HomeMy WebLinkAboutBasis For Designation and Urban Renewal Plan Post Road/Weaver Street Urban Renewal Area 3/1/1989 I I ' BASIS FOR DESIGNATION and ' URSAN RENEWAL PLAN ' POST ROAD /WEAVER STREET URBAN R.EN AREA Town of Mam .ronecl� New York 1 I I I I I xaox MaK 'abpTI auo4S saoTAIaS buTuoZ pue buTuuQtd I sageToossY aegsnilS I 6861 'T t.10.IIW parvoaddy 6861 A.zenaga3 II 1 xiox MaN 'xoauoienreW ;o uMo1, pieog uMos I 1 MY'I L1Y'ZS 31110X M$N 112QNf1 Tiblarial NVallfl 210.3 all'I2IdO2iddli SY CIvdO21 a.SOd I �321�d 53321S.S 21311 3M./ NECOI SNd.N t ISac[ 2103 SISNdS I I I I I I CONTENTS ' Page A. PURPOSE OF DESIGNATION 1 B. RELEVANT CRITERIA UNDER NEW YORK STATE LAW 1 ' C. EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE AREA 2 D. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS 3 E. BOUNDARY MAP OF DESIGNATED AREA 4 New A. PURPOSE OF DESIGNATION For the past several years, the Town has been pursuing efforts to foster sound land use planning and development of its business districts. The Joint Planning Group, made up of Town and Village of Larchmont residents, studied all of ' the business areas in Town and recommended various land use policies and measures to implement them. Included among these areas was the Boston Post Road and, specifically, the ' area adjacent to its intersection with Weaver Street. Due to the nature of the land use concerns in this particular area, some direct action is deemed necessary to address ' existing and potentially blighting conditions which pres- ently exist. In furtherance of such purposes, Article XV of New York ' General Municipal Law allow communities to designate areas meeting specified criteria as urban renewal areas. The legislative findings adopted in 1961 with the enactment of ' Article XV concluded by stating that, " . . . it is hereby found and declared that it is necessary and proper for municipalities to develop programs for the proper planning, clearance, redevelopment, rehabilitation or conservation of such areas to eliminate slums and blight or to prevent their deterioration into slums in blighted areas and to promote their growth and development in a manner consistent with the furtherance of the public welfare . . . " The designation of the Boston Post Road/Weaver Street Area ' in accord with the provisions of Article XV will allow the Town to adopt an urban renewal plan for the area which establishes a land use plan and sets forth the techniques to be used to accomplish the plan and prevent further deterio- ration and the spread of "crime and other anti-social manifestations" (Section 4 of legislative findings) . B. RELEVANT CRITERIA UNDER NEW YORK STATE LAW Section 502( 4) of Article 15 defines a "substandard or ' insanitary area" as follows : "The term ' substandard or insanitary area' shall mean and be interchangeable with a slum, blighted, deterior- ated or deteriorating area, or an area which has a 111 blighting influence on the surrounding area, whether residential, non-residential, commercial, industrial, or vacant. . . or any combination thereof and may II include land, buildings or improvements, . . . not in themselves substandard or insanitary, the inclusion of IIwhich is deemed necessary for the effective undertaking of one or more urban renewal programs. " II 1 II II Elsewhere in Article XV, and the findings upon which it was based and subsequent judicial decisions, a variety of cri- teria have been set forth which determine whether an area ' meets the definition under Section 502( 4) . These criteria include the following, among others: II 1. Conditions leading to housing and zoning violations. 2. Excessive land coverage. I3 . An incompatible mixture of residential and non-residen- tial uses. I 4. Inadequate off-street parking. 5 . Impractical street widths. I6. Inadequate public facilities. I 7. Presence of crime and other anti-social conditions. C. EXISTING CONDITIONS IN THE AREA I The six properties in the area in question exhibit condi- tions which satisfy one or more of the above criteria, as explained below: I1. Housing and Zoning Violations I Of the six properties , two have a history of building code violations, one has had fire code violations, two do not meet minimum yard requirements and two have had sign violations. II2. Excessive Land Coverage I Two of the six structures exceed the maximum coverage permitted in the zoning regulations. I 3. Incompatible Mixture of Uses The single residential structure is surrounded by business uses, parking lots and vehicle storage. It is 1 a non-conforming use in a location unsuitable for resi- dential purposes. 1 4. Inadequate Off-Street Parking Two of the uses do not have sufficient off-street II parking to satisfy zoning requirements. II 2 1 II II5. Impractical Street Width I Old Hommocks Road has a right-of-way of only 30 feet which requires that it be designated for one-way traffic which must exit at a dangerous location close the Weaver Street intersection. Ito 6. Inadequate Public Facilities I Old Hommocks Road is in extremely poor condition with numerous pot holes. Sidewalks and curbs on the south- east side of the Post Road are in poor condition. I There are no street trees or other landscaping on public property within the area. 7. Presence of Crime and Other Anti-Social Conditions 1 The Larchmont Motel was the location of 93 arrests during 1985-87 . Of these 25 were for "criminal posses- ' sion/sale of controlled substances" . The extent of these crimes is such that the stability of the area is at risk unless these conditions are curtailed. Furthermore, the presence of such anti-social behavior II in close proximity to a public school and recreation facilities on Hommocks Road threatens the health and welfare of the Town' s youth. ID. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IBased on the above, it is determined that: 1 . The Post Road/Weaver Street Area, as delineated on the attached map, qualifies as a "substandard or insanitary I area" as defined in Article XV; and 2. The use of the powers granted under Article XV is I appropriate to remedy the conditions in the area and to achieve the Town' s land use policies and objectives. 1 1 II 1 88-12d 1 II 3 11 L./ fLL itiljj40111 till NW it1. /7 err E..la ,, ,, A vlimpliippir pep- 0' .0:„ IIIII MI 73:401r. /I / . , . PLYt� OUTM . . 41 ' ` a Q • 41111 • --_,. e-t....,Y . . • .3i„, , ROAD ��_ ; iii• -F-1 ;:: lamin (, y W I� `1'I. Erna/il wave, .. cr2 -iji * .... ic:r^ . Op: IIM. 'Memos ,t j . 5, NI 4411 , (.3 Aili. ,r, .Prs'ild-7110 ?e OF Il. ""'•%....."3cor - • - (3. `c =� ►71 in ' • -POS 0 _ - � o . % 0 . • 0 ii‘..*- 111:(1 .51VCN ,. t. , . io--' C.- . Ob -- * \-'' oc• $#14- -. • 'rte•• 0.t' \ )) viOor, - , sOr2 ,- • ' HOW-A(56K e. A. ✓ ' HOl1/R70C 4 Middle School I" ' , . , A s .,..s, .. ... 8 j 1 /13r .,. - -- \ L----------1 L______17 h z_,\:,_........, , _ _ _ , 1 L____ r-� c ' \._..,_ _ AREA CONSIDERED APPROPRIATE FOR URBAN RENEWAL , / (\\ Town of Mamaroneck, New York - - i I I I I I I I URBAN it ENENNAL PLAN FOR THE IPOST ROAD/WEAVER STREET URBAN RENEWAL AREA I I Town of Mamaroneck New York I IAdopted: October 25 , 1989 Revised: , 1991 I I I I I I 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' PAGE I . PROJECT BOUNDARY 1 II . CONFORMITY TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1 III . CONSISTENCY WITH LOCAL OBJECTIVES 1 IV. STATEMENT OF PROPOSED LAND USES AND OTHER REGULATIONS 1 ' V. PROPOSED LAND ACQUISITION, DEMOLITION, AND REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES 4 VI . PROPOSED ACQUISITION OR AIR RIGHTS 5 VII . PROPOSED PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC, PRIVATE OR COMMUNITY FACILITIES OR UTILITIES 5 VIII . PROPOSED METHODS OR TECHNIQUES OF URBAN RENEWAL 5 IX. STATEMENT AS TO PROPOSED NEW CODES AND ORDINANCES 6 ' X. DEVELOPERS OBLIGATIONS 6 ' XI . PROPOSED TIME SCHEDULE 6 XII . DURATION OF PLAN CONTROLS 6 ' XIII . PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES IN PLAN 7 ' MAPS FOLLOWING PAGE MAP NO. 1 PROJECT BOUNDARY 7 MAP NO. 2 LAND USE PLAN 7 i I I. PROJECT BOUNDARY The boundaries of the Urban renewal Area, hereinafter referred ' to as the "Area" , are shown on Map No. 1, "Boundary" , dated February 1989 . II. CONFORMITY TO THE MASTER PLAN ' This Plan for the Post Road/Weaver Street Urban Renewal Area, hereinafter referred to as "the Plan" or "this Plan" , general- ' ly conforms with the Master Plan for the Town of Mamaroneck, updated as of 1989, with regard to proposed land uses and ' densities. Any conflicts between this Plan and the Master Plan are minor in nature and are due to the more general ' nature of the Master Plan as opposed to the detailed, site- specific aspects of the Urban Renewal Plan. III. CONSISTENCY WITH LOCAL OBJECTIVES ' This Plan is consistent with the local objectives of main- taining large self-contained retail facilities; encouraging flexibility in land use and site design; providing incentives for housing to meet the needs of a broad range of income groups; and enhancing the visual environment of the Post Road. IV. STATEMENT OF PROPOSED LAND USES AND OTHER REGULATIONS Land use shall be governed by the provisions set forth in §89- 47 . 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Ordinance entitled "Land Use Options in Areas Designated Under Article XV of General Municipal Law" , as set forth below: A. Permitted Land Uses and Construction Requirements A parcel within the boundaries of the Post Road Weaver 1 I IIStreet Urban Renewal Area may be used for one of the following uses in areas so designated on the Land Use IIPlan (Map No. 2) : I1. Any permitted use in the Business District-B, in accord with the construction requirements therefor II set forth in §89-41 of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Ordinance. I2. Multi-family dwellings as permitted in the Tower Apartment District - RTA, in accord with the con- ' struction requirements therefor set forth in §89-39 of the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Ordinance, except Ithat building height shall not exceed four stories or 44 feet and there shall be at least 1,750 square I feet of lot area for each dwelling unit on the site. I3. Affordable multi-family dwellings where all units comply with the definition of "affordable units" as IIadopted by resolution by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, shall be permitted in accord with Ithe following construction requirements, to the extent they differ from those of the RTA District, I on sites so designated on the Land Use Plan (Map No. 2 ) . ' a. Lot Requirements I (1) Minimum lot area: 40, 000 square feet I (2) Minimum lot area per dwelling unit: 1,200 square feet. II 00 depth of lot: one hundred ( 1 ) (3) Minimum d p II 2 N+i. .riir. ' feet. ' (4) Maximum coverage of lot: thirty percent ( 30%) . b. Yards, Courts and Open Spaces ' (1) Minimum front yard: fifteen ( 15 ) feet. On a corner lot, a front yard shall be ' provided on each street. ' (2) Minimum side yards: ten ( 10) feet each provided, however, unattached accessory ' buildings not over one (1) story or fif- teen ( 15 ) feet in height and located on the rear one-third ( 1/3) of the lot may be placed at a minimum distance of five ( 5) feet from the property line. On a ' corner lot such accessory building shall not be located nearer to the street line than the required minimum front yard setback for the zoning district. (3) Minimum rear yard: fifteen ( 15) feet. ' On a corner lot, one yard shall be des- ignated a rear yard at the discretion of the owner. II (4) Usable open space (in square feet per dwelling unit) : one hundred ( 100) . ) ' (5) A five ( 5 ) foot wide landscaped buffer strip shall be provided along all public streets which may only be interrupted for necessary driveways and sidewalks. 3 II IIc. Dwelling Unit Size II (1) The average size of all dwelling units on any site shall not exceed two bedrooms Iper unit. I (2) No dwelling unit shall have more than three bedrooms. IId. Maximum Heights II (1) In stories: four ( 4) (2) In feet: forty-four ( 44 ) I e. Off-street Parking: 1.5 spaces per dwelling I unit. I B. Site Plan Review Prior to the issuance of any building permit, a complete Isite plan for the development of any parcel shall be submitted to the Town of Mamaroneck Planning Board for Ireview and approval. I V. PROPOSED LAND ACQUISITION, DEMOLITION, AND REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES IIThe only property proposed to be acquired in order to effec- tuate this Plan, is Block 411 Parcel 169 , as indicated on the ' Tax Maps of the Town of Mamaroneck, formerly occupied by the Larchmont Motel. Upon acquisition, such property may be used, I! sold or leased in accord with the requirements of Section 507 of Article XV of the General Municipal Law and the provisions I of this Plan. The existing structure may also be used, leased or sold, as above, or demolished prior to or after disposition I4 of the property. Demolition after disposition of the property must first be approved by the Town Board of the Town of ' Mamaroneck upon a finding that the existing structure cannot be feasibly used to accomplish the objectives of this Plan. No other acquisition ofother property within the Urban Q any Renewal Area is proposed. Should such acquisition become necessary to accomplish any of the objectives of this Plan, it shall only take place after amendment of this Plan in accord with the same procedures and public hearing required prior to its approval. VI. PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF AIR RIGHTS Acquisition of air rights is only proposed in conjunction with ' acquisition of all rights to the property described in V. above. VII. PROPOSED PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC, PRIVATE OR COMMUNITY FACILITIES OR UTILITIES The Town of Mamaroneck will install sidewalks and landscaping and repair streets, storm drainage, sewers and other improve- ments, as necessary, in accordance with Town regulations and ' standards. VIII. PROPOSED METHODS OR TECHNIQUES OF URBAN RENEWAL A. Acquisition and Disposition Only one property within the Project Area will be ' acquired for disposition and development in accord with the provisions of this Plan, as indicated on Map No. 1 . 5 1 B. Code Enforcement All properties not to be acquired will be subject to the provisions of all appropriate existing codes, ordinances and regulations of the Town of Mamaroneck. ' IX. STATEMENT AS TO PROPOSED NEW CODES AND ORDINANCES AND AMENDMENTS TO EXISTING CODES AND ORDINANCES AS ARE REQUIRED OR NECESSARY TO EFFECTUATE THIS PLAN The only amendment to existing codes or ordinances required or ' necessary to effectuate this Plan is the addition of §89-47 .1 to the Town of Mamaroneck Zoning Ordinance to provide land use ' options in areas designated under Article XV of the General Municipal Law (see IV above) . X. DEVELOPERS OBLIGATIONS Any redevelopers chosen by the Town of Mamaroneck must comply with all provisions of this Plan and the provisions of any ' disposition agreement. XI. PROPOSED TIME SCHEDULE FOR THE EFFECTUATION OF THE PLAN ' Effectuation of the Plan for the Urban Renewal Area will commence immediately upon approval of this Plan by the Town Board. The Plan will be implemented as expeditiously as possible and is targeted for completion within two years of approval. XII. DURATION OF PLAN CONTROLS The regulations and controls contained in this Plan shall be binding and effective by deed or lease upon all purchasers or lessees of land and their heirs or assigns in the area of the 6 Town of Mamaroneck, New York, covered by the Plan, from the date of the original approval of this Plan by the Town Board ' of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York for twenty ( 20) years unless amended as provided herein. XIII. PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES IN APPROVED PLAN This Plan may be amended from time to time upon compliance ' with the requirements of law provided that, with respect to any land in the area previously disposed by the Town of Mama- roneck for use in accordance with this Plan, written consent ' from the owner of such land whose interests therein are judged to be materially affected by such amendment shall first be ' obtained. 8812328d.urp i 7 .......3> \------: 1 , k \ \ \ lii Ert-t \ 11‘ a11.(.11iiiiiagfiiii c, o i "IIIIIIIIIIP:*grit , / 1r \ 1 AveNue s AP" 4.7. 4, 4p, \ .::, - ... -„ ,:, - --- .11 , , . , 4w# . , , -,,4,c,. - h r !j :�1►. ao,►° VFW 1 �a _ 1 'pi 110YfAatJTM . 1 _ . I a • or • E \* Q v. . • 11111V1 s'. 77-1C' Roan o l 1:1114. •i• To 011121115-z4: .." .L. ill I �. -Y' AMR IOU .. - am e. umilr-CcO I_ W - pi._ . 7.., s :zien ‘. a : c`Dt Or . ....coillitivilae,,.. /frocc, --;- t.101 TP°. .0 0 - ik%1 - 1 0 -I I 7 a - . ' ). A'). 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