HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923_02_14 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Town Board
held February 14th, 1923.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9.45 P.M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton
Justices Boyd, Collins, Shafer, Dudley
Counsellor Gamble
Town Clerk Sherman.
Upon motion duly seconded it was voted that the minutes
of the previous meeting be approved as printed.
Upon motion by Justice Dudley, seconded by Justice Boyd
it was unanimously
RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be compli-
mented upon the method of preparing the
minutes and the individual folders.
Upon motion duly seconded, it was
VOTED that the regular order of business
be dispensed with in order that anyone
present who wished to address the Board
might be heard.
Mr. Howell C. Perrin appeared before the Board and of-
fered several suggestions in relation to the collection of ashes,
garbage, etc. in the Fire District No. 1.
He recommended that the period for changing the con-
tract be changed to about April or May 1st. He also recommended
that the set-back provision in the contract be changed from 50
feet to 75 feet.
The Town Clerk reported the receipt of a petition in
the matter of the application of Harold C. Pryer as Executor of
the Last Will and Testament of Charles Pryer deceased, for the
cancellation of certain taxes appearing on the tax records of
the Town of Mamaroneck. The matter was referred to the Board of
Assessors for their report and findings with instructions to be
submitted to Counsel to report back to this Board.
The Town Clerk also reported that he had been served
with a Notice of Publication in the Marseau water grant matter
affecting property at Premium Point in the Town of Mamaroneck.
The matter was referred to Counsel.
The Town Clerk reported the receipt of canvass of
votes cast at the special election of Fire, Lighting and Water
Supply District No. 1, of the Town of Mamaroneck held at the
Weaver Street Fire House on Saturday January 27th, 1923. The
certificate was ordered received, spread upon the minutes and
is as follows:
Town of Mamaroneck,
New York.
W.I. PALMER and CHARLES S. LIGHTE, Inspectors of Election, duly
appointed Election Officers by the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck at a regular meeting of said Board held on December
27th, 1922, for the purpose of canvassing votes to be cast at the
Special Election of Fire, Lighting and Water Supply District
No. 1, of the Town of Mamaroneck, duly held pursuant to order
of the Town Board, and advertised according to law, at the
Weaver Street Fire House, Edgewood Road, Saturday, January
27th, 1923, CERTIFY that said election was duly held and we
presided as Inspectors of Election thereat, and the following
proposition was submitted:
"Shall the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester
County, New York, be authorized and directed to
purchase and equip an automotive Hook and Ladder
Fire Truck and Apparatus for the extinguishment
of fires, for use within Fire, Lighting and Water
Supply District No.1 of said Town, at a cost not
exceeding Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars,
pursuant to the Statutes of the State of New York,
including among others Section 313 and 313 A of
Article 14 of the Town Law, and shall there be
levied, raised and collected, therefor, the sum
of not exceeding Ten Thousand ($10,000.00)
Dollars by assessment and tax upon the taxable
property lying within the boundaries of Fire,
Lighting and Water Supply District No. 1 of said
Town, pursuant to the Statute in such case made
and provided?"
THAT the polls were open between 6 A.M. and 6 P.M.
and that the persons voting at said election were those en-
titled to vote upon the proposition and having the qualifica-
tions prescribed by Section 53 of the Town Law for an election
at a Town Meeting;
THAT the polls were duly closed at 6 P.M. and that we
thereafter counted the ballots cast at said special election
with the following results:
Total Number of Ballots Cast 56
Total Number of Ballots Cast
in favor of said proposition 35
Total Number of Ballots Cast
against said proposition 17
Total Number of Void Ballots
Cast 4
Sworn to before me this
27th day of January, 1923. HENRY A. SCHWARTZ
Frederick M. Sherman CHARLES H. LIGHTE
Notary Public
Inspectors of Election.
The Supervisor presented his annual Highway, Bridge
and Miscellaneous Report for 1922, which was ordered received,
noted in the minutes, placed on file, and it was
RESOLVED that the Supervisor be authorized
and empowered to publish same in accordance
with Section 107 of the Highway Law.
The Supervisor reported that the purchase of the tank
for the Weaver Street Fire House had been arranged by the Com-
mittee and upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED that the payment of the
purchase of said tank and freight
be approved, and the bill be sub-
mitted to the Board of Auditors
for their action.
Captain Nichol appeared before the Board and asked for
an increase in pay for the two special men stationed at the Fire
He was advised that under the present law the pay
cannot be increased unless they came under the jurisdiction of
the State Civil Service Commission.
After full discussion of the garbage situation the
following resolution was offered by Justice Shafer, seconded
by Justice Boyd:
WHEREAS, This Board has duly authorized
the advertising for bids for the remov-
al and disposal of swill, garbage and ashes
etc. from buildings in Fire, Lighting and
Water Supply District No. 1 of the Town
of Mamaroneck, for the period of one year
beginning February 27th, 1923 and ending
February 26th, 1924; and
WHEREAS, the said bids called for the
said removal from a distance of 50 feet
from the street line from said buildings;
WHEREAS, the said Board desires to receive
an alternate bid for the said removal to
be made from a distance not in excess of
75 feet from the street line from said
buildings, therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Counsel be authorized
to prepare said alternate bids and the
Clerk directed to furnish each bidder
with a copy of said alternate bid, same
to be received and opened as of the same
time and hour as the original bids.
Communication from the Board of Assessors was received
and read, relating to duplicate assessment on Section 6, Block
27, Lot 5, and further stating that the aforesaid property was
sold on a tax lien in 1920 for the tax of 1919, once in the name
of J. R. Whitehead and once in the name of Ferdinand Fish. The
matter was referred to Counsel Gamble for his report.
A communication from the Board of Sewer Commissioners
was received, read, . ordered spread upon the minutes and is as
February 14, 1923.
Town Board,
Town of Mamaroneck,
8 Elm Street,
Mamaroneck, N.Y.
On January 22, 1923, this Commission opened bids for
the construction of Section 4 of the Sewer System in District
No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck; based on these estimates, we
herewith respectfully report to you that the amount of the cost
of the construction of Section 4 of the Sewer System in Sewer
District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck, including engineers'
fees and other necessary expenses in connection therewith, will
be $50,000.00.
We therefore request that you immediately authorize
and direct the issue and sale of bonds for the aforesaid amount
herein reported, to-wit: $50,000.00, which is in addition to
the $350,000.00 heretofore authorized.
Respectfully yours,
(Sgd.) Robert H. Stevens, Chairman
William I. Palmer
H. R. Mitchell.
The matter was referred to Counsellor Gamble with
authority to prepare and draw the-proper resolutions.
Upon motion the. meeting adjourned at 11.50 P.M.
Frederick M. Sherman
Town Clerk.