HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974_01_02 Town Board Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JANUARY 2nd, 1974, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Supervisor Helwig Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Councilman White Councilman McMillan Absent: None Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer Mr. Paonessa - Building & Plumbing Inspector ORGANIZATION MATTERS The Supervisor presented the organization matters as set forth on the agenda: Adoption of Resolutions-- 1. Appointing Town Officials (2-year term of office) On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following Town Officials be and they hereby are appointed to the positions listed here below: Attorney (p-t) - James J. Johnston Building & Plumbing Inspector - William Paonessa Comptroller & Director of Finance - Carmine A. DeLuca Conservation Director - P. T. Leddy Engineer - Charles R. Elfreich Supt. of Highways - William T. Aitchison Supt. of Parks - Thomas M. Aitchison Supt. of Recreation - James W. Kronenberger - 1 - 2. Appointing a. Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Deputy Comptroller On motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Comptroller, Mr. Raymond Bingman be and he hereby is appointed the Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Miss Genevieve Soriano, Deputy Comp- troller of the Town of Mamaroneck, to so serve without salary for the year 1974. b. Deputy Town Clerk & Registrar of Vital Statistics On motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the Town Clerk, Mrs. Lavenia Brewer be and she hereby is appointed Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics to serve without salary for the year 1974. c. Trustees - Police Pension Fund On motion by Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Supervisor Christine K. Helwig and Councilman Joseph F. Vander- noot be and they hereby are appointed Trustees of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1974. d. Treasurer - Police Pension Fund On motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Mr. C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. be and he hereby is appointed Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1974. e. Conservation Advisory Commissioners On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Messrs. James R. Gunsalus, B. William Nimkin and Robert Hohberg be and are hereby appointed as Conservation Advisory Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck for a 3-year term of office effective immediately and terminating December 31st, 1976. -2- f. Civil Officers On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the following persons be and they hereby are reappointed Civil Officers of the Town of Mamaroneck with the powers and duties of Constables in civil actions and proceedings only as provided in Section 20, la) of the Town Law; said persons to serve without salary for a term of one year, starting January 1st, 1974 and terminating December 31st, 1974: Frank Comblo 225 Highview Street Mamaroneck, New York Dominick Faillace 1421 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, New York Peter J. Reale 975 Louise Avenue Mamaroneck, New York Ralph Condro 300 Richbell Road Mamaroneck, New York 3. Approving Supervisor's Appointments III On motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the following Supervisor's appointments: Mrs. Lavenia Brewer, Secretary to the Supervisor, for the year 1974; and Councilman Joseph F. Vandernoot and Mr. Victor J. Kriss, members on the Examining Board of Plumbers of the Town of Mamaroneck for a 2-year term of office, effective im- mediately and terminating on December 31st, 1975. 4. Cancellation of Town Justice Bond Pursuant to the request of the Town Clerk and following his explanation, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council- man McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes cancellation of Bond No. 0170 1113 69 with the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Com- pany written in the amount of $4,000. under date of October 6, 1971 covering elected Town Justice Martin King. - 3 - 1 67 5. Authorizing Blanket Bond Coverage for 1974 On motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes issuance of a Public Employees Blanket Bond, Bond No. 4171310, with Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company covering all employees of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1974 in the amount of $10,000. with the exception of the Receiver of Taxes in the amount of $20,000. , the Supervisor in the amount of $25,000. , and the Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund in the amount of $60,000. 6. Designating -- a) Town Board Meeting Place On motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that regular meetings of this Board be held at 8:15 p.m. ,in the Council Room or Auditorium of the Weaver Street Firehouse, Weaver Street, Town of Mamaro- neck, on the first and third Wednesday of each month with the exception of the months of June, July, August and September when the Board shall sit only on the first Wed- nesday of the month. b) Official Newspaper On motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that "The Daily Times" be and it hereby is designated as the official news- paper of the Town of Mamaroneck for the pur- pose of publishing notices. At this time the Supervisor expressed the Board's thanks and appreciation of the splendid coverage given to Town Meetings during the past year and particularly noted the excellent coverage of Jacques le Sourd, the reporter covering Town Board meetings. The Supervisor also stated that at this time she would like to recognize the public service rendered to the community and its residents by Radio Station WVOX through its broadcasting of "The Mamaroneck Town Report" every Saturday morning at 11:30, whereupon the Board being in full accord with the Sup- ervisor, requested that she express to both the paper and WVOX its thanks, appreciation and gratitude for the outstanding con- tribution rendered to the residents of the community by their very able publicizing of Town affairs. - 4 - 188 c) Depositories of Funds and Bank Signatures RESOLVED, that the following Banks and Trust Companies are hereby designated as depositories for funds of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1974, and that the escrow agreements between these banks and the Town of Mamaroneck presently in effect shall be continued: The County Trust Company 242 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck The National Bank of Westchester Chatsworth Avenue, Larchmont The First Westchester National Bank 213 Mamaroneck Avenue, Mamaroneck The First National City Bank 1920 Palmer & Wendt Avenue, Larchmont and be it further RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore granted to withdraw funds from, and to draw checks, drafts and other orders upon Town of Mamaroneck accounts maintained at the following banks be and hereby is re- scinded and revoked, and hereafter such withdrawals, checks, drafts and other orders shall be authorized when signed by signature or facsimile signature by Christine K. Helwig, Supervisor, and Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller; or by Joseph F. Vandernoot, Deputy Supervisor, with Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller, or Gen- evieve Soriano, Deputy Comptroller. The County Trust Company The National Bank of Westchester The First Westchester National Bank The First National City Bank 7. Approving Contracts with: a) Westchester Shore Humane Society RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby is authorized to execute the contract between the Westchester Shore Humane Society, Inc. and the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1974 totalling $11,050. , as provided in the 1974 annual budget or estimate, subject to review and approval by the Town Attorney. b) Larchmont Public Library RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby is authorized to execute the contract for the year 1974 between the Town of Mamaro- neck, the Village of Larchmont, and the Larch- mont Public Library in the amount of $100,455. , as provided in the 1974 budget. - 5 - 89 Public Hearing - Local Law No. 1-1974 On motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared open. The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting III of the Notice of Hearing for the record and the Supervisor outlined the procedure for conducting the hearing. At the Supervisor's request, Mr. Paonessa, the Building In- spector briefly reviewed the proposed new Section noting that the purpose therefor was mainly so that the Town would be able to see that heating and hot water equipment was properly main- tained at all times without recourse to the County. He called particular attention to the temperature requirements and the hours for such temperatures and to the means for properly read- ing the temperature in any given room. The Supervisor added that the adoption of this Section actually constituted an improvement over the County requirements and in addition enabled the Building Inspector to enforce the Code with- out awaiting the County. Councilman McMillan inquired of Mr. Paonessa whether adoption of this Section would be helpful to him? - Mr. Paonessa said it would inasmuch as it would eliminate contacting and waiting for the County -- usually for a period of from 24 to 48 hours. Councilman Bloom pointed out that in times of a heating oil shortage, some landlords might seek an opportunity to not meet the heat requirements and further that when oil was unavailable the Ordinance could not be involed. The Supervisor then invited first those in favor of the amend- ment, then those opposed to address the Board, whereupon the follow- ing persons were heard: In Favor: Mrs. Susan Newman - Larchmont Acres. Mr. Irving Scharf - Richbell Road Mrs. Henry J. Kroslak - 1456 East Post Road Mrs. J. G. Johnson, Sr. - Chatsworth Gardens, Building C Mrs. Barbara Gibney - Chatsworth Gardens, Building C Mrs. Maria Russell - Mountain Avenue ' Mrs. Mary Telesco - 3 Dillon Road Among the points discussed with those persons heard as listed above were: 1. Some way of making landlords keep heat down so as not to overheat and then not be able to get oil. 2. Some way to have the Town Building In- spector instruct apartment house super- intendents and custodians how to properly run boilers. 3. 60-degrees too cold at 6:30 a.m. when many persons have to get up to go to 'work - suggest dhange to 68-degrees at 6:00 a.m. rather than 6:30 a.m. - 6 - 170 4. Provide stiffer penalties and fines and enforce them. 5. Have inspections spaced or timed so that needed repairs are made during a non-heating season in order to avoid winter break-downs. 6. Have Town adopt New York City Property Maintenance Code for Multiple Dwell- ings -- detailed coverage re fixing broken windows, sash, etc. in individ- ual apartments. It was pointed out by Mr. Paonessa that the Town Code was copied from this document but that the Town must have notif- ication of broken windows, broken sash, etc. in individual apartments inasmuch as the Law permitted the Building Inspector to inspect only the public parts of buildings, not private apart- ments unless tenant made formal complaint and appointment with him to view private premises. Mrs. Peggy Snyder - 31 Seton Road At this time Mrs. Helwig recognized Mrs. Snyder who stated she did not know whether she was for or against the amendment but wished to ask whether the fines were $50.00 for the 1st violation and $100.00 for each succeeding one? The Supervisor replied the fines were as stipulated under Penalties in the Property Main- tenance Code. Mrs. Margaret Shultz - 25 Alden Road Mrs. Shultz, going back to individual apartments, asked whether State Law stipulated that a Building Inspector could not go into a private apartment without the tenant's permission? The Supervisor replied this was so and recounted the case of rats on a private property bordering the Sheldrake which had been in- spected by a County Inspector and reported by the owner with a complaint to both the County and the Police Departments. Mrs. Marlene Kolbert - 27 Shadow Lane Mrs. Kolbert asked whether the Town was involved in all property maintenance, in reply to which question, the Building Inspector explained that as had been stated, he had access only to the public parts of buildings and exterior inspections etc. In Opposition: Since no one spoke really in opposition but only to repeat that the heat be required to be set at 68-degrees from 6:00 a.m. rather than 6:30 a.m. , and to inquire whether the Town Code would be en- "' if adoption of this amendment made it stricter than the State Code which was answered affirmatively, on motion by Council- man White, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. - 7 - 71 Upon recognition Mr. William Gerrity addressed the Board complimenting it on its conduct of the Hearing - on permit- ting all who desired to speak to be heard and on its courtesy and patience and concluded his remarks by saying - "It is my pleasure to be here with you." Mrs. Helwig thanked Mr. Gerrity and then inquired as to the Board's pleasure on the question? Councilman Bloom moved adoption of the amendment with the time for 68-degrees Fahrenheit r.eading from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. rather than 6:30 a.m. to11:00 p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman White and the following resolution then offered: Local Law No. 1-1974 Town of Mamaroneck RESOLVED, that this Board hereby amends Local Law No. 2-1970 of the Town of Mamaroneck by adding a new section thereto, said section to be known as Article C entitled, " HEATING OF OCCUPIED BUILDINGS AND POTABLE WATER" which reads as follows: (1) Every owner.; operator or person who shall have contracted or undertaken, to heat or to furnish heat for any building or portion thereof, or has a business establishment where one or more persons are employed, to heat or furnish heat for every occupied room in such building, or portion therefore, so that a minimum air temperature of sixty- eight (68) degrees Fahrenheit shall be main- tained therein between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11 p.m. and not less than sixty (60) de- grees Fahrenheit between the hours of 11 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. , whenever the outer or street temperature shall fall below fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit. Potable water heating equipment shall be maintained to supply sufficient do- mestic hot water at adequate pressure to each hot water plumbing outlet at a minimum temper- ature range of 130 deg. - 140 deg. Fahrenheit at all times. This section shall not apply where the failure to maintain the minimum requirement is caused by a general shortage of fuel, negligent or malicious act of the occupant, necessary re- pairs or alterations, or any cause beyond the control of the owner or occupant. The term "Air Temperature" shall mean that a temperature of the atmosphere obtained at the approximate center line of any interior wall at a distance of 48" above the average floor level of the room. - 8 - 4. 044 This section shall not apply to buildings or portions thereof used and occupied for trades, businesses, or occupations where high or low air temperatures are essential and unavoidable. (2) No person shall cause any service facility, equipment or utility which is required to be supplied by the provisions of this code, to be removed from or shut off from, or discon- tinued for any occupied dwelling unit, except for necessary repairs, alterations or emergen- cies. Upon roll call, the vote was as follows : Supervisor Helwig - Aye Councilman Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Councilman White Councilman McMillan - " The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. Councilman White then stated that it was now in order to take the necessary action to fix the date for a public hearing on amending the Penalties and Fines Section of Local Law No. 2 of 1970 so as to read that each day's continuance of violation would be treated as a separate offense with a fine of $100.00 per day. Whereupon since there was not sufficient time for publication of the Notice of Hearing as required by Law by the next meeting,the Board by mutual consent, ordered that the hear- ing be held on Wednesday evening, February 6th, 1974 and that the Clerk publish in the official newspaper of the Town of Mam- aroneck, the Daily Times, the Notice therefor as required by Law. Mr. Irving Scharf asked whether copies of the Notices of this Hearing could be sent to landlords, which was so ordered by the Board -- and in reply to a further question as to how to reach Mr. Paonessa over weekends, it was stated that the Police Depart- ment, upon being called, would reach Mr. Paonessa. NEW BUSINESS 1. . Establishment of Office and Appointment of Deputy Supervisor PP P Y P Councilman Bloom explained the reasons and need for this posi- tion which he then moved with pleasure. The motion was seconded by Councilman White and the following resolution thereupon un- animously adopted: RESOLVED, that this Board hereby estab- lishes the office of Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, said Deputy to be appointed by the Supervisor to serve at her pleasure, and authorized and empowered to perform all the duties of the office of Supervisor in case of vacancy of that office or the absence or inability of the Supervisor to act as provided for in Section 42 of Arti- cle 2 of the Town Law. - 9 - '17] And thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council- man White, it was RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the Supervisor's appoint- ment of Joseph F. Vandernoot, Senior Town Councilman, as Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Mamaroneck, to be effect- ive immediately, to serve at the pleas- ure of the Supervisor, and to be compen- sated at the rate of $4,000. per annum. The foregoing resolution was adopted by majority vote, Council- man Vandernoot abstaining from voting. 2. Reappointment to Board of Review The Supervisor called to attention the change in the Assessment Review Law and the strong recommendation of the other members of the Board of Review and Assessor for the reappointment of Mr. Steinam to that Board in accordance therewith. Whereupon Councilman Vandernoot stated since Mr. Steinam was the representative from the Village of Larchmont and in view of his very fine service to date in this very demanding job that he would like very much to move his reappointment, which he thereupon so moved. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bloom who echoed Mr. Vander- noot's remarks and the following resolution thereupon unanimously adopted: RESOLVED, that pursuant to Title 1, Section 1520 of the new Assessment Improvement Law effective October 1st, 1971, Mr. William N. Steinam of 19 Lo- cust Avenue, Larchmont, resident tax- payer of the Town of Mamaroneck, be and he hereby is appointed a member of the Board of Review which sits at the Town Office on. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st, 1974 from 10 a.m. to 12 o'clock noon and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. daily, to be compensated at the rate of $75.00 per day but not to exceed the total sum of $300.00 and to serve on this Board for a term of office terminating in 1978 in accord- ance with the new Law. 3. Agreement for Highway Expenditures for 1974 Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller under date of December 28th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed, and following Councilman Bloom's brief ex- planation of the Highway Law requiring this contract, on his motion, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the "Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Moneys for the year 1974" in accordance with Section 284 of the Highway Law. - 10 - piyll COMMUNICATIONS 1. Letter of Resignation from Zoning Board - Donald D. Geary, Jr. A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Mr. Donald D. Geary, Jr. under date of December 21st, 1973 tendering his resignation as a member of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Board of Appeals in view of his new responsibilities as a Police Commissioner was herewith presented and ordered received and filed. And thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council- man White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board with regret accepts the resignation of Donald D. Geary, Jr. as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Mamaroneck tendered due to his appointment as a member of the Board of Po- lice Commissioners as of December 19th, 1973; and be it further RESOLVED, that this Board hereby expresses its thanks and sincere appreciation to Mr. Geary for his dedicated and devoted service to the Town and its residents during the years he served as a member of that Board. 2. Letter - Con Edison re Energy Conservation and Amendment of Building Code A letter addressed to the Supervisor by Mr. Edward W. Diehl, Con Edison - Westchester Division, dated December 28th, 1973, enclosing a release re Energy Conservation was herewith pre- sented and referred to the Building & Plumbing Inspector for study and report. 3. P.S.C. Notice re Con Edison - Electric Rate Increase A Notice of Public Hearing on the above request to be held on January 7th (and 8th and 9th) , 1974 at Tower 2, World Trade Center, New York City re necessary proposed increases in rates and charges for electricity was herewith presented and ordered received and filed. 4. P.S.C. Notice re Motion on Con Edison Electric Service A Public Service Commission Notice re Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to rates, charges, rules and regulations of Con Edison for electric service was presented and ordered received and filed. It was requested by Mr. Scharf that the Town have a represen- tative- at all Con Edison Hearings regarding rate increases to try to hold the rates down in the interest of its citizens and one by Mrs. Telesco that an official letter be written so that the Town's protest would be a matter of record, referred to the Town Attorney. - 11 - 15 REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following report which was herewith ordered received and filed. Report of the Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of December 1973. The Supervisor -- 1. Reports a) In Behalf of the New Town Administration The Supervisor, after explaining that it had not been the Town's practice to have a special ceremony of the swearing-in of newly- elected officials at the beginning of their terms of office, stated that Councilman Vandernoot, Councilman McMillan and she had taken their oaths of office in the presence of the Depart- ment Heads and office staff on December 21st and Councilman Bloom and Mr. Gronberg, the Town Clerk, at the Town Offices on December 31st. "All of us," she said, "have solemnly affirmed our intent to uphold the laws of the State and the Constitution of the United States to the best of our ability relying on God's assistance in our tasks." "This new administration and the entire staff appointed by us tonight," Mrs. Helwig continued, "have as their primary respon- sibility and purpose service to the people of the Town and we assume, as we have in past administrations, this role of service knowing that we need the help of all of our constituents if we are to be truly responsive to the changing needs of the people of the Town." "Before the old year was done we began to look forward to 1974 requesting the help of staff and Boards and Commissions in look- ing forward to the future for which we must plan, asking that to- gether we assess future needs and changes and plan together to meet them. Tonight I would add to that an invitation to any resi- dent of our Town to assist us in this setting of priorities." "Last year in addition to conferences with staff and advisory Boards, a lan was initiated for discussing P p Town problems in the Living Rooms of any resident who wished to gather neighbors to- gether. These were listening sessions and we valued the guidance we obtained from these meetings. We will again solicit invitations from residents to hold such meetings so they may give us their views on Town problems and so we can bring participation in local government as close as possible to the individual resident." "I will continue the weekly broadcasts on WVOX about the activities of Town government and we will continue in a variety of ways to keep residents informed and to reach new residents with such infor- mation. As in the past my door is always open to anyone with a question or complaint -- and this is true of every member of the Town Board or staff. As I enter a new 2-year term as Supervisor, I want you to know that I am deeply grateful for your contributions to the governance of the Town and for your interest in improving our operations. It is indeed a privilege to serve you." - 12 - b) On the New Sanitation Collection Mrs. Helwig stated that Mr. Kellogg had reported that 3 of the 5 routes had been finished by 1:00 p.m. on the opening day of the new Garbage Consolidation Program; that there had been only 5 "skipped" complaints and about 10 to 15 calls re newspaper collections. She also noted for the record the article in the December 28th Daily Times, and read for the information of those present the article reviewing this consolidation in full which had been forwarded to the press and which was herewith filed for the record. Mrs. Kolbert, upon recognition, expressed the League's pleasure with the consolidation and offered some suggestions regarding glass collections. At this time, Mt. Scharf also addressed the Board inquiring whether copies of the Local Law adopted this evening would be available to landlords and superintendents of apartment houses and Mrs. Schena asked whether in view of Mr. Kronenberger's raise and the fact that we were not having the "bubble", it would be possible to have a day camp program this Summer? The Supervisor in replying assured Mr. Scharf that copies of the Law would be available to apartment house superintendents and owners and Mrs. Schena that the Recreation Commission was look- ing into the day camp program at the present time. Councilman Bloom added that Mr. Kronenberger had not received his increase because of the '_'bubble" but rather following review and compari- son of his salary and duties with those of other communities. The discussion concluded with some further questions raised by Mrs. Shultz re obtaining bids for the proposed bubble and by Mrs. Russell re the day camp program. Not on Agenda -- Councilman Vandernoot-- 1. Report on Bond Sale Councilman Vandernoot reported briefly on the $518,500. Bond Sale held in the Supervisor's office on December 20th, 1973. The Town Attorney -- Pursuant to the Attorney's request, on motion by Councilman Vander- noot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the date for Public Hearing on fees for Parking Permits Lot #1 is fixed for the next meeting of the Board on January 16th, 1974 and the Town Clerk is authorized to publish Notice thereof as required by law. - 13 - ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 10:25 p.m. , to reconvene on January 16th, 1974. IIIBOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Supervisor -- The Supervisor noted that there would be no meeting of the Fire Commissioners since there was no business to come before that body. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting it was declared adjourned at 10:27 p.m. , to reconvene on January 16th, 1974. III if / f A y, J� j`MUL 1 y Town Cam! k III - 14 - 4 I -Mr. Bloom then inquired whether Mrs. Bunora wished to address the Board whereupon Mrs. Bunora spoke to each of the points enumerated in the memo stating the reasons for and the circum- stances requiring these changes. Mr. Bloom questioned charitable sales being held in any individ- ual home and also objected to the proposed two (2) sales a year which he felt would open up the field too much but agreed to in- clusion of a rain-check clause. Councilman White recited that no license fee was proposed inas- much as a license was sought only to prevent commercial operation and control any traffic problems. He said further that he favored opening up the sale to two or three other households. In reply to questions raised by the Clerk as to the use of signs and time required for issuance of license prior to sale, the Attorney stated that such restrictions would have to be defined in the law. The Supervisor then asked whether Mr. Viebranz, who was present this evening and had long served on the Police Commission, had any comments to offer? Mr. Viebranz stated that he agreed with Mrs. Bunora on the hours for conduct of sale and rain-check postponement even though the latter would be a bit "sticky" for the police. Mr. Nicholas Giacomo, Patrolman, stated that goods was often placed on sidewalks and along the curbs and suggested that it be required to be kept in back of the property line. Mrs. Diane Friedman of 6 Hillside Road stated that although she was not informed of what the Law was or why it was needed since no neighboring municipalities had any such laws, restrictions or rules.that since holding a garage or yard sale could be ex- pensive.., she felt strongly that the sale of neighbor's goods should be included in such sales. Mrs. Alice La Sala of 16 N. Chatsworth Avenue spoke on behalf of the owners of that building in favor of the proposed Law and pro- tested any change in the proposed Law because of security and other reasons. She explained that such sales in apartments could cause many problems including the posting of signs all over the halls and the moving of furniture both in and out of the building. In reply to a question by the Supervisor as to whether there was any way the Management could regulate such activities, Mrs. La Sala replied that she did not believe so. Upon her question to the Attorney, he suggested that the law state that no license for holding such a sale in an apartment be granted to a tenant with- out written permission of the landlord or his designated agent. Whereupon since there were no further comments or questions, on motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby is declared closed. Councilman Bloom then reviewed the proposed amendments whereupon Councilman Vandernoot requested that a vote be taken on each separately since he wished to vote against one. - 2 - .44 i Mr. Bloom then moved, after ascertaining that Mr. Vandernoot was opposed to the entire law, that the vote be taken on the adoption of the Proposed Law including the amendments. This motion was seconded by Councilman White and the following Re- solution thereupon adopted by a majority vote of four ayes and one naye, Councilman Vandernoot being opposed because he felt the adoption of such a Law would encourage people going into the second-hand furniture business. RESOLVED, that this Board hereby adopts Local Law No. 2 of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1973 which shall read as follows : Chapter 29 GARAGE AND YARD SALES 29-1. Legislative intent. This Local Law is intended to control, regulate, and license the conduct of sales, commonly re- ferred to as "garage sales" and "yard sales" with- in residential areas of the Unincorporated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck, and to distinguish such sales, as herein defined, from those business uses prohibited in residential districts by the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck on the ground that such sales are not business uses. 29-2. Definition. "Garage Sales", "Yard Sales" and "Tag Sales" per- mitted hereunder are those sales of household and personal articles owned by the resident of the pre- mises where sold, or by not more than two additional residents of the Town of Mamaroneck, or an immediate relative of such resident, and not acquired for the purposes of sale; said sales being confined to the area within the lot lines and back of the sidewalk or if there be no sidewalk at least ten feet back of the street line. 29-3. License required; application. A. No person shall establish, operate, maintain or conduct a yard sale or garage sale or both within the boundaries of the Unincorporated Area of the Town of Mamaroneck unless he shall first obtain a license for such garage sale or yard sale from the Town Clerk. Every applicant for a license for such sale shall apply for said license to the Town Clerk and shall provide the Town Clerk with the following information: 1) The name and address of the applicant, the names and addresses of other resi- dents whose property will also be offered II/ for sale (who shall also sign the appli- cation) , and the name and address of the real party in interest if he be other than the applicant. 2) The date, time and place of the proposed garage or yard sale. - 3 - 1 . ' 3) A statement that he has read and understood Section 29-2 hereof and that the propsed sale falls within the definition therein. B. Any such license, if issued by the Town Clerk, shall permit such sale for a period of time not exceeding three consecutive days in any calendar year at any one residence, provided, however, that in the event of rain or similar inclement weather one or more of such days can be postponed to a later date specified in the application, and shall limit the hours of such sale on those days from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. No such licenase shall be granted for a sale in an apartment build- ing without the written permission of the landlord or his designated agent. C. Sign provision - Not more than five (5) tempo- rary signs of a size not exceeding the limit in the sign ordinance for signs in residential areas within the Town of Mamaroneck. 29-4. Violations and Penalties. The violation of any of the provisions of this Local Law is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and any person violating the same shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction before a Justice of the Peace, be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.), or in default of payment of such fine, by imprisonment not exceed- ing thirty (30) days. In addition to the penalties prescribed herein, any sale of articles other than those described in Sec- tion 29-2 hereof in a residential district, whether or not a license for a yard sale or garage sale has been granted, shall be deemed a violation of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck and sub- ject to the penalties therein prescribed. 29-5. Inspections. All licensed premises shall at all times be subject to such reasonable rules as may be made from time to time by the Town Boardo of the Town of Mamaroneck, and shall be subject to inspection at all times by the Chief of Police or any other duly authorized representative of the Town of Mamaroneck. 29-6. Severability. The invalidity of any article, section, paragraph, sentence, clause or word of this Local Law shall not invalidate any other article, section, paragraph, sentence, clause or word thereof. 29-7. Effective date. This Local Law shall take effect immediately. - 4 - OLD BUSINESS 1. Adoption of the 1974 Annual Budget The Supervisor stated that the Board had studied the Pre- liminary Budget further following the hearing on the 12th and reviewed the revisions recommended: 1st - $16,000. revenues credited to Rec- reation for increased pool fees. 2nd - $28,000. for purchase of Accounting Machine in Federal Revenue Sharing budget transferred from Part Town to Town Wide. 3rd - $2,400. appropriation in Town offices budget for purchase of a Scriptomatic Addressing Machine. 4th - $386.06 additional interest on invest- ment of Federal Revenue Sharing funds. She noted that these adjustments reduced the tax levy from $2,747,025. to $2,733,000. and total appropriations from $3,836,225. to $3,833,625. resulting in a 90 per $1,000. drop in the tax rate bringing it to $36.74 in the Unincor- porated Area and $1.83 in the Villages. In reply to the Supervisor's question as to the Board's pleasure, Councilman Bloom moved adoption of the Preliminary Budget, as amended, as the 1974 Annual Budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman White. III A question was raised by Mrs. Shultz, upon recognition, as to the inclusion of the new appropriation for the purchase of a Scriptomatic Addressing Machine which was answered by the Supervisor who explained that she had recommended its purchase for two reasons -- 1st - The machine's use would save considerable time and provide the Town with the most accurate mailing list it had ever had. 2nd - It would also enable the Town to do addi- tional selective mailings to residents at a very economical cost. And thereupon since there were no further comments, the follow- ing resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board, all members thereof being present and voting aye. WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on November 21st at the time and place specified in the Notice of Public Hearing on the adoption of a Prelim- inary Budget for 1974 and has heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; and WHEREAS, the Preliminary Budget as adopted on November 21st has been mod= ified as of this date by the following: - 5 - 1. $16,000. revenues credited to Rec- reation for increased pool fees. (This is conservative and allows for a possible drop in permit holders and in school fees) . 2. $28,000. for Accounting Machine in Federal n Wide.Revenue Sharing budget has been transferred from Part Town to 1 III Tow 3. $2,400 appropriation in Town Offices Budget for purchase of a Scriptomatic Addressing Machine. 4. 9Q per $1,000. tax rate reduction. 5. Small amount of additional interest on Federal Revenue Funds included in Totals of page 55A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board_does hereby adopt such Preliminary Budget as hereinabove modified as the Annual Budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first (1st) day of January 1974, and that such budget as so adopted be en- tered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board: (Budget herewith inserted) and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify, in duplicate, copies of said Annual Budget as adopted by this Board, together with the estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to section 202-a, subd. 2 of the Town Law, and deliver one (1) copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by her to the County Board of Legislators of this County; and be it further RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1974 the sum hereinafter set forth in the attached budget be levied, assessed, and collected upon the taxable properties in the Town of Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of Larch- mont and Mamaroneck (Part Town), the prop- erties of the several districts and the sev- - eral parcels of taxable property, franchise and assessments, and persons within the Town and within such special districts, be extended on the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck against each of the several parcels affected by such assessments, or parts thereof; - 6 - 9 and be it further RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as amended, and the provisions of Article 12 of Chapter 61 of the Consoldated Laws, known as the Town Law, as amended, there be levied against the several lots and parcels of land contained upon the statement hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit A", the several sums set forth opposite os ite each such parcel or lot of land on such state- ment as and for unpaid water charges due upon said lots or parcels, which said sums shall be placed in a separate column of the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck under the name "Water Rents". NEW BUSINESS The Supervisor -- The Supervisor announced that the Board would first proceed to items No.2 and 3 in consideration of Mr. Viebranz. 2. Resignation of Mr. A. C. Viebranz - Police Commissioner The Supervisor presented Mr. Viebranz's letter of resignation requesting that it be made effective as quickly as possible, which was thereupon ordered received and filed for the record. Following the Supervisor's expression of appreciation, tribute and personal thanks to Mr. Viebranz for all he had done for the Town during his prior first 10-year term as Chairman of the Com- missioners and his present Chairmanship since his return, and that of each of the members of the Board, on motion by Council- man Bloom, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that with deep regret and real reluctance, this Board hereby accepts the resignation to be effective immediately of Mr. A. C. Viebranz Chairman Board of Police Commissioners and expresses to him its sincere thanks appreciation and tribute for his work and service in this essential post and the limitless accomplishments and contributions this service realized for the well-being and best interests of the Town of Mamaro- neck Police Department and the residents of our community. Mr. Viebranz thanked the Board observing that during all of these years with the exception of the four years in the County he had a statement he would like to make - which was that in his 20-years association with the Department he had found it an unusual Department - one that was at no time political nor affected by political pressure - one with no dishonesty. He said he owed a debt of gratitude to the Supervisors and Councils under which he had served -- and that he was leaving the Town - 7: 4 O with an excellent Chief and Chairman of the Commission. 3. Appointment of Police Commissioner The Supervisor stated that it has been the custom of the Board not to tarry in appointing a Police Commissioner and that it did have a recommendation which she requested Councilman White to present. Mr. White presented for appointment to the Commission the name of Mr. Donald D. Geary, Jr. pursuant to a letter addressed to the Board by the Chairman of that Couuuission under date of Dec- ember 5th, 1973, which was herewith ordered received and filed for the record. Mr. White presented a brief resume of Mr. Geary's particular qualifications and experience for serving in this post -- noting further his able and diligent service since 1969 as a member of the Town Zoning Board of Appeals, on which Board he was still serving and thereupon moved his appointment to be effective immediately. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bloom with great pleasure because of Don Geary's particular abilities and fitness to so serve, and thereupon it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints Mr. Donald D. Geary, Jr. a member of the Board of Police Commissioners of the Town of Mamaroneck, effective immediately and to serve at the pleasure of the Board. Councilman Bloom noted the vacancy on the Zoning Board stating that the Board would welcome suggestions for that post. 1. Salary Authorizations - Police Department Pursuant to memoranda of the Commission addressed to the Board by the Chairman under date of December 4th, 1973, herewith pre- sented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot with congratulations to Patrolmen Robert Fuller and Peter Gerardi for having merited promotion, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that Patrolmen Robert Fuller and Peter Gerardi, appointed to the rank of Detective, be compensated at the rate of $13,200. per annum beginning January 1st, 1974. 4. Authorization for Blanket Transfer of Funds Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller and Director of Finance, under date of Decem- ber 18th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes the Comptroller to make all transfers of funds within the 1973 Budget necessary to close out the books for the end of the fiscal year 1973. - 8 - 81 COMMUNICATIONS 1. Copy of letter to Dr. Frederick Feuerback, Jr. from Joseph P. Fraioli A copy of a letter addressed to Dr. Feuerback, Jr. by Mr. Fraioli, Clerk - Treasurer of the Village of Mamaroneck under date of December 13th, 1973, enclosing certified copy of resulution adopted by the Village Board on Decem- ber 10th, 1973 endorsing the appointment of Robert Polstein as a member of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Narcotics Guidance Council was herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the record. REPORTS The Town Clerk -- The Clerk presented the following report which was herewith ordered received and filed. Report of the Town Clerk for the month of November 1973. The Supervisor -- 1. Closing of Town Offices - December 24th and 31st, 1973 The Supervisor announced that the Town Offices would be closed all day on December 24th and 31st in the interest of the energy crisis. She explained that inasmuch as the Town's Offices were housed in the old Central School Building with the School Admin- istrative Offices which were closed during this period for the Christmas vacation, that the Town closing would eliminate the necessity for heating the building over the two long 4-day week- ends thus reducing fuel oil consumption during that time. 2. Mailing re New Garbage Routes The Supervisor called to attention the mailing of some 5,000 Notices of new garbage routes under the Town-Larchmont Village Consolidated Program to begin January 2nd, 1974 to be made by the Town and Village to all residents on December 26th, 1973. She explained that the Notice was a First-Class mailing contain- ing each resident's new collection schedule and giving full infor- mation regarding the procedure to be followed in case of any "skipped" collection or other eventuality. Mrs. Helwig advised further that the newspaper had been furnished a copy of the letter and full story of the consolidation request- ing a news release which it was hoped would be published in the paper on December 26th, 27th or 28th for the information of all residents. The Councilmen -- Mr. Vandernoot -- Upon presentation of the following apportionments, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman Bloom, the follow- ing resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the Board: - 9 - WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented a petition for the correction of the assess- ment roll for certain years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557, Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law; and WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds it desirable to grant said petition for the correction of said assess- ment roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Assessment Roll of 1973-1974, taxes of 1974, which shows property now appear- ing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 330 194 Mary Naclerio $6,700 $6,700. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557. Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 330 194 Mary Naclerio $4,200. $4,200. 330 202 John H. Leoce $2,500. $2,500. and be it further RESOLVED, that the Assessment Roll of 1972-1973 School Taxes of 1973, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 811 16 Bernard Spivak &W $5,200. $8,200. $13,400. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 811 16 Bernard Spivak & W. $2,600. $8,200. $10,800. 811 21 Tompkins Builders,Inc.$2,600. $ 2,600. and be it further RESOLVED, that the Assessment Roll of 1973-1974 , School Taxes of 1973, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 305 835 Marjorie H. Lindt $8,400. $18,200. $26,600. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: - 10 - -9 Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 305 835 Marjorie H. Lindt $5.600. $18,200. $23,800. 305 1226 Marjorie H. Lindt $2,800. ---- $ 2,800. and be it further RESOLVED, that the Assessment Roll of 1973-1974, taxes of 1974, which shows property now appearing on the roll as follows: Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 305 5 Nannette C. Selinger $16,300. $22,600. $38,900. be corrected as follows in accordance with the provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557: Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total 305 5 Roy H. Durst & W $ 2,500. ---- $ 2,500. 305 903 Nanette C. Selinger $13,800. $22,600. $36,400. Not on Agenda Mr. Bloom -- Mr. Bloom stated that he was more than pleased to note that the "Waterman Stairs" at the station had been sanded. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded it was declared adjourned at 9:30 p.m. , to reconvene on January 2, 1974. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS Since there was no business to come before the Board of Fire Commissioners by mutual consent the meeting was declared ad- journed with the Supervisor wishing all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. // ' /I J.Jj1 i. .11�.. Town Cl - 11 - ., . ,. . . . .. ....k• A.,. , : . . ....i . ... ...... ., . ..: . .. :...„.3._,..,, ..i,..,,,e,„....,,....„,....:.,,,I....,..„......d.111.414.: „:.,, ,,..;....5;.,..,..,.:„.,... .: e ., ... a n, a x, ." ...„ ., ..,„...i.:, .„)„,„, :..; „se _..... A... .6.u: Ike t % yam-. b r "� � '"fit ��Irll x e of•1,,,,k...:a '41'..p.}, 4,4116,, ...trriete 01114 tilti.i,,.,.-.. a aN* g of� 441Wilihribtak P. r rt.. I.:• i4 :. - .Y. • ;:f'` ?;pis k I. e ADOPTED DECEMBER 19, 1973 109 TOWN LAW SECTION TOWN OF MAMARONECK 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK. N. Y. CHRISTINE K. HELWIG OW 3-8300 SUPERVISOR December the 3rd 1 9 7 3 To the residents of the Town of Mamaroneck --- The Preliminary Budget for 1974, as adopted by the Town Board on November 21st, is herewith submitted for your review and comments' at the Budget Hearing on December 12, 1973. This Preliminary Budget is based upon: 1) estimates submitted by Department Heads following their study of immediate and long-range needs; 2) the effect of contracts negotiated under the Taylor Law for 1973 and 1974. Salaries for Department Heads Office and Highway Staffs are increased by 7.1% the cost of living from September 1973 to September 1974. There are several changes in job classifications which reflect additional responsibility and productivity or an adjustment to bring a salary into line with comparable posi- tions in other communities. Salaries for fire fighters are increased, the top of the wage scale going from $11,664 to $12,500 in January and to $12,800 as of the end of June. We must add one additional man for a total of fifteen, in order to meet the State mandate for a 40-hour work-week in 1974. The top salary for a Police Patrolman will go from $12,600 to $13,000 as of the end of June. Two additional Patrolmen are requested, bringing the sworn personnel of the Department to forty men. As a result of Contract negotiated in 1973, all employees will be covered by a minimum Dental Plan in 1974 and the additional cost of this benefit is $14,200. There are significant changes in the Finance Office and the Garbage .District. These budgets reflect a reduction in both costs and personnel as a result of combining services with the Village of Larchmont. The Finance Office combines the Offices of the Receiver of Taxes and the Comptroller. The Director of Finance also serves as Treasurer of the Village of Larchmont and his salary is shared on a 60% - 40% basis. Formerly, the two Departments employed six full-time and several part-time employees. We will now employ five full-time and one half-time persons to handle all of the financial operations of the Town. The reorganization of the Finance Office includes the purchase of electronic accounting equipment which will not only increase the efficiency of our budgeting and accounting procedures, but has the potential for computerization of the Town (and Village) assessment roll, payroll and tax billing. The consolidation of our Garbage District under the Joint Larchmont-Mamaroneck Garbage Disposal Commission has several advantages. By revising collection routes, we reduce personnel by a total of four men and operate three, instead of four, sanitation trucks in the Unincorporated Area. The estimated reduction of $10,000 from the 1973 Budget does not accurately reflect overall reduction of costs. If there were no consolidation, the Budget for the Garbage District would have been approximately $394,000. There will also be some reductions in our Highway Budget, (resulting from separate accounting for gasoline; for example) which cannot be accurately predicted, and increasing revenues from recycling of paper and glass which are not reflected in our estimate. The 1974 Budget reflects for the first time one full year's impact of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds, The appropriations are carried in separate Funds as required by Law. It should be noted that the overall increase over 1973 is $426,246; of this total $144,900 reflects appropriations of Revenue Sharing Funds for purchase of additional equipment and to reduce the impact of increases in other costs. The tax levy is estimated at $210,144 over 1973 - an 8.37. increase. The Supervisor recommends that the Board reinstitute the position of Deputy Supervisor in 1974, that Councilman Vandernoot be appointed and compensated for the time and responsibility involved. The Board is grateful to the various Commissions, Department Heads and Town Staff for the time and study devoted to operational and long-range needs of the Town. We appreciate also, suggestions and comments of individuals and citizen groups. The Town Board and Staff make every effort to plan prudently for proper mainten- ance of Town facilities and equipment, and to use your tax money as economically as possible while providing the services that residents of our Town need and desire. Respectfully submitted, .g.: Christine K. Helwig Supervisor For the Town Board CKH:ml December the 18th 1 9 7 3 To: The Members of the Town Board From: Christine K. Helwig ,Supervisor Recommended Revisions to Budget for 1974 Please note 3 points in corrected budget pages: 1 . $16,000. revenues credited to Recreation for increased pool fees. (This is•conservative and allows for a pas-. sible drop in permit holders and in school fees) 2. $28,000. for Accounting Machine in Federal Revenue Sharing budget has been transferred from Part Town to Town Wide. 3. I am recommending the purchase of a Scriptomatic Addressing Machine at a cost of $2,400. (included in revised Town Offices budget). This machine will save not only considerable time and give us a more accurate mailing list but also enable us to do additional selective mailings to residents at very economical cost. Note also that: 1) Tax rate is reduced by 9( per $1 ,000. 2) A small amount of additional interest on Federal Revenue Funds is included in Totals of p. 55A. b) • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS • TITLE PAGE Taxpayer's Guide to the 1974 Budget 1 Appropriations by Budget Classification 2 & 3 Chart of Appropriations and Revenues 4 Town of Mamaroneck Assessment Roll 5 Personnel Costs CSEA Contract 6 PBA and Fire Contracts 7 Comparison of Total Town and Village Taxes 8 Town Wide Tax Levy, Revenues and Per Capita Aid 9 Annual Budget 1974 10 Comparison of Tax Rates and Assessments 11 Appropriations - General Fund - Town Wide III Schedule 1 Town Board 12 Justices 13 Supervisor 14 Comptroller/Director of Finance 15 Independent Audit 16 Assessor 17 Town Clerk 18 Town Attorney 19 Engineer 20 Elections 21 Town Offices 22 Central Printing and Mailing 23 Public Safety 24 Parking Fields 25 General Recreation 26 & 27 Community Beautification 28 & 29 Miscellaneous 30 & 31 Appropriations - General Fund - Town Outside Villages Schedule 2 Central Printing and Mailing 32 Police 32 & 33 Building and Plumbing 34 Parking Fields 35 Board. of Appeals 36 III Planning Board 37 Miscellaneous 38 & 39 Schedule 3 Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town Wide 40 & 41 Schedule 4 Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town 42 Outside Villages Schedule 5 Appropriations Highway Fund 43 & 44 Schedule 6 Estimated Revenues - Highway Fund 45 III TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Appropriations - Special Districts Schedule 7 Garbage District #1 46 Tentative 1974 Larchmont-Mamaroneck Joint Garbage 46-A Disposal Commission Budget Schedule 8 Water District #1 47 Schedule 9 Street Lighting #1 48 Schedule 10 Sewer District #1 49 Schedule 11 Park District #1 50 & 51 Schedule 12 Fire District #1 52 & 53 Schedule 13 Appropriations General Fund - Town Wide 54 Federal Revenue Sharing Schedule 14 Appropriations General Fund - Town Outside 55 Villages Federal Revenue Sharing Schedule 14-A Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town Wide 55-A Federal Revenue Sharing Schedule 14-A Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town 55-A Outside Villages Federal Revenue Sharing Schedule 15 Tax Rates - 1946 - 1974 56 Schedule 16 Amortization and Interest Charges on All 57-59 Bond Issues Schedule 17 Recommended Salary Structure 60 Schedule 17 List of Classes Recommended by Job Group Study 61 & 62 Schedule 18 Schedule of Salaries and Wages - All Funds 63-65 III TAXPAYERS GUIDE TO THE 1974 PRELIMINARY TOWN BUDGET in the following pages we are presenting some information about the budget which we hope will be useful to you in understanding how your tax money is used. The proposed appropriations of $3,836,225. for Town services fall into four general categories. 1 . Public Safety - $1 ,682,720. - 43.9% Public Safety includes all costs of Police and Fire protection, the Town Court, Street Lighting and Signs, Building Inspec- tion, the Humane Society Contract, Narcotics Guidance Coun- cil, Parking Fields and Civil Defense. 2. Public Works - $1 ,000,480. - 26. 1% This includes all costs of Highway, Street and Road Repairs, Garbage Collection and Disposal, Sewer Repairs and Mainten- ance and Water Service. 3. Recreation, Conservation, Parks, Library etc. - $602,435. - 15.7% Included here are Recreation Programs and Facilities, Parks, Community Beautification, the Composting Program, the Town share of the Larchmont Library, contributions to the Com- munity Action Program and Senior Citizen Center. 4. General Government - $550,590. - 14.3% Administrative and Executive costs include Assessments, Col- lection of Taxes, Finance, Legal Services, Engineering, Elec- tions, Planning and Zoning and Contingent funds. On subsequent pages you will find a Summary of Appropriations by the Budget Classifications required by State Law; charts showing appro- priations and revenues; a Summary of the 1973-74 Assessment Roll; pages showing the costs of employing personnel in various depart- ments; a comparison of tax rates and some detailed information on the Town Wide.Tax Levy and Revenues. The 1974 budget is shown in Summary Form on page 10 and a compar- ison of tax rates showing increases and decreases in each fund is on page 11 . - 1 - BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BY CLASSIFICATION Personal Services and Employee Benefits Salaries and benefits amount to $2,214,340., or 58% of total appropriations. In 1974 the Town will have 103 full time employees and 24 part time employees. On pages 63-67 you will find a listing of titles and salaries by Department. In addition, we employ 128 seasonal recreation attendants, 4 conservation workers and 102 election inspectors and assistants. 10 individuals receive set fees for special assignments, such as serving as secretary to a Board or Commission. Since benefits are a substantial part of the cost of employing people, we have made an analysis showing the total cost for 4 typical employees in various departments. (pages 6 and 7) Contractual Expenses nses This classification totals $930,540., or 24% of total appropriations and covers a wide variety of expenditures. For example: $168,430 - contractual expense for all Departments of the General Town. $ 79,420 for Recreation - $47,520 for school rental costs. $35,500 for Town Offices - $14,100 shared cost of School Administration Building; $8,106 for telephone service; $4,500 central printing and mailing. $13,200 for Finance Office - $6,000 for independent audit. $ 6,500 for Community - plantings, lumber, sprays and Beautification other supplies. $762,110 - contractual expense for Part Town and, Districts. $ 66000 - for Police building and equipment operation, phones, traffic :sig pals, professional development and training. $177,400 - for Highway general repairs ($85,000 for paving program) equipment maintenance, gas, oil, snow removal. $356,000 - for Garbage costs of personal services, benefits, supplies and service for garbage collection and disposal are contracted with the Joint Garbage Disposal Commission. Town's share is 58.8% of total cost based on tonnage. $ 42,600 - for Street Lighting $36,500 for energy, $4,000 for new installa- tions. $. 39;550 - for Sewer $37,000 for construction costs including $15,000, 5% of projected bonding for necessary reconstruction work. $ 54,700 - for Fire Department $21,500 for hydrant rental, $14,000 for build- ing and equipment operation, $6,200 for phone and utilities. - 2 - Budget Appropriations by Classification (Continued) • Equipment This classification totals $115,800., or 37. of the total appropriations and includes such items as: $ 33,000 for electronic accounting machine. $ 10,000 farm tractor and equipment. $ 41,750 for Police Equipment including $22,000 for automobiles.. Debt Service This classification totals $307,095 or 8% of total appropriations. Detail on: Federal Revenue Schedule (pages 54, 55, 55a) Bond Schedules (pages 57 - 59) Miscellaneous and Unclassified This classification totals $268,420. , or 7% of total appropriations. $126,765 - Town Wide includes: $ 20,000 for contingent Fund. $ 77,700 for Narcotics Guidance Council of which $75,750 will be offset by revenues from the County and State. $141,655 - Part Town includes: $100,455 for Town share of Larchmont Library Budget. $ 11,050 for Humane Society Contract 1.222.22 for Contingent Fund 3 - APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES 5% 2.8°° n3 il 8% 24% 30.6% 10.6% 1 44/O • . , . 7% 16% -- . 9% 34.6% 42% I $1 ,616,550. = Unexpended balance $380,615. ' 42% _= Salaries *34.6/° 16% = Employee Benefits $597,790. i 9% = Penalties, Interest & Rentals $97,600, 8% = Deb: Service $307,095. 30. 6% = State Aid $333, 150. . 24% = Contractual Expenses $930,540, .5% = .Permits & Licenses $4,700. 3% = Equipment $115,830. 2.8% = .Fines $30,000. . 7% = Miscellaneous & Unclassified $265,045. 8.3% = Federal Revenue Sharing $87,535. 10.6% = Recreation $115,700. 1 1 .4% = Miscellaneous $15,600. •. 2.2% = Fines (Parking, etc.) $24,300. d . 100% _ $3,836,225. * I 100% = $1 ,089,200. *Includes Appropriations and Revenues of 1 *Includes $190,515. from Federal Revenue $218,050. from Federal. Revenue Sharing Funds I Sharing Funds. (see pages 54, 55 and 55a) 1 Note: $1 ,089,200. or 28.4% of total budget is de- rived from sources other than the tax levy. — - . -----.—L — III TOWN OF MAMARONECK ASSESSMENT ROLL 1973 - 1974 TAXABLE VALUE Town of Mamaroneck (Unincorporated Area) .$ 69,218,498. 43% Village of Larchmont 38,253,173. 247. - Village of Mamaroneck - 52,331,300. 33% Total Taxable Value (Town wide) $ 159,802,971. 100% EXEMPTIONS MILITARY EXEMPTIONS (PARTIAL EXEMPTION) Town of Mamaroneck (Unincorporated Area) $ 809,000. Village of Larchmont 337,950. III Village of Mamaroneck 618,600. Total $ 1,765,550. OLD-AGE EXEMPTIONS (PARTIAL EXEMPTION) Town of Mamaroneck (Unincorporated Area) $ 259,700. Village of Larchmont .81,075. Village of Mamaroneck 298,475. Total $ 639,250. OTHER EXEMPTIONS (WHOLLY EXEMPT) U.S. Post Office $ 196,600. County of Westchester 711,500. Cemeteries 67,300. Metropolitan Transit Authority 1,114.2 986. Total $ 2,090,386. OTHER EXEMPTIONS (PARTIAL EXEMPTIONS) Town of Mamaroneck $ 917,700. Village of Larchmont 1,020,400. Village of Mamaroneck 1,456,970. Ministers 7,500. County of Westchester 3,098,000. Westchester Joint Water Works .262,900. III Board of Education 11,037,600. Churches 4,014,550. Miscellaneous (Larchmont Manor Pk., American Legion, 1,083,304. Library, Montessori School, etc.) Total $ 22,898,924. SUMMARY Total Taxable Value $ 159,802,971. Military Exemptions 1,765,550. Old-Age Exemptions 639,250. Wholly Exempt 2,090,386. Partially Exempt 22,898 X924. Total Assessed Value (Town Wide) $ 187,197,081. 5 PERSONNEL COSTS - CSEA CONTRACT 1973 1974 ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1. Senior Typist (S) Base Salary $ 7,840. $ 8,845. (Incl. $365. increment ) Fringe Benefits State Retirement System (18.7%) 1,466.08 1,654.02 Social Security Taxes 1973 - Based $10,800. @ 5.85% 458.64 -- 1974 - Based $12,000. @ 5.85° -- 517.43 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110,40 Disability Insurance 32,40 35.64 (10% inc.) Group Health Insurance 182.04 200.24 (10% inc.) III Group Dental Insurance -- 27.36 Total 10,089.56 $ 11,390.09 of Fringe Benefits Over Base Salary 28.69% 28.77% 2. Motor Equipment Operator (M) Base Salary 8,945.00 9,585.00 Overtime 349.89 374.73 * 9,294.89 9,959.73 Fringe Benefits State Retirement System (18.7%) 1,738.14 1,862.47 Social Security Taxes 1973 - Based $10,800. @ 5.85% 543.75 -- 1974 - Based $12,000. @ 5.85% -- 582.64 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110.40 Disability insurance 32.40 35.64 (10% inc.) Group Health Insurance 472.02 519.22 (10% inc.) Group Dental Insurance -- 122.40 Total $ 12,191.60 , $ 13,192.50 % of Fringe Benefits & Overtime Over Base Salary 36.30% 37.64% * Estimated at 7.1% increase for comparative purposes. Contracts do not include Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance. _ 6 _ III PERSONNEL COSTS - PBA AND FIRE CONTRACTS 1973 1974 ACTUAL ESTIMATED Patrolman (M) Base Salary $12,600.00 $13,000.00 Holiday Compensation 563.06 580.91 * Overtime 255.17 263.26 * $13,418.23 $13,844.17 Schooling 971.52 1,002.32 * State Retirement System (35.5%) 4,763.47 4,914.68 Social Security Taxes 1973 - Based $10,800. @ 5.85% 631.80 -- 1974 - Based $12,000. @ 5.85% -- 702.00 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110.40 Group Health Insurance 472.02 519.22 (10% inc.) Group Dental Insurance -- 122.40 IIITotal $20,257.04 $21,215.19 7 of Fringe Benefits Holiday Comp. & Overtime Over Base Salary 60.77% 63.19% Firefighter (M) Base Salary $11,644.00 $12,800.00 Holiday Compensation 535.32 588.48 ** Overtime 813.59 700.00 *** $12,992.91 $14,088.48 Schooling -- -- State Retirement System (35.5%) 4,612.48 5,001.41 Social Security Taxes 1973 - Based $10,800. @ 5.85% 631.80 -- 1974 - Based $12,000. @ 5.85% -- 702.00 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110.40 Group Health Insurance 472.02 519.22 (10% inc.) Group Dental Insurance -- 122.40 Total $18,819.61 $20,543.91 • of Fringe Benefits Holiday Comp. & Overtime Over Base Salary 61.62% 60.50% * Estimated at 3.17% increase for comparative purposes %* Estimated at 9.93% increase for comparative purposes %',** Decreased due to additional Firefighter hired Contracts do not include Workmen's Compensation and Public Liability Insurance. - 7 - • 11111 IIII UNDER WESTCHESTER COUNTY TAX LAW, THE TOWN MUST COLLECT AND DISBURSE TAXES LEVIED BY THE STATE, COUNTY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT Larchmont Village Unincorporated Mamaroneck Village w; Town of Mamaroneck Y 4 } ' Town Mamaroneck Mamaroneck Mamaroneck ` ept. Town x & Jan. School Tax * School Tax T School Tax Town p` •: $70.63 $70.63 $70.63 * - The collecting Sept. & Jan. i agency Y for (Scarsdale `& Jan. _ various taxes School Tax - and the dates $67.37) ; of collection `', are indicated �' by brackets to ,:, Village the right of Village _ Tax the columns. Part Town Tax $44.80 ,'Village* Highway $36.80 = ; une co ' 'Village * & District 4 i Taxes ;June & $32.63 `December .. Town * - JudTia & X.1,00 ,-- County Taxes `'dicial J u &Judicial & $20.01 County Taxes County Taxes III Town$20.01 $20.01 Town '� i^April 2.80 P County Sewer Tax $23.37 $24.45 Town Wide Tax 1.64 ' 1.64 # 1.64 " Tax Levy Per $1,000 in 1973 $126.63 $130.80 $139.88 The $1.64 per $1,000 Town Wide Tax is paid by all property owners in the two Villages and the Unincorporated Area and covers costs of Town Wide services rendered to all residents (general elections, assessment of real property, collection of taxes, recreation, etc.) as required by law. $32.63 per $1,000 pays the costs of all other Town services for residents of the Unincorporated Area. All other monies collected by the Town are paid over in full to the County or School Districts. GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE TAX LEVY Summary of services rendered directly to all residents of Unincorporated Area and two Villages. (Allocations to Town Wide and Part Town are prescribed by State Law) SERVICE TAX LEVY Receiver of Taxes (1;'3 Finance Office) $ 23,670 Assessor 46,480 Elections 26,130 Recreation (net budget) 117,775 Community Beautification 34,710 Debt Service & Interest (General Town Properties) 26,575 Fringe Benefits (10 employees) 28,416 Refund" of Taxes 2,500 Narcotics Guidance Council 1,250 III Total $ 308,506 Town wide tax levy proposed in 1974 $ 306,355 OF THE TOTAL LEVY Unincorporated Area Residents pay 43% Village of Larchmont Residents pay 24% Village of Mamaroneck Residents pay 33% * NOTE: 1) Apportionments of other Town Wide costs which benefit all residents are not included in this total. 2) Appropriations that benefit all residents but are offset by use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds are also not included. GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE REVENUES Revenues estimated total $604,350 State law prescribes these credits which include: Per capita State Aid ($5.19 for every resident of Town) Mortgage Tax Licenses and permits Interest and penalties on Taxes Fines and forfeitures Departmental earnings Cash available and interfund revenues Interest on deposits and investments Miscellaneous Per capita State Aid Credits Unincorporated Area - $5.19 + $2.92 ** or $8.11 per resident Village of Larchmont - $5.19 + $3.60 *** or $8.79 per Village resident Village of Mamaroneck - $5.19 + $5.32 *** or $10.51 per Village resident ** Per Capita State Aid for Residents of Unincorporated Area. *** Per Capita State Aid paid directly to the Villages. - 9 - TOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1974 ESTIMATED FUNDS SCHEDULES APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES* TAX LEVY GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 & 3 913,105. 620,350. 292,755. Federal Sharing Revenue Schedules 13 & 14A 180,050. 180,050. - Town Outside III Villages Schedules 2 & 4 1,169,656. 117,000. 1,052,656. Federal Sharing Revenue Schedules 14 & 14A 93,000. 93,000. - 2,355,811 . 1,010 ,400 . 1,345 ,411. HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Schedules 5 & 6 455,995. 51,500. 404,495. SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule 7 356,000. - 356,000. Water Schedule 8 30,300. 30,300. - Street Lighting Schedule 9 47,434. - 47,434. Sewer Schedule 10 103,310. 5,000. 98,310. Park Schedule 11 97,435. 3,000. 94,435. III Fire Schedule 12 387,340. - 387,3!:` TOTAL 3,833 ,625 . 1,100 ,200. 2,733 ,425 . *Includes Unexpended Balances. -10- COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1973 1974 1 General Fund - Town Wide 158,892,524. 159,802,971. General Fund - Town Outside Villages 70,279,320. 70,287,198. Highway Fund 70,279,320. 70,287,198. Garbage District 70,279,320. 70,287,198. Water District 70,303,320. 70,293,198. Street Lighting 70,303,320. 70,293,193. Sewer District 64,618,720. 65,737,098. IIPark District 67,148,180. 67,068,198. Fire District 70,279,320. 70,287,198. 1973 1974 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Fund - Town Wide 1.64 1.83 .19 General Fund - Town Out- side Villages 13.65 14.98 1.33 Highway Fund 5.40 5.76 .36 Garbage District 5.22 5.07 .15 Water District -- -- -- -- Street Lighting District .60 .68 .08 Sewer District 1.87 1.50 .37 Park District 1.39 1.41 .02 III Fire District 4.50 5.51 1.01 34.27 36.74 2.99 .52 1973 1974 SUMMARY BY AREAS Actual Estimated Increase Decrease Village of Mamaroneck 1.64 1.83 .19 Village of Larchmont 1.64 1.83 .19 Unincorporated Area 34.27 36.74 2.47 -11- SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget A1010.0 TOWN BOARD -- 1972 1973 TTm 1974 Adopted 1010.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 12,000. 12.000. _r - 12,000. 12,000. 12,000, 12,000. 12,000. 1010.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Publishing Notices, Reports, etc. 723 L000. ? ,,000. ...�. 402 Travel & Conventions 259. 300, __. 200. 982. 1,300. ..__1 200. 1 200. • TOTAL 121982. 13�.?)00. 13.200. 13,200. � � � -12- III SCHEDULE 1 - (coned) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A1110.0 JUSTICES 1110.0 PERSONAL SERVICES III 101 Town Justices (2) 11,400. 12,400. 13,280. 102 Court Clerk 7,685. 8,205. 8,480. 103 Court Clerk 6,510. 7,370. 8,350. 104 Court Clerk P.T. 2,296. _ 2,750. 3,000. 27,891. 30,725. 33,110. 33,110. 1110.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Office Furniture 126. 45. 85. 202 Tape Recorder 321. - - 203 Adding Machine 139. - 500. 586. 45. 585. 585. 1110.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4,727. 5,060. 5,130. 402 Part Time Cleaner 1,041. 1,050. 1,050. 5,768. 6,110. 6,180. 6,180. TOTAL 34 245. 36 880. 39,875. 39,875. -13- III SCHEDULE 1 - Cont'd. GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted • A1220.0 SUPERVISOR 1220.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor 8,000. 12,000. ' 12,000. * 102 Confidential Secty. ,Executive Assist. ,Deputy Town Clerk 5,988. 6,248. 6,693. 103 Senior Stenographer 7,410, 8,540. 8,370. 104 Deputy Supervisor - - 4,000. 21,398. 26,788. 312063. 31_„063. 1220.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter 517. - - 202 Office Furniture 476. - - 993. - - - 1220.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 807. 960. 900. 402 Travel & Conventions - 200. 200. 807. 1,160. 1,100. 1 1100. TOTAL 23,198. 27,948. 32, 163. 32, 163. *Supervisor's Office (1/2) and Town Clerk' s Office (1/2) . -14- III SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Ado ted A1315.0 COMPTROLLER/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1315.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller/Director-Finance 20,020. 21,220. 16,050. 102 Deputy Comptroller - - 11,620. 103 Senior Acct. Clerk (2) 17,115. 18,580. 21,170. 104 Senior Acct. Clerk & Deputy Rec. of Taxes 8,770 . 9,290. 10,820. 105 Junior Accountant 5,072. 9,910. - 106 . Temporary Add'1. Services 285. 3,900. 3,000. III 107 Receiver of Taxes 14,120. 14 950. - 65,382. 77,850 62,660. 62,660. 1315.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter & Calculators 320. 866. 800. 202 Office Furniture 250. 100. 250. 570. 966. 1,050. 1,050. 1315.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Office Supplies 5,058. 5,100. 6,400. 402 Travel & Conventions - 200. 200. 403 Bond & Note Expense - - 1,000. 5,058. 5,300. 7,600. 7,600. TOTAL 71,010. 84,116. 71.010. 71,310. -15- SCHEDULE 1 -(Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Ado tp ed A1320.0 INDEPENDENT. AUDITING 1320.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Independent Audit 4,750. 4,750. 6,000. TOTAL 4,750. 4,750. 6,000. 6,000. -16- III SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A1355.0 ASSESSOR 1355.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 15,745. 16,690. 17,875. 102 Deputy Assessor - 9,930. 11,095. * 103 Assessment Clerk 9,200. - - 104 Assistant Assessment Clerk 5,332. 7,065. 8,090. 105 Temporary Add'1. Services - 700. 300. III 106 Board of Review 1,100. 1,100. 1,100. ** 107 Professional Appraiser 1,859. - - 33,236. 35,485. 38,460. 381460. 1355.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Office Furniture 523. 150. - 202 Office Equipment _ - - 720. 523. 150. 720. 720. 1355.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Exp. 1,741. 2,900. 3,100. 402 Travel & Car Expenses 462. 1,100. 900. 403 Appraisals, Cert. , etc. 1,458. 3,000. 3,000. 404 Tax Maps 169. 1,000. 300. 3,830. 8,000. 7,300. 7,300. TOTAL 37,589. 43,635. 46,480. 46,480. * Transferred from Receiver of Taxes Office. III ** Transferred to A/C 403. -17- III SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As . Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A1410.0 TOWN CLERK 1410.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 13,820. 14,900. 15,945. • 102 Temporary Additional Serv. - 2,340. 3,500. * 103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant & Deputy Town Clerk 52987. 6,247. 6,692. 19 ,807. 23 487. 26,137. 26,137. III1410.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Exp. 538. 700. 700. 538. 700. 700. 700.. TOTAL 20,345. 24,187. 26,837. 26,837. * Town Clerk's Department (1/2) & Supervisor's Department (1/2). III -18- III SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont`d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE APPROPRIATI ON S ' Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A1420.0 ATTORNEY - 1420.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney 16,000. 17,500. 20,000. 102 Contingent Professional Services 1,471. 3,500. 1,000. 103 Steno. Services _ 7,000. 7,000. 81000. 24,471 28,000. 29,000. 29,000. III1420.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Exp. 1,053. 900. 900. 402 Travel Expenses 318. 300. 300. 1,371. 1,200. 1,200. 1,200. TOTAL 25,842. 29,200. 30,200. 30,200. III -19- SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted • A144O.0 ENGINEER 1440.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 12,679. 18,905. 20,350. 102 Sr. Engineering Aide 11,975. 12,495. 13,135. 103 Additional Professional Services 835. 1,000. 1,600. 25,489. 32,400. 35,085. 35,085. III 1440.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Radio, Level, Calculator - 1,000. 2,000. 1,000. 2,000. 2,000. 1440.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES , 401 Supplies & Other Exp. 1,535. 1,500. 1,700. 402 Travel & Conventions - 200. 400. 1,535. 1,700. 2,100. 2,100. TOTAL 27,024. 35,100. 39,185. 39,185. -20- III SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont`d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Ado•ted A1450.0 ELECTIONS 1450.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 1,285. 1,200. 1,200. 102 Temporary Addtl. Svices, 622. 2,575. 2,750. 103 Inspectors & Poll Clerks 16,387. 16,139. 17,250. 18,294. 19,914. 21,200, 21,200. 1450.2 EQUIPMENT III 201 Voting Machines & Election Booths 2 X323. - - 2,323. - - - 1450.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES ' 401 Supplies & Other 1,327. 150. 150, Expenses 402 Rental Polling Places 3,194. 2,080. 2,080. 403 Transportation of 2,293. 2,100. Equipment 2,100. ' 404 Equipment Rental (Voting Machine) - - 600. 6 814. 4 330. 4 930. 4 930. TOTAL 27,431. 24,244. 26,130. 26,130. III -21- SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A1620.0 TOWN OFFICES 1620.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Temporary Additional Services (Vacations, Overtime, etc.) 4,950. 660. - 4,950. 660. - - • 1620.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Alterations, Office Equipment, etc. 1,829. - 2,900. 202 Postage Machine - -203 Check Writer & Signer - - - 1,829. - 2,9000 2,900. 1620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1,631. 3,500. 3,500. 402 Stationery & Postage 1,984. 1,000. - 403 Telephone 8,381. 7,300. 8,100. 404 Rent 8,315. 8,500. 10,100. 405 Switchboard - Town's Share 3,500. 3,500. 4,000. 406 : Equipment Rental (Postage & Xerox) - - 3,000. 407 Service Contracts - - 2,300. 23,811 23,800. 31,000. 31,000. TOTAL 30,590 24,460. 33, 900. 33, 900. -22- SCHEDULE 1 - (Coati d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 _ 1973 1974 Adopted A 1670.0 CENTRAL PRINTING & MAILING 1670.4 Contractual Expenses 401 Postage -------- .500 $4,500. 4 500. --- -23- SCHEDULE 1 - (Coned) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted PUBLIC SAFETY • A3510.0 SAFETY OF ANIMALS 3510.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Dog Enumerator 565. 650. 700. TOTAL 565. 650. 700. 700. A3640.0 CIVIL DEFENSE* 3640.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Sirens - - - 3640.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 383. 400. 400. 402 Repairs, Replacements & Tools, etc. - - - TOTAL 383. 400 . 400. 400. 948. 1,050. 1,100. 1,100. Village of Larchmont (1/2) & Town of Mamaroneck (1/2) . III -24- SCHEDULE 1- (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A5650.0 PARKING FIELDS 5650.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401-1 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #1) 2,131. 2,000. 750. 401-2 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #3) 262. 250 150. 2,393. 2,250. 900. 900. DEBT SERVICE • *A5650.6 Redemption of Bond Anticipation Note 13,000. 13,000. - *A5650.7 Interest on Note 1,254. 1 065. 14,254. 14,065. - TOTAL 16,647. 16 315. 900. 900. * Transferred to Debt Service. -25- SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS • Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A7020.0 GENERAL RECREATION 7020.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Superintendent 15,745. 16,690. 19,195. 102 Commission Secretary - 300. 300. • 103 Recreation Attendants (Maintenance) 1,342. 1,500. 2,000. 104 Maintenance Man (Repair) 8,424. 8,945. 9,585. 105 Senior Typist 6,955. 7,840. 8,845. 106 Memorial & Hummocks Park Attendants 9 647. 7 600. 6 100 42 113. 42 875. 46,025. 46,025. • 7020.2 EQUIPMENT • 201 Memorial Park & Play- ground 2,464. 1,000. 500. 202 Station Wagon - - 3,850. 203 Equipment-Hummocks Area 2,765. - - 204 Picnic Shelter (Located at the Hammocks-for use of Community Organiz.) - 6,000. - 5,229. 7,000. 4350. 4,350. 7020.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 8,513. 11,100. 13,100. 8,513. 11,100. 13,100. 13,100. • TOTAL 55,855. 60,975. 63,475. 63,475. • -26- SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted GENERAL RECREATION (Con'd) A7180.0 POOL (TOWN'S SHARE) 7180.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 45,799. 41,508. 45,800. 7180.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 25,764. 32,500. 40,900. 71,563. 74,008. 86,700. 86,700. A7310.0 YOUTH PROGRAMS 7310.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 41,183. 46,149. 57;500. III 7310.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 16,231. 15,817. 18,800. 57,414. 61,966. 76,300. 76,300. A7620.0 ADULT RECREATION 7620.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 7,100. 7,284. 4,930. 7620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 8,102. 6,878. 6,620. 15,202. 14,162. 11,550. TOTAL 200,034. 211,111. 238,025. 238,025. REVENUES Estimated State Aid 4,553. 4,553. 4,550. Estimated Fees 90,822. 110,775. 131,700. TOTAL 95,375. 115,328. 136,250. 136,250. NET APPROPRIATION 104,659. 95,783. 101,775. 101.775. -27- III SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted , A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION 8510.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Consultant 1,000. 1,000. 5,000. 102 Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 9,935. 10,980. 11,760. 103 Laborers 3,839. 4,800. 5,600. 104 Secretary 245. 300. 300. III 105 Temporary Additional - 600. 600. Services 15 019 17 680. 23 260. 23 260. 8510.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Equipment Rental & 2 250. • Operation 1,297. 1,900. , 202 Bulldozer Rental 750. 200. 500. 2 047. 2 100. 2 750. 2 750. 8510.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3,143. 4,200. 4,500. .402 Travel & Conventions - 500. 300. 403 Premium River Catwalk - - • 1,200. 404 Natural Resource Inventory - - C 405 Liability Insurance - 550. 3. 143. 4.700. 6,550. 6 550. C - Federal Revenue Sharing -28- SCHEDULE 1 - (Coned) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget • 1972 1973 1974 Ado.ted COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION (Cont'd) A8560.0 SHADE TREE FUND 8560.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1,468._-- 1,750. 1,750. III1468. 1 750. 1 750. 1 750. A8810.0 CEMETERIES • 8810.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 255. 400. 400. 255. 400. 400. 400. • TOTAL 21 932. .26 630. 34 710. 34 710. -29- III SCHEDULE 1 -. (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Ado.ted MISCELLANEOUS A4210.4 Narcotics Guidance Council - State - 5,000. A1680.4 Data Processing Payroll 1,089. 1,440. 1,440. A1910.4 Official Bonds & Undertakings 511. 600. 600. A1920.0 Municipal Assoc. Dues 400. 400. 450. A1950.0 Real Estate Taxes 2,491. 3,000. 3,200. A1990.0 Contingency Fund - 21,625. 20,000. A5010.1 Supt. of Highways 15,745. 16,690. 17,875. A5010.1 Bookkeeper-P.T. Supt. of Highways 520. 520. - A6410.4 Street Signs 300. 900. ' 1,400. A6510.4 Veteran's Organ. Rooms 600. 900. 900. A7550.4 Patriotic Days Observ. 1,221. 1,250. 1.200. TOTAL 22 877. 47 325. i6. 06. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A9010.8 State Retire. Sys. 42,871. 43,000. 50,400. -A9030.8 Social Security Taxes 10,981. 15,500. 18,000. A9040.8 Workmen's Compensa- tion & Pub. Liability 17,548. 18,500. 22,000. 49045.8 Group Life Ins. 2,723. 3,100. 3,000. A9055.8 Disability Ins. - 875. 950. A9060.8 Group Health Ins. . 14,460. 16,200. 17,700. A9070.8 Dental Plan - - 3,200. TOTAL 88083 97,175. 115,250. 115,250. UNCLASSIFIED A9201.4 Bond & Coupon Svc.Fees 81. 200. 200. III A9202.0 Mamaroneck Community Action Program 7,000. 5,675. - C *A9203.0 Narcotic Guid.Council 60,503. 82,8339 72,000. A9204.0 Improvement of Hammocks Area - - A9206.0 Moving Expenses,etc. - - 2 500. A9207.0 Refund of Town Taxes 381. 1,000. A9208.0 Prem.Riv. Title Search - - - A9209.0 Tax Abatement Hurricane Agnes - 74 700 TOTAL I. 67 .97 . 89,708. , 74.700. C - See Federal Revenue Sharing -30- III SCHEDULE 1 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended ' Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted A9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal Parking Fields 10,000. 10,000. 10,000. A9710.7 Interest 2,475. 2,025. 1,575. A9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes - Principal Elections 3,000. 3,000. - Hommocks ' 30,000. 30,000. - C Central School - 11,000. C III Voting Machines - - - C Parking Fields 13,000. - - C Premium River - - - C A9730.7 Interest 9,933. 7,349. 13,000. A9760.7 Tax Anticipation Notes - Interest 656. 1,800. 2,000. TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 69,064. 65,174. 26,575.. 26,575. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 248 499. 299 382. 268 590. 268 590. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE APPROPRIATIONS 803,066. 902,308. 913,105. 913,105. C - See Federal Revenue Sharing III -31- III SCHEDULE 2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATION Budget As Preliminary 1974 • Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Ado•ted B-1670.0 Central Printing & Mailing 1670.4 Postage - - 225. - - 225. 225. IIITOTAL - - 225. 225. B-3120.0 POLICE 3120.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries (Includes Holiday Compensation & Overtime). 460,157. 534,275. 573,000. 102 Cleaner 4,325. 4,560. 5,200, 103 School Guards 24,569. 27,970. 32,400. 104 Maintenance Man (Traffic Signs) 6,656. 5,367. 5,751. 105 Senior Stenographer 8,020. 8,945. 9,585. 106 Temporary Add!l. Services - - 1,000. 503,727. 581,117. 626,936. 626,936. 3120.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 15,880. 18,000. 22,000. 201A Motorcycle - - - 202 Uniforms, etc. 7,008. 9,000. 9,000. 203 Radios 1,285. 1,500. 4,000. III 204 Other-Miscellaneous 803. 4,100. 3,000. 205 Office Furniture 1,060. 1,000. 750. 206 Vascar II Speed Computer - 1,000.. 207 Detective Equipment 1,419. 1,000. 3,000. 27,455. 35,600. 41,750. 41,750. -32- III SCHEDULE 2 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted POLICE - (Cont'd) • 3120.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies 6,917. 6,500. 7,000. 402 Building Operation 15,720. 2,600. 5,000. 403 Telephone 7,796. 7,250. 9,500. 404 Light Gas & Water 1,480. 1,800. 2,000. 405 Gas and Oil 7,822. 6,500. 7,000. 406 Equipment Operation 13,512. 8,500. 12,000. 407 Traffic Signals & Signs 7,757. 6,200. 6,200. - 408 Travel Expenses 435. 1,500. 1,500. 409 Miscellaneous 1,473. 3,000. 4,000. 410 Proposed Surveys and Studies - - - 411 Professional Develop- ment Program 8,643. 14,500. .9,500. CR * 412 In-Service Training - 3,500. 2,500. 71 555. 61 850. 66 200. 66 200. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 311.0.8 New York State Retire. 69,140. 113,700. 135,400. CR 3115.8 Police Pension Fund - 20,000. 25,000. 3130.8 Social Security Taxes 19,075. 27,000. 31,500. 3140.8 Compensation & Liability 13,832. 14,000. 15,500. Insurance 3145.8 Group Life Insurance 4,057. 4,560. 4,800. 3155.8 Disability Insurance 100. 110. (Non-Law Enforcement) 3160.8 Group Health Insurance 23,966. 26,400. 28,300. 3170.8 Dental Plan - - 5,300. 130 070. 205 760. 245 910. 245 910. IIITOTAL 732,807. 884,327. 980,796. 980,796.._ _ *In-service program allocated as follows: A/C 101 6500.00 A/C 412 2500.00 9000.00 CR - See Federal Revenue Sharing Fund -33- ■ SCHEDULE 2 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted B3620.0 BUILDING & PLUMBING • 3620.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Inspector 14,940. 16,690. 18,125. 102 Senior Stenographer 8,425. 8,945. 9,585. 103 Examining Board of Plumbers 120. 180. 240. 104 Additional Professional Services 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. 24,485. 26,815. 28,950. 28,950. 3620.2 EQUIPMENT • 201 New Automobile 2,770. 3,300. 3,500. � 202 Typewriter - - 625. 2,770. 3,300.. 4,125.. 4,125. 3620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES ' 401 Supplies & Other Expenses. 356. 600. 700. 356. 600. 700. 700. TOTAL 27,611. 30,715. 33,775. 33,775. • r -34- SCHEDULE 2 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - T(MN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget B5650.0 PARKING FIELDS (LOT #2) 1972 1973 1974 Adopted 5650.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses - - 250. TOTAL -. 250. 250. • • -35- SCHEDULE 2 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As • Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted B8010.0 BOARD OF APPEALS (ZONING) 8010.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 325. 325. 200. 325. 325. 325. 8010.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 190. 350. 350. 190. 350. 350. 350. TOTAL 390. 675. 675. 675. • -36- SCHEDULE 2 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted B8020.0 PLANNING BOARD 8020.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 • Secretary 175. 300. 300. 175. 300. 300.________300. 8020.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 114. 200. 225. 114. 200. 225. 225. TOTAL 289. 500. 525. 525. -37- SCHEDULE 2 - (Cont'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS B3510.4 Humane Society Cont. 10,039. 10,039. 11,050 . B4020.4 Registrar Vital Statistics .50. 65. 100. B5650.4 Parking Meters, Lot #2 6. . 250. - B7410.4 Pub. Library Contract 76,055. 92,250. 100,455. B8520.4 Thruway Noise Abatement 8. 30. 50. B7610.4 . Programs for Aging - - - CR TOTAL 86,158. 102,634. 111,655. 111,655. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS B9010.8 Employees' Retire. Sys. 3,597. 4,250. 4,600. B9030.8 Social Security Taxes 894. 1,200. 1,300. B9040.8 Comp. & Liability Ins. 334. 400. 500. B9045.8 Group Life Insurance 202. 230. 225. B9055.8 Disability Insurance - 65. 80. B9060.8 Group Health Insurance 645. 700. 1,100. B9070.8 Dental Plan _ - - 250. TOTAL 5,672. 6,845. 8,055. 8,055. UNCLASSIFIED B9206.0 Police Station & Court House Projects 10,272. 4,000. B9490.0 Contingency Fund - 10,000. 20,000. B9492.0 Miscellaneous (General Code Pub.) 1,300. - - B9493.0 Joint Composting Venture 6,435. 12,000. 10,000. TOTAL 18 007. 26 000. 30 000. 30,000. DEBT SERVICE III B9730.6 Bond Anticipation Note: Police Sta. & Court House Projects-Principal 10,000. 10,000. - CR B9730.7 Bond Anticipation Note: Police Station & Court House Projects -- Interest 3,459. 3 200. 3,700, TOTAL 13 459 . 13 200. 3 00. 700. CR - See Federal Revenue Sharing Fund -38- SCHEDULE 2 - (Coned) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES -. APPROPRIATIONS Budget Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified. Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS (Coned) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 123,296. 148,679. 153.410. 153,410. III GRAND TOTAL .- GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES APPROPRIATIONS 8: 1 064 896. 1 169 656 1 16' • 6, • ill -39- III SCHEDULE - 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES * GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1974 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopte OTHER TAX ITEMS A1090 Interest and Penalties on Taxes 31,000. 33,000. 33,000. 33,000. DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS A1255 Town Clerk's Fees 1,200. 1,100. 1,100. A1560 Safety Inspection Fees 450. 500. 500. A1720 Parking Lot Fees - - - A1720A Parking Lot Fees - - - A1720B Parking Lot Fees - - • - A1740 Off Street Parking Meter Fees Lot #1 16,000. 15,000. 15,000. A1740A Off Street Parking Meter Fees Lot #3 7,000. 6,500. 6,500. A2001 Recreation Fees 92,570. 110,775. 131,700. 117,220. 133,875. .154,800. . 154,800. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY A2401 Interest on Earnings 73,000. 78,000. 63,000. A2410 Property Rental 1,422. 1,703. 1,600. 74,422. 79,703. 64,600. 64,600 LICENSES AND PERMITS A2544 Dog Licenses 2,700. 3,500. 2,700. A2560 Street Opening Permit - - 200. A2590 Permits, Other - - - 2,700. 3,500. 2,900. 2,900 FINES & FORFEITURES IIIA2610 Justices' Fees 6,400. 7,000. 5,000. 5,000 SALE OF PROPERTY & COMPENSATION FOR LOSS A2650 Sale .of Scrap & Excess Material - - - A2655 Minor Sales, Other - - - A2665 Sale of Equipment - - - A2680 Insurance Recoveries - - - MISCELLANEOUS A2701 Refund Appropriation Prior Yrs. - - . - A2772 Civil Defense Refund 325. 200. 200. A2773 Share of Assessor 2,000. 2,000. 2,000. 2,325. 2.200. 2,200. 2,200. -40- III SCHEDULE 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES* (Continued) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1974 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted INTERFUND REVENUES A2842 Transfer from Special Dist. 5,945. 6,300. 6,300. 5,945. 6,300. 6,300. 6,300. STATE AID A3001 Per Capita 122,300. 134,680. 162,000. A3005 Mortgage Tax 41,000. 49,000. 48,000. A3007 Loss of Railroad Tax Rev. 1,789. 1,511. 1,600. A3090 Narcotics Addiction Ctr.-State 3,400. - 3,400. A3090A Narcotics Addiction Ctr.-County 73,658. 82,833. 72,000. A3820 Youth Programs 4,028. 4,553. 4,550. III C4001 Federal Revenue Sharing - 37,710. - 246,175. 310,287. 291,550. 291,550. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - GENERAL 31,250. 28,845. 60,000. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - 37,710. - 31 250. 66,555. 60,000. 60,000. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE - ESTIMATED REVENUES 517,437. 642,420. 620,350. 620,350. *Includes unexpended balance. • -41- III SCHEDULE 4 - ESTIMATED REVENUES* GENERAL FUND - TOWN - OUTSIDE VILLAGES OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1974 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS B1520 Police Dept. Fees 631 700. 700. B1720 Parking Lot Fees-Lot #2 1,717. 1,750. - B1740 Off Street Parking Meter - Lot #2 - - - B2110 Zoning Fees 525. 500. 400. B2115 Planning Board Fees 80.; 100. 100. 2,957. 3,050. 1,200. 1,200. LICENSES AND PERMITS B2590 Permits, Other - - 1,800. 1,800. FINES & FORFEITURES B2610 Fines & Forfeited Bail - - 25,000. 25,000. SALE OF PROPERTY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOSS B2650 Sale of Scrap & Excess Natl. - - - B2655 Minor Sales, Other - - - B2665 Sale of Equipment - - - B2680 Insurance Recoveries - - 1,000. 1,000. MISCELLANEOUS B2701 Refund of Appr. Prior Yrs. - - - B2770 Other Unclassified Revenue 1,473. 1,800. - STATE AID PER CAPITA B3000 State of New York Matching Funds 1,000. - B3001 Per Capita 32,365. 32,365. 38,000. CF4001 Federal Revenue Sharing - 28,865. - _-32,365. 62,230. 38,000. 38,000. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - GENERAL - 10,000. 50,000. 50,000. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - 28,865. - - - 38 865. 50 000. 50 000. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES 36,795. 105,945. 117,000. 117,000. ESTIMATED REVENUES -42 * Includes unexpended balance. SCHEDULE 5 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted DR5110.0 ITEM I - REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT FUND 5110.1 Personal Services 126,198. 168,295.. 186,000. 5110.2 General Repairs 94,161. 101,000. 110.000. 220,359. 269,295. 296,000. 296,000. DR9000 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9010.8 Employees' Retirement IIISystem 33,284. 33,400. 38,500. 9030.8 Social Sec. Taxes 7,217. 10,400. 15,000. 9040.8 Compensation Insurance 3,919. 4,500. 4,800. 9045.8 Group Life Insurance 2,447. 2,440. 2,600. 9055.8 Disability Insurance - 720. 800. 9060.8 Group Health Insurance 10,609. 12,300. 13,700. 9070.8 Dental Plan - - 2,800. 57,476. 63,760. 78,200. 78,200. TOTAL ITEM I 277,835. 333,055. 374,200. 374,200. DB5120.0 - BRIDGE FUND DB5120.1 Personal Services 64. 300. 300. DB5120.4 Contractual Expenses 60. 500. 500. TOTAL ITEM II 124. 800. 800. 800. DM5130.0 ITEM III - MACHINERY FUND 5130.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Automotive Mechanic 9,193. 9,720. 10,360. 10,360. III5130.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Purchase of Equipment 11,828. 1,319. - CR 5130.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Exp. 6,794. 7,000. 7,700. 402 Repairs 8,813. 10,000. 11,000. 403 Storage 3,373. 4,200. 4,700. 404 Gas & Oil 5,005. 6,300. 7,000. 23,985. 27,500. 30,400. 30,400. CR - See Federal Revenue Sharing Fund -43- SCHEDULE 5 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND - (Coned) d) DEBT SERVICE DM9740.6 Capital Notes -Principal 4563. 21,563. - CR DM9740.7 Capital Notes-Interest 132. 731. 985. 4695. 22,294. 985. 985. TOTAL ITEM III _ 49701. 60,833. 41,745. 41,745. III D55140.0 ITEM IV-SNOW & MISC. FUND DS5140.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Cutting Weeds & Brush 4,092. 4,000. 11,500. 402 Miscellaneous 126. 800. 500. 403 Control of Ice & Snow 15,321. 25,000. 25,000. 19,539. 29,800. 37,000. 37,000. TOTAL ITEM IV 19,539. 29,800. 37,000. 37,000. ITEM V - TOWN GARAGE DEBT SERVICE D9710.6 Bonds-Principal 10,000. 10,000. - CR D9710.7 Bonds-Interest 2,850. 2,550. 2,250. 2,250. TOTAL ITEM V 12,850. 12,550. 2,250. 2,250. GRAND TOTAL - HIGHWAY FUND IIIAPPROPRIATIONS 360,049. 437,038. 455,995. 455,995. CR - See Federal Revenue Sharing Fund -44- III SCHEDULE 6 - ESTIMATED REVENUES* OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Preliminary 1974 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted ITEM I - REPAIRS & .IMPROVEMENT FUND DR2680 Miscellaneous 2,533. 2,100. 2,100. DR3501 State Aid 2,629. 2,600. 2,600. Unexpended Balance 31,985. 35,000. 30,000. 37,147. 39,700. 34,700. 34,700. ill ITEM II - BRIDGE FUND IIIUnexpended Balance 300. 300. 800. 300. 300. 800. 800. ITEM III - MACHINERY FUND DM2850 Gas & Oil Refunds 4,535. 6,000. 4,000. Unexpended Balance 13,377. 6,000. 6,000. 17,912. 12,000. 10,000. 10000. ITEM IV - SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND DS2850 Snow Removal Refunds 1,161. 1,800. 1,000. Unexpended Balance 2,316. 4,000. 5,000. 3 477. 5 800. 6 000. 6 000. ITEM V - TOWN GARAGE Unexpended Balance - - - III GRAND TOTAL - HIGHWAY FUND REVENUES 58,836. 57,800. 51,500. 51,500 *Includes unexpended balances . -45- III SCHEDULE 7 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPROPRIATIONS Budget AS Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted SR8160.0 GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 8160.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 154 825. 163,045. - 154 825. 163 045. - 8160.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4,076. 7,000. -. 402 Equipment Operation 5,651. 6,000. 403 Incinerator Operation 102,664. 135,326. 356,000. 356,000. 112,391. 148,326. 356,000. 356,000. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SR9010.8 Employees Retirement System 14,145. 17,350. - SR9030.8 Social Security Taxes 8,012. 9,540. - SR9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 7,423. 7,500. - SR9045.8 Group Life Insurance 1,794. 2,220. - SR9055.8 Disability Insurance - 650. - SR9060.8 Group Health Insurance 8,468. 10,425. - SR9070.8 Dental Plan - - - 39,842. 47,685. - DEBT SERVICE SR9740.6 Capital Notes - Princ. 6,987. 6,987. - SR9740.7 Capital Notes - Inter. 253. 538. - v _ 7,240. 7,525. - - IIITOTAL 314,298. 366,581. 356,000. 356,000. REVENUES Unexpended Balance - - - TOTAL - - - GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - 366,581. 356,000. 356,000. -46- III LARCHMONT-MAMARONECK JOINT GARBAGE COMMISSION TENTATIVE BUDGET 1974 Actual Tentative 1972 Budget Budget Account Description Expenditures 1973 1974 200 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Salaries (Plant Incl. Supt. and OT) 46,918.83 50,995.00 298,800.00 Materials and Supplies 4,593.34 5,000.00 10,000.00 Repairs and Replacements 20,384.78 20,000.00 22,000.00 Building Maintenance and Repairs 875.30 1,000.00 1,000.00 Grounds, Roadway & Dumps - - Electrical Power and Light 1,274.39 1,800.00 2,400.00 Water 84.96 120.00 . 120.00 Gasoline, Oil, etc. 5,353.03 5,500.00 9,500.00 Use of Transfer Station (Vill. of Mam`k.) - 300.00 300.00 Use of Croton Dump 70,430.50 102,000.00 102,000.00 III Uniform Rental - 4,500.00 TOTAL 200 149,915.13 186,715.00 450,620.00 300 GENERAL CHARGES Salary (Secretary-Treasurer) 3,113.04 3,365.00 5,500.00 Contract Services 1,780.86 2,060.00 1,690.00 Contingent Account 8,674.51 10,000.00 15,000.00 Stationery and Supplies 122.33 130.00 130.00 Telephone 366.13 435.00 435.00 Employees Retirement System 6,344.00 8,600.00 43,800.00 Insurance - Liability 7,647.50 7,700.00 8,000.00 Group Life Insurance 747.30 750.00 4,800.00 Sewer Tax . 246.69 300.00 300.00 Social Security 1,796.88 2,550.00 14,300.00 Health Insurance 1,755.15 2,000.00 15,000.00 Dental Plan - - 3,700.00 Bond Anticipation Notes 17,350.68 17,500.00 17,500.00 Recycling (Operating & Hauling Expenses) 2,108.90 2,200.00 9,000.00 Recycling (Capital Projects & repairs) 2,403.30 5,000.00 200.00 Insurance - Workmen's Compensation - - 15,000.00 Insurance - Disability - 1,100.00 TOTAL 300 54,457.27 62,590.00 155,455.00 III GRAND TOTAL 204,372.40 249,305.00 606,075.00 ESTIMATED COST PER MUNICIPALITY Town of Mamaroneck - 58.8% $356,000.00 . Village of Larchmont - 41.2% 250,075.00 TOTAL $606,075.00 -46A- SCHEDULE 8 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS & REVENUES * Budget As Preliminary .1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Ado•ted F8340.0 WATER DISTRICT #1 APPROPRIATIONS 8340.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses - 2,000. 1,000. 402 Water District System Capital Costs 34,759. 20,000. 5,000. 34,759. 22,000. 6,000. 6,000. IIIDEBT SERVICE F9710.6 Serial Bonds-Principal 17,000. 16,000. 15,000. F9710.7 Serial Bonds-Interest 10,585. 9,933. 9,300. 27,585. 25,933. 24,300. 24,300. TOTAL 62,344. 47.933. 30,300. 30,300. REVENUES F2414 Pipe Line Rentals - 3,433. 3,000. F2770 Water Revenues (Net) - 24,500. 27,300. TOTAL 27,933. 30,300. 30,300, WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - 20,000. - - -47- SCHEDULE 9 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted SL5182.0 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 5182.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 3,633 3,578. 3,834. 102 Temporary Add`l. Svces. -• - . 1,000. 3,633. 3,578. 4,834. 4,834. 5182.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES III 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 568. 992. 2,100. 402 Operation (Energy) 26,005. 33,000. 36,500. 403 Installations 3,747. 4,800. 4,000. 30,320. 38,792. 42,600. 42,600. TOTAL, 33,953. 42}370. 47,434. 47,434. REVENUES Unexpended Balance - - TOTAL STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY - 47,434. 47,434. III -48- I SCHEDULE 10 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - 'APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 . 1974 Adopted SS8120.0 SEWER DISTRICT #1 '8120.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 645. 3,000. 3,000. 645. 3,000. 3,000. 3,000. 8120.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other II/ Expenses 301. 750. 750. 402 Compensation & Liability Insurance 86. 300. 300. 403 Sewer Construction Costs 33,888. 37,745. 37,000. 404 Maintenance-Two Sewer 535. 1,000. 1,500. Pump Stations 34,810. 39,795. . '39,550. 39,550. DEBT SERVICE SS9710.6 Serial Bonds-Principal 47,000. 47,000. 39,000. SS9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes - Principal 6,000. 6,000. 6,000. SS9740.6 Capital Notes-Principal 13,500. 13,500. - SS9710.8 Serial Bonds-Interest 10,176. 8,160. 6,320. SS9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes-Interest 5,905. 6,548. 9,440. SS9740.7 Capital Notes-Interest 411. 851. - 82,992. 82,059. 60,760. 60.760. TOTAL, 11.8,447.. 124,854. 103,310. 103.310. REVENUES III Unexpended Balance — 3 800. . 000 TOTAL 3,800. 5.000. 5.000. SEWER DISTRICT TAX LEVY 121,054. 98,310. 98,310. -49- SCHEDULE 11 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted SP7110.0 PARK DISTRICT #1 7110.0 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assistant General Foreman (Park) 12,275. 13,295. 14,215. 102 Park Foreman 10,482. 10,980. 11,620. 103 Laborers 33,257. 36,830. 35,780. 104 Secretary 125. 200. 200. 56,139. 61,305. 61.815. 61.815. 7110.2 EQUIPMENT. 201 Heavy Duty Power Mower - - - 202 Heavy Duty Leaf Blower - - - • 7110.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4,136. 3,000.. 2,335. 402 Building Operation 552. 1,425. 1,575. 403 Equipment & Operating Costs 1,130. 1,350. 1,500. 404 Capital Improvement (Resurfacing Sidewalks @ Memorial Park) - 4,775. 500. 5,8.18. 10,550.. 5,910. 52_910. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SP9010.8 Employees' Retire- ment System 8,773. 11,350. 11,000. SP9030.8 Social Sec. Taxes 2,574. 3,420. 3,700. SP9040.8 Compensation & Liability Insurance 2,629. 2,850. 4,100. III SP9045.8 Group Life Insurance 663. 670. 700. SP9055.8 Disability' Insurance - 200. 225. SP9060.8 Group Health Insurance 2,739. 3,100. 3,100. SP9070.8 Dental Plan - - 750. 17 378. 21 590. 2 575. 23 575. -50- SCHEDULE 11 . Cont'd. SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted PARK DISTRICT #1 (Con't) DEBT SERVICE SP9710.6 Serial Bonds-Principal 6,000. 6,000. 6,000. SP9710.7 Serial Bonds-Interest 675. 405. 135. 6,675. 6,405. 6.135. 6,135. TOTAL 86,010. 99,850. 97,435. 97,435. REVENUES Unexpended Balance 7,200. 3,000. TOTAL 7,200. 3,000. 3,000. PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY 92,650. 94,435. 94,435 -51- SCHEDULE 12 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted 5E3410.0 FIRE DISTRICT #1 3410.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries (Includes Holiday Compensation and Overtime) 170,532. 181,239. 213,000. 170 532. 181 239. 213 000. 213 000. 3410.2 EQUIPMENT II/ 201 Renovation-Alarm Room - - 5,000. 202 Chief's Automobile - 4,000. - 203 Clothing 5,263. 4,000. 4,000. 204 Radios 834. 1,000. 1,500. 205 Quad 5-Apparatus (Part) - - - 206 Horn System-Alarm . 2,832. 1,000. 1,500. 2071 Emergency Generator ' 1,960. - - 208 Fire Fighting Equipment 2,560. 2,000. 3,000. 13,449. 12,000. 15,000. 15,000. 3410.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3,698. 9,000. 9,000. 402 Equipment Operation 8,351. 5,000. 9,000. 403 Building Operation 1 7,211. 5,000. 5,000. 404 Gas, Light, Water & Heat ' 3,616. 3,500. 4,000. 405 Inspection & Travel 3,027. 2,500. 3,300. 406 Telephone & Alarm 2,043. 2,000. 2,200. 407 Hydrant Rental 20,789. 21,150. 21,500. 408 Fire Prevention Program - 200. 200. 409 Educational Program - 500. 500. 48,735. 48,850. 54,700. 54.700. III EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SF 9010.8 Employees' Retire- ment System 21,839. 42,300. 58,600. 5E9030.8 Social Security Taxes 6,307. 8,850. 10,500. 5E9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 12,737. 13,750. 14,500. 5E9045.8 Group Life Insurance 1,546. 1,560. 1,700. 5E9060.8 Group Health Insurance 6,730. 7,550. 9,600. 5E9070.7 Dental Plan - - 1,900. 49,159. 74,010. 96,800. 96,800. -52- SCHEDULE 12 - (Cont'd) SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted FIRE DISTRICT #1 - (Cont'd) DEBT SERVICE SF9730.6 Bond Anticipation Note-Principal - 7,000. 7,000. SF9730.7 Bond Anticipation Note-Interest - 1,050. 840. 8,050. 7,840. 7.840. TOTAL 281,875. 324,149. 387,340. 387,340. REVENUES Unexpended Balance 8,000. - TOTAL 8,000. . - - FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY 316,149. 387,340. 387,340. SCHEDULE 13 GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Budget As Preliminary 1971 Expended Modified Budget' Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopter. ',8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION 3510.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 404 Natural Resource 4,500. NCLAS S IFIED ':202.0 Mamaroneck Community Action Program 10,000. 10,C,Y "':550.0 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL FUND Accounting Machines 28,000. 28 & Supplies '30.6 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES -- PRINCIPAL Parking Field 26,000. Hommocks 30,000. Central School 11,000. Voting Machines 10,550. Premium River 60,000. 137,550. 137,S' `. TOTAL 180,050. 180,050, -54- III SCHEDULE 14 GENERAL FUND - TC&JN OUTSIDE VILLAGE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Adopted CR3I20.0 POLICE 3120.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 411 Professional Development Program 11,500. III 3110.8 POLICE RETIREMENT 30,000. 41,500. 41,500. CR7610.4 PROGRAMS FOR THE AGING 4,500. 4,500 CR9550.0 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL FUND Farm Tractor & Attachments 10,000. 10,000. 10,000. CR9710.6 SERIAL BOND Town Garage 10,000. 10,000. CR9730.6 BOND ANTICIPATION NOTE PRINCIPAL Police Station & Court House 10,000. 10,000. CR9740.6 CAPITAL NOTES-PRINCIPAL 17,000. f7,000. IIITOTAL 93,000. 93,000. —55- SCHEDULE 14 A - ESTIMATED REVENUES FEDERAL REVENUE.FUND - GENERAL TOWN Budget As Preliminary 1974 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1972 1973 1974 Muted STATE AID C4001 Federal Revenue Sharing - - 67, 300. 67,300. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - - 112,750. 112,750. TOTAL REVENUES - - 180,050. 180,050-. FEDERAL REVENUE FUND - PART TCW STATE AID CR4001 Federal Revenue Sharing - 50,620. 50,620. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - 42,389. 42,380. TOTAL REVENUE - - 93,000. • 93,000. -55A- SCHEDULE 15 - TAX RATES YEAR TOWN COUNTY SCHOOL ASSESSMENT 1974 36.83 - - 159,808,971. 1973 34.26 21.73 70.62 158,892,524. 1972 31.66 25.29 65.72 157,735,040. 1971 29.71 20.80 63.08 157,544,453. 1970 26.55 20.33 59.02 156,062,762. 1969 24.77 17.12 53.17 154,615,479. 1968 25.36 17.36 51.71 132,658,271. 1967 23.28 14.11 43.86 130,996,235. III 1966 22.09 12.72 40.14 128,303,420. 1965 20.41 11.94 37.19 125,807,224. 1964 19.03 11.64 35.30 125,370,203. 1963 19.40 11.67 33.30 120,950,660. 1962 18.25 11.65 29.32 117,319,554. 1961 17.55 11.67 28.53 114,813,216. 1960 17.56 11.34 27.90 111,233.241. 1959 16.80 11.26 26.90 108,606,448. 1958 15.97 10.82 25.86 106,729,722. 1957 15.85 10.66 24.32 103,369,000. 1956 15.74 10.80 23.20 98,679,000. 1955 16.38 11.13 21.45 95,095,000. 1954 16.06 11.01 18.87 91,702,000. III1953 16.15 10.93 18.94 89,456,000. 1952 15.59 10.25 18.81 87,754,000. 1951 15.59 10.24 17.87 85,445,000. 1950 14.37 10.54 16.94 83,939,000. 1949 14.71 10.76 17.38 81,011,000. 1948 14.43 10.10 15.99 78,602,000. 1947 15.76 10.63 16.64 77,627,000. 1946 16.91 9.21 13.49 75,688,000. -56- III SCHEDULE 16 TOWN OF M.:',.M.I\RONEOK YEARL'f AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST C.iiAILS ON ALL BOND TSc117,5 AS OF j.,-NUInT I 19Y, YEAR ;,M0F,:.T77iTTO'j JNTERES TOTAL :±....7_.:....: 1974 $ 80,603.00 19578.50 ::::- 99,578,50 1975 67,00'3.00 16. 57: •:: 83,573.00 1976 56,000.00 14,1-'7 :'; 70,177.50 1977 35,000.00 12,0E,...5:: 47-,012: 50 III 1978 30,00.00 30,003.00 10,856 525.i:':.0.il. 9, 40,650.00 1979 39,525.00 1980 30,000.00 8,400,G 38,400.00 1981 30,000,00 n ,) ?, - 37,275.00 1982 20,000.00 6,300.0 26,300.00 1983 20,000.00 5,475.0'.) 25,475.00 1984 20,000,00 4,630.00 24.,650.00 1985 20,000,00 3,825,00 23,825.00 1986 21) oo0.ce 3000. 0 23,000.00 1987 2,175.0C; 22,175.00 1988 20TJ.00 it_.1.. :,- ,... . 21:2.50,00 1989 '20.00000 2),-.J,,r-,)i.- ,;' 20,525.0° '-'. t0000 125,..:.91, 643,491.30 III RECAPITULATIO : Ce-neral Tc.wn ',.--id,_.-, ,:::-:ds Park 1) ..tricr. Bondb c!.-7e-.: 'D:D,itrict 5o.-1d.; 157,00 fli_ Ely Districi: Bc,11.63 80,1_:0 515,COO -57- III SCHEDULE 16 (continued) SEWER DISTRICT BONDS YEAR A?�i011TI2,ATION :INTERES T TOTAL 1974 $ 39,00 .00 $ 6,318.50 $ 45,318.50 1975 22,.00.00 4,798.00 36,798.00 1976 16,0'06.00 3,752.50 19,752.50 1977 10,000 .G0 3,162.50 13,162.50 1978 5,000.00 2,700.00 7,700.00 1979 5 ,00000 2,475.00 7,475.00 1980 5,000.00 2,250.00 7,250.00 1981 5,00. .07 2,025,00 7,025.00 1982 5,000.00 1,800,00 6,800.00 1983 5,000.00 1,575.00 6,575.00 1984 5,000.00 1,350.30 6,350.00 1985 ';,000.00 1,175.00 6,125.00 III 1986 5,006,0 ' 900.0)0) 5,900.00 1987 5,010.00 675.00 5,675.00 1988 3,000,0C 450.00 5,450.00 1989 5,000,00 275.00 5,225.00 : 157,000.0G $35,581.50 $192,581.50 HIGHWAY DISTRICT BONDS 1974 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 12,250,00 1975 10,000.00 1,950.00 11,950.00 1976 10,000.00 1,650.00 11,650.00 1977 10,,000.00 1,350.00 11,350.00 1978 10,000.00 1,050.00 11,050.00 1979 L,000,00 750.00 10,750.00 1980 10,000.00 450.00 10,450.00 1981 _10.00 .00 _ 150.00 10,150.00 $ 83,000,00 $ 9,600.00 $ 89,600.00 -58- SCHEDULE 16 (continued) GENERAL TOWN WIDE BONDS YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1974 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,575.00 $ 11,575.00 1975 10,000.00 1,125.00 11,125.00 1976 15 000.00 675.00 15,675.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 3,375.00 $ 38,375.00 WATER DISTRICT BONDS 1974 $ 15,000.00 $ 9,300.00 $ 24,300.00 1975 15,000.00 8,700.00 23,700.00 . 1976 15,000.00 8,100.00 23,100.00 III 1977 15,000.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 1978 15,000.00 6,900.00 21,900,00 1979 15,000.00 6,300.00 21,300.00 1980 1 5,000.00 5,700.00 20,700.00 1981 15,000.00 5,100.00 20,100.00 1982 15,000.00 4,500.00 19,500.00 1983 15,000.00 3,900.00 18,900.00 1984 15,000.00 3,300.00 18,300.00 1985 15,000.00 2,700.00 17,700.00 1986 15,000.00 2,100.00 17,100.00 1987 15,000.00 1,500.00 16,500.00 1988 15,000.00 900.00 15,900.00 1989 15,000.00 300.00 15,300.00 $ 240,000.00 $ 76,800.00 $ 316,800.00 PARK DISTRICT BONDS 1974 $ 6,000.00 $ 135.00 $ _ 6,135.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 135.00 S 6,135.00 III -59- I SCIISDULE 17 RECOMMENDED SALARY STRUCTURE :aOUP MINIMUM STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 MAXIMUM INCREMENT $ 6,430. $ 6,730. $ 7,030. $ 7,330. $ 7,630. $ 300. 6,660. 6,975. 7,290. 7,605. 7,920. 315. 6,990. 7,330. 7,670. 8,010. 8,350. 340. Lv 7,385. 7,750. 8,115. 8,480. 8,845. 365. v 7,635. 8,020. 8,405. 8,790. 9,175. 385. v-A 7,705. 8,090. 8,475. 8,860. 9,245. 385. V1 7,965. 8,370. 8,775. 9,180. 9,585. 405. VII 8,230. 8,655. 9,080. 9,505. 9,930. 425. '...II 8,580. 9,025. 9,470. 9,915. 10,360. 445. 8,940. 9,410. 9,880. 10,350. 10,820. 470. 9,520. 10,045. 10,570. 11,095. 11,620. 525. 10,715. 11,320. 11,925. 12,530. 13,135. 605. 11,155. 11,845. 12,535. 13,225. 13,915. 690. IT 12,455. 13,265. 14,075. 14,885. 15,695. 810. ':I 14,215. 15,130. 16,045. 16,960. 17,875. 915. 16,030. 17,085. 18,140. 19,195. 20,250. 1,055. _I 17,970. 19,160. 20,350. 21,540. 22,730. 1,190. I - 60 - III SCHEDULE 17 - (Con'd) LIST OF CLASS - RECOMNDED BY JOB GROUP STUDY Job Group I ($6,430. - $7,630.) Job Group II ($6,660. - $7,920.) Job Group III ($6,990. - $8,350.) Intermediate Typist Court Clerk - Grade I Job Group IV ($7,385. - $8,845.) Court Clerk - Grade II Intermediate Account Clerk Intermediate Account Clerk & Typist Intermediate Stenographer *Senior Typist . IIIJob Group V ($7,635. - $9,175.) V-A ($7,705. - $9,245.) *Assistant Assessment Clerk Laborer Job Group VI ($7,965. - $9,585.) Laborer - Skilled. Motor Equipment Operator Maintenance Man - Repair Maintenance Man - Traffic Signs Senior Stenographer Job Group VII ($8,230. - $9,930.) Heavy Duty Equipment Operator Job Group VIII ($8,580. - $10,360.) Automotive Mechanic Sewer Maintenance Foreman Labor Foreman - Grade I Job Group IX ($8,940. - $10,820.) *Senior Account Clerk Deputy Receiver of Taxes III Job Group X ($9,520. - $11,620.) *Deputy Assessor Maintenance Foreman - Gardener Park Foreman Deputy Comptroller Job Group XI ($10,715. - $13,135.) Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant & Deputy Town Clerk Senior Engineering Aide * Employees subject to Civil Service Examination. - 61 - SCHEDULE 17 - (Con'd) LIST OF CLASS - RECOMMENDED BY JOB GROUP STUDY Job Group XI-A ($11,155. - $13,915.) General Foreman (Highway) Assistant General Foreman (Park) Job Group XII ($12,455. - $15,695.) Town Clerk Job Group XIII ($14,215. - $17,875.) Superintendent of Highways Building & Plumbing Inspector II Assessor Job Group XIV ($16,030. - $20,250.) Superintendent of Recreation Job Group XV ($17,970. - $22,730.) Comptroller/Director of Finance Town Engineer - 62 - III • SCHEDULE 18 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE A1010.0 TOWN BOARD Councilmen P.T. 4 $ 3,000. $ 12,000. A1110.0 TOWN JUSTICES Town Justices P.T. 2 6,640. 13,280. Court Clerks 2 8,480. & 8,350. 16,830. Court Clerk P.T. 1 3,000. 3,000. TOTAL $ 33,110. IIIA1220.0 SUPERVISOR Supervisor P.T. 1 $ 12,000. Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant & 6,693. 6,693. Deputy Town Clerk z 6,692. Senior Stenographer 1 8,370. Deputy Supervisor 1 4,000.. TOTAL $. 31,063. A1315.0 COMPTROLLER Comptroller/Director of 1 $ 16,050. Finance Deputy Comptroller ' 1 11,620. Senior Account Clerks 2 10,820. & 10,350. 21,170. Deputy Rec. of Taxes 1 10,820. Temporary Additional Services 3,000. 3,000. TOTAL $ 62,660. III A1355.0 ASSESSOR Assessor 1 $ 17,875. * Deputy Assessor 1 11,095. * Assistant Assessment Clerk 1 • 8,090. Temporary Additional Services 300. 300. Board of Review 3 1,100. TOTAL . $ 38,460. - 63 - SCHEDULE 18 - (Con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION A1410.0 TOWN CLERK Town Clerk 1 Incl. $250. Lgty. $ 15,945. Temporary Additional Services 3,500. Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant & i 6,692. Deputy Town Clerk 6,693. 6,692. TOTAL $ 26,137. A1420.0 TOWN ATTORNEY Town Attorney P.T. 1 $. 20,000. Contingent Prof. Svces. 1,000. Steno Services 8,000. TOTAL $ 29,000. A1440.0 ENGINEER Engineer 1 $ 20,350. Sr. Engineering Aide 1 - 13,135. Additional Prof. Svces. 1,600. TOTAL $ 35,085. A1450.0 ELECTION Custodians 2 600. $ 1,200. Temporary Additional Svces 2,750. Election Officials 100 17,250. TOTAL 21 200. A7020.0 RECREATION Superintendent 1 $ 19,195. * Senior Typist 1 8,845. Commission Secretary P.T. 1 300. Maintenance Man (Repair) 1 9,585. Maintenance Wages 2,000. Memorial & Hummocks Park Attendants P.T. 4 6,100. Swimming Pool Maintenance P.T. (Town's Share) 45,800. Temporary Summer Employees 62,430. TOTAL $154,255. - 64 - SCHEDULE 18 - (Con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Consultant $ 5,000. Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 1 11,760. Laborers 5,600. Secretary P.T. 1 300. Temporary Additional Services 600. TOTAL $ 23,260. A5010.1 MISCELLANEOUS Superintendent of Highways 1 $ 17,875. GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES B3120.0 POLICE 1/1/74 6/27/74 Chief 1 $ 19,526. -- Lieutenant 1 16,157. -- Lieutenant 1 16,457. -- (includes 300. longevity) Sergeants 5 13,800. 14,200. Sergeant 1 14,050. 14,450. (includes 250. longevity) Detective Sergeants 2 14,400. 14,800. Detectives 3 13,200. 13,600. Detective 1 13,450. 13,850. (includes 250. longevity) Patrolmen 25 Wage Scale Wage Scale 11,388. - 12,600. 11,788. - 13,000. TOTAL OFFICERS $573,000. * Senior Stenographer 1 9,585. School Guards 12 32,400. Cleaner P.T. 1 5,200. Maintenance Man 3,834. (Traffic Signs) P.T. 3/5 5,751. 5,751. Temporary Additional Svces 12000. GRAND TOTAL $626,936. * Includes holiday compensation, regular and in-service program overtime. B3620.0 BUILDING AND PLUMBING Inspector 1 (includes 250. longevity) $ 18,125. Senior Stenographer 1 9,585. Examining Board of Plumbers 3 240. Additional Professional Svces 1,000. TOTAL $ 28,2950- - 65 - SCHEDULE 18 - (Could) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Consultant $ 5,000. Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 1 11,760. Laborers 5,600. Secretary P.T. 1 300. Temporary Additional Services 600. TOTAL $ 23,260. A5010.1 MISCELLANEOUS Superintendent of Highways 1 .$ 17,875. GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES B3120.0 POLICE 1/1/74 6/27/74 Chief 1 $ 19,526. -- Lieutenant 1 16,157. -- Lieutenant 1 16,457. -- (includes 300. longevity) Sergeants 5 13,800. 14,200. Sergeant 1 14,050. 14,450. (includes 250. longevity) Detective Sergeants 2 14,400. 14,800. Detectives 3 13,200. 13,600. • Detective 1 13,450. 13,850. (includes 250. longevity) Patrolmen 25 Wage Scale Wage Scale 11,388. - 12,600. 11,788. - 13,000. TOTAL OFFICERS $573,000. * Senior Stenographer 1 9,585. School Guards 12 32,400. Cleaner P.T. 1 5,200. Maintenance Man 3,834. (Traffic Signs) P.T. 3/5 5,751. 5,751. Temporary Additional Svces 1,000. GRAND TOTAL $626,936. * Includes holiday compensation, regular and in-service program overtime. B3620.0 BUILDING AND PLUMBING Inspector 1 (includes 250. longevity) $ 18,125. Senior Stenographer 1 9,585. Examining Board of Plumbers 3 240. Additional Professional Svces 1,000. TOTAL L 28,950. - 65 - • III SCHEDULE 18 - (Coned) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Consultant $ 5,000. Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 1 11,760. Laborers 5,600. Secretary P.T. 1 300. Temporary Additional Services 600. TOTAL $ 23,260. A5010.1 MISCELLANEOUS Superintendent of Highways 1 •$ 17,875. GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES B3120.0 POLICE 1/1/74 6/27/74 Chief 1 $ 19,526. -- Lieutenant 1 16,157. -- Lieutenant 1 16,457. -- (includes 300. longevity) Sergeants 5 13,800. 14,200. Sergeant 1 14,050. 14,450; (includes 250. longevity) Detective Sergeants 2 14,400. 14,800. Detectives 3 13,200. 13,600. Detective 1 13,450. 13,850. (includes 250. longevity) Patrolmen 25 Wage Scale Wage Scale 11,388. - 12,600. 11,788. - 13,000. TOTAL OFFICERS $573,000. * Senior Stenographer 1 9,585. School Guards 12 32,400. Cleaner P.T. I 5,200. III Maintenance Man 3,834. (Traffic Signs) P.T. 3/5 5,751. 5,751. Temporary Additional Svices 1,000. GRAND TOTAL $626,936. * Includes holiday compensation, regular and in-service program overtime. B3620.0 BUILDING AND PLUMBING Inspector 1 (includes 250. longevity) $ 18,125. Senior Stenographer 1 9,585. Examining Board of Plumbers 3 240. Additional Professional Svces 1,000. TOTAL 28 950. - 65 - SCHEDULE 16 - (Coa'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION 8010.0. BOARD OF APPEALS (ZONING) Secretary P.T. 1 $ 325. 8020.0 PLANNING BOARD Secretary P.T. 1 300. R5110.0 HIGHWAY FUND General Foreman 1 $ 13,915. Labor Foreman - Grade I 1 10,360.* Sewer Maintenance Foreman 1 (additional 250. for special ) 10,610.* (assignment incl. in base salary) Automotive Mechanic 1 Wage Scale 10,360.* Heavy Duty Equipment Oper. 3 8,230. - 9,930. Motor Equipment Oper. 4 7,965. - 9,585. Laborer - Skilled 3 7,965. - 9,585. Laborer 7 7,705. - 9,245. $178,815.* *Plus overtime. TOTAL $224,060.** * Highway Fund apportioned to Item I - 186,000. , Item II - 300. , Item III - 10,36C Item IV - 24,000. , Sewer - 3,000. and Cemeteries - 400. PECIAL DISTRICTS P7110.0 PARK DISTRICT #1 Assist. General Foreman 1 (includes 300. longevity) $ 14,215. (Park) Park Foreman 1 11,620.* Laborer - Skilled 1 Wage 7,965. - 9,585. Laborer 3 Scale 7,705. - 9,245. 35,780.* Secretary P.T. 1 200. *Plus overtime and additional labor. TOTAL $ 61,815. S8120.0 SEWER DISTRICT #1 Laborer $ 3,000. L5182,0 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 Maintenance Man (Traffic 5,751. Signs) P.T. 2/5 1 3,834. $ 3,834. Temporary Additional Svces 1,000. $ 4,834. - 66 - SCHEDULE 16 - (Con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION SF3410.0 FIRE DISTRICT 1/1/74 6/27/74 Lieutenant 1 $ 13,900. $ 14,300. (includes 300. longevity) Lieutenant 3 13,600. 14,000. Wage Scale Wage Scale Firefighters 11 11,216. '-.12,500. 11,516. - 12,800. Inspector P.T. 1 960. 960. Plus Holiday Compensation and Overtime TOTAL $213,000. III * Employees subject to Civil Service Examinations. • - 67 -