HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974_03_06 Town Board Minutes 21.1
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman White
Councilman McMillan
Absent: Councilman Bloom
Also Present: Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfriech - Town Engineer
The minutes of the regular meetings of February 6th and 20th,
1974 were herewith presented and on motion duly made and sec-
onded, approved as presented.
1. Report on Bids - Recreation Station Wagon
The Engineer presented the following report on the bids and
pursuant thereto recommended award to the highest bidder.
Following the Supervisor's review of the Board's action on
February 20th when it had approved advertising for public
sale the used Recreation Station Wagon rather than awarding
purchase of the new Wagon with "turn-in" offered for the
used Wagon, on motion by Councilman White, seconded by Coun-
cilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts
the bid of the low bidder, to-wit that of
Village Ford in the amount of $4,355. , for
furnishing one (1) 1974 Station Wagon in
accordance with the specifications set forth
in the Notice for Bids;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the bid of the highest bidder,
to-wit that of Adam Libertella in the amount
of $450., be and it hereby is accepted for
the sale of the used Town of Mamaroneck Rec-
reation Department Station Wagon.
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2. MTA Agreement
(Authorization for borrowing $19,650.)
The Supervisor reported that the long negotiations with the
MTA and Thruway Authority regarding sharing the cost of the
new culvert to be installed under the New Haven Line tracks
in the vicinity of Cabot Road had terminated upon receipt
of a letter from Walter E. Zullig, Jr. , MTA Assistant Coun-
sel, under date of January 31st, 1974.
The original agreement for one-third shared cost by the three
entities had been revised by the MTA upon receipt of the bids
which were higher than anticipated and exceeded its $10,000.
allotment thus making it necessary for the Town to borrow
$19,650. to cover its obligation. However, Mrs. Helwig con-
tinued, since the MTA had today advised the Town Engineer that
the low bidder to whom the contract had been awarded was un-
able to obtain the necessary performance bonds, the MTA was
presently engaged in the process of awarding said bid to the
second low bidder and therefore it was necessary to table the
matter pending receipt of further advice.
3. Street Lighting —Hidden Green Lane
The Supervisor recognized Mr. Henry G. Waltemade of 5 Hidden
Green Lane who had requested appearance before the Board this
evening re street lighting on this street.
Mr. Waltemade reviewed the past and present lighting on Hidden
Green Lane referring to his correspondence with the Supervisor,
the petition filed, the meeting in the Supervisor's office on
January 14th, and his letter of February 19th requesting re-
"' of the light removed from the fixture on the easterly
side of the street at the line between Mr. Ackerman's and his
properties. He stressed that in last summer's burglaries of
both homes, entry had been made at exactly this point and yet
this light had been extinguished to accommodate a request of
Mr. Iselin, his neighbor across the street.
The Supervisor referred to her letter of March 1st addressed
to Mr. Waltemade in reply to his letter of the 19th, a copy of
which as he knew had been forwarded to Mr. Iselin so that he
would be informed of the situation and have an opportunity to
appear this evening. Since Mr. Iselin could not be here, she
said, he had forwarded a very detailed letter in lieu of appear-
ing which the Supervisor then directed be made a part of the
record of this meeting as follows:
"I have received a copy of your letter of March 1st,
addressed to Mr. Henry G. Waltemade, concerning the
lights on Hidden Green Lane.
In view of what has already transpired I really don't
see the necessity of placing the matter on the agenda
of the next Town Board meeting.
This situation can be summarized as follows:
1. The previous lights were more than adequate.
This was attested to by the Town Engineer
and Town Police Chief.
2. The professional advice of the Town Engineer
was overruled.
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3. My position was misrepresented.
4. In spite of my position being clearly written
on the petition, I was not consulted before
a decision affecting me, was made.
5. Both you and the Town Engineer have already
indicated that the fixture opposite my drive-
way is to be removed. Mr. Elfreich recently
indicated that Con Edison had been asked to
disconnect it.
6. I was recently informed by Mr. Ackerman that
he and Mr. Waltemade required the light at the
head of my driveway because it lights their
side yards. Confirmation of this is indicated
in the fourth paragraph of Mr. Waltemade's let-
ter of February 19th to you, wherein he says
that he would consent to a 180° shading if a
mercury vapor light were installed opposite
my driveway. It is obvious that under such
conditions the only recipient of the light
from this fixture would be the Ackerman and
Waltemade side yards. Is the Town required
to furnish lighting for private purposes?
7. Mr. Ackerman visited with me over this past
weekend. Not only did he register his disgust
with the entire sutuation and the arbitrary
attitude of Mr. Waltemade but he gave me his
copy of the Waltemade letter of February 19th
addressed to you. For obvious reasons Mr.
I Ill Waltemade did not provide me with a copy of
this letter. Because it is both heresay and
inaccurate I will not comment on the Waltemade
8. My house and its bedrooms is in the enviable
position of being directly affected by three
street lights. Two of these lights are directly
opposite my property. The third is on a direct
sight line with my bedroom window. Neither Mr.
Waltemade nor anybody else on Hidden Green Lane
• is so affected.
9. The neighbors I have spoken to find the situation
quite amusing. Rather than being the champion of
our area Mr. Waltemade seems to have assumed dic-
tatorial powers. Have you ever had any comments
on the Hidden Green Lane lighting situation other
than those initiated by Mt. Waltemade?
10. Mr. Ackerman indicated to me over the weekend that
he wishes to withdraw from further participation
because Mr. Waltemade's arbitrary position.
Since we all have more important things to do, I would hope
that the already excessive and self-serving pressures can
be neutralized by your taking a firm stand. Naturally I
would expect to be consulted if you decide to consider chang-
ing our previous understanding.
I am taking the liberty of sending Mr. Vandernoot a copy of
this communication since he was mentioned in your letter."
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Mr. Waltemade expressed his thanks to the Supervisor and Coun-
cilman Vandernoot for the time and attention they had given
this matter and the many courtesies extended to him and stated
that certainly he did not wish to engage in a feud with any
one of his neighbors but said however that he could not under-
' stand how say there one could could Y y ere cou 1 be too much light in
this day and age and once again reiterated his request for re-
placement of the light in question.
Mrs. Helwig stated that the matter would again be taken under
consideration by the Board and the Engineer and expressed the
hope that a solution whcih would be amicable to all could be
Not on the Agenda
Parking--Former Thruway Property
The Supervisor--
The Supervisor noting the attendance of many people inquired
whether they were present concerning any matter not on the
In reply, Mr. William H. Koch of 17. N. Chatsworth Avenue ex-
plained that they were here in connection with the proposed
parking on the former Thruway property and referred to the
leaflets which had been placed under the windshields of all
cars which read as follows:
"Our Town Council is seriously considering
changing $90. annually for 24 hour parking
on the N.Y. Thruway extension between Chats-
worth Ave. and Madison Ave. They intend to
charge for 52 parking places.
Please attend the Town Council Meeting at the
Weaver Street Firehouse on Wed. , March 6th at
8:15 p.m. Sharp and voice your disapproval of
this discriminatory act.
We should ask for more on-street free parking
in this area as the Town provides in other
areas of the Town of Mamaroneck.
Leonore Besen
Democratic Leader
District Eleven"
The Supervisor first stated that this matter had been tabled
at the Public Hearing on February 6th and was not on tonight's
agenda, and further said there seemed to be a misapprehension
fil about it as one of the purposes for the Board's proposal had
been to provide people assured parking. Further she added that
this matter had been approached before the Town acquired the
Thruway Property since the new company coming into the former
• Longine's quarters had submitted a proposal requesting 90 park-
ing spaces which the Board was presently studying very seriously.
Mrs. Helwig also remarked that although there was more than ample
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overnight parking available in Lot #3 and Lot #1, this pro-
posal had been presented since people objected to removing
their cars at 8:30 a.m. from Lot #3 and at 7:00 a.m. from
Lot #1. Further she pointed out that upon the Town's acqui-
sition of this land, the ingress and egress roads on which
people had parked were now Town streets and therefore sub-
ject to the "no parking" restrictions from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. ,
in the entire Town.
Mr. Koch then stated that he had counted 60 cars parked on the
Thruway property last night and he therefore questioned the ade-
quacy of the 52 spaces provided in the proposal.
A very lengthy discussion followed largely repeating the con-
text of the Public Hearing on February 6th. Among those ad-
dressing the Board on questions as to the possible elimination
of the parking area inside the fence at 21 N. Chatsworth Ave-
nue, the vandalism of cars and "mugging" and robbery of persons
in this area, the possibility of putting parking on the center
of the Thruway property, the necessity for the institution of
any fee at all for parking on that property, the provision of
free on-street parking in this area as was the case on Richbell
Road, etc. were the following:
Ms. Agnes Durant - 21 N. Chatsworth Ave.
Mrs. Leonore Besen - Democratic Leader-District 11
Mr. Vrionis - 16 N. Chatsworth Ave.
Mrs. Susan Neuman - Larchmont Acres
Mr. George J. Schaefer, Jr. - 3 Washington Square
Mrs. Joan Porazzo - Larchmont Acres
Mr. Nathan Sloan - 3 Washington Square
Mr. Samuel Mothner - 2 Washington Square
Mr. Hubert Alton - 17 N. Chatsworth Ave.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Travers, Jr. - 17 N. Chatsworth Ave.
This discussion concluded with the consensus of thinking of
those present being that they wished the parking to be left
as it had been without fee and with those who used it taking
"pot luck" as far as finding a place in which to park.
The Supervisor thanked all present but alerted Mrs. Besen (re-
sponsible for the notices) that in the Town it was illegal to
place anything under the windshields of cars without first ob-
taining permission. Also, in reply to the question asked earl-
ier and again raised by Mrs. Besen at this time as to whether
another public hearing would be held, Mrs. Helwig stated not un-
less the proposal on which such hearing had already been held
with due notice thereof as required by law, was altered or changed.
In such case, the Supervisor said a public hearing thereon would
be held with publication of Notice thereof as required by law and
publicity in the local press.
Mrs. Travers--
Mrs. Travers, with the Board's consent, took up one other
matter at this time--that of the danger in trying to cross
the street in any direction at the square. She said she be-
lieved a 4-way red light at Chatsworth and Mrytle was needed
so as to protect mothers with their babies and young children
trying to cross at this intersection. She further stated that
she had written to the Police Chief requesting this installa-
tion but had not received any reply as of this date.
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The Engineer advised that he had written to Mr. Fried, Traffic
Engineer for the County, about a year ago requesting a survey
of this area in the interest of both the very young and the
elderly because of the difficulty experienced in these cross-
ings--and Mrs. Maria Russell, upon recognition, suggested that
perhaps the installation of a stanchion such as the one at For-
est and North Chatsworth might be helpful.
Councilman White attested to this dangerous situation describ-
ing it as extremely hazardous and stating emphatically that Mrs.
Travers was absolutely right in what she said. He further stated
he could so attest from his own personal experience in crossing
since he did so daily in walking to the station.
Mrs. Marlene Kolbert - 27 Shadow Lane
Mrs. Kolbert, representing the League, stated that the League
wished to commend the Conservation Advisory Commission and the
Joing Garbage Disposal Commission on its newspaper collection
program and further that the League wished to offer to do all
possible to assist the recycling program in any way it could.
The Supervisor thanked Mrs. Kolbert and said the results were
very encouraging--some 62 tons having been collected at $32.
rather than the $15. or $16. a ton figure realized when the
program had been initiated.
Mrs. Helwig, speaking for Councilman Bloom in his absence,
then reported on the survey to be made by students of Envir-
onmental Studies at Mamaroneck High School in cooperation with
the Town Conservation Advisory Commission under the direction
of Mrs. Sally Kennelley, a member of that Commission. Mrs.
Shultz, upon recognition, suggested that perhaps it might be
that High School students could help people with the bundling up
of newspapers, etc. where needed. This, Mrs. Helwig said, was
a very good suggestion.
1. Authorization to Collect 1974 State, County,
Town and Special District Taxes
Pursuant to the request of the Finance Office for authorization
to collect the 1974 State, County, Town and Special District
taxes and publish and post the necessary Notice therefor, on
motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Deputy Receiver of Taxes of the Town of
Mamaroneck to collect the 1974 State, County,
Town and Special District taxes and the water
rents which ec
b ome a lien on January 1st, 1974;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions
of Section 550 of the Westchester County Admin-
istrative Code, "The Daily Times", the official
newspaper published in the Village and the Town
of Mamaroneck, be and it hereby is designated
as the newspaper in which the Deputy Receiver
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of Taxes and Assessments shall publish
the "Notice of the Collection of State,
County, Town and Special District taxes
and water rents;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that in accordance with the pro-
visions of Section 550 of the Westchester
County Administrative Code, the Town Board
does hereby direct the Deputy Receiver of
Taxes and Assessments to mail to each tax-
payer of the Town of Mamaroneck, whose ad-
dress is known to said Deputy Receiver of
Taxes and Assessments, a tax bill for all
taxes and water rents, the expense thereof
to be a Town charge.
The Supervisor called to attention a reduction in this year's
taxes stating that due to reduction of the County tax, resi-
dents of the Village of Larchmont would pay $1.30 less per M,
those of the Village of Mamaroneck $1.33 less per M, and resi-
dents of the Unincorporated Area would benefit from this reduc-
tion similarly since the increase of $2.27 per M projected in
the 1974 Town budget will be offset by the decrease in an over-
all increase of 94Q per M.
Larchmont residents, this year, she continued, would pay a total
tax of $23.15 per M with $21.32 thereof remitted directly to the
County, Mamaroneck residents $22.04 with $20.21 thereof remitted
directly to the County--the only monies retained by the Town be-
ing the $1.83 per M General Town Tax covering General Town ser-
i' similarly of the $56.94 total paid by residents of the Un-
incorporated Area, $20.21 would be remitted directly to the County
with the balance or $36.73 per M being retained by the Town to
cover the cost of Part Town and General Town services to that
2. Authorization to Advertise for Bids-
Conservation Tractor
Pursuant to memorandum of the Town Engineer under date of March 1st,
1974 herewith presented by him and ordered received and filed, on
motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
publication in the official newspaper of the
Town of Mamaroneck, The Daily Times, of a
Notice for Bids for a farm tractor for the
Highway Department;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that said bids are to be returnable
to the office of the Town Clerk by 10 a.m. ,
on Wednesday, March 27th, 1974 and to be
opened and read aloud at that time in that
office in the presence of the Clerk, the
Town Engineer and Highway Superintendent.
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3. Authorization to Obtain Bond Resolution for Purchase of
3 Trailers and 2 Trucks - Joint Garbage Disposal Commission
Pursuant to memorandum of the Comptroller dated March 1st, 1974
herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it was un-
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller and Director
of Finance of the Town of Mamaroneck, to ob-
tain a Bond Resolution for the purchase of
three (3) trailers and two (2) trucks for the
Larchmont-Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Disposal
Commission at a total cost of $114,600. , said
cost to be divided between the Town of Mamaro-
neck and Village of Larchmont as follows based
on the 1973 Garbage and Rubbish tonnage pickup:
Town of Mamaroneck - 58.96% or $67,568.
Village of Larchmont - 41.04% or $47,032.
4. Request Veterans Foreign Wars for 50th Anniversary
The Supervisor presented a request for the Town to proclaim
Veterans of Foreign Wars Week in the Town of Mamaroneck, not-
ing that its first installation of officers here had been on
March 29th, 1924, and recommended that a resolution be adopted
honoring the Post and proclaiming the week of March 24th through
30th, 1974 as V.F.W. Week in the Town.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Coun-
cilman McMillan, the following resolution was unanimously adopted
to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and presented to
David Potts, Jr. Post 1156 on March 30th.
WHEREAS, The Veterans of Foreign Wars is
observing its 75th Anniversary of service
throughout the United States,
WHEREAS, The Veterans of Foreign Wars David
Potts, Jr. Post 1156 is observing its 50th
anniversary having been instituted at the
time of its first official installation of
officers on March 29th, 1924,
WHEREAS, since its founding, the David Potts
Jr. ,Post has consistently advocated those
things that are beneficial to the United
States and has been in the forefront of the
struggle to preserve and maintain the insti-
tutions that have made this country great,
WHEREAS, The Veterans of Foreign Wars David
Potts, Jr. Post 1156 has 150 members who have
continuously carried on constructive efforts
to make our community a better place to live
and have rendered significant service through
their charitable and patriotic endeavors,
- 8 -
1,1 (1
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby proclaims
the week of March 24th - 30th, 1974 as
Veterans of Foreign Wars Week in the Town
of Mamaroneck and urges all citizens to
join in paying high tribute to the David
Potts, Jr. Post 1156 and to all of its
members for their many contributions to
this community throughout these past fifty
5. Appointment Zoning Board of Appeals -
Laurence Bodkin, Jr.
Councilman White noted that a vacancy had existed on the Zon-
ing Board of Appeals following Mr. Geary's appointment to the
Police Commission, and after presenting a brief resume of Mr.
Laurence Bodkin's background and experience so particularly
qualifying him to serve in this post, moved his nomination for
appointment. The motion was seconded by Councilman McMillan,
who stated that he knew Mr. Bodkin well personally and would
like to also recommend him highly, whereupon the following re-
solution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Laurence G. Bodkin, Jr. a member of the
Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of
Mamaroneck to fill the vacancy created by
the resignation of Mr. Donald D. Geary, Jr.
and to serve for the unexpired portion of
his term or until February 19th, 1975;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Mr. Bodkin be so notified
with the Board's thanks and appreciation
that he was willing to so serve.
A question raised by Mrs. Shultz as to whether Mr. Bodkin
would have time and be here to attend meetings or whether in
his business he was called on to travel a great deal and thus
would be unavailable for meetings was answered by Mr. McMillan
who stated that he would be able to give the time and that he
could and would attend the meetings.
6. Request for Resolution - 1974 Noise Bill
In response to the Supervisor's request for the adoption of a
resolution supporting and endorsing the new Noise Bill which
had been introduced by Senator Pisani and Assemblyman Mannix
and urging the Chairman of the Senate and Assembly Committees
to which it had been referred to use all honorable means to
have it reported out of Committee and placed on the floor of
both houses for passage into law, on motion unanimously made
and seconded, the following resolution was adopted to be for-
warded to Governor Wilson, the Chairmen of the Senate and As-
sembly Committees, John French III of the Quiet Highways Council
and members of the Thruway Noise Abatement Committee.
- 9
WHEREAS, a bill known as S.8526 and A.10277
entitled - "An Act to amend the vehicle and
traffic law, in relation to motor vehicle
noise and repealing section three hundred
eighty-six of the vehicle and traffic law
relating thereto", has been introduced by
Senator Pisani in the Senate and by Mr.
Mannix in the Assembly,
WHEREAS, this bill has been referred to the
Committee on Transportation in the Senate and
the Committee on Environmental Conservation
in the Assembly,
WHEREAS, the passage of this bill is highly
desirable to protect the health and welfare
of people living adjacent to heavily travelled
highways in the State,
RESOLVED, that this Board respectfully urges
Senator John D. Caemmerer, Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Transportation, and Assem-
bylman Clarence Lane, Chairman of the Assembly
Committee on Environmental Conservation, to use
all honorable means to report this bill out of
Committee for action on the floor of both houses,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that certified copies of this resolu-
tion be forwarded to Senator Joseph R. Pisani
and Assemblyman Richard E. Mannix.
7. Request Approval Stream Diversion Permit -
Village Ford
Pursuant to memoranda addressed to the Board by the Town Engi-
neer and Clifford E. Emanuelson, Environmental Coordinator,
under dates of March 4th and 5th, 1974, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot,
seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves
the application of Village Ford located
at 1435 Boston Post Road, Larchmont, New
York, on premises owned by Dayhar Realty
Corporation and known on the Tax Assess-
ment Map of the Town of Mamaroneck as
Block 411, Parcel 29, for a permit for
stream diversion through said property as
shown on the drawings prepared by William
P. Widulski, P.E. for Village Ford and sub-
mitted, reviewed and approved by the Town
Engineer, Charles R. Elfreich, P.E., pro-
vided that said construction be in accord-
ance with the plans and specifications here-
with submitted and filed.
The Supervisor then recognized and greeted Mr. Widulski, former
Town Engineer, who was present at this evening's meeting.
- 1 0 -
1. Letter Nickolas Giacomo
A letter addressed to Mrs. Helwig and Town Fathers under date
of February 19th, 1974 by Mr.Nickolas Giacomo was herewith
presented and ordered received and filed with direction that
a note be addressed to Mr. Giacomo thanking him for his service
to the Town.
2. Warrant for Tax Collection
The Supervisor reported the receipt of the warrant for the
April tax collection which was herewith presented and ordered
received and filed.
3. Notification re Assessor
A memorandum addressed to Mr. Neal Doyle by Mr. Douglas G.
Cronk, Secretary of the County of Westchester Tax Commission,
under date of February 25th, 1974 was herewith read into the
records as follows :
"Your Certificate of Training from the Office
of Local Government has just been received
from Mr. Joseph Taggart and is enclosed. The
Commission congratulates you on receiving this
Certificate and for successfully completing
the required training."
The Supervisor and members of the Board expressed their congrat-
ulations to Mr. Doyle adding that his achievement came as no
4. P.S.C. Notice - Con Edison
A P.S.C. Notice which had been referred to the Town Attorney
was herewith ordered received and filed upon his report that
it was for informational purposes only requiring no action by
this Board.
The Town Clerk--
The Deputy Clerk presented the following report which was ordered
received and filed.
Report of the Building and Plumbing
Inspector for the month of February,
The Supervisor--
1. Thomas Aitchison - Completion of 40 years of
service on February 19th, 1974
The Supervisor announced that Thomas Aitchison, Superintendent
of the Town of Mamaroneck Park Department, had completed his
fortieth year of service with the Town on February 19th, 1974
and paid tribute to his very efficient operation of the Park
Department and the care, devotion and knowledge he had always
displayed in planning and maintaining the parks which had grown
in beauty throughout all his years of service.
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Mrs. Helwig particuarly remarked on the beautiful Willow Tree
at the station which he had planted as one of his first acts
upon coming to the Town and she felt it would be only appropriate
to recognize his service by adopting a resolution so stating at
this time.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Coun-
cilman White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread
upon the minutes of this meeting in recog-
nition of the completion on February 19th,
1974 of Thomas M. Aitchison's fortieth year
of service as Superintendent of the Town of
Mamaroneck Park Department,
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a letter be addressed to Mr.
Aitchison thanking him for his efficient and
exemplary operation of the Department and for
the skill and knowledge he has devoted to the
planning and meticulous care of our Parks dur-
ing the entire forty years he has served as a
highly valued member of the Town staff.
2. Report - Flood Plain Planning Study
The Supervisor stated that in view of the lateness of the hour
she should report only briefly on the excellent meeting held
by the Municipal Planning Federation yesterday and attended by
three members of the Town Board, three members of the Planning
Board, three members of the Conservation Advisory Commission
and its Consultant, the Building Inspector, Town Engineer and
League representatives. In summarizing, she said simply that
there was certainly a great deal to do done in this area with
much to be thought about presented in the County plan.
Councilman White, who had attended, stated that certainly this
meeting had been excellent and informative and one indeed leav-
ing much homework to be done with the County.
3. Report - Gasoline
The Supervisor reported that the Town would receive 837 for its
March gas allocation, and presented for publication a list of the
hours the Unincorporated Area Gas Stations were open. She ex-
plained that while the Stations were willing to have these hours
published they had requested that it be announced that the hours
were subject to change based upon receipt of gasoline.
She further reported that she had received notification from Sen-
ator Buckley's office that in the event of snow and ice storms,
the Highway Department would receive additional allotments as
needed and that the State "set-aside" allotment had been approved
but that she was still waiting for the rules regulating its use
from the State.
Mrs. Peggy Snyder - 31 Seton Road
Mrs. Snyder asked whether the Flood Control Meeting had been
sponsored by the County, to which Supervisor replied affirma-
tively explaining that it had been sponsored by the Municipal
Planning Federation which had started its meetings in November
re problems relating to the Water Shed areas which were to be
solved on a regional basis.
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Mrs. Snyder also asked whether the Villages had been repre- 2
sented to which Mrs. Helwig said "yes" but not by as large
a delegation as the Town.
The Councilmen--
Mr. Vandernoot--
1. Report - Transportation for Senior Citizens
Councilman Vandernoot stated that it did not seem that the
transportation of senior citizens by school buses was being
fully taken advantage of, and that he had talked to Leon's
Taxi which might be available for such purpose at a cheaper-
than-usual rate. He also spoke of a plan now under study re-
garding municipal purchase of a minibus in a joint venture
with the Larchmont Rotary Club, to be used for transporting
elderly residents to the Addison Street senior center -and_else-
2. Apportionment
Upon presentation of the following apportionment, on motion
by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman McMillan, the
following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a
petition for the correction of the
assessment roll for certain years pur-
suant to theprovisions of Section 557,
Article 16 of the Westchester County
Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration this
Board finds it desirable to grant said
petition for the correction of said
assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the Assessment Roll of
1973-1974, taxes of 1973, which shows
property now appearing on the roll as
Block Parcel Owner Land Improv. Total
912 11 Thomas A. Silvestro & W. $8,600. $6,200. $14,800.
be corrected as follows in accordance
with the provisions of subdivision 5
of Section 557:
Block Parcel Owner Land Improv. Total
912 11 Thomas A. Silvestro & W. $6,700. $5,800. $12,500.
912 300 Village of Mamaroneck $1,900. $ 400. $ 2,300.
Mr. Bloom--
1. Report - Newspaper Collection
(Covered by Mrs. Helwig previously in Mr. Bloom's absence.)
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Mr. White--
1. Report on Proposed Local Law - Burglar Alarm Systems
Councilman White stated that it would be recalled that late in
1973 a Local Law had been proposed for the regulation and con-
trol of burglar alarms which had been sponsored mainly by the
Police Department. He stated that the proposal had been re-
viewed at some length and that it had been felt that the Law
as proposed needed some further looking into because at that
time there had seemed to be a lack of accurate information as
to which system was the best. He further stated that the mem-
bers of the Board had met and discussed this subject with the
Chief and that the Town Attorney would now draft a new proposed
law which would then be presented at which time a date would be
set for holding a public hearing thereon.
Mr. McMillan--
1. Report Tenants Council
Mr. McMillan reported that the Supervisor, Councilman Vander-
noot and he had met with certain interested people to discuss
the establishment of a Tenants Advisory Council and that he
hoped to be able to name a full compliment of members within
the next 2 to 3 weeks and hold the organization meeting on
April 19th.
2. Letter - Narcotics Guidance Council
He also presented a letter which had been forwarded to Dr.
Frederick J. Feuerbach, Chairman of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck
Narcotics Guidance Council by Dr. Marvin E. Perkins, Director
of the Community Mental Health Services under date of March 1st
and hand delivered to him this evening, which read as follows:
"The Community Mental Health Board has re-
ceived preliminary information from the New
York State Drug Abuse Control Commission re-
garding its gross budget for fiscal 1974-75.
In the event the gross budget does not meet
the funding requested by the Community Mental
Health Board to maintain the integrity of stated
priorities in the Youthful Drug Abuse Comprehen-
sive Plan, 1974-75, it may not be possible to
renew the current contract between the Commun-
ity Mental Health Board and the Larchmont/Mamar-
oneck Narcotics Guidance Council.
It is with deep regret that this notice is
Mr. McMillan suggested that if this funding were to be discon-
tinued the Albany representative be requested to make every
effort to effect its continuance.
Mr. Otto Scheuble - 3 Rock Ridge Road
Mr. Scheuble, upon recognition, inquired whether this Tenants
Council would deal with rent control?
In reply Mrs. Helwig advised Mr. Scheuble that the proposed
Council would be established to consider rent control, any
legislation affecting tenants, building maintenance, parking,
and any and all other matters of concern to tenants.
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There being no further business to come before the meeting
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 10:15 p.m. , to reconvene on March 20th, 1974.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board Meeting.
1. Claims
Upon presentation for payment by Commissioner Vandernoot and
on his motion, seconded by Commissioner McMillan, it was un-
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following
Fire Department claims as approved
by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's office:
Airkem Westchester, Inc. $ 33.92
I. & T. Plumbing & Heating Co. , Inc. 510.95
The State Insurance Fund 68.07
$ 612.94
2. Reports
Commissioner Vandernoot presented the Fire Chief's Report
for the year 1973 and the Fire Department's Report for the
month of February, 1974 which were ordered received and filed
for the record.
There being no further business to come before the meeting,
on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned
at 10:20 p.m., to reconvene on March 20th, 1974.
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Town Clerk
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