HomeMy WebLinkAbout1922_01_18 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Town Board
held, January 15th, 1922.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9.15 P.M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer,
Town Clerk Sherman,
Counsellor Gamble.
The minutes of the meetings of December 25th, December
31st, 1921, and January 4th,1922 were read and upon motion approved
The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of
December 1921, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is
as follows:
January 3rd, 1922.
Pursuant to section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law,
I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School
Highway and Special District taxes together with the interest and
penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of December 1921.
1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 All
Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Taxes Arrear TOTALS
State &
County 1,795.57 47.98 1,843.55
Town 1,043.18 32.04 1,075.22
Highway 271.37 9.30 280.67
Dist #1 3,372.20 273.29 3,645.49
Dist #2 56.00 56.00
Arrears 161.43 243.75 77.87 417.51 900.56
Int &
Pentys. 533.09 68.64 64.53 92.32 50.16 499.56 1,308.30
TOTAL $9,109.79
Deposited with 1st Nat'l bank, Mamaroneck, $9,109.79
Respectfully submitted,
Sgnd, Harry T. McGivney,
Receiver of Taxes.
The report of the Building Commission for the month of
December 1921 was received and read showing fees collected for
the month of December in the amount of $79.00. Same was
ordered noted in the minutes and placed on file.
The report of the Police Department for the month of
December 1921, was received and read showing 18 arrests and fines
amounting to $225.00. same was ordered noted in the minutes and
placed on file.
The report of the Town Clerk for the month of December
1921, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows;
January Second,
Hon. Geo. W. Burton, Supervisor,
Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y.
Dear Sir;
I herewith submit my report of fees collected in the
office of the Town Clerk for the month of December, 1921, as
Hunting Licenses issued 6 $1. 50
Dog " " 1 .25
Lost Tags 4 1.00
Marriage 4 4.00
Chattels filed 45 5.40
Total amount $12.15
Check covering amount made to your order.
Respectfully submitted,
Sgnd, Frederick M.Sherman.
Town Clerk.
The report of the Supervisor fir the month of December
1921, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows
December 31st, 1921
Permit to submit herewith my financial statement for the
month ending December 31st, 1921, to wit;
Balance on hand on December 1st, 1921, $202,135.12
Deposited by Receiver of Taxes, 9,109.79
Interest allowed by banks, 1,429.14
Received from County Teasurer
Motor Vehicle fees, 11,029.18
Received from County Treasurer -
Income tax fund, 11,835.80
Received from County Treasurer
Mercantile tax, 4.38
Received from F.P. Shafer, fines 250.00
Received from P.H. Collins, fines 240.00
Received from Wm. A. Boyd, fines, 180.00
Received from Building Comm, fees 10.00
Received from Town Clerk, fees, 15.82
Received from Augustine Smith
deposit for street openings 50.00
Received from James Spizziro
deposit for street opening, 10.00
Received from J.E.S. Swanston,
deposit for street opening, 10.00
By transfer from Sewer fund, 14.40
By cancelling check #2632, 15.43 34,203.94
Total amount received, $236,339.06
Audited claims account, $5,632.02
Garbage contract ac/ #1 250.00
Garbage contract ac/ ,#2 66.66
Highway, Special Improv't B, 1,000.00
Highway, Special Improv't C, 258. 53
Highway, Special Improv' t E, 1,035. 50
Highway, Item #1, 2,242.80
Highway, Item #3, 246.57
Highway, Item #4, 461.71
Sewer account, 210.00
Sidewalk construction, 1,191.98 41,176.62
Balance on hand this day, $ 195,162.44
Respectfully submitted,
Sgnd, Geo.w.Burton,
A communication was received from the Board of Assessors
requesting the authority to engage a Clerk for the Board. The Beard
discussed the matter and decided to deny the request and agreed to
increase the compensation of Mr. Maddock of the Board of Assessors
in consideration of his acting as Clerk to the Board.
Upon motion, duly seconded, and upon ROLL CALL, it was
VOTED, that the request of the Board
of Assessors for authority to appoint
a Clerk for the Board be denied and
that the salary of John Maddock
Assessor, be and the same is hereby
fixed at the sum of $1750.00 per year
and that said extra compensation be
and the same hereby is paid in con-
sideration of the said Maddock acting
as Clerk to the said Board of Assessors.
A communication from Ferdinand Fish was received and
read requesting the purchase of supplies for the Board of Assessors
to be used in their work of map making.
Upon motion, duly seconded, and upon ROLL CALL, it was
VOTED, that the Clerk be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to purchase
supplies needed by the Board of Assessors
in their work and that said purchase
should not exceed the sum of $50.00
Supervisor Burton submitted the Highway, Bridge and Mis-
cellaneous Report for the year 1921 as required under Section 107
of the Highway Law. He also presented certificates showing the
following bank balnaces to the credit of the Town of Mamaroneck.
First National Bank of Mamaroneck, $17,530.49
Larchmont National Bank, 1,373.09
Upon motion, duly seconded and upon ROLL CALL, it was
RESOLVED, that the Richbell Press
be and it hereby is designated to
publish the Highway, Bridge and
Miscellaneous Report of the Super-
visor for the fiscal year ending
December 31st, 1921 and it was
Further RESOLVED, that the expense
of same shall not exceed the sum of
Ten Dollars.
A communication from the Board of Auditors was re-
ceived and read requesting of the Town Board to appoint a
purchasing agent in order to centralize as much as possible
the matter of puchases of the different departments. The
matter was left in the hands of the Town Clerk to investigate
and work out some system which will not conflict with the
The Clerk reported receiving requisitions from the
Justices for chairs to be used at the Justices rooms. Same
was referred to the Town Clerk to procure bids and report back
to the Board at its next meeting.
The Clerk reported that Counsel had approved
and returned the following bonds which were ordered fled on
Justice Dudley $1,000
Santo Lanza 10,000
Harry T. McGivney 20,000
Paul Kohloff 1,000
Archibald Park 1,000
John J. Welsh 1,000
William C. Nichols 1,000
William F. Carey 1,000
The Supervisor informed the Board that the present
contracts for the disposal of Garbage, Etc., from Fire Lighting
and Water Supply District No. 1 and Fire District No. 2, expires
on February 25th, 1922, and that it would be necessary to advertise
for bids for contracts for the ensueing year.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he
hereby is authorized and directed
to prepare the necessary notices for
publication for the receipt of sealed
bids for the contracts for the re-
moval of garbage etc., from Fire,
Lighting and Water Supply District No.
1 and Fire District No. 2 for the period
of one year beginning February 27th,
1922 and ending February 26th, 1923 forms
of bids or estimates in the terms and
conditions under which bids must be
made, forms of contract, bonds, and any
other necessary documents. It is further
RESOLVED, that the Clerk be and hereby
is authorized to advertise for bids for
the aforesaid contracts in the Richbell
Press, Mamaroneck Paragraph and Larch-
monter Times for three weeks beginning
January 26th, 1922 and it was further
RESOLVED, that bids will be received by
the Town Board until eight thirty o 'clock
in the evening, February 15th, 1922, at
which time the bids submitted, will be
Captain Decker reported the suspension of Officer Meyers
without pay, pending the termination of his case now in court.
The report was received and ordered noted in the minutes.
The Supervisor reported that Counsel had settled the
action brought against the Town of Mamaroneck by the Waldorf-
Gill Real Estate Company, Inc.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED: WHEREAS, the Town Board at its
regular meeting held on January 4th, 1922
referred to the Supervisor and Counsel
with power, the matter of the action
brought against the Town of Mamaroneck
by the Waldorf-Gill Real Estate Co. Inc.
WHEREAS, Counsel had deemed it to the
interests of the Town that said suit be
settled and adjusted, acting under the
authority conferred in the aforesaid
resolution, and
WHEREAS, said action was settled by the
payment by the Walforf-Gill Real Estate
Company, Ind. of the following taxes and
cost of redemption;
1916 Taxes Tax $120.43 Cost of Redemption $.75 $121.18
1914-5 " 79.11 1.00 80.11
1913 " 79.61 2.25 81.86
1912 " 84.19 2.25 86.44
1911 " 49.01 2.25 51.26
1910 " 32.77 2.25 35.02
1909 " 24.56 2.25 26.81
1908 " 23.09 2.25 25.34
1907 " 19.95 2.25 22.20
1906 " 14.37 2.25 16.62
1905 " 16.75 2.25 19.00
1898 " 21.30 2.25 23.55
$565.14 $24.25
$589.39 $589.39
WHEREAS, Counsel authorized the Receiver
of Taxes acting under the aforesaid res-
olution to receive the afroesaid taxes
and costs of redemption herein set forth
and to waive the amount of interest due
thereon, and to mark the taxes as paid
upon the receipt of said taxes, which
have been received and paid, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that the action of the Super-
visor and Counsel in settling the action
brought against the Town of Mamaroneck
by the Waldorf-Gill Real Estate Co. Inc.,
upon the terms herein set forth, be and
the same hereby is in all respects rat-
ified, affirmed and approved; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the
Receiver of Taxes, taken upon the auth-
ority of the resolution of this Board
and the Supervisor and Counsel in acting
thereunder and in marking said taxes paid
upon receipt of the amount of taxes and
cost of redemption herein stated and the
waiving of the interest be and the same
hereby is in all respects ratified, aff-
irmed and approved.
Counsel discussed with the Board the advisability of
attempting to have a special act passed by the Legislature
authorizing the Town Board in the issuance and sale of future
bond issues, to cover the balance of cost of Sewer District No.
1 as now proposed or later amended, to have such future bonds
mature commencing with the maturity rates of the bonds now
issued and outstanding, so that said bonds issued would run for
a period of not to exceed fifty years.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that Counsel be and he hereby
is authorized and empowered to have a
special act drafted and presented to the
Legislature of the State of New York,
authorizing the Town Board in the issuance
of future bonds for the cost of construct-
ion of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town
of Mamaroneck to have the maturity dates
of said bonds comence with the maturity
of the bonds now outstanding, and to ex-
tend the same over a period of not to ex-
ceed fifty years; and it was further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor and Counsel
be, and they hereby are authorized and
empowered to take whatever necessary steps
they may deem necessary to secure the
passage of said act by the Legislature.
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted.
Supervisor Burton reported receipt of communications
from Messrs Eggers and Whiton stating their willingness to co-
operate in relation to submitting revised plans for the new
Weaver Street Fire house.
Upon Motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that a Committee of this Board
be appointed to confer with the architects
to complete plans for the Weaver Street
Fire House.
The Chair thereupon appointed the following Committee;
Justices, Dudley, Shafer and Collins.
The question of salary of the Clerk to the Supervisor
was presented and upon motion, duly seconded, it was
RESOLVED, that the salary of the Clerk to
the Supervisor be and the same hereby is
fixed at the sum of $1500 yer year, same
to be paid in monthly payments.
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimously adopted.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11.30 P.M.
Town Clerk.