the restrictions will be phased in, similar to the procedures in effect in 1989, which would include the following: PHASE I 1. All industrial and commercial businesses shall formulate and enact a long range water conservation plan which reduces consumption by 15 percent. For purposes of this subdivision, the average water meter readings for the latest calendar year will be the basis for comparison. 2. The operation of car washes unless recirculating equipment is used will be prohibited. 3. Ornamental or display use of public water whether or not such water is recycled public water, including fountains, artificial waterfalls, reflecting pools, lakes and ponds, will be prohibited. 4. The use of hoses for street, driveway, sidewalk and/or automobile washing will be prohibited. Automobile washing with a bucket will be permitted. 5. Watering of lawns and gardens including golf course tees and greens will be limited to four (4) hours per day on alternate days. Vegetables and fruits grown for human consumption may be Page 14 watered without limit using a watering can. Nurseries shall be considered a commercial business and shall be subject to Item (1) above. 6. The use of public water for the irrigation of fairways of golf courses will be prohibited. 7. The use of public water in the cleaning of the exterior of buildings will be prohibited. 8. Leaks in house water service connections shall be repaired within 48 hours after notice has been given to the property owner or his designated representative. 9. Swimming pools may be filled only once in a year. Losses due to spillage and evaporation may be replenished. All water must be recirculated. 10. The serving of water to patrons in restaurants, clubs or eating places, unless specifically requested by the customer, will be prohibited. PHASE II Any subsequent restrictions to be imposed will take into account actions taken by New York City and Westchester County. However, these should include the following: Page 15 (1) Restriction of domestic lawn and garden watering, in steps, depending on seriousness of the drought. A. Limit sprinkling to vegetable gardens only. B. Ban all sprinkling by hose. C. Ban all use of public water. (2) Restrictions of golf course usage in steps, depending on seriousness of the drought. A. Ban use of public water for irrigation of golf course tees and greens. B. Ban all use of water for irrigation of golf course tee and greens. (3) Ban all car washing by bucket as well as by hose. (4) Restrictions of water use at pools, in steps, depending on seriousness of drought. A. Ban use of public water to fill private pools. B. Ban use of public water to fill all pools, public and private. (5) Ban use of hoses and/or underground sprinklers for tennis court maintenance. (6) Limit all residential water users to 50 gallons per person per day. Page 16 (7) Mandate up to 40% reduction of water use by all commercial and industrial customers, consistent with the economic impact on each individual business. (8) Reduce the sale of water to the New York-American Water Company. (9) Tabulate all wells within system and test same for feasibility of use as auxiliary potable water supplies. Although it may not be practical to pump this water into the system, water filling stations could be considered for establishment in Phase III. (10) Obtain information from the Health Department of availability of portable filtration equipment and investigate the possibility of using it to purify water from the Mamaroneck River, Sheldrake Reservoir and other present non-potable water sources. PHASE III This phase would be implemented only in the most critical stages of a drought emergency, since severe economic impacts would be experienced. Page 17 1. Limit all residential water users to 40 gallons per person per day. Assign additional personnel t6 meter reading duty for compliance. Warn those not in compliance, followed by installation of flow restructure. 2. Shut down major commercial users one day per week. 3. Implement portable treatment plants to pump treated water into distribution system from Mamaroneck River, Sheldrake Reservoir, and other sources that may have been determined in Phase II to be suitable auxiliary sources. 4. Segregate certain streets of the distribution system, shut them down and make water available at certain times of the day from the nearest hydrants. 5. Utilize tank trucks (from Civil Defense and milk companies) to distribute water to locations throughout system for dispensing. Tank trucks could be filled from Rye Lake or potable wells in the area. 6. Drinking water stations at potable well locations could be placed into service. Regular monitoring of water quality at these sources would be required. 7. Boil Water alerts would be issued as necessary. Page 18 Steps 3 through 7 are drastic measures which would be implemented only after careful consideration of other alternatives available at the time, and then only after reviewing these measures with and obtaining the approval of the Westchester County Health Department and other agencies having jurisdiction. Page 19 WJWW EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT STOCKPILE The Water Works maintains certain equipment and material in stock that is available for emergencies. Following is a list of this equipment and material. Generators No. Make Voltage Power Current 1 Homelight 110/220 switchable 3.0 kw 20 amps 2 Homelight 110/220 switchable 3.0 kw 20 amps 3 Homelight 110/220 switchable 3.0 kw 20 amps Pumps Make Capacity Pressure Fuel 10" Gorman Rupp portable 3,500 gpm 40 psi Diesel 4" IH Marlow Model 4ElA portable* 600 gpm 85 psi Diesel Pipe The Water Works keeps minimum inventory of 6", 8", 10" and 12" pipe as follows. Size Minimum 6" 200 ft 8" 200 ft 10" 100 ft 12" 100 ft In addition, the State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) maintains a stockpile of emergency equipment. An inventory of this equipment is included in the Appendix. Page 20 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS All emergencies described herein require the notification of the Manager, General Superintendent and Distribution Superintendent of the Water Works. It is the responsibility of one of these three Management personnel to call the Westchester County Health Department, the Trustees of the Water Works and the police and fire departments and inform them of the emergency situation. All of the required telephone numbers are included in the Emergency Notification Roster located in the Appendix. Listed below are emergency responses to the specific emergency situations described on pages 9 and 10. Emergency Situations I. 30" Main Break - Larchmont Plant Out of Service 1. Call the New Rochelle Water Company and activate the interconnection on Fifth Avenue. (Intersection Sheet 146) This would provide water to the Low Service (LS). 2. Notify New York-American Water Company of the need to interrupt their supply of water through the interconnections on Osborn Road, Westchester Avenue and Anderson Hill Road. 3. Supplement supply to the LS from the Intermediate Service (IS). Page 21 a. Open boundary valve 438 (Intersection Sheet 352) on Weaver Street (8") and valve 426 (Intersection Sheet 134) on Fenimore Road (8"). b. If required during peak morning demands boundary valve 69 (Intersection Sheet 28) on Bonnie Briar Lane at Oakdale Road can be partially opened for a time period not greater than 2 hours (or less depending on the draw down of the Winged Foot Tank). 4. Transfer the Corporate Park section to Harrison Water District til through the Westchester Avenue interconnection. 5. Man the Rye Lake Pump Station so that the Purchase, Kenilworth and Winged Foot Tanks are full prior to the morning demand. 6. Adjust regulators between HS and IS to maintain levels in IS tanks. II. Rye Lake Plant Out Of Service 1. Respond to Kenilworth Regulator Station a. Stop flow from the HS into the IS by turning off regulators. b. Activate booster pump. Page 22 2. Respond to Larchmont Pump Station a. Switch to Kenilworth controls. b. Turn on 16" pump by hand and fill Winged Foot Tank. C. Keep Kenilworth Tank as full as possible. 3. Terminate all water sales to New York-American Water Company. 4. Transfer the Corporate Park Section to Harrison Water District #1 through the Westchester Avenue inter-connection. 5. Position the 4" Marlow portable pump and fire hose near the New York-American interconnection on Anderson Hill Road. a. Notify New York-American of the need to pump water from their system. b. Connect portable pump to the test tee in the pit and hydrant 3904 on Anderson Hill Road. 6. Turn off all the Timber Trail and Purchase Street regulators. Page 23 III. Main Break on Purchase Street North of Anderson Hill Road 1. Follow procedures outlined for Emergency Situation II (Rye Lake Plant Out of Service). 2. Attach pressure relief valve (or siamese connection) to hydrant 3901 on Anderson Hill Road and maintain a pressure of 50 psi. IV. Main Break on the 24" Low Service Main 1. Follow procedures outlined for Emergency Situation I (30" Main Break) except for No. 5 (manning the Rye Lake Station). V. Chlorine Leak at Larchmont or Rye Lake Plant 1. Immediately evacuate the building 2. Call the Fire Department. 3. Don the self-contained air pack. 4. Assist Fire Department personnel with isolating chlorine leak. NOTE: Under no circumstances shall a Water Work employee enter the building without backup assistance. Page 24 VI. Hazardous Materials Incident - Affecting Rye Lake 1. Immediately shut down Rye Lake Plant. 2. Isolate the Rye Lake Plant by closing valve 42218 at the intersection of Purchase Street and Lake Street. 3. Follow procedures outlined for Emergency Situation II (Rye Lake Plant Out of Service). 4. Notify Pollution Control Contractor for containment of chemical spill. 5. Ensure that the Health Department has arranged for the collection of water samples for analysis. Page 25 A P P E N D I X Page 26 APPENDIX A EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION ROSTER Page 27 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION ROSTER Westchester Joint Water Works Answering Service (Night) 914-654-3939 914-633-0036 John G. Hock, Manager 1625 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Office Number 914-698-3500 Home Number 914-357-2805 Richard Ruge, General Superintendent Office Number 914-698-3500 Home Number 914-835-2902 Westchester County Health Dept. Bureau of Environmental Quality 112 East Post Road White Plains, NY 10601 Days 914-285-5100 Nights, Weekends, Holidays 914-682-7774 Westchester Joint Water Works Board of Trustees Paul J. Noto, Mayor Village of Mamaroneck 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Office Number 914-381-5500 Caroline Silverstone, Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Office Number 914-381-5672 Charles Balancia, Supervisor Town of Harrison 1 Heineman Place Harrison, NY 10528 Office Number 914-835-2000 Page 28 TOWNS AND VILLAGES MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATORS Angela Grillo, Acting Manager Village of Mamaroneck 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Office Number 914-698-7041 Stephen V. Altieri, Administrator Town of Mamaroneck 740 W. Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, NY 10543 Office Number 914-381-5672 Benedict Cutrone Public Works Commissioner Town/Village of Harrison 1 Heineman Place Harrison, NY 10528 Office Number 914-835-2000 POLICE DEPARTMENTS Village of Mamaroneck Police Dept. Chief Joseph Del Bianco 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-698-2400 Town of Mamaroneck Police Dept. - Chief Paul Munch 740 W. Boston Post Roaed Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-381-6100 Town/Village of Harrison Police Dept. Chief Albert Klein 650 North Street Harrison, NY 10528 914-967-5111 FIRE DEPARTMENTS Village of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. Chief Joseph Garieri 169 Mt. Pleasant Avenue Mamaroneck, NY 10543 914-698-2400 Town of Mamaroneck Fire Dept. , Chief William McDermott Weaver Street, Corner Edgewood Ave. Larchmont, NY 10538 914-834-9840 Page 29 FIRE DEPARTMENTS (continued) Town of Harrison Fire Dept. Chief Joseph Mazzullo Harrison Avenue Harrison, NY 10528 914-835-9871 Purchase Fire Dept. Chief Richard Canter Anderson Hill Road Purchase, NY 10577 914-253-9044 City of Rye Fire Dept. Chief Wayne Elmore Locust Avenue Rye, NY 10580 914-967-3457 Page 30 Pollution Control Contractors Royal Tank Cleaning Corporation 700 South Columbus Avenue Mt. Vernon, NY 914-664-7070 -' 24 hours Arnie Tschantre, Jr. 914-328-0890 - Home Arnie Tschantre, Sr. 914-428-0609 - Home Luzon Environmental Services 1 Industrial Park Woodridge, NY 12789 914-434-7805 - 24 hours Tyree Organization, Ltd. Route 6, P. 0. Box 314 Brewster, NY 10509 John Mayo 914-279-9200 - 24 hours Testing Laboratories Camo Pollution Control Inc. 367 Violet Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Richard Starrs 914-473-9200 Lawler Matusky and Skelly 1 Blue Hill Plaza Pearl River, NY 10965 Craig Caldwell 914-735-8300 Page 31 WESTCHESTER JOINT WATER WORKS TO: Don DeFalco FROM: John G. Hock RE: Dialysis Patient DATE: December 2, 1988 Revised December 26, 1990 Please be advised that the following customers are on a kidney dialysis machine. It is essential these customers be notified IN ADVANCE of any shutdown, whether it be for scheduled maintenance or an emergency such as a main break. Please make certain that each of your employees are aware of this situation. By copy of this memo to Rich Ruge, I am asking him to similarly alert his Engineering and Plant personnel as well, and by copy to John Murray, to alert his Service and Office staff. Customer Name and Number Address and Telephone Mr. Philip Steckler 14 Beverly Road 351-1590-09130 Purchase 694-2439 Ms. Helen Delancy 115 Waverly Avenue (on respirator) Village of Mamaroneck 102-1990-00294 698-7613 Mr. Dominic Bianchi 133 Laurel Avenue (on respirator) Town of Mamaroneck 205 2450 11545 834-6119 Mr. James E. Daly 14 Clover Street 214-0050-02979 Town of Mamaroneck 834-9391 or 834-9396 Mr. Louis Sposato 420 Edward Place 113-4570-08585 Village of Mamaroneck 698-5077 Patsy Giacomo 6 Fifth Avenue (child on respirator) Larchmont 203-1690-12227 834-6714 o G. Hock, P.E. ager JGH/mp cc: R. Ruge, V. Carosi, J. Murray, L. Staiger Emergency Men'' J. Caldararo, M. Decea, J. Quadagno Switchboard, D. Lavista, Larchmont Plant "Emergency Men - Place in Other Memo section of your ESR manual. Page 32 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION ROSTER CUSTOMERS COUNTRY CLUBS Pressure Service Old Oaks Country Club Nick Morikias, Manager 949-5100 HS Westchester Country Club Ted Horton 967-6000 ext. 215 IS Willow Ridge Country Club Anthony Grasso, Grounds Supt. 967-6161, 4035 HS Bonnie Briar Country Club Michael Medonis, Greens Supt. 834-0992 IS Winged Foot Country Club Bob Alonzi, Greens Supt. 698-8400 IS Hampshire Country Club Bill Heinz, Groundskeeper 698-6131, 4610 LS SCHOOLS V/Mamaroneck School District Peter Weeks, Supt. Bldgs & Grounds 698-2841 LS T/Mamaroneck School District Same 698-2841 T/Harrison School District Dr. Ronald Valenti, Admin. Supt. 835-3300 ext. 312 LS&HS Rye Neck High School Board of Education 698-6171 LS SUNY-Purchase Donald Davis 251-6000 HS Manhattanville College Larry Willson, Daniel Hannon 694-2200 ext. 201 HS Keio High School Evans Macri, Engineer 694-2734, 2701 HS Holy Child High School Sister Jullia Hare 967-5640 - Convent HS Ivan Menitti 967-5622 - School St. Gregory's 94 Broadway, Harrison 835-1275, 1278 LS Msgnr. Flynn 835-0677, Rectory Maria Gaudelli, Principal 428-3391, Residence Sts. John and Paul Gerry Lopez, Maintenance Engineer 834-6332 LS 834-4129, Residence Rectory, Msgnr. Boyd 834-5458 St. Vito's School Custodian 381-2035 LS Berkeley School Bob Kelly, Dir. of Maintenance 694-8440 HS Page 33 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION ROSTER CUSTOMERS (continued) AIRPORT Pressure Service Westchester County Airport John Novak, Maintenance Director 946-9004 Chief Engineer 946-9000 HS LARGE CUSTOMERS Pepsico Ken O'Gara, Flavio Rodriguez, Supt. 253-2063 HS Texaco Tom Greaney 253-4000 HS Corporate Park-(Schulman) John Stillgebauer, Chief Engineer 397-2433, HS 948-2230 IBM (Purchase) Jim Pope 697-6394, 6000 HS Nestle's Mr. Meyer 251-2999 HS MONY Complex Warren DeSantis, Barbara DeClementa 697-8133, 8171 HS Springdale/Saxony Ice Co. Paul Hendler 698-8808 LS Gannett News Rudy Horziencik, Dir. of Facilities 694-9300 HS Citicorp 450 Mamaroneck Avenue 899-7008 IS Bank of New York George Evans, Bldg. Manager 899-6175 IS J. Cushman 899-6137 HOSPITAL St. Vincent's Cvetto Naglic, Head of Engineering 967-6500, IS ext 588 NURSING HOMES Sarah Newman Charles Benson, Maintenance Director 698-6005 LS HOTELS & MOTELS Vincent's D. Fraioli, Manager 698-8562 LS Mamaroneck Motel Mrs. G. Lancia 698-0671, LS 2059-eve. Stouffer's Paul DeStefano, Bldg. Superintendent 694-5400, HS ext 747 Page 34 APPENDIX B INTERSECTION SHEETS Page 35 BONNIE BRIAR LA OAKDALE RD 2 28 DISTRICT NUMBER 16" I.S. 30" L.S_ 24" L.S. cri J � CD POLE I C� 25' \ BONNIE BRIAR LA 67\ 47 33 16" L.S_ � X38,— 16" I .S. 35 _ `�- 6� _— 33 —' 2174 hi - -44 786/ 78.7 Cl J Q a p "= 20� VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 2174 H 6 a$ 67 16 It51 68 16 50 69 16 48 CLOSED 786 8 24 SEPT 17. 1 787 8- 23 DATE BOSTON POST RD NEW ROCHELLE LINE 2 39 DISTRICT NUMBER EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION WITH NEW ROCHELLE WATER COMPANY I 000�/ W. BOSTON POST RD NEW ROCHELLE WATER VALVE 10" N. R.W.0 18' 31 NEW ROCHELLE- HYD - 182 � \ 5' � � � 16 M.H 10" W.J.W.W. i 119 153 40' 5 FRONT OF * 2543 PRESSURE RANGE W. J .W. W 96- 49 P.S.I. N. R .W.C. 98 P.S.I. 1"= 20 VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 153 10 34 CLOSED N.R.W.0 10 CLOSED JULY 30,1979 nATC FENIMORE RD & WINGED FOOT DR 2 134 DISTRICT NUMBER N FENIMORE RD MH & , 426 �\ 41 26' � 32 � 8�� ~ 689 O Lij 3 1"= 20VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 4.26 E" 30 CLOSED 6�c 6't ,c DATE FIFTH AVE & VALLEY PL 2 146 DISTRICT NUMBER EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION WITH NEW ROCHELLE WATER COMPANY 2< N.R.W.0 VALVE � 16N.R.W.0 161.' W.J.W. W:.. / "ODRAIN M.H 34 FIFTH AVE �-CATCH BASIN Qv 4Q v Je PRESSURE RANGE W.J .W.W. - 105 59 - 109 P.S.I. N. R.W. C. - 121 112 - 114 P.S.I. FEB 1982 i"= 20 VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE N.R.W.0 1.6 49: CLOSED. VALVE TURNS OPPOSITE TO W.J .W.W. STANDARD, OPEN. RIGHT j 'CLOSE LEFT 8/31/87 -- OCT"26,1983 JULY 25,1979 nATF MURDOCK RD GRIFFEN AVE 2 I 258 DISTRICT NUMBER EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION LLI WITH Q VILLAGE OF SCAR'SDALE Z W LL LLPOLE ct cr— LLJ Q / 3 w / J Q cn - 53 Q U ' 674 MURDOCK RD 6 6" w.J. w. w ;I\, b SMH r*� 40' SCARSDAL HYD 23-1 SMH PRESSURE RANGE W. J .W.W. 65- 73 P.S.1. SCARSDALE 104 P.S.I I 1 =20 VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS ASHOWN 674 6�� ASIS CLOSED i i AUG 1 , 1979 nn-rl: OLD WHITE PLAINS RD a GRIFFEN RD 2 269 DISTRICT NUMBER EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION WITH VILLAGE OF SCARSDALE POLE 81 CATCH BASIN� Q 9' . r 2'-6" 13, 6 W. J. W.W 669 oP \ 34 10 GP CON EDISON M.H HYo 7 OLD WHITE PLAINS RD 23—II _co LLJ Q z . LL! II LL. PRESSURES W. J .W. W . 39 - 52 P.SI SCARSDALE 86 P.S.I 1'= 20 VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS j SCALE 669 6 18 CLOSED I JULY 26,1979 ncTG OSBORN RD AT TOWN OF RYE LINE 3 304 DISTRICT NUMBER EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION WITH PORT CHESTER WATER WORKS HOUSE 148 Y O / O / m 47 POEN CHESTER HYDRANT 214 M.H METER PII36'� 44- - - --� COV ER 12" W.J.W.W r 2 12 P.C.W.W. a- I � 1 "`- 144 ui co o 45' rr /— m / , 122 OSBORN RD W Q w m PRESSURE RANGE W. J . W. W. 63 - 96 P. S. I . P. C . W. W. 86 - 100 P. S .I. 1"= 20' VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 144 12 40 CLOSED 1 8 �� P. C . W. C . OPEN RIGHT 2 8 " P. C . W. 0 JAN 27, 1981 JULY 25,1979 nnT� WEAVER ST & SACK ETT DR 2 352 DISTRICT NUMBER a 2092H 4'38 10 439 �� 76 , f /32 73 405 22\23' , X14— _coSMH WEAVER ST` -SM H s-� off, VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 2092H 6" 21 405 8" 25 ARSMI H 438 8" 26 CLOSED 439 8 " 26 APFMI H SEPT 22,1981 DATE VALVE 2345 ON I . B . M PROPERTY 3 506 DISTRICT NUMBER EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION WITH HARRSON WATER DISTRICT NO I GRASS AREA To �� 2345 6 Fs�9 I.B.M1 10" H.W.D. F� METER PIT METER PIT PARKING COVER 3 AREA 3 3 VALVE 3 2345 -H' WID. 2 NORMALLY NORMALLY CLOSED CLOSED I.B. M. 10" H .W. NOTE - TO SUPPLY W.J.W METE FROM H.W.D . OPEF VALVES 2 & 234= LEAVE VALVE METER PIT 3 CLOSED . DETAIL i 20 VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 2.345 10 11 0" 3 4 MUELLER CLOSED H.W.D.2 10" 33 RISING STEM WHEEL VALVE JULY 25,1983 MAY 15,1979 i ANDERSON HILL RD 100 ' WEST OF 3 507 PURCHASE ST ( METER PIT ) IDISTRICTI NUMBER METERED CONNECTION TO HARRISON WATER DISTRICT NO. I POLE CE 86 ANDERSON HILL RD i /49 100 TO 82PURCHASE ST 68 23508 � 15' PIT COVER HW.D. !0 G" BYPASS 13� 7 23 50 W.J.W.W. TRAFFIC CONTROL POLE Z2350A 3' WALL METER PIT - 6 HERSEY COMPOUND METER AND 6" P.R.V. PRESSURE RANGE W. J .W. W 37- 62 P. S. I . H.W.D. ;'- 1 40 P.S. I . 1"= 201 VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 2350 10 It 2350A 6I 20 BYPASS VALVE CLOSED 2.350 B I 0 JUNE 7,1979 r1 ,TC WESTCHESTER AVE AT RYE BROOK 3 621 LINE DISTRICT NUMBER METERED CONNECTION TO NEW YORK AMERICAN WATER CO ! N z w Y cr d W F- METEP, PIT c� TRAFFIC LIGHT u 27g1 6' 17� POL; 8" TO WEBB AVE : /� 8" N.Y. AMERICAN WATER C 'j t WESTCHESTER AVE (WESTBOUND ) wESTCHEST ER AVE ( EAST BOUND ) 2r' VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE [ ll �v .cam DATE ANDERSON HILL RD AT RYE BROOK 1 3 1 629 LINE IDISTRICTI NUMBER METERED CONNECTION TO NEW YORK AMERICAN WATER CO DE-STANCE VALVE 28C4 - 3 12' 2804 - E' ANDERSON HILL RD '6r 46— //-" 2804 —i-" 2804 _I`B� 16" TO N.Y AMERICAt WATER CO METER �l SMH 2c' VALVE SIZE TURNS MAKE REMARKS SCALE 2804 16" 29 I-LUELLER DUTT----i:Lv CLOSE open right) A 12" NYA Valve CLOSED (open right) B 16" NYA Valve OS (open right) C 12" 26 NYA Valve CLOSED (open right) 9/12/88 DATE APPENDIX C WATER BILL Page 36 WESTCHESTER JOINT WATER WORKS SERVICE ADDRESS CUSTOMER NUMBER AMOUNT DUE 10 BONNIE BRIAR LA 250-0362-07435 48. 21 BILLS ARE DUE WITHIN TEN DAYS MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO i W J.W.W. -' 02/23/89 ♦ DETACH HERE V PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION OF BILL WITH YOUR PAYMENT ; ` T �^CUSTOMER NUMBER r ' BILLING PERIOD - ^==mac NO.DAYS:' — `-DATEOFBICL 250 0362 07435 '. . 01/24/89 1'[6951- 02/23/89 _:' BOOK -. PAGE -ACCOUNT —i.: FROM-1--- -• TO...-n..a. _ _ ,._..-_:.. .. ..J METER ETEA REAOINGS r ' CONSUMPTION t NUMBER READING PREVIOUS CODE READING PRESENT CODE IN HUNDREDS OFCUBICFEET 31451865 0 CUS 309 ACT 50 BILL FOR TOTAL SERVICE AT CONS. -DATE.. :..•s x rd+.S Tuii+�tom"-.ITEM S f=6 a d` 'ems. _ _r_AMOUNT— 12/27/88 PREVIOUS BILL AMOUNT 296. 34 12/27/88 . -- ACCRUED PENALTIE5 -- 7. 41 .* 02/23/89 WATER CHARGES - 48. 21 ' 02/23/69 CREDIT FOR PREVIOUS BILL 303. 75CR PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT s RESERVOIR LEVELS ARE EXTREMELY LOW. PLEASE CONSERVE NOW TO HELP US AVOID MANDATORY RESTRICTIONS THIS SUMMER �(( - - 1 WESTCHESTER JOINT WATER WORKSQ REFER TO YOUR KEEP THIS PORTION OF BILL FOR YOUR FOR INFORMATION OR EMERGENCY SERVICE DIAL 695-3500 CUSTOMER NUMBER RECORDS SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR COD �'' �'A+.�.�.`":' ''.•�._Yom. '...-'i^�� ""-M-"��1'+SZ4:�'=�"`--"r' """"" '_"1'y'""t t�+l. '?` =_ �. _ � i,�:.r - .eF.t +.a'W' ca�ic:. .i.C-Z .yT• w.,.� S.`ai" s'+.- .��'}si'3Sl.:f APPENDIX D STATE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT STOCKPILE Page 37 THE STATE EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT STOCKPILE The mission of the State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) is to develop and maintain a comprehensive emergency management system to prevent, respond to, and to recover from natural and manmade disasters and emergencies in New York State. SEMO fulfills that mission on behalf of the Adjutant General in his role as Secretariat of the State Disaster Preparedness Commission (DPC) . The DPC is responsible to the Governor for comprehensive emergency management policy. As part of that mission, SEMO maintains a stockpile of emergency equipment which may be used during times of disaster or recovery to augment the basic water and electrical power systems in local communities. The stockpile is comprised of various emergency response equipment such as: - Trailer mounted water pumps ranging from 2" to 6" in size, and capable of delivering water at 100 to 1700 gallons per minute. The water pumps are enhanced by over 30 miles of aluminum water pipe in the inventory. - Portable diatomaceous earth water filtration and purification systems with a 500, 000 gallon per day capacity. - Water trailers capable of storing and dispensing from 400 to 5500 gallons of potable water. - Diesel and gasoline driven generators ranging in size from 5 kilowatts to 100 kilowatts. Most of the larger generators are trailer mounted and easily transportable. - Pipe trailers capable of transporting 120 pieces of 20' aluminum water pipe and associated accessories. - 1000 watt light sets which are mounted on wheeled stands. These light sets enhance round-the-clock operations. - Sandbags - A limited number of cots and blankets to support temporary emergency shelters. The main thrust of the equipment located in the stockpile is to assist local governments in re-establishing a potable water 1 supply to an effected community: however, the components located therein lend themselves to being of great assistance during floods, fires, and power shortages. During emergency situations , equipment located in the stockpile is readily available for deployment when requested by local governments through the local County Emergency Manager to SEMO. Normally, equipment is picked up and delivered using loanee assets. In special circumstances, SEMO will deliver the equipment or coordinate the delivery with another State agency. In order to use stockpile assets, the Chief Executive Officer of the affected community is required to sign a loan agreement which certifies local responsibility for the equipment. The loan agreement attests that if the equipment is lost or damaged it will be repaired or replaced by the loanee. As a matter of policy, all loans of equipment used to replentish or restore potable water supplies requires consultation with the State and local Departments of Health. If an emergency occurs, the Emergency Equipment Stockpile is normally the first source of resource assistance for local governments. If SEMO cannot meet the resource demand, SEMO will attempt to provide the resource by coordinating with other State agencies. The stockpile continues to play an ever increasing role in the State' s emergency response system. Stockpile use has continued to grow at a rapid rate over the past several years and it is expected to play a continuing role in the future. During 1987 , 1988 , and 1989 the stockpile was used more that 100 times • each year. Because of these demands future plans involve an expansion of the stockpile program designed to keep pace with the growth of the state. This will insure that the resources will be capable of being at the right place, at the right time, and fully capable of meeting the need. The stockpile fully exemplifies the Governor' s mandate for a "pro-active" emergency management system. 2 tL�aF SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. QTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 316 ADAPTER, 2.0 inch, Part D n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988 Newark \ L Female QD to 2" Female Thread 113 ADAPTER, 2.0 inch, Part D n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988Queensbury L Female 00 to Female Threaded, Atluminun 317 ADAPTER, 2.0 inch, Part n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L Male QD to 2" Female Thread 114 ADAPTER, 2.0 inch, Part A n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988 Queensbury L Pipe, Male QD to Female Threaded AtLuminum 385 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, n/a none 1 Ever-Lite 1988 Newark L Alluninun to 4" Male QD 313 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, Spool Appt n/a none 1 Ever-Cite 1988 Newark L Male OD to 4" Male QD 110 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, Part A n/a none 2 Ever-cite 1988 Queensbury L Mate OD to Female Threaded, Part A, Alluninun 109 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, Spool Appt n/a tone 1 Ever-tite 1988 Queensbury L Male QD to Male QD, Alluminun 112 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, Part D n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988 Queensbury L Pipe, Female OD to Female Threaded, Alluninun 315 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, Part F n/a none 5 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L Pipe, Male QD to 4" Male Thread 111 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch,. Part F n/a none 5 Ever-tite 1988 Queensbury L Pipe, Male OD to Male Threaded, AILuninun 314 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, Part A n/a none 5 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L Pipe,Male QD to 4" Female Thread 381 ADAPTER, Pipe 6.0 inch, n/a none 1 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L Alluninun, to 6" Male QD 382 ADAPTER, Pipe 6.0 inch, none n/a none 1 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L Female QO to 6" Alluminun 465 ADAPTER, 6.0 inch, n/a none 4 Ever-tite 1988 Newark Pipe, 6" Female Fire Thread to 6" Female Threaded 466 ADAPTER, 6.0 inch, n/a rane 3 Ever-tite 1988 Newark ` L Pipe, 6" Female Fire Thread to 6" Male Threaded 464 ADAPTER, 6.0 inch, n/a none 6 Ever-Tite 1988 Newark Pipe, 6" Male Fire Thread to L 6 " Male Threaded, Brass 384 ADAPTER, 6.0 inch, n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988Newark wn Pipe, AllunirFemale to 6" L Male Thread 463 ADAPTER, 6.0 inch n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988 Newark Pipe, Female OD to Female Thread L 1 xXxxxYYYYXXXXXxxxXxYYXYXxxXXxxYXXxxxXXxxXxYYYXYYXXX SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT xXYYxXxx*XXYxxxxXYXxxYXXYXxxxxxxYYYXXxxXxXXxYYXXXXx ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 462 ADAPTER, 6.0 inch n/a none 7 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L 'Pipe, Male OD to Female Threaded 383 ADAPTER, 6.0 inch, n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L Pipe, Male Thread to 6" Allumirxm Pipe 323 BAG, Body Liner n/a none 1 1985 Newark L Disposable, Liner, On Rolls 118 BAG, Body, Liner n/a none 1 Unknown 1988 Queensbury L Disposable Liner, On RoIL 119 BAG, Body, Pouch n/a none 75 Unknown 1985 Queensbury L Disaster Pouch 322 BLANKET, 90.0 inch, 90 in n/a none 152 Unknown 1988 Newark L Acrylic, Blue 117 BLANKET, 90.0 inch, 90 inch n/a none 125 Unknown 1988 Queensbury L Acrylic, Blue, SEMO Seal 25 CHLORINATOR, GPD, None 69-9188 EM000025 1 CAPITAL CONTROL 1969 Queensbury L 26 CHLORINATOR, GPD, None 69-9192 EM000026 1 CAPITAL CONTROL 1969 Queensbury L 23 CHLORINATOR, GPD, None 69-9191 EM000023 1 CAPITAL CONTROL 1969 Queensbury L 24 CHLORINATOR, GPD, None 69-9190 EM000024 1 CAPITAL CONTROL 1969 Queensbury L 19 CLORINATOR, GPD A747 N/A EM000019 1 WALLACE-TIERNAN 1965 QueensburyL Electric 20 CLORINATOR, GPD, None 65-9310 EM000020 1 FISHER-PORTER 1965 Queensbury L Hydraulic, Meter 21 CHLORINATOR, GPD, None 65-9477 EM000021 1 FISHER-PORTER 1965 Queensbury L Hydraulic, Meter 130 CHLORINATOR, 38.5 GPD, 9711-11 n/a EM000185 1 Precision Cont 1987 Queensbury L Meter, Electric 200 CHLORINATOR, 38.5 GPD, B711-91S n/a EM000184 1 Liquid Metronic 1987 Queensbury L Pump, Electric 202 6 LORINATOR, 38.5 GPD, B711-91S n/a EM000183 1 Liquid Metronic 1987 Queensbury L Pump, Electric 205 CHLORINATOR, 38.5 GPD, 8711-915 n/a EM000182 1 Liquid Metronic 1987 Queensbury L Pump, Electric 334 CHLORINATOR, 40.0 GPD, 200 n/a EM000805 1 Chem Tech 1979 Newark L Electric, Meter Pump, Blue Box 201 CHLORINATOR, 40.0 GPD, 200 n/a EM000180 1 Chem Tech 1987 Queensbury L Pump, Electric 332 CHLORINATOR, 60.0 GPD, 200 n/a EM000804 1 Chem Tech 1979 Newark L Electric, Meter Pump 333 CHLORINATOR, 60.0 GPD, 9711-11 n/a EM000803 1 AMF 1979 Newark L Electric, Meter Pump, Blue Box 218 CHLORINATOR, 60.0 GPD, 9711-11 n/a EM000186 1 AMF 1986 Queensbury L Meter Pump, Electric 2 trx xxxwr,tx rrxxr**rxxrrxrrrxxrxrrrrxxrrxrrrrxxxrrrxxx SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT xx*xx***x**xxrxxrxxrrx*xx*xxx**xrxrxxxxxxrrrrxrxxxx ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 R N ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 203 CHLORINATOR, 60.0 GPD, 200 n/a EM000181 1 Chem Tech 1987 Queensbury L Pump, Electric 346 CONTAINER, 5.0 Gal, 10821 n/a EM000642 16 Justrite 1985 Newark L Fuel Storage and Dispensing, w/nozzle 220 CONTAINER, 5.0 Gal, 10821 n/a EM000259 7 Justrite 1985 Queensbury L Fuel Storage and Dispensing, w/nozzle 337 CORD, none n/a none 13 unknown 1987 Newark L Electric, 50, 133 CORD, 50.0 Ft, None n/a none 6 Unknown 1987 Queensbury L Electric 339 COT, 6.0 Ft, Camper n/a none 100 unknown 1965 Newark L Canvas/Wood, Camper Style 135 COT, 6.0 Ft Camper n/a none 50 Unknown 1965 Queensbury L Canvas/Wood, Camper Type 338 COT, 6.0 Ft, Camper n/a none 70 Unknown 1988 Newark L Nylon/Alluninum, Camper Style 134 COT, 6.0 Ft, Camper n/a EM000496 47 Unknown 1988 Queensbury L Nylon/Alluninun, Camper Type 41 DIATOMACEOUS, 25.0 Lb None N/A N/A 150 Unknown 1985 Queensbury L Earth, DE 233 DIGGER, 35 n/a EM000308 1 General 1985 Queensbury L Post Hole, Gas Eng 437 FILTER, 100.0 GPM, none LE 02 EM000760 1 Pur-O-Cel 1963 Newark L Water,DE 76 FILTER, Water, 350.0 GPM, 33 65-9574 EM000070 1 Paddock Pools 1965 Queensbury L DE, Skid Mtd 75 FILTER, Water, 350.0 GPM, 33 69-9213 EM000069 1 Paddock Pools 1968 Queensbury L DE, Skid Mtd 62 FILTER, Water, 350.0 GPM, 33 65-9475 EM000052 1 Paddock Pools 1965 Queensbury L D�, Skid Mtd 63 FILTER, Water, 350.0 GPM, 33 69-9202 EM000053 1 Paddock Pools 1965 Queensbury L ` DE, Skid Mtd 436 FILTER, 350.0 GPM, 33 65-9415 EM000761 1 Paddock Pools 1965 Newark ` DE, Water, Skid Mtd L 451 FILTER, 350.0 GPM Mod A none 1 Paddock Pools 1965 Queensbury L Water, DE, Skid Mtd 140 FLASHLIGHT, 08867 n/a none 4441 Everready 1985 Queensbury L General Purpose, 2 Btry, D Cell 219 FLASHLIGHT, 01059A n/a none 818 Everready 1985 Queensbury L Hand, Floating, 6v 344 FLASHLIGHT, Recharg n/a EM000669 17 Streamlight 1985 Newark Hand, Rechargable, 12v L 3 SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT *******Y*YYY*****YYYY*YYY*YYYYYYYt**YYY**Y*YYYY**YY ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 L ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. QTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 141 FLASHLIGHT, Recharg n/a EM000231 18 Streamlight 1985 Queensbury L Rechargeable, 12v 43 FOOT VALVE, 6.0 inch, DFVS-60 n/a none 2 Ever-tite 1965 Queensbury L Cast Iron, w/Flapper 142 GASKET, 4.0 inch, none n/a none 600 Emerick 1985 Queensbury L Neoprine, Pipe 45 GASKET, 6.0 inch, SBG-4 n/a none 4600 Emerick 1987 Queensbury L Pipe, Neoprine 151 GENERATOR, 2.5 kw, MA2536DV L80101 EM000194 1 Power Master 1987 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, 1 Phase 150 GENERATOR, 2.6 kw, 8348-0 85-9021 EM000196 1 Generac 1985 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, 1 Phase 355 GENERATOR, 3.5 kw, MA3536DV L80210 EM000748 1 Power Master 1985 Newark L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, l Phase 78 GENERATOR, 3.7 kw, 6620 85-9022 EM000082 1 Generac 1985 Oneonta L Generac, Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, Tecumseh Eng 354 GENERATOR, 5.0 kw, MA5036DVE LB0304 EM000746 1 Power Master 1984 Newark L Gas Eng, l Phase, Skid Mtd 149 GENERATOR, 5.0 kw, MA5036D L80303 EM000193 1 Generac 1985 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, 356 GENERATOR, 5.0 kw, MA5036DV LB0302 EM000747 1 Power Master 1987 Newark L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, 1 Phase 147 GENERATOR, 5.0 kw, MA5036D LB0301 EM000547 1 Generac 1985 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, Power Guard 148 GENERATOR, 5.0 kw, 8709-0 85-9023 EM000195 1 Generac 1985 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, Power Guard 352 GENERATOR, 10.0 kw, 12JRC-3R/5426P 66-8089 EM000750 1 OMAN 1966 Newark L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 1 Phase, 2 Ax, 4 Wheel, 2" Ball Towed 353 GENERATOR, 10.0 kw, 12JRC-3R/5426P 66-8091 EM000749 1 Onan 1966 Newark L Gbs Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Ax, 4 Wheel 2" Ball Towed 2 GENERATOR, 12.5 kw, 12RJC-3R/5492E 66-8020 EM000002 1 ONAN 1966 WATERFORD L 4 Phase, Trlr Mtd, 4 Wheel, 1 Ax 2" Ball Towed, Gas Eng 14 GENERATOR, 12.5 kw, 12RJC-3R/5492E 66-8023 EM000014 1 ONAN 1966 WATERFORD L Gas Driven, l Phase, 4 Wheel 2 Axel, 2" Ball Towed 3 GENERATOR, 12.5 kw, 12RJC-3R/5426P 66-8081 EM000003 1 ONAN 1966 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 1 Phase, 4 Wh L Axel, 2" Ball Towed 13 GENERATOR, 12.5 kw, 12RJC-3R/5426P 66-8093 EM000013 1 ONAN 1966 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trtr Mtd, 4 Wheel, 2 AX *Marked for disposal 2" Ball Towed, 1 Phase - 1 GENERATOR, 12.5 kw, 12RJC-3R/5426P 66-8080 EM000001 1 OMAN 1966 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trlr-Mtd, 4 Wheel, 2 Ax 2" Batt Towed, 1 Phase 4 rrrrrrrrrrr*rrr*r*rr*rrr**rrrrrrrrrrrr:rrrr*rrrrrrr SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT � rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrry,rry,rrrrrr*rr*r*rr*****rr****rrrrr ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, BJN ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT N0. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION _ L 15 GENERATOR, 12.5 kw, 12RJC-3R/5426P 66-8077 EM000015 1 ONAN 1966 WATERFORD L Phase, Gas Eng, 4 Wheel, 2 AX *Marked for disposal L Trlr Mtd, 2" Ball Towed 4 GENERATOR, 12.5 kw, 12RJC-3R/5426P 66-8095 EM000004 1 ONAN 1966 WATERFORD L L Phase, Gas Eng, 4 Wheel, 2 Ax Trlr Mtd, 2" Ball Towed 5 GENERATOR, 15.0 kw, 15RJC-4XR/7073 66-8053 EM000005 1 OMAN 1966 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 4 WhL, 2 Axel 2" Ball Towed 351 GENERATOR, 30.0 kw, 7772 120241 EM000595 1 Continental 1950 Newark Gas Eng, Skid Mtd L 350 GENERATOR, 40.0 kw, none 1 Continental WWII Waterford L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd 349 GENERATOR, 40.0 kw, 1 Continental WWII Newark Gas Eng, Skid Mtd, 3 Phase L 77 GENERATOR, 60.0 kw, 4BT3.9G2 87-8018 EM000086 1 Cummins 1987Oneonta 3 Phase, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, L 1 Ax, 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 450 GENERATOR, 60.0 kw, 88-81 1 Cummins 1988 Newark Diesel Eng, 3 Phase, 2 Wheel, L 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 189 GENERATOR, 60.0 kw, 4BT3.9G2 87-8016 EM000122 1 Cummins 1987 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, 3 Phase 145 GENERATOR, 60.0 kw, . 4BT3.9 87-8017 EM000043 1 Cummins Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1987 Queensbury L 1 AX, Pindle Towed, 100 Gal Tank 144 GENERATOR, 60.0 kw, 4BT3.9G2 87-8051 1 Cummins 1988 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Tpwed, 100 Gal Tank 194 GENERATOR, 60.0 kw, 4BT3.9 88-83 EM000198 1 Cummins Diesel Eng, TrLr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1988 Queensbury L 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, 3 Phase 146 ANERATOR, 60.0 kw, 4BT3.9 88-84 EM000546 1 Cummins Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1988 Queensbury L 1 AX, Pindle Towed, 100 Gal Tank 182 GENERATOR, 60.0 kw, 4BT.3.9 88-82 EM000124 1 Cummins Diesel, Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1988 Queensbury L 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, 3 Phase 181 GENERATOR, 100.0 kw, 687.59 88-8083 EM000123 1 Cummins Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1988 Queensbury L 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, 3 Phase 143 GENERATOR, 100.0 kw, 6875.9 88-8007 1 Cummins Diesel Eng, Trtr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1988 Queensbury L 1 AX, Pindle Towed 195 GENERATOR, 100.0 kw, 6BT5.9 88-80803 EM000199 1 Cummins 1988 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trtr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, 3 Phase 5 *****xxx**xxxx*xxxxxxxx**********x'►x*x**xxxxxxxxxxx SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT \ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}tx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT No. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 196 GENERATOR, 100.0 kw, 6BT5.9 88-8081 EM000200 1 Cummins 1988 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindie Towed, 3 Phase 27 GENERATOR, 250.0 kw, VT-12-G none EM000027 1 CUMMINS WWII WATERFORD L 3 Phase, Trlr Mtd, 5th Wheel *Marked for Disposal Towed, 277/480 V 160 HAT, Hard, Hard Hat n/a none 90 Unknown 1987 Queensbury L OSHA Approved, SEMO Seal 79 HEATER, 150.0 KBTU, B150A 85-9028 EM000081 1 Unknown 1985 Oneonta L Kerosene 237 HEATER, 150.0 KBTU, 8150A 85-8787 EM000310 1 AMCA Int Kerosene 1985 Queensbury L 360 HEATER, 350.0 KBTU, BC350 n/a EM000686 Kerosene 1 AMCA Int 1985 Newark L 227 HEATER, 350.0 KBTU, BC350 85-8789 EM000309 1 AMCA Int Kerosene 1985 Queensbury L 48 HOSE, 2.0 inch, Discharge n/a none 8 Goodyear Discharge, 20' 1988 Queensbury L 161 HOSE, 2.0 inch, Discharge n/a none 16 Goodyear 1985 Queensbury L Discharge, 50' 365 HOSE, 2.0 inch, Discharge n/a none 4 Goodyear 1965 Newark Discharge, Canvas, 50' L ' 364 HOSE, 2.0 inch, Discharge n/a none 8 Goodyear 1988 Newark L Discharge,50' 368 HOSE, 2.0 inch, Suction n/a none 4 Goodyear 1988 Newark L Suction,10' 162 HOSE, 2.5 inch, Discharge n/a none 1 Goodyear 1485 Queensbury L Discharge, 501, White 51 HOSE, 2.5 inch, Suction n/a none 13 Goodyear Suction,10' 1965 Queensbury' L 226 HOSE, 3.0 inch, Spiroflex n/a none 1 Goodyear D 1985 Queensbury L `fscharge, 30', Blue 224 HOSE, 4.0 inch, Spiroflex n/a none 2G Discharge, 501, White oodyear 1965 Queensbury L`- 1 363 HOSE, 4.0 inch, Discharge n/a none 10 Goodyear 1988 Newark Discharge, 50', Yellow L 223 HOSE, 4.0 inch, Spiroflex n/a none 30 Goodyear 1985 Queensbury L Discharge, Yellow, 50' 367 HOSE, 4.0 inch, Suction n/a none 10 Goodyear 1965 Newark Suction, 10' L 228 HOSE, 4.0 inch, Suction n/a none 33 Go Suction, 10' Goodyear 1985 Queensbury L 164 HOSE, .0 inch, Suction n/a none 7 Goodyear 1985 Queensbury L Suction, 10' (Old) 362 HOSE, 6.0 inch, Discharge n/a none 2 Goodyear 1985 Newark Discharge, 100', Blue L 6 CSEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, L ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 361 HOSE, 6.0 inch, Discharge n/a none 20 Goodyear 1985 Newark L Discharge, 501, Yellow 308 HOSE, 6.0 inch, Spiroflex n/a none 2 Goodyear 1985 Oneonta L Discharge, 501,. Yellow 222 HOSE, 6.0 inch, Spiroflex n/a none 40 Goodyear 1985 Queensbury L Discharge, 501, Yellow 366 HOSE, 6.0 inch, Suction n/a none 14 Goodyear 1965 Newark L Suction, 101 307 HOSE, 6.0 inch, spiroflex none none 4 Goodyear 1985 Oneonta L Suction, 10, 163 HOSE, 6.0 inch, Suction n/a none 46 Goodyear 1985 Queensbury L Suction, 10' 375 LIGHT SET, 1.0 Platt, 1000 LA 02-02 EM000745 1 Dayton ELec 1985 Newark L Stand Mounted, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 80 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, LA 02-14 n/a EMDDDD80 1 Dayton 1985 Oneonta L Zea 500 w Lamp, Quartz, Wheel Mtd 374 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA 02-04 EM000744 1 Dayton ELec 1985 Newark L Floor Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 377 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA 02-11 EM000581 1 Dayton Elec 1985 Newark L Stand Mounted, 2 Wheel, 2 Light C 373 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 watt, 1000 LA02-03 EM000743 1 Dayton ELec 1985 Newark L Stand Mounted, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 376 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA 02-06 EM000742 1 Dayton ELec 1985 Newark L Stand Mponted, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 243 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 2V8076 none EM000266 1 Dayton Elec 1985 Queensbury L Stand Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Lighjt 245 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA02-08 EM000271 1 unknown 1985 Queensbury L Stand Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 242 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA02-10 EM000268 1 unknown 1985 Queensbury L S and Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 239 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA02-01 EM000272 1 Unknown 1985 Queensbury L Stand Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 240 EIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA02-09 EM000270 1 unknown 1985 Queensbury L Stand Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Light I 241 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt 1000 LA02-05 EM000273 1 unknown 1985 Queensbury L Stand Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 244 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 2V8078 n/a EM000267 1 Dayton ELec 1985 Queensbury L Stand Mtd, 2 Wheel, 2 Light 238 LIGHT SET, 1000.0 Watt, 1000 LA02-07 EM000269 1 Unknown 1985 Queensbury L Stand Mtd, 2 Wheel,2 Light 469 LIGHT SET, 500.0 Watt Floor_ n/a EM000603 1 Stoneco 1984 Newark 1 Bulb, 2411 High, Floor Type L 254 PIPE, Pulse n/a none 2 unknown 1987 Queensbury L Flow, Total, Pulse Output, Transmitter 7 ffffffffffffffffffffftffffffffffffffffff llffffflfff SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT ffffffffffffffffff*f fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 253 PIPE, 2.0 inch, Impeller n/a none 2 unknown 1987 Queensbury L Flow Sensor, Impeller 251 PIPE, 4.0 inch, none na none 50 Ever-tite 1985 QueensburyL ALluminun, 20 ' 380 PIPE, 4.0 inch, none n/a none 200 Ever-tite 1965 Newark L Atluminun, 20' 55 PIPE, 4.0 inch, none n/a none 100 Ever-tite 1965 Queensbury L ALLuminun,201, (OLd) y 386 ADAPTER, 4.0 inch, n/a none 1 Ever-tite 1988 Newark L Pipe, Female to 4" ALLuninum 379 PIPE, .6.0 inch, none n/a none 3960 Ever-tite 1986 Newark L A l l um i num, 20' 249 PIPE, 6.0 inch, none n/a none 260 Ever-tite 1986 Queensbury L A l l un i ruin, 20' 54 PIPE 6.0 inch, none n/a none 3960 Ever-tite 1985 Queensbury L AtLuminun, 20' 53 PIPE, 6.0 inch, none n/a none 175 Ever-tite 1965 Queensbury L AlLunin m, 201, (OLd) 250 PIPE, 6.0 inch, TA n/a none 53 Ever-tite 1985 Queensbury L Atluminum, Hi-Pressure, 20' 378 PIPE, 8.0 inch, none n/a none 792 Ever-tite 1986 Newark L ALLuminLxn, 20' 248 PIPE, 8.0 inch, none n/a none 546 Ever-Lite 1986 Queensbury L ALluninxm, 20' 52 PIPE, 8.0 inch, none n/a none 840 Ever-tite 1965 Queensbury L u Atluninn,20',(OLd) ur y 259 PIPE, 160.0 PSI, 1604 n/a none 1 PIMAR 1987 Queensbury L 111, Poly, Tubing, 200" Rolt 261 PIPE, PVC, 160.0 PSI, 1608 n/a none 1 PIMAR 1987 Queensbury L 1-1/2", Poly, Tubing, 200' Roll 260 PPE, PVC, 160.0 PSI, 1603 n/a none 1 PIMAR 1987 Queensbury L 1-1/4", Poly Tubing, 200' Rotl 258 PIPE, PVC, 160.0 PSI, 2239 n/a none 1 PIMAR 1987 Queensbury L 2", Poly, Tubing, 200' Roll 257 PIPE, PVC, 160.0 PSI, 1603 n/a none 1 PIMAR 1987 Queensbury L 3/411, Tubing,Poly, 200' Roll 422 PLASTIC, 60.0 inch, n/a n/a none 40 Unknown 1987 Newark On Roll L 421 PUMP, Water, 2.0 inch, 82E2BKND LD O7 EM000770 1 Gorman-Rupp 1965 Newark Gas Eng, Skid Mtd L 273 PUMP, Water, 2.0 inch, 2B6 62-9745 EM000306 1 Marlow 1962 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Skid Mtd 420 PUMP, Water, 2.0 inch, 2P333 LD 05 EM000771 1 Dayton ELec 1985 Newark Green, 2P333 L Gas Engine 8 SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 Eal ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION l 417 PUMP, Water, 2.5 inch, VF4DX LD 12 EM000588 1 American Marsh 1965 Newark L Cent, Gas Eng, *Marked for Disposal 388 PUMP, 2.5 inch, 20AA LD-19 EM000773 1 Chicago Pneu 1985 Newark L Pneumatic, Submersable 70 PUMP, Water, 3.0 inch, 3P613 none . EM000061 1 Dayton Electric 1965 Queensbury L Diaphragm, 3 HP, Trlr Mtd, 1 AX, 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed, Gas Eng 419 PUMP, Water, 3.0 inch, 3P6006 LD 02 EM000775 1 Dayton Elec 1985 Newark l Green, 3P600B Gas Engine 418 PUMP, Water, 3.0 inch, 3P655 LD 04 EM000774 1 Dayton Elec 1985 Newark L Green, 3P655 Gas Engine 67 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, JP654 none EM000057 1 Dayton Electric 1965 Queensbury L 10 HP, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed 214 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, SBM-00115 87-9433 EM000192 1 Gorman Rupp 1986 Queensbury L 750 GPM, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 1 Ax 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 65 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, Unit 302 65-9318 EM0000S5 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Oueensbury L Cent, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, I AX, Pindle Towed 274 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, SBM-00116 87-9434 EM000063 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Ar Cent, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 68 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 4H4D 68-9612 EM000058 1 Marlow 1968 Queensbury L Cent, Trlr Mtd, Gas Eng,2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed 415 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 302 65-9331 EM000593 1 Gorman-Rupp 1965 Newark L Diesel Eng, Skid Mtd *Marked for disposal 413 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 302 LD 11-01 EM000766 1 Gorman-Rupp 1966 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, Ford Engine 410 P27MP, Water, 4.0 inch, 302 LD 11-04 EM000765 1 Gorman-Rupp 1966 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, Ford Engine 411 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, LD 11-03 1 Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, Newark L 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, Ford Engine 409 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 302 LD 11-02 EM000767 1 Gorman-Rupp 1966 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, Ford Engine 59 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, Unit 302 65-9319 EM000048 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Oueensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, I Axel, Pindle Towed 57 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, Unit 302 65-9321 EM000046 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed rYtfYftYrYYttfYrftrfrYrYf rffYfYrt lr rfffYf♦YrffftYtf SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT \ •YftfYYrtfYYYffYtYY rf YfffftYftffYffYff rfYtYf YY ttfYr ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT No. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 72 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, Unit 302 65-9322 EM000065 1 Gorman-Rupp 1965 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed 408 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 302 69-9709 EM000594 1 Gorman-Rupp 1965 Newark Gas Eng, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Trlr L Mtd, Pindle Towed 404 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, SBM-00115 87-9435 EM000755 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Newark L Gas Eng, Lo-Press, Trir Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 407 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 303 65-9327 EM000768 1 Gorman-Rupp 1965 Newark L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax Pindle Towed 406 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, RCE LD 09-01 EM000777 1 American Marsh 1962 Newark Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax L Pindle Towed, Ford Engine 405 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 303 LD 10-02 EM000769 1 Gorman-Rupp 1965 Newark L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax Pindle Towed, Ford Engine 206 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 4C4 68-9613 EM000060 1 Marlow 1965 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel,l Ax, Pindle Towed 71 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, SBM-00115 87-9438 EM000062 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel,l AX, Pindle Towed 69 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 4C4 69-9210 EM000059 1 Marlow 1968 Queensbury L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 WheeL,1 AX, Pindle Towed 10 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 303 65-9325 EM000010 1 GORMAN-RUPP 1965 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 300 GPM, 1 AX 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 414 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 3P654 LD 01-02 EM000776 1 Dayton ELec 1985Newark Gas Engine, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, L 1 Ax, No Tow 271 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 87-9437 EM000564 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Lb-Press, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 270 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, 87-9436 EM000563 1 Gorman Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Eo-Press, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 66 PUMP, Water, 4.0 inch, VH40-S/G 79-8002 EM000056 1 Gorman-Ru L Trash, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 1 AX, PP 1965 Queensbury L 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 460 PUMP, 4.0 inch, 303 65-9323 EM000592 1 Gorman-Ru Water, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, PP 1965 Newark L 2 Wheel, 1 Axel, Pindle Towed 456 PUMP, 4.0 inch 4C4 LD 13 EM000756 1 Marlow 1965 Newark Water, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Whl l 1 Axel„ Not Towed 6 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch 55M2-5044-HTS1 85-8091 EM000006 1 Gorman-Rupp 1600 GPM, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 1985 WATERFORD L 2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed 10 **********************r*x*rxrrx*xrxrrrrrrrrr*rxxrrx SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT *r*************r**rxrxrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrxxxerrrrrxrrrr ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 L ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 17 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 55M2-5044-HTS1 85-2838 EM000017 1 GORMAN-RUPP 1985 WATERFORD L 1600 GPM, Diesel Eng,Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed 186 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, HGIP 65-8004 EM000120 1 Marlow 1965 Queensbury L 800 GPM, Cent, Trlr Mtd, 1 Ax, 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 83 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6E7S 68-9607 EM000085 1 Marlow 1968 Oneonta L 800 GPM, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 1 AX 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 183 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, HGIP 65-8006 EM000117 1 Marlow 1965 Queensbury L Cent, 800 GPM, Trlr Mtd, 1 Ax, 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 184 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, HGIP 65-8007 EM000118 1 Marlow 1965 Queensbury L Cent, 800 GPM, Trlr Mtd, 1 Ax, 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 398 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5044-HT/S1 LD 08-01 EM000753 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Newark L Cent, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 268 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6E7S 68-9603 EM000064 1 Marlow 1968 Queensbury L Cent, Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 185 PUMP, Water, 6.0 .inch, HGIP 65-8008 EM000119 1 Marlow 1965 Queensbury L Cent, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 800 GPM 1 Ax, Pindle Towed ` 73 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5044-HT/S1 85-8092 EM000067 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Queensbury L Cent, Trlr Mtd, Diesel Eng,1 AX, 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 393 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5EE08 65-9481 EM000586 1 Berkeley 1965 Newark L Diesel Eng, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, *Marked for disposal Pindle Towed 12 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5EE08 65-8005 EM000012 1 BERKELEY 1965 WATERFORD L Diesel Eng, 800 GPM, 4 Wheel, 2 Axel, Pindle Towed 60 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5044-HT/S1 none EM000049 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel L Axel, Pindle Towed 399 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5044-HT/S1 LD 08-02 EM000780 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Newark L\ Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed ti 397 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6E7S 68-9598 EM000587 1 Marlow 1968 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, *Marked for disposal 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 396 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5EE08 65-9482 EM000584 1 Berkeley 1965 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, *Marked for disposal 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 400 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5044-HT/S1 LD 08-03 EM000779 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 403 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, ROE LD 11-02 EM000590 1 American Marsh 1962 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, *Marked for disposal 1 Ax, Pindle Towed, Ford Eng 11 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYiYY*YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYtY SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT YYYY*****YYYYYYYYYf YYYYY**YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY*** ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 L ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 392 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5EE08 65-9479 EM000583 1 Berkeley 1965 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, *Marked for disposal 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 394 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5EE08 65-9478 EM000585 1 Berkeley 1965 Newark L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, *Marked for disposal 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 204 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5044-HT/S1 85-2837 EM000049 1 Gorman Rupp 1985 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, 267 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5044-HT/S1 85-2836 EM000066 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, i Ax, Pindle Towed 58 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, SBM-00114 80-8088 EM000047 1 Gorman-Rupp 1985 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, I AX, Pindle Towed 61 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, SBM-00113 87-9432 EM000050 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Axel, Pindle Towed 395 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5EE08 65-9483 EM000582 1 Berkeley 1965 Newark L Diesel Eng,Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, *Marked for disposal 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 11 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 5EE08 65-8003 EM000011 1 BERKELEY 1965 WATERFORD L Diesel Eng,Trlr Mtd,4 Wheel, 2 A Pindle Towed 82 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6E7S 68-9610 EM000084 1 Marlow 1968 Oneonta L Gas Eng, 800 GPM, Trlr Mtd,1 AX, 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 390 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6E7S 68-9602 EM000764 1 Marlow 1968 Newark L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 AX Pindle Towed 401 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, RCE LD 09-03 EM000778 1 American Marsh 1965 Newark L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax Pindle Towed, Ford Engine 402 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, RCE LD 09-02 EM000772 1 American Marsh 1962 Newark L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax Pindte Towed, Ford Eng 391 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, ROE LD 09-01 EM000589 1 American Marsh 1962 Newark L` Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax *Marked for disposal Pindle Towed t 9 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6E7S 68-9609 EM000009 1 MARLOW 1968 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 800 GPM, 1 AX 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 8 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6L7S 68-9605 EM000008 1 MARLOW 1968 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 800 GPM, 1 AX 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 7 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 6F7S 68-9608 EM000007 1 MARLOW 1968 WATERFORD L Gas Eng, Trlr Mtd, 800 GPM, 1 Ax 2 Wheel, Pindle Towed 262 PUMP, 6.0 inch, none n/a EM000197 1 unknown 1985 eensbury L Pneumatic, Submersable 12 rfYtYYttfffttYYf YYttfttYffrYttYYYrff ttfYrYYYYYffYff SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT fYYYYYfftr YffrYff tf YfrtYfYYYYYf YtffYttffYYff rf rf YfY ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT N0. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 389 PUMP, Vater, 6.0 inch, SBM-00113 87-9430 EM000752 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Newark L Trash, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 264 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 87-9428 EM000565 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Trash, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 265 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, SBM-00113 87-9429 EM000044 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Trash, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 56 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, SBM-00113 87-9431 EM000045 1 Gorman-Rupp 1986 Queensbury L Trash, Diesel Eng, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, l AX, Pindle Towed 187 PUMP, Water, 6.0 inch, 16A21ND301 60-9167 EM000121 1 Gorman-Rupp 1960 Queensbury L Trash, Trlr Mtd, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax Pindle Towed 81 PUMP, Sbmsl, 10.0 HP, 3P1026C10D1 n/a EM000087 1 Franklin Elec 1965 Oneonta L w/control box, Electric, 276 RAIN COAT, none n/a none 80 unknown 1987 Queensbury L Rubber, Man's, Yellow w/SEMO Logo 277 RAIN PANTS, none n/a none 80 unknown 1987 Queensbury L Rubber, Man's, Yellow 255 REDUCER, 8.0 inch, none n/a none 10 unknown 1985 Queensbury L Pipe, Reduce to 6 inch 424 SAND BAG, none n/a none "** Unknown Newark L Poly-Coe (Owned by Dist Eng - Buffalo) 279 SAND BAGS, n/a n/a none **** unknown 1980 Queensbury L Poiy-Coe (Owned by Dist Eng- Buffalo) 309 SCREEN, 6.0 inch, none n/a none 1 Pratt 1985 Oneonta L Metal, for Suction hose 441 WINK, 6.0 Gal, cane n/a EM000808 77 Igloo 1986 Newark L WINK, Storage, Plastic 301 TANK, 6.0 Gal, none n/a none 176 unknown 1986Queensbury L `' Water Storage, Plastic 347 TANK, 350.0 Gal, 1230 n/a EM000757 1 Highland 1987 Newark ti L Fuel Storage, Skid Mtd 188 TANK, 350.0 Gal, 1230 n/a EM000116 1 Gasboy 1987 Queensbury L Fuel Storage, Skid Mtd 180 TANK, 350.0 Gal, 1230 n/a EM000115 1 Gasboy 1987 Queensbury L Fuel Storage, Skid Mtd 22 TANK, Water, rt Plastic Gal, Noe n/a EM000022 1 Kogen Ent 1986 Queensbury L Skid Mtd, Plc Tank, Poly-Pro 447 TANK, 400.0 Gal, none 86-0100 EM000759 1 Nalge 1985 Water Storage, Skid Mtd Newark L 13 SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT iiia.t*i*iir*iiirii*rirrii**i**ri*iirr**rr***rii*rri ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 348 TANK, 500.0 Gal, 1230 n/a EM000758 1 Gasboy 1987 Newark L Fuel Storage, Skid Mtd 178 TANK, 500.0 Gal, 1230 n/a EM000113 1 Gasboy 1987 Queensbury L Fuel Storage, Skid Mtd 179 TANK, 500.0 Gal, 1230 n/a EM000114 1 Gasboy 1987 Queensbury L Fuel Storage, Skid Mtd 300 TANK, Folding, 1500.0 Gal, Folding n/a EM000303 3 Fold-A-Tank 1985 Queensbury L Water Storage 440 TANK, 1500.0 Gal, Folding n/a EM000763 1 fold-A-Tank 1985 Newark L Water Storage, 439 TANK, 2100.0 Gal, Folding n/a EM000762 1 Fold-A-Tank 1985 Newark L Folding, Water Storage 299 TANK, Folding, 2100.0 Gal, Folding n/a EM000302 1 Fold-A-Tank 1985 Queensbury L Water Storage, 38 TANK, Water, 3000.0 Gal, fold-A-Tank n/a EM000040 1 Unknown 1984 Queensbury L Folding, Water Storage 40 TANK, Water, 3000.0 Gal, Fold-A-Tank n/a EM000042 1 Unknown 1984 Queensbury L Folding, Water Storage 39 TANK, Water, 3000.0 Gal, Fold-A-Tank n/a EM000041 1 Unknown 1984 Queensbury L Folding, Water Storage 298 TANK, Folding, 3000.0 Gal, Folding n/a EM000301 1 Fold-A-Tank 1985 Queensbury L Water Storage, 467 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal D-980Ll-A none EM000591 1 Zero Mfg Co WWII Newark L Water, 2 Wheel, 1 Axel, Set. *Marked for disposal up for Fire Fighting 193 TRAILER, 858974 86-8959 EM000128 1 Atlanta 1985 Queensbury L Pipe, 120 Pipe x 201, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 190 TRAILER, 858971 86-8960 EM000125 1 Atlanta 1986 Queensbury L Pipe, 120 pipe x 201, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 192 RAILER, 858973 86-8962 EM000127 1 Atlanta 1985 Queensbury L Pipe, 120 Pipe x 201, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 191 TRAILER, 858972 86-8971 EM000126 1 Atlanta 1986 Queensbury L Pipe, 120 pipe x 201, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax, Pindle Towed 294 TRAILER, 3.0 Ton, 3 T 87-8921 EM000313 1 Eager Beaver 1987 Queensbury L Tilt Bed, Pindle Towed, 2 Wheel 1 Ax 387 TRAILER, 120.0 Pipe, 120 86-8963 EM000579 1 Atlanta 1986 Newark 2 Wheel, 1 Axel L 16 TRAILER,Pipe 120.0 N/A 86-8964 EM000016 1 Cust Trlr-Atla 1986 Queensbury L 120 Pipe x 201, 3500 Lb Cap 2 Wheel, l Ax, Pindle Towed 18 TRAILER,WATER, 400.0 Gal M107E2 53--8034 EM000018 1 Fruehauf 1953 Queensbury L 2 Wheel, 1 Axel,Mil Type, Pindle Towed 14 ffffffYfff YYffffffYYfffffff if ffYf ffYffffYY YYffYYYff SEMO STOCKPILE INVENTORY REPORT tfYY*fffftfff YfffffffYffffffffffffffYfffYf YYYffffYf \ ITEMS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN AS OF: January 29, 1 L ITEM DESCRIPTION MODEL DOT NO. SEMO NO. OTY MANUFACTURER YEAR LOCATION L 446 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, M107 LH 0205 EM000576 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Newark L Water 2 Wheel, 1 Axel 445 TRAILER, 400.0 Gat, M107 85-8087 EM000577 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Newark L Water 2 Wheel, 1 Axel 444 TRAILER, 400.0 Gat, M107 85-8089 EM000578 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Newark L Water, 176 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, M107 85-8088 EM000111 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Queensbury L Water, Mit Type, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax 171 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, M107 LH0204 EM000106 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Queensbury L Water, Mil Type, Z Wheel, 1 Ax 177 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, M107 LH 02-03 EM000112 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Queensbury L Water, Mil Type, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax 175 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, M107 85-8084 EM000110 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Queensbury L Water, Mil Type, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax 174 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, M107 LH 02-01 EM000109 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Queensbury L Water, Mit Type, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax 173 TRAILER, 400.0 Gat, M107 LH 02-06 EM000108 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Queensbury L Water, Mit Type, 2 Wheel, 1 Ax 172 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, Mt07 LH 02-02 EM000107 1 Zero Mfg Co 1985 Queensbury L i Water, Mit Type, 2 Wheel, 1 AX 84 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal, M107E2 53-8033 EM000088 1 Fruehauf 1953 Oneonta L Water, Mil Type, 2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed 85 TRAILER, 400.0 Gal M107E2 85-8085 EM000083 1 Kogen Ent 1985 Oneonta L Water, Mil Type, 2 Wheel, 1 AX, Pindle Towed 170 TRAILER, 5500.0 Gal, 103SM 88-8978 EM000105 1 Barbel Mfg Co 1988 Queensbury L Stainless Steel, Tractor Towed 442 TRAILER, 5500.0 Gal, 103SM 88-8979 EM000574 1 Barbel 1988 Newark L Stainless Steel, Water, Tractor Towed 443 TRAILER, 5500.0 Gal, F1-7407 85-8074 EM000575 1 Polar Tank 1985 Newark C Water, stainless Steel, 68000 Lb Cap, Tractor Towed 169 TRAILER, 5500.0 Gat, F1-7407 85-8075 EM000104 1 Polar Tank 1985 Queensbury L Water, Stainless Steel, 68000 GVW, Tractor Towed 448 WHEELBARROW, 5.0 ft. none n/a EM000751 1 Ames 1985 Newark L Blue, 1 Wheel 305 WHEELBARROW, 5.0 yd, none n/a EM000297 4 Ames 1988 Queensbury L Blue, t Wheel C 15