HomeMy WebLinkAboutPark Ordinance Adopted Feb. 3, 1937 General Ordinances Adopted Feb. 3, 1937 General Ordinances Adopted Feb. 17, 1937 With Amendments to October 24, 1957 1/1/1958 Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y. PARK ORDINANCE Adopted Feb. 3, 1937 !ith Amendments to October 18, 1944 GENERAL ORDINANCES Adopted Feb. 17, 1937 With Amendments to October 24, 1957 • Published by Order of the POLICE COMMISSION Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y. fie AM ,/ TOWN OF MAMARONECK, N. Y. _ -8 PARK ORDINANCE Adopted Feb. 3, 1937 GENERAL ORDINANCES Adopted Feb. 17, 1937 With Amendments to October 24, 1957 • Published by Order of the .vl POLICE COMMISSION Town of Mamaroneck, N. Y. Prepared by CHARLES J. GRONBERG, Town Clerk Published January 1, 1958 Nom PARK ORDINANCE AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF MA- MARONECK, APRIL 14, 1936. TITLE. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the Park Ordinance. Section 1: Definitions. Unless otherwise expressly stated, whenever used in these rules and regulations, the following terms shall be deemed to mean: (a) "Board of Park Commissioners" — the board having jurisdiction of any park or parks within the Town of Mamaro- neck. (b) "Parks" — any place, park, parkway, square, circle or concourse in the Town of Mamaroneck, legally set apart and accepted as such and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Park Commissioners including any lake, pond, pool, river, brook or other body or stream of water, either natural or arti- ficial, located therein. (c) "Permit" — a written authorization for the exercise of a specified park privilege issued by the Board of Park Commissioners. (d) "Persons" — shall mean any individual, firm or cor- poration and all other entities of any kind capable of being sued. Section 2: Interfering With Lands or Improvements Thereon. No person shall disturb any park lands or take up or re- move, or in any manner disturb or interfere with, any pave- ment, flagstones, trees, shrubs, plants, fence,sod, soil or gravel or any other property, except by direction of the Board of Park Commissioners. 3 —'11•La • �-..ms Section 3s Surface'and Sub-S6rface Disturbances 0 No person shall open, expose or interfere with any electric f£ conduit, water pipe, hydrant, basin,pool or other construction d. except by permission of the Board of Park Commissioners. ft of Section 4: Overhead Wires n No person shall attach or string any electric or other wire W or adjust or carry the same into.or over any park except by permission of the Board of Park Commissioners. Section 5: Destruction of or Injury to Park Property HdNo person shall cut, break, destroy, or in any way injure i 'l or deface any tree,'shrub, plant, grass, fence, post, railing, 1 o, chain, lamp, lamp-post, sign, sign-post, treeguard, building, bridge, structure or any other property in or upon any park, nor shall any fallen trees or branches be cut or removed ex- cept by direction of the Board of Park Commissioners. i h Section 6: Preseldvation of Lawns and Grass Plots. a No person shall lounge or lie upon any lawn or grass plot fi in any parka j Section 7: Substances That Kill or Injure Plant Life No person shall allow any gas, oil, salt, or other substance p deleterious to tree or plant life, to come into contact with the soil surrounding the roots of any tree, shrub or plant, in any park, in such manner as shall kill or destroy or injure such C tree, shrub, or plant. Amended October 18, 1944: p n Section 8: Pollution, Littering, Rubbish and Refuse N No person shall throw, place, deposit, drop, excrete, dis- n Fharge, or leave or suffer or permit any person or animal in or e under his or her charge, custody, or control to throw, place, ti deposit, drop, excrete, discharge, or leave in or onany park, y or any waters therein or any lawns, paths,walks,roads, drives, n 4` �r.�� it I • • or parkways thereof any'garbage, offal, organic refuse, urine, IC fecal or other offensive matter, ashes, cinders, stone, dirt, filth, dross, rubbish, grass, leaves, paper, pasteboard, wood, metal fruits, vegetables, other foodstuffs, vehicles/or parts thereof, p or any manufacturing, trade, or household waste, or any other refuse material, or any substance or material of any nature whatsoever. re Section 9: Processions; Drills! Music No parade, drill or manoeuver of any kind shall be con- ducted, nor shall any person play upona musical instrument or display any flag, banner, target, sign or placard, nor shall any civic or other procession form or move in any park,with- rout a permit from the Board of Park Commissioners. g, Section 10: Public Meetings No person shall erect any structure, stand, or platform or hold any public meetings or perform any ceremony or make any speech, address or harangue in any park without a permit from the Board of Park Commissioners. it Section 11: Permits for Sales, Exhibitions, etc. No person shall exhibit, sell or offer for sale anything whatsoever in any park except by permit of the Board of e Park Commissioners. e y Section 12: Posting Bills or Placards; Distributing Cards, h Circulars or Pamphlets. _ No person shall post, affix, place or leave any bill or placard, notice or other paper in or upon any structure, auto- mobile, tree, fence, post, railing, bench, rock, article or thing within any park, or upon any park street, nor paint, write, mark, draw, or affix with any substance or material whatso- r -ever, theron or therein, any advertisement, notice or exhorta- tion or any other writing, drawing, or marking of any kind whatsoever, except under a permit of the Board of Park Com- ,r=9 missioners; and no person shall distribute, hand out or cast • • • �r� about any card, circular, pamphlet or other printed matter, i or other property or material of any nature whatsoever, within any park or on any park street. Section 13: Baseball and Other Games 1 No person shall throw, cast, catch, kick or strike with any implement whatever any baseball, golfball, football, basketball, bean bag or other object or play at any game in or upon any park or parkway, except within such areas as the Board of Park Commissioners may, in their discretion, from time to time designate and set apart for such purpose and then only at such times, in.such manner, and subject to such regulations as said Board may direct and determine. Section 14: Bathing, Fishing, Boating, Skating and Winter Sports No person shall wade or bathe in or enter in or upon the waters in any park; or place, enter or operate any boat, raft, float or similar object thereon; or place or operate any toy boat or similar device thereon; or catch,take or in any manner disturb any fish or other aquatic animals or plants therein. No person shall skate, ski, sleigh,toboggan or indulge in any of the so-called winter sports in or upon any park or any of the waters therein or on any of the lawns, paths, walks,roads, drives or parkways thereof, except within such areas as the Board of Park Commissioners may, in their discretion, from time to time designate and set apart for such purpose and then only at such times, in such manner, and subject to such regulations as said Board may direct and determine. Section 15: Hunting, Shooting, Trapping No person shall hunt, chase, shoot,trap, discharge or throw missiles, or disturb in any way any animal or bird in any park. Section 16: Dogs and Other Animals. Amended October 18, 1944: No person owning or having the charge, custody, or con- trol of any animal shall cause, suffer, or permit such animal 6 er, to go at large in any park or park street. No person owning tin or having the charge, custody or control of any dog shall cause, suffer or permit such dog to enter, be brought into or remain in or on any park or park street except that a dog may he taken or led through a park if continuously restrained by a ny leash not exceeding six (6) feet.in length, and if continuously 311 confined to a hard surfaced path, walk, road,or drive and not aty allowed to enter in or upon any park waters or park lawn, of and if not suffered or permitted to stop, tary, loiter, or com- to mit any nuisance in or upon any such park area. rly Section 17: Animals, Injury or Possible Injury to Plant- ings ins No person shall tie any animal to any tree, plant or shrub, nd in or upon any park, or, having charge of any such animal, allow or cause it to injure any such tree, plant or shrub. he Section 18: Disorderly Conduct ft, oy No person shall in any park Ler (a) use any threatening, abusive or insulting language; in. (b) do any obscene or indecent act; ny (c) throw stones or other missiles; of (d) beg or publicly solicit subscriptions or contributions; is, (e) tell fortunes; he (f) play cards or other games of chance, or use or operate ,rn any gaming table or instruments; en (g) climb upon any tree, building, wall, fence, shelter, ch seat, statue, sign, pole or other construction; (h) fire or carry any firearms,firecrakers, torpedo, or fire- works; (i) make a fire; (j) do any act tending to a breach of the public peace. k. ,r Section 19: Traffic Regulations No person shall operate, drive or propel, and no owner thereof shall cause or permit to be operated, driven or pro- al pelled on any park street or roadway in any park, any bicycle, 7 motor-cycle, motor-tricycle, automobile or motor vehicle, how- a ever propelled,or any vehicle drawn by horses or other animals recklessly or negligently or at a speed or in a manner so as to e endanger or to be likely to endanger the life, limb or property c of any person. No person shall propel, ride, drive or operate n on any footpath, walk or elsewhere in any park, other than on the streets and roadways thereof, any bicycle, tricycle, scooter, roller skates or other vehicle of any nature whatsoever h other than baby carriages, wheel chairs, and similar vehicles n designed exclusively for the transportation of infants and of r disabled persons. s I a Section 20: Pdrking Vehicles r No person shall park a motorcycle, automobile or-horse- v drawn vehicle in any park, except within such areas as the Board of Park Commissioners may, in their discretion, from time to time designate and set apart for such purpose and then only at such times,in such manner,and subject to such regula- tions as said Board may direct and determine. No person shall d park, place, or leave-itny bicycle, tricycle, scooter, wheel chair, baby carriage, or similar vehicle or any object or thing what- soever on any foot path,walk, or steps or other place designed for the use of pedestrians in any park or in any place where i such object might or could obstruct or interfere with the free s and safe passage of pedestrians therein. s Section 21: Public Hack Stands l No vehicle for hire shall stand or park within any park, except in such places as may from time to time be designated and set apart by the Board of Park.Commissioners as a stand for public hacks and automobiles; and no owner, driver, or attendant of such a vehicle shall solicit passengers therefor within any park, except at the place or places so designated by the Board of Park Commissioners. Section 22: 1 No person, other than members of the Board of Park Com- a missioners, employees of the Park Department in the perform- 8 �. is' w- ance of their duties, and other persons in connection with the ils transaction of lawful business with the Park Department, shall to enter anygarage, shop, storeroomor other building or en- -ty closure devoted exclusively to the work of the Park Depart- ite ment or enter in or upon any flower bed or garden in any an park or enter in or upon any lawn or other portion of any park le, the use of which may from time to time be restricted or pro- ,er hibited by the Board of Park Commissioners; PROVIDED, fes nevertheless, that in the case of the last mentioned specially of restricted or prohibited areas the Board of Park Commissioners shall cause signs to be conspicuously posted at or near such areas setting forth the fact of such restrictions or prohibitions. No person shall walk, ride or propel any -vehicle or object ;e- whatever through any hedge,shrubbery or planting in any park. he Section 23: Custodian. of Minors en No parent, guardian or custodian of a minor shall permit a- or allow such minor to do any act prohibited by the Park Or- dinance. ir, it Section 24: ed The violation of any of the foregoing rules and regulations re is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor and any person or per- Se sons violating the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, on conviction before a justice of the peace, be punished by a fine not exceeding $50.00 or in default of payment of such fine by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. k, .d Section 25: - d All ordinances and parts of ordinances_inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. )r Section 26: d - If any section or part of section or paragraph of this or- •dinance be declared invalid or unconstitutional it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of-any other section or sections or part of a section or paragraph of L- this ordinance. 9 r Section 27: pi This ordinance shall take effect immediately after the same to shall have been published in accordance with Article 9 of the Town Law. Cf a: GENERAL ORDINANCES CHAPTER I — Definitions Section 1 — "Street" is every way set apart for public a: tratel, except alleyways, bridlepaths and footpaths. Section 2— "Sidewalks" is that portion of the street be. ai tween the physically established curb lines and the designated e] property lines. Section 3— "Vehicle" is every device by which any per. son or property is or may be transported or drawn upon the sl street. tl Section 4 —"Park," "parking," or"parked" shall mean e the stopping of a motor vehicle or motorcycle upon any public o highway and leaving such•motor vehicle or motorcycle unat- d -tended by a person capable of operating it, for a period longer than necessary to load or unload passengers or freight. Amended May 3, 1939: Section 5 — "Taxicab" shall be construed to mean any a motor driven vehicle for the transportation for hire, which c does not operate over a fixed route, pursuant to permission i granted under the provisions of the Transportation Corpora- I t lions Law, and which solicits patronage from a central office and/or on the public streets and which, when not carrying a passenger for hire, stands upon the public streets, or else- where either soliciting business or waiting for business and which is designed to carry not more than seven passengers. ' Added May 3, 1939 Section 6 r– "Private Livery" shall be construed to mean any motor driven vehicle for the transportation for hire of 10 i 1 passengers which does not operate over a fixed route,•pursuant Mme to permission granted under the provisions of the Transporta- the tion Corporations Law, and which solicits patronage from a central office on the basis of a flat rate,fixed,or hourly charge and which is designed to carry not more than seven passengers. Added September 5, 1939: Section 7— "House Trailer" shall be construed to mean )lic any vehicle used or capable of being used as sleeping or living quarters, mounted on wheels and propelled either by its own be- power or a power driven vehicle to which it may be attached, and includes an automobile trailer equipped with living quart- ted ers or sleeping facilities and a house car. er. Added September 5, 1939: the Section 8- "Trailer camp" as used in this Ordinance, shall be defined as any lot, piece or parcel of ground whereon three or more house trailers, house cars, or automobile trailers !an equipped with sleeping or living quarters are located or parked Ilk otherwise than for the purpose of loading and unloading or at- discharge or the entrance of occupants or passengers. ;er Added September 5, 1939: Section 9 - "Tourist Camp" as used in this Ordinance, shall be defined as any lot, piece or parcel of ground whereon ny are located or placed, one or more camp cottages, tent houses, ch cabins or other buildings, designed for living,quarters or sleep- on ing quarters for ten or more persons, including children, other ra- than houses, buildings and/or structures regulated under the ice Building Code and Zoning Ordinance of,the Town of Mamaro- ng neck. 3e- CHAPTER II ad Use of Streets, Highways, Etc. . ' New Chapter Adopted July 1, 1953 m Section'1 — The Police Commission of the Town of Ma- of maroneck is hereby designated, pursuant to Section 86 of the 11 . t A Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, to adopt rr regulations establishing safety zones, parking_spaces and bus, si cab and taxi stands on public streets or highways of the Town ti of Mamaroneck outside the Villages of Larchmont and Ma- ri maroneck and not including State highways maintained by the h State of New York in the Town of Mamaroneck. The Police S Commission of the Town of Mamaroneck is authorized to limit ti or prohibit parking in spaces and zones in such public streets c or highways provided such zones, spaces and stands, except tl spaces in frofit of private driveways, shall be marked and in- h dicated by suitable sigtis to be erected and maintained by the U Police Department, but nothing herein shall be construed as c superseding or conflicting with Section 440 of the Penal Law 'I of the State of New York. Section 2 — The Police Commission of the Town of Ma- n maroneck is }►ereby authorized, pursuant to Section 90 of the a Vehicle and Traffic Law, to designate highways in the Town P of Mamaroneck, outside the Villages of Larchmont and Ma- u maroneck, on which vehicles shall proceed in one direction v I` only, or from whichl eavy trucks shall be excluded, provided that highways so designated shall be so marked at all inter- sections by conspicuous signs which shall be visible during the hours in which such designation is to be observed. No t State Highway shall be thus designated without the approval a of the State Traffic Commission. Such designation shall not r be construed to prevent deliveries of merchandise or other 1 property along such highways. c Section 3 — The Police Commission of the Town of Ma- i c maroneck is authorized, pursuant to Section 90 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, to adopt regulations establishing a system 1 of truck routes. and providing that all trucks having a total 1 combined gross weight of vehicle plus load in excess of five � tonsshall be excluded from all streets of the Town outside of the- Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck except from those streets which form a part of the system of truck routes A and upon which trucks are permitted to travel and operate. Such exclusions,shall not be construed to prevent delivery of 1 12 opt merchandise or other property along. the streets from which tus, such trucks are excluded. No State Highway maintained by own the State shall be designated as part of such system of truck Via- routes nor shall any such trucks be excluded from any such the highway maintained by the State, without the approval of the Lice State Traffic Commission. All streets forming a part of such mit truck route system shall be marked by signs which shall gets comply with the provisions of Section 90, subdivision 1-A of ept the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and in- which sign shall be erected and maintained by the Police the Department. Any system of truck routes shall provide suitable as connection with all State routes entering and leaving the yaw Town. Section 4 — The Police Commission of the Town of Ma- maroneck is authorized, pursuant to Section 90 of the Vehicle the and. Traffic Law, to adopt regulations for the crossing by wn pedestrians of public highways in the Town of Mamaroneck la- - outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck but ion with respect to State Highways maintained by the State of led New York, such regulations shall be subject to the control of er- the State Traffic Commission. ng -*Section 5 — The Police Commission of the Town of Ma- No maroneck is authorized, pursuant to Seetion 90 of the Vehicle val and Traffic Law, to adopt regulations providing for the re- lot moval and storage of vehicles parked or abandoned on public ter highways of the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, during snow storms, floods, fires or other public emergencies, and for the payment of ;le reasonable charges for such removal or.stbrage, by the owner or operator of any such vehicle, butwith respect to State 'm Highways, maintained by the State of New-York, such regula- tions shall be subject to the control of the State Traffic ve de Commission. m Amended, April 21, 1954, July 28, 1954 and February es 4, 1957: e. Section 6 - The following public highways or parts of of highways in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of incorporated 13 [ t 4 Villages are hereby designated as main arteries of travel, and F all vehicles approaching such main arteries of-travel as hereby designated, shall, before entering the same, come to a full r stop, unless otherwise directed by a peace officer or signal: I Murray Avenue Ellsworth Road 1 1 Dillon Road I Forest Avenue — from Weaver Street to the New Rochelle• I Colonial Avenue City line. t Palmer Avenue • 1 Orsini Drive l Daymon Terrace- West Brookside Drive l provided that signs bearing the word "STOP" are erected and 1 maintained at or near the intersecting line of such main I arteries of travel with the following intersecting streets: Murray Avenue: Entrance to Rouken Glen Bryson Street J Colonial Avenue Glenn Road Homer Avenue 1 Maplewood Street Emerson Place Echo Lane I Edgewood Avenue , Leafy Lane Ellsworth Road: Hickory Grove Drive Garden Road Stoneyside Drive Little Farms Road Dillon Road: Parkland Avenue Chester Place I Edgewater Place 14 imor and Forest Avenue: eby I Vine Road full North Chatsworth Avenue ial; Valley Road Boulder Road Villa Lane Birchfield Road elle Rockingstone Avenue Colonial A Daymon Terrace Colonial Lane Palmer Avenue: :nd Harrison Drive ain Carleon Avenue Hawthorne Road Old Weaver Street Town Driveway (exit from Town Yard) Elkan Road Burton Road Merritt Street Orsini Drive: Byron Lane Daymon Terrace Senate Place West Brookside Drive Garden Road Fernwood Road Section 7, Amended, May 2, 1956 Section 7 — The following regulations regarding limita- tion of parking in congested areas in the Town of Mamaro- neck, outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, are hereby established, provided suitable signs are posted: 15 • • • ,A Ns A. AREA SURROUNDING THE NEW HAVEN RAILROAD (LARCHMONT STATION) 1. MYRTLE BOULEVARD (a) On either side—No parking 50 feet west of the corner of North Chatsworth Avenue. (b) One hour parking from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays: On the north side from Preston Street to Weaver- Street. eaverStreet. On the south side from Wood Street to Weaver Street. (c) No -parking on the north side from Murray Avenue to Cabot Road. (d) No parking on the south side from Depot Way to Vine Street. 2. BALDWIN AVENUE (a) North side— No parking (b) South side - No parking from dead end for a distance-of 150 feet east. 3. NORTH CHATSWORTH AVENUE. (a) On west side from Myrtle Boulevard to Hugue- not Drive. One hour parking from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., ex- cept Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, no park- ing between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. . (b) On east side from Myrtle Boulevard to rear en- trance of Chatsworth Gardens Apartments — No parking between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.One hour park- ing from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. (c) On east side from the rear entrance of Chats- worth Gardens Apartment to Edgewood Avenue — No Parking. (d) On the west side—No parking within 50 feet of Garfield Street, in either northerly or southerly direction. 16 AD (e) On the west side — No parking for 50 feet be- tween signs at the entrance.to the Stonecrest Apartments; no parking for 50 feet between signs the at entrance to Larchmont Hills Apartments. (f) On the east side — No parking for 50 feet be- eps tween signs at entrance to Chatsworth Gardens Apartments. ver (g) On the west side 50 feet south from LaFayette Road — No parking: ver 4. WASHINGTON SQUARE (a) On the north side — No parking from corner of ray North Chatsworth Avenue for a distance of 150 feet west. ray (b) On the north side, from a point 150 feet west of North Chatsworth Avenue to Madison Avenue — one hour parking from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., and no parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. a (c) On the north side— No parking for 50 feet be- tween signs at entrance to Carleton House. (d) On the south side —No parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. and one hour parking from 8 a.m. to 11 �e- a.m. (e) On the south side — No Marking for 50 feet be- x- tween signs at entrance to Laichmont Terrace. .k- 5. MURRAY AVENUE .n- (a) No parking from Myrtle Boulevard to County Vo Parkway Bridge on east side. k- (b) On the west side, from Eagewood Avenue to 78, Myrtle Boulevard, one hour:.parking from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., except Saturdays, Sundays and Holi- - days. ie (c) Nparking between Myrtle Boulevard and Edge- , wood Avenue from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. of 6. TAYLOR PLACE ly One hour parking from 8 a.m.-to 11 a.m., except Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.' 17 • • � r 7. CABOT ROAD (a) On either side — one hour parking from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., except Saturdays, Sundays and Holi- days. (b) On the west side — No parking from the rail- road parking space for a distance of 260 feet north. 8. THOMPSON STREET - On either side — One hour parking from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m:except Saturdays, Sundays and Holi- days. 9: LEAFY LANE On either side — No parking from Murray Ave- nue 100 feet east. 10. DEPOT WAY On either side — 15 minute parking. 11. PRESTON STREET On either side — One hour parking from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., except Saturdays, Sundays and Holi- days. 12. VINE STREET (a) On the west side — No parking. (b) On the east side: No parking from the corner of Myrtle Boulevard for a distance of 100 feet south. 15 minute parking from a point 100 feet south of Myrtle Boulevard to a point 200 feet south of Myrtle Boulevard. C. OTHER CONGESTED AREAS 1. PALMER AVENUE (a) On the north side —• from LarcIun nt Village Line east tp Weaver Street — One hour parking from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., except Saturdays,Sundays and Holidays. (b) On the south side—No parking from Larchmont Village Line to Carleon Avenue. 18 Amommiiimmi 2. DILLON ROAD .m. I (a) On the west side — No parking between the oli- Boston Post Road and Chester Place. (b) On the east side — No parking between the ail- Boston Post Road and Chester Place between the eet hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. (c) On the east side — No parking from Parkland Avenue for 60 feet north. •m• 3. PARKLAND AVENUE ali- (a) On either side — No parking from Dillon Road for 50 feet east. (b) On either side — No parking from 2 a.m. to 6 ve- a.m. 4. EDGEWOOD AVENUE On the south side — No Parking from Police Headquarters driveway to Weaver Street. 5. HILLCREST AVENUE m. (a) On the south side — No parking from Judson Street for 60 feet east. (b) On the south side — No parking from Weaver Street for 300 feet west. 6. WINGED FOOT DRIVE of On the east side — No parking from Dundee :h. Road for 300 feet north. of 7. LESTER PLACE of (a) On the south side - No.parking from Williams Place 110 feet west. (b) On either side — No parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. • 8. LAKESIDE DRIVE 'g Parking on side bordering lake only. Ys 9. MAPLE HILL DRIVE at No. parking on either. side 50 feet from the corner of Weaver Street.. . . 19 D. AREA SURROUNDING SCHOOLS a 1. MURRAY AVENUE I On both sides From a point 170 feet south of Forest Avenue to a point 400 feet south of t Forest Avenue, no parking or stopping during ! , school hours. s 2. HARMON DRIVE t (a) On the south side — No parking from Weaver Street for 200 feet east. (b) On the north side No parking from Weaver Street for'50 feet east. c (c) On the south side — No parking from the Ma-- maroneck Village line for 100 feet west. (d) On ate north side No parking from the Ma- • maroneck Village line to Revere Road. e 3. DAYMON TERRACE e On the west side — No parking from Senate Place'for 200 feet north. 4. HEATHER LANE No parking either side. Section 8 — Bicycles: No person over 10. years of age shall ride a bicycle;on the sidewalks of any street and no person shall operate a bicycle on the public streets of the Town of Mamaroneck outside of•the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, except in compliance with the General Municipal Law and the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York. Amended, May 2, 1956: Section 9— TRUCKS: Every vehicle used to transport dirt, manure, sand, gravel, ashes, mud, garbage, swill, offal, etc. in the public streets of the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, shall be so constructed or loaded as to prevent any portion of the contents from escaping therefrom. No vehicle used to transport dirt or soil shall be operated or driven so as to permit dirt or mud to adhere to the wheels and be deposited in the public streets of the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of the Villages of Larch- mont and Mamaroneck. Any person,being the owner or oper- 20 - r ator of any such vehicle or truck, shall at the end of each working day remove any dirt,manure,sand,gravel,ashes,mud, ruth garbage, swill, offal, etc. dropped from any such vehicle or : of truckon the public street or highway. ring ! Section 10 —Coasting: No person shall coast with hand sleds, bob sleds, carts or other vehicles on wheels or runners upon any sidewalk. aver Section 11, Amended, December 17, 1953 aver Section 11 —Crosswalk: No vehicles or animal or push. cart, baby carriage or other device moved by human power Ma- shall stop or stay on any crosswalk or driveway. Ma- Section 12 —Parades: All parades in the streets of the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck, and the playing of bands of music, and exhibitions of any kind in said streets are prohibited, without :ate a written permit from the Town Board. Section 13,Amended,May 2, 1956 Renumbered October 24, 1957: age • Section 13 —The system of duly no the adopted by the State Traffic Commissionfor State Highways, ont is hereby adopted, and shall apply to.-the following streets or ,ral parts of streets in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of in- ate corporated villages: From the corner of Edgewood Avenue at Judson Street, for a distance of 225 feet, on Edgewood Avenue. Tort On Myrtle Boulevard from Murray Avenue east for f al. a distance of 250 feet. ide At Myrtle Boulevard and North-Chatsworth Avenue so nts intersection, starting east and curving south into or North Chatsworth Avenue for a distance of 150 feet. tud At Myrtle Boulevard, and Madison Avenue, extend- ets ing around :the corner for a distance of 250 feet. ch. On Murray Avenue from Myrtle Boulevard, north er• for a distance of 125 feet. 21 On Murray Avenue from Homer Avenue to Forest Avenue. - On Murray Avenue"from Weaver Street south for a t( distance of 200 feet.. A 9 On North Chatsworth Avenue from the town line near 3 the railroad bridge, north for a distance of 150 feet. On North Chatsworth Avenue from Myrtle Boulevard north for a distance of 250 feet. 1V On Palmer Avenue from the Village of Larchmont j h east to Weaver Street. b, On Palmer Avenue from Weaver Street east to.the sr entrance to.the Town Yard. At corner of Homer Avenue and Orsini Drive for a distance of 250 feet around the corner. From Rockland Avenue at the corner of Winged Foot Drive around the corner for a distance of 150 feet. f( a On Avon Road from Dundee Road east-for a distance of 350 feet. On Richbell Road south from Palmer Avenue for a distance of 125 feet. On Fenimore Road from Boulder Brae Lane north for a distance of 300 feet. On Carleon Avenue starting opposite No. 56, extend- ing east for a distance of 300 feet. o On Harrison Drive from Palmer Avenue south for a I h distance of 100 feet. which streets,or parts of streets,shall be marked with a double p white line, with the same meaning, force, and effect, as pro- vided for such markings upon State highways, and a violation of this Ordinance shall be subject to the same penalties as providedfor the violation of suet' markings upon State high- 11 ways, by the Vehicle and Traffic Law. 22 Nee rest Section 13, Added February 4, 1957: Section 13— (1) No right turn shall be made at the in- r a tersection of the streets known as Murray Avenue and Forest Avenue on school days between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M., and 2:30 P.M. and ear 3:30 P.M., provided that a portable sign bearing the words eet. "No right turn" is placed in the center of said intersection. and (2) No right turn shall be made at the intersection of Murray Avenue and Bryson Street on school days between the ont ! hours of 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M., 11:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M., and 2:30 P.M. and 3:30 P.M., provided that a portable sign hearing the words "No right turn" is placed in the center of the said intersection. r a Section 14, Added October 24, 1957: Section 14 — No person shall deface, injure, move or oot interfere with any sign, standard or signalling device installed for the purpose of directing, restricting or regulating traffic, and no person shall place or display a sign of any sort attempt- ice ing to regulate traffic or parking on a public street. • a CHAPTER III Licenses, Fees, Regulations rth Section 1 Amended May 3, 1939.• Section 1 — Licenses, When Required. 1d- The pursuit or exercise of any of the following trades or occupations within the Town without u license, is hereby pro- a hibited, to wit: (a) Auctioneering. )le (b) Operating of circuses and:operating or use of any ro- public hall except public dance hall as defined in Chapter IX on of these ordinances, opera houses, theaters, moving picture as houses, or other places of exhibitions or performances, operat- .h- ing or keeping of billiard or pool rooms, bowling alleys, shoot- ing galleries and other similar places of amusement for money 23 • t • or hire; or giving of exhibitions, performances'or entertain- ments except the giving of local amateur amusements,or amuse- ments for a benevolent, charitable, religious or educational Li purpose of local public benefit, in any place within the Town; but ho license shall be granted for any of the places or for any of the purposes mentioned in this subdivision that do not is comply with all the requirements of the laws of the State of , of , New York, Building Code, Plumbing Code, Zoning Ordinance, se and/or Fire Prevention Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. • in b, Section 2 Amended May 3, 1939. L Section 2 — License Fees: The Town Clerk shall issue a ds license specifying the trade, occupation or use of the premises Ic thereby authorized which license shall become effective from L0 the, date thereof and shall continue in force for a time not to later than the first day of January next succeeding the issuance 131 of such license, uponpayment to him of the following license of fees: p For auctioneering license as defined in Subdivision 1 (a) of Section'1,'$5 per day.For any of the businesses O1 mentioned in Subdivision (b) of Section 1, $100 per n' li year. • fe Section 3 — Except the fee for an auctioneering license, the fees provided in Section 2 of this Chapter are for a license li period of one year; if the application be for a period of six el months or less, the fee shall be one-half the yearly fee. Section 4 Amended May 3, 1939. Section 4- Licenses except taxicab or private livery li- censes, provided for in the next section, shall expire on the st &1st day'of December after the date of the issuance thereof. vi If a license or badge issued in accordance with the provisions 4 li of the General Ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck be lost, the holder thereof may obtain anew license or badge therefor b upon application to the Town Clerk and the payment to him so of a fee of $1. ti 24 Nem sin- Section 5 Amended May 3, 1939. Ise- Section 5 — Regulations, Taxicabs and Private'•Liveries; nal Licenses: en; for (a) No taxicab or private livery to which this Ordinance not is applicable shall be operated upon the streets of.the Town of of Mamaroneck, except under a license obtained by the owner ice, as hereinafter provided. Such license, duly numbered and stat- ,ck. ing the name of the person to whom granted, shall be issued by the Town Clerk as provided in Section 137 of the Town Law and shall expire on the 31st'day of December after the e a date of the issuance thereof,unless sooner revoked.Application ses for such license shall be filed with the Town Clerk on a form om to be provided by him, but no such license shall be issued not until the same has been approved by the Police Commission Ice of the Town of Mamaroneck, or, if there be none, the Chief riseof Police of the Town of Mamaroneck. (b) Such licenses may be transferred by the owner to a ion purchaser of his taxicab or private livery; other licenses issued ses or granted.under this Ordinance shall be non-assignable and per non-transferable, and no owner of a licensed taxicab or private livery may delegate his license privilege to any lessee or de- . ferred payment purchaser of his vehicle. se, (c) The fee payable to the Town,Clerk for each taxicab Ise license shall be $10 and the fee payable to the Town CIerk for six each private livery license issued shall be $10. Section 6, amended, January 7, 1953 Section 6. Operator's Permit. 1i- (1) No person shall operate a taxis b for hire upon the he streets of the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of incorporated of. villages unless the driver has first obtained a taxicab driver's ns license. - at, • (2) Applications for such taxicab driver's license shall , for be filed with the Town Clerk on forms providedby him and im such applications shall be verified under oath and contain the following information: •25 - (a) The names and addresses of four (4) residents as of the Town of Mamaroneck who have known the cor applicant for'a period of five (5) years and who will of vouch for the sobriety, honesty and general good character of the applicant. (b) The experience of the applicant in the transpor- Sei tation of passengers. Ch (c) A history of his employment. La (d) A statement as to whether or not applicant has to ever been convicted.of any felony or misdemeanor. an (3) The Police department shall conduct an investigation tra of each applicant for.-a taxicab driver's license and a report of such investigation and a copy of the traffic and police "T record of the applicant, if any, shall be attached to the appli- cation for the consideration of the Town Clerk. ref (4) Upon approval of the application for a taxicab sor driver's license, the.Town Clerk shall issue a license to the to applicant which shall bear the name, address, color, age, sig- to nature, and photograpof the applicant. Such license shall be in effect for the Jr'remainder of the calendar year and a fui license for every calendar year thereafter shall issue to the applicant unless the license for the preceding year has been revoked. (5) Every driver licensed, shall post his taxicab driver's license in such a place as to be in full view of all passengers while such driver is operating a taxicab. pe Section 7 — The Town Clerk may refuse a license to any or person who, in his judgment, shall be incapable of properly 1 an conducting the trade or business for which the license is de- Pe sired. No license shall be issued to any applicant who has been pe convicted of a misdemeanor or felony which, in the judgment ca of the Clerk, renders the applicant unsuitable to carry on the i an trade or occupation involved. sh Section 8 — If the Town Clerk refuses a license to any bi. such applicant, such applicant may apply to the Town Board ro 26 • '.r ;nts as provided in Section 137,of Chapter 634 of the Laws of 1932 the constituting Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws of the State will of New York and known as the Town Law. ood Section 9 — Licenses Revocable: nor- The Town Board may, after public hearing, as provided in Section 137 of Chapter 634 of the Laws of 1932 constituting Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws and known as the Town Law, revoke any license, issued pursuant to these ordinances has to any person whom the Town Board shall determine to be t an undesirable person or incapable of properly conducting the ion trade or business previously licensed. )ort All licenses shall have endorsed thereon the statement lice "THIS LICENSE IS REVOCABLE." Pli- Section 10 — Notice of such hearingand the reason or reasons for the same in writing, shall be served upon the per- cab son named in the application or license by mailing the same the to the address given in the application at least three days prior sig- to such hearing. iall Section 11 — When a license shall be revoked, no re- I a fund of unearned portion of the license fee shall be made. the sen CHAPTER IV r Peace And Good Order sr's Section 1, amended, July 1, 1953 ers Section 1 — Firearms, etc.: It shall be unlawful for any person to, at any time, fire, dischargeor cause to be fired my or discharged, any gun, cannon, rifle, ait rifle, pistol or fire- .rly arm of any kind or sling-shot. This sectiop shall not apply to de- peace officers in the discharge of their official duties nor to sen persons using fire arms in necessary self defense and in a ent carefulmanner, nor to bona fide gun clubs, shooting galleries the ! and to persons using fire arms in a careful manner in said shooting galleries. Section 2 — Bill Posting: — No person shall post any my bill, placard, notice or other paper upon any structure, tree, ird rock, article or thing on any public property in the Town of 27 • • Mamaroneck, nor•affix thereon in any other way any adver- fie tisement or notice. an Section 3, amended, Sept. 24, 1947 we Section 3 — Removal of Rubbish, Weeds, etc. Every owner, tenant or occupant of land shall cut, trim oci or remove all brush, grass, rubbish, noxious weeds, litter or of other similar unsightly or objectionable material therefrom J Cl at his own expense. ret In addition to the enforcement of the fines and penalties ' tre provided in CHAPTERsPI XI of these Ordinances, the- Town- � up Clerk may serve written notice upon owners, tenants and/or ob occupants of any such premises, to trim, prune and,if necea- of sary, remove noxious.weeds, rubbish, litter or other similar su unsightly or objectionable material from the premises within ye] 20 days, and in default thereof, the Town shay carry out the provisions of this section and collect the expense thereof from the owner or assess the expense thereof upon the land, where aic the owner refuses or neglects to comply with.the notice so cri served. j ai Such notice maybe served either personally or by mail, ab addressed to any owner, tenant or occupant at the address or place of business designated in any deed, conveyance or other instrument filed or recorded in any public office or in any en letter or writing addressed to the Assessor or Receiver of on Taxes of the Town of Mamaroneck. di: Section 4 — Snow and Ice Removal: int la, Every owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person hay- er ing charge or control.of any building or lot of land abutting 4 upon any street or public place where the sidewalk is flagged, concreted or otherwise paved or laid, shall within 24 hours after the snow ceases to fall, remove the snow and ice from ra such sidewalk so as to provide a continuous passageway. In r m+ case the snow and ice on the sidewalk shall be frozen so hard tis that it cannot be removed without injury to the pavement, the or owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or other person hereby charged th 'with the duty to remove the same, shall within the time speci- an 28 Nom Iver- fied above, cause the sidewalk to be strewn with ashes, sand and/or some other abrasive substance and thereafteras the weather shall permit, shall thoroughly clean said sidewalk. Section 5 — Clear Vision: All owners, tenants, and/or trim occupants of premises at any corner formed by the intersection r Or of highways shall within 15 days of the receipt from the Town rom Clerk of written notice to do so, trim, prune and if necessary. remove all hedges, brush, shrubs and overhanging limbs of ties trees or any obstacle upon such part of the premises as is own specified in said notice,to the end that persons driving vehicles l/or upon either of such intersecting highways shall have an un- ces- obstructed .view across such part of said premises to the other oilai of said highways, for a distance of at least twenty feet from thin such intersection, measured along such highway on which such the vehicle is traveling. rom Section 6 — Riots: No person shall take part in, join, fere aid or abet any riotous or tumultous assemblage or unnecessary so crowd upon the streets, or in the doorways, or stairways ad- jacent thereto,or in or on any public place or highway,or loiter about such places. s or them Section 7 — Profane language: No person shall use or any engage in any profane, vulgar or obscene language or conduct of on any highway or public place or in any manner, whatever disturb, molest or interrupt, or aid in.disturbing molesting or interrupting any of the persons composing or belonging to any lawful assembly, meeting or congregation, or reasonable gath- ering of persons in any church, school, society or association. ting + ;ed, Section 8, Amended April 91, 1954 ours Section 8 — Radios; Amplifiers: .No person shall locate rom radios or similar devices or amplifiers thereof so as to, or that In + may project sound into highways or neighborhoods for adver- ard . tising or business purposes; and no person owning,occupying the or having charge of any building or premises or any part ged thereof in the Town of Mamaroneck shall cause,suffer or allow eci- any loud, excessive or unusual noise in the operation or use 29• • t♦ FM, 4111111111111.1•111111111111101111111M of any radio, phonograph or other mechanical or electrical or reproducing device, instrument or machine which loud,_ ex- cessive and unusual poise shall disturb the comfort, peftce and of quiet of persons in the.vicinity. The playing, using, operating si or permitting to,be played, used, or operated,of any radio, re- th ceiving set, musical instrument, phonograph, loud speaker, of sound amplifier, or other machineor device for the producing s1 or reproducing of sound, which is cast upon the public streets in from anysoundtruck or vehicle, for the purpose of commercial at advertising or attracting the attention of the public, shall be - unlawful and is hereby prohibited. Section 9 — Whistles; Bells: No steam whistle or other ar whistle or horn orother instrument for making a noise,which or is operated by steam•or any other power, shall be blown or operated whithin the limits of'the Town of Mamaroneck at de any hour of the day or'night, exceptingonly the alarm of ve- hicles of the Fire and Police Departments, all fire and burglar ra alarms, the alarm of automobiles, bicycles or motorcycles, ne while actually traveling through the Town, and excepting also °L church and school bells. The alarm of automobiles, bicycles, de and motorcycles shall not be operated continuously,but only ea with sufficient frequency to warn persons of their approach. of The use of sirens on motor vehicles and bicycles within the of Town limits is hereby prohibited. No motor vehicle shall be to operated in the Town unless it is provided with a proper and or suitable muffler, and such muffler shall not be opened at any su time while said motor vehicle is in operation. st fi, Section 10 Amended November 5, 1941. or ev Section 10 — No person shall trespass on any public or 0., private property in the Town, undercircumstances where such trespass interferes with or obstructs the work of the Police ' Department or Fire Department in protecting either the prop- erty of the Town or the health and safety of its inhabitants or RE where,such Departments are preserving peace and good order in the Town. to 30 Li or New Section, 10A, Adopted December 27, 1950 ex- Section 10A — No person shall enter upon any lot or piece and of land within the'bounds of the Town of Mamaroneck out- side of incorporated'villages, without authority from the owner .re- thereof. No person shall erect or occupy thereon, any hut or ker, other structure whatever,without such authority and'no person cing shall place, erect or occupy, within the bounds: or other structure, -or within any unoccupied or abandoned building, dwelling,or other structure under his or its control in a place accessible to children, any abandoned, unattended` ea or discarded ice box,-refrigerator or other container which m has an air-tight door or lid, snaplock or other locking device ce which may not be released from the inside, without first A removing said door or lid, snaplock or, other locking device to from said ice box, refrigerator or container. pr CHAPTER V ar in Animalsi ci Section 1 — No'swine shall be kept in the Town of Ma- Pt maroneck. w. fo Section 2 — No:person shall sell or keep at any place in P( the Town of Mamaroneck, any calves without a permit there- sh for, issued by the Town Board or otherwise than in accordance with the terms of said permit granted by'the Town Board. cc Section 3 — All animals except cats and dogs, while on ct any highway or sidewalk in the Town of Mamaroneck shall fii be controlled by harness or other fastening. ar Section 4, Amended, January 7, 1953 {O or Section 4 — No unmuzzled,dogs shall be allowed upon a f the streets, highways and public places in the Town of Ma- fa maroneck unless held on a leash. This section shall not applybIN to places, parks, parkways, squares, circles or concourses sets apart and accepted as such and under the jurisdiction of the Board of Park Commissioners of Park District No. 1. Section 5', Amended, January 7, 1953 Section 5 — Except as provided in Section 4, no animal { except cats or muzzled dogs and no fowl,,shall be allowed to run at large in the Town.of Mamaroneck except upon the to premises of the person whoowns,keeps, harbors, or otherwise si has the care or custody of such animal or fowl, or except upon -or the premises of another person with the knowledge and con- to sent of such other person. en 32 oned Section 6, Amended, June 6, 195-1 atrol Section 6 —,No person shall cause or permit any animal, lded except cats or mzzled dogs, and no person shall cause or per- hich mit any fowl to run at large in the Town of Mamaroneck, ex- vice cept in-compliance with Sections 3, 4, or 5, of this chapter. first Any such animal or fowl, so running at large, shall be liable vice to be impounded by the policeordog warden duly appointed pursuant to provisions of the Agriculture and Markets Law, and any police officer or dog warden is hereby authorized to impound said animal or fowl and if the owner or person in charge of such animal or fowl shall not claim it and pay a Ma- penalty of,$10.00 for the violation of this ordinance, together with the expense of impounding and keeping such animal or fowl within three days, then said animal or fowl may be dis- ;e in posed of by sale or killing and, if by•sale, the proceeds thereof fere- shall be for the use of the Town. - ante Section 7 — When a justice of the peace, upon written complaint and after a hearing upon due notice to each owner, e on custodian or person in charge of any animal,bird or fowl shall shall find the noise, damage, or injury to property-made by such animal, bird or fowl, a public nuisance, such animal, bird or fowl shall be forthwith impounded at,.his direction unless the owner, custodian or person in charge shall,give assurance satis- ipon facto to such ustice of the Ma- ry j peace that such nuisance shall PplY be forthwith abated. If such assurance is violated, the animal set bird or fowl shall be forthwith impounded. the CHAPTER VI Opening Of Streets Or Highy,ays, Etc. imal Section 1, Amended, July 1, 1953 d to Sectio n- 1 —No personorcorporation shall have the right the ' to make any opening in any street or highway,including any wise sidewalk or curb and all such openings in streets, sidewalks ipon or curbs must be made under the supervision of the Superin- con- tendent of Highways and by employees working,under him, except as hereinafter provided. .33 • ,t+ Section 2, Amended,January 17, 1951 ma Section 2 Any individual, corporation, public service- To corporation or any municipal board or body which is required bol to maintain sub-structures in any street or highway, desiring or to make or to have made, an opening in a street or highway, its ' must make written application for same, addressed to the of Superintendent of'Highways. The Superintendent of Highways, of except in the case of a public service corporation or municipal gut or body, required to maintain such sub-structures in any . lig] street or highway, shall have discretion whether the opening shall be made by Town employees or may be made by the applicant. All applications for permits must be accompanied plo 'by a fee of $5.00.for such application, payable to the Super- shs intendent of Highways. of • ele Section 3, Amended, April 17, 1946 Section 3 — If the street opening is to be made by a per- res son or corporation .other than a municipal or public service corporation, the Town Superintendent of Highways may grant or a permit for such`street opening and make such conditions for the the granting of such permit as he considers necessary under the circumstances, including a condition that such person or corporation shall furnish to the Town of Mamaroneck, a surety an] bond in an amount approved by him and in such form as may Hit be-approved by the Town Attorney, issued by a casualty or thr indemnity insurance company, which bond shall indemnify sid the Town against all liability and expense by reason of any imi act or omission in and about the opening ofsuch street. In ere every case where the Superintendent of Highways.issues a Th permit for the opening of a street or highway, he shall require- red the applicant for the permit to obtain proper public liability sit( insurance -for himself, his contractors, agents or servants, shf protecting the Town and its Superintendent of Highways its against any claim for injury to person or property occasioned by the opening of such street. In the case of a public service corporation or municipal board or body which is required to maintain substructures in wa any street'or highway,'the Town Attorney, inlieu of a bond, as 34 • sE-s •4` ermpu. No may accept and approve an indemnity agreement between the rvice Town and such public service corporation, municipal board or tired body which is required to maintain substructures in any street [ring or highway, or liability insurance protecting the Town and way, its Superintendent of Highways against all liability or expense the of whatsoever kind or nature, by reason of any act or omission , rays, t of such public service corporation, municipal board or body. ;ipal Section 4 —All openings in highways shall be properly any guarded and shall between sundown and sunrise be plainly ning lighted with red lights. the # Section 5 — When the work is not done by Town em- nied ployees every applicant obtaining a permit to open a highway [per- shall be solely responsible for the protection and functioning' of all drains, sewers, basins, gas, water pipes, telephone and electric wires and conduits. Section 6 — The surface of the highway opened shall be per- f restored to as good condition as previous to the excavation. rantSection 7 No person shall deposit any article, material, s for or refuse or in any manner obstruct the highway or any part riderthereof except as provided in Section 8.of this Chapter. ri or Section 8 — No building material,shall be placed upon zety any highway without a permit from the, Superintendent of may Highways. Such permit shall be for a period no longer than y or three months and shall not authorize-the obstruction of any nify sidewalk or gutter or of more than one-third of the roadway any immediately opposite the lot upon which the building is to be . In erected, and shall be revocable for cause-by the Town Board. ;s a The holder of such permit shall so gnard such material with wire red lights at night, as to avoid accidents.IUpon revocation of ility such permit all materials depositedpursuant to such permit tuts, shall be removed within 48 hours and the highway restored to n d lays i - its original condition. Section 9, New, July 1, 1953 ipal Section 9 — No vehicle shall be driven across any side- s in walk or curb except at graded crossings in existence and such mid, as may be hereafter constructed without a temporary permit '35 ■■il y • from the Superintendent of Highways. The applicant for such the a permit shall deposit with the Superintendent of Highways pel such sum as is considered by the Superientendent of Highways ma sufficient to indemnify the Town of Mamaroneck against any tio. damage to the sidewalk or curb, but not less than $100.00. an, Section 10 — Construction of Sidewalks: sh the Any property owner after applying for and receiving a per- eni • mit may Construct a sidewalk or curb on Town property,or may cm li build a drain from any structure, enclosure or lot of ground,- 'I at his own expense. Before the,owner may proceed--with the sh work, the Town Engineer shall establish proper grades and the to same shall be followed in laying such sidewalk, curb or drain. ; e li The width,materials and construction of such sidewalks,curbs, ass and drains shall fully conform to standard specifications for such work. Section 11 — This Chapter shall not apply to the open- ! sha ing of streets or highways for the purpose of making sewer house connection'which are covered by the provisions of re- use solution or ordinance adopted by the Town Board, August 18, 1936, and amended April 23, 1947, pursuant to the provisions wa of Section 201 of the Town Law. pre CHAPTER VII to Garbage and Refuse em pm Section. 1, Amended, October 20 1954 or Section 1 —For the preservation of the health, peace oP� and good order of the community, no person, firm, association opi or corporation shall collect, solicit, receive and/or transport any old paper, garbage, refuse, ashes, rubbish, used cans,dirt, cinders, buiding materials, used or broken glass, tree stumps, branches and clippings, old and unused motor vehicles or pre machinery or parts thereof, or any other waste matter, within ate II the Town of Mamaroneck outside of incorporated villages and of, deposit same anywhere in the Town of Mamaroneck, except tig at a dump maintained by the Town for such purpose and SU( 36 onomp. . 11•11111•111...111161 such then only upon obtaining a permit as herein provided. Such sways permit shall be issued only to residents of the Town of Ma- sways maroneck by the Superintendent of Highways upon applica- t anY tion duly made upon forms provided by him for such purpose 00. and upon payment to him of $10. for each such permit, which shall be valid until the 31st day of December next succeeding ` the date of its issue.The dumping of any materials hereinabove i per- enumerated within the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of in- •may corporated villages, without a permit is hereby prohibited. ound, S the Section 2 — No person, firm, association or corporation d the i shall, within the Town of Mamaroneck, allow, permit or cause !rain. to exist any, unsanitary or filthy condition in or about any urbs, premises owned and/or used or occupied by such person, firm, s for association or corporation. Section 3 — No person, firm, association or corporation open- shall, within the Town of Mamaroneck, drop deposit or other- ;ewer wise dispose of any old paper, garbage, refuse, ashes, rubbish, if re- used cans, used glassware, broken glassware, dirt, cinders or 18, waste matter, within the boundaries of any streets,roads,high- sions ways or public places of said Town,'nor upon any private property adjacent to such streets, roads or public places. Section 4 — The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to any agent or employee of the Town or to any contractor employed by the Town, who is authorized to collect and trans- port garbage and refuse to any dump maintained by the Town, or any garbage or disposal plant. Nbr shall it apply to the ieace operation of any dump or garbage and refuse disposal plant %tion operated by the Town. Sport New Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Added November 5, 1941 dirt, mps, Section:5 — Every owner, lessee or occupant of occupied s or property within the Town of Mamaroneck outside of incorpor- ithin ated villages and the superintendent or person in charge there- ' and of, are hereby required to provide substantial, metal, water- :cept tight containers of sufficient capacity in the aggregate to store and such quantity of garbage as may beproduced within 100 hours 37 and are required to keep all garbage, food, wastes and matter that will decay, therein. Section 6 — Containers for garbage shall lie of galvanized metal not exceeding 20 gallons or 2 bushels in capacity. Each container shall be equipped with adequate handles and shall be provided with a tight-fitting flanged cover of galvanizedp. or v metal. Garbage placed in such containers shall be placed in an paper bags or wrapped in paper. pub] soli( Section 7 — Garbage awaiting collection shall be_kept in beer containers which shall be tightly covered at all times. The . for placing of garbage in.pasteboard or wooden boxes or in barrels chie or in cartons or bags, is forbidden. Containers shall be kept near the rear of buildings in an easily accessible Iocation. The space about the containers shall be, at all times, kept clear a of debris and spillage: All garbage must be drained before by by a placing the same in'containers. dise Section 8 — Ashes, cans and bottles from residential pro- pub] perties may be placed in garbage containers or in the separate have containers provided fo'r non-combustible refuse,but ashes,cans at a and bottles from apartments, schools, churches, clubs or other of s places having large doal heating units, and refuse from apart- ment house incinerators, shall not be placed in garbage con- tainers but shall be placed in separate containers and may be combined with non-combustible refuse. may Section 9 —Non-combustible refuse or materials or refuse which cannot be burned at the incinerator, such as metal ware, stones, gravel, earth, unburnable building materials or other vide mixed,materials,the greater part of which is unburnable,must the be placed in separate containers not larger than 40 gallons or haw 4 bushels in capacity. No such non-combustible material shall suet be placed in containers with garbage. OWn Section 10 Leaves, hedge and shrubbery clippings, and a PI the grass may be placed in either the garbage container or in the container provided for non-combustible material. cani of I 38 atter CHAPTER VIII "Peddlers and Hawkers; Distribution of Hand Bills." sized Each Section 1, Amended, July 1, 1953 shall Section 1 — No person shall barter, sell, peddle, hawk Axed F or vend goods, wares, merchandise, or produce or services of d in an established business upon the streets, roads, highways or public places of the Town or by.going from house to house soliciting purchases, unless a license so to do has previously )t in been obtained by him from the Town Clerk. The applicant The ' . for such license'shall register his name and address with the rrels chief.of Police asa condtion for obtaining such license. kept Section 2 Amended May 3, 1939: The ;lear Section 2 — No vehicle of any kind or description drawn, fore ) by an animal or animals, or propelled by hand or,other power shall be used for the barter and sale of goods, wares,merchan- dise or produce therefrom upon the streets, roads,highways or pro- public places of the Town unless a license therefor shall first trate have been obtained from the Town Clerk, which license shall cans at all times be displayed in a conspicuous place on the inside ,ther of such vehicle. �art- con- Section 3 Amended May 3, 1939 r y be Section 3 — Applications for licenses-under this Chapter may be refused by the Town Clerk as provided by law. fuse Section 4, Amended, July 1, 1953 • rare, Section 4 -Where a vehicle has been.licensed as pro- ther vided in Section 2 of this Chapter, sueh license shall include nust the right of a driver or operator of suchwehicle to sell, peddle S or hawk or vend the goods, wares and mefchandise carried in hall such vehicle,provided, however, that=no`person, including the owner of such licensed vehicle, shall operate the same without and - a personal permit to.be issued by the Chief of Police,.upon the the production of satisfactory proof of the fitness of the appli- cant therefor, and such permit shall expire on the 31st day of December after the issuance thereof unless sooner revoked. 39 . Nothing herein contained shall be construed to permit any salesman or helper upon any vehicle for which a peddler's or to hawker's license hat been obtained, to peddle, hawk or vend the the goods, wares or merchandise, carried in"such vehicle by means of any stand or box or otherwise than from the vehicle thi itself, unless a peddler's or hawker's license has been separ- ately obtained for each such salesman or helper, in accordance ha with the provisions of Section 1 of this Chapter. Section 5 Amended May 3, 1939: Section 5 — (a)•For each vehicle hereinabove described, h the license fee shall be $25. sa (b) For each license for bartering, selling, peddling,hawk- or m o ing, or vending ftoa stand, box, basket or other receptacle th or on foot, the fey shall be $10. anl and Section 6 --The,.provisions of this Chapter requiring li- in censes for vehicles shall not be contrued to require licenses for vid delivery vehicles owned or used by grocers, bakers or other or persons, firms or-corporations having within the Town a store, Un store-house or warehouse for the sale or distribution of, or sac an establishment for'the manufacture of the merchandise car- ant ried in said vehicle, nor for the drivers or operators of such sec vehicle. an! Section 7 Amended May 3, 1939: ma Section 7 — The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply to the selling, bartering or vending of goods, wares or mer-, chandise where such goods, wares or merchandise are shipped from outside the State or where orders for goods, wares or merchandise are solicited and such goods,wares or merchandise as are subsequently delivered. or Section 8 Amended May 3, 1939: or or Section 8 — The provision of this Chapter shall not apply or to-the selling, peddling or vending of meats, fish, fruits and ted farm produce by farmers and/or other persons who produce wit or catch such commodities. tat 40 r any ' Section 9 —The provisions of this Chapter shall not apply is or to the holder of a license granted pursuant to Section 32 of vend the General Business Law. le by chicle Section 10 — Any and all licenses granted pursuant to Leper- this Chapter are subject to cancellation by the Town Board lance upon cause therefor being shown, are not transferable and shall expire on the 31st day of December following issuance. Section 11 Added May 3, 1939: -ibed, Section 11. Hand Bills, Cards and Circulars: No person shall throw, cast or distribute or cause to be thrown, cast iawk- or distributed, any commerical hand bill, circular, card or tacle other commerical advertising matter whatsoever, in or upon any street or public place, or in a front yard or courtyard,or any stoop, or in the vestibule or any hall of any building, or ig ii- in a letter box therein. or in or upon any motor vehicle, pro- s for vided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prohibit other or otherwise regulate the delivery of any such matter by the store, United States postal service or prohibit the distribution of 4, or i sample copies of newspapers regularly sold by the copy or by car- annual subscription, or samples of goods or merchandise. This such section is not intended to prevent the lawful distribution of anything other than commercial and business advertising matter. Lpply CHAPTER IX , _• mer- Dance Hall And Dances pped Section 1, Amended, January 7, 1953 n or f - Section 1 —The term "public.dance" or "public ball" ndise as used in this ordinance, shall be taken do mean any dance or ball to which admission can be had.by payment of a fee, or by the the purchase, possession or presentation of a ticket or token,or in which a charge is made for caring for clothing Lpply _ or other property; or any other place where dancing is permit- and ted to which the public generally may gain admission with or duce without the payment of a fee, including dancing'in hotels,res- taurants and/or places licensed to sell Alcoholic beverages un- 41 mosuot4 • A r , r der the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law of the To State of New York.The term"public dance hall"as used in this to ordinance shall be taken to meanany room,;place or.-space in which a public dance or public ball may be held, and any hall or academy in which classes in dancing are held or in- dai structfon in dancing is given for compensation or hire, includ- 13 ing any premises where space for dancing is provided in con- • To nection with the sale of food and/or drink. The term "private all • homes"as used in this ordinance shall be taken to mean only issi such buildngs as are, used exclusivelyfor private dwelling - ing purposes.. Section 2;:Amended, January 7„1953 tier Section 2 — No-public dance, public ball or classes. in sta dancing for compensation or hire shall be heldor conducted dal in any hall or academy within the Town of Mamaroneck until wh the hall or room in which the same is to be held shall first have been duly licensed for such purpose, pursuant to the an} provisions of this ordinance, Suchlicenses shall be issued by are the Town Clerk as provided in Section 137 of the Town Law, is and posted in a conspicuous place near the main entrance of vul the licensed premises and such license shall expire on the 31st day of December next following its issuance. oue Section 3 The fee for suchlicense to be paid at the wh time of the issuing of the same shall be one hundred ( 100.00) wit I dollars per annum, but if the application be for a period of six months or less the fee shall be one-half the yearly fee. tin Section 4, Amended, January 7, 1953 the Section 4 —No dance hall or dance license shall be issued sav until it shall be found that the premises comply with and con- eve form to all regulations for the protection of public health and org safety of buildings and for the protection of the public from Coi fire; that they are properly ventilated and supplied with suf- u ficient toilet conveniences and that they are a safe and proper c place for the purpose for which they are used: The Police Department, the Fire Department, and the Buildng Inspector eas shall conduct an investigation of any application filed with the the 42 4 � f the Town Clerk and report of such investigation shall be attached this to the application for the consideration of the Town Clerk. pace Section 5, Amended, January 7, 1953 any Section 5 — The Town Clerk may refuse to issue any r in- dance or dance hall license for the reasons stated in Section ;lad- 137 of the Town Law, and the applicant may apply to the con- Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck after such refusal, ivate all as provided in Section 137 of the Town Law and any license only issued Fling pursuant to this ordinance may be revoked after a hear- ing as provided in Section 137 of the Town Law. Section 6 — All public dance halls shall be kept at all times in a clean, healthful and sanitary condition, and all s in stairways and other passages and all rooms connected with a cted dance hall shall be kept open and well lighted at all times intil while dances or balls are being held. first Section '7 — The Town Board shall cause to be vacated the E I by any public dance hall whenever any provisions of this chapter maw, are being violated for whenever any indecent or immoral act e of is committed or whenever any disorder of a gross, violent or 31st vulgar character takes place therein. Section 8 — Every public dance or ball may be continu- the ously attended and supervised by a mewber of the police force 00) whose duty it shall be to preserve order and,require compliance i of with all provisions of this Chapter. fee. • Section 9 —All public dances and balls shall be discon- tinued and all public dance halls shall be closed at, or before the hour of 3 o'clock A.M. eastern standard time or daylight cued saving time, whichever may be then in:effect, provided, how- con- ever, that upon the application of a bona aide society, club or and organization and after an investigation by,the Board,of Police rom Commissioners, the Town Board`mqy grant to such society, suf- club or.organization, a special permit to continue any dance aper or ball until a later hour.. dice Section 10 —.It shall be unlawful after nine o'clock pin. ctor eastern standard time or daylight saving time, whichever may the then be in effect, to permit any person to attend or take part 43 r ` • • in any public dance or ball who has not actually or apparently an reached the age of 16 years, unless such person be in company no of one of his or her.parents or a suitable guardian. It shall be to unlawful for any person to represent himself or herself to inc have attained the age of 16 years in order to obtain adfnission hot to a public dance hall or to be permitted to remain therein, La when such person in fact is under:16 years of age and it shall art also be unlawful for any person.to represent himself or herself not to be a parent or guaidian of any minor, in order that such the 1. when minor may obtain admission to;a public dance,or be permit- wit ted to remain at such dance,,when the person making-the rep- resentation is not in. fact a parent.or guardian of such minor To' person. `, Section 11,,Amended,J y7, 1953 rec I Section 11 —-No building shall be constructed, reinnftiletY' or altered for dance hall purposes except with the approval the of the Building Inspector and upon proof that there has been prf compliance with all-laws and regulations of the State of New pet York, County of Westchester and.the Building'Ordinance of am the'Town of Man1aroneck,applicable to the premises. lan I Section 12 -,Alf licenses issued pursdent to this Article the I shall be valisi•only'•§o long-as-the licensee shall comply with car all the regulations contained in this Chapter and such licenses aft, shall not be transferable. • Section 13 — No dance halls shall?be licensed pursuant j am to the provisions of this,.Chapter unless suitable provisions per shall have been made to provide for the furnishing of drinking or water with individual cups, and unless suitable provisions t as shall have been made for the checking of wearing apparel in or wardrobes or checkrooms and unless provisions suitable to the sai Town Board shall have been made for the proper and necessary ma toilet facilities for men and women, said toilets to be so lo- • pro cated as to afford absolute privacy. Section 14:—The provisions of Section 3 of this Chapter shall not apply to any bona fide religious, benevolent, chari- Ma table, (fraternal, or labor society, club or organization, nor to the 44 , .. ;ntly any'organization of United States war veterans or itsauxiliary, iany nor to any duly organized fire department or its auxiliary,nor I be to a'bona fide social settlement house, giving dances as merely f toincidental to the purposes for which it is formed, nor to a Psion bona fide club"'organized under the Membership Corporations rein, Law of the State of New York, the use and activities of which ;hall are restrieted to duly elected members and their guests and are rself not services customarily carried on as a business, and provided such that.the public generally is not admitted to the club with or mit- without the payment of a fee. rep- CHAPTER IX-A: House Trailers, Trailer Camps, and inor Tourist Camps. Added September 5, 1939 Section 1. Permits required for house trailers; licenses required for trailer and tourist camps. (a) No person or persons shall run, operate, or donduct oval the business:of "$ trailer camp, or tourist camp upon any seen premises within,the Town of Mamaroneck whether or not such Vew person or parsons be the owner of such premises, nor shall a of any person or persons being the owner or occupant of any land or premises in the Town of Mamaroneck, use or permit isle , the use of the said land or premises as a tourist camp or trailer with camp without a license having first been,obtained as herein- rises after provided. (b) No person or persons being the owner or occupant of ;ant any premises within the Town of Mamaroneck, shall use or ,ons permit the use of such premises for the parking, storage, use :ing or other location of a house trailer, without a permit obtained ions ; as hereinafter provided; nor.shall any person being the owner I in or operator of a house trailer, park, store,or otherwise locate the said house trailer upon any premises within the Town of.Ma- ;ary maroneck without obtaining a`permit therefor as-hereinafter lo- provided. Section 2. Trailer and tourist camp licenses. ,ter (a) Issuance of License. The Town Clerk of the Town of ari- Mamaroneck, upon written application and upon receipt of • to the license fee therefor, may with the written approval of the 45 Westchester County Department of Health and of the Zoning refi Board of Appeals of the Town of Mamaroneck, issue a license Bo' to become effective,from the date thereof and to continue in the force for the term secified therein but not in-any event longer Lai than through the 31st day of December next succeeding,for the rest use of the premises therein specified as a trailer camp or tourist apl camp. Such license.shall not be transferable or assignable. (b) Application for license. The application for such lic- of ense shall state the name and address of the applicant, if an wit individual, the name and address of the partners if a partner- ship, and the names and addresses of the principal officers, if a corporation; the:name and address of the owner of the pre- mises upon which:'the trailer or tourist camp is to be located and if such applicant be not the owner of such premises, the nature of the interest of such applicant in said premises; a description of the land or premises upon which the proposed trailer camp or tourist camp is to be located; a complete plan of the proposed trailer camp or tourist camp including a plot plan of the property and a proposed layout showing the extent and area to be used for such camp purposes; the proposed roadways and/or arweways; proposed location or site for each house trailer, camp. cottage, tent house, cabin, or other build- ing or structure and the construction of all proposed sanitary conveniences, laundry buildings and slop sinks; the proposed method of sewage disposal or removal; the plan for water supply, electric light, and a plan for proposed toilets, wash rooms, and laundry. Such application shall, when presented to the Town Clerk, be immediately referred to the Zoning Board of Appeals for approval or rejection. The Zoning Board of Appeals within thirty days after the receipt of such application from the Town Clerk, shall approve or reject the said application and its de- cision shall be filed with the Town Clerk and a copy thereof furnished to the applicant.Before issuing any license the Town sha Clerk shall submit theapplication to the Westchester County the Department of Health for approval or rejection. Such approval of or rejection shall be in writing. Any applicant, who has been of 46 ming - refused a license by the Town Clerk,may apply to the Town vecenin se Board therefor, and the same may be granted or refused by the Board except as prohibited ill Section 137 of the Town anger Law. The provisions of Section 137 of the Town Law, with .r the respect to the issuing of licenses by the Town Clerk, shall purist apply to licenses issued for a trailer or tourist camp. )le. (c) Fees. The applicant shall, at the time of the issuance I. lic- of such license, pay to the Town Clerk, a fee in accordance if an with the following schedule: 3ner- rs, if Trailer camps having a capacity of not more than pre- five house trailers or tourist camps with living sated quarters for not more than fifteen persons, in- the eluding children $ 25.00 ;s; a Trailer camps having a capacity of not more than posed ten house trailers or tourists camps with living plan quarters for not more than thirty,persons, in- plot eluding children $ 50.00 tient Trailer camps having a capacity of not more than posed fifteen house trailers or tourist camps with living each quarters for not more than forty-five persons, in- uild- eluding children r $ 75.00 itary Trailer camps having a capacity of not more than osed twenty house trailers or tourist camps with living rater quarters for not more than sixty persons, in- wash eluding children $100.00 lerk, Trailer camps having a capacity o€ more than fotwenty house trailers or tourist caps with living ithin quarters for more than sixty persons,including Own children - - $250.00 s de- Section 3. House Trailer Permits._, ;reof (a) Application for own pp permit. The application for a permit unty shall state the name of the applicant, his residence address, oval the name and make of house trailer, the registration number peen of such house trailer, the state in which registered, the year of issue of registration, and if such house trailer be propelled 47 .....Limimiw - : A 1 by another power driven vehicleto which it may be attached, a 1 the application for such permit shall also state the make, zoi registration number, state and a year of registration and the en 1 name of the owner-of-such other vehicle; the street and num- bu ber where such house trailer is or is to be located, a statement qu of the estimated duration of stay in such proposed location, thf and whether or not such proposed location is a duly licensed mu trailer camp, and if not, the consent in writing of the owner ho of the premises to such use of the land must be presented with bu the application. lat (b) Issuing of Permits. The Building Inspector of the To ll' Town of Mamaroneck,'upon proper written application and an f upon receipt of tkepermit fee therefor, may issue.a permit wi to continue in foicefor the term specified therein, but in no bitevent longer than-,two (2) weeks from the date of issuance ott thereof to any owner or operator of a house trailer, parked or ret If otherwise located upon, premises in the Town of Mamaroneck, the for a period longer Shan twelve (12) hours except where such fee house trailer is parked in a duly licensed trailer camp, in of i which case a permit must be obtained immediately upon ar- cap rival and shall contiiue in force for a period not longer than or thirty (30) days.' ` sh (c) .Fees. Each ;such applicant shall pay at the time of an issuance ofsuch permit, a fee of fity cents (50c) for each fel' such house trailer. toe Section 4. Regulations for Trailer Camps and Tourist I co] Camps. shi (a) Location. All land used as a trailer camp or. tourist at camp, shall be well-drained, of ample size, free from heavy or is . • dense growth of brush or weeds. The land shall be properly graded to insure rapid drainage during and following rain and slit shall at all times be drained so as to be free from stagnant (5 pools of water. fee (b) Camp Plan. Each such trailer camp or tourist camp shall provide not less than eight hundred seventy-five square nu feet (25 it. x .35 ft.) foreach house trailer, camp cottage, cai tent house, cabin or any other building or structure other than qu 48 shed, a building or structure regulated under the building code and lake, zoning ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, provided that the each house trailer, camp:cottage, tent house, cabin or other ium- building or structure designed for living quarters or sleeping ment quarters other than a building or structure regulated under tion, the building code and zoning ordinance of the Town of Ma- nsed maroneck, shall not be less than ten (10) feet from any other caner house trailer acid/or camp cottage, tent house, cabin, or other with building or structure other than a building or structure regu- lated under the building code and zoning ordinance of the the Town of Mamaroneck. The trailer camp shall be subdivided and and marked off into rectangular shaped lots,grouped in blocks rmit with camp streetsat least twenty (20) feet wide between each no block. No house trailer, camp cottage, tent house, cabin or ance other building or structure other than a building or structure d or regulated under the building code and zoning ordinance of Leek, the Town of Mamaroneck, shall be located within thirty (30) such feet of any highway or street line nor within twenty (20) feet in of any adjacent property line. Such trailer camp and/or tourist ar- camp shall besurrounded by a suitable woven wire,open metal than or wooden fence not less than five (`J) feet nor more than six (6) feet high, having only necessary openings for entrance B of and exit facilities. Barbed wire shallmnot be used for such Bach fences. All entrances and exits from any trailer camp and/or tourist camp shall be well marked and so arranged as not to mist constitute a traffic hazard. All driveways within such camps shall be hard surfaced,well marked in.the day time and lighted irist at night and so located that each house,trailer in the camp y or is readily accessible to a driveway. erly (c) Sleeping quarters, in Tourist camps. Sleeping quarters and shall be properly ventilated and shall have not less than fifty rant (50) square feet of floor area and five hundred (500) cubic feet of-space for each person cared for. imp (d) Ventilation and Fly-proofing Required. Kitchens, din- iare ing rooms mess halls and toilet facilities located in trailer age, camps and tourist camps, shall be properly ventilated and ade- han quate methods of excluding flies shall be used. 49 • • .e± r■r■r■e� (e) Fire Protection Required.Any camp cottage,tent house, cabin or other building or structure designed for living quarters or or sleeping quarters other than houses, buildings and. struck tures regulated under the Building and Zoning Ordinance of uric the Town of Mamaroneck,shall be so constructed and arranged as to provide broad and easy exit in case of fire or other for emergency and each such camp cottage, ten house, cabin or other building or structure designed for living quarters or or • sleepingquarters shall be equipped with at least one fire ex- tinguisher for every 3,000 square feet of floor space or fraction- thereof. In trailer camps there shall be at least one-fire ex- f°a tinguisher for each three (3) trailers, which extinguisher shall be readily accessibleto such trailers and be at all times in usable condition. anc (f) Dish washing. Adequate facilities, including a plentiful stn anc supply of hot water for the washing of dishes and utensils, shall be provided andsuchdishes and utensils shall be effec- tively washed and .cleaned after each use. (g) Kitchen and dining room equipment. Kitchen and din- to ing room equipment shall be of such material and so made or prc constructed as to facilitate cleaning and shall be kept clean at all times. sha (h) Drinking facilities. No common drinking cup shall be To used. If drinking fountains are provided, they shall be of sani- hot tary,design and construction. suc (i) Sewer,water and fire hydrant service.Each such trailer ing camp and/or tourist camp shall be provided with approved De sewer and water connections to existing public sanitary sewer and water systems of the Town or of any district therein. No by trailer camp or tourist camp shall be permitted in any area be of the Town where public sanitary sewer, water service and is 1 fire hydrant are not available. cal (j) Every trailer camp and/or tourist camp shall be pro- me vided with toilets,,urinals; wash basins, slop sinks, showers, en= water faucets, etc. in accordance with the following: wit 50 )use, - (1) One toilet for each sex for every thirty (30) persons rters or fraction thereof. true- (2) Each toilet room for men to have in addition, one e of urinal stall. aged (3) Each toilet room to have at least one sink or lavatory ;ther for every three toilets or fraction thereof. or (4) One shower for each sex for each thirty (30) persons s or or fraction thereof. Bathtubs are prohibited. ex- ,tion (5) Laundry tubs and slop sinks or basins with water ex- supply to be provided to serve each thirty (30) persons or shall fraction thereof. s in (6) Toilet buildings to be well lighted at all times, day and night, well ventilated with screened openings and con- structed of such moisture proof material as shall permit rapid bill and satisfactory cleaning, scouring and washing. {fee. (7) The floors to be of concrete or similar materials, ele- vated not less than four inches above grade and shall slope din- to a floor drain located in each room. le or (8) The use of toilets located in the`house trailers, is lean prohibited, except where approved by plumbing inspection. (9) All plumbing installation, except as herein provided, 1 be shall be made in accordance with the'plumbing code of the Town of Mamaroneck. Kitchen sink waste water from any crani- house trailer may be discharged to suitable leaching pits-of such size and construction as may be approved by the plumb- ailer ing inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck and the Health oved Department of the County of Westchester. - Pwer (10) Only Town water supply or-other supply approved No by the Health Department of the County df Westchester shall area be used at any trailer camp or tourist_caipp.If a private supply and is used,_arrangements must be made'for a weekly bacteriologi- cal analysis by a laboratory approved:by the Health Depart- pro- ' ment of the County of Westchester at the expense of the lie- vers, ensee and report thereof filed with said Health Deparment within twenty-four hours of completion of analysis. 51 e+ - (11) Where toilet and bathingfacilities are provided for case both sexes in the same building, a tight, sound-proof wall shall can be constructed between the male and female sections.__ - (12) A covered-inetal fly-tight garbage pall and a covered pre metal rubbish container of.adequate sizeshall be provided for all each six persons or part thereof. insi (13) Each toilet building shall be distinctly marked"MEN" ing or "WOMEN".in accordance with the sex for which it is pro- S vided. er • (k) Every trailer camp and/or tourist camp shall be under' lona the management of the licensee who must be ofgood reputation moi and character and .who shall manage such camp from an any office located on the premises. There shall be maintained in eac] such office, a bout d'book containing a record of the names of any persons accommodated at the camp, their home.addresses, the time of their arrival and departure and the license number as and make of their automobile or other vehicle. Such record elfin shall at all reasonable_times,be available for inspection by any law police officer. Yo/ (1) It shall be.the duty of the licensee of any trailer camp or tourist camp: in 1. To provide for the collection of garbage and other waste trar material. tad 2. To prohibit the placing or storing of unsightly material or or vehicles of any kind. and 3. To provide for the cleaning, painting, repairing and dis- gro. infecting of all buildings: the] 4.To take such other measures as shall be deemed necessary mei by the Health Department of the County of Westchester and ject the Chief of Police of the Town of Mamaroneck, to preserve din. the health, comfort and safety of all persons accommodated in the camp and of the general public. 5. To prevent any.animal,to run at large within or outside lane the camp. trai 6. To report to the Health Department of the County of con Westchester all cases of communicable diseases or suspected faci • 52 d for cases of communicable diseases affecting any inmate'of the shall camp. 7. To prevent the committing of any nuisance on the camp vered premises and to report immediately to the proper authorities Nvo d for all acts of a disorderly character committed by any persons lEN"pTo tnder inside of the camp, and to that end to maintain proper polic- ing thereof. Section S. Time Limit on Period of Stay No house trail- er shall be permitted to remain in any trailer camp for a longer period than thirty (30) days in each twelve (12) ation months period and no'person shall be permitted to remain in a an any tourist camp for a longer period than thirty (30) days in ad in each twelve (12) months period. es of sses, Section 6. Other taws and Ordinances Applicable. tuber the obtaining of a_license hereunder for,the use of premises cord as a trailer and/or tourist camp shall not be construed to any eliminate the necessity of complying with all other applicable laws or ordinances and health regulations of the State of New York, County of Westchester and Town of Mamaroneck. amp Section 7. Building and'Zoning Ordinances applicable in Certain Cases. The removal of the wheels or any similar haste transporting device from a house trailer,or the permanent at- tachment of a house trailer, camp cottager tent house, cabin erial or other structure, (not originally regulated by the Building and Zoning Ordinances of the Town. of Mamaroneck), to the dis- ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal thereof shall be construed as removing it from the require- ,sary ments of this ordinance and converting it into a dwelling, sub- and ject to the requirements of the building,code and zoning or- erve dinance of the Town of Mamaroneck. - ated Section 8. Regulations for House Trailers., side (a)_Location. No house trailer shall be located upon any land or premises within the Town of Mamaroneck other than F trailer camps unless such land or premises has erected thereon, ' V ofconveniently accessible to such house trailer,.adequate sanitary cted facilities, and an:approved water supply system. 53: ' ' ......jot_ - ... . fi (b) Restriction on Number of Trailers.One (1) such house trailer shall be premitted to park or otherwise locate, except sur in a duly licensed trailer camp,on a lot or parcel of land con- Ma taining not less thin 2,500 square feet. — car (c)"Duration of Stay._No such housetrailer shall be per- Bo. mitted to remain upon any premises other than a duly licensed nee trailer camp, for a longer period than two (2) weeks in every sha twelve (12) months period. in (d) Location of house trailer on lot. Such house trailer wit ' shall not be parked or otherwise located nearer than six (6). vio feet to the side lineof any lot or parcel of land nor within 1 tou thirty (30) feet of the.street line of such premises. din sur Section 9. Inspection and Enforcement. the The Building-Inspector of the Town of Mamaroneck shall tra. enforce all the provisions of this Chapter of the General Or- des dinance,with the assistance of the Police Officers of the Town. bui Such Building Inspector and Police Officers shall have the anc right to enter any trailer camp or tourist camp or any premises ren used for the parking or location of a house trailer or house Lai trailers, at all tites. run Section 10. Revocation of License. anc If the Building'Inspector, upon inspection, finds that such trailer camp or tourist camp is not being maintained in a clean and sanitary condition, or that such trailer camp or for tourist camp is not being conducted in accordance with the me, regulations applicable to such trailer camp or tourist camp opc and the provisions of this ordinance, he shall serve upon the sha holder of a license or the person in charge of such trailer camp or tourist camp, an order in writing, directing that the con- ditions therein specified be remedied within five (5) days after the service of such order. If, after the expiration of such opt period, such conditions remain unchanged,or are not corrected Ins in accordance with the order of the Building Inspector, the din Building Inspector shall serve a notice in writing upon such hoc trailer camp or tourist camp owner, orthe person in charge oro of such trailer camp or tourist camp, requiring the holder of Pro whi 54 house such license to appear before the Town Board of the Town of xcept Mamaroneck at a time to be specified in such notice,and show l con- cause why such-license should not be revoked.' The Town per- Board may, after a hearing at which the testimony and wit- ensed nesses of the Building Inspector and the holder of the license every shall be heard,revoke such license if the conditions described in the original order have not been corrected in accordance railer with the terms of such order or if the holder of such license has (6) violated the regulations applicable to such trailer camp or ithin tourist camp, or has violated any of the provisions of this or- dinance, or for other sufficient cause. Upon the revocation of such license, the premises shall forthwith cease to be used for the purposes of a trailer-camp or tourist camp and all house shall trailers, camp cottages, tent houses, cabins or other building I Or- designed for living or sleeping quarters -other than houses, 'own- buildings and/or structures regulated under the Building.Code the and Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck, shall be nises removed therefrom. The provisions of Section 137 of the Town rouse Law shall apply to the revocation.of licenses issued for the running, operation, or conducting the business of trailer camps and tourist camps. such Section 11. Termination of Permits.,. in a All permits issued pursuant to Section 3 of this ordinance p or for the location of house trailers in trailer camps shall im- the mediately terminate upon revocation of the license for the amp operation of such trailer camp and no part of the permit fee the shall be returned to the holder thereof. amp Section 12. Revocation of Permits'. con- - days All permits issued under this ordinance to the owner or such operator of a house trailer, may be.revoked by the Building cted Inspector forany violation of any of the provisions of this or- the dinance by the owner, operator and/or occupant of_such aueh house trailer. Notice of such revocation shall be given to the age owner and/or operator of such house trailer.and to the owner, r of proprietor and/or operator of the"trailer camp (if any)'in which such house trailer is located, and if such house"trailer 55 ' e—T—' • • t be not located in a trailer camp,notice shall be given by the Building Inspector, to.the owner of the premises where such house'trailer is located. - 1 _ pari Section 13. Persons Liable. • villa The owner, lessee, licensee; occupant of, or person accom- mai modated in any trailer camp or tourist camp, or the owner Mai lessee or occupant of anypremises upon which a house trailer is located, who commits any act in violation of any of the pro- lati ' visions of this ordinance shall each be liable for any such, ord violation and for the penalty therefor. Each day such violation by shall continue or be permitted to exist shall constitute a separ- ate violation. era] Section 14. Penalties. corn Any person, firm br corporation who violates any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject imn to a fine of not less.than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than in 1 . Fifty Dollars ($50.001 or to imprisonment for a period of not Cha less than one (1)_day nor more than six (6) months or both Lay such fine and ifprisonment; ,and in addition any and all persons who violate {any of the provisions of this ordinance ord or who shall omit, neglect or refuse to do any act required by sha. this ordinance shall severally,for each and every such violation dm and non-compliance respectively forfeit and pay a penalty of be Fifty Dollars ($50.00), recoverable in a civil action brought by or on behalf of the Town of Mamaroneck. The imposition in of all penalties for any violation of this ordinance shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue. The application of the above penalty or penalties or the prosecution of the violation of the provisions of this ordinance shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal of conditions prohibited by this ordinance. ' Section '15. Exceptions. of None of the.provisions of this chapter shall be applicable ams to the storing or garaging of a house trailer when not used as gui living or sleeping quarters. • moa 56 y the CHAPTER X such Section 1 — These ordinances shall apply only to that part of the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of incorporated villages and whenever and wherever the words "Town of Ma- com- maroneck" are used, such words shall mean the Town of wner Mamaroneck outside of incorporated villages. Idler Section 2 — All former general ordinances,rules or regu- pro- lations affecting or pertaining to subjects covered in these such ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent herewith are here- Ilion by replealed. ,par Section 3 — These ordinances shall be known as "Gen- eral Ordinances of the Town of Mamaroneck, outside of In- corporated Villages." ision Section''4 — These ordinances shall become effective 3ject immediately upon publication and posting thereof as provided than in Section 133 of Chapter 634 of the Laws of 1932,constituting not Chapter 62 of the Consolidated Laws and known as the Town both Law. i all ante Section 5 — The declaration of any portion of these d by ordinances by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid non shall not invalidate the portion of these ordinances not so de- y of dared to be invalid, but only that part-thereof so declared to ught be invalid and the remainder of said ordinances shall remain ition in full force and effect. • not Ltion CHAPTER XI the held Fines and PenaIti4s [ by . Section 1,Amended, October 20, 1954 Section 1 —Any person violating:any of the provisions able of these ordinances as the same may be from time to time d as - amended, for which no other penalty'is provided, shall be • guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than one year orr by a fine of not more than$500.or both. 57 • Section 2, Amended, December 17, 1953 Section 2 —Violation of these Ordinances shall subject the offender, for each offense, to a civil penalty not to exceed the following amounts respectively: Chapter III Sections 1 and 5 $ 50.00 Chapter IV Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10A, 12, and 13 25.00 Chapter V Sections 1 and 2 10.00 Chapter VI Sections 1, 4,6;;7,8, and 9 100.00 Chapter VII -- Sections 2, 3, and 7 50.00 Chapter VIII Sections 1, 2, and 11 50.00 Chapter IX Sections 2, 6, 9;30,and 11 50.00 The penalties fon violations as above provided shall be in 4 addition to any fine provided for in the preceding section. Every day or part thereof that such violation shall continue shall be deemed to be a separate and distinct violation of A the said several provisions of these ordinances and shall render every person liable for a separate penalty for each such vio- lation. CHARLES J. GRONBERG, Town Clerk 58