HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021_06_16 Town Board Meeting PacketTOWN OF MAMARONECK TOWN BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 16, 2021   5:00PM TOWN BOARD WORK SESSION: Work Sessions of the Town Board are public  meetings. Members of the public are able to view the meeting on cable access television  (Optimum 75, 76 & 77 or Verizon Fios 34, 35 & 36) or on https://lmcmedia.org/; however,  there is no public commentary. Opportunity for public comments will be provided during the  regular Town Board meetings when citizen comments are requested or when public  hearings are held.  1. Presentation ­ American Rescue Plan Act 2021  2. Discussion ­ Comprehensive Plan  3. Discussion ­ Rock Removal Moratorium  4. Update ­ 5G, AKRF Residential Housing Study, LMC Media, Larchmont­Mamaroneck Joint  Garbage Disposal Commission, and Fire Department Business  5. Review ­ 2022 Budget Instructions/Budget Calendar  6. Request for Executive Session    8:00PM ­ Town Board Meeting ­ Members of the public are able to view the meeting on cable  access television (Optimum 75, 76 & 77 or Verizon Fios 34, 35 & 36) or on  https://lmcmedia.org/ or via Zoom. Please click the link below to join the webinar:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84257497024?pwd=ejVoOS9nY21BdDRCaFp4dkREUmZudz09#  Passcode: 130687 During a public hearing or the citizen's comment section, residents may  "raise their hand" in Zoom to be granted access to speak directly to the Town Board. Those  who are viewing the meeting on local municipal access television or LMC Media's website  may submit their comments or questions to publicqc@townofmamaroneckny.org    SUPERVISOR'S REPORT    PUBLIC HEARING  1. NYStrech Energy Code 2020  2. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application     CITIZEN COMMENTS    BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS  1. Fire Claims  2. Other Fire Department Business    AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK  1. Authorization ­ New York State Transportation Services Contract  2. Authorization ­ Title III B Transportation Services Contract  Page 1 of 131 3. Salary Authorization ­ General Foreman Highway Department  4. Salary Authorization ­ Assistant Superintendent of Recreation  5. Sewer Rent Appeal Application ­ Winged Foot Golf Club  6. Authorization ­ Highway Facility HVAC Contract  7. Authorization­ Bonding Resolutions 2021 Capital Projects  8. Set Public Hearings­ Bonding Resolutions­ Garbage District, Water District & Ambulance  District  9. 2021 Capital Budget Amendments  10. 2021 Operating Budget Amendments  11. Consideration of Certiorari    REPORT OF MINUTES    REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL    TOWN CLERK'S REPORT    NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING ­ Wednesday, July 21, 2021  Any physically handicapped person needing special assistance in order to attend the meeting  should contact the Town Administrator’s office at 381­7810. Page 2 of 131 TOWN OF MAMARONECK AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT OF 2021 Page 3 of 131 BASIC PROVISIONS •The American Rescue Plan Bill was signed by President Biden on March 11,2021 •Treasury published guidance as of May 10, 2021 •The Fiscal Recovery Act provides $19.5 billion to States; $188 million to Westchester County •An active DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) number as required –The Town has one 2Page 4 of 131 How Does the Town Receive the Funding? •A Non Entitlement Unit (NEU) is a local government that generally have a population below 50,000 •The Town of Mamaroneck is considered an NEU because its population is less than 29,495 •Funding is distributed using the population of all NEUs in NYS •An NEU cannot receive more than 75% of the most recent total operating budget as of January 27,2020 •It is anticipated that the Village (Larchmont & Mamaroneck) allocations will be a percentage share of the Town's allocation based on the percentage of the Town's population that is located within each village. 3Page 5 of 131 How and When will the Funding Be Delivered? •Funds will be delivered in two tranches: •2021: First Tranche: 50% of allocated funds •2022: Second Tranche: 50% -12 months after the State receives the first distribution •The State was scheduled to receive funds for Towns/Villages on May 11, 2021. NYS has not yet received the funding. •Scheduled state tentative distribution schedule to Towns/Villages: •Will distribute funds no less than 30 days after received –June 11, 2021 •May apply for a 30 day extension which the Treasury will give. July 11,2021 •May apply for a second 30 day extension that may be granted by the Treasury if the State submits a reasonable plan for distribution- August 11, 2021 •Will forfeit undistributed amount as a fine if fails to make payments to NEUs on time •Has no authority to withhold any/all funds for NEW for their own debt purposes or place any conditions/requirements on the distributions 4Page 6 of 131 How Much Funding will the Town Receive? ALLOCATED BY POPULATION BY YEAR  Population %  Funding   Allocation Tranche 1 YEAR  1 Tranche 2  Year  2 Town (Unincorporated Area)       12,018 41% $   1,318,293 $659,146 $659,147 Village of Larchmont          6,087 21%         667,702 $333,851 $333,851 Village of Mamaroneck        11,390 39%      1,249,405 $624,703 $624,702                                    Total        29,495 100% $   3,235,400 $1,617,700 $1,617,700 Town and Village Funding $3,235,400 5Page 7 of 131 When Do the Funds have to be Spent by? •Allowable costs that have been incurred             March 3,2021 OR Later •Funds must be obligated by December 31,2024 •Funds must be Spent (Paid) by December 31,2026 6Page 8 of 131 How Can the Funds be Used? 1.To respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency or its negative economic impacts 2.To provide premium pay to essential workers 3.To cover loss of revenue to provide government services 4.To make necessary investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure 7Page 9 of 131 1. Respond to Public Health Emergency or its Negative Economic Impacts Eligible Expenses: •PPE •Disinfect public areas in response to COVID19 •Improvement of ventilation system in public facilities 8Page 10 of 131 2. Premium Pay to Essential Workers To provide premium pay to workers performing essential work during the COVID–19 public health emergency (sec 603[c][1][B]; CFR §35.6[c]) •Eligible workers ü Workers who maintained continuity of operations to protect the health and well-being of residents Ex: Police, Fire, Janitorial, Sanitation, Highway Garage, Sewers •Essential Work ü Regular, in person interactions with the public or coworkers ü Regular physical handling of items that were also handled by others during COVID19 ü Essential work does NOT include telework performed from a residence. •Up to $13 hour in addition to wages otherwise received 9Page 11 of 131 3. Recovering Lost Revenue to Provide Gov’t Services •Total Town Revenues received in 2020 as compared to 2019 determines the Town’s revenue loss amount •Government Service expenditures are eligible up to a maximum of those revenue losses •Revenues NOT Included in Calculations: • Proceeds from debt issuance •Sale of investments •Revenue from utilities •Gov’t transfers between federal and local governments 10Page 12 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Revenue Losses 2019 2020 BASE YEAR Counterfactual Revenues 4.1% Growth/YR Base/Counterfactual Total Revenue per Financial Statement $ 49,185,315 $ 51,201,913 Federal Transfers (Even those flowing thru the state) (6,690,867) $ (6,965,193) Utilities- Water Revenue (937,081) $ (975,501)    Total Base/Counterfactual  $     41,557,367  $     43,261,219  Actuals Total Revenue per Financial Statement $ 47,564,064 Federal Transfers (Even those flowing thru the state) (7,877,770) Revenues from Utilities (water,electric,gas,mass transit) (814,447)    Total Actual  $     38,871,847  REVENUE LOSS     $     (4,389,372) REVENUE LOSS PERCENTAGE (10.6%) 11Page 13 of 131 Eligible Government Services A maximum of $4.4 million can be spent on Government Services General Government Services Includes: •Capital infrastructure projects on a cash basis including Highway •Police, fire, and other public safety expenses •Cybersecurity-hardware, software, and protection of critical infrastructure General government Services Does NOT Include •Expenses associated with outstanding debt •Satisfaction of judgments •Replenishing reserves 12Page 14 of 131 4. Water/Sewer/Broadband Infrastructure •Construct, improve and repair ü Wastewater treatment plant and sanitary sewer systems ü Water treatment and distribution systems ü Infrastructure to improve resiliency ü Lead service lines ü Treatment and distribution systems •Cybersecurity for infrastructure systems •Broadband infrastructure investments only for unserved or underserved areas 13Page 15 of 131 Other Spending Considerations Funds CAN be transferred to: •Other units of local government •Nonprofit organizations that provide vital services to the communities to mitigate financial hardships •Special-purpose units of State or local government such as Water, Sewer, Sanitation 14Page 16 of 131 What are the Reporting Requirements? •Periodic reports providing a detailed accounting of spending •Annual Project and Expenditure Reports through December 31, 2026 •Initial report from the date of award through September 30, 2021 15Page 17 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Spending Spending Option 1 2021 Tranche 1of 2 $659,146 Fund PROJECT  ARP Category PROJECT COST ARP FUNDING  ALLOCATION A Senior Center Parking Lot Government Svces/Max lost revenue $262,500 $162,500 B Memorial Park Playground Government Svces/Max lost revenue $650,000 $49,646 SF Fire Department Equipment Government Svces/Max lost revenue $100,000 $100,000 SS Sanitary Sewers- Phase 2 Water/Sewer Infrastructure $4,031,504 $300,000 SW Rye Lake Wholesale Meter Vault #3 Water/Sewer Infrastructure $47,000 $47,000 TOTAL $5,091,004 $659,146 16Page 18 of 131 QUESTIONS 17Page 19 of 131 THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT – DISCUSSION – COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Page 20 of 131 Page 21 of 131 THIS ITEM HAS NO ATTACHMENT – UPDATE – 5G, AKRF RESIDENTIAL HOUSING STUDY, LMC MEDIA, LARCHMONT- MAMARONECK JOINT GARBAGE DISPOSAL COMMISSION, AND FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Page 22 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 Office of the Comptroller TEL: 914/381-7850 FAX: 914/381-7809 towncomptroller@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Department Heads From: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller Date: June 16, 2021 Re: 2022 Town Budget Preparation Instructions What a challenging year we have had! Thank you for your hard work and fiscally responsible spending over the last year. It is once again budgeting time for next year. This memorandum will provide an outline of the requirements for the 2022 departmental budget submissions. Through the effective management of your departmental budget, the Town was able to deliver the 2021 budget below the tax cap of 2.9%, coming in at a 1.46% tax levy increase. While at this early date we do not know what the tax cap will be for the 2022 Town Budget, we will be challenged to bring in a tax cap compliant budget given the uncertainty of our program attendance and other increased operating expenses. As you are aware, the pandemic had a profound impact on the entire world. From a municipal standpoint, it has made us work smarter, leaner and has forced us to be able to work remotely now and in the future. Every department provided services to residents in various ways to keep the Town moving forward. Much of our time was spent on managing the crisis, inventing new ways of doing things and operating our departments remotely. As a result, many of our plans were not achieved and deferred capital projects are underway. We are now at a turning point where the economy is beginning to improve, people are starting to shop, socialize and attend events. Please be mindful that there are financial pressures that will take a few years to stabilize- unemployment, rising inflation, rising material costs, tax caps and possible cutbacks that will most likely have an effect on our 2022 Budget. The Federal stimulus has helped those in need and has provided funding for the Town but it is only a one time infusion for eligible expenditures. We need to stay focused on balancing our budget and maintaining cost structures as we navigate through the next two years. Our goal for 2022 is to (1) maintain current service levels, (2) fund capital projects that have been deferred, and (3) reimagine Town operations by automating processes that will create operational efficiencies, provide services to residents and support the shift of Town operations to a virtual platform. Page 23 of 131 With the tax cap legislation in place, our budget process has two critical phases; first and foremost, projecting resources that the Town will receive and then determining what changes or reductions are necessary to reach the tax cap. As a reminder, the budget preparation process includes an emphasis on the metrics of departmental performance. I know that performance metrics in 2020 and 2021 are much lower than 2019 as a result of the pandemic. We anticipate that metrics will slowly recover and we will take that into consideration when trying to accomplish a tax cap compliant budget. This year, fillable capital budget forms and last year's departmental narratives have been placed on the Town shared Drive (T) in the BUDGET 2022 folder. There you will find a folder for each department with three documents: 1.Five Year Capital Plan 2022-2026 This file contains the five year plan to use as your guide to preparing your 2022 capital forms. Please submit one Capital Budget form for each project on the list for 2022. Be sure to update pricing for each project as estimates have significantly increased. Since that is the case, we request that you prioritize the projects over the next five years as you update the pricing. Please add projects/capital purchases for 2026. Having a five year plan should help you prepare your annual capital requests and will assist us with cash flow and debt service projections over the next five years. 2.Capital Budget Forms All capital budget requests made for 2022 must be submitted on the 2022 Capital Budget Project Form. Please submit one form per project. Please be sure to complete the impact of your project on the operating budget. For example: For replacement vehicles estimate the savings in gas and repair costs. Please do your best to estimate the savings or additional costs. 3.Operating Budget Submission The Town will continue to use the same format as the 2021 Budget. The format provided a comprehensive view of each department's programs. Your departmental narratives from the 2021 Budget have been saved in each of your folders. Please update them as necessary, including the performance measures. The Comptroller's Office will update the summary of Revenues and the Summary of Appropriations. The current full-time budgeted positions will remain the same for 2022 and the Comptroller's office will update the salary schedules. If you are proposing any personnel changes, they should be at cost savings. Please revise them at the bottom of the narrative page with an explanation. Departmental budgets must increase no more than 1.75%. The percentage applies to your Equipment Accounts and Contractual Expense Accounts. Please provide details if you cannot meet this cap. Also, if meeting this cap means a change in services, provide details. Please include costs associated with automating your departmental functions, even if it causes your departmental budget to exceed the cap of 1.75%. Please remember to include proposed contractual increases for multi-year contracts or estimated vendor increases. Indicate in KVS any costs that are one-time expenses for 2022 and will not reoccur. That will help our funding decisions. Page 24 of 131 As in prior years, the 2021 Adopted Budget amounts will populate in the 2022 Budget as your starting point. All operational budgets must be input into the KVS Budget Software. The more detail the better. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me at any time during the process. The 2022 Budget Calendar is attached for your reference. The critical dates are as follows: Friday August 13, 2021 CAPITAL BUDGET REQUESTS DUE Tuesday, September 7, 2021 OPERATING BUDGET LINE ITEMS IN KVS DUE Friday September 10, 2021 FINAL BUDGET NARRATIVES DUE As always, if you need assistance with your budget preparation ask early in the process. Page 25 of 131 BUDGET CALENDAR - 2022 TOWN BUDGET* Friday, June 25, 2021 Distribution of Capital Budget Worksheets and Budget Instructions to Department Heads Friday, August 13, 2021 Completion of Capital Budget Worksheets on Town Drive for review Tuesday, September 7, 2021 Input of Operating Budgets into KVS Budget System Friday, September 10, 2021 Completion of all Operating Budget narratives on Town Drive Monday, September 13, 2021 through Departmental Budget Work Sessions Friday, September 24, 2021 Wednesday, October 20, 2021 Submission of Tentative Budget to the Town Board and Preliminary Review of Tentative Budget Saturday, October 23, 2021 Departmental Budget Review Thursday, November 11, 2021 Capital Budget Review Wednesday, December 1, 2021 Budget Hearing – 2022 Preliminary Budget Wednesday, December 15, 2021 Final Adoption of 2022 Budget *Additional sessions may be added, if necessary. Page 26 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:NYStrech Energy Code 2020 ATTACHMENTS: 1.Public Hearing - NYStrech Energy Code 2020 Page 27 of 131 Page 28 of 131 Page 29 of 131 Page 30 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Application ATTACHMENTS: 1.Proposed Community Development Block Grant Application Page 31 of 131 Page 32 of 131 Page 33 of 131 Page 34 of 131 Page 35 of 131 Page 36 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Fire Claims ATTACHMENTS: 1.Fire Claims June 16 2021 Page 37 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck From: Tracy Yogman - Town Comptroller Re:Fire Claims Date:June 16, 2021 VENDOR DESCRIPTION Amount AAA Emergency Supply Co.Scott parts, air paks, functional checks and recalibration 1,630.77$ Bound Tree Medical Recertified Lifepak CR Plus semi-automatic biphasic AED defibrillator 1,419.98 Champion Elevator Monthly elevator maintenance- June 2021 175.00 Con Edison Fire HQ gas service -3/3/21-4/30/21 355.87 Emergency Services Marketing Annual subscription- lamresponding App-6/14/21-6/13/22 735.00 Galls Bell Crown with black mohair Caps 233.97 Liftoff Annual subscription for Email -Exchange Online Plan- 6/1/21-5/31/22 3,360.00 Municipal Emergency Services Five Scott 30 minute carbon cylinders 4,375.00 Optimum Cable Service for 5/23-6/22/21 259.48 Ready Refresh Water Cooler Rental & paper fee 4/19-5/18/21 149.96 Sound Shore Pest Control Exterminating Services 3/22-5/25/21 195.00 Tony's Nursery Flower baskets-Firehouse grounds 139.95 Town of Mam'k Fire Dept.Refreshments for May Dept Drill 314.65 UniFirst Corporation Cleaning supplies 5/7, 5/14, 5/21/21 389.65 WJWW 6" Metered Fire Service 4/26-5/25/21 37.00 Total 13,771.28$ The following Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department claims have been certified by Chief Shaun Hughes and submitted to the Comptroller's Office for payment: Page 38 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Other Fire Department Business ATTACHMENTS: 1.THIS ITEM HAS NO DOCUMENTS- OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Page 39 of 131 THIS ITEM HAS NO DOCUMENTS- OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENT BUSINESS Page 40 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Authorization - New York State Transportation Services Contract ATTACHMENTS: 1.Authorization - New York State Transportation Services Contract Page 41 of 131 Page 42 of 131 Page 43 of 131 Page 44 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Authorization - Title III B Transportation Services Contract ATTACHMENTS: 1.Authorization - Title III B Transportation Services Contract Page 45 of 131 Page 46 of 131 Page 47 of 131 Page 48 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Salary Authorization - General Foreman Highway Department ATTACHMENTS: 1.Authorization to Appoint a General Foreman in the Highway Department Page 49 of 131 Page 50 of 131 Page 51 of 131 Page 52 of 131 Page 53 of 131 Page 54 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Salary Authorization - Assistant Superintendent of Recreation ATTACHMENTS: 1.Authorization to Appoint an Assistant Superintendent of Recreation Page 55 of 131 Page 56 of 131 Page 57 of 131 Page 58 of 131 Page 59 of 131 Page 60 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Sewer Rent Appeal Application - Winged Foot Golf Club ATTACHMENTS: 1.Sewer Rent Appeal Application - Winged Foot Golf Club Page 61 of 131 Page 62 of 131 Page 63 of 131 Page 64 of 131 Page 65 of 131 Page 66 of 131 Page 67 of 131 Page 68 of 131 Page 69 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Authorization - Highway Facility HVAC Contract ATTACHMENTS: 1.Authorization - Highway Facility HVAC Contract Page 70 of 131 Page 71 of 131 Page 72 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Authorization- Bonding Resolutions 2021 Capital Projects ATTACHMENTS: 1.2021 Bond Resolutions Memo- June 16, 2021 2.2021 Bond Resolutions Page 73 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 Office of the Comptroller TEL: 914/381-7850 FAX: 914/381-7809 towncomptroller@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Town Board Members From: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller Date: June 16, 2021 Re: 2021 Bonding Resolutions ____________________________________________________________________ The 2021 Capital Budget included many projects that were needed throughout the Town. In consideration of the financial impact of the pandemic and the anticipated allocation of American Rescue Plan Funds, a prudent and careful review of all projects planned was completed with the objective of keeping debt service as low as possible. Most of these projects are in progress or are scheduled to proceed this year and require financing through the issuance of bonds. The first step in securing the funding requires the adoption of bonding resolutions. Please note that there three projects that have already had bonding resolutions approved by the Town Board in prior years. We will include the amount listed in the 2021 Borrowing column in our borrowing. According to the financial advisors, the bond market has been stable and rates for both Bonds and BANS for municipalities with a Aaa bond rating are very low. BANS are short term borrowings for a one-year period renewable each year for 5 years and are currently at a rate of less than 1%. Bonds are long term borrowings and are currently at a rate of 2% or lower. We intend to accept the financial advisor’s advice on the most cost effective borrowing method at the time the bonds are ready to be sold. We will provide an update as the process progresses. Debt service on bonds that are issued in 2021 will begin in 2022. The debt service for the projects below will be funded by several different funds. The Sewer and Water Districts are funded with fees based on usage and the annual cost of the debt service will be incorporated into the 2022 fee structure. The debt service in the other funds are paid with tax revenues. The total anticipated debt service will be $507,000 of which $161,625 or 32% will be paid through fees. Page 74 of 131 The proposed financing schedule provided by Capital Markets, the Town’s financial advisor is as follows: Information Request Monday June 21st Town Returns Info:Friday July 2nd Draft POS: Monday, July 12th Moody's Rating Call:TBD week of July 19th Mail POS:Wednesday July 28th Sell Bonds: Wednesday August 11th Close Bonds:Wednesday, August 25th The following projects have either been approved for bonding by the Town Board in the revised 2021 Budget or are on the capital project budget amendments: 2020-20 A Pur chas e and ins tall Com pute r Hardw are Property Taxes 153,000 153,000 11,475 2021-89 A Financial Ente r pr is e Sys te m Property Taxes 142,000 142,000 10,650 2021-87 A Eas t Valle y Str e am Br idge Im pr ove m e nts Property Taxes 387,000 387,000 29,025 2020-71 A Zam boni Property Taxes 114,500 114,500 8,625 2021-88 A Richbe ll Rd Playgr ound Re s urfacing Property Taxes 50,500 50,500 3,750 2020-31 B M e m or ial Park Playgr ound Im prove m e nts Property Taxes 532,500 532,500 39,975 2018-61 B M adis on Ave - Traffic Contr ol De vice s - Com ple te Str e e ts *Property Taxes 874,400 -65,550 2020-04 DB Roads r e cons tr uction Property Taxes 573,000 573,000 42,975 2020-73 DB Highw ay-Side w alk s Property Taxes 337,500 337,500 25,350 2020-78 DB Har m on Drive Side w alk Property Taxes 214,500 214,500 16,125 2020-06 DB Sk id Ste e r Loade r Property Taxes 133,500 133,500 10,050 2020-06 DB Pur chas e Ford F250 Pick up Tr uck (fle e t #236)Property Taxes 42,000 42,000 3,150 2020-06 DB Re place 1 Ton Dum p Tr uck (Lands cape )Property Taxes 70,000 70,000 5,250 2020-38 DB Highw ay/Gar age -HVAC/He at/Door s Property Taxes 491,000 491,000 28,950 2021-38 DB Highw ay Tr e e Gar age Re cons tr uction Property Taxes 385,000 385,000 28,950 2021-33 SM He ar t m onitor /de fibr ilate r re place m e nt/Stair chair s Property Taxes 105,000 105,000 7,875 2020-09 SR Sanitation V e hicle -Re fur bis he d Property Taxes 102,000 102,000 7,650 2018-60 SS Sanitar y Se w e r Im pr ove m e nts *Fees 1,135,000 -85,125 1364-12 SW Rye lak e Filtr ation*Fees 315,000 -23,625 1368-12 SW Paving for w ate r proje cts Fees 100,000 100,000 7,500 1373-12 SW Pur chas e Boos te r Pum p Station Fees 161,000 161,000 12,075 1374-12 SW Rye Lak e Re g V ault #3 Fees 47,000 47,000 3,000 1376-12 SW Dudle y Lane Wate r M ain Fees 404,000 404,000 30,300 6,869,400$ 4,545,000$ 507,000$ * Bond re solutions a dopte d in prior ye ars Es tim ate d De bt Se r vice 15 ye ar s @ 1.85% Total Pr oj # Funding Source 2021 Bond Re s olutions FUND PROJECT 2021 Boor row ing Page 75 of 131 Below is a brief summary of the projects and the amount of the required bonds for which approval is necessary: 1.Computer Hardware/Software- Project #2020-20 $153,000 This project includes the purchase and installation of servers, firewalls, laptops and access controls. Debt service will be paid by the General Fund. The bond resolution for this project is attached and includes the financial enterprise system project. 2.Financial Enterprise System- Project #2021-89 $142,000 This project funds the first year of a multi-year project to implement the Tyler on-line financial management software as reviewed with the Town Board. Debt service will be paid by the General Fund. This project is combined in the computer hardware/software project bond resolution. 3.East Valley Stream Bridge- Project #2021-87 $387,000 This project includes the Replace bridge crossing deck slab and improvements to abutments and safety guard rails. Debt service will be paid by the General Fund. The bond resolution is attached. 4.Zamboni- Project #2020-71 $114,500 This project is for the purchase of a Zamboni for the town’s ice rink that is over 23 years old and is beyond its useful life. Debt service will be paid by the General Fund. The bond resolution for this project is attached and is combined in the Purchase of Construction/Maintenance Equipment for Highway/Recreation Depts resolution. 5.Highway Vehicles- Project #2020-06 $245,500 In accordance with the vehicle replacement plan, three highway vehicles require replacement. Debt service will be paid by the Highway Fund. The bond resolution for this project is attached and is combined in the Purchase of Construction/Maintenance Equipment for Highway/Recreation Depts resolution. 6.Richbell Rd Playground- Project #2021-88 $50,500 This project includes the replacement of the safety surface in the playground that is at the end of its useful life. Debt service will be paid by the General Fund. The bond resolution is attached and combined with the Memorial Park resolution. 7.Memorial Park Playground- Project #2020-31 $532,500 This project includes the replacement of the playground equipment, sidewalks, pathways and tree planting. Debt service will be paid by the General Fund. The bond resolution is attached and combined with the Richbell Park Playground resolution. 8.Road Reconstruction- Project #2020-04 $573,000 This project includes the reconstruction/resurfacing of roads that have been prioritized based on road conditions. Debt service will be paid by the General Fund. The bond resolution is attached. 9.Sidewalk Reconstruction- Project #2020-73 $337,500 This project includes the replacement of deteriorated concrete sidewalks on Revere Rd, Dimitri Ave and concrete curb on South Ridge Rd. Debt service will be paid by the Highway Fund. The bond resolution is attached and is combined with Harmon Drive Sidewalk Reconstruction project.Page 76 of 131 10.Harmon Drive Sidewalk Reconstruction- Project #2020-78 $214,500 This project includes the replacement of the sidewalks on Harmon Drive. The Town has been awarded $100,000 in CDBG funding for this project. Debt service will be paid by the Highway Fund. The bond resolution is attached and is combined with Harmon Drive Sidewalk Reconstruction project. 11.Highway Garage Improvements- Project #2020-38 $491,000 This project includes the replacement of the forced air heaters, replacement of five garage doors and replacement of radiant heating that are beyond there useful life. Debt service will be paid by the Highway Fund. The bond resolution for this project is attached. 12.Highway Storage Garage Improvements- Project #2021-38 $385,000 This project includes the replacement of the storage garage for the tree equipment used by the Highway Department. The existing garage is structurally deficient and is too small to house some of the large equipment. Debt service will be paid by the Highway Fund. The bond resolution for this project is attached. 13.Ambulance Equipment- Project #2021-33 $105,000 This project includes the purchase of four heart monitors and four stair chairs that are over ten years old. Debt service will be paid by the Ambulance Fund and requires a public hearing. 14.Garbage Truck- Project #2020-09 $102,000 The purchase and installation of truck body that will extend the life of the truck The debt service will be from the Refuse District and requires a public hearing. 15.Paving for Water Projects-Project #1368-12 $100,000 Paving for various water projects throughout the Town that will be completed by the Westchester Joint Water Works. The annual budget is $250,000 however there are remaining funds from 2020 that will be utilized. Debt service will be paid by the Water District and incorporated into the fee rates. This project requires a public hearing. The bond resolution is attached and combined with all of the water infrastructure projects. 16.Purchase Booster Pump Station-Project #1373-12 $161,000 The Purchase Booster Pump Station Upgrade and related PRV Modifications requires funding. Debt service will be paid by the Water District and incorporated into the fee rates. This project requires a public hearing. The bond resolution is attached and combined with all of the water infrastructure projects. 17.Rye Lake Regulator Vault #3 –Project #1374-12 $ 47,000 This project is for the wholesale meter vault #3 project that was included in the 2021 adopted capital budget. This project requires a public hearing. The bond resolution is attached and combined with all of the water infrastructure projects. 18.Dudley Lane Water Main-Project #1376-12 $404,000 This project includes the replacement of approximately 340 feet of transite water main with ductile iron water main. The cost estimate includes considerable rock removal. Debt service will be paid by the Water District and incorporated into the fee rates. This project requires a public hearing. The bond resolution is attached and combined with all of the water infrastructure projects. Page 77 of 131 Page 78 of 131 Page 79 of 131 Page 80 of 131 Page 81 of 131 Page 82 of 131 Page 83 of 131 Page 84 of 131 Page 85 of 131 Page 86 of 131 Page 87 of 131 Page 88 of 131 Page 89 of 131 Page 90 of 131 Page 91 of 131 Page 92 of 131 Page 93 of 131 Page 94 of 131 Page 95 of 131 Page 96 of 131 Page 97 of 131 Page 98 of 131 Page 99 of 131 Page 100 of 131 Page 101 of 131 Page 102 of 131 BOND RESOLUTION DATED JUNE 16, 2021. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, SUBJECT TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM, THE REPLACEMENT OF ELEMENTS OF THE HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND VENTILATION SYSTEM AT THE TOWN CENTRAL HIGHWAY GARAGE, IN AND FOR THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK, AT A MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF $491,000 AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $491,000 SERIAL BONDS OF SAID TOWN TO PAY THE COST THEREOF. WHEREAS, the capital project hereinafter described, as proposed, has been determined to be a Type II Action pursuant to the regulations of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation promulgated pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, which regulations state that Type II Actions will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment; NOW, THEREFORE, WHEREAS, it is now desired to authorize the financing of such capital project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the total voting strength of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows: Section 1. The replacement of elements of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system at the Town Central Highway Garage, in and for the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, including replacement of garage doors and incidental equipment and expenses in connection therewith, is hereby authorized at a maximum estimated cost of $491,000. Page 103 of 131 -2- Section 2. The plan for the financing of the aforesaid maximum estimated cost is by the issuance of $491,000 bonds of said Town, hereby authorized to be issued therefor pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 3. It is hereby determined that the period of probable usefulness of the aforesaid specific object or purpose is fifteen years, pursuant to subdivision 91, based upon subdivisions 13 and 12(a)(2) of paragraph a of Section 11.00 of the Local Finance Law. It is hereby further determined that the maximum maturity of the bonds herein authorized will exceed five years. Section 4. The faith and credit of said Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same respectively become due and payable. An annual appropriation shall be made in each year sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds becoming due and payable in such year. There shall annually be levied on all the taxable real property of said Town, a tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on such bonds as the same become due and payable. Section 5. Subject to the provisions of the Local Finance Law, the power to authorize the issuance of and to sell bond anticipation notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of the bonds herein authorized, including renewals of such notes, is hereby delegated to the Supervisor, the chief fiscal officer. Such notes shall be of such terms, form and contents, and shall be sold in such manner, as may be prescribed by said Supervisor, consistent with the provisions of the Local Finance Law. Section 6. All other matters, except as provided herein relating to such bonds, including determining whether to issue such bonds having substantially level or declining annual Page 104 of 131 -3- debt service and all matters related thereto, prescribing whether manual or facsimile signatures shall appear on said bonds, prescribing the method for the recording of ownership of said bonds, appointing the fiscal agent or agents for said bonds, providing for the printing and delivery of said bonds (and if said bonds are to be executed in the name of the Town by the facsimile signature of the Supervisor, providing for the manual countersignature of a fiscal agent or of a designated official of the Town), the date, denominations, maturities and interest payment dates, place or places of payment, and also including the consolidation with other issues, shall be determined by the Supervisor. Such bonds shall contain substantially the recital of validity clause provided for in section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law and shall otherwise be in such form and contain such recitals in addition to those required by section 52.00 of the Local Finance Law, as the Supervisor shall determine. Section 7. This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150 - 2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein. Section 8. The validity of such bonds and bond anticipation notes may be contested only if: 1) Such obligations are authorized for an object or purpose for which said Town is not authorized to expend money, or 2) The provisions of law which should be complied with at the date of publication of this resolution are not substantially complied with, and an action, suit or proceeding contesting such validity is commenced within twenty days after the date of such publication, or Page 105 of 131 -4- 3) Such obligations are authorized in violation of the provisions of the Constitution. Section 9. Upon this resolution taking effect, the same shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper of said Town for such purpose, together with a notice of the Town Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law. Section 10. THIS RESOLUTION IS ADOPTED SUBJECT TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: _______________________________ VOTING __________ _______________________________ VOTING __________ _______________________________ VOTING __________ _______________________________ VOTING __________ _______________________________ VOTING __________ _______________________________ VOTING __________ _______________________________ VOTING __________ The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. * * * * * * Page 106 of 131 Page 107 of 131 Page 108 of 131 Page 109 of 131 Page 110 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Set Public Hearings- Bonding Resolutions- Garbage District, Water District & Ambulance District ATTACHMENTS: 1.Set Public Hearings-2021 Special District Bond Resolutions Page 111 of 131 Page 112 of 131 Page 113 of 131 Page 114 of 131 Page 115 of 131 Page 116 of 131 Page 117 of 131 Page 118 of 131 Page 119 of 131 Page 120 of 131 Page 121 of 131 Page 122 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:2021 Capital Budget Amendments ATTACHMENTS: 1.2021 CAPITAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS-June 16 2021 Page 123 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 Office of the Comptroller TEL: 914/381-7850 FAX: 914/381-7809 towncomptroller@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Town Board Members From: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller Date: June 16, 2021 Re: 2021 Capital Budget Amendments _______________________________________________________________________ The capital project budget has been reviewed and the following budget amendments are recommended to amend the 2021 capital projects as follows: 1.Road Paving (Project 2020.40) The Town has received additional funding from the State Department of Transportation (Chips, Pave NY, Extreme Winter Recovery) in 2021. A restoration of $23,771.44 from 2020 and an increase in the 2021 appropriation of $66,518.03. 2.Sanitary Sewer System Improvements (Project 2018.60) The estimate to complete Phase 2 of the sanitary sewer project with open cut repairs and trenchless linings is approximately $4.0 million. There is grant funding available to fund approximately $912,000 of the cost. Using remaining funding from the original borrowing, the Town will need to issue a bond for an additional $1,135,000 to complete the remaining work. In addition, American Rescue Plan funding of $300,000 has been allocated towards this project. A budget amendment is recommended to reflect the funding adjustment and the project cost. 3.Town Center Building Vehicle (Project 2021.72) The purchase price of the Town Center vehicle is less than originally budgeted. A fund balance transfer from the General Fund will be used to make this purchase rather than a bond issuance. A budget amendment to reflect the pricing and funding adjustment is recommended below. Page 124 of 131 4.Nancy Lane Catch Basin (Project 2021.13) A fund balance transfer from the Highway Fund will be used to make this purchase rather than a bond issuance. A budget amendment to reflect the funding adjustment is recommended below. 5.Bond Costs A budget amendment is recommended for various projects to round bond amounts to thousand dollar increments. 6.American Rescue Plan Funding The Town anticipates the receipt of $659k in American Rescue Plan funds and has allocated the majority of the funding to three projects that will reduce the borrowing this year and will save debt service over the next 15 years. A budget amendment to adjust the funding sources of the Senior Center Parking Lot, Memorial Park Playground, Fire Equipment and the Sanitary Sewers (Phase 2) projects is recommended below. 7.Firewalls for Cyber Security (Project 2020.20) Fund balance in the Part Town fund is available for this small purchase. A budget amendment is recommended to reflect the funding adjustment. 8.Highway/Garage Improvements (Project 2020.38) The actual cost of the HVAC and radiant heat replacement at the Highway Building came in at 30% higher than originally estimated. Additional bond funding of $100,000 is needed to complete this project that has previously been deferred. A budget amendment is recommended to increase the fbond and the project expense. Page 125 of 131 REQUESTED ACTION: It is recommended that the Town Board approve the following 2021 capital budget amendments: Ite m #CAPITAL FUND (FUND H):Amount 1 Revenue H.0000.3502.2020.04 CHIPS Funding Inc reas e $90,289.47 Expens e H.5110.0400.2020.04 Road repaving Inc reas e 90,289.47 2 Revenue H.0000.5710.2018.60 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 1,135,000.00 Revenue H.0000.3990.2018.60 Grant Revenue-EFC Inc reas e 315,618.00 Revenue H.0000.4989.2018.60 Federal Funds- ARP Inc reas e 300,000.00 Expens e H.8120.0400.2018.60 Sanitary Sewer Improvement s Inc reas e 1,736,618.00 Expens e H.8120.4022.2018.60 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 14,000.00 3 Revenue H.0000.5710.2021.72 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (30,291.00) Revenue H.0000.5031.2021.72 Trans fer from General Fund Inc reas e 28,000.00 Expens e H.8120.4022.2021.72 Bond Cos t s Dec reas e (291.00) Expens e H.8120.0400.2021.72 Town Cent er V ehic les Dec reas e (2,000.00) 4 Revenue H.0000.5710.2021.13 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (35,339.00) Revenue H.0000.5033.2021.13 Trans fer from Highway Inc reas e 35,000.00 Expens e H.8120.4022.2021.13 Bond Cos t s Dec reas e (339.00) 5 Expens e H.8340.4022.1373.12 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 400.00 Expens e H.3310.4022.2018.61 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 3.00 Expens e H.5110.4022.2020.04 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 360.00 Expens e H.5110.4022.2020.06 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 359.00 Expens e H.8160.4022.2020.09 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 420.00 Expens e H.7140.4022.2020.31 Bond Cos t s Dec reas e (75.00) Expens e H.5110.4022.2020.38 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 350.00 Expens e H.7265.4022.2020.71 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 185.00 Expens e H.5110.4022.2020.73 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 262.00 Expens e H.5110.4022.2020.78 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 444.00 Expens e H.4189.4022.2021.33 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 194.00 Expens e H.5110.4022.2021.38 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 615.00 Expens e H.5010.4022.2021.87 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 488.00 Expens e H.7020.4022.2021.88 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 15.00 Expens e H.1680.4022.2021.89 Bond Cos t s Inc reas e 643.00 2021 CAPIT AL BUDGET AM ENDMENT S Page 126 of 131 Ite m #CAPITAL FUND (FUND H):Amount 5 Reven ue H.0000.5710.1373.12 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 400.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2018.61 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 3.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.04 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 360.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.06 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 359.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.09 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 420.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.31 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (75.00) Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.38 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 350.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.71 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 185.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.73 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 262.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.78 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 444.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2021.33 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 194.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2021.38 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 615.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2021.87 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 488.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2021.88 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 15.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2021.89 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 643.00 Reven ue H.0000.5710.1374.12 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 554.00 Expen s e H.8340.4022.1374.12 Bond Cos ts Inc reas e 554.00 6 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2021.48 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (164,076.00) Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.31 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (48,000.00) Reven ue H.0000.4989.2021.48 Federal Funds Inc reas e 162,500.00 Reven ue H.0000.4989.2020.31 Federal Funds Inc reas e 47,946.00 Expen s es H.6772.4022.2021.48 Bond Cos ts Dec reas e (1,576.00) Expen s es H.6772.4022.2020.31 Bond Cos ts Dec reas e (54.00) Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.72 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (55,533.00) Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.67 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (45,436.00) Reven ue H.0000.4989.2020.72 Federal Funds Inc reas e 55,000.00 Reven ue H.0000.4989.2020.67 Federal Funds Inc reas e 45,000.00 Expen s es H.6772.4022.2020.72 Bond Cos ts Dec reas e (533.00) Expen s es H.6772.4022.2020.67 Bond Cos ts Dec reas e (436.00) 7 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.20 Serial Bonds Dec reas e (29,987.00) Reven ue H.0000.5032.2020.20 Trans fer from Part Town Inc reas e 29,434.00 Expen s es H.1680.4022.2020.20 Bond Cos ts Inc reas e 553.00 8 Reven ue H.0000.5710.2020.38 Serial Bonds Inc reas e 106,000.00 Expen s es H.5110.0400.2020.38 Highway /Garage Fac ilit ies Inc reas e 104,470.00 Expen s es H.5110.4022.2020.38 Bond Cos ts Inc reas e 1,530.00 Page 127 of 131 Ite m #GENERAL FUND (FUND A):Amount 3 Revenue A.0000.5995 Appropriat ed Fund Balanc e Inc reas e $28,000.00 Expens e s A.9900.9950 Trans fer t o Capital Inc reas e 28,000.00 Ite m #PART TOW N FUND (FUND B):Amount 7 Revenue B.0000.5995 Appropriat ed Fund Balanc e Inc reas e $29,434.00 Expens e s B.9900.9950 Trans fer t o Capital Inc reas e $29,434.00 Ite m #HIGHW AY FUND (FUND HW ):Amount . 4 Revenue DB.0000.5995 Appropriat ed Fund Balanc e Inc reas e $35,000.00 Expens e s DB.9900.9950 Trans fer t o Capital Inc reas e 35,000.00 2021 CAPIT AL BUDGET AMENDM ENT S Page 128 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:2021 Operating Budget Amendments ATTACHMENTS: 1.2021 OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENTS-June 16, 2021 Page 129 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543-3353 Office of the Comptroller TEL: 914/381-7850 FAX: 914/381-7809 towncomptroller@townofmamaroneck.org Memorandum To: Town Board Members From: Tracy Yogman, Town Comptroller Date: June 16, 2021 Re: 2021 Operating Budget Amendments In compliance with the Budget Policy the following 2021 budget amendments are recommended for approval as they increase appropriations. 1.Transfers from Tree Fund (T.0097) The purchase and planting of twenty-one (21) trees was completed in May using donations that are in the Tree Fund. A budget amendment is recommended to transfer the funds to the General Fund for the purchase. 2.Housing Choice Voucher Program (Rent Subsidy) Transfer few remaining budget lines to the new CD Fund for Housing Choice from the General Fund. GENERAL TOW N W IDE FUND (FUND A):Amount 1 Revenue A.0000.5041 Trans fers from Trus t Fund Increase 14,850$ Expens e A.8510.4178 Plants /Trees/Mos quito Control Increase 14,850 2 Ex penses CD.8610.4002 HA-Servic e Contract s Increase 22,650 Ex penses CD.8610.4018 HA-Comput er Software Increase 16,000 Ex penses CD.8610.4048 HA-Operatring Ex penses Increase 5,000 Ex penses CD.8610.4271 HA- Rent Dec reas e (43,650) Ex penses A.8610.4002 Service Contrac ts Dec reas e (22,650) Ex penses A.8610.4018 Computer Software Dec reas e (16,000) Ex penses A.8610.4048 Operating Ex penses Dec reas e (5,000) Revenue A.0000.5995 Appropriated Fund Balance Dec reas e (43,650) 2021 OPERAT ING BUDGET AMENDMENT S Page 130 of 131 Town of Mamaroneck Town Center 740 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck NY 10543-3353 OFFICE OF THE TOWN ADMINISTRATOR TO:Town Board FROM: DATE:June 16, 2021 SUBJECT:Consideration of Certiorari ATTACHMENTS: 1.Consideration of Certiorari Page 131 of 131