HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921_11_10 Town Board Minutes Meeting of the Town Board,
held, November 10th, 1921.
The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton
at 9.30 P.M.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton,
Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer,
Town Clerk Sherman.
Upon motion it was voted to dispense with the reading
of minutes of meetings not yet approved.
The Committee of the new weaver Street Fire house,
Messrs, whitaker, Moore and Merritt were present and upon
motion duly seconded it was
VOTED, that the Board take up the report
of the Committee for the new fire house
for Fire District No. 1
The Committee presented the following program which
had been submitted to Architects for the competitive drawings.
The site is located on the southerly side of weaver
Street running from Edgewood Road to Hillcrest Avenue, with a
depth of approximately 250 feet.
The building may be located anywhere on this property
that the Competitors may consider best, but it must be borne in
mind that future buildings may be erected on the property, and
that the owners are desirous of retaining as much of the rear
portion as possible for park, etc. The fire apparatus must face
Weaver Street.
On the GROUND FLOOR- An engine room sufficiently large
to accomotate two machines, a combination engine and truck and
a hook and ladder. A room for the use of the Police Department
whick will be at least 250 square feet in floor area. A
room for sleeping two (2) police officers, and a room for sleep-
ing two (2) firemen, also two Company rooms and necessary toilet
On the SECOND FLOOR- An Auditorium to seat approxim-
ately 350 persons with a small stage and one small dressing room
(This room will be used for meetings, entertainments and dances.)
A room for the use of ladies for cloak and dressing room, a mens'
coat room if possible; also toilet accomodations.
In the BASEMENT*- There is to be the usual boiler room
coal space etc . A small kitchen to be used only in connection
with Company or special dinners. It is desired that sufficient
space be left in the cellar so that at some future time a reg-
ulation bowling alley may be installed, and if possible, a space
for a. pool table; The Fire Alarm system will also be located in
the basement, and will require space about 15 feet square.
NOTE- It is not mandatory that the smaller rooms be located on
the floors as placed above. The Competitor may arrange these
rooms on the 1st or 2nd floor, as he deems best.
While it is not mandatory, the Compittee is desirous of
having the design of the exterior, as it will be exposed an all
four sides, of simple country architecture, using either stone,
brick, or other fireproof material for the main construction.
The building should not contain over 150,000 cubic feet
of contents, to come in cost, within the appropriation. The cub-
ical contents shall be measured to the outside face of exterior
walls, a mean height of roofs, and parapets if any, and from a
level one foot from the level of the basenent floor.
Basement plan
First Floor plan
Second Floor plan
Front Elevation
Small scale perspective
All drawings, except perspective, are to be presented
at the scale of 1/8 inch equals one foot, drawn in black ink on
white paper, and mounted on cardboard.
On all plans the sections of walls, piers and partitions
etc., are to be shown in solid black, and the names and sizes of
the principal rooms shall be indicated.
On one of the drawings shall be indicated the method of
obtaining, and the total amount of, the cubical contents of the
The perspective may be rendered in pencil or in pen and
ink, but not in color.
All sheets shall be 20"x 30" in size over all.
The Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck has selected as
a Committee to judge the drawings, the following names :-
George W. Burton, Chairman
Frederick P. Shafer
George B. Dudley
Clarence C. Merritt
Henry M. Whitaker
George Moore
Architectural Advisor, w. Syaney wagner of Geo. B. Post & Sons.
The Committee will pass on the drawings and make their
reccomendations to the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
within two weeks of the receipt of the drawings. The Committee
reserves the right to reject any or all of the designs submitted,
if, in their opinion, they do not meet the requirements or in-
tent of this program. Should the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro-
neck fail to accept the recommendation of the Committee, and
make other selection, it hereby agrees however to pay the author
of the drawing selected by the Committee, the sum of $500.00
in lieu of the compission as Architect of the building.
The competition will he held conforming as nearly as
possible to the rules of the American institute of Architects
governing competitions.
All drawings to be submitted anonymously, with no mark
or identification of any kind, but attached to same should be a
plain unmarked, sealed envelope, containing the name of the author
so that the Committee may mark the drawings and
envelopes similarly for identification later. Drawings are to be
delivered addressed
"Committee for Fire House, Fire District No. 1
Town of Mamaroneck- Town Clerk's Office
Town of Mamaroneck, N.Y. on or before 8.00
O'Clock P.M., November 1st, 1921
The program of the Committee was ordered received, read,
ordered entered in the minutes and placed on file.
The report of Mr. Wagner, Architectural Advisor as
received and read, ordered filed with the Clerk and is as follows;
November 7th, 1921.
To the Committee appointed by the Town Board of the Town of
Mamaroneck to judge the designs submitted in the competition for
the new Fire House, to be erected in Fire District No.1 Town of
I beg to submit to you my report and recommendations
as your Architectural Advisor in the recent judgement of the
designs submitted in the competition for the new Fire House to
be erected in District No. 1, Town of Mamaroneck.
On November 2nd, 1921, I met the members of your Comm-
ittee for the purpose of examining and judging the designs sub-
Seventeen sets of drawings were submitted for consider-
ation and numbered from one to seventeen inclusive.
Each set was carefully studied, checked and discussed
by the writer with the members of your Committee.
Each design was analyzed from the following main stand-
1. Conformity with program.
2. Quality and suitability of design.
3. Quality and practicability of plan.
4. Cubical contents .
5. Economy of design and construction.
6. Ability of competitor, as expressed in his design,
to act as Architect of the building.
It was soon discovered that there was a wide variation
in the cubical contents of the designs as scheduled, and that
the cubical contents of several of the designs were very diffi-
cult to check accurately and justly because of complicated roof
lines, dormers, terraces, etc ..
It was therefor agreed by the members of your Committee
and by the writer that an excess of cubical contents over the
amount called for in the program not to exceed one per cent
would be allowed.
As a result of these analyses I made the following
recommendations to the members of your Committee and confirm
same herewith.
1. The design marked and designated as No. 1 is the
best of those submitted in this competition and I recommend
that it be awarded first place.
This design conforms in all essentials with the re-
quirements of the program; in addition it provides the building
requirements in a plan of practical and architectural excellence.
The grouping into self-contained seperate departments-
each with its seperate entrance, toilets and other necessary
facilities of the Engine Room, The Auditorium, the Company rooms
and Firemen' s sleeping rooms, the Police Department and Police
sleeping rooms, assures the seperate operation of each of these
departments with a minimum of interference with, or from, any
of the other departments.
The location of the kitchen, fautly in many of the
other plans submitted, is here ideal for service either to the
engine room or the auditorium above.
Also noteworthy in this plan is the introduction of a
private roadway at the rear of the building, the service from
this roadway to the auditorium, the kitchen service entrance,
the coal entrance and the ash exitfrom the boiler room; the exit
facilities from the auditorium, faulty in several of the other
plans submitted; the length of the bowling alleys permitting
spectators seats at rear of same.
The designs of the exterior are excellent from the
standpoints of architectural merit and suitability to location
and use. The simplicity of its plan, roof lines, and exterior
treatment assures a building of economical construction.
Judged independently of its plan, I should place the
design of the exterior as cecond in merit of the exterior designs
submitted. ( See recommendation 111.)
11. The design marked and designated as No. 14 I recommend
to be awarded second place, as when analyzed from the standpoints
outlined above, it is the only other design submitted in this
competition which presents a solution of your problem, comparable
with, or approaching in general excellence, that of design No 1
111. It is recommended that the design marked and desig-
nated as No. 6 be especially commended for the exceptional beauty
and suitability of its exterior design.
As minor changes in the plan design of No. 1 and in
the exterior design of No. 6 would adopt one to the other, I
respectfully suggest that in the interests of your Community
you make an endeavor to secure the colloboration or association
of the authors of these two designs as Architects for your
building, toward the end of permanently expressing in this
building the exceptional merits of both designs.
In closing permit me to congratulate you upon the high
standard of excellence shown in the designs submitted by the
Architects you invited to compete, and to wish you all success
in the completion of your building project.
Sincerely yours,
Sgnd, W .Sydney Wagner.
The report of the Committee on New Fire House Committee
was received and read, ordered filed with the Clerk and is as
November 7th, 1921.
Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck.
The Committee appointed by you to hold a competition
and select plans for the new Fire House to be erected on Weaver
Street, for Fire District No. 1 begs to report;
That the program approved by your Board setting forth
the conditions governing the competitions and giving the re-
quirements of the propose building, were transmitted on or
about October 1st, 1921, to all the Airchitects who had filed
application requesting permission to compete;
That seventeen (17) sets of drawings were submitted
and the drawings of these seventeen (17) competitors, as yoi
know, were received by your Board on Tuesday evening, November
1st, opened by you and marked for identifination, and in accord-
ance with your resolution, removed by the Committee to the Weaver
Street Fire House for study and consideration.
That your Committee with Mr. S. W. Wagner, the Architect-
ural Advisor selected, has carefully gone over and studied all
of the drawings submitted, and as a result have unanimously
That the competitors drawings marked No. 1 by your
Board are the best and most complete solution of the program.
That the competitor's drawings marked No.14 by your
Board are the next best, and should be given second mention.
A copy of Mr. Wagners report to the Committee is attached
hereto and is unanimously endorsed by the Committee.
The Committee, therefore, recommends and urges that your
Board accept the drawings marked No. 1 as the plans for the new
building, and that you commission the author of them to prepare
the regular working drawings, etc., and further recommends that
in making this award, that the successful competitor be urged to
collaborate with the designer of drawings marked No. 6, with a
view to adopting the exterior of No. 6 with his plans, which in
your Committee's opinion, is perfectly feasible owing to the
similarity of the two designs.
Sgnd, George H. Moore
H.M. Whitaker, C.C.Merritt.
Upon motion, duly seconded it nas
RESOLVED, that the Top Board concur
in the judgement expressed in the
report of Mr. Wagner and the Committee
as to the best and second best plans
submitted in the competition for the
new Weaver Street building, this con-
currence however shall not be con-
strued as in any way binding the Town
Board to accept the aforementioned
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
same was upon ROLL CALL, unanimosly adopted.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it vas
VOTED, that the envelopes of sketches
Nos. 1, 6 and 14 be opened.
The Clerk proceeded to open the three numbered envelopes
and it was found that sketch No . 1 as submitted by James W.
O'Connor, 162 East 37th Street, No. 14 by Sherrill whiton and R.M.
Hood, 101 Park Avenue, and No. x6 by Otto R. Eggers and Charles
Mink, 17 West 46th Street.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
VOTED, that the Clerk be instructed
to forward a copy of the resolution
to Mr. Wagner concurring in his rec-
omnendations .
The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. O'Connor that
his plan had been judged best under the competition and also to
notify Mr. Whiton that his plan had been judged second best.
Upon motion, duly seconded, it was
VOTED that Mr. O'Connor and Mr. Mur-
dock be invited to meet with the
Town Board and the Committee on
Monday next at 8.30 P.M.
Captain Decker appeared before the Board and reported
suspending Officers Shutz and Cullen and it was upon notion
duly seconded,
RESOLVED, that the Board arrange a
hearing for officers Shutz and Cullen
and that Captain Decker be instructed
to notify them of the hearing to be
held on Monday evening November 14th
1921, at 7.45 P.M.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 10.45 P.M.
/T, 'n Cre-
HeetinZ of the Ton Board of the Tonn of
Mamaroneck, convened as a Board of Canvass-
ere on November 10th, 1921e
The neeting as called to order by justice Boyd in the
absence of 9upervicor Purton at IO.A.M.
P77SE1\'T: justice Boyd and Collins ,
To, Clerh Sherman.
Upon notion duly seconded, it as vnTED,
that a recess be taken until 5. 30 P.M. ,
fcr the purpose of canvassing the votes
The meeting -as re-convene? at 5. 70 P.O. , on the some
late by tho Supervisor.
PRESENT: Supervisor Burton, 41
justices, Boyd, Collins , Dudley and Shafer,
To-,n Clerk Sherman.
The official returns from the canvass of the votes cnot;
for the To,n Officers at the Election held on November gth,1021,
resulted as follovs:-
Dist, Dist. DIV. Dist.list. Dist TOTAL
Yorge 7. Burtop 217 172 175 386 420 26o 026
Tchn F.Hunter M.P. 177 po4 888
Tre per ick Y. Sherwan 211 175 10 316 367 20 Mo
Thomas McCor-mack 141___?5_k_16_
Frederick P.Shafer 216 187 208 764 VIP -cp's i648
Louis ?.Miller 142 165 IK 'C7 181 125 826
41 220 1484
aeorZe E. Dudley 211 i56 211 113 30
QnKy Harlach 1 1 167 119 128 120 127
-120 H 7n�1 i s h 174 IS 171 122 's16 217 1366
Qhn nvCnr-o, 721 -1�,
-114 116 144 1021
- of
i3 7 20 Y 212 1;7 2K 7105 35-0 00-S 14
Antoine Hann 170 17 1% 111 1G7 51
-1 1 1
H=7 -YcG? i 7' 207 157 211 36o 726 lop 1500
Mamie Q.Thomnson ini 157 ill C8 017 '.72 002
?777?777 07 70071,
john Bloomer 210 190 217 341 3Y2 230 150.8
john Bloomer - 7 g6 10 110
71 chard ?tack lop 45 1;4 ay vy 274 i4o
"? NO 199 230 1
nilliam F.May 15 17Y 20? Q67
I op
Gun 1i gham -1 203 30 42 227 1 21
pules J.Puengnet 174 ? -1,
l5b 107 72 105 12Q
, ugene Humphrey ILI 177 125 87 115 127 774
,harles P.Caputo _124_185_121_ 81 107 122
201 6 257 1570
170 200 345 0
, illilm C .Nichols 149 IS 203 927 350 239 1521 1
Archibald Park !of 175 200 3 7 -181 275 15
1 32
7 �
sul Kohloff 20 155 00 7 77, %79 1557
aU I
1 015 229 074
illian 7.Carey 1?7 178 A 5 14
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Dot Dist 7)1 st D I^t Di s t !Fiqt T,,-,T A I
205 170 127 9LL 109 105 70�6
lit games Hal-pin 117 181 i65 8; lop �'4 688
Thomas Penrierg-ast 1 -7 172 116 18'5 11+6 12S 504,
11 i man 18Q 1(,14 784
PntnDny Corneluis G - n P5 125 1175
Trarm-- 106 1 2 107 -744
Inez ".Lloyd 210 175 20C,
372 700 226 1532
711s-.,or+h 'Smith 2041 159 19 40,55,
3�2 �27
O 1537
III Aq T4 'D—ent 128 165 102 58 127 126 746
- 'CA.
is—:,r —1 3.5 1��5 121 6 2
In conformity kith the official returns of the canvass
-above sho;yn, upon motion, duly seconded, it ,as upon ROLL CALL
RESOLVED, that the follo,,,,,ing named are
duly declared to have receivei a maj-
ority vote fo-f their respective offices
and thereby are declared elected, for
the respective terms set opposite their
na'm,e s
Supervisor George -.Burton 2 year term
To-,,n Clerk Frederick M.Sherman 2 year t e r-m.
Justices of the Peace Frederick P.Rhafer 4 vear tern,
George B.Dudlev 4 year term
-Issessor - 4vears Ferdinand Fish 4 treax term
Assessor - 2years John H.Tvlurray 2 year term
Receiver of Taxes Harry T.T.IcGivney 2 ,rear term
Overseer of the Poor John Bloonem, 2 vear term
To,en Auditors Richard, Stack 2 year term
-rilliam F.Kiay 2 year term
Oven Cunningham 2 year term
Constables John -elsh '2 year term
"illiar C.Nichols 2 year term
Archibald Park 2 vear term
Paul Kohloff 2 year term
'"i 11 i am 17.C aT ev 2 vear term
School Directors Inez P.LlqVd 5 year term
Ellq,,,()-.rth -smith 2 year term
The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution,
same as upon ROLL CALL,1, unanimously adopted.
Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 9- 30 P-TV1-
-Io,,n Clerk.—