The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman White
Councilman McMillan
Absent: Councilman Bloom
Also Present: Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mrs. Dallara - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Guests: Mr. John H. Hanlon, Commissioner
Mr. Robert M. Barasch, Police Chief
The Supervisor expressed appreciation to the Police Commission
for its suggestion that this ceremony of awarding commendations
for particularly meritorious service be made a public occasion
and regretted that tonight's weather prohibited the planned out-
door inspection of vehicles and equipment.
III She then welcomed all present and after again emphasizing that
it was especially fine that these officers were being commended
where their families, friends and the public at large could par-
ticipate, introduced Police Commissioner Hanlon who, together
with Mrs. Helwig, presented the following awards:
Unit Citations - Detective Division
Detective Sergeant Thomas Mahoney
Detective George Mulcahy
Detective Frank De Vico
Detective Robert Fuller
Detective Peter Gerardi
Class C Citations
Patrolman Paul Adamo
Patrolman Charles Baumblatt
Patrolman James Pyrch
Patrolman Paul Munch
Patrolman Michael Nardelli
Sergeant Joel Greenstein
Patrolman Anthony Ambrosovitch
Patrolman John Pfoh
Patrolman Anthony Lifrieri
Patrolman Robert Knox
First Aid Citations
Sergeant Thomas Vitro
Patrolman Charles Baumblatt
Patrolman Gregory Carden
- 1 -
In concluding these ceremonies, after thanking Mr. Hanlon, Mrs.
Helwig noted that these 19 awards covered the full gamut of Police
activities and stressed the significance of the fact that 17 in a
39-man Department had earned these special commendations over and
above the alert highly professional 24-hour services rendered to
Town residents by the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department.
PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Local Law entitled,
"Police Escort Service"
Local Law No. 2-1974
On motion by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, seconded by Council-
man McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing is declared open.en.
The Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing
were then presented for the record and the Police Chief, at the
Supervisor's request, briefly reviewed the revised proposed Law,
particularly noting the change of fee for this service from the
$5.00 fee proposed at the October 3rd Meeting to $10.00 and re-
citing the reasons therefor.
Mrs. Helwig then, after ascertaining that the members of the
Board had no further questions or comments, stated that first
those in favor of, then those opposed to the proposed Law would
be heard, whereupon the following persons addressed the Board:
Mrs. Peggy Snyder - 9 Seton Road
Mrs. Snyder stated that she did not wish to speak either in
favor of or in opposition -- but only to ask a question, which
was whether the local businesses had been notified of this pro-
posed Law?
Both Mrs . Helwig and Mr. Vandernoot replied in the affirmative,
explaining the procedure followed and calling to attention that
only two of the Town's businesses had expressed opposition and
that they did not wish to do so publicly.
Dr. William DiScipio - 40 Myrtle Boulevard
Dr. DiScipio also had only a question -- whether the money accrued
from the fees was credited to the Police Department, which Mr.
DeLuca, Comptroller, answered affirmatively.
And thereupon since no one else wished to be heard, on motion by
Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the Hearing be and it hereby
is closed.
The Chair then inquired as to the Board's pleasure, whereupon on
a motion by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot and seconded by Council-
man McMillan, the following resolution was offered:
III RESOLVED, that Local Law No. 2-1974 entitled,
"Police Escort Service" and reading as follows
be adopted:
"The Police Department of the Town of Mamaroneck,
New York, shall provide escort service to any
business or industry within its jurisdiction at
the request of said business or industry in the
transportation of money or other valuables within
the Town.
- 2 -
The service shall be provided as scheduled
and directed by the Chief of Police.
The fee to be paid to the Town of Mamaroneck
for each such escort service shall be the sum
of ten dollars ($10.00) . All fees for such
escort service shall be paid to the Town Comp-
troller of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York.
The fee above stated for such escort service
shall not apply to charitable or other not
for profit corporations or similar associations,
for which such escort service there shall be no
charge made."
Upon roll call, the vote on the foregoing resolution was as
follows and the resolution thereby adopted by a majority vote
of 3 ayes to one naye.
Supervisor Helwig Voting. . .Naye
Councilman VandernootVoting. . .Aye
Councilman Bloom Absent
Councilman White Voting. . .Aye
Councilman McMillanVoting. . .Aye
The Supervisor stated "naye" for the reason that she is opposed
to the higher $10.00 fee.
1. Report - Emergency Tenants Protection Act of 1974
Mr. McMillan stated that although this report was on the agenda
III this evening, any determination would have to be postponed since
to date the Board had received only 317 responses from tenants to
the 1100 questionaires mailed out. In addition, Mr. McMillan
stated that more information from the landlords was needed and
he therefore suggested that this matter be held over to November 6th,
which was unanimously agreed to by the Board.
Councilman Vandernoot urged that the Daily Times remind tenants that
there was still time to return the said questionaires explaining that
while the responses received gave the Board a good cross-section, it
would be helpful to hear from more tenants.
During the ensuing discussion, in reply to Mrs. Snyder's question
as to how many landlords the Board had heard from, Mr. McMillan
responded, 6 out of 13. Mrs. Telesco, upon recognition, then
stated that she felt the landlords had had ample time to answer
and that the Board should now go ahead and adopt the Emergency
Tenants Portection Act without further delay.
In replying to Mrs. Telesco, Mrs. Helwig indicated that the Board
needed more information and that it did not believe this delay
would have any effect on the final decision regarding adoption
of the Law.
i III Mr. Vandernoot added that percentage-wise the Board had heard
from more landlords than tenants, and that in Mrs. Telesco's
building only 5 out of 34 tenants had replied and that more re-
plies would indeed be welcome. Mrs. Telesco then advised Mr.
Vandernoot that if he would give her the names of those needing
to reply, she would certainly be happy to go to work on getting
Before concluding this matter, a letter, with enclosures, addressed
to the Board on October 16th, 1974 by Otto Scheuble and Kathryn
Scheuble, owners of property at 3 Rock Ridge Road, in opposition
- 3 -
to the adoption of the Law now before the Board, was presented
and hereby ordered received and filed as part of the record of
this Meeting.
2. Proposed Local Law for Regulation of
Unregistered Vehicles
At the Supervisor's suggestion and with the unanimous consent
of the Board, the hearing to be held on the proposed Local Law
IIIwas put over to the meeting of November 6th, 1974.
1. Inventory - Highway Machinery, Tools and Equipment
A letter addressed to the County Department of Public Works
by the Superintendent of Highways on October 4th, 1974 sub-
mitting the inventory of Highway Machinery, Tools and Equip-
ment as of September 1, 1974 was herewith presented and ordered
received and filed.
2. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
Pursuant to memoranda addressed to the Board by the Superin-
tendent of Recreation under dates of October 15th and 16th,
1974, and herewith presented and ordered received and filed,
on motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman
Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes that Chrissy Schechter
and Joshua B. Bederson, Recreation
III Assistants for Gymnastics, be compen-
sated at the rate of $25.00 per session
effective as of October 12, 1974, and
Leroy O'Neill, Senior Recreation Leader
at the Senior High Open House, at the
rate of $50.00 per session, effective
as of October 5, 1974.
3. Change of Polling Place - 18th District
Pursuant to a request presented by the Supervisor, on motion
by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was
RESOLVED, that in conformity with
Section 66, sub-section 5 of the
Election Law of the State of New
York, this Board hereby designates--
The Town Garage
Maxwell Street
Larchmont, New York
III as the Polling Place for the 18th
District for Election Day, Tuesday,
November 5th, 1974, in place of --
Carleton House
1 Washington Square
Larchmont, New York
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a notice of the
aforesaid change of Polling Place
be mailed to all voters of the
18th Election District as re-
quired by the Election Law.
- 4 -
4. Snow Removal - County Roads
Pursuant to and in accordance with direction set forth in letter
from E. K. Davies, Director of County Road Maintenance, dated
September 30th, 1974, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman McMillan and seconded by
Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, the following resolution was
adopted by unanimous vote:
WHEREAS, the County of Westchester desires to
contract with the part of the second part for
the removal of snow and control of ice on cer-
tain County Roads located within the limits of
the municipal boundaries of the party of the
second part, said roads being listed on the
attached schedule; and
WHEREAS, the part of the second part has for
a number of years heretofore assumed the re-
sponsibility for the removal of snow and con-
trol of ice on such County Roads;
NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed
1. That the party of the second part will
remove the snow and provide the sanding
necessary for the proper care of all
County Roads listed on the attached
schedule within said Town, City or Vil-
lage to the satisfaction of the Commis-
sioner of Public Works of the County of
2. That upon submission of a properly authen-
ticated and verified claim the party of
the first part will reimburse the party
of the second part on or before the first
day of June 1975 for funds actually expended
for such snow removal and ice control up to
a maximum sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00)
per mile of County Roads within said Town,
Village or City. The submission of a properly
executed County claim form and approval of the
Commissioner of Public Works will be required
for payment by the Westchester County Commis-
sioner of Finance.
3. For the purposes of this agreement snow re-
moval shall be defined as the plowing or re-
moval of snow from the paved portions of County
Roads which includes County Road bridges and
sidewalks on said bridges and also the sanding
of the road, removal of ice and the keeping of
catch basins and drains open until the end of
the snow removal season on May 1st, 1975.
The Town Clerk--
In the absence of the Town Clerk, the Deputy Clerk presented the
following reports which were herewith ordered received and filed.
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments for the month of October,
Town Clerk's Report for the month
of September, 1974.
Affidavit of Publication and Posting
Registration Notice - September 26th,
October 3rd, 1974.
- 5
Report on Registration
Mrs. Helwig briefly reviewed a report of the costs of Registration
on October 5th, 7th and 10th which as implemented in accordance
with Election Law brought the cost of registering each of the 807
individuals well over $10.00 as compared with a cost of approxi-
mately $4.00 per person during the branch Central Registration
program conducted in the Town last July and August.
This kind of cost, she said, would seem to her to warrant the
Board's requesting the State Legislature to give consideration to
possible revisions of the present Law -- for example, perhaps so
as to permit that the October Registration be held in one central-
ized location rather than in each Polling Place which would greatly
lessen the costs of equipment, moving, staffing, rental and custod-
ial fees, additional temporary services, etc.
Mrs. Marlene Kolbert, upon recognition, stated that the League
was mindful of this matter and was looking for an easier and less
costly way of condudxng registration, mentioning possible utili-
zation of a postcard registration and possible implementation of
a year-round branch Central Registration on a local level.
Councilman McMillan requested that some further discussion and
study be given to this before the Board took any action which
was thereupon unanimously so directed.
The Supervisor--
1. Report on Petition for Stop Sign at Edgewood
Avenue and Judson Street
The Supervisor presented a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. &
Mrs. Thomas P. Fleming by John H. Hanlon, Police Commissioner
under date of October 15th, 1974, denying the petition requesting
a "full stop" sign at the intersection of Edgewood Avenue and
Judson Street, as presented at the last Meeting and referred to
the Commission, for the reasons recited therein which was there-
for duly ordered received and filed for the record.
2. Calendar of Dates and Change of Date -
1st December Meeting
The Supervisor presented the following calendar of dates:
November 6th Regular Town Board Meeting
November 13th Discussion Meeting on Budget
with Department Heads
November 20th Regular Town Board Meeting
December lath Public Hearing on Budget
December 18th Regular Town Board Meeting
Adoption of Budget
Pursuant thereto she requested that the first Regular Meeting
in December be held on Dee_eiiber the 1'Lth, rather than on Wednes-
day the 4th, in order that the Hearing would be held as required
by Law.
Thereupon on motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously
directed that the first regular meeting in December be held on
Wednoalay,December the 11th, 1974.
The Councilmen--
Not on Agenda--
Mr. White--
Councilman White stated that there was one thing he would like
to call to the attention of all present this evening -- which was
- 6 -
the Rail Preservation Bond Act of 1974 - one of the propositions
the electors were being asked to vote on in the upcoming election.
He strongly urged its support, particularly in this community
since it was one that depended on rail service and a revitalized
rail system would be possibly the strongest factor toward increas-
ing the desirability of maintaining businesses in Westchester
County and lower Connecticut.
The Supervisor stated that the Board did endorse this proposition
and agreed that there surely was room for improvement in mass
transportation, and the Deputy Supervisor thanked Mr. White for
his comments on this subject which he said were indeed timely and
with which he, for one, was 1007 in agreement!
Mr. McMillan--
1. U.N. Week and U.N. Day
Mr. McMillan presented a letter from Wallace Irwin, Jr. , U.N. Day
Chairman, and Michael J. Rosenbaum, President of the Larchmont-
Mamaroneck Chapter of the United National Association of the U.S.A. ,
which was addressed to the Supervisor, Mayor Wanderer and Mayor
Phillips, requesting issuance of a proclamation observing United
Nations Day on October 24th, 1974 in all three municipalities.
Whereon, Mr. McMillan requested the Board to honor Mr. Irwin's
request and further urged that U.N. Day be made a special event
in addition to flying the Flag and issuing the requested proclama-
tion which he thereupon so moved, and which upon being seconded by
Councilman White, was unanimously so ordered.
2. Physicians' Advisory Group - Narcotics Guidance Council
Mr. McMillan referred to a letter received from the Narcotics
Guidance Council under date of October 4th, 1974 proposing the
establishment of a Physician's Advisory Group such as that pre-
sently operating in the Village of Mamaroneck which was ordered
received and filed.
Councilman McMillan suggested that the Board discuss bringing this
service to Town residents with Dr. Feuerbach which was accordingly
so directed.
Not on Agenda--
Mrs. Marlene Kolbert--
In response to Mrs. Kolbert's question re the possibility of tax
re-assessment as had been mentioned at the last Larchmont Board
Meeting, the Supervisor stated that Mr. Doyle and Mr. DeLuca were
now putting the assessment roll on the computer and that she believed
when this was completed the intent was to take a further look at re-
valuation which ideally should be done from every 7 to 10 years.
Mrs. Kolbert further inquired about the success or failure of the
Ramapo Project. Mrs. Helwig replied that this was an instant up-
dating procedure being executed as a pilot project with State funds
which Mr. Doyle had seen and was watching with great interest.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:12 p.m. ,
to reconvene November 6th, 1974.
- 7 -
' The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board Meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for payment by Commissioner Bloom and on his
motion, seconded by Commissioner White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the Fire
Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
Con Edison Co. , N.Y. Inc. West. $274.23
Dri-Chem Ext. Co. 54.75
Dri-Chem Ext. Co. 121.00
Elgene Chemicals, Inc. 133.50
ESCO Exterm. Service Co. 7.00
Exxon Co. , U.S.A. 147.60
Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 95.00
National Fire Protection Assn. 76.27
New York Telephone Co. 11.34
New York Telephone Co. 210.84
N. LaRussell 123.20
William E. Rickert Locksmith 22.50
Russell Uniform Company 212.26
William Smith Supplies, Inc. 102.85
Town of Mamaroneck General Fund 7.10
United Garden Supply Co. 150.00
Westchester Jt. Water Works 118.18
2. Report - Fire Chief
The Chief called attention to tomorrow night's Annual Inspection
issuing an open invitation to the event and stating that all would
be welcome at 7:30 p.m. at the Firehouse.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:20 p.m. ,
to reconvene on November 6th, 1974.
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