HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974_12_18 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman White
Councilman McMillan
Absent: None
Also Present: Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mrs. Dallara - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
The Supervisor reviewed the reduced budget referring particu-
larly to pages 6 and 7, the $123,990. reduction in appropria-
tions and the reduction of the total tax levy to $3,062,715. For
the information of those present, she also recited the reduc-
tions in the Town Wide, Part Town or Town Outside Villages,
and Special District budgets. Further she noted that when the
Board was working on reducing the budget, it had contacted
the Library to see if there was any chance of reducing the ap-
propriation requested -- but to no avail and lastly, she called
attention to the reduction in General Town full time staff from
23 in 1971 to 21 in 1975.
Mr. Vandernoot noted that during the hearing there had been
many requests for eliminating personnel, salary increases
and benefits, and even services which were not absolutely es-
sential -- and that although very serious attention had been
given to these requests, there simply had not been that much
"fat" to cut due to the diligent efforts to reduce their requests
all of the Department Heads had made in reply to the Town
Board's request.
Mr. Bloom observed that the percentage increase was now
down from the original 16% to between 9 and 10% and that part
of the reason it could not be reduced further was that less
Federal Revenue Sharing Funds would be received than had
been anticipated.
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Mr. McMillan added that he felt the Board should be relatively
pleased with what it had accomplished inasmuch as everything
that could possibly be deleted from the budget had been with
what remained being that which simply must remain.
Mr. Bloom then requested that the record show the Board's
appreciation of the many fine, helpful and constructive sug
gestions offered by the citizens, and most particularly the
presentation prepared and furnished by Mr. Arnold Biederman.
Since there were no further comments or questions by the mem-
bers of the Board, the Chair then invited anyone present who
wished to speak to address the Board -- whereupon Mrs. Shultz
inquired about the Federal Revenue Sharing Funds and their ap-
plication in the 1975 budget; Mr. Biederman urged because of
the need for far greater cutting and the apparent lack of citizen
participation and interest, that a year-round financial advisory
citizen budget committee be formed to work with the Board;
and Dr. Grant strongly seconding Mr. Biederman's suggestion,
stressed that such a committee was indeed needed but that it
should not be appointed by the Board as it would t hen become
a tool of the Board and defeat its purpose.
In connection therewith, both the Supervisor and Councilman
Bloom offered some thoughts as to the possibility of using an
organization that already had a budget committee structure such
as the League since it now had male members -- or the Garden
Club -- or possibly a Civic Association such as the Larchmont
Gardens Civic Association which for many years had a budget
committee that worked on and went over every item in the en-
tire budget annually.
These suggestions were termed unacceptable by Dr. Grant who
catagorized all such organizations as "pressure groups" exist-
ing only for one particular purpose. Mrs.Shultz then said she
felt that everyone could benefit from a continuing year-round
study of the operation of all departments which led to the dis-
cussion's conclusion with a suggestion by the Supervisor and
approved by the Board to have the various Department Heads
present their Department's Annual Report with slides, pro-
gram descriptions and explanations, etc. at Town Board meet-
ings as had been done by Recreation with both the Fire and
Police Departments scheduled early in the New Year.
Mrs. Helwig then inquired as to the Board's pleasure on the
adoption, whereupon the Deputy Supervisor moved the
adoption of the Preliminary Budget, as amended and herewith
presented, as the 1975 Annual Budget. This motion was sec-
onded by Councilman McMillan and the following resolution
duly adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, all members
thereof being present and voting aye:
WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on Novem-
ber 20th at the time and place specified in the
Notice of Public Hearing on the adoption of a
Preliminary Budget for 1975 and has heard all
persons desiring to be heard thereon;
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WHEREAS, the Preliminary Budget as adopted
on November 20th has been modified as of this
date by the following:
1 . An $18,270. reduction in the General
Town or Town Wide Appropriations;
2. A $32, 100. reduction in Part Town
or Town Outside Villages Appro-
3. A $49,000. reduction in Highway Ap-
4. A $7,770. reduction in the Park Dis-
trict Appropriations;
5. An $18,300. reduction in the Fire
District Appropriations;
This was offset by an increase of $6,000. in
the Federal Revenue Sharing Town Wide Ap-
propriation and an increase of $1 ,250. in the
Town Outside Villages -- which is offset by
an increase in Estimated Revenues in Fed-
eral Revenue Sharing of $6,000. in Town
Wide ard $1 ,250. in Town Outside Villages;
and lastly, an increase of $6,500. in Unex-
pended Balance in the Garbage District.
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby adopt
such Preliminary Budget as hereinabove modified
as the Annual Budget of this Town for the fiscal
year beginning on the first (1st) day of January,
1975, and that such budget as so adopted be en-
tered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings
of this Town Board;
(Budget herewith
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town
shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of
said Annual Budget as adopted by this Board, to-
gether with the estimates, if any, adopted pur-
suant to section 202-a, subd. 2 of the Town Law,
and deliver one (1) copy thereof to the Supervisor
of this Town to be presented by her to the County
Board of Legislators of this County;
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and be it further
RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1975 the
sum hereinafter set forth in the attached bud-
get be levied, assessed, and collected upon
the taxable properties in the Town of Mamar-
oneck outside of the Villages of Larchmont
and Mamaroneck (Part Town), the properties
of the several districts and the several par-
cels of taxable property, franchise and as-
sessments, and persons within the Town and
within such special districts, be extended on
the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck
against each of the several parcels affected by
such assessments, or parts thereof;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions
of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as amended,
and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61
of the Consolidated Laws, known as the Town
Law, as amended, there be levied against the
several lots and parcels of land contained upon
the statement hereto annexed and marked "Ex-
hibit A", the several sums set forth opposite
each such parcel or lot of land on such state-
ment as and for unpaid water charges due upon
said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be
placed in a separate column of the tax roll of
the Town of Mamaroneck under the name
"Water Rents" .
1 . Appointment of Town Clerk
Mrs. Dorothy Miller
The Supervisor with great pleasure presented for appointment
as Town Clerk, the name of Mrs. Dorothy Miller, requesting
Councilman Bloom to speak about her background and the par-
ticular qualifications so aptly and ably fitting her to fill the
post so sadly vacated by the untimely death of Mr. Gronberg.
Mr. Bloom, after saying that obviously it was almost un-
thinkable to be naming someone to fill the shoes of Charley
Gronberg, briefly reviewed Mrs. Miller's resume, pointing
to the excellency of her candidacy for several reasons -- one
being her life-long residency in the Village of Mamaroneck,
another her ten-year experience with the New York State De-
partment of Health - and another and perhaps as important as
any, her cheerful personable manner which would carry on the
good will Charley had contributed to the Town for the past
twenty-nine years in this Chair!
And hence, it is indeed with much pleasure that I place her
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name in nomination for the appointment to take office on Jan-
uary 9th, 1975 when she will be available.
And thereupon since there were no further nominations, on
Councilman Bloom's motion, seconded by Councilman Mc-
Millan, the following resolution was offered:
RESOLVED, that Dorothy Sands Miller of 510
Center Street, Mamaroneck, be and she here-
by is appointed Town Clerk of the Town of Ma-
maroneck, effective as of January 9th, 1975
and to serve for the unexpired portion of the
term of office of the late Town Clerk, Charles
J. Gronberg, or until December 31st, 1975,
subje ct to the further provisions of sub-section
5 of Section 64 of the Town Law, to-wit:
"She shall hold office until the com-
mencement of the calendar year
next succeeding the first annual
election at which this vacancy may
be filled."
Upon roll call, the vote was announced as unanimous, all mem-
bers of the Board being present and voting "Aye", and the ap-
pointment of Mrs. Dorothy Sands Miller as.Town Clerk of the
Town of Mamaroneck, effective as of January 9th, 1975, there-
upon duly declared.
2. Engineer's Request for Authorization to
Release 10% Retained Percentage for
Contract No. 74-6, Excavation Backfill
Asphalt and Drains - Air Structure--
Manny Equipment Co. (Bond No. N-4242639)
Pursuant to memorandum herewith presented and ordered re-
ceived and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes re-
lease of a 10% retained percentage to Manny Equip-
ment Co. , Inc. on Contract No. 74-6 for Excava-
tion, Backfill, Asphalt and Drains at the Air Struc-
ture project in lieu of Maintenance Bond in the
amount of $2,337.00, as approved by the Town
Attorney. (Bond No. N-4242639 Hartford Accident
and Indemnity Company).
3. Engineer's Request for Authorization to
Release 10% Retained Percentage for
Contract No. 74-7, for Concrete and
Masonry Work - Air Structure
Arra Construction Co. , Inc. (Bond No. 008158)
Pursuant to memorandum herewith presented and ordered re-
ceived and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
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RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
release of a 10% retained percentage to Arra
Construction Co. , Inc. on Contract No. 74-7
for Concrete and Masonry Work at the Air
Structure project in lieu of Maintenance Bcnd
in the amout of $3,815.00, as approved by
the Town Attorney. (International Fidelity Insur-
ance Company -- Bond No. 008158).
4. Comptroller's Request for Authorization for
Blanket Resolution to Cover All Budget
Transfers for Fiscal Year 1974
Pursuant to the Comptroller's memorandum of December 17th
heroimith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion
by Councilman McMillan and seconded by the Deputy Super-
visor , it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Comptroller to make all transfers of funds
within the 1974 budget necessary to close out
the books for the end of the fiscal year 1974.
5. Assescr's Request to Engage Appraiser
for Certiorari Block 914 - Parcels 1 , 15
and 331 - Boston Post Road & Fenimore
Road , Village of Mamaroneck
A memorandum addressed to the Board by the Assessor under
date of December 17th, 1974 herewith presented was ordered
received and filed for the record.
Pursuant thereto following a rather lengthy discussion as to
whether or not the School Board should share in the cost of
engaging an appraiser in reply to the Chair's quary as to
the Board's pleasure, on a motion by Mr. White, seconded
by Mr. Bloom, the following resolution was adopted by a
majority vote of 4 ayes with the Supervisor abstaining from
voting since she was not clear as to whether a School Board
couLd share this expense legally.
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Assessor to engage the services of a pro-
fessional Appriaiser from the firm of Edward F.
Hallahan Inc. at a fee not to exceed the sum of
$2,000. in connection with the Certiorari Pro-
ceedings on the premises known as Block 914,
Parcels 1 , 15 and 331 located at the corner of
Boston Post Raod and Fenimore Road in the
Village of Mamaroneck provided that the School
District will share the cost of the appraisal.
1 . PSC Notice re Proposed Changes in Rates
New York Telephone Company
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The aforesaid Notice was presented and following the Attorney's ''-fig
report of the Commission's action suspending use of the pro-
posed rates pending public hearing, ordered received and filed
for the record.
The Supervisor --
1 . Report on Application of Mayer of
Westchester, Inc. to Larchmont
Village Board of Appeals
The Supervisor reported with reference to the above that Mr.
Maggini, Chairman or the Planning Board, tp whom the matter
had been referred, advised in a memorandum addressed to
her by him today and herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, that since the Town would not be hurt in any way
there seemed no need to file any objection.
Not on Agenda
2. Death of Julian Cargill
Mrs. Helwig noted with deep regret the passing of Julian Car-
gill, a long-time and extremely distinguished resident of the
Town before moving to Florida some years ago -- adding that
a note would be forwarded to his daughter with deepest sym-
pathy and condolences to her at this very difficult time.
Not on Agenda
Mr. McMillan --
1 Sale of Christmas Trees
Mr. McMillan called attention to the annual Jay Cee Sale of
Christmas Trees -- requesting all who could to patronize
the lot.
The Town Attorney --
1 . Report on Con Ed's Reduction
in Special Franchise Assessment
The Attorney reported that the Assessor and he had discussed
the recent reduction in Con Ed's Special Franchise Assess-
ment of $603,511 . at some length. He further said that both
Mr. Doyle and he strongly felt that all of the affected munici-
palities should oppose this action at the Albany level but that
it should be done in unison. To this end, he said that Mr.
Doyle had drafted a letter to be forwarded to each in order to
ascertain its disposition in the matter and that a further re-
port would be made just as soon as possible.
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There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 9:-45 p.m. to reconvene on January 8th, 1975.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was con-
vened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board
1. Claims
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Commission by the
Deputy Comptroller under date of December 17th, 1974 here-
with presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Commissioner Bloom and seconded by Commissioner White,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the
Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
R. G. Brewer, Inc. $ 17.48
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 20.00
Signacon Controls, Inc. 92.00
Suburban Comm. , Inc. 52.00
Total $181.48
2. Report
Commissioner Bloom presented the Fire Report for the
month of November, 1974 which was herewith ordered re-
ceived and filed for the record.
3. The Fire Chief
Chief Santoro presented the Junior Member of the Fire Com-
mission with his Official Badge--one of the happy things he
had to do before leaving office. Commissioner McMillan ex-
pressed his thanks and appreciation to the Chief and further
congratulated him on his achievements while in office, which
were indeed many and varied.
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Mrs. Helwig and the other Commissioners joined Commis-
sioner McMillan in expressing their thanks and gratitude to
the Chief and in wishing him well in the future.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at
9:55 p.m. , to reconvene on January 8th, 1975.
Deputy lerk
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