HomeMy WebLinkAbout1923_01_17 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK, held, January 17th , 1923. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9.20 P.M. PRESENT : Supervisor Burton Justices Boyd, Shafer. Town Clerk Sherman On motion it was voted to dispense with the reading of the minutes of meetings not yet approved. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of December, 1922, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows: January 2nd, 1923. Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town , School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interest and penalties thereon, collected by me dur- ing the month of December, 1922. 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Arrears Total State & County $648. 26 27.20 675.46 Highway 97.49 97.49 Town 273.64 10.00 283.64 District 139.70 139.70 Sewer Tax Dist. #1. 38.33 38.33 School Dist. #1. 2588.56 195.78 2,784.34 School Dist. #2. Arrears 18.40 23.19 13.60 375.99 431.18 Interest Penalty. 295.32 63.14 6.14 13.07 7.26 304.84 689.77 Total 5,139.91 Deposited with First National Bank of Mamaroneck $5,139.91 Respectfully submitted, Sgnd. Harry T. McGivney, Receiver of Taxes. The Police Report for the month of December was received, and read showing 15 arrests , and fines amounting to $275.00. The report was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file. The report of the Building Commission for the month of December was received and read, showing permits is- sued and fees collected amounting to $32.00. The report was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of December was received and read, shoving licenses issued and fees collected amounting to $13.50. The report was ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file. The report of Supervisor Burton for the month of December was received and read and ordered placed on file, as follows: December 30, 1922. Gentlemen: Permit me to submit my financial statement for the month ending December 30th, 1922. Balance on hand December 1, 1922 $176,012.45 Deposited by Receiver of Taxes, $7,602.31 Proceeds of Certificate of Indebtedness #1 3,900.00 " " " " " #2 3,000.00 F.P. Shafer 370.00 Boyd 40.00 P. H. Collins 575.00 Town Clerk 22.58 By transfer from Sewer Fund for Int. 150.00 Bldg. Com. 168.00 Westchester Lighting Co. deposit, 100.00 County Treasurer- Income Tax 626.64 " " Mercantile Tax 5.00 Interest allowed by Bank, 2,170.43 18,729 .96 $194,742.41 Payments:- Audited. claims $13, 953.45 Garbage Contract, No. 1 250.00 " " No. 2 , 66. 66 Highway "A", 5,321.02 " "E", 363.00 Interest Account 667.50 Highway No. 1, 642.84 " No. 3 , 891.77 No . 4, Police Com'n . 1,OGO .00 Salary account , 2,044. 15 Fire House Fund, 6 , 988 .61 1,491.23 33 ,863.04 Sewer Fund, 160 ,879.37 Balance on hand this daym ;a Respectfully submitted, Sgnd. George W. Burton, Supervisor . The annual report of the Police Commission was re- ceived, read and ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows: January 8th , 1923. _ Town Board of Hamaroneck, 11maroneck , N .Y. -- Gentlemen: The first annual report of the Police Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck. This Commission while appointed in Earch took office in the month of June 1922. Since that time there has been a reorganization of our Police Department giving us a small but efficient force . The operation of this department from June 15th to January lst , 1923 is contained in a statement herewith. You will note the amount received from the Town Board for this period is $8500.00, of which balance on hand as per public accountant's statement is $342.19. Our force at the pre- sent time is too small to handle the amount of work, necessary in this community and for the coming year it will be necessary to enlarge both the force and the method of handling same. Respectfully submitted, Board of Police Commissioners. Sgnd. Henry M. Whitaker. Felix C. Birch. ANNUAL REPORT of POLICE DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1st, 1923. OPERATION OF DEPARTMENT Number of Arrests - - - 419 " " Convictions - - - 341 " " Suspended Sentences - 51 " " Cases Dismissed - - 27 Amount of fines collected $6230.00 INVENTORY OF PROPERTY 1 Automobile - - $850.00 2 Motorcycles - - 400.00 6 Blue Uniforms - - 312.00 4 Motorcycle Uniforms - - 150.00 4 Overcoats - - 100.00 7 Revolvers - - 124.00 7 Pair of rubber boots - - 42.00 5 Rubber coats - - 42.00 6 Rubber hoods - - 12.00 $2032.00 BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS TOWN OF MAMARONECK, N.Y. STATEMENT OF CASH TRANSACTIONS JUNE 1ST TO DECEMBER 31ST, 1922. Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8,521.25 Disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,179.06 Balance on hand, December 31st, 1922, in First National Bank of 1-Tamaroneck, $342.19 - I have audited the cash transactions of the Board of Police Commissioners above stated and I hereby certify that the balance on hand at December 31st, 1922 of $342.19 is correct as stated, taking into consideration unpresented checks. New York, N.Y. January 8th, 1923. Sgnd. J.B. Clifford, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. The Police Commission submitted their report in the matter pertaining to the application of Thomas P. Tully for permission to operate a bus line in the unincorporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck. It was recommended that permission be given for sixty or ninety days and that the Town Board suspend that part of the bus and taxi ordinance calling for fee and bond, as the applicant will furnish to the Town the liability and prop- erty damage insurance for such amount as may be deemed necessary. Upon motion, duly seconded, it was VOTED that it is the sense of this Board that we approve the application of Thomas P. Tully for the operation of a bus line in the unin- corporated section of the Town of Mamaroneck, and that the matter be submitted to Counsel to draw proper resolution therefor. The Police Commission submitted the requisition of their department for the year 1923, and asked for an appropriation of $16,000,00. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED that the request in the matter be received and taken up for consideration in the compilation of the budget. Justice Shafer presented lease for his Justice Rooms for the year 1923, and it was, upon motion, duly seconded, RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to enter into and sign the lease for the office of the Justice of the Peace Frederick P. Shafer, and be it further RESOLVED that the lease be filed with the Town Clerk. The following communication was received from the Board of Appeals which was ordered received, read, spread upon the min- utes and is as follows: December 30, 1922. Mr. F. M. Sherman, Town Clerk, 8 Elm Street , Mamaroneck, N.Y. Dear Mr. Sherman: At a meeting of the Board of Appeals held on December 28th, at its offices, 8 Elm Street, Mamaroneck, the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Appeals rec- ommend to the Town Board that the appeal of John Moll to erect a one-family resi- dence on the northeast side of Weaver Street, 300 feet north of Boston Post Road within thirty feet of the street line be granted, and the. decision of the Build- ing Commission be reversed. Resolved, That the Board of Appeals rec- ommend to the Town Board that the appeal of Arthur H. Taylor to erect a one-family residence on the west side of Edgeworth Place, 150 feet from Edgeworth Road, with- in thirty feet of the street line be granted, and the decision of the Building Commission be reversed. Very truly yours, Sgnd. Richard W. Hill, Secretary, Board of Appeals. The following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Appeals of the Zoning Com- mission have acted upon and have recommended to the Town Board that the appeal of John Moll to erect a one family residence on the north- easterly side of Weaver Street, three hun- dred feet north of the Boston Post Road, within thirty feet of the street line , be granted, and that the decision of the Build- ing Commission be reversed, therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board, pursuant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Zoning Ordi- nance of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby con- sents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk sign for the Secretary of the Board of Appeals a certi- fied copy of this resolution. The following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS the Board of Appeals of the Zoning Commission have acted upon and have recom- mended to the Town Board that the appeal of Arthur H. Taylor, to erect a one-family residence on the westerly side of Edgeworth Place, one hundred and fifty feet from Edge- worth Road, within thirty feet of the street line, be granted, and that the decision of the Building Commission be reversed, there- fore be it RESOLVED that the Town Board, pursuant to Article 5, Section 26 of the Zoning Ordi- nance of the Town of Mamaroneck hereby consents to and confirms the action of the Board of Appeals in reversing the decision of the Building Commission, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk sign for the Secretary of the Board of Appeals a cer- tified copy of this resolution. The Receiver of Taxes appeared before the Board and asked that a typewriter be purchased for use in his office, whereupon the following resolution was offered by Justice Shafer, and seconded by Justice Boyd: WHEREAS, the forms in use in the office of the Receiver of Taxes call for more extend- ed items and necessarily a larger form of paper size, and WHEREAS the typewriter now in use is limit- ed to a very small carriage, and on account of the work it will become necessary to have a larger typewriting machine in order to do the work satisfactorily, therefore be it RESOLVED that there be purchased for the office of the Receiver of Taxes a new type- writing machine at an expense not to exceed $115.00, and be it further RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to purchase such machine upon such terms and conditions as he may deem advisable to the best interest of the Town, and that he pay for same upon presentation of a proper voucher therefor. Question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, the same was upon ROLL CALL unanimously adopted. The Town Clerk informed the board that the present con- tracts for the disposal of garbage etc. in Fire, Lighting and Water Supply District No. 1, and Fire District No. 2, expire on February 26th, 1923, and that it would be necessary to advertise ` for bids for contracts for the ensuing year. Upon motion duly seconded, it was RESOLVED that Counsel be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare the necessary notices for publication for the receiv- ing of sealed bids for the contracts for the removal of garbage etc. for Fire, Lighting and Water Supply District to . 1, and Fire District No . 2, for the period of one year, beginning February 27th , 1923 and ending February 26th, 1924, forms of bids or estimates, and the terms and con- ditions upon which bids must be made, forms of contracts, bonds and other necessary docu- ments, and it is further RESOLVED that the Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to advertise for bids for the aforesaid contracts in the Richbell Press, the Mamaroneck Paragraph and the Larchmont Times for three weeks, beginning February 2nd, 1923, and be it further RESOLVED that bids will be received by the Town Board until 8.30 o'clock in the evening of February 21st, 1923, at which time the bids submitted will be opened. There being no further business, upon motion the meeting adjourned at 10.40 P.M. Frederick M. Sherman Town Clerk.