HomeMy WebLinkAboutEarly Town Records of Mamaroneck 1697-1881EARLY TOWN RECORDS OF MAMARONECK, 1697- 1881 Edited and Transcribed br Mary O'Connor English Illustrations br Sherman Totten Town of Mamaroneck 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface by Christine K. Helwig................................ v Introduction by Mary O. English ............................... vii Acknowledgments .......................................... xi I Town Record Book. 1756-1878 ........................... I II Record of Slave Children Born in Town of Mamaroneck. since 1799 ........................................ 146 111 Town Minute Book, 1697-1881 ........................... 156 IV Miscellaneous Documents .............................. 320 Maps................................................. 324 Index................................................. 329 Preface The Records of the Town of Mamaroneck date from April 2, 1697—the day on which the first Supervisor, Samuell Palmer, and other officials for the Town werechosen "by the freeholders and inhabitants of the above said place." The Minute Book and other documents are a little known treasure—unique as continuous record, save for the years 17761783, and as an original source of the social, economic, political and genealogical history of our Town from 1697 to 1881. In preparation for the Bicentennial in 1975, the Town Board sought a project that would be of permanent value and a lasting memorial to the 200th Anniversary of American Independence. The publication of our Town Records seemed an ideal choice. It was our hope—and original plan—to publish this Book on the 315th Anniversary of the Town on September 23, 1976. Our purpose was to make these documents available m a reference source for the use of historians, students and the general public and to recreate the minutes and records exactly as they appear, with necessary interpretations of obsolete or undecipherable words for the modern reader. A second, no less important, purpose was to preserve these documents, since time and casual storage have taken their toll and each handling of the originals results in further deterioration. We were encouraged by the support that this proposal received from the Bicentennial Committees of the Villages and from the Friends of the Larchmont Library. Each of these groups designated funds to augment the appropriation made by the Town Board for the publication of these Records. The interest and enthusiasm of Burton C. Meighan and members of the Bicentennial Committee of the Village of Mamaroneck; of Mrs. F. Warren Green and John Forrest, cochairmen of the Larchmont Bicentennial Committee; and of Donald Oresman and Honors Dougherty of the Larchmont Public Library, were instrumental in gaining this additional support. But the key to the realization of this project was our great good fortune in finding a local resident, Dr. Mary English, who was willing to undertake this task as a labor of scholarship—and of love. Neither Dr. English nor the many other local residents who were actively interested realized, in 1975, the ramifications of the project and the vast amount of time that would be required in study and in poring over and interpreting the original documents and the microfilms that have been made of them. It is a tribute to Mary English that neither time, nor tide, nor many set -backs and discouragements have caused her interest and dedication to flag. She has brought to this work not only impeccable scholarship but a tremendous resource of training and knowledge. Quite literally, she has devoted four years of her life to this transcription of the Records of the Town. Dr. English has made a tremendous contribution—one which will grow in value over the years as an irreplaceable source of information about the people and the history of the Town. In all of its various spellings, Mamaroneck and its residents, past, present and future are forever indebted to Mary English. And no one is more in her debt, or more grateful to her, than 1—since it is through her efforts that I have seen a dream come true! Christine K. Helwig Supervisor of the Town. 1969-1975 INTRODUCTION The recorded history of Mamaroneck dates back to 1661, when an Englishman. John Richbell, purchased the land on which Mamaroneck lies from the Siwanoy Indians. The actual town government was established many years later in April, 1697• when at a town meeting. Samuel Palmer was chosen the first supervisor by the freeholders and inhabitants. Palmer was to be assisted by Captain James Mott, the appointed assessor, Henry Disbrow, the new collector and surveyor of the highways and William Palmer, the constable and recorder. Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, this general pattern of government was to expand and to continue in an unbroken line with the one exception of the seven year period of the Revolutionary War. 1776-1783. By the end of the nineteenth century, it included more men and more offices, because of the growing size and more sophisticated needs of the community. It was these men who formed the policies and made the decisions that affected all who lived within the town's boundaries. Fortunately, for the present Mamaroneck citizenry, as well as future generations. these officials were very conscientious about recording their meetings and important documents. Their records were written in long -hand and noted every detail whether significant or not. The penmanship of the eighteenth century was generally even and clear, usually with large flourishing letters at the beginning and sm IL close together script at the bottom of the page. Curiously, as the nineteenth century progressed, the styles of writing deteriorated, becoming sloppy, careless and very difficult to read. Throughout, regardless of time or circumstance, the spelling was inconsistent and very phonetical. However, these documents whether misspelled or poorly written, became the sole public record of the thriving community from the late seventeenth century to the end of the nineteenth. Their importance for anyone interested in studying the history of Mamaroneck was, and is, paramount. This reference volume is composed of four divisions of manuscript documents: first, the Town Record Book. 1756-1878: second, the Record (?f Slave Children Born in Mamaroneck, since 1799: third, the Town Minute Book, 1697-1881: and fourth, a few miscellaneous documents that were not formally included in the above, but are still a part of the early records of the Town of Mamaroneck and worthy of note. All of these documents are presently located in a vault in the Town Offices of Mamaroneck. The first group of documents is bound in a large dusty volume called the Town Record Book. This book contains indentures. bills of sale. highway surveys, and a delicately tinted map of Mamaroneck dated 1811 and entitled "New York." Unfortunately, the cover of this book which at one time was a strong sewn binding is now falling apart and the previous pages of documents are loose and very brittle with age. Even the most careful of researchers does this volume damage just by taking it off the shelf. 1n transcribing the material for this volume, l have often made note that words, dates and phrases are missing due to the page being worn away. Although it may often make the text awkward or choppy in places, 1 have tried to be accurate so that scholars may know the true condition of the manuscript. The Record of Slave Children Bom in Mamaroneck is a small thin composition book of very interesting beautifully scripted documents which include the names of the slave children and their owners, their dates of birth, and their mothers'names. This short 4 4 vii volume is in fair shape for a book so old, but parts of its pages are fast becoming fragile with age. The third section, the Town Minute Book, represents the oldest full collection of continuously written public documents in the Town of Mamaroneck and in the State of New York. This old collection of parchments is sewn into a heavy red leather binding that is still sturdy and very smart looking. However, as you might suspect, the pages arc also worn and much of the information on the edges of the pages has been lost. What remains is a record of the minutes of the meetings of the town officials and the list of all the town officers over the years. What could become tedious if read from start to finish, instead becomes a valuable research tool if used properly to locate idividuals, families, trends, political patterns and the growth of an active and very conscientious community. The marks of the livestock for the members of the early community of Mamaroneck are extremely interesting and appear irregularly throughout the book, to add to the confusion of the reader. The last section of this volume contains a few extra documents relating to town's history that should be included in such a volume as this. Document Number I is a bond issued by the Town of Mamaroneck that was pasted onto the inside of the bindingof the Town Minute Book. It seems to have been a bit of an afterthought, not really a part of the text of the Minute Book, yet important enough to have been preserved as par of the town record. Documents 2 and 3 are small bits of brown faded paper in a small white envelope that was attached to the Record of Slave Children. Because these two documents are in such bad condition, they were photographed soon after and are illustrated in this book. This project of editing and transcribing these documents into book form was the inspiration of Christine Helwig, former town supervisor. To preserve these documents for future generations, she initiated the first phase of this project. On September 11. 1974, she arranged for the documents to be microfilmed by the New York State Revolution Bicentennial Commission at the Town Clerk's office. I became interested in the preservation of these valuable documents and began the second phase of the project in August of 1975. Using the microfilm, 1 rephotographed each "take" of the film onto 8 1/2 by II sheets so that 1 could transcribe the script into my own rough draft. Unfortunately, what looked to be a short and easy job, amounted to twelve hundred pages of rephotographs, each developed individually through a wet copier. These twelve hundred pages were xeroxed in the town offices and by the beginning of 1976,1 began to transcribe the material. One year later, two volunteer typists miraculously transformed this transcription into a typed rough draft. During the transcription. I discovered that the microfilm had not clearly reproduced any of the maps and diagrams included in the original books. Many of them were drawn in such faded ink that the microfilm simply could not pick up this detail. In addition, I also noticed that not all the documents were included on the film. To compensate for this, the maps and diagrams and the extra documents were photographed into slides to be reproduced into the illustrations that are included in the book. This volume is very easy to use as a reference work. The general index at the end indicates exactly where one may locate a place or a name according to the general pagination in the upper right hand corner. The numbers in the left hand margin correspond to the page numbers in the original manuscript volumes. So that the reader will know where one page of the original manuscript leaves off and another begins, an has been marked after the last word on the page; any word or symbol following the r marks the beginning of the new manuscript page so indicated in the left margin. In the Town Minute Book. and the Record of Slave Children, there is some complication regarding the numbers in the left hand margin. Some pages were not marked at all and 1 have marked them within square brackets either by number or, as in the case of the Town Minute Book, by letter, so as to have the reader informed that they are consecutively placed. There are many brackets or parentheses used throughout this book. The round brackets ( ) correspond exactly to what is recorded in the documents themselves. The square brackets [ ] mark the interjection of the editor for purposes of clarification. It was very difficult to know exactly what needed clarification for the reader. I have used the word [ sic] whenever there has been an obvious careless repetition of words. But 1 felt I could not overuse this tool, and because there were so many mistakes in the original documents I resorted to brief simple explanations within square brackets. 1 have tried to clarify some misspelled words by interjecting thecommon form used today. Very often the same word was misspelled within the same document a few fines apart. In this case. I have tried only to use the square brackets when 1 felt they were absolutely necessary and not every time the word was misspelled. To have clarified every misspelled word would have made the text too bulky. There were other needs for clarification: words lost on the edge of the page; words inserted above the lihe; words crossed out, repeated or those that were simply undecipherable. These common occurrences are so noted throughout the volume very often making the text unwieldy. But this rule is consistent: any square bracket explanation refers to the words immediately previous to it. Throughout the volumes of the originals, seals were often affixed to the page either near the signatures or out in the margin. 1 have faithfully marked where these seals are located, and in addition have marked a Qwhere it is so indicated. This volume is not one which will read smoothly with regard to content. Entries were often made in haste, and out of order and no attempt was ever made to correct it. There are two outstanding examples of this type of entry: one concerns the manumission records in the Town Record Book from page 181 to 197; the other refers to the listing of the marks of livestock which begins on page 285 of the Town Minute Book and continues on pages 311, 312, 320, 335 and so on throughout the book. I hope that the material so recorded will be of some value to the researcher who has the patience to sift it out. This will make the efforts of all those who worked so hard on this project very worthwhile indeed. Mary O'Connor English Larchmont, June, 1979 1.1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS No volume such as this could have possibly been donealone. l wish to acknowledge a debt of thanks to all who contributed in anyway, large or small, to the making of this volume. My particular thanks go to the following people who sacrificed a great amount of time in the interest of this community project: Christine Helwig, who conceived the project; Joseph Vandernoot, who continued to maintain its momentum most cooperatively; New York State Assemblymen Edward F.X. Ryan and John Perone. who supported efforts to obtain a New York State grant to finance the printing of the volume; the Friends of the Larchmont Library, and the Larchmont and the Mamaroneck Bicentennial Committees, who most generously contributed funds towards the completion of the project; the staff of the Mamaroneck High School Library, particularly Eileen Brennan, who assisted in transforming the microfilm into photographs; the AV staff of the Stephen B. Luce Library of SUNY Maritime College, particularly Richard Corson and Gary Ris; Dr. Alice Eichholz, who compiled most of the index; the many local historians in the area, particularly, Richard Ledderer and Lee Beisel, who urged me to finish as soon as possible; and the many people in the Town offices who never failed to cooperate inevery way no matter how outrageous the request. To those with whom I have worked most closely, a special word of thanks: Honors Dougherty and Donald Oresman of the Larchmont Library who offered complete support and overwhelming encouragement even "in the worst of times"; Sherman Totten who completed the photography of the maps and diagrams; Anne Hockman and Ruth O'Connor who typed the rough draft; Lavinia Brewer, who xeroxed end less copies of the original photographs of the microfilm; and, most recently, Eleanor Neumeister, who typed the final copy most diligently. Almost all of these people worked as volunteers, at no cost to the community. Everyone was patient, hard-working and very generous, and no one ever lost their temper, except me. The people of Mamaroneck can indeed be proud of this community effort! xi RECORD BOOK 1756 - 1878 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 4 Liber A The Records of the Town of Mamaroneck The Contents page + A Deed of Sale from Joseph Sutton and Mary his wife to John Townsend .. I A Deed of Sale from Henry Disbrow to James Horton Jun' ............ 2 A Dad of Sale from Underhil Budd and Henry Griffen to James Horton Jun' 3 A Dad of Sale from Benjamin Griffen to John Griffen ............... 4 A Writing of Division Between Benjamin Griffen and John Griffen ........ 5 A Dad of Sale from John Rhodes to John Griffen .................. 6 A Deed of Sale from Henry Fowler to John Griffen .................. 7 A Deed of Sale from Maker [Makarshalalhashbaz] Thomas & Enoch Nelson to Elijah Nelson .......................................... 8 a Deed of Sale from william Lounsbery to Samuel Fairweather .......... 9 a dad of Sale from Richard Cornell to Gideon Florence ............... Io Gideon Florence to Hannah Griffen ........................... 12 Thomas Barker to William Barker ............................ 13 Thomas & William Barker to John Townsend .................... 14 John Roads to William Barker .............................. 15 John Mott to Peter Boyd .................................. 16 John Palmer to Robert Coles ............................... 17 Benj'. Palmer to Thom'. Nelson, and Thom`. Nelson to Benj'. Palmer ..... 18 Thomas Barker to William Sutton ............................ 19 James Gedney and Phebe his wife to Daniel Barker & W' Lounsbury .... 20 Eli Nelson To Robert Coles ................................ 21 James Boyd To Robert Coles ............................... 22 Manumission of Deborah Honors, Andrew ....................... 91 Destrct [District] of Common School N.3 ........................ 92 Record of School Districts ................................... 85 Page numbers indicated are original manuscript page numbers. These are tlK numbers found in the left margin of the text. This Indenture Made this twentieth fay of June in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty one by and between Joseph Sutton and Mary his wife of mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and Province of newyork mariner of the one part and John Townsend of Hemsted in Queens County on Nassaw Island and Colony aforesaid House Carpenter of the other part witnesseth that 1 Joseph Sutton aforesaid for and in the Consideration of the full and Just Sum of two Hundred and Six pounds of good Current and Lawful Money of the Province of Newyork to me the Said Joseph Sutton in hand well and truly paid by the Said John Townsend before the Inseabng and Delivery hereof the Receipt I hereby acknowledge and my self fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and every pan and parcel thereof do acquit Release and fully Discharge him the Said John Townsend his Heirs Executtors and Administrators and each and every of them forever by these presents 1 the Said Joseph Sutton have given granted Bargained Sold Alienated Enfeoffed Assured Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presence do fully freely Clearly and absolutely give grant Bargain Sell Alien and Enfeoff Assure Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John Townsend his Heirs and assigns forever all that of Certain piece of Land Scituate Lying and being in Mamaroneck in the Countyand Province aforesaid Butted and Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones which is the South east Comer of Underhill Budds Land and the Northwesterly Side of a Drift way left by the proprieters of Mamaroneck Between the great Lots and the Lower Lots So Called thence Running North near thirty Six Degrees west twenty Chains Seventy five Links to one heap of Stones thence North forty four degrees East ten Chains and twelve Links to one heap of Stones on the line of John Griffen Lot thence running South near thirty Six degrees east along Said Griffen Line until it Crosses the high way thence by Said high way Southerly until it Comes to Griffens Line again thence along said Griffen Line until it Comes to William Lounsberys Land thence along Said Lounburys land to one heap of Stones by the Said Driftway thence along Said Driftway South forty four degrees west ten Chains and twelve Links to the first mentioned Heap of Stones where it first begun Containing twenty acres of Land Excepting the Road or high way together with the Dwelling houses orchards timber trees grass and Stones Wells and Water with all the appurtanences priviledges and Comodities to the Same Belonging or in any wise appertaining as also the Equal one half of a Certain Store House Scituate and Standing near Mamaroneck landing near Underhil Budds and Henry Griffen Storehouse with all the Rights and priviledges thereunto belonging together with all the profits Commodities hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever belonging to the above bargained premises with the Reversions and Remainder thereof and the Estate Right title Interest property Possession Claim and Demand whatsoever of me the Said Joseph Sutton or my heirs Executors or assign have or may have to the above bargained premises or any part thereof To have and to hold all the above bargained premises with all and Singular the appurtanences unto him the Said John Townsend his heirsand assign foreverto hisand their own Sole and proper use benefit and behoof from henceforth and foreverand t the Said Joseph Sutton for my Self my heirs Executors and administrators do Convenant promise grant and agree to and with the Said John Townsend his heirs executors and administrators that at the time of the Insealing and before the Delivery hereof 1 the said Joseph Sutton was the true Sole and Lawful owner of all the bargained premises and was Lawfully Siezed and possessed thereof in my own proper right of a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple and had in my Self full power good Right and Lawful authority to Sell and Dispose of all the above bargained premises in Manner as above Expressed and that he the Said John Townsend his heirs Executtors administrators and assigns Shall and may by verture of these presents Lawfully and quietly and peaceably have hold use occupy Command and enjoy and freely possess all the above bargained premises with appurtenances free and Clear freely and Clearly acquitted Released and fully Discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other grants bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Jointures Dowries Judgments Executions and encumbrances whatsoever and furthermore 1 mary Sutton do Quit Discharge and make over with my husband Joseph Sutton all that of my Dowry Right freely and Clearly and firmly by these presents and furthermore 1 the said Joseph Sutton do hereby Covenant bind and oblige my Self my heirs executors and administrators to warrant Secure and forever Defend all the above bargained premises with all and Singular the appurtanences unto him the Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns forever against all the Just and lawful Claims and demands of all manner of persons whomsoever in witnesseth hereunto we the Said Joseph and mary Sutton have Set to our hand and fixed our *Seals the Day and year above written Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of William Mott eleazxr Gedney Joseph Sullen Scal her Mary X Sutton tical mark Memorandum this first day of January 1756 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer esq one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for westchester County assigned William Mott one of the wittnesses to the above deed of Sale and under his affirmation Declared that he Saw Joseph Sutton and mary his wife Execute and Deliver this above deed as their free act and Deed for the use within mentioned and also that eleazer Gedney did Sign as the other witness I having Examined Said find no mitake or Interlineation do allow it to be Recorded Entered here in the Records of mamaroneck Gilb Bloomer this 29" of y` 12' o/ in called December 1756 By William Mott Clerk To a6 whom it may Concern that 1 Henry Disbrow of mamaroneck in the County of westchester and Province of new york yoeman for and in Consideration of the Sum of two pounds Lawful money of new york to me in hand paid before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presence by James Horton Jun' of mamaroneck Shiper have given granted Bargained Sold Assured Conveyed and Confirmed to the Said James Horton his Heirs and assigns forever all my Right Title Claim Interest and Demands of a Certain tract of Land that lyeth upon the East Side of the post Road from mamaroneck River Bridge to the westermost Corner of Joseph Sutton Storehouse with all the Priviledges thereunto Belonging unto the Said James Horton Jun' his Heirs and assign foreverand 1 the Said Henry Disbrow for me my Heirs Executors and administators will warrant and Defend the Said James Horton and his assigns against me my Heirs and all other persons whatsoever Claiming any Right of my part of the above mentioned premises which is one Eigth [Eighth] part which Came to me by my father Henry Disbrow late of mamaroneck deceased in Confirmation 1 have hereunto Set to my hand and Seal this twenty first of June in the year of our Lord 1755 and in the twenty-eighth year of his Majesties Reign Sealed and Delivered Henry Disbrow seal in the presence of Nehemiah Palmer John Crookstone Charles Davis Be it remembered that on this twelfth day of January 1756 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Court of Common Plea for westchester County assigned Henry Disbrow the Grantor of the above deed of Sale and acknowledged that he executed the Same as his act and deed for the use therein mentioned I having Examined Said Deed find no material mistake (and only the word June Interlined) do allow it to be Recorded The above deed of Sale Entered here Gilb Bloomer this 29" of y` 12' m Called December 1756 Mr. William Mott clerk To all to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that we Underhil Budd of mamaroneck and Henry Griffen of the Township of Rye both of westchester County and Province of New york for an in Consideration of the Sum of twenty seven pounds Current money of the Province abovesaid to us in hand well and truly paid before the Sealing and delivery hereof by James Horton Jun' of the abovesaid mamaroneck County and Province abovesaid the Receipt whereof we the Said Underhil Budd and Henry Griffin Doth hereby acknowledge our Selves to be therewith fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and therefrom and from every part thereof Do Exonerate acquit and Discharge the Said James Horton his Heirs and assigns forever have given granted bargained Sold and by these presents absolutely do give grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto him the Said James Horton his heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever the uppermost Storehouse Standingon mamaroneck River with all the Priviledges and profits belonging to the Said House and we the Said underhil Budd and Henry Griffen do hereby Convenant for our Selves our heirs Executors and administrators to and with the Said James Horton his heirs Executors administrators and assigns to forever hereafter warrant Secure and defend the said House with all the priviledges and profits to the Same belonging unto the Said James Horton his heirs Executors administrators and assigns forever and free and Clear of all manner of Incumbrances of any kind or nature Soever In witness whereof we the Said underhil Budd and Henry Griffen hath hereunto Set our hands and Seals this fourteenth day of april one thousand Seven hundred and fifty-five Sealed and Delivered Underhill Buddtient in the presence of Benjamin Smith Henry GriffenSenl John Townsend Be it Remembered that on this twelfth day of January 1756 the [then] appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Court of Common plea for westchester County assigned Benjamin Smith one of the witnesses of the within deed of Sale and under his Evidence Declared that he Saw Underhil Budd and Henry Griffen the grantor of the within deed Sign Seal and deliver the Same as their act and deed and Likewise Declared that he Saw John Townsend Sign as the other witness 1 having Examined Said Deed to allow it to be Recorded Gilb` Bloomer The above deed of Sale Entered here this 29" of this 12'" o—n tCalled December 1756 By William Mott Clerk Received this twenty Eighth day of January 1757 from James Horton Jun` the Sum of Seventeen pound nine Shillings and three pence which is in full of a certain Note or Bill which Said Horton give me for my part of Consideration of the within deed of Sale and Said Note or Bill being Lost and not to be found (it bearing Date Exactly with Said Dad) I hereby Discharge Said James Horton Jun' from Said note or Bill of Debt. 1 having Receiving full Satisfaction for the Same as witness my Hand & Seal the Date above Gilbert Bloomer Hemy Griffen seal Entered here the first day of the Second month Called February 1757 By w= Mott Clerk To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting know ye that I Benjamin Griffen of the town of moraneck [mamaroneck] in y` County of Westchester in y' Colony of new york yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of thirty pound ten Shillings to me in hand paid by John Griffen of the town County and Colony aforesaid yeoman y` Receipt whereof 1 do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith to be fully Satisfied and Contented and from Every pan and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the Said John Griffen his Heirs and assigns forever Certain lottments of Land Lying in the town of moraneck [mamaroneck] being Half of the Seventh Lot in the Said town which I the said Benjamin Griffen and John Griffen purchased of John Disbrow these Loris are Butted and Bounded as followeth The fust Lot being the head of the two mile Bounds Begining westerly to a Small walnut tree and Southerly to a heap of Stones and Easterly to a Wallnut Stake and northerly to Red oak tree and on the South Joyning to a Lot of Benjamin Griften being the Second Lot Being ten acres more or less the third Lot to a heap of Stones westward and Southerly to a heap of Stones and Easterly to a Crab bush in the Runn and northerly to a white oak Stake Containing twenty four acres more or less The fifth Lot is boundd [bounded] westerly to a heap of Stones and Southerly to a heap of Stones and Easterly to a wallnut Saplin and northerly to a wallnut bush being in number ten acres more or less the Seventh Lot Begining westerly to a heap of Stones and Southerly to a Small wallnut tree markt on all four Sides Running Easterly with a Rang of markt trees to a Chestnut tree markt on all four Sides by the Land of Eliezer Gedney and from thence northerly to a Stake in the millpond To have and to hold the Said Lottments of Land with the appurtenances and priviledges thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining or therewith held used or possessed as part parcel or member thereof and it Shall and may be Lawful for him the Said John Griffen his Heirs and assigns to Enter Lawfully to possess and quietly to Enjoy the Said Demised and Bargained Lottments of Land free and Clear freely and Clearly acquitted and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants mortuages Sales Leases wills Debts Dues and all manner of Incumbrances and troubles whatsoever and that upon the Lawful and Reasonable Demand of him the Said John Griffen his heirs or assigns I the Said Benjamin Griffen my heirs and assigns will perform and do or cause to be done or performed any Such thing as Shall be for the Sure making the above bargained premises to him the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns whether by acknowledgment of this present Dad or otherwise according to the true intent and meaning of these presents or according to the Laws of this province where the premises are in being and I the Said Benjamin Griffen my heirs Executorsand administrators Shall and will forever warrant and Defend the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns in quiet and peaceable possession of the Demised and bargained lottments of Land against all and every other person or persons Lawfuly Claiming any Right title or Demand of or to the Same or to any part or parcel thereof in witness whereof I the said Benjamin Griffen have caused this Deed to be Drawn and have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this fifth Day of January in y` year 1718 19 Signed Sealed and Delivered Benjamin Griffen seal in the presence of Richard Cudner his Joseph T anno mark The words (ten acres more or less) is Enterlined befor the Sealing and delivery hereof witness John Carhart Henry Disbrow Memorand_ y` 5" november 1744 then came before me Samuel Purdy Esq: Judge of the inferior Court of Common pleas for westchester County assigned John Carhart one of the witnesses to the within deed of Sale & being duly Sworn under oath Declared that he Saw Benjamin Griffen the Granter thereof Seal and deliver Said deed as he [his] free act and deed and that he also at the Same time Saw Henry Disbrow Sign as a witness thereto and I having Examined Said deed allow it to be Recorded Same Purdy Entered here y` 14'" of y` 0 called June 1757 in By W= Mott clerk 5 This writing witnesseth an agreement made and Contracted this followeth wl=r thear was given by John Griffen a Certain piece of Land to his two Sons namely John Griffen and Benjamin Griffen and to Each of their heirs and assigns forever as by Deeds will more plainly appear wherefore these the Said John Griffen and Benjamin having made Division according to their fathers Said Deeds therefore therefore [sir] the Said John Griffen doth for himself his heirs and assigns remeis Release and forever quit claim unto his Brother Benjamin Griffen and to his heirs and assigns forever Eastermost Side of the Sixth lot begining at the middle of the Said lot at the heap of Stones then running easterly down the middle of the Said Lot to a heap of Stones within about three Rods of a Certain well then Running northerly two Rods into the estermost half of the Lot to a certain fence then running esterly down the fence about a hundred and teen or fourteen Rods to a wonnat tree then Running Southerly two Rods to a whit oak then runnings Direc is cors thru the middle of Said Lot to a certain heap of Stones at the Lore end for him the Said Benjamin Griffen to have and to hold and peaceable to possess and Enjoy to him and to his heirs and assigns forevermore and the Said Benjamin Griffen on his part for himself and his heirs and assigns do remise Release and forever quit unto the Said John Griffen and to his heirs and assigns forever the westermost part of the Said Lot Butting up o the Said Line above mentioned as it is Settled and Divided for him Said John Griffen to have and to hold and peaceably to possess and Enjoy to him and to his heirs and assigns forevermore and to the Confirmation whereof we have hereunto Set hands [word written above line out of place] our in mamoranak [mamaroneck] this third day of november 1721 his John I Griffen John Griffen mark Benjamin Griffen Thomas Carle Memorandum y` 19" of May 1740 then appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Court of Common pleas for westchester County assigned Thomas Carle one of the Evidences to the within writingof Division and being one of the people Called Quakers under his Solemn affirmation did Declare that he Saw John Griffen and Benjamin Griffen Sign the within agreement as their act and Deed & thatat the Same time he saw John Griffen y` Elder Sign as a witness with him and I allow the Same to be Recorded Entered here the 14'" of the 6" month Called June in the year 1757 By William Mott Clerk Sam' Purdy To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that 1 John Rhodes of Scarsdale in the County of westchester and Province of new york yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of Eight pounds twelve Shillings Current money of new york To me in hand well and truly paid Before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by John Griffen of mamaroneck in the County and province aforesaid yeoman The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonemte acquit and Discharge the Said John Griffen his Heirs Ee[Executors] and admr' forever by these presents Have Given Granted Bargained Sold Conveyed & Confirmed and and by these presents do freely fully and absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Cofirm unto y` Said John Griffen his Heirs and assigns forever a Cerain piece of Salt meadow lying at mamaroneck Bounded as followeth Begining at the upland now in possession of Said John Griffen thence Running Easterly by the meadow of Rob" Coles to the Creek Southerly until it Contains one acre and Quarter To have and to hold the Said Granted and Bargained premises with all the priviledges and appurtenances to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper use Benefit and Behoof forevermore and I the Said John Rhodes do Convenant and Grant to and with the Said John Griffen that at the time of the Ensealing hereof I am the true Lawful and Sole owner of the above Granted and Bargained premises and have in my Self Good right full powerand Lawful authority to Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm the Same in manner as abovesaid and that it Shall and may be lawful to and for Said John Griffen his Heirs and assigns by force and verture of these presents from time to time and at all times forever hereafter to have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the Said Granted and Bargained pauses [premises] free and Clear freely and Clearly Exonerated acquitted and Discharged of At from all & all manner of former or other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales leases Mortgages Wills Entails Jointures Dowrys Judgments Executions Incumbrances and Troubles whatsoever Furthermore 1 the Said John Rhodes for me my heirs Ex" C Executors] ad m" the above Granted and Bargained premises unto him the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns against the Lawful Claims or Demands of any person or persons whatsoever will forever warant Secure and Defend by these presents In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this first Day of October in the twenty Second year of his Majesties Reigns Annoq' Dom [Domini] 1748 Signed Sealed and Delivered his John %, Rhodes O in the presence of mark Elizabeth Burns Alex' Bums Be it Remembered that this P' day of July 1755 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the inferiour Court of Common plea for westchester County asigned John Rhodes the Grantor of the within Deed of Sale and acknowledged the Same to be his free act and Deed for the use within mentioned I having inspected Said Deed find no Resaures [Erasures] or Interlinations do allow it to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entered here the 15'" of the 6" month Called June 1757 By William Mott Clerk To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall come Greeting in the Lord God Everlasting Know ye that 1 hennary fowler of mamoranick in the County of westchester and province of new york for and in Consideration of the Sum of fifteen pounds Current money of new york to me already in hand paid before Ensealing and Delivery hereof by John Griffen of the Said mamoranick and County and province aforesaid yeoman the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully Contented and Satisfied and from every part and parsell thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the Said John Griffen his Hairs [Heirs] Exetutors and administrators forever by these presents have given Granted alienated bargained Sold Conveyed and Confirmed and do by these presents fully freely Clearly and absolutely give Grant alien Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John Griffen his Hairs [Heirs] and assigns forever all that a certain pamell of Land scituate Lieing and being within the township of mamoraneck aforesaid and being part of the fifth Lot Lying before John Griffen done Bounded as followeth at the north comer at a white oak Sapplin markt on all four Sides then Running Southward with a straight Line to a long Rock lying on the west Side of Small Run that comes out of the foresaid Land then running Eastward to a Small wallnut bush Standing in a deviding line between the fifth lot and the Six lot to the white oak first mentioned Containing one acor [acre] be it more or less according as it is laid out with the priviledge for the water to have a free course into Henry fowlers Land forever without any hindrance To have and to hold the Said Demised and Bargained premises with all and every the appurtanences priviledges Commodities and advantages to the Same belongin or in any wise appertaining unto him the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns forever to their own proper use Benefit and Behoff forever and I the Said Henry fowler for my Self my heirs Executors and Administrators do Convenant promise and Grant to and with him the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns that before Ensealing hereof I am the Sole owner of the above bargained premises and have in my Self good Right full power and Lawful to give grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm the Same in manner as abovesaid and that he the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all timesformer hereafter by verture of these presence lawfully peaceably and Quietly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the Said Bargained premises with the appurtenances freeand Clearand freelyand Clearly acquitted and Discharged of and from all other former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales assignments Dowries mortgages Executions Extents or forfeitures and from all other acts and Incumbrances whatsoever had made done or Suffered to be done by me the Said Henry Fowler my heirs Executors or administrators and that upon the Lawful and Reasonable Demand of him the said John Grifen his heirs or assigns we will perform and do or cause to be done or performed art [act] or arts [acts] as maybe for the more compleating or Sure making the above Bargained premises to him the Said John Griffen his heirs and assigns whether by acknowledgement of this present deed or otherwise according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and according to the laws of this province where the premises are in being and I the said Henry fowler my heirs Executors and administrators Shall and will forever warrant and Defend the Said Bargained premises with the appurtanences unto him the Said John Griffen his heirsand assigns forever against all and every other person or persons whatsoever Lawfully Claiming any Right title Interest or Demand into the Said Bargained premises or any part thereof In witness whereof I the said Henry Fowler have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the twenty day of Jenuary in the thirteenth of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George King of Great Britain France and Ireland Defender of the faith Annoq' Domini 1726 John Horton Henry Fowler O Caleb Horton memorandum that on the thirtieth day of March annoq' Domini one thousand Seven Hundred and thirty three the within named Henry fowler the Grantor personally appeared before me William Willet Esq' Judge of the Inferior Court of Common pleas for westchester County and acknowledge he Executed the within Deed free and voluntary to the uses therein mentioned and 1 allow the Same may be recorded William Willett Recorded y' 15" of y' 6s month Called June 1757 by William Mott Clerk 8 To all Christian People to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting know ye that we Makarshahtlhashbaz Nelson Thomas Nelson and Enoch Nelson Sons of Polycarpus Nelson Deceased of mamaroneck for and in Consideration of the Sum of Two hundred and Sixty one pounds Current money of New york to us in hand paid by our Brother Elijah Nelson The Receipt of which we do hereby acknowledge to our full Content and Satisfaction and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the Said Elijah Nelson his heirs Executors and administators and every of them forever By these presents have given and granted and by these presents absolutely do give grant Bargain Sell Enfeoff assure Release Convey and Confirm unto him the Said Elijah Nelson and to his heirs and assigns forever all that our Right and Title to three parts of a Certain Tract of Land and Meadows Lyingand being in mamaroneck in the county of Westchester and Province of new york Bounded as followeth Begining at the South Comer of a Stone ditch Joyning to the Countrey Road thence Running Northerly as the fence now Stands till it Comes to the meadow thence bearing westerly along Said meadow fence till it comes to the meadow that wasformerly William Pinieres thence Running along Said fence Easterly till it meets with Sheldrake River thence Running down Said River till it meets the land of underhil Budd thence Running along Said fence to a whiteoak tree Standing at the End of a piece of Stone fence thence Running Easterly with the fence till it meets the aforesaid Countrey Road thence along Said Countrey Road to the place where at first began Including within theabove bounds all the lands and meadows which formerly belonged to Polycarpus Nelson aforesaid Containing within the above bounds thirty acres be the Same more or less together with all and Singular the House Barn fences ways Easements Rights Benefits and advantages of in on or unto Said Land belonging or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the above granted and Sold Land and Meadows with the Houses and all other the Buildings thereon as above bounded and Set forth with every and all the Rights Benefits and appurtenances unto the same and every part thereof Belonging or any ways appertaining unto him the Said Elijah Nelson his heirs and assigns forever to the Sole and only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said Elijah Nelson his heirs and assigns forevermore And we the Said Makarshalalhashbaz Nelson Thomas Nelson and Enoch Nelson for us our heirs Executors and administrators do hereby convenant grant and agree to and with the Said Elijah Nelson his heirs and assigns and every of them that at the time of the Executing and Delivery hereof we are Lawfully and Justly Siezed and possessed of the aforesaid three parts of the above Sold Land and Buildings and have in our Selves good right full power and Lawful authority to grant Bargain and Sell the aforesaid three parts of the above bounded Land in the manner and form aforesaid and further that it Shall and may be Lawful to and for the Said Elijah Nelson his heirs and assigns by force and venue of these presents upon and into all and every the above granted and Sold premises to enter and the Same and every part thereof at all times hereafter forever peaceably and quietly Shall have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy and that free and Clear freely and Clearly acquitted and Discharged Saved harmlessand Indemnified of and from all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales wills Jointures Dowries alienations or other incumbrances of what nature or kind Soever made or done by us or any of us wheretofore in any ways manner or form whatsoever and we the Said Makarshalalhashbaz Nelson Thomas Nelson and Enoch Nelson and our heirs Executors and administrators the above granted and Sold Land and Buildings with all their appurtenances unto him the Said Elijah Nelson his heirsand assigns against us and every of us our heirs Executors and administrators and every of them and against every other person and persons whatsoever Claiming the Same orany pan thererof Shall and will warrant and forever Secure and Defend by these presents In witness whereof [next words lost because portion of the page was worn o6] we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this twenty Eighth day 9 of may in the twenty Seventh year of his majesties Reign and in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty four Sealed and Delivered in presence of Makershalalhashbaz Nelson O John Gedney Thomas Nelson O Joseph Gedney his John Hill Enoch X Nelson O mark Memorandum that on the Eighth day of June annoq' Dom 1754 personally appeared before me J ohn Ward Esq' one of the Judges of the court of Comon pleas for the County Of Westchester the persons of John Gedney and Joseph Gedney both Evidences to the within Deed of Sale who delivered on oath that they Saw Makarshalalhashbaz Nelson Thomas Nelson Enoch nelson the grantors of the within Deed as their real and voluntary actand for the uses therein mentioned and that John hill was then present and Signed at the same time as the other Evidence and I having Examined the Same allow it to be Recorded per me John Ward Entered here the 6" of the first month Called January 1758 by william Mott clerk To all Christian people to whom these present writing or Deed of Sale Shall Come William Lounsbery of mamaroneck in the County of Westchester & province of New york weaver Sendeth Greeting Know ye that I the Said William Lounsbery, for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred and forty pounds Current & Lawful money of new york to me in hand paid by Samuel Fayerweather of marnaroneck aforesd County and province aforesd Tanner & Cordwainer at and before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof the Receipt Whereof I do acknowledge and my Self to be therewith fully Satisfied Contented and paid & thereof and of & from Every part and parcel thereof do acquit Exonerate Release and fully Discharge him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his Heirs Executors admin' & assigns By these presents hath given Granted Bargained & Sold Enfoeffed Alienated Conveyed Assured and Confirmed and by these presents do fully Clearly and Absolutely in fee Simple give grant bargain Sell Enfoeff alienate Convey and Confirm unto him the Said Samuel Fairweather his Heirs and assigns forever To Say a Certain and Lot messuage or Tract of Land now Scituate Lying and being in the township of mamaroneck Containing by Estimation Ten acres Be the Same more or less Butted and Bounded as followeth Viz Said Lot or parcel of Land beig part of the Sixth Lot in mamaroneck upper Division and Lying on the South End of the Said Lot Begining at the white oak bush or Stump mark'd on all four Sides at the northwest Comer from thence Running by the Road till it comes to a heap of Stones at John Townsends Land then Running by S° Townsends Land to the South End of Said Lot Bounded by the Road or high way then Running by the Road Eastward thirty Eight Rods to a heap of Stones then Running by the Road Eastward thirty Eight Rods to a heap of Stones then Running in a Dividing Line between Benjamin Griffen Land and s° now Bargained and Sold Land to a Butternut bush or tree Standing on a Ledg [Ledge] of Rocks or Stones Then Running a Direct Line to the northwest Comer first mentioned Together with all and Singular the Rights members priviledges Houses Buildings fences orchards Improvements Easements ways waters and water courses and all other Rights and appertenances to the Same belonging or any ways apertaining or Reputed to be apertaining thereto To have and To hold the before granted and bargained premises with all the Rights and priviledges thereunto belonging or appertaining To him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs and assigns to his and their own & only proper use Benefit and Behoof forever and that the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirsand asisgns 10 Shall and may by venue of these presents from time to time and at * all times forever hercmfter Lawfully peaceably and Quietly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the before Granted Land and premises free and Clear freely and Clearly acquitted and Discharged of & from all and all manner of formerand othergifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases mortguages Entails wills Jointures Dowrys Judgments Executions Extents and every other Trouble or Encumbrance whatever the before granted Land and premises To him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs and assign forever against the Lawful. Claims of all and every other person or person whatsoever Claiming or that Shall & may hererafter Claim any Right title interest or property or Demand of in or to the Said Bargained Land and premises or to any part or parcel thereof He the S° William Lounsberry his heirs Executors and administrators will forever hereafter warrant and Defend In witness whereof and for further Testimony the Said william Lounben hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal this fourth Day of march one Thousand Seven hundred 10 and fifty-eight 1758 also Tamar the wife of the Said william Loumbery doth by these presents freely and willingly give and yield up and Surrender all her right of Dowry and power of thirds of in and unto the above Demised premises unto him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his Heirs and assigns in witness whereof the Said Tamar Lounsbery hath hereunto Set her hand and Seal the day above mentioned Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Gdb Bloomer Reuben Bloomer William Lounsbery O tamar Lounsbery O Memorandum that on the 4" day of march 1758 then appeared before me Gilb Blooer one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for the County of westchester assigned william Lounsbery and Tamar his wife and acknowledged that they Signed Sealed and Delivered the Same as their act and Deed for the use within mentioned and the Said tamar the wife of Said William Lounsbery being by me in private and apart from her Said husband Declared She Executed the Same without any threats or compulsions from her Said Husband I having Examined Said Deed find no material mistake or Enterlineation do allow it to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer The above Deed of Sale was Entered here the 8" of the third month called march 1758 By william Mott clerk To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall come Greeting Know ye that 1 Richard Cornell of the manour of Scarsdel in the County of Westchester and Province of new york yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of forty pounds Current money of new york aforesaid to me in hand paid before the Insealing and Delivery hereof by Gideon Florence of mamaroneck in the county of Province aforesaid Cordwainer The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully Satisfied and paid and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate and Discharge the Said Gideon Florence his heirs Executors and administrators forever by these presents have given Granted Bargained Sold Alienated Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents do freely and absolutely give Grant Bargain Sell alien Convey and Confirm unto the Said Gideon Florence his heirsand assigns forever one Certain messuage piece or tract of Land now Scituate Lying and being within the township of mamorineck [mamaroneck] aforesaid Containing by Estimation fifteen acres bethe Same more or less Butted and Bounded as followeth Begining at a certain Rock at the Comer of the land belonging to Silvans Palmers Estate marked G F Southerly by Said Palmers Land to a Certain Black oak Stadle at the South Corner of S' Bargained Land marked with three Cuts on the South Side thence Southwesterly by S° Silvans Palmers* Land as the fence Stands over a large Rock in Said fence marked F to the upper Cor of Said Palmers Land where is a cedar Stake Set thence westerly by Nehemiah Palmrs Land as the fence now Stands to a Rock or Stone marked G at the west corner of Said Bargained Land thence northwest by Benjamin Palmers Land as the fence now Stands to the Road northeast and East by the Road to thefirst Station To have and to hold the Said Granted and Bargained premises with all the appurtenances priviledges and Commodities thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the Said Gideon Borence his heirs and assigns to his and their only proper use Benefit and Behoof forever and I the Said Richard Cornell for me my heirs Executors and administrators do conversant promise and Grant to and with the Said Gideon Florence his heirs and assigns that at and before the Installing & Delivery hereof 1 am the true and Sole owner of the above Granted & Bargained premises & am Lawfully Siezed of the Same as my own proper right as Good and perfect and absolute Estate and have in my Self full power and Lawful authority to Grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm the Said Bargained premises in manner abovesaid and that the Said Gideon Florence his Heirs Executors and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter forever by vertue of these presents Lawfully and peaceably have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy y' S° Demised Bargained premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging free and Clear freely and Clearly acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases mortgmges wills Entails Jointures Dowries Judgments Executions Encumbrances and troubles whatsoever and 1 the Said Richard Cornell do further Conversant and bind my Self my heirs Executors and administrators firmly by these presents to warrant and forever Defend the S° Gideon Florence his heirs and assigns in the quiet and Peaceable possession of all and Singular the Said Granted and Bargained premises against any Just and Lawful Claims of any person or persons whatsoever In witness whereof I the Said Richard Cornell have hereunto Set my hand and Seal in full Confirmation this first day of may in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and forty -Eight 1748 Signed Sealed and Delivered Reuben Bloomer Richard Cornell O William Nelson Be it remembered that on the 30'" day april 1757 that william Nelson one of the witnesses to the within deed appeared beford me Samuel Purdy Esq' Judge of the inferior Court of Common pleas for westchester County assigned and under oath Declared that he Saw Richard Cornell Execute the Same to Gideon Florence as his free act and deed for the uses therein mentioned and that Reuben Bloomer Signed as the other witness at the Same time and I having Examined the Same and find no mistakes nor Enterlinations therein allow it to be Recorded Sam" Purdy Entered here this 9" day of the 5" ["5" written over a "4"] Called WY ["april" crossed out and "May" written above] 1758 By W= Mott clerk To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Gideon Borence of the township of mamaroneck and County of westcheter and Province of new york Cordwainer for and in Consideration of the Sum of ninety five pounds Current money of new york aforesaid to me in hand paid before the Insealing and Delivery hereof by Hannah Griffen of the Same place County and Province aforesaid Seemster the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully satisfied and paid out thereof and of every part and parcel do Exonerate and Discharge the Said Hannah Griffen her heirs Executors and administrators forever by 12 these presents have Given Granted Bargained Sold alienated • Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents to freely and absolutely give Grant Bargain Sell alien Convey and Confirm unto the Said Hannah Griffen her heirs and assigns forever one Certain messuage piece or tract of Land now Scituate lying and being within the township of mamaroneck aforesaid Containing by Estimation fifteen acres be the Same more or Less Butted and Bounded m followeth Begining at a certain Rock at the Corner of the land belonging to Silvans Palmers Estate marked G F Southerly by Said Palmers Land to a certain Black oak Staddle at the South Corner of Said Bargained Land marked with three cuts on the South Side from thence Southwesterly by Said Sdvanus Pahners Land as the fence Stands over a large Rock in Said fence marked F to the upper Corner of Said Palmers Land where is a Cedar Stake Set thence westerly by Nehemiah Palmers Land as the fence now Stands to a Rock or Stone marked G at the west Comer of Said Bargained Land thence northwest by Benjamin Palmers Land as the fence now Stands to the Road northeast and East by the Road to the first Station To have And to hold the Said Granted and Bargained premises with all the appurtenances Priviledges and Commodities thereunto Belonging or in any wise appertaining to her the Said Hannah Griffen her Heirs and aligns to her and thew only proper use Benefit and Behoof forever and 1 the Said Gideon florenm for me my heirs Executors and administrators do Convenant promise and Grant to and with the Said Hannah Griffen her heirs and assigns that at and before the Insealing and Delivery hereof I am the true and Sole owner of the above Granted and Bargained premises and am Lawfully Siezed of the Same as my own proper Right as good and perfect and absolute Estate and have in my Self full power and Lawful authority to grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm the Said bargained premises in manner abovesaid and the Said Hannah Griffen her heirs Executors and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafterforever by virtue of these presents Lawfully and peaceably have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the said Demised Bargained premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging free and Clear freely and Clearly acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases mortguages wills Entails Jointures Dowries Judgments Executions Encumbrances and troubles whatsoever and I the Said Gideon Florence do further Convenant and bind my Self my heirs Executors and administrators firmly by these presents to warrant and forever Defend the Said Hannah Griffen her Heirs and assigns in the quiet and peaceable possession o all and Singular the Said Granted and Bargained premises against any Just and Lawful Claims of any person or persons whatsoever In witness whereof I the Said Gideon Florence have hereunto Set my hand and Seal in full Confirmation this the nineteenth day of april in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty one 1751 Signed Sealed and Delivered Gideon Florence O in the presence of us Deborah Florence O Robert Coles William Nelson Be it Remembered that on the 30th of april 1751 that Giden Florence the Granter of the within deed appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq"' Judge of the inferior Court of Common pleas for westchester County assigned and acknowledged that he Executed the Same to Hannah Griffen as his free act and Deed for the uses therein mentioned and william nelson the Same time appeared before me and under oath Declared that he Saw Deborah Florence Seal and Deliver the Same to Said Hannah Griffen as her free act and Deed and I having inspected the Same do allow it to be Recorded o Sam" Purdy Entered here this lo'" of y' 5" m called may 1758 By William Mott clerk of mamaroneck 13 To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall come Greeting Know ye that I Thomas Barker of mamaroneck in the county of westchester and province of New york 12 13 for and in Consideration of the Sum Two Hundred and Seven pounds five Shillings and Seven pence half penny of Current Lawful money of New York to me in hand well and truly paid Before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by William Barker of the manour of Scarsdel within Said County the Receipt whereof 1 do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully and Entirely Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and from Every part thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the Said William Barker his heirs and assigns forever Have given granted Bargained Sold and by these presents absolutely do give grant Bargain Sell. assure Release Enfeoff convey and Confirm unto him the Said william Barker and to his Heirs Executors and administrators the one Equal moiety or half of all that a Certain piece or parcel of Land Scituate Lying in new Rochel which I lately Bought of th Executors of James Bonnet late of new Rochel Deceased the whole being Bounded as followeth northerly by the Lands of John Bonnett Deceased Easterly by the Lands of Ridgbel or Ridghels Line So Called Southerly by the Lands of John Soliss westerly by a Stone wall Standing on the west Side of Jorom field So called Containing by Survey ninety two acres and twenty Square Rods nether more or less and the full and Equal moiety or half of all the above Lands both in quantity and quality are hereby Conveyed together with the fences pastures ways Easements profits priviledges and advantages thereunto belong to the one Equal half of all the above Described premises with the Reversion or Reversions Remainder or Remainders Rights Issues profits whatsoever of me the Said Thomas Barker of in or to the Same Belonging or any part thereof To have and to hold the full moiety or half of all the above Said premises with the appurtenances thereunto Belonging unto him the Said william Barker and to his heirs and assigns to the only Sole and proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said william Barker and to his heirs and assigns forevermore and 1 the Said Thomas Barker for my Self my heirs Executors and administrators do conversant promise grant and agree to and with the Said william Barker his heirs and assigns that at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof I am the true Sole and Lawful owner of the above Moiet} or equal half of the above premises and have in my Self good Right full power and Lawful authority to give Grant Bargain and Sell the Same in manner as aforesaid and further that it Shall and may be Lawful to and for the Said william Barker his heirs and assigns by force and venue hereof upon and into the premises hereby Conveyed to enter and the Same and every part thereof from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and Quietly Shall have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy and that freely and clearly acquitted and Discharged of and from all and all other or former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales or other Incumbrances whatsoever and I the Said Thomas Barker and my Successors the above Bargained premises with the appurtenances thereunto Belonging unto him the Said william Barker his heirs and assigns against me the Said Thomas Barker my heirs Executors and administrators and against every other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant Secure and forever defend by these presents in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this fifth day of april one thousand Seven hundred and fifty Eight and in the thirty first year of his majNvs Reign Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Thomas Barker John Townsend Gilb' Bloomer Be it remembered that o this I f h Day of april 1758 then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for Said County assigned Thomas Barker the Grantor to the within Deed of Sale to william Barker and acknowledged that he Signed Sealed and Delivered the within deed as his voluntary a t and deed 1 having inspected the Same do allow it to be Recorded Recorded this IP of y` 5" Gilb Bloomer month 1758 By wdliam Mott Clerk of mamazoneck 14 This Indenture made this twelfth day of april in the Year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Eight By and Between Thomas Barker and mary his maty, his [sic] wife of mamaroneck in the County of westchester and province of new York Blacksmith and william Barker of Scarsdale and Same county and Colony as abovesaid of the one part and John Townsend of mamaroneck in westchester County and province as abovesaid Trader of the other part Wittnesseth that we aforesaid Thomas Barer and william Barker for and in Consideration of the full and Just Sum four Hundred and Eighty three pounds thirteen Shillings of good Current and Lawful money of new York to us the Said Thomas Barker and william Barker in hand well and truly paid by the Said John Townsend before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof the Receipt we do hereby acknowledge and our Selves fully Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and every part and parcel thereof do acquit Release and fully Discharge him the Said John Townsend his heirs Executors administrators and Each and every of them forever by these presents We the Said Thomas Barker and William Barker have given Granted Bargained Sold alienated Enfeoffed assured Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents do fully freely Clearly and absolutely give Grant Bargain Sell alien and Enfeoff Ensure Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John Townsend his hews and assigns forever all that of one certain piece of Land Scituate Lying and being in the Township of new Rochel in the County and Province abovesaid which we lately Bought of James Bonnetts Executors Butted and Bounded as follows northerly by the Lands of John Bonnett Deceased Easterly by the Lands of Richbel of Richbels Line So called Southerly by the Lands of John Soliss westerly by a Stone wall Standing on the west Side of Jorom field So Called Containing by Survey ninety two acres and twenty Square Rods neither more or less together with all the Timber Trees and grass and wells and water with all the appurtenances priviledges and Commodities to the Same Belonging or in any wise appertaining or belonging to the above bargained premises with the Reversions and Remainder thereof and the Estate Right title Interest property possession Claim and Demand whatsoever of us the Said Thomas Barker and wiliam Barker or our heirs Executors or assigns have or may have to the above Bargained premises or any part thereof to have and to hold all the above bargained with all and Singular the the [sic] appurtenances unto him the Said John Townsend his Heirs and assigns forever to his and their own and Sole and proper use Benefit and Behoof from henceforth and forever and we the Said Thomas and William Barker and William Barker [sic] for our Selves our heirs Executors and administrators do conversant promise Grant and agree to and with the Said John Townsend his heirs Executors and administators that at the time of the Ensealing and before the Delivery hereof we the Said Thomas Barker and William Barker was the true Sole and Lawful owners of all the above bargained premises and was Lawfully Seized and possessed thereof in our proper Rights of a good perfect and absolute Estate of inheritance in fee Simple and had in our Selves full power good Right and Lawful authority to Sell and Dispose of all the above bargained premises in manner as above Expressed and that he the Said John Townsend his heirs Executors administrators and assigns Shall and may by Vertue of these presents Lawfully and Quietly and peaceably have hold use occupy Command and Enjoy and freely possess all the above bargained premises with appurtenances free and Clear freely and Clearly 15 14 acquitted Released and Dishcarged of and from all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases mortguages Jointures Dowries Judgments Executions and Encumbrances whatsoever and furthermore I Mary Barker do acquit Discharge and make over with my husband Thomas Barker and william Barker an that of my Dowry Right freely and Clearly and firmly by these presents and furthermore we the Said Thomas Barker and william Barker do hereby Conversant bind and oblige our Selves our heirs Executors and administrators to warrant Secure and forever Defend all the above bargained premises with all and Singularthe appurtenances unto himthe Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns forever against all the Just and Lawful Claims and Demands of all manner of persons whomsoever in witness whereof we the Said Thomas Barker mary Barker and william Barker have Set to our hands and fixed our Seals the day and year above written Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Daniel Barker and Isaac Gedney Thomas Barker O maty, Barker O Wiliam Barker O Be it remembered that on this 14'" day of april 1758 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for westchester County assigned Thomas Barker and william Barker grantors to the within Indenture of Conveyance and acknowledged they Executed the Same as their free and voluntary act and deed to John Townsend I having Examined Said deed find no mistake or Interlination therein do allow it to be Recorded Gilb' Bloomer 15 To all Chritian people to whom these presents Shall come Greeting know ye that 1 John Roads of the manour of Scarsdal in the county of westchester & province of new york for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred and ten pounds current lawful money of new york to me in hand well and truly paid before the Ensealing and delivery hereof by william Barker of the Same place Esq' the Receipt whereof 1 do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge the Said william Barker his heirs Executors administrators and every of them forever By these presents have given granted Bargained Sold and by these presents absolutely do give grant bargain Sell assure release Convey and Confirm unto him the Said william Barker his heirs and assigns forever all that my house and land thereunto adjoyning lying and being in the mannour of Scarsdel in the abovesaid County being bounded as followeth viz Begining at the Southeast corner at the Road by the land that william griffen lately bought of Elijah nelson and So to run westerly along Said land till it comes to the land of Richard Cornell and to run by Said cornells land as the fence now Standeth till it comes to the and 1 lately Sold to wilham Griffen and So to run by Said Griffen land till it come to the road and So by Said Road till it comes to the first mentioned comer to S william Griffen land being bounded Southerly by william Griffen land and westerly Richard comells land and northerly by land I lately Sold william Griffen and easterly by the Road containing by Estimation forty acres be the Same more or less together with the house Barn orchard meadow fences pastures ways Easments profits priviledges and advantages thereon or thereunto belonging with the Reversion and Reversions right rents issues profits priviledges and advantages whatsoever to me the Said John Roads do belong or any part thereof To have and to hold the Said house land and premises abovesaid unto him the Said william Barker his heirs and assigns to the only Sole and proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said william Barker his heirs and assigns forevermore and I the Said John Roads do hereby convenant promise grant and agree to and with the Said william Barker his heirs and assigns that at and before the time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof 1 am the true Sole and lawful owner of the above bargained premises and have in my Self by virtue of a deed from Col' Caleb Heathcoat full power and lawful authority to give grant Bargain and Sell in manner as abovesaid and further that it Shall and may be lawful to and for the Said william Barker by force and virtue hereof upon and into the premises hereby conveyed to Enter and the Same and every part thereof form time to time and at all times forever hereafter Shall have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy and that freely and Clearly acquitted and Discharged of & from all & all others or formers Gifts grants Bargains Sales or other Incumbrances of what nature or kind So ever and I the Said John Roads for my Self my Heirs Executors adminis [administrators] and Successors the abovesaid premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said William Barker his Hees assigns against me my heirs Exec' adm' and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever & do by these presents bind my Self my heirs Exec' adm` and every of them to warrant Secure and defend the above premises against the Just claim and demand of any person or persons whatsoever In witness whereof 1 have caused this Deed of conveyance to be made and have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this twelfth day of January and in the twenty ninth year of his majesties Reign and in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and fifty Six Sealed and Delivered and the consideration money acknowledged to be received in presence of Hannah Bloomer Gilb' Bloomer mannor of Scarsdal January y` 31" 1756 this day I John Roads have Delivered possession of all the premises contained in the above deed of Sale by turf and twig as witness my hand the date above in presence of witnesses called at the delivery Gilb' Bloomer Daniel Barker "is O John / Roads mark his John/ Roads mark Be it remembered that on this twelfth day of January 1756 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esqu' one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for westchester county assigned John Roads the Grantor of this above deed and 16 17 acknowledged the Same as his act and deed and I have examined the Same find no mistake or interlination do allow it to be recorded Gilb` Bloomer Entered here y` 17" of y` month called november 1758 by W' Mott clerk 16 To a6 Christian people to whom this present Deed of Sale Shall Come Greeting know ye that I John Mott of mamaroneck in the County of westchester and Province of new york yoeman for the Sum of Sixty three pounds current Lawful money of new york to me in hand paid or Secured to be paid by Peter Boyd of the Township of oyster Bay in Queens County on nassaw Island and province of new york fuller now at the Ensealing and Delivery hereof The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof do forever acquit Exonerate Release and Discharge the Said Peter Boyd his Heirs Executors and administrators and every of them have given granted Bargained Sold alienated Conveyed Released and Confirmed and by these presents do freely Clearly and absolutely give grant Bargain Sell alien Release Convey and Confirm unto the Said Peter Boyd his Heirs and assigns forever one certain piece of Land lying Scituate and being in mamaroneck Begining at the westermost Bounds of the two miles Belonging to the inhabitants of mamaroneck at a white oak tree markt on all four Sides and from thence north thirty Six degrees westerly Eleven Chains to a chestnut tree markt on all four Sides and northerly by Josiah Quinbys orchard fence as it now Standeth and Eastwardly by a fence which Runneth from Josiah Quinbys orchard to Henry Disbrows meadow fence and Southwardly by the Said Henry Disbrows fence all the Land and meadow Ground within the Said fences as they now Stand with all the right priviledges and apurtenances Belonging to the Said Land and meadow Ground or in any wise appertaining To have and to hold the beforementioned premises with all and every thew apurtenances of the Said Land and meadow Ground unto the Said Peter Boyd his Heirs and assigns to the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said Peter Boyd his Heirs and assigns forever to have hold use occupy possess and Quietly Enjoy the Said Bargaind Land and meadow Ground and premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and Discharged of and from all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargais [Bargains] Sales mortguages Debts Dues and incumbrances whatsoever and I the Said John Mott for my Self my Heirs Executors and administrators Shall and will forever warrant and Defend the Said Bargained Land meadow ground and priviledges thereunto Belonging unto the Said Peter Boyd his heirs and assigns from henceforth and forever against all and every other person or persons Lawfully Claiming any right title interest claim or Demand whatsoever of or unto the Said granted and Bargained premises or any part or parcel thereof in witness whereof 1 the Said John Mott have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this thirteenth day of may in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and twenty eight Signed Sealed and Delivered John Mott O in the presence of Neh' Palmer Daniel Ladou Recorded the 15" of Be it remembered that on the 191" of July y` 9`" m 1759 in the year of our Lord 1736 personally By W"' Mott Clerk appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esquire one of the Judges of the inferior Courts of common pleas for the County of westchester the within Grantor John Mott and acknowledged the within written deed to be his free act and deed for the use therein mentioned and having Examined the Same find no mistakes Except the words Heirs and asigns enterlined in the warrantee 1 allow the Same to be Recorded Sam' Purdy 17 To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall come Greeting Know ye that we John Palmer and Marmaduke Palmer Both of mamaroneck in the county of Westchester and Province of new york For and in Consideration of the Sum of four Hundred and fifty pounds five Shillings of Current Lawful money of new york to us in hand well and truly paid before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof By Robert colts of Said mamaroneck in Said county The Receipt whereof We do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully and Entirely Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the Said Robert Coles his Heirs Executors administrators and every of them By these presents have given Granted Bargained Sold and by these presents Absolutely do give grant Bargain Sell assure Release Enfeoof [Enfeoff) convey and Confirm unto him the Said Robert toles and to his Heirs and assigns forever all that a certain piece or parcel of land Scituate Lying and being in mamaroneck within the county of Westchester Being Bounded as followeth Viz Northerly and Easterly by the Lands of Hannah Griffen and a Road Leading down to mamaroneck Southerly by the Lands of Reuben Bloomer and Nathan Palmer and westerly by the Lands of Benjamin Palmer or in his possession Containing by Survey ninety acres and Eight Rods Be the Same neither more nor less together with the fences improvements timber trees woods and under woods water and water courses with the meadows pastures thereon with the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rights Rents issues and profits whatsoever doth unto us the Said John Palmer and marmaiduke Palmer belong or appertain or any part thereof To have and to hold the above Said premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said Robert Coles his Heirs and assigns to his and their only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said Robert Coles his Heirs and assigns forevermore and we the Said John Palmer and Marmaduke Palmer for our Selves our Heirs Executors adminis" Do covenant Grant and aggree to and with the Said Robert Coles his Heirs and assigns that at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof we have in our Selves Good Right full power and Lawful authority to give grant Bargain and Sell the Same in manner and form as aforesaid and further that it Shall and may be Lawful to and for the Said Robert Coles his Heirs and assigns By force and virtue hereof upon and into the premises hereby Conveyed to enter the Same and every part and parcel thereof from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and Quietly Shall have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy and that freely and Clearly acquitted and Discharged of and from all and all other t or former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases mortguages wills Entails Jointures Dowrys IB 19 or other Incumbrances of what nature or kind Soever and we the Said John Palmer and marmaduke Palmer and our Successors the above Bargained premises with the appurtenances with the appurtenances [sic] thereunto Belonging unto him the Said Robert Coles his Heirs and assigns against us and ours Heirs Exec" adm" and against a0 and every other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will Jointly and Severally warrant Secure and Defend By these presents in witness whereof we the Said John and marmaduke Palmers to this our Deed of Conveyance have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this Sixteenth day of october one thousand Seven Hundred and fifty nine and in the thirty thud year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George &c &c [etc. etc.] Sealed and Delivered and the Consideration money acknowledged to be recived [received] in the presence of in Gilb Bloomer James Boyd and Elizabeth wife of the Said John Palmer do consent to the above Bargain and Sale and do acquit all her right and Dowry of in and to the above premises and Signifteth the Same by Setting her hand and Seal the day and year above written John Palmero Elizabeth Palmer O Be it rembered [remembered] that on this Eighteenth day of october 1759 then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer esq' one of the Judges of the inferior court of commons pleas for westchester County assigned John Palmerand Elizabeth his wife and acknowledged they Signed Sealed and Delivered the Same as their act and and [sic] Said Elizabeth Palmer being by me Examined in private and apart from her Said Husband Declared She did it freely without any threats or compulsion 1 having inspected the Same do allow it to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Recorded the 19" of ye 10" month 1759 By William Mott Clerk 18 This Indenture of Exchange of Lands made this Eighth day of September anno dom [domini] 1759 By and between Benjamin Palmer of the one part and Thomas Nelson of the other part both of mamaroneck in the County of westchester and province of new york Witnesseth that the Said Benjamin Palmer and Thomas Nelson hath this day agreed to Exchange a piece of Land for a piece of Salt meadow on the terms here under written Viz First the Said Benjamin Palmer for and in Consideration of a piece of Salt meadow in Exchange for a piece of upland th Receipt whereof I the Said Benj" Palmer do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof and from every part thereof do Exonerate acquit and discharge the Said Thomas nelson his heirs Exec" adm" and every of them forever have given Granted and by these presents do give grant bargain Exchange Release convey and confirm unto him the Said Thomas Nelson and to his heirs and assigns forever all that a certain piece of upland Scituate lying and being in mamaroneck in Said county being bounded as followeth Southerly by Said Benjamin palmers Salt meadow and westerly by Said nelsons own land and northerly by the post road Easterly by Said nelsons own land Containing one 20 acre he the same more or less together with the fences and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging unto him the Said Thomas nelson and to his heirs and assigns forever the Said Benjamin Palmer reserves to himself his heirs and assigns forever the full use and benefit to pass and repass through the premises above granted to his Salt meadow to cart or drive creatures he the said Benjamin painter and his heirs or assigns putting up such fences or Bars as he shall use for the purpose as aforesaid To have and to hold the abovesaid premises with every the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said Thomas nelson and to his heirs and assigns forever to the Sok and only use and benefit and behoof of him the Said Tho' nelson and to his heirs and assigns forever and I the Said Benjamin Palmer do hereby Convensnt and declare that I am the true Sole and lawful owner of the abovesaid land and have in my Self good right full power and lawful authority to convey the same as abovesaid and will warrant Secure and defend the Same against the lust and Lawful claim of any person or persons whatsoever Secondly the Said Thomas Nelson for and in Consideration ofa pieceof upland asaboveset forth and described in Exchange for a piece of Salt meadow the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowlede [acknowledge] to be therewith fully satisfied contented and paid and thereof and from every part thereof do Exonerate acquit and discharge the said Benjamin his heirs Exec" ad Mr' and every of them forever have given granted &c [etc.] and by these presents do give grant bargain Exchange release convey and confirm unto him the said Benjamin Palmer and to his heirs and assigns forever all that a certain piece of Salt meadow Scituate lying and being in mamaroneck in s° county being bounded as foloweth easterly and southerly by the ditch or creek or meadow called peneers meadow westerly by said Benjamin Palmers own Salt meadow and northerly to a whiteoak bush near the fence of the lands of the late John Griffen deceased and from thence to the corner of s" Benj Palmers Salt meadow Containing by estimation one full acre be the same more or less together with the grass and improvemens thereon or thereunto belonging unto him the Said Benjamin Palmer and to his heirs and assigns forever To have and to hold the abovesaid meadow with every the appurtenance thereunto belonging unto him the S° Benjamin palmer and to his heirs and asigns forever to the Sole and only proper use benefit and behoof of him the S° Benjamin palmer and to his heirs and assigns forever and I the Said Thomas Nelson do hereby Covenant and declare that I am the true Sole and lawful owner of all the abovesaid salt meadow and have in my Self good right full power and lawful authority to convey the same as abovesaid and will warrant Secure and defend the same in manner as aforesaid against the Just and lawful claim of any person or persons whatsoever and it is further agreed by the parties abovesaid that this indenture of Exchange shall shall [sic] Registered in the town Book of mamaroneck and the copy thereof Shall be as good and authentick in any court of record as tho [though] this original Indenture was present In testimony whereof we the Said Benjamin Palmer and Thomas nelson to this our Indenture of Exchange have hereunto Set our hands and Seals the day and year first above written Sealed and delivered in the presence of Daniel Barker Gilb' Bloomer Benjamin Palmer O Thomas Nelson O Be it Remembered that on this Eighth day of September 1759 then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for westchester county assigned Benjamin Palmer and Thomas rT nelson and Severally acknowledged the within indenture of Exchange to be their voluntary act and deed I have inspected the Same do allow it to be recorded GiW Bloomer Recorded the 28" of y` 4`" month called april 1761 by William Mott Clerk 19 To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall come Greeting know ye that I Thomas Barker of mamaronek in the county of westchester and province of new york Blacksmith for and in Consideration of the Sum of four Hundred pounds of current lawful money of new York to me in hand well and truly paid before the Ensealing and delivery hereof by William Sutton of the Same place yceman the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully and Entirely Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and discharge the Said William Sutton his heirs Exec" adm" and every of them forever by these presents Have given granted bargained Sold and by these presents absolutely do give grant bargain Sell Convey Enfeooff [Enfeoff] and Confirm unto him the Said william Sutton and to his heirs and assigns forever all that a Certain house and lands thereunto adjoyning Scituate lying and being in mamaroneck in the County of westchester being Butted and bounded as followeth viz Begining by the country road and from thence west thirty four degrees Southerly twelve chains along the said road or the road that leads to new york and from thence west twenty degrees north five chains and from thence west thirty two degrees South five chains being bounded South by the road and from thence west thirty four degrees twelve chains along the said road or the road that leads to new york and from thence west eighteen degrees northerly five chains and from thence thirty two degrees Southerly five chains being bounded South by the road and from thence west twenty degrees northerly five chains from thence east thirty degrees northerly five chains and one half and fro thence north thirty four degrees easterly to the fence Joyning to the fence of Henry Disbrow then along Said fence thirteen Chains to the first Station being at the oountrey road Containing fifteen acres more or less or be the Same otherwise bounded as by deed from [blank space in script] anderson and Margaret Haviland Executrix of the state of James Anderson Late Late [sic] of the city of new york Reference thereunto had doth fully appear together with the hoose out houses barn Storehouses orchards Gardens meadows pastures fences gardens profits priviledges and advantages thereon or thereunto belonging or appertaining with the Reversion or Reversion [Reversions] Remainder and Remainders rights rents issues and profits and advantages thereunto belonging whatsoever of me the Said Thomas Barker of in or to the Same belonging or any part thereof To have and to hold the above granted and Sold premises with every the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said william Sutton and to his heirs and assigns to the Sole and only proper use benefit and behoof of him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns forever more and 1 the Said Thomas Barker for my Self y heirs Exec" and adm" do conversant promise grant and agree to and with the said william Sutton his heirs and assigns that at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof I am the true Sole and Lawful owner of the above granted and Sold premises and have in my Self good right full power and Lawful authority to give grant bargain and Sell the Said premises in manner as aforesaid and further that it shall and may be lawful to and for the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns by force and virtue hereof hereof [sic] upon and into the premises hereby conveyed to enter and the same and every part thereof from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly shall have hold use occupy possess and enjoy and that freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all other or former gifts grants bargains Sales or other incumbrances of what nature or kind Soever and 1 the said Thomas Barker and my Successors unto the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns against me the Said Thomas Barker my heir exec"adm and against all and every person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant secure and forever defend by these presents and maty the wife of Said Thomas Barker for consideration as aforesaid do hereby acquit all her right in dowry of in or to the above premises and do Signify the Same by Setting my hand and Seal in testimony whereof we the Said Thomas Barker and mary Barker have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this twelveth day of april 1760 and in the thirty third year of his majesties reign &c [etc.] April 12'" 1760 Signed Sealed and in the consideration money Secured to be paid in the presence of Thomas Barker O Daniel Barker her william Lounsbury Mary—ft),,Barker O mark memorandum that on this 14'" day of november 1760 then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the inferior court of common pleas for westcheser county asigned Thomas Barker and mary his wife and the Said Thomas Barker acknowledged he Sealed and delivered the same as his act and deed and the Said mary being by me in private and apart from her Said husband examined declared She did it freely without any threat or compulsion from her Said husband 1 having inspected the Same and finding no material mistake or interlination do allow it to be recorded Recorded the 28" of the 4'" month called april 1761 Gilb Bloomer By William Mott Clerk 20 To all People to whom these presents Shall come Greeting At c [etc.] Know ye that I James Gedney of Rye in the County of Westchester and Colony of New York Carpenter for and in Consideration of the Sum of four Hundred Pounds Current money of new york to me in hand paid before the Seating and Delivery hereof by Daniel Barker and William Lounsbury both of mamaroneck in the county of westcheter aforesaid Weavers The receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith to be fully Satisfied Contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do acquit exonerate and discharge the Said Daniel Barker and William Lounsbury their Heirs Executors administrators and every of them forever by these presents Have given granted Bargained Sold Enfeoffed released and Confirmed and by these presents do freely fully and absolutely give grant bargain Sell enfeoff release Convey and Confirm unto them the Said Daniel Barker and William Lounsbery their Heirs Executors adminis" and assigns a certain Messuage or tract of Land Scituate lying and being in the township of Rye aforesaid in the patent Comonly Called Budds neck patent being part of a tract of Land I purchased of John Budd which Said granted tract begins at a large pointed Stone in the South East corner of Solomon Hains Land thence North forty degrees west fifty chains and thirty Links to a white oak Stump by westchester old path thence South forty degrees west as Said westchester path now runs four chains thence 22 23 South twenty Six degrees west five chain and twelve Links as Said path runs to a Heap of Stones by Land of Said James Gedney thence South forty degrees East by Said James Gedneys Land to a Stone and Heap of Stones by the Country Road thence North Seventy one degrees East by Said Road three chains and Eighty Links thence North fifty five degrees East by Said Country Road five Chains to the Rock in the corner of Said Said [sic] Solomon Hains Land by the Road where it began Containing within the Said Bounds Forty acres and three quarters of an acre neither more nor less three quarters of an acre to be left out as it now is to the Estate of Daniel Haight deceased To have and to hold the Said granted and bargained premises with all the apurtenances priviledges advantages advantages [sic] and Commodities to the Same belonging or any ways appertaining unto them the Said Daniel Barker and William Lounsbury their Heirs Exec" admini` and assigns to them and their only proper use benefit and behoof forever and I the Said James Gedney for me my Heirs Executors and admini" do convenant promise and Grant to and to and [sic] with the Said Daniel Barker and William Lounsbury their Heirs Executors adminis" and assigns that at the time of executing and Sealing hereof I am the true Sale and Lawful owner of the above bargained premises and every part of them and have in my Self good right full power and lawful authority the Same to grant and bargain in manner as above and that it shall and may be lawful for the Said Daniel Barker and william Lounsbury their Heirs and assigns by force and vertue of these presents to upon and into the said premises and every part of them to enter and the Same at all times forever hereafter to have hold use occupy possess and enjoy with all th Buildings fences and other appurtenances and privdedges any ways thereto belonging free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and Discharged of and from all manner of former or other Gifts Grants bargains Sales leases mortguages Jointures dowrys Executions encumbrances and Extents whatever furthermore I the Said James Gedney my Heirs and Successors the above demised premises unto them the Said Daniel Barker and william Lounsbury their Heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whatever will forever warrant & Secure and defend In witness whereof 1 have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Eighth day of February in the thirty third year of the Reign of our soveraign Lord George the Second & c & c [etc. etc] & in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty 1760 and I Phebe wife of the above grantor James Gedney do fully and freely reliniquish all my right of dowry to the above granted premises by affixing hereto my hand and Seal together with my Said Husband James Gedney O Signed Sealed and delivered and the consideration Phebe Gedney O acknowledged to be received in presence of Tho' Barker Timothy wetmore Be it remembered that on the 241" of February 1762 then personally came and appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the judges of the inferior court of common pleas for westchester county assigned James Gedney and phebe his wife and acknowledged they executed & delivered the Same as their free and voluntary act and deed and S° 24 phebe wife the Said James Gedney being by me in private and apart from her Said Husband acknowled [ackknowledged] She did and executed the Same freely without any threat or compulsion 1 having inspected the Same allow it to be recorded Gilb Bloomer 21 Know all men by these presents that 1 Eli Nelson of Cortlands Manour in the County of Westchester and province of New york yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of twelve pound fifteen Shillings Current lawful money of the above Said province to me in hand paid by Robert coles of mamaroneck in the county and province abovesaid yceman whereof I do acknowledge the Receipt and my Self fully Satisfied hath bargained and Sold and by these presents doth bargain and Sell unto the Said Robert Coles a certain piece of Salt meadow lying and being in mamaroneck in the county of westchester and province of New york Containing two acres and half bounded as followeth Easterly by John Grfffens Salt meadow westerly by John Rodes Salt meadow northwesterly by the upland Southeasterly by the creek to have and to hold the Said and all and Singular the premises herein mentioned and intended to be Sold with their and every of their apurtenances unto the Said Robert Coles his Heirs Executors administrators or assigns forever and 1 the Said Eli Nelson for my Self my Heirs Executors administrators the Said bargained premises unto the Said Robert Coles his Heirs Executors administrators and asigns against all and all manner of persons 1 being the proper owner thereof Shall and will warrant and forever defend the Same bargained premises in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Sealy` tenth day of august in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and forty one his v Signed Sealed and Delivered Eli ^ Nelson O in the presence of mark her Elizabeth X Johson mark William Johnson memorandum the 151" September 1741 then person- ally appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq` one of the Judges of the inferior court of common pleas for the county of westcheter assigned Eli nelson the Grantor of the within deed of Sale and acknowledged the Same to be his free act and deed for the uses therein mentioned and 1 having inspected Said Deed find no interhnations therein do allow the Same to be recorded Sam" Purdy 22 To all Concerned know ye that I James Boyd Eldest Son and heir at Law to Peter Boyd Late of mamaroneck in the county of westchester and province of New York �IClothier deceased for Valuable Consideration and other good Causes me thereunto moving do grant remise release and forever quit Claim unto my uncle Robert Coles and 25 to his heirs Executors administators and assigns forever in his actual Possession Seized of of [sic] a certain parcel or tract of Land Scituate lying and being in Mamaroneck in the county of westchester and Province of New york which my Honoured Father Peter Boyd and John Coles purchased of Josiah Quinby and Hannah his wife as by their Deed reference thereunto had doth fully appear bearing date the fourth day of January one thousand Seven Hundred and thirty one for certain Lands Scituate lying and being in Mamaroneck Butted and Bounded as followeth Begining at a Chestnut Tree bounded on the Southeastward by Peter Boyd Lot and John Mott and Northeast by William Pineors Lot So called now in the Possession of the Heirs of Caleb Heathcoate and Josiah Quinby and then begining at the aforementioned Chestnut Tree and So running to the Northeast Comer of Nehemiah Palmers Lot and then to run within two roads to the East of the Cart road that goeth to Samuel Quinbys House until it makes the quantity of one Hundred acres and whereas the Said Peter Boyd did Survivethe Said John Colesand no division in writing passed between them and the Sole Survivor Ship lying vested in me the Said James Boyd I hereby remise release and forever quit claim unto the Said Robert Coles and to his Heirs and assigns forever the full two thirds part of the whole of the aforesaid one Hundred acres of Land So that I the Said James Boyd nor my Heirs Exec" or adm" Shall have any Challenge claim or demand of in or to any part thereof To have and to hold the two thirds part of the aforesaid one hundred acres unto him the Said Robert Coles and to his Heirs and assigns forever to the Sole and only proper use and behoof of him the Said Robert Coles and to his Heirs and assigns forevermore So that neither I the Said James Boyd my Heirs Exec" adminis" nor no other person or persons whatsoever by from or under me Shall ever Challenge Claim or demand right or title to all or part of the aforesaid two thirds part of the abovesaid one hundred acres of Land Shall and are hereafter forever debarred and Excluded both in Law and Equity in witness whereof I the Said James Boyd to this my present release of Right to the aove premises have caused this present quit claim to be made and have hereunto Set My hand and Seal this Sixteenth day of april 1763 and in the third year of his Majesties reign Sealed and delivered in the presents of James Boyd Sal Gilb Bloomer John nandrau Be it rememberd that on this I6'" day of april 1763 then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the inferior Court of common pleas for westchester county assigned James Boyd the giver and Grantor hereof acknowledged that he Executed and delivered the Same as his voluntary act and deed for the use and purpose therein mentioned 1 having inspected the Same and finding no material mistake do allow it to be recorded Gilb Bloomer 23 A humble request of the proprieters and freeholders of the township of Mamaroneck made by James Horton Jumr [Junior] of the Said Mamaroneck in beh [behalf; word lost due to crumbled page] of himself his heirs and assigns whereas the Said James Horton hath lately purchased the most usefulest Store house Standing on Mamaroneck River and thinks it will be very useful to build a dwelling house adjoying the Said Store house both for the Said proprieters and freeholders and all others that Shall at any time have any thing to Send to York or have any return from the Said york for this Reason because there can at all times be attendance given both to receive things in Store and give out as people Shall want Now if the Said proprieters and freeholders will be so kind as to give the Said James Horton Liberty to Set up or build a Dwelling House and after Said House is builded it Shall be for the benefit of the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns for building the Same and that free and clear from we the Said proprieters our heirs and assigns forever and for confirmation of the above requested priviledge We proprieters of the Said Mamaroneck have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this nineteenth day of april in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and fifty five Maker [Makarshalalhashbaz] Nelson O Eme Sutton O Henry Disbow O James Mott O Thomas Barker O William Nelson O Daniel Barker O Robert Coles O John Griffen O Benj Palmer O William Sutton O Joseph Disbrow O Be it remembred that on the 27's day of September 1762 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esqu' one of the Judges of the inferior court of common Pleas for westchester county assigned James Mott one of the parties within and acknowledgd that he executed and delivered the within as his act and Deed 1 having inspected the Same do allow it to be recorded Gilb Bloomer Daniel Barker appeared before me this 2Uh day of June 1763 before me and acknowledged that he Sealed and delivered the same as his act and Deed I also allow it to be recorded Gilb Bloomer 24 This Indenture made this tenth day of November in theyear of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty by and between John Townsend of maroneck [mamaroneck] in the county of westchester and province of New york trader of the one part and Samuel Fayerweather of the Same Town and County and Colony Shoemaker of the other part Witnesseth that I the aforesaid John Townsend for and in Consideration of the full and Just Sum of Eight pounds of good Current and lawful money of New york to me in hand paid by the Said Samuel Fayerweather before the Ensealing and delivery hereof the Receipt I do hereby acknowledge and my Self fully Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and every part and parcel thereof do acquit release and fully discharge him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs Executors administrators and each and every of them forever by these presents I the Said John Townsend have given granted bargained Sold alienated Enfceffed assured Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents do fully freely and Clearly and absolutely give grant bargain Seg alien and Enfoeff Insure Convey and Confirm unto him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs and assigns forever all that of one certain piece of Land 26 27 Scituate lying and being in maroneck [mamaroneek] in the county and province abovesaid it being a part of the Lot of Land 1 bought of Joseph Sutton lying and being and Butted and bounded as followeth begining at two Butternut Trees which Joyns at the Roots near East from the House of the Said John Townsend and in the Line thats between John Townsend and Samuel Fayerweatehr on the north Side of a Ledge of Rocks thence running Southerly with that Same Ledge of Rocks unti it comes to the Road that leads from the white plains to maroneck [mamaroneck] thence along that Road until it comes to the driftway thence Easterly by the driftway until it comes to y` said Samuel Fayerweathers Land thence Northwesterly up the Hill and by Samuel Fayerweathers Land to the first mentioned Bounder [Boundary] Containing about three quarters of one acre be the Same more or less together with all the timber trees and grass water and watercourses with all the appurtenances and priviledges and Commodities to the Same belonging or in any ways appertaining to the above bargained premises with the reversion and remainder thereof and the Estate Right Title interest property posession claim and demand whatsoever of me the Said John Townsend my heirs Executors or assigns have or may have to the above bargained premises or any part thereof To have and to hold all the above granted premises unto him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own Sole and proper use benefit and behoof from henceforth and forever and I the Said John Townsend for my Self heirs Executors arid administO" do convenant promise grant and agree to and with the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs Executors administra" that at the time of the Insealing and before the delivery hereof I the Said John Townsend was the true Sole and Lawful owner of all the above bargained premises and was lawfully Siezed and possessed thereof in my own proper Right of a good perfect and absolute Estate of inheritance in fee Simple and had in my Self full power to Sell and dispose of the Same in manner and form as above Expressed and he the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs Executors administrators and assigns Shall by these presents have and Enjoy use and occupy and possess lawfully and quietly and peaceably and freely Enjoy all the above bargained premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted releast and discharged of and from all and all manner of other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortguages Jointures Dowries Judgments Executions and Encumbrances whatsoever and furthermore 1 Elizabeth Townsend do acquit discharge and make over with my husband John Townsend all that of my Dowry Right freely and Clearly and firmly by these presents and futhermore 1 the Said John Townsend do hereby Convenant bind and oblige my Self my heirs Executors administrators to warrant Secure and forever defend all the above granted premises with all and Singular the appurtenances unto him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs and assigns forever against all the the [sic] Just and Lawful claims and demands of all manner of persons whatsoever in witness hereunto we the Said John Townsend and Elizabeth Townsend have Set to our hands and fixed our Seals the Day and year above written John Townsend( Seal Elizabeth Townsend Seal Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Caleb Horton Ebenezer Haviland Be it remembered that on this 5'h day of may 1761 then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq` one of the Judges of the court of Common pleas for westchester county assigned John Townsend the Grantor of the within deed and acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed 1 having insetted the Same do allow it to be recorded Gilb Bloomer 25 This Indenture made this fourth day of July in the third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third King & c [etc.] and in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty three by and between Thomas Brown of mamaroneck in the county of westcheser and province of Newyork Schoolmates of the one part and Samuel Fayerweather of Said mamaroneck Shoesmaker of the other part witnesseth that the Said Thomas Brown for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred pounds of current lawful money of New york to him in hand well and truly paid at the Ensealing and delivery of these presents by the Said Samuel Fayerweather of the Second part the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully and entirely Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and discharge him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs Executors adm" each and every of them by these presents have given granted bargained Sold and by these presents absolutely do give grant bargain Sell alienate enfeeof [enfeoff) convey and Confirm unto him the Said Samuel Fayerweather and to his heirs and assigns forever all that my house and land thereunto belonging that I the Said Thomas Brown lately bought of Said Samuel Fayerweather being Butted bounded and described as followeth begining [next word or words lost on edge of page] a white oak Stump or Bush marked on all four Sides at the norwest corner from thence running by the Road untill it comes to a heap of Stones at John Townsends Land thence running by Said Townsends Land to two Butternut Trees being the first Bounder[ Boundary] of the Land that the Said Samuel Fayerweather bought of John Townsend being on the north Side of a ledge of Rocks thence running Southerly with the Same ledge of Rocks until it comes to the Road leading to the white plains from mamaroneck then alond [along] s° Road till it comes to the driftway thence Easterly by S" until it comes to the South westerly bounderys of the premises thence running by the Road about thirty eight Rods to a heap of Stones then running to a dividing line between Benjamin Griffens Land and Said now Bargained premises to a Butternut Bush or Tree Standing on a ledge of Rocks or Stones thence running a direct line to the norwest corner where it first begun containing by Estimation ten acres and three quarters of an acre be the Same more or less together with the house outhouses Barn orchards meadow pastures fences profits priviledges and advantages whatsoever to have and to hold the above Said granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs and assigns to the Sole and only proper use Benefit and behoof of him the Said Samuel Fayerweather and to his heirs and assigns forevermore and tithe Said Thomas Brown for my Self my heirs Executors adminis" do conversant provide Grant and agree to and with the Said Samuel Fayerweather his heirs and asigns that at the time of the executing and delivery hereof 1 am the true Sole and lawful owner of the above Said premises and have in my Self good right full power and lawful authority to grant bargain and Sell the Same in manner as abovesaid and further that it Shall and may he lawful to and for the Said Samuel fayerweather his heirs and assigns by force and virtue here of upon and into the premises hereby conveyed to enter and the Same and every part and parcel thereof from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly shall have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy and that freely and i clearly acquitted and discharged of all manner of former or other gifts grants bargains 28 29 Sales or other incumbrances of what nature or kind So ever and 1 the Said and I the Said [sic] Thomas Brown and my Successors the above granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said Samuel Fayerwather and to his heirs and assigns against me my heirs executors admi" and against all and every person or persons whatsoever laying any lawful right or title to the Same or any part thereof Shall and will warrant Secure and forever defend by these presents (remainder of line in manuscript unwritten) provided nevertheless and it is the true intent and meaning of the parties and these presents and thing to the contrary notwithstanding if the Said Thomas Brown his heirs Exec adm" or Some of them Shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the Said Samuel Fayerweather or to his certain attorney heirs exec' adm' or assigns the full and J ust Sum a certain obligation for two hundred pounds current money of new york Conditioned for the true payment of one hundred pounds of like lawful money on or before the fust day of may next with lawful interest from date as by Said obligation and condition refer— thereunto had oth and [letters undecipherable; these last five words were inserted above line after "condition"] may more at large appear which Said obligation beareth date the fourth day of July anno 1763 now if the Said Thomas Brown his heirs Exe [Executors] adm' or Sum of them Shall well and truly pay of Said obligation and Condition with interest and cost unto Said Samuel fayerweather or to his H' [Heirs] Ex' [Executors] adm' or assigns that then the above instrument of mortguage indented to be given up and cancelled But upon neglect or refusal to be and remain in full force and venue in law in witness whereof the Said Thomas Brown to this present indenture of mortguage have herunto [hereunto] Set my hand and Seal the Day and year above written Sealed and Delivered Thomas Brown O in the presence of Joseph purdy Gilb Bloomer Be it remembred that on this 5's day of July 1763 then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the inferiour court of Common pleas for westchester County assigned Thomas Brown the grantor of the within deed of mortguage and acknowledged the Same to be his voluntary act and deed for the use and purpose therein mentioned 1 having inspected the Same and finding no material mistake or interlination do allow the same to he recorded Gilb Bloomer 26 To all christian people to whom these prensents Shall come Greeting Know ye that I Job Bacorn of Morriss county in East New Jersey for and in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred pounds of current Lawful money of Newyork to me in hand well and truly paid at the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by James Horton Jun' of mamaroneck in the county of westchester and province of New york merchant the Receipt whereof 1 do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully and Entirely Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof Do Exonerate acquit and discharge him the Said James Horton Jun' his heirs Executors adm" and each and every of them by these presents Have given granted bargained Sold and by these presents absolutely do 30 give grant Bargain Sell convey and confirm unto him the Said James Horton and to his Heirs and assigns all that my whole right Titleand Interest of and in a certain Island lying and being within the county of westchester on the mannour of pelham commonly called and known by the name of minifords Island being the full right that I bought by one indenture of Sale bearing date the Ninth day of this instant September of the Said James Horton Jun' both divided and undivided be the Same more or less together with all and every, the priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging with the Reversion or Reversions the Rights Rents Issues and profits whatsoever of me the Said Job Bacorn of in or to the Same belonging or any part thereof To have and to hold the Said full of my Right both Divided and undivided on Said Island unto the Said James Horto Jun' and to his heirs and assigns forever to the Sok and only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said James Horton Jun' and to his heirs and assigns forever more and 1 the Said Job Bacorn for my Self my heirs Exe' [Executors] adm" do convenant promise grant and agree to and with the Said James Horton his heirs and asigns that at the time of the ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and lawful owners of all the above granted and Sold premises and have in my Self good right full power and Lawful authority to give grant and convey the Same in manner as aforesaid and further that it Shall and may be lawful to and for the Said James Horton Jun' his heirs and assigns by force and venue hereof upon and into the premises hereby conveyed to enter and the Same and every part and parcel thereof from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly shall have hold use occupy possess and enjoy and that freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all other or former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales or other incumbrances whatsoever and 1 the Said Job Bacorn and my Successors the above bargained premises with th appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said James Horton Jun' his heirs and assigns against me my heirs Exec' admi and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever shall and will warrant Secure and forever defend [the remainder of the line in the manuscript left unwritten; script continued o the next line] provided nevertheless it is the true intent of the parties and these presents any thing to the contrary hereof notwithstanding that if the Said Job Bacorn his heirs Executors adminis' or Some of them Shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the Said James Horton Jun' or to his certain attorney Heirs Executors adminis' or assigns the Just and uB Sum of one Hundred pounds of current Lawful money of New york and that at or before the twenty fust Day of July next ensuing the Date hereof together with the Lawful Interest from the twentieth day of october next in discharge of one certain obligation bearing date the twenty first Day of July 1763 for the aforesaid Sum of one hundred pounds and Interest as aforesaid at the time aforesaid if therefore the Said Job Bacorn his Heirs & c [etc.] Shall well and truly pay the Said obligation as aforesaid that then this present Deed or poleziton to be void and of no Effect But in default of payment then the above Deed and every clause therein contained to be and remain in full force and venue In witness whereof I the Said Job Bacom have Caused this present Deed to be made and have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this tenth Day of September 1763 and in the third year of his majesties Reign & c [etc.] Sealed and delivered in the presence of Bem Budd Job Bacorn O Gilb Bloomer Be it remembred that on this tenth day of September 1763 then personally before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for t. 31 lf: westchester county assigned to Job Bacom the grantor of the above mortguage deed of Sale and acknowledged he executed the Same as his act and deed 1 having inspected the Same do allow the Same to be recorded Gilb Bloomer 27 To a8 Christian people to whome these presents shall come know ye that we Anne Griffen and Benjamin Griffen Executors to the last will and Testament of Henry Griffen late of Rye in the county of westchester and province of New york Deceased whose last will and Testament orders and Impowers his Executors to Sell and dispose of Said Estate both real and personal and we do by vertue of Said will and testament and for the use therein mentioned and for and in Consideration of the Sum of two hundred and ninety Seven pounds fifteen Shillings lawful money of New york to us in hand paid at or before the E.nsealing and delivery of these presents by William Lounsbury of Mamaroneck in the county abovesaid weaver well and truly paid the Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge our Selves fully Satisfied and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do clear acquit Exonerate and discharge the Said William Lounbury his Heirs Executors and administrators forever by these presents Have given granted Bargained Sold aliened Enfeeofed [Enfeoffed] and Confirmed and by these presents do fully clearly and absolutely give grant convey and Confirm unto the Said William Lounsbury his Heirs and assigns forever all that a certain parcel Scituate in Rye in the purchase of Harrison which S° Henry Griffen purchased of Gan ardus Drake& is bounded as followeth viz begining at a Certain Chestnut Stump about three or four Chain to the Southeast of the House and from thence runs west Six degrees north ten chain and forty Links to a white oak Tree marked which is one of the marked Trees of the middle line of the Purchase and from thence along Said middle Line near about north three degrees & half East with the Range of marked Trees thirty three chains and forty Links to a red oak Tree marked Standing in S° middle Line and from thence East eight Degrees South Seven chains to a whiteoak Tree markd thence South eight degres East nineteen chain to a Crooked walnut Tree marked thence South about Six degrees and a half west to an Elm and from thence to the first mentioned Bounds where begun the distance from the crooked walnut to the first mentioned Chestnut Stump being fourteen Chains and fifty Links within the above bounds thirty three Acres and one Hundred Rods together with Houses fences ways Easements woods and underwoods and all and Singular the priviledges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or any ways appertaining to y` and Sold Land belonging or any ways appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders thereof & also all the Estate Right title Interest use property & possession claim and demand whatsoever which the ahovesaid Henry Griffen had in or to the Same at the time of his decease to have and to hold the Said parcel or tract of Land with all its appurtenances herein granted and Sold unto the Said William Lounsbury his Heirs and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the Said William Lounsbury his Heirs and assign forever and we the Said Anne Griffen and Benjamin Griffen do convenant grant and agree to and with the Said william Lounsbury his Heirs and assigns by these presents that we the Said Anne Griffen and Benjamin Griffen the parcel by these presents that we the Said Anne Griffen and Benjamin Griffen the parcel of Land herein before granted bargained Sold with its appurtenances unto the Said William Lounsbury and his Heirs to the only proper use benefit and behoof of him the S° william Lounsbury his Heirsand assigns forever against our Selves and the Heirs and assigns of Henry Griffen & all & every person or persons lawfuly claiming by from or under us them or any of them Shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents and also y' Shall and may be lawful to and for the Said william Lounsbury his Heirs and assigns and every of them by force and venue of these presents from time to time and at all times hereafter forever lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occuppy, possess and enjoy theabovegranted premises and y' freely and clearly and absolutely acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all manner of former gifts grants & bargains Leases Sales bargains titles troubles and incumbrances made committed Suffered or done by the Said Henry Griffen in the Life time or any person or persons claiming under him In witness whereof we have Set our hands and Seals this thirtieth day of april in the year third of his majesties Reign one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty three Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Anne Griffen O Job Hadden Benjamin Griffen O Maurice Smith Be it remembred that on this 30" day of april 1763 then came and personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for westchester county assigned anne Griffen and Benjamin Griffen the grantors of the within Deed of Sale and acknowled [acknowledged] they Severally executed the Same as thier volantory [voluntary] act and Deed I having inspected the Same and finding no material mistake nor interlineation do :allow the Same to be recorded Gilb Bloomer 28 This indenture made this first day of april in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and forty Seven between William Peet of Rye in the countyof westcheter and province of new york Shipearpenter of the one part and William Lounsbury of Mamaroneck in the county and province aforesaid weaver of the other part witnesseth I he Said William Peet for and in consideration of the Sum of Seventy five pounds of and lawful money of new york aforesaid to him in hand paid before the ensmling elivery hereof well and truly paid by the Said William Lounbury the Receipt eof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself therewith fully Satisfied and nted and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof doth Exonerate aquit and arge the Said William Lounsbury his Heirs Executors administrators or assigner by these presence hath given granted bargaied Sold alienated conveyed of fed [Enfeoffed] released and confirmed and by these presentsdoth full freelyand utely give grant bargain Sell alienate convey enfeeoff [enfeotl] release and confirm he Said William Lounbury his Heirs and assign forever a certain Lott or parcel nd Scituate lying and being in mamaroneck aforesaid and is butted and bounded as eth VIZ westerly by the land of Henry Disbrow begining at a Sasafras Stake and unning Easterly fifty rod to a whiteoak Bush markt on three Sides thence running 32 33 along the division Lines of Underhil Budd and Henry Disbrow keeping the Same breadth Southward as first mentioned containing thirty acres together with all the priviledges Rights Heriditaments immunities whatsoever to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining to the Said Lot or parcel of Land To have and to hold the Said Lot or parcel of Land and premises with the appurtenances priviledges and comodities thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining To him the Said William Lounsbury his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the Said William Lounsbury his Heirs and assigns forever and the Said wiliiam peet for himself his heirs executors and admin" doth convenant promise grant to and with the said William Lounsbury his Heirs and asigns that the time of the ensealing and delivery hereof he the Said William peet is lawfully and rightfully Seised of the Said tract of Land and premises and hath in himself good right and lawful authority to grant and convey the Same in manner and form aforesaid and that the Said William Lounsbury his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by vertue of these presents lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and enjoy the Said tract or parcel of Land and premises with the appurtenances free and clear freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other Gifts Bargains Sales Leases mortguages wills Entails Jointures dowrys Judgments Executions incumbrances and Extents whatsoever furthermore the Said William Peet for himself his hews executors and administrators doth convenam and engage the above granted Lands and premises to him the Said William Lounsbury his heirs and asigns against the Lawful claim or demands of any person or persons whatsoever forever to warrant Secure & defend in witness whereof the Said William Peet hath to these presents interchangeably Set his hand and Seal the day and year first above written Signed Sealed and delivered William Pee[ in the presnce of Henry Griffen Reuben Bloomer John Mott Memorandum the IP of November 1748 that william Peet the Grantor of the within deed to William Lounsbury appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq' Judge of the enferior court of common pleas for the county of westchester assigned and acknowledged that he Sealed and delivered Said deed to Said Lounsbury as his free voluntary act and for the uses therein mentioned and I having examined the Same and find no material mistake or in[erlimtions therein do allow the same to be recorded Sam" Purdy 29 This Indenture made this thirty first day of may in the Second year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the grace of God of great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty two By and Between John. Palmer of mamaroneck in the county of westchester and province of New york (by and with the cement of Elizabeth his wife who 34 Signifieth the Same by being of the party of the first part) and Josiah Disbrow fo the same place of the other part witnesseth That the Said John Palmer for and in consideration of the Sum of Five Hundred and Eighty five pounds Eleven Shillings and Eight pence of good and Lawful money of new york to me in hand well and truly paid at and before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof By Josiah Disbrow the Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fully and Entirely Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and discharge the Said Josiah Disbrow his Heirs Exec" admin" each and every of them forever by these presents Haven Given granted Bargained Sold enfeoffed released conveyed and confirmed and by these presents absolutely do give grant bargain Sell assure release Enfeeof [Enfeoff] convey and confirm unto the Said Josiah Disbrow and to his Heirs and assigns in his actual Possession Siezed of and by him Enjoyed all that a certain messuage Tract House and Land Situate Lying and being in mamaroneck in Said county being butted bounded and described in manner following it being the House and Land that my honoured Father dyed Siezed of lying on the most northermost Side of the New york or post Road begining at the corner of the meeting House yard at the most westermost corner and thence running by Said yard till it comes to the lands of the widow Elizabeth Allair which She purchased of Solomon Palmer and thence by Said wid" Allairs Land on Several courses westerdly till it comes to the Lands of William Landrine thence South a direct Line by Said Landrines Land to a Black ash Tree marked thence South about ten degrees East by marked Trees till it come to Cedar Tree or Gravelly Brook So called thence down Said Brook till it comes to the new york or post Road So called thence Easterly along Said Road till it comes to the first mentioned corner of begining at the meeting house yard containing by Survey Seventy Eight acres and 78 tenth of an acre neither more nor less together with the Houses orchard meadows pastures Gardens Fences improvements profits priviledges and advantages with the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders Rights Rents Issues profits and advantages whatsoever of me the Said John Palmer and Elizabeth his wifeof in ortothe Same belonging or any part thereof To have and to hold the above granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances unto the Said Josiah Disbrow his Heirs and assigns to the Sole and only proper use Benefit and behoof of him the Said Josiah Disbrow his Heirs and assigns forevermore And I the Said John Palmer for my Self my Heirs Executors admin" do conversant promise grant and agree to and with the Said Josiah Disbrow his Heirs and assign that at and before the Ensealing and delivery hereof 1 am the true Sole and lawful owner of all the abovemid Bargained premises and have in my Self good right full power and lawful authority to give grant bargain and Sell the Same in manner as aforesaid and further that it Shall and may be lawful to and for the Said Josiah Disbrow his Heirs and assign by force and vertue hereof upon and into the premises hereby conveyed to enter and the Same and every part thereof from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and quietly Shall have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy and that freely and clearly acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of and from all and all other or former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales wills Entails Jointures Dowrys mortguages Judgments extents Executions or other Incumbrances whatsoever And I the Said John Palmer and my Successors the above granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances unto him the Said Josiah Disbrow his Heirs and assigns against me the Said John Palmer my Heirs Execu" adminis" and do bind each and every of them to warrant Secure and forever defend the above bargained and Sold premises against the Just and lawful claim of all and every other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant Secure and forever defend by these presents In witness whereof we the Said 35 John and Elizabeth Palmer have hereunto set our hands and Seals the Day and year first above written Sealed and delivered and the consideration money acknowledged maty Arther John Palmer Gilbert Bloomer Elizabeth Palmer O Be it remembred that on this 23° day of February 1763 then personally came and appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq` one of the Judges of the inferior court of common pleas for westchester county assigned John Palmer the Grantor of the within Deed of Sale and acknowledged that he executed and delivered the within Deed of sale as his voluntary as and Deed 1 having Examined the Same and finding no material mistake or interlinations but what is noted do allow the Same to be Recorded Ggb Bloomer 30 To all Christian people to whom these presents Shall come greeting Know ye that I Josiah Disbrow of mamaroneck in the county of westchester and province of New york yceman for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred Eighty five pounds eleven Shillings and Eight pence of current Lawful money of New york which my brother Henry Disbrow is my Security to John Palmer of the Same place the Receipt and for the Security for the payment thereof I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully and entirely Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and discharge him the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs Exec" adm' each and every of them forever By these presents have given granted and Sold and by these presents do give grant bargain Sell alienate convey and confirm unto him the Said Henry Disbrow and to his Heirs and aligns forever all that a certain House messuage and Tract of Land Scituate lying and being in mamaroneck in Said county being butted and bounded as followeth begining at the comer near the Quakers meeting House at the yard of Said meeting House and riming by Said yard till it comes to the Land of the widow Eli? Allair so along Said wid allairs Land on Several courses till it comes to the Lands of William Landrine till a South course or thereabouts come to a black ash Tree marked thence South about ten degrees est [east] by marked Trees till it comes to cedar Tree or Gravelly Brook So called thence down Said Brook as it runs till it comes to the New york or post Road thence along Said Road Esterdly [Eastwardly or Easterly] till it comes to the first mentioned comer nearthe Quakers meeting House yard containing by Survey Seventy Eight acres and 78 Tenth of an acre neither more or less together with the House orchards meadows Fences improvements profits priviledges whatsoever of me the Said Josiah Disbrow of in or to the Same belonging or any part thereof To have and to hold the Said granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances unto him the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns to the Sole and only proper use benefit and behoof of him the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirsand assigns forevermore and I the Said Josiah Disbrow for my Self my heirs Executors adm do conversant promise grant and agree to and with the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns that at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof I am the true Sole and lawful owner of all the above granted and Sold premises and have in my Self good right 19 fug power and lawful authority to give grant bargain and Sell the above premises in manner as abovesaid and further that it Shall and may be lawful to and for the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns by force and virtue hereof upon and into the premises hereby conveyed to enter and the Same and every part and parcel thereof peaceably and quietly Shall have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy and that freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all other or former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales or other incumbrances whatsoever and I the Said Josiah Disbrow and my Successors the above granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns and against me my Heirs Exec" adm" and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant Secure and forever defend by these presents provided never the less it is the true intent and meaning of the parties and these presents that whereas the Said Henry Disbrow at the Special instat and request of the Said Josiah Disbrow and for the ondly Debt Duty matter and rause of the Said Josiah Disbrow the Said Henry Disbrow is Jointly and Severally bound unto John Palmer of Said mamaroneck in and by one obligation bearing Date the twenty-third Day of February one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty in the peniel Sum of three hundred Seventy one pounds three Shillings and Four pence of current money of New york conditioned for the true payment of one Hundred eighty five pounds eleven Shillings and Eight pence of like lawful money on or before the thirty first Day of may next Now if the Paid Josiah Disbrow his Heirs executors adminis' or some of them Shag well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the Said John Palmer his Heirs Exec" adm" or assigns the lust and fug Sum of one hundred and Eighty five pounds Eleven Shillings and eight pence on or before the thirty first Day of may next in discharge of the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs Exec' adminis" then the above conveyance and every matter & clause therein to be void and of no Effect but to be given up void & cancelled But in default to be and remain in full force and venue to all intents and purposes whatsoever with full power for Said Henry Disbrow to Sell at publick Sale So Much as Shall pay Said John and cost whose title Shall be good to Said purchasor without any Equity or or [sic] right of redemption in witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand Seal this twenty fifty day of febmary 1763 and in the third year of his majesties Reign & c [etc.] Sealed and delivered in the presence of Josiah Disbrow O Gilb Bloomer Hannah Bloomer the above deed of mortguage was Entred here thorugh mistake it appearing to have Been Before Entred in the Records of westchester which was not known by me till after it was Entred hereby William Mott clerk 6" 7" m" 1765. 31 To all Christian people to whom this present Deed of Sale Shall come greeting know ye that 1 Eli Nelson of the Town of mamaroneck in the county of westchester in the Province of New york yoeman for and in consideration of the Sum of thirty four pounds good and lawful money of New york to me in hand paid before the Enseafing hereof well and truly paid by Henry Disbrow of the town of mamaroneck in the county of Westchester in the province aforesaid yoeman have given granted bargained Sold aliened conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do freely At fully and absolutely give grant bargain Sell alien convey and confirm unto him the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and 36 37 assigns forever a certain piece of Land lying in theTown of mans roneck aforesaid being butted and bounded as is hereafter expressed to Say westerly by Henry Disbrows Fence Eastly by the Said Disbrow Land and northerly by the Said Disbrow Land and Southly by the Said Disbrow Land containing Seven acres of orchard be the Same more or less for him y" Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns to have and to hold for ever to his and their own proper use benefit and behoof forever and I the Said Eli Nelson for me my Heirs Executors and administrators do convenant grant to and with the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns before the ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and lawful owner of the abovesaid demised and bargained premises and am lawful➢ Siezed and possessed of the Same in mine own proper right as a good perfect and absolute estate of inheritance and have in my Self good right full power and lawful authority to grant bargain Sell convey and confirm the bargained premises in manner as abovesaid that I Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and vertue of these presents lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold use occupy possess and Enjoy the above demised and bargained premises and every part and parcel thereof free and clear & freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants bargains Sales Leases mortguages wills Entails Jointures Dowers Judgments and from other Encumbrances what kind soever and will hereafter warrant Secure and forever defend I have caused this Deed of Sale to be made and hereunto have Set my hand and Seal this twenty Eighth Day of November in the year of our Lord Seventeend hundred and forty one Signed Sealed and delivered Eli Nelson O in the presence of William Marsh Mary Marsh Be it remembred that on the fourth day of January 1747 that Eli nelson the grantor of the within deed to henry Disbrow personally appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq' Judge of the inferior court of common pleas for the county of westchester assigned and acknowledged the Same to be his free act and Deed for the uses therein mentioned and I having examined the Same do allow it to be recorded Sam" Purdy 32 To all Christian people to whom the present Deed of Sale Shall come Greeting Know ye that 1 Nehemiah Palmer of mamaroneck in the county of westchester and province of New york yoeman for and in consideration of the Sum of twenty five pounds current lawful money of New york to me paid or Secured to be paid by Henry Disbrow of the Same place yoeman now at the insealing and Delivery hereof the Recept of which I do hereby acknowledge and my Self therewith fully Satisfied contented and paid and thereof and therefrom and from every part and parcel thereof do forever acquit Exonerate release and discharge the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs Executors and admin" and every of them have given granted bargained Sold alienated conveyed released and confirmed unto the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns forever one certain piece of Land containing five acres or thereabouts be the Same more or less lying Situate and being in mamaroneck aforesaid bounded westerly and Southerly by a Road that goes up by Robert Coles northwardly and Eastwardly by the Lands now in the use of Reuben Bloomer and & [sic] James Boyd and the lands of the Said Henry Disbrow only Excepting a Small piece of Land within the Said Bounds now in the.possession of the Said Reuben Bloomer with all the Rights priviledges and appertenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the Said Henry Disbrow his Heirs and assigns forever to have hold use occupy possess and quietly Enjoy the bargained land and premises free and clear freely and clearly acquitted and discharged of and from all manner of former and other Gifts grants Bargains Sales mortguages Debts dues and incumbrances whatsoever and I the Said Nehemiah Palmer for my Self my Heirs Executors & adminis'° Shall and will forever waant and defend the Said Bargained land and premises unto the Said Henry Disbrow from henceforth and forever against all and ever other person or persons lawfully Claiming any right title Interest or demand whatsoever of or unto the Said granted and Bargained premises or any part of parcel thereof in witness whereof I the Said Nehemiah Palmer have hereunto put my hand and Seal this thirtieth Day of tenth m= in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty five Signed Sealed and Delivered Neh' Palmer O in the presence of Eli Scholefield William Davis Be it remembred that on this I I" day of June 1757 then appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the court of common pleas for westchester county assigned nehemiah Palmer the giver and Grantor of the above Deed of Sale and acknowledged that he Signed Sealed and delivered the above deed of Sale as his voluntary act and Deed for the use therein mentioned I having inspected the Said Deed find no mistake or interlinations do allow it to be recorded Gilb Bloomer 33 1 James Mott of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and Province of New York do give grant and Convey Unto My Son William Mott of the Same place all My Lands and Rights in Lands in Mamaroneck and Elsewhere Lying to the westward or Northward of the post Road or the Road which goes from New York to Boston and particularly all my Right in the west patent of North Castle of which My Father was one of the first purchasers which with all My other Lands on the Northwest Side of the post Road with all the Revertion Right Priviledges and Commodities there unto belonging or which Did pertain U nto Me or My Ancestors and Not otherwise Disposed of by them or Me I do hereby give grant Convey and Confirm Unto the Said William Mott his Heirs and Assigns in witness whereof 1 have hereunto Set My hand this 17'" of ye T" Month 1762 in the presence of us James Mott O John Townsend Isaac Gedney Be it Remembred that on this 6" Day of November 1765 then pesonally appeared before Me Gilbert 39 39 Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assigned John Townsend one of the witnesses to the above deed of Sail [Sale] and under his affirmation Declared he Saw James Mott the giver and granter hereof Execute and Deliver the Same as his Act and Deed and Also that Isaac Gedney Subscribed his Name as his other witness I having inspected the Same and finding No Material Mistake or Interlinations Do slow [allow] the Same to be recorded Gab' Bloomer To all Christion People to Whom These Presents Shall Come greeting Know ye that we Samuel Hunt Sen' and Samuel Hunt Jun` both of the White Plains in y` County of West Chester and in y` Province of New York for and in Consideration of y` Sum of twelve pounds ten Shillings Currunt Money of the Province afore Said to Us in Hand paid before y` Ensealing & Delivery Here of By Benjamin Griffen of Mamoreck [Mamaroneck] in the County and province afore Said the Rcept [Receipt] Whereof we do hereby Acknowledge and our Selves therewith fuly Satisfied and Contented & thereof & of Every part and parcel thereof Exonerate aquit & Discharge y` Said Benjamin Griffen his Heirs Executors & administrators forever by these Presents Have Given Granted Bargained Sold Alienated Conveyad & Confirmed & by these presents do freely fully and Absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Alien Convey and Confirm Unto y` Said Benjamin Griffen his Heirs & assigns forever one peice [piece] of Salt Medow Scituate lying being in Momomeck Butted and Bounded as followeth that is to Say Southerly by Henry Disbrows Medow thence Runing up a Creek to a Dich and thence runing Up y` S:°- Dich to a Stake that Stands in the S:°- dich about Nine Lingthe [Lengths] of fence from S° Creek thence Easterly to awhile oake tree Standing upon y` Upland from thence Runing as our fence Now Stands to y` above Said HenryDisbrows Medow where it Began bey` Same More or lese [less] within Said bounds of MedowTo Have and to Hold y` Said Granted and Bargained Premises with all the appertenances pri-ledges and Comodities to y` Same Belonging or in any wise Appertaining To him y` Said Beniamin Griffen his Heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper Use benefit and Behoof forever and we y` Said Samuel Hunt Sen' & Samuel Hunt Jun' for Us our Heirs Exec' & admrs do Conversant promis and Grant to and with y` S:d Beniamin Griffen his heirs and assigns that before y` Ensealing Hereof we are y --true Sole and Lawfull owners of y= above bargained premises and are lawfulley Siezed and prossessed [possessed] of the Same in our own proper right as a Good perfect and absolute Estate of inheritance and have in our Selves Good Right and full power and Lawfull authority to Grant Bargain Sel Convey and Confirm y=S:d bargained premises in Manner as above Said and that the Said Beniamin Griffen his Heirs& assigns Shall & May from time to time and at all times forever Hereafter by Vertue of these presents Lawfulley Peaceably & Quietly have hold Use ocupy process [possess] and Enioy [ Enjoy] y` S:d Dernised & Bargained Premises with y` -app• --mantes [page worn off and middle letters lost; word could be "appurtenances"] free and Clear and freely and Clearly aquited Exonerated & Discharged of and from all & all Manner of former Gifts Grants bargains Sales leases Mortguages dowrys Judgments Executions incumbrances & troubles whatsoever and we y` --Said Samuel Hunt Sen' and Samuel Hunt Jun' do further Convenant & bind our Selves our Hews Exers: and admrs: firmly by these Presents to warrant and forever to defend y= S:d Beniamin Griffin his heirs and assigns in Quiet & Peaceable Possession of all & Singular y`- Said Granted premises againt any just and Lawfull Claim of any persons whatsoever In witness whereof we y=Said Samuel Hunt Sen -'and Samuel Hunt Jun' -have Here Unto Set our hands and Seals this twenty fourth day of July in y= Second Year of his Maiesties Reign and in y` -year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred twenty and Eight Sealed and Delivered In y= Presence of us John Griffen his John X Rustin Mark Samuel hunt O Samuel hunt Juner [Junior] O Be it Remembred that on this 16'" Day of march 1762 then appeared before Me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned Samuel Hunt and acknowledged he Signed Sealed and Delivered the within Deed of Sale as his act and Deed and likewise under oath Declared he Saw his father Samuel Hunt Seal & Deliver the Same as his act and Deed I having Inspected the Same and finding No Metaral [ Material] Mistakes or interlinations Do alow [allow] the Same to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Enterd y- 21 Day of february 1766 By John Townsend Clerk 34 To all Christion People To whome these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know Ye that I Underhill Budd of Momaroneck in y -County of Westchester & Province of New York for & in Consideration of y' Sum of one Hundred & fifty eight Pounds Two Shillings Current Money of New York aforesaid to Me in hand paid at y=Execution hereof by Beniamin Griffen of y= Same place yeoman y= Receipt whereof 1 Do hereby acknowledge & My Self To be therewith fulley Satisfied Contented & paid & thereof& from Every part thereof Doth aquit exonerate and Discharge y=Said Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & Execu: forever by these Presents have given granted bargained Sold asured Conveyed & Confirmed & by these Presents absolutely Do Give grant Bargain Sell assure Convey & Confirm Unto him y!. Said Beniamin Griffen his heirs & asigns A Certain Tract or persal [parcel] of land Situate Lying & being in Momaroneck in y` - County of westchester & Province aforesaid being Bounded as followeth Begining at a heap of Stones Up on a rock by y=Eastermost Side of Henry Disbrows Land & runing with Said Disbrows Land North & thirty five Degrees & one quarter west fifty two Chaim & fifty Nine Links to a heape of Stones by Gilbird Fowlers Land then along Said Fowlers Land North forty Nine Degreese East eight Chain & eighty eight Links to a Stake thence along Said Fowlers Land South thirty five Degreese & a half East fifty two Chain & fifty nine Links to a heap of Stones & from thence along Said Budd Land South forty nine Degreese west nine Chains to y` place where it first begun Containing forty Six acres & one half acre Neither More Nor less ingather [together] with all & Singular y` Houses Barns Buildings fencings Improvements ways Liberties Easments Improve - 40 1 41 ments Profits Priviledges & advantages Unto y` Same & Every thereof belonging or in any wise appertaining & also all y` Right title Interest Use Possession Claim Property & Demand of Me y` Said U nderhill Budd of in or Unto y` Same & Every part thereof To Have and To Hold y` above granted & Bargained Premises and every y` apurtenances Unto him y` Said Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & asigns to y` only proper Use benefit & behoof of him y` Said Beniamin Griffen his heirs & assigns forever & I y` Said U nderhill Budd for my Self My Heirs Executors & administrators do Convenant grant & agree to & with y` Said Beniamin Griffen his Heirs Execut: & Admini y' att y` time of y` Ensealing hereof y' I am y` true & Sole owner of y` above granted & Bargained premises & every y` appurtanances & have in My Self good Rite full power & Lawfull athority to grant Bargain & Sell y` Same in manner as aforesaid & firther y' it Shall & may be Lawfull for y` Said Beniamin Griffen his heirs & assigns by force & vertue of these presents Upon y` premises aforesaid to Enter & y` Same at all times hereafter Quiately Peacabley to have hold Use occupy prossess [process] & Enioy [Enjoy] & y' freely & Clearly Acquitted & Discharged Saved harmless & lndampnifred [Indemnified] by me y` Said Underhill Budd My heirs & Executors of & from all & Manner of former & other Giffts Grants Bargain Sales alenations [alienations] Rites & titles & other Incumberences whatsoever & I y` Said Underhill Budd & My Sucsessers aforesaid y` Primises afore S:d With every y` appurtenances Unto y` Same belonging hereby granted or Intended to be granted Unit [Unto] y` Said Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & assigns & against Me my heirs Execu:" Admini= & assigns & against Every other person & Person shall & will warrant & forever Secure & Defend by these presents in witness whereof I y` S:d Underhill Budd to this My Deed of Conveyances have put my [hand; word missing] & Seal this first Day of November in y` Seventeenth of his Maiesties Reign Anno Domoni one Thousand Seven hundred & forty three IJII Sealed & Delivered Underhill Budd O in y` presents ����11111111 Of Sarah Budd O Joseph Sutton Job Hadden I Sarah Budd wife of Underhill Budd the granter of the above Deed Do hereby Give My Consent to Y' Sale of y` Primeses therein Contained & do hereby quit all my Right of Dowrey therto [thereto] as witness my hand & Seal y` Date above Memorandam y° 21 Day of May 1744 Joseph Sutton one of the witness to the within Deed appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq' Judg of y° Inferiour Court of Comon please for Westchester County asigned and under oath he Saith that he Saw underhill Budd and Sarah Budd Execute Said Deed as their free act and Deed for the uses therein Mentioned and that he Likewise Saw Job Hadden Signe for the other Evidance the Same time and I have Examined the Same and find no meteriel [material] Mistakes or Enterlinations there Do allow the Same to be Recorded Samuel Purdy 42 Entered the 21 february 1766 John Townsend Clerk 35 To all Christion people to whome these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know y` y-1 Joseph Disbrow of mamoroneck in y` County of westchester & Province of New York yeoman for & in Consideration of y` Sum of four hundred & Sixty nine pound twelve Shillings Currant Lawful Money of New York afore S:° to me in Hand paid at y`. Execution hereof by Beniamin Griffen of y=Same placeyeoman y`. Recept whereof I Do hereby acknowtedg & my Self to be therewith fully Satisfied Contented & payd & thereof & from Every part thereof Doth Acquitt Exonerate & Discharge y` S:° Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & Executors for Ever by these presents Have Given Granted Bargained Sold assured Conveyed & Confirmed & by these presents Absolutely Do give Grant Bargain Sell Assure Convey & Confirm unto him y` S:" Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & assigns all y' a Certain Percel of Land Scituate Lying & Being in Mamaroneck in ys. County & Province Afore S:° being Bounded as followeth Begining at ys. Southeastermost Comer of ys. Land y! I Sold to william Griffen from thence Northerly by William Griffen Land to a heap of Stones thence Runing Easterly by Beniamin Griffen Land fifty Chains & Sixty Links to a Stone upon a Rock thence Southerly by y`. Land of Edward Merritt one Chain & fifty Links to a heap of Stones thence by Y. Land of Edward Merritts North thirty Seven Degrees west to a heap of Stones thence by y`. S:° merritts Land westerly twenty Chain & Seventy Links to a heap of Stones which is ys. Corner Bounds between ys. S:" Griffen & Merritt thence along y`. Line of y`. Great Lot y' belongs to James Delancey Esq' & Dockter [Doctor] Johnson to y`. fust mentioned Bounds Containing seventy two acors [acres] & one quarter neither more nor Less Together with all & Singular y` Houses Barnes Buildings Orchard fencing Improvements ways Lybertyes Easements Profits Priviledges & advantages Unto Ys. Same & Every part thereof belonging or any ways apertaining & also all Y. Right Title Intrust [Interest] Use procession [possession] Clame [Claim] property & Demand of me y`. S:° Joseph Disbrow of in or unto ys. Same & Every part thereof To Have & to Hold y`. above granted & Bargained Premises Every y`. appurtenances unto him y`. S:° Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & asign to Y. only proper Use benefit & behoof of him the S:° Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & asign forever & I y`. S:' Joseph Disbrow for my Self my Heirs Executors & administrators Do Convenant Grant & agree to & with y`. S:" Beniamin Griffen his Heirs Executors & administrators y' at y`. time of y`. Ensealing herof I am ys. true & Sole owner of ys. above Granted & Bargained Premises & Every ys. appurtenances & have in My Self good Right full power & Lawful athority, to grant Bargain & Sell y°. Same in Manner as afore S•.° & ferther y! it & Shall & may be Lawfull for y`. S' Beniamin Griffen his Heirs & assigns by force & Venue of these presents upon y`. premises afore S:° to Enter & y! yl Same at all times here after forever Quiatly & peacably to have hold Use occupye posses & Enioy [Enjoy] & y' freely& Clearly aquited & Discharged Saved Harmles & Indempnified [Indemnified] by me y`. S:° Joseph Disbrow my Heires & Executors of & from all Manner of former Gift grants Bargain Sales alienations [alienations] Rights & titles or other Incumbrances what Soever& ys. S:' Joseph Disbrow & my Successers afore S:° y`. premises afore S:° with every ys. appurtenances unto y! Same belonging hereby granted or intended to be granted Unto Y' S:" Beniamin Griffen his Heves & Assigns against me my Heires & Executors Administrators & assign & against every other person or persons Shall & will warrent & for ever Secure & Defend by these presents in witness whereof I y`. S•d Joseph Disbrow to this My Deed of Convayance have put My hand & Seal this twenty Second Day of 43 february in y`. year of our Lord 1754 in y`. twenty eight year of His Maies'! Reign Joseph Disbrow O Sealed & Delivered in Y. presents of Job Hadden Josiah Purdy Mem" this 9'" Day of June 1755 then personaly appeared Before me Gilbrid Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferior Coart of Common pleas for westchester County asigned Joseph Disbrow the Granter of the within written Deed of Sale and acknowledged the Sarna to be his volentary act and Deed for the Use within written to Beniamin Griffen I haveing Examened Said Deed find no metirael [material] mistakes or Interlinations Do allow it to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entered this 25 [erasure after number] Day of february 1766 John Townsend Clerk To a6 Christion People to whome these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye y' 1 Henry Disbrow of mamoroneck of ys. County of Westchester & Province of New York for & in Consideration of y`. Sum of Sixteen Pounds ten Shillings Lawfull Money of New York to Me in hand paid before ys. inseahng & Delivery of these Have Given Granted Bargained Sold & Conveyed unto Beniamin Griffen of Mamaroneck in ys County & Province Afore S:" Yeoman to him his Heires & Assigns for Ever A Certain Peice [Piece] of Salt Medow in Mamaroneck afore S:° in y`. Colinel Neck So Caled Butted & Bounded as followeth Begining at y`. Southeast comer of S:° Beniamin Griffen Sam Hunt Medow so Caled at a heap of Stones by y`. Edge of y`. upland thence by ys. S.° Griffen Medow Westerly to a Small Creack [Creek] Southerly to Stone in Y. Creack thence Easterly to a red Rock in y`. Medow so as ys. fence now Sinads to a heap of Stones by ys. Upland thence Northerly by y` Upland to a heap of Stones which is ys. Noarteastermost part of S." Medow thence Norewesterly acros a Dich [Ditch] to a heap r of Stones by ys. Upland thence westerly by y`. Upland to ys. first Mentioned Bounds Containing wihin [within] S:" Bounds of Estamation two acres & a half be the same More or less with all y`. Priviledges & appurtanances there unto belonging or in any ways + apertaining To Have & to Hold y`. above Granted & Sold Promises [Premises] with every y`. appurtenances thereunto belonging to him y`. S:° Beniamin Griffen & to his Heires & assign forever & I y`. S:" Henry Disbrow at yl time of Ensealing Have in my 36 Self good right full powr & Lawfull athority to Sell & Dispose of* ys. Same in Manner& form as above S:" & will forever hereafter forever Secure & Defend y`. S:° Benjamin Griffen his Heires & assign from me My heires & from all others Gifts Grants Bargains Sale Joynters [Jointures] Dowreys or any other Incumbrance of what nature of Kind Soever & 1 will furthermore warrant & Defend ys. granted & Sold premises & all ys. appurtenances thereunt [thereunto] belonging Unto y`. S:" Beniamin Griffen & to his Heires & assign Against Me My Heires & all other Persons Either in Law or Equety in Confirmation hereof I have hereunto Set to My hand & Seal this thirty first Day of Decmber in ys. year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hudmed & Sixty & two Henry Disbrow O 44 Sealed & Delivered in presents of Jos Hadden Peter Alley Be it Remembred that on the 15'" Day of march 1764 then personally appeared before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq` one of the Judges of the Inferior Coart of Common pleas for Westchester County asigned Job Hadden on eof the Subscribing witnesses to the above Deed of Sale and under his affirmation Declard that he Saw Henry Disbrow the granter of the Said Deed of Sale Execute and Deliver the Same as his as and Deed and at the Same time Saw Peter alley Subscribe his name as the other witness 1 haveing Inspected the Same and findig no material Mistate [Mistake] or Intrelineation Do allow the Same to be Recorded Entered this 27 Day of february 1766 Gilb Bloomer John Townsend Clerk To All People to whome these Presents Shall Come Greeting Know Ye that I Robert Sutton of Momaroneck in the Parish of Rye in the County of Westcheser and Province of New York Yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of Two hundred and thirty Pounds Currant & Lawfull money of New York aforesaid to me in hand before the Sealing hereof well and truly Paid by Peter Alley of New Rochell in the County aforesaid the Receipt whereof I do hereby Acknowledge and Myself therewith fully Satisfied and Contented and thereof and every part & Parcel thereof do Exonerate Aquit and Discharge him the Said Peter alley his Heirs Executors and Admin'—" for Ever by these Presents have Given Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Conveyed and Confirmed and by these Presents Do freely fulley and Absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Afiene Convey and Confirm unto him the Said Peter alley his Heirs & Asigns forever all that certain Parcel of Land Lying & Being in Momaroneck aforesaid near the Bridge and Road that goes over Said Momaroneck River in the Place where Joseph Sutton hath Built an House Beggining at the West Comer of Said House Thence going Easterly to a Certain Rock Twenty Feet thence Northerly Eighty Feet to a Black Stump thence Westerly twenty five Feet thence Southerly to the west Comer of Said House where it first began Bounded Easterly by the Country Road South & west by Highways and Northerly by Common Land Togather [Together] with all & Singular the Houses Buildings ways Easements Improvements Profits Priviledgs Advantages of in or to the Said Lott of Land as above Bounded & Described belonging or any wise Appertaining also all the Right Title Interest use prossession [possession] Property Claim & Demand whatsoever of me the Said Robert Sutton of in or unto the Same or any part thereof To Have and to Hold the Said Granted and Bargained Premises with all the appurtenances Priviledges and Commodities to the Same belonging or in aney wise Appertaining to him the Said Peter alley his Heirs and Assigns for Ever to him and his only proper use benefit and behoof for Ever and 1 the Said Robert Sutton for my Self my Heirs Executors and Admin' do Convenant and Promise and grant to & with the Said Peter Alley his Heirs and Assign that before the Ensealing hereof 1 am the true Sole & Lawfull owner of the 45 above bargained Premises and am Lawfulley Siezed and Possessed of the Same in Mine own proper Right as good Perfect & absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple and have in my Self good Right full power and Lawful athority to Grant Bargain Sell Convey & Confirm Said Bargained Premises in manner afore Said and that the Said Peter alley his Heirs and assigns Shall and May from time to time and at all titres for Ever hereafter by Force & Venue of these presents Lawfulley peaceably and Quiately Have hold Use ocupy Possess & Enjoy [Enjoy] the Said Demised & Bargained premises with the appurtenances free & Clear and freely & Clearly aquitted Exonerated and Discharged of from all & all manner of former or other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leases Mortgages Wills Entails Jointures Dowries Judgements Excution or Incombmnces of what name or nature Soever that might in my manner or Degree obstuct or make Void this present Deed Furthermore I the Said Robert Sutton for my Self my Heirs Executors and admin'-" Do Covenant & Engage the above Demised Premises to him the Said Peter alley his Heirs and assigns again [against] the Lawful Claims or Demands of any Person or Person whatsoever for Ever hereafter to warrant 37 Secure & Defend by these presents* and I the Said Robert Sutton for the Consideration afore Said Do grant Convey and Confirm unto the Said Peteralley his Heirs and assign the South pan of Equal half of a Certain Store House built by Said Joseph Sutton and also another Certain Store House With the Proviledge [Privilege] of a Dock Built by Said Rohn Sutton both houses and Dock being on Momaroneck Landing in Witness whereof I the Said Rohn Sutton have hereunto Sett my hand and Seal this Eight Day of march in the Second year of his maiesties Reign of George the third by the Grace of God over Great Britton trance and Ireland King Defender of the [faith; word omitted] and the year of our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty two---1762--- Gilb Bloomer Phebe the wife of Said Robert Sutton Consents to the Job Hadden above Bargain and Sale and hereby for the Considera- Jatn Meadows tion above Said Doth hereby aquit all her Right of Dowrey of and in the above Bargained and Sold Premises and Signefyeth the Same and by her Seting her hand and Seal the Date above Ritten Robert Sutton O her PhebeXSutton O mark Be it Remembred that on this 8" [number written over erasure] Day of march 1762 then personalley appeared before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferior COart of Common pleas for Westchester County asigned Robert Sutton and Phebe his wife and Ecknowledged they Sealed and Delivered the Same as their act as [sic] and Deed and Said Phebe the wife of Said Robert Sutton being by me in private and apart from her Said husband Dclard She Did it freely without any threats from her Said hursband 1 haveing Inspected Same and finding no metarial [material] mistakes or Intrelintion therefore Do allow it to be Recorded Entered this third Day of March 1766 Gilb Bloomer John Townsend Clerk This Indenture Made this tenth Day of aprill in the first year of the Reigne of our Sovemn [Sovereign] Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Greate Britian Franceand Irland King Defender of the faith &c [etc.] and in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty one by and Between Josiah Disbrow of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester And Province of New York of the one part and Henry Disbrow of Said Mamaroneck in the County aforesaid of the other pan Witnesseth that the Said Josiah Disbrow for and in Consideration of the Sum of two Hundred and Ninety pounds of Currant Lawfull Money of New York to him in hand well and truly payd at the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents by his Brother Henry Disbrow the Receipt Whereof I Do hereby acknowledge to be therewith fulley and Intirly [Entirely] SatWyd Contented and paid and there of and from Every part and persal thereof Do Exonetate [Exonerate] aquit and Discharge him the Said Henry Disbrow his heirs Exec:u` Adminis:" and Every of them forever By these presents Have Given Granted Bargained Sold and By these presents absolutely Do Give Grant Bargain Sell asshure Release Enfeeofe [Enfeoff] unto the Said Henry Disbrow and to his heirs and assign forever all that my whole Right Title Interest Claim and Demand that I have By Venue of my honored Fathers Henry Disbrow Dec:° Last will and Testament To aney Houses Buildings Lands Meadows fence of aney pertences whatsoever in Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester or by aney Other Title or pretence whatsoever By Venue of Said Last will and testament of my Said Honored father whatsoever Either Houses Buildings Use lands meadows fresh or Salt Masshes [Marshes] Secges Grounds wood lands whatsoever Doth to me appertain or belong with the Revershon and Revershon [Reversions] Remainder or Remainders Rights Rents Isues proffits whatsoever of me the Said Josiah Disbrow of in or to the Same Belonging or aney pan thereof To Have and to Hold all my whole Right and Title in the above Said Mamaroneck as afore Said unto him the Said Henry Disbrow His heirs and assigns in feesimple To the ondly Sok and proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the said Henry Disbrow his heirs and assign forever forever [sic] more and 1 the Said Josiah Disbrow for my Self my heirs Executors Administrators Do Convenant promise Grant and agree to and with the Said Henry Disbrow his heirs Assign that at the time of the Ensealing and Delivery hereof 1 am the true Sole & Lawfull owner of all the Right of and unto the aboves.° primises and have in my Self Good Right full power (by venue of the above Said Will) and Lawful) athority to give Grant Bargain and Sell the Same in manner as aforesaid And Firther that it Shall and may be Lawfull To and for the Land Henry Disbrow his heirs and assign By force venue hereof upon and Into the premises hereby Conveyed to Enter and the Same & Every pan and persall thereof from tune to time and at all times forever hereafter peaceably and Quiately Quiately Shall have hold use ocupye Possess and Enoiy [Enjoy] & that freely and Clearly aquited and Discharged of and from all & aIle other or former Gifu Grants alhneation [alienations] or Incumbrances whatsoever and I the Said Josiah Disbrow and my Successors the above Bargained premises with the appunanances there unto Belonging unto him the Said Henry Disbrow his heirs and assigns against me the Said Josiah Disbrow my heirs Executors 38 adm! and" Against all manner of person whatsoever Shall and will warrant Secure and forever Defend by these presents in testimony whereof 1 the Siad Josiah Disbrow have Caused this present Deed of Conveyance to be made & here unto Sett my hand and Seal the Day and year first above written 46 47 Josiah Disbrow O Signed Sealed & the Consideration Money acknowledged to be Received in the presents of Richard Sands Gdb Bloomer Westchester Be it Remembred on this I I" Day of County april 1761 then personalley appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assigned Josiah Disbrow the granter of the above Deed of Sale and Acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed I haveing inspected the Same and find no meterial [material] mistakes or Intrelineations therefore Do allow it to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entered this thirtyeth Day of Decmber 1766 By John Townsend Clerk To all Christion people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know Ye that 1 Nathaniel Bealey of Rey County of Westchesterand Province of New york yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty pounds Currant money of New york to me in hand payd before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Isaac Gidney of maraneck [mamaroneck] County and Province afore Said the Receipt whereof I Do here by acknowledge and my Self therewith Pulley Satisfied and thereof and of Every part and persal thereof Do Exonerate aquit and Discharge the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs Execeutors and administrators for Ever by these presents have Given Granted Bargained Sold allinated [alienated] Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do freely fulley and absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell allinate [alienate] Convey and Confirm unto the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns forever one Certain Messuage and tract of Land Scituate Lying and being in the perish [parish] of Rey Butted and Bounded as followeth Beginning at a heap of Stones by maraneck [mamaroneck] Refer [River] Runing Northerly 34 Road to a Woanut tree and from thence Southerly twenty one Road to a heap of Stones and from thence Westerly to a heap of Stones 34 Roads from thence twenty two Road and a half to the fust Menehened [Mentioned] Bounds Containing five accors [acres] Neither More Nor Less to have and to hold the Said granted and Bargained premises with all the appurtenances priviledges and Comodities to the Same belonging or in any ways appertaining to him the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns forever to his and their only proper Use Benefit and behoof forever and I the Said Nathaniel Bealey for Me My heirs Excutors administrators do Covenatt promise and Grant to and with the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and Assigns that before the Ensealing hereof 1 am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the above bargained premises and am Lawfulley Siezed and prosesed [possessed] of the Same in my own proper Right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance and have in my Self good Rightfull power and Lawful) authority to grant bargain Sell and Convey and Confirm the Said Bargained premises in Manner as above Said and that the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever here after by vertue of these presents Lawfulley peaceably and quiateley [quietly] have hold use ocupye 48 prosess [possess] and Enioy [Enjoy] the Said Demised and Bargained premises with the appurtenances free and Clear and freely and Clearly acquited Exonerated and Discharged of and from all and all manner of former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales leases Morguages Wills entales [entails] Joyntures Dowreys Judgments Executions incum- brances and troubles whatsoever and I the Said Nathaniel Bealeyy Do firther Covenant and bind My Self My heirs Excutors administrators firmly by these presents to Warrant and Defend the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns in Quiate and peaceable procession [possession] of all and Singular the Said Granted premises against any Just and Lawfull Claim of any person or persons whatsoever in Witnes whereof I the Said Nathaniel Bealy have have [sic] unto Set My hand and Seal this thirteenth Day of November one Thousand Seven hundred and forty two Sealed and Delivered in the Nathaniel Buyly O presents of us William Peet James Scholefeld Memorandum the first Day of february 1742 Nathaniel Bayley the granter of the within Deed to Isaac Gedney appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assigned and acknowledged the Same to be his free and voluntary act and Deed for the use therein mentioned and 1 having Examined the Sameand find no metearal [material] mistakes or Entrelinations allow the Same to be Recorded Sam" Purdy Entred this 30 Day of Decmber 1766 John Townsend Clerk 39 To all Christion people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that 1 Moses Galpin of Rye in the County of Westchesterand provinceof Newyork weaver for and in Consideration of the Sum of forty five pounds Currant Money of New York to me in hand before Ensealing and Delivery hereof well and truly payd by Isaac Gedney of Mamamneck in the County and Province afore Said yeoman the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledg to my full Content and Satisfaction and there and from Every part thereof Exonerate acquit and Discharge the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs Executors and administrators and Every of them forever by these presents have given Granted Bargained and Sold assured Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents absolutely Do Give Grant Bargain Sell asshure Convey and Confirm Unto the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns forever all that piece of parsal of Land which 1 purchased of freegrace adams and is Cituated lying and being in Rye afore Said and is Butted and Bounded as followeth Begining at a whiteoak Sapling Standing by Mamoroneck River and thence Runs Southerly Eleven Chains to a Rock then M re Westerly one Chain and Eighty five Links to another Rock thence westerly five Chains and twenty five Links to a walnut Sapling then More [ink blot on word] Southerly Seven Chains and Seventy links to a heap of Stones by the afore Said Mamaroneck River then along Said River against the Stream thereof to the first mentioned Bounds where Begun Containing Eleven Acres and forty Rods Neither More Nor Less to gather [together] with all the Singular the fruit Trees fences ways Easments profits Liberties and advantages whatsoever unto the abovsd piece of Land belonging or in any waese appertaining also all the Right R Title Interest property Claim and Demand whatsoever of Me the Said Moses Galpin off [of] in or unto the Same belonging or any weys appertaining To have and To hold the above 49 granted Tract of Land with Every the appurtenances there unto belonging unto him the said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns forever to be the only proper Use benefit and behoof of him the said Isaac Gidney his heirs Executors and administrators and assigns for Ever more and I the Said Moses Galpin Do by these presents Convenant and Declare that at the time of the Ensealing hereof I Am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the above Granted and Sold premises and have in my Self Good Right full power and Lawfull athority to grant Bargain and Sen the Same in manner and form as above Said and firther that it Shall and May be Lawfull to and for y° Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns by force and venue of these presents upon and into the premises afore Said to Enter and the Same and Every part at all times forever hereafter peaceably and Quiately Shall have hold Use ocupy possess and Inioy [Enjoy] and that free and Clear freely and Clearly aquited and Discharged of and from all and all maner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales alinations [alienations] or Incumbrances whatsoever and 1 the Said Moses Galpin and my Sucsesers the above Granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances unto the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns against me my heirs Executors administrators and against Every other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant Secure and forever Defend by these presents in Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this twenty third Day of June in the twelfth year of his Maiesties Reign anq Domini one Thousand Seven Hundred and thirty Eight his Mosis XGalpen O Sealed and Delivered in presents of mark N:B the Rases [Erasures] in the fifteenth Line from the top Done before Excuting Thomas Gilchrist Ganardus Drake Sam" Purdy Memorang y° 29" November 1738 then appeared before Me Fredrick Phillipse Esq' one of the Judges of the Supream Court for yL province of New york Gerardus Drake one of the Evidences to y=within Deed of Sale & under oath Dclared that he Saw Moses Galpin yL granter hereof Excute the Same as his free act and Deed and that at the Same time he also Saw Thomas Gilchrist and Samuel Purdy Signe as Evidences and having Examined Said Deed find no Mistakes or Intrehnations thereon or Rasures [Erasures] but what is noted Do allow the Same to be Recorded Fred Philipse Entred this fifth Day of January 1767 John Townsend Clerk Mamaroneck in y` County of Westchester June y` fourth Anno Dom" [Domini] 1702 Laid out one Lott of Land for Wm penoir begining at a Red oak Tree marked on three Sides Riming from thence East thirty Degrees Southerly 'Seventeen Chains to mamaroneck River and then Northerly along Said River to a walnutt Tree marked on all four Sides and from thence Northwest 2 Chains to a Chesnut Tree marked on all four Sides and from thence Westerly to a Red oak Tree marked on all four Sides and from thence to the fust Station Containing Twenty acres Laid out by me Peter CoteLyow Entered this 16" Day of January 1767 by me John Townsend Clerk 40 To all Christion people to whome these presents Shan Come Greting & c [etc.] Know ye that Ijohn Gidney of the Manner [Manor] of Scarsdale inthe Countyof Westchester and Province of New york yeoman for and in Consideration of the Summ of twenty pounds Currant money of New York afore Said to me in hand paid before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Isaac Gidney of mamar Neck [mamaroneck] in the County of Westchester afore Said yeoman the Receipt whereof 1 do hereby Acknowledge and my Self therewith fulley Satisfyde & Contented and thereof and from Every part and parsal thereof Do aquit Exonerate and Discharge the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs Executors & administrators forever by these presents have given Granted Bargained Sold allinated [alienated] Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do freely fulley and absolutely Give Grant bargain Seall aliene Convey and Confirm unto the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns forever A certain piece of percel [parcel] of Land Cituate Luing [Lying] and being in the Bounds of Mammaroneck aforesaid Containing by Estimation half an acre More or less Bounded as followeth Viz begining at A certain Stake being in the Deviding line between the Lot number Six and the Lot number Seven being fifty Eight Rods from the Eastermost Corner of the firthermost End of the Lot number Six thence runing westerly Eight Rods to a black oak Sapling marked on four Sides Standing at the firthermost Corner of A large Rock thence Runing abov Northerly on top of Said Rock fourteen rods to A Dogwood tree marked on the four Sids [Sides] thence runing Six rods Easterly to A Stake which Standith in the line and also all my Right title Interest Claim and Demand that I have or aught to have either at present or in Revertion as being the Eldest Son & heir at Law of my father Ehezer Gidney late of Mamameck Decased [Deceased] unto A certain tract of land lying in the Town of Mamameck afore Said Containing thirteen acres More or less Sold by william Penoir and Robert Penoir unto my father Elezar Gidney as by Said Penoir and Robert Penoir unto my father Elezar Gidney as by Said Penoirs Deed May appear butted and bounded as followeth Viz Southerly by the Seven acors [acres] laid out by and from william Penoir to John Disbrow of Mamameck begining at A Rock which is the westermost Corner at the Northermost End of the Said Seven acres thence Runing Eastwardly along Said land of Disbrow to Mamameck River thence along Said River Northerly to A walnut tree marked on all four Sides and thence Northwest to A Chesnut tree [narked also on all four Sides and from thence westwardly to A Red oak tree Marked likewise on all four Sides and from thence to the Rock afore Said wher it begun orhoweverotherways now bounded to have arid to hold the Said Granted and Bargained half acre of Land and all my Right in and Claim unto the S " thirteen acres and any part thereof with all the appurtenances Priviledges and Commodities to the Said granted and Bargained premises belonging or in any ways appertaining to him the S:° Isaac Gidney his heirsand assigns forever to his and their only proper Use Benefit and behoof forever and I the Said John Gidney for Me My heirs Excutors and administrators Do Convenant promise and grant to and with the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof 1 am the true Sole and Lawfulloner [Lawful owner] of the above bargained half acre of Land and are Lawfuney Siezed and prosesed [possessed] of the Same in mine own proper Right of A good perfect and absolute Estate of inheritance and have in my Self good Right fun power and Lawfull athority to grant bargain Sell convey and confirm the Said bargained premises in manner as above Said and that the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by venue of these presents Lawfuney peasably and quiately have hold ocupye posess and Enioy [Enjoy] the Said Demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and Clear & freely and Clearly aquited Exonerated and Discharged 41 of and from all and all manner of former or other Gifts Grants bargains Sales leases Mortgages wills Entails Joyntures Dowries Excutions Incumbrances and Exstents [Extents] firthermore I the Said John Gidney for me my heirs Excutors and administrators Do Conversant promise and Engage to and with the Said Isaac Gidney his heirs and assigns the above Demised premises with the appurtenances against the Lawfull Claims and Demands of all persons whatsoever forever hereafter to warrant Secure and Defend by these presents in witness whereof 1 have hereunto afixed my hand and Seal this Eighteenth Day of february in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and thirty three or four and in the Seventh year of the Reign of our Soverin [Sovereign] Lord georg the Second of Great Briton fmnce and Irland King &c [etc.] Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presents of Sani' Pirdy J. Wetmore John Gedney O Be it Remembred that on the 27 Day of Decmber 1766 then this Deed was brought before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned the grantor and the Evidences being Dead I having Compared the hand Ritenting [Writing] of John Gedney with other of his hand Ritings and Likewise the hand Riting of Samuel Purdy and James Wetmore and verily beleave [believe] it to be Subscribed by Said John Gedney as Granter and Samuel pirdy and James wetmore as witnesses I having Enspected the Same and finding no material Mistakes or Entrennations for the Reasons afore Said Do* allow the Same to be Recorded Entred this Seventh Day of January 1767 Gilb Bloomer John Townsend Clerk [Note: Capitalization of words difficult to decipher in above document] This Indenter [Indenture] [Wade this Tenth Day of January in the Seventh year of the Reigne of our Soveren [Sovereign] Lord George the third by the grace of God of great Brittain france and 1 reland King Defender of the faith & c [etc.] and in the year of our Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven by and between Peter Comell of the manner [manor] of Scarsdale in the County of Westchester and Province of New york and Sarrah his wife parties of the first part and William Sutton of Mamaroneck in the county afore Said yeoman of the Second part Witnesseth that the Said Peter Cornell and Sarrah His wife parties of the first part For and in Consideration of the Sum of Four Hundred and Four Hundred [sic] and Seventy three pounds Six Shill' five pence Currant Lawfull money of raw yor [york] to us in hand well and truly payd before the Insealing and Delivery hereof by the Said william Sutton the Receipt whereof we Do hereby Ecknowledge and our Selves To be therewith fully Satisfyde Contented and payd and thereof and from Every part and persal thereof Do Exonerate aquitt and Discharge him the Said william Sutton his heirs Executors administrators and Each and Every of them forever by these presents have Given Granted Bargained 52 Sold Released Enfeofed [Enfeoffed] Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do fulley freely and Clearly give Grant Bargain Seg Releas Enfeeof [Enfeoff] Convey and Confirm unto him the Said william Sutton and to his heirs and assigns forever that is to Say all that a Certain peace [piece] parsall or Tract of Land Cituate Lying and Being within the manner [manor] of Scarsdale So Cauled on a Certain Rigg Commonly Cauled and Known by the name of Horse Ragg and is bounded as followeth begining at a Certain Stakes with Stones about By Benj Cornell & william griffens Land thence South Seventy Degrees west thirteen Chains & Sixty four Lin' [possibly Links] to new Roche] Line & Road thence South Two & 3j4 Est [East] twenty one Chains Joseph Cornelis Land to a heap of Stones thence South Eighty three Degrees 1/ 2 [ink blot over number making it almost undecipherable] East thirty five Chains thene [thence] north Eighty two 314 Est [East] to william griffem Land on which Line at the End of links off 40 L thence by Said Peace [piece] of Land Sold to wifliam Griffen five Chains 37 L Strikeing a larg oak & then [thence] to the Land that was in prosession [possession] of John Roads Des' [Deceased] thence north 31 Degrees west 36 links thence North 73 Dgr 1 1/4 west 24 C: 19L to an old Stump thence north ten Degrees west Sixteen Chains and fifty links to the first mentioned Bounds Containing fifty Eight acers [acres] and four Rods and one third of a Rod neither More Nor Less ingather [together] with the fences pastures woods under woods water & water Courses mines menarals [minerals] and advantages thereon or there unto belonging or in aney manner of wise appertaining with the Reversion or Reversions Remainder or Remainders Rites Rents profets priviledges and advantages whatsoever of me the Said Peter Cornell of in or to the above Granded [Granted] and Sold premises or to aney part or persal thereof To Have and To Hold the above Granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him the Said william Sutton and to his heirs and assigns to the only Sole and proper use Benefit of him the Said william Sutton and to his heirs and assigns absolutely forever more and 1 the Said Peter Cornell for my my [sic] heirs Excutors administrates Do Convenant promise Grant and agree to and with the Said william Sutton his heirs and assigns that at or before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof I am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of all the afore Said piece parcal or tract of Land as above Described and Sett forth within the above Boundrage as above Said and have in my Self good Right full power and Lawfull athority to Give Grant Bargain and Sell the Same as above Said as an absolute Estate of Inheratance in fee Simple and father that it may be Lawfull To and for the Said william Sutton his heirs and assigns by force and vertue hereof upon and into the premises hereby Conveyed to Enter and the Same and Every part and persal thereof from time to time and at all times forever here after peacebly and Quiately Shall have hold use ocupye Prosess [Possess] and in Joy [Enjoy] and that freely and Clearly aquited Saved harmeless and Endemmfyed [Indemnified] of and from all and all other and former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Wills Joyntures Dowries Judgments Exstents [Extents] amersments Executions or aney other Incumbrances of that Nature or Cind [Kind] Soever and we the Said Peter Cornell and Sarrah Cornell and our Successors the above Granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto him Ore Said william Sutton and to his heirs and assigns against us our heirs Excutors administrators and against all and Every other peson or person whatsoever Shall and win warrant Secure and forever Defend by these presents in Witness whereof we the Said Peter Cornell and Sanah his wife have hereunto Set our hands and Seals the Day and year fust above Ritten Peter Connell Sarah Cornell O 53 Sealed and Delivered and the Considemion Money Acknowledged to he payd in the presents of Gilb Bloomer Be it Remembred that on this I& Day of January 1767 then Timothy Wetmore of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for westchester personalty appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one County assigned Peter Cornell and Sarah his wife the grantors of the within Deed Sale and before me Ecknowledged they Executed and Delivered the same as their voluntary act and Deed for the use within mentioned and the Said Sarah the wife of the Said Peter 42 Cornell Being* by me in private and appart from husband Examined Declared She Excuted and Delivered the Same freely without aney threats orCompolsions of her Said husband I having Inspected the Same and finding no Defect by Rmhures [Erasures] Intralinations Do allow the Same to be Recorded Gab Bloomer Entred this Sixteenth Day of January 1767 John Townsend Clerk To All Concemd [Concerned] Know ye that we Matthew Hudson Boatman and James Horton Jnr Marchant [Merchant] Both of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and Province of New York Sendeth Greeting for and in Consideration of the Sum of thirty one pounds of Currant Lawfull money of New york to us in hand well and truly paid (or Securd [Secured] to be paid) at and before the Excuting and Delivery hereof by James Coles of the Same place Shoemaker the Receipt whereof we Do hereby Ecknowledge to be therewith Pulley Satisfide Contented and payd and thereof and from Every part and penal thereof Do Exonerate aquit and Discharge him the Said James Coles his heirs Executors administrators Each and Every of them forever by these presents Have Granted Bargained and Sold and by these presents Do full freely and Clearly Grant Bargain and Sell unto the Said James Coles and to his heirs and assigns all that the House and possession of Land whereon the Said Matthew Hudson Now lives in Said Mamamoroneck Lying and adioyning [adjoining] to Mamaroneck River and the poast [post] Rode [Road] & the procession [possession] of John Hoye as the Same was and now in the actual prosession of the Said Matthew Hudson with the House fmte [fruit] trees Garden fences that is thereon or those unto Appertaining to the Said prosession or to aney part thereof To Have and To Hold the Said house and prosession unto him the Said James Coles and to his heirs and assigns to the Sole and only proper Use benefit and behoof of him the said James Coles and to his heirs and assigns and we the Said Matthew Hudson and James Horton Jn' for our Selves Our heirs Exec" admEt Do Convenant Grant and agree to and with the Said James Coles his heirs and assigns that at the time of the Excuting and Delivery hereof we are by prosession the oners [owners] of Said prosession and House and have Good Right full power to Sell and Dispose of the Same in manner as aforesaid and firther that it Shall and May be Lawfull to and for the Said James Coles his heirs and assigns by force and vertue hereof upon and into the primises abovSaid to Enter and the Same and Every part and persal thereof from time to time and at all times hereafter peaceably and Quiately Shall Have hold Use ocupye prosess and Enioy [Enjoy] the above House and procession without aney Lett hendrance or Molestations by us the Said Matthew Hudson and lames Horton Jn' or by aney person or persons whatsoever by from or under us Either of us our heirs Exec".. adm'.. But that the Said James Coles and afore Said prosessions and House may the Same and Every part thereof Quiately Enioy [Enjoy] the Same an Hannah the wife of the Said Matthew Hudson Doth full freely and Clearly Give and Yeald [Yield] Up the peacable prosession of and Into the above House and prosession and Signefyes the Same with her name with the parties above Said in witness whereof the Said Matthew Hudson James Horton Jnr and Hannah Hudson to this their present Release of procession to the above premises have Caused the Same to be made and have hereunto Sot [Set] our hands and Seals this ternth [tenth] Day of october one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six &c [etc.] and in the Sixth year of his maiesties Reign &c. &c. [etc. etc] Matthew Hudson Sealed and Delivered in O the presents of James Horton her Gilb Bloomer Hannah X Hudson O Nieh` Belly mark 43 Be it Remembred that on this tenth Day of october 1766 then personaly personaly appeared before Gilbird Bloomer asq' ane of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for the County of westchester asigned Matthew Hudson James Horton Ju'and Hannah Hudson and Several acknowledged the Excuted and Delivered the above Instrament written as their voluntary act and Deed for the use and purposes there in Mentioned I having Inspected the Same and finding No Rashures [Erasures] or Intrelimtions there fore Do allow the Same to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entered this 20 Day of January 1767 John Townsend Clerk To all to whome it may Concerm [Concern] Know ye that where as James Coles is Now in Posesion of a Certain Peace [Piece] of Land adJoyning Mamaroneck River Bounded by Said River and John Beyeays land James Hortons Posesion and the Country Road that I James Mott of mamaroneck Do allow him the Said James Coles his heirs and assigns in the Quiate and Peaceble Posesion of the Said Peace [Piece] of Land Clear from any Claim or Demand of from me my heirs or assigns as witness my this fifteenth Day of the twelfth month James Mott Seal Cauled Decmber in the year 1766 in presents of Reubin Bloomer Lydia mott Be it Remembred that on the 27 Day of Decmber 1766 then personalley appeard [before; word missing] me Gdbird Bloomer asq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assignd Reubin Bloomer the Subscribing witness to the within Instrament of the within Releas of Rite and under his affirmation Declard he Saw James Mott the Grantor of the Same Execute and Deliver the Same as his vorentary [Voluntary] act and Deed I haveing Inspected the Same and finding two Defects not noticed (have [word inked over] and Seals) with that omishon [omission] Do allow the Same to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entered this 21 Day of January 1767 John Townsend Clerk 54 MI 55 To all peopel to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I mary mott of mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and Province of Newyork widow for and in Consideration of ten pounds Currant Lawfull money of New york as above Said to me in hand Truly payd by John Townsend of the Same Townd [Town] County and Colony, as above Said the Receipt whereof I Do Ecknowledg and my Self Satisfyd and payd and hereof Do fulley aquit him the Said John Townsend his heirs Executors and administrators forever by thse presents Have Granted Bargained and Sold Conveyed and Confirmed allen [alien] Set over unto him the Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns forever all that of my Rites [Rights] and titels [titles] Interest Claim and Demand in and unto all the Lands tenements appurtenances and hereditraments priviledges and profets unto me belonging or any ways appertaining unto me that was given unto me by the Last will and testament of my Hursband William Mott Deceased To Have and to Hold the above granted premises with the appurtenances Unto him the Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns forever to his only proper benefit and behoof forever more and I the Said maty mott for my Self Do Conversant and agree for my Self my heirs Excutors administrators and that with the Said John Townsend and his heirs Executors and administrators that at the Delivery hereof I am the true Sole and Lawful] oner owner] thereof and am Lawfulley Siezed and prosessed [possessed] of the Same of an absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple and have in my Self Good Right and athority to Sell the Same and that the Said John Townsend his heirs and assign may freely and Clearly ocupye and proses [possess] the Same from all manner of Incumbrances or molestation in the above granted premises and further more 1 the Said mary molt for my Self my heirs Executors and administrators Do Convenam and Ingage to the Said John Townsend his heirs and assign to warrand [warrant] and Secure against my heirs Executors and administators and all Claiming under me assigns and all Claiming under them forever by these presents in witness where of 1 have here unto Set my hand and fixed my Seal this twenty first Day of Sixth month Commonly Cauled June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Six Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Mary Mott O presents of James Coles Mary Coles Be it Remembred that on this 27" Day of Decmber 1766 then pesonalley appeared before me Gilbird Bloomer Fsq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assigned James Coles one of the Subscribing witneses to the above Deed of Sale and under his oath Declared he Saw mary mott the Grantor of the above Deed of Sale Excute and Deliver the same as her act and Deed I having Inspected the Same and finding no Defect by Rashires [Erasures] or Intrelination Do allow the Same to be Recorded Entred this twenty Six Day of february 1767 John Townsend Clerke To all people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I John Townsend of mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and Province of New York marchant [merchant] for and in Consideration of ten pounds Currant Lawfull moneyof New york as above Said to me in hand truly payd by maty molt widow of the Same Town Country and Coloney as above Said the Recipt [Receipt] whereof I do Ecknowkdg and my self Satisfyd and payd and thereof Do fulley Aquit her the Said Mary Mott her heirs Excutors Admstrators forever by these presents have Granted Bargained Sold Conveyed and Confirmed Allined [Alienated] and Set over unto her the Said mary mott her heirs and assigns forever all that of my wrights titles Interest Claim and Demand in and unto all the Lands Tenements heredittraments priviledges appurtenances and profets unto me belonging or aney ways appertaining unto me of what 1 purchased of the above Said mary mott and no more with all the Rights titles priviledges and appurtenances there unto belonging To Have and To Hold the above Granted premises unto her the Said maty Mott her heirs and assigns forever to her only proper benefit and behoof forevermore and 1 the Said John Townsend for my Self Do Covenant and agree for my Self for my heirs Excutors and Administrators and that with the Said maty mott and her heirs Executors and Administrators that at the Enseahng and Delivery hereof I was the true Sole and Lawfull oner [owner] of the above Granted premises and appurtenances and was Siezed and prosesed [possessed] of the Same of an absolute Estate of Inheritance in feesimple and had full power and lawfull athority to 44 Sell and Dispose of the Same in manner as above and that the Said maty, mott her* heirs and assigns may freely and Clearly ocupye and proses the Same fron [from] all manner of Incumbrances or molestation whatsoever in the Above Granted premise and firthermore I the Said John Townsend for my Self my hews and assign Do warrant and Secure the Said maty mott her heirs Excutors administrators and assign against me & my heirs Executors and administrators and all Claiming under me or them forever by these presents in witness whereof I have here unto Set my hand and fixed my Seal this twenty Second Day of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Six John Townsend O Signed Sealed in the presents of James Coles Mary Coles Be it remembred that on the 27" Day of Dcember 1766 then personalley appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer asq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for the County of westchester assigned John Townsend the Granter of the above Deed of Sale and before me acknowledged he Excuted and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed I having Inspected the Same and finding no Defect by Rashires [Erasures] or hurelinmion Do allow the Same to be Recorded Entred this twenty Seventh february 1767 By me John Townsend Clerke To all people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that we John Townsend marchant [merchant] of Maraneck [Mamaroneck] and William Sutton yeoman of moraneck [mamaroneck] afore Said and Both of the County of Westchester and Province of New York was acording to an act of the Governer Council and general assembly of the Coloney of New York Intitled and [an] act to prevent frauds in debters Passed the twenty first Day of November on Thousand Seven hundred and fifty one Nominated and appointed trustees for all the Creditors of Peteralley, an obsconding Debter late of Moraneck [Mamaroneck] the twenty first Day of august in this presnt year one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty five by the Honorable Daniel Horsmondan the Chief Justice of the Supream Coart of the Colony of New york and whereas we the above Named John Townsend and William Sutton two of the trustees Impowerd by the above Recited Act to Sell and Give a Deed of Conveyance for all or 56 MR 57 aney part of the above Said Peter Alley Estate Therefore we the above Said trustees John Townsend and William Sutton Do by powr and the venue given unto us Do for and in Consideration of the Sum of two hundred and thirty pounds Currant Lawfull money of New york afore Said to us in hand payd before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Edward Merrit of moraneck [mamaroneck] in the County of westchester and province of New york above Said the Receipt whereof we Do Ecknowledg and our Selves fulley Satisfye and payd and thereof and Every part and persal thereof Do Exonatate [Exonerate] acquit and fulley Discharge him the Said Edward Merritt his heirs Executors and administrators forever by these presents have Given granted Bargained and Sold Conveyed and Confirmed and by these presents Do Absolutely give grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm unto him the Said Edward Merritt his heirs and assigns forever all that Certain persal of Land lying and being in Moraneck [Mamaroneck] afore Said Near the Bridge and Road that goes over Said moraneck [mamaroneck] River in the place where Joseph Sutton hath built a House Begining at the west Comer of Said house thence going Easterly to a Certain Rock twenty feet thence northerly Eighty feet to a black Stump thence westerly twenty five feet thence Southerly to the west Comer of Said house where it first begun bounded Easterly by the Contry [Country] Road South and West by the highways and Northerly by Common lands to gather [together] with all and Singular the Houses Buildings weys Easments Improvements profits and previledces [privileges) and appurtenances in or to the Said lot of lands as above bounded as also all the out Houses and Store Houses that Did belong to Peter Alley in Moraneck [Mamaroneck] as afore Said at the time in and within the time for us by law to grant with all the Rights Title Interest property Claim and Demand of him the Said Peter alley of in or unto the Same or any part thereof To have and to Hold the Said granted Bargained preveledges [privileges] with the appurtenances unto him the Said Edward merritt his heirs and assigns forever to him and his only proper benefit and behoof forever more and we the above Said trustees John Townsend and william Sutton in and on behalf of Peter alley afore Said obsconding Debter his heirs Executors Administrators Do Convenant and promise and grant to and with the Said Edward merritt his heirs and assigns that befor the Ensealing hereof that 1 the Said Peter alley Was the true Sole and Lawfull oner [owner] thereof of of [sic] the above Bargained premises and that we the Said trustees John Townsend and william Sutton have good Right full power and lawfull athority to Sell and Dispose of the Same m an absolute Estate of Inheratance in fee Simple and that we the above Said 45 trustees Dow [Do] grant Bargain Sell Convey and Confirm Said Bargained premises * in manner afore Said and that the Said Edward Merin his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and venue of these presents Lawfully and peacebly and Quiately have hold Use ocupye prosess [possess] & Enjoy [Enjoy] the Said Demised and Bargained premises with the appurtenances free and Clear freely and Clearly aquited Exonerated and Discharged of and from all manner of incumbrances whatsoever that Shall arise from and under the afore Said Peter alley or all other persons whatsoever and furthermore we the Said trustees John Townsend and william Sutton Do by venue of the Lawfull power given unto us do Covinant and Ingage the above Demised premises unto Edward Merritt his heirs Executors and admisistrators [administrators] and assigns against all Manner of Claims and Demands of the above Said Peter alley his heirs Executors or administrators and assigns what Soever and all Claiming under them or aney of them after the first Publick notice and the Said trustees John Townsend and William Sutton for the Consideration above Said Do grant Convey and Confirm unto the Said Edward Merritt his heirs and assigns the South part or Equal half of a Certain Store house built by Joseph Sutton and also another Store house and the priviledg [privilege] of a Dock built by Robert Sutton both Houses and Dock being on Moraneck [Mamaroneck] landen [landing] and firther Abigal Alley the wife of Peter alley Doe aquit and Make over all that of hereditary Right of Dowrey in the above Demised premises and therefore 1 the above Said abigal alley Do aquit and make over with the Said trustees all that of my Right of Dowrey in witness whereof we the under Ritten Subscribers have hereunto Set to our hands and fired our Seals this twenty Eight Day of october in the year of our Lord on Thousand seven hundred and Sixty five and in the fifth Year of his maiesties Reign Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of James Horton Juner [Junior] Sam" fayer weather John Townsend Trustee O William Sutton Trustee O Be it Remembred that on this 27 Day of Decmber 1766 then personegey appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferior Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assignd James Horton Jn' one of the Subscribing witnesses to the within above Deed of Sale and under oath Declard he Saw John Townsend and william Sutton the granter of the Same Execute and Deliver as their act and Deed for the use within Mentioned and also Saw Samuel fayerweather Subscribe his name as the other witness and having Inspected the Same and finding no Defect by Razures [Erasures] or Intrelinations Do allow the Same to be Recorded Entred this Sixth Day of march 1767 By me John Townsend Clerk To all people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Edward Meritt of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and Province of New york yeoman for and in Consideration of Seventy pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence Currant Lawfull Money of New York as afore Said to me in hand payd by John Townsend of the Same Townd [Town] County and Coloney as above Said Marchant [Merchant] the Receipt whereof I Do hereby Ecknowledg and my Self fulley Satisfyd Contented and payd and there of and Every part and persal thereof Do fulley aquitt Releas and fulley Discharge him the Said John Townsend his heirs Excutors administrators for Ever by these presents have given alinated [alienated] Bargained Sold and Conveyed and Confirmed and Do by these presents freely fulley and absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell Set over allin [alien] Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns forever the one third part of all that Certain percal of Land Lying and being in mamaroneck afore Said near the Bridge and Roade that goes over Said Mamaroneck Bridge or River in the place where Joseph Sutton hath Built a House Begining at the west Corner of Said house thence going Easterly to a Certain Rock twenty feet thence Northerly Eighty feet to a black Stump thence westerly twenty five feet thence Southerly to the west Corner of Said house where it first begun Bounded Easterly by the Country Road South and west by highweys and Northerly by Common Lands to gather [together] with all and Singurly [Singularly] the Houses Buildings weys Easments profits priviledges and Improvements in and Unto the Said Lot of Lands as above Bounded and Described as also all the Rights prosessions [possessions] property and Claim Demand whatsoever of the Said Edward menitt of in or unto the Same or aney part thereof To Have and to Hold the above granted premises with the appurtenances to 58 59 the Same belonging or aney weys appertaining to him the Said John Townsend his heirs and aligns forever to his only proper Benefit and behoof forevermore and I the Said Edward Merritt for my Self Do Convenam promise grant and agree to and for my heirs Executors administrators and that with the afore Said John Townsend his heirs Executors administrators that at the Ensealing and before the Delivery hereof I am the true Sole and Lawfull owner thereof and am Lawfulley SiezedProsesed [Possessed] of the Same in mine own proper Rite as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in feesimple and have in My Self Good Rite full Power and Lawfull athority to Sell and Dispose of the Same in form and manner as above Exspesed [Expressed] and that the Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns may from time to time and atall times forever hereafter by vertue of these presents Lawfulley and peacebly have hold Use and prosess the Said Demised premises with the appurtenances free and Clear aquited and Discharged of and from all manner of Imcumbrances in the above granted premises whatsoever and firther more 1 the Said Edward merritt for my Self My heirs Executors admistors [administrators] Do Convenant and Ingage to the Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns to warrant and Secure against my heirs Executors administrators and 46 assigns or aney Claiming under me or them' forever by these presents and I the Said Edward Merritt for the Consideration afore Said Do grant Convey and Confirm unto the Said John Townsend his heirs and assigns the South part or Equal third of Certain Store house built by Said Joseph Sutton and also another Store house With the priviledge of a Dock built by Said Robert Sutton both houses and Dock being on Maraneck Landing in westchester whereof I the Said Edward merritt have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this twenty ninth Day of october one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty five Signed Sealled and Delivered in the presents of James Horton Jnner [Junior] Edward merritt O Samuel fayerweather Be it Remembred that on this 27 Day of Decmber 1766 then personaley appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common pleas for westchester County assignd Edward Merritt the granter of the within Deed of Sale and before me Ecknowlegd he Excuted and Delivered the Same as his actand Deed 1 having Inspected the Same and finding no meterial [material] mistakes or Intrelination Do allow the Same to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entred this nineteenth Day of march 1767 by me John Townsend Clerk This Indenture Made the fifteenth Day of april in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven between Anne Delancey of the City of New York widow of the Honorable James Delancey Esq' Deceased and Louis Johnston of Peth amboy in the Province of New Jersey phisican [physician] of the one part and William Sutton of mamaroneck in the County of Westchester Vintner of the other part Witnesseth that the Said Anne Delancey and Leuis Johnston for and inconsideration of the sum of five Shillings to them in hand payd by the Said William Sutton at and before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents and Receipt whereof they Do hereby acknowledg and them Selves to be therewith fulley Satisfied Have Granted Bargained Sold and Demised and by these presents Do Grant Bargain Sell and Demise Unto the Said William Sutton all that Certain Tract Piece or Parcell of land and premises Cituate Lying and Being at Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester Being pan of the Grant 60 lots So Cauled Begining at a heape of Stones in the Northwest Corner adjoining to the Land of Susannah Delancey and Runs from thence North forty five Degrees thirty five minutes East twenty four Chains to a Stake and heap of Stones in the Westerly line of Beniamin Grifens Land then along Said Griffen and Edward merrits Land South Thirty Six Degrees forty Six minutes East thirty Seven Chains and twenty four Links to a heap of Stones at the North East Corner of the Land Sold to Said Merritt then South forty five Degrees thirty five minutes West twenty Chains to a heape of Stones at the Northwest Corner of Said Land Sold Merritt then South thirty Six Degrees forty Six minutes East twenty one Chains to the Drift way then South forty five Degrees thirty five minutes west four Chains along Said Drift way to the South west Corner thence North thirty Six Degrees forty Six minutes West fifty Eight Chains and twenty four Links to the place of Begining Containing Ninty Six Acres two Quarters of an acre and thirty Eight Rods Bounded Southerly Partly by the Drift way and partly by the lands of Edward merritt Northerly by Land of Said anne Delancey and Leuis Johnston Easterly partly by the Land of Said Edward Merritt and partly by the Land of Beniamin Griffen and Westerly by the Lands of Susannah Delancey Togather [Together] with all and Singular the woods Under woods Trees Timbers Feedings Pastures meadows Marshes Swamps Ways waters wat [incomplete word] water Courses Rivers Brooks Revilets [Rivulets]Runs and Streams of water fishing fowling Hunting and Hawking mines and Minerals of all Sorts whatsoever Exscept Gold and Silver mines which Now are or hereafter Shall he Standing Growing Lying Being or to be found in or upon the Said above Decribed [Described] Tract of Land and Granted Premises or aney part or persal thereof and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and profits thereof and of Every part and persal therof To Have To Hold the Said above Demised Tract peace [piece] or persal of Land and all other the hereby Granted and Demised premises with their and Every of their appurtenances and Every part and persal thereof unto him the Said William Sutton and his assigns from the Day before the Day 47 of the Date of these presents for and During and' untill full End and term of one whole year from thence next ensuing and fulley to be Compleated and Ended Yeilding [Yielding] and paying Therefore unto the Said Anne Delancey and Leuis Johnston their heirs and assigns the Rent of one pepper Corn at the feast of S:' Michael the archangel if Demanded To the Intent and purpose that by Venue hereof and of the Statute for Transferring of Uses into Possession the Said William Sutton may be in the actual Possession of the afore Said Tract piece or Parcell of Land and all and Singular other the hereby Granted Premises with the appurtanances before Mentioned and may be thereof Enabled to Accept of a Grant and Releas of the Revertion and Inheritance of the Same Tract of Land and of all and Singular other the hereby Granted Premises with the appurtenamces to the Use and Benefit of him the Said William Sutton His Heirs and Assigns forever in Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto Enterchangeably Sett their hands and Seals the Day and year first above Written Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of Anne Delancey O the word (the) in the Second page being wrote upon and after was arazed [erased] befor Interlination hereof Signed Sealed and Delivered by Leuis Johnston O Leuis Johnston in the presence of us Stephen Skinner Heathcoat Johnston 61 Sealed and Delivered by antic Delancey in the presents of Thomas Jones Susanna Delancey Mamerandam [Memorandum] that on this fourteenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven personaley appeard before me John Watts Esq' one of his maiesties Counsell for the Province of New york Thomas Jones and Stephen Skinner two of the Subscribing witnesses to the within Lease and being Duly Sworn Depose and Say as follows and first he the Said Thomas Jones Doposeth and Saith that he was present and Saw the within named anti De Lancey Sign Seal and Deliver the within Lease as her volantary, act and Deed and that Susannah De lancey the other Subscribing witness to the Excution of the Said Lease by the Said anti Delancey was present and Subscribed her name as a witness thereto in this Deponants presence and Secondly he the Said Stephen Skinner Deposeth and Saith that he was present and Saw the within named Leuis Johnston Sign Seal and Deliver the within Lease as his Voluntary act and Deed and that Heathcoate Johnston the other Subscribing witness to the Execution of the Said Lease by the Said Leuis Johnston was present and Signed his name as a witness thereto in the presence of this Deponant and I have Examined the Same and find No Razures[Erasures] or Intrelinations there in Except Such as are mentioned in Memorandum Made thereof before Excution wherefore 1 allow the Same to be Entered on Record Jn`. Watts Entered this Seventeenth Day of febmary 1768 John Townsend Clerk 48 This Indenture Made the Sixteenth Day of april in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven Between Ann De lancey of the City of New york widdow of the Honorable James De Lancey Esquir Deceased and Lewis Johnston of Penh amboy in the Province of New Jersey Phisican [Physician] of the one part and William Sutton of mamaroneck in the County of Westchester Vintner of the other part Witnesseth that the Said Ann De Lancey and Lewis Johnston for and in Consideration of Sum of four Hundred and Sixty pounds Currant Money of New york tothem the Said Ann De Lancey and Lewis Johnston in hand paid at and before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents by him the Said William Sutton the Receipt whereof they the Said anti De Lancey and Lewis Johnston Do hereby Ecknowledge and Every part and percell thereof Do aquit Releas and Discharge him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns forever by these presents they the Said Ann De Lancey and Lewis Johnston Have granted Bargained Sold Alined [Aliened] Remised Released and Confirmed and by these presents Do Grant Bargain Sell Alien Remise Releas and Confirm Unto him the Said W llliam Sutton his heirs and assigns forever being Now in his actual possession by Vertue of a Bargain and Sale and Leace [Lease] for one year to him there of made by the Said Ann De Lancey and Lewis Johnston by Indenture bearing Date the Day before the Date here of and force and Venue of a Stattute Made for transfering of uses into possession all that Certain tract piece or percell of Land Cituate Lying and Being at Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester being part of the Great Letts So Called Begining at a heap of Stones in the Northwest Corner adjoining to the Land of Susanah De Lancey and Runs fron [from] thence north forty five Degrees thirty five minutes East twenty four Chains to a Stake and heape of Stones in the westerly line of Beniamin Griffens Land then along Said Griffen and Edward Merrits Land South thirty Six Degrees forty Six minutes East thirty Seven Chains and twenty four Links to a heap of Stones at the North East Corner of the Land Sold to Said Merrit then South forty five Degrees thirty five Minutes West twenty Chains to a heape of stones at the North West Corner of Said Land Sold to Merrit then South thirty Six Degrees forty Six Minutes East twenty one Chains to the Drift way then South forty rive Degrees thirty five Minutes West four Chains along Side Driftway to the Southwest Comer then North thirty Six Degrees forty Six minutes West fifty Eight Chains and twenty four links to the place of beginning Containing Ninty Six Acres two Quarters of an acre and thirty Eight Rods Bounded Southerly: partly by the Drift way and partly by the hinds of Edward Merritt Northerly by Land of Said anti De Lancey and Lewis Johnston Easterly partly by the Land of the Said Edward Merritt and partly by the Land of Beniamin Griffen and Westterly by the Land of Susanah De Lancey Togather[Together] with all and Singular the woods Under woods trees timbers feedings pastures Meadows Marches Swamps Ways Watters Watter Courses Rivets Brooks Revilets [Rivulets] Runs and Streams of water Fishing Fowling Hunting and Hawkiqg Mines and Minerals of all Sorts whatsoever [Except Gold and Silver mines] which Now are or hereafter Shall be Standing Growing Lying and Being or to be found in or upon the Said above Described [Described] tract piece or parcell of Land or any part or parcel] thereof and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and profits of all and Singular the hereby Granted premises and of Every part and parcel[ there of and Also all the Estate Right title Interest property Claim and Demand Whatsoever both in Law and Equaty of them the Said Ann De Lancey and Lewis Johnston and Either of them of in and to a8 and Singular the hereby Granted premises and of Every part and parcel) thereof To Have And To Hold all and Singular the premises aforesaid and Every pan and parcel] there of unto him the SP. aid William Sutton his Heirs and assigns for Ever and the Said anti De Lancey and Lewis Johnston and Each of them and theirs and Each of their Heirs all and Singular the premises afore Said with the appurtenances: hereby Granted and Released as afore Said and Every part and parcell there of Unto him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns against them the Said anti De Lencey and Lewis Johnston and Each of them and theirs and Each of their Heirs and against all and 49 Every other person and persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant and Defend by these* presents and the Said anti De Lancey and Lewis Johnston for them Selves their Heirs Executors and Administrators and Every of them Doth Convenant promise and grant to and with the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns by these presents in manner following that is to Say that they the Said Ann De Lancey and Lewis Johnston are or one of them is at and ameadiately [immediately] before the Enealing and Delivery of these presents in their or one of their own Rights Rightfulley Lawfulley and absolutely Siezed of and in all and Singular the premises aforesaid hereby Granted With their and Every of their appurtenances of a Good pure ... absolute and Indefesible Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple without any manner of Condittion or limitation of Use or Uses and that they the Said anti De Lancey and Leuis Johnston have or one of them now hath in them Selves or him Self or her Self Good Right true title Lawfull and absolute power and athority to grant Bargain Sell alien and Convay the Same to him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns in Manner and form afore Said and that he the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns and Every of them Shall and Lawfulley may from time to time and at all times hereafter peacably and Quiatly have hold and Enjoy all and Singular the hereby Granted and Bargained premises with their and Every of their appurtenances and Recive [Receive] and take the Rents Isshuesand profitts there of and 62 11 63 Every part and pareell thereof without any manner of Lawfull Lett Suit trouble Eviction Ejection Molistation or other Intruption [Interruption] whatsoever of or by aney person or persons whatsoever and that free and Clear and freely and Clearly and absolutely Discharged Released and aquited of and from all and Singular other Bargains Sales Gifts Grants Leases Mortgaages Jointeres Dower title of Dower Judgments Executions Extents Seizures forfetures Issues fines amerciaments and of and from all other Charges Titles Troubles and Incumbrances: whatsoever had made Committed Done or Sufferd f Suffered] or to be had Made Done or Sufferd by the Said Ann De Lancey and Lewis Johnston or by aney other person or persons whatsoever and Lastly that they the Said arm Delancey and Lewis Johnston and Each of them and their and Each of their heirs Shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the Reasonable Request Costs and Charges in the law of him the Said william Sutton his heirsorassigns further acknowledg Levyand Execute or Cause or Suffer to be Done acknowledged Leaved and Executed all and Every Such further and other lawfull and Reaonable act and acts Devise and Devices Conveyance and assurance in the Law what Soever for the firther better and More perfect assurance Surety and Sure Making Releasing: Conveying and assureing of all and Singular the before granted premises unto him the afore Said William Sutton his heirsand assigns as by him or them or his or their Counwil Learned in the Law Shall be Reasonable Devised in Witness where of the partees to these have here unto Enterchangebly Set their hands and Seals the Day and year first above Ritten Sealed and Deliver in the presents of Anne De Lancey O the word (in) in the 7's Line (and) in the 17 Line (now) in the 28 Line (and being araz [erased]) Lewis Johnston O in the 30 Line being Intrelind [Interlined] & the letter [n] in transporting in the 8th Line (four) in the I I's Line (Said) in the 13th Line (Land) in the 15 Line (at) in pasture [word undecipherable, very blurred] the 16 Line (Laney) in the 20 Line (an in warrant in the 23 line (Shall) in the 29 line (So) in absolutely in the 32 line (n by anv other person) in the 34 line (and Each) in the 35 line and (his) in the 28 line arazed [erased] and wrote up on before Ensealing hereof Signed Sealed and Delivered by Leuis Johnston in presence of us Stephen Skinner Heathcoat Johnston Sealed and Delivered by anne Delancey in the presence of Thomas Jones Sussanna De Lancey Mamorandem [Memorandum] that on this four- teenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Seven person. alley appeard before me John Watt Esq' one of his 50 maiesties Counsell *for the Province of New York Thomas Jones and Stephen Skinner two of the Subscribing witnesses to the within Releas and being 'I Duly Sworn Deposeth and Say as follows and first he ` the Said Thomas Jones Deposeth and Saith that he was present and Saw the within named ann De Lancey Sign Seal and Deliver the within Releas as her Volentary act and Deed and that Susannah De Lancey the other Subscribing witness to the Excution of the Said Releas by the Said arm De Lancey: was present and Subscribed her name asa witness thereto in this Deponants presence and Secondly he the Said Stephen Skinner Deposeth and Sawth that he was present and Saw the within named Lewis Johnston Sign Seal and Deliver the within Releas as his Volintary act and Deed and that Heathcoat Johnston the other Subscribing Witness to the Excution of the Said Releas by the Said Lewis Johnston was present and Signd his name as a witness there unto in the presence of the Said Deponant and I have Examined the Same and find no arrazures [erasures] or Intrelinations there in Except Such as are mentioned in a merorandam [memorandum] made there of + before Excution wherefore 1 allow the Same to he Entred on Record Jn" Watts Entred this twenty Day of february 1768 r John Townsend Clerk To all To Whome these Presents Shall Come Greetings Know ye that I Jonathan Brown Junier of Rye in the County of Westchester and Provinceof Newyork yeoman with the Consent and good liking of Phebe my wife Slgnefide by her Signing and Sealing these presents and for and in Consideration of the Sum of Sixty five pounds of Current Money of Said Province of new York to me in hand paid before the Execution and Delivery hereof By William Sutton of Mamaroneck in the County and province afore Said yeoman and Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge to my full Content and Satisfaction and Do hereby aquit and Discharge the Said William Sutton his heirs Executors and Administrators and Every of them forever by these presents Have and Do by these presents for me and my heirs Remise Releas and forever Quit Claim unto the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns Absolutely all That all my Right title property Claim Interest and Demand which 1 the Said Jonathan Brown Junier and My heirs Ever had now have or hereafter Shall have of in or unto one Certain parcel of land lying and being in the County of albany in Said province of New york which was purchased by Ebenezar Worter Samuel Folsom and Ebenezar Hard for a Township from Robert R. Livingston for them and their associates in Company and being Right in Said persal of Land purchased fora Township as afore Said More or Less in Quantity To Have And To Hold all that my Right Titleand Claim in Said parcel Land Laid for a Township as afore Said More or Less in Quantity with Every the Rights Benefits Priviledges and appurtenances unto my Said Rights therein belonging or aney ways appertaining and Every part there of unto him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns and to his and their Use absolutely forever So That neither I the Said Jonathan 64 1 65 Brown Junier Nor my heirs nor any person or persons in mine or their Names Right or Stead Shall hereafter Claim Challange or Demand any Right or Interest of In or unto the above Released premises or any part thereof But that I the Said Jonathan Brown Junier and my heirs and Every person or persons Claiming any Rlght or title of in or Unto Said Released premises or any art thereof by from or under one or more of any of us from Every action Right action Claim Challange or Demand Either in Law or Equaty are and by these presents Shall be forever Debated [Debarred] and Excluded in witness whereof 1 the Said Jonathan Brow Junier and Phebe my wife to this our Releas have here unto Sot (Set] our hands and Seals this twenty first Day of October A D 1765 and in the fifty year of his maiesties Reign & c [etc.] 51 Be it Remembred that on this 1.8" Day of march 1768 then personaly appeard • before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assignd Jonathan Brown Jn' the granter of the within Deed of Sale and before me acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed 1 having Inspected the Same and finding no metearal [material] mistake or Intrelination Do allow the Same to be Recordded Gilb Bloomer Entred this 24 Day of august 1768 John Townsend Clerke To all Christian People to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Thomas Nelson of Minefords Island in the Mannar [Manor] of Pelham in westchester County At Province of New york yeoman by & with the advice & Consent of mary my wife Signifyde by her being a pearty (party] to and Executing the presents for & in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred & thirty pounds of Currant lawful money of New york to me in hand paid before the ensealing & Delivery hereof by James Horton Jn' of mamaroneck in westchester County & Province afore Said yeoman the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge At my Self there with fulley Satisfyde & Contented & thereof & there of [sic] & of every part and parcel thereof Do Exonerate aquit and Discharge him the Said James Horton his heirs Executors & adm" forever by these presents Have Given granted bargained Sold & by these presents do freely fulley & absolutely give grant bargain Sell alien convey & Confirm unto the Said James Horton his heirs and Assigns forever one Certain messuag [messuage] & tract of land Situate lying & being in Mamaroneck in westchester County & Province afore Said Butted and Bounded as followeth begining at the Southwest Comer at a locust bush joyning Elisabeth Alears Salt meadow thence northwestwadly the hoston road thence along the the [sic] boston road northwestwardly to a Certain red oak tree Marked J H which makes the Corner of the premises and the Corner of Joseph Grifens Land and thence along the land of Joseph Griffen Southwestwardly as the fence now Stands to a Certain white oak bush marked on the north Sidethence westwardly bartly[partly] by Beniamin Palmers Salt meadow & partly by Elizabeth Alears Salt meadow to the first Mentioned bounds Containing four acres and a half be the Same more or less To Have and to hold the Said Granted & bargained premises with the Houses out houses harries orchards woods under wood Mines minerals and the appurtenances priveledges & Commoditees to the Same belonging or in any weise appertaining to him the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns forever to his and thier only proper use binefit forever and I the Said Thomas Nelson for me my heirs Executors & administrators Do Convenant promise & grant to and with the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true Sole & lawful oner [owner] of the above bargained premises & am Lawfully Siesed & possed [possessed] of the Same in mine own proper right as a good perfect & absolute Estate of inheritance and have in my Self good right full powr and lawful athority to Grant bargain Sell Convey & Confirm the Said bargained premises in manner as above Said & that at all times forever hereafter by vortue [virtue] of these presents lawfulley peaeeabely & quately have hold use ocupye poses [possess] & enjoy [enjoy] the Said Demised & bargained premises with the appurtenances free & Clear & freely & Clearly aquited exonerated and Discharged of & from all manner of former Gifts grants Bargains Sails [Sales] leases Morguages wills Intales [Entails] jointers [jointures] Dowrys Judgments Executions incumbrances & troubles whatsoever & I the Said Thomas Nelson Do futher Covenant and bind my Self my heirs Executors & administrators firmly by these presents to warrant & Defend the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns in Quiat & peaceable possession of all and Singular the Said granted primises [premises] against any just & lawful Claim of any person or persons whatsoever in witness where of I the Said Thomas Nelson & mary my wife have here unto Set our hands & Seals this Ninth Day of July At in the year of Our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred & Sixty Six Jonathan Brown Jun' O Signed Sealed and Delivered Phebe Brown O Sealed and Delivered and the Consideration money acknowledge to be Recived [Received] in the presents of us Henry Disbrow Elijah Weeks 51 Be it Remembred that on this 1.8" Day of march 1768 then personaly appeard • before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assignd Jonathan Brown Jn' the granter of the within Deed of Sale and before me acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed 1 having Inspected the Same and finding no metearal [material] mistake or Intrelination Do allow the Same to be Recordded Gilb Bloomer Entred this 24 Day of august 1768 John Townsend Clerke To all Christian People to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Thomas Nelson of Minefords Island in the Mannar [Manor] of Pelham in westchester County At Province of New york yeoman by & with the advice & Consent of mary my wife Signifyde by her being a pearty (party] to and Executing the presents for & in Consideration of the Sum of one Hundred & thirty pounds of Currant lawful money of New york to me in hand paid before the ensealing & Delivery hereof by James Horton Jn' of mamaroneck in westchester County & Province afore Said yeoman the Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge At my Self there with fulley Satisfyde & Contented & thereof & there of [sic] & of every part and parcel thereof Do Exonerate aquit and Discharge him the Said James Horton his heirs Executors & adm" forever by these presents Have Given granted bargained Sold & by these presents do freely fulley & absolutely give grant bargain Sell alien convey & Confirm unto the Said James Horton his heirs and Assigns forever one Certain messuag [messuage] & tract of land Situate lying & being in Mamaroneck in westchester County & Province afore Said Butted and Bounded as followeth begining at the Southwest Comer at a locust bush joyning Elisabeth Alears Salt meadow thence northwestwadly the hoston road thence along the the [sic] boston road northwestwardly to a Certain red oak tree Marked J H which makes the Corner of the premises and the Corner of Joseph Grifens Land and thence along the land of Joseph Griffen Southwestwardly as the fence now Stands to a Certain white oak bush marked on the north Sidethence westwardly bartly[partly] by Beniamin Palmers Salt meadow & partly by Elizabeth Alears Salt meadow to the first Mentioned bounds Containing four acres and a half be the Same more or less To Have and to hold the Said Granted & bargained premises with the Houses out houses harries orchards woods under wood Mines minerals and the appurtenances priveledges & Commoditees to the Same belonging or in any weise appertaining to him the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns forever to his and thier only proper use binefit forever and I the Said Thomas Nelson for me my heirs Executors & administrators Do Convenant promise & grant to and with the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true Sole & lawful oner [owner] of the above bargained premises & am Lawfully Siesed & possed [possessed] of the Same in mine own proper right as a good perfect & absolute Estate of inheritance and have in my Self good right full powr and lawful athority to Grant bargain Sell Convey & Confirm the Said bargained premises in manner as above Said & that at all times forever hereafter by vortue [virtue] of these presents lawfulley peaeeabely & quately have hold use ocupye poses [possess] & enjoy [enjoy] the Said Demised & bargained premises with the appurtenances free & Clear & freely & Clearly aquited exonerated and Discharged of & from all manner of former Gifts grants Bargains Sails [Sales] leases Morguages wills Intales [Entails] jointers [jointures] Dowrys Judgments Executions incumbrances & troubles whatsoever & I the Said Thomas Nelson Do futher Covenant and bind my Self my heirs Executors & administrators firmly by these presents to warrant & Defend the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns in Quiat & peaceable possession of all and Singular the Said granted primises [premises] against any just & lawful Claim of any person or persons whatsoever in witness where of I the Said Thomas Nelson & mary my wife have here unto Set our hands & Seals this Ninth Day of July At in the year of Our Lord Christ one thousand Seven hundred & Sixty Six Be it Remembrdd that on this 26 Day of July 1766 then personaley appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assigned Thomas Nelson and mary his wife and Exknowledg they Executed and Delivered the within Instrement as their act and Deed and mary the wife of the Thomas Nelson being by me in private and appart from her Sd hursband Exammaned [Examined] Dclard She Ex- cuted the Same freely as her act and Deed without aney threats or Compolsion of her Said hursband having Inspected the Same and finding no matearial [material] mistakes or Intrelinations but what is noted Do Ecknowledg the Same to be Recorded Gilbird Bloomer Entred February 1769 [day missing because page worn away] 66 1 67 John Townsend Clerk Thomas Nelson O Signed Sealed and Delivered Mary Nelson O in the presents Joshua Gedney Mons Smith Be it Remembrdd that on this 26 Day of July 1766 then personaley appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assigned Thomas Nelson and mary his wife and Exknowledg they Executed and Delivered the within Instrement as their act and Deed and mary the wife of the Thomas Nelson being by me in private and appart from her Sd hursband Exammaned [Examined] Dclard She Ex- cuted the Same freely as her act and Deed without aney threats or Compolsion of her Said hursband having Inspected the Same and finding no matearial [material] mistakes or Intrelinations but what is noted Do Ecknowledg the Same to be Recorded Gilbird Bloomer Entred February 1769 [day missing because page worn away] 66 1 67 John Townsend Clerk 52 To all Christion People to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I James Horton Junr of mamoroneck in westchester County & Province of New york by & with the advice & Consent of anne my wife Signifyd by her being part to & Excuting the preasents for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred and twenty five pounds of Currant lawful[ money of New york to me in hand before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof by Joseph Gedney of Philips Borough of Westchester County and Province of New york aforesaid yeoman the Receipt whereof I Do hereby Ecknowledge and my Self therewith fulley Satisfyde & Contented & thereof & of every part & persal thereof Do Exonerate aquit & Discharge him the Said Joseph Gedney his heirs Executors & administrators for ever by these presents Have given granted Bargained Sold and by these presents Do freely fullev and absolutely Give grant Bargain Sell alen [alien] Convey and Confirm unto the S=Joseph Gedney his heirs and assigns forever one Certain meesuage [messuage] & tract of land Situate lying and being in maroneck [ mamaroneck) in Westchester County and Province afore Said butted and bounded as followeth Begining at the South west Corner at the End of of[sic] the Stone wall Joining Elesabeth Alear Salt meadow thence North westwardly to the Boston Road thence along the Boston Road North easlwardly to a Certain Red oak tree marked J : H which makes the Corner of the premises and the Corner of Joseph Griffen land thence along the Land of Joseph Griffen Southwardly nere [near] as the fence now Stands Raing [being, possibly]en [in] a Streight [Straight] Line from the Red Oak tree afore Said to a Certain monument or heap of Stones which lies in the fence in the Solt [Salt] meadow Between Beniamin Palmer & Joseph Griffen thence westwardly partly by Beniamen Palmer Solt meadow and partly by Elisabeth Alears Salt meadow to the first mentioned Bownds [ Bounds] Containing five acors [acres] be the Same more or lass [less] To Have and to Hold the Said Granted & bargained premises with the Hoose out houses Bam orchard wood under wood mines menarals [minerals] & the appurtenances previledges and Commodities to the same belonging or in anywise apportaining to him the Said Joseph Gedney his heirs and assigns forever to him and their only proper use & benefit forever & 1 the Said James Horton Junr for me my heirs Executors & administators do Convenant promise & grant to and with the Said Joseph Gedney his heirs& assigns that before the Ensealing here of 1 am the true & Lawful owner of the above Bargained premises & am Lawfulley Siesed and possessed of the Same in mineown proper Right as a Good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance and have in my Self good Right Lawfull power & athority to Grant Bargain Sall [Sell] Convey and Confirm the Said Barained premises in manner as above Said & that the Said Joseph Gedney hs heirsand asigns Shall and may from time to time and at all times forever here after by venue of these presents Lawfulley peacebly and quiately have hold use ocupye possess & enioy [enjoy] the Demised and Bargained premises with the appurtenances free & Clear freely & Clearly acquted [acquitted] Exonerated & Discharged of and from all manner of former Gifts Grams Bargains Sailes [Sales] leases morguages will Intails Jointures [Jointures] Douryes [Dowries] Judgments Executions Incumbrances & troubles whatsoever and I the Said James Horton Do firther Convenant and bind my Self my hews Executors & admen_ firmly by these presents to warrant and Defend the Said Joseph Gedmey his heirs and assigns in Quiat and peasable Possession of all and Singular the Said granted premises against any Just and Lawfull Claim of any persons or persons whatsoever In witness whereof I the Said James Horton Jn` and anne my wife have here unto Set our hands & Seals this Second Day of november & in the year ofour Lord Christ one Thousand Seven hundred & Sixty Eight James Horton Junr O Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presents of William Sutton his Reubin X Rogers mark her anne X Horton O Mark Be it Remembred that on this 2" Day of november 1768 Then personaley appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for westchester assignd william Sutton one of the witnesses to the with [within) Deed of Sale and under oath Delard [Declared] he Saw James Horton Jn' and anne his wife the grantor of the within Deed of Sale Execute and Deliver the same as their volintary act and Deed for the use therein mentioned and also Saw Reubin Rogers Subscribe his mame [name] as the other witness 1 having Inspected the Sameand finding No mateariel [material] Mistake or Intrelination Do allow the Same to be Recorded Gilbird Bloomer Entered this 23 Day of February 1769 John Townsend Clerk 53 This Indenture made this first Day of September in the Eight year of our Soveran [Sovereign] Lord George the third p by the Grace of Godof Great Brittan fiance and Ireland King Defenderof thefaith P by and Between anne Delancey of the City of New york and Lewis Johnston Esq' of the City of Perth amboy in East Jersey of the one part and William Sutton of Mamaroneck in the County of weschester and Province of New york yeoman of the other pan Witnesseth that the Said Anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston Esq` for and in Consideration of the Sum of one hundred and Seventy five pounds ten Shillings of Currant Lawfull money of New york to us in hand well and truly paid by the Said William Sutton the Receipt whereof we Do hereby acknowledgand our Selves therewith fulley Satisfied Contented and payd and thereof and from Every part and persall thereof Do Exonerate aquit and fulley Discharge him the Said william Sutton his heirs Executors Administrators and Every of them forever by these presents Have Given Granted Bargained and Sold and by these presents absolutely Do Give Grant Bargain Sell assure Release Enfeeofe (Enfeoff] Convey and Confirm unto him the Said william Sutton his heirs and assigns in his actual Prossion [Possession] Being Seized of in all that Certain peace [piece] penal or tract of Land Situate and lying and Being within the manner [manor) of Scarsdale within the County of westchester and Province of New york it being a part of the great Loots [Lots] So Caled Being Bounded as followeth Begining at the South west Corner at a heap of Stones on the north Side of Rock marked Wand from thence To Run North twenty four Degrees and a half west thirty one Chains to a heap of Stones at the north west Cornerthen North Forty fiveand thirty five East ten Chain and Eight Links to a Stump at Northeast Comer thence South thirty Six Degrees and forty Six Est [East) twenty nine Chains and Eighty Eight Links to the Southeast Corner then along the Said Sutton Land a North Line Sixteen Chains and Eighty Eight Links to the place Begining Containing thirty Seven acres three Roads and Eight Rods neither more nor Less Togather [Together] with the woods under woods water Coarses [Courses] Runs of water Hereditterrnents with the Reversion and Reversions Rights Rents whatsoever of us the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston of in or to be the Same Belonging or to aney part thereof To Have and To Hold the above Said Granted and Sold Lands and premises Unto him the Said 69 William Sutton and to his heirs and assigns to the Sok and only proper Use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns forever and we the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston for our -Selves our heirs Executors Administrators Do Convenant promise Grant and agree to and with the Said william Sutton his heirsand assigns that at the time of Executing and Delivery hereof we are the true Sole and Lawfull oners [owners] of all the above Granted and Sold premises and have in our Selves Good Right full powr and Lawfull athority to give Grant Bargain and Sell And Convey the Same in manner as above Said and Further that it shall and may be Lawful[ to and for the Said william Sutton his heirs and assigns by force and venue hereof upon and Into the premises hereby Conveyed to Enter and the Same and Every part and persalt thereof from time to time and at all times forever hereafter peasably and Quiately Shall have hold use ocupye prosess [possess] and Enioy [Enjoy] and that freely and Clearly equtted [acquitted] Saved harmless and Indamnifyed [Indemnified] of and from all and all other or former Gifts Gmnts Bargains Sales will Intails Joynters [Jointures] Dowries or other Incumbrances whatsoever and we the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston and our Successors the above Granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances there unto belonging unto him the Said william Sutton his heirs and assigns against us and our heirs Executors and against all and Every other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant Secure and forever Defend by these presents In witness where of we have here unto Sott [Set] our hands and Seats the Day and year furst [first] above Ritten Anne Delancey O Sealed and Delivered by Lewis Lewis Johnston O Johnston and the Consideration Money acknowledg to be Recived [Received] in presence of H Cuyler Junr John L. Johnston Sealed and Delivered by anne Delancey in presence of Susanah Delancey John L. Johnston Be it Remembred that on this 22 of Nov' 1768 then personeley appeard before me Gilbird Blooner Esq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for the County of westchester asignd John Lewis Johnston one of the witnesses to the within Deed of Sale and under Oath Declard he Saw anne Delancey and LewisJohnston thegranters hereof Execute and Deliver the Same as their act and Deed for the use there in mentioned and also Saw Susanah Delancey and also Saw Henry Schuyler Jn' Subscribe their names as the other witnesses and having Inspected the Same and finding no metarel [material] mistate [mistake] or Intrelination Do all it to be Recorded Gdbird Bloomer [First part of script worn away here] the above Deed the 24 Day of february, 1769 John Townsend Clerk 54 This Indenture made the thirtieth Day of august in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight Between Anne Delancey widow of the Honorable Jam Esq' Delancey Deceased and Lewis Johnston of Perth amboy Phiscian [ Physician] of the one part and William Sutton of mamaroneck in the County of westchester yeoman of the other part Witnesseth that the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston for and in Consideration of the Sum of twenty pounds Currant money of New york to them the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston in hand paid at and before the Sealing and Delivery of these presents the Receipt whereof they they the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston Do hereby acknowledge and thereof and of Every part and percal thereof Do aquit Releas and Discharge him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns forever by these presents they the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston have Granted Bamgined Sold alined [aliened] Remised Released and Confirmed and by these presents Do grant Bargain Sell alien Remise Releaseand Confirm Unto the Said william Sutton his heirs and assigns forever being now in his actual possession by Vertue of a Bargain and Sale and Leace [Lease] for one year to him thereof made by them the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston By Indentuere [Indenture] baring [bearing] Date the Day before the Date hereof and by force and vertue of the Statute made for transfearing [transferring] uses into possession all that Certain tract of Land and premises Situate lying and being in the Town of mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and Province of New york being butted and Bounded as follows that is to Say Begining at the Bridge Mamaroneck River on thewest Side thereof and from thence runing along the Said River and Harbour of Mamaroneck westward until] it Comes to a Rock at the South East Corner of the Land now in the possession of Thomas Barkerand from thence Rning [Running] Northward to the Country Road and from thence runing on the South Side of the Said Road Eastward to the afore Said Bridge upon Mamaroneck River Containing one acre and fourteen Rods Togather [Together] with all and Singular the Houses Buildings fences Commodities and advantages in or upon the Said Above Described tract of Land and granted premises or any part or persal thereof and the Reversion or Reversions Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and profits thereof and of Every part and persal thereof and also all the Estate Right title Interest Property Possession Revertion Claim and Demand whatsoever of them the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston of in and to the Same or any Part thereof To have and to hold the Said above Described Tract of Land and all other the hereby Granted premises with theirs and every of their apurtenances and every part and persal thereof unto him the Said william Sutton his Heirs and assigns to the only proper Use Benefit and behoof of him the Said william Sutton his heirs and assigns forever and the Said anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston and theirs Heirs and all and Singularthe before granted Premises with the appurtenances and Every part and persal thereof unto him the Said william Sutton his Heirs and assigns against them the Said Anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston their Heirs and assigns and against all and Every other Person or Persons Lawfulley Claming [Claiming] or to Claim any Estate Right title or Interest of in or unto the Said hereby granted premises or any peart [pan] thereof Shall and will warrant and forever Defend in Witness where of the Parties to these presents have here unto Interchangably Set their hands and Seals the Day and year first above Ritten Sealed and Delivered by Lewis Johnston in the presents of Anne Delancey O John L Johnston = Heathcoat Johnston and by Delancey Lewis Johnston O yin presents of John L Johnston Susanna Delancey 70 i 71 55 Be it Remembrd that on this 22 Day of November 1768 then personalley appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the I nferiourCoart of Common pleas for Westchester County assined [assigned] John Leis[ Lewis] Johnston one of the witnesses to the within Deed of Sale and under oath Declard he Saw ann Delancey and Lewis Johnston the granters here of Execute and Deliver the Same as their act and Deed and also Saw Susanah Delancey and Healhcoate Johnston Subscribe their names as the other witnesses I having Inspected the Same and finding no material mistakes or Intrelinations Do allow the Same to be Recorded Gilbird Bloomer Enterd this first Day of March 1769 John Townsend Clerk Price of the above as aprised by Gilbird Bloomer and John Guion 29 Day of November 1768 Viz James Horton .......... 7- 10 A Map of Land first laid out to William Thomas Barker 5 - 0 Sutton and then of the within lotments James Coles ........... 4- 0 as Described in Said map July 8 1768 by William Sutton ......... 2 - 10 Charles Webb Surveyor Plated by a Beniamin Beyea ......... I - 0 Scale of two Ch to an Inch Gilbird Bloomer John Guinn Entred march 2 1769 John Townsend Clerk This Indenture made this Sixth Day of December one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight and the ninth year of the Reigne of our Soveran [Sovereign] Lord George the third by the grace of God of of [sic] great Britian France and Ireland King Defender of the faith A By and Between William Sutton of Mamaroneck in the County of wesichester and provinceof New vork yeoman of the one part And James Horton ln' of Said Mamaroneck Marchant [Merchant] of the other part wiunesseth that the Said william Sutton for and In Consideration of the Sum of Seven Pounds ten Shillings of Currant Lawful) money of New york to me in hand well and truly paid at the Executing and Delivery hereof By the Said James Horton Jn' the Receipt whereof 1 Do hereby acknowledge and him Self therewith fullev and Imirely Satisfied Contented and paide and there of and from Every pan and persall thereof Do Exonerate acquits and Discharge him the Said James Horton Jn' his heirs Executors administrators and Every of them forever by these presents Have Given Granted Bargained Remised Released and Quit Claimed and by these presents Do fullev freely & Clearly Remise Release and forever Quitt Claim unto the Said James Horton Jn' in his actual prossession [possession] Being therewith Seized of in Mamaroneck the following peaces[pieces] and persall of Land the one peace whereon Said James Horton Jn' House and Store house Now Standeth Bounded. Northerly By the Landing place westerdly by the Kings high wey Southerly by a Road to the Dock & Esterdly [Eastwardly or Easterly] By Mamaroneck River and one other peace whereon [page worn away] Said James Horton Jn' Barn Standeth westerdly By the Road northerly by y`. afore Said Road Lead [rest of word lost because page worn away] to the Dock and Southerly from a rock By a peace Conveyed to Thomas Barker and Esterly by Mamaroneck River and also one other peace Begining at a heape Stones at Benj' Boye Corner and from Said Corner to run Esterly to a peach tree from thence to a Certain Rock at the Road Leading to Meml [difficult to decipher] Dock So Caled and from thence By Said Road and the post Road to the Corner where it Began in all three of Said peaces of Said Land Containing one Quarter of an acre and thirty three Rods Togather[Together) withthe House Barn Storr House Gardens fences Improvements therein or thereunto Belonging with Reversion and Reversions Right Rent Isues and proffits whatsoever of Me or the Same Belonging or to aney part thereof To Have and To Hold the Said Granted and Conveyed premises with the appurtenances there unto Belonging [page worn away] unto him the Said James Horton Jun' his heirs and asigns To the Sole and ondly use [page worn away] 56 Benefit ' and Behoof of him the Said James Horton his heirs and assigns absolutely forever and I the Said William Sutton for my Self my heirs Executors adminis"- Do Convenant Convenant [sic] promise Grant and agree To and with the Said James Horton Jn' his heirs and assigns that at the time of the Executing hereof 1 am) By venue of a Deed of Sale from anne Delancey of the City of Newyork and Lewis Johnston of the City of perth Amboy Bearing Date the thirteenth Day of august one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight the Sole and Lawfull owner and have by vertue of Said Deed Good Right full power Lawfull athority to Give Grant and aquitt the the [sic] premises in manner as abovesaid persuant to a map or plan of Said Lot Survayd [Surveyed] by Charles webb Esq' may fulley appear and firther it Shall and may be Lawfull to and for the Said James Horton Jn' By finance[force]and vertue hereof upon and Into into the premises hereby Conveyed and the Same and Every part and persall there of without aney Leu Hinderence Denial or molistation whatsoever of me the Said William Sutton my heirs Executors Adminis� or anye person orpersons whatsoever By from or under me or Either of them But are and By these present forever Debard [Debarred] Both in Law and Equaty in witness whereof 1 have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day & year first above Ritten Sealed and Delivered in the presents of John Townsend William Sutton O Gilbird Bloomer 72 1 73 Be it Remembred that on this 6ih Day of December 1768 then personalley appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coan of Common pleas forth, County of westchester assignd william Sutton the Grantor of the above Deed of Sale and before me acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed having Inspected the Same Do ahow the Same to be Recorded Gilbird Bloomer Entered this Second [written over erasure of "first"] Day of march 1769 John Townsend Clerk This Indenture made this Sixth Day of Dmmber in the ninth year of the Reign of our Sovemn [Sovereign] I ord George the third of Great Britian Dance and Ireland King Defender of the faith:I : By and Between william Sutton of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and province of New York of the onepart and James Coles of the Same place Cordwader [Cordwainer] Witnesseth that the Said william Sutton For and in Consideration of the Sum of four pounds of good and Lawfull money of Newyork to me in hand well and truly paid Before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof By the Said James Coles The Receipt whereof I Do hereby acknowledge my Self therewith Satisfyde Contented and paid and there of and from Every part and persall thereof Do Exonerate acquitt and Pulley Discharge him the Said James Coles his heirs Executors administrators and Every of them forever by these presents have Given Granted Released Quitclaimed and By these presents absolutely Do Give Grant Remise Release and forever Quitclaim unto him the Said James Colesand to his heirs and assigns all that a Certain peace [piece] of Land Situate Lying and Being in Mamaroneck in westchester County Begining at Mamaroneck River neare the Brigg [Bridge] that Croseth Said River at the post Road from thence By the post Road westedly to a heape of Stones adioyning [adjoining] the Lands of Beniamin Hoye thence Southerly By Said Beniamin Boya Land and the Land of Said william Sutton on three Courcesses [Courses] To Mamaroneck river thence Up Said River to the place of Beginning near the Brigg [Bridge] Being one Quarter of an acre and Nineteen Rods or whensoever the Same may Be Hounded or Described in a Certain map of the Said Land made by Charles Webb Esq' may fulley appear To gather with the House Building fences Gardens there of or thereunto belonging with the Revershon & Revershons Rights Rents Ishes [Issues] and profits whatsoever or in or to the same belonging or to aney part thereof To Have and to Hold the Said Granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances there unto belonging unto him the Said James Coles and To his heirs and assigns and to the Sole and ondlv use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said James Coles his heirs and assigns forevermore and I the Said william Sutton for my Self my heirs Executors administrators Do Convenant promise Grant and agree To and with the Said James Coles his heirs and assigns that at the time the Executing and Delivery hereof 1 am I By venue of a Deed of Sale from anne Delancey of the City of New York and Lewis Johnston of the City of perth amboy Baring [Bearing] Date the thirteenth Day of august one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight the True Sole and Lawfull oner [owner] and have by venue of Said Deed good Right full powr and Lawfull athority to aquitt the premises as above 57 Said and that it S [word lost because page worn away] and may Be Lawfull*To and for the Said James Coles his heirs and assigns by foarce [force] and venue hereof upon and Into the premises hereby Conveyed without aney Lett henderence molestation whatsoever of me the Said william Sutton my heirs Exec'=adminis= or aney person or persons whatsoever Claiming by from or Under me or Either of us But are and by these 74 presents forever Excluded and Debard [Debarred] Both in Law and Equaty In whereof 1 the william Sutton have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this Sixth Day of December one Thousand Seven Hundard [Hundred] and Sixty Eight Sealed and Delivered in the presents of William Sutton O John Townsend Gilbird Bloomer Be it Rembred that on this9's Day of Decmber 1768 then personalley appeard Before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for westchester County assignd william Sutton the granter of the within Deed of Quittelaim and Before me acnowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed I having Inspected the Same Do allow it to be Recorded Gilbird Bloomer Entered the Same this Vj"'] Day of march 1769 John Townsend Clerk This Indenture made this Sixth Day of December one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight and in the ninth year of the Reign of our Soverin [Sovereign] Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britian france and Ireland King Defender of the faith By and Between william Sutton of Mamaroneck in the County of westchester and province of New York yeoman and Beniamin Hoye of the Same place Boatman Wilmsieth that the Said william Sutton for and in Consideration of the Sum of twenty Shillings of Currant Lawfull money of New York to him in hand well and truly paid before the Executing and Delivery hereof By the Said Beniamin Hoye the Receipt whereof 1 Do hereby acknowledge and to be therewith fulley Satisfyd Contented and paid and thereof and from Every part and persall there of Do Exonerate acquitt and Discharge the Said Beniamin Hoye his heirs heirs [sic] Executors adm= and Every of them forever By these presents Have Given Granted alleaned [aliened] Remised Released and Quint Claimed and by these presents Do Give Grant Remise Releas and forever Quin Claim unto the Said Beniamin Hoye and to his heirs and assigns in his peaseable prosession [possession] being Siezed of Situate Lying and being in Mamaroneck whereon his house no Standeth Bounded westerdly by the Kings highway northerly by the Lands of James Coles Southerly by James. Horton Land and Easterdly by william Suttom Lands Containing By Survay of a Card or plan made by Charles Webb Esq' may appear being twelve Rods To Gather [Together] with the house fences Lands with the reversion and Reversions Rights Rents Isues and proffttts whatsoever of in or to the House and Land or to aney part thereof To Have and to Hold the Said granted and Conveyed premises with the appurtenances there unto Belonging unto him the Said Beniamin Hoye and to his heirs and assigns To the Sole and ondly proper Use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said Benjamin Hoye and to his heirs and assigns absolutely forevermore and I the Said william Sutton for my Self my heirs Executors administrators Do Convenant promise Grant and agree To and with the Said Beniamin Hoye his heirs and assigns that by venue of a Deed of Sale from anne Delancey of the City of New York and Lewis Johnston Esq' of the City of perth amboy Baring [Bearing] Date the thirteenth Day of august in the year one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the aboveSaid premises and have in my Self good Right full powr and Lawfull athority To Give Grant and Convey the Same in manner as aforeSaid and firther that it Shall and may he Lawfull To and for the Said Beniamin Hoye his heirs and assigns by venue here of upon and Into the premises hereby 75 Conveyed To Enter and the Same and Every part thereof peacebly and Quiately Shall have hold use and Enioy [ Enjoy] without aney Lett hendrance molestation or Denial of me the Said william Sutton my heirs Exe� ad M" or aney person or persons whatsoever By from or under me or them But are by these presents forever Debard [ Debarred] both in Law and Equity In Witness whereof 1 have here unto Sot [Set] my hand and Seal the Day and year first above Ritten (Written] Sealed and Delivered in the presents of William Sutton O John Townsend Gilbird Bloomer Be it Remembred that on this 61h Day of December 1768 then personalley appeared before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coart of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned William Sutton the G ranter of the above Deede of Sale and before me acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed for the use therein mentioned I having Inspected the Same Do allow the same to be Recorded Gilbird Bloomer Entered this third Day of march 1769 John Townsend Clerk 58 This Indenture made this Sixth Day of Decmber one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight and in the ninth year of the of our Soveren [Sovereign] Lord George the third By the Grace of God of Great Britton france and Ireland King Defender of the faith b" By and Between William Sutton of Mamaroneck in the County of westchester and province of New york yeoman and Thomas Barker of the Same place Boatman Witnesseth that the Said william Sutton for and In Consideration of the Sum of Five pounds of Currant Lawfull money of New york To me in hand well and Truly paid Before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof By the Said Thomas Barker The Receipt whereof I Do herebv acknowledge To be therewith fulley Satisftde Contented and paid and thereof and from Every part and persalt thereof Do Exeonerate [Exonerate] aquitt and Discharge him the Said Thomas Barker his heirs Executors adminis" and Every of them forever by these presents have Given Granted Remised Released and Quin Claimed and By these presents absolutely Do Give Grant Remise Release and forever Quitt Claim unto Sim [Him] the Said Thomas Barker and to his heirs and assigns in his actual procession [possession] Being Siezed of in Mamaroneck in Said County the following Two peaces [pieces] of Land the first where on Said barker Dwelling house Stands and is Bounded Northerly by James Horton westerdly by the Kings highway Southerly By a Road leading to the water Estardly By the Mamaroneck River and the other peace whereon Said Barkers Barne now Standeth Bounded Northerly by y' afore Said Road wmterdly by the Kings highway Southerly vacant Lands and marshes Eastardly Mamaroneck River or harbour Containing By a Survey made by Charles Webb Esq' as By his Card Doth fulley appear one Quarter of an acre and Six Rods in Boath [Both] peaces Togather [Together] with the Houses Store House Bame and all Improvements thereon or thereunto Belonging With the Reversion and Revrshons Rights Rents Ishues and profits whatsoever of in orto aney part thereof To Have and To hold the the [sic] Said Granted and Conveyed premises with the appurtenances there Unto belonging unto him the Said Thomas Barker and to his Heirs and assigns To the Soal [Sole] and only proper use Benefitt and Behoof of him the Said Thomas Barker and to his heirs and assigns forevermore and I the Said william Sutton for my Self my heirs Executors adma Do Convenant promise Grant and agree To and with the Said 76 Thomas Barker and his heirs and assigns that at the Time of the Executingand Delivery here of I am by vertue of a Deed of Sale from anne Delancey of the City of New york and Lewis Johnston Esq' of the City of Perth amboy Baring [Bearing] Date the Thirteenth Day of august one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight true Sok and Lawful[ oner [owner] and have by venue of Said Deed Good Right full power and Lawful) athority To grant and Convey the Same in manner as above Said and lirther that it Shall and may be Lawfull To and for the Said Thomas Barker his heirs and assigns By foarce [force] and venue hereof upon and Into the premises hereby Conveyed To Enter and the Same and Every part and persall there of without the Lett Hendmnce or Denial molistation of me the Said william Sutton my heirs Executors administra= or aney person or persons whatsoever By from or under him or them But By these presents forever Debared [ Debarred] Both in Law and Equaty In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal the Day and year above written Sealed and Delivered in the presents of William Sutton O John Townsend Gilbird Bloomer Be it Remembred that on this 6'" Day of Deem her 1768 then personaly appeard Before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for westchester County assignd william Sutton the Granter of the above Deed of Sale and before me acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed I having Inspected the Same and finding no material or 1 ntrelination Do allow the same to be Recorded Gilberd Bloomer Entered this Vb Day of march 1769 John Townsend Clerk 59 To all Christion people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that we Beniamin Boye and Sarah his wife Both of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and province of New york of the one part and John Merrit of the Same place Marchant [Merchant] of the other part witnesseth that the Said Beniamin Boye and Sarah his wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of Thirty Eight pounds Currant Lawfull money of New york to us in hand well and truly paid at the Executing and Delivery of these presents By the Said John Merrit the Receipt whereof we Do Hereby acknowledge and our Selves therewith fulley and Intirely Satisfyde Contented and paid and thereof and from Every part and percall there of Do Exonerate acquitt and fully Discharge him the Said John Merrit his heirs Executors adm= and Every of them forever by these presents Have Given Granted Bargained Sold assured Released Enfeeofed [Enfeoffed] Conveyed and Confirmed and By these presents Absolutely do Give Grant Bargain sell Enfeeofe [Enfeoff] Release Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John Memit and to his heirs and assigns forever all that our house and Land thereto adjouning [adjoining] Lying and Being in Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and province of New york Being Bounded as followeth northerly by the poast [post] Road westerdly By Lands of James Horton Jnr Southerly by of william Sutton Now in prossession [possession] of John Boye and Eastwardly by the Lands of James Cooks Containing twelve Square Rods Be the Same More or Less To gather [Together] with the House Gardens fences Imrpovements proffits priveledges and advantages with Reversion and Revershons Remainder and Remainders Rights Rents Isues and proffits whatsoever of us the Said Beniamin Boye of in or to the Same belonging to or aney part there of To 77 Have and To Hold the Said House and Land unto him the Said John Merrit and to his heirs and assigns to the Sole and ondly proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said of him the Said [sic] John Merrit and to his heirs and assigns absolutely forever and 1 the Said Beniamin Boye for My Self My heirs Exec= adminis= Do Convenant promise Grant and agree To and with the Said John Merrit his heirs and that at and Before the Executing and Delivery Here of I am the True Sole and Lawful] of all the above Granted and Sold premises and have in my Self Good Right full power and Lawfull athority to Give Grant Bargain and Sell the Same in manner as above Said and firther that it Shall and may be Lawful] To and for the Said John Merrit his heirs and aligns by foarce [force] and virtue here of upon and into the premises hereby Conveyed to Enter and the Same and Every part and persell there of from Time To Time and at all Times forever hereafter peaseably and Quiately Shall Have hold use ocupy prosess[possess] and Enioy [Enjoy] and that freely and Clearly aquitted Saved harmless and Indamniphyed [Indemnified] of and from all and aIle other or former Gifts Grants Bargains sales Leases Mortagages will Intails or other Incumbrances whatsoever and the Said Beniamin Boye and my Successers the above Granted and Sold premises with the appurtenances there unto Belonging unto him the Said John Merrit and to his heirs and assigns against me my heirs Executors Adminis" and against all and Every other person or persons whatsoever Shall and will warrant Secure and forever Defend By these presents in witness whereof we the Said Beniamin Boye and Sarah Boye have Caused this present Deed To be made and have here unto Sett our hands and Seals this Eighteenth Day of april one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty nineand in the Ninth yearof his Maiesties Raigne [Reign] & c [etc.] Beniamin Beyea O her Sarah X Boye O Scaled and Delivered in the presents of Mark Gilb' Bloomer James Horton Jun' Memarand' [Memorandum] that on this 19 Dayof april 1769 then personally appeared before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Jridges of the InferiourCoan Of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned Beniamin Boye and Sarah his wife and Before me acknowledged they Executed and Delivered the above Deed of sale as their vilentary [voluntary] act and Deed for the use therein mentioned and Sarah the wife of Said Beniamin Boye Beinging in private and apart from her Said Hursband by me Examined Declared She Excuted the Same freely without aney threats or Compulsions of her Said Hursband I having inspect- ed the Same and finding no matearal [material] or Intrelination Do allow the same to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entered this first Day of June 1769 John Townsend Clerk 60 This Indenture made this twenty fourth Day of may in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty nine Between Isaac Gedney of Rye in the County of Westchester and Province of Newyork Black Smith of the one part and CoonRod Coon of Harisons purchase and of the Townd [Town] County and Province above Said of the other part witnesseth that the Said Isaac Gedney for and in Consideration of thirty Six pounds Eight Shillings Currant lawful] money of New York to me in hand well and truly paid at the Ensealing and before the Delivery hereof the Receipt whereof I Do Ecknowledge and my Self therewith fulley Satisfyde Conted [Contented] and paid and there of Do aqui[ Releas and fulley Discharge him the Said Coon Rod Coon his heirs Executors and administrators forever by these presents have Given Granted Bargained and Sold Released Remised Infeofed [Enfeoffed] and asured and Do by these presents Grant Bargained Sold Released Remised Infeofed and Confirmed unto the Said Coon Rod Coon his heirs and assigns forever all that of one Ceanain [Certain] tract or parcel of Land Choate lying and being in Harisons purchase in the Township of Rye in the County of Westchester and Province of New York being a part of the tract of Land 1 Lately Bought of Anne Delancey and Lewis Joshnston: Butted and hounded as followeth Begining at a black oak Saplin on the East Side of the Road that goes from Honas Coons to John Bushton and from thence North thirty one Degrees west twenty Chains and Sixty Links to a heape of Stones at the South west Corner of Job Haddens Land thence North fifty four Degrees and one half East Six Chains and Eighty Eight Links to a heape of Stones thence North Eighty Eight Degrees and one Quarter East ten Chains and fifty two Links to a heape Stones being the North east Comer of the premises and the Northwest Corner of the Land 1 Sold oram goingto Sell John Bushton as the Said Bushton Land now Runs untill it Comes to the highwey that goes from Honas Coons to John Bushtons as above Said and from thence by the west Side of the Said highway Southward untill it Comes to the line of the first begining Containing in the whole in the whole [sic] twelve acres three Quarters and thirty Eight Rods neither more nor less to gather [together] with all the timber trees woods under woods water water Courses Buildings fences profets priviledges and Improvements and appurte- nances unto him the Said COOnRod Coon his heirs Executors and assigns in and to the above Bargained and Granted premises To Have and To Hold unto the above Said Coon Rod Coon his heirs and assigns forever free and Clear freely and Clearly aquitted of and from all and all manner of former Gifts Grants Bargains Sales Leaces Mortuagues Joyntures Dowreys Judgments Executions or other Incumbrances whatsoever and I the Said Isaac Gedney for my Self my heirs Executors or administrators Do Convenant promise Grant and agree to and with the Said Coon Rod Coon his heirs and assigns that at the time of the Ensealing and before the Delivery here of I am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the above Granted premises and have in my Self Good Right full pow [power] and Lawfull athority, to Sell and Dispose of the same as an absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple and Do grant and Sell Set over and Dispose of the same as Such unto the said Coon Rod Coon his heirs and assigns forever and the Said Coon Rod Coon hath Good Right full powr and Lawful athority to Enter use and ocupye possess and Inioy [Enjoy] the above Granted premises with the appurtenances peaceably and Quiately with out molistation Lett or Hendrance of aney Person whatsoever and finher more 1 the Said Isaac Gedney Do Convenant promise Grant and agree to and for my Self my heirs Executors and Administrators to warrant Secure and forever Defend the said Coon Rod Coon his heirs Executors administrators and assigns against me and all persons Claiming under me in the above Said premises and 1 anne Gedney wife of the above Said Isaac Gedney and with my Hursband Isaac Gedney Do acquit Releas and fulley makeover all that of my Dowrey Right in and unto 79 1 79 the above Said Bargained and Granted tract of Land and premises Scald with our Seals and Dated this Day and vear above Ritten Isaac Gedney O Signed Sealed and Delivered in the anne Gedney � O presents of Caleb Gedney Flithea Gedney He it Remembred that on this 27"' Day of may 1769 then personaly appeard before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for weslchester County aligned Isaac Gedney and anne his wife and before me acknowledged they Executed and Deliered the same as theirs volentary act and Deed for the uses therein mentioned and anne the wife of Said Isaac gedney being by mein private and apart from her hurshand Examined Delared She Executed the Same freely without aney threats or Compolision [Compulsion] of her Said hursband I having Inspected the Same and finding no Defect by Razures [Erasures] or Intrelinations Do allow the same to be Recorded Gilb' Bloomer Entered this 2id[nd] Day of June 1769 John Townsend Clerk 61 This Indenture made this Twenty ninth Day of may one Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty nine and in the ninth year of his Maiesties Raigne [Reign] 0 By and Between Isaac Gedney of Rye Blacksmith and anne his wife Both of Rye in the County of Westchester and Province of New York parties of the first pan and William Sutton Mamaroneck in the County afore Said yeoman of the other part Wittnesseth that the Said Isaac Gedney and anne his wife for and in Consideration of the Sum of twentv Eight pounds Ten Shillings Currant Lawful) money of New York to mein hand Welland' Truly paid at the Delivery here of By the Said William Sutton the Receipt whereof We Do hereby acknowledge and our Selves therewith fulley and Intirely Satisfyde Contented and paid and thereof and from Every part and percell [parcel] there of Do Exonerate aquit and fulley Discharge him the Said William Sutton his heirs Executors administrators and Every of them forever By these presents Have Given Granted Bargained Sold asshured Released Enfeeofed [Enfeoffed] Conveyed and Confirmed A W By these presents absolutely Give Grant Bargain Sell assure Releas Enfeeofe [Enfeoff] Convey and Confirm unto the Said william Sutton and to his heirs and assigns all that a Certain peace[piece] parcell or tract of Land Situate lying and Being in Harison purchase within the Township of Rye in the County of westchesterand Province of Newyork Being Bounded as followeth Begining at a Black oake Saplen Marked at pressious Rock on the South Side there of Being the Northeast Comer of Gilbird Bloomecesq^ Land and to Run then North Eighty Eight Degress and half west fifteen Chains To a heape of Stones at Said Bloomers Northwest Corner and thence North forty Degrees and half west to a Stake with Stones about it then to a Stake with Stones at James Horton Corner thence a Streight[Straight] Line to a Stake with Stones about it aft the Road which Leads from Budd neck to the white plains thence Down the Road to the first mentioned precious Rock to the Black oak Stadle[Staddle] the place of Begining Containing by Suney nine acres and half and ten Rods Neither More Nor Less Togather [Together] Timber trees fences Improvements whatsoever of us the Said Isaac Gedney and anne his wife of in or To the Same Belonging or to aney part there of To Have and To Hold the Said Granted and Sold premises unto him the Said William Sutton and To his heirs and assigns To the Sole and only proper Use Benefit and Behoof of him the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns forever more and I the Said Isaac Gedney for my Self my heirs Executors administrators Do Convenant promise Grant and agree To and with the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns that at the time of the Executing and Delivery hereof I am By vertue of a Deed of Conveyance from anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston Good Right full power and Lawfull athority by Said Deed To Sell Convey and Confirm the Sameas afore Said and Further that it Shall and may be Lawful] To and for the Said William Sutton his heirs and assigns By venue here of have hold use ocupye possess and Enioy [Enjoy] without aney Let Hendrance Intrupsion [Interruption] or Denial of me my heirs Exe' admi" or aney person or persons whatsoever By from or under me or them But and will warrant Secure and forever Defend the Same to the Said William Sutton in as full and ample manner as the Same is warranted To me By the Said Anne Delancey and Lewis Johnston and no other wise In witness where of we the Said Isaac Gedney and anne his wife have hereunto Set their hands and Seals the Day and year first above written Isaac Gedney O Sealed and. Delivered in the presents of O Gilb' Bloomer Anne Gedney John Townsend Be it Remembred that on this 29V' Day of may 1769 then personaly appeared Before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Coan of Common pleas for Westchester County assigned Isaac Gedney and anne his wife and Before me acknowledged they Executed and Delivered the Same as their vilintary act and Deed for the use there in mentioned and also Anne his wife of the Said Isaac Gedney Being By me in private and appart from her Said hursband By me Examaned Declared She Executed the Same freely without aney foar [fear] Threats or Compulsion of her Said Hursband I having Inspected the Same and finding no matearial [material] Mistake or Intrelination Do allow the Same to He Recorded Gilb' Bloomer Entered this Second Day of June 1769 John Townsend Clerk 62 To all to whome this Instrement of award Indented Shall come William Willet Samuel Pirdy & Samuel Clows Gentl= arbitrators Mutually chosen & appointed by Martha Heathcote Executix [Executrix] of the Testament & last will of Caleb Heathcote Esq' Dec° Jecobas Van Courtland of the City of New York marchant [merchant] Nehemiah Palmer of Mamaroneck in the County of westchester in behalf of him Self and his associates & Henry fowler in behalf of him Self & the other freeholders & Inhabitants of Mamaroneck afores-d to proportion & award what Shear [Share] and proportion each of y Respective parties Shall pay of the Quitt Rent that is now in arrear & Due to his Maies" for a Certain tract of Land in Westchester County Cauled Richbelle Patient (which Land Does now belong to the Said parties) as appears by Certtain Bonds of one hundred pounds Each of yesterdays Date 10" [blurred; date possibly the I8'1 Subsequint Condittions Excuted by William forster Henry fowler Nehemiah Palmer 80 81 and John Horton for that purpose Send Greeting Know ye that we y=Said arbitrators having Exammined y= parties & well weighed & Considered y` premises Doe [Do] hereby J udge andaward that y=Share and proportion of y=Said Martha Heathcote of y= Said Quilt Rent Due and in arrear Shall be four bushels& two quarts of wheat for Every Eight bushels that is So Due & in arrear the Shear [Share] and proportion of y=S4. Jecobas Van Coartlant two bushels in Every Eight bushels So Due the Share and proportion of Nehemiah Palmer & his assciates[associates] three pecks & Six Quarts of wheat for Every Eight bushels So Due and in arrear and the Share and proportion of Henry fowler & the other Inhabitants & freeholders of mamaroneck one bushel in Every Eight bushels So Due And y=Every y=Sa- parties Respectively: are to pay y! Said Quilt Rent Now Due and in arrear acordingly But it is to be understood that y! -Said Share & proportion herein orderd to be paid by y=Said Martha Heathcote as above Said is to he her whole full Share & proportion of y= Said Quilt Rent as well in Respect of y= Township of momaroneck as for any other part of y-' Said patten[ In Testamoney whereof we have here Unto put our hands & c [etc.] Seals the twenty Second Day of february anno q Domr 1722 To all Christion people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting know yee that I Coll Caleb Heathcote of the Town of momoronok [mamaroneck] in the County of Westchester in the province of new york Gcnt". for and in Consideration of the Summ of Thyrtie [Thirty] pounds good and Lawfull money of new york to me in hand before the Ensealing hereof well and truely paid by John Bloomer of the Town of Eastchestr in the County and province aforesaid blacksmith the Receipt where of 1 do acknowledge and My Self therewith fulley Satisfyd and Contented and there of and of Every part and Percell [parcel] there of Do hereby aquitt Exonerate and discharge Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns for Ever by these presents have given granted bargained Sould [Sold] aliened Conveyed and Confirmed and by these prsents do freely fulley and absolutely give grant bargain Sell aliene Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns forEvera Certain percell of Land Lying Scituateand being in the Town Shipp of Momoron— [Mamaroneck] aforeSaid being butted and bounded is here after Exspressed to Say begining art the Country Road at a Small break [brook] by the great neck which is Now in the possession of m' Samuell palmer and thence Runing Eastward by the Country Road fifty Rodds and thence from the Said brook which is Commonly Called pipens brook and art the End of the Said fifty Rodds ninety Six Rodds Runing North Northwest with the woods and this said Land is in Quantity thyrte [thirty] acrees To have and to hold the Said bargained Lands with all the 82 preveleges proftts benefits and appurtenances whatsoever is thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns for Ever to his 63 and their own proper • Use benefit and behoofe for Ever and I the Said Caleb Heathcote for Me My heirs Exmutr=administrators do Covenant promise and grant To and with Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the above Demised and bargained premises and am Lawfulley Siezed and possessed of the Same in mine own proper Right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple and have in my Self good Right full powr and Lawfull athority to grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm Said bargained premises in manner as afore Said and that the Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and att all times for Ever here after by foarce [force] and vertue of these presents Lawfulley peaceably and Quietly have hold use ocupye posess and Inioy [Enjoy] the above Demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and Clear and freely and Clearly aquitted and Exonarated and Discharged of and from all and all Manner of former and other gifts grants bargains Sales Mortgages wills Entails Leases Joynters [Jointures] dowries Judgments Executions Extents or Incumbrances whatsoever further more I the Said Caleb Heathcote for me my heirs Executors administrators Do Convenant promise and Ingage the above Demised premises unto the Said John Bloomer his heirs or assigns against the Lawfull Claims or Demands of any person or persons whatsoever for Ever hereafter to warrant Secure and Defend and in testimony hereof I have Caused this Deed Sale to be made and here unto have Set my hand and Seale this twenty fourth Day of January in the year of our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred and tern .+ Eleven Caleb Heathtote O Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Henry Disbrow James Mott Be it Remembred that on this 30" Day of march 1762 then Come before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for westchester County asigned James Mott one of the Subscribing witnesses to the above Deed of Sale and under his affirmation Dclared he Signed his name as a witness and that Caleb Heathcote Sealed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed 1 having Inspected the Same Do allow it to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entred this 14 Day of february 1770 John Townsend Townd [Town] Clerk This Indenture made this twenty fifth Day of March in the Eleventh Yearof the Reign of his Majesty King George the third by the Grace of God of great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c[etc.] And in the Yearof our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one Between James Horton Jun=Esq=of Momarneck in the County of WestChester and Province of New York of the one part And Gill Budd Horton House Joyner [Joiner] & Etjah Horton Yeoman both of Rye in the County of West Chester aforesaid of the other Witnesseth that the Said James Horton Jurt: For and in Consideration of the Sum of Seven Hundred and thirty Five pound of good and lawful) Money of New York, to him in hand Paid by the said Gill Budd Horton & Elijah Horton the Receipt whereof the Said James Horton Jun' doth hereby confess and acknowledge And for divers other good causes At Considerations him thereunto moving 83 William Willett O Sam" Purdy O Jn" Stevenson O Signed Sealed & Delivered S Clews O In y= presence of Ithamer pelton John Baxter Entred this 9" Day of february 1770 John Townsend Clerk To all Christion people to whome these presents Shall Come Greeting know yee that I Coll Caleb Heathcote of the Town of momoronok [mamaroneck] in the County of Westchester in the province of new york Gcnt". for and in Consideration of the Summ of Thyrtie [Thirty] pounds good and Lawfull money of new york to me in hand before the Ensealing hereof well and truely paid by John Bloomer of the Town of Eastchestr in the County and province aforesaid blacksmith the Receipt where of 1 do acknowledge and My Self therewith fulley Satisfyd and Contented and there of and of Every part and Percell [parcel] there of Do hereby aquitt Exonerate and discharge Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns for Ever by these presents have given granted bargained Sould [Sold] aliened Conveyed and Confirmed and by these prsents do freely fulley and absolutely give grant bargain Sell aliene Convey and Confirm unto him the Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns forEvera Certain percell of Land Lying Scituateand being in the Town Shipp of Momoron— [Mamaroneck] aforeSaid being butted and bounded is here after Exspressed to Say begining art the Country Road at a Small break [brook] by the great neck which is Now in the possession of m' Samuell palmer and thence Runing Eastward by the Country Road fifty Rodds and thence from the Said brook which is Commonly Called pipens brook and art the End of the Said fifty Rodds ninety Six Rodds Runing North Northwest with the woods and this said Land is in Quantity thyrte [thirty] acrees To have and to hold the Said bargained Lands with all the 82 preveleges proftts benefits and appurtenances whatsoever is thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns for Ever to his 63 and their own proper • Use benefit and behoofe for Ever and I the Said Caleb Heathcote for Me My heirs Exmutr=administrators do Covenant promise and grant To and with Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns that before the Ensealing hereof I am the true Sole and Lawfull owner of the above Demised and bargained premises and am Lawfulley Siezed and possessed of the Same in mine own proper Right as a good perfect and absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple and have in my Self good Right full powr and Lawfull athority to grant bargain Sell Convey and Confirm Said bargained premises in manner as afore Said and that the Said John Bloomer his heirs and assigns Shall and may from time to time and att all times for Ever here after by foarce [force] and vertue of these presents Lawfulley peaceably and Quietly have hold use ocupye posess and Inioy [Enjoy] the above Demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances free and Clear and freely and Clearly aquitted and Exonarated and Discharged of and from all and all Manner of former and other gifts grants bargains Sales Mortgages wills Entails Leases Joynters [Jointures] dowries Judgments Executions Extents or Incumbrances whatsoever further more I the Said Caleb Heathcote for me my heirs Executors administrators Do Convenant promise and Ingage the above Demised premises unto the Said John Bloomer his heirs or assigns against the Lawfull Claims or Demands of any person or persons whatsoever for Ever hereafter to warrant Secure and Defend and in testimony hereof I have Caused this Deed Sale to be made and here unto have Set my hand and Seale this twenty fourth Day of January in the year of our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred and tern .+ Eleven Caleb Heathtote O Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of Henry Disbrow James Mott Be it Remembred that on this 30" Day of march 1762 then Come before me Gilbird Bloomer Esq' one of the Judges of the Inferiour Coart of Common pleas for westchester County asigned James Mott one of the Subscribing witnesses to the above Deed of Sale and under his affirmation Dclared he Signed his name as a witness and that Caleb Heathcote Sealed and Delivered the Same as his act and Deed 1 having Inspected the Same Do allow it to be Recorded Gilb Bloomer Entred this 14 Day of february 1770 John Townsend Townd [Town] Clerk This Indenture made this twenty fifth Day of March in the Eleventh Yearof the Reign of his Majesty King George the third by the Grace of God of great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith &c[etc.] And in the Yearof our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one Between James Horton Jun=Esq=of Momarneck in the County of WestChester and Province of New York of the one part And Gill Budd Horton House Joyner [Joiner] & Etjah Horton Yeoman both of Rye in the County of West Chester aforesaid of the other Witnesseth that the Said James Horton Jurt: For and in Consideration of the Sum of Seven Hundred and thirty Five pound of good and lawful) Money of New York, to him in hand Paid by the said Gill Budd Horton & Elijah Horton the Receipt whereof the Said James Horton Jun' doth hereby confess and acknowledge And for divers other good causes At Considerations him thereunto moving 83 Be it Remembered that on this I" Day of June 1771 Then Personally appeared before me Jonathan Fowler Esq' one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas for West Chester County assign d James Horton Jun` Esq -And Anne his Wife and before me Acknowledged he Executed and Delivered the same as their Vaulentary [ Voluntary] Act and Deed and Anne the Wife of the said James Horton Jun` -Being by me in Privateand appart from her said Husband Examined declared She executed the same freely Without aney Threats or Compolshon of her said Husband 1 having Inspected the same and finding no Meterall [Material] mistake or Intrelivation but what is noted do allow the same to be Recorded Enter'd and compar'd this 13's Day of January 1772 By Gilbert Budd Town Clerk This Indenture made this eighth Day ofJ une in the Yearof our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight, Between Anne DeLancey of the City of New York Widow of the honourable James Delancey Esq' deceased and Lewis Johnston of Perth Amboy Physician of the one part And Gilbert Budd of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester Gent. of the other part Witnesseth that the said Anne DeLancey and Lewis Johnston for and in Consideration of the sum of Two hundred Pounds current Money of New York to them the said Anne DeLancey and Lewis Johnston by him the said Gilbert Budd in hand paid at and before the sealing and Delivery of these Presents The Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof and of every part and Parcel thereof do acquit release and discharge him the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and assigns forever by these Presents they the said Anne DeLancey and Lewis Johnston Have granted bargained sold aliened remised released and confirmd And by these Presents Do grant bargain sell alien remise release and cofirm unto the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and assigns forever in his actual Possession now being All that certain Lott Piece or Parcel of Land situate lying and being at Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester 67 aforesaid* And is butted and bounded as follows to Witt Beginning at the Road at the South Corner of Lott Number one and Running on the west side of said Lott to a Piece of low ground known by the name of the fresh Meadow and so along the said Meadow to the North Corner of Nelsons Lott and running on the East side of Nelsons Lott on a straight Line to the Boston Road to a Buttenwood Tree and from the said Tree to the fust g and being Ways and Waters which now are or hereafter shall be standing growingmentioned Bounds Together with all and singular the Trees Timbers Feedings Pastures lyin or to be found in or upon the said above described Lott Piece or Parcell yin or any Part or Parcell thereof and the Reversion and Reversions Remainder aof nd Remainders Rents Issues and Profits of all and singular the hereby granted Premisses and every a part and Parcell thereof And also all the Estate Right Title Interest Property claim and Demand whatsoever both in Law and Equity of them the said Anne DeLanceyand Lewis Johnston and either of them of in and to all and singular the hereby Premises and every part and Parcell thereof To have and to hold all and singular the Premises aforesaid and every Part and Parcel thereof unto him the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and Assigns to and for the only proper use Benefit and Beboof of him the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and Assigns forever And the said Anne DeLancey and Lewis Johnston and each of them and their and each of their Hein all and singular the Premises aforesaid with the Appurtenances hereby granted and released as aforesaid and every Part and Parcel thereof unto him the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and Assigns against them the said Anne DeLancey and Lewis Johnston and each of them and their and each of their Heirs and against all and every other Person and Persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and 86 forever defend by these Presents In Witness whereof the parties to these Presents have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and seals the Day andYear first above written ^ Lewis 0Johnston Anne a' 1DeLancey Sealed and delivered Sealed and delivered by D" Lewis Johnston By M". DeLanoey in in the presence of presence of Ann Johnston James DeLancey Win Prcworlg Thomas Jones Memorandum that on this 2Vh'Day of Dec'. 1771 personally appeared before me John Watts Esq: one of his Majestys Council] for the Province of New York William Priscorlg and Thomas Jones two of the witnesses to this Deed & being duly sworn depose and say and first the said William Saith that he was present at the Execution of this Deed by Lewis Johnston that the said Lewis Johnston Seal'd and delivered it as his Act & Deed in this Deponents presence & that he Signed his Name as a Witness thereto And secondly the said Thomas Jones Saith that he was present at the Execution of this Deed by Anne DeLancey that the said Anne DeLancey Sealed and Delivered it as her Act & deed in this Deponents presence & that he subscribed his Nameasa Witness theretoand) have Exa° [Examined] the same and find no Razures [Erasures] or Interlineations therein wherefore I allow it to be Recorded Jn" Watts Entered and compared this 3o's of January 1772 By Gilbert Budd Town Ckrk 68 This Indenture made the sixteenth Day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty Eighty, Between John L Johnston of Perth Amboy in New Jersey of the one part, and Gilbert Budd of Mamaronack in the County of WestChester and Province of New York of the other part Witnesseth that the said John L. Johnston for and in Consideration of the sum of Sixteen pounds Current money of New York to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted Bargained sold Released Enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents hath grant Bargain sell release enfeoffe [enfeofq and confirm unto the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and Assigns forever All that Tract or piece of Land Scituate lying and being in Mamaroneck aforesaid Beginning at the Said Budd's Corner thence South twenty Six Degrees East three Chains, thence South seventy Six degrees and a half East Two Chains thence South Forty three Degrees and Three quarters East one Chain and thirty Nine links, thence South Twenty eight Degrees and a Quarter East three Chains and Twenty one Links to the house, thence North seventy Six degrees East fifty Links thence Noth [North] Twenty Three degrees and Three quarters East one Chain Forty links to the Bridge, thence North seven Degrees and a Quarter West one Chain ninety Six links thence North [space in manuscript] degrees West Two Chains twenty Two links, Thence North fifty Five Degrees West one Chain Forty two links to mamaroneck River, Thence down the same to the Beginning, Contains Two Acres thirty seven Rods and a half, Together with the Appurtenances To have & To hold the above Bargained Premisses with the appurtinances unto the said Gilbert Budd his heirs and assigns to the only proper use Benefit and Behoof of the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and assigns forever And the said John L. Johnston — for himself — and his Hein Covenants and agrees to and with the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs and assigns the above Bargained 87 Premisses in the Quiet and Peaceable Possession of the said Gilbert Budd his Heirs At Assigns against the Lawfull Claims and demands of all persons Whatsoever will forever Warrant and defend In Witness whereof the Parties to these presents have Interchangeably set their hands & seals the Day and Year above Written Scaled and Delivered in the Presence of James Brydin .Iona Deare John L Johnston O Westchester Be it rememberred that on the Twenty eighth Day of September County 1771 Personally came before me Jonathan Fowler one of the judges of the Inferior Court of Common pleas for this County the Person of John L. Johnston the granter of the within Deed and did acknowledge the within Deed to be his Voluntary Act and Deed I haveing Examined the same and find no rasures [erasures] nor Interlinations do allow the same to be recorded Acknowledged before me Jonathan Fowler Entered and compar'd January l0V' 1772 By Gilbert Budd Town Clerk 69 To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting Know Ye that I Eleazer Gedney of Scarsdale in the County of Westchester and province of New York Yeoman by and with the Consent and good liking of Rebecca my Wife signified by her signing and sealing to these presents and for and in Consideration of the sum of Five Hundred thirty Two Pounds Eight Shillings Current Lawfull Money of New York to me in hand well and truly paid before the ensealing and Delivery hereof the Underhill Budd of Memarioneck [Mamaroneck] in the County and Province aforesaid Yeoman the receipt of which I do hereby acknowledge to my full Content and Satisfaction and thereof and from every part and parcel thereof do Exonerate acquit and Discharge him the said Underhill Budd his heirs and Assigns forever by these Presents Have given and granted and by these presents Absolutely do give grant Bargain Sell Enfeoff Convey and Confirm unto him the said Underhill Budd all that a Certain Tract or parcel of Land Scituate lying and being in Memarioneck [Mamaroneck] and commonly known and called by the Name of the Old Field Butted and Bounded as followeth Viz Beginningat a Button Wood Staddle standing by She] Drake River thence Running as said River runs till it comes to a Stake which is a Corner bounds between the present Premises and the Lands of the Hon"s. James Delancey Esq`. thence Running along the said Delanceys lands to a heap of Stones which is another bound mark between the present Premisses and the said Delanceys Land thence Running along the said Delanceys Land as the fence Stands the the lands of Henry Disbrow to a heap of stories which is a Corner Bounds to the aforesaid Lands from thence as the Fence stands to the Button wood Staddle where at first Began Containing within the above Bounds Forty Eight Acres and Sixty Four Rodd s Neither more nor Less Together with all and Singular the Findings Improvements Meadows Timber Trees Wood Land pasture Land Water Courses Mines & Minerals with all ways Easements Rights Benefits Priviledges and Advantages of in on or unto all and every the above granted and sold Tract of Land belonging or any ways appertaining with the Reversion and Reversions. Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and Profits of same and every pan thereof Also all the Right Title Interest Use Possession Property claim and Demand whatsoever of Us the said Eleazer Gedney and Rebecca my Wife of in or unto all and Singular the above granted and sold Tract of Land belonging or any part thereof To have and to hold the above granted and sold Premissesas above Bounded with all the Rights Benefits and Appurtenances unto the same belonging or appertaining unto him the said Underhill Budd his heirs and Assigns forever To the Sole and only proper use Benefit and Behoof of him the said Underhill Budd his heirs and aligns forevermore And I the said Eleazer Gedney for myself my Heirs Executors and Administrators Do hereby convenant grant and agree to and with the said Underhill Budd his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns and every of them that at the Time of the Executing and Delivery of these presents I am legally invested in myself with good right full Power and Lawfull Authority to grant Bargain and sell the same in the manner and form aforesaid And Further that it shall and may be Lawfull to and for the said Underhill Budd his heusand Assigns by force and Virtue of these presents upon and into the above granted and sold Premisses to enter and the same and every part thereof at all times hereafter forever Peaceably and quietly shall have full use Occupy possess & enjoy and that free and clear and freely and clearly acquitted and discharged saved harmless and indemnified of and from all and all manner of former and other Gifts Grants Bargains Sales wills Entails 70 Joyntures • Dowries Alienations or other incumbrances of what Nature or kindsoever And We the said Eleazer Gedney and Rebecca his Wife their Heirs Executors and administrators the above granted and sold Premises with every the appurtenances unto the same and every part thereof belonging or appertaining unto him the said Underhill Budd his Heirs and assigns against Us Our Heirs Executors & Administrators and against every other person and Persons whatsoever claiming or hereafter to claim by from or Under Us or any of Us any Lawfull right or Tille to the above granted and sold premisses or any Part thereof shall and will Warrant and forever Secure and Defend by these presents In witness whereof We the said Eleazer Gedney and Rebecca Gedney have to this Our Deed of Conveyance set Our Hands & Seals this Twenty Sixth Day of December in the Twenty seventh Year of his Majesty's Reign and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand seven Hundred and Fifty three O Eleazer Gedney her O Sealed er Delivered and the Gedney Consideration Money acknowledged Rebecca+ to he Received in the Presesence [Presence] of Us Mark Jonathan Budd Elihu Palmer ■ John Hill Beit Remembered that on this 26e' Day of December 1755 Then appeared before me Gilbert Bl000mer Esq=one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common please for Westchester County assign d Eleazer Gedney the granter of the within Deed of Sale and Acknowledged that he Executed the same as his free Act and Deed I haveing Examined said Deed find no Mistake or Interlinations Do allow it to be recorded Gilb Bloomer Entered and compard April 1772 byGilbert Budd Town Clerk [Note: capital letters difficult to discern, particularly the letter "p"] 88 89 To all Christian People to whom these presents shall come Greeting, Know ye that I Richard Cornwell Sen` of the manner [manor] of Scarsdale in the County of WestChester and province of New-York Yeoman, For & in consideration of the sum of One Hundred pounds of the Currensy of New-York aforesaid to me in hand paid before the insealing & delivery hereof by John Sutton of the same Manner [Manor], County & Province the Receipt whereof 1 do hereby acknowledge & my self therewith to he fully Satisfied & Contented, thereof & of every part thereof do Exonerate. Acquit and discharge him the said John Sutton his Heirs Exec"' & Administrators forever, by these presents have given, granted Barganed [Bargained] & sold Alien, Convey & Confirm unto the said John Sutton his Heirs & Assigns forever one Dwelling-House & Barn with one Acre & half of Land thereunto adjoyning lying & being in Mamaroneck in the County & province aforesaid Bounded easterly by the Country Road, Notherly & Westerly by the Land of Henry Disbrow disceased [deceased] & Southerly by the Land of James Mott Be same more or less to Have & to hold the said Granted & Barganed premisses with the Appurtenances, Priviledges and Comodities to the same Belonging or anywise Appertaining to him the Said John Sutton his Heirs & Assigns for Ever to his & their only proper use, benefit & behoof for Evermore. And 1 the said Richard Cornwell for me my Heirs, Ex—`* Adm" Do convenant, promise & Grant to & with thesaid John Sutton his heirs & Assigns That before the ensealing hereof I am the true, Sole& Lawfull owner of the above Bargained premisses, and am Lawfully Seized & possessed of the 71 same in my own' Proper right as a good, perfect & absolute Estate of Inheritance in fee Simple, And have in myself good Right full power & Lawfull Authority to Grant, Bargain & Sell, Convey & Confirm the said bargained premisses in manner as above said; And that the said John Sutton his Heirs & Assigns shall & may from time to time & at all times for ever hereafter by force & Virtue of these presents Lawfully, peaceably and Quietly have, hold use. Occupie, possess & Enjoy, the said demised & bargained (premisses) with the appurtenances free & Clear, freely and Clearly aquitted exonerated & discharged of & from all and all manner of former & other Gifts, Grants. Bargains, Seals, Leases. Mortguages, Wills Entails, Jointures, Dowries, Judgments, Executions, incumberances & Extents : Furthemore 1 the Said Richard Cornwell for myself my Heirs, Ex-:= & Adx' =-do convenant & engage the above demised premisses to him the said John Sutton his Heirs & assigns against the lawfull Claims or demands of any person or persons whatsoever for ever hereafter to Warrant, secure & defend forever, In witness whereof 1 have hereunto sett my Hand & Seal this second Day of May in the Twenty first Year of his Majesty's Reign & in the Yearof our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Eight 1748 Sign'd, Sealed & Delivered Richard Cornwell O in the presence of The word (premisses) was interlined between the twenty second & Twenty third lines before the enseald & delivery hereof Reubin Bloomer Ja= Meadows Gideon Borance Be it remembred that on y` twentyth Day of April 1751 That James Meadows one of the witnesses to y`. within Deed of Sale appeared before me Samuel Purdy Esq: Judge of y`. Inferior Court of Comon Pleas for WestChester County assigned and under Oath declared that he saw Richard Cornwell Execute y` the same to John Sutton as his Voluntary act and Deed for y`. use their in [therein] mentioned and that Reubin Bloomer & Gideon Florence Signed for y`. other witnesses at the same time I have Examined the same and find no mistakes or interlination therein but what are noted Do allow the same to be Recorded Sam:" Purdy Entered and compared March 25'".. 1784, By Gilbert Budd Town Clerk 72 This Indenture made the twelfth Day of the ninth months called September in the Year one thousand seven hundred and Sixty four between Edward Merritt William Mott and Eme Budd Executors of John Sutton late of Momaroneck in the County of WestChester and province of New York deceased on the one part and Samuel Fayerwether of said Momaroneck Shoemaker on the other part, Witnesseth that we the said Edward Merritt William Mott and Eme Budde for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and twelve pounds five Shillings current lawfull money of New York to us in hand paid or sufficient security given for the payment thereof unto us or our order before the ensealing and delivery hereof We being thereunto appointed and impowered by the last will and Testament of the aforesaid John Sutton Have given granted bargained and sold and by these presents do give grant bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said Samuel Fayerwether his Heirs and Asigns forever, one dwelling House and Barn with one Acre and half of land thereunto adjoyning lying and being in Mamaroneck in the County and province aforesaid bounded easterly by the Countrey Road Notherly and Westerly by the Land of Henry Disbrow deceased and southerly by the Land of James M ott be the same more or less. To have and to hold the said granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances priviledges and commodities to The same belonging or in any wise appertaining to him the said Samuel Fayerwether his heirs and Assigns to his and their only proper use benefit and behoof forever and we the said Edward Merritt William Mott and Eme Budd for ourselves our Heirs Exec" Adm'. do convenant and agree to and with the said Samuel Fayerweather his Heirs and assigns that we have good right full power and lawfull authority by virtue of the last will and Testament of the aforesaid John Stutton to sell and dispose of the above bargained premises in manner aforesaid and that the said Samuel Fayerwether his heirs and Assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times forever hereafter by force and Virtue of these presents lawfully peaceably and quietly have hold and useoccupy possess and enjoy the above demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances freely and clearly acquitted exonerated and discharged from all manner of former or other Gifts grants Bargains sales leases mortguages wills entails Jointures dowrys judgments executions or encumbrances whatsoever made committed suffered or done by the said John Sutton his lifetime or by us since his Decease [space in manuscript] furthermore we the said Edward Merritt W illiam Mott and Eme Budd for ourselves our Heirs Execu". & Adm".. do promise and engage that we will warrent secure and defend the above demised and bargained premises with the appurtenances unto him the said Samuel Fayerwether his Hews and Assigns against our selves and the Heirs and assigns of the said John Sutton and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever 90 91 lawfully claiming by from or under us them or any of them, in Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the the Day and year above written Signed sealed and delivered Edward meritt O in the presence of William Sutton William Mott O Robert Sutton Eme Budd O Be it remembred that on this 29".. Day of October 1765 Then personally appeared before me Gilbert Bloomer Esq one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of common pleas for WestChester County assigned William Sutton one of the subscribing witnesses to the within Deed of Sale and under oath declared he saw Edward Merritt William Mott and Ame Budd the granters hereof Execute and deliver the same as their Act and Deed and at the same time saw Robert Sutton subscribe his Name as the other Witness. I haveing inspected the same and finding no Material mistake or Interhneation do allow the same to be Recorded Gilb'. Bloomer Entered and compared this 9'b.. of May 1788 by Gilbert Budd T. Clerk 73 This Indenture made the fourth Day of second Month in the Year one Thousand Seven hundred and Eighty Eight. Between Samuel Fayerwether of Momaroneck in the Counly of Westchester in the State of New York and Mary his Wife ofthe one part; and Giles Seaman of the Town Ship of Oysterbay in Queens County on Nassau Island and State above said of the other part; Witnesseth that the said Samuel Fayerwether and Mary his Wife for and in Consideration of thejust and full sum of one hundred pounds Current lawful Money of New York to them or one of them in hand paid by the said Giles Seaman the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have given bargained and sold Alienated released and confirmed and by these presents do Grant Bargain and sell Alien release and confirm unto the said Giles Seaman in his actual possession now being by Vinue of these presents and to his Heim and Assigns forever All that of one dwelling House and other buildings with one Acre and half of Land thereunto adjoyning by estimation be the same more or less, lying and being in Momaroneck in the County and State aforesaid, Bounded eastwardly by the Country Road Nothwardly & Westwardly by the Land of Henry Disbrow and Southwardly by the land formerly belonging to James Mott Deceased which the said Samuel Bot or purchased of the Executors John Sutton and received a Deed for the same bearing date the twelth [twelfth] Day of Ninth Month in the Year one thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Four reference to the same will make it appear, And the said John Sutton purchased the same of Richard Cornwell and the said Deed is Entered in the Town book of Momaroneck in Liber A. Folio 71. Together with the rights members and appurtenances thereof, And all Houses buildings orchards Gardens meadows commons pastures feedings Trees woods ways paths Water and Water courses, easments profits Commodities Advantages and hereditiments whatsoever to the said Messuage farm & tract of Land belonging or in anywise appertainingand also the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents and Services of all and singular the said premises above mentioned and of every part and Parcel thereof with the appurtenances --- And Also the Estate right title Interest Claim and demand Whatsoever both in Law and equity of them the said Samuel Fayerwether and Mary his Wife and each of them of in and to all and singular the said premises above mentioned and of in to every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances: To have and to hold all and Singular the said Messuage, Farm and tract of Land hereditements and premisses above mentioned and every Pan and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto the said Giles Seaman his Heirs and Assigns: To the only proper use and behoof of the said Giles Seaman his Heirs and assigns forever. And the said Samuel Fayerwether for himself his heirs and Assigns doth convenant and grant to and with the said Giles Seaman his Heirs and assigns that he the said Samuel Fayerwether now is the true Lawfull owner of all and singualar the said Messuage Farm and tract of Land hereditements and premises above mentioned and of every part and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances; And also that the said Samuel Fayerwether now is lawfully and rightfully siezed in his own right of a good sure perfect absolute and indefeasable Estate of Inheritance in fee simple of and in all and singular the said premisesabove mentioned with the appurtenances without any manner of Condition Mortgage limatation of use and uses or other matter cause of thing to alter change or determine the same —{space in manuscript] And furthermore that he the said Samuel Fayerwether now hath good right full power and Lawfull Authority in his own Right to grant Bargain sell and Convey all and singular the said Messuage Farm and tract of Land Hereditements and premises above mentioned and ever pan and parcel thereof with the Appurtenances unto the said Giles Seaman his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use and behoof of the said Gila Seaman his heirs and Assigns forever According to the True intent and meaning of these presents; And likewise that he the said Giles Seaman his Heim and Assigns shall and may at all times forever hereafter peaceablyand Quietly Have hold occupy possess and fully enjoy all and singular the said Messuage Farm and tract of Land Hereditements and premises above mentioned and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances without the let suit trouble hindrances molestation Interruption or denial of him the said Samuel Fayerwether his Heirs and assigns and all of all and every other person or persons whatsoever and that freed and discharged or Otherwise sufficiently served and kept harmless and indemnified of and 74 from all former and other Bargains sales Gifts Grants • Leases Mortgages jointures dowries uses wills entails fines Issues amerciaments seizures Bonds Annueties obligations statute recognizance judgments executions rent and Arrearages of Rent and of and form all other charges estates rights titles and incumbrances and troubles whatsoever And lastly the Said Samuel Fayerwether for himself and his Heirs and assigns the said Messuage Farm and tract of Land Hereditements and premises and every part and parcel thereof against him and his Heirs and against all and every other person or persons whatsoever to the said Giles Seaman his Heirs and Assigns shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these presents in his peaceable and quiet possession of all and singular The abovesaid granted and bargained premises; In witness whereof the said Samuel Fayerwether and his Wife have hereunto interchangeably set to their hands and fix'd their seals the Day and Year first above written Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of John Merritt Samuel Fayerweather O Her Peter Donaldson Mary X Fayerweat" O Mark Be it remembered that on the twelvth Day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty eight appeared before me Stephen Ward first Judge 92 93 of the Court of Common pleas for the County of WestChester Samuel Fayerwether and Mary Fayerwether Wife of the said Samuel who did acknowledge that they respectively signed sealead [sealed] delivered the within Indenture as their free volentaryact and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and Mary the Wife of said Samuel Fayerweather being examoned seperate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that she executed the within Deed without any threats or conpultion from her said Husband 1 haveing Examoned the same slow [allow] it to be recorded Stephen Ward Entered and compared this 10'".. Day of May 1788. By Gilbert Budd T. Clerk Know all Men by these presents that for the consideration of Five pounds tome in hand paid before the ensealing these presents, have granted bargained & Sold unto Joseph Sutton a Negro Woman named Jane, Thereby warrant and defend her from all claim or Claims Whatever, Witness my hand and seal this 27'".. Day of Julv 1786 In presence off Isaac Sniffen Benj". Griffen Jun'. Joseph Bull O Exect; to the estate Of Will' Sutton Know all Men by these presents That I Joseph Sutton of Momaroneck for the Consideration of Five pounds to me in hand paid by Jane a Negro Woman once the Property of my Father W'". Sutton. have Acquitted discharg d and given freetheS° Jane and I hereby do discharge and Acquit the S".lane from anydemands,l now have ormay have myself Heirs Ext'. or Administrators In Witness whereof 1 have set my Hand & Seal This Twenty Eigth [Eighth] Day of July 1786 In presence of Joseph Sutton O Nehemiah Lyon Peter Lounsbery Entered and compared this 30'".. Day of March 1793. By Gilbert Budd T. Clerk 75 Know all Men by these presents that we Jonathan G. Tompkins and Joshua Secor both of the Town of Scarsdale in the County of West Chester and State of New York, Executors of Anna Knapp deceased, & Timothy Park of the Town of Harrison in the Countyand State aforesaid Executor of Daniel Park Deceased for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty pounds lawful] Money of New York to us in hand paid by Gilbert Budd Jun`. of the Town of Momaroneck in the County and State aforesaid, at or before the sealing & delivery of these presents the receipt wherof [whereof] we do hereby acknowledge have granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Gilbert Budd Jun'., his Executors, administrators, and assigns one certain Negro Woman named Susannah now or late in the possession of John Haight Jun: To have & to hold the said Negro Woman above bargained and sold or mentioned or intended so to be to the s° Gilbert Budd Jun:. his Executors administratos and Assigns forever: Of all and singular which S° negro Woman we the said Jonathan G. Tompkins, Joshua Secor & Timothy Park have put the said Gilbert Budd Jun' in full Possession by delivering her the s° Negro Woman to him the s° Gilbert Budd Jun'. at the sealing and delivery of these presents In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the fifth Day of October in the Year one thousand seven hundred and Ninety three Sealed and delivered In presence of Isaac. G, Graham Peter Lyon Joshua Secor Sign'd in the presence of Daniel D. Tompkins The'. Cassan West Chester County Ss: Jon". G. Tompkins O Timothy Park O Joshua Secor O We Giles Seaman and Edward Merritt overseers of the poor of the Town of Momaroneck in the said County, and Benjamin Griffen and John Barker two of the Justices of the peace of the County aforesaid, do certify that Coll' Gilbert Budd hath applied to us the said overseers of the poor and the said Justices, Signifying that he hasa desire to Manumit his Negro Woman Susannah Alias Suck and we do also further certify that said Slave known by the name of Suck appears to us to be under the Age of fifty years, and of sufficient ability to provide for herself Witness our Hands the Day of September 1795 Edward Meritt Overseers of Giles Seaman the Poor Benj: Griffen John Barker Justices Entered and compared this 26".. Day of January 1799 By Gilb', Budd Town Clerk Westchester County Ss: We Giles Seaman and Edward Merritt overseers of the poor of the Town of Momaroneck in said County & Benjamin Griffen & John Barker two of the Justices of the peace of the County aforesaid, do Certify that Cor. Gilbert Budd hath applied to us, the said overseers of the poor and the said Justices signifying that he has the desire to manumit his Negro Man Jack, and we do also further certify that said slave known by the name of Jack appears to us to be under the Age of Fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for himself Witness our hands the 26" of Octobe 1795 Giles Seaman Overseers of Edward Merrit the poor John Barker Benj, Griffen Entered & compared this 27'" Day of March 1799 By Gilb; Budd, T.. Clerk 94 95 76 Westchester County Ss We Edward Meritt & John Marshall overseers of the poor of the Town of Momaroneck in Said County and John Barker & Elijah Crawford Esquires two of the Justices of the pece in & for said County have this day laid before us, a request of Benjamin Griffen of the said Town of Momaroneck Esquire, signifying that he is desirous of Manumiting his Negro Woman Slave and desiring that a Certificate may be granted to him by us according to the directions contained in a Statute of the people of the state of New York. Entitled an Act concerning Slaves passed 22': February 1788 We have examined the cause and circumstances of said case Therefore do certify that a Negro Woman Slave named Peg the property of Benjamin Griffen appears to be under Fifty years of Age and is of sufficient ability to provide for herself In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this nineteenth Day of June in the year one thousand seven hundred & ninety Seven Edward Merritt Poormasters of John Marshall the Town of Momaroneck John Barker Justices of the Piece [peace) in Ehjah Crawford and for the county Of Westchester Entered and compared this 27'h.. Day of March 1799 By Gilb,' Budd. T".. Clerk We Edward Merril and Benjamin Hadden, overseers of the poor of the Town of Momaroneck & Elijah Crawford & Isaac Sniffen two of the Justices of the piece[peace] of the County of Westchester, have received an address and request of & from Edward Merritt of the Town of Momaroneck, specally addressed unto us in Writing signifying his desire to manumit and free his Negro Man Slave Harry We have therefore examined into the cause and circumstances of the same do certify that the said Negro Man Harry appears to us to be under Fifty years of age & of sufficient ability to provide for himself and that the said Edward Merritt is authorized to Manumit his Negro Man Harry pursuant to the directions true intent & meaning of an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York made and provided for such purposes, In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands the 17'".. November 1798 Entered & compared this 27".. of March 1799 Benjamin Hadden Overseers of the By Gilb,' budd T:. Clerk Town of Edward Meritt Momaroneck Elijah Crawford Justices of Isaac Sniffen the peace 1 Deborah Horton of the Town of Momaroneck in the County of West Cheser and State of New York for and in consideration of the sum of one Cent to me in hand paid by my Negro Slave Charles as well as for his honesty and fidelity do Manumit and by these presents have manumitted him the Said Charles by the name and State of Charles Johnson and he is forever hereafter discharged from his Slavery In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this second day of April 1800 Test Deborah Horton O GiIB Horton Isaac Sniffen Entered and compared this *'... of April 1801 By Gilb.' Budd. V... Clerk 77 To all to whom these presents shall come we David Rogers, Daniel Barker and Benjamin Hadden the commissioners of Highways for the Town of Mamaroneck in the county of WestCheser send Greeting. whereas the President Directors and Company of the West Cheser Turnpike road have lately surveyed and laid out a route for the said turnpike road throlhe said Town of Mamaroneck and have actually made and completed the said turnpike road from the House lot of John Peter De Lancey Esq.- in Mamaroneck aforesaid to the line dividing the said Town, from the Town of New Rochelle and whereas the route of the said turnpike road in sundry places, between the said house lot and the line aforesaid varies and is differnt from the ancient public road of Highway thro the said town of Mamaroneck, and particularly thro'the Lands of Peter Jay Munro. Peter Allaire, Robert Mott, Charles E. Duncan. Caleb Coles, John Newlen, Jeremiah Schureman, and Oliver Belly And whereas by reason of the premises the said Ancient road of highway lhro'the Lands of the said several persons has become wholly useles to the public, and the keeping of the same open would be a Burthin to the Inhabitants of the said Town, and an Injury to the owners of the said Lands Now Know Ye that we the said commissioners do hereby declare and make known, that we have and hereby do alter the said ancient public road or highway in manner following Viz.' we order and direct that the S° turnpike road so laid out and made aforesaid from the House lot aforesaid to the aforesaid line, between the Towns of Mamaroneck and New Rochelle, shall be a public road or Highway. And that thesaid Ancient public road of Highway thro or adjoining the said Lands of the said Peter Jay Munro, Peter Allaire, Robert Mott, Charles E. Duncan, Caleb Coles, John Newlen, Jeremiah Schureman. and Oliver Belly be and the same is hereby forever closed up excepting and reserving Nevertheless such parts of the said ancient public road or highway, as have been laid out into the said Turnpike road: And also excepting and reserving a certain piece or parcel of Land, four rods wide, extending from a part of the Land of the said Peter Jay Munro to the said Turnpike Road. Bounded as follows Viz-' Beginning, by the division line betwen the Meadow or home Lot of the said Peter Allaire, and the Land of the said Peter Jay Munro, at the Northeasterly corner of the said meadow or Home Lot, near a large Locust tree standing in the said Meadow or home Lot, and running thence across the said Ancient road or Highway (hereby closed up) until it comes to thesaid turnpike road at a post set in the Ground - Thence running Northeasterly along the said Turnpike road four rods - Thence running along a line to be drawn parrellel to the first mentioned line. until it comes again to the land of the said Peter Jay Munro -and thence with his land to the place of Beginning - Which said peice (piece) or parcel of Land so excepted and reserved shall forever be continue and remain a public highway - And we further order and direct, that the said Peter Jay Munro his heirs and asigns tenants of his Land adjoining the said peice or parcel of Land herein lastly above described. shall and may (he having consented thereto) meet and forever maintain a good and sufficient fence 96 97 along the Southerly Line of the last aforesaid peice or parcel of Land. - And know Ye further that we the said Commissioners have laid out, and hereby do lay out for the use of the said Peter Allaire his Heirs and assigns tenants of certain sixty six square rods of Salt meadow commonly known by the name of "Peter Allaire's road to his salt meadow,"a certain private way or road, two rods wide, leading from the sixty six square rods of salt meadow to the said Turnpike road, Beginning at the southwesterly corner of the said Sixty six square rods of meadow, where the sam[sa= rest of word lost because page is worn away] now joins the said ancient Highway or road hereby closed up, at a post set in the ground, and running thence directly straight across the said ancient road or highway (hereby closed up) and thro' the Land of the said Peter Jay Munro, until it comes to the said Turnpike road at another post set in the Ground, the said road to be on the Northerly side of the said line. He the said Peter allaire his heirs and assigns tenants as aforesaid keeping and maintaining across the Entrance of the said road a good and sufficient Gate or Post and Barrs. - And know Ye further that the said private road has been laid out with the consent of the said Peter Jay Munro who hath agreed to allow the same to the said Peter Allaire his heirs and assigns tenants as aforesaid without any Compensation for the same In witness whereof we have to these presents set our hands and seals the tenth day of November one thousand eight hundred. And we hereby order this our record to be recorded David Rogers O Daniel Barker O Benjin Hadden O Entered and compared this I I'".. day of November 1800 By Gilbert Budd T'. Clerk 78 Know all Men, That we David Rogers, Daniel Barker, and Benjamin Hadden, commissioners of high Ways for the Town of Momaroneck, at the request of the president directors and company of the Westchester Turnpike Road and with the consent and approbation of Gilbert Budd Jun' Esq—' have and do hereby do alter the present Highway leading thro the said Town in manner following Vv: First we have laid out and hereby do lay out a New Road or high Way, the North west line or side whereof to begin at the present highway near a Quince Tree standing in the Garden of the said Gilbert Budd, Thence running thro said Garden and Lands of the said Gilbert Budd as the stakes are now set up, to the Corner of the Land of the said David Rogers to a Junction with the present high way, and to be four Rods in Wedth (Width] - Secondly Width]. Secondly we do order that a0 that part of the present ancient Highway extending from a small Locust Tree standing easterly, one Chain and Sixty one links, from the 27` - Mile stone to the point where the South line of the Road hereby above laid out intersects the present road, be and is hereby forever closed up (it becomeing useless to the publick) as soon as the highway hereby laid out shall be finished We further order this our order to be recorded Given under our hands at Momaroneck the 25".. Day of June 1800 faO David Rogers Benjinin Hadden O 1 herby [hereby] consent to the alteration and laying out of the Road within mentioned Dated the 255'.. of June 1800 Gilb: Budd Jun.. Entered and compared this 5 day of July 1802 By Gilb.' Budd T".. Clerk 79 Westchester This is to Certify that we the Subscribers County Ss do Acknowledge Jacob Dealt a black Man to be a Legal Inhabitant of the Town O of Rye, as Witness our hands and Seals this Seventeenth day of May, in the Year one thousand Eight hundred and Two O Enter d and compared this 5's.. day of October 1802 By Gilb; Budd T".. Clerk Theop.. Maselis one of the overseers of the poor of S. Town James Hart, one of the overseers of poor of S': Town Know all Men That we The overseers of the poor of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester do Certify. that Candice, a female Slave, whom Peter Jay Munro is about to manumit. appears to us to be under the Age of fifty Years, and to be of Sufficient ability to maintain herself Given under our hands this eleventh day of November in the year one thousand Eight hundred and Three Giles Seaman Overseers of the Poor John Sands of the Town of Mamaroneck. Enter'd and compared this 19V' day of Nov'. 1801 Gilb; Budd T. Clerk I hereby manumit and set free a certain Malatto Man named Jack bought by me of Hakaliah Purdy of Rye as a Slave but under an agreement with said Jack to make him free at the end of Five years wich[which] Five years being finished this day and he having served me faithfully. honestly, soberly and industriously the said Jack is free agreeable to our bargain as witness my hand and seal this first day of April one thousand eight hundred and eight John Peter Delancey O Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us ` David Rogers Ju' Sam: Shute [last name could also be "Mott"] 98 99 Entered and compared this 15 . day of November 1808 David Rogers Ju: Tow'... Clerk 80 These are to certify that we the overseers of the Poor of the Town of Momaroneck in the County of Westchester have examined a Male Slave of John Peter Delancey by the name of Jack a resident of said Town, who he this day manimils and we are of Opinion that he is under the age of Fifty years, and of sufficient ability to provide for himself signed this fust day of april 1808 Sam'. Mott David Rogers Ju' Entered this IS'" day of November in the year of our Lord 1808 David Rogers Ju' Tow'... Clerk Know all Men that I Christopher Hubbs of Momaroneck, do by these presents manumit and set free my negro man Slave named Jack whome I purchaised of Newbury Davenport. The Overseers of the said Town haveing granted me a Certificate that he appears to be under Fifty years of age and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty Third [word erased] Second day of May 1809 Sealed and Delivered In the presence of David Rogers Ju' Hester Rogers ... Christopher Hobbs O Entered and compared this 22 [second "2" written over "31 of May 1809 David Rogers Ju'. Tow'. Clerk We the subscribers the Overseers of the poor of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester do certify that Jack a Negro man, Slave to Christopher Hubbs of the Town aforesaid, and whom the said Christopher is desirous to manumit. this day appeared before us the said Overseers.together with his said Master And we further certify that we have carefully examined the said Jack who appears to us to be under the age of Fifty years and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain himself that is to say to be of the age of about thirty years and to be a strong healthy and able bodied Man And we Authorise the entering of this Certificate upon the records of said town persuant and to the Statutue in such case provided Given under our hands at Momaroneck aforesaid the Twenty second Day of May 1809 David Rogers Ju' Noah Tompkins Entered and compared this 22 day of May 1809 David Rogers Ju' page Town Clerk opposite 80 Maroneck [Mamaroneck] January 20'$. 1810 This may Certify, that 1 Gilbert Budd of the Town of Momaroneck County of West Chester and State of New York, did this day Manumit and give my black Man Hannibal his freedom; agreeable to a law of the Legislature of this State - Entered and compared this 22 day of August 1810 Gilb, Budd David Rogers Jd. Tow". Clerk These are to certify that we the overseers of the Poor of the Town of Momaroneck in the County of Westchester and State of New York have examined Hannibal a Negro Man a Slave to Gilbert Budd of the Town afore said and whom the said Gilbert is desirous to Manumit who has appeared before us the said overseers together with his said Master and we further certify that we have carefully examined the said Hannibal who appears to us to be under the age of fifty Years and of Sufficient ability to provide (orand maintain himself that is to say to be of the age of about forty years and to be a strong healthy able bodied Man and we authorise the entering of this certificate upon the records of said Town pursuant and to the Statute in such case provided. Give under our hands at Mamaroneck aforesaid this 20`s—.. day of August in the Year of our Lord 1810 David Rogers Jun= Noah Tompkins Entered and compared this 22 day of August 1810 David Rogers Ju`. Town Clerk Broke into my pasture July. 12. 1808 a Two years old steer with a line back and bob tail and no ear mark Henry Disbrow Entered this I".. day of September . 1808 l S David Rogers Ju' Tow". Clerk Know all Men that I James Gray of the Town of Mamoroneck County of Westchester and State of New York, do by these Presents Manumit and set free my Negro Man Slave named Telemaque and my Negro Woman Slave named Rose, Wife to the said Telemaque and who was given to me by my Fatherinlaw Gilbert Budd. The Overseers of the poor of the said town having granted me a Certiffeate that they appear to be under fifty years of age and of sufficient ability to provide for and maintain themselves, in Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 29's.. day of November in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ten OSealed &delivered James Gray in Presence of Entered and compared this Gilb. Budd 12=. day of December 1810 Ophelia M. Budd David Rogers Ju: Town Clerk 81 These are to certify that we the Overseers of the Poorofthe Town of Momoroneck in the County of Westchester and State of New York have examined. Telemaque a Negro Man, and Rose a Negro Woman Slaves to James Gray of the Town aforesaid and whom the said James Gray is desirous to Manumit, who has appeared before us the said Overseers together with their said Master and we further certify that we have carefully examined the said Telemaque & Rose who appears to us to be under the age of fifty 101 100 Years and of sufficient ability to provide for and Maintain themselves, that is to say Telemaque to be of the age of about twenty six Years and Rose to be of the age about Twenty years, and both of them to be Strong healthy and able bodied People, and we authorise the entering of this certificate upon the records of said Town persuant and to the Statute in such case provided - Entered and compaired this 12' day of December 1810 David Rogers Ju'. Town Clerk Given under our hands at Mamaroneck aforesaid this 29".. day of November in the Year of our Lord 1810 David Rogers Jun'.. Noah Tompkins Be it known to all whom These Presents shall come that I john Pinkney of the Town. of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and State of Newyork For and in consideration of the faithfull Services of Catharine a female Negro slave Belonging to me aged about twenty three years do hereby discharge Manumit and Set free the said Catherine from myself my heirs and assigns forever as whimms my hand this second day of april in the year of one Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven Entered and compared this John Pinkney 2° day of April 1811 David Rogers Ju`. Town Clerk We David Rogers Ju'. and John Griffen Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Mamaroneck do Certify hereby that Catharine a female Negro slave owned by John Pinkney of said Town of Mamaroneck appears to be under the ag eof fifty years about twenty three years of age and in good health of sufficient ability to Providefor her Self as Whitness our hands this second day of April 1811 Entered and Compared David Rogers Ju' April 2° 1811 John Griffen Page David Rogers Ju`. Tow". Clerk opposite 81 1 haveing purchased of Joshua Purdy a negro man named Andrew who is about twenty sic years of age, he had the promise of the person 1 bought him of that he should be free at twenty eight years of age, and as one object 1 had in view in the purchase was to secure his freedom, I do hereby declare the said Andrew to be a free man from the date hereof Mamaroneck 15" of 5m" 1811 James Mott We David Rogers Jun' and John Griffen overseers of the poor do certify hereby that Andrew a Negro slave the property of James Mott of said town appears to be under the age of fifty years and in good health and of sufficient ability to provide for him self, as witness our hands this 171 day of May 1811 Entered and compared this 23" day of May 1811 102 David Rogers Jun' John Griffen David Rogers Ju'. Town Clerk To David Rogers Ju ' John Griffen and Benjamin Croaker Commissioners of highways for the Town of Mamaroneck in Westchester County, We the Subscribers Freeholders of the said Town of M omaroneck deeming it unnecessary that the old Boston Post rode [road] so called from the Foot of what is called the Whight [written over word "White"] plains or Scarsdale Road to Momaronmk River be kept any longer open & Also two Other small Roads leeding or runing from the Old Boston Road to Momaroneck River one Down by the property formelly [formerly] bellonging to Gilbudd Horton and the other down to the property formelly Called John Merrits Ju". Dock and Store house bcath [both] of the said Roads is unnecessary to be kept any longer upon As all the above Roads has become useless & unnecessery for travel and the publicks use and a consederable burthen to the Inhabitants we do therefore request the said Commissioners to Discontinue the same agreable to the Power vested in them by an AM of the Legislature of this State Passed the I I'". April 1808 Mamaroneck Ari 1". 1811 Benjin Hadden Sworn Caleb Wood Affirmed Oliver Belly Sworn Joseph Griffen Affirmed Benjamin Griffen J": Sworn Charles Lawrence Sworn Edward Lee Sworn August 21 [b] Daniel Barker Sworn his Jesse X Veal Sworn Benjamin Florence Sworn mark Joshua Fowler Affirmed Giles Seaman Affirmed Henry Griffen [no mark George Palmer Affirmed Stephen Hall Affirmed after this name] his John Darby Affirmed Nelson X Scofield Sworn mark Elkanah Wood Affirmed I Certify the above named freeholders did sware [swear] or affirm to the contence [contents] of the above petion [petition] on the first and second day of August 1811 before me Richard Downing Justice of the Pease [Peace] [Note: in the middle of this page, the words from • to • were inserted above two lines of script.] 82 To all whom these presents shall come Whereas Benjamin Hadden Joseph Griffen Henry Griffen Edward Lee Jesse Veal Joshua Fowler George Palmer John Darby Elkanah Wood Caleb Wood Benjamin Griffen Ju`. Giles Seaman Stephen Hall Nelson Schofield Oliver Billey Charles Lawrence Daniel Barker Benjamin Florence Good and Lawfull Freeholders of the Town of Mamaroneck and County of Westchester haveing presented to us David Rogers Ju'. John Griffen & Benjamin Croaker Commissioners of Highways for said Town of Mamaroneck a Petition under Oath requesting that the old Boston Post rode [road] (so called) from the foot of what is called the Whight (White) plains or scardale Road to Mamaroneck River may be closed as a Publick Highway "and also Two other small rode [roads] one leading from the old Boston Road by the property formerly belonging to Gilbudd Horton To Momaroneck river the other down to the dock and Store house formerly belonging to John Merril Ju`. may be closed as Publick highway s Stateing that the above named Highways has become wholly useless to the Publick and the keepingthe same open would bea burthen to the inhabitants Now 103 Know ye that we the said ComisiOtters by the power Given us in the Statute made APnI late Highways do a8reeable to said Act Discontinue messhem our hways as above described as ear of our 1808 entitled an act to re gu second] day of August in the y as unnecessary for Public Travel all said on be hands and Seals at Momaroneck this and El L Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and Eleven and we do ordeenf.. Crocker fz000 o Benj".. recorded O John Griffen - Entered and Compared this Third day of August in the Year of Eight Hundred and Eleven David Rogers Town Clerk our Lord one Thousand g one leading from roads] formerly belonging t° Grlbudd Horton to above V'v and also Two other small rode belonging to The words interlined abo the pfOP�Y House formerly the Old Boston road by as Publick Highway was o .tel by mistake in recording Momaroneck over the other down to the dock and Store lately the above words were John Merrit Ju. may be closed and immed' but rhe mistake was Immediately discovered Test interlined David Rogers Ju. Town Clerk Mamaroneck Page August 3°. 181 1... rs of the poor of the Town of Mamaroneck in the opposite t a Negro Woman a slave to Gilbert 82 These are to certify that we the oversee County and state of New' York. have examined Be we further Budd of the Town 1 relaid. and whom the siii,b her as d Mi tressaand wit who as ers togethert who appears to s- to be under the appeared. before us. the said overseers the said Be'. maintain herself that is tosay rovide for• and m' Woman. and certify. that we have carefully exam a strong. healthy ablehodied ersuant and age of fifty years and of sufficient biand to be to be of the age of about forty years. ont he records of said TO eck aforesaid we authorise the entering of this certificate up and eleven. rovidedGivenundero>no �nateiglithundredeleven. n. 2 the freta teen r In the pear of our Lord one 2T" of Sep David Rogers Ju' John Griffen o(Momaroneck count)' of Westchester Budd of the Town Negro woman by these Presents. Manumit ad set free e Know all men. that Gilbert having granted me a certificate. that and State of New York. Do rovide for and slave named Bet The overseers Ofthe said Town hand and seal this she appears to be under the age of fifty years have e hereunto it, in), P and eleven. In w. nes wereof[whereofJ Hundred' To, herself ber In the year of our to one thousand eightBudd 27'=Day of Septem Gilbert Sealed and delivered In presents of Rudd Ophelia M. Hester Rogers 104 Enterd and compared this 27" of Sept'. 1811 David Rogers Ju' Town Cit. 83 1 Jack Budd of the Town of Mamaroneck County of Westchester and Stateof Newyork do hereby make known that by these presents I do manumit discharge and set free Mary Jack alias Mary Smith a Negro Slave owned by me in consideration of her faithfull Services this 15" December 1812 I David Rogers Ju' surviving overseer of the Poor of the Town of Mamaroneck County of Westchester and State of Newyork (The other overseer of the Poor being at this time deceased) do hereby certify that Mary Jack alias Mary Smith the wife of Josiah Smith a woman of Colour is under the age of Fifty years in good Health and of sufficient ability to provide for herself Mamaroneck December 15. 1812 David Rogers Ju= Tow Clerk Entered and compared this 16'". of December 1812 David Rogers Ju' Town Clerk [Note: in middle of paragraph, from • to' was inserted above two lines of script. Only the words between the two sets of • were inserted.] This is to certify that we Stephen Cornell of new Rochel in the County of Westchester and state of Newyork and Richard Burling of Harrison Town County and State aforesaid Agreeable to an Act of the Legislator of the State of Newyork passed the last sessions for the gradual Abolition of Slavery we do hereby manumit and give free A negroe woman named Sibb who formerly belonged to the wido [widow] Mary Havelan "of Harrisons purchaise Deceased and also two of sibbs Sons *whose Names are moses and Cull who are all *of Lawfull age required by law the above named Sibb Moses and Cull' are hereby freed from us our heirs Executors Administrators—and assigns forever Claiming from by or under us or either of us - in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty sixth day of the Twelfth month Called December one Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety nine — Stephen Cornell Presence of Richard Burling Samuel Burling Rebecca Titus Entered of Record this 31 of March 1800 and Compared this 2V! of April 1813 105 By me Thomas Carpenter Town Clerk David Rogers Ju: Tow.. Clerk His Jack X Budd In Presents of mark.. John Pinkney Isaac Scholfield I David Rogers Ju' surviving overseer of the Poor of the Town of Mamaroneck County of Westchester and State of Newyork (The other overseer of the Poor being at this time deceased) do hereby certify that Mary Jack alias Mary Smith the wife of Josiah Smith a woman of Colour is under the age of Fifty years in good Health and of sufficient ability to provide for herself Mamaroneck December 15. 1812 David Rogers Ju= Tow Clerk Entered and compared this 16'". of December 1812 David Rogers Ju' Town Clerk [Note: in middle of paragraph, from • to' was inserted above two lines of script. Only the words between the two sets of • were inserted.] This is to certify that we Stephen Cornell of new Rochel in the County of Westchester and state of Newyork and Richard Burling of Harrison Town County and State aforesaid Agreeable to an Act of the Legislator of the State of Newyork passed the last sessions for the gradual Abolition of Slavery we do hereby manumit and give free A negroe woman named Sibb who formerly belonged to the wido [widow] Mary Havelan "of Harrisons purchaise Deceased and also two of sibbs Sons *whose Names are moses and Cull who are all *of Lawfull age required by law the above named Sibb Moses and Cull' are hereby freed from us our heirs Executors Administrators—and assigns forever Claiming from by or under us or either of us - in witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty sixth day of the Twelfth month Called December one Thousand seven Hundred and Ninety nine — Stephen Cornell Presence of Richard Burling Samuel Burling Rebecca Titus Entered of Record this 31 of March 1800 and Compared this 2V! of April 1813 105 By me Thomas Carpenter Town Clerk David Rogers Ju: Tow.. Clerk Rogers Ju'.. of the Town of Mamaroneck County of West these presents manumit and set my Mulatto Know all men that f David York mother -in law Chester and State of New York do by given me by my aged about 28 years who was Si anted me a man slave named Harry g poor who said Town having gr rs to be under the age of (50) Fifty years and of sufficient ability Deborah Horton. The Overseers of the p certificate that he appeals l this 21 day of M May in the to provide for and maintain himself hand and sea In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Fight Hundred an year of our Lord One Thousand Thirteen ger' Ju` Sealed and delivered in the William T Cornell Gilbert Gidneythis 21". day Entered and Compared David Rogers Ju` Tow". Clerk of May I813 Poor of the Town of mamaroneck in These are to certify that we of New York have examined Harry Rogers a the Overseers oft e the County of West Chester and State Town Mulatto man avid a slave to David Rogers of thered beforeed the said olversee' oft hep°Of Rogers is desired to rnanu°m who has appea that we have carefully examined the to be under the age of Fifty years and of sufficient ability to together with his said master and we further certify is of about the age of said Harry who appears to us to say he the said Harry able bodied man And we authorize the entering provide for and maintain himself that w Puts" to a statue [statute] in such Twenty eight yearsand a strong healthy of this certificate whom the records of said Town p case provided. Given under our hands at Mamaroneck Compared aforesaid this 211" [Number "I" Entered and p 1813 da of May this 21". day of May Rogers ]d. written over "0"] Y David Roge in the year or our Lord Eighteen Town Clerk Hundred and Thirteen [Note: in middle of page, from' to' was inserted above the tine of script.] Elijah Hadden Charles Lawrence Edward Merrit Benjamin Whereas Henry Merril Florence James Pelham Lewis Brundage Edward Lee Gil Budd Horton Silas Dayton being Twelve reputable freeholders of the of May last James Townsend and Mathias G Valentine, Provided did apply Town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester did on the third day certify upon their oath, pursuant to the statute in a It cos uok an being Commissioners of rs Junior Henry Griffen Be 1 public highway be to us David Roge public highway leading Highways in and for the sae nn'm as folluwsa from theroad or p bl at the head of b the W idow ]ane Merrits land beginning that laid out h the said town ru 8 or public highway from Henry Disbrows along Y OninWesterly tc the road p Ovist the dwelling ua i highway And t t e friends Meeting house bet rtson and said Road or p out b of Aaron Palmer now in possession oiThomas Robe leads from Benjamin Crookers Y house late the property the dwelling house of Thomas Tripler in the said Town. The said road to run through in many places improved land. Therefore we the said Commissioners in pursuance of the said application and by Virtue *powers in us vasted [vested] in and by virtue' of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate highways" have ordered to be laid out ascertained and discribed upon actual survey of the road thus discribed. Beginning at the south end of a piece of stone wall on ledge of rocks on the land of Edward and Gilbert Merrit by the old road thence running south seventy one degrees West Three chains and four links to an apple tree on Edward and Gilbert Merrits land. then North Seventy three degrees West seventy three links to John P. Delancys land proceeding then through said Delancys land North seventh three degrees West seven chains and seven Links to astake and stones thence North forty nine and half degrees West nine chains seventy Two links to a stone in a hollow thence North Eighty degrees West three chains to a heap of stones thence south eighty six degrees West two chains and twenty seven links to a walnut Sapling marked, thence North Eighty six and half degrees West three chains and six links to an ash tree standing on Thomas Robertsons land—dine over erasures, then blank space in script] by thefence thence south upon said Robertsons land eighty nine degrees West six chains and twenty one links to a heap of stones, thence south sixty five degrees West three Chains to an Oak tree standing on Richard Molts land by the fence thence south eighty seven degrees West on Richard Molts land and Thomas Triplers land to the road called Weaver Street Thirteen chains sixty six links on the last mentioned course and a parrallel line four rods distant on the right hand from the proceeding courses lines and distances commencing with the first of the aforesaid courses and continuing parrallel with the first and subsequent courses and ending with the last mentioned course at the Weaver street aforesaid which runs from Benjamin Crockers past the Friends Meeting house includes the road thus by us the said Commissioners ordered to be laid out ascertained and discribed as a Common public highway as aforesaid Four rods wide And we the said Commissioners do further order and require the said discribed road to beentered of record in the Office of the Clerk of the said Town of Mamaroneck as W fitness our Hands and seats at Mamaroneck this seventh day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eighty hundred and Fourteen We John Pinkney John Morrill and David Rogers Jun`. Commissioners of common schools for the Town of Mamaroneck in the county of Westchester do this 20 day of September in the year of our Lord 1814 agreeable to the statute regulateing common schools passed April 15": 1814 divide the Town of Mamaroneck into Two school districts VIZ . as follows the division line to commence at the Tide water near the Junction of the Old Boston road with the Turnpike road East of Henry Disbrows house and runing in the centre of th highway leading to the house of Henry Disbrow situated to the Belcher lot and continuing from the east comer of said house in a straight fine as far as the house of William Cornell all east of said line we do agree shall belong to and known by district number One and all west of said line we do agree shall belong to and known by district number Two a.a." 1);"1`"".1 Entered and compared Sept 21". Il David Rogers Ju'. Town Clerk . Commissioners of highways in We the undersignedk in the County and for the Westchester Donof alt rramaronec the road her after D scn'bed VIZ LS &gining at the Northeast Corner of the Door yard formerly belonging to Gilbert Budd and on the west LS side to the old road thence varying from the old road and Riming North [two written characters difficult to LS decipher after "North" possibly "2 1"] west. Nine Chains in a Straight fine untfit ll Pour ods again wide (minto e old road the said road to be he begining and on the north east side of said line until) it he former old road. Declaring the comes again to t above Discribed road to be the Public road, and that the old road from the begining of the new la john and roams by the house formerly belonging Merret untill it comes to the new road above Discribed be and is hereby Declared useless and unnecessary for Public travel ...... In Witness whereof a have hereunth nto set our hand Seals this e Day If 15 Enter° and Compared Feb". 16'".. 1815 - David Rogers Ju' Town Clerk Joshua Fowler Commissioners Elijah Hadden of High Ways Henry Griffen of the Poor the Town Of 86 We David Rogers Junior and Henry Griffen, Overseers seen.t we have and ed Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester do l Certify Man named M chael late a slave roneck deceased, and that he appears to be into the age and ability of a certain f • pit in For himself Given of John Sands late of said Town of Mama Year of under the age o[ forty five years and of sufficient ability to P under our hands at Mamaroneck aforesaid this twenty Sixth Day of June in the y our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fiftn eeDavid Rogers Ju Entered and compared Henry Griffen July . 51" . 1815 David Rogers Ja'. Tow. Clerk Disbrow and Henry Griffen =Commissioners of H igh - out a point or angle of Land Whereas Giles Seaman Henry highway leading from Mamaroneck to White Plains and way in and for the town of Mamaroneck do hereby lay laying on the east side of the hig Y a half square betwen [between] the Dwelling house le Joshua Fowler Deceased and Jese vai seven rods five finks with a angle of twenty Cour links Containing three and = rods off of Edward Lees land. We the said Comissioners of high -way do also close up all that point or angle of Land 108 I lying on the road leading to Benjamin Hadden and adjoining to the drift way so called, beginning at Edward Lees gate post and running westerly to the foundation of an ould stone wall three rods and sixteen links, thence south-westerly one rod to a stone wall. Thene [Thence] easterly as the stone fence now stands on an angle to the place of beginning Containing three and a half square rods in exchange of the above pice [piece] laid out LS We the said Commissioners do order this our LS certificate to be recorded Given under our hand and seals this eighteenth day of third month one thousand eight hundred and seventeen LS I agree to the above exchange of Hnry Griffen land as witness my hand this 19'"., day 3° m= 1817 Elijah Lee Edward Lee Entered and Compared March 19 1817 Commissioners Giles Seaman of Henry Disbrow High -way David Rogers Ju' Town Clerk 87 Whereas Giles Seaman Henry Disbrow and Henry Griffen Commissioenrs of High - way in and for the town of Mamaroneck do hereby lay out all that point orangle of Land LS laying North of [blurred, word crossed out] Monmouth Lyons store house and adjoining the turnpike and old Boston post road, Beginning at the West end of said Lyons shed or stoop and running Northeasterly by said turnpike road twenty five feet to where the ould Boston road intersects the turnpike road thence south twenty feet by said LS Boston road to Lyons stoop thince[thence] westerly by said Lyons stoop fifteen feet six inches to place of beginning makeing it on an angle of nearely three square We the said Commissioners of high way do here by close up all the ground under Monmouth Lyons LS eastermost shed or stoop adjoining his store house. Beginning at the southeastermost S corner of said store and running east six feet six inches thence Nothedy forty two feet eight inches by the old Boston post road, thence westerly six feet six Inchis by said Lyons stoop and to the angle above laid out or line of the old Boston post road, thence southerly forty two feet eight Inchis by and in range of said Lyons Store house to the place of Beginning in exchange of the above angle of land laid out reserving at the same time a Well [••W" is unclear, possibly "M" to make "Mill"] by the edge of said stoop or eastermost line for the publick use We the said Commissioners do order thisour certificate to be recorded Given under our hands and seals this eighteenth day of third Month one thousand eight hundred and seventeen 1 agree to the above exchange of land as witness my hand this 19".. day 3=. Month 1817 Thad S. Smith..Monmoth Lyon 109 Henry Griffen Commissioners Henry Disbrow of H igh-way Giles Seaman Entered and Compared 90 Whereas., MarchDavid Rogers Ju' G SSexmaah n da Monmouth Lyon Guy C Joseph G Heins, Wigiam Davis, Edward g mem n . a Benjamin Hadden, g Twelve reputable ey. Ellis Taft, Walter Marshall, Town Clerk of Ma in the Counthester Freeholders Of the To IS CertifyOnIhier Oath and affr mation pursuant to the the Fifteenth Day of A wit 88 These Certify that we the undersigned Overseers of the Poor of the town of O P Did apply to us John Morrill. John B he statute in such April last Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester and State of Newyork having Satisfactory O Commissioners o! yighways in and for Underhill and es Case made and evidence that the above named &Manumitted Harry is under the age of lift LS publick hi h r the said Tow Thom B Palmer. been y years & g Way and Dock be Laid out in the n of Mamaroneck. that a Co 8 able bodied of - sufficient ability to provide for himself Do hereby approve thereof and O lublli ck highway or old Boston post Road Said Town. Running as follows. frommon Consent that the same be Entered on the Records of Said Town of Mamaroneck 26 May the [ ]Dwelling house of Richard d so Called and running Easter the 1817 Prall. to Mamaroneck river in a Downing and a house now owned b Bet the HenryEast C road.on South 89 Degrees E 7. Town. beham Ting at the est. Comer by theold Entered and Compared Merritt ast. One Northwest May 31'".. [H] 1817 Aron Palmer µ f ' South Degrees W hue t South IS 88./2 De Y hrce Links, Monmouth Lyon Town Clark S'•Contamingommissone honers npursuancefteenrod,.tEghC half feet hain Sixty of a grees Links North 3 Degrees Know AOmrnbythese presents that iJosephHaight o(the Town ofMamaroneck lnthe vested -in and b of the said application,andb Virtue Land Thefeforewethe County of Westchester & State of Newyork Do hereby Manumate[Manumit] andGive H'ghwa Yvmd to beLadoute Of the Act E,Ascertained [gct]Act toregulae[rgurin us late Ys, have ordered'led. And Freedom to Harry at this time my Slave he being at this time in the Twenty second year Actual Survey the road thus p of his age able bodied and in Good health x In witness Whereof I hereunto Sett my hand Bosfour on road SouthRodsD stance89 Degrees East One Nn g at tthe North and tcWe st Cort,ec b dhe aid & Seal this Twenty sixth Day of March 1817 on the right Y three Links. Joseph Haight O Commencein g hand. the r and a parrellel Line In presence of and Subsequent fou the first aforesald Course and Continuing Course Line and Desstance, James Somerville Road. four rse and Ending With the Last coned ng parrellel With the first Entered and Compared May 31—" [ ] 1817 Rods Wide to the place of be mentioned Course Commissioners. ordered to out g'n'ng• Includes the alb Oid Boston Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk publick, highway be Laid o asertaened road thus y us the S .. y S"'.. Commissioners d Dock or Landing place, asafor and Described, as a Common 89 Laid out by request of the Inhabitants in Mamaroneck a road for publick use and Entered on r do further order and re ward four rods Wide and. landing Plaice [ Place] begining 25 feet North of James Hortons house running between our hands and Sea in the office of the 9uire the The Said Desscrebed 4Vo the the post road and the river to a certain rock South of the stone House belonging toJohn one Thou nd Seals at Mamaroneck Clerk of the Said Town of Mamaron road to be Townsend and Edward Merritt and from said rock on a direct line to the south Corner sand Eight Hundred eek this Fourth Day o(Janua ick as Witness Lord and Twenty ry'o lheyearofourL of the house belonging to said Townsend &Merritt including all the vacant Land between the post road and the House and mentioned bounds. a road beginingat the post John B Underhill road and running between James Horton his house & Stable Two rods wide to said Commissioners Hortons Dock. A road for publick use and Landing place begining 25 feet South of Entered aJohn Morrill of and Compared January High Ways Thomas Barkers house and bounded by the post road including all the land and hard ry 22'"` [-] I820 Marsh between the post road and the Creek Of it Comes to a rock that lies in the bank near East of the house belonging to the hiers [heirs] of Elisha Nelson laid out on the 24Benjamin Griffen 'seem . [Note' capital letters difficult to d' Monmouth Lyon .Town Clerk day of April 1767 above document.] 91 in Commissio This is to Certify that 1 De Mamaroneck Jan By us Daniel Barker West Chester a Borah Horton of the Town January 17th 1822 Reuben Bloomer A hes freedom; and State of new York do this d y irurp Mamaroneck in the County of ndrew Entered this 10''4. Day of August 1767 & eedom; agreeable to a manumit and givem lack man Extorted [Examined] by me Theod'. Bartow D.CIk. a" qct of the Legislature of this State B The proceeding a true Copy of the origanal record from the book of Records of Roads" Page 30 These are to Certify that we GuBayley Deborah Horton the 14=. Febuary 1817 By Mamaroneck & Y y and Peter Ferris Town of Y C Ba le Isaac Entered and Compared January T_S I Ze0n D. CB; mined said Deborah a negro manta Slave o Deborand State o(N NOverseeew of Ihhave h f the ah is desirous to h Horton of the York day 8y Monmouth Lyon Town C d Mistress, and he appears to us to betunde having before usdtoge her wiTown dtwho h his Forty five years of Age, and of Sufficient 110 ai... III Ability to provide for and maintain himself. do by these presents Authorize the entering on Record in said Town, this our Certificate, pursuant to an Act in such case made and Provided. Given under our hands at Mamaroneck the 17th day of January 1822 Guy C Bayler Peter Ferris Entered and Compared this 17th day of January 1822 by me Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk. This is to Certify that at the time of the manumitting and giving free of the said Andrew his said Mistress told Guy C Bayley and Peter Ferris that she was nota Freeholder in the Town of Mamaroneck nor a legal Settlement therein Peter Ferris 92 We the Commissioners of Highways in and for the Town of Mamaroneck County of Westchester do this day add all that road leading to Benjamin Haddens (calla the Northern district) to the Eastern District in said Town to be one district and to be called Eastern district. Mamaroneck March 21. 1826. Sign'. Henry Griffin Commiss•' Ezekiel Halstead of Highways State of New York. Sectretarys office Albany May 18 - 1829 In case of the appeal of Aaron Palmer and others of Mamaroneck in the County of Westcheser from the decission of of [sic] the Commissioners of said town in rel'wing to form a third Destrict on the middle road between destricts I & 2. It appears that in destricts N'" I. & 2. the total Number of children between 5 &. 16 is 259. that the total N° atending the 2 schools is 129 not including 31 scholars in the new school house. It appears also that owing to the inconveniance of sending to the otherschoolsa house has been errected on the middle road and a school has been Kept therein for the 3last years. by volentary contributions and without any share of the publick money: and that many persons who subscribed for building the school house on the Midle road are opposed to the formation of a New new [sic] destrict admiting at the same time by theire contributions that the people in that neighbourhood required school destrict accomodations other than those opposed by the two school houses previously erected. If the erection of the school house was needed for the accomodation of that neighborhood is it not just that the inhabitants should allso be benefited and aceomodated with an equitable apportionment of the public money. It is represented allso. that after withdrawing 56703 dollars of the assessed property for the new destrict there will stand remain 84720 ["8" blurred] dollars in No I and 93 109.273 dollars of assessed property *in no. 2. It is therefore decided that a new destrict be formed in compliance with the prayer of the applicants to be called destrict No. 3 and to embrace the property described as now or recently ocupied by the following persons Vir Aaron Palmer Benjamin Florence Richard Griffen Abraham Hall James Hall William Hall Isaac Secord Thomas Foshay. Isaac Hall John Jorden Stephen Hall Japheth Palmer Henry Boire James Myres John P. Delaney deseased [deceased] and a house on the factory farm 112 If the publick money is still in the hands otthe Com it until) the applicants can have a hearin to Chir sup,,eers they arerequired to return [their] claim to a school of it underthe26 ec. Anerentendand su uPpon the persons a 26Sec. qnd i f [ have nesse s can be had in like a nn in the new destrict th any taxes have been the like manner they must be s red Enter uspe^ded timill a hearing W and compared by Me Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Given under my hand seal of office at Albany May 18. 1829 We the Com A.C.Flag. Sup. C.M. School missloners of highway in and for the Town of Consideration the Land Called the Factory farm W attach all Said farm to be hereafter Mamaroneck taking into est of Sheldrake bridge - do this day Dated as to and in the Eastern district in Mamaroneck 24th March 1829 Said Town Entered and Compared this 27 May 1830 Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk James R. Hadden Charles Pine Commissioners of [Note: page number written i Henry Griffen high Ways ^ Pencil, not in original ink of document] 94 Whereas the Landing places and roads leading thereto a described. and as the revised Status makes it thedut to ascertain and appears not to besufficiently describe all such roads, a yOflhe Comm' undersigned Co and have them tsstoenrs of Highways mmissionersofHighwaysinandfort entered on record; W to Chapter I6'" Title first, Article first, and he town of Ma a the laid out and do herebysection first of mar°neckagreeable been used lay out on survey the foil said revised Statutes, - and worked for twenty g roads and I have on the East line of the y years and upwards. Be i landings, which have house formel Old Boston road, and nineteen 8tmngat a peg put in the y [formerly] known b feet south from the old ground Downing) thence rumen fro y James Hortons Jun' b Part h the written above8 m said line South but (n ro °w^W by Richard in different ink] to the East 89 degrees links. thence by and with most Ed Wmaranessed out and "East• the Ed said pock south 8e of mamaraneck pock I chain 53 Edge of said Dock North 89 W 18 degrees East I chain 75 road, thence by the E est I ch am 53links tot link,. thence from Begining ant hneofsaidroad No 1 I chaoth 751inkove• rth 5 I.2 West I chain 751inks to the Boston And one other road Place of running southt which joiene1th to the South )intoe the above mentioend and Barkers an htrty - three f d a Store house width house road out by the Com standing on the lower formely call -d Tho missioners in 1767 the Pan of the dock to a formerlaid and running parallel with the East line of the above t road laid Book of the Clerk said store house htrty - three feet Joi Manufactorin Of Town a8reeing with a map filed in the mngto ce and dared 15'" July 8ompany made by Witjj am Bridges amaroneck survee Old West - Chester surveyor of the City of New York & We do hereby order this our Certificate to be record Clerk of the town of .is W in the office and Book of the 113 Given under our hands and seals this 28'" day of second Month 1832 links to a Large rock marked A at the junction of the road leading to White -plains the James R. Hadden O East line hereof to run parallel with the above courses and are fifty links in width. Entered & compacred this Third a road Beginning at the North west corner of Walter Marshalls Barn and from the m 1832 John Jorden O East line of the last mentioned road, and running South 75 3/4 East 9 chains 53 links to 28 day of February O the West line of the Road leading to White Plains. The remainder of this Certificate Henry Griffen Dan: D. T. Hadden Town Clerk Carried Over Dan ' D T. Hadden number written in pencil-] Mamaroneck Town Clerk [Note: page in and for the Town first 95 We the under signed Commissioners of Highways% thence on the same course from the East fine of the above road leading to white Plains 3 agreeable to Chapter sixteenth. Title F'1 a` n and ghway 'rssucfc se made and provided tosaidStatutethe chains 73 links to the Waters of Mamaroneck river, or pond attach d to the Cotton le out h ay in such rding Factory belonging to Spears, Pollock and Co. this road is SixtySeven links in width Statutes of the state OfNew hheereYby disorube. Y Haveassertatned.a for twenty years anangieofEighteenf and upwards, as Public highways with aline running parallel with the above course and distance.(cet following roads which have bemused nningattheNorth East on the north of the Cotton house Excepted. Fourth A road Beginning at the turnpike respecting which there is bale or no record of -First A road, Be® road and south East corner of John Morrel's Barn thence runningNorth 52 12 degrees in the opposite angle, and from the north 8r corner of the angle of the Old Boston road where the commissioners in 1800 declared chain 50 west I chain 53 links to the corner post of a garden, bearing with a parallel line of Seventy t tree which stands nearby rtes, Six links in width, thence North from Said post 22 degrees West 6 chains 51 links to the useless to a locus P Br East corner of Phebe Tompkins house, the running Nonh 8 eB West I chain 75 links to the North East corner of south line of the road that runs to the Pond or Mamaroneck river, this art of said road to a bolt in a Rock thence Northhe3 post ["o" could be "a"J (Except a few feet on East p Lyons Store house I is Sixty -two links in width with a parallel line with the last mentioned Course. Monmouth Ly b the Commissioners in 1817 from We hereby order this our Certificate to be recorded. side of said Lyons store which was Exchanged Y ost o couldbe"a"J Given under our hands and seals this 28'h day of Second Month 1832 thence acrost [actoss] the turnpike road to the south comer shed p [ " occupied b B.&D.D.T. Hadden from thence North 3 112 East 4 t 2 Henry Griffen O of the store now Occup Y 83 links, thance [thence] North 17 west 2 chains 20 links, thance North 20 I I chains 94 ' 2 west 3 chains 40 links, thence North James R. Hadden O finks thence North IS 314 west 3 chains 76 links. thence 28 314 West 2 chains I 2west87links,thenceNorth46112wes John Jorden O ["8" difficult to decipher] links, thence North % 1 60 114 West 1 chain 60 links. thnce N Orth 73 I I 4 chains 90 links to south East corner of the school house lot, thence North 35 west 5 The Above Certificate Entered and Compared cc adjoining the chains I I links a rock in the fen beginning to The 28`" of February 1832 thence the same oeourse 5 chains to Sheldrake Bridge, said woad of from Bridge S Stanley marked 8 thence North from said Sheldrake Bridge 39 degrees Dan'.. D.T. Hadden this Bridge is four rods in width; rt west 1 I chains 31 links, thence North 58 Town Clerk West 14 chains 30 links thence North 10 1! rth 59 114 west 7 chasms 10 west 5 chains 20 links, thence Nolink. thence north 17 west 2 thence North 35 1/2 East 6 ["6" written 97 Dingy Road chains 85 links opposite links John Fowlers house, 4 west 5 Whereas the road leading from Mamaroneck river by the home of Benjamin (Hadden thence south, 85 west 3 chains 80 links, appeares not to have been recorded, and as the present revised Statutes authorises the over "5"] chains 80 fin• thence N1de heroad,chain 301inks, thence N Orth 67 I chains 20 links near a well in' links to the south -East corner of Rowland R. Minturn's Commissioners of Highways to ascertain, lay outanddescribeall such road as shall have thence North 71 west 4 chains 60 been used for twenty years to be described and recorded, the pre-ent [present] road to thence north 7 114 west, 7 chains 7links. thence thence North 32 west 5 chains . thence (north begin at the center of Mamaroneck river that divides the towns of Harrison and and land, 4 west 7 chains 70 links. Mamaroneck North from the house of the said Benjamin Hadden, thence south 8 1/2 thence North 24 11 t 2 chains Orth 32 thence North 24 314 west 6 42 I12 East 4 chains. thence North 4 Fes degrees East 5 chains 30 links, thence south 1/2 degree West 7 chains, thence south 17 Griffen thence North 4 112 East tochains 50 1/2 East 6 chains 50 links. thence south 5 1/2 East 3 chains 70 links thence south 13/4 chains 40 links, thence North 12 west 2 chains 10 links, thence N orth 22 west I chain to a rock nearly opposite the house of John west 4 chains 80 links. thence south 22 1/2 west 5 chains to William Davis's land, thence links to the Brook near the house of tory thence 34 west I I chains 70 links south 17 1/4 west 4 chains to Charles Lawrece's tend, thence south 42 west 3 chains links. thence south 54 1/ 2 west 6 chains 30 links, thence south 61 west 5 chains thence south 35 Morrell, thence North 38 1 / 2 west. 9 chains 30 links. thence north 4 1 12 west 6 chains links to the line that divides the towns fence w Mamaroneck & Scarsdale this part of the road 1/4 west 4 chains, thence south 47 112 west I chain 50 links to Henry Griffen's land stands- is three rods in width as that the outh East Corner of Monmouth Lyons land and the thence south 56 1/2 west 9 chains 30 links to a rock in the fence marked A thence south Beginning60 west I chain 40 links to the land formerly Edward Lee's thence south 19 112 west 5 Second, r road Bellichains 40 links, thence south 49 west 3 chains, thence south lowest I chain, thence south turnpike road thence running North 56 west. 3 chains 90 links. thence North 2 112 west chain 44 links opposite the Episcopalian Church, thence North I 1 112 west 25 °hams 89 42 1/ 2 East 2 chains 25 links to the road leading to White -plains the width of the above 114 115 road being fifty links with a parallel line corasponding with the above courses and ames W. Brown, the whole distance of said road distances agreeable to a survey made by J being 78 chains 45 links. or one this Certificatehai to the Entered on the Book of refty - five links short of One cords in the office We do hereby of the Clerk of the town of Mamaroneck. of the second Month one thousand Given under our hands and seals this 28 [,1 Y O Eight hundred and thirty-two Henry Griffen James R. Hadden O John Jordan O The above Certificate Entered & Compared the 29' [,] of February Dan'.. DT, Hadden Town Clerk. oners of Highway to 98 Whereas the revised Statutes of 1827 authorisesthe c yars,tand not Sufficiently' cause all such roads as shall have been used rin an described; to be ascertained. described and Entered on record; and it appearing Examination that the westermost road in the town of Mamaroneck (formerly calpd Weaver Street) has not been recorded. Agreeable to section first of the lay out of Chapter ra ytesaid road. Begini gnat the that regulating Statutes Highways, do hereby lay From tMamaroneck and hence south 4 114 degreesEast8 chains 30 lth inks. thence e towns. south 3lwest 4 chains thence50 ence south 26 links then= south 16 1/4 East I chain 50 59 East 2 chains, hence south 21 lastl3 chains 70 links thence1/4 south 6t 9 nl 2 West 5 chains 6 links thence south 9 East 5 chains. thence south 25 East 8 chains: thence south 551 2 , thence south 56 East 2 chains, thence south 112 East 2 chains south 73 East 6 chains East 2 chains 20 links to a large Bat rock thence south 24 East 5 chains 70 links, [hence oad leading to aroneck village- thence south 52 112 East 7 chains, to the the sou h4East6chainsttthencesouth52112East south 30112 East 4 chains 20 links. 4 chains, thence south 79 East 3 chains 30 links, thence 49East 4 pains SO links thence thence osuth 53 East 3 chains 20 links, thence south 30 31 south 12 114 East 6 chains, thence south 34 East 7 chains 30 st g thence 5 lin 87 East 6 chains, thence lout 39 East 3 chains, thence south 34 Eaiff link, thence st 8 chains 55 links. thence t 3 chain I south 20 East 7 chains t25 links hence southce 14Easth 67 7 chess 20 links, thence south 24 1 south2 East 4 East 4 chains 30 chains 90 links thence south 46 East 4 chains 20 finks to the turn`ft eenchains.. idth of said road is two rods, and the length of which is about two miles, We do herby [hereby] order this our certifrate to be recorded on the Book of records of the town of Mamaroneck ,s da of second month 1832 Given under our hands & seals this 28 [ ] Y O Henry Griffen James R. Hadden O John Jorden O Entered on record 29' [ s] Feb. 1832 Dan' D.T. Hadden Town clerk [Note: page 99 numbered, but left unwritten.] Map of a road of the 1 own of Mamaroneck Known as the third District Rad Commencing at the South East Corner of the land of Benjamin Florence and [words crossed out] or West Chester County Turnpike rad Company a nd, runs Thus vis. 117 116 rn. . I N 51 degrees West thirty five links 2 North seventy nine and a half degrees West eight two links 3 North fifty five degrees Westt forty one links links 4 North forty two degrees eight Bi 5 North fifty eight and a half degrees West one Chain & thirty three links 6 North sixty eight and a half degrees West one Chain twenty five links 7 North seventy six and a half degrees West one Chain sixty eight links 8 North eighty one degrees West seventy three links 9 West one Chain and forty seven links to South seventy eight degrees West one Cin 1 I South sixty and three quarters deg: west five Chain seventy-four links. to a pine tree lacking [word difficult to decipher] five links. the pine tree stands three links on B. Florences land 12 North eighty six and three quarters West one Chain thirty nine links (at the End of this Course House on a right = angle) 13 North seventy seven degrees West thirty links 14 North Sixty two degrees West forty two links 15 South eighty three and a half degrees West seventeen links, thence North Sixty and a quarter degrees West forty one links to a stake thence North forty and half degrees West three Chains. Thence North forty six and a half degrees West nineteen links 18 North thirty five and a quarter degrees West two chains Sixty one links 19 North forty five and a half degrees West one Chain ninety eight links n twenty one links to 20 Nortland. thirty and a hence Northhtwelf nt iixx and aest one q er [quarter] degrees West one Chain orrs t eight links 22 North thirty five degrees West one Chain thirty links 23 North ten degrees West one Chain 24 North five degrees West one Chain ninety links 25 Northfourteenand ahalf degrees Westtwo-Chainsseventeenlinks. thence=eighty nine links to J. Lawrence =North eight & three quarter degrees West ninety two links. thence North twenty and a half degrees West one Chain thirty five links 28 North seventy one degrees West two Chains twenty four links thence North seventy seven and three quarters degrees West eighty four links West 30 North fifty eight degrees West fifty one links thence North forty seven= degrees two Chains and ninety links. (Carried up) B'—' [ A &I _-,n 32 North thirty eight and a half degrees West ninety one links 33 North thirty one and a quarter degrees West one Chain thirty finks 34 North thirty five and a quarter degrees West three Chains seventy four hnksto Aaron palmers line and south part of bridge 35 North sixty nine and a half degrees West seventy nine links 36 North sixty degrees West four Chains fourteen links 37 North seventy six and a half degrees West one Chain seventy - four links. thence south eighty three and a half degrees West ninety six links. thence North sixty four degrees West one chain seventy links. thence North forty one and a half degrees West six chains sixty links 41 North sixty eight and a half degrees West one Chain thirty two links thence south eighty nine degrees West one Chain thirty nine links thence south eighty one degrees West one Chain thirty six finks thence South seventy seven degrees West one Chain twenty Six links thence south sixty five degrees West forty nine links to the Road laid out in the year one Thousand eight hundred and fourteen To the Road Called Weaver street. the above comprises the South & West side of said Road The Courses and Distance of the North and East side of said Road runs thus Commencing at the End of last Course of the South & West of Said Road and runs across roaad North twenty and a half degrees West one Chain then North eighty three and a [word crossed out] quarter degrees East four Chains eighty links to land of Patrick Bowen. thence North forty nine and a half degrees East one Chain thence North sixty nine degrees East sixty six links thence south eighty degrees East thirty links. thence South fifty eight degrees East fifty links (Carried up) 101 (Brought up.) thence South fourteen degrees East Sixty nine links thence South thirteen and a half degrees West seventy two links, thence south eight and three quarters East, seventy links thence South thirty nine and a half degrees East six Chains and two links (at the End of this Course an offsett of three links to the left.) South seventy five and a half degrees East twenty five links thence North seventy seven degrees East eighty links, thence South eight -three degrees East one Chain twenty eight links to and of Aron Palmer thence South eighty three degrees East twenty five links thence South eighty degrees East one Chain thirty five links, thence South sixtyfive degrees East eighty seven links thence South forty and three quarters degrees East one Chain twenty seven links thence South fifty six degrees East two Chains eighty eight links to south side of Sheldrake River and to land of Benjamin Florence, thence South fifty two and a half degrees East ninety links thence South thirty six and a half degrees East one Chain sixty five links thence south thirty three degrees East three Chains thirteen links thence south fifty six and a half degrees East one Chain fifty one links thence South twenty seven and a quarter degrees East one chain and two links thence South thirty six degrees East ninety one links thence South seventy five and a half degrees East one Chain eighteen links to a Rock thence south eighty two degrees East seventy three links thence South seventy three degrees East one Chain eighty links to land of Permela Dougherty thence South thirteen and a half degrees East seven Chains forty links to a Rock thence South thirty two and a half degrees East two Chains fifty five links thence South thirty five degrees East two Chains and three links thence South forty and a half degrees East three Chains and fifty seven links thence South fifty three degrees East one Chain forty seven links thence south eighty six and a half degrees East one Chain thirteen links thence Nonh sixty six degrees East sixty three links thence North sixty and a half degrees East four Chains twenty three links to land of Benjamin Florence thence North seventy four and a half degrees East one Chain forty seven links thence North eighty eight and a quarter degrees East two Chains forty four links thence North eighty one degrees East one Chain thirty eight links to land of J. P. Delancey, thence South sixty one and a half degrees East two Chains ninty links thence South sixty six and a half degrees East ninety eight links thence South forty eight and a half degrees East one Chain forty three links thence South seventy four and a half degrees East forty three links thence South eighty eight and a half Degrees East fifty four links to the a foresaid Boston Post Road [three words crossed out], Westchester Turnpike Road Company. thence across said Turnpike East two Chains and eighty five links to the old Boston post Road. The last course of said Road four rod wide Map Made by a scale of of [sic] four Chains or sixteen rod to an inch Surveyed and Measured March 94. 1840 By Alexander Marshall Mamaroneck We do hereby Order this Our Certificate to be recorded on the Book of Records of town of Mamaroneck Given under Our hands & seals this 4'" of April I Entered on Record This 4 day of April 1840 Daniel D. T. Hadden 0 Nicholas Miller 0 Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk 102 The Town Superintendent of Common Schools in the Town of Mamaroneck by virtue that the Boundary line between of the authority vested in him doth he annul district number Three in Said own and annex the territory thereof to districts Nhe Commissioners of Schools in 1814 and them Shall correspond with that made bythe Junction Of the Shall be as follows To wit To comme ce at t Hhe enry Disbrows de water near House. now Knownn as Boston road with the Turnpike road, the property of Elizabeth Sanford, and Tuning in the center of the highway.leading[o the Situated in what was called the Belcher lot and House Known as Henry Disbrows.traight line as far continuing from the East Corner of Said Hoo'mt Shause on ag belong to an be Known as district William Cornell all East of this line, l do appoint No one and all west of that line. I do appoint Shall belong to and Known as District No Two Said alteration to take effect on the First day of May 1949 The written Consent of the Trustees of Districts No one Two and Thre havemg been represented to the Superintendent is filled heTown Clerk Ward [ of Common Schools Town Superintenden Mamaroneck Mamaroneck March 28. 1849 Enteredand recorded this 2"—.. day of May 1849 Edward Seaman Town Clerk aut orize the ssioners of of Highways to cWhereas ause alltsucheroaaddssas shall hatatutes Of 83beenused for twenty htyears and not stiff. ently Opposite the described to be ascertained described and entered on record and h beginning peanng on examination that the road Known o the oldTur Boston the land soMrs. Sandford in the land of Louis Walsh and running to the Turnpike by the town of Mamaroneck has not been recorded. Agreably to e forthesaidtown d made order and provided We the undersigned Commissioners of highway that said road be ascertained described nhas n[e�e under Of our diin the cirection fAs follows town according to a survey the 2 E 2 `h l� in i="t, thence N. 67 12 E 86 "Beginning at stake set in the comer where the Northerly line of the Road intersec s Westchester County Turnpike thence N. 65 l links thence N 71 1/2 E- 52 links'" 'n. thence 103 thence S. 88 112 E. 1 �,^ thence S. S. 74 112 E 1`- 84 E -I` 82' thence N. 83 E.90"" 120 thence N. 68 E Ir 26'" - thence N. 51 E 2` 29 "" thence N. 57 1/2 E - 3=39 "" thence N. 33 1/2 E. T- 86` thence N. 52 1/ 2 E I=28'". thence N. 65 E. 2=23" thence N. 60 1/2 E. 1 ` 30' thence N. 70 E. 1`. 25= thence N. 77 E. 1 ` 12'thence N 79 1/2 E.- 86 links thence N. 54 E. I`. 33 thence N. 46 E. Ft 94 thence N 29 E. 3= 50' thence N 5. W. 2' ' `. 57' thence N. 13. W - 88 lin. thence N. 33 1/2 W. 1`. 22 thence N. 3 1/2 W. I `. 21 thence N. 15 W. 3 ` 50. 1 to a stake where the Westchester County Turnpike Intersects the same thence N. 61 E. I I along the Turnpike. thence. S. 12 E. 9=05 links thence S. 10 W. 1`. 80: thence. S. 42 112 W. 4` - thence S. 13 1; 2 W. I` 54 thence S. 78 3 4 w. 2`. 73 lin thence . S. 67 W. 8`. 43' to a chestnut tree standing in the fence thence s. 36 w. I' ' `. 74' thence S. 52 1/2 W. 2`. 0 9"" thence S. 50 W. 1. 62' thence S. 61 W Z. 911' thence S. 74. W. 1`. 04' thence N. 87 W. 1`. 76' thence N. 82 112. W. I `. 76. thence . N. 88 W. 3`. 18"". thence S. 73 1/2 W. 66 links thence S. 69 w 3 `. 74 " to the Turnpike Road said courses and distances taken as the fence now stands. Given under our hands this 31" day of July 1851 0 G H GUION 0 Entered and recorded this I" [number "I" written over "31"J day of August 1851 Edward Seaman Town Clerk 121 {. a a•is`.rf,...._ ..ijyRa' rlr:.,c d......;.r�F sv��I Zef.... ,,ir.a-ccj •�`r•{n w-srG..at /gyp Y._.c /•(...-.. J. Lbw J. %aa:/. A/ ^'.'•'P[' n,:. res. 1....�.. �: 3i`i�, i/•L7 !iY, • m C (r;( e�AX.n�mJ14� i Map of the Old Boston Post Road Made by C. W Hopkins Surveyor Surveyed & protracted this 30s day of July 1851 Chas W Hopkins 122 104 To the Commissioners of Highways of The Town of Mamaroneck and County of Westchester We the Subscribers Freeholders of the said Town and liable to be assessed for high way labour therein, hereby apply to said commissioners of Highways to lay out a road three Rods wide in connection with the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Scarsdale commeriming at the dividing line between the two towns near Daniel Griffins on the White Plains road from Mamaroneck and runing with Said line betwen the two towns until it comes to the lands of William H Cornell thence runing North Westerly until it intersects the New Rochelle near the Friends Meeting House, Said road runing through the improved lands of John Morrell deceased (whose heirs agree to give the land) also through the lands of Joseph. John C Griffin and Daniel Griffin (who give the land and fence the Same) also through lands of William H. Cornell (who gives the land And we we [sic] the Said Freeholders declare the Said road necessary for the public travel and benefit Mamaroneck November A 1853 Freeholders of the town of Mamaroneck Stephen C Griffin William Florence Benjamin Clark Charles Lawrence Sniffin Merritt Adam G. Coles John Marshall John Palmer Isaac Hall Benjamin Florence William H Palmer Daniel P Barker and David R Brown Notice is hereby given that the Subscribers persons liable to be Assessed for Highway Labor in the Town of Mamaroneck and County of West Chester have applied to the commissioners of Highways of the said Town in connection with Commissioners of the town of Scarsdale to lay out a Highway on or near the dividing line between the two towns commenceing near Daniel Griffins and runing Westerly with the line through the lands of John Morrell dec-4. Joseph and John C and Daniel Griffin until it comes to lands of William H Cornell North West through the Said Cornell's land until it intersects the New Rochelle road and that Twelve reputable freeholders of the town will mm with the same number from the town of Scarsdale on the 141?. day of Novemer 1853 at 10 O Clock A.M. at the dwelling House of John C Griffin the the town of Scarsdale to examine The Grounds Mamaroneck Nov 21. 1853 Stephen C Griffen Charles Lawrence Benjamin Florence David R Brown and Others Freeholders Certificate to lay out a new Road The Subscribers freeholders of the town of Mamaroneck County of WestChester not interested in the lands through whih [which] the road hereinafter described is to be laid nor of Kin to the owners thereof haveing met at the Dwelling House ofJohn C Griffen in the Town of Scarsdale agreeable to the notice and haveing been first duly Sworn and Affirmed. have personally examined the rout of the Highway proposed to be laid out by the application of Stephen C Griffin and Others begining and described as in the annexed notice and haveing heard and considered all reasons offered for or against laying out the Same and thereupon do hereby certify to the Commissioners of Highways of Said town that we are of opinion that such Highway is Necessary and proper 105 In witness whreeof we have hereunto Subscribed our names this 14'. Day of November 1853 123 County of WestChester Ss C. Griffin of Mamaroneck in said county being Town of Mamaroneck Stephen duly Affirmed saith that he caused notices in writing of which the within is a soppy to be posted up in William G Nichols hotell John J Marshalls Store and Newman and Smiths Store three of the most public places in said Town on the 24. day of November being Six days before the time Specified therein for the Meeting of the freeholders Affirmed and Subscribed to this Stephen C Griffin 14's—.. day of November 1853. Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace 1 do certify that the foregoing is a true coppy of the Proceedings of the commissioners and the certificate of the freeholders of the Town of Mamaroneck for the laying out of a Public Highway between Mamaroneck and Scarsdale a Map of which Highway was filed in the town Clerks Office on the 14'=. day of December 1853 and also the Affirmation of Stephen C Griffin with regard to posting the Notices Edward Seaman Town Clerk Release of Claim to Damages Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Towns of Scarsdale and Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester to lay out a Highway in Said towns Three rods wide begining at the White Plains road near Daniel Griffins and running South Westerly on or with the dividing line between Said Towns through the improved lands of John Morrell Der. Joseph Griffin John C Griffin Daniel Griffin until it comes to lands of William H Cornell thence North Westerly until it intersects the New Rochelle road near the Friends Meeting house which proposed highway wil pass through my improved lands. Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the Said highway 1 do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof Sealed with my Seal and dated this 25''—".. O day of November 1853. John C Griffin S Whitness Debrah S Griffen O Stephen C Griffin Westchester County SS On this Twenty Fourth day of march 1854 before me came John C Griffen and Deborah his wife and severlly acknowledged that they had executed the within conveyance and the said Deborah on a private examination apart from her husband acknowledged that she executed the same freely and without any fear or compulsion of 124 her husband And 1 further certify that I Know the same individuals described in and that they are the same persons who executed the within conveyance Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace Release of Claims to Damages 106 Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Towns of Mamaroneck and Scarsdale County of Westchester to lay out a highway three rods wide begining at the White Plains road near Daniel Griffins and running South Westerly on or near the dividing line between two Towns aforesaid and through the improved lands of John Morrell (Dec°:) Joseph Griffin John C Griffin and Daniel Gruen until it comes to lands of William H Cornell thence North Westerly through said Cornells land until it intersects the New Rochelle road near the Friends Meeting house which proposed highway will pass through my Improved lands Now Therefore in Consideration of laying out of the said highway I do hereby releaseall Claim to damages by reason Thereof Sealed with my seal and Dated this 25t. day of November 1853 Witness Daniel Griffen O Daniel D T Hadden Anna Griffen O Westchester County S.S. On this Twenty Fourth day of March 1854 Before me came Daniel Griffen and Anna his wife and severly acknowledged that they had executed the within conveyance and the said Anna on a private examination apart from her husband acknowledged that She executed the same freely without any fear or compulsion of her husband And I further certify that I know the individuals described in, and that they are the same persons who made the acknowledgement Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace Release of Claims to Damage Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Towns of * Mamaroneck and Scarsdale in the County of WestChester to lay out a Highway three rods wide beginning at the White Plains road near Daniel Griffen and running a South Westerly direction on or near the dividing line between the two Towns aforesaid and through the improved lands of John Morrell (Der.) Joseph Griffen John C Griffin Daniel Griffen until it comes to lands of W=. H. Cornell thence North Westerly through said Cornells land until it intersects the New Rochelle road near the Friends Meeting House which proposed highway will pass through my improved lands Now Therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said Highway I do hereby release all Claims by reason Thereof Sealed with my seal and Dated this 25=. day of Nov 1855 Witness Joseph Griffen O 125 Stephen C Griffin Benjamin Clark Sniffin Merritt George H Guion John J Marshall. Isaac Hall William Florence, Benjamin Florence Joseph Haight. David R Brown Daniel P Barker Adam G Coles County of WestChester Ss C. Griffin of Mamaroneck in said county being Town of Mamaroneck Stephen duly Affirmed saith that he caused notices in writing of which the within is a soppy to be posted up in William G Nichols hotell John J Marshalls Store and Newman and Smiths Store three of the most public places in said Town on the 24. day of November being Six days before the time Specified therein for the Meeting of the freeholders Affirmed and Subscribed to this Stephen C Griffin 14's—.. day of November 1853. Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace 1 do certify that the foregoing is a true coppy of the Proceedings of the commissioners and the certificate of the freeholders of the Town of Mamaroneck for the laying out of a Public Highway between Mamaroneck and Scarsdale a Map of which Highway was filed in the town Clerks Office on the 14'=. day of December 1853 and also the Affirmation of Stephen C Griffin with regard to posting the Notices Edward Seaman Town Clerk Release of Claim to Damages Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Towns of Scarsdale and Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester to lay out a Highway in Said towns Three rods wide begining at the White Plains road near Daniel Griffins and running South Westerly on or with the dividing line between Said Towns through the improved lands of John Morrell Der. Joseph Griffin John C Griffin Daniel Griffin until it comes to lands of William H Cornell thence North Westerly until it intersects the New Rochelle road near the Friends Meeting house which proposed highway wil pass through my improved lands. Now therefore in consideration of the laying out of the Said highway 1 do hereby release all claim to damages by reason thereof Sealed with my Seal and dated this 25''—".. O day of November 1853. John C Griffin S Whitness Debrah S Griffen O Stephen C Griffin Westchester County SS On this Twenty Fourth day of march 1854 before me came John C Griffen and Deborah his wife and severlly acknowledged that they had executed the within conveyance and the said Deborah on a private examination apart from her husband acknowledged that she executed the same freely and without any fear or compulsion of 124 her husband And 1 further certify that I Know the same individuals described in and that they are the same persons who executed the within conveyance Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace Release of Claims to Damages 106 Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Towns of Mamaroneck and Scarsdale County of Westchester to lay out a highway three rods wide begining at the White Plains road near Daniel Griffins and running South Westerly on or near the dividing line between two Towns aforesaid and through the improved lands of John Morrell (Dec°:) Joseph Griffin John C Griffin and Daniel Gruen until it comes to lands of William H Cornell thence North Westerly through said Cornells land until it intersects the New Rochelle road near the Friends Meeting house which proposed highway will pass through my Improved lands Now Therefore in Consideration of laying out of the said highway I do hereby releaseall Claim to damages by reason Thereof Sealed with my seal and Dated this 25t. day of November 1853 Witness Daniel Griffen O Daniel D T Hadden Anna Griffen O Westchester County S.S. On this Twenty Fourth day of March 1854 Before me came Daniel Griffen and Anna his wife and severly acknowledged that they had executed the within conveyance and the said Anna on a private examination apart from her husband acknowledged that She executed the same freely without any fear or compulsion of her husband And I further certify that I know the individuals described in, and that they are the same persons who made the acknowledgement Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace Release of Claims to Damage Whereas application has been made to the commissioners of Highways of the Towns of * Mamaroneck and Scarsdale in the County of WestChester to lay out a Highway three rods wide beginning at the White Plains road near Daniel Griffen and running a South Westerly direction on or near the dividing line between the two Towns aforesaid and through the improved lands of John Morrell (Der.) Joseph Griffen John C Griffin Daniel Griffen until it comes to lands of W=. H. Cornell thence North Westerly through said Cornells land until it intersects the New Rochelle road near the Friends Meeting House which proposed highway will pass through my improved lands Now Therefore in consideration of the laying out of the said Highway I do hereby release all Claims by reason Thereof Sealed with my seal and Dated this 25=. day of Nov 1855 Witness Joseph Griffen O 125 7f County of West Chester S.S. On this Twenty Fourth day of March 1854 before me came Joseph Griffen and acknowledged that he had executed the within conveyance And I further Certify that I know the said individual and that he is the same person described in and who executed the said Conveyance 1 do certify that the above are true copies of the releases on file in the Town Clerk Office Edward Seaman Town Clerk 107 Westchester County ss. Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace I John F Jenkin, Surveyor, being duly Sworn depose and Says, that at the request of Mr. John Morrell, I have this day, April 30'" 1856 made the following measurements in regard to Lou of and in Mamaroneck numbered on the Map made by W'".. Bridges City Surveyor on file in the Town Clerks offices as Lots N- 76, 77, 78. 79 and 133 viz. Beginning at a point two feet west of the East Side of the Line Wall beween [between] Lots 79and 134at the[space in manuscript] North EastCornerof Lots No 79 and running thence a right Line to a point immediately under the Barge board of the house belonging to the Rev John A Sileck which Barge board projects over the adjoining Lot belonging to Wells and Hoffman, to a locust sake or peg in Said line in front of the buildings & Measureing westwardly by the Turnpike road as nearly as possible by the aforesaid Map, the three lots said to blong [belong] to the aforesaid Rev Mr Silleck, One hundred and Seventy rive feet Six inches to a Locust peg nearthe LineofSaid Turnpike, and extending about two feet beyond the and now in his, the Said Sileck possession in front; thence, in a direct line to a marked point on the rear Stone wall adjoining the Church Lot; Said point being distant One Hundred and Seventy Six feet and four inches from the place of Beginning; Which is one foot & four inches more than Said Map requires for the rear of Lots No 77. 78 & 79 1 furthermore State that 1 consider this measurement to be favourable to the Said Mr Silleck by the aforesaid excess of the rear line over the requirement of Said Map Sworn and Subscribed John F Jenkin before me this 30" April 1856 Edward Seaman Justice of the Peace Joseph Hoffman Town Clerk 108 To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester, We the undersigned residents of the Said Town and liable to be Assessed for Highway Labor therein hereby make application to you the Said Commissioners to lay out a Highway in Said Town Com ictiming at the westerly end of Washington Street in the Village of Washington Vill in Said Town thence running in a North westerly direction till it intersects the line of Peter Johntons land on the Easterly boundary of the same adjoining Washington Ville thence runing in a westerly direction through the line fence near a tree Sanding in Said fence and runing in a Westerly Direction till it intersects a corner of the fence on the Southerly line of Said Johnstons land thence runing along the Southerly line of Said Johnston land Westerly till it comes out and intersects the road or Street nearly opposite the Mill House Sanding by the upper 126 corner of Aaron Palmers Gate there to intersect the road running from Ben' Flourence up by Joseph Haight which Said Highway will Pass through the Improved meadow Lands of the said peter Johnston who Consents to the La in Jamin and has signified the Same by signing this Petition y 8 out of said road Dated at Mamaroneck Aug 12'".. 1858 Peter Johnston Richard Calrow Jun [sic] made application o the NoticeIs hereby Given that the undersigned has has Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester for the laying out of a Highway Commencing at the westerly end of Washington Street in the Village of Washingtonville in Said town thence runing in a North-westerly direcuo till it Intersects the fine of Peter Johnston land on the Easterly boundary of the Same adjoining Washingtonville thence runing in a Westerly Direction through the litre into fence near a tree Standing in Said fence and runing in a Westerly Direction till it ence on southerly fine Of Tuning along the Southerly rsects a Comer of the f line of SaideJohntons and Westerly Johntons land thence intersects the road or Street nearly O estedY till it Comes out and Comer of Aaron Palmers Gate thence Po Inters Mill House Sanding by the Upper Florence up by Joseph Haights which said Highway the road Ruining from Benjamin meadow ands and through the Improved y wall pass through the Improved Consents to the laying out of Said road and who haslandsignifof his Peter Johnston who Petition for Said road, And that on Wednesda Consent by signing the A. M. at the Dwelling house of said Peter Johnson0INDn and near October at8Oclock Town Twelve Freeholder duly Qualffied for that Premises in Said ground through which the Said Highways is proposedPurpose will meet to Examine the With respect to the necessity and propriety of Such Hito ghway Eleventh laied [laid] and [o Certify Eleventh Day of Mamaroneck the October 1858 West Chester County Town of Mamaroneck ss Richard Calrow Jun NoticescinarwdCte ng of which hi a Wiihn (within] ,oneck in s County Co being Duly Swom Saith that Depot of the New York and New hree was posted up at the Haven Railroad at Phe Store of John P Lyon 8, William E Schous and at the post Office three of the most Public paces in Said town on the Eleventh day of October last past being Six the meeting of the freeholders Days at least before the time Speed for Sworn & subscribed before me this Elevimh Day of October 1858 109 Town of Mamaroneck Westchester County S'S We the Undersigned Richard Calrow Jun Edward Seaman Justice of the Peace freeholders of the Town of Mamaroneck in said county 127 who are not interested in the lands through which the Highway hereinafter described is propsed to be laid nor of kin to the Owner thereof haveing met on the day of the date here of at the house of Peter Johnston in Said town do hereby certify that after haveing been Duly Sworn we personally Examined the route of the said proposed highway and heard the reasons offered for and against the laying out of the Same and that in our opinion it is necessary and proper to lay out Such highway pursuant to the application of Richard Calrow, Jun Commenceing at the Westerly End of Washington Street in the Village of Washingtonville in Said town thence runing in a Northwesterly direction till it intersects the line of Peter Johntons land on the Easterly boundary of the Same adjoining Washingtonville thence runing in a Westerly direction through the line fence near a tree Standing in Said fence and runing in a Westerly direction till it intersects a corner of the fence on the Southerly line of Said Johnstons land thence inning along the Southerly line of Said Johntons land Westerly till it comes out and Intersects the road or Street nearly Opposite the Mill House Stand by the upper Corner of Aaron Palmer Gate there to Intersect the road runing form Benjamin Florence up by Joseph Haights which Said Highway will pass through the improved meadow lands and through the improved pasture land of the Said Peter Johnston In witness whereof we have hereunto Subscribed our names this Twentieth Day of October 1858 his Richard Cairo Jun Hugh X Collens Alva Briggs mark Edward Havaland A P Cummings Joseph Haight David Lehie Joseph Hoffman Daniel P Barker John B Gailhard Jacob Weaver Eugene Mercer J Gralabrum Nathaniel Higbee William H Palmer Stephen C Griffin Affirmed to by Stephen C Griffen Richard Calrow Jun and A P Cummings and Sworn and Subscribed by Joseph Hoffman Alva Briggs Jacob Weaver Nathaniel Higbee Hugh Collins Joseph Haight Daniel P Barker Eugene Mercer William H Palmer Edward Havaland David Lebec and J B Gailhard before me Edward Seaman Justice of the Peace West Chester County S, S. We the undersigned Commissioners appointed by the County Court of West Chester County to assess the Damages for laying out the Highway Commenceing at the land of Peter Johnston adjoining the Village of Washingtonville in the Town of Mamaroneck County of West Chester thence runing westerly through the land of Said Johnston to the Highway near Aarons Palmers Cider Mill [written over erasure of -Mill House"] as Described on a Map of Said Highway made by Daniel D T. Hadden Surveyor which Said Highway has been So laid out by an order of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in Said County Dated the 28'--h.. Day of February 1849 haveing taken the Oath prescribed by the Constitution Veiwed [Viewed] the Premises, and heard the parties and such witnesses as Where [ Were] offered do Assess the Damage for Laying out Said Highways as follows To Peter Johnston the Sum of (795) Seven Hundred and Nineth five Dollars Viz for Damage to land ($300) Three Hundred Dollars for fenceing ($495) Four Hundred and 128 Ninety five Dollars To Aaron Palmer the Sum of ($34) Thirty Four Dollars Viz for fenceing ($34) Thirty Four Dollars Dated at Mamaroneck Aug 3111. 1859 In witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands H. D. Robinson John J Banks Commissioners 110 The UndersignedssiHenry Woods ners of County of West Chester All the Commissioners beinof the Town of Mamaroneck in the in the Said town to Decide Upon theapplication of Richard Cant lrow Jun a resident ofveing met on the the Said Town liable to be hereinafter Assessed for Highway labor olders of the Town Co of the Road Described Twelve reputable freeholders of the Said Town Convened and Sworn after public notice of Six Days at three the most public places of the Town according to law haveing Certified [hat Such Highway is necessary and proper and the Said Commissioners having Caused Notice in writeing to be given to Peter Johnston Occupant of the (and thorugh which the road is to run at least three Days before the time Of Meeting of the time and place at which they would meet to Decide upon the Said Application Do Order that a public highway Three Rods wide Shall be and the Same is hereby [aid out pursuant to the Said Application the Centre whereof is the following Described line Viz Beginingat the South East Corner of the land of Peter Johnston and the road leading from the Turnpike road to Weaver Street road so Called and lands of Aaron Palmer, thence North 26) 30 E 5 Chains 50 links' hence North 35 E 8 Chains 8 links thence North 57 E 13 Chains 3 links to Washington Containing 2 Acres 3 Roods and 35 Rods Dated at Mamaroneck February 28=. 1859 WilliamA Carpenter Thomas Hall Commissioners Abraham Hall I do certify that the foregceing are true Copies of the Proceeding in the aforesaid Highway on file in the Town Clerks Office in the Town of Mamaroneck Edward eaman I Town Clerk To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester The Subscribers owning land in Said Town and liable to be assessed for Highway Labor therein hereby apply to the Said Commissioner to lay out a new Road Commenceing at or near the Barn Yard Gate of Frederick Sturtefeldt in Said town at the Turn of the road leading from the Newyork and New Haven Railroad Depot to William H Purdys Corner, and runing in a South Easterly Direction until it Coma to L Mamaroneck River to Intersect a Road to be (aid out by the Commissioners o! T Highways of the Town of Rye and thence to Intersect a Road Called IComtarrYLane in Said Town of Rye at or near the entrance to the Co0ered Congregational Grove at Rye Neck which proposed Road will Pass through theenclosed Improved or Cultivated land of the Said Frederick Sturtefeldt who Consents thereto and whose name is hereunto Subscribed Dated at Mamaroneck January 29'—h.. 1859 in Presence of Edward Seaman Ezra T Harriott Fred: Stertefeldt 129 Notice is hereby given that the Subscribers persons liable to be assessed for Highway labor in the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester have applied to the Commissioners of Highways of Said Town to lay out a Highway in Said town begining at or near the Barn Yard Gate of Frederick Sturtefeldt in Said Town at the tum of the road leading from the NewYork Railroad Depot to William H Purdys Corner, And Tuning in a South Easterly Direction until it Comes to Mamaroneck River to Intersect a to tad to t laid out by the Commissioners Said Town Totwn of Rye at or nearr the Entrancehways of theTwn of Rye and nce to the Intersect a road Called Berrys lane Cokred Congregational Grove at Rye Neck which Said Highway is Proposed to be laid through the improved lands of Frederick Sturtefeldt who consents to the laying out of Said Highway, And that twelve reputable Freeholders of the Said town will meet on the Eighteenth Day of February Instant at the House of Ezra T Harriott at Ten O Clock in the forenoon to Examine the Ground over which Said road is to Pm Dated at Mamaroneck January 29`—s.. 1859 Fred: Stertefeldt 111 The Subscribers freeholders of the Town of Mamaroneck West Chester County not Interested in the lands through which the road hereinafter described is to be laid nor of kin to the Owners thereof haveing met at the Dwelling horse of Ezra T Harriott in Said Town and haveing been first Duly sworn, have Ezra Tonally x minedt and Frederick the rout of the highway Proposed t be laid out by the Application Sturtefeldt begining at or near the barn Yark [Yard] Gate of Frederick Sturtefeldt in Said town of Mamaroneck at the turn of the Road Leadingfrom the NewYork and New Haven Rail Road Depot to William H Purdys Corner, and runing in a South Easterly Direction until it Comes to Mamaroneck River to Intersect a road to be laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Rye and thence to Intersect a road Called Barrys lane in Said Town of Rye at or Near the Colered Congregational Grove at Rye Neck which proposed Road will Pass through the Enclosed improved or Cultivated o and have Lands of the Said Frederick Stu asons ou the Same thereupodt who consents n do hereby eCertifyard all reto the offered for or against laying Commissioners of Highways of Said Town that we are of Opinion that Such Highway is necessary and proper Dated at Mamaroneck Feb 9s.. 1859 Walter Baker Samuel Lawrence Caleb Gedney Adam G Coles Edward Havaland Isaac Hall William D Havaland William Fisher John B Merritt Nathaniel Higbie Sworn and Subscribed before me this T4. Day of February 1859 John Perrin Benjamin Sickks Stephen Secor William Crawford Edward Seaman Justice of the Peace Whereas the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester have by An order dated the Eighth Day of February 1859 laid out a Highway in Said town begining at or near the Barnyard Gate of Frederick in Said town at he turn of the Road leading from the Ha eneldt [ e Rail Road Depot t William H Pu din ys Corner and runing na South Easterly Direction until it Comes to Mamaroneck River to Intersect a road to be laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the town of Rye and thence to Intersect a road Called Barrys lane in Said Town of Rye at or near the Enerrence [Entrance] to the Colered Congregationale Grove at Rye Neck which Said Highway Passes through the Improved lands of Frederick Sturtefeldt, Now Therefore the Damages of the Said Frederick Sturtefeldt by reason of the Laying out of Said Highway are hereby ascertained by agreement of the Said Frederick Sturtefeldt and the Said Commissioners of Highways at the Sum of Fifty Dollars Dated Feb 8'". 1860 Frederick Sturtefeldt In presence of William A Carpenter Edward Seaman Thomas Hall Commissioners The undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester All the Commissioners being present haveing met on the Road in Said Town to Decide uppon the Application of Ezra T Harriott a resident of the Said Town liable to be assessed for Highway Labor therein for the laying out of the road hereinafter described Twelve reputable freeholders of Said Town Convened and Sworn after Public Notice of Six Days at three of the most Public Places in the Town according to law having Certified that such Highway is necessary and Proper and the Said Commissioners haveing Caused notice in writeing to be Given to Frederick Sturtefeldt Occupant of the land through which the Said road is to run at least three Days before the time of Meeting of the Time and place at which they Would meet to Decide upon Said Application Do order that a public Highway Three Rods wide Shall be and the Same is hereby laid out pursuant to the Said Application the Centre whereof is the following Described line Viz Begining at the South Side of the road leading from Mamaroneck to 112 Harrison Adjoining* the Bam of Frederick Sturtefeldt thence inning South 48 Degrees 45 Minutes East Six Chains and Eighty five links to Mamaroneck River Dated at Mamaroneck March 224. 1859 William A Carpenter Thomas Hall Commissioners Abraham Hall I do Certify that the foregoeing are true Copies of the Proceedings in the aforesaid Highway on file in the Town Clerks Office in the Town of Mamaroneck Edward Seaman) Town Clerk To the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester the Subscribers Owning lands and Taxable property in Said Town and liable to be assessed for Highway tabor therein hereby apply to the Said Commissioners to layout a new Road begining on the Easterly Side of the Road leading from Mamaroneck Village to White Plains and Directly opposite the NewYork and New Haven Rail Road Depot in the Town of Mamaroneck ruining thence Easterly along the line of the aforesaid Rail Road to the Center of the Bridge Across the Mamaroneck Riverto Intersect with a road now laid out by the Commissioners of Highways on the Town of Rye Known as Railroad Avenue on a Map of lands on file in the County Clerk Office at White Plains, the aforesaid road runing through the Improved lands Said to belong to Francis P Lawrence who Does not Consent to the laying out of Said Highway 130 131 Dated Mamaroneck Shadrack Smith November 36' 1859 Caleb Gedney Notice Posted To the Commissioners of Highways on the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester The Subscribers Owning lands and Taxable Property in Said Town and liable to be assessed for Highway Labor therein hereby apply to the Said Commissionersto layout a New Road Beginning on the Easterly Side of the road leading from Mamaroneck Village to White Plains and Directly Opposite the Newyork and New Haven Rail Road Depot, in the Town of Mamaroneck runing Easterly along the line of the aforesaid Railroad to the Center of the Bridge across the Mamaroneck River to Intersect with a road now laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Rye Known as Railroad Avenue on a Map of Land on file in the County Clerks office in White Plains The aforesaid road Runing through the Improved Lands Said to belong to Francis P Lawrence who Does not Consent to the laying out of Said Highway and that Twelve reputable Freeholders of the Town will Meet on the 104. Day of December next at the Sheldrake house at Ten O Clock in the forenoon to Examine the Ground Over which Said Road is to Pass Dated at Mamaroneck Shadrac Smith November Vt. 1859 Caleb Gedney The Subscribers Freeholders of the Town of Mamaroneck County of West Chester and State of Newyork not Interested in the lands through which the road hereinafter Described is to be laid nor of Kin to the owners thereof haveing mit (met] at the Public House of Hannah Barker [possibly Barber] in Said town And haveing been first Duly Sworn have personally Examined the route of the Highway Proposed to be laid out by the application of Shadrack Smith and Caleb Gedney Begining on the Easterly Side of the Road leading from Mamaroneck Village to the White Plains Directly Opposite the Newyork and New Haven Rail Road Depot in the Town of Mamaroneck Tuning thence Easterly along the line of the aforesaid Rail Road to the Centre of the Bridge Across the Mamaroneck River to Intersect with a road laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Rye Known as Rail Road Avenue on a Map of Lands of George Barry and Noah Tompkins and on file in the County Clerks Office in White Plains And have heard and Considered all reasons offered for or against laying out of the Same and thereupon do hereby Certify to the Commissioners of Highways of Said Town that we are of oppinion that such Highway is necessary and Proper Dated this 10 Day of December 1859 113 Benjamin Florence Joseph Hoffman John B Merritt I" Richard Calro Jun Eugene Fart William Florence Peter K Hadden John Perrin Frederick Sturtefeldt " George H Guion J D Hill David Lehe William Havaland .p �ISworn [word erased] and Subscribed before this Mg... Day of "t 01 December 1859 Edward Seaman Justice of the Peace 132 This Indenture made and Entered into the Tenth Day of January in the year one thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Between Francis P Lawrence late of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester and State of Newyork party of the first part and the Commissioners of Highways of the said Town of the Second Pan Witnesseth Whereas application has been made to the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester to Lay out a Highway in Said Town Begining on the Easterly Side of the Road leading from Mamaroneck Village to White Plains and Directly Opposite the Newyork and New Haven Rail Road Depot in the Town of Mamaroneck runing thence Easterly along the Line of the aforesaid Rail Road to the Centre of the Bridge across the Mamaroneck River to Intersect with a road now laid out by the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Rye Known as Rail Road Avenue on a Map of the lands belonging to George Barryand Noah Tompkins on file in the County Clerk Office in the Town of White Plains which Proposed Highway will Pass through the Improved Lands of Francis P Lawrence Now therefore in Consideration of the Layingout of thesaid Highway and ofthe Sum of one Dollar in hand Duly Paid to the Party of the first Part hereto the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged, the Said party of the first [the word 'pa rt. Omitted] hereto hath hereby released the Said parties of the Second part hereto from all Damages or Claims for Damage, which he the Said party of the firs[ pan hereto his heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns have or might reasonably have against the Said parties of the Second part on account of the laying out of the Said Highway or any proceeding or Action Connected therewith In witness Whereof the Party of the first [word "part"omitted] hereto hath hereunto Set his hand and Seal the Day and year first above written Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of William H Noyes Francis P Lawrence S by James T Rogers his attorney This portion of Property haveing been reserved by me as a public Highway by Virtue of an agreement with Noah Tompkins and George Barry of the Town of Rye Francis P Lawrence To Cyrus Cleveland Americus V Potter and James M Smith Warrentee Deed Dated March 22°.. 1854 Recorded Liber 268 page 190 April 26'—". 1854 on Page near bottom "Reserving however a public Highway as now laid out through Van - Rance Property leading from the Road to the Town of Rye Three Rods in width (See Mapp) Rye Neck Village Dated 1851 Filed January 511. 1858 No 337 City & County of Newyork S.S. On the I I Day of January A D 1860 Came before me James T Rogers Attorney of Francis P Lawrence Known to me to be the Individual Described in and Who Executed the foregocing Instrument and acknowledgd that he executed the Same as the act and Deed of Francis P Lawrence therein described by Virtue of a Power of Attomey duly executed by Said Francis P Lawrence bearing date the Eighth day of January Ad 1855 and filed in the office of the Clerk of West Chester County in Liber- -- of Power of Attorney at Page -- on the 18s. Day of January 1860 133 !1M W F T Chapman: Commissioner of Deed Clerk Cefficate of the City of New York attached 114 The Undersigned Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester All the Commissioenrs being present, haveing met at the Sheldrake in Said Town to decide upon the Application of Caleb Gedney and Shadrack Smith residents of Said Town liable to be assessed for Highway labor therein for the laying out of the road hereinafter Described. Twelve reputable Freeholders of the Said Town Convened and Sworn after Public Notice of Six Days at three of the most Public places of the Town according to law haveing Certified that Such Highway is necessary and proper, And the Said Commissioners having Caused notice in writeing to be Given to James T Rogers as Agent of Francis P Lawrence as Occupant of the land through which the Road is to Run at least three Days before the Time of Meetingofthe Timeand place at which they would meet to Decide upon the Said Application, Do hereby Order that a Public Highway Three Rods wide Shall be and the Same is hereby laid out Pursuant to the Said Application the Centre whereof is the following Described line Viz: Begining on the East side of the Road leading from Mamaroneck to the White Plains Opposite the NewYork and New Haven Rail Road Depo thence runing North 45 1/2 Degrees East 9 Chains thence North 52 Degrees East 3 Chains and 35 links To the Bridge on Mamaroneck River. Thence North 54 Degrees East one Chain and 66 links to the Centre of the Bridge Containing by Survey one Acre and 8 Rods be the Same more or less Dated this 6$. Day of Febuary 1860 In Presence of Edward Seaman Clerk William A Carpenter Commissioners Thomas Robinson of Highways Thomas Hall I do Certify that the foregoeing are True Copies of the Proceedings in the aforesaid II Highway on file in the Town Clerk Office in the Town of Mamaroneck Edward Seaman Town Clerk 115 Mamaroneck Westchester County Ss Whereas the Westchester Manufacing Co. did in the 1811 layout a certain Street, called Factory Street, and shortly thereafter did deposit as a matter of Record, in the office of the Town Clerk of Mamaroneck, a fair copy of a map made by W=. Bridges for the said Coupon which map Factory Street is plainly delineated. And whereas in the month of February 1832 as appears by the record, the then Commissioners of highways for the town of Mamaaoneck Henry Griffen, James R. Hadden, and John Jorden, in accordence with the laws of the State of New York, did lay out certain Roads that had then been used upwards of twenty years, Factory Street being of the roads so laid out. The record sets forth the commencement thereof, to beat the corner of Walter Marshall's Barn, and from the eastermost side of Mount Pleasant Street, thenceacertain number of chains and links to the Factory pond on the waters of Mamaroneck river. (excepting an angle of Eighteen feet at the north corner of the Cottonshed, from the uniform width of 134 ■! said road, And Whereas said mentioned Barn, and the aforesaid cottonshed have been both removed, and as doubts hereafter may arrise as to the rights of the public in and to the so laid out highways: Therefore to make plain and undoubt recorded southern line of the mentioned People, the Mamaroneck, bein road, I Adam G. w the g duly sworn, do de Coles of the town of remaining still in place, the northerly side thereof bets s hinYsi the blueish_ corner of the Facto B thiation (36) feet from the esnorth Cottonshed, Factory brick building, is one of the foundation stones of the aforesaid being a cornerstone, and that from the northwesterly resatd excepted angle of the record, may be correctly measured, Y side thereof, the building of the factory. And that there is measurin fence, a now standin at and 8 toward the brick bout six feet seven inches westerly of the large making the corner of the Marshall barn, when supportingp of the foundation stone of the the westermost'r ..y w p—�• �..—t l� MyA. �. r��t,: 17i � 116 Comer of the Barn a locust post, the southeasterly side of the post being in line with the southerly line of Factory Road, which line being continued, as straight as maybe, strikes the eastermost point of the angle as excepted by the said high way Commissioners, Henry Griffen, James R. Hadden and John Jordon' (1 quote the meaning of the Record) Mamaroneck April 8" 1867 A G Coles Sworn to and subscribed Stamp, dated April 8. 1867 WDP before me this 8 dayof April 1867 William D Palmer Justice of the Peace We the undersigned, W.H. Boyd now of the town of Rye and James Baxter of the town of mamaroteck, join in corroborating the main facts as set forth in the above affidavit of A. G. Coles Sworn before Me this 8"day of April 1867 A Lyon Justice of the Peace Town of Rye Westchester County Ss Mamaroneck Apr 8=. 1867 W H Boyd James Baxter Stamp, dated April 8" 1867, A.L. I James W. Brown Surveyor of Certain Roads in the town of Mamaroneck [word written over erasure of"Rye"] as appears from the Record in the year 1832 being duty Sworn doth depose and say that there is no doubt that the Marshall Barn (So called) then Standing at the Corner of Mount Pleasant Street and Factory Street, was the Corner of Two Roads as laid out by the High -way Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck And Surveyed by me. And that 1 have no doubt that we made a Centre line Survey of all the Roads Surveyed at that time, And that the corner of Monmouth Lyons land at the corner of the West Cheser Turnpike Road. And at the corner of Mount Pleasant Street was according to my then Survey up to and at the point where Said Road was—narrowed to, being according to the Record but two rods in width James W Brown Affirmed to before Me this 24" day of May 1867 [Stamp, dated May 24, 1867, JEM] John E Marshall Notary Public 1 hereby Certify that I assisted in making the Surveys above named and believe the Statement Sworn to to [sic] be Strictly Correct and I do further Certify that I am personally acquainted with James W Brown and believe his Intellect unimpaired by Age John E.Marshall 117 Town of Mamaroneck West Chester County SS. Mamaroneck and William Whiteman of Newyork are the hneowners ofdrtLewes of lands Certain adjoining in Said Town of Mamaroneck and a dispute has arisen betwen them ConCeming the respective proportions of division fence to between] re therefore we the undersigned fence viewers of Said Town do herebyade by them now application of the Said parties we proceded to Examine the Certify upon the mices [bear] the allegations of the Said parties and that we do determine thatand here fence he built as follows to wit that the above named Henrysaid to bu division hundred and forty two feet and Six Inches or one half of he Entire d viond ltwo ine Commencing at the north westerly End and that the remaining one half is to be built by the said William Whiteman above named and we also Certify that our fees for our Services amount to three ($3TC 100) dollars Thomas Hall Commissioner of Highways Given under our hands this and fence Vieuer [ Viewerj 9 day of April in the year 1868 Nehemiah Palmer Assessor and fence Vieuer Town OfMamaroneck West Chhester. SS. Whereas Henry G Lewis of Mamaroneck and George Snider of Newyork are the owners of Certain lands adjoining in the Said Town of Mamaroneck and A dispute has arisen betwen [between] them Concerning the made by them Now therefore understigned fence Viewers of Said Town do hereby Certify that pon the application of the Said parties we proceded to Examing [Examine] the premises, and hear the allegations of the Said parties add that we do determine that Said division fence be built Seventy feet or one half of the Entire division line Commencing as follows to wit, that the above named Henry G Lewis to build (270) two hundred and at the North Westerly End and that the remaining one half is to be bush by the Said George Snider above Named, and we also Certify that our fees for our Services amount to ($3) three Dollars. Given under our hands this 91" Day of April in theear 1868 Thomas Hall Commissioner of Highways Y and fence Viewer Nehemiah Palmer Assessor and fence Viewer 1 do hereby Certify that the [foregoing, word missing] are true copies of the original Papers filed in the Town Clerks office April the 10'" 1868 J D Hill Town Clerk 1 John J Merritt the owner of the land overand through which the within described New Road is proposed to be laid do here by Consent to the laying out of the Same and 1 do in Consideration of the premises and of one dollar to me in hand paid hereby release tot Town of Mamaroneck all Claim far damages for laying out he the Same and all Claim for fencing Said New Road. Witness My hand and Seal. Note: transcription of this last document was hampered b an of the page being worn jl�Dated Oct 10" 1867 [ P Pe Y P P 8 8 the presance of away and lost.] ' Gedney. 136 I 137 John J Merritt. 9 NewYork October 91' 1867 1. B T Hitchcock hereby Concent [Consent] that the above arreement [agreement] Shall be Carried out in full. B T Hitchcock Power of Atorney J G Hitchcock Mamaroneck Oct 10" 486f [date crossed out] the application for the Streightning the Road betwen [between] the Turnpike and the NewHaven Depo [ Depot] with the Map annexed is Correct and an improvement Much Neaded and 1 approve the Same Ja-. T Rogers Witness G Gedmey I hereby Certify the above Statements are a true Copy of the Originals filed in the Town Clerks Office J D Hill Town Clerk To Thomas Hall & David Lehe Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in In the County of West Chester The undersigned a person resideing in the Said Town of Mamaroneck, and liable to be assessed for High way labour in Said Town hereby Make Application to you to lay out a new Road of the width of four rods through the unclosed not improoved and not Cultivated lands Now owned by John J Merritt and who are suited to the laying out of the Said new Road as will appear by his written Covinent hereto annexed which Road Shall be dscribed as follows Commencing at a point on the westerly Side of the Road leading from the Village of Mamaroneck to white Plains Now Caled windfield Avinue distance 130 feet Northerly of the Road Caled and Known as high Street and runing from thence through the land of the Said John J Merritt the following Courses and distances North 33 1/2 degrees west 115 North. 40 1/2 degrees west 338 feet North 44 1/2 degrees west 395 feet to the Said Road Caled wind field Avinue Said line being the westerly line of Said new Road which is to be of the width of four Rods William D Palmer Dated October 8" 1869 1 hereby Certify that the above is a true Coppy of the original now filed in the Town Clerks office JDHill Town Clerk 119 ata meeting of the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester at the Town Hall in the Said Town on the I66'day of October in the year 1867 all of Said Commissioners haveing met and deliberated on the Subject mentioned in this order it is ordered and determined by Said Commissioners that a High way be laid out in the said Town of the width of four Rods on the application of William D Palmer and by the Consent of John A Meritt, B T Hitchcock and James T Rogers through whose improved land the Said highway is to pass and the Said Commisioners have Caused a survey there of to be made as follows Commencing at a point on the westerly side of the Road leading from the Village of Mamaroneck to white plains now Cald windfield Avinue distance one hundred and thirty feet northerly of the Road Cald and Known as high Street and running from thence through the land of John J Merritt the following Courses and distances North 33 1/2 Degrees. west 40 1/2 Degrees west 338 feet North 44 1/2 dI IS feet North egrees west 395 Cald widthdth oof four Rods. to the Said Road ort windfield Avenue Said line being the westerly line ofSaid New Road which is to beof the f In witness whereof the undersigned Commissioners of High ways of Said Town of Mamaroneck have hereunto Subscribed our Names this 16 Day of October 1867 David Lehe Commissioners of Thomas Hall High ways of the Town of Mamaroneck 1 do hereby Certify that the above is a true Coppy of the original filed in the Town Clerks on the 16W' Day of October 1867 J D Hill Town Clerk State of New York S.S. County of West Chester Whereas We Abraham Hall Thomas Robinson and William, A. Carpenter in the Year 18 [blank space after first two numbers] were the then Highway Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck aforesaid did Employ Daniel, D. T Hadden acting Surveyor to Make a Map and Survey under our Authority as Such Commissioners in Accordance with the then existing Town Records as made by previous Highway Commissioners of the Town, the Records being then as now Entered upon the Book of Records of the Town. Now we the Said Abraham Hall Thomas Robinson and William A. Carpenter having recently Examined the lawful Records of the Town pertaining to the Dock Property of the Town. and the Roads and Easements Connected therewith do unhesitatingly Say that the Survey of the said Daniel, D.T. Hadden So faras the same relates to the Dock Property. Roads and Easements of the Town was not madeas we the above named Commissioners of Highways directed it to be made nor was it made in Accordance with the above Named Town Records Abraham Hall Thomas Robinson William A. Carpenter Sworn and Subscribed before me this 15'" Day of June 1869 William D Palmer Justice of the Peace JDHill Town Clerk True Copy of the Original Entered on Record this 24'" Day of June 1868 138 & 139 120 Know all men by these presents That we Rachel S Rogers wife of James T. Rogers and the said James T. Rogers of the town of Mamaroneck County of Westchester and state of New York for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to us in hand paid do hereby release unto Thomas Hall. John Flandreau and [blank space] Layhe Commissioners erll certainwaYs peke Lthe e ] °� of Mamaroneck and their successors---- parcel or land situate, lying and being in the town of Mamaroneck which is ten feet wide and adjoins a highway leading from Mamaroneck Avenue to White Plains commonly called Winfield Avenue, commencing at the westerly corner of Mamaroneck and Winfield Avenue on the northside of windfield avenue running thence northwesterly to a Gate Post on said Winfield Avenue near a little dwelling house Erected upon the Stark property by the parties of the first part, and thence running along said Stark property ten feet and thence running southeasterly along the Stark property to mamaroneck Avenue thence along said mararoneck Avenue to the place of beginning said premices being released for the purpose of widening Winfield avenue and which is to become a part and parcel of said avenue to the width of ten feet snaking said Winfield Avenue ten feet wide Witness our hands and seals this fifth day of January 1870 Rachel S Rogers sealed and delivered in the presence of Cha'. Wetelson Jas. T. Rogers State of New York city & County of New York On this Ts day Janauary AD 1879 before me personally came James T Rogers & Raches S Rogers his wife to in, Known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within conveyance and acknowledged that they Execute the same and the said Rachel S Rogers acknowledged, on a private examination by me made, apart from her husband that she executed the said conveyance freely and without any fear or Compulsion of him Chas Wetelson Notary Public NY Co. Jacob Birckter Town Clerk 121 Whereas the Revised Statutes of 1827 authorize the Commissioners of highways to cause all such roads as shall have been used for twenty years, and not sufficiently described to be ascertained described and entered on record. and it appearing on examination that the roads in the town of Mamaroneck Situate lying and being in that part known as W ashingtonville have not been recorded. Therefore agreeably to section first of Title first Chapter Sixteenthroadsorsaid ttrevised reets known as Franklin, Clay. Jefferson lating Highways We do hereby lay outt and Survey the Washington Grand Warren and Aging streets and Madison and Union Avenues. Beginning at Monument on the Westerly Side of the road from Mamaroneck to White Plains called Winfield Avenue (about 235 feet northerly from the centre of the presents Bridge over the Sheldrake River) and running thence the centre line of Franklin Street South 45° 30' West ten hundred & three (1003) feet to the centre of Sheldrake River with a width of Street of two Rods. Beginning at a Monument on 140 161 f Nnr.. n," __ _ the Westerly side of said Winfield Avenue 233 feet North 370 30' West from the first Monument and running thence the centre line of Clay Street South 450 30' W est, Nine hundred and ninety five (995) feet to the Centre of Sheldrake River with a width of street of Two Rods. Beginning at a monument on the Westerly Side of said Winfield Avenue 233 feet north 370 30' West from the last Mentioned Monument and running thence the Centre Line of Jefferson Street South 400 30' West ten hundred and seventeen feet (1017) to the centre of the Sheldrake River with a width of Street of two Rods. Beginning at a Monument on the Westerly side of said Winfield Avenue 233 feet North 370 30' West from the last mentioned Monument and running thence the centre fine of Washington Street South 45° 30' West Eleven hundred and thirty five feet (1135) to the centre of Sheldrake River with a width of Street of two Rods. Beginning at a Monument on the westerly side of Winfield Avenue (which may be found by running north 370 30' West from the last mentioned Monument 35 feet thence North 4° 45' W est two hundred and forty two feet and running the centre line of Grant Street South 46° 15' west thirteen hundred and eighty seven feet (1387) to a monument which is 20 feet easterly from a Wall and Line fence with a width of Street two Rods wide. Beginningat a Monument which is two hundred and eighty two and one half (282 1/2 feet measured Westerly along Grant Street from the monument at the intersection of Grant St and Winfield Avenue and running thence North 320 20' West to intersection with north side fine of Warren Street and along the centre line of Alling Street, Two hundred and fifty one (251) feet with a width of street of fifty feet. Beginning at a monument at the intersection of Aging and Warren Streets and running thence south 450 30' West Ten hundred and fifty one and one half (1051 1/2) feet to stone line fence with a width of Street of two Rods. Begining at a Monument 16 1 /2 feet back (or North 450 30' east) from the end of last mentioned line and running thence south 170 east two hundred and fifty five (255) feet to intersection with Grant Street Monument with a width of fifty feet being one rod wide west of this line and 33 1. 2 feet wide east of this line. Beginning at the last Mentioned Monument and running thence along the Sheldrake River to intersection with Franklin Street as shown on a map accompanying this description and 122 defining Madison Avenue*Beginning at a monument placed where Union Avenue intersects the Westerly line of the Road from Mamaroneck to White Plains and running thence south 400 West the center line of Union Avenue thirteen hundred and fifty four (1354) feet with a uniform width of (50) fifty feet. The aforesaid description being duly set forth by a map drawn from a survey made by John P Mumford Surveyor and filed and filed (sic] in the Town Clerks office which map was a resurvey of Washingionville as originally laid out and mapped by one Hopkins in the year A D 1850. We do hereby order this one certificate to be recorded on the Book of records of the Town of Mamaroneck. Given under our hands and seals this 64. Day of November A D 187 1. Rolston Coles Commissioners of Edward Havild Highways Release from Celia A. Howell And Sarah C. Barker To Town of Mamaroneck Re Whereas in the Laying out of Grove Avenue in the Town of Mamaroneck Westchester County New York from Palmer Avenue to Weaver Street a parcel orstrip of Land three Rods in width running through Lands of Samh C. Barker was conveyed by said Sarah 141 C. Barker and William L. Barker her husband to the Town of Mamaroneck as by referance to said conveyance in the Town Clerks office of Mamaroneck will appear. And Whereas it is thought proper in order to locate said strip of Land and to make said Avenues [word unreadable] of an uniform width of four Rods and to avoid any question hereafter as to the location and width of said Road or Avenue to make our additional Conveyance to said Town of Mamaroneck Now therefore we the said Sarah C. Barker and William L Barker her husband in consideration of the premises and of the sum of one Dollar to us in hand paid the recipt [receipt] whereof is hereby acknowledged have remised released and conveyed and by these presents do for ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators remise release and convey to said Town of Mamaroneck and its sucessors forever All that certain strip of Land and premises part of said Grove Avenue as laid out and show on this map of said Grove Avenue now on file in the Town Clerks office by the red lines and the black lines in continuation thereof untill the comer to the Land of Walsh shown on Said Map being a strip of Land four Rods in width throughout the center of which is shown by said map referance thereunto had will fully appear To have and to hold the same unto the said Town of Mamaroneck and its successors forever. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seal this fourteenth day of August A. D. 1878. Sarah C Barker O Witness W'.. L. Barker O Mathias Banta Westchester County S S On this fourtteenth day of August A. D. 1878 before me personally appeared Sarah C. Barker and W'". L. Barker to me Known and also Known to me to be the same persons Jos H McLoughlin described in and who Executed the same and the Town Clerk said Sarah C. Barker On a private examination Recorded August separate and apart from her husband acknowledged Recor Ide 1Au to me that she Executed the same freely without any fear or compulsion of or from her said husband Mathias Banta Notary Public [123] Wheras [Whereas] an application was heretofore made to lay a highway called Grove Avenue in the town of Mamaroneck running from Palmer Avenue to Weaver Street and certain releases were made and Executed by the several by the several persons through whose lands said Avenue ran and among others a release was Executed and delivered be the Celia Howell hereinafter mentioned in Consideration of the sum of money therin [therein] mentioned and whereas it is thought proper in order to locate said Avenue and straighten the same that said Celia Howell make an additional conveyance of so much of said Avenue as runs through her lands. Now Therefore 1 the said Celia Howell in Consideration of the premises and of sum of One Dollar to me paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised released and Conveyed and by these presents do for myself my hews Executors and administrators remise release and convey to said Town of Mamaroneck and its successors All that certain strip of Land and premises part of said Grove Avenue as Laid 142 out and shown by Red Lines on the Map therof [thereof] and Extending from land of Barker to Weaver Street being a strip of land of four Rods in width througout as by referance to the Map of said Avenue now on file in the Town Clerks office Town of Mamaroneck will fully appear being or intended to be the same piece of Land Contained in the release heretofore granted To have and to hold the same Town of Mamaroneck its successors And assigns forever in witness wherof [whereof] I have hereto set my hand and seal this 14th day of August A. D. 1878 Witness Thomas Palmer. Recorded August I8. " A. D. 1878. J. H. McLoughlin Town Clerk 143 Cecilia Howell O �[.9y/-:i6�1 /I O/'�i�c'/rl /%LAS//[-✓lL�p/�✓f/Y�� [i/Ksi6G>� Jussrtj ij..t�i�_ lf2 ,f/!�'✓AK%1.i �7/Oi//d?!J�« ` RECORD OF THE BLACK CHILDREN BORN SINCE THE FOURTH DAY OF JULY ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINETY ONE IN THE TOWN OF MOMARONECK [MAMARONECK] 145 [1] [Note: all of the pages in this section are unnumbered in the original text.] ��•• �� �lrt L.•....... wi\i:s .RR�n y7/91.`..5:; a /�iwut fw r<.� //ir�M✓ T��9M�+;��7 g8':f�q r.�wi ��?#L �i>ja•}it �rf y..� . .f/.,,,.. . /ftr✓,.9r�in/`[Cil�n .-J�dlru/r o/i�..s/. /�G! )))P��-N. i% GOIu/: .:. Awl e[OI�tK///!O �.. AIA A //,'YyA •ems ' .'/lI b! .. �.. `R�P�K�/��RI1�{ //alt}�n..H/2�,�%•: ✓/�i--ar,//oiii. lot, ep�t�jn..rr�11 •! la /hfJ?.1 �.fa/ e%rYtu�+N.%St F/sni�i�/�.%.�/'/���[[[ ✓�ru�%' ��1�nYn "Zinnn I do Certify that on the 12T'.. day of July 1799, a Black female Child was Born, of my servant Woman, Bet, which Child is named Pheby Gil& Budd Recorded this 10Y' day of August 1799 by me Gilb', Budd T".. Clerk 146 I the subscriber do certify that on the 18" -, day of November 1799 a black female Child was Born of my Servant Woman, Easther which Child is named Charlot Recorded this 6`".. Day of April 1800 Charles E. Duncan by me Gilb'. Budd T".. Clerk This may Certify a Black Female Child, born of Gin, who is my black Servant Girl by the name of Peg was born March 29'.. 1800 Certifyed by me Edward Merritt Recorded this 29'".. day of October 1800 by me Gilb'. Budd T. Clerk This may certify that Daniel, a Male Child was born of Phebe thie 8'".. day of July 1800 and Henry a Male child was born of Hannah the 11'".. day of November 1800 the property of, John Peter Delancey Esquire Recorded this 25".. day of November by me Gilb'. Budd V. Clerk 1 hereby Certify that a Negro Woman of mine named Nelly was on the 15".. of April 1800 delivered a Female Child, that has been named Sally William Thomson Recorded this 29'".. day of November 1800 by me GiW. Budd T".. Clerk [2] 1 do hereby Certify That on the first day of Febuary 1802a black Male Child was bom of my Servant Woman name, Bet, which Child is named Peter Recorded this 17'".. March 1802 Gflb', Budd by me Gilb', Budd T".. Clerk do hereby Certify that a black female Child, which is called Sarah, was born of my Slave Hannah, wife of my Slave Peter, on the 22°. day of November 1802 Recorded this T".. February 1803 J.P. D`Lancey By me Gilb'. Budd T".. Clerk 1 hereby Certify that a Black Male Child, which is called William was born of my Slave, Hester, on the 12".. day of August 1802 Recorded this 10'".. day of February Charles, E, Duncan 1803 By me, Gilb' Budd T".. Clerk 147 .�eRiL 4�ar �Gr..'^,� ✓s�....</ raw. . r/i. r. <�/. /i�•-�7</ /A.! a /ila../.il/� L,.�sIAI .✓.L..! ✓ �iurL,tl� /. /!i✓... a rte% //iL 4.da.Jlr. .4f.+...Po David Rogers of the Town of Momaroneck in the County of West Chester Physicion, do Certify that on the 24'".. day of September in the Year one thousand Eight hundred and three, A Male Negro Child was Born of a Negro Woman Slave my property which said Negro Male Child is named Plato - - - And 1 do hereby give notice to all whom it may concern that I do abandon all the Right 1 have, or am Entitled to the said Negro Child by Virtue of the Eigth [Eighth] 148 section of a law entitled an Act concerning Slaves and and Servants passed the 8".. of April 1801 Recorded this 18".. March 1804 David Rogers By me, GiW Budd T".. Clerk zz .4rL_ ,M,--- [3] 1 David Rogers of the Town of Momaroneck in the County of Westchester Physicion do certify that on the Twenty -Fourth day of September in the year one Thousand Eight hundred and three a Male Negro Child was born of a Negro Woman Slave my property which said Negro Male Child is named Plato — And I do herby give Notice to all whom it may concern that I do abandon all the right I have or am Entitled to the said Negro Child by Virtue of the Eighth Section of a Law Entitled "an Act concerning Slaves and Servants passed the 8th april 1801 Momaroneck March . IS'". 1804- David Rogers [4] 1 do hereby Certify that on the 10'".. day of September 1805, a Black Male Child was born of my Servant Woman named Bet which child is named Charles Recorded this I".. day of April 1806 Gilb; Budd by me, Gi16', Budd T".. Clerk 1 do hereby Certify, that Tom a black Child, Son of Tom Pott & Nanny his Wife a time Servant of mine was born 25'".. of September 1805 Recorded this I", dayof April 1806 John P. D`Lancey by me, 149 UK Budd T. Clerk "°c „�{„QPfBAif ✓.� n.� �\(T��f=G.�lt•`,Lr •�awt ✓e,�n w lKn..v6i ���f`L Sir. �/'' �'%' �� f R i fnr,ff rm.�! N `f.Y o— �orn 177 ma�a.d ..<I!(y 'n.i.�t olu ld ci nmT�cAC(��Ya ic+G j a{,�{yj A ✓7 f - x 4 � I do hereby Certify that on the I8'".. day of December 1806, a Black Female Child was born of my Servant Woman named Lilly with [which] child is named Nanny David Rogers Ju`.. Recorded this 1.. day of Jun 1807 By me David Rogers Ju' V. Clerk 1 do hereby certify that Tamar anne a black female child was born april 21" 1808 of my Time Servant Nanny J P DeLanmy Recorded this first day of August in the year of our Lord 1808 David Rogers Ju'. T'. Clerk [5] This may certify that my Negro woman bet had a Female child Born on the second day of March 1809, wich [which] Child is called Eliza and the Father of Said child is Jack Purdy, so called Gilb' Budd Momaroneck Octo' 2e'. 1809 Recorded December. 19". 1809 By me David Rogers Ju'. T'. Clerk George son of my servant Lewis and Dorathea born the ]0U'October 1809 John P De Lancey Recorded Decem. I".. 1810. David Rogers Ju`. T".. Clerk SG you will please to Enter on the Town Record the Birth of a Negro Boy which was horn at my House on the 28'". Day of February 1808 by Name Benjamin a Child of my Negro Wench Grace Jane Merritt May 3"--1811 Recorded May 3 1811 David Rogers Jd. Tl. Clerke Charlott a child of Nelly, a servant of Peter Jay Munro, was born on the 25ttb of May 1814 Recorded Novem. 26. 1814 David Rogers Ju'. T'.. Clerk Anne or Nancey a female Child of Harriot a black Girl Servent of Joh PDelancey Born 12'-".. Day of October 1819 Job P Delancey Recorded March 27'-".. 1820 150 [' 151 Monmouth Lyon Town Clerck -afNJ �-(r �� n <./6^� r.'.�i ii. irac �... A. /.S/�^.><G/i/eKr ✓.in..c •'f�F'��".rC..rY'�reG.:o�a�a/..r ,r+<r o.. `•;(.%'d !i .�art.7:. y.r-s `:'?„<;,J N�wrla.'w.•fi 4/4 �� B�iNY✓r ��//t! B�B.Y �/��•'� �^�f CJX( M,I'�'bIw G(w<.c .)C: Owy .Aewl �`. ✓w.r..e- a y.'wr, .rw /L d1 1fI� j 6i,4A, /$16 O (.r)ii� or��„ /a•K S41r' i3..a<%<.r.4 s/X/J [6] [Note: this page was separated from the other pages and appeared by itself in the back of the small volume.] Certificates of Poor County of ss.' To the Overseers of the poor of the Town of West Chester LS. Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester aforesaid O We the Overseers of the poor of the Town of East Chester in the county LS. of West Chester aforesaid. Do hereby Certify own and acknowledge. that Richard Cudner Labourer is an inhabitant Legally Settled in our Town of East Chester aforesaid: in Witness whereof we have hereunto Set our hands and Seals this Tenth Day of October in the year of our Lord 1816 Attested by Philemon H Fowler Overseers Daniel Valentine Samuel Bertin of the Poor 1 Gideon Coggshall Esquire one of the J ustices of the peace in and for the Said County of West Chester. Do hereby approve of the above Written certificate and I Do likewise Certify that Philemon H Fowler and Samuel Bertin Overseers of the poor of the said Town of East Chester. whose names & Seals are hereunto Subscribed and Set, and have this Day respectfully acknowledged before me the said Justice, that they Did Severally Sign and seal the Same Given under my hand this 29'". Day of October 1816 Entered and Compared this 23 April 1818 Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk MINUTE BOOK 1697- 1881 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 155 I [Note: there are some undecipheral marks on the top of this page in the original text.] OrDer This is the Book of Records for momoronack in the year 1697 Samuell palmer elected and Chosen Supervizer [Supervisor] Captain Jeams mott aseser Henery disbrow lunier Colecter Henery Disbrow Junier Surveier [Surveyor] of the high ways William Palmer elected and Chozen ConstaBle William Palmer elected and Chozen Cleark Marks page 7 and page 29 [these pages refer to the page numbers in the original text and art located in the left margin.] 2 Obadiah Palmer Sworn Clark the 18th of Aprill 1702 1707 the Said Town is pay unto obadiah Palmer Twelve Shilings a year for Rcording the towne busines at a towne meting [meeting] held By y° Freeholdars of momaronak the forth [fourth] day of aprcell [april] - 1707 - henory disbro Elkted [Elected] and Chosen Sesar [Assessor] and Suprovizar [Supervisor] polacarpus nelson Elekted [Elected] and Chosen ConstaBell [Constable] Sammuell palmar Colektar [Collector] oBodiah palmar Elekted and Chozen Sumayar [Surveyor] of ya higways [highways] John disBro and oBodiah palmar Elekted and Chosen fens [fence] vewars [viewers] oBodiah plamar and polacarpus nelson Chosen to erekt [erect] and Buel [Build] a pound and to Call men out to work upon it and if any Shuld [Should] neglekt [neglect] or refuse to com thay [they] are to pay half a peas [piece] of Eight a day and we agred [agreed] that no hogs aftar the 15 day of this instant month are to run upon y° Comans [Commons] without youking [yoking] untill y° first of aprill next in suing and aftar this year is exspiard [expired] wich [which] will Be the first of aprcell [april] next wich [which] will be y° yeare - 1708 - that no hogs are to run upon the Comans [Commons] if thay do aftar warning thay are Liabil[Liable] to Be kiled[killed) at a foweke [four week] meating [meeting] heald [held] By the freeholdares of momoraneck the sekant (second] day of aprcell 1708 Elyazer Gedney Elekted and Chosen recorciar Ely Nelson Elekted and Chosen Cunstobel [Constable] henory Disbro sesar [assessor] and Suprovisar [Supervisor] obodiah palmmar Chosen Colecktar [Collector] Jeames Mot and obodiah pal [palmer] Chosen fens yowars [viewers] polacarpus nelson and selnnas plamar Chosen Suvuayar [Surveyor] of the byways 156 at a towne meating [meeting] By the freholdarers of momoraneck march y" 8- day 107 [ 1709 possibly, numbers blurred and uncertain] henry disbro Cehown [Chosen] Consabele [Constable] henry disbro Suprovapvasar [Supervisor] 3 This is the Book of Records for momoronack Begining in the year 1697 annoqo Aprill the 2n' At a town meeting held by the freeholders of momoroneck the 18th day of of aprill in the year 1702 Nehemiah Palmer Elected and Chosen Constable Obadiah Palmer Elected and Chosen Clark Capt Jeams Mott Elected and Chosen Suprevizer [Supervisor] John Nelson Elected and Chosen aseser John Disbrow Elected and Chosen Colecter Henry Disbrow Elected and Chosen Survaier [Surveyor] of the high wayes Samuel Palmer and William Penneir Chosen fence vewers [viewers] Co ` 'j Caleb Heatcote and Samuel Palmer Chosen to Lay out a high " out by John Wims as they Shall se [see] most Convenient It also agreed by the freeholders of momoroneck that they Shall Send for the Surveir [Surveyor] to Lay out their Land by the 12 day of may next: and if any person or persons Shall refuse neglect or deley [delay] to pay unto the Said Surverer [Surveyor] his proportion and Charg that the Constable Shall by a Warrant from a Justice deceise upon the goods or Chattles of Such refuwrs neglecters or deleyers [delayers] and Sell them art a publick outcrye and if there be any oveplush [overplus] it Shall be returned to the owner 4 At a town meeting held by the freeholders of Momoroneck the twenty day of may 1702 Whereas the freeholders of Momoroneck have agreed that there Shall Be no Timber transported out of the town upon the penalty of five pounds b till their Land be Laid out Written by me Obadiah Palmer Clark by the order of the freeholders of momoroneck leans mott and henory disbro sesars [assessors] John disbrow and obodiah palmar fence youars [viewers] polacarpas nellson Chosen Colektor [Collector] obodiah Palmar and Henory disbro suruayers [surveyors, letters almost undeci- pherable] of y" byways 5 Captain James moott elected and Chozen Asesser for this ensuing year 1697 Samuell palmer Chozeen [Chosen] Supravizer [Supervisor] Henery disbrow jun Chozen Colecter and Surveyer of the high ways William palmer elected and Chozen Constable and Recorder All done By the freeholders and inhabitants of the above said place at A town meeting held at the house of madam Richbils on the 2nd day of Aprill 1697 Cap' Jeames mott elected and Chozen supravizer [supervisor] By the freeholders and inhabitants of momoronack Aprill the second one thousand six hundred and ninety and eight Henery disbrow iune Ounior] Chosen Colecter 157 Beniamine Disbrow Chozen Constable John Disbrow Chozen Assesser William Palmer Chozen sirveyer [surveyor] of the high ways and Clark AS done Aprill y` 2n° 1698 Anoquodor Cap' Jeames matt and henrydisbrow are men Chozen at the same town meeting for to provide a man or men to Lay out the Landof the inhabytants of momoronack within the bounds of two miles proportionably to each freholder according to proportion the 2nd of Aprill 1698 and is to be done by the Last day of aprill 6 Act a Town Meeting for the town of Mamoronock held the 4th aprill 1699-ffor Chuzing [Choosing] officers for Said Town for the Ensueing Year m'lohn nelson elected and Chozen Constable William palmer elected and Chozen Clerk Cap` James mott elected and Chozen supmvizer [supervisor] Colonell Caleb hethcott elected and Chozen asessar [The entire line above has been crossed out with these marks t + +] Samuell palmer elected and Chozen Colector eliezar gidney and henery disbrow inu [junior] elected and chozen fence vewers [viewers] hennery disbrow ion [junior] elected and Chozen surveyer of y` high ways william patmer [word crossed out] Shaw elected and Chozen pounder "john nelson elected and Chozen Asessor william palmer sworn clerk by iestice [justice] James mott the day and year above said At a town meeting held by the freeholders and inhabitants of momoronack febuary the IS`" 171 6(" Coll - Coll Calab hmthcott and henery disbrow chozen to take an account and measure how much fence there is nemcary (necessary] to be sett up to sacure [secure] the salt medow (meadow] belonging to the inhabitants of momoronack and to makes report at the next town meeting to be held feb' the 23" It is allso agreed upon and Concluded at the said town meeting by the inhabitants of said place that their fence Shall be accounted suffitiant [sufficient] at four foot and a half in height and the first second and third rails to be but five inches apart and other fences to be according thereunto that is to say of all fields and Cloce pastors [pastures] and orchards 7 The mark of madam Richbill-A hapeny under each ear and a sfitt on the top of the Right ear the mark of Cap` Jeams mott a half Crop on the uper side of the Left ear and a half of Crop on the under side the Right ear the mark of Samuell palmer a half Crop on the uper side of the Left ear and a Stitt on the top of the Right ear the mark of henery disbrow Jun a hole thorou [through] each ear and a hapeny under each ear the mark of william palmer A half Crop on the uper side of the lett ear and A Slitt on the top of the Right ear and a nick under the Right ear the mark of John disbrow a hapeny under the Left ear and a sfitt on the top of the right car 158 0 tnarA a madam \iti'/„!r /7' %mA, zne ti� Cnr n'+x tf n. S iiF on 'Mc toJ/' C av- ,/Cn9nd mo4i- n 1' / rr 4,ce C j0 Cnt' nKcr' n la (�cf. ,({y enr rrtnr °' c''Sntntre Nl('t'. "f�rxcY n �'a (� (,'r°)p . sial¢ M/sec 10ter CaY..n+v%n .irf#Nv.a 2P<; ' J�� 6 tv L7a flash' /, &AC ' ncl."CPr n�tz�n /G'w�p)p�Cny p/ �/;e, tirrnok tr ry+yy�invl2 R ,/c N ?i.'o,�=' 'fear d»si' r %'�aq.a ea. nrrrf n n+.> ;,���r74 cn Cil ri / Vo / c=fr-fr''n `d13'D+'cr✓ n-f,n)/rC'nx vnd car ov 44C_ L en/+ �{- ..'. O' !h vf""F" nc,,l. sl!��<-,I n 7 O'n ine c- +'IQftn/fLw- t: cl- , Lr >CY {it/C prrc/I Cal- ✓ltn�zC- Cnr. 1709 AI 1%1s oi: ie�fiunraG/ •..... `l�,r yl [>try+ s>-��i9� an 1/i�,�r-� .j.%c a� %%,t�r.�/-U✓" / rtn�<-::�+/rt r•r+,LG-,� f,j;r %% <%ie�'Fr _ il6/ l kN.S �Q/!� Thr f 5 � ,f�.t¢7�7n p'. •, ro _ 4't„s. ,e,' PT,Z�,Y;°.�. the mark of m John nelson a hapeny under each ear and a crop on the top of the near ear the mark of eliezer gedney a hapeny on the uper side of each ear and a shtt on the top of the Left ear the mark of Richard heedly a Cropp on the Right ear and a hole in the near ear and a slitt on one side of the top of the Left ear Agust [August] y` 10'^. anno: qudomi: 1709: the Mark of Nehemiah Palmer is A step or half Crop on the fore side of the left ear and a hapeny under the Right ear 159 the Mark of Benjamin Greffen is A Slitt in the top of Each ear and hapeney under the Right ear. Entered in the Book this 5": of Septem: anno Domini 1723: the Mark of John Putree a hole in the Right ear and a hapeny ont he fore side of the same ear and hapeny under the Leftte [Left] ear Entered in this Book this 2n° [number too faded to read] day of y` 9" Mounth (Month] anno Domini 172 [number of year too faded to read] [Note: this last entry has faded and much of writing is undecipherable.] 8 At a town meeting held the 2n° of Aprill by the Geholders of momoronack the two men formerly Chose to provide a man or men to Lay out the Land belongingto the freholders of momoronack within the two mile bounds Cap' Jeames mott and henry disbrow by name have made a return to y` freholders and have provided a man to lay it out according to each man his proportion and by a genarall [general] vote of the Geholders it is Concluded that it shall be Laid out by the Last of this instant april At a toune [town] meating [meeting] heald [held] the 25 of aprill 1710 By the freholdars of momoranick Sammuell palmar Elekted [Elected] and Chosen Supro vizar [Supervisor] Siluenus palmar Elektid [Elected] and Chosen Constable John Disbro and Elyazar Gidney Chosen Sesars [Assessors] Jeames moot Chosen Colektar [Collector] henory disbro and obodiah palmar Chosen Suruaars [Surveyors] of the hi ways Willoam poniar and godfree hayns Chosen fens [fence] uears [viewers] [Note: this entry is in very faded script.] at a town [town] meating [meeting] heald [held] the -6 -of aporill [april] 1711 By the free holdars of momomnack Willoam Shaw Constable Sammuell pamar Chosen Suprovizar [Supervisor] - John disbro Chosen Colektar [Collector] Jeams moot and obodiah palmer Chosen asesars polaCarpus nelson and John Bloomer suruayars [surveyors] of the byways Ely nLson and siluenus pamar fence vewars [viewers] 9 Captain Jeames mott and henery disbrow Jun Chosen towns men and fencevewers [viewers] Chozen at at [sic] a town meeting held y` 29" of July 1698 ano John Disbrow elected and Chozen Constable Colono0 Calab heathcot elected and Chozen Colecter Beniamin Disbrow elected and chozen aseser Cap' Jeames mott elected and chozen supraviser [supervisor] Samuell palmer elected and Chozen surveyer of the high ways Samuel Palmer and henery disbrow, chozen fence Vewers [Viewers] henery disbrow chozen pounder at a toune [town] meating [meeting] heald [held] the -2- of aporill [april] - 1712 By the free holdars of momoranack John Blumar ConstaBle neomyah palmar Suprovizar [Supervisor] obodiah palmer and Jeames moot seasars [assessors] Willoam Shaw Colecktar [Collector] Sammuell palmar and John rodes fens [fence] vewars [viewers] John Blumar and pollacarpus nellson suruaurs [surveyors] of the hi ways at a toune [town] meating [meeting] heald (held) the -2- of Aproell [April] 1713 By the free holdars of Momoronack pollacarpus Nellson Elekid [Elected] and Chosen Constable John Grifin Elekid [Elected] an [and] Chosen asesar John Bloomar Chosen Colectar Neomyah palmar Chosen suprovizar [supervisor] Neomyah palmar and Ely nelson sumayars [surveyors] of hi ways obodiah palmar and Jeames moot fens [fence] youars [viewers] at a toune [town] meating [meeting] heald [held] the 2- of a proell [april] 1714 By the free holdars of momoraneck Beniamin Grifin Chosen Constable Nehemyah palmar Chosin suprovizar [supervisor] Nehemyah palmar and John Blumar assesars siluenus palmar Colectar 6 10 Art a town meeting Held at Momoronack this 17 March 170 Nehemyah palmar and Ely Nelson suruaors [surveyors] of y° hiways Jeames moot and John grifin fens [fence] vewars [viewers] At a Toone [Town] Meating [Meeting] heald [held] the -2- of Aprcell [April] - 1715 By y° fmcholdars of Momaronik Elyazar Gidney EleckTd [Elected] and Chosin Clark Ely Nelson Chosen Constable siluanus palmar Suprovizar [Supervisor] Josiah Quimbe Chozen Colektar [Collector] obodiah palmar and Jeams Mott Chozen asesors Siluenus palmar and Beniamin Grifin Sumaors [Surveyors] of hiways Sammuell palmar and Elyazar Gidney fens [fence] uewars [viewers] I I At a Town Meeting held at Mamorineck y` 2 day of the Month Called April 1716 Silvans Palmer Chosen Supervisor. Polecarpus Nelson and Josiah Quinby assesors. John Disbrow Constable. Solomon Palmer Colector. Henery Disbrow and John Griffen Surveiors [Surveyors] of the Highways. Eli Nelson and Benjamin Griffen Fence Viewers. James Mott Cleark. At a Town Meeting held by the freeholders of Mamorineck y` Second day of the 2 Month Called April 1717 the Town officers were Chosen thus James Mott Clark Josiah Quinby Supervizer James Mott and Obadiah Palmer John Bloomer Constable. Polecarpus Nelson Collector Nehemiah Palmer and James Morgan assesors Surveiers [Surveyors] of the high ways 160 161 Eli Nelson and John Griffen Fence vewers [viewers.] by James Mott Cleark it is Concluded by the inhabitance aforeSaid to take up their Rams by y` First of Agust [August] next inswing the Date hereof and to keep them up until the twentieth day of Ram be found up on the COmanS within the aafo tW aid October next issuing and if any elve time he may by vertue of this act be taken up and the owner of him be made to p y pence for every timertl 1718 for officers] for s°for . town y` Ensuing year it was Voated & Chusing [Choosing] o 12 aft A Town Meerting for y` Town of Mamaroneck held the first daye of ap fisers [ hat agreed by the freeholders there p[Cn [present] k for s° town: Nehemiah Palmer is Chosen [ Benjmin Grefen Constable: John Grefenn & Silvans Palmer assosors Nehemiah Palmer Canceler John Grefen Superviser' Nehemiah Palmer & Henery Fowler Surve Veyars r [Viewers] the high ways: Benjamin Grefen and Samuel Tayler fence Ve Henery Fowler and Obadiah Palmer Towns Men: aken by its ordered at s°of November Meeting that all the Rams be tfrom the ove wemberr foolf the 20`".day of agust [august]. and kept from them till the 20'".. day lowing:. ant A Town Meeting held in Momaroneck. the T". day anno Domini: for Chusing [Choosing] officers for said town for the insueing Year- r. itt was Voated and an agreed upon by the freeholders there Present. that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark Sivanus Palmer is Constable Henery Fowler is Supervisor: Elye Nelson Collector Obadiah Palmer and James Mott a urveylrss: Henery fowler and John Bloomer Suryence of the high waye William Shaw and Sollomon Palmer Fence Vewers [Viewers]: that they Henery Disbrow is apointed to give Notice to the inhabitance of Mamaroneck. there take up there [their] Rams from the Yoas [Ewes]: and to tum them out again at the Usal on the fthe S e [forfeiture] of one shilling and Six pence for Every [Usual] time: Which Notice the S°. inhabitance is oblidged to observe & tae up given to take yd up untill the [their] Rams and up time any Ram is found out with Youas [Ewes] after Notice g time that Notice is given to tum them out again P att A town Meeting held in Momomaroneck this 71day of april april[sic] anno Dorn, Choosing] town officers for the ensuing year [word out in margin] it was for g [ the freeholders there prsent [present] that was Voated ed & agreed upon by is Clark: Nehemiah Palmer Palmer [sic] John Bloomer Constable: Henery Fowler Supervisor SBuanus Palmer Collector Nehemiah Palmer and John Grefen assesors: Pollecarpos Nelsen and SOBaman Palmer: oversears of the high waye: it is 13 Concluded by the inhabitants hear Present that Nehemiah Palmer give Notice for the 162 takeing up the Rams from the Yoas [Ewes]: & If any Person Neglect or Refuse upon Such Notice to take & keepe there [their] Rams from going with the yoas [ewes]: that it Shall be Lawfull for any one to Geld such Rams If they are Mett with in the flock att A Town Meeting held in Momaroneck the 11'h of april anno Domini 1721: it is Voated & agreed that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark: for the Ensewing Year and John Bloomer Counstable Silvanus Palmer Superviser Henery Fowler & Sollomon Palmer assesors Benjamin Grefen Collector Henery Disbrow Sen' and Obadiah Palmer Survayers of y` high ways: Cokelet Pounder. John Grefen & Elye Nelson fence veyers [viewers] Nehemiah Palmer and Henery Fowler Sheep Masters art A Town Meeting held in Mamaroneck the 3° daye of april anno Domini 1722 it is voated and agreed upon By the Freeholders there present that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark for the Ensueing Year John Bloomer Constable Silvans Palmer Supervisor Pollacarpus Nelson & Silvans Palmer Assesers Josiah Quinby Collecter Henery Fowler and Nehemiah Palmer Surveyars of high ways John Grefen & Elye Nelson fence veyers [viewers] frances Coquilat Pounder it is Concluded also at the said Meeting that all the Inhabitants of Said Place is Obliged to Make there [their] Fences four foott and four inches high from the ground & to be well Made of good Rails other timber or stone.& that from the Ground two foots & half upwards: the Rails or other timber which the fence is Made of: is Notto Exceed five inches in Distance att A town Meeting held in Mamaroneck the 22.. daye of Desember anno Domini 1722 to Order how the quitt Rent that is Now demanded by the Reciver[ Receiver] Generall of y` kings Dues: Shall be raised & paid: and it is Concluded & agreed upon: that Henery Fowler & Nehemiah Palmer Dm Represent. the whole place to act in there [their] behalfs in going to y` Reciver [Receiver] generall and to disscorse [discourse] & agree with the Rest of the people: owning or possesing of Lands within Richbells patient, how & after what Manner the said Money shall he paid or Raised to be paid. art A town Meeting held in Momaroneck the Second day of april anno Domini 1723: 14 it is voated and•Agreed upon by the freeholders Insert [present] that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark for the Ensueing Year Michel Shaw Constable Henery Disbrow Jun'. Collecter Henery Fowler Supurvisor Nehemiah Palmer & henry Fowler oversears of the high ways Pollecarpus Nolson & Silvans Palmer assessors John Bloomer and Obadiah Palmer fance vewars [viewers] Pollecarpus Nolson Pounder 163 att A Leigall [Legal] town Meetting held in Momaroneck this = 7`'. day of april anno: Domini 1724: itt is Voated & agree upon by the Inhabitants there psent [present]. that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark for for the insueing Year Henery Disbrow Jun'. Constable & Collector Silvanus Palmer Superviser Nehemiah Palmer - & John Greffen assesors Silvans Palmer & Benjamin Greffen oversears of the high ways Elye Nelson & Henery Disbrow fence veyars [viewers]: it is agree" upon farther by y' inhabitants that all the fence within the township of Momaroneck shall be four foot and four inches in height: & well Made: the Rails or other timber of it is Not to be above Six inches distance till it is two foot & half high ..... att a town Meeting held in Momaroneck this [space in script] daye of the 2°. M° Called april anno domini 1725 it is voated and and [sic] agreed upon by the freeholders there psent [present] that Nehemiah Palmer Remain Clark for this Ensewing Year Henery Disbrow Jun'. Constable and Collector, Henery Fowler Supurvisor Nehemiah Palmer & John Grefen assessors, John Grefen and Sollomon Palmer Survayers of the high waye Benjamin Grefen Pounder Henery fowler and Obadiah Palmer fences viewers which fences is to he four foot high and the fence viewars: to be Juges [Judges] of the Sufisiancesy [Sufficiency] of it in is farther agreed upon that Every Person & all that Joins to: each other in tillige [tillage] or Pastureige [Pasturage] Shall be att Equall Charge in Making and Maintaining the Partition fance between them att a town Meeting held in M omaroneck this 5`" daye of the 2" M=1726. it is voated & agree ed upon by the freeholders hear psent [present). that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark for the Insewing year, 15 Henery Disbrow Countable Henery Fowler Superviser James Mott & Obadiah Palmer assesors: Elye Nelson Collector; John Bloomer & Benjamin Grefen: Survayers of the high wayes: John Grefen and Nehemiah Palmer fance vewars [viewers]; John Mott S [Senior] Pounder: Henery [next word lost on edge of paper] Fowler Sheep Master ..... art a town Meetting held in Momaroneck this [space in script] day of the second Mounth [Month] 1727 -it is voated and agreed upon By the Inhabatants there psent [present] that Nehemiah Palmer Continue Clark for this Inswing Year: and Henery Disbrow Junr is Chosen Constable & Collector: John Grefen and John Bloomer asesors: Silvanus Palmer Supervisor Nehemiah Palmer and Benjamin Grefen Surveyars of the high ways John Greffen and : frances Gurner fance : Youars [viewers]. John Bloomer Pounder. at this Meeting it is also Concluded that the fances shall befour foot and two inches high 164 to be sufisient [sufficient] well Made: and where any Persons Joins in tillige [tillage] or Pasterige [Pasturage] If Either of them Neglect Making there [their] part then the other partye Conserned [Concerned], that, is the Sufferar thereby. Maye Make the fance himself: and Recover Damige [Damage) of the Person that Neglects Doing his part ---- att A town Meeting held in Momaroneck ano Domin 1728 it is voated and agreed upon By the freeholders & Inhabitants there presant that Nehemiah Palmer Continue Clark for this Insewing Year. frances Gurnee Constable & Collector Henery fowler and Nehemiah Palmer assessors, Silvanus Palmer Supervisor Nehemiah Palmer and Benjamin Grefen Surveyars of the high ways, and Henery Disbrow Jun' Pounder, Obadiah Palmer and John Bloomer fence veyars [viewers]- - - - - - art A town Meeting held in Momaroneck this first daye of april ano Domini 1729: It is voated and agreed upon By the Inhabitants hear present that Nehemiah Palmer Continue Clark for the Insewing year & the other town offisers as followeth John Mott Constalbe & Collector Silvanus Palmer Supervisor, Peter Boyd & Benjamin Grefen assesors 16 Nehemiah Palmer and henery Fowler Survoyers of the *high waise [highways] John Grefen and Obadiah Palmer fance veyars [viewers] John Mott Pounder at A town Meeting held in Momaroneck this [space in script] day of april anno Domini 1730, tow'. offesers [officers] where [were] Chosen by the freholders & Inhabitants as followeth Henery Disbrow Constable & Collecter & Pounder Silvanus Palmer Supervisor Sollomon Palmer & Richard Cornwell Jun'. assesors: Henery Fowler & Nehemiah Palmer Oversears of the high ways Silvanus Palmer & John Bloomer fance vewars [viewers]. it is also Concluded on at this Meeting that all fances Both out Side & Partion [Partition] fances shall be four foot in height to be well Made the Rails or,Other timber to be Not above Six Inches Distance till it is two foot from the ground and above That Not to Exseed ten inches and between the top Rail & the Next to it Not to Exseed twelve inches a Part at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck this 6'" day of the 2-" month Called aprd anno Domini 1731: When ofsser where [were] Chosen by the freholders and Inhabitents there psents [present] Nehemiah Palmer Clark Silvanus Palmer Supreviser & assesar Benjamin Grefen assesor John Bloomer & Garrados Drake oversears of the high ways Daniel Barker Constable & Collecter Henery Disbrow Pounder John Mott & henry Disbrow fance veuars [viewers]. 165 it is Concluded also that the Same order Made the Last Year about fances is Continue this Year also in the Same force ds it was y` Last Year at a town Meeting in Momaroneck this 4's. day of april anno Domini 1732 town officers Ware [ Were] Chosen by the freeholders & Inhabittance there psent [present] as followeth Nehemiah Palmer Clark Daniel Barker Cunstable and Collector Silvanus Palmer Supervisor John Bloomer and Po0ecarpus Nelson assesors Silvanus Palmer Garradus Drake Surveyars of the high ways henry Disbrow Pounder, Obadiah Palmer & John Grefen fance Veyars [Viewers] At a town Meeting held in Momaroneck this 3" of april anno domini 1733 town 17 ofecers [officers] are Chosen by the freholders & inhabitance there presant as*followeth Nehemiah Palmer Clark Daniel Barker Constable and Collector Silvanus Palmer Supervisar Sollomon Palmer and John Grefen assesors. Silvans Palmer and Richard Cornwell oversears of the high waye. Obadiah Palmer & Isaac Gedney fence vewars [viewers] Henery Disbrow Pounder it is also voated & agree. upon by the freeholders & Inhabitance that for the time to Come the Scoole [School] house by Daniel Barkers. shall he the Place to Meet at on Publick Buisness: & hold our town Meetings at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck this 2° day of april. anno. domin. 1734 daniel Barker is Chosen Constable & Collector for the insewing year, Silvanus Palmer Supervisor - & oversear of the high waise [highways]. & Richard Cornwell one of the oversears of the high waise Obadiah Palmer. & John Bloomer fance vewars [viewers], henry Disbrow pounder. & to have Poundige of all Creatures. which are Brought to the Pound. by other People. but such Creatures as he Impounds him Self he is to have. Noe poundige only to be paid for what damige [damage] y` Creatures have done unto him it is also voated. & agree. that all. horses & Meares[Mares] Excepting Colts. Maye be Impounded. by any Peron (Person]: as offen [often] as they. find y' turned out upon the Comon: or high way Not being side hopelled [hoppled] at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck. y` first day of april 1735. the following officses [officers] was Chossen, for the year Ensewing Nehemiah Palmer Clark, Daniel Barker Constable & Collecter. Silvanus Palmer Supurvisers Edward Stevenson. & Peter Boyd assesors Richard Cornwell & Silvanus Palmer oversears of the high ways henery Disbrow Pounder Sollomon Palmer & Isaac Gedney fance vewars [viewers] it is agree° that all fances. shall be four foot high agree. also that Noe horse Nor Mare 18 shall: gce at Libertye. * on Y` Comons or high ways with out being Side hopelled 166 [hoppled] on Penelty of being impounded by any Person inhabiteing in Momoruk [Mamaroneck] it is also agree. that all sheep trespassing or doing of damige [damage]. to any other Excepting the owners of s°. sheep maybe Impounded provided the fence: within which the damige [damage] is done be Suffisiant [Sufficient] att a town Meeting held in Momaroneck the [space in script] day of april 1736 [Note: Very faded script here and a large space left blank] at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck the 5's. daye of april. 1737. it was voated boye [by] the freeholders there presant that Nehemiah Palmer be Clark for this Ensewing Year, Daniel Barker Constable Collector & Pounder, but is to have Noe Poundige for what he Impounds of off his own land. Obadiah Palmer & John Bloomer assessors, Silvanus Palmer Supervisor and one of the Surveyars of y high waye and Isaac Gedney the other 19 Sollomon Palmer & William Peate fance vewars [viewers], it is agreed* that Noe horse Nor Mare to run on y` Commons at Larguphopled [unhoppled] on the Penalty of being Inpounded the first time geting into any one Closes where they Dont belong Provided the lances be four foot high & well Made Nor Noe hogs to Run on the Commons Exsept they are Suffisiently Yoaked & ringed at a Town Meeting held at the Scoole [School] house in Momaroneck y4'" daye of april anno Domini 1738 : it was voated and agree that Nehemiah Palmer be Clark for the insewing year or this Presant year Daniel Barker Constable and Collector Silvanus Palmer Supervisor Sollomon Palmer & Joseph Sutten Surveyars of the high waye Silvanus Palmer and John Grefen assesors Daniel Barker Pounder and one of the fance vewars (viewers) & William Shaw the other fance vewar at a Town Meeting in Momaroneck on april the 3°. day 1739 it was voated & agreed upon by the inhabitance that Nehemiah Palmer Be Clark for this year Silvans Palmer Sepervisor underhill Budd & John Mott assesors John Bloomer & William Peate Surveyars of the high wayes Samuel Erwine Constable & Collector John Grefen & Isaac Gedney fance veyars [viewers] Daniel Barker Pounder. also that fances Shall be four foot high & Not any hole therein to Exceed Six inches with in two foot from the Ground. also all hogs that got: upon the Commons are to be Suffisiantly Ringed at a town Meeting in Momaronack the first day of april 1740 it was voated & agree'. upon by the inhabitants that 20 Nehemiah Palmer Remain Clark for the year Ensueing* John Mott Constable and Collector, Silvanus Palmer Supervisor; William peate & Isaac Gedney: assesors and fance vouars [viewers]: 167 7— 9 Underhill Budd. and Silvanus Palmer overwars of the high waye: Daniel Barker Pounder the fiances to be four foot high & Noe horses to goe on the Commons uphopled [uphoppled] 1741. it was voated & agreed upon by the free holders and inhabitants: Met together at there [their] anual town Meeting in Momaroneck .the. 7" daye of april Nehemiah Palmer Clark: for this year. Silvanus Palmer Superviser Benjamin Grefen Costable and Collector: Nehemiah Palmer and John Grefen assesors Henery Disbrow and Daniel Barker oversears of the high wayes: Daniel barker Pounder John Mott Sin` [Senior] & Reubeen Bloomer, fance vewars [viewers]: & the fances are to be four foot hight; it is also agreed that all horsses & Mares above one year old in Momaroneck. If they run on the Comon they are to be Side hopled [ hoppled] 1742 at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck the: 6' day of april: it was agreed. that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark Robert Coles and henery Scott fance vewars[viewers]: John Mott Constable Collector and Poundar Silvanus Palmer Supervisser Ruben Bloomer & Isaac Gedney assmors Daniel Barker and Benjamin Grefen oversear of the higgh waye at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck the 26'".. day of fabruary in the year 1741/3. Nehemiah Palmer was appointed Supervisors for the remaining part of this presant year in the room of Silvanus Palmer Deceased 1743 it was voated and agreed upon by the free holdersand inhabitants Met together at there [their] annuel town Meeting Momaroneck the 5". day of of april - - - - - - Nehemiah Palmer Clark for this year William Nelson Constable Collector & Pounder. daniel Barker & William Peate assesors underhil Budd Supervisor & Surveyer of the high ways obadiah Palmer and John Bloomer fance vewers [viewers] 21 att a town Meeting in Momaroneck the 3° day of april 1744 Nehemiah Palmer was Chosen: Clark and Supervisor for this year - John Mott Countable: Robert Coles Collecter & one of the high waye Masters: & Benejamin Grefen was Chosen the other high waye Master Ruben Bloomer & William Mott was Chossen asesors Soloman Palmer & John Stevenson fance vewars [viewers] william Nelson Pounder 1745 it was voated & agreed upon at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck the [space in script] day of april being the first thnday [thursday] in the Mounth [Month] that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark Underhill Budd Superviser Robert Coals high waye Masters: John Stevenson & Underhill Budd assessors John Grefen and Isaac Gedney fance vewers [viewers] Daniel Barker Collector and Pounder John Mott Countable Benjamin Grefen high way Master 1746. april the first it was voated & agreed upon at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck. that Nehemiah Palmer is Clark for the insewing year underhil Budd Supervisser william Mott & Henery Greffen asessors: Isaac Gedney & Ruben Bloomer Surveyers of the high ways Benjamin Grefen & william Lounbery fance vewars [viewers] sheep are Not to Rum [Run] at Liberty on the Comon William Lounbery Constable & Collector & henery Grefen Pounder april the 7". 1747 . it was voated and agreed upon at a toucan [town] Meeting held in Momaroneck: that Nehemiah Palmer to be Clark for the Insewing year Underhill Budd Supervisor William Grefen Countable and Collector: Benjamin Greffen and Ruben Bloomer over Sears of the high waye - william Mott and william Nelson assessor - Solomon Palmer & John Grefen fance vewars [viewers] - daniel Barker Pounder: it was also voated & agreed. that lances. Shall be allowed Suffisiant four foot high. If it is Made of good Matteryals [ Materials] & the Lowar Part Not above five inches wide and the uper Part Not Exseed Nine inches betwee [between] the Rails or what els it is Made of 22 art the anuel Meeting held in Momaroneck the 5" day of the 2^ Mounth [Month] 1748 Nehemiah Palmer was Chosen Clark for the Esueing [Ensuing] Year John Stevenson Supervisor William Grefen Constable and Collector william Mott & Efihu Palmer assesors Robert Coates and Benjamin Griffen oversears of the highways John Grefen and obadiah Palmer fance vewars [viewers] Daniel Barker Pounder at the anuel town Meeting held in Momaroneck the 4'"daye of the 2°- Mounth [Month] .anno. domini 1749 Nehemiah Palmer was Chosen Clark for the Ensewing year William Grenfen Constable and Collector. But is to be Clear from working on the high waise [highways] John Stevenson Superviser Benjamin Palmer and John Sutten oversearars [overseers] of the high ways Ruben Bloomer and Efihu Palmer assesers John Greffen and John Bloomer fance veyars [viewers] Daniel Barker Pounder 169 168 I at a town Meeting held in Momaroneck the 3'. daye of the 2°. m: Called april 1750 town ofesers [officers] are Chosen as followeth Nehemiah Palmer Clark for the insewing year John Stevenson Supervisor william Mott & Isaac Gedney assesers Wretrum Lobee Constable and Collecter Benjamin Greffen and Nehemiah Palmer Jun'. highway Masters Daniel Barker Pounder John Stevenson & underhill Budd fance vewars [viewers] at the anual town Meeting held in Momaroneck the . 29 day of the . 2°- Mounth [Month] Called april 1751 - town offesers [officers] where [were] Chosen as followeth— Nehemiah Palmer Clark John Stevenson Superviser william Greffen Constable and Collector underhill Budd and Thomas Barker assmis; Benjamin Greffen & Nehemiah Palmer Jun' oversears of the highways John Stephenson and under Budd fance vewars [viewers] daniel Barker Pounder 23 att the annuel Meeting held in Momaronak the 7". daye of thee m-Called aprel[april] 1752: it was agreed By the inhabitants there prsant [present] - that Nehemiah Palmer to be Clark for the Insewing Year John Stephenson Supervizer Henery Disbrow Constable John Stephenson & underhill Budd oversears of the high ways Daniel Barker - Pounder william Mott & John townsen Messrs John Sutten and Thomas Barker fance vewars [viewers] Elihu Palmer Collecter att a town Meeting held in Momaronak the 3". dayeofthe4 mounth [month] Called april in the year of our Lord 1753. it was agreed By the inhabytance there presant That Nehemiah Palmer to be Clark for the insewing Year - John Stevenson Supervisor Nathaniel Sands & Isaac Gedney . assesors Nehemiah Palmer Jun: & william Greffen Oversears of the high ways Daniel Barker Pounder Thomos Barker & william Mott fance vewars [viewers] william Griffen Counstable and Collector it is also farther agreed upon By the Said inhabytents [inhabitants] that Noe horses Nor Mears [Mares] is to be Comoners unless they are side hopled [hoppled] att a town Meeting held in Momaroneck this 2" daye of the 4X' Month Called april. 1754: was Chosen as followeth . Nehemiah Palmer Clark for this Year John Stevenson Supervisor Benjamin Palmer & Edward Merrit - assesors william Grefen Counstable and Collector 24 Ruben Bloomer & William Lounsbery over Sears of The Roads 170 1 Isaac Gedney and John townsand fent Veuam [Viewers] Daniel Barker Pounder 1755 AtATown Meetingheld at mamaroneck the first day of the fourth month Called April Anno Domini 1755 the following Town officers were appointed and Chosen for the Ensuing year VIZ William Mott Clerk John Stevenson Superviser William Griffen Constable and Collector Isaac Gedney and Reuben Bloomer Assessors Benjamin Palmer and William Griffen overseers of the High ways Thomas Barker and Edward Meritt fence viewers Daniel Barker pounder 1756 At a town meeting held at mamaroneck the 6' day of the 4f' month Called April anno domini 1756 the town officers were Chosen as followeth William Mott Clerk John stevenson Superviser William Sutton Constable and Collecter John Townsend and william Mott assesors and to be cleared from Working upon the highway the one half of the time Reuben Bloomer and Edward Merritt overseers of the High way Thomas Barker and Nehemiah Palmer J= fence viewers Daniel Barker Pounder 25 It is also Concluded and agreed by the Inhabitants* of mamaroneck that the Clerk Shall purchase a Book for the use of the town in order to Record Deeds of Sale and bring in the Cost in the next County Rate 1 gilbett Bloomer do hereby Certify that william Mott this day appeared before me and was qualified by his affirmation to his office as town clerk for the township of mamaroneck for the year ensuing Dated at Rye this 15th day of may 1756 Gilb Bloomer . Ju, peace 1757 At a Town Meeting held at mamaroneck the fifth of the fourth month Called April 1757 The town officers for the Ensuing were Chosen as followeth William Mott Clerk John Stevenson Superviser William Griffen Constable and Collector John Townsend and William Mott Assessors John Stevenson and Isaac Gedney overseers of the high way Thomas Barker and William Mott fence viewers Daniel Barker pounder william Mott was qualified for the office of a clerk by his affirmation according to law before Gilbert Bloomer Justice of peace the 6th day of the month Called april 1757 1758 At a Town Meeting held in the School House At mamaroneck the 4f' Day of the 4'" month Called April 1758 The following Town officers were Elected and Chosen for the Ensuing year VIZ William Mott Clerk John Stevenson Superviser William Griffen Constable and Collector Reuben Bloomer and Thomas Barker Assessors 171 26 Robert Coles and Benjamin Griffen overseers of the high way Edward meritt and William Lounsbury fenceviewers Daniel Barker pounder John Townsend and Reuben Bloomer are appointed to have the care of intestate Estates It is also Concluded that no Horses or mares Shall go on the commons uphoppled and if any do they are liable to he impounded It is also agreed that the Town meeting for the future Shall be held in the School house and begin at two a clock in the afternoon William Mott was Qualified for the office of a clerk for the town of Mamaroneck before Gilbert Bloomer Justice of the peace the 5" day of the fifth month Called may 1758 having taken his Solemn affirmation according to Law that he will truly and faithfully Execute the Said office So long as he Shall be instructed therewith or until another Shall be chosen in his Room At A Town Meeting held in the School House at Mamaroneck the I I" of the 12'" month Called December 1758 John Townsend was Chosen Superviser for the Remaining pan of the present year in the Room of John Stevenson he being Removed out of the Government 27 .6l li!'/in J1c�c 6F/C l�nveu�q L.f)r te :fr•, ,{ I as:i hLcacjt� �o'�+S• '�=�" �eQ.:vi.��% -i nie ./ns•c aR »�lcry 00in-9 niny _yi4 �i.�:i%cs:{ one f nor{!•' R r .,iz4 JJ lawny otct ni f,9 cram,. vdc � _` actr�e C.". t.: r-t?t ivt 7 t .i7a 1�: 6c t f 7 rK t y,-tc ��•�,/ K�K oa, / Or't» San. ,a� � oF+ n�u-•.: .� nti/i7a.4/• rc 1l20.J oitt y 1 x1171 �ckGc//` L, c-nLco ,SK Momoronack June y' 20" 1690 Where As Mr John Richbell having Disposed of y' Salt medow formerly belonging To Black Toms Lott I have ordred that y' said Lott of medow Containing to y' sotivicate two Acores (Acres] one Rood and thirty two Rod is Laid out one y' northwest side of y' Gut hamock [hammock] begining nearey" guts at a marked white oake tree and runing eastward to a marked chesnut and white oake tree and y' northwest side by y' Crick [Creek] the said medow being Laid outs for my son mr John emirson as Witnes heare unto I have sett my hand y' day and year above said Witnes heare unto Anne Richbell Wm Coates 172 To all Christian people whom these presence may Concern Know ye that whereas william armstrong of Mamaroneck in the County of westchester and province of new york gave and assigned to Elihu Palmer of the Same place one Bill or Deed of Sale Bearing date Sometime in October in the year 1752 for one half of a Sloop and all his Household Goods which deed is Since lost or missing Now knowye that I the Said Elihu Palmer for me my heirs Exr' At admr' and assigns do acquit and Discharge the Said william armstrong his Heirs Exr' & Adme in the Said deed of Sale or any thing therein mentioned to all intents and purposes and do hereby acknowledge to have Received of Said armstrong in full Satisfaction for all Debts Dues and Demands from the Begining of the world to this day in witness whereof 1 have hereunto Set my hand this Second day of February Annoq' domini 1756 in the presents of William Sutton Reuben Bloomer Elihu Palmer 28 the Mark of John Townsend one half penny under the near Ear Enterd this 31" Day of march 1766 29 The mark of Captain Jeames Mott a hal(Crop on the uper side of the Left earand a halt crop on the under side of the right ear The mark of John Grifin thys First day of aproell in theyeare 1712 a hapony on the Fore Side of Each Eare and a hapony on the undar Side of the neare Eare the Mark of Peter Boyd is a Step on the fore Side of y' Right ear and a Shtt in the top of y' Left ear. Entered for this Book this 31" daye of Desember & in the Year of our lord 1730 the Mark of John Bowyee Jun. is a Cropp on y` topp of the Leh ear and two Slits or a Bower De luce [fleur-de-lis] on y' Right ear The Mark of underhil Budd is a Crop on the top of the Right ear, and a hapeny under the Same & a hapeny on the fore Side of the Left ear intered [entered] the 5". daye of the 2°- M= Called april 1748---- the 746---- the Mark of Joseph Suiten is a hole through the left ear: and a hapeny under the Same Recorded the 5". day of the Second M= 1748 The Mark of John Stevenson is a Crop on the top of the left ear, and a hapeny on the fore Side of the Right ear Recorded the 5'". daye of the 2° M° 1748 the Mark of william Loumbery is a hapeny under the Left ear & a Nick on the fore Side of the Right ear.entered hear in this Book.the IV' day of the 6". M° 1751 The Mark of Elihu Palmer is a Slit in the Right ear and a hapeny on the under Side of the Same 1754 The Mark of Nehemiah Palmer J unor [Junior] is a Step or half Crop on the uper Side of the Left ear & a Slit in the top of the right ear 1754 the Mark of Benjamin Palmer is a Step on the under Side of the Right ear and a flower De Luice [fleur-de-lis] on the left ear The mark of Edward Meritt is a Halfpenny on the under side of the Right Ear and a Swallow fork on the Left Ear Recorded the 25'" of the month Called June 1756 The mark of William Griffen is a Crop on the top of each Ear and a Slit in the left Ear Entered the I I" of y' 10'" month 1758 30 At A Town Meeting held at the Schoolhouse in mamaronmk the third day of the fourth Month Called april 1759 The Town officers for the Ensuing year were chosen as followeth 173 William Mott Clerk Reuben Bloomer Supervisor William Griffen Constable and Collector Thomas Barker and Edward Meritt assessors and to be cleared two days from working upon the high way John Palmer and William Lounsbury overseers of the high way Edward Meritt and William Lownsbury, fence viewers Daniel Barker pounder No Horses to be Commonom without Hopples nor Sheep without Tenders an fences to be four foot and four Inches high and the Sufficiency thereof otherwise left to the Judgment of the fence viewers The Town meeting next year to begin at two a clock William Mott was qualified for the office of a clerk before Gilbert Bloomer Justice the 21" of the 5" Month called april 1759 31 At A Town Meeting held at the School house at mamaroneck the I" of y` 4V' month called april 1760 the Town officers were chosen as followeth William Mott Clerk Reuben Bloomer Superviser William Lownsbury Constable and Collecter & William Sutton his Security John Townsend and William Sutton assessors and to be allowed two days work on the High way Benjamin Palmer and Benjamin Griffen overseers of the High way Thomas Barker and Edward Meritt Imot:viewers Daniel Barker pounder no Horses to be commoners without Hopples nor Sheep without tenders The overseers of the Roads are to bring their accounts and settle with the next town meeting The overseers last year have settled with us [last three words crossed out] brought in their accounts and we find these Remains in the Hands I = 17 - 11 W Lownsbury I - 2 - 0 J Palmer 0 -15 -11 The Town Meeting to begin at two a clock next year Due to the place from Won Lounsbury -0-10-0 for a stray sheep 32 at a Town meeting held at mamaroneck the T" day of y` 4V' month called april 1761 the following town officers were appointed and chosen for the Ensuing year William Mott clerk John Townsend Supervisor William Lounsbury Constable and Collector and Reuben Bloomer his Security John Townsend and William Sutton assessors upon the Same Conditions as Last year Daniel Barker and Edward Meritt overseers of the High ways William Sutton and William Mott fence viewers Daniel Barker pounder The act made last year concerning Sheep and Horses is continued this year and they liable to be Impounded in case of Transgressing the overseers of the Roads to bring in their accounts to the next town meeting William Mott James Horton and Rueben 174 Bloomer are appointed to make up the Quit rent and give the accounts to thecollector for him to gather the Same with the other taxes 33 At A Town Meeting held at mamaroneck the 6'" of the 4V' month 1762 The Town officers were chosen as followeth William Mott Clerk John Townsend Supervisor William Lounsbury Constable and Collector and Reuben Bloomer his Security John Palmer and William Sutton assessors and to be cleared from three days work on the High way Henry Disbrow and James Horton overseers of the high way William Armstrong and Alexander Scholefield fenceviewers Daniel Barker pounder the act concerning Horses and Sheep is continued as it was last year John Townsend and Reuben Bloomer are appointed to have the care of intestate Estates Edward meritt brought a shilling overplus money Recived [ Received] on the account of the Roads which is left with the clerk and to be paid to the present overseers when Required The freeholders of mamaroneck met at the House of James Horton on the 4'" day of may and there chose at their meeting Benjamin Griffen and John Townsend to Settle and Collect and pay each and every mans proportion of their quitrent due to this Day and Desire the Town clerk to enter the Same by request of us the Subscribers Daniel Barker James Horton william Lounsbury Henry Disbrow Joseph Griffen 34 at a Town Meeting held at mamaroneck the 5" day of the 4'" month 1763 the Town officers were chosen as followeth William Mott Clerk John Townsend Superviser William Lounsbury Constable and Collector and Reuben Bloomer his Security John Palmer and William Sutton assesors and to be cleared from three days work on the high way William Sutton and John Palmer overseers of the roads William armstrong and Reuben Rogers fence viewers Daniel Barker Pounder Benjamin Palmer and Reuben Bloomer are appointed to have the care of intestate Estates Reuben Bloomer Benjamin Palmer James Horton and Benjamin Griffen are appointed to endeavour to Settle and pay the Quitrent for mamaroneck and it is Concluded that the freeholders as many as conveniently can meet again at the School House in the month called May at the time appointed by the act concerning quitrent the overseers of the Roads brought 16 Shillings and 6 pence overplus money which is left with the clerk 175 35 william Mott was qualified for the office of a Clerk for the town of mamaroneck before Justice Gilbert Bloomer the 26' of the 4f' month 1763 at the annual Town Meeting heldat the School House in mamaroneck y' Y day of the4V' month called april 1764 the town officers were chosen as followeth William Mott clerk John Townsend Superviser William Lounsbury constable and collector and Reuben Bloomer his Security William Sutton and James Horton assesors and are to be cleared from one Half their Share in mending the High ways Benjamin Palmer and Joseph Griffen overseers of the high ways and they are at liberty either to proceed according to the old method or according to the method practised last year that is to undertake the whole management thereof and levy nine Shillings from Each of the inhabitants for that purpose Edward meritt and Robert Coles fence viewers Daniel Barker pounder Benjamin palmer and Reuben Bloomer are to have the care of intestate Estates william Mott is appointed to Receive from William Lounsbury and James Horton the money which they have collected for quit rent and the inhabitants are desired to meet again at the School House the first third day of the week in the next month to consider further concerning the quit rent william mott was qualified for the office of a clerk by Justice W' Barker y' 9V' of y` 4V' m 1764 36 william mott paid unto william Sutton the 21" of the 4`" Month 1764 g shillings for plank used on the Road last year and 4 shillings and Six pence which was allowed to him for being assessor pursuant to an act of general assembly past [passed] on the g" Day of the Month called January 1762 inhabitants of Richbells patent met at the School House at mamaroneck the first Day of the fifth Month called May 1764 to assess and collect the quit rent due on the Said patent and have chosen Reuben Bloomer and Elijah Gedney assessors and Captain Jonathan Griffen assessor Collector and it is agreed that they Shall assess and Collect thirty pounds for paying and Discharging the Quitrent until the 25" of the month called march 1765 and it is agreed that the assessors Shall be allowed for two days work each at 6 Shillings per Day at a Town Meeting held at the School House in mamaroneck the Second day of the 4" month called april 1765 the following Town officers chosen for the year Ensuing William Mott Clerk John Townsend Superviser 37 Samuel Fayerweather constable and Collector and William Sutton his Security William Sutton and James Horton assessors and to be cleared from one half their Share in mending the high ways James Horton and Reuben Rogers overseers of the high ways Daniel Barker and William Sutton fence viewers Daniel Barker pounder John Townsend and Reuben Bloomer to have the care of intestate Estates it is also agreed and Enacted by the general consent of this meeting that none of the inhabitants nor no other person or persons whatsoever shall take away or meddle with any oysters or clams in the East Channel of mamaroneck harbour between Hog Island and the mouth of the Harbour from this time until the middle of the month called october next under penalty of forty Shillings fine for any person that shall transgress James Horton and John Boyea are appointed Trustees to have the oversight of that affair the next town meeting to begin at two of clock in the afternoon William mott was qualified for a clerk before Justice Gilbert Bloomer the 20 'h of the 5'" month 1765 38 By order of a Town Meeting held at the School house in Momaroneck this 31 Day of October 1765 by order of a warrant from a Justice of the peace the freeholder then assembled and Chosen John Townsend Town Clerk in the Room of William Mott Decast [Deceased] to be Clerk Untill the Next annual Meeting. at the annuel Town Meeting held at the School House in Mamaroneck on Tuesday the first Day of april 1766 the following Town officers was Chose as followeth John Townsend Clerk John Townsend Superviser Samuel fayerweather Constable & Colector and William Sutton Security William Sutton and James Horton assessors and to be freed from one half their Share in Mending high ways Beniamin Palmer and Joseph Griffen overseam of the highways Beniamin Griffen and Edward Merritt fence viewers Daniel Barker Pownder Reabin Bloomer and Beniamin Palmer to have the Care of Intestate Estates 39 the mark of m' arm Rich bell a hapeny under each ear and and (and) [sic] a sett on the top of the right ear at the annuel Town Meeting held at the School house in Mamaroneck on Tuesday the Seventh Day of april 1767 When the following Town officers was Chose to Service for the Ensuing Year v'a John Townsend Clerk John Townsend Supervisor Samuel fayerweather Constable & Collector and william Sutton his Security William Sutton and James Horton assessers and to be mad [made] free from working three Days on the Roads Beniamin Griffen and Daniel Barker oversears of the highways William Lounsbury and amold Bloomer fence viewers and Damage viewers Daniel Barker Pownder Reubin Bloomer and Beniamin Palmer to have the Care of the Intestate Estates the oversears of the Roads to give in accompt of the fines which they Recive [ Receive] at the next Town meeting No Horses to be Comoners without hopples Nor Sheep without tenders all fences to be four foot and four Inshes high other weys to be left to the Judgment of the fence viewers the Town Meeting to begin next year at two o clock in the after Noon John Townsend is ordered to pay the money to James Horton that lay in william Monts hands on accompt the Roads and Render an accompt to the next Town Meeting april 7 1767 176 1 177 Recived [Received] of John Townsend fifteen Shillings on accompt of the money that william Mott had in his hands in keeping on accompt of the Highways by me James Horton Jun may 5 1767 40 persuant to an acct of general assembly past [passed] the 8' Day of January 1762 the free holders and Inhabitants of Richbe0s Patient Met at the house of James Horton in Maroneck [ Mamaroneck] In order to Chose [Choose] two assesersand one Cokxtar to assess and Colecte the Quit Rent Due on Said Patient and acordingly Chose as followeth Viz Rubin Bloomer and Elijah Gidney assessers Cpt Jonathan Griffen Colectar and James Horton Jn' promises that he will Colect the Quit Rent of the Inhabitants of Maroneck[Mamaroneck] and it is agreed that they Shall assess and Colect twenty pounds for paying and Discharging the Quit Rent to the 25 Day of March 1768 and if there still Remains aney money over and bove [above) the Discharging the Quit Rent Down to the above Date that the above Said money Shall lye in Cpt Griffen hands untill firther moneys is Raisd toward paying the latter Quit Rents and it is agreed that the assessers Shall be payd for their trouble for one Days work Each at Six Shillings pr Day At the annuel Townd [Town] Meeting held at the Schoolhouse in Mamoroneck on Tuesday this fifth Day of april Being the first Tuesday of april as above Said 1768 Where the following Town officers was Chose to Serve for the Inuing year Viz John Townsend Clerk John Townsend Supervisor Doty Doughty Constable and Colectar and Beniamin Griffen Doty Doughtys Security William Sutton and James Horton assessors and be freed from two Days work on the road Beniamin Griffen and Reubin Bloomer overseas of the Highweys William Lounbury and Arnold Bloomer fence viewers Daniel Barker Pounder Carred [Carried] over 41 Brought over april 5 1768 Rubin Bloomer and Beniamin Palmer to take Care of Intestate Estates the Overseers of the Roads to Render an accompt of the fines Rceived by them at the nex [next] Townmeeting No Horses to be Comaners [Commoners) without hopples nor Sheep without Tenders a0 fences to be four foot and four Inches high other ways to be left to the Judgment of fencewewers [fenceviewers] the Townd [Town] meeting to bgin the next year at two of the oclock in the after noon the over Sears of the Highways Rendrd [ Rendered] an accompt of what money was Due for fines for persons not working on the Highweys the lat year Viz Beniamin Gri0en has money by him already Recived [Received] one pound Six Shillings and money yet to Recive Eighteen Shillings and Beniamin Griffen has payd out of the above Soms[Sums] of money for metariel [material] and mending the Road Eighteen Shillings Daniel Barker has money by him already Recived Eleven Shillings and money yet to Recive none at all and Daniel Barker has bought plank for the Bridges to the amount of one pound twelve Shillings and firther plank to the amount of Six Shillings which makes in the whole one pound Eighteen—Shillings which Sum the Said Barker and griffen is to pay out of the money in their hands and whats is to Recive 42 at the annual Townd [Town] Meeking [Meeting] held at the School House in Mamaroneck this fourth Day of april being the first Tuesday of april 1769 When the following Town officers was Chose as fo0oweth Viz John Townsend Clerk John Townsend Superviser Doty Doughty Constable and to be Discharged from worting [working] on the Roads and Beniamin Griffen his Security William Sutton and James Horton assesors and to be free two Days works on the highweys Beniamin Griffen and Reubin Bloomer to be oversears of the Highweys William Lounsbury and Edward merrit fence viewers and Damage viewers Daniel -Barker -pow [words crossed out] William Sutton pownder Reubin Bloomer to take Care of Intestate Estates the over Searsof the Roads to Rendre an accompt of the they Recive [Receive] at the next town meeting No Horses to be Comanon [Commoners] without Hopples Nor Sheep without tenders all fences to be four foot and four inhes high othre ways to be left to the J udgment of the fence viewers the Townd [Town] Meeting to begin the next year at three of the oclock in the afternoon the over Sears of the high ways Rendered an accompt of what Money they had Recived [Received] and was Due for fines on the Roads the last year Viz Reubin Bloomer Has Recived for fines 1 - 1 -3 and yet to Recive which is Due 0-16-6 Reubin Bloomer has payd out 1 - 1 -10 Beniamin Griffen has Recved for fines 0-15-0 and has yet to Recive 1 - 7 - 6 Beniamin Griffen has payd out 1 - 6 - 4 43 Pennant to a law of the Coloney of New york the freholders and Inhabitants of Mamaroneck Met at a Town meeting at the Schoolhouse in Mamaroneck on the first Tuesday in april being the third Day of april 1770 When the Town officers was Chose as followeth VIZ John Townsend Clerk John Townsend Superviser Joseph Pirdy Constable and Colectar and to be Discharged from Working on the highweys and William Sutton to be his Security Reubin Bloomer and Gilbird Budd assesers and to be Cleard two Days works Each on the highweys Robert Coles and William Lounbury and Joseph Griffen oversears of the highweys Daniel Barker and Joseph Gedney fence vewcm [viewers) and Damage vewers William Sutton Pounder 178 1 179 Reubin Bloomer and Beniamin Palmer to have the Care of intestate Estates the overSears of the Rodes [Roads] to Render an accompt of the moneys they have Recived [Received] an accompt of the Roads at the next meeting No Horses to be Comaners [Commoners] without hopples nor Sheep without tenders all fences to be four foot and four Inshes high otherweys to be left to the Judgment of the fence vewers [viewers] Ruben bloomer pudesed [produced] an accompt of the Deficencie of the Moneys and accompts in his hands last on accompt of the Roads last year and that he had paid Det Baley fifteen Shillings for plank in Discound [Discount] of five Days works Said Baley was Defteeent [Deficient] in working on the Roads and Eleven pencefor what he Did on the Rodes [Roads] and bloomer has paid all the old accompt 44 on this 14 Day of January 1771 pesuant [pursuant] To A Warrant Directed To the Freeholders and Inhabitants to Meet on this Day at the School House in Mamaroneck To Elect and Chuse [Choose] a Clark And Supervisor in the Room of John Townsend Late - Clark and Supervisor Decewd [Deceased], The freeholder and Inhabitants haveing Meet [Met] - Unamasly [Unanimously] Chose - Gilbert Budd Clark William Sutton Supervisor At the Annual Town Meeting held at the Scool [School] House of Mamaroneck this 2"' Day of April 1771 When the following Town officers Where [Were] Choseen Gilbert Budd Town Clark William Sutton Superviser Joseph Purdy Constable & Collecuer & to be Cleared from Working upon the Highways & William Sutton his Security Reuben Bloomer Benjamin Barker Assesers & to be Cleared two Days upon the Highway Gilbert Budd Edward Merritt & Benjamin Palmer Over Seaers [Overseers] of y` Highway & Each of the S° Overseeers to Mend their Part of the Rode [Road] as they Did last Year Samuel Fayerweather & Doty fent & Damage Vewors [Viewers] William Sutton Pounder Benjamin Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the Care of Intestate Estates the Overseer of the highway to Render their Accompts of the fines takeen [taken] at the Next meeting Joseph Griffen Rendered his Accompt of fines taken the Last Year three Shillings Due to the town 45 William Lownbery Rendered his Accompt of fines taken the last Year Eleven Shillings Due to the Town Nor Horses to be Commeners Without Hopples nor Sheep with out tenders fencees to be fore [four] foot fore [four] Inches high & to be A Judged by the vewers [viewers] to be Sufficant [Sufficient] made April 301" 1771 Gilbert Budd was qualified for the office of Clerk for the Town of Momaroneck bifore [before] William Sutton Justice of the Peace At the Annual Town Meeting held at the School of Momaroneck this 7" Day of April 1772 Where the following town officers where [were] Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk William Sutton Supervisor Joseph Purdy Constable & Collecter and to be Clearead [Cleared] from W orkinkg [ Working] upon the Highways & William Sutton his Security Edw" Merritt & Reubin Bloomer Assessors & to be cleard Two Days working on the High Ways Ben: Palmer Edw° Merritt & Joseph Griffen Overseers of the High way, Joseph Griffens part of the Road from M omaroneck bridge to the Shool[School] House and to have the hands from Armstrongs to the Notherd, Edw° Merritt to have the care of the Road from the School House to the Bridge by Joh: Turnars and to have hands from Armstrongs to Justice Sutton Ben: Palmer to have Care of the remainder and the Rest of the hands Momaroneck Bridge to be maintained by the Inhabitants in General Edw° Merrit & Arnold Bloomer fence & Damage Vieuers William Armstrong Pounder Ben: Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the Care of Intestate Estates 46 No Horses to be commonners without Hopples or Sheep without Tenders Fences to be Four Feet four Inches High & to be Judged by the Vieuers to be sufficiently made At the Annual Town Meeting held at the Shool [School] House of Momaroneck this6'" Day of April 1773 The following Town officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk William Sutton Supervisor Joseph Purdy Constable & Collector & to be clear'd working upon the Roads, William Sutton his Security Reubin Bloomer & Isaac Gedney Assessors, & to be clear'd Two Days working on the Roads Cap' Brown Edw° Merritt & John Bloomer overseers of the High way John Bloomer's part of the Road from Momaroneck Bridge to the School House & to have the hands from Armstrongs to the Notherd Edw° Merritt to have the care of the Road from the School House to Joh'Turners. & to have hands from Armstrongs to Justice Sutton, Cap' Brown to have care of the remainder of the of the Roads and hands Momaroneck Bridge to be maintain d by the Inhabitants in General Edw' Merritt & Ben" Griffen fence & Damage Vieuers Gil Budd Horton Pownder Benjamin Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be commoners without Hoppl's [Hopples] or sheep without Tenders Fences to be Four feet four Inches high and to beJ u'dg'd by the V ieuersto besufficiently made Revolv d that no Oysters shall nor black mussels be got out of Momaroneck Harbour, from this time untill the first Day of October next, under the penalty of Forty shillings. for every Transgression of this Act John Beyea appointed as overseer of the above Act 47 Geese not allow'd to be commoners if they get in any man Inclosier[ Enclosure] they are Liable to be pounded, and the owner to pay Two pence pr Head To the pound master 180 ' 181 April 51 1774 Agreeable To a Warrant directed to the Constable to warn the freeholders & inhabitants of Momaroneck to meet on this Day at the Sheol [School] House of said place at 10 O Clock To Elect and Choose Town officers Agreeable to said warrant the following officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk William Sutton Supervisor Joseph Purdy Constable & Collector and to be Clear'd working upon the Roads. William Sutton his security Benjamin Barker & Gilb' Budd Assessors & to be Clear d Two Days work upon the Roads Sam' -Underhill Eaw"-Merritt&John Merritt overseers of the High way the Roads to be Divided in the same manner as they were Last Year John Merritt & Gil Budd Horton Edw�-h4esdit-"Onjamirt4irU"(two names crossed out] fence Vieuers Gil: Budd Horton Powender (Pounder] Benjamin Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be Commoners without Hopples or Sheep without Tenders Fences to be as usial [usual] in Height Geese to he under the same Restrictions as they were Last Year 48 April 5".. 1775 Agreeable to a Warrant directed to the Constable to warn the Freeholders & Inhabitants of Momaroneck to meet on this Day at the School House of said Place at 10 O Clock There to Ellect and choose Town officers Agreeable to said warrant the Following officers were chosen Gilbert Budd Town C` - William Sutton Supervisor Joseph Purdy constable & Collector, Wi11=Sutton his security, to be clear'd working upon the Highway Sam! Underhill & Benj= Barker Assessors to be clear'd 2 Days work on the Road Sutton Benjamin Griffen William Loaasbeey [word crossed out] & Benjamin Palmer, overseers of the High way, Roads to be divided in same manner as usial [usual] John Merritt & Gil. Budd Horton fence & damage Vieuers Gil. Budd Horton Pownder Benjamin Palmer & Reubin Bloomers to have the care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be Commoners without Hopplm nor Sheep without Tenders Geese not allowd to be commoners, if they get in any Mans inclosier[enclosure] theyare Liable to be pownded, & the owner to pay Two pence p' Head, to the pownd Master April 2°. 1776 At a meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of Momaroneck held at the School House, [next two letters partially blotted out] of S°. place, the following officers were Chosen Gilb' Budd Town Clerk Reuben Bloomer Supervisor Joseph Purdy constable & Collector, William Sutton his security, to he clear'd working upon the High way Sam'. Underhill & Gil. B. Horton, Assesors to be clear'd 2 Days work on the Road Benjamin Griffen, Edw°. Merritt & Benjain Barker overseers of the Highway, Roads to be divided in the same manner as usial [usual] 182 s-,�nat- ✓mss/.di ,t�llO'ayifj�li+� •: �ix/ics�pA/'�r��rs��fi l Nll�A%e�sfah ���. •, . ,swr9Gf. �u�� //lam ✓rz"--gg /t•�-n/�/rG,� ��'��,///. .a/rYt�/, G..•e CY �rAI�/f•�j/„•t� L'lH ib is p[LkNIO Lf MG MW//, e!X - ' y: 7fi •�n ✓�Carsi�! $G .lett �Iivy/a�� SGda,rn��feuw �r�� .Gonimez.Tes« ivsf-�p(d7srr duw ��wd z 6� �n�,o..o,.�.c 5l�•y �,...., .�a err cnclivsds'�uj aw �ie.61' fi dfc ow+ ��4y�'/�+ B<i9a•.• ��� ✓'uro�/�. �u .irf.��i,�sl J�� � as-4�tds� 49 Any person neglecting to work he is liable to a fine of Three Shillings, the Money to he paid immediately John Merritt, & Gil. B. Horton, fence At damage Vieuers Gil. B. Horton Pownder Benjamin Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be Commonners without Hopples nor Sheep without Tenders Geese not allow J to be commoners if they get in any Mans inclosier [enclosure] they are liable to be pownded. & the owner to pay Two pence p: Head, to the pound Master Agreeable to an Ordinanace by the Council, appointing an Election to be held for Town officers in Momaroneck, on Monday the 22°. of December 1783, proper Notice being Given whereupon the Inhabitants met on said Day, when the following Officers where [were] Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk 183 Gilbert Budd Supervisor Benjamin Palmer Jun:. Constable & Collecter Gilb' Budd his Security, to be Clear'd working upon the Road John Merritt, Joseph Titus & Nathan Palmer assessors To be Clear'd 2 Days Work on the Road Benjamin Palmer, Edw°, Merritt Jun.. & Joseph Griffen overseers of the Highway Benj". Palmer to work the Road as far East as the stone Bridge, west of Dan Barkers, Edw° Merritt, to work the Road from the Bridge as far East as the Stone Bridge by Henry Disbrow's and the Road to the Notherd by Edw°. Merritts, Joseph Griffen to work the Road, from Disbrow's Bridge to Momaroneck Bridge, & the Road Notherd by Bedf, Griffen 50 John Merritt & Edw". Merin fence & Damage Viewers John Merritt Pound Master Benjamin Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the Care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be commoners without Hopples no Sheep without Fetters April 6".. 1784. At a meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the House of W John Flood on said Day, the following Officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Gilbert Budd Supervisor Benjamin Palmer Jun:. Constable & Collector, to be clear'd working on the Roads Gilb'. Budd his security Gilbert Budd. Joseph Titus. & Nathan Palmer, Assessors to be cleared Two Days Each working on the Roads Benjamin Palmer Edw. Merritt Jun: & Joseph Griffen overseers of the Road, the Bounds, as at the last meeting Benjain Palmer pownd Master Jo". Merritt & Edw. Merritt fence & Damage Viewers Benjamin Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the Care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be turn d out as Commonners without Hopples nor sheep without Fetters Hogs not to Run Commoners unles ringd & Yoak'd 51 At an Annual Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the District of Momaroneck, held at the House of M" Deborah Horton's on Teusday the 5'".. of April 1785 the following OBimrs were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk. Gilbert Budd Supervisor Josiah-RuW 4aastabI@ [all three words crossed out] Benj". Griffin Jun. Collecter Reubin Bloomer, Nathan Palmer. & Benj' . Griffin Jun'. Assessors, to be clear'd Two Days each working on the Road Absolum Gedney & John Merritt Overseers of the Poor Reubin Bloomer, Absolum Gedney & Gilb' Budd. Commissioners, for laying out. & Regulating High Ways Benj" -Palmer, Edw° Merrit Jun' & Absolum Gedney Overseers of the High Way, Palmer to Work the Road as far East as Dan Barkers, & as far North as Scarsdale Road Edw'. Merritt to work the Road from Barkers, as far East as the Stone Bridge, by Henry Disbrow's, (which Bridge Merritt is to repair) and North as far as the Great Lots Absolum Gedney to work the Road from Disbrow's Bridge East as far as the Middle of 184 Momaroneck Bridge. & North as far as the Scarsdale Road Dan'. Barker Pound Master John Merritt & Edw° Meritt fence and Damage Vieuers Benj'. Palmer & Reubin Bloomer to have the Care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be turn'd out as Commoners without Hopples, nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not to Run Commoners unless ringd & Yoak'd 52 April 5'" 1785 - The Freeholders & Inhabitants agree that the Overseers of the High Way, are impower'd to call on all the Men in their Sevaral Districts for the purpose of Destroying the Barbery Bushes, so Often as the said Overseers Shall think Proper, until] the whole are Destroyd, any Man refusing to come if he is legally Wam d, shall forfiet [ forfeit] 4. for every Day to be recover d in the same Manner, as fines for Neglect of working on the roads, are, which fines shall be Lay'd out as the Overseers think proper At an Annual Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the district of Momaroneck. held at the House of W. Deborah Horton's on Teusday the 4'".. of April 1786 the following Town Officers were chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Gilbert Budd Supervisor Joseph Coles Constable and Collector. Cap'. Benj". Griffen his security Nathan Palmer, Benj'.. Griffen Jun'. & Gilbert Budd Assessors -to be cleard Two Days working on the Road - I Absolum Gednev & John Merritt Overseers of the Poor Cap: Benj". Griffen, Absolum Gedney & GilK Budd commissioners for laying out and regulating high Ways 53 the mark ofsamuel palmera half crop on the uper Side of the Left ear a Slitt on the top of the Riaht [Right] ear Cap: Benj". Griffen, Benj".. Palmer Jun'.. & Gilb'. Robinson overseers of the High Way. Palmer to work the Road as far East as Daniel Barkers, and as far North as Scarsdale Road, - Gilbert Robinson to work the Road from Barkers, as far East as Henry Disbrow's stone Bridge which Bridge S° Robinson is to repairand North as faras the great Lots Cap: Benj". Griffen. to work the Road from Disbrow's Bridge (all the Road belonging to Momaroneck) East as far as the middle of Momaroneck Bridge. & North as far as the scarsdale Road Dan'. Barker pound Master Dari Barker & Edw° Merritt Jun: fence & Damage Viewers Benj". Palmer and Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be turn d out as Commoners without hopples nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not run in Common unless Ringd & Yoak'd 54 At an Annual meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the district of Momaroneck, held at the House of M" Deborah Horton's on Teusday the 3".. of April 1787. the following Town Officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Gilbert Budd Supervisor Daniel Barker chosen Constable, to be Clear'd work on the Roads Daniel Barker chosen Collector. Cap'. Benj". Griffen his security for his performance 185 Benj'. Griffen Jun' Bartholomew Hadden and Gilbert Budd Assessors, to be Clear'd Four Days work on the Road each Cap: Benj". Griffen, and John Merritt Overseers of the Poor Cap: Benj". Griffen & Absolum Gedney and Gilbert Budd, Commissioners for laying out and regulating high Ways Nathan Palmer Edward Merritt Jun' & John Griffen overseers of the high Way. Palmer to work the Road as far East as Daniel Barkers, and as far North as Scarsdale Road, Merritt & Griffen to work the same parts of the Roads as were work'd last year. Daniel Barker Pound Master Daniel Barker & Edw". Merritt Jun' fence and damage Viewers Benjamin Palmer and Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate Estates 55 No Horses to be turn d out as Commoners without hopples nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not to run in Common unless ringd & Yoakd No Man to let his Ram or Rams run in Common from the first of Sept'. untill the first of January, upon penealty of Forfieting [Forfeiting] their Ram, or Rams, to the person who is agriev d by them At an Annual meeting of the Freeholdersand Inhabitants of the district of Momaroneck held at the House of M". Deborah Horton on Temday the I of April 1788 The following Town Officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Jun'.. T Clerk Gilbert Budd Supervisor Gilbert Robinson Constable, to be Clear'd working on the Roads Benjamin Griffen Jun' Collector of the Taxes Benj". Griffen Jun'. Bartho' Madden and Gilbert Budd Assessors to be cleard Four Days each work on the Roads Cap'. Benj". Griffen and James Fowler Overseers of the Poor Capt'. Benjamin Griffen Absolum Gedney and Gilbert Budd, commissioners for laying out and regulating high ways Benj". Palmer, Edw". Merritt Jun' and Joseph Griffen, overseers of the high Way, Each one to work the same part they did last Year Daniel Barker Pound Master Daniel Barker and Henry Disbrow fence and damage Viewers Benjamin Palmer and Reuben Bloomer to have the Care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be turn d out as Commoners without Hopples nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not to run in Common unless ringd & Yoakd The Act concerning Rams to stand, as it was last Year 56 [Note: this page is numbered, but has no script written on it.] 57 At an Annual meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the House of M" Deborah Horton on Teusday the Seventh Day of April 1789. The following Officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk & Supervisor Edward Lee. Constable, and Collector, to be cleard working on the Roads Edward Merritt Jun: Bartho" Haden & Gilb' Budd Assessors to be cleard four Days work each, working on the Roads Cap: Benj". Griffen and Absolum Gedney Over seers of the Poor Cap' Benj'. Griffen, Cap'. Absolum Gedney & Gilbert Budd, commissioners for laying out & regulating high ways Isaac Gedney, Giles Seaman, & Cap: Absolum Gedney, Overseers of the high Way, Each one to work the part they did last Year Daniel Barker pound Master Daniel Barker, & Edw". Merritt Jun: fence & damage Vieuers Cap: Benj'. Griffen & Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate Estates No Horses to he turn*d out as Commoners without hopples nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not to run in Common. unless they are ringd & Yoakd The Law concerning rams to stand in force as it was last Year It was farther agreed upon at this Meeting that the Sege belonging to the Publick in this Harbour, shall not be Cut by any person untill the 10d'. of Sept'. 1769 [ 17891, any person Cutting the same before that Day shall forfiet [forfeit] the sum of 201 It was likewise agreed upon at this Meeting that the sum of Fifteen Pounds shou'd be mis'd for the support of the Poor of this Town, which Money is to be diliver'd to the over seers of the Poor when Rais'd 58 At an annual meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of theTown of Momaroneck on Teusday the 7'".. of April 1789. Edward Lee was chosen Constable & Collector, it appear'd after the Choice he was incapable of serving, as he declar'd he could neither Read nor write therefore, A meeting was cal'd [called] (as the Law directed I to meet on Satuday the 18". of April 1789, for the purpose of choosing A Constable & Collector, the following Constable & Collector Were Chosen Elihu Palmer was unanimously chosen Constable to be cleard working on the Roads Benj Griffen Jun'. Collector, to be cleard working on the Roads At an Annual meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the House of W. Deborah Horton on Teusday the Sixth Day of April 1790. The following Officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd. Town Clerk, and Supervisor Elihu Palmer chosen Constable, to be cleard working on the Roads Benjamin Griffen Jun: Collector Edw°, Merritt Jun:, Barth'. Hadden & Gilbert Budd assessors to be cleard Four Days each working on the Roads Cap. Benjamin Griffen and Cap: Absolum Gedney overseers of the Poor Cap' Benjamin Griffen Cap'. Absolum Gedney & Gilbert Budd, commissioners for laying out and regulating high ways John Griffen. Giles Seaman, Charles Roe & Isaac Gedney overseers of the High ways; John Griffen, and Giles Seaman to work the Roads as usual Charles Rae, to work the Roads from Dan' Barkers as far west as the Road that turns North, then as far upon the Northward Road as the Town extends, Isaac Gedney to work the Road from the Northern Road, as far west as the Town extends Daniel Barker pound Master 59 Isaac Gedney Daniel Barker, & Charles Roe fence and damage Viewers Cap: Benjamin Griffen and Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate estates No Horses to be turn d out as Commoners, without hopples nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not run Common unless they are ringd or Yoakd The Law concerning rams to be in force as it was in the Year 1787 It was agreed on at this meeting that the Sege belonging to the Public in this harbour shall not be cut by any person until[ the 10".. of Sept: 1790. any person cutting the same before that Day shall forfiet [forfeit] the sum of 201 for each offence and farther that no 186 ' 187 person not an Inhabitant of this Town shall cut it at any time under the penalty of 20; for each person so offending It was agreed on at the Town Meeting that the sum of Eight Pounds shou'd be rais'd for the support of the Poor of this Town which money is to be deliver'd to the overseers of said Town when collected 60 At an Annual meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck, held at the House of M".. Deborah Horton's on Teusday the 5'".. Day of April 1791. The following Officers were chosen Gilbert Budd, Town Clerk, & Supervisor John Palmer, Chosen Constable Benjamin Griffin Jun`. Collector & to be cteard working on the Roads Edw°. Merritt, Bartholomew Hadden & Gilbert Budd Jun' chosen Assessors to be clear'd four Days work each working on the Roads Cap' Benjamin Griffen and Cap: Absolum Gedney overseers of the Poor Cap! Benjamin Griffen Cap: Absolum Gedney and Gilbert Budd Jun`.. Com- missioners for laying out and regulating high Ways John Griffen, Giles Seaman, Charles Roe, and Isaac Gedney, overseers of the high Way, each Overseer to work the same part of the Roads they work'd the last year - except, the Whole to work one Day on the Road laid out thro M'. Bartholomew Hadden land Daniel Barker pound Master Isaac Gedney. Daniel Barker & Henry Disbrow fence and Damage Vieuers Cap! Benjamin Griffen & Reubin Bloomer to have the Care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be turn'd out as commoners without hopples, nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not to run in Common unless they are ringd and Yoak'd The Law concerning Rams is to be in force as it was in the Year 1787 61 It was agreed on at this Meeting, that the Sege belonging to the Publick in this harbour shall not be cut by any person unti0 the 10'".. of September 1791. Any person cutting the same before that Day shall forfiet [forfeit] the sum of 20i for each person so cutting the same - And farther that no person not an Inhabitant of the Town shall cut it at any time under the like penalty of 20; for each person so offending To be suid [sued] for, and Recover'd by the Supervisor of said Town It was father agreed on at this meeting that the sum of Eight Pounds should be rais d for the support of the poor of this Town Which money is to be deliver'd to the Overseers of the Poor of S". Town when rais'd 62 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the House of M':. Deborah Horton on Teusday the 3. of April and adjourn d until] Wednesday the Fourth 1792. The following Officers were chosen Gilb' Budd Town Clerk G861 Budd Supervisor John Palmer. Constable John Griffen. Collector John Griffen, Daniel Barker, George Palmer, Assessors Cap: Benjamin Griffen. & Giles Seaman Over seers of the poor Cap'. Benjamin Griffen. Cap'. Absolum Gedney and Gilbert Budd Jun' Com- missioners for laying out and regulating high Ways Joseph Griffen. Edward Merritt. Daniel Barker, and Charles Roe. Overseers of the high Way 188 Daniel Barker Pound Master Edward Merritt. Daniel Barker & Henry Disbrow fence and damage Vieuer Cap: Benjamin Griffen and Reubin Bloomer to have the care of Intestate Estates No Horses to be turn d out as commissioners, [words partially crossed out; should be "commoners'] without hopples nor sheep without Fetters Hogs not to run in Common unless they are ringd and yoak'd It was agreed on at this Meeting that the sum of Twenty pounds, be rais d for the support of the Poor 63 Ata Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of theTown of Momaroneck held at the House of M". Deborah Horton on Teusday the 2°. of April 1793 the following Officers were Chosen Gilb', Budd Town Clerk Gilb', Budd Supervisor Augustus Laurence Constable John Griffen Collector John Griffen, Daniel Barker and George Palmer Assessors to be allow'd by the Town 24; which Money is to be Rais d in the poor Tax Giles Seaman and Edward Merritt overseers of the Poor M'. John P Delancey Edw°. Merritt, and Gilbert Budd Commissioners for laying out & regulating high Way Joseph Griffen, Henry Disbrow, Daniel Barker, and Stephen Roe, Overseers of the high Way to work the Siveral Divisions of Road as is usual Daniel Barker pound Master Edw°. Merritt, Daniel Barker, and Henry Disbrow fence and damage Vieuers Reubin Bloomer and Giles Seaman to have the care of Intestates estates No horses to be tum d out as commoners, without hopples nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not to Run in Common unless they are Ringd It was agreed on at this meeting that the sum of Seventy Five pounds. be Rais'd for the support of the Poor, for the inuing Year Henry Disbrow has bo: [bought] the time of a Negro Man Christmas, beginning the 15". May Ensuing,untill the next Town Meeting Ensuing.for which time he is to pay to the Overseers of the Poor of the Town J;3, at the expiration of the Said term - To return him as well Cloath'd [Clothed] as he now is 64 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants, at the Town of Momaroneck, held at the House of M". Deborah Horton. on Teusday the First Day of April 1794. The following Officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Benjamin Griffen Supervisor Samuel Robinson. Constable to be cleard working the Roads Samuel Robinson, Collector, Gilb''Robinson his Father Security John Griffen. Dan' Barker, and George Palmer Assessors Giles Seaman, and Edward Merritt. Poor Masters M'. John P. Delancey, Edward Merritt. & Gilbert Budd commissioners for laying out & regulating High Ways Benjamin Griffen. Daniel Barker Henry Disbrow & Stephen Roe. Overseers of the 189 high Ways To work the several Divisions of the Roads as were work'd last Year Daniel Barker, Pound Master Edward Merritt, Daniel Barker & Henry Disbrow, fence and damage Vieuers No Horses to be turnd out without hopples, nor Sheep without Fetters Hogs not to Run in Common unless they are Ringd Reubin Bloomer & Giles Seaman to have the care of Intestate Estates It was agreed on at this Meeting that the sum of Thirty pounds be Rais d for the support of the Poor, for the ensuing Year Henry Disbrow has agreed to give for a Negro Man Christmass for the space of One Year from the Date hereof L3, which Money he is to pay to the Overseers of the Poor for the time being, to return him decently Cloath'd [Clothed], provided, If he shoo d Die within the Year, the Sd. Disbrow is to be at the expence of his burial 65 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the house of M".. Deborah Horton, on Teusday the Seventh Day of April 1795 The following officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Benjamin Griffen Supervisor John Pinkney Constable To be clear'd working on the high Way John Pinkney Collector of the Taxes John Griffen, Daniel Barker, and George Palmer Assessors Giles Seaman, and Edward Merritt Poor Masters John P. D.Lancey, Edward Merritt, & Gilbert Budd commissioners for layingout and regulating high Ways John Griffen, Daniel Barker, Henry Disbrow and Alexander Scholefield, Overseers of the high Ways To work the several divisions of the Roads, as they were work'd last Year Daniel Barker pound Master Edward Merritt, Daniel Barker and Henry Disbrow fence and damage Vieuers No Horses to be turnd out in Commons without hopples nor Sheep without fitters [tetters] Hogs not to Run in Common unless they are Ring'd It was agreed on at this Meeting that the sum of Ten pounds be rais'd for the support of the Poor, for the Ensuing Year 66 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at W. Deborah Horton on Teusday the 5'".. of April 1796, the following Officers were chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Benjamin Griffen Supervisor Caleb Coles - Constable, to be cleard working on the Roads John Sands, Collector John Griffen, John P. Delancey & Daniel Barker Assessors Giles Seaman & Edward Merritt poor Masters John Griffen. Daniel Barker, & John Sands commissioners for laying out and regulating high Ways Peter Allair. Noah Tompkins. Jacob Willits, Edward Lee, overseers of the high Ways 190 Daniel Barker Pound Master Edward Merritt, Giles Seaman & John Pinkney fence and damage Vieuers No horses to run in common, unless they are fetterd No hogs to run in common unless they are ringd It was agreed on at the Town Meeting that the sum of Twenty pounds be Rais d for the support of the poor of s' Town Edward Merritt. John Griffen & Samuel Merritt chosen Commissioners of Schools it was Voted at this Meeting their [there] shoud be Two Schools in s° Town 67 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Momaroneck held at Cap'. Peter Donaldson's, on teusday the 4"... Day of April 1797, the following Officers were chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Benjamin Griffen Supervisor Jared Marshall, chosen Constable & Collector Daniel Barker. John Sands & John Palmer Assessors Edward Merritt, & John Marshell, overseers of the poor Edward Merritt, Daniel Barker, & John Sands, commissioners of the Roads Samuel Mott. Noah Tompkins, Gilbert Robinson &, Edward Lee, overseers of the high Ways Daniel Barker, pound master Giles Seaman, Samuel Merritt & John Pinkney fence and damage Vieuers No horses to run in Common unless they are fetter'd No Hogs to run in common unless they are ringd It was agreed on at the Town meeting that the sum of Eighty pounds be rais'd for the support of the poor of S" Town Edward Merritt, John Marshall, & Noah Tompkins chosen commissioners of schools 68 At a Special Town Meeting (held at the House of Cap: Peter Donaldson) of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck, on Saturday the 3°. Day of February 1798, for the purpose of choosing a Supervisor in the Room of Benjamin Griffen Esq: who has removed from said Town; in compliance of an Act of the Legislature passed the 7.. Day of March 1788 John. P. Delancey unanimously chosen Supervisor At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the house of Cap'. Peter Donaldson on the 3°. Day of April 179 [last number lost on edge of page: should be "1798"] the following Officers were chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk John P. V. Lancey - Supervisor Jared Marshel. Chosen Constable & collector, to be clear'd from working on the Roads Edward Merritt, & Benjamin Hadden, overseers of the poor Daniel Barker, John Sands & John Palmer Assessors John Marshell, George Palmer & Richard Mott Commissioners of high Ways John Pinkney. Noah Tompkins, Gilbert Robinson & Edward Lee, overseers of high Ways Daniel Barker pound Master Gile Seaman, Noah Tompkins & John Pinkney fence and damage Vieuers 191 no horses to run in common unless they are fetterd no hogs to run in common unless they are ringd It was agreed on at this meeting that the sum of Eighty pounds be rail d for the support Of the poor of the Town of Momaroneck Edward Merritt, John Marshell & Noah Tompkins chosen commissioners of Schools John P. Delancey, John Pinkney & Giles Seaman appointed trustees of the Schools 69 At A Special Town Meeting held at the house of Cap' Peter Donaldson, of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck , on Teusday the 5`".. ofJune 1798, for the purpose of choosing Two Commissioners of, Ways, in the Room of John Marshell who was not qualified as the law directs and Richard Mott, who did not qualify agreeable to law Richard Mon and Daniel Barker chosen Commissioners of high Ways At a meeting of the freeholders & Inhabitants Of Town of Momaroneek, held at the house of Cap', Peter Donaldson on the 2°. Day of April 1799 the following of teem were chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk John P. Delancey John Palmer Supervisor Constable, & Collector to be cleard from working on the high ways Edward Merritt & John Sands overseers of the poor Daniel Barker, George Palmer & John Pinkney Assessors Daniel Barker, Benjamin Hadden & David Rogers, Daniel Barker Pound Master commissioners of high ways Andrew Smith Elihu Palmer, Andrew Gale, John P. Delancey & John Marshall, overseers of high Ways To be left to the commissioners to say how far each district shall extend Giles Seaman, Thom; Robinson Jun, & Samuel Barker. fence & damage Vieuers No horses to run in Common unless they are fetter'd, nor hogs unless theyare ringd 1t is agreed on at this meeting that the sum of one hundred & Seventy fivedollars be rais d for the support of the poor of the Town of Momaroneck Edward Merritt, John Marshall & Noah Tompkins Schools chosen commissioners of John P. Delancey, David Rogers, & Giles Seaman [where] W. Steward is master off [of] trustees of the school were 70 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 71 the mark of henry disbrow a hole thorou [through] each ear and a hapeny under each ear I James molt do give and grant beniamin all belonging to margeret disbrow and her three Sons heneryjohn and of burying their dead whhee thto to them and their famyhes for ever the Liberty daughter in a certain peace [er father or mother husband or wife brother or sister son or piece] of Land Lying near the Salt medow[Meadow] where Sus John richbell and his wifes mother and my wife Mary Mott was buryed in my home Lott or Feld [Field] adioining [adjoining] to my house whiten by William Palmer Clerk Of momoronack by order of Capt Jeanne, Mott The Mark given Edward Merritt, Right under side of the Right Ear Swallow Fork, in the left Ear, a halfpenny the 192 The Mark given by Stephen Roe, is a halfpenny on the undersideof the Right Ear Dated this 15".. of April 1793 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 3 At a Special Town meeting held at the house of Cap' Peter Donaldson on Saturday the 20'°.. of April; for the purpose of choosing Three Commissioners; of high ways as the commissioners chosen at the annual meeting did not qualify; therefore the following Commissioners were chosen Daniel Barker, Doct`. David Rogers & Benjamin Hadden chosen commissioners of high ways At a meeting of the freeholders & Inhabitants at the Town of Momaroneck, held at the house of Cap, Peter Donaldson, on the first day of April 1800, the following officers were Chosen Gilbert Budd T" Clerk John P. D,Lancey Supervisor John Palmer, Constable & Collector, he is to be clear'd of working on the Roads Giles Seaman & John Sands Poor masters Daniel Barker, George Palmer & John Pinkney assessors Daniel Barker, Benjamin Hadden, & David Rogers Jun, commissioners of high ways Daniel Barker, pound master Charles Duncan, Elihu Palmer, Henry Disbrow, John P. Delancey John Seureman overseers of high ways, to work the same Road districts they did the last year It was agreed at this meeting that the following persons are exempted from working on the Roads - Dote Doughty, William Hall, William David, Ickabod Lewis, Daniel M;Nulta, Reubin Bloomer Edward Lee, Henry Dusenberry, & Samuel Barker, fence and damage Vieuers No Horses to run in common without they are fetter'd, nor Hogs without being ringd It is agreed on at this meeting that the sum of one hundred Seventy five dollars, he rais'd for the support of the poor of S° Town Edward Merritt, John Marshal & Noah Tompkins chosen commissioners of schools Peter Donaldson, David Rogers, & Giles Seaman trustees of the school It is agreed 3 Dollars shoud be paid Bin Hadden for plank - by the poor masters 74 At a Special Town meeting held at the house of Cap; Peter Donaldson on Tuesday the 22". of April 1800 for the purpose of choosing an Assessor, in place of John Pinkney who did Qualify as the law directs being Thro indisposition John Palmer was unanimously chosen At a Town meeting regularly conven'd by due notice, Giles Seaman attended as Overseer of the poor, and inform'd the meeting that there was no Money paid him bythecollector for the maintanence of the poor, owing as he was inform'd to some misconstruction of the Law by the board of Supervisors or Commissioners of Taxes and requestingto know how he is to proceed to maintain the the [sic] poor. Offering at thesame time toadvance the necessary sum provided he is paid Interest for it Whereupon it was resolved that the overseers of the poor be allowed lawfull Interest for such Money as they may advance for 193 the Support of the poor and that the Town Clerk and Supervisor be authory their accounts with the Interest as above ed to pass 75 At a meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck on the first Teusday in April 1801, at the house of M'. Nathaniel Sackett, the following Officers were chosen Gilb; Budd Town Clerk Edward Merritt, Supervisor Aaron Palmer, Constable, and collector to ways be cleared from working on the high Giles Seaman & John Sands overseers of the poor John Palmer, David Rogers & Daniel Barker Assessors Charles Duncan, Samuel Mott & John Pinkney Commissioners of high Ways Daniel Barker, pound Master George Palmer, Henry Disbrow, and Nath; Sackett overseers of high ways Edward Lee, GiW Robinson & Samuel Barker, It was agreed on at thifence and damage Vieuers No horses to run in common, without being fetterd, not Hogs without being rung s meeting that the sum of Two hundred & fifty dollars be raisd fo. the support of the poor for the ensuing year Henry Disbrow, Edward Merritt & Noah Tompkins commissioners of Schools Peter Donaldson, David Rogers and Giles Seaman trustees of the School 76 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck on the first Teusday in April 1802 At the House of W Nathaniel Sackett, the following officers were Chosen GiW Budd Town Clerk Edw°., Merritt Supervisor Aron Palmer, Constable and collector, to be clear'd from doing any work on the roads Giles Seaman, and John Sands, overseers of the Poor, to be allowed interest for moneys they may advance for the Town; and likewise to be paid for any extraordinary sum which is to be audited, with their Ace'; George Palmer, David Rogers, and Daniel Barker Charles Duncan, Samuel Mott, and John Pinkney assessors of high ways Daniel Barker, pound Master Noah Tompkins, Henry Disbrow, and Edward Lee overseers of high ways Edw° Lee. Gilb; Robinson and Samuel Barker No Horses to run in common without being fetterfence &damage Viewers 'd nor Hogs without being run It was farther agreed on at this meeting, that the sum of Five hundred dollars, the suppoorort 8 the ensuing Year Edward pMerritt. Nathaniel rSackett. and Henrye rSchool authoris'd to collect Moneys that is due & built aDschool/ Trustees of the School John P. Delancey, elanchosen, tojoin with that of buildingg a poor house; the Overseers ofthepoortocany intoeffect, a 77 Be it remembered that on the 30'". day of August Commissione1802, we the undersigned Commissioners for the Towns of Momaroneck and New Rochelle, haveing met at certain place on the Road where the fine oft he aforesaid Towns Join nearly opposite to a 194 House belonging to Jeremiah Schureman now occupid by James Second, did then and there mutually agree to divide a piece of Road which had been neglected; In manner following that is to say, The Town of New Rochelle is to continue working from the Nothward until) they meet the Momaroneck line, which we consider crosses the Road four Rods Northward of the house aforesaid, at a certain post in the fence of Jeremiah Schuremans, marked with several notches, and that the Town of Momaroneck do continue to work the residue of said road from the Southward untill they come the aforesaid post, the same distance Nothward from said house,Therefore wedo order that a record be made of the above procedure in the Books of each Town Frederick Guion Commissioners of Matson Smith New Rochelle John Pinkney Commissioners of Charles E. Duman Momaroneck Entered and composed this 20'". Sept'. 1802 By GiW, Budd r... Clerk 78 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 79 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck, held at the house of M'.. Nathaniel Sackett, on the first Teusday in April 1803 the following Officers were chosen Gilb, Budd, T".. Clerk Aaron Palmer Supervisor Henry Merritt Collector Giles Seaman, and John Sands, Overseers of the Poor, to be paid for any Extraordiary Services, which is to be audited by the T. Clerk & Supervisor with their Ace".. the Settlement of the Overseers of the poor on the 29" * of March 1801due to the Town of Momaroneck from the above S°. Overseers L 41.4..4 George Palmer, David Rogers, and Daniel Barker Assessors Charles Duncan. Samuel Mott, and Caleb Coles, commissioners of high Ways Daniel Barker, pound Master Noah Tompkins, Henry Disbrow, and John Merritt Jun'. overseers of high Ways Edw". Lee, James Robinson and Samuel Barker fence & damage Vieuers No horses to run in common without being fetter'd nor Hogs without being rung It was agreed at this meeting that the sum of One hundred Twenty five dollars be rais'd for the support of the poor for the ensuing Year and Twelve dollars for the repair of Bridges Edward Merritt. Nathaniel Sackett, and Henry Disbrow Trustees of the School 80 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 81 At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck: held at the House of M' Bartholomew Ward, on the first Teusday in April 1804 The following Officers were Chosen Gilb', Budd T". Clerk Aaron Palmer Supervisor Giles Seaman & John Pinkney Overseers of the Poor to be paid for any 195 C Extraordinary Expences which is to be audited, with their Accounts, by the Town Clerk & Supervisor George Palmer, David Roger,, & Daniel Barker Assessors Adjourn'd till Wednesday 2, O,Clock PM Met agreeable to adjournment David Rogers, Caleb Coles, & Daniel Wood commissioners Of high Ways Daniel Barker pound Master Nelson Scholefeild, Henry Disbrow, and Joshua Fowler Ways be overseers of The High Edward Lee, James Robinson, & Henry Merritt No horses to run fence and damage Viewers in common without being fetterd nor Hogs without being ringd David Rogers, Giles Seaman, and Bartholomew Ward, Daniel Wood Collector of Taxes Trustees of the School ISupport of the t was agreed that the sum of One hundred and fifty Two pounds be raisd for the poor of the Town of omaroneck The poor Masters to be Allowed Interest for what moneys they Advance for the Town before the Tax is raisd To be raisd for the repair of Bridges S15.75x 82 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 83 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held, at the House of M' Daniel Wood on the first Teusday in April 1805 The following Officers were chosen GiW Budd, Town Clerk Aaron Palmer, Supervisor Adam Mott, David Rogers, and Henry Merritt Overseers of the Poor to b, Clerk paid for any Extra, expence they may be at which is to be audited by the Supervisor and Town George Palmer, David Rogers & Daniel Wood Assessors David Rogers, Caleb Coles & Daniel Wood commissioners of high ways Daniel Barker pound Master Nelson Scholefeild, Henry Disbrow, & Joshua Fowler overseers of high ways Edward Lee, James Robinson & Henry Disbrow fence & damage Vieuers No Horses to run in Common without being fetterd nor Hogs without being ringd John P. Delancey, David Rogers, and Henry Disbrow Trustees of the School Aaron Palmer. Constable, & Collector, to be allow'd $10• for his service constable, and to be clear'd from working on the Roads s as It was agreed, that the sum of one hundred & fifty pounds berais'd for the support ofthe poor The poor Masters be allow'd Interest for what moneys they may advance before the Tax is raisd 84 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 85 The mark of wm Palmer of half crop on the top of the Left ear and a Slitt on the top of the Right ear and a nick "'"`"` [word crossed Right ear out and "hapeny" written above] under the 196 the mark of obadiah Palmer a half Crop on the uper Side of the Right Ear: and a half Crop on the under Side of the Left Ear [Not: this page was numbered, but there was no scrip written on it.] 7 At a meeting of the freeholders & Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck, held at the house of Gil: Budd Horton, on the first day of Apr0 1806 The following Officers were chosen Gilbert Budd Town Clerk Aaron Palmer Supervisor Samuel Mott & Doct'David Rogers overseers of the poor to be paid for any Extra expence they may be at, which is to be audited by the Supervisor and Town Clerk George Palmer, David Rogers and Daniel Wood Assessors David Rogers, Caleb Coles, and Daniel Wood, commissioners of high Ways Daniel Barker Pound Master Nelson Scholefteld, Henry Disbrow, & John Merritt Jun'. overseers of high ways Aaron Palmer, Constable, and Collector to be allowed SIO for his services as constable, and to be cleared from working on the Roads Edward Lee, Noah Tompkins, and Gil: Budd Horton fence and damage Vieuers John P. D`Lancey, Henry Merritt, PeterA Burtus appointed Trusteesof theSchool No horses to run in common without being fetterd, nor Hogs without being properly ring'd It was agreed that the sum of one hundred pounds beraisd for thesupport ofthe poor of the Town of Momaroneck 88 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the House of Gil. Budd Horton, on the first Teusday in April 1807 The following Officers were chosen Duct`.. David Rogers Town Clerk John Pinkney Supervisor Samuel Mott and Doff: David Rogers, overseers of the poor to be paid for any Extra expense they may be at, which is to be audited by the Town Clerk & Supervisor George Palmer, Henry Merritt & Henry Disbrow Assessors David Rogers, Noah Tompkins and Giles Seaman, Commissioners of high Ways Daniel Barker pound Master John Morril, Benjamin Hadden, Thomas Robinson Jun' and Henry Merritt over- seers of high ways Henry Merritt, Constable and Collector, to be allowed $10, for his services as constable, and to be cleared Three Days, working on the Roads Noah Tompkins, Edward Lee, and Gil. Budd Horton, fence and damage Vieuers John P. D`Lancey - Henry Merritt and Peter A. Burtus, Trustees of the School No horses to run in Common without being fetterd, nor Hogs without being properly ring'd It was agreed that the Overseers of the poor, prosecute the person or persons for removeing a pauper in this Town, contrary to Law, from the Town of Rye provided they can get proper evidence It is agreed that $125, be raisd for the support of the poor of S° Town and $60, for the repair of Bridges in the Town of Momaronmk 89 Resolved unanimously, by the Freeholders, and Inhabitants, of the Town of 197 Momaroneck at their Annual Town meeting held on the first Tuesday in April 1807. That the united, thanks. of said meeting he presented, to Co: Gilbert Budd. For his Faithful[ and impartial Services always rendered said Town during his long continuance in the Office of Town Clerk of Said Town and that the said Resolve be entered on the Town Books At a special Town meeting held at the School House near John P Delancys on Tuesday the 12" day of May 1807 For the purpose of choosing an Assessor in the place of George Palmer removed from said Town The Inhabitants of S° Town met agreeable to the above Notice, adjourn d till the next day at 5 O Clock P. M when Doct'. David Rogers was Chosen Assessor by a very great majority 90 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 91 [these two pages 92 not entered in book] 93 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck at the Town School house on the Fifth day of April 1808 The Following Officers were Chosen David Rogers Ju: Town Clerk John Pinkney Supervisor Samuel Mott & David Rogers Ju: Overseers of the Poor Henry Merrit Gilbudd Horton & Henry Disbrow Assessors David Rogers Ju: Noah Tompkins & Joshua Fowler Commissioners of high ways Daniel Barker pound Master John Morrill Henry Merrit and Thomas Robinson Ju'. Overseers of highways with Benj" Hadden Isaac Scholfield Constable and Collector to be allowed Ten dollars and to be cleared from working on the roads John Pinkney his Security for the County and Town Contingent expenditures to be collected Noah Tompkins Gilbudd Horton & Edward Lee Fence and damage Viewers to be allowed Fifty cents each when called on the duty of their Office John P. Delaney Henry Merritt & Pet' A Burtus Trustees of the School No horses to run in Common without being fettered nor Hogs without being properly rung It was agreed that John Morrill be paid Four dollars and Henry Merrit One dollar and also Henry Merrit Ten dollars money allowed him for acting as Constable the year past and six dollars thirty cent was also allowed the Collector for a mistake in Henry Disbrows Taxes with [which] sums is to be paid from the money in the hands of the comissioners of Roads raised the past year for Bridges It was agreed that Ichabud Lewis William David William Barker James Second & John Coles be excused from working on the Roads 94 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 95 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momarock [Mamaroneck] held at the Town school house on the Fourth day of April 1809 The Following officers were chosen David Rogers Ju: Town Clerk John Pinkney Supervisor David Rogers Ju`. and Noah Tompkins Overseers of the Poor Daniel Barker Pound Master Henry Merrit Gilbud Horton and Henry Disbrow Assessors Christopher Hubs David Rogers Ju: and Joshua Towiar Commissioners of Highways Joshua Fowler Henry Disbrow and Thomas Robinson Ju'— Overseers of Highways & Harry GiPaeg ["Harry" underlined, "Gidney" crossed out] Isaac Scholfield Constable and Collector to be allowed Ten Dollars and to he cleared from working on the Highways Noah Tompkins Edward Lee and Gilbud Horton Fence and damage viewers to be allowed Fifty cents each when called on the duty of their Office John P Delancey and David Rogers Ju' Trustees of the School On motion resolved that no Horses run in common without being Fettered nor Hogs without being rung On Motion resolved that Ichabud Lewis William David James Sceord John Coles and William Barker be excused working on the Highways On Motion resolved that Fifty dollars be raised for the poor this year On motion resolved that sixty Five Cents be repaid George Pine from any money in the hands of the overseers of the Poor On Motion resolved that the Town Book of Records be rebound and the expence paid by the overseers of the Poor 96 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no script written on it.] 97 At a meeting of The Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at The Town school House on the third day of April in the of our Lord 1810 Year The Following Officers were chosen by Ballot David Rogers Ju'. Tow". Clerk John Pinkney Supervisor David Rogers Ju' and Noah Tompkins Overseers of the Poor Henry Disbrow George Palmer & Daniel Barker Assessors David Rogers Ju'John Griffen and Noah Tompkins Commissioners of Highways Daniel Barker Pound Master Thomas Robinson Ju'. Edward Lee John Morrill and Henry Disbrow Overseers of Highways Benjamin Hadden Harry Gidney and Edward Lee Fence and damage viewers Isaac Scholfield Collector and Constable To be cleared From working on highways and allowed Ten dollars from the Town John Pinkney Esq'. his security for the Town Taxes and County contingences Joh" P Delaney and Elisha Carpenter Trustees of Schools The Fence and damage viewers to receive each Fifty cents when called on the duty of their office No Horses to run in common without Fetters or Hogs with out Rings James Sword William Barker Ichabudd Lewis and John Coles to be cleared from working Highways and William Davis It was unanimously resolved to raise this year One Hundred dollars for the support of the Poor this year and the sum of one pound Two shillings and sixpence Resolved to he paid Joshua Fowler for his account 98 On motion resolved that the sum of one pound seven shillings and sixpence be paid 198 1 199 ..0 100 Charles Laurence for boarding and nurseing lob Halsted and the Overseers of the Poor are requested to take the necessary steps to have the same repaid by the Town of Oysterbay from whome the Town has a certificate of the residence of the said Job 99 At a meeting of The Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at the town School House on the second day of April in the year of our lord 1811 The Following Officers were chosen by Ballot David Rogers Ju'. Town Clerk John Pinkney Esq: Supervisor Daniel Rogers Ju'. & John Griffen Overseers of the Poor Henry Disbrow Daniel Barker and Henry Merrit Assessors David Rogers Ju'. John Griffen and Benjamin Croocker Commissioners of Highways Danield Barker Pound Master Thomas Robinson Ju' Henry Griffen and Benj'. Hadden and Henry Disbrow Ovrseers of Highways Edward Lee Joshua Fowler and William Davis Fence and damage viewers to Recieve Fifty cents each when called on the duty of their Office Isaac Scholfield Constable and Collector To be paid Ten dollars and excused working on Highways John Pinckney his security for The Town Taxes and County contingencies David Rogers Ju: and John P. Delaney Trustees of the School James Secord David Bane and Ichabud Lewis excused working Highways It was resolved to raise the sn., m f n.._ u.._,_. . year -- .., — for me support or the poor this It was resolved to raise the sum of Twenty dollars to be paid by the Supervisor to the Executors of Edward Merrit deceased money owed by the Town to said Merrit for money expended on the Town School House while Trustee. Resolved that the"sum of Thirty dollars be raised for Bridges this year Resolved that the Town Clerk beauthorised to Pay a Premium of six cents for each Crow that shall be killed in this Town by any inhabitant thereof between the Months of April instant and the First December next and the sum of Three cents for each Crow from the first of December to the First of April and the sum of one cent for each Crows Egg Resolved that the sum of Twenty dollarsbe raised to be paid to the Town Clerk to pay the sum expended for Crows and Crows Eggs 101 At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Momaroneck held at The Town School House on the T" day of April 1812. The Following Officers were chosen by Ballot David Rogers Ju, Town Clerk, John Pinkney Supervisor, David Rogers it: & John Griffen Overseers of the Poor Henry Disbrow Henry Merrit and Daniel Barker Assessors David Rogers Ju: Henry Griffen and Benj' Clocker Daniel Barker Commissioners of Highways Pound Master Thomas Robinson Ju' John Griffen Benjamin Hadden and Henry Merrit Over- seers of Highways Edward Lee Joshua Fowlar and William Davis Fence and damage allowed Fifty cents each when called on the duty of their Office viewers to be 111 200 Isaac Scholfield Constable and Collector To be cleared from working Highways and To be allowed Fifteen dollars John P Delaney and Henry Merrit Trustees of Schools Johnathan Robinson Hog howard It was voted to raise One Hundred dollars for the Poor this year It was voted To raise Twenty dollars to pay For Two scrapers to be purchaised by the Commissioners of Highways. It was resolved that the same law continue respectin Crows as was passed the past year It was resolved that the Supervisor and Town Clerk seg the Town school House and account To the Town for the said sale 1102 [Note: this page was unnumbered, but there was no script written on it.] tge [Note: this page was unnumbered.] ,102] At a meeting of the Freeholders and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck on the B" day of April 1813 The following Officers were duly elected by Ballot David Rogers Ju' Town Clerk John Pinkney Supervisor David Rogers Ju: & Elisha Carpenter Overseers of The Poor Henry Disbrow George Palmer and Henry Merrit Assessors. David Rogers Ju'. Henry Griffen and Benjamin Croocker Commissioners of Highways Edward Lee Henry Merrit Giles Seaman and Thomas Robinson Overseers of Highways. Edward Lee Joshua Fowler and William Davis fence and damage viewers to be allowed fifty cents each when caged on the duty of their Office Daniel Barker pound master. Isaac Scholfield Constable and Cogeaor to be cleared from working on the highways and to be paid Fifteen dollars George Palmer John Pinkney and Henry Merrit Commissioners of schools Giles Seaman David Rogers Ju' Richard DowningJohn Morrill Edwar Lee School Inspectors It was voted to raise Two hundred dollars this year for the use of the Poor & thirty dollars for Bridges. It was voted to raise Ten dollars to purchaise a Scraper to be 103 purchased by the Three overseers of the Road for the Three western' districts It was voted that the Overseers of the poor have it in their power to sell the Town school house when ever they may Judge proper Voted that the Overseer of the poor prossicute [prosecute] Silvenas Purdy for abuseing Fredrick Belly which is to be done at the expense of the Town 104 At a meeting of the Freeholdemand inhabitanlsofthe Townof Mamaroneck on the first tuesday in April 1814 Richard Downing Esq'. Presided On motion resolved that David Rogers Ju' be allowed one dollar Fifty cents for recording the certificate of the commissioners of highways of a new road laid out by said commissioners in said Town On motion resolved that the Town proceed to Elect these officers directed by law to be elected by ballot at the annual Town meeting accordingly a Poll was opened for that purpose and continued open, during the afternoon The Poll Adjourned From the Town school house until] tomorow April the sixth at 3 Oclock PM To the house of Richard Downing Esq: 201 April 6" * 3 Oclock PM. The Poll opened agreeable to adjournment and the said P, continued open proceeded until' some time before sun set when it was closed the presideing Offic to canvass the votes taken but did not finish said canvass untill some tin after sun down when the following persons had a majority of votes VIZ Henry Merit Supervisor Gil Bud Horton Town Clerk Richard Downing and Elisha Carpenter Overseers of the poor Matthias G Volantine Ellis Taft and George Palmer Assessors Joshua Fowler Henry Griffen and Elijah Hadden John Morrill Constable & Collector Commissioners of Highways John Laurence Constable 105 [Note: this page was numbered, but there was no written script nn it.] 106 At a special Town meeting in the Town of Mamaroneck duly advertised assembled April 19'". 1814 To appoint those Town officers which The town neglected 10 a the annual Town meeting Richard Downing Esq'. presided PPoint at On motion resolved that the Town Elect by Ballot one Supervisor one Town Clerk Three assesors Two overseers of highways Three commissi constables and one collector oners of Highways 'two It being alledged that said Officers were not duly ellected at the annual Town meeting the canvass for said Officers being not finnished by the going down of the sun Richard Downing contested that the first election was legal the poll being Closed before sun down and protested against said new election The motion being put shall this Town meeting proceed to elect the before named Officers it was carryed in the affirmative Richard Downing & David Rogers Ju'. was appointed Poll was opened and the ballots beinto receive &canvass the votes A g received due notice being given the ballots was canvassed when it appeared that the folloing [following] John Pinkney Supervisor Officers were Elected Vi> David Rogers Ju_ Town Clerk David Rogers ,lis'& Henry Griffen Overseers of the poor Joshua Fowler Henry Griffen & Benj'. Crooker Commissioners of highways George Palmer Benj Crooker & Hen Isaac Scholfield Constable and Collector Assessors. Assessors. 107 James Macgown Constable And the 'Town proceeded to Elect Viva Voce the following Officers Isaac Sholfield John Morrill & Giles Seaman Overseers of Highways Daniel & Thomas Barker pound masters William David Edward Lee and Robert Griffen fence and damage viewers to be avowed the same compensation as was all last year for their service's George Palmer Joshua Fowler and Thomas Green Trustees of Schools On motion resolved that this Town will allow the Overseers of the Poor Interest for an money they shall be necessitated to hire for the maintainance of the poor said Interest commence from the time the said overseers shall actualy pay the same for said maintainance and not before Richard Downing Esq: requested that his protest against the Election of these Officers Elected by Ballot at this meeting be recorded stateing also in his protest that the first named Officers declared by him Elected at the annual Town meeting had duly qualifyed and filed their certificates in the Clerks Office Exrept the Person Elected Town Clerk who had not quallifned 202 West Chester County SS: We John Pinkney Isaac Sniffen and Simeon Tyler Esquires three Justic's [Justices] of the peace in and for the said County residing in and near the town of Mamaroneck in the County aforesaid, that is to say, the said John Pinkney residing in the said town of Mamaroneck and the said Isaac Sniffen and Simeon Tyler residing near the Town of Mamaroneck aforesaid do by these presents appoint John Peter DeLancy Supervisor. David Rogers Jun'. Town Clerk George Palmer Henry Disbrow and Benjamin Crooker Assessors Henry Griffen Joshua Fowler and Benjamin Crooker Commissioners of highways Isaac Scholefield Collector of Taxes. all of whom to be Officers being freeholders and Inhabitants of the said town of Mamaroneck And we do further appoint Robert Griffen Henry Merritt and Isaac Scholefield overseers of highways William Davis, Edward Lee and Joshua Fowler fence and damage Viewers Daniel Barker and Thomas Barker Pound Masters all of whom to beOfnfcers being Inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck aforesaid Given undercut hands and Seals this twenty second day of June in the year One Thousand eight hundred and fourteen. In the present of each other John Pinkney Isaac Shiffen Simeon Tyler [Note: the following pages were unnumbered, and so lettered by the editor to avoid confusion.] At a Special Town meeting held at the house of Ellis Taft innkeeper in the Town of Mamaroneck Sept 17'. 1814. which meeting being duly advertised The following officers were duly Elected by Ballot agreeable to the statute reguhtteing common schools passed April 15". 1814 John Pinkney John Morrill & David Rogers Jnr= Commissioners of common schools Richard Downing Henry Griffen Ellis Taft and George Palmer School Inspectors We the commissiones [commissioners] of common Schools in and for the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester having met together this 22" Day of August 1814 for the purpose of Deviding the Said town into a Suitable Number of Scool [School] District we Do hereby Devide the Said town of Mamaroneck into two School Districts as followes begining the line at the tide water of Mamaroneck harbour at the Junction of old and turnpike Roads Between the houses of John P Delanceyand Henry Disbrow thence running along the midle or center of the road leading to the Great Lots to the North East Corner of Henry Disbrows house Standing on the Belcher Lot thence to the North East Corner of the old House of Deborah Willith thence in a range with the house of William H Cornell as far as Mamaroneck Extends. all that part of of Mamaroneck lying on the North East Side of the above mentioned line shall he Called and Distinguished as School District Number one and all that pan of Mamaroneck Lying on the South west Side of the above mentioned line Shall Shall [sic] becalled and Distinguished as School District Number Two. 203 David Rogers Jun John Morrill Commissioners of Common Schools John Pinkney [B] Whereas the annual town meeting in the Town of Mamaroneck in the month of April last a Collector was by the said meeting duly chosen and appointed for the year then ensuing. And whereas the said Collector did neglect to execute to the Supervisor in and for the said town a bond with one or moresureties (as by the Act entitled "An act relative to the duties and privileges of towns" passed March 10's. 1813 it is particularly required within eight days after said Collector recieved notice from the said Supervisor of the amount of the tax list of the said Town for the said year, by means whereof the said Collector did refuse to serve in such Office. And whereas more than fifteen days have expired since the time of the said refusal and the said town has neglected to fill such vacancy by electing an other in the room of such person according to law by reason whereof a vacancy now exists in the said town as to the said Office. Therefore We Gideon Coggshall Rivers Morrill and John Pinkney being three of the Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Westchester in which County is the said town of Mamaroneck and we living in or near unto the said town do adjudge that a vacancy now exists as to the said Office of Collector in the said town. And we do therefore by this our Warrant under our hands and seals Authoise [Authorise]. constitute and appoint. by [C] virtue of*The powers in us Vested by the above recited qct John Morrill ofthesaid town Obeing an inhabitant and freeholders thereof to the Office of Collector in and for the said town and we do hereby declare that the said John Morrill is vested and nand f d the these Opresents of all the powers Authorities and rights to which he would have been entitled had he been elected to the said Offices by the freeholders and inhabitants of the said Otown. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our hands and Annexed our Seals this twenty fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen Gideon Coggshell Rivers Morrill lustises John Pinkney of the Peace [D] At A Special town meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck at the house of Ellis Taft innkeeper January 28'". 1815 On Motion resolved that John Pinkney Esq' Henry Griffen and Richard Downing be u committee to meet on the 6"' of February next at the house of Ebbinezar Scholfield Mount pleasant any committees that may meet at this time and place from anv of the Towns in this County who may assemble to asociate for the provideing a pour house Resolved that said Committee he authorised with full power to confer with said committees and agree upon such measures respecting the building or providing a poor house and maintaining the poor of this Town and such conditions as to our said committee so appointed shall see proper On Motion resolved that Richard Downing and Elisha Carpenter Overseers of the poor of the Town of Mamaroneck shall be indemnifyed by the Town for any moneys they have or shall Expend for the maintainance of the poor of said Town until] the next annual Town meeting At the annual Town meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck at the school house near the late residence of John Niche] deceased in school district number Two on the Fourth and Fifth - days of Aprill 1815 Richard Downing Esq'. presided On Motion resolved that David Rogers Ju' Henry Griffen & Richard Downingcanvass the votes taken, at this meeting, for Town Officers, The Town meeting on Motion resolved to proceed, to the Ellection by Ballot of those Town Officers which the statute directs shall he chosen at the annual Town meeting. A Poll was duly Opened and regularly closed and on canvassing the votes The following Officers were Chosen viz Monmouth Lyon Supervisor David Rogers Jun. Town Clerk George Palmer Ellis Taft Assessors Thomas B. Palmer Henry Griffen & Overseer of the poor David Rogers Ju' Henry Griffen & Commissioners of Henry Disbrow High ways Ellis Taft Collector James Macgown Constable [F] Ata meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Town of Mamroneck al the school house near the late residence of John Nichel deceased in school district number Two on the first tuesday April 1815 On Motion resolved that the sum of Three dollars be allowed John Morrill for sums which he had paid not collectable on the Tax list. On motion resolved that Three pounds Eleven shillings be paid John Morrill by the roadmaster in district number one for working highways from the commute money this year or from any money collected for fines. On Motion resolved that the sum of sixty nine dollars be raised this year for Bridges either for repairs or makeing new ones. On Motion resolved That seven hundred and Twelve dollars be raised for the maintainance of the poor this year On motion resolved That the sum of Two dollars be allowed Benjamin Cornell On Motion resolved that one shilling be allowed james Coles On Motions resolved that the Overseers of the poor be a committe to confer with the association for Erecting or purchaiseing a poor house in the Town of Greenburgh and to propose to them further arrangements for the admission of our paupers when it should be deemed expedient [G] On Motion resolved tha tour overseers of the poor *this year have full power to make any contracts they find requisite for the beading or maintaining the poor in any of the adjacent towns or in any place they think proper either in this Town or in any other. On motion resolved that the next annual Town meeting shall be held at the school house district number one if the said school house should be built and in a proper situation to 204 1 205 accomidate the said Town should the said school house not be done or built Then at methodist meeting house if permission can be obtained from the trustees if P ermission cannot be obtained and said school house should not be finnished then i hsyear resolved that said annual Town meeting be held at the school house in which it is h this year On Motion resolved That The Town proceed To choose school Officers w following Officers was duly elected by Ballot Viz when t John Pinkney Esq' John Morrill Esq' & David Rogers Jun` School commis Joshua Elih Joshua Fowler resolved Carpenter Ellis Taft & Samuel Townsand School lnspecto On Motion resolved That The Town proceed to Elect viva voce. The (ollowin which ware [were] of chosen Viz. g Off ice Daniel Barker pound Master Giles Seaman Henry Griffen Fence & damage and Edward Lee fence and damage viewers to be allowed Fifty [H] *when called on duty. Henry Merril was dulyY cents each Chosen Highway master for the middle road district Thomas Robinson for the Road distric [district] number Three and Robert Griffen for the first district A vote was passed at this meeting that every Person chalenged should be quallifyed if required before allowed to vote for an to be ellected by ballot at this meeting Y Officers Westcheter County Ss We the undersigned being Three Justices of the County residing in and near the Town r Mamaroneck h the said count Peace in and for the said together in the said Town of Mamaroneck to Nominate and a officer as the said Town has Neglected Y have melt examination do find that their[ re] is but two Commoose at e s oneAnualrs Of Meeti of the Town the Said Town, we therefore do herebyen Meetingand we on a freeholder and Inhabitant of the Said Town or totbe and appoint Joshua Fowleways r. he being Said Town. according to the directions of Statute insuch mmissioner of highways e under our hands and Seals at the Town afouresaid [aforesaid] this Sixth dayioed f for the year 1815 Y April in: Thomas Halstead Justises John Morrill the Peaed [I] At a Special Town Richard Downing Mamaroneck held May meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town o Hundred and Fifteen Y the second day in the year of our Lord One Thousand Ei Aaron Palmer was Unanimously chosen Supervisor. by Ballot and so chosen by the presideing Officer. deela Test David Rogers JUL [J] At the meeting of the Freeholders and inhabitants of the Town Of Town Clerk the school house in district No. 2 April Z. 1816. The following Mamaroneck held at Ballot. 8 Offices were ch Aaron Palmer. Olen by David RogersSupervisor Ju: Town Clerk 206 t David Rogers Ju: & Henry Griffen Overseers of the poor th John Morrill Thomas B Palmer Benjamin Crooke, Assessors It .. Giles Seaman Henry Griffen Henry Disbrow Commissioners of Highways el Ellis Taft Collector Ellis Taft and Joseph Haight Constables John Pinkney John Morrill& David Rogers Ju' Commissioners ofcommonschoob Samuel Tonsand Ellis Taft Henry Griffen School Inspectors Daniel Barker pound master as Edward Lee William David & Joseph Griffen Fence and damage viewers to be rs allowed Fifty cents each when called on duty. B John Pinkney Charles Laurence Edward Lee and John Morrill were duly chosen overseers of highways.. Resolved that George Palmer be paid Fifty cents for carrying the votes the past year Resolved that the balance in the hands of the Commissioners of Highways be paid over to the overseers of the poor for the use of the poor Resolved that Henry Merit be paid for 171 feet at 20 shillings per hundred and four shillings for drawing the same. Resolved that Five hundred dollars be raised for the support of the poor this year and Twenty dollars for the repair of Bridges Resolved that the overseers of the poor be a *Committee to confer with the association for Erecting or purchaiseing a poor house in the town of Greensburgh and to propose to them any future arangements for the admission of our Paupers Resolved that the overseers of the poor have full power to make any contracts they find necessary either in this town or the adjacent towns for the maintainance of the Poor Resolved that the next Annaul Town meeting be held at the School house in School district Number Two Resolved that the Overseers of the poor be allowed Interest for any sums at this time due from the Town from the time they shall actuly [actually] pay the same Resolved that the Overseers of the poor be paid for their services and their accounts for services to be audited by auditors of Town accounts at the time appointed by Law ] Ala meetingof the Freeholdersand Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck heidaithc School house Near the late Residence O(John Nichel deceased on the First day of April 1817 The following Officers were duly Elected by Ballot John Pinkney Esq'. Supevisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Thomas B. Palmer Aaron Palmer George Palmer Assessors. John Morrill Henry Griffen Thomas B. Palmer Commissioners of Highways. Henry Merrit Aaron Palmer Overseers of the Poor. John Pinkney Ellis Taft George Palmer Commissioners of Common Schools Isaac SchOlfield Collector Isaac Scholfield & James Macgown Constables 7'h [The] following Officers were duly Elected Viva Voce Daniel Barker Pound Master Joseph Griffen William Davis Edward Lee Fence and Damage viewers To be allowed Fifty cents each when called on the duty of their Office Samuel Townsand Benjamin Croocker and Aaron Palmer were Elected by Ballot School Inspectors 207 Resolved that James mscgown be allowed Fifteen dollars for serving as Constable this year Resolved that Four hundred dollars be raised for the support of the poor this year Resolved that Elizabeth Fowler be paid by the Commissioners of roads Three dollars. Resolved that Henry Griffen be paid Ten dollars [M] Resolved that Forty dollars be raised for the repair of Roads and Bridges and to pay the Fifteen dollars due to the Commissioners of Highways the past season. Resolved that the Commissioners pay year Henry Merrit the sum due him allowed the past Resolved that the sum of Twenty nine dollars Eighty seven cents be raised to pay the amount due to the Commissioners expended at the tryal [trial] in Newyork between Richard Downing & Barker and the said Commissioners are directed to borrow amount and pay the said debt and be allowed interest for the same. thesaid Resolved that the sums allthey they due and which the Commissioners are ordered or directed to pay interest for be allowed Interest for Money Expended Resolved that Twenty five cents be raised for the Clerk Town 10 Resolved that the Commissioners of Highways be Impowered at the expense of the nts n the the Publick or any Obstructions ve any en or In the ame and tck o be refunded everyway or any s belonging to attendant on the Sameexpenditure Resolved That the thanks of this meeting be presented to Doct' David Rogers Ju' (being aboute to leave the Town) For his services for Eleven years past as Town Clerk John Pinkney Henry Merrit Elijah Hadden & Monmouth Lyon Overseers of Highways. were duly Elected Resolved that the next Annual Town Meeting be held at this house. [N] At a meeting of the freeh 1 Resolved that the Commissioners be authorized to remove any obstructions and Encrocements [Encroachments] on the High way and to have interest for money that may be Expended for that purpose Resolved that the next annual Town Meeting be held at this House At a Meeting of the Freeholders and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the Town School house on the Sixth Day of April [word held over erasure of "May"] 1819 the Following Officers where [were] duly Elected by Ballot John Pinkney Esq. Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk John Morrill John B Underhill Commissioners Thomas B Palmer of Highways Walter Marshall I Aaron Palmer } Assessors Thomas Robinson Henry Griffen } Overseers of the Poor Aaron Palmer J twee Schofield Constable and Collector Henry Griffen Benjamin Hadden Gilbert Griffen Stephen Hall & John Pinkney were Duly Elected Overseers of Highways [P] Daniel P Barker Pound Master Walter Marshall Ellis Taft & Edward Lee Fence and damage veiwers[viewers] and to be allowed Fifty Cents each when Call on the duty of theire office. Ellis Taft John Pinkney and Arron Palmer were Elected by ballet [ballot] Commissioners of Common Schools Monmouth Lyon Guy C Bailey John B Underhill Benjamin Crocker & George Palmer where [were] duly Elected by ballet [ballot] Inspectors of Common Schools. Resolved that Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars be raised for the support of Poor this year Resolved that Fifteen 5% 100 Dollars be allowed the oveseers for money Due to them from the Town till they may be paid. Resolved that the Commissioners have the moneyon hand and apply thesame in getting Tow [Two] new scrapers and repairing Two old ones. Resolved that thiene [there] be Twenty Dollars raised for the repairs of Roads and Bridges this year Resolved that the Commissioners of Highways be authorized to remove any Obstructions or Encrocement [ Encroachment] on the High Way and to have Interest for money that may be Expended on that purpose Resolved that the next anual Town Meeting be held at this School House Near James Coles at one O Clock PM. At Special Town Meeting of the Freehoders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck Held April the Thirtieth Day In the Yearofour Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen Benjamin Flourence was unanimously Choesen Constable by ballot and so Declared Choesen by the presiding Officer. the School house Near the late Resideers an nce of orhn Nichetants Of h Decen of on theMamaSeventh held at y of April 1818 aced on the Seventh Day The following Officers were duly Elected by Ballet [Ballot] John Pinkney Esq' Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Walter Marshall Arron Palmer and Thomas Robinson Assessors. Ellis Taft Daniel P Barker and Thomas B Palmer Commissioners of Highways I Henry Griffen Arron Palmer Overseers of the Poor Edward Lee HenryIsaac Schofield Collector and Constable Griffen Henry Disbrow Giles Seaman &John Pinkney were duly Elected Ovescers of Highways, Ellis Taft John Pinkney & Arron Palmer, Commissioners of Common Schools Daniel P Barker Pound Master Walter Marshall Edward Lee & Ellis Taft Fenceand Damage viewers to beallowed Fifty Cents Each when Called on the Duty of their Office Giles Seaman John P Delancey & Guy C School Inspectors Bayley were Elected by Ballet [Ballot] Resolved that Two Hundred and Seventy Dollars be raised for the Support of the poor IQ] this year Resolved that twenty five Dollars be raised for the repair of roads and bridges this year Resolved that the Town Clark is allowed to have as [a] Desk maid [made] to put the Town books in and not to pay over Ten Dollars for same 208 200 Test Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk [R] West Chester County Ss. OWhereas the office of Commissioners of Common Schools in the town of Mamaroneck ha became vacated by reason of Ellis Taft on [one] of Said Commissioners Chosen at the Olast annual Town Meeting held in said Town having incapacitated himself from holding Said office by reason of his disposessing himself of a Freehold, and that more than fifteen days haive [have] expired since such incapcity has happened, and the Town Sal having refused or neglected during all that time to Choose one Commissioners to 611 such vacancey, We Peter Ferris (Residing in Said town of Mamaroneck Henry Strang& Rivers Morrell Esq=., Resideng near such Town Three of the Justices of the Peace in and for Said County, do hereby nominate Constitute and appoint. John Morrill Esq, freeholder in said Town. and an Inhabitant. to be a Commissioner of Combeings mon Scoots[ Schools] in the Town of Mamaroneck. to fill the vacan=y in said office occasioned by the Incapasity of the Said Taft. as aforesaid. and according, to the statute in such case made and provided, Given under our hands and Seals thesecond day of November 1819 Peter Ferris Henry Strang Rivers Morrill [S] At a Special Town Meeting of the freehoders and and inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck at the School House near Shelldrake Bridge in Said Town held agreeable to publick Notice Dated 41 Febuary 1820 Peter Ferris Esq'. President the object of the Meeting being Stated by John Pinkney Esq'to Wit that their[there] had been an Invatation given to this Town by the several of the towns in thelowerpart of this county to unite with them in the purchase of Land and Erection of A Poor House thereon or of a house already built or to hire Some Suitable house for that purpose and that this Meeting was Call for the purpose of choosing to Meet at the house of Elijah Rickes in the town of East Chester on the 8—" Inst with Delegates from Such other towns as Shall unite for the Said purpose. Motioned & Seconded and Carried that this town Choose Delegates for the above Purpose Motioned & Seconded and Carried that thier[there] be three Delegates appointed for Said purpose Motioned Seconded & Carried that John Pinkney be one of the Delegates Motion Seconeded and Carried that John Morrill be another of the Delegates Motioned Seconded and Carried that John B Underhill be the other Delegates [T] Motioned Seconded and carried that these Delegates have power to Meet at place herein named or at any other place and time for the above purpose between this and the next annual town Meeting. and to report at the next annual town Meeting What they Shall have done in the premises This Meeting adjourned. [U] At an Annual Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School House Near the House of James Coles on the Fourth Day of April 1820 the following officers Where [Were] Duly Elected by Ballot John B underhill Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Walter Marshall Aron Palmer Assessors Thomas B Palmer 210 Aron Palmer John Pinkney Overseer of the Poor Giles Seaman John Morrell Commissioners John B Underhill of Highways Benjamin Flourence Constable & Collector John B Underhill, Aron Palmer & Benjamin Griffen Commissioners of Common Schools John Morrell Guy C Bailey & George Palmer Inspectors of Common Schools Henry Griffen. Benjamin Hadden, Gilbert Griffen. Stephen Hall, & John Palmer where [were] Duly Elected overseers of Highways. [V] Daniel P Barker Elected pound Master. Walter Marshall. John Morrell & Edward. Lee Elected Fence and Damage vieuers. to be allowed fifty Cents Each when Called on the Duty of their office Resolved. that the Sum of Four Hundred Dollars be Raised for the present year for the Support of the poor Resolved that the Sum of Sixty Siven [Seven] 501100 Dollars be Raised for the Repairs of Roads. Making Dock and Ironing Scraper and also for the Mony that the Town was Indebted last year Resolved that the Commissioners be authorised to remove all obstructions and Encrocements [Encroachments] on the Highways and to be allowed Interest for the Money they may Expend in making such removals Resolved that Aron Palmer, Guy C Bailey & John B Underhill. be Dellegates to Meat [Meet] with the other Delegates Resolved that these Dellegaits be paid a reasonable Compensation for their Services and to have thier Accounts audited by the auditiors of the Town accounts. Resolved - that the next anual Town Meeting be adjourned to the School House in District No. 1 in said Town at one Olock [O Clock] [W] At the Annual Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School Hosue in School District Number one in said Town agreeable to adjournment on the third day of April in the year 1821. The following Officers were duly Elected by Peter Ferris Presided Ballot to fill the offices for the ensuing year VIZ John B Underhill Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Thomas B. Palmer Walter Marshall Assessors. Aaron Palmer Henry Griffen Guy C Bayley Overseers of the Poor. 211 [X] r 2"d. I 2nd. 3'' M Giles Seaman Overseers of Henry Griffen Commissioners Henry Griffen of John Morrell Highways Benjamin Florence Collector & Constable Guy C Bailey Constable & Collector Aaron Palmer Commissioners of Monmouth Lyon Common Schools Henry Griffen Walter Marshall Inspectors of Common Thomas Robinson Schools Resolved that the sum of 5450 be raised for the support of the Poor this year, 1821 2esolved that the sum of Twenty Dollars be raised for the repairs of Bridges and also to •ay the debt contracted for that purpos last year 1820 Resolved that the Town pay Interest for all debts of the last years contracting The Following Pirsons were elected as overseers of Highways for their respective destricts Walter Marshall. For the Eastern destrict Thomas B. Palmer. For the Western destrict Charles Lawrence For the Middle destrict Stephen Hall For the Southern destrict Edward Lee For the Northern destrict Daniel P. Barker Pound Master Thomas Robinson John Palmer & Fence & damage James Robinson Viewers Resolved that the Fence & Damage Veiwcm[Viewers] be allowed fifty Cents each call' upon to fulfill their office when Highways, and to be allowed Interest for all monies so expended Resolved that the commissioners be authorised to remove all obstructions on the Resolved that this Town meeting be adjourned until] the first Teusday in April next at one O Clock P M of said day at the shoo) [school] Hous [House] in destrict N= I At a Special Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held April Tweneth [Twenty] Sixth Day In the year of our Lord one thousand Eight and Twenty one Peter Ferris was unanimously Chosen Overseer of the Poor and Aron Palmer was unanimously Choesen Commissioner of Highways. Both Chosen By Ballot 212 Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk At a Special Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the House of John B Underhill on Friday the Fourth Day of January 1822 for the purpose of appointing Two Delegates to Meat [Meet] with the other Delegates appoiunted for the purpose Devising Sone [Some] Means Most advisiable for the better support of the Paupers of this County. It was motioned and carried that this Town appoint Two Delegates for said purpose John B Underhill and Thomas P Delancey was unanimously Chosen Delegates for this Town By Ballot and so Declared Chosen By the Presiding officer Test Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk At the annual Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School House in School District Number one in Said Town agreeable to adjournment on the second day of April 1822 Peter Ferris Presided The following officers were duly elected by ballot to fill the offices for the ensuing year Viz. John B. Underhill, Supervisor Monmouth Lyon, Town Clerk. Walter Marshall John Morrell & Assessors Charles Pine Peter Ferris & Overseers of Henry Griffen the poor John Morrell Walter Marshall & Commissioners of John B. Underhill Highways Benjamin Florence Constable & Collector Peter Ferris Commissioners of John B. Underhill & Charles Pine Common Schools [a] Guy C Bayley Inspectors of Peter Ferris Thomas Robinson Common Schools Resolved that the sum of three hundred and fifty [last two words blotted out] Dollarsbe raised for the support of the poor this year 1822 Resolved that the sum of Twenty Dollars be raised for the repairs of Roads & Bridges this year 1822 The following persons was elected overseaers of highways for thier respective destricts Viz. 213 a Henry Griffen, for the Eastern destrict John Palmer, for the Western destrict Aron Palmer, for the Middle destrict Benjamin Hadden for the Nothern destrict Daniel P. Barker John B. Underhill Monmouth Lyon & Peter Ferris Pound Master Fence & damage Viewers Resolved that the Town Clerk be authorised to procure a ballot Box Resolved that this Town meeting be adjourned untill the first Tuesday in April next at one O Clock P.M. of said day at the school House in destrict N2 2 [b] At the annual Town Meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the school house in School District N" 2 in said Town agrceableto adjournment on the rust day of April 1823 Peter Ferris Presided The following officers was duly elected by ballott to fill the offices for the ensuing year Viz John B. Underhill Monmouth Lyon Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Walter Marshall Constable & Collector John Morrell & Assessors Charles Pine J[l Assessors Henry Griffen & Common Schools Peter Ferris Overseiers of Peter Ferris J} the Poor Benjamin Hadden Schools John Morrell Commissioners of John B. Underhill Highways Benjamin Florence Collector & Canstabie Charles Pine Peter Ferris Commissioners of Benjamin Hadden common schools [c] Walter Marshall Thomas Robinson Inspectors of Guy C Bayley Common Schools Resolved that the sum 'r$300 exclusive of the money on hand be raised for the support 214 of the [poor, word missing] this year Resolved tha the sum of $47,50 be raised for -John Morrell Resolved that the sum of $30 be raised for the repairs of & bridges this year The following persons was elected Oversecers of highways for their respective deslricts Viz John B.Underhill for the eastern destrict Joseph Haight for the Western destrict Benjamin Florence for the Middle destrict & David Lewis for the Northern destrict. Benjamin Hadden. Pound Master John Morrell Fence & Damage John B. Underhill & Viewers Peter Ferris Resolved that this Town Meeting be adjourned to School House in destrict N". I on the first Teusday in April next at One OClock P.M. of said day And to be held altematelyat the two School Houses in destrict N' I & 2 forever [d] At the annual Town Meeting of the Free holders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School house in School District No, I in Said Town agreeable to adjournment on the Sixth Day April 1824 Peter Ferris Presided the Following officers was duly Elected by ballott to fill the officess for the Ensuing Year Viz John B Underhill Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerck Walter Marshall Constable & Collector John Morrell Assessors Charles Pine Commissioners of Henry Griffen Common Schools Peter Ferris Overseers of the Poor Benjamin Hadden John B Underhill Commissioners Highways John Morrell Benjamin Flourence Constable & Collector Charles Pine Peter Ferris Commissioners of Benjamin Hadden Common Schools Walter Marshall Guy C Bayley Inspectors of Common Thomas Robinson Schools [C] Resolved that the sum of Two Hundred Dollars exclusive of the money on hand be Raised for the support of the Poor this year Resolved that the commissionirs of high ways pay Joseph Haight for 9 Days Work Done on the Road Last year at 5; per Day out of the mony on hand 215 ri L IL The following Persons was Elected Viz Overseers of highways for their respective Districts Ezekiel Halstead Samuel Lewis Aron Palmer Benjamin Hadden Jun Benjamin Hadden John Morrell John B. Underhill & Peter Feris for the Eastern Distric fo [for] the Western District for the Middle District & for the Northern District Pound Master Fence & Damage Viewers [f1 At a Special Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck at the Hosue of Benjamin G. Hadden in Said Town on the 17th Day of November 1824 agreeable to public Notice for the purpose of Choosing one Supervisor and one Commissioner of Highways for Said Town to fill the vacancies in Said officeess by the Removal of John B Underhill out of the Said Town of Mamaroneck theiref there] being no Justice of the Peace or Town Clerk present Guy C Bayley was Duley Choosen to preside at Said Meeting The following persons were Duly Elected by ballot to fill Said vacancies Viz Peter Fe Henry Griffen Supervisor Guy C Bayley Commissioner of Highways Guy C. Bayley President Entered by me Monmouth L yon Town Clerk 193At the annual Town M Meetingreeholders nd ry habitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School h sueein school District agreeable to adjournment on the fifty day of April 1825 2 in said Town The following Officers were duly Peter Presided elected by ballot to fill the offices the foFerris ensueen g year Aaron Palmer Supervisor Guy C Bayley Town Clerk Watler Marshall l Thomas Robinson Assessors Ezekiel Halstead 1f Henry Griffen Peter Ferris Overseers of poor Henry Griffen l [� John Palmer Thomas Robinson Commissioners of J(f Guy C Bayley Highways Aaron Palmer Charles Pine Joseph Haight Com'. of Common Walter Marshall Schools Benj".. Florence Constable & Collector The following persons were elected overseersof highway. for their respective districts viz Jacob H. Sutton Northern District Enock Tompkins Easter D Riche Griffin Middle D Stephen Haviland Southern D 1131 Aaron Palmer Walter Marshall Fence & Damage Ezekiel Halstead Viewers Thubal Lyon Pound master in School district N' I. Ajournd to meet I'P] Tuesday in April in School house . At the annual Town Meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School house in School District N... I'[st] in said town = on the 4`—s day of April AD of 1826 = = agreeable to ajournment. The following persons were duly elected by ballot to fill the offices for the ensueing year viz Aaron Palmer Supervisor Guy C Bayley Town Clerk John Morrel Walter Marshall Assessors Tho' Robinson Henry Griffin Walter Marshall Overseers of Poor John Morrel Char'. Pine Commissioners of Henry Griffin Highways Aaron Palmer Joseph Haight Commissioners of Schools Horace B Sloal [� John Palmer Collector Isaac Hall Constable Thomas Robinson Charles Pine Fence and Damager Daniel P Barker Viewers. Lubal Lyon Hog Howard Resolved that the sum of Two hundred & fifth dolll be raised forthe support of the Poor 216 217 M for the present year Resolved that fifteen doll: be raised for the repair of bridges Resolved that the successors of the office of Poor Masters be ordered to call on Peter Ferris & demand the pay of the money remaining in hands belonging to the Town & in can he does not pay it forthwith to use all lawful means to obtain the same. Resolved that from the money held by the Supervisor, as tax on Turnpike &Bank stock, a copy of the laws of this state be procured for the town, & the ballance ifany paid to the overseers of the Poor. Resolved that it shall be the duty of the Hoghoward (upon due notice beinggiven him of any hog running at large in the town without being rung) to ring the same forthwith. And that he be entitled to twenty five cents for the same & that He may pound thesaid hog till the same be paid, with other lawful charges. Ul The following persons were elected overseers of* highways for their respective districts viz Daniel Griffin Richard Griffin for Eastern District Daniel P. Barker for Middle District for Southern [this word written over other word, Possibly "Western'] Resolved that this meeting ajourn house in School district N', 2. to meet on the first tuesday in April at the school enter d by Guy C Bayley Clerk At a special Town meeting of the Frceholders and Inhabitantssof the town of Mamaroneck at the house of Benj.'. G Hadden in said (own held on the second day of May 1826 agreeable to public notice for choose [choosing] a constable for said town. Guy C Bayley Town Clerk presided and Henry Strang was duly elected constable Ajourn° enter° by Guy C Bayley Town Clerk [k] At the annual Town meeting of the Freeholders& Inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck held at the school house in school district M' 2. in said Town on the 3� day of April A D 1827. agreeable to ajournment. Present Peter Ferris Justice & President Resolved that the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars be raised for the support of the poor Resolved that the sum of one hundred & twenty one dollars be raisd to pay Henry_ Griffin for the repairs of roads & Bridges, he having expended that sum Resolved that all Partition or Division fences shall ifstone wall be four feet high & if rails or timber four feet & a half Resolved that no hog or hogs be permitted to run in the public highways unless such hog or hogs be well rung, under the penalty of two dollars & fifty cents for each offence, Provided that the owner or possessor shall twenty four hours notice to ring such hog or hogs. the penalty when recovered to be paid to the overseers of the poor for the use of the poor Resolved that the sum of fifty dollars be raised and paid to the Commissioners of 218 Highways, for them to apply in defending thecommon rights ofthetown and to account for the same as for the money by them received. [IJ Resolved that the commissioners of highways refund to Daniel Barker the sum of four Dollars & 87 1 / 2 cents Resolved that it is thought expedient to elect two constables Whereas there is the sum of Six doll: some cent in the hands of Aaron Palmer & the sum of twenty five dog'. in the treasury of this county at the disposal of this meeting therefore Resolved that he same be paid to the Commissioners of high ways forthe repair of roads & bridges. The following officers were duly elected for the ensueing year viz Walter Marshall Enoch Tompkins Fence Viewers Henry Griffin Benj". Hadden Pound Master Overseers of highways viz Enoch Tompkins for the Eastern district Isaac Secor for the Middle district Charles Pine for Southern district Resolved that this meeting ajourn unties Wednesday the 4' m' at 10 Oclock in the forenoon at the school house in School district N". I. Ajour° Signed Peter Ferris Pres Gay C Bayley Clerk [m] The freeholders & Inhabitants met agreeable to ajournment at the time & place present Peter Ferris President Resolved that the overseers of the Poor endeavour to ascertain the proper place of residence of Nicolas Gales & that he be forthwith transported to the same but if they cannot ascertain it certainly, then to furnish what assistance to his father for the maintenance they may think proper Resolved that James F. Rogers he permitted to place his Blacksmith shop (fortmn feet by twenty) on the ground belonging to the town, opposite to the store of Daniel D. T. Hadden for the yearly rent of three dollars to be paid to the commissioners of Highways for the repair of roads & bridges to continue in force for five years The following persons were duly elected by ballot to fill the offices for the ensueing years viz Aaron Palmer Supervisor Coles Tompkins Town Clerk Walter Marshall Overseers of the Poor Henry Griffin Walter Marshall Charles Pine Assessors Thomas Robinson 219 [n] Henry Griffin Commissioners of Charles Pine Highways Daniel P. Barker William A. Boyd Commissioners of Joseph Haight Common Schools Coles Tompkins Horace B Sloat Collector Henry Strang Constable James T. Rogers Constable Guy C Bayley Edwin Post Inspectors of James R Hadden Common Schools Resolved that this meeting ajourn to meet on the First tuesday, in April at the school house in School district N". 2. Adjour° signd Peter Ferris Pres' Guy C Bayley Clerk [o] At a Special Town Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School House in School Distict No 2 in Said Town on the Twenty first Day of Dec 1827 Agreeable to public notice for the purpose of Choosen [Choosing] one Town Clerk and one commissioner of common School for said Town to fill the vacancies of Said officiers by the Revoval[Removal] of Cole Tompkins out of the Said Town of Mamaroneck Peter Ferris Esq' prisided at Said Meeting Monmouth Lyon Were duly Elected by ballot to fill Said vacancies viz Town Clerk & Commissioner of Schools [ p] At the annual Town Meeting of the freeholdersand Inhabitants of the of the[sic]Town of Mamaroneck held at the School house in School District No 2 in Said Town on the first Day of April 1828. Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk &Present Meeting adjourned to School house No I at 2 O Clock and met according to adjournment The following persons were Duly Elected by ballot to fill the Offices for the ensueing year viz John Morrell Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Charles Pine Walter Marshall Assessors Hormc B Sloat Henry Griffen Commissioners Charles Pine of James R Hadden Highways Henry Griffin Overseers of Poor Guy C Bayley James R Hadden Commissioners Joseph Haight of William A Boyd Common Schools James R Hadden Guy C Bayley Inspectors of Schools Edwin Post Henry Stang Constable & Collector [q] The following persons were Duly Elected for the Ensuing year viz Walter Marshall Enock Tompkins Fence Viewers Henry Griffin Charles Pine Pound Master Benjamin F Hadden Overseer of highways Est [Eastern] District Aron Palmer overseer of Middle District Joseph Haight Overseer of Suthern District Elijah Lee Hog howard Resolved that it shall bethe duty of the Hog howard upon Due Notice beinggiven of any hog running at at [sic] Large in the Town without being rung = to Ring the Same forthwith and that he be entitled to fifty Cents for the Same and that he May pound the Said hog till the Same be paid with other Lawful Charges Resolved unanimously that the Sum of Three Hundred and fifty Dollars be raised for the support of the Poor of the Town this year Resolved that the money in the County Treasurer hands be recieved by the Commissions of Highways Resolved that Sum of Ten Dollars be Raised for the purpose of Repairing Roads and Bridges Resolved that the Commissioners Shall have power to procure two out of any money that they may have in thiere hands for the Midle and Eastern Districts Relsolved that the fine of Elijah Lee for Misconduct in the methodas [methodist] meating [meeting] House of said Town be Remitted. When Received by the overseer of the Poor Resolved that the Sum of four Dollars be paid to John Morrell by the overseers of the poor by his Giving up Two two Dollars bills on the Derby Bank [r] Resolved that the Sum of Six Dollars be Raised and paid to the Town Clerk for him to get Two good Ballot boxes Resolve that if Guy C Bayley Should Give to the Town of Mamaroneck half Acre of Land for a Burrying Ground that the Sum of one hundred Dollars should be Raised to Make a fence around the Same and if there is any mony Left after paying forthe fence it 220 - 221 shall be paid into the hands of the Overseers of the Poor for the Support of the Poor Resolved that Walter Marshall John Morrell and James R Hadden be and are hereby appointed a Commitee to Superintend the Building of the aforesaid fence Anual Town Meeting then Adjourned till the ensuing year at the School House in District No 2 Adjourned Monmouth Lyon Clerk & President [s] At the anal Town Meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the School House in District No 2. in Said Town on the Seventh Day of April 1829 Edwin Post Esquir President The following persons Where [Were] duly Elected by ballot to fill the offices for the ensuing year Viz Edwin Post Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Henry Griffin Overseer of Poor Aaron Palmer Commissioners Henry Griffen Commissioners james T Hadden of John Morrell High Ways James R Hadden Commissioners Charles Pine of William A Boyd Common Schools Guy C Bayley James R Hadden Inspectors of Schools Edwin Post James T Rogers Constable & Collector Matthew B Fosha Constable Walter Marshall Enoch Tompkins fence viuers [viewers] Henry Griffen Charles Pine Pound Master Daniel Griffen overseer of Estern [Eastern] District Isaac hall Do of Middle Do John Palmer Do of Southern Do [t] Resolved Unanimously that the Sum of Sixty 701100 Dollars be Loaned by the overseers of the Poor to pay of the Debt that the Town is indebted Resolved also that the overseers Loan the Sum of Six Dollars in addition to the above Sum and pay the Same to Charles Pine. for 2 Ballet [Ballot] Boxes With Interest from 7th April 1829 till paid Resolved that the fins [fines] paid By Benjamin F Hadden and Joseph Haight both overseers of highways to the Commissioners of Highways be Refund them by Said Commissions this year 19 Resolved that the Sum of one 31100 Dollar paid the Commissioners of highways by Joseph Haight be Refunded to him again By Said Commissioners Resolved that the Commissioners of Highways Call on John Morrell and recieved the Money in his hand which was Red' by him from the County treasure taxes on Bank Stock and to Apply the Same in payin Money owing the Commissioner and the Residue to Lay out on the Roads and Bridges Resolved that Walter Marshall. John Morrill, and James R Hadden be a Committe to Call on Guy C Bay and get from him a good Deed for ba!F Acre of land for a Town Bening [Burying] Ground and if they obtain Said Deed they are then to be the Committe to fence Said Ground With a a[sic] good Stone fence and also When Done to have their accounts Audited the Same as other Town officers Resolved further that When the above named Committe obtain the Deed from Guy C Bayley that the Sum of one hundred Dollars Be Raised to fence Said Ground and paid ` [three words crossed out] to the above named Committee to Do the Same and if theire there] Shall be mony over fencing the Ground then the Remainder to be paid by them the then Commissions of highways and Expend by Said Commissioners in Repairing Roads and Bridges of Said town [u] At the anual meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held held at the School House in district No one in Said Town on the Sixth Day of April 1830 Peter Ferris President Resolved. that there be three assessors elected for this year. Resolved. that we elect two constables this year Resolved that we raise a sum equal to the sum received from the County Treasurer for the use of Common Schools Resolved that the sum of fifty cents be paid to each Assessors and Commissioner of Highways When they are Called upon to Assess any damages as the law directs Resolved that he Collector Received five Cents one the Dollar for any Money that he May Collect for any Damages Assessed by the Assessors or Commissioners of Highways Resolved that a Lawfull fence Shall be of Stone Three and Half feet high and of wood 4 1 2 feet in height Resolved that the Sum of Twenty five Dollars be raised this year for the Support of the Poor Resolved that all other than the following Officers Supervisor. Town Clerk. Assessors Collector Overseer of Poor. Commissioner of Highway. Commissioners of Common Schools and Inspectors of Schools, and Constable be Elected by Ays and Noes March [v] Ressolved that the Town Meeting be held on the first Tuesday in in Each year for 3 years Resolved that the anal Town Meeting be held on the first Teusday in March at the School house in District No 2 for one year to Commence at 9 O Clock A. M Resolved that Peter Ferris. James H Guion & Monmouth Lyon be the Committee to Call on Henry Munro and get from him $100 Dollars Which was raised last year to fence a Town Bening [Burying] Ground and to Call on Guy C Bayley and get the Deed for Said Ground then to fence the Ground and if any ballance Should Remain in thierhands for them to pay the ballance over to the Commissiones of High Waysto be Expended to 222 ONFIi. 223 Repairing the Bridges of Said Town the following persons Where [Were] Duly Elected Walter Marshall v Eastern District Benjamin Flourence Cos Middle District Daniel Turner O = Southern District Benjamin F Hadden Seiller [Sealer] of Weights and Measures Daniel P Barker Pound Master Resolved that this Meeting Adjourned till tomorrow to School House in District No 2 at 2 O Clock P.M. Wednesday Met according to adjournment Resolved that the Overseers be authorised to Call on W=G Mead and Receive the fines in his hand paid him by John Hart and Alford Hush [w] The following persons where [were] Duly Elected by Ballot Henry Munro Esq' Supervisor Monmouth Lyon Town Clerk Henry Griffen Commissioner Aaron Palmer Overseers of the Poor Charles Pine Common Schools Walter Marshall Assessors [written over "Commissioners Thomas Robinson of Highways" which was erased] John Morrell [name written over erasure of "Horace B. Stoat"] Commissionersof D.D. T Hadden Highways John Jorden Common Schools Horram B Sloat Commissioner James R Hadden of Common Schools W' A Boyd Common Schools Henry Griffen Inspectors of Common Guy C Bayley Schools Henry Munro Jessee Lawrence Constable & Collector John Palmer Constable Horram B Sloat Daniel Tan Justice of the Peice [Pearn] Peter Palmer [x] At the Anual Meeting of the Electors of the town of Mamaroneck held at the School House in District No 2 in Said town on the first day of March One thousand Eight. hundred & Thirty -One Peter Ferris Esq Presided On Motion it was resolved that Benjamin F Hadden be appointed Clerk of the Meeting in the place of Monmouth Lyon absent, when the following was offered and approved Resolved That there be twenty dollars raised for the support of the poor. Resolved. That there be Forty dollars raised for the repairs of roads & Bridges. Resolved. That there be Twelve 87i 100 Dollars raised to pay the Ballance Due for fenceing the town Burying Ground. Resolved. That James H. Guion, Monmouth Lyon, & Peter Ferris be A committe to have charge of the Public burying Ground. Resolved That Four feet high, of stone wall be a Lawful fence Resolved That Benjamin F. Hadden be Sealer of Waits [Weights] & Measures Resolved That Daniel Griffin be elected path master of eastern District Resolved That Thomas Forshey be path master of middle District Resolved That John Palmer be path master of Southern District Resolved That Daniel P. Barker be pound master Resolved That each person be allowed the price of the Book in wbich they Keep the town accounts in, and that they present the price together with the other accounts to the town auditors [y] Resolved That the next town meeting be held at the school House in District No 2 and that the meeting be opened at One O'clock PM. of that day. The following persons was duly elected by ballot James H. Guion Supervisor Daniel D. l'. Hadden Town Clerk Walter Marshall Charles Pine & Assessors Daniel P. Barker Henry Griffen Commissioners James R. Hadden of John Jorden Highway John Secor Commissioners of Homs B. Sloat Common Schools Thomas Tershay William S. Stanley Inspectors of Richard Stanton Common Schools Henry Griffen Peter H. Hadden Justices of the Peace Alpheus S Boyd Jesse Lawrence Collector Jesse Lawrence Constables John Palmer [z] At a Special Town Meeting of the Freeholders & Inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck held in the School house in district no 2 on Saturday March 25ib 1831 agreeable to notice. for the perpow of Electing one Overseer of the Poor in the place of Aaron Palmer mfuseing to serve Horas B. Stoat, Esq. Presided John Morrell was Elected by ballot Overseer of the Poor Aj=. Dan' D. T. Hadden Town Clerk At a special town meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck, helde in the long room of M'. Levrit Derrick's Hotel, on Saturday 18 felinity [february] 1832 224 Il 225 M agreeable to Notice On motion Horace B Sloat Esqr. was chosen by the electors to preside at said meeting, there being no Justis Present. on Motion made it was resolved that the ressolutions offered [word blurred and written over erasure of "passed"] at this Meeting be decided by a division of the house when the following was adopted Resolved That the property in Mamaroneck, that is advertised for sale by the Sheriff of West Chester County, be read to this Meeting Resolved That the Commissioners of highways he and are hereby instructed to take council in behalf of the roads, and publick docks, or Landing places in this town, and that there he twenty five dollars raised by tax to Effect the same Resolved That the commissioners of highways be further instructed to appoint one of there [their] number to go to New York before the sale of the property that is advertised, and to recieve council from some Eminent source Resolved That this Meeting he ajourned Mamaroneck feb. 18. 1832 Entered and compared this 28" February 1832 Dan' D. T. Hadden Town Clerk [Aa] At the annual Town meeting. of the Electors and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the school house in district No 2 in said Town on the 5" of March 1832 Thiare [There] being no justice of the peace present James H Guion Esqr was Elected to preside at said meeting When the following resolutions were submitted and passed Resolved that thare [there] be two constables elected Resolved that John Palmer be appointed overseer of the highway for the southern district Resolved that Jesse Laurence be appointed overseer for the Middle District Resolved that James H Guion Esqr be appointed overseer of highway for the northern district Resolved that Daniel Barker be appointed pound master Resolved that Monmouth Lion be appointed sealer of waits [weights] and measures Resolved that Walter Marshall Monmouth Lion & James H Guion be a committee to charge of the public burring [burying] ground Resolved that the proceedings of the special Town meeting held on the 18" of February 1832 be approved of & and that said sum of twenty five dollars be raised by tax to pay the Commissioners of highways for obtaining Peter A. Jay opinion Resolved That, that part of the road laid out by the Commissioner of highways in 1767 twenty five feet north of the house now owned by Richard Downing to the bridge of the West chester turnpike C be rented to Elijah G Dixen if he wants it for five dollars provided nevertheless the inhabitants have the priviledge to cross and fish thare [there] Resolved That. that other part of said road north of the above mentioned bridge be rented to James H Guion for one dollar Resolved That the rents of the abov parts of roads be paid to the Supervisor Resolved That the fence & Damage veiwers [viewers] he allowed Three Shillings a peice [piece] every time they are requred [required] to perform the same 226 Resolved that the Collector be allowed 5 percent for Collection Resolved that thare [there] be fourty dollars raised for the support of common schools [Bb] Resolved That the next Annual Town meeting be held in the school house in district number one at one oclock P.M. The following persons were Elected by ballot at the same meeting Viz James H Guion Supervisor Walter Marshall Town Clerk Thomas Robinson Charles Pine Assessors Horace B Sloat Henry Griffin Commissioner John Morrel of highways James R Hadden George Baxter Commissioners Abraham Hall of common Schools Thomas Robinson Ju William S Stanly Inspectors of Henry Griffin common schools John Secor Horace B Slat Justices of Epenetus C Hadden the peace Leonard Ogliby Jesse Laurence Constable & Collector John Palmer Constable When the meeting adjourned Danil D T Hadden Clerk of said meeting Entered and compared this the 10" day of April 1832 Walter Marshall Town Clk [Ce] 1 do hereby certify that on the twelfh [twelfth] day of March one thousand eight hundred & thirty two that I did attend at the house of Lewis T street for the purpose of drawing the classification of Justices of the peace Elected at the annual Town meeting held on the fifth of March. The person elected being notifried but did not appear the numbers two three & four ware [were] put into a hat from which 1 drew for Horrace B Sloat the number two and for Epenetus Hadden the number three and for Leonard Ogdby the number four Mamaroneck March 12" 1832 James H Guion Supervisor A true copy from the original entered by me Walter Marshall Town Clerk [Dd] At the Annual Town Meeting of the Electors and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the school house in district N".. I in the said Town on the 5'".. March 1833 Present Horace B Sloat and Leonard Ogilby presiding (as. Justices of the peace) at said meting [meeting] 227 Re R [w] When the following resolutions were submited and passed. Motioned and second [seconded] that the annual town meting be held on the first Teuday in April for the ensuing three years Carried Unanimously Resolved that John Palmer be overseer of highways for the southern district Resolved that Jesse Lawrence be overseer of the highway for the middil district Resolved that John Morrell be oversseer of the highway for northern District Resolved that Daniel P Barker be Pound master Resolved that Monmouth Lyon be sealer of weights and measures Resolved that Walter Marshall James H Guion & Monmouth Lyon be a committe to take charge of the public burying ground Resolved that the fence and damage viewers he pade [paid] 75 cents for each time they are called out on duty Resolved that the town raise the same proportion of school money that they receivefrom the County treasurer Resolved that there be elected two Constables. Resolved that the next annual Town Meeting be held at district N' 2 at one oclock P.M. Resolved that the money remaining in the hands of the overseers of the poor be expended for theeducation of poor childen whose parents are unable to pay for their instruction. [Ee] Resolved that the amount be paid to the commissioners of common Schools to be appropiated equally by them in proportion to the number of poor children in each district. The following persons were elicted [elected] by ballott at the Meting [Meeting]. Viz. Monmouth Lyon Supervisor Walter Marshall Town Clerk Charles Pine Purdy Green Assessors Thomas Robinson Henry Griffin Overseers poor Jesse Lawrence Henry Griffin Commissioners of Aaron Palmer high ways Abraham Hall Commissioners George Baxter of Common Schools Monford E Boyd Henry Griffin Inspectors of Common William T Stanley Schools Nicholas Miller Allen Jordan Justices of the John Secor Peace Peter Ferris Constable & Collector Joseph Haight Constable [Ff] We certify that the above is a new Statement 228 Horace B Sloat Leonard Ogilby Entered and compared this the eight day of March A [A.D.] 1833 Walter Marshall Town Clk At a special Town meeting of the electors of the Town of Mamaroneck held march 27". A [A.D.] 1833 at the school house No one agreable to public notice for the purpose of taking in to consideration sutable [suitable] measures in regard to the public property in said Town and to raise mony to defend the same &c [etc.] Leonard Ogilby & Horace B Sloat Justices of the peace presiding Resolved that he sum of one hundred dollars he assesed raised and collected in the Town of mamaroneck upon the estates real & personal in said Town at the next collection of taxes and paid over to the commissions of highways of said Town to be expended so much of it as said commissions Shall deem necessary in the defence of any suit or suits or legal proceeding now commenced or hereafter to be commenced in which the title to the common or public lands in said common may be involved. or by which the public highways or docks in said Town may be affected or the right of the public to use the same in any wise questioned and whateverof said mony may remain in said Commissions hands unexpended as aforesaid shall be appropriated as th [the] Town meetings of said Town shall hereafter direct Horace B Sloat Leonard Ogilby Entered and compared this the first day of April 1833 Walter Marshall Town Clerk [Gg] At The Annual Town Meeting of the Electors and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the school house District No 2 in said Town on the first day of April 18.34 Present Leonard Ogilbe presiding as (Justice of the Peace) at said Meeting when the following resolutions were submited and passed Resolved. That John Palmer he Overseers of highways for the Southern District Resolved That Thomas Foshay be Overseer of highways for the Middle District Resolved That James H. Guion he Overseer of high ways for the Northern District Resolved That Daniel P Barker he Pound Master Resovled That Daniel D T Hadden be sealer of weight & measures Resolved That Walter Marshall James H Guion Monmouth Lyon take charge of the Public boring [burying] ground Resolved That The fence and Damage Viewers be paid 75"' for each time they are called out on Duty Resolved That the Town raise the lames proportion of School Money that they receive of the County treasury Resolved That there be Elected two Constables Resolved That the Annuel Town Meeting be held at School District No. I at I oclock P. M. Resolved That ten Dollers be expended for the repairs of Road and Bridges out of the Balence of Money now in the hands of the Supervisor [Hh] Resolved That that the Balence of Public Money remaining in the hands of the Supervisor 97S & 4"' to be applied to pay town Offices for the Ensuing Year Resolved that Monmouth Lyon have the use of the above 97S & 4`O at 5 per Cent interest until called for to pay Town Officers 229 UJ - The following Persons were Elected by Ballot at the meeting Loyd S Danbury Monmouth Lyon Elected Supervisor George Baxter Walter Marshall Town Clerk Repairing t Commissioners Enock Tomkins Abraham Hall Wa Nicholas Miller Assessors Bet John Morrel Da Aaron Palmer Be Isaac Hall Conmisiones of Highways D James R Hadden Resolver Thomas Foshay Jesse Lawrence Overseers of Poor T ' Daniel P Barker Resolve Philip Palmer Commissers [Commissioners] of Schools George Baxter [.y] The fd William S Stanley Adran H. Muller Inspectors of Schools Richard Stanton Jesse Lawrence Constable & Collector Joseph Haight Constable Horace B Slat James R Hadden Justices of Peace Nicholas H Gedney I certyfy the the [sic] above to be a true statment transcribed & compared by me Walter Marshall Town Clk Leonard Ogilby Justice of the Peace [li] We do hereby certify that on the 7'" day of april AD 1834 that we did attend at the store of Monmouth Lyon for the perpose of drawing the clasification of the Justicies of the peace elected at the annual Town meeting held on the first day of april last the persons elected ware [were] notified and appeared the numbers one two & three ware [were] put into a box from which they drew No one was chosen by James R Hadden No two By Nicolas H Gedny No three By Hormce B Sloat Mamaroneck April 7'[th] Day A D 1834 Monmouth Lyon Supervisor Walter Marshall Town clk A true copy entered by me Walter Marshall Town Clk [x] [Jjl At the annual Town meeting oftheelectorsandinhabitants ofthe Town ofmamaroneck held in the School house distict No one in said Town on the Seventh day of April 1835 present Horrace B Sloat presiding asjustice of the peace when the following resolutions ware [were] submitted and passed viz Resolved that John Palmer be overseer of highways for the southern district Resolved that Daniel P Barker be overseer of highways for the middle district Resolved that John Morrell be overseer of highways for the northern district Resolved that Daniel P Barker be pound Master Resolved that George Baxter he inspectors of weights & measures Resolve that Monmouth Lion James H Guion & Walter Marshall take charge of the public burry [burying] ground Resolved that the fence and damage viewers receive seventy five each when called on duty Resolved that no mony be raised for the support of common schools Resolved that two constables be elected Resolved that the annuall town meeting be held at district No two Resolved that fifteen dollars be raised for the repairs of roads and bridges Resolved that no hogs be allowed to run in the streets or highways without being properly rung and all hogs found on the highways without rings shall be subject to be pounded and fined 75 cents a peice [piece] the money to go to the complaint and that the path masters of highways be impowered to collect the saids fine whenever complaint is given The following persons ware [were] elected by ballot at this meeting Viz James H Guion for supervisor Hormce B Sloat for Town Clerk [Kk] Abraham Hall Charles Pine Asessors Daniel D T Hadden James R Hadden Commissioners Benjamin Florrence of highway Nicolas Miller Thomas Foshay Overseer of the poor Johm Morrell Richard Stanton Inspectors Loyd S Danbury of common Schools George Baxter Daniel P Barker Commissioners Enock Tomkins of Benjamin Florrence Common Schools Joseph Haight constable and collector Samuel Lawrence Constable Elijah Guion Justices of the peace Daniel D T Hadden attest Horrace B Sloat Prisiding Justice This is to certify that the above is a true statement of the proceedings of the Town meeting as copyed and compared by me Walter Marshall Town Clerk Dated April 7" AD 1835 230 1 231 A [LI] At a Special Town Meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of the Town of Mamoronmk held at the house of Amos F Hatfield in Said Town agreeable to puglich [public] notice on the Sixth Day of May 1835 for the purpose of Electing one Commisioner of high ways to fill a vacancie Caused by the neglect of Nicholas Miller to accept of Said office and also to Ellect one Commisioner of Common Schools to fin a vacancies Cause by the neglect of Enock Tompkins to accept of Said office and also Elect one path Master for to fill a vacane [vacancy] in the Southern Destrict Caused by the neglect John Palmer to accept of Said office Whereupon it was Resolved that John Palmer be path master for the Southern Destrict the following Persons Dule Elicited James H Guion Commisioner of high Ways George Baxter Commisioner of Comon Shools [Schools] Eligah Guion presiding Justice [ v I do Certify that the above is a true Statment of the proceedings of a Special Town meeting held on the Sixth Day of may 1835 Entered the Date above mentioned Horace B Sloat Town Clerk 96 [11 [Note: pages following are numbered, but some of these numbers overlap with numbers on previous pages, and have been additionally numbered to avoid confusion.] at an anuel Town Meeting of the Freeholders and inhabitant of the Town of Momaroneck on the fifth Day of april 1836 held in the School house Destrit [District] N2 2 present Eijah Guion Daniel D.D.T. Hadden presiding.lustices When the following Resolutions Submited viz Ret that there Shall be Sixty Dollars Raised for the Repair of Roads and bridges Re-, that the Town meeting be held the three Insuing yeares on the first tuseday in April and that the Next he held in School house in Destrict N" I Resod.. that the fence and Damage Vieuers Recieve one Dollar for Each time Caled out Re°. the Collector be allowed five Cents on Each Dollar Collected Re=. that James H Guion George Baxter and Walter Marshall be a Commitee to take Charge of the Publiek Burying Ground Re°. that James R Hadden be path master in the Eastern Destrict R(? -.that Thomas Foshy be path master of the middle Destrict Re°.. that John Palmer be path master of Western Destrict ReOthat George Baxter be Sealer of Weights and Measures Re4hat ther Shall be Tow [Two] Constables R-" that there be fifteen Dollars Raised to Get a Town desk R° that George Baxter Daniel D. D. T Hadden and the Town Clerk be a Commitee for to procure Said Desk and Sill [Sell] the old one and to account to the Town for the proceeds of the Sale 97 [ 1] A that there be Eight Dollars and fifty Cents Raised to John Morcel and that there be Raised Seven Dollars and Seventy Cents to Pay James R Hadden for Serves [Service] in the Case of Coming Pallock & Speares and that the Supervisor pay the Same as Soon a it Shall Come into his hands the following Persons where [were] Ellected by Ballot Viz James H Guion Supervisor Amos F Hatfield Town Clerk John Morrel Daniel D D T Hadden Assesores Benjimin Fluran John Morcel Commssor [Commissioners] James R Hadden of Charles Pine High Ways George Baxter Commision Isaac Seacord of Purdy Guion Common Schools William Stanley Inspectors Henry Griffin of George Baxter Common Schools Joseph Haight Collector Adam G Coles Constables Samuel a Laurence Thomas Foshey OverSears of Allexander Marshall th [the] Poor John Morrell Justices of Allexandier Marshall the Peace I do Certify that the above is a true Statement Horace B Sloat Clerk 98 [11 At the Anual Town Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of th Town of Mamaroneck held in the School house District N= 1 in Said Town on the 4!— Day of April 1837 Present Horace B Sloat Presiding as Justice of the Peace) at Said Meeting When the following Resolutions Were Submitted and Passed Resolved That the Collecter be Paid five cents on Dollar for Collecting Resolved That Horace B Sloat James H Guion and George Baxter have Charge of the Public Burying Ground Resolved That James H Guion be Path Master of Eastern District Resolved That Isaac Secor be Path Master of the Second District Resolved That Nehemiah Palmer be Path Master of the first District Resolved That George Baxter be Sealer of Weights and Measurs Resolved That that [sic] two Constable be Elected Resolved That Daniel P Barker be Pound Master Resolved That The Anual Town Meetings Should be held on the First Tuesday in April for the Next Three Years Ensuing The Following Persons were Elected by Ballot at the above date Viz James H Guion Supervisor Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk Nicholas Miller Thomas Foshay Assesors Alexander Marshall 232 1 233 [w] [x Daniel D T Hadden Commissioners Joseph Haight of John Morrell high ways 99 [ I] the mark of John disbrow a hapeny under the Left ear and a slits on the top of the Rigt [Right] ear James R Hadden Overseers Daniel P Barker of Poor George Baxter Commissionrs Benjamin Florence of Edgar Downing Schools Efigah G Dixon Inspecters Henry Griffen of Schools Samuel fawrence Constable & Collector Joseph Haight Constable Daniel P Barker That there be 2 constables Elected John E Marshall Justice of Peace Hanford Holms That there be $10 raised to repair bridge by Mott Carpenters 1 do Certify that the Above is a True Copy Attest Horace B Sloat Presiding Justice This is to Certify that the Above is a True Copy of the Proceeding of the Town Meeting as Compared by me Dated April 0' 1837 Amos F Hatfield Town Clerk 100 [ l] At the anal Town meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck held in the School house in the District N" 2 in said Town on the 3rd day of April 1838 Present Daniel D. T. Hadden presiding as Justice of the peace at said meeting when the following Resolutions were submitted and passed Resolved That the collector be paid 5 cis on a dollar for collecting Resolved That Horace B Sloat James H. Guion and George Baxter have Charge of the Public Burying ground Resolved That James. H. Guion be pathmaster of First District (Eastern) Resolved That Thomas Foshay be pathmater of Third District (Middle) Resolved That Japeth Palmer be pathmaster of Second District (Western) Resolved That Daniel D. T. Hadden be Sealor of Weights and measures Resolved That there be 2 constables Elected Resolved That Daniel P Barker be pound Master Resolved That there be $10 raised to repair bridge by Mott Carpenters (District No 2) Resolved That There be $15. raised to repair bridge by Aaron Palmers (District No 3) Resolved That there be $35 raised to repair Sheldrake bridge (District No 1) 101 [ 1] The following person were elected the same day by Ballot 234 James H Guion Supervisor Epenetus C. Hadden Town Clerk Thomas Foshay Nicholas Miller Assessors Alexander Marshall James. R. Hadden Joseph Height Commissioners of High Ways James M. Hall George Baxter Edgar Downing Commissioners of Common Schogs Daniel P Barker Hanford Holmes Overseers of the Poor Daniel P. Barker Seal Nicholas Miller Inspectors Cextraissionerc [word crossed out and Elijah G. Dixon another written above line] of Com. Schools Richard Downing Elijah. G. Dixon Justices of the peace George Baxter Stephen Wright Constable and Collector Joseph Height Constable 1 Do Certafy That The above is a True Copy present Danil DT Hadden prsiding J ustace Daniel p Barker Clerk of The Meeting This is to Certafy That The above is a True Copy of The procedings of Town Meeting as Compared By Me Dated april 3 1838 Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk 102 [ 1] We the subscribers do hereby certify that the Numbers 2,3 and 4 were Severally put Ina Hat by the Supervisor and the name of George Baxter was called and the town Clerk drew No 4 then Elijah G. Dixons name was called and the clerk drew No. 2 and then Richard Downing,s named was called and the clerk drew the remaining No 3 The above persons was Elected to the office of Justice of the peace at the town meeting Give under our hands This I Ith Day of April mes3H Guion Supersor [Supervisor] Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk 103 [1] The undersigned commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck having Met and deliberated on the Subject Embmc'd in this Order, all the commisioners of Highways of the Said Town having been duly notifide to attend the Said Meeting of the Road commissioners, to deliberate thereon, do hereby order that the Said Town be. and it hereby is divided into four Road Districts. the fourth Road District, N° 4 Shall include, James R. Hadden, Daniel D. T. Hadden, William Lawrence, William Davies. Benjamin Davis. Charles Lawrence, Benjamin Clark, Esther Lee and Alexander Enis, and all the inhabitants liable to work on highways Resideing there in, Shall be and are hereby Assigned to work on the Said District, N94 District to commence at Alex:. Enis, 235 Repair Reso! Resc [w] The [x] door and leaves off at Mamaroneck River near Haddens House, witness whereof we have hereto Subscribed our hand this twenty first day of March 1839 E C Hadden James R Hadden Commiss' Town Clerk of James M Hall High Ways Joseph Haigh 104 [1] At the Annual Town Meeting of The Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the School House in District No I in said Town on The 2"" Day of april 1839 Present Danial DT Hadden and Elijah G Dixon Presiding as Justaces of The peace at The Said Meeting when the Following Resolutions were Submitted and passed Resolved That William Lawrence Be path Master of fourth District Resolved That John Morrell Be Path Master of first District Resolved That Mott Carpenter Be path Master of third District Resolved That Jesse Lawrence Be path Master of Second District Resolved That James H Guion George Baxter & Isaac Covert Be Commisioners of The public Burraying [Burying] Ground Resolved That the Collector Receive 5 pr Cent for Collecting Resolved That Danial D T Hadden he Sealer of weights & measures 105 [ 1] Resolved Thare [there] thare [sic] be Three assesors One pound Master and Two Constables Resolved That Daniel P Barker Be pound Master Resolved That The Fence & Damage Viewers Receive One Dollar pr Day for Service Resolved That The Stone Fence Be four feet High That The Rail Fence Six Rails High With Stakes & Riders and The space not Over 5 inches apart Resolved That post & Rail Fence Be Five Rails High The Space 5 five inches Between The Rails Resolved That The Annual Town Meeting Be held for the next Three years on the The Third Tuesday in March Resolved That Thare [There] Be Money Raised To To [sic] Furnish a Scraper for Each District Resolved That Nehemiah Palmer Be Hog Howard for the Town of Mamaroneck Carried Over 106(l] Brut [Brought] Over Resolved That The Commissioners of Highways be Required to Inquire into and see what Encroachment have Ben [Been] Made on The public Highways and To order such Encroachment To he Removed According To The Statutes Resolved That The Town Raise Seventy Five Dollars To be Expended In Excavating The hill in front of Aix" Ennis house To prevent further accidents and The Commissioners Superintind and Carry The same Into Effect and Be paid Interest for money Expended on The above Improvement intill [until] paid By The Colector When The following persons Whare [Were] Elected The same Day By Ballot 236 James H Guion Supervisor Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk John Morrell James R Hadden Assessors Benjamin Florence James M Hall Comm'." Nicholas Miller of Danial D T Hadden Highways George Baxter Alaxandar Ennis Commisoners of Common Schools Danial P Barker Hanford Holmes Overseeors of poor Daniel P Barker EGash G Dixon Loyd S Danberry Inspectors of Common schools Richard R Downing Richard R Downing Elijah G Dixon Justaces of Danial D T Hadden The peace Enock Tompkins Joseph Haight Constable & Collector Isaac Covert Constable I do Certafy That The above is a True Copy of The proceeding of The aforesaid meeting Dated 2 April, 1839 Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk 107 [ 1] At the annual Town Meeting of the Electors and Hnhabitants of The Town of Mamaroneck held in the Scool [School] House in District No 3 in said Town on the Seventh Day of April 1840 Danial D T Hadden presiding as Justice of the piece [peace] at said meeting On opening the Poll by proclamation it was passed that the Poll close at oclk [o'clock] P M When the following Resolutions were submitted and Passed That the Path Master and other Resolutions be past [passed] by ayes and noes Resolved That John Morrell be path master for District No I Resolved That Jesse Laurence be path master for District No 2 Resolved That Joseph Haight be path master for District No 3 Resolved That Alexander Ennis be path master for District No 4 Resolved That James H Guion George Baxter and Isaac Covert be Commissioners of the Public Burying Ground 237 238 I 239 Resolved That the Collector receive five per cent for Collecting -- ' 108 [ 1] Resolved Resolved That all The other officers accepting Those Chosen By Ballot shall That there be 3 Assessors and one Pound Master Resolved be Elected By Ayes & Noes That James M Hall be path master of District No 2 Resolved That Daniel P Barker be pound Maser Resolved That James R Hadden be path master of District No 1 Repairing' Resolved That Four Thousand Dollars be taken off the assesment Roll for Cap' Samuel Groves assessed last year being Bank Stock Resolved That James Scofield be path master of District No 3 Wa Resolved That the fence and Damage Veiwers [Viewers] receive one Dollar pr Day for Resolved Resolved That There [There] be Thee [Three] assesors That James H Guion George Baxter & Isaac Covert Superintend Bei Da Services Resolved That the Slone fence Be four feet The public Buraying [Burying] Ground high and the Rail Fence be Six Rails The Rails, not to exceed five inches apart Resolved That The Collector Receive 5 pr Cent For Collecting Be Resolved That [here be Two Constables When Resolved That The Fenc & Damage Viewers Recive [Receive] One Dollar p D the following Persons where [were] Elected the same day by Ballott r Da or When Called Out [per) Y Resolved That Danial D T Hadden be sealer Of Weights & Measures Resolvec John H Guion Supervisor Continued r I Epinetus C. Hadden Town Clerk III the mark otm`Johnnelson ahapenyunder each earandaCrop onthetopo[theLeftear Resolve o John Morrell the mark of edward Rodgersa hapeny uner each ear and a Crop on the top of the right Benjamin Florence Assessors ear [vy� The fo! James R Hadden Resolved That The Rail Fence Be Four Feet and Six Inches High Containing 109 Daniel D T. Hadden Six Rails and That The Stone Wall be four feet High Hanford Holmes Comnissioneers Resolved That There [There] one Constable Nicholas Miller of Highways Resolved That Daniel P Barker Be pound Master Alexander Ennis Resolved That Aaron Palmer Be Released from Taxes of Two Thousand Seal Daniel P Barker Commissioners Dollars Over Assessed Last year I in Elijah G Dixon of Common Schools Resolved That James H Guion Be path Master in District no place of James R Hadden Declines Serving Enock Tompkins Daniel P Barker Overseers of the Poor When the Following persons Where [Were] Elected The Same Day By Ballott Elijah G Dixon Daniel D T Hadden Inspectors of Comnon James H Guion Supervisor Nicholas Miller Schools Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk Isaac Covert Constable and Collector Samuel Lawrence Constable Thomas Foshay James M Hall Assesors Hanford Holmes Stephen C Griffin Alexander Ennis Justices of the Piece [peace] Daniel D T. Hadden Sealer William Lawrence Hanford Holmes Com of Highways Epenetus C Hadden Sam; Lewis April 7 , 1840 Town Clerk Elijah G Dixon Com &inspectors 110 At The annual Town Meeting of The Electors and Inhabitants George Baxter of Common Schools of The Town Of Mamaroneck Held in the School House in District James R Hadden no one in said Town on The 6`s Day of April 1841 Enock Tompkins Overseers of the poor [x] Danial D T Hadden presiding as Justace of The peace On opening The poo by . uWtaaesof 4h&feaee Aaron Palmer [words crossed out] Proclamation it was agreed To Close at 6 o, Clock, P M. When The Following Resalutions where [were] The Submitted and passed Sam Lawrence Constable Dan' D T Hadden Sealer 238 I 239 113 At The Annual Town Meeting of The Electors and Inhabitants of The Town of Mamaroneck Held in School House In District No 2 in Said Town on The fifth ofApril 1842 Danial D T Hadden presiding as Justace of The peace On Opening The poll by proclamation It Was agreed To Close at 6, O. Clock PM1 When The Following Resolutions where [were] Submitted and passed Resolved That all offices Except Those by Ballott Be Elected by yeas & nays Resolved That Phebe Tompkins be Released from Real Taxes of 51300 of Last years Assessment Resolved That Thare [There] be Two Constables Resolved That Thare be Three assesors Resolved That James H Guion be path Master of District No 1 Resolved That Aaron Palmer be path Master for District No 2 [x] Resolved That James Scofield be path Master for District No 3 Resolved That James H Guion George Baxter and Hanford Holmes be Super Intendants of The Public Buraying [Burying] Ground Resolved That Danial P Barker be pound Master 114 Resolved That Fence & Damage Viewers have One Dollar pr Day for Thare Servace Resolved That Danial D T Hadden be sealer of Weights and Measures Resolved That The Collectors Receive five pr Cent for Collecting Resolved That Benjamin Florence be Released from Road Taxes of S 1600 of Last years assesment When The Following Persons Where [Were] Elected The Same Day by Ballott James H Guion Supervisor Elijah G Dixon Town Clerk James M Hall Thomas Foshay assesors William Lawrence Dania) P Barker Benjamin Wilder William Lawrence Justaces of The William Morrell Hanford Holmes peace Hanford Holmes Joseph Haight Henry T porter Collector Rep Epentus C Hadden Town Clerk Elijah G Dixon 112 Town of Mamaroneck SS George Baxter Where as The office of Commisioner of Common Schools has become vacant by Enock Tompkins Refusal To Serve of George Baxter Now Tharefore we The undersigned Three of The Aaron Palmer Justace of The peace of The said Town Do hereby appoint Elijah G Dixon To The Once of Commisioner of Common schools of The Said Town Re Given under our hand and seals The Twenty Eighth Day of May in The year 1841 (Copy) Dania) D T Hadden Justaces Garrit Vermilyan Re Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk [w] Ti Town of Mamaroneck SS Whereas the office of Commisionir of Common Schools has become vacant by Refusal To Serve of Elijah G Dixon Now Tharefore we The Undersigned Three of the Justaces of the peace of The said Town Do Hereby appoint William Morrell To The office of Commisioner of Common schools of said Town Given under our Hands and seals This Twenty ninth Day of may in the year 1841 Danial D T Hadden Garrit Vermilyan Justam (Copy) Elijah G Dixon Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk 113 At The Annual Town Meeting of The Electors and Inhabitants of The Town of Mamaroneck Held in School House In District No 2 in Said Town on The fifth ofApril 1842 Danial D T Hadden presiding as Justace of The peace On Opening The poll by proclamation It Was agreed To Close at 6, O. Clock PM1 When The Following Resolutions where [were] Submitted and passed Resolved That all offices Except Those by Ballott Be Elected by yeas & nays Resolved That Phebe Tompkins be Released from Real Taxes of 51300 of Last years Assessment Resolved That Thare [There] be Two Constables Resolved That Thare be Three assesors Resolved That James H Guion be path Master of District No 1 Resolved That Aaron Palmer be path Master for District No 2 [x] Resolved That James Scofield be path Master for District No 3 Resolved That James H Guion George Baxter and Hanford Holmes be Super Intendants of The Public Buraying [Burying] Ground Resolved That Danial P Barker be pound Master 114 Resolved That Fence & Damage Viewers have One Dollar pr Day for Thare Servace Resolved That Danial D T Hadden be sealer of Weights and Measures Resolved That The Collectors Receive five pr Cent for Collecting Resolved That Benjamin Florence be Released from Road Taxes of S 1600 of Last years assesment When The Following Persons Where [Were] Elected The Same Day by Ballott James H Guion Supervisor Elijah G Dixon Town Clerk James M Hall Thomas Foshay assesors William Lawrence Dania) P Barker Benjamin Wilder Com of Common Schools William Morrell Hanford Holmes Joseph Haight Com of Highways Ralph Marshall Elijah G Dixon Inspectors of Schools George Baxter Enock Tompkins OVerseeers of The poor Aaron Palmer 123 [Note: at this point in the original record, the page numbers do not follow in strict continuity. However, no part of the original text has been deleted in any way, and the page numbers indicated are those written on the pages of the original manuscript.] " the mark of eliezer gidney a hapeny on the aper side of each ear and acrols'" [word crossed out and another written above] on top of the Left ear Brot [Brought] up Henry T Porter Adam G Coles Hanford Holmes Taddeus Lawrence Constable & Collector Constable Justices of the peace Epenetus C Hadden Town Clerk we the subscribers having met on the I I'". day of April 1842 at the office of the town Clerk in the town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of drawing for the terms of the Justices of the peace elected at the annual town Meeting in said town held on the 5" day of April 1842 Do certify that Hanford Holmes and Thaddeus Lawrence were duly elected to the office of Justices of the peace for said town and that the terms of the said Justices as determined by drawing for the same are as follows to wit 240 ' 241 Repairin Resolvi Resoh [w] The ft Hanford Holmes for the term of four years ThaddeusLawrence fort e term of Three do 126 Elijah G Dixon James D D T Hadden H Guion Supervisor Daniel P Barker Justices of the Peace 124 At the annual Town E G Dixon Town George Baxter held in the h'leetingofteel Clerk school house indistn. eCtorsandinhabitantsOfthetownofh4 year 1843 ttnumberIinsaidtowno arnaroneck HenryTPorter nthe(outthd Constable & Collector Daniel D T Hadden ayO(Aprd in the 1 do hereby certify that the above is a true co the and Elijah G Dixon Presiding Meeting COPY of the Proceedings POO by proclamation it was g as Justices of the of the aforesiad resolutions were submitted and passed to close at 5 o clock P- M Who' the n owing aprd 4 ' 1843 Elijah G Dixon Resolved that there Town Clerk Resolved be but one constable We the subscribers having Resolved that there be three assessors g met on the 12'". day o{ a That John Morrell sen' Clerk in the town of Mamaroneck for the ❑ pril 1843 at the office of the town Resolved that J be path master for Justices of the Purpose o{ drawing for the ter Resolved Jesse Lawrence be path district number one peace elected at the annual meeting held in said town on the 4'h, a the that Samuel S Groves be roaster for district nu April 1843 Do certify that Elijah G Dixon. D day of Resolved that F path master for tuber two George Baxter were duly elected to the office of Justices of heden D Fran Lawrence, Samuel Lawrence, district number three Daniel P Barker & superintend rice, and G that to terms of the said Justices determined b drawing peace for said town and Resolved ants of the public bury. George Baxter be Y gforthesameareasfonowsto that fenceInd da ryrnB ground wit their services damage veiwers [v,ewers] have one dollar Elijah G Dixon for the term of (our years Resolved that the per day for Daniel D T. Resolved that D collector raieve five per cent Hadden three do 125 Resolved Daniel D.T. Hadden be Sealer ofcent [sic] for collecting Daniel P Barker that lawfun (en We. his Geoge Baxter one do fences shall be as follows g and Measures two do high And rail fen Stone fences to be four feet When the followin fences 10 be five good rails highs with stake Benjamin M Brown Supervisor 8 Persons were elected the and rider E G Dixon Town Clerk icor Ben. same day by ballot 127 Town of Mamaroneck S S Jamin M Brown Whereas the office of commissioner of highways of the said town of M Elijah C Dixon Supervisor become vacant b the Town Clerk undersigned three of the Justiceto{ thee of Charles Lawren arefore a has James R Hadden Lawrence Now therefore we the James hereby appoint D D T Hadden to the office of commissioner of highwpeace of the said town and ays of the said H Guion town in the place of Charles Lawrence aforesaid Given under our hands and seals this David R Brown Assessors Thomas Forshay 29''h day of April in the year 1843 D D T Hadden (Signed) Garrit Vermilya Thomas Robinson ImPectors of Elections E G Dixon William Morten At the annual town meeting of the electors and inhabitants of t e town of Joseph Haight held in the school house in school district number one in said town on the Mamaroneck Benjamin Wilder Commissioners of Common April in the Schools Year 1844 second day of Daniel D. T. Hadden presiding as Justice of the peace Elijah G Dixon George Baxter pectors o On opening the poll by proclamation it was agreed to close at 5 oclock P,M fns f Com chools George Baxter Clerk pro tem town when the following Charles mon S passed Lawrence g resolutions were submitted and Hanford Holmes Resolved that there be one constable Jonathan Gedney Commissioners of Highways Resolved that there three assessors Ralph Marshall Resolved that John Morrell be 128 Resolved path master for district N= one George Baxter Overseers of the Resolved that William Dobey be path Master Cor district number two Poor Resolved that Joseph Haight be path master for district num that Danial P Barker ber three be pound master 242 243 M 133 At the annual town meeting of the electors and inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck held in the school house in school district number one in said town on the first day of April in the year 1845. Daniel DT Hadden and George Baxter presiding as Justices of the peace on opening the poll by proclamation it was agreed to close at 4 oclock P.M. Stephen Griffin Clerk pro team When the following resolutions were submitted and passed Resolved Resolved that lawful fence shall be as follows stone fence to be four feet high Resolved and rail fences to be five good rails high with stakes and riders Resolved that the compensation for Repan collecting be five per cent Resolved that James R Hadden, George Resolved Baxter and Ralph Marshall be the trustees of the public burying Resolved ground Resolved that the next annual town meeting be held at the school house in Resolved district number one the poll to open at one o clock Resolved that Edward Seamen be Resolved sealer of wieghts [weights] and measures Resolved 131 [Note: as noted previously, the page numbers do not follow in Resc strict continuity. No part of the text has been deleted in any way.] ' When the following person were elected the same day by ballot Resi Benjamin M Brown Supervisor [w] The Elijah G Dixon Town Cleark David R Brown Resolved Thomas Forshay Assessors Stephen C Griffen John Morrell George Baxter Inspectors of Election Daniel D T Hadden Johnathan H Gedney Commissioners of Highways Ralph Marshall George Baxter Daniel P Barker Overseers of the Poor Daniel P Barker Justice of the Peace Henry T Porter Constable and Collector Elijah G Dixon Town Superintendent of Schools We the presiding officers of the annual town meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the second day of April 1844, do hereby, in pursuance of the directions given in,$21 132 of Title I I I Article third of the act entitled as "An act respecting electors •Otherthan for militia and town officers, passed April 5, 1842, appointed Isaac Hall in said Town to be associated respectively with the two who have this day been elected in forsaid and Town each to be an inspector of election and also inspector of all electios held in said Town during the present the year said Isaac Hall being one of the two persons who had the higher [highest] number of votes next to the two inspectors who were elected Given under our hands [x] this 2"" day of April 1844 1 do hereby certify that the above is a true copy ofthe proceedings of the aforesaid Meeting April 2n° 1844 Elijah G Dixon Town Clerk 4 244 133 At the annual town meeting of the electors and inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck held in the school house in school district number one in said town on the first day of April in the year 1845. Daniel DT Hadden and George Baxter presiding as Justices of the peace on opening the poll by proclamation it was agreed to close at 4 oclock P.M. Stephen Griffin Clerk pro team When the following resolutions were submitted and passed Resolved that the next annual town meeting be held at the school house Resolved district number Two at one oclock P.M. Resolved that There be three Assessors Resolved that there be one Constable Resolved Daniel Griffin be pathmaster for district number one Resolved that James Coles be pathmaster for district number three Resolved that Benjamin Florence be pathmaster for district number two Resolved that the collector have 5 per cent for Collecting Resolved that the fence and damage viewers have one dollar for each days Resolved that Stone wall be four feet high and Rail fence be five good rails Resolved high with stakes and riders 134 Resolved that George Baxter Edward Seamens and Thomas Forshay be the trustees to the public burying ground Resolved that the town raise Five dollars to be expended on the public burying ground Resolved that Edward Seamen be Sealer of Weights and Measures Resolved that the Commissioners be empowered to lay out Seventy five dollars on the public dock Resolved that Daniel P Barker be paid for his bill of locust timber for the public road Resolved That Thomas C Lyon have the amount refunded to him which he has paid he being exempt from tax on one thousand dollars Resolved that Daniel P Barker be pound master Resolved that the resolutions of appointing James Coles pathmaster be reconsidered Resolved that John Palmer be pathmaster for district number Three 135 The mark of Richard headly a Crop on the top of the Right ear and a hole thorow [through] the Left ear and a Slitt on one Side of the top of the Left ear When the following person were elected the same day by ballot Benjamin M Brown Supervisor Elijah G Dixon Town Clerk Abraham Hall Daniel P Barker Assessors John Morrell Jr George Baxter Benjamin Florence Inspectors of Election 245 R Benjamin Clark East River or Sound Joseph Haight - Jesse M Sands Commissioners of highways Given under our hands and Seals Benjamin M Brown SupervisorSeal GeorgeElijah Baxter G Dixon Town Clerk O the Second day July-1845 Daniel P Barker Overseers of the poor Daniel P Barker George Baxter Justices of the At the anual meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in School F peace District number Two in said Town on the Seventh Day of April in the Year Henry T. Porter Constable and Collector one Thousand Eight hundred and Forty Six Daniel D T Hadden presidingas Justice of the Peace on opening of the Pog by Proclamation Elijah G. Dixon Town Superintendent it was agreed to Close at Four Oclock.P.M. of common 1 Schools Henry T Porter Clerk 136 We the [w] presiding officers of the annual town When the Following resolutions where [were] Submitted and Passed meeting held in the town of Mamaroneck on the first day of April 1845 do Resolved that there be Two overseers of the Poor. hereby in pursuance of the directions given Sec 21 of title III article third of the act entitled an Act electors other than for Resolved that the votes on questions Shall be Decided by Riseing Resolved that there be Two res Militia and town officers passed �1pg April 5 . 1842 appoint Constable of Highways Resolved that there be but otx Constable one [blank space in the text of original document] X in said town to be associated respectively Resolved that there be but one Pound Master with the two who have this day been elected in and for said town each to be an inspector 138 Resolved that Ten Dollars Forty Three Cents be Expended for repairs of of election and also ins elections held in said town during the present year the of all original Publick Burial Ground being the Amount of Dog Tax remaining in document �( g [blanks said n the t ] bein one of the two Pace in the texts the Supervisors hands who had the highest numberofvotes next to the two inspectors who were elected Resolved that there be Two Keepers of Publick Burial Ground Given under our hands Resolved that Thomas Foshay and Edward Seaman be the Keepers of the this 1" day of April p 1845 Publick Buriall Ground. We the subscribers having Resolved that Johnithan H Gedney be Pound Master met on the 18'" day of A Clerk in the town of Mamaroneck for the Purpose April 1845 at the Office of the town P Resolved that John Palmer be Path Master for road District No Three Resolved that Daniel Griffin be Path Master for poseofdrawingforthetermsofjusticesof the peace elected at the annual town meeting held in said town on the first day of April 1845 Do Certify that George Baxter road District No One Resolved that Joseph Haight be Path Master for road District No Two of Justice of the and Daniel P Barker were duly elected to the office Place for said town and the Resolved that there be a Committy of Two appointed to Meet with the terms of the said Justices as determined for the same are as follows to wit Committy from New Rochelle to Settle the Boundary between George Baxter for the term of three yearsResolved Daniel P. Barker for the term Benj" M Brown Supervisor New Rochelle and Mamaroneck that Benjamin M Brown and William Scot[ be Said Committy to of four years 1 do hereby Certify that above is a true Co Elijah G Dixon T. C. is a t held he the fest day oftheaforesaid Settle Said Boundary Resolved that Thomas Palmer have the Privalige to Straighten his tine Fence of April meeting entered and examined by Provided he sets to the road as Many feet as he Takes in From the Elijah G Dixon road and Blow out the rock and Leave the Road in as Good Order 137 Town Clerk The mark of beniamm disbrow a Sett on the as it now is Resolved that the resolution for Two Commissioners of Highways be each ear top of each der [ear] and a ha peny under reconsidered Resolved [x] This may certify that that there be Three Commissioners of Highways Resolved pursuant to an act in relation to the census or ennumeration of the inhabitants of the State of New York that all Fences Shall be Four feet High passed May 71" 1845 We the undersigned the Supervisor ools Common Sch. the town Clerk and the Town Superintendent 139 The Mark of policarpus Nelson: two hapeneys under the Left Ear and one under the Right Ear of xtthe town of Mamaroneck in the County of Westchester Do hereby appoint George Baxter to the Office of Marshall of the election district of the Mamaroneck to take the Census When the Following Persons where [were] Elected the Same Day by Ballot said town of or ennumeration as directed by law as aforesaid we further Certify that Said town of Maone Stephen C Griffin Supervisor only and is bounded by the towns of New Rochelle. Scarsdale Harrisonea ion Edward Seaman Town Clerk Rye y and also by the 246 0 247 Thomas Foshay Daniel P Barker Assessors y Stephen C Griffin John Morrelle Jun Town Superintendant ' - of Common Schools Hanford Holmes John Morrelle Jun Commissioners of James M Hall Highways Ralph Marshall Overseer of Poor Benjamin Flourence Hanford Holmes Inspectors of Election Thomas Robinson Hanford Holmes Edward Seaman Justisces of the Peace Benjamin M Brown Thomas C Lyon Samuel Lawrence Constable and Collector 1 do hereby Certify that the above is a true Coppy of the Proceedings of the aforesaid Meeting held on the Seventhe Day of April 1846 Entered and Examined by Me Edward Seaman Town Clerk 140 We the Presiding officers of the Annual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the Seventh Day of April 1846 do hereby in pursuance of the Directions Give See 21 of Title Ili article third of the act entitled an Act respecting Elections other than For Matitia [Militia] and Town Officers passed April the 5'". 1842 Appoint Thomas Robinson in Said Town to be Associated respectively withe the Two who have this Day been Elected in and for the Said Town each to be an Inspector of Elections and also Inspector of all Elections held in Said Town during the present year, the Said Thomas Robinson being one of the Two persons who had the highest number of Votes next To the Two Inspectors who where [were] Elected Given inderjunder] our hands this 7'=. Day of April 1846 We the Presiding officers of the annual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the Seventh Day of April 1846 haveing Proceeded Immediately upon the result of the Canvass To Divide by Lot the Assessors of Said Town in pursuance of the Directions Given in Chapter 180 passed May 10''k 1845 Sec 4'A. Page 184 an Act respecting the Classifyiation of Assessors have Classed them as follows Stephen C Griffin For one year Daniel P Barker For Two years Thomas Foshay For Three years We the Presiding officers of the annual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the Seventh Day of April 1846 haveing Proceeded Immediately upon the result of the Canvass to Divide by Lot the Comnishioners of Highways of said Town in pursuance of 248 the Directions Given in Chapter 180 passed May the 10'4. 1845 Sec 2=, Page 183 an Act respecting the Classifycation of Commishioners of High Ways have Classed them as follows John Morrell Jun For I year James M Hall For 2 years Hanford Holmes For 3 years 141 W e the Subscribers Haveing met on the 18'`g Day of April 1846 at the office of theTown Clerk in the Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of Drawing for the Terms of wn eeting held in Said Town on the Sevtenth Day oof the f April 1846 Do CertifElected at the y that Hanford Holmes Edward Seaman Benjamin M Brown and Thomas C Lyon where [were] Duly Elected to the office of Justice of the Peace for the Said Town and theTerms of the Said Justicees as determined for the Same are as follows Towit Edward Seaman for the Term of One Year Stephen C Griffin Supervisors Benjamin M Brown for the Term of Two years Edward Seaman Thomas C Lyon for the Term of Three Years Town Clerk Hanford Holmes for the Term of Four Years I do Certify that the above is a true Coppy of the Proceedings of the aforesaid Meeting held on the Seventh Day of April 1846 Edward Seaman Entered and exanined by me Town Clerk At a Special Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in School District No Two in Said Town on the Second day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Six for the Purpose of Electing Two Overseers of the Poor, one in the place of Ralph Marshall who has refused to qualify and one to fill the Vacancy Occasioned by Jesse Lawrence and Joseph Haight being a tie at the last Anual Town Meeting and to transact such other Business as the Electors Shall Deem expedient Daniel D T Hadden presiding as Justice of the Peace on opening the poll by prochmation it was agreed to Close at Three O ClockEdward Seaman To Clk When the following resolution was Submitted and Passed e Of the Comminy To be ed with 142 Resolved that Daniel D T Benjamin M Brown and William Scoadden tto on Settle the Line between Mamaronteck and New Rochelle The following Persons where [were] Elected by Ballot for Overseers of the Poor Jesse Lawrence and Joseph Haight Justice Daniel D T Hadden Town Clerk Edward Seaman 1 do certify that the above is a true Coppy of the Proceedings of the aforesaid Meeeting held on the Second Day of May 1846 Entered and Exanined by me Edward Seaman Town Clerk 249 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants and Electors of the Town of Mamaroneck held in school District No 2 on the Nineteenth Day of May 1846 for the Purpose of Deciding wether License Shall or Shall not be Granted for the sale of Intoxicating Liquors Daniel D T residing, on opening the Poll by Proclamation it was agreed to Close at Five O CLock p Hadden presiding as Justice of the Peace on openinng the Poll by Proclimation it was Edward Seaman Town Clerk Delcared that the Poll would close at Six O Clock When the following resolutions where [were] submitted and Passed Edward Seaman Town Clerk I=. Resolved that there be Two Constables We the presiding Officers of the Above Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on 2"-. Resolved That there be Three Commissioners of Highways the 10 Day of May 1846 do hereby in pursuance of the Directions Given in the Act A Resolved That there be one Pound Master passed May the 14L' 1845 and Amended February 161-" 1846 in relating to Excise and to q'"_ Resolved That rail fence be six rails Stake and rider four feet six inches high, Licenseing retailors of Intoxicating Liquors Do Certify that the following is a Correct Post and rail, fence sir rails four feet six inches high, and board Statement of the result of Said Meeting that the whole number of Votes Given at Said fence Six Slats four feet six inches high, and Stone wall Shall be four Meeting was Ninety Nine Of with [which] there was Given Fifty Two for No License feet high and of with there was Given Forty Seven for License 5'_^^.. Resolved That Daniel P Barker be Pound Master Edward Seaman Town Clerk 6k Resolved That Edward Seaman be sealer of Weights and Measures Daniel D T Hadden Justice 7t?. Resolved that Thomas Foshay and James H Guion be Trustees of Publick I do Certify that the above is a true Coppy of aforesaid Meeting burying Ground S'-".. Resolved That Stephen C Griffin be Path Master of road Distrix No one Edward Seaman Town Clerk 145 914. Resolved That Jam Lawrence be Path Master of Road Distrix No Two 143 1A Resolved That John Palmer be Path Master of Road Distrix No Three Town of Mamaroneck S S I 1=.. Mr Jonithan H Gedney gave notice that he will at the next annual Town Meeting. Whereas the offices of Commishioners of Highways has become Vacant by the neglect move the Consideration of working the roads by contract and the amount of James M Hall and Hanford Holmes not giveing bonds according to Law Now necessary to pay the same be raised in the same manner by Tax as other Town therefore we Richard Palmer of Scarsdale and Thadeus Lawrence of New Rochelle expenses are Justices of the Peace of Said Towns Do Appoint Gilbert Britt and William Lawrenceto 12`-".. The Trustees of the Publick burying Ground reported as follows. That they had the office of Commishioners of Highways of the Said Town of Mamaroneck received of B M Brown late Supervisor $10.43 Given under our hands this Richard Palmer And had paid to Henry Casmith and William Fisher per receipt for Labor Done Eleventh Day of May 1846 Thadeus A Lawrence Justices 7.00 Leave a ballance Due the Town in Trustee hands $3.43 Copy E Seaman Town Clerk On closing the Poo the Officers preceded to count and examine the Ballotts whereupon the Following persons where [were] Elected as Town Officers for the emueing year by We the Supervisor Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace of the Town of Mamaroneck Ballot, on the same Day haveing met in pursuance to Title III Art3°. of an act entitled an Act respecting Elections Benjamin M Brown Supervisor passed April V-. 1842 for the purpose of appinting an Inspector of Elections in the Place of Hanford Holmes haveing removed out of the Town, Therefore George Baxter Is Edward Seaman Town Clerk hereby appinted inspector of Elections and of All Elections held in said Town of George Baxter Assessor Mamaroneck during the present year To supply the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Hanford Holmes Benjamin Florence Commissioners Given under our hand this Stephen C Griffin Supervisor Daniel P Barker of John Morrell Jun Highways twenty fourth Day of October Edward Seaman Town Clerk 1846 Daniel D T Hadden Justice Addam G Coles Overseers Copy James M Hall of Poor 144 We the Presiding Officers of the annual Town Meeting held in the Town of James H Guion Inspectors George Baxter of Election Mamaroneck on the Sixth Day of April 1847 [previous words appear to have been erased] James H Guion Justicees At the anual Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held George Baxter of in School District No I in Said Town on the Sixth day of April in the year of our Lord Edward Seaman the Peace one Thousand eight Hundred and forty Seven Benjamin M Brown Justice of the Peace John M Ward Town Superintendan[ of Schools William D Palmer Collector 250 251 James D Hill Constables William D Palmer Repair 146 The Officers then Proceeded to Select and appoint annother Inspector of Elections from amongst the persons haveing the highest number of Votes Stephen C Griffen was so appointed They then proceeded to draw and select by lot the time the Commissioners of Highways Should serve, the following was the result John Morrell Jun for Three years Benjamin Florence for Two years Daniel P Barker for one year Rest Mamaroneck The Meeting then adjoined 6`14. April 1847 Benjamin M Brown Justice of the Peace Res Presiding [vv] T hI Edward Seaman Town Clerk We the Presiding Officers of the annual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the Sixth Day of April 1847 do hereby in pursuance of the Directions given Sec 21".. Title III article third of the act entitled an Act respecting Elections other than for Malitia [Militia] and Town Officers passed April the 5`-".. 1842 Appoint Stephen C Griffin in Said Town to be associated respectively with the two who have this day been Elected in and for the Said Town each to be an Inspector of Elections and also Inspector of all Elections held in Said Town during the present year the Said Stephen C Griffin being one of the two persons who had the highest number of Votes next to the Two Inspectors who where [were] Elected Given under our hands Benjamin M Brown this 611 Day of April 1847 Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk 147 We the Presiding Officers of the annual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the Sixth Day of April 1847 haveing proceeded immediately upon the result of the Canvass to divide by lot the Commissioners of Highways of Said Town in pursuance of the Directions Given in Chapter 180 Passed May the 10-. 1845 Sec 2=. Page 183 an Act respecting the Classification of Commissioners of Highways have Classed them as follows John Morrell Jun for Three years Benjamin Florence for Two years Daniel P Barker for One year Given inder [under]our hands Benjamin M Brown this 62.. Day of April 1847 Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk [i 1 do certify that the above is a true Copy of the proceedings of the aforesaid Meetingheld on the Sixth day of April 1847 entered and examined by Me Edward Seaman Town Clerk At a meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at 252 School House in District No I on the 27—. Day of April 1847 to proceed to a decision of the question of Licence or no Licence Benjamin M Brown Presiding a Justice of the Peace and Edward Seaman Town Clerk on Openingthe Poll by Proclimatin is [n] was agreed to Close the Poll at five Oclock We the Town officers to wit Benjamin M Brown Justice of the Peace and Edward Seaman Town Clerk in and for the Town of Mamaroneck in the County of West Chester do certify that the following is a correct Statement of the result of the Ehction held in said Town on the 27`=. Day of April 1847 The whole number of votes givin for Licence and No Licence where [were] Eighty five (85) of which Fifty Seven where [were] for Licence (57) and of which Twenty Eight (28) where [were] for No Licence Given under this 274. Day of April 1847 Benjamin M Brown Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk 148 We the Subscribers haveing met on the Tenth day of April 1847 at the Office of theTown Clerk in the Town of Mamaroneck for the Purpose of Drawing for the Terms of the Justices of the Peace Elected at the annual Town Meeting held in Said Town on the Sixth Day of April 1847. Do Certify that James H Guion George Baxter and Edward Seaman where [were] duly Elected to the office of Jiustices of the Peace for Said Town and the Terms of the Said Justices as determined for the Same are as follows James H Guion for the Term of four years Edward Seaman for the Term of Three Years George Baxter for the Term of Two years Mamaroneck April 10's 1847 Benjamin M Brown Supervisor Edward Seaman Town Clerk At the anual Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in School District N o 2 in Said Town on the Fourth Day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Eight George Baxter Justice of the Peace Presiding on opening the Po0 by Proclimation it was Ed eed to close at FClock Edward seaman To ive O Clerk When the following resolutions where [were] submitted and Passed I'-' Resolved that the Tax paid by Isaac Seacord on personal Property for the last year be refunded 24, Resolved that Jonithan H Gedney be Pound Master A. Resolved that rail fence be six rails high with Stakes and rider. four feet Six inches high. Post and rail fence Six rails high. four feet Six inches high. Board fence five Slats and a Cap bottom board to he at least 149 Eight inches wide. Slat to be at least five inches wide and Cap Board to be four inches wide four feet Six inches high and there Shall be at least Three Substantial Posts to the rod and Stone wall Shall be four feet high Resolved that the remaining ballance of Dog Tax for the year 1846 be appropiated to the Support of Common Schools of the Town to be apportioned by the Town Superintendant of Common Schools and expended the Present year 253 a 5=. Resolved that Stephen C Griffin be Pathe Master for road District No 1 6'=. Resolved that Jesse Lawrence be Path Master for road District No 2 8`—;, Resolved -that John Palmer be Path Master for road District no 3 8Resolved that George Baxter and Edward Seaman be Trustees of the Publick Burying Ground 94. Resolved that Edward Seaman be Sealor of weights and Measures 10` Resolved that there be Two Constables Resolved that Mrs. Elizabeth Sanford Shall have the Land within the Bounds of where she has laid the foundation for her fence On closing the Poll the officers proceeded to count and examine the Ballots whereupon the following persons where [were] Declared Elected as Town officers for the ensueing year on the Same Day Benjamin M Brown Supervisor Town Clerk there was No Choice George Baxter and Edward Seaman each haveing Thirty Nine Votes Abraham Hall Assessor Adam G Coles Jesme M Sands Overseers of the Poor I50 Benjamin Florence Daniel D T Hadden Inspectors of Election John M Ward Town Superintendant of Common Schools Benjamin M Brown Jonithan H Gedney Justices of the Peace Daniel D T Hadden Daniel P Barker Commissioner of Highways Jonas D Hill Constable and Collector William Florence Constable The officers then proceeded to Selectand appoint annother Inspector of Elections from Amongst the Persons haveing the Highest Number of Votes Thomas Robinson was So Appointed George Baxter Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk I do hereby Certify that above is a true Coppy of the Proceedings of the aforesaid Meeting held on the fourth Day of April 1848 entered and examined by me Edward Seaman Town Clerk 151 We the Subscribers haveing met on the Eighth day of Aprilat the House of Benjain M Brown in the Town of Mamaroneck for the Purpose of Drawing for the Terms of the Justices of the Peace Elected at the Annual Town Meeting held in said Town on the fourth Day of April 1848, Do certify that Benjamin M Brown Jonithan H Gedney and 254 Daniel D T Hadden where [were] Duly Elected to the office of Justices of the Peace for Said Town, And the Terms of the Said Justices as Determined for the same are as follows Benjamin M Brown being an incumbent of the office for an unexpired Term, for the Term of four years Jonithan H Gedney for the Term of Three years Daniel D T Hadden for the Term of Two years Mamaroneck April 8'—".. 1848 Benjamin M Brown Supervisor Edward Seaman Coppy Town Clerk 152 At a meeting of the Justices of the Peaceof the town of Mamaroneck held at the house of Benjamin M Brown Esq` -on the 141". day of April 1848 present Benjamin M Brown, Daniel D.T. Hadden and George Baxter, whereas it appearing that the Electors of the said town neglected to Elect a town Clerk at the anual town meeting therefore we the undersigned Justices of the peace of the said town do Constitute and appoint George Baxter town Clerk of the said town of Mamaroneck 1 do certify that the above is a true Coppy of the aforesaid meeting, entered and examined by me this 14=. day of Aprile 1848 George Baxter Town Clerk 153 At the anual Town Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the School House District No I in Said Town on the third Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and forty nine Benjamin M Brown and Daniel D T Hadden Justices of the Peace presiding On opening the Poll by Proclamation it was agreed to Close at half past five O Clock When the following resolutions where [were] adopted 1= Resolved that there be Two Constables Elected by Ballot 2=d... Resolved that Jonathan H Gedney be Pound Master 3=. Resolved that rain [rail] fence be Six rails high with Stake and rider, four feet Six inches high, Post and Rail fence Six rails high, four feet six inches high Board fence five Slats and a cap bottom board to be at least Eight inches wide, Slats to be at least five inches wide and Cap Board to be four inches wide, four feet Six inches high, and there Shall be at least three Substansial Posts to the rod. and Stone wall Shall be four feet high. 4'1. Resolved that James H Guion be Path Master for road District No 1 5'—".. Resolved that Jesse B Palmer be Path Master for road District No 2 6`—".. Resolved that John Palmer be Path Master for Road District No 3 7`—".. Resolved that George Baxter and Edward Seaman be the Committee to take Charge of the Publick Burying Ground 154 8'?".. Resolved that the Dog Tax remaining in the Supervisors hands be equally Divided between the Overseers of the Poor and the Commissioners of Highways A.. Resolved that Edward Seaman be Sealor of weights and Measures On Closing the Poll the officers proceeded to count and examine the 255 ballots, whereupon the following Persons where [were] Declared Duly Elected as Town officers for the ensueing year Benjamin M Brown Supervisor Edward Seaman Town Clerk James M Hall Assessor Benjamin Florence Commissioner of Highways Adam G Coles Overseers of the Poor Daniel P Barker William D Barker Constable and Collector Adam G Coles Justuces of the Peace Edward Seaman Abraham Hall Inspector of Elections John Shearer Constable There being a Tie between George Baxter and Stephen C Griffin for Inspectors of Election the officers proceeded to Decide the Same, agreeable to law haveing to take the next highest one, they do Declare that the Said George Baxter and Stephen C Griffin be and are hereby Duly appointed Inspectors of Election The Meeting then adjourned George Baxter Town Clerk Benjamin M Brown Justice of the Peace Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace 155 On the Seventh Day of April 1849 at a meeting of the Supervisor and Town Clerk of the Town Mamaroneck held for the Purpose of Drawing for the Period the lately elected Justuces of the Peace Should serve on drawing by ballot the following was the result viz Adam G Coles Drew for four years Edward Seaman Drew for Two years Mamaroneck Benjamin M Brown West - Chester Co Supervisor Coppy Edward Seaman Town Clerk I do certify that the Above is a true coppy of the Proceedings of the aforesaid Meeting held on the third day of April 1849 entered and examined by me Edward Seaman Town Clerk At the anual Town meeting of the Electorsand Inhabitantsof theTownof Mamaroneck held in the School House in District No 2 in Said Town on the Second day of April in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty James H Guion was appointed M oderator On opening the Poll by Procbmation it was agreed to Close the Poll at five O Clock When the following resolutions where [were] adopted 1' Resolved that there be Two constables Elected 2°. Resolved that Daniel P Barker be Pound Master 3°. Resolved that rail fence be Six rails high with Stakes and rider. four feet Sit inches High Post and rail fence Six rails high four feet Six inches high Board fence* 156 five Slats and a cap, bottom board to be at least Eight inches wide, Stats to be at least five inches wide, and Cap board to be four inches wide, four feet Sit inches high and there Shall be at least three Substantial Posts to the rod, and Stone wall Shall be four feet high 4`—s.. Resolved that William S. Boyd be path Master for Road District No 2 5`". Resolved that John Morrell Jun be path Master for Road District I 61—".. Resolved that John Palmer be path Master for Road District No 3 7—s.. Resolved that Edward Seaman and George Baxter be the committee to take charge of the Pubhck Burial Ground 8`—".. Resolved that the Dog Tax remaining in the Supervisors hands be paid over to the commissioners of Highways to fill in the road at Sheldrake Bridge 9` Resolved that Edward Seaman be Sealor of weights and Measures On Closing the Poll the Officers proceeded to count and examine the ballots whereupon the following Persons Where [were] Declaread Duly Elected as Town officers for the emueing year James H Guion Supervisor Edward Seaman Town Clerk George Baxter Assessor George H Guion Commissioner of highways 157 Adam G Coles Overseers of the Poor Daniel P Barker Charles W Hopkins Daniel D T Hadden Justices of the Peace James H Guion John M Ward Town Superintendant of Schools James H Guion Inspictors of Election George Baxter William D Palmer Constable and Collector Jonas D Hill Constable James H Guion Moderator Edward Seaman T Clerk We the presiding officers of the anual Town meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the 2=. day of April 1850 do hereby in pursuance of the directions Given in Sec 21 of Title III Article third of the act entitled"An act respecting elections otherthan for militia 256 1 257 93r, and town officers passed April 5". 1842 appoint Stephen C Griffin in Said Town to be associated with the two who have this day been elected for Said Town to be an inspector of election in and for the Said Town held in Said Town during the present year the Said Stephen C Griffin being one of the two Persons in the Town who had the highest number of votes next to the two inspectors who where [were] Elected Given under our hands this James H Guion Supervisor 24. day of April 1850 Edward Seaman Town Clerk I do certify that the above is a true coppy of the proceedings of the Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the A day of April 1850 Edward Seaman Town Clerk 158 We the Subscribers haveing met on the third day of Apra at the Town Clerks office in the Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of Drawing for the Terms of the Justicees of the Peace Elected at the Anual Town meeting held in said Town on the Yl. day of April 1850 do certify that Daniel D T Hadden Charles W Hopkins and James H Guion where [were] duly Elected to the office of Justices of the Peace for the Said Town, and the Terms of the Said Justices as determined for the Same are as follows Daniel D T Hadden being an incumbent of the office for an unexpired Term for the rerm of four years Charles W Hopkins for the Term of Three Years James H Guion for the Term of one Year Mamaroneck James H Guion Supervisor April the 3=. 1850 Benjamin M Brown Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Coppy Town Clerk 159 At the anal Town meeting of the Electorsand inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the School house in District No I in Said Town on the first day of April in the year of our lord one Thousand Eight hundred and fifty one Zacheriah Voorhies being appointed Moderator On opening the Poll by Proclimation it was agreed to Close at Six O Clock When the following resolutions where [were] adopted I"—.. Resolved that there be Two Constables Elected 21. Resolved that Daniel P Barker be Pound Master A. Resolved that rail fence be Six mils high with Stakes and Rider, four feet Six inches high, Post and mil fence Six rails high four feet Six inches high, Board fence five Slats and a rap, bottom board to be at least eight inches wide Slats to be at least five inches wide and cap board to be four inches wide, four feet Six inches high and there Shall be at least three Substantial Posts to the rod [word blurred], and Stone wall Shall be four feet high A. Resolved that William D Palmer be path Master for Road District No 1 54. Resolved that William S Boyd be path Master for Road Districk No. 2 258 6`" Resolved that John Palter be path Master for Road district No 3 71t,. Resolved that Edward Seaman and George Baxter be a committee to take Charge of the Pubhck Buriel Ground 160 8A. Resolved that Edward Seaman be Sealor of weights and measures 9`4. Resolved that the Dog Tax remaining in the Supervisors hands be paid over one half to the Overseers of the Poor and one half to the Commissioners of Highways On closing the Poll the Officers proceeded to count and Examine the ballots whereuppon the following persons where [were] Declared duly Elected as Town Officers for the ensueing year Charles W Hopkins, Supervisor 161 Edward Seaman, Town Clerk Isaac Hall, Assessor Thomas Palmer, Commissioner of Highways John Shearer Overseers of the Poor Sniffin Merritt David F Wells Justice of the Peace Thomas Robinson Inspectois of Election Abraham Hall William D Palmer Constable and Collector William D Lewis Constable We the presiding Officers of the anual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the first Day of April 1851 do hereby in pursuance of the directions Given in Section 21 of Title 111 Article third of the act entitled an act respecting Elections other than for Malitia [Militia] and Town Officers passed April 5'".. 1842 do appoint Thomas J Hall in Said Town to be associated with the Two who have been this Day Elected for Said Town to be Inspector of Elation in and for the Said Town held in Said Town during the present year the Said Thomas J Hall being one of the Two persons in the Town who had the highest number" of votes next to the two Inspectors who where [were] Elected Given under our hands this first day of April 1851 Zacheriah Voorhires Moderator Edward Seaman Town Clerk Copy 1 do certify that the foregoing is a true coppy of the proceedings of the Anual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the first day of April 1851 as entered and compared by me Edward Seaman Town Clerk At the anual Town meeting of the Electorsand Inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck held in the school House in District No 2 in Said Town on the Sixth day of april in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two Charles W Hopkins and Daniel D T Hadden Justices of the peace presiding On openingthe poll by proclamation it was agreed to Close the poll at half past Six O Clock When the following resolutions where [were] adopted 259 p..... 24. 3": 4'—".. 162 5`=. 6=. 7=. 8`—".. 9'=. Resolved that there be Two Constables Resolved that Daniel P Barker be Pound Master Resolved that rail fence be sic rails high with stakes and rider, four feet Six inches high; Post and rail fence Six mils high; four feet Six inches high; Board fence, five Slats and a Cap, bottom board to be at least eight inches wide, Slats to he at least five inches wide, and Capt board to be four inches wide; fence to be four feet Six inches high, and there Shall be at least three Substantial Posts to the rod; and Stone wall Shall be four feet high; Resolved that William D Palmer be path Master for road District N" one, Resolved Resolved Resolved Resolved Resolved 10. Resolved 112. Resolved that John Palmer be path Master for road District No Three, that Jesse B Palmer be path master for road District No Two, that Edward Seaman and George Baxter be a committee to take charge of the Pubhek buriel Ground that Edward Seaman be Sealer of weights and Measures; that the money raised to procure a Coppy of the Revised Statutes $12,00 as raised by the board of Supervisors be apportion°: to the School Districts $6,00 to Each District and paid to the Trustees of each District; that the $37.53, 100 of Dog lax in the hands of the Supervisor be apporpriated for the Schools one half to Each District and paid to the Trustees of each District; that the commissioners of Highways expend $30,00 in building a parapit wall opposite the house of John G Gunn and Grading the road On Closing the Polls the officers proceeded to Count and examine the ballots, whereuppon the following persons where [were] Declared duly Elected Town officers for the ensueing year Lewis Walch Supervisor Edward Seaman Town Clerk Jesse B Palmer Assessor Thomas Robinson Commissioner of Highways Edward N Mason Inspectors of Election Abraham Hall 163 Thonas J Hall Justices of the Peace Edward Seaman James Donaldson Overseers of the Poor Isaac Hall John M Ward Town Superintendent of Schools William D Palmer Constable and Collector Stephen M Newman Constable We the presiding officers of the anual Town meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the sixth day of April 1852 do hereby in pursuance of the directions given in section 21=. of Title III Article third of the act entitled an act 260 respecting Elections other than for the Malitia [Militia] and Town Officers passed April 5ih.. 1842 do appoint Daniel D T Hadden in Said town to be associated with the two who have been this day Elected for said Town to be Inspectors of Elections in and for the said town held in Said Town during the present year, the said Daniel D T Hadden being on [one] of the persons in the town who had the Highest number of votes next to the Two Inspector who where [were] Elected Given under our hands this 04. day of April 1852 Coppy Charles W Hopkins Justice of Peace Daniel D T Hadden Justice of Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk I do certify that the fore goeing is a true coppy of the proceeding of the Anual Town meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the Sixth day of April 1851 asentered and compared by me Edward Seaman Town Clerk 164 We the Subscribers haveing met on the I l'—".. day of April at the Town Clerks Office in the Town of Mamaroneck for the purepose of Drawing for the terms of the Justices of the Peace Elected at the last Anual Town Meeting held in Said Town on the sixth day of April 1852 do certify that Thomas J Hall and Edward Seaman where [were] duly Elected to the office of Justices of the Peace for said Town and the Terms of the Said Justices as determined for the same are as follows: Edward Seaman for the term of four years Thomas J Hall for the term of three years Dated this 11=. Lewis Walch Day of April 1852 Supervisor Coppy Edward Seaman Town Clerk At a special meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the school House in School District No 2 on the first day of May 1852 according to previous Notice for the purpose of Electinglwo Overseers of the poor to fill the vacancies occasioned by the refusal of Isaac Hall and James Donaldson to Qualify and to transact such other buisness as the meeting Shall deem Expedient Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the peace presiding on opening the Poll by proclimation it was agreced to Close at three O Clock The following named persons where [were] duly Elected by ballot for Overseers of the Poor Daniel P Barker Edward Seaman Dated at Mamaroneck this first Day of May 1852 Daniel D T Hadden Justice of Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk 165 At the anal Town Meeting of the Electors and inhabitants of Town of Mamaroneck held in the School house in District No One, in Said town on the fifth day of April in the 261 On Closing the poll the officers proceeded to count and examine the ballots. whereuppon the following persons where [were] declared duly Elected town officers for year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three the ensueing year Thomas J Hall Justice of the Peace presiding Supervisor Zacheriah Voorhies On opening the poll by prochmation it was agreed to close the poll at half past Six O Town Clerk Edward Seaman Clock Commissioner of highways Daniel D T Hadden When the following resolutions where [were] submitted and passed 1=. Resolved that there be but one Constable Inspectors of George Baxter 2". Resolved that William G Nicholls be pound master Election Charles W Hopkins A. Resolved that rail fence he Six rails high with Stakes and rider, four feet Six Justice of the Peace Charles W Hopkins inches high, Post and mil fence Six rails high, four feet Six inches Overseers of the Edward Seaman high, Board fence five Slats and a cap board bottom board to he at Daniel P Barker least eight inches wide. Slats to be at least five inches wide and Cap Poor to be four inches wide, fence to be four feet Svc inches high and there Constable & Collector William G Nichols Shall be at least three god [good] substantial posts to the rod; and George W Gellett Stone wall Shall be four feet high Assessor 4'=. Resolved that William.D Palmer be path master for road District No One Sealor of weights & Measures Edward Seaman 511h. Resolved that Joseph Haight be path master for road District No Two, 6`s%. Resolved that Jesse B Palmer be path master for road District No Three We the presiding officers of the anual town meeting heldin the town of Mamaroneck on 7`—".. Resolved that Edward Seaman and George Baxter be trustees of the Town the fifth day of April 1853 do hereby in pursuance of the directions given in Section 21".. 166 burying Ground of Title 111 Article third of the act entitled an act respecting Elections other than for the 9... Resolved that the Thirty tour Dollars and twenty four cents Dog Tax in the Malitia [Militia] and town officers passed April 5`=. 1842 do appoint Edward N Mason Supervisors hands be apportioned to the Support of common in Said town to be associated withe the two who have been this day Elected forsaid town Schools Seventeen Dollars and twelve cents to each District to be Inspector of Elections in and for said town held in Said town during the present VA. Resolved that the Town of Mamaroneck make application to the Legislature year the Said Edward N Mason being one of the persons in the town who had the highest to grant them the privelige of working their highways by Tax number of votes next to the two inspectors who where [were] elected 10ii°. Resolved that the owners of all Animals, Cattle Sheep Hogs or Geese he Given under our hand this P. day of April 1853 required to Keep the Same up and off the highway 1 do certify that the I 11-h. Resolved that the Supervisor have power to raise the Sum of Twenty five Copy Dollars to search the Title for Such property as may belong to foregoing is is [sic] a correct copy of the Thomas H Hall the Town proceeding of the anual Town meeting held on Justice of peace 12'=. Resolved that any inhabitant of the Town Driveing any four footed beast to the 5`". day of April 1853 the publick pound. found in the highways receive compensation of Edward Seaman Edward Seaman Twenty five cents for each head and for each goose he Shall have the Town Clerk Town Clerk Sum of Six and a Quarter cents per head 168 At the anual Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants the town Mamaroneck held 13`—".. Resolved that Mr William Hobby be releived [relieved] from the part of the Tuesday the Twenty d T to the School House District Number Two in Said town tax which he claims that he was eroneously Assessed for the motion eighth day of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty g was lost Four Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace Presiding On opening the Poll by 14'=. Resolved that the motions Nos 10 & 12 be reconsidered the Motion was Proclimation is [it] was decided to Close the Poll at Six . O . Clock Carried When the nd [following] Resolutions where [were] Submitted and Passed 15`'t. Resolved that the motions Nos 10 & 12 be recinded [rescinded] the motion 1'—`.. Resoolvedlved that there be but one Constable was carried 2=. Resolved that Samuel Lewis be Path Master of Road District Number Three 16`=. Resolved that all cattle Horses Sheep Hogs or Geese that Shall be found 3=. Resolved that James H Griffen be Path Master of District Number Two Tuning at large in the highways of the town of Mamaroneck be 4`—".. Resolved that Stephen C Griffin be Path Master of Road District Number Subject to be driven to the publick pound 1711'.. Resolved that any inhabitant of the Town of Mamaroneck who Shall find any one 5L... Resolved that Daniel P Barker be Pound Master 167 Cattle Sheep hogs or Geese riming at large in the highways*may 6=. Resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby Directed to Cause the Town drive the same to the publick pound and receive for each Cattle Roads and all the Town Property to be Surveyed and Marked and Horse Sheep or hog twenty five cents and for every goose Six and a quarter cents 263 262 that he is hereby autherised to levy a tax on the town to pay the Expences of such Survey 7'--'.. Resolved that the Owners of Cattle Sheep Hogs or Geese be required to Keep the Same off the Highways Under the Penalty of haveing them Drove to the Public Pound, by any Person finding the Same runing at large on Said Highways and that the Said owners be required to pay the like fees enumerated in the Statute for Said Articles 169 impounded and ' in Addition thereto that whosoever Shall drive the Said Cattle Sheep Hogs or Geese to the Public Pound Shall be Entitled to Six Cents per head to be levied on the respective owners thereof 8' Resolved that fence be the Same as last year 91;' ` Resolved that Adam G Coles be Assistant Pound Master 102. Resolved that George Baxter and Edward Seaman be trustees of the Public Burying Ground I I' Resolved that there be money raised to build a Public Pound, 12' Resolved that the Supervisor is hereby Autherised to Locate the place for the Public Pound and to raise money to carry the Same into effect On Closing the Poll the Officers Proceeded to count and examine the ballots whereuppon the following persons where [were] Declared duly Elected Town Officers for the Ensueing year Louis Walsh, Supervisor Joseph Hoffman, Town Clerk Stephen C Griffen Assessors Isaac Hall William A Carpenter, Commissioner of Highways John M Ward Town Superintendent of Common Schools Josiah P Knapp Thomas Palmer Justices of the Peace George Baxter Gideon Peck Jun Inspectots of Election Edward N Mason Daniel P Barker overseers of the Poor David R Brown Nehemiah Palmer Constable and Collector 170 We the Presiding Officers of the anual Town Meeting held in the town of Mamaroneck on the Twenty Eighth day of March 1854 do hereby in pursuanceof the directions Given in Section 211. of Title 111 Article third of the act entitled an act respecting Elections other than for the Malitia [Militia] and town Offiters Passed April 5—'.. 1842 do Appoint George Baxter in Said town to be Associated with the two who have been this Day Elected for Said town to be Inspector of Elections in and for Said Town held in Said Town During the Present year the Said George Baxter being one of the Persons in the Town who had the highest number of Votes next to the two Inspectors who where[were] Elected Given Under our hands this 28'—".. day of March 1854 Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk 1 do certify that the foregoing is a true Coppy of the Proceedings of the last anal Town Meeting held on the 28'''t. day of March 1854 Edward Seaman Town Clerk 171 Mamaroneck Ap 5" 1854 We the subscribers having met on the 51' of april at the Town Clerks office in the Town of Mamaroneck for the purpose of drawing for the terms of the Justices of the Peace elected at the last anal Town Meeting held in the said Town on the 28".. day of March 1854 do certify that Josiah P Kmapp George Baxter and Thomas Palmer were duly elected to the offices of Justises for Said Town and the terms of Said Justises are determined for the same are as follows Josiah P Knapp full four Years Expirs 1859 Thomas Palmer to fill vacancy of Chas W Hopkins 1858 George Baxter to fill vacancy of Thomas) Hall 1856 [number blurred; could be 18581 Dated this 5" day Louis Walsh of atpril [april], 1854 Supervisor Joseph Hoffman Coppy Town Clerk 172 At a meeting of the Justices of the Peace of the town of Mamaroneck held at the Town Clerks office on the 14'" Day of June 1854, Present Daniel D. T. Hadden, George Baxter, & Edward Seman, Whereas it appearing that an Overseer of the poor elected at the Anual Town Meeting had neglected to be qualified within the Term prescribed by law, therefore we the undersigned Justices of the Peace of Said town do Constitute and appoint David T. Wells, one of the overseers of the poor of the town of Mamaroneck Witness our hands and Seals this 14W'.. Day of June 1854 Daniel. D. T. Hadden George Baxter Edward Seman Dated this 14`".. Day of June 1854 Coppy Joseph Hoffman Town Clerk 173 1855 At the anual Meeting of the Electors and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the School House in District Number one in said Town on Tuesday the twenty 264 1 265 seventh day of March in the Year of our Lord one Thousand eight -Hundred and fifty Seman and George Baxter Justices Presiding On opening the Poles [Polls] -presiding officers of the Anual Town Meeting held in the Town of five Edward by Proclamation, it was decided to close at six O clock We the Mamaroneck on the twenty sevent [seventh] day of March 1855 do hereby in pursuance 3rd of the act entited [entitled] an act I" Resolved, That there be but one constable Number of the directions given in section 21" of title elections other than for the Militia and town officers passed April 1842. do 2n° Resolved, That Arnold Scofield Be Path Master of Road Destrict respecting Hall in Said town to be associated with the two who have this day been Three 3rd Resolved, That Thomas Forsha be Path Master of Road Destrict Number appoint Isaac elected for said Town to be inspectors of Elections in and for said Town held in said *Isaac Hall being one of the persons in the Town Two William Fisher be Path Master of Road Destrict Number one 116 Town during the present year the said who had the highest number of votes next to the two inspectors who where [were] 4'" Resolved, That 5" Resolved, That Adam G Coles be Pound Master That the Commissioners of Highways be and are hereby Directed elected Given under our hands this 27" Day of March 1855 Edward Seaman Justices 6'" Resolved, to cause the Town roads, and all the Town Property to be surveyed of and marked and the Surveys recoded The Peace 7T' Resolved, That Cattle, Horses, sheep, hogs, and Geese shall be Prohibited Joseph Hoffman from running on the public highways, under the penalty of of Town Clerk [sic] having them drove to the public pound by any person finding the same running at *large, on said highways, and that the said - Certify that the above is a true copy of the proceedings of the last anual Town 174 owners be required to pay the like fees enumerated in the Statute for Ido Meeting held on the 27' Day of March 1855 Joseph Hoffman said animals &c [etc.], as in such cases made and provded Town Clerk [provided] for 8`" Resolved that fense be the same as last year the Justices of the Peace of the Town of Mamaroneck met at the Town 9V' Resolved that George Baxter and Edward Seman be Trustees of the Public 177 At a meeting of Seventh Day of May 1855, Present Edward Seman Thomas Palmer Burying Ground clerks office on the 10`".. Resolved, that the sum of $3.00 be raised for the triming of and cuting away and George Baxter town it the Jesse B Palmer being elected an at the ano bushes &c [etc.] and $10,00 be raised for the Planting of trees along Whereas appearing we had neglected to be qualified within the time prescribedbed by by law thereforn the the wall next to the road of the Public Burying ground Meeting the Peace of the said Yown do constitute and appoint Thomas 11'" Resolved, that $20,00 be raised for the building of a public pound on the undersigned Justises of of the Town of Mamaroneck Pound Masters Land Robinson one of the assessors 12'".. Resolved, that the money receved [received] for dog tax, which is in the hands Witness our hands and seals of the Supervisor be divided among the Schools this the Seventh Day of May 1855 George Batter Justices On Closing the poles [polls] the Officers proceeded to count and examine the ballots Copy Thomas Palmer of whereupon the following Persons where [were] duely elected Town officers for the Edward Seman the Peace ensueing year 1781 179] [Note: these pages were numbered, but there was no script written on them.] 175 John Morrell Supervisor 1801 Joseph Hoffman Town Clerk 181 1656 the Electors and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck Jesse B Palmer Assessor At the anal meeting of held in the School House in destrict number 2 in Said Town George Baxter Commissioner of Highway on Tuesday the twenty fifth day of March in the Year of Edward Seaman, Justices Presiding D D T Hadden Justis of the Peace Our Lord 1856 Daniel D. T. Hadden and Decided to close the Polls at 5 minite [minutes] James Donaldson Inspectors of On opening the Polis by Proclamation past Sias oclock P. M. William H Ireland Election Isaac Hall I" Resolution, That there be but One Constable be Posponed till 1 12 past 2"d Resolved, That the business for offering resolutions David T Wells Overseers of the Poor Daniel P Barker 2 oclock That William Fisher be Path Master of road destrict No Constable and Collector Nehemiah Palmer 3r° Resolved, 4 Resolved, That James Griffin be Path Master of Road destrict No 2 Scofield be Path Master of road destrict No 3 5'h Resolved, That Arnold 266 '267 182 183 184 6" Resolved, That William H Sumers be Pound Master 7'" Resolved. That the Pound Master furnish a pound at his own expense 8" Resolved, That the Money in the Supervisors hands after Paying theexpenses of the Town, and Public Burying ground for planting out trees along the road and Clearing up the ground, be divided among the Over Seer of the Poor public Schools 9" Resolved That the $20. raised for the Building of the public Pound, be paid Town Superintendent Over to Adam G. Coles the Pound Master, and the $13, raised for the Public Burying ground be paid over to the Trustees of Said ground, Which is in the Hands of the Supervisor 10' Resolved That the Sixth resolution of Last year be rescinded 1 I".. Resolved That $5 be raised for each school destrict and paid to Trustees 12'" Resolved That Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Hogs, and geese, Shall be Prohibited from runing on the Public Highways under the penalty of having them drove in the Public Pound, by any person finding the same runing at large on said highway' and the said owners be required to pay the like fees enumerated in the Statutes for Said animals &c [etc.] as in Such cases made and provided for 13" Resolved That rail fence be six rails high with Stake and riders, four feet Six inches high, Post and rail fence Six rails high, four feet Six inches high. Board fence five Slats and a capboard bottom board to be at least eight inches wide Slats to be at least five inches wide and capb be four inches wide, fence to be four feet six inches high, and there shall be at least three substantial posts to the rod, and Stone wall Shall be four feet high 14" Resolved That the Town auditors allow any reasonable bill that the Trustees of the publick Buryinground may Present 15" Resolved That $100, be raised for the support of the Poor, and be paid over to the Poor masters 16" Resolved That the offer made by John J Marshall to furnish a room over his Store on the second floor, to hold general Elections and town Meetings in for the Sum of Ten Dollars Per Year be Accepted 17" Resolved That Town Meeting be opened at 7 oclock A. M. and closed at Sun Set till further notice 18 Resolved That we adjourn to meet at J J Marshall,s room on the next town meeting day, or general Election [last three words erased] On Closing the Poles [Polls] the officers proceeded to count and examine the ballots whereupon the following persons were Declared duely elected Town officers for the ensueing year Supervisor John Morrell Town Clerk Joseph Hoffman Assessors Isac Hall Short term George Baxter Long term Commissioner of 3asto"4he-Raaca Highways Abraham Hall [four words crossed out and two words written above.] 268 Justice of the Peace George Boxter Stephen C Greffin Inspector of Elections William H Ireland William L Barker Sniffin Merrit Over Seer of the Poor Edward Haveland Constable & collector Nehemiah Palmer Town Superintendent John M Ward 185 We the Presiding officers of the Anual town Meeting. held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the twenty fifth day of March 1856 do hereby in pursueance of the directions given in Secton [Section] 21" of title 3 article 3 of the act entidd an act. respecting elections other than for the Milita [ Militia] and town officers passed april 5' 1842 do appoint William L Barker in said town t [to] associate with the the [sic] two who have this day been Elected for Said Town to be inspectors of Elections in and for said Town held in Said town during the Present year the Said William L Barker being one of the Persons in the Town who held the highest numbers of votes next to the two inspectors who were elected Edward Seaman Justices of The Peace Joseph Hoffman Town Clerk 186 1857 At the anal meeting of the Electors and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the Hall of J. J. Marshall in the Town of Mamaroneck on Tuesday the 31" day of March 1857 George Baxter Justic of the Peace, Presiding On Opening the poles [polls] by proclamation decide to Close at Sun Set P. M. Resolved That there be but one Constable Resolved That W'".. B Haviland be Path Master of destrict No, I Resolved That James Griffin be path Master of destrict No two Resolved That Arnold Scofield be path mater of destrict No three Resolved That Adam G Coles be Pound Master Resolved That the Commssioners of Highway be empowered to Select a Site to erect a Suitable [Suitable] pound near the vilage, at a cost not Eeceding [Exceeding] $1,00 & that the Pound Master be autherized to hire a Temporary pound at a Cost not exceeding $10, as near the vilag as posible Resolved That rail fence be six rails high with Stakes and riders four feet Six 187 inches high, post and rail • fense six rails high, four feet Six high Board fence five Shats [Slats] and a cap Board bottom board to be at least eight inches wide, Slats to be at least five inches wide, and cap be four inches wide tense to be four feet six inches high and ther[there] shall be at least three Substantial posts to the rod, and Stone wall Shall be four feet high Resolved That cattle, horses, sheep, hogs & gees Shall be prohibited from runing on the pubhck highways under the penalty of having them drove in the publick pound, by any persons finding the [them] runing at large on Said highway and the Said owners be required to pay the like fees 269 enumerated in the Statutes, for Said animals &c [etc.] as in Such cases made and provided for Resolved That the town auditors allow any reasonable bill that the Trustees of the publick burying ground may presnt Resolved That $125 be raised for the support of the poor and be paid over to the poor masters Resolved That the Tax on $2000, of personal property against Mary Croft be refunded the Same being $9,50 188 Resolved That all the money in the hands of the Supervisor be divided amongthe Schools Resolved That the Town Meeting to be held in this town next year 1858 Shall Commense at one Oclock P. M, of the last Tuesday of March or on the • day designated by the board of Supervisors, for holding the general Town Meetings throughout the County, and Should J. J. Marshall object to holding the Town Meeting in his room, then the Town Clerk and one of more of the Justises of the Peace Shall appoint a place for holding the Same Resolved That the Supervisor of the Town of Mamroneck to be elected, or �i Chosen at this Town Meeting Shall hereby be autherired and required to have the town line between the Town of Newrochell and Mamaroneck run and inviting the Supervisor of the Town of New • Rochell on behalf of said Town of new Rochell to join in the whole 189 matter of Makeing the Survey and * erecting Sufficient Land Marks to be made and Set up where a Competant Surveyer Shall Say under oath - or affirmation the true line is according to a certified Copy of the Map of Mamaroneck otherwise from the Surveyor General of the State; and IN >. l Should the Supervisor of the Town of New Rochell, neglect or refuse to NNL Lir LL "I NN sanction a joint Survey at the expense of the towns; then in Such case the Supervisor Shall cause such survey to be made at the expense of the town of Mamaroneck On Closing the poles [polls] the officers proceeded to Count and examine the ballots whereupon the following persons were declared duely elected town officers for the ensueing year Supervisor John Morrell Town Clerk Edward Seaman Assessors Stephen C Griffin Isaac Hall Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Commissioners of highways William A Carpenter Overseers of the Poor Sniffin Merritt W'".. B Haviland [ 190 Stephen C GrefSn Inspector of Election David J Burtis - Constable & Collector Edward Haviland 270 We the presiding officers of the anual meeting; held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the 31" day of March 1857 do hereby in pursuance of the directions given in Section 21" of the title 3 article 3 of the act entitled an act respecting Elections, other than for the milita [militia] and town officers passed Ap 5" 1852 [ 1842] do appoint Louis Walsh in Said Town to associate with the two this day have been elected for Said Town to be Inspectors of election, in and for Said town held in Said town during the present year, the Said Louis Walsh being one of the persons in the town who held the highest number of votes, next to the two inspectors who were elected Joseph Hoffman town Clerk 191 At the anual Town Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck held in the room of John J Marshalls Store on the 30'.. Day of March 1858 George Baxter Justice of the Peace Presiding On opening the Poll by Proclamation it was agreed to Close at Six O Clock P. M. When the following resolutions where [were] Submitted and Adopted First Resolved that William Fisher be Path Master for Road District No 1 Second Resolved that James Griffin be Path Master for Road District No, 2 Third Resolved that Arnold Scofield be Path Master for Road District No, 3 Fourth Resolved that Adam, G, Coles be Pound Master Fifth Resolved that Rail fence be Six rails High with Stakes and Rider four feet Six inches high Post and Rail fence Six Rails high, four feet Six inches high Board fence five Slats and a Cap Board bottom board to be at least Eight Inches wide Slats to be at least five Inches wide and Cap board to be four inches wide fence to be four feet Six Inches high and there Shall be at least three Substantial post to the rod, and Stone wall Shall be four feet High Sixth Resolved that the Dog Tax of last year so far as the Same Shall be and is Collected be Applied to the Paying of the indebtedness of the Town on account of Temporary releif of the Poor Seventh Resolved that the Offer of Adam G Coles to fumish a Pound for the ensueing year for Ten Dollars be Accepted the Pound to be a good and Sufficient one Eighth Resolved that One Hundred and Twenty five Dollars be raised for the 192 Temporary releif of the ' Poor for the Ensueing Year Ninth Resolved That Edward Seaman and George Baxter be the Trustees of the Public hurrying Ground for the Ensueing Year Tenth Resolved that the Meeting Adjourn to Meet at the room of John J Marshall in the Town of Mamaroneck on the last Tuesday in March 1859 at 12 O Clock. M, On Closing the Poll the Officers proceeded to Count and Examine the Ballots whereupon the following persons where [were] Declared Duly Elected town Officers for the Ensueing Year Supervisor John Morrell Town Clerk Edward Seaman Assessor Abraham Hall Justice of the Peace William A Carpenter 271 Overseers of The Poor William B Havaland E William Fisher Commissioner of Highways Thomas Hall Inspectors Stephen C Griffin Of Abraham Hall Election William A Barker Constable and Collector Edward Havaland We the Presiding Officers of the Anual town Meeting held in the town of Mamaroneck on the 30'4. Day of march 1858 do hereby in pursuance of the Direction given in Section 21—' of title III Article 3 of the Act Entitled an Act respecting Elections other than for the Malitia [Militia]and Town Officers Passed April V''. 1842 do Appoint William L Barker in Said town to be Associated with the two who have been this Day Elected for Said town to be Inspector of Elections in and for Said Town held in Said town During the present Year the Said William L Barker being one of the persons in the 193 Town who had the 'Highest Number of Votes next to the two Inspectors who where [were] Elected Given Under our hands this 30'—".. Day of March 1858 George Baxter Copy Justice of the Peace T Edward Seaman E Town Clerk t 1 do Certify that the foregoing is a true Coppy of the Proceeding of the last Anual Town t Meeting held in Said Town on the 30'=. Day of March 1858 Edward Seaman Town Clerk At the Anual Town Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in Said town in the room of John J Marshall on the 29LLLh. Day of March 1859 Daniel D. T. Hadden and William A Carpenter Justices of the Peace Presiding Edward Seaman Town Clerk 155 On opening the Poll by Prochmation it was Proclaimed to Close the Pool [ Poll] at Six O 'Clock When the following resolutions where [were] Submitted and Passed 1=. Resolved That William Fisher be Road Master of Road District No 1 2=. Resolved that James Griffin be Road Master of Road District No 2 A°. Resolved that Arnold Scofeld be Road Master of Road District No 3 4'=. Resolved that Daniel P Barker be Pound Master 5'—s.. Resolved that Rail Fence be Six Rails high with Stakes and Rider four feet Six Inches high, Post and Rail fence Six Rails high, four feet Six inches high. Board fence five.Slats and a Cap board bottom 194 board to be • At least Eight Inches wide and Cap board to be four inches wide and Slats to be five inches wide fence to be four feet six inches high, And there Shall be at least three Substantial Posts to the rod, And Stone wall Shall be four feet High 6=. Resolved that Edward Seaman and George Baxter be Trustees of the town burial Ground 272 7's Resolved that ten Dollars Each Per Annum be Allowed to the trustees of the town burial Ground and Paid to Said Trustees 8i1 Resolved that the Dog Tax be appropriated Equally between the two School Districts Resolved that the bills of William S Stanley and Joseph Hoffman be refered to the next board of town Auditors and if found Correct in Tunics Ordered paid or so much as found Correct 10`,4. Resolved that 125 Dollars be raised for the Temporary releif of the Poor for the ensueing Year I I`—".. Resolved that when the town Meeting Adjourn it Adjourn to meet at the rigular [regular] Day in this place at 7 O Clock 12'" Resolved that the Supervisor this Day Elected be Instructed to present the Claims of George Everson and Other Claimants the remission of Taxes on the Ground of Military Services, To the next board of Supervisors 13'—".. Resolved that the Sum of fifteen Dollars be Appriated [Appropriated] for Additional Trees and repairing the fence around the town Burial Ground and paid to the Trustees 1414. Resolved that Daniel P. Barkers Barn Yard be received as the Pubhck pound and that the Sum Ten Dollars he raised and appropriated for the use of the Said Pound for one Year On Closeing the Pools [Polls] the Officers proceeded to Count and Examine the ballots 195 whereupon the *The [lik] following persons where [were] Declared Duly Elected William L Barker Joseph Hoffman Isaac Hall Isaac C Taylor Short Term William L Barker Thomas Robinson William B Havaland James Griffin Thomas Hall George E Vanderburgh Edward Havaland Supervisor Town Clerk Assessor Justices of the Peace Commissioner of Highways Overseers of the Poor Inspectors of Election Constable & Collector Resolved that the meeting now adjourn to meet at John J Marshalls Store room on the Anual Town Meeting Day at 7 O Clock A. M, We the Presiding Officers of the anual Town Town [sem] Meeting held in the town of Mamaroneck on the 29''4. Day of March 1859 Do hereby in pursuance of the Directions give in Section 211L. of title III Article }".. of the Act Entitled an Act respecting Elections other than for the Military and town officers Passed Aprils'—s.. 1842 Do Appoint Stephen C Griffin in Said town to be Associated with the Two who have been this day Elected for Said town to be Inspectors of Election in and for Said Town held in Said town During the Present Year the Said Stephen C Griffin being one of the Persons in the town who 273 had the Highest number of Votes to the Two Inspectors who where[werel Elected Given to be at least Eight Inches wide and Cap Board to be four Inches under our hands this 29'=. Day of March 1859 wide Slats to be five Inches wide fence to be four feet six Inches high William A Carpenter Justices and there Shall be at least three Substantian [Substantial] of Post to the Rod and Stone wall Shall be four feet High Daniel D T Hadden The Peace Resolution 8 Resolved that Edward Seaman and William Fisher be Trustees of Edward Seaman Town Clerk the Town Burying Ground for the Ensuing year and that their Compensation be fifty Cents Each per Visit and to be Allowed by At a Meeting of the Justices of the Peace of the town of Mamaroneck held at the Office the Town Auditors of Edward Seaman [next word after "Seamen" blurred and blotted] Said town on the Resolution 9 Resolved that the Surplus Dog Tax be Divided Equal between the 124, Day of April 1859 Present William A Carpenter Isaac C Taytor and Edward Two School Districts one half Each Seaman Whereas it appearing that Joseph Hoffman who was Duly Elected town Clerk Resolution 10 Resolved that One Hundred and Forty Dollars be raised for of the town of Mamaroneck at the Anual town Meeting held on the 29 Day of March Temporary releif of the Poor 196 1859'Haveing Neglected to Qualify -according to law Therefore we the Said Justices of Resolution I I Resolved that Twenty Dollars be raised to Pay to Arthor Kramer the Peace of the Town of Mamaroneck Do According to the Statute made and Privided for his room for Holding Elections and Town Meeting for the years do Constitute and Appoint Edward Seaman Town Clerk of the Said town of 1859 and 1860 two years Mamaroneck for the Ensueing Year William A Carpenter Justices On Closing the Polls the Officers Proceeded to Count and Examine the Ballots, Whereupon the following Persons where [were] Declared Duly Elected of Isaac C Taylor the Peace William L Barker Supervisor Edward Seaman Edward Seaman Town Clerk Coppy T 1 do Certify that the foregoeing is a true Coppy of the Proceeding of the last Anual town Stephen C Griffin Assessors E Meeting held in Said Town on the 29'=. of March 1859 and Also of the Appointments Daniel D T Hadden Justice of the Peace n mad [made] for the Same Year William H Carpenter Commissioner of Highways a Edward Seaman Town Clerk At the last Anual Town Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the town of William Fisher Overseers of the Poor David W Beers Mamaroneck held in Said Town in the room of John 1 Marshalls on the 27".. Day of March in the year one thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty William A Carpenter William John H Guion Inspectors of Election L Barker and Isaac C Taylor Justices of the Peace Presiding Abraham Hall Edward Seaman Town Clerk Edward Havaland Constable & Collector On Opening the Polls by Proclamation it was Proclaimed to Close the Polls at Sunset Thomas Robinson Appointed Inspector Election 155 When the following Resolutions where [were] Submitted and Passed Resolution I Resolved that Peter P Roome be Overseer of Highways for Road Resolved that the Town Meeting be held in the room of J ohn J Marshalls Store Building District Number, one, on the Anual town Meeting Day 1860 [1861] and that the meeting Do now Adjourn to Resolution 2 Resolved that James Griffin be Overseer of Highways for Road that time at 12 O Clock M, on that Day District Number Two Resolution 3 Resolved that Arnold Scofield be Overseer of Highways for Road 198 We the Presiding Offrceers of the Anual Town Meeting held in the town of Mamaroneck District Number Three on the 272.. Day of March 1860 do hereby in Pursuance of the Directions Given in Resolution 4 Resolved that Adam G Coles be Pound Master for the Middle Section 21".. of Title 111 Article A. of theact Entitled an Act respections[Elections; word District or Village of mamaroneck missing] Other than for the Military and Town Officers Passed April 5'=. 1842 Do Resolution 5 Resolved that Caleb Tompkins be Pound Master for the Upper Appint Thomas Robinson in Said Town to be Associated with the Two who have been District this Day Elected for Said Town to be Inspectors of Election in and for Said Town held in Resolution 6 Resolved that Daniel P Barker be Pound Master for the Lower Said Town During the Present Year the Said Thomas Robinson being one of Two District persons in Said Town who had the Highest number of Votes next to the two Inspectors 197 Resolution 7 Resolved that Rail Fence be Six Rails high with Stakes and Rider which where [were] this Day Elected four feet Six inches high Post and Rail fence Six Rails high four feet six inch high, Board fence five Slats and a Cap Board bottom board Given under our Hands this 274. Day of March 1860 274 275 Be EC Ja B Thee Elec nex and 155 O T William A Carpenter Justices William L Barker of Isaac C Taylor the Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk I do hereby Certify that the foregoeing is a true Coppy of the Proceedings of the last Anual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck onthe 27".. Day of March 1860 Duly filed in this office At the last anual town Meeting of the Electors and Inhabitants of the town of mamaroneck held in Said town in the room of John J Marshalls on the 20' day of March in the one thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty one. William A Carpenter and William L Barker Presiding Edward Seaman Town Clerk On opening the Polls by Proclamation it was Proclaimed to close at Sunset When the following resolutions were submited and passed Resolution I Resolved that William Fisher be overseer of the Highways for road district Number one 199 240 [Note: these two pages were torn from the book.] 201 Resolution 2 Resolved that James Griffin be Overseer of the Highways for road district number two Resolution 3 Resolved that Lewis Brigg be Overseer of the Highways for road district Number three Resolution 4 Resolved that Rail fence be six rails high with stake and Rider Four Feet six inches high Post and rail fence six inches high Four feet six inches high Board fence five Slats and a Capboard bottom board to be at least eight inches wide, and cap board to four inches and Slats to be four inches wide, fence to be five feet six inches high, and there shall be at least three Substantial posts to the board, and stone wall shall be four feet high. Resolution 5 Resolved That Edward Seaman and William Fisher be Trustees of the Town Burying Ground Resolution 6 Resolved, That two Hundred Dollars he raised for temporary relief of the Poor Resolution 7 Resolved That ten Dollars be raised for the room for Elections and Meeting Resolution 8 Resolved, that when this meeting adjourn that it be Adjoured to meet in the year one Thousand Eight -Hundred and sixty two at Sunrise Resolution 9 Resolved that the Commissioners of High Ways be instructed to let off the inhabitants living on the private road Leading from the old 202 Boston Post road to Delanceys Neck* Two Thirds of the Road Tax now assessed to these inhabitants Resolution 10 Resolved, that the Dog tax of last year be Divided between the two Schools Destricts equally On Closing the Polls the officers proceeded to count and Examine the ballots wherefrom 276 the following persons where [were] Duly Elected Supervisor Louis Walsh Town Clerk Edward Seaman Assessor Thomas Palmer Commissioners of Highways Abraham Hall Justice of the Peace Edward Seaman Overseers of th [the] Poor William Fisher Adam G Coles Inspectors of Elections Abraham Hall William A Carpenter Constable and Collector Edward Haviland Appointed Inspector of Election Stephen C Griffin We the presiding Officers of the Anual Town Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the 26'—".. day of March 1861 do hereby in pursuance of the directions given in Section 203 21".. Title III Article P..* of the tct [act] Entitled an act respecting Elections other than for the Making Town Officers passed April 5'".. 1842 do appoint Stephens in Said Town to be Associated with the Two who had been this day Elected in and for Said Town held in Said Town during the Present Year the Said Stephen C Griffin being one of the two persons in Said Town who had the Highest number of votes next to the two Inspectors which where [were] this day Elected Given under our hands this 266'.. Day of March 1861 William A Carpenter Justics W'".. L, Barker of the Peace Edward Seaman Town Clerk 204 At the last anual Town Meeting of the Electors and inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in Said Town in the Room of John J Marshall on the 25" Day of March 1862 William L Barker and William A Carpenter presiding William D Palmer Town Clerk on opening the pole [poll] by proclamation it was resolved to close at Sunset when the Following resolutions ware [were] Submited Resolution No I paced No 2 pased No 3 lost reconsidered and pased No 4 lost No 5 paced No 6 paced I Resolved that William Fisher be overseer of the Highway for road Dist No 1 2 Resolved that James Griffen be over Seeor of the Highway for Road Dist No 3 Resolved that Lewis Briggs be over Seeor of the Highway for Road Dist No 3 4 Resolved as to Fences the Same as last year 5 Resolved that Nehemiah Palmer, and Alex Baxter be trustees of the Town Buering [Burying] ground 6 Resolved that this meeting are advocates of law and order and will Not Sanction the performance of on lawful acts by their officers Nor the non performance of lawful duties 277 7 Resolved that one hundred Dollars be raised for the temporary relif [relief] of the poor 8 Resolved that ten Dollars be raised to pay Rent of Room for Town Meeting and Elections 9 Resolved that when this Meeting adjourn it be adjorned to Meet in the year 1863 at the House of Jonas D Hill 205 10 Resolved that the Dog Tax be apportioned between the Dist Schools according to the Number of Schollars I I Resolved that Daniel Lyon be Town Sealer of weights and Measures 12 Resolved that the Town axcepted the liberty pole of Isaac C Taylor with the thanks of the Town 13 Resolved that the Flag presented by Louis Walsh be axcepted by the Town with the thanks of the Town 14 Resolved that Jonas D Hill be appointed to take charge of the Liberty pole and Flag and repair the Same at the Towns Expence 15 Resolved that Daniel P Barker be pound Master 16 Resolved that Adam G Coles be pound Master 17 Resolved that the pool [poll] of the Town Elections in 1863 be opened at 12 oclock M and closed at Sunset on closeing the pools [polls] the officers proceded to Count and Examing[Examine) the ballots where upon the following persons were duly Elected Supervisor Jonas D Hill Town Clerk Joseph Hoffman Assessors Isaac Hall Justice of the Peace Jonas D Hill long term Stephen C Griffin Short do Commissioner of Highways Thomas Robinson Stephen C Griffin inspectors of Election Thomas Hall David W Beers over Seeors of the poor William Fisher Constable and Collector Edward Haviland appointed inspector Thomas Robinson 206 we the presiding officers of the anal Town *Meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the 251" Day of March 1862 do hereby in persuance of the directions given in Section 21 Title 3 article Y of the act Entitled an as respecting Elections other than for the M ifitary and Town officers pased April the 5" 1842 do appint Thomas Robinson in Sad [Said] Town to be associated with the two who have been this Day Elected for Said Town to be inspectors of Elections in and for Said Town held in Said Town during the present year the Said Thomas Robinson being one of the two persons who had the highest No of votes next to the two inspectors which ware [were] this Day Elected Given under our hands this 25 Day of March 1862 278 William A Carpenter Justices of William L Barker the Peace William D Palmer Town Clerk 1 do here by certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of the procedings of the last anal Town meeting held in the Town of Mamaroneck on the 251" Day of March 1862 Duly filed in this office 207 Joseph Hoffman Town Clerk 208 209 210 [Note: the next six pages have no script written on them.] 211 212 213 At the annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the Town Hall on the Twenty Sixth day of March 1865. William D Palmer, and Jonas D Hill presiding. On opening the Poll it was agreed by proclamation to close at sundown. Joseph Hoffman Town Clerk. as Clerk At the Business Meeting at 2 oclk [o'clock] p.m. the following Resolutions were adopted Resolved. That the board of Town Officers, be and are hereby authorised to hire the Room of J. J. Marshall, in Marshalls Hall, in the Town of Mamaroneck, for Town purposes, and that the expense be a Town charge, and paid the same, as other Town Bills. Resolved that the Dog Money collected on the assesment of 1863, be and is hereby appropriated to Road Dist No I, in the Town of Mamaroneck, for the support of Roads, and that the Supervisor is hereby directed to pay over Said Money, to the Commissioners of Said Town. Resolved that the Commissioners of highways be requested to Equalize the Road Districts in the Town, So that the property in each Dist, shall be Equal to the length of Road required to be worked. Resolved that the Commissioners of Highways be requested to make application to the Legislature for the passage of act authorizing the Town to work their Roads by contract Resolved that at the Town Meeting of 1866 a Resolution will be offered Making Provision for working the Roads of this Town by Contract Resolved that the Town appropriate the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for the improvement of the Road, leading from Mamaroneck Village to the Depot 214 Resolved that the Commissioners of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck, are requested not to sanction the expenditure of any Town or Highway Money, or Highway Labour, on the Lands of Individuals, other than the Highways, Excepting the Road leading to Orients Resolved that the Town Meeting of 1866, open at 12. oclk [oclock] M, i The following appointments, were then made by Resolution 279 Edward Brundage Nehemiah Palmer Jesse B. Palmer Path Master Dist No Nehemiah Palmer and Tho=. M Tompkins Trustees of Public Burial Ground John Perrin to have charge of the Town Flag 215 On Closing the Polls the Inspectors Proceeded to Convass the Ballotts, whereupon the following Persons, were declared duly Elected as Town Officers for the ensuing Year Supervisor Louis Walsh Town Clerk Albert Lyon Assessor Frank E Walsh Commissioner of Highways William A Carpenter Justic of the Peace Albert Lyon Overseers of the Poor Nehemiah Palmer William Tilford Inspectors of Elections William M Gambling Merritt Sands Constable and Collector Jesse B Palmer Constable Rolston Coles A. Lyon Town Clerk 216 [Note: this page has no script written on it.] 217 At the annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck, held in the Town Hall on the Twenty Seventh Day of March 1866, William D Palmer and Albert Lyon Presiding. On opening the Poll it was agreed by Proclamation to close at Sunset. Walter C Hill as Clerk pro Tem. At the Business Meeting held at 3 oclk [o'clock] p m. the following Resolutions were adopted. Resolved that the sum of One Hundred Dollars be appropriated to W=. O Brien, And that a Committee be appointed to see to getting an Arm for said W' O Brien. and and any Money left be handed to Him Committee appointed W. L. Barker & J Hoffman Resolved that the Sum of Three Hundred Dollars, be appropriated for the poor, Out of Money in the Supervisors hands blonging to the Town Resolved that the Town of Mamaroneck appropriate the sum of Two -Hundred and Fifty Dollars. towards Building a new Bridge over the Sheldrake River, on the Main Road leading to White Plains, under the superintendence of the Commissioners of Highways, and Said Money to be paid over to the Said Commissioners, to be paid out by Said Commissioners, as the work progresses, 218 The funds for the preeceeding Resolution, to be paid out of Money now belonging to the Town, in the hands of the Supervisor of Said Town Resolved that the Town of Mamaroneck appropriate the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars, to pay E. R. Purdy & C=. for work done on the Supervisor Highway leading from the Turnpike Road to the Depot Town Clerk To be paid out of any funds belonging to the Town in the hands of the Assessor Supervisor of Said Town Justices of the peace Whereas the Road leading from Mamaroneck Village or such part of said Road leading from the Main Road to White Plains beginningat or near the House and Lands formerly Occupied by Morris Maloney Dec, That portion of said Road shall be opened by the Highway Commissioners Two Rods wide from Said Maloneys to the Mamaroneck River. and the dividing line of said town of Mama- roneck, and the Town of Harrison. and have all obstructions removed from said Road. so that the Carriage way Shall be not less than 25 feet wide Resolved that the Town of Mamaroneck appropriate Two Hundred Dollars, and pay the same Over to the Commissioners of Highways to be expended by them as said work progresses, To be paid out of any funds belonging to the Town Now in the hands of the Supervisor 219 Resolved, That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars, be and is hereby Donated to the Free Reading Room in this Village, for the purpose of paying in part for the Furniture of the Same, and that the above amount be paid to the Treasurer of the Association, To be paid out of any funds Belonging to the Town now in the hands of the Supervisor. Whereas Louis Walsh Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck for the last Two Years having spent His time attending the Meetings of the Board of Supervisors at White Plains, at great loss of time to Himself and without any Compensation And Whereas He has performed the arduous duties of Said Office with great fidelity and economy to the said Town, and has saved to said Town a large amount of Money, by filling up the Quotia of Soldiers due to the Government of the United States. And Whereas said Walsh is entitled to the united thanks of the Inhabitants of the Said Town of Mamaroneck, and is Known to be the true friend of the Soldier. and also to the Poor, Therefor Resolved that this resolution be entered upon the Minutes of the Town Books Resolved that John Perrin and Nehemiah Palmer be Trustees of public Burial Ground, Resolved that Adam G Coles be pound Master 220 Resolved that the polls be opened at Sunrise, and that the Hour for Town Business be at 3 oclk [o'clock], at the annual Town Meeting of 1867, On closing the polls the Inspectors proceeded to canvass the Ballots, whereupon the following persons were declared duly elected as Town Officers for the ensuing Year Supervisor Louis Walsh Town Clerk Albert Lyon Assessor Abraham Hall Justices of the peace Adam G Coles. Long term Jacob B. Humphey short tern 280 f 281 Overseers of the poor Constable and Collector Constable Inspector of Elections Commissioner of Highways Nehemiah Palmer Rolston Coles Jesse B Palmer John H Shearer William D Palmer William M. Gambling Thomas Hall A. Lyon Town Clerk 221 [Note: this page has no written script on it.] 222 At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the of the [sic] Town of Mamaroneck, held in the Town Hall on Monday Evng [Evening] January 14!', 1867 in consequence of the Sudden Death of Louis Walsh the Late Supervisor of the Town, On Motion William D Palmer was chosen chairman, and Albert Lyon Secretary On Motion a committee consisting of Jacob B Humphrey, Howley D Clapp and Jonas D Hill were appointed to draft suitable Resolutions expresive of the sense of the Meeting On Motion the following committee and others were appointed to attend the Funeral W=. L. Barker, H D Clapp, H Dickinson A G. Coles Tho;, Hall Tho=. Palmer John MorrW W=. Florence Sam' -Gedney Jai. T Rogers Henery Summers C. H. BimeyJesse B Palmer Nehemiah Palmer W A Carpenter John Perrin David Lehe and W= S Stevens, On Motion the committee were directed to wear a piece of crape on the left arm On Motion the Town Officers were requested to attend the Funeral in a Body The Committee on Resolutions then made the following report Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God to take from among us our esteemed fellow Townsman and Supervisor Louis Walsh therefor Resolved that while bowing with Submission to the will of our Heavenly Father 223 we* yet feel deeply the loss of one who for many years has occupied so large a share in our confidence and Esteem, and deplore His taking off" Resolved while in the full vigor of His Manhood and usefu0ness Resolved That as a community we Mourn His loss as one whose duties were ever faithfully performed, whose conduct as an Officer and citizen was On motion above suspicion, whose character as a Neighbour and Friend was above reproach, who was ever ready to extend the hand of charity to those in need, whose Example was one of unceasing usefu0ness, and On motion that we deeply condole with His afflicted Family in their sad Resolved bereavement Resolved That these resolutions properly certified be sent to the Family of our deceased friend, and to the County papers for publication Resolved that the Town Clerk be directed to record the Minutes of this Meeting Resolved on the Town Records We certify the above to be a true extract from the Minute of the above Meeting W4 D Palmer Chairman A. Lyon Secretary 224 At a special Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the Town Hall January 20% 1867 for the purpose of Electing a Supervisor in the place of Louis Walsh, Deceased, William D. Palmer and Adam G. Coles presiding. A. Lyon Town Clerk as Clerk On closing the polls the Inspectors proceeded to canvass the Ballots whereupon Jacob B. Humphrey was declared duly Elected Supervisor A. Lyon Town Clerk 225 1867 At the anuel Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the Town Hall on the 26" Day of March 1867 William D Palmer and Adam G Coles presiding. on opening the Poll it was agreed by procklimation to Close at Sun Set Albert Lyon Town Clerk At the business Meeting at 3 o clock P.M. the following resolutions ware [were] adopted Resolved The Supervisor made a report which on motion was received and adopted Reports of the Commissions of High ways and over Seeers of the poor received and adopted Resolved that the Sum of $75 00/ 100 be appropriated out of any money in the Supervisors hands to pay rent of the Town Room. and the room hired for Ensuing year On motion it was resolved to appropriate the Dog Tax to the 2 Schools prorato according to the No of Children in Each Dist On motion A G Coles was appointed pound master Resolved that J. D. Hill be the Supertendant of the pubbck burying Ground and that his Salery be affixed by the board of Town auditors Tabour to the amt of twenty five dollars or Exceeding that Sum may be authorised by them Resolved that there be appropriated to pay purdy & Fisher the Sum of Three hundred dollars remaining due them for gradeing the two hills betwen [between] the Village and the Depot of the N Y & N H R Road out of money not otherwise appropriated or to be appropriated for Such purpose. Resolved, that there be one hundred and dollars appropriated for the widening and gradeing of windfield Avinue from Morris Maloneys Corner to mamaroneck River out of money not otherwise appropriated or to be appropriated for Such purpose. 226 1867 Resolved that one hundred and fifty dollars be appropriated for gradeing Mt Pleasant Street out of any money not other wise appropriated or to be appropriated for Such purpose Resolved That fifty dollars be appropriated for the grading of Cross Street or Shin bone ally out of any money not otherwise appropriated or to be appropriated for Such purpose Resolved that the Sum of two hundred and fifty dollars besides the amount 282 283 previously appropriated be and is hereby appropriated out of any funds Not otherwise appropriated remaining in the hands of the Supervisor for the purpose of repairing the new Bridge over the Sheldrake River on the Road to white plains. Resolved That the Sum of thirty dollars be and is hereby appropriated out of any funds Not otherwise appropriated remaining in the hands of the Supervisor to Gustavus Giraudin for blasting and removeing Rock at the Corner of Grand & Allen Streets washington Ville which Expence has been all already incured by him. Resolved. that one hundred Dollars be appropriated for the gradeing of Union Avinue or Street out of Money Not otherwise appropriated or to be appropriated for Such purpose. Resolved, that the Highway Commissioners be authorised to let off 113 the assessment of Taxes assessed on persons on the Orients Road. Resolved That the Commissioners of Highways of the Town Shall be Superintendants to all repairs of Bridges and Shall Contract for all Expenditures of money Sanctioned at this meeting for improovement of High ways. Resolved. That the Commissioners of Highways axcept of All Roads ussed [difficult to decipher] and not yet axcepted by the Commissioners as publick Highways of the Town Situate in washington Ville 227 1867 Resolved. That twenty five Dollars be appropriated out of any money not otherwise appropriated for the relief of William O brien. Resolved by the Town Clerk. that a Committee be appointed to Examine the Books of the Town Clerk previous to their delivery to his Successor in office and that the report of the Committe be made to the Supervisor of the Town in writing. Resolved. That John Perrin take Charge of the Flag & Pole. Resolved That Two hundred & fifty Dollars be raised for the Support of the poor for the Ensuing year. Resolved that the lawful fence Shall be the Same as last year. The presideing officers declaired the following named persons duly Elected Town oficers for the Ensuing year Jacob B Humphrey Supervisor J D Hill Town Clerk NeW-.. Palmer Assessor David Lehe Com Highways W=.. D Palmer Justice of peace Merritt Sands. Inspector of Elections W=.. Florence Do " Cha'-. Haight, Appointed Neh=.. Palmer, overser of Poor Edward Haviland Do " 284 Jesse B Palmer Constable and Collector Tho= Hall Justice of Peace John Shear Constable I Certify the foregoing to he a Copy of the original Fild [Filed] in the Town Clerks office J D Hill Town Clerk 228 1868 At the antral Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the Town Hall in the thirty fust day of march 1868. W=. D Palmer Albert Lyon and A G Coles Presideing. on opening the Poll it was agreed by procklimation to Close at Sun Set. J D Hill Town Clerk At the business Meeting held at 3 o clock P M the Following risolutions ware [were] adoped [adopted]. Resolved that the Dog Money Now in the Supervisors hands, collected on assessment for 1866 be and is hereby appropriated betwen [between] School Des' No I & 2 prorato acording to the No of Children in Each Dist. Resolved that John Morrell be pound Master for the Ensuing year. Resolved. that E P Brundage have Charge of the Town Flag for the Ensuing year. Resolved. that John Perrin have Charge of the Town Burying Ground for the Ensuing year. Resolved. That the fence be the Same as Now is. Resolved. That after this date upon the occumnce of the vacancey of Office of the respective Road Commissioners that one Road Commissioner be Elected anally. Resolved. that there be but one poor master on and after the term of the present over Sceors Expires. The Presidieng officers, declared the following Named persons duly Elected Town officers for the Ensuing year. Schureman Halstead Supervisor J D Hill Town Clerk Janes T Rogers Commissioner of Highways J D Hill Assessor 229 1868 Jesse B Palmer Constable & Collector Albert Lyon Justice of the Peace Long term James Bonsell Do Short Term Nehemiah Palmer Over Seeer of the Poor Edward Haviland Do " 285 Fred Anthers for Constable Inspectors of Election Samuel Gedney WiilliamCor 11 [words crossed out] Tho= Hall The Justices appointed. William Cornell. I hereby Certify the foregoing [foregoing] to be a true Statement of the procedeings of the Said Town Meeting J D Hill Town Clerk At A Special Election held in the Town of Mamaroneck Oct 20's 1868 to Elect A Supervisor in place of Schureman Halsted deceased. we hereby Certify that at an Election held this day Oct 20 1868 for Supervisor the whole No of Votes Cast was one hundred and Ninety two of which William D Palmer received one hundred and ten and Samuel Gedney recd Eighty two W=. D Palmer A G Coles Justices of the Peace A Lyon J D Hill Town Clerk At a meeting of the board of town auditors for the Town of Mamaroneck held in the Town Hall where the last Town meeting was held it was Resolve That Three hundred Dollars be appropriated for the relief of the poor of the Town for the Ensuing year J D Hill Town Clerk 230 At a meeting of the Citizens of Mamaroneck held in the Town Hall. on Thursday Evening Oct 8`" 1868 the following Preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted. whereas by the death of Shureman Halsted Esqr the Memory of his Complete life has been left as a legacy to those who Knew him and whereas it is Eminently useful, Just and proper, that our testimoney Should be recorded Now therefore it is Resolved That by his removal we are deprived of the Services of an accomplished honest and faithful and public offcir [officer] of the Assistance of a patriotic public Spirited Citizen of an affable Sociable and Excellent Neighbour of a Kind Considerate Sympathiseind friend, of the living presance tolerant. Sincere and pious Cristian, and of one whose many virtues increase our respect for his Manhood Resolved That his Career affords an example from which we may learn that ones usefulnes nead Not be diminished by age that public position and political Service Can Consist with the higest virtues and that his Election by his fellow Townsmen to the office he filled at the time of his decease Commends his Character to the imitation of thsoe who Seek popular approbation or publick honors. Resolved That in the hour of our afflictions as we Contemplate our loss we Keenly appreciate the profound Calamity which has befallen those to whom his Constant personal presence became a part of their very being his mourning widow who has lost one of the Kindest husbands his 286 Children who are deprived of the loving Counsell, the affectionate Care and the wise guidance of a beloved Parent and his Kindred in whose welfare he took the deepest Interest. 231 Resolved That we Extend to the afflicted family and Krinded our most Sincere Sympathies and in order that we may tender them Such Consolation, as may be afforded by a Knowledge of the Profound respect and warm affection with which the memory of the deceased is Cherished by us, and of the large Number Mourning with them, that a Copy of these resolutions be transmitted to his bereaved family i Solomon Dingee Chairman W. T. B Milliken Secretary J D Hill Town Clerk 232 At the annual Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Mamaroneck Held at the town Hall on the 30's Day of march 1869 W' D Palmer. Albert Lyon and Adam.G. Coles. Presiding. On opening the Poll it was agreed by Proclamation to close at sunset J D HSI Town Clerk as Clerk ` At the business Meeting held at three O . clock P.M. the following resolutions were adopted 1'r Supervsors Report read and approved 2nd Statement of Thomas Hall commissioner Read and approved 3rd Report of David Lehe read and approved 4's Report of E Haviland Poor Master read and approved P Report of Nehemiah Palmer read and approved Resolved that E P Brundige Have charge of the Town flag for the ensuing year carried Resolved that John Perrin have charge of the Town burying Ground for the ensuing Year Resolved that two Hundred and fifty dollars be And is appropriated for the purpose of repairing the Old Boston Post Road from the Turnpike to about Isaac Halls Gate by Widening and building a sea wall so as to raise the road bed above tide water. Notice of same having been posted in accordence with the law Since Feb 23i° 233 Resolved that it is Opinion of this Meeting that the road Known as Union Avenue Washingtonville should be accepted by the commissioners of Highways of the Town Resolved that the Board of town auditors be authorized to hire a room for the use of the Town and the rent on the Town Resolved that J. J. Deall be Sealer of Weights & Measures Resolved that the Dog Tax be divided Pro Rate between the school Districts On closeing the Polls the inspector proceeded to canvass The Ballotts whereupon the following Persons were declared duly Elected Town Officers for the ensuing Year Thomas L Rushmore Supervisor Jonas D Hill Town Clerk Abraham Hall Assessor 287 On closing the Poll the inspectors proceeded to canvass the ballots, whereupon the John Gedney Long Term gt Justices of the Peace following persons were declared duly elected as Town Officers for the ensuing year J J Deal ShortTerm 236 Supervisor Thomas L Rushmore Jesse B Palmer Constable 8r. collector Town Clerk Albert Lyon Thomas Hall comissioner of Highway full term Assessor George E Van Denburg John N Flandreau comissioner to rill vacancy ( Commissioner Rolston Coles ["u" also looks like "n"] ! Adam G. Coles Long term Caleb Morgan Justices George E Van Denburg Short term Samuel Gidney Inspectors of Election Edwin A Willcox Constable and Collector Jesse B. Palmer Jacob Arickson Constable Nicolas Gedney Overseers of the Poor Chauncy Haviland Owen Mc Cabe Overseers of the Poor L � E. P. Brundige " " Charles Ammon Constables William Faggart J D Hill Town Clerk James M Baylis 234 At the annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held , Inspectors of Elections Jacob Mayer in the Town Hall on the Twenty Ninth day of March 1870 William D Palmer Albert S Edwin A Wilcox I Lyon and John Gedney presiding, Calvin A Lyon acting as clerk Albert Lyon At the Business Meeting held at 3 oclk [o'clock] p.m the following resolutions were Town Clerk adopted Resolved that the report of Tho' L. Rushmore Supervisor be adopted 237 At the anual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in Resolved that the reports of the Commissioners of Highways and Overseers of the Town Hall on the 28`" day of March 1871 Adam G Coles John Gedney and G`° E the Poor be adopted IN. D. Clapp protesting) VanDenburg presiding, Albert Lyon Clerk Resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to hire the second At the business Meeting held at 2 oclk [o'clock] p.m. the following Resolutions floor of the building in which the room now occupied for Town were adopted purposes is located, at an anual rent not to exceed 250 Dollars, and to that the report of the Supervisor en adopted make such disposition of the rooms, when not required for Town Resolved Commissicenrs of Highways and Ovcerscers of purposes as shall be for the best interests of the Town Resolved that the reports of the Resolved that the sum of Two Hundred and fifty Dollars be raised to reimburse the Poor be adopted y(, by the Town Clerk for rent of Town Hall be Tho=. L Rushmore for Moneys paid out by him for work done on the Resolved that the amount received to James M Fuller on account of ren[ 1871 old Boston Road, The appropriation for which made at the anual -ifi paid •• amount of Two Hundredd and Fifty Dollars be Town Meeting held March 1869, not having been aded to the tax list Resolved that an additional to the improvement of highways in Washingtonville in through a mistake appropriated addition to the amount of Two Hundred and fifty Dollars raised at the Resolved that the Dog tax be divided between School Districts No?. one and two yg� Town Meeting, making Five hundrid Dollars in the aggregate for pro roto according to the number of children last said Roads, and that the amount be spent between June and September 235 Resolved that the sum of Two hundred and fifty Dollars is hereby authorized and required to be expended by the Commissioners of Highways on the 1871 Resolved that the hiring of Town Rooms be refered to the Board of Town roads of Washingtonville, and that the Money be raised by tax Resolved that the excess of expenditure made by the Poor Master of this Town in Auditors amount of Money required for the Poor be refered to the consequence of the accident to the people of Chatsworth Depot, which Resolved that the *Board of Town Auditors he as Poor Master was not authorized to make, be reimbursed to him 238 Resolved that the sum of Fifty Dollars be approprited to pay the Town Clerk for from the Money collected for taxes Keeping the Town rooms Resolved that the Supervisor be and is hereby authorized to purchase a Suitable John Perrin was then appointed as Keeper of the Town Cemetery and Iron Safe in which to Keep the Town records the Town Clerk directed to take charge of the Town Flag Resolved that John Perrin be Trustee of the Town burying ground Resolved that the Town Clerk be directed to hire the small room now occupied Resolved that Samuel Nichols have charge of the Town Flag J 288 289 by the Town Town Officers Elected for 1871 Supervisor James J. Bumet Town Clerk Jacob Bucter Assessor William H Tilford Commissioner Edward Haviland Justice of the Peace Albert Lyon Constable & Collector Aaron S Benedict Chauncy Haviland Oveerseers of the Poor Nicholas Gedney Constable William Florence Jacob Mayer Inspectors of Elections Merrit Sands Norman Guion Albert Lyon Town Clerk 239 At the Annual Town meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of mamaroneck held at the Town Hall on the 204. day of Match 1872. Adam G. Coles, John Gedney & Albert Lyon presiding Jacob Bucter Town Clerk. At the business meeting held at Two O' Clock P.m. the following resolutions were adopted. Resolved that the report of the Overseers of the Poor be adopted. Resolved that the report of Mr Edward Haviland & Mr Tho.. Hall as Commissioners of Highways be adopted (Rostlin Coles the third Commissioner) made no report. Resolved that the Dog Tax in the hands of the Supervisor be appropriated Pro 240 Rato between the Schools and apportioned by the *one this day to be Elected. Resolved that he Polls be kept open during Town Meeting. Resolved that the time specified in the several resolutions passed by the Town to Expend Five Hundred ($500) Dollars to work the roads of Washingtonville, be & is hereby Extendended [Extended] to the Year 1872, & the work must be done in the Year 1872. Resolved that the Commissioners of Highways be instructed to Sue Tho`.. L. Rushmore (late Supervisor) for the money received by tax to pay W.. L. Barker and others, for fencing and land damage on Grove Avenue, unless the said Avenue be opened within Twenty days. 241 Resolved • that seeing the necessity of the repairing of Winfield Avenue in front of buildings now going up. we therefore request you to appropriate the sum of Two Hundred & ffty($250 Dollars forthe repairing& putting the same in order immediatly 290 Resolved that Two Hundred & fifty Dollars ($250) be appropriated for the repairs of Roads & Bridges for the Ensuing year. Resolved that John Perrin be appointed as Overseer of the Burying Ground. Resolved that the Town Clerk be the Custodian of the Town Flag On closing the polls the the [sic] Inspectors proceeded to canvass the ballots, whereupon the following persons were declared duly Elected as Town Officers for the Ensuing year 242 Supervisor Chas H Bimey Town Clerk John N. Boyd Assessor David J. Burtis Commissioner of Highways W=.. McCabe Justices of the Peace W=. D. Palmer (Long Term) Geo. E. Vanderburgh (Short Term) Constable & Collector Aaron S. Benedict Michael Flanigan Overseers of the Poor Chauncey Haviland Constable Owen McCabe Jacob Mayer Inspectors of Election Henry Kirhoefer John P Mumford Jacob Buckter Town Clerk 243 At the anuel Town meeting the inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the Town Hall on the 251 ] day of March 1873 George E Vanderburg and Adam G Coles Justices presiding W—" D Palmer Town Clerk At the buisness meeting held at 3 1/ 2 O Clock the report of The Town Officers was read and approved the report of the Supervisor was orderd to be enterd on the Town records John Perrin was appointed Trustee of the Town burying greand The Town Clerk was appointed to take charge of the Town Flag The following comunication was recieved and accepted We the undersigned composing the Committe appointed by the subscribers to the Village Well and pump fund. Would herby [hereby] tender said Well and pump to the Town of Mamaroneck free of all indebtedness. Said Well and pump having cost nearly $200 which sum was raised by private subscriptions Signed W= D Palmer John Perrin Committee Albert Lyon The following resolutions where [were] then passed I" Resolved that the Dog tax be approprated betwen [between] the Schools pro rato 2n° Resolved that so much of the money now in the Supervisors hands as is necisary [necessary] be appropiated to pay the deficiency in the interest on Turnpike Bonds 291 244 3t° Resolved that the Town Clerk be instructed to not alow any Books. Papers. or Maps to be taken out of the Town room except by himself. Nor to alow any person to overhaul any Books Paper or Maps except in his presence 4W' Resolved that when Grove Avinue shall become through the action of the Commissioners of highways the property of the Town or the people have the right to travil theron free at all times without excessive charges for surveying then the board of Town auditors are herby [hereby] authorised to levy one thousand Dollars upon the Town for working the said avinue 5" Resolved that W" D Palmer and John Perrin be and are herby [hereby] appointed a Committe to take charge of the Town Pump and that the said Committe be authorised to keep said Well and pump in repair and that all bills for such repairs be audited the same as other Town bills 6" Resolved that the Poor money be appropiated for the Poor of the Town onley T" Resolved that we the people of Mamaroneck in Town Meeting assembled to herby [hereby] express our unqualified disapprobation of the formation or appointment by the State Legislature of Commissions for the building or repairs of any of the roads or Avinues of this Town Resolved that a copy of the forgoing resolution be forwarded to W' H Robertson and Amherst Wight Junr our representatives at Albany On Closing the pools [polls] the Justices proceded to canvass the Votes whereupon the following persons wher [were] declard duley elected 245 Supervisor Charles H Bimey Town Clerk Frances C Corner Assessor Commissioner of Highways Justices of the Peace Collector Constables Overseors of the Poor Inspectors of Election William Cornell George E Vanderburg Albert Lyon full term Joseph C Martlett Vacancy Aaron S Benedict Aaron S Benedict George H Smith Michael Flanegan Jacob Arickson Henry Kerhofer William M Gambling William H Tilford W"' D Palmer Town Clerk At the bisness Meeting held at three 3 O clock. the report of the Supervisor was read and appoved [approved] Resolved That we the legal voters of the town, or a majority of such here voting sanction in full the past action of the people in directly or indirectly adhering to the Lawfull rule of three Commissioners of Highway of the town of Mamaroneck, and, we hereby direct the incoming Supervisor of the town to pay from funds in hand or to levy by additional Tax and then pay each and every audited Bill for Services of the Commissioners of Highways That we the People will in the future as in the past have three Commissoners 249 Resolved that the money tax amonts [amounts] to the Sum of two hundred & Eleven 28 cents $211.28 coleted [collected] from J. J. Bimett he paid back by the town Resolved that the Sum of fifty dol [dollars] be leved [levied] & assess on the propety of the town of Momaronek to repair the liberty pole Resolved that Albert Lyon be Sealer & waights & Measus [Measures] for the town of Momoroneck Resolved that Samuel Nicholls takes Charge of the town Bag 250 Resolved that John Perrin be appointed Trustee of the Town Burreying [Burying] ground, Also to take Charge of Town Pump Resolved that the erronous tax assessed against the property of the Rev. J. Bancroft be paid back by the town of Mamaroneck amount $33.21 Resolved by the people lawfully in town meeting here assembled that there is a securing necessity fora public highway from the old Boston Post Road, Thence over and along Chats Worth Avenue So Called to Chatswort Depot thence Crossing the Rail Road to Myrtil Avenue, to or near the tume there off. Thence to the lands of Tho= Robinson Crossing the lands of Samuel Booth, thence alongs and through said Robinsons land to weaver Street Road, to a point about 400 feet west of the New Haven Rail Road track But said proposed highway must be fully realeased in all its parts without Chance for damages of any Kind either 251 for fencing or land damages*Then after the proper excecuting and filing in the town Clerks office of all and every of the necessary realeses then and not till then, a tax leviy of five hundred Dollars is here by authorised for the purposess of graiding and worrking the said proposed road, Through the lands of the Said Tho'' Robinson aforsaid and the lands of Samuel Booth to and along so much of Myrtel Avinue as is Nessacery to Conect with Chatswort Avenue and that the money shale be duly expended, by the Commisions of Highways of the Town of Mamaroneck, after the explana [explanation] of the Road by them or after a lawful Jury shall have declared that such Road Necessarey 252 46 [Note: these two pages have no numbers or script written on them.] 248 At the anual Town Meeting March 31= 1874 of the inhabitants of the Town of Supervisor Mamaroneck held in the Town hall, Geo. E. Vanderburgh A. G. Cole Albert Lyon W. Town Clerk D. Palmer Justices presiding Francis C. Comer Town Clerk assessor 292 Town Officers Elected March 31a 1874 Charles H. Bimey Francis C. Corner William H. Tilford Full Teorm James Donaldson For two years 293 Commissiner of Highways Justice of the, Peace Constable & Collector Constable Game Constable Overseers of the Poor Inspectors of Election 253 Town Auditors Edward Haveland 3 years John W. Revere Full Term Arron S. Benedict Geo H. Smith Edward Haveland Jacob Arickson Michael Flanagan Calvin A. Lyon Jacob Mayer William A Boyd Joseph Hoffman Merritt Sands James Griffen Resolved that the Erroneous tax assessed against the property of Henry G. Lewis (of Chatsworth) be assessed and Collected on the property of ♦ 22 Resolved the Town of Mamaroneck to pay this erronous tax that the Erroneous tax amounting to about S22 be paid by Charles Anthers be refunded e 152°—' Resolved that the Erroneous tax paid by Hitchcock & Spencer as per his Commissioner of Highways affadavit be refunded amt 152.61 a 34,89 Resolved that the Sum of thirty four Dollars and Eighty -Nine Cents Constable & Collector Erroneously assessed against F. C. Corner be CoBected on the 254 580'' Resolved property of the town of Mamaroneck & refunded that the Sum of Eighty-four Doll Game Constable [Dollars] and Eighty-four Cents, 256 Overseers of Poor be levied & assessed on the property of the town of Mamaroneck to pay the arroneous tax assessed against the property of Albert Lyon in the year 1870 Resolved that the Sum of one Thousand Dollars be and is here by approptated to pay for the purpose of braking stone to repave Certain parts of the highways. That the money be expended by the board of Town officers in the winter times When woork is dull and Resolved that the work must be done by parties living in the town that the tax emmusly assessed in the years 1872 one personal Inspectors of Election property of Robt Cmighall amounting to the sum of four hundred and forty 5440.34 be repaid by tax on the property of the town of Momaronck F. C. Corner Town Clerk 255 1875 At the anual Town Meeting March 302 1875 of the inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the town Hall Geo E Vandbugh John W. Revere W. D. Palmer Justiace presiding Francis C. Comer Town Clerk Town Officers Elected Supervisor Charles H. Bimey 294 A Town Clerk William A. Boyd William Correll Full Term Assessors David J. Bettis - For I years [number could be "1" or "4" and "s" in "years" crossed out] Commissioner of Highways William M=Cabe 3 years Justice of Peace George E. Vanderberg. 4 years Constable & Collector Aaron S. Benedict Constable George H. Smith Game Constable Edward Haviland 256 Overseers of Poor Jacob Arickson Thomas Driscoll James Griffen Town Auditors John Flandreau Joseph Hoffman George E. Vanderberg Trustees of Public Lands Thomas Hall John W. Revere Inspectors of Election Rosevelt Gedney Louis Briggs At a business meeting held at 122 O clock. the report of the Supervisor was read and approved. The Report of the Com. of Highways was then read and approved the Report of Poormaster was then read and approved. Resolved that the board of Town Auditorsare hereby requested to fix the rate per cent that the Supervisor may pay for brokerage in converting toward [forward] [Note: the continuity in page numbers was broken here, but no part of the text has been omitted.] 259 Bonds into cash, that may be issued under and in accordance with the Statue [Statute] and their requirements Providing they the Bonds cannot be disposed without payment Brokerage, Resolved that Samuel Shearer take charge of Town Hall under the Town Clerk and also that he be appointed as Sealer of weights & measures Resolved that John Perrin be and is hereby appoitned a committee of one in charge of the Town Pump and that the board of town Auditors are hereby instructed to consider reasonable charges town charges. Resolved that John Perrin be appointed as overseer of Town Burying ground. Resolved that Travllers in extreme necessity shall be taken care of by the town to the extent of one nights lodging and one meal during the winter months provided there shag be no charges for fees by the Poor master made. Resolved that the Com. of Highways be requested to put into their estimate for 295 Roads and Bridges in November next the Sum of $1,000. to be expended next winter breaking stone for M`adaming Roads in this town and that the labor be given to the residents and voters of this town only and that the said broken stone be Equittably distributed in sections of the town. 260 Resolved that there be levied and assessed upon the taxable property of the Town of Mamaroneck the sum of [space in document] for the Purpose of Paying the following Taxes. Truman G. Oakly 527.54 Henry Purday 8.71 Stephen Secor 107.11 Henry Anthem 2.97 Resolved that the Supervisor take legal Advice on the erronousTax of E. Haight, and that he acts according to the advice he gets Resolved that the Town Clerk take Charge of the Town Flag. [Note: this short entry was written on a small scrap of lined paper, and pinned to following document: "Statement of The Bonded Debt Of The Town Of Mamaroneck, November, 1875." Chronologically, it belongs with the entries of 1875, and is so entered.] Resolved That the Poor Masters be allowed for the future to give to the poor passing through the town during very stormy weather a one Meal and One Lodging March 28 " 1875 CHB [initials of Charles H. Birney] [Note: the pages of the following document were clipped together and were located at the end of the book after the completed text. Chronologically, it belongs here, and is so entered.] Annual Statement -of- Supervisor of Town of Mamaroneck, in pursuance of Chap. 552, Laws of 1870. (Original verified on file in Town Clerk's Office.) Journal Print, Port Chester, N.Y. 296 1 297 I STATEMENT OF THE BONDED DEBT of the TOWN OF MAMARONECK November, 1875. TITLE OF BONDS. Bounty Bonds Issued by County Treasurer - Ist Bounty Bonds ....................... Westchester Turnpike Bonds, issued by the Town . Grand Avenue ^ " Mamaroneck Town " Mamaroneck Boulevard "County Treasurer . . Union Avenue _ 298 $33.00000 3,00000 29,000 00 39,177 51 23,100 00 Ain't due. $7,618 98 127,277 51 5134,896, 49 SUPERVISORS REPORT for the Town of MAMARONECK, at its Annual Meeting. To balance By Cash paid as follows from Ist March, 1875 .... $4,49990 Ist March, 1875, to To Cash Received, as follows: Ist March, 1876. From James Stringer. Excise .............. . From A.S. Benedict, Collector, Acct School Tax, 1873 ....... For Sale and Exchange of 33 Bonds, D. F. Brett, Rent Town 10000 Hall to Ist April 1875 ................ $ 250 00 22697 $500 each ........... 16,500 00 Mr L $21.32687 D.A. Moran, Commissions on sale of Bonds, 1,00000 $6000, I per cent ......... 6000 INTEREST on Boston 11187 Post Road Bonds ...... 2.64250 Grand Avenue" ........ 28000 Mamaroneck Town ....... 1,382 50 POOR MASTERS Jacob H. Arickson, $50 ...................... Thomas Driscoll, 550 ................. 10000 MAMARONECK AVENUE - 17 Bonds, Nos 7,8,9, 10,11,12,62,64,65,66 67,94,95,96,97,98 SSM each ............ 8.50000 UNION AVENUE - 4 Bonds, Nos. 2,3,4 5-$500 each .......... 2,00000 WESTCHESTER TURNPIKE ROAD - 10 Bonds. Nos. 22,23, 24,25,26,27,28,29.36 31-$500 each ........ 5,00000 GRAND AVENUE - 2 Bonds, No. 7,8- $500 each ............ 1,00000 $21,21500 Balance to new Acct 11187 1876, March. $21,32687 *[only 16 fisted] 299 Bonds paid 1877, May 2 - Mamaroneck Avenue ........ 6,500 00 do do BONDED INDEBTEDNESS 50000 Union Avenue ...................... 5,000 00 3,000 00 On 4th Tuesday, March, 1877. Tax Certificates .... 1876 March- 1876, March ............. 2,000 00 1878, Feby 7 - Grand Park Avenue ........ To Balance from - $142,446 60 Viz: -Boston Road ..... old Acct ............. $111 87 BY Cash paid Grand Park Avenue . Town Bonds, Boston Post Road $28,00000 To Cash recd Geo E. Vanderburgh , Road Commissioner 49,500 00 Grand Park Avenue ............. ...... 3,00000 36,500 00 from A. S. Benedict, ..... 725 00 Extension Bonds ..................... 31,000 00 CollectorBY Cash paid, Mamaroneck Avenue ................. 10,000 00 ...... • . • ... 8,50000 Town Bills ........... 1,060 65..... Union Avenue ................. * • • • • 21,500 00 Tax Certificates (two certificates, $5000 each) ... 10,000 00 130,000 000 Balance to $1,78565 March 22, 1876, new Acct . , .. , , , , , , , . 6,82622 Bonds issued subsequent to March, 1877. $8,611 87 $8,611 87 To pay County Treasurer for former indebtedness, $12,94660 To pay Bonds due in 1877, (Laws 1873)...... . 12.500 00 C. H. BIRNEY, Supervisor. To pay Bonds due Jany 1878, " ........... 500 00 25,946 60 $155,946 60 Bonds paid 1877, May 2 - Mamaroneck Avenue ........ 6,500 00 do do ............ 50000 Union Avenue ...................... 5,000 00 3,000 00 Grand Park Avenue .................. Tax Certificates .... I,000 00 1877, Aug. Boston Post Road ............. 2,000 00 1878, Feby 7 - Grand Park Avenue ........ 500 00 13,500 00 Balance .............. $142,446 60 Viz: -Boston Road ..... $26,00000 Grand Park Avenue . 1,50000 Extension Bonds ... 49,500 00 Mamaroneck Avenue 24,000 00 Union Avenue ..... 18,500 00 County Treasurer ... 12,946 60 Tax Certificates .... 10,000 00 $142,446 60 Bonds payable in year ending 3d Tuesday, March, 1879. Boston Post Road .. $6,500 00 Grand Park Avenue 50000 Mamaroneck Avenue 5,000 00 Union Avenue ..... 3,00000 Tax Certificates .... 5,00000 Co.Treas r deficiency b'ds 12,946 60 $32,94660 Bonds payable in year ending 3d Tuesday, March, 1880 Boston Road ...... $ 500 00 Grand Park Avenue 1,00000 Mamaroneck Avenue 4,50000 Union Avenue ..... 3,00000 Tax Certificate ..... 5,00000 $14,00000 Valuation of Real Estate, Town of Mamaroneck, for 1877 ........ $1,232,806 00 Indebtedness of Town ................... $142,44660 301 300 SUPERVISORS STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR ENDING MARCH 19, 1878. 1877 -Cash recd from Collector on acct of rejected taxes, and taxes of 1876, less rejected School Taxes ... S 2,32260 1878 -Cash recd from Collector on acct of taxes, 1877 20,000 00 $22,322 60 Received from Sale 26 Bonds and premium ......... " " Excise money .................... " Rejected and other unpaid taxes ........ " Rent of Town Hall ................. " Draining lot ..................... Port Chester Savings Bank less discount . . Inclaim vs. Birny ................ . Cash paid Extensions Bonds, Coupons .............. Boston Turnpike Coupons .............. " Grand Park Ave. Coupons int. and B'ds .... Mamaroneck Ave. Bonds ............... Union Avenue Bonds ................. Road Commr's...................... " Poor Masters ...................... . " Town expenses, printing, &c ............. " Rent of Town Hall, (two years) .... , .. , , Port Chester Bank .................. " Audited Bills ....................... Taxes on property purchased by Town ..... Paid to County Treasurer .............. Cash on hand ........... . .......... Payments due in 1878. State Tax ........................ $3,081 29 County Tax ........................ 4,25437 School Tax ........................ 1,658 89 School Commlrs extra compensation, &c .... 18 71 Audited Town Bills .......................... Rent of Town Hall to April 1, 77, same to April I, 78 ........................ Road Commissioners for 1877 .................. Re -payment of Money ........................ Taxes on land purchased by Town ............... Road Commissioners for 1878 .................. Principal Boston Post Roads Bonds and interest ...... " Grand Ave. Tax Certificates issued March 1877, and interest ...... Apportionment under Yonkers Appeal ............. Bonds, Coupons and Fees Mamaroneck Avenue ...... " Union Avenue .. , ..... . Principal, Interest and Fees, Bonds for tax deficiency .. . " Bounty Loan .......... 302 13,394 61 ......... 43500 • • ....... 2,86667 ......... 1300 ......... 2500 63467 ......... 6050 $39,75205 $2,887 50 3,96000 1,67500 6,50000 3,00000 60000 20000 315 02 50000 65000 1,40425 99993 14,000 00 3,060 35 $39,752 05 1876 at the Annual Town Meeting March 28L-".. 1876 of the Inhabitants of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the Town Hall. Geo. E. Van Derburgh. John W. Revere. W°'.. D. Palmer Justices Presiding W=.. A. Boyd Town Clerk Game Constable WA. H. Miles Jacob Arickson Overseers of Poor Michael Flanigan Richard Warren Town Auditors lames Griffen Joseph Hoffman Geo. E. Van Derburgh Trustee of Public Lands Thomas Hall John F. Foshay Inspectors of Elections Henry A. Kirhoffer Cha'-. Seaman Town Officers Elected $9,013 26 [no name fisted] Supervisor Lawrence Hopkins Town Clerk W4. A. Boyd Nehimiah Palmer Assessor approved. The report of the Town Auditors was also read and approved. Com. of Highways Charles Anthes Justice of Peace W10. D. Palmer Collector Aaron S. Benedict 1500 00 George H. Smith Constables Aaron S Benedict Game Constable WA. H. Miles Jacob Arickson Overseers of Poor Michael Flanigan Richard Warren Town Auditors lames Griffen Joseph Hoffman Geo. E. Van Derburgh Trustee of Public Lands Thomas Hall John F. Foshay Inspectors of Elections Henry A. Kirhoffer Cha'-. Seaman 303 Matthias Banta $9,013 26 Excise Com. Jacob Buckter Lawrence Hopkins •••••.... 1,45405 At A business Meeting held at 12 M O clock the Report of the Supirvisor was read and 500 approved. The report of the Town Auditors was also read and approved. • • ....... 1,15667 Resolved that Samuel Shearer be appointed Sealer of Weights & Measures, • • ....... 1,65000 263 Resolved that John Perrin be appointed Trustee of the Town Burying Ground ......... 1,000 00 a committie to take charge of the Town Pump. 1500 00 also Resolved that Samuel Shearer be appointed to take charge of the Town Hall. ...... • , , g 320 00 • • • ...... 1,14000 On Motion of Mr Bimey it was Resolved that the Poo rmasters be allowed for the future to give to the poor • • • • • .. , 5 700 00 persons passing through the town during very Stormy weather one • • . • • .... 253 96 • ........ 7,13088 Meal and on Lodging. • • • • ..... 4,237 14 At A Special Election held in the Town Hall of the Town of Mamaroneck for the • • • • ..... 13,838 84 purpose of Electing a Supervisor. the following person. was Elected April 41-176 ......... 1,67091 Supervisor Cha=. H. Bemy 303 264 1877. At the Annual Town Meeting of the Town of Mamaroneck held in the Town Hall on Tuesday March 27`=. 1877 at 12 O clock. The report of the Supervisor was read & accepted, Report of the Town Auditors was read and accepted. Samuel Shearer was appointed to take charge of the Town Hall. Geo. Smith was appointed to take charge of the Town Burying. Ground. John C. Fairchild was appointed as Sealer of weights & Measures. Samuel Shearer was appointed to take charge of the Town pump. The Town Clerk was appointed to take charge of the Town Flag and Liberty Pok. Resolved that the Trustee of the Town Burying Ground be and is hereby authorized to have the fence of said ground put in proper order and that the cost shall not exceed Twenty five Dollars. carred Resolved that the Janitor of the Town Hall receive a Salary of Fifty Dollars per carried Report of Town Cleark was read and accepted. Resolved that a committee be appointed to wait on Mr. Britt and see if Town Hall could be hired for less than $250.00/ 100. carried Resolved that the Taxpayers of the Tow [Town] form a committee not to exceed Twenty persons to view the assessors books before being closed. carried 266 1877. Town officers Elected were Supervisor Mathias Banta. Town Clerk John. C. Fairchild Assessor annum, carried Resolved that this Town purchase of Elisha Haight Twenty five Benches for the Justice of Peace use of the Town Hall at a price not over $2.50 each Collector carried 265 Resolution No 4 was read and as it was out of order was laid on the table Resolved, that the Money Collected for the rent of the Town Hall for Lectures, Geo. H. Smith concerts, &c [etc.] be paid over to the Supervisor to apply amt. the rent W=. H. Miles of the Town Hall. Michael Flanigan carried Resolved that the Board of Town Auditors be instructed to audit a bill for James Griffen $50.001100 for services as Janitor for 1875 & /6 in addition to the Joseph Hoffman $50.00/ 100 which he has been paid for the Said Two years. carried Resolved that the poor Traveler or Tramps be entitled in cases of Great Necessity Thomas Hall 1 nights Lodging from Dec. 01../77 to March 1='/78 at the discretion of Geo. E. Van Derburgh the overseer of the poor. carried Resolved that the Poor Master visit the poor who are unable to help themselves John C. Fairchild during the hard and severe winters in order to find out the wants of the Edward Wilcox said poor. John Brandon carried Resolved that the Excise Moneys paid for the License of Ale, & Liquors be W=. A. Boyd appropriated to the Releif of the Poor only. carried Report of Town Cleark was read and accepted. Resolved that a committee be appointed to wait on Mr. Britt and see if Town Hall could be hired for less than $250.00/ 100. carried Resolved that the Taxpayers of the Tow [Town] form a committee not to exceed Twenty persons to view the assessors books before being closed. carried 266 1877. Town officers Elected were Supervisor Mathias Banta. Town Clerk John. C. Fairchild Assessor Lawrence Hopkins Com. of Highways Edward Haviland Justice of Peace Albert Lyon Collector Aaron S. Benedict 2 Constables Lewis Briggs Geo. H. Smith Game Constable W=. H. Miles Michael Flanigan 2 overseers of Poor Michael Durham James Griffen 3 Town Auditors Joseph Hoffman Richard Warren Thomas Hall 2 Trustees of Public Lands Geo. E. Van Derburgh John O conner 3 Inspectors of Elections John C. Fairchild Edward Wilcox John Brandon Com. of Excise W=. A. Boyd Town Clerk 267 [Note: punctuation marks were difficult to decipher on this page.] 1878 At the annual Town Meeting of the Electors of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the Town Hall on Tuesday March 26`-" 1878 W"-' D. Palmer. George C. Vanderburgh, John W. Revere, Albert Lyon Justices Presiding John C Fairchild Town Clerk 12 O Clock. M. being the hour appointed for the transaction of Town business the following resolutions and Reports were passed upon The Supervisors Report was read and approved The Report of the Board of Auditors was read and approved Whereas, Mamaroneck Avenue was laid out and mapped. the width of one Hundred feet. from the line of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail Road to Mamaroneck Harbor: and the title to the use of the lands required for the same was obtained from the adjacent property owners, and said title has reverted to this town; but said avenue has not been occupied, and certain portions thereof not worked and graded to its full width, and it is deemed most important by citizens and Tax -payers, that that portion of said avenue hereafter mentioned shall be worked and graded in its full proportions as soon as practicable. Therefore. Be it Resolved That the Supervisor and the Commissioners of Highways, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to grade and work so much of said avenue as lies in front of lands of James C Spencer on the east south side of said avenue to its full width according to its original survey and 304 1 305 map. as soon as practicable, commencing said work at said Rail Road and extending the same towards said Harbor so far as the sums of money appropriated and contributed will pay for said work, and the sum of one thousand Dollars is hereby appropriated to be raised for that purpose and to be expended in the said work by the Commissioners of Highways, with the approval of the Supervisor provided only, at least the sum of Five hundred dollars shall be furnished by James C Spencer for such grading, And the said Supervisor and Commissioners of Highways, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized and directed, in behalf of this Town, to enter into a contract with James C. Spencer and any other persons interested in said work being done. and to take and receive from them any sums of money that they may donate for said work, under such conditions as may be agreed upon, in said contract. and all such sums of money so received shall be added to said sum so appropriated and the said work completed thereinto Jr.[beginning of word lost on edge of page] or to that extent that said monies will pay, including a plank sidewalk, if the money so appropriated and donated shall be sufficient for that purpose but such work shall not be commenced or any contract made, until at least Five hundred Dollars shall be paid or secured by parties other than the Town and all such work shall be done and mony expended by or under the control of the Road Commissioners of the Town of mamaroneck or some one of them. 268 The following Resolution was offered, amended, and accepted as amended Whereas: It has been claimed by Citizens of this Town of Mamaroneck that said Town has a valid title to a valuable Estate or to rights and privileges in and to the Wharf or Dock property occupied by James C Spencer Esq or his tenants Therefore, Be it Resolved: That the Supervisor of this Town be and is hereby authorized & directed to fully investigate or cause to be investigated said title, and to ascertain, what estate or what rights and privileges, if any, this Town, has in said Wharf or Dock property, and he is authorized and directed in the exercise of his Judgment and discretion to institute an action at Law, to enforce or determine the same; or to submit to the Supreme Court, any questions or controversy relating to the same upon facts admitted or to compromise or settle the same as he shall deem best and most expedient for the interests of this Town and agreeably to law, and he is also authorized and directed to excute any conveyance or other written instrument, necessary and expedient in hisjudgement, to carry into effect this resolution, and any conclusion that he may reach, or any judgement that may be rendered in the. premises. Amendment: That said Supervisor after investigating the above Report to a meeting of the taxpayers of this Town before action is taken in the matter, Resolved: That the Toown lsoam be authorized to employ a janitor for the present year at a Salary not to exceed $50.001100 Resolution offered by W' H Disbrow marked (E) ordered to be laid upon the Table Resolution offered and amended and accepted as amended Resolved that John Perrin be and is hereby appointed to take charge of the Town 306 burying Ground and also of the Pump, Amended by inserting the name of George Smith, in place of John Perrin Resolved that the Town Clerk be and is hereby authorized to take Charge of the Flag and Liberty Pole carried Resolved, that the sum of $50,001100 be appropriated to remove a rock in Winfield avenue in front of W= H Gedneys property carried Resolved: that the Town Clerk be authorized to purchase such Books for his Office and for the use of the Assessors, at an expense not to exceed Fifteen Dollars carried 269 Resolved, that the commissioners of Highways be directed to repair the Streets in Washingtonville as soon as possible as they are in an impassable condition Carried The meeting was then adjourned until the last Tuesday in March 1878 List of Town Officers Elected March 26's— 1878 Supervisor Matthias Banta Town Clerk Joseph H McLoughlin Assessor W= H Tilford Commissioners of Highways W= McCabe John W Revere full term Justices of the Peace George E Vanderburgh vacancy Collector Thomas J Meighan George H Smith Constables William Sickles Game Constable Bartholomew Haviland Michael Flannigan Overseers of the Poor Michael Durham Edwin Wilcox Inspectors of Elections John O Connor Jno C Fairchild Richard Warren Town Auditors Edwin T Cornell Charles Greer Thomas Hall Trustees of Public Lands Edward O Neil George E Vanderburgh Commissioner of Excise WE Florence John C Fairchild Town Clerk 307 270 At the Annual Town Meeting of the Electors of the Town Mamaroneck Held in the Town Hall March 25" 1879 Justice W= D. Palmer in the Chair Present Justices Van Derburgh Revere & Lyon Town Clerk Jos H M` Loughlin The meeting was called to order at 12 Oclock P.M. it being the hour according to Law. The Supervisors Report was read. and approved. The Report of the Board of Town Auditors was read, and approved No I Resolved that from and after the date hereof and untill the same shall be legally changed the building on high street now called Richbell Hall shall be the Town Hall of the Town of Mamaroneck and all regular and special meetings of the Town and all Elections to be held in the Town of Mamaroneck shall be held therein. That the Town board cause to be removed all the Town property now in the present town Hall, to said new Hall Also that they repair said Hall and the Entrance thereto for the accomodation of the Town at an expense not exceeding one Hundred dollars and the Costs thereof when audited be paid out of any moneys in the Hands of the supervisor not heretofore appropriated and that they select a Janitor for said Hall, carried Resolution No 2 whereas the Town of Mamaroneck holds tax lease and other levies for taxes paid by the Town on the Building called Richbell Hall in said Town the fee of which Hall is held by John W. Miles Esq Resolved, that this Town purchase the fee of said Hall at a price not to Exceed one Thousand Dollars provided a good title Can be obtained for the same and further provided all the taxes and other Gens on the same and all the Gens held by the Town upon the property called Hadden Miles property formerly owned. by said Miles prior to the taxa of 1877 be allowed out and he deducted from said purchase moneys provided the authority can be obtained from the Board of Supervisors to make such purchase and the balance of money to be paid by the Supervisor out of any money in his hands not hertofore appropriated Carried Whereas at a sale held in the Town of Mamaroneck Oct 2n'. 1877 for unpaid Taxes of 1876 a plot of land. assesed in the name Hawley D. Clapp 15 acres was sold to Elisha Haight for $22 "i mo and the Amount paid by him and which sale is claimed to be illegal for the reasons that the plot belonged to the M` Intyre farm and had been assesed. therewith and whereas he has also paid the taxes thereon for the year 1877 therefore Resolved that the said sale be cancelled. and the moneys so paid by Elisha Haight be included in the appropriations for 1879 and when collected be paid to him and that the assessors be directed to make proper corrections of the assesment rolls and whereas a plot of Land assesed in the name of L 308 M Ferris 5 1/2 Acres was sold at said sale to Elisha Haight for Sti" and the money paid by him. and whereas said sale is illegal from the fact that the Boundaries are incorrectly set forth in the assament Rob and whereas he has also paid the taxa for the 1877 thereon Now therefore Resolved That said' [Note: continuity in page numbers was broken, but none of the text has been omitted] Resolved that Jo H M` Laughlin take charge of the Town Pump Carried Resolved. that W'" H. Tilford be appointed sealer of weights and measures Carried Resolved that the Sum of 5..00 Dollars be appropriated to pay expenses of Sealer of weights and measures Carried Resolved that George Smith Sr take charge of Public Burrying ground Carried Resolved, that the Town Clerk take charge of the Town Flag Carried Resolved that the meeting adjourn Carried. Jos H M` Loughlin Town CLerk 276 List of Town Officers Elected for 1879. Mathias Banta Supervisor Jos H M`Loughhn Town Clerk John Regan Assesor 309 Amount be included in the appropriations for 1879 - and when 275 collected be paid to said Elisha Haight and the amount thereof be reassesed on the same property and and [sic] the assesors be directed to correct the boundaires of the same Carried Resolved that the sum Four Hundred dollars $400..00 be appropriated to gravel and grade that part of Mamaroneck Avenue recently regraded from the village to the Rail Road. and that the Town Board procure necessary authority for that purpose Carried Resolved that the Town Officers he instructed to rent Richbell Hall to the U. B. Band for any two Evenings in Each week for one year from april I" on the terms of their petition of the Union Brass Band now read. at this meeting Carried Resolved, that the Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck be and is hereby authorised to publish the statement of the Towns Indebtedness and have all the Town printing necessary to be done) done at the Printing office of the Investigator On amendment It was Resolved that the Supervisor be Instructed to have the Printing done where he can have it done the cheapest Carried Resolved that Jo H M` Laughlin take charge of the Town Pump Carried Resolved. that W'" H. Tilford be appointed sealer of weights and measures Carried Resolved that the Sum of 5..00 Dollars be appropriated to pay expenses of Sealer of weights and measures Carried Resolved that George Smith Sr take charge of Public Burrying ground Carried Resolved, that the Town Clerk take charge of the Town Flag Carried Resolved that the meeting adjourn Carried. Jos H M` Loughlin Town CLerk 276 List of Town Officers Elected for 1879. Mathias Banta Supervisor Jos H M`Loughhn Town Clerk John Regan Assesor 309 Chas Anthes Commisioner of Highways W'° H. Gedney Justice George H. Smith Batholomew Haviland Constables W—' H. Miles Game Constable W'" M`Donald Michael Flannigan Poor Masters Richard Warren W—' M. Gambling Town Auditors Jacob Mayer Edward D Mill E. Vanderburgh Trustees of Public Lawrence Hopkins Lands &Places John O Connor John C Fairchild Inspectors of W=-Fisherdr[name crossed out) Election Edwin Wilcox W= H Gedney Edwin Wilcox Excise Commisioner 310 [Note: these next three pages were inserted after page 270, and might possibly account for part of the lapse in page numbers between pages 270 and 275.1 Annual Statement -of- Supervisor of Town of Mamaroneck in pursuance of Chap. 552, Laws of 1870. (Original verified on file in Town Clerk's Office.) 311 Journal Print, Port Chester, N.Y. i= Bonded Indebtedness of Town of Mamaroneck March 20, 1879. Mamaroneck Avenue ........................... $18,50000 Union Avenue ................................ 15,500 00 Boston Turnpike .............................. 19,000 00 Grand Park Avenue ............................ 1.000 00 Tax Certificates issued in 1876 ..................... 10,000 00 Extension Bonds .............................. 64,500 00 Mamaroneck Avenue Grading ..................... 1,00000 $129,50000 Cash received from all sources, including balance on hand March, 1878; (account rendered) .......................... $43,996 58 Payments. 1878 - Paid County Treasurer ...................... $14,057 27 1879 - " " " .......................... 5,00000 TownExpenses .............................. 12030 First National Bank of Port Chester ................ 60000 Collector's Fees, on unpaid taxes ................... 71 14 Audited bills of 1877 ........................... 10000 1878 ........................... 1,10700 Road Commissioners - Amount due 1877 ............. 1,15667 " Mamaroneck Ave. grading ............ 1,00000 Interest on Tax Certificates issued for 1876 ............ 70000 Paid Bonds Grand Park Avenue ................... 50000 Boston Road ................................ 7,00000 Poor Master ................................ 20000 Coupons, Extension Bonds ....................... 3,734.75 Boston Road ................................ 1,83700 Grand Park Avenue ........................... 87 50 School Taxes on lots owned by Town for 78 .......... 93 22 Taxes 1878, and School Tax 1877 .................. 1,07055 Rent of Town Hall ............................ 250 00 Due School Districts Nos. I and 2 .................. 66653 $39,351.93 312 Payments Due in 1878. State Tax ........... $2,59928 School Tax .......... 1,517 55 County Tax .......... 4,38051 School Comm'r extra ... 18 98 Audited Town Bills of 1878 .. $7,107 25 Rent of Town Hall .......... 25000 Interest on Extension Bonds ... 4,50000 Interest on Tax Certificates issued 1876 ...... 70000 Taxes on property of Town ... 1,10000 Boston Road, Coupon & Bonds 1,83000 Grand Park Ave. " ... 1,03500 Mamaroneck Ave. " ... 5,67959 Union avenue, ... 3,98498 Principal and interest on Bonds issued on account of Town ............... 2,875 54 Principal, interest and fees 1st Bounty loan ....... 1,55743 Highway purposes .......... 1,50000 Equalized assessed valuation of real and personal estate ..........$1,232,806 00 Whole indebtedness of Town ............................. $129,500 00 313 [Note: these next two pages were simply inserted in the book before page 277.] Indebtedness Town of Mamaroneck, March, 1878 '1880 Mamaroneck Avenue. As follows: Boston Post Road ... $19,00000 Extension Bonds .... 64,500 00 Mamaroneck Avenue. 14,500 00 Union Avenue ..... 12,500 00 Tax Certificates Mamaroneck Avenue March, 1877 ...... 10,000 00 Mamaroneck Avenue Town Hall site, etc .. grading ........ 1,00000 Town Hall site and repairs.......... $1,00000 6,00000 $122,50000 Less tax included in collector's warrant .. 12,500 00 Present indebtedness Town of Mamaroneck, viz: Mamaroneck Avenue. $10,50000 Union Avenue ..... 9,50000 Boston Road ...... 13,50000 Tax Certificates, March, 1877 ...... 10,000 00 Mamaroneck Avenue 1881, $3,50000 $3,000 00 grading ........ 1,00000 Town Hall site, etc .. 1,000 00 Extension Bonds .... 64,500 00 1897, ..... 13,000 00 $142,44660 1898, ..... 8,50000 $110,0000 1899. ..... 6,50000 Tax Certificates ....................... 10,00000 S110,00000 Assessed valuation of Town 1878, 1879, Equalized valuation, 1878, 1879. Town Hall site: Bond issued, Paid John W. Mills as Exr .................. 110,000 00 110,000 00 P. Hains, Carpenter (contract) ............... S32,44660 A.M. Perrin, Painter ............... Digging, ................ 110,000 00 J. J. Bloomer, Mason ................ Extra Carpenter, etc. etc. ............... . Receipts and disbursements since March, 1879: ' 1879 and 1880, Received from Collector .......... " Excise Comm's...... All other sources .... 7,50000 314 Paid Tax Certificates 1678 and int .............. i interest on tax certificates of 1877 ............ To Treasurer .......................... Grand Park Avenue bonds and. coupons ....... . Boston Road, bonds and coupons . Extension bonds, coupons Audited bills of 1879 .. . Town hall site .......................... Other payments (see account filed) ............ Cash in hand ........................... . Payments due in 1880, included in warrant: To Co. Treasurer. State tax .................. School tax ............................ County tax ............................ Yonkers appeal, Costs .................... " • judgment ................. School Comm's extra compensation ........... First Bounty loan ...................... . Mamaroneck Ave. bonds and coupons ......... Union 315 $990,535 00 887,340 00 1,202,086 00 1,095,098 00 42563 20000 15000 4500 87 38 131 18 S19,16840 33000 12,834 97 3,764 77 70000 9,116 53 1,03500 1,33000 4,217 00 1,10709 1,039 19 5,238 14 4,785 65 2,367 04 1,44659 4,432 58 6298 34297 1,461 98 4,86791 3,76504 $1,00000 $32,333 37 $32,333 37 $8,24621 40595 19 25 10,094 93 110,000 00 Above Bonds payable as follows: Mamaroneck Union Boston Avenue Avenue Road 1881, $3,50000 $3,000 00 $6,00000 $12,50000 ["5" written over "0" in pencil] 1882, 3,50000 1,00000 6,00000 10,500 00 1883, 3,50000 3,00000 1,50000 8,00000 1884, 2,50000 2,50000 810.500 00 S9,50000 $13,50000 $33,50000 1885, Mamaroneck Avenue grading... 1,00000 1887, Town Hall site ............. 1,00000 [hole in paper, Extension Bonds ..... 12,500 00 three dates lost] . , ... 16,500 00 7,50000 314 Paid Tax Certificates 1678 and int .............. i interest on tax certificates of 1877 ............ To Treasurer .......................... Grand Park Avenue bonds and. coupons ....... . Boston Road, bonds and coupons . Extension bonds, coupons Audited bills of 1879 .. . Town hall site .......................... Other payments (see account filed) ............ Cash in hand ........................... . Payments due in 1880, included in warrant: To Co. Treasurer. State tax .................. School tax ............................ County tax ............................ Yonkers appeal, Costs .................... " • judgment ................. School Comm's extra compensation ........... First Bounty loan ...................... . Mamaroneck Ave. bonds and coupons ......... Union 315 $990,535 00 887,340 00 1,202,086 00 1,095,098 00 42563 20000 15000 4500 87 38 131 18 S19,16840 33000 12,834 97 3,764 77 70000 9,116 53 1,03500 1,33000 4,217 00 1,10709 1,039 19 5,238 14 4,785 65 2,367 04 1,44659 4,432 58 6298 34297 1,461 98 4,86791 3,76504 $1,00000 $32,333 37 $32,333 37 $8,24621 40595 19 25 10,094 93 Should lay aside the money heretofore the money heretofore (sic) paid for rent we will have our Town Hall we will have paid, our Bonds and have our Town Hall free from Debt all of which is respectfully sub Mitted Mathias Banta On Motion Resolved that this Meeting Adjourn Carried Jos H M`Loughfin Town Clerk 280 List of Officers Elea March 30 1881 Mathias Banta Supervisor W= A. Sickles Town Clerk Merritt Sands Assessor Henery Anthers Comisioner Highways W' A. Boyd Justice of Peace Aron S. Benedict Collector George H Smith Constable W". A Sickles ^ W=H. Miles Game Constable Michael Flannagan Over" poor Eugen [word difficult to decipher] Ga0hard Inspectors of Election John C Fairchild " John Bloomer ^ " John O, Connor appointed ^ John Brandon Edwin T Cornell Auditors Cha'. Bremmeke Owen M`Cabe Tho'. S. Coles Excise Commisions 318 1 :ELLANEOUS DOCUMENTS 319 [Note: there were three extra documents not included in the three volumes previously cited. Document No. I was a bond issued by the Town of Mamaroneck that was pasted onto the inside cover of the TOWN MINUTE BOOK. Documents 2 and 3 were in a separate envelope in a manila folder which also contained the RECORD OF SLAVE CHILDREN BORN IN THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, SINCE 17991 �� �� r �i;Ilsltbuttr �t��Q �O 9uU o1 J}Ib�rk: w [Document No. I] No.2 drn ill n 14l t& (njn r ♦.—, r( 1 / /'r r l i . `n Lam. w. w�/�r.~i�Jr�/�3IL-•r / n $477im Town of Mamaroneck Bond Westchester Co. State of New York [emblem] Know all Men by these Presents. That whereas, by an Act of the Legislature of the State of New York, passed February 21st, 1863, entitled -An Act to authorize the levying of a Tax upon the taxable property of the different Counties and Towns in this State, to 0 repay moneys borrowed for or expended in the Payment of Bounties to Volunteers, or for the Expenses of their Enlistment, or for Aid to their Families, or to pay any liability incurred therefor." And Whereas the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of Mamaroneck, by their official act, in pursuance of the provisions contained in the Act above referred to, have decided to issue Bonds of the said Town in the amount of Two Thousand Three Hundred and eighty-eight Dollars and fifty-seven cents, payable in equal instalments, in one, two, three. four, and five years. bearing interest thereon at the rate of seven per cent, per annum. Now Therefore, we, the Board of Town Auditors, in behalf of the People of said town, I in pursuance of the said Act, issue this as one of the Bonds authorized by the said Act, 320 and do for ourselves as such Board of Auditors, and for our successors in office, undertake and promise to pay to Gilbert S. Lyon Executor his executors administrators or assigns, the sum of Four Hundred and Seventy Seven 71 / 100 dollars the First day of April 1865 at the office of the Town Clerk of said town, and we, the said Board of Town Auditors, for ourselves and for our successors in office, do hereby engage to pay the interest on the said sum of Four Hundred & Seventy Seven 71 / 100 Dollars, at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, at the office of said Town Clerk, on the first day of April, 1865 [the number "4" is written over the "5'], and thereafter the interest thereon annually, on the first day of April in each and any year, until the payment of said principal sum of Four Hundred & Seventy Seven 71/ 100 Dollars. In Witness Whereof, and in pursuance of the Act aforesaid, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, this Seventh day of March one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. (ATTEST.) asaac G -Tann ins [name crossed out with a line] Justice of the Peace Thos. E. Sutton, Printer, 142 Fulton St., N.Y. Countersigned Joseph Hoffman Town Clerk Jonas 4.-144 [name crossed out with a fine] Supervisor Seal [NOTE: Across the bond were written these words: "Cancelled and paid.'] [Document No. 2] Patent granted John Richbell for a Tract of Land in Westchester County dat 16 Oct 1668 Quit R Paid up to 25 March 1768 From 25 March 1768 to 31 Dec' - 1768 18.9-6 a Bus Wheat P Ann'" 48/ 1 6/ P Bus L 25 169 [Reverse side of Document No. 2] Received 31 Dec' 1786 from Benj" Griffen Jun' Public Securities which with the Interest allowd thereon Amount to Twenty five Pounds Sixteen Shillings & nine Pence in full for the arrears of Quit Rent for the Within Described Patent L .25-16-9 Gerard Banker Treas' [Document No. 3] Received of Nememiah Palmer & Comp: Seventy Bu [rest of word lost on edge of page; possibly "Bushels"] of W heat in full of their Proportion of Quitt Rent Qnext words also lost] Quarts P Annum) due on a Tract of land in Westchester [next word also lost; possibly "County"] to John Richbell the 16`s. October 1668. being [next words also lost] 1734 to the 251° March last As Witness my hand [next words also lost] 1752. Rich Nicholls Dep" Rec' Gen'. Wheat Reckon'd at 4(6 P Bushell ®�-df FI 6e. JE AJ� .167- ', a 6 I MAPS 323 SZE F-1 4ZE INDEX 327 Alear (See Altair) Altair (Alear, Alears) Elesabeth (Elisabeth, Elizabeth) 35, 36, 67 Elsabeth 68 Elesabeth 66 Peter 97, 98. 190 Alley Abigal 59 Peter 45. 46, 57-59 Americus, Cyrus Cleveland 133 Ammon, Charles 289 Anderson, James 22 Andrew (Black) 102, 111, 112 Anne, Nancy (Black) 151 Anno, Joseph 5 Anthers, (Antherse, Anthes) Charles 294, 303, 310 Fred 286 Henry 296 Henery 318 Arickson, Jacob 288, 292, 294, 295, 303 Jacob H. 299 Armstrong, William 173, 175, 181 Arther, Mary 36 Bacom, Job 30, 31 Baker, Walter 130 Baley, Det 180 Banker, Gerard 322 Bancroft, Rev. J. 293 Bane, David 200 Banks, John J. 129 Banta, Mathias (Mathais) 142, 304, 309, 316-318 Matthias 303, 307 Barker, (Barkers) Benjamin 180, 182 Danial P. 218 Daniel 16, 17, 21,23, 24, 27, 97, 98,103, 110, 165-170, 172, 174-179, 184203, 207, 209, 219, 225, 226 Danield 171 Daniel B. 233 Daniel P. 123, 124, 128, 208, 211, 212, 214, 217, 220, 224, 228-231, 234-241, 243-246, 248, 251, 252, 254, 256-258, 260, 261, 263, 264, 266, 272, 274, 278 Hannah 132 John 95, 96 Mary 15, 16, 23 Samuel 192-195, 206 Sarah C. 141, 142 Thomas, Thomos 13-16. 22-24, 27, 72, 73, 76, 77, 84, 113, 170, 171, 174, 202, 203 W. L. 280 William 13-17, 176, 198. 199 William A. 272 William D. 256 William L. 142, 269, 273-277, 279, 282, 290 Barry, George 132, 133 Bartow, Theod: 110 Baxter, (Boxier) Alex 277 George 227,228,230-237,239-246,250, 251, 253-257, 259, 260, 262-269, 271, 272 James 136 John 82 Bayley (Bailey, Bay, Bayler, Bealey, Beal- eyy, Buyly) Guy C. 111, 112, 208, 209, 211-224 Nanthaniel 48 Baylis, James M. 289 Bealey (See Bayley) Beers. David W. 275, 278 Belly, Frederick 201 Nicholas 55 Benedict, A. S. 299, 300 Aaron S. 290.292, 294, 295, 303, 305 Aron S. 317, 318 Benjamin (Black) 151 Berney (See Bimey) Bertin, Samuel 153 Bettis, David J. 295 Bet (Black) 104, 146, 147, 149, 151 Beyea (Beyeays, Boye, Boyea), John 181 Beniamin, Benjamin, 72-75, 77, 78, 84 John 54, 55, 177 Sarah 77, 78 Billey, Oliver 97, 103 Birckter, Jacob 140, 290, 291, 303 Bimey (Berney, Berny), C. H. 282, 300, 303 Charles H. 291-294, 296, 317 Bimett, J. J. 293 Bloomer (Bloomar, Blooner, Blumar), Arnold 177, 178, 181 Gilbert (Gil, Gilb, Gilbird, Gilbr, Gil- brid, Gilbt, Gulbird) 2, 3, 7, 11, 14-18, 20-33, 36, 37, 39.41, 44-46, 48, 52, 54, 55-57, 59,60,66,67,69,70,72-78,80- 83, 9,60,66,67,69,70,72-78,80- 83, 89, 92, 171, 172, 174, 176, 177 Hannah 17, 37 J. J. 315 329 U John 160.168, 181, 318 Reuben (Reaben, Reabin, Reubin, Rubeen, Ruben, Rubin, Rueben) 11, 12, 19, 34, 39, 55, 90, 91, 110,168-189, 193 Blumar (See Bloomer) Boice, Henry 112 Bonnett, James 14, 15 John 14, 15 Bonsell, James 285 Booth, Samuel 293 Bowan, (Bowen) Patrick 119 Bowyee, John Jr. 173 Boyd, James 20, 25, 39 John N. 291 Monford E. 228 Peter 18, 25, 26, 165, 166, 173 W. H. 136 William A. 220-222,224,294,295,303, 305,318 William S. 257, 258 Boye (See Beyea) Boyea, (See Beym) Boys, Alpheus S. 225 Brandon, John 305, 318 Bremmeke, Charles 318 Brett, D. F. 299 Brickton, (See Birckter) Bridges, William 113, 126, 134 Brigg, (Briggs) Alva 128 Lewis (Louis) 276, 277, 295, 305 Britt, Gilbert 250 Brown, Benjamin 243, 245 Benjamin M. 242, 244, 246-249, 251- 256,258 Capt. 181 David R. 123, 124, 242, 244, 264 James W. 116, 136 Jonathan, Jr. 65, 66 Phebe 65, 66 Thomas 29, 30 Brundage (Bmndige), E. P. 285, 287, 288 Edward 280 Lewis 106 Bryden, James 88 Bmckter (See Birckter) Bucter (See Birckter) Buckter (See Birckter) Budd (Bud), Ame (Eme) 91, 92 Bern 31 Gilbert (Gilb, Gilbt) 86-89, 91, 94-96, 98-101, 104, 108, 146, 147, 149, 179- 183, 185-197 Gilbert, Jr. 94, 98, 99, 186, 188 Jack 105 John 23 Jonathan 89 Ophelia M. 101, 104 Sarah 42 Underhill (Under), Underhil 1, 2, 8, 34, 41, 42, 88, 89, 167-170, 173 Burling, Richard 105 Samuel 105 Burnet, John J. 290 Burns, Alexander 7 Elizabeth 7 Burtis, David J. 270, 291 Burros, Peter A. 197, 198 Bushton, John 79 Buyly (See Bayley) Calrow, Richard Jr. 127-129, 132 Candice (Black) 99 Carhart, John 5 Carle, Thomas 6 Carpenter, Elisha 106, 199, 201, 202, 204, 206 Mott 236 Thomas 105 William A. 129, 131, 134, 139, 264, 271, 272, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280, 282 William H. 275 Zibro 317 Casmith, Henry 251 Cassan, Thomas 95 Catharine (Black) 102 Chapman, W.F.T. 134 Charlot (Black) 147, 151 Charles (Black) %, 97, 149 Christmas (Black) 189 Clapp, Howley D. (Hawley) 282, 308 N. D. 288 Clark, Benjamin 123, 124, 235, 246 Clews, S. 82 Samuel 81 Coates (Coals) (See Coles) Coggsha0, Gideon 153, 204 Cokelet (See Coquilat) Coles (Coale, Coals, Cooles), A. G. 136, 282, 283, 286, 292 Adam G. 123, 124, 130, 135, 233, 241, 251, 254, 256, 257, 264, 266, 268, 269, 271, 274, 277, 278, 281, 283, 287, 289- 291 330 y Caleb 97, 190, 195-197 James, 54-57,-57, 72, 74, 75, 77, 205, 208, 210, 245 John 26, 198, 199 Joseph 185 Mary 56, 57 Robert 6,13,19,20,25-27,38,168,169, 172, 176, 179 Rolston (Rostlin) 141, 280, 282, 289, 290 Thomas S. 318 William 172 Collins (Collens), Hugh 128 Cooles, (See Coles) Coon, Rod, 79 Honas 79 Coquilat (Cokelet), Frances 163 Cornell (Cornwell), Benjamin 53, 205 Edwin T. 307, 318 Joseph 53 Peter 52-54 Richard 11, 12, 16, 17, 90, 91, 166 Richard Jr. 165 Sarrah (Sarah) 52-54 Stephen 105 William 107, 120, 286, 292, 295 William H. 116, 123-125, 203 William T. 106 Comer, F. C. 294 Frances C. 292 Francis C. 292-294 Cornwell (See Cornell) Covert, Isaac 236-239 Craighall, Robert 294 Crawford, Elijah 96 William 130 Croft, Mary 270 Crocker, (Crockers, Croocker) Benjamin 103, 104, 106, 107, 200-203, 207, 209 Crookston, John 3 Cudner, Richard 5 Cull (Black) 105 Cummings, A. P. 128 Cuyler, H., Junr. 70 Danbury (Danberry), Loyd S. 231, 237 Daniel (Black) 147 Darby, John 103 Davenport, Newbury 100 David, William 193, 198, 199, 202, 207 Davies, William 235 Davis, Benjamin 235 Davis, Charles 3 William 39, 111, 115,199-201,203,207 Dayton, Silas 106 Deal (Dealt), Jacob (Black) 99 J. J. 287, 288 Deare, Jonathan 88 Delancey (DeLancey), Anne (Ann) 60-65, 69-75, 77, 79, 81, 86, 87 James 43. 60, 62, 86, 87, 88 J. P. 119 John P. 107, 112, 149, 151, 189-194, 196-201 John Peter 97, 99, 100, 147, 203, 208 Susannah (Susanah, Susanna, Sussan- na) 61-65, 70-72 Thomas P. 213 DeLencey (See Delancey) Demick, Levrit 225 Dickinson, H. 282 Dingee, Solomon 287 Disbrow (Disbro), Benjamin (Beniamin) 160, 192, 246 Henry (Henry, Henory, Henenery) 2, 5, 18, 22, 27, 33, 34, 36A 1, 44, 45, 47, 66, 83, 88, 90, 91, 101, 106-109, 120, 156-158, 160-166, 168, 170, 175, 184- 186, 188-190, 192-203, 205, 207, 208 Henry Jun` 163-165 John 4, 51, 156-158, 160, 161, 192 Joseph 27, 43, 44 Josiah 35-37, 47, 48 Margaret, (Margeret) 192 William H. 306 Dixon (Dixen), Elijah G. (Eligah) 226, 234-247 Dobey, William 243 Donaldson, James 260, 261, 266, 293 Peter 93, 191, 193, 194 Dorathea (Black) 151 Dougherty (Doughty), Doty (Dote) 178- 180, 193 Permelia 119 Downing, Edgar 234, 235 Richard 103, 111, 113, 201-206, 708, 235 Richard R. 237 Drake, Garrardus (Gerardus, Garrados, Garradus) 50, 165, 166 Driscoll, Thomas 295, 299 Dunan, Charles E. (See Duncan) Duncan, Charles 193-195 Charles E. 97, 147, 195 Durham, Michael 305, 307 331 Dusenberry, Henry 193 Easther (Black) 147 Eliza (Black) 151 Emirson, John 172 Enis (Ennis), Alexander 235, 236, 238 Alaxandar 237 Erwin, Samuel 167 Everson, George 273 Faggart, William 289 Fairchild John C. 304, 305, 307, 310, 318 Jon C. 307 Fairweather (Fayerweather), Samuel (Sam) 10.27-30,59,60,91,93,176,177, 180 Farr, Eugene 132 Fayerweather (See Fairweather) Ferris, (Feris, Ferriss), Peter 111, 112,210- 216, 218-220, 223-225, 228 L. M. 308, 309 Fisher, William 130, 251, 266, 267, 271, 272,275-278 Flag, A.C. 113 Flannigan (Flanagan, Flanegan, Flan- igan, Flannagan), Michael 291, 292, 294, 303, 305, 307, 310, 318 Flandrau (Flandreau), John 26, 140, 295 John N. 288 Flood, John 184 Florence, (Flourence, Florrence), B. 118 Benjamin 103, 106, 112, 117, 119, 123, 124, 127, 128, 132, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 217, 224, 231, 234, 237, 238, 241, 245, 248, 251, 252, 254, 256 Deborah 13 Gidean (Didon, Giden) 11-13, 90, 91 William 123, 124, 132, 254, 282, 284, 290,307 Horan, Benjimin 233 Folsom, Samuel 65 Forster, William 81 Fosha, Matthew B. 222 Thomas 266 Foshay (Forshey, Foshey, Foshy), John F. 303 Thomas 112, 225, 229-235, 239, 241, 242, 244, 245, 247, 248, 251 Fowler, (Fowlar), Elizabeth 208 Gilbird 41 Henry (Hennary) 7, 8, 81, 82, 162-165 James 186 John 114 Jonathan 86, 88 332 Joshua 103, 108, 196, 198-203 Philemon H. 153 Fuller, James M. 289 Gale, Andrew 192 Gales, Nicholas, Nicolas 219 Gailhard, Egen (Eugen) 318 John B. 128 Galpin, Moses 49, 50 Gambling, William M. 280, 282, 292, 310 Gedney (Gedmey, Gedny, Gidney), Absolum 184-188 Anne 79-81 Caleb 80, 130, 132, 134 Eleazer (Elezar, Eliezar, Ehezer, Elizer, Elyazar, Elyazer) 2, 4, 51, 88, 89, 156, 158-161, 241 Ehjah 176, 178 Flithea 80 G. 137, 138 Gilbert 106 Harry 199 Isaac 39, 40, 48-52, 79-81, 166,167,169- 171, 186-188 James 23-25 John 51, 52, 287-290 Jonathan 242 Johnathan H. (Johnathan H.) 244, 247, 251, 253-255 . Joseph 9, 68, 179 Joshua 67 Nicholas, (Nicolas) 289, 290 Nicholas H. 230 Phebe 24, 25 Rebecca 88, 89 Roosevelt (Rosevelt) 295 Samuel 282, 286, 288 William H. 307, 310, 316 Gellert, George W. 263 George (Black) 151 Gidney (See Gedney) Gin (Black) 147 Giraudin, Gustavus 284 Gilchrist, Thomas 50 Grace (Black) 151 Graham, Isaac G. 95 Gralabrum, J. 128 Gray, James 101 Green, Purdy 228 Thomas 202 Greer, Charles 307 Greffm, (See Griffen) Griffen (Grefen, Greffen, Greffin, Grifens, Griffin, Griffins, Grifin), Anne, 32, 33 Anna 125 Benjamin (Benjamin, Benjmin) 4-6, 10, 29, 32-34, 4044, 61, 63, 95, 96, 110, 160-165, 168-170. 172, 174, 175, 177- 179, 181, 182, 184-191, 209, 211 Benjamin Jr. 103, 184186, 188, 32 7 Daniel 123-125, 218, 222, 225, 2 Deborah S. (Debroah) 124 Gilbert 209, 211 Hannah 12, 13, 19 Henry, I, 3, 4, 32, 103, 106-109, 111- 116, 134, 136, 169, 201-208, 211-222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 233, 234 James 267, 269, 271-274,276, 277, 294, 295, 303, 305 James H. 258, 263 John 1,4 -8,21.25,27,41,102 -104,161- 169, ,4-8,21.25,27,41,102-104,161- 169, 173, 186-191, 199, 200 John C. 123-125 Jonathan 176, 178 Joseph 66, 68, 103, 111, 123-126, 128, 176, 177, 179-181, 184, 186, 189, 207 Richard 112, 217, 218 Robert 202, 203, 206 Stephen 16, 17, 745 Stephen C. 123-125, 128,239,244,247- 252, 254, 256, 258, 263, 264, 268, 270, 272, 273, 275, 277, 278 William 16,17,43,53,169-171,173,174 Groves, Capt Samuel 238 Samuel S. 242 Guion, Eligah (Eigah, Elijah) 231, 232 Frederick 195 G. H. 121 George H. 124, 132, 257 James H. 223, 225-229, 231-237, 239- 242, 251, 253, 255-257 John, 72 John H. 238, 275 Norman 290 Purdy 233 Gunn, John G. 260 Gumer (Gurnee), Frances 165 Hadden, Bartho 186, 187 Bartholomew 186-188 Ben". Benjamin, Benjin, Bin 96-98, 103, 109, 111, 112, 115, 191-193, 197-200, 209, 211, 214216, 219 Daniel, D. T. (D.D.T.), Danial, D.T. Danil D. T., 115-117, 120, 124-126,128, 129, 219, 224227, 231-245, 247, 249, 250, 254-259, 261, 263, 265-267, 272, 274,275 Benjamio, Jun. 216 Benjamin F. 221, 222, 224, 225 Benjamin G. 216, 218 Elijah 106, 108, 111, 202, 208 E. C. 236 Epenetus C. (Epinetus C.) 120, 227, 233, 235, 237-241 James R. 113, 115, 116, 134, 136, 220- 225, 227 230-239, 242, 244 James T. 222 Job 33, 42, 44-46, 79 Jos. 45 Peter H. 225 Peter K. 132 Haight (Height, Haigh), Charles 284 Daniel 24 E. 296 EBsha 304, 308, 309 John 220 John Jr 94 215-217, Joseph 110, 124, 127, 128, 207, 221-223, 228, 230, 231, 233-237, 241- 243, 246, 247, 249, 262 Haines (Rains, Haynes, Hayns,), Godfree 160 Joseph G. 111 P. 315 Solomon 24 Hall, Abraham 112, 129, 131, 139, 227, 228, 230, 231, 245, 254, 256, 259, 260, 268, 271, 272, 275, 277, 281, 287 James 112 James M. 235-237, 239, 241, 248-251, 256 Isaac(Isac) 112,123,124,130,217,222, 230, 244, 259-261, 264, 266-268, 270, 273, 278, 287 Stephen 103, 112, 209, 211, 212 Thomas 129, 131, 134, 138-140, 272, 273, 278, 282, 285-288, 290, 295, 303, 305,307 Thomas H. 263 Thomas J. 137, 259, 261, 262, 265 Thonas J. 260 William 112, 193 Halstead (Halsted), Ezekial 112, 216, 217 Job 200 Schureman 285, 286 Thomas 206, 317 Hannah (Black) 147 Hannibal (Black) 101 Hard, Ebenemr 65 Harriott, Ezra T. 129-131 Harriot (Black) 151 Harry (Black) 96, 106, 110 Hart, John 224 James 99 Hatfield, Amos 232 Amos F. 232, 234 333 Havelan, Mary 105 Haviland (Havaland, Havelan, Haveland, Havild), Bartholomew 307, 310 Chauncey (Chanucy) 289-291 Ebenezer 28 Edward 128, 130, 141, 269, 270, 272, 273, 275, 277, 278, 284, 285, 287, 290, 294, 295, 305 Margaret 22 Stephen 217 William 132 William B. 269, 270, 272, 273 William D. 130 Haynes (see Haines) Headley, Richard 159, 245 Heathcoat (Heatcote, Heathcoat, Heath - cot, Heathcott, Hethcott), Col. Caleb, (Calab), 17, 26, 81-83, 157, 158,160 Martha, 81, 82 Height, (See Haight) Henry (Black) 147 Hester (Black) 147 Higbee (HigbieJ Nanthaniel 128, 130 Hill, J. D. 132, 137-139, 283-288 James D. 252 John 9, 89 Jonas 282 Jonas D. 254, 257, 278, 279, 287, 321 Walter C. 280 Hitchcock, B. T. 138, 139 J. G. 138 Hitchcock & Spencer 294 Hobby, William 262 Hoffman, J. 280 Joseph 126, 128, 132,264-269, 271, 273, 274; 278, 279, 294, 295, 303, 305, 321 Holmes (Holme), Hanford 234,235,237- 242, 34,235,237- 242, 248-250 Hopkins, C. W. 122 Chas. W. 122, 265 Charles W. 257-259, 261, 263 Lawrence (Laurence) 303, 305, 310 Horsmondan, Daniel 57 Horton, (Horton) Anne (Ann) 68, 69, 85, 86 Caleb 8, 28 Deborah %, 97, 106, 111, 184190 Elijah 83-85 Gilb 97 Gilbudd (Gilbad, Gil Bard, GOBudd, Gig Budd) 83-85, 103, 104, 106, 181- 183, 197-199, 202 James 31, 55, 67, 75, 76, 78, 80, 83-86, 334 110, 174-179 James Jr. 2-4, 26, 27, 30, 31, 54, 55, 59, 60, 66, 68, 69, 73, 77, 84-86, 113 John 8, 82 Howell, Celia A. 141-143 Cecilia 143 Hubbs (Hubs), Christopher 100, 199 Hudson, Hannah 55 Matthew 54, 55 Humphrey, Jacob B. 281-284 Hunt, Josiah 184 Samuel Jr. 40, 41 Samuel Sr. 40, 41, 44 Hush, Alford 224 Ireland, William H. 266, 269 Jack (Black) 95, 99, 100 Jack, Mary (Black) 105 Jane (Black) 94 Jay, Peter A. 226 Jenkins, John F. 126 Johnson, Charles 97 Dnckter (Doctor) 43 Elizabeth 25 William 25 Johnston, (Johnson) Anne, (Ann) 87 Heathcoat (Heathcote) 61-65, 71, 72 John L. (John Lewis, John Leis) 70, 71, 87,88 Lewis 81, 86, 87 Leuis (Lewis, Louis), 60-65, 69-75, 77, 79 Peter 126-129 Jones, Thomas 62, 64, 65, 87 Jordan, (Jorden, Jordon) Allen 228 John 112, 115, 116, 134, 136, 224, 225 Kerhofer (See Kirkoeffer) Kirhoffer (See Kirkoeffer) Kirkoeffer (Kerhofer, Kirhofer), Henry 291,292 Henry A. 303 Knapp, Anna 94 Josiah P. 264, 265 Kramer, Arthur 275 Ladou, Daniel 18 Landrine, William 35,36 Laurence (see Lawrence) Lawrence (Laurence, Lawrece), Augustus 189 Charles 103, 106, 115, 123, 200, 207, 212, 235, 242 Frances P. 133 Francis 242 Francis P. 131, 132, 134 J. 118 Jesse (Jasse, Jessee) 224-228, 230, 236, 237, 242, 249, 251, 254 John 202 Samue1130,231,234,238,239,242,248 Samuel A. 233 Thadeus (Taddeus) 241, 242, 250 William 235, 236, 239-241, 250 Lee, Edward (Edwar) 103, 106, 108, 109, 111, 115, 186, 187, 190, 19L 193-203, 206-209, 211, 212 Elijah 109, 221 Esther 235 Lehe (Layhe, Lehie, Lehee), David 128, 132, 138, 140, 282, 284, 287 Lewis, (Black) 151 Lewis, David 215 Lewis, Henry G. 137, 294 Ickabod(Ickabod,Ichabud,Ichabudd) 193, 198-200 Samuel 216, 239, 263 William D. 259 Lilly 150 Lion (See Lyon) Livingston, Robert R. 65 Lobee, Wretrum 170 Lounsberry (Loundsbery, Lounsbery, Lounsbury, Lownsbury), Peter 94 Tamar, I, 11 William I, 10, 23, 24, 32-34, 169, 170, 172-180. 182 Lyon (Lion, Lyons) A. 136, 282, 283, 286 Albert 280-283, 285, 287-294, 305, 316 Calvin A. 288, 294 Daniel 278 Gilbert S. 321 John P. 127 Monmouth (Monmoth) 109-114, 136, 151, 153, 205, 207-216, 220, 222-226, 228-230 Nehemiah 94 Peter 50, 95 Thomas C. 245, 248, 249 Thubal (Lubal) 217 McCabe, Owen 288, 291, 318 William 291, 295, 307 McDonald, William H. 310 MacGown, James 202, 205, 207, 208 McLoughlin, J. H. 143 Jos. H. 142, 308, 309, 316, 318 Joseph H. 307 McNulta, Daniel 193 Maloney, Morris 281, 283 Marsh, Mary 38 Marsh, William 38 Marshall (Marshel, Morshall), Alexander (Allexander, Allexandier) 120, 233, 235 J. J. 269, 270, 279 Jared 191 John 96, 191-193, 268 John E. 136, 234 John J. 123, 124, 268-270, 274-277 Ralph 241, 242, 244, 248, 249 Walter 111, 115, 134, 208-217, 219-232 Martlett, Joseph C. 292 Maselis, Theopilus (Theop`) 99 Mason, Edward N. 260, 263, 264 Mayer, Jacob 289-291, 294, 310 Mead, W'° G. 224 Meadowsm, James 46, 90 Meighan, Thomas J. 307 Mercer, Eugene 128 Merritt (Merit, Meritt, Merret, Merrit), Edward 43, 58-61. 63, 91, 92. 95, 96, 106, 107, 110, 147, 170-173, 175-177, 179-182, 184-195, 200 Gilbert 107 Henry 106, 110, 195-203, 206.208 Jane 106, 151 John 77, 78, 93, 108, 182-186 John A.139 John B. 130, 132 John J. 137-139 John Jr. 103, 104, 195, 197 Samuel 191 Sniffen (Sniffin) 123, 124,25%269,270 Michael (Black) 108 Miles, Hadden 308 John W. 308 William H. 303, 305, 310, 318 Mill, Edward D. 310 Miller, Nicholas 120, 228, 230-233, 235, 237,238 Mills, John W. 315 Milliken, W. T. B. 287 Minturn, Rowland R. 114 Moran, D. A. 299 Morgan, Caleb 288 James 161 Morrell (Morrel, Morre0e, Morrill), (John), John B.) 231 John 107, 111, 114, 115, 123-126, 197- 199, 201-207, 209-217, 220-225, 227, 228, 230-234, 236-238, 242-244, 266, 335 268, 270, 271, 282, 285 John Jr. 245, 248, 249, 251, 252, 257 Rivers 204, 210 William 240-242 Morshall (See Marshall) Moses (Black) 105 Mott (Moot, Moott, Mot), Adam 196 James (Jeames, Jeams, Jeanes) 27, 39, 40, 55, 83, 90, 91, 101, 156-158, 160- 162, 164, 165, 173, 192 John 18, 19, 26, 165-169 John Sr. 164 Lydia 55 Mary 56, 57, 192 Richard 107, 191 Robert 97 Sam' (Samuel) 100, 191, 194, 195, 197, 198 Wilbam 2-8, 10, 12,13, 15, 18-20,22, 23, 37, 39, 56, 91, 92, 169-172, 174-178 Muller, Adran H. 230 Mumford, John P. 141, 291 Munro, Henry 223, 224 Peter Jay 97-99, 151 Myers, (Myren) James 112 Nanny (Black) 150, 151 Nelly (Black) 147, 151 Nelson (Nellson, Nolson), Eli (Ely, Elye) 25, 37, 38, 156, 160.164 Elijah 16 Elisha 110 Enoch 9 John 157-159, 239 Makarshalalhashbaz (Maker), 8, 9, 27 Mary 67 Polycarpus (Polacarpus, Polarcarpos, Polecarpus, Pollacarpus, Pollecarpos, Pollecarpus)9,156,157,160-163,166, 247 Thomas 9, 20, 21, 66, 67 William 12, 13, 27, 168, 169 Newlen, John 97 Newman, Stephen M. 260 Nichel, John 205, 207, 208 Nichols (Nicholls), Rich 322 Samuel 288, 293 William G. 124, 262, 263 Noyes, William H. 133 Oakley, Truman G. 296 OBrien, William 280,284 O'Conner, John 305 O'Connor, John 307, 310, 318 Oghby (Oglibe), Leonard 227-230 336 O'Neil, Edward 307 Palmer (Pallmmar, Palmmer, Palmor, Pamar, Plamar), Aaron (Aron, Arron) 106, 110, 112, 118, 119, 127, 129, 206- 212, 214, 216, 217, 219, 221, 224, 225, 228, 230, 234, 239-241 Benjamin 11,13,19-21,27,68,171,173- 178, 180-186, 194-197 Benjamin Jr. 184, 185 Ehhu 89, 169, 170, 173, 187, 192, 193 Elizabeth 20, 34-36 George 103,188-199,201-203,205,207, 209,211 Japheth (Japeth) 112, 234 Jessee B. 255, 260, 262, 266, 267, 280, 282, 285, 288, 289 John 19, 20, 34-37, 123, 124, 175, 188, 191, 193, 194, 21 I, 212, 214, 217, 222, 224-230, 232, 245, 247, 251, 254, 255, 257, 259, 260 Mamutduke 19, 20 Nathan 19, 184-186 Nehemiah (Nehemyah, Nehimiah, Neomyah) 2, 11, 13, 18, 26, 38, 39, 8I, 82, 137, 156, 159-170, 233, 236, 264, 266, 269, 277, 280-282, 284, 285, 287, 303,322 Nehemiah Jr. 170, 171, 173 Obediah (Obadaih, Obodiah) 156,157, 160-168, 197 Peter 224 Phillip, Philip 230 Richard 250 Samuel (Samuell, Sammuell) 82, 156- 158, 160, 161, 185 Silvanus (Selevenus, Seluenas, Silanus, Siluanus, Siluenus, Silvenus, Sivanus) 11-13, 156, 160-168 Sollomon (Soloman, Solomon) 161- 169 Thomas 143, 247, 259, 264-267, 277, 282 Thomas B. 111, 205, 207-212 William 156-158, 192, 196 W. D. 294 William D. 136,138,139,251,252,257- 260, 262, 277, 279, 280, 282-284, 286- 288, 291, 292, 303, 305, 308, 316 William H. 123, 128 Park, Daniel 94 Timothy 94, 95 Peate, William 167 Peck, Gideon, Jr. 264 Peet, William 33, 34 Peg (Black) 96, 147 Pelham, James 106 Pelton, Ithamer 82 Penior(Penneir, Pineor, Pinienes, Poniar, Punier), Robert 51 William, (W illam, W illoam) 9, 26, 50, 51,157. 160 Perrin (Perrin), A. M. 315 John 130, 132, 280-282, 284, 285, 287- 289, 291-293, 295, 303, 306, 307, 316 Peter (Black) 147 Phebe (Black) 147 Pheby (Black) 146 Philpse, Fred 50 Phillipse, Frederick 50 Pine, Charles 113, 213-215, 217, 219-222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 231, 233 George 199 Pineor, William (See Penior) Pinieres, William (See Penior) Pinkney, John Esq.' (John) 102,105, 107, 190-195, 197-204, 206-211 Pirdy (See Purdy) Plamar (See Palmer) Plato (Black) 148 Porter, Henry T. 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247 j Post, Edwin 220-222 Pott, Nancy (Black) 149 Tom 149 Potter, V. 133 Pmll, Ichabod I I I Prescorlg (Priscolg), William 87 Purdy (Pirdy, Purday, Purdys), Hakaleah (Hakahah) 99 Henry 296 Jack (Black) 151 Joseph, 30, 179-182 Josiah, 44 Joshua 102 Sam" 34, 50, 52, 82 Samuel 34, 38, 42, 50, 52, 81, 82, 91 Silvenas (Silvenus) 201 William H. 129, 130 Purdy & Fisher 283 Putnee, John 160 Quinby (Quimbe, Quimby), Hannah 26 Josiah 18, 26, 161, 163 Samuel 26 Regan, John 309 Revere (Rever), John W. 294, 295, 303, 305, 307, 316 Rhodes (Roades, Roads, Rodes), John 6, 7, 16, 17, 25, 53, 160 Richbell, Ann (Madam Richbell) 157, 158, 172 John 172, 192, 321, 322 Rickes, Elijah 210 Roadm (See Rhodes) Robertson, Thomas 106, 107 William H. 292 Robinson, Gilbert 185, 186, 189, 191, 194 H. D. 129 James 195, 196, 212 Johnathan 201 Samuel 189 Thomas 134, 139, 201, 206, 208, 209, 212-217, 219, 224, 227, 242, 248, 254, 259, 260, 267, 273, 275, 278, 293 Thomas Jr. 192, 197-200, 227 Rodes (See Rhodes) Rodgers, Edward 239 Rn, Charles 187, 188 Stephen 189, 192 Rogers, Daniel, Jr. 200 David 97, 98, 104, 106, 149, 192, 194- 197 David Jr. 99-110, 148, 150, 151, 193, 198-208 Doct' David 193, 198 Harry (Black) 106 Hester 100, 104 James F. 219 James T. (Janes), 133, 134, 138-140, 220, 222, 282, 285 Rachel S., Ruches S. 140 Reuben (Reubin) 69, 175, 176 Bourne, Peter P. 274 Rose (Black) 101, 102 Rushmore, Thomas L. 287-290 Rustin, John 41 Sackett, Nathaniel (Nath1) 194, 195 Sally (Black) 147 Salts, Maurice 85 Sands, Jesse M. 246,254 John 99, 108, 190-195 Merritt, Merrit 280, 284, 290, 294, 318 Nathaniel 170 Richard 48 Sanford, Elizabeth 120, 254 Sarah (Black) 147 Scholefield (Schofield, Scholefeld, Schol- field, Scofekl, Scofield), Alexander 175, 190 Arnold 266, 267, 269, 271, 272, 274 Ebbinezar 204 Eli 39 337 Isaac 105, 198-203,207-209 James 239, 240 Nelson 103, 196, 197 Schotts, William E. 127 Schureman (Seureman), Jeremiah 97.195 John 193 Schuyler, Henry Jnr. 70 Scofield (See Scholefield) Scott, Henery 168 William 247, 249 Seacord (See Secor) Seaman. (Seamen, Seman), Edward, 120, 121, 124, 126, 127, 129-132, 134, 244,245,247-267,269-272,274-277,303 Giles 93, 95,99, 103, 108,109, 111, 186- 197, 201, 202, 206-208, 211, 212 Secor (Seacord, Secord), James 195, 198- 200 John 225, 227, 228 Joshua 94, 95 Isaac 112, 118, 219, 233, 253 Stephen 130, 2% Seureman (See Schureman) Shaw, Michel 163 William, (Willoam) 158, 160, 162, 167 Shear, John 285 Shearer, John 256, 259 John H. 282 Samuel 295, 303, 304 Shute, Samuel 99 Sibb (Black) 106 Sibb, Moses 105 Sickles, Benjamin 130 William 307 William A. 318 Sileck (Silleck), Rev. John A. 126 Skinner, Stephen 61, 62, 64, 65 Slat (See Stoat) Stoat (Slat), Horace B. (Hormce. Horas, Horrac) 217, 220, 224-234 Smith, Andrew 192 Benjamin 3 George 304, 307, 316 George H. 292, 294, 295, 303, 305, 307, 310, 318 George Sr. 309 James M. 133 Josiah 105 Mary (Black) 105 Matson 195 Maurice 33 Moris 67 Shadrack. Shadrac 132, 134 William 87 Snider, George 137 Sniffen, Isaac %, 97, 110, 203 Soliss, John 14, 15 Somerville, James 110 Spencer, James C. 305, 306 Stang, Henry, (See Strang) Stanley (Staniy), William S. 114.225, 227, 230, 233, 273, William T. 228 Stanton, Richard 225, 230, 231 Stephens 277 Stertefeldt (See Sturtefeldt) Stevens, William S. 282 Stevenson, Edward 166 John, Jno 82, 168-173 Strang, Henry 210, 218, 220, 221 Stringer, James 299 StuRefeldt (Stertefeldt), Frederick, (Fred- rick) 129-132 Suck (Black) (See Susannah) Susannah (Suck -Black) 94, 95 Sumers (Summers), Henery 282 William H. 268 Sutton (Sutten), Eme 27 Jacob H. 217 John 90, 91, 169, 170 Joseph 1, 2, 28, 42, 45, 46, 5810. 94, 167, 173 Mary 1, 2 Phebe 46 Robert 45, 46, 59, 60.92 Thomas E. 321 William 22, 23, 27,52,53,57-65,69-77, 80, 81, 84, 92, 171, 173-182 Tali, Ellis 111, 202-210 Tamar, Anne (Black) 151 Tatt, Daniel 224 Taylor, (Tayler) Isaac C. 273, 274, 276, 278 Samuel 162 Telemaque (Black) 101, 102 Tershay, Thomas 225 Thomson, William 147 Tilford, William 280 William H. 290, 292, 293, 307, 309 338 Titus, Joseph 184 Rebecca 105 Tom, (Black) 149, 172 Tompkins (Tomkins), Caleb 274 Coles, (Cole) 219, 220 Daniel D. 95 Enock (Enoch) 217, 219, 221, 222, 231, 232, 237, 239, 241 Isaac C. 321 Jonathan G. 94, 95 Noah 100, 101, 132, 133, 190-195,197- 199 Phebe 114,240 Thomas M. 280 Towlar, Joshua 199 Townsand, Samuel 206, 207 Townsend, (Towsen) Elizabeth 28 James 106 Townsend, John 1, 2, 3, 10, 14-16, 27- 29, 39-41, 4345, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56-60, 62, 65-67, 69, 70, 72-78, 80-84, 110, 170-179 Tripler (Triplers), Thomas 107 Turnars (Turners), John, Joh 181 Tuner, Daniel 224 Tyler, Simeon 203 Underhill, John B. 111, 209-211, 213-216 Samuel 182 Vail, Jesse (Jese) 103, 108 Valentine (Volantine), Daniel 153 Mathias G. (Matthias G.) 106, 202 Van Courtland, Jecobas 81, 82 Vanderburgh (VanDenburg, VanDer- burgh), George E. 273, 289, 291, 292, 294, 295, 300, 303, 305, 307, 310 George C. 305 Veal (See Vail) Vermilyou (Vermilya), Garret 240, 243 Volantine (See Valentine) Voorhies (Vorhires), Zacheriah 258, 263 Walsh (Watch), Louis (Lewis) 120, 260, 261, 264, 265, 271, 277, 278, 280.283 Frank E. 280 Ward, Bartholomew 195, 1% John 9 John M. 120, 251, 254, 257, 260, 264, 269 Stephen 93 Warren, Richard 303, 305, 307, 310 Watts, John 62, 64, 87 Jonathan, Jno 65 Weaver, Jacob 128 Webb, Charles 72-76, 84 Weeks, Elijah 66 Wells, David T. 259, 265, 266 Wetelson, Charles 140 Wetmore, J. 52 James 52 Timothy 24, 54 Whiteman, William 137 Wight, Amherst Jr. 292 Wilcox (Willcox), Edward 305 Edwin 307, 310 Edwin A. 288, 289 Wilder, Benjamin 242 Willett (Willet, Willit, Willith), Deborah 203 Jacob 190 William 8, 81, 82 William, (Black) 147 Wings, John 157 Wood (Woods), Daniel 1%, 197 Elkannah 103 Henry 129 Worter, Ebenezar65 Wright, Stephen 235 339