HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown of Mamaroneck Annual Report 2009 fi. � R_ . Iiiiri ,\ it , , .. . „..,..4.......,_ . ,, . , ., . r , - ....„ # \ 1111 ' • r Off. 47 6, 4i Town of Mamaroneck11' -53 2009 Annual Report w , 7 I- • FOUNDED 1661 • i y r; '3 f -. aer r z I• Ai. 14, . ,at i - ' . '''.. - '''' 't,:. 4 --- ,-„- ; :., „.„ ,__, , -4.44 "*.-----..c.r„,,2:--------------- ,.--,,i;” , I % - • r ...-411';.. \\. _ k' •`` - .i1 44 _ at.... TAMINII,, .fid.fiv _ 'Yr_.. - i0, ' , , � _ a"' 014 -rF s - •- V f . , • : ,,-t;IF *- -, .: • • • r � , - ' -�k f - � tiEl .: s V Vi Uy j:j. .:.:T"..,.. ri _ .,,.-._..,:k.:-.: -,_,..,_., ,..„ ... , . . ,,,, ,,.,.. , . ,.., ...,,.T. ,--...„r•','--7 4... 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Volunteer Boards and Committees 37-38 Water Works 39 • 1 GREETINGS FROM THE SUPERVISOR Dear Residents: T% I am both pleased and proud to introduce this annual report which covers the Town government's efforts and accomplishments for 2009. The Town s programs and services directly affect the quality of life of each resident, and this report summarizes what our municipality has to offer and provides an overview of our activities during 2009. In the pages that follow you can read a report from every department on the status of its projects as well as a compilation of statistics for the year. And 2009_was a very good year. The Town Board and I are committed to continuing the sound fiscal practices that have enabled us to retain our AAA bond rating from Moody's Investor's Service. This is the highest rating granted to local governments for municipal bonds and it is held by a very small percentage of municipalities in New York State. While the Town Board sets the policies and goals for the government, the Town's employees help to accomplish them. We thank them for their professionalism and for their dedication to delivering quality service. We also thank our volunteer Boards and Commissions for their generosity in sharing their time and talents for the benefit of our Town. Sincerely, 4 lc Valerie Moore O'Keeffe Supervisor 2 SUPERVISORS STATE OF THE TOWN MESSAGE 2009 Property Revaluation As 2009 began the national economy As we consider the question of property taxes, continued#o slide and the challenges for the one of the overriding issues is fairness. This is Town of Mamaroneck and all local governments the issue of property revaluation. Aside from became even greater than they were in 2008. The the question of tax fairness, there is the impact Town,however,continued to tackle the problems of outdated assessment data upon the Town and devise ways to weather the economic storm. budget. One of the fastest growing expenses in , Our financial condition became our primary our budget has been the cost of defending tax concern. appeals and refunding taxes. Certainly it was not The goal was to continue to operate the unexpected in a down real estate market that the government in a way that would provide stability number of tax appeals filed with the Town would for the residents. Our stability is defined by increase dramatically. our ability to provide municipal services at a During the past year over 800 tax appeals reasonable cost. I believe we have accomplished were filed with the Town. The year before there this goal. were approximately 300. Recently the league of Certainly it would be good if tax increases woman voters and the local summit hosted a panel could be avoided but there is the reality of discussion on the issue of property assessment. providing services in an environment in which The Town along with representatives of the the public has become accustomed to high levels school district and the New York state office of real of service. Therefore, the Town has adopted a property services sat on the panel and presented policy of slow and steady wins the race. Rather the case for property revaluation. While the topic than drastic fluctuations from year to year in our is sensitive and there is apprehension over the tax rates, we have proposed modest tax increases results of a revaluation there appears to be near to keep pace with our operating needs. unanimous agreement that the time has come to During the past two years the Town has revalue properties in the Town. lost close to $1 million dollars in non-tax So, in 2010 we will seek proposals to move revenue due to declines in the real estate market forward with property revaluation. We have and the economy. It is questionable whether moved slowly and deliberately on this issue. this revenue can be made up in the foreseeable Evaluation studies by both a citizens committee future. The current condition of the New and an outside consultant have helped us to York state government does not bode well for understand the process and obtain the widest local governments either. The state's financial range of opinions on the subject. The;separate condition could translate into even further studies have also drawn the same conclGsion, and revenue losses for the Town should the state that is that the system in its current formis broken cut aid to local governments. Unfortunately, no and needs repair. Property assessment data must one has a crystal ball or can tell us for sure what be updated. In 2010 you will hear a good_deal of conditions will be like in another year. So while information on this topic as we intend fo.conduct we have been able to maintain service levels up a comprehensive educational process .6n how until now there is no guarantee that changes will revaluation will be done in the Town. not be necessary if we are to control property tax During 2009, the Town also managed to costs in the community. follow through on several initiatives to improve future quality of life in our community. STATE OF THE TOWN MESSAGE 2009 New Parking Deck was negotiated in the 1940's and the creation of This past summer the Town officially opened the tri-municipal joint ambulance district in 1993. the new parking deck on myrtle boulevard. The In January of 2009 the Town completed work deck wag constructed by a private developer with the village of Mamaroneck to consolidate withoot any municipal funding and provides all senior services, community services and additional parking for those in the Washington Section 8 housing administration into one single Square neighborhood where parking has been a department in the Town government. Prior to the significant problem. consolidation with the village of Mamaroneck,the Town and village of Larchmont operated a joint On-Street Parking Legislation senior citizens program. Now, however, there is In 2009 the New York state legislature finally one department responsible for delivering these adopted legislation giving the Town discretion to services to the entire Town. In connection with establish resident only parking on certain streets this most recent consolidation the Town entered in the Washington Square area and off 5th avenue. into a long-term lease agreement with the David Potts chapter of the veterans of foreign wars on the Boston Post Road. The VFW building has Flooding Initiatives — Gardens Lake One of the basic missions of the Town provided us with an excellent facility from which government is to provide public safety and to operate a Town wide nutrition site and senior protect property. In 2009 we made gains in that center. area relating to flood protection. The Town of Mamaroneck was awarded a $1 million grant VFW Renovations by Westchester county to improve the function In 2009 we were informed that through of the gardens lake to create more flood water Westchester county and the community retention capability in the lake and control flood development block grant program the Town water levels in the lower reaches of the sheldrake was awarded a $150,000 grant -to assist with river in the village of Mamaroneck. Construction renovations to the VFW building. The renovations is scheduled to begin in the next several months. will begin in 2010 and further improve our ability to provide senior programming. The consolidated Shared Services/Consolidated Services senior center and nutrition program have been an In recent years with the concern over enormous success as has all of the consolidation property taxes consolidation of services between and shared service initiatives implemented by the communities has become a very popular concept. Town and two Villages. They have resulted in Not everyone knows, however, that for the Town better service to the community at lower costs. 4 of Mamaroneck and the villages of Mamaroneck My sincere thanks go to the village mayors and and Larchmont consolidation and shared services trustees that have collaborated with to Town on has not been a concept but rather a practice. It these efforts. began with creation of one Westchester joint Our work on sharing services does not stop water works in 1927 which included the Town here, however. During 2009 the Town and two and village of Mamaroneck and the Town Villages created a joint services committee to of Harrison. A joint Town of Mamaroneck continue to look at alternatives for sharing and village of Larchmont garbage disposal services and consolidation. We all look forward commission followed in 1939. Thereafter a joint to the committee's recommendations which are operating agreement for the Larchmont library expected in 2010. 4 Environment Conclusion—And Thanks For the Town,preservation of the environment I want to conclude by thanking those has always been high priority and in 2009 we that work so hard on the task of running this continued our pursuit of developing practices government. To the Town Board members - and policjws to improve our local environment. I want to thank you all for the long hours and We produced our second veggie garbage truck seemingly endless meetings that we attend on which runs on vegetable oil. The two vegetable matters relating to the government. While oil fueled trucks will reduce our use of diesel fuel the members of the Town Board do not always consumption by up to 5,000 gallons a year and agree on issues, we have developed a remarkable , produce far fewer harmful carbon emissions. environment of collegiality. Each listens to the In connection with the greening of our vehicle other's opinion and comments and in the end we fleet we are awaiting word on a grant application almost always develop consensus on a solution. through the federal stimulus program for funds Thank you Phyllis, Nancy, Ernie, David, and our to add hybrid vehicles to our fleet of highway clerk Christina Battalia . department trucks. We are also exploring the use To the Town staff, many thanks for your of wind power for the new sanitation commission dedication and professionalism in the conduct of building which is scheduled for construction in your daily tasks. Our department heads met the 2010. call for restraint in preparing their budgets for 2010 and I,along with the Town board,appreciate Recreation their understanding of the environment in which Recreation has always been an important part we now must operate. Special thanks, as always, of the fabric-of the Town but recreation is not to our very industrious and respected Town always defined through active sports and activities. Administrator Steve Altieri. Passive recreation is also important in the Town To the residents to whom we are accountable, of Mamaroneck. A long-awaited link between the we pledge to continue to listen to your concerns flint park waterside pathway and the Hommocks and develop policies that will maintain the conservation area was recently completed by the wonderful quality of life that we enjoy here in the Town. The link of the two conservation areas Town of Mamaroneck. creates a superb passive recreational walking path that offers beautiful views of the marsh and the little harbor sound. 1111111\\ \Wan% ��� \ , 2009 Was another busy year for our recreation department as we served over 1,000 children in our summer programs. A project that was t delayed this year but will get back on track in 2010 is the evaluation of the Hommocks ice rink. ` '' a We will take a look at this now 20-year old facility to determine how best to continue its mission of providing year-round recreational opportunities z� for the Town. Hommocks Pool • 5 THE TOWN . _ The Town of Mamaroneck includes the en- Unincorporated Area. The Town elects its own tire'Village of Larchmont, the Unincor- officials, adopts its own laws, and manages its porated Area, and that part of the Village of own finances. This report refers only to the Mamaroneck west of the Mamaroneck River Unincorporated Area, cited throughout as bordering Rye Neck. Both incorporated villag- "The Town." es are self-governing, and they, plus the unin- According to the year 2000 census, there corporated area, define the Town as a political were approximately 11,200 residents in the and governmental subdivision of the State. Unincorporated Area, 6,100 residents in The Town provides recreation, property the Village of Larchmont, and 10,200 in the assessment services and election supervision to Village of Mamaroneck. The total area of the the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, Unincorporated Town is 5.17 square miles. . and direct municipal services including police, fire, and sanitation to residents of the Memorial Park 'r :r I y • .-:;:•:....*:..:::::....':.:,:::.•::::::•'•'‘ :0.... ',IP UNINCORPORATED AREA • ,. ,.0 0 •• Area 5.17 Sq.Mlles VILLAGE OF MAMARONECKI aw• s. ", Ares 2.33 Sq.Miles "s• .w •II ill iiII •• . re •.•.•• •• 4. a r •VILLAGE OF LARCHMONT Area 1.08 Sq.Miles t I' C. c TOWN OF MAMARONECK 6 MAMARONECK HISTORY amaroneck,a name sometimes translated By 1888 a four-track line of the New York 41M as"the place where the sweet waters fall and New Haven Railroad was completed and a into the 4a," is one of the oldest settlements huge granite station was built on Chatsworth in Westchester County. Established at the Avenue. Mamaroneck became a popular mouth of a river and at the head of a harbor, summer residence for New York City's upper it was purchased in 1661 by John Richbell, a classes and a haven for those fleeing polio and London merchant, from the Siwanoy Indians. influenza epidemics. A 1698 town census recorded seventy- The 1920's were a time of growth and seven people. Descendents of some of these expansion which continued until the stock original families still reside in the area. Two market crash of 1929. During the Great years later the population increased to eighty- Depression so many families were forced to four with most residents living on the "East sell their homes that the Town prohibited"For Neck," the present Village of Mamaroneck. Sale" signs from being displayed because they feared a panic. The Larchmont Aid Society During the Revolutionary War Westchester was established at that time to offer charitable County declared itself neutral territory and relief. Mamaroneck was unhappily sandwiched between the Colonial Headquarters north of The end of World War II brought economic Peekskill and the British forces in New York recovery, however, and by 1946 Westchester City.Without either civil or military protection County was enjoy a housing boom. The residents were often pillaged by both sides. Boston Post Road soon became inadequate to handle the increased volume of traffic.During On May 17,1788,the Town of Mamaroneck the 1950's the Town sold part of Larchmont was created by an act of the New York State Gardens Lake and the surrounding park to Legislature. During the Civil War citizens the Thruway Authority. The New England were divided in their political affiliations, Thruway, originally called the Pelham-Port although a majority voted Democrat in the Chester Highway, opened in 1958, carving a election 1860. path through the Unincorporated Area. 18th and 19th Century residents earned Today , the Town of Mamaroneck, with their livelihoods by farming,fishing,lumbering its easy access to highways, airports and and milling.Manufacturing arrived in the 19th Metro North train service to New York City century and most was located(as it is today)in and Stamford is a prime suburban residential the Mamaroneck Village section. Larchmont community. �_-. Village and the Unincorporated Town were, . and largely remain, residential. 7 - MAMARONECK TOWN CENTER 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD The Town Center, located at 740 West Boston Post Road was originally Mamarol4eck High School, constructed in 1888. At the turn of the Century celebrated Saturdy Evening Post illustrator Norman Rockwell was a member of the student body. 4 In 1925, when a new school was completed, : the building was used as an elementary school and later as an annex. In 1982 the Town bought and renovated it. Today all the Town departments, with the exception of the Fire Town Center Department, are located in the Town Center. The first Town Meeting was held on April 2, 1697 at the home of Ann Richbell, widow ittlieba gr,doe of mamaroneck's founder, John Richbell. The Boston Post Road had been opened for _: twenty years at this time and was part of the Boston-New York mail route. Samuel Palmer was elected first Town Supervisor, and Town Board meetings were conducted annually until 1863. They resumed in 1865 at the Weaver Street Firehouse after the Civil War ended. Mural-Town Court Room Town Center Office Hours: September Through May: 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Weekdays BOOSummer Hours: 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Weekdays �I► 40 1119 Memorial Day to Labor Day Town Center,2009 8 ADMINISTRATION & ORGANIZATION Town Board0.1 '4 Supervise Valerie M. O'Keeffe Town Council member & Phyllis Wittner F Deputy Supervisorf 4 iI Council member Nancy Seligson MOW Council member David Fishman J f" Council member Ernest Odierna ' Confidential Secretary Fran Antonelli Town Board (left to right):Nancy Seligson,David Fishman, Valerie O'Keeffe(Town Supervisor),Ernest Odierna, Phyllis Wittner The Town Board, the governing body for The Town Board is vested by New the unincorporated area, consists of a York State with control of legislation, Supervisor and four Council members. The appropriation of monies, and decision-making Supervisor is elected for a two-year term, and on general local governmental policies. The the Council members for four years. Board authorizes the annual budget and the collection of taxes required to finance it. The Supervisor is the Town's chief Each of the council members is appointed by executive officer. As Chair of the Board she the Supervisor to serve as liaison to several presides over all Town Board meetings which committees and commissions. are open to the public. The Supervisor and Council members propose legislation and make The Town Board meets in the Court Room policy decisions that directly affect residents. at the Town Center on the first and third Mindful of both long-term goals and short- Wednesdays of the month with the exception term objectives, the Supervisor responds to of July and August when it meet,once a the needs of the community and represents month.Meetings are carried live on LMC/TV the Town in its dealings with County, State, the community access cable channel; and Federal Agencies. 9 - TOWN ADMINISTRATOR Town Administrator: Stephen V.Altieri Assistant to the Town Administrator: Mary Stanton T he jTown Board Created the position of The Administrator oversees the day-to-day Town Administrator in 1981 to provide operation of the Town, its various deparemtns, the government with greater centralization and personnel. As personnel officer he and efficiency. As the Town of Mamaroneck's represents the Town in collective bargaining chief Operating officer, the Administrator with all unions. The Administrator is also is directly responsible to the Supervisor responsible for proposing an annual budget and Town Board and he provides them with to the Board, and implementing it once it has background information and recommendations been authorized. for policy decisions. It is the Administrator's responsibility to implement all policies created and approved by the Board. Stephen V Altieri, Town Administrator Adminstrative Sta Mary Stanton (left to right):Fran Antonelli, Carol Braiotta, Gayle Edmond 10 TOWN OF MAMARONECK ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ELECTORATE TOWN TOWN SUPERVISOR/ TOWN JUSTICES TOWN BOARD CLERK TOWN VOLUNTEER BOARDS ATTORNEY AND COMMISSIONS TOWN ADMINISTRATOR FIRE POLICE COMPTROLLER TOWN BUILDING/ RECEIVER DEPT. DEPT. ASSESSOR PLUMBING OF TAXES RECREATION HIGHWAY COMMUNITY AMBULANCE CONSERVATION DEPT. SERVICES DISTRICT 11 LEGISLATIVE HIGHLIGHTS LOCAL LAW SUMMARIES, 2009 1-2009 REGULATION OF UNDERGROUND PROPANE STORAGE TANKS LAW Purpose: To develou,regulations to control underground propane storage tanks. 2-2009 TOWING OF ILLEGALLY PARKED MOTOR VEHICLE LAW Purpose: The Town Board finds that illegal parking is becoming a major problem and hereby exercises its power under the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law to authorize the towing impounding and storage of illegally parked motor vehicles. S-2009 EMERGENCY ACCESS TO CERTAIN BUILDINGS Purpose: The Town finds that in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the unincorporated area during fires or when other emergencies arise, the Fire Department must be able to gain access to buildings of a certain size or which contain a certain use and to properties where access is restricted. One recognized method for provided access to firefighters and other emergency responders is the installation of "Key Boxes." Key Boxes are located outside buildings.They contain keys to locks within the building which lock areas,such as mechanical rooms, to which firefighters need access to shut off electrical service during a conflagration.To maintain security,only the Fire Department will have the keys that open the Key Boxes. 4-2009 NO PARKING ON THE EAST SIDE OF MAXWELL AVENUE AND THE CREATION OF A LOADING ZONE ON THE EAST SIDE OF MAXWELL AVENUE. Purpose: Since Maxwell Avenue is the access to the Town's garage and will be one of the access ways to the Byron Place apartments/condominiums, the Town Board finds that to facilitate the flow of traffic,parking on the east side of Maxwell Avenue should be eliminated. However, since there are commercial uses in the shopping center adjacent to Maxwell Avenue, the Town Board also finds that a loading zone along a portion of the east side of Maxwell Avenue is necessary so that inventory equipment and other items can be moved into and out of those commercial establishments more easily.This law puts the Town Board's findings into effect. 1211P v .I A . 1O . New Parking Lot Myrtle Blvd Myrtle Blvd Parking Deck 12 TOWN COURT Town Justices: Dolores A.Battalia Jean Marie Brescia Court Clerk: Denise Cookingham 114. The Town Court is a part of the Unified The Town Court and Court Clerk's office L Court System of New York State and has are located in the Town Center. The Court is both civil and criminal adjudication powers in generally in session on Mondays from 6:00 cases of original jurisdiction. Jury and non- PM to 9:30 PM although hearings, trials and jury trials are held in the Town Courtroom small claims matters may be held at other in the Town Center. Town Justices are elected times during the week. Fines for parking and and serve a four year term. In criminal moving violations can be paid in the Court proceedings they arraign defendants, set bail, Clerk's office or by mail. Contested tickets are issue orders of protection, hold felony and heard during Court sessions. other preliminary hearings,preside over trials, and sentence defendants. Town Justices also Town Court Activities in 2009: serve as acting Family Court Judges when Family Court is not in session. The Court • Civil/Small Claims: 96 Clerk is responsible for maintaining all court • Criminal Cases: 91 and court-related records. • Parking Violations 5,989 • Moving Violations: 1,452 The Town Court has jurisdiction over the • Town Ordinance Violations: 100 following matters: • Revenue from Parking Tickets: $166,871.00 • Revenue from Fines,Surcharges,and Filing • Criminal offenses committed within the Fees (a portion of this is sent to New York unincorporated area of the Town(including State): $161,611.80 a portion of 1-95) • Original civil actions limited to $3,000 1 47• Small claims limited to $3,000 - - =- i i - • Traffic and parking offenses committed F == s within the unincorporated area of the _ Town (including a portion of 1-95) li • Landlord/tenant proceedings , • Violations of Town ordinances/State and Court Clerk's Office County Codes (left to right):Karyn Freder,Assistant Court Clerk, ' Denise Cookingham, Court Clerk 13 - Why • TOVVN ATTORNEY Counsel to Town: William Maker, Jr. The Town Attorney,appointed by the Town Board, renders legal advice to the Board, the Administrator, and all departments. The Town Attorney is responsible for preparing required legal documents, drafting legislation proposed by the Board, rendering opinions on municipal statutes, and representing the Town in actions brought by third parties and certiorari proceedings. tt The law firm of Robinson, Silverman, Pearce, Aronsohn & Berman represents the st,17- 1110t„ Town of Mamaroneck at all Planning and Zoning Board meetings. Town Attorney William Maker,Jr. TOWN PROSECUTORS , Town Prosecuters: Matthew McCauley Susan G Fiore The Town Prosecutors prosecute minor crimes and Town code violations committed within the Town. Cases are usually heard Monday evenings in the Town Court. Town of Mamaroneck Courtroom 14 TOWN CLERK Town Clerk: Christina Battalia Deputy Clerk: Cindy Atiencia Deputy Clerk: Linda Silvestre Administrative Intern: Raquel Arce T he Twn Clerk is an elected official who serves a four-year term. She is charged PERMITS with the custody of all the Town records, Burglar Alarm 1,075 books and papers and is responsible for Garage Sale 60 recording all the Town Board proceedings Handicapped Parking 174 and decisions. Parking 819 The Town Clerk is Registrar of Vital Block Parties 21 Statistics with the responsibility of issuing and maintaining birth and death certificates LICENSES and records. Dog licenses 280 New York State Marriage Licenses are Hunting& Fishing 458 issued through the Town Clerk's Office Marriage 170 and she is responsible for issuing Marriage Certificates and recording them with New RECORDING & FILING York State. The Town Clerk is a marriage Local Laws 4 Officer who performs wedding ceremonies. Legal Notices 34 The Town Clerk issues licenses for Births (home) 0 the State, County and Local Municipality, Death Certificates 25 including but not limited to licensing for Dogs, Hunting and Fishing, Burglar Alarm 11111110111011 and Garage Sales. • Parking permits are issued through the ` Town Clerk's Office for all Town Parking *Apt .. Lots. The Town Clerk is the Freedom of Information Officer for the Town as well as liaison to the Board of Elections. The Town • Clerk as well as her Deputies are Notaries and will perform this service to residents at no charge. The Town Clerk is a member of the Westchester County Records Commission and the New York State Archives Regional Advisory Committee. Town Clerk's Office Left to Right Christina Battalia, Town Clerk,• The Town Clerk's forms are available for Cindy Atiencia,Deputy Town Clerk, download by visiting: Linda Silvestre,Deputy Town Clerk www.townofmamaroneck.org. Raquel Arce,Administrative Intern 15 . TOWN ASSESSOR Assessor Susan M. Thomas The- town Assessor is responsible for provides a partial exemption from school ravjwing and determining the value of property taxes for all residential, owner all property within the Town and insuring the occupied, primary residences. There are two accuracy of property assessment maps. The types of exemptions offered under STAR. value of all parcels determines the Town's The "Basic" STAR exemption is available assessment roll which is the basis for annual to all owner occupied residential property, tax levies. In 2009 the median selling price of regardless of age or income, with no annual a home was $1,156,282. renewal. The Assessor's Office also handles all The "Enhanced" STAR exemptions is applications for tax relief such as veteran's available to all senior citizens(65 years of age exemptions, senior citizen exemptions and or older) with an adjusted gross income of non-profit organizations. Additionally, the $73,000 or less, and requires annual renewal. Assessor represents the Town in court Contact the Assessor's Office for further assessment hearings and attends the Town detains at 914-381-7820 or visit the State Of Board of Assessment Review Hearings. New York Office of Real property Services The Assessor's Office also processes (ORPS) website at www.orps.state.ny.us for applications for New York State's School Tax exemption application forms. Relief Program(STAR). The STAR program Number of Applications Filed in 2009 (New) Veteran Exemptions Granted 24 (New) Senior Citizen Exemptions Granted 12 Senior Citizen Exemptions Renewed 311 "Basic" Star Exemptions (On File) 6,101 Persons With Disabilities 4101 "Enhanced" Star Exemptions (On File) 745 Number Of Grievances Filed 850 Number Of Certioraris Filed 181 Number Of Small Claims Filed 343 16 Town Taxable Assessed Value 2008 2009 Fully Taxable Property 151,447,356 149,383,381 Special Franchise 2,756,649 2,858,579 Utility Property 479,735 479,735 TOTAL TAXABLE ASSESSED VALUE 154,683,740 152,721,695 • Town Assessor's Office (left to right)font•Pamela Valenza,Susan Thomas(Assessor) • back Marianne Ybarra,Ellen Donnelly 17 COMPTROLLER/RECEIVER OF TAXES TQwn Comptroller/Receiver of Taxes Anthony Siligato Deputy Receiver of Taxes Susan Russell Deputy Comptroller Peggy Nero 1 Under New York State Law the Town In addition to periodic audits by the State Comptroller is vested with responsibilities Comptroller's office, the Town's financial for managing the Town's fiscal operations records are audited annually by an independent, including accounts payable and receivable, certified public accounting firm. A copy of the purchasing,employee benefits,investing Town audited financial statements and the complete funds, and the timely reporting of all financial audit will be made available in the Town activity to the State Comptroller. The Board Clerk's office upon receipt. These documents appoints the Comptroller. are generally not available until the second quarter of the year following the Town's fiscal Under State law, the Receiver of Taxes is year-end which is December 31st. charged with responsibility for collecting all Town, County, School and Special District Taxes levied within the Town of Mamaroneck. School taxes are payable in September and January; Town and County taxes are payable during April • Comptroller&Receiver of Taxes Staff (left to right)front:Susan Russell,Anthony Siligato(Comptroller),Peggy Nero back:Ray Bingman,Avril Wheatley,Alicia Wingster,Susan Halliwell,Sandra Vanderslice 18 I I I TOWN OF MAMARONECK,NEW YORK BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS DECEMBER 31,2009 Town Section 8 Other Total Outside Special Housing Capital Governmental Governmerifal General Villages Highway Districts Assistance Projects Funds Funds ASSETS L Cash and Equivalents $ 6,611,669 $ 149,669 $ 636,148 $ 901,925 $ 2,341,145 $ 2.234,794 $ 2.104,659 $ 14,980,009 Investments 19,427 - 4,344 789,278 - 1,590 105.812 920,451 Taxes Receivable,net of allowance for uncollectible amounts 50,385,165 - - - - - 50,385,165 Other Receivables: Accounts 153,272 20,282 237 68,639 55,612 - 176,696 474,738 Due from other governments 34,086 353,963 - - - - - 388,049 State and Federal aid 26,562 2,633 - - - 30,000 59,195 Due from other funds 1,020 42,358 - - - 221,311 22,125 286,814 214,940 419,236 237 68,639 55,612 251,311 198,821 1,208,796 Prepaid Expenditures 165,435 271,880 64,149 189,119 - - - 690,583 Total Assets $ 57,396,636 $ 840,785 $ 704,878 $ 1548,961 $ 2,396,757 $ 2,487,695 $ 2,409,292 $ 68,185,004 LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES Liabilities: Accounts payable $ 239,257 $ 95,507 $ 101,206 $ 124,735 $ 81,441 $ 356,201 $ - $ 998,347 Accrued interest payable - - - - - 3,693 3,693 Due to school districts 51,808,139 - - - - - - 51,808,139 Bond interest and matured bonds payable - - - - - - 10,490 10,490 Due to other funds 53,281 - 1,020 - 210,388 22,125 - 286,814 Due to other governments 589,281 - - 489,077 - - - 1,078,358 Retainages payable - - - - - 40,451 - 40,451 Overpayments 462,778 - - - - - 462,778 Deferred revenues 2,201,423 - - - 569,649 37,611 - 2,808,683 Total Liabilities 55,354,159 95507 102,226 613,812 861,478 456,388 14,183 57,497,753 Fund Balances: - Reserved for prepaid expenditures 165,435 271,880 64,149 189,119 - - - 690,583 Reserved for trusts - - - - - 185,657 185,657 Reserved for debt service - - - - - - 379,575 379,575 Unreserved,reported in: General Fund 1,877,042 - - - - - - 1,877,042 Capital Projects Fund - - - - 2,031,307 2,031,307 Special Revenue Funds - 473,398 538,503 1,146,030 1,535,279 - 1,829,877 5,523,087 Total Fund Balances 2,042,477 745278 602,652 1,335,149 1,535,279 2,031,307 2,395,109 10,687,251 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 57596,636 $ 840,785 $ 704,878 $ 1,948,961 $ 2,396,757 $ 2,487.695 $ 2,409,292 $ 68,185,004 a.- • The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. , 4 19 P- • TOWN OF MAMARONECK,NEW YORK STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2009 ` r Town Section 8 Other Total Outside Special Housing Capital Governmental Governmental General Villages Highway Districts Assistance Projects Funds Funds REVENUES ! Real property taxes $ 935,512 $ 7,899,030 $ 4,112,255 $ 5,173,510 $ - $ - $ - $ 18,120,307 Other tax items 547,107 - - - - - - 547,107 Non-property taxes - 1,363,889 - - - - - 1,363,889 Departmental income 2,334,837 546,972 6,494 999,207 - - 818,363 4,705,873 Intergovernmental charges - - 55,309 67,292 43,966 - - 166,567 Use of money and property 392,272 - 554 1531 9,100 - 25,798 4299,2555 Licenses and permits 19,940 158,276 - Fines and forfeitures 333,198 2,305 - - - - - 335,503 Sale of property and compensation for loss 4,852 64,020 34,161 13,644 - - - 116,677 State aid 1,302,029 5,678 64,915 - - - 1,372,622 Federal aid 64,430 1,600 - - 6,714,383 253,494 - - 7,033,907 Miscellaneous 136,452 543 - - 1,548,223 237,617 26,655 1,949,490 Total Revenues 6,070,629 10,042,313 4,273,688 8,255,184 8,315,672 491,111 870,816 36,319,413 EXPENDITURES Current General government support 3,397,710 335,567 - - - - 629,737 4,383,014 Public safety - 5,319,223 - 1,841,641 - - - 6,960,884 Health 341,146 50,000 - 1,017,986 - - - 1,409,132 Transportation 145,289 16,015 2,495,478 155,894 - - - 2,812,676 Economic opportunity 7,108,261 7,509,974 and development 401,713 - - - - Culture and recreation 2,207,490 1,107,821 - - - 3,315,311 Home and community services 49,780 519,257 - 2,573,271 - - 2,214 3,144,522 Employee benefits 1,319,370 2,509,641 860,962 907,554 - - - 5,597,527 Debt service: Principal - - - - - - 1,460,000 1,460,000 Interest 1,886 7,007 4,581 - - - 441,072 454,546 Capital outlay - - - - - 2,135,207 - 2,135,207 Total Expenditures 7,864,384 9,864,531 3,361,021 6,298,346 7,108,261 2,135,207 2,533,023 39,162,773 Excess(Deficiency)of Revenues Over Expenditures (1,793,755) 177,782 912,667 (41,162) 1,207,411 (1,644,098) (1,662,207) (2,843,360) OTHER FINANCING SOURCES(USES) Bond issued - 4,170,000 - 4,170,000 Transfers in 90,198 35,005 199,571 512 - 811,953 2,106,052 3,243,291 Transfers out (844,798) (300,223) (838,065) (785,909) (168,030) (306,266) - (3,243,291) Total Other Financing Sources(Uses) (754,600) (285,218) (638,494) (785,397) (168,030) 4,675,687 2,106,052 4,170,000 Net Change in Fund Balances (2,548,355) (87,436) 274,173 (826,559) 1,039,381 3,031,591 443,845 1,328,640 Fund Balances(Deficits)- Beginning ofYear 4,590,832 832,714 328,479 2,161,708 495,898 (1,000,284) 1,951,264 9,360,611 Fund Balances- End''ofYear $ 2,042,477 $ 745,278 $ 602,652 $ 1,335,149 $ 1,535,279 $ 2,031,307 $ 2,395,109 $ 10,687,251 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement -- 20 PUBLIC SERVICES HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT & ENGINEERING Superintendent of Highways: Louis Martirano Civil Engineer: David Goessl General Foreman: Alan Casterella The Highway Department is responsible to A joint venture with the Village of Scarsdale maintain the infrastructure and associated successfully completed the reconstruction of network of the roadway within the Incorporated Griffen Avenue. area of the Town. It is responsible for all road The Engineer also prepared and finalized maintenance including snow removal, street future project plans related to the Gardens and traffic signs, streetlights, storm drains, Lake Improvements Project, Parking Lot 1 sanitary sewers, street tree maintenance Pay Stations and Shelter, and Curbside Parking and plantings, and park maintenance within Meter Installations along Myrtle Boulevard the Town. The department also repairs and Madison Avenue. and maintains all Town-owned vehicles and highway equipment. Road&Sidewalk Maintenance:The Highway Department maintains approximately 45 miles of Town roads. This involves periodic patching, road resurfacing, cleaning road shoulders, and snow and leaf removal. In addition, the _ 2 Department maintains 22.5 miles of sidewalks and 67 miles of curbs. John Barreto is the / Town's Labor Foreman in charge of roads. In 2009, the Highway Department • contracted to improve the Town's roadway Highway Department and Engineering Staff infrastructure with a road reconstruction and Louis Martirano,Pat Samela,Alan Casterella, curb project on Griffen Avenue; a resurfacing and Mike Pinto project on Crescent and Briarcliff Roads and a The Superintendent of Highways oversees project to promote Safe Routes to School at the 11 27 full-time employees responsible for the Hommocks School. The Town also Combined following: efforts with Con Edison and the developer to re-surface Lester Place. - - Engineering: The Town's Civil Engineer Permanent road re-surfacing- was also prepared the project plans and coordinated performed throughout the Town .utilizing the capitol project activities involving the annual department's road crew to performs'paving road resurfacing and granite curb work as well operations to portions of Winged Foot Drive as Hommocks Road pedestrian improvements. and Fenimore Road. 21 .. PUBLIC SERVICES Th 'Highway Department's Labor Foreman Sanitary & Storm Sewers Maintenance: The and his road crew performed road repairs using Highway Department maintains 57.5 miles over 300 tons of asphalt to temporarily and of sanitary sewer lines and 650 manholes. permanently patch the Town's roads.They also It operates a sewage pump station, which condudt ,annual sidewalk projects to correct transmits up to 4 million gallons of sewage hazardous conditions and reconstructed a day to the Westchester County Treatment approximately 1200 square feet of sidewalk Plant. The Town let a contract in 2009 to and reset or installed approximately 300 linear replace controls at the pump station. The feet of stone curbing. Town also maintains 1,500 catch basins and The Department issued 120 Street Opening approximately 15 miles of storm drains. The Permits during 2009 for work performed on Town's Sewer Foreman is Michael Comblo. Town Roads or in the Town Right-Of-Way. Streetlights, Signs & Tree Maintenance: Park Maintenance: The Department There are 1,390 streetlights along Town roads maintains 93 acres of parks and grounds, and in public lots, 1,216 regulatory signs and which include Memorial Park, Gardens Lake, the Town Center, the Sheldrake Conservancy over 1,000 street name signs. The Highway Department maintains all these as well as traffic property,3.2 miles of trails in the Conservation signs. The Department is also responsible for areas, and the 9 historic cemeteries located in maintaining approximately 4,900 trees along the Town and the Villages of Larchmont and Town roads and the trees in the Conservation Mamaroneck. Annually, from October 15 to areas. The Tree crew is headed by certified December 15 the Highway crew is involved Arborists Al Cirillo and James Guinee. The in leaf collection. The Highway Department collected and hauled away 3,275 tons of leaves Sign Shop is headed by Ben Pace*icz. in 2009. Antonio Fiera is the Parks Foreman Tree Crew performs tree maintenance heading a crew of four men. _ The Parks Division was also involved in completing the Sheldrake Water Quality Improvement Project installing landscaping and plantings along Brookside Drive. ftl r } 441 • r _ n 22 I Fleet Maintenance:The Town of Mamaroneck 2009 Department Project Highlights i maintains 130 vehicles and heavy equipment, which include dump, garbage, overhead utility, • Sheldrake River Water Quality Improvements sewer vacuum and salt spreader trucks as well Project as pickup, pay loaders, backhoes and mower- • Road Re-construction and New Curbing on h equipped tractors. Other components of the Griffen Avenue fleet are the Town's administrative, police • Road re-Surfacing, Curbs and Sidewalks on and emergency response vehicles. All Town- Crescent and Briarcliff Roads I owned vehicles are maintained at the Highway i Department's maintenance and repair shop • Permanent Road Repairs on portions of located at the Central Yard Facility on Maxwell Winged Foot Drive and Fenimore Road and Avenue. Mike Pinto is the Garage Foreman throughout the Town heading a crew of 3 mechanics • Improvements to Hommocks Road at the In 2009, the department's mechanic school including new sidewalks, crosswalks division converted another Sanitation truck to and road re-surfacing run on used vegetable oil instead diesel fuel. The used vegetable oil is donated by several • Construction of the New Parking Deck at food establishments and private citizens. Myrtle Boulevard Manhole installation by Sewer Crew J 1Jt7.1� ,y S • I /' - I T s �#j} s 47, - '''......",-. ----_ ----' ,Ilf li,--"..' 14111‘... x t ` '1;3111F I e ' 1. ., , '-,:*I ': niiiiA 7 1C A*Pt ', ? r, cx, e " i. iX. Traffic control for Town Parade by Parks Crew 23 7 CONSERVATION Environmental Planner: Elizabeth Paul The Conservation Department addresses the summer months supervises students as and 'reports on environmental issues seasonal workers to maintain and enhance these within the Town. The Environmental areas. The Town's natural resource inventory Planner 4cts as Town liaison and offers staff and other related maps are maintained by the support to the Coastal Zone Management Conservation Department. Commission. Additionally, the Environmental Planner assists the Building Department with . fig y ;-,;r t., a ,a wetlands issues, P _building application reviews, ,� 0,_ ,:-..,,,,,, and performs site inspections for surface water, . , 'r''' 1•Y ',. <'''' ' erosion and sediment control permits and tree t r.4 ;, 41 ,:.Y permits. She also works with the Planning and Zoning Boards to assist them with SEQRA notifications and environmental issues. The Town's "Trees for Our Town" program is 1 i coordinated by the Conservation Office. . The Environmental Planner oversees maintenance and improvements of the Town's Conservation Crew 2009 conservation areas and trails and during Conservation Areas located in the Town: (maps are available in the Conservation Office) • Hommocks Conservation Area: Entrances on Hommocks Road. 7.6 acres; 3 acres tidal wetlands. • Larchmont Reservoir—James G.Johnson,Jr. Conservancy: Entrances on Weaver Street, Dennis Drive(off Quaker Ridge Road),and on Pinebrook Boulevard. 12.76 acres in Town; 60 acres total. • Leatherstocking Trail: Access from Rock Ridge, Old White Plains Road, Country Road, Fenimore Road,Avon,Stratford,Highland, Rouken Glen,Winged Foot Drive,Weaver Street and Pine Brook Boulevard. 31 acres; 6 acres freshwater wetlands. • Premium River Conservation Area a Complex: Entrance off Dillon Road. 10 acres; 8 acres tidal wetlands. • Sheldrake River Trails: Access from 1 Rockland Avenue between Highland and w Winged Foot Drive and Hilltop Road. 24 acres; 7 acres freshwater wetlands. '" SetherWoods Conservation Area: a • PP v Durham Road • Old Mill Site: Hilltop Road. - Conservation Crew Rebuilding the Boardwalk 24 BUILDING & PLUMBING It Director of Building, Code Enforcement: Ronald Carpaneto &Land Use Assistant Building& Plumbing Inspector: Kevin Moore Code Enforcement Officer: Joseph Russo, Jr. The Building Department administers and proper Boards (Board of Architectural Review, enforces regulations pertaining to the use Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board) of property and the construction of buildings. to obtain variances or special use permits for It reviews plans and conducts field inspections approval before construction can begin. The to ensure compliance with local, state and department not only reviews applications but federal codes and standards, particularly the will assist residents in the application process Town Zoning Code and the New York State before the various boards. Code.Effective January 1,2003,New York State adopted a new building code. It is comprised of The Building Department also conducts the Residential Code,Building Code,Fire Code, field inspections to ensure compliance with Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas Code the Town Building Code, the New York State and the Energy Conservation Construction Code, the Zoning Code and other ordinances Code. These codes apply to planning, zoning, and regulations pertaining to land use and building, plumbing, mechanical, electric, fire, construction on private property. health, energy and the environment. All building projects, ranging from small = =a additions to major commercial structures J I must meet the standards of safety. The fir Building Department receives and processes applications for construction, alterations, variances, special permits, and subdivisions Building and Plumbing to make sure that standards are met. Some Left to right(first row)Norine Washienko,Francine Brill Joseph Russo,Michelle Iannarelli applications have to be channeled to the (back Row)Kevin Moore,Ron Carpaneto(Director) PERMITS ISSUED IN 2009: Building Permits 204 Demolition Permits 6 Plumbing Permits 171 Special Permits and Renewals 9 Erosion Inspections 84 Planning Board Applications 8 Board of Architectural 11 Discharge Compliance 81 Review Applications Zoning Board 19 CODE ENFORCEMENT: • Variance Applications Summons 104 Certificates of Occupancy 204 Violations 854 Erosion Control Permits 21 25 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief: Sean J McCarthy 1st Deputy: Brendan P Collins 2nd Deputy: Joseph A. Russo, Jr. In 2009, the Town of Mamaroneck Fire department's ongoing commitment to the Department celebrated its 102nd year of best training, equipment and personnel is service to the community. TMFD, located at reflected in the Fire District's excellent class the Weaver Street Firehouse, consists of some rating by the Insurance Service Organization. 70 volunteer, 14 career firefighters and a very In 2009 the fire department received active Jr. Firefighter program along with an a Grant from the Federal Government to Explorer Post for teenagers. The TMFD's upgrade its aging air fill station as well as apparatus include an aerial ladder truck(Ladder all of the Fire Fighters Air Packs.-Air Packs 19), three engines (Engines 51, 37 & 36), 2 enable Firefighters to safely enter hazardous rescue vehicles (Rescues 6&46),3 Chief's cars, environments like fires and carbon monoxide 2 inflatable, gas powered boats and one utility. conditions to mitigate the situation. The Town Board of Fire Commissioners is the The types of calls the TMFD responds governing body for the Fire District, which to run the gamut from traditional fire call encompasses more than five square miles. (structure fires, car fires, automatic alarms, suspicious/burning odors, gas leaks, CO alarms) to auto accidents requiring victim Nor ,4Nttm.mo t '' • ' extrication using the "Jaws of Life", Ice/ 4 ,- d Water Rescue, EMS calls and downed power v ` , lines. The Fire Department also responds areyis .�► fi .. to public assistance calls such as flooding *vow ' ,• ��0 a , \�y conditions or homeowners locked out of the house or a child locked in. In 2009, TMFD w A *4k" + = responded to 734 requests for help including *' ** 34 structure fires and 206 EMS "runs". 4 . ) In 2009 the Town of Mamaroneck passed •! - a local law that requires all commercial properties to install a rapid entry key box. TMFD members train and drill throughout This key box will allow the fire dpartment the year on all types of subjects such as to gain access to these structures quickly to fire attack techniques, auto accident victim limit damage and enhance the safety of the extrication, hazardous material response, firefighters and residents. NYS also passed weapons of mass destruction, confined space a CO detector law; the most dangerous rescue,water rescue,ice rescue and Firefighter quality of Co is, unlike smoke, it is virtually Assist and Search Team (FAST), also known undetectable, even when someone is awake as a Rapid Intervention Team/Crew. The and alert. Carbon monoxide detectors are 26 required to be installed in one and two an annual "Open House" where firefighters family dwellings and in condominiums and conduct demonstrations such as, how to cooperatives in order to prevent the loss of escape from a smoke filled room, display latest life. firefighting equipment and apparatus. Throughout the year, TMFD members If you are interested in learning more also conduct educational seminars for local about the Department or volunteering, visit school children, community groups and its web site at www.tmfd.org or send an email tenant associations. In addition, it conducts to secretary@tmfd.org. ... - % , i . . r . 1..., ...._ • • f 4.,t 1"..' , 171 4 • a rk . 4.44 .4 . 1....—.4..., 4 14 w MFO :' \A 111fi .f ' Nor i 14111 '' ''' ,. il,*:: r ..1k...r . 7'..: - . , 4 ‘ ' --- 1 — — / , - ...,-, as ® 1 27 1 POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Chief: Richard Rivera The Town Police residents, and storeowners are pleased with the 1 Department protects program and there has been a decrease in crime and preserves the rights in the area. of its citizens and The department consists of thirty-nine enforces applicable state, officers,the Chief,and an office assistant/records county and local laws. clerk. In 2008 there were four lieutenants, five It provides basic police sergeants, four detectives and twenty-six police services:crime prevention officers. The Town Board sits as the Board of Chief Richard Rivera and investigation, patrol, Police Commissioners which is the governing traffic enforcement, and a body of the Police Department. youth division. By maintaining a high standard The Police Department is dedicated to of public safety and well being, the crime rate the youth of the community and allocates within the community is well below average. resources to protect and enrich their lives. The The Police Department assists the Volunteer Youth Officer works directly with the schools Ambulance Corps in responding to emergency in assisting and counseling the students in medical calls and sponsors crime prevention all aspects of their lives. The department has lectures, youth programs and public safety also been part of the D.A.R.E. Program which seminars. Police Officers use a small kiosk on teaches children about the dangers of drugs, Myrtle Boulevard as a base for the "park and tobacco and alcohol, and includes Internet walk" program. During late afternoons and and Stranger Safety Instruction. The D.A.R.E. early evenings, officers patrol the area near program also helps children build their self- the train station, its parking lots and nearby esteem and teaches children about making apartment houses and businesses. Commuters, positive and healthy decisions. 'I 111tH N PoucE z POLICE - Pry 1 Ii 1 Detective Reynolds "locks up"Second Graders Patrol Car 28 CRIMES REPORTED TO THE FBI 2007 2008 2009 Murder and Non-Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0 Rape 0 0 0 Robbery 0 2 1 Burglary 19 32 18 Larceny 90 120 124 Aggravated Assault 7 14 8 Auto Theft i 6 6 OTHER ISSUES 2007 2008 2009 Parking Tickets 6,722 7,066 5,989 Calls for Service 6,860 6,633 6,483 Alarm Calls 972 1,079 853 Zak T 'l 4s. - i , . .. , 4 • + .o a s , Memorial Park 29 AMBULANCE DISTRICT Ambulance District Administrator: Michael Liverzani The Town of Mamaroneck's Ambulance During 2009 the Ambulance District, VAC District was established in July 1994 by and EMS participated in cooperative training the Town and Villages of Larchmont and programs for Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Mamaroneck to coordinate ambulance services Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Hazardous for the tri-municipal district. Basic Life Support Materials Awareness, and Infectious Diseases. Services are provided by volunteers of the The Ambulance District has been actively Larchmont/Town of Mamaroneck Volunteer participating in the development of the Ambulance Corps (VAC) and the Village of Town's Emergency Management Plan, and the Mamaroneck Emergency Medical Services continuation of a First Response program with (EMS). Part-time paid paramedics provide the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department. advanced life support care in coordination with New volunteers are always welcome at the volunteer corps. VAC or EMS, and many training programs are Every 911 call for emergency medical provided without cost. Interested volunteers assistance is received by the local Police may call the Ambulance District at (914) 381 Department which assigns a police officer to 7803. respond, and immediately alerts the respective CPR Training is held monthly on the third Ambulance Corps. The ambulance responds Saturday. Call (914) 381-7803 to register. with a paid certified Paramedic and volunteer In 2009 the Ambulance District responded Emergency Medical Technicians who are able to 2,715 calls and transported 1,915 people to provide lifesaving medical care at the scene. to Sound Shore Medical Center and other Training for all paramedics and EMT's is ongoing hospitals. and they must recertify every three years. I. 1 s" rya - , . 11111.0ADVANCED UEE eUPPORT UNIT L M 1, ypWNiE.AMBULANCE .3. :.. 1% siiiire- . a„.....w,s0 I, 1 Advanced Life Support Unit Ambulance District (left to right):Michael Liverzani, Charles Moore 30 COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Services Director/ Director Housing Choice Voucher Program: Anna Danoy The Community Services Office of the The senior nutrition program, meals on Town of Mamaroneck offers an array of wheels,the senior bus and medical appointment services*residents of the Town including the transportation services are funded in part Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck. through grants from the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, In 2008 the Village of Mamaroneck and the the US Department of Health and Human Town of Mamaroneck agreed to consolidate Services, the New York State Office for the , their federally funded Housing Choice Voucher Aging. The balance of funds required to Programs and their Senior Services as of sustain these programs comes from participant January 2009 under the auspices of the Town contributions, occasional donations from local of Mamaroneck Community Services office. families and organizations, and the town-wide This consolidation resulted in the expansion annual budget. the Housing. Choice Voucher Program from 260 vouchers to 647 vouchers. The Housing SERVICES FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Choice Voucher Program in funded in its The Town of Mamaroneck operates a Senior entirety by the US Department of Housing Center Monday through Friday from 10:30 and Urban Development. am to 3:30 pm at the VFW, located at 1288 Boston Post Road. The Senior Center offers a The senior-nutrition program, the senior bus variety of social, recreational and educational service, transportation to and from medical programs for residents age 60 and older. A appointments and grocery shopping also monthly calendar of activities and events is expanded significantly. Access to numerous available at the Senior Center as well as on social and recreational opportunities was the Community Services page of the Town's also improved. The joining of senior services website, at www.townofmamaroneck.org. resulted in a seamless service delivery system for local senior citizens age 60 and older. In Door to door transportation to and from the 2009 more than 380 seniors registered and Senior Center is provided daily by our Senior participated in one or more of these programs. Bus Service. Reservations for the bus may be made by calling the Community Services r .,r Office at 381-7840. The Senior .Bus also provides transportation to Stop & Sb,op on the ' Boston Post Road on Wednesday mornings and afternoons. Reservations are required at least one day in advance for this service. The suggested contribution for bus transportation is 50 cents one way and 75 cents round trip to the Senior Center, and $1.00 round trip for -: 1 grocery shopping. In 2009, the senior bus Front Row(L to R):Arleen Silverman,Anna Danoy,Anne Stone provided regular transportation to more than Back Row:Beverly Nolan,Jeny Ayala,Anthony DeAngelis, Miriam Campbell 31 1 50 people, and made more than 7,000 one-way SENIOR NUTRITION trips.Contributions received are used to sustain The Town of Mamaroneck Senior Center offers and expand the senior bus service. a hot,nutritious meal daily. Menus are developed by the Westchester County Office of Senior Programs and Services, and meals are prepared and delivered by a local caterer. In 2009 7,994 meals were enjoyed by 367 seniors throughout the year. The suggested contribution for a meal was $3.00 per day, and registration is required at least one day in advance. Contributions receivedare used to sustain and expand the nutrition program. The Town of Mamaroneck Meals on Wheels Medical appointment transportation within program provides a hot, nutritious, home- delivered meal to residents of the-Town and Westchester County was expanded in 2009, providing more than 60 seniors with a ride two Villages who are unable to prepare meals for themselves. Any resident 60 years of age who to, and in many cases, from the doctor's office for a total of more than 2,700 one way is homebound, ill, convalescing, disabled and/ trips. The suggested contribution for medical or unable to prepare meals is eligible. Meals are transportation is $2.00 for trips within delivered by volunteers between 11:00 am and Mamaroneck and Larchmont,and$4.00 outside 12:30 pm Monday through Friday, including Mamaroneck and Larchmont. Contributions most holidays. Menus are developed by the received are used to sustain and expand the Westchester County Office of Senior Programs and Services, and meals are prepared by a local medical transportation service. caterer. In 2009 9,572 meals were.enjoyed by 52 home-bound seniors throughout the year. The The Senior Citizen Taxi Coupon Program suggested contribution for a meal was $3.00 per previously coordinated by the Village of Mamaroneck was continued in 2009. The day. For more information,and to register for this service, please call Community Services at 381- Taxi Coupon Program offered a 50% subsidy to senior citizens utilizing local taxi services. 7840. Contributions received are used to sustain The program was discontinued at the end of and expand the meals on wheels program. the year as a result of budget reductions. An Community Services continues to assist senior alternative program is under consideration. citizens to apply for a Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) tha "freezes" Special trips are also coordinated through the rent from future increases. Eligible seniors Senior Center. Excursions to such favorite residing in eligible rental housing in the Town locales as Arthur Avenue, Kohl's Shopping of Mamaroneck whose income is at or below Center, Christmas Tree Shop, the Botanical $16,500 may apply to the Westchester County Garden, Westchester Broadway Theatre and Division of Housing and Community Renewal many others take place throughout the year. through the Town of Mamaroneck Community Registration for these activities is required in Services Office. This program requires ongoing advance. recertification. 32 FEDERAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE COMMUNITY SUPPORT The Town of Mamaroneck Housing Choice The Town of Mamaroneck, in conjunction Voucher Program (also known as "Section 8") with local organizations provides support to provides federally-funded rental assistance community members in need. Our annual to inconeligible families, including co-op holiday outreach and gift giving efforts owners paying maintenance charges. In 2009 continued in 2009. the Town of Mamaroneck assisted 608 families and individuals to live in decent, safe and In coordination with St.Augustine's Church and affordable housing within Westchester County. the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department, complete Thanksgiving meals were prepared Applications for a spot on the waiting list are and delivered to 25 families consisting of 53 accepted from income-eligible residents of, and adults and 6 children. Six additional families those who work in, the Town of Mamaroneck received Stop & Shop gift cards totaling $350 including the Village of Larchmont and the courtesy of American Legion Post 90. Village of Mamaroneck. Preference is given At Christmas time, the members of St. to senior citizens age 62 and older, people Augustine's Church, the Larchmont Avenue with disabilities, veterans, victims of domestic Church and St. Thomas' Church, as well as violence and working families whose income employees of the Town of Mamaroneck is at or below 30% of the median income for generously gave of their time and money to Westchester County based on family size. shop, wrap and deliver new clothing, toys, gift Income guidelines and additional eligibility cards and holiday cheer to 36 local families criteria apply. All applicants are screened for including 70 children. program eligibility, criminal history and credit worthiness. If you have any questions or would like more information on any of our programs, including Applications may be picked up at the volunteer opportunities, please call us (914) Community Services office during the Town's 381-7840. normal business hours. Applications can also be requested by mail; send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Town of Mamaroneck PHA, 740 W Boston Post Road, * ` Mamaroneck,NY 10543 Attn: Application. , 1 Hommocks Park Apartments Senior Center 33 RECREATION Recreation Superintendent: Jill Fisher The Recreation Department administers the movie screen last summer, we hope to see you Town's recreation programs and services at this year's events. and is`'responsible for its facilities including the Hommocks Park Ice Rink, Hommocks Outdoor Pool Complex, Memorial Park Tennis As a reminder, shuffleboard, volleyball and , Courts and the Carpino-Steffens Fields. The checker board equipment is available through Department offers a wide variety of leisure the park attendant, free of charge for use at activities that are available to residents year Memorial Park. round, particularly for MOCKS pA children. During the ,�© RI( , -- In 2009 we summer,the Recreation ,� -1"-t- - continued -to make y �- = - .k Department operates < Si . ,'t - improvements at several day camp T ) ICE RINK the Hommocks Park programs, including . Ice Rink for your two pre-school camps, �• hot — - enjoyment. We hope 11/43 one full day playground, that you come down to teen travel, golf, tennis • this wonderful facility and late summer soccer and skate with your camps. Recreation Staff (from left to right) family and friends. Ken Paterno,Rob Lunde,Jill Fisher,Joanne Aquilino, The De artment Mary Ellen Faulkner,Dorothy Puleo,Maria Gallagher, As ,a reminder, p Jennifer Williams issues tennis permits the Hommocks Pool for Memorial Park is open year round for Tennis Courts, as well as permits for the recreational swimming and for a variety of Hommocks Park Ice Rink and the year-round aquatic programs. Hommocks Pool. A variety of tennis, swim and skating lessons are available for children and For your convenience, credit cards are adults. accepted as forms of payment for all recreation programs and permits. All recreation 2009 saw the continuation of many successful information (including the brochure, forms programs including: youth and adult tennis and and applications) are available on the Town's golf programs,skating school and new programs website: www.townofmamaroneck.org. For offered during the year such as Summer Fun more information specific to the Hommocks Dances, Dynamic Drawing, Tiny Tot Time and Park Ice Rink visit the Rink's website: www. Zumba Fitness. hommocksparkicerink.org. If you were unable to attend one of our Watch for continued improvements and new summer outdoor concerts or the showing of program offerings in the 2009 season. "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa" on the giant 34 1 RECREATION DEPARTMENT 2009 PROGRAM PARTICIPATION R.: TENNIS PERMITS: 161 TENNIS LESSONS: 332 • . :'III • jr POOL PERMITS: 3,428 A. SWIM LESSONS: 380 MAMARONECK SWIM CLUB: 93 CAMPS: HOMMOCKS PLAYGROUND: 395 PRE-SCHOOLS: 226 TEEN ESCAPE: 17 AMP TENNIS CAMP: 302 SOCCER CAMP: 167 35 III . '',','..1--, ''41, -• • , -" •_— — • '..,. ' .......--. ,.. . , YOUTH HOUSE: 186 = 4 LEAGUE HOCKEY -' - ... •"' 1 - P , Ilit _ , vr i il ii Fin vir ti ‘ Et LIS , 14 t A It ' vir* 1 ift ,i - \N. — SKATING SCHOOL: 1,865 , ir ._,,, •an:. ----- , - - . . , --' l ___-4.- ,'„•=1"' fril ....it__..„.____m.. 1 ' 11.``. .L-'.:",.r ---‘ <-• \ ,4111.,rr- , - • .,• 111PrAINIMPRIMmupp. 4 J r.VP ' . iiirk:= w e-k, ----% . - - 1.1 15 ................. t 4.. .... " • ' III Ir 1 - - .... --..""' ..Ir'7.'-'' 1 - 1 r .?"':4."."'''.Z.-''.••....-\'-'' '.' N 1p• tr‘ -?, iiki.,....... 1 . 1 •'. - '' ' '''''' JAI, - 36 VOLUNTEER BOARDS & COMMITTEES Board of Architectural Review: Established Commission on Human Rights: Established in 1990 to review exterior plans or modifications in 1964 under New York State law to "foster to all stdfactures except one or two family mutual respect and understanding among all houses. racial, religious and nationality groups in the community." Members: Edward Jacobson, Chair, Donald Meeker, Ken Ricci,Andrew D. Fredman,Diane Members: Sabrina Fiddelman, Naomi Hill, Neff. Liaison: Nancy Seligson N.Gabriel Tolchinsky, Lois Weitzner, Muhammad Saleem, Kay Francis Richards, Board of Assessment Review: Established Rev. Richard Allen. Liaisons:Ann McAndrews, under Assessment Improvement Law to hear Village of Larchmont; Ernest Odierna, Town grievances against assessments that have been of Mamaroneck; Bill Paonessa, Village of previously filed with the Town Assessor. Mamaroneck. Members: Jaine Elkind Eney, Chair, Janet Housing Authority: Established in 1992 Demasi, Maureen Naughton,Jeanne Kiernan. under the Public Housing Law of NYS to provide affordable housing within the Town Board of Ethics: Created under NYS statute which includes Hommocks Park Apartments. and local law #2-1991 to establish ethical standards of conduct for employees and Members Richard Cherry, Chair, Robert B. persons engaged in business with the Town. Kirby, Salvatore Iacono, Robert Cammer, Phyllis Karno. Liaison: David Fishman. Members: Martin Ronan, Jr., Chair, Robert P. Degen, Grace D'Alessio, Valerie Kaufman. Planning Board: Established in 1954 to Liaision: Ernest Odierna review plans for the development of vacant areas,streets,and parks taking into account the Coastal Zone Management Commission: environment, neighboring properties, traffic Established in 1986 to monitor and coordinate and parking. Reviews permits for subdivisions, implementation of the New York State site plans,freshwater wetlands and special uses. approved Local Waterfront Revitalizaton Program of the Town and the Village of Members: Marc Rosenbaum, Chair, John Ortiz, Larchmont. Edmund Papazian, Ellen Dunkin, C Alan Mason, George Roniger, Virginia• Piccotto, Members: Elizabeth A. Cooney, Chair, Marc Ellen Korn. Liaison: Nancy Seligson Godick, Rita Murray, Lorraine Walsh, Lisa Hochman/ Liaisons: Phyllis Wittner(Town of . Mamaroneck) Marlene Kolbert (Larchmont) 37 Recreation Commission: Established in Zoning Board of Appeals: Established in 1954. Reviews and recommends recreation 1920. The Zoning Board has jurisdiction over programs, activities, and the development or residential special use permits, variances; and expansion of facilities. interprets the Zoning Code. Members James Druker,Chair,Robert Morello, Members Arthur Wexler, Chair, Ronald M.D., Maura Devaney, Terry Rainaldi, Rita Meister, Frederick Baron, Irene O'Neill, Linda Plansky, William Paonessa. Liaison: Ernie Harrington, Robert Viner. Odierna Traffic Committee: Established in 1983. • Recommends what if any changes should be - made to the traffic control system including the "" installation of lights, stop signs, and parking regulations. wirellk Members Doris Block, Chair., Nancy Angiulo, 3. William F Zelenka, Barbara Spirido, Michael .' .1 --- - Harrington, Camille Odierna, Donald f,, /,. . a ti4 Sutherland, Doris Kobrin Shaw. Liaison: David Fishman ' Memorial Park 0 .114 to F+{ im, t :18 ►rya. .+: , y i wiis • a 10 A it i� 1 I Summer Concert 2009 38 1 1 1 OTHER PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARY The Unincorporated Town and the Village of Larchmont share the cost of operating the Larchmont Public Library based on the number of resident library cardholders. It is located on Larchmont Avenue in the Village of Larchmont. The Library belongs to the Westchester Library stem and members may use their cards at all branches in the system. Friends of the Larchmont Public Library publishes a newsletter which lists Coming Events and other items of interest. The Library Board of Trustees includes Miriam Curnin, Chair; David Birch, Carolyn Parlato, Brad Scheler. Valerie O'Keeffe is the liaison for the Town of Mamaroneck and Anne McAndrews is the liaison for the Village of Larchmont. SANITATION The Larchmont Mamaroneck Joint Sanitation Commission oversees the garbage/rubbish and recycling collection service for the Town and Village of Larchmont.Residents may call 381-7810 for information about collection schedules,recycling, and acceptable items for garbage collection including household refuse, rubbish and trash, yard waste, and bulk metal items. WATER The Westchester Joint Water Works,a municipally owned and operated agency,supplies water to the Town, as well as the Village of Mamaroneck and the Town of Harrison. The Water Works serves a total of 3,061 customers in the Town, including 3,002 domestic residences. 24 seasonal residences, 27 fire services, 7 private hydrants and numerous Town hydrants. Memorial Park I 39 IN TOWN OF MAMARONECK CONTACTS • Website: www.townofmamaroneck.org POLICE DEPARTMENT OFFICES/DEPARTMENTS: EMERGENCY ONLY 911 Assessor 381-7820 Non-Emergency 381-6100 Attorney 381-7815 FIRE DEPARTMENT Building Inspector 381-7830 EMERGENCY ONLY 911 Non-Emergency 834-2101 Community Services 381-7840 Comptroller 381-7850 AMBULANCE Conservation 381-7845 EMERGENCY ONLY 911 Court Clerk 381-7875 Non-Emergency 834-2101 Engineer 381-7835 gin, 33 ' iirt. Highway Department 381-7825 - r ;ON Receiver of Taxes 381-7860 �lp,,^.o Recreation 381-7865 C VA Rent Subsidies 381-7840 33 il. 49 ' t 1. Sanitation 381-7810 / :, Supervisor/Town Board 381-7805 - . Town Administrator 381- 810 4 Town Clerk 3E 1-7E70 FAX 381-7809 Murray Ave School Visit Open House-Weaver Street Fire House Art Class-Senior Center 40 .. uppw..... ........44p ,r t 111 rk31441;‘44tial- ` I\ • r � 4, . ,.. 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