HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996_03_25 Board of Architectural Review Minutes AMENDED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK MARCH 25, 1996, IN THE SENIOR CENTER, TOWN CENTER 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK Present: Edward Z. Jacobson, Chairman Lucian J. Leone 10 11744* Pamela T. Washington Absent: Joan Williams Robert M. Immerman °Q RECEIVED E. Robert Wassman APR 29 1996 t" PATRICIA DiCIOCCIO oL.M4, Also Present: William Gerety MTOWN A rwt Assistant Building Inspector M CALLfi TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jacobson at 8:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Jacobson asked Ms. Washington if she had any corrections or amendments to the Minutes of February 15, 1996. Ms. Washington said the word Helvetica on page 5, third paragraph was misspelled. It should be Helvetica. Other than that, the Minutes were lengthy but accurate. Mr. Jacobson said that because a quorum of Board members present at that meeting were not in attendance this evening, approval of the Minutes will be at the next Board meeting. Mr. Jacobson then formally welcomed Mr. Lucian J. Leone, the new member to the Board. He is a design professional in the area of graphics and industrial design, and brings a great deal of expertise which will be very helpful to the Board. Mr. Jacobson read the application as follows: DINO OIL INC. - 2517 Boston Post Road - Block 504 Lot 101 - Sign Charles Barbato, Operations Manager of Dino Oil, appeared stating they were before the Board for a sign permit for the service station on the corner of Dillon Road, 2517 Boston Post Road. He presented the Board members with a packet containing information regarding their proposal for a Coastal Service Station sign, including an 8" x 12" picture showing the base is 6 in. above grade. He then reviewed with the Board the plot plan submitted with the original application. Mr. Jacobson informed Mr. Leone that the Board approved the canopy design at the last meeting, and held over the application for the monument sign. Ms. Washington said it was the Board's impression the sign was 12 in. above grade, but it is now being presented as 6 in. above grade which is in accordance with the Sign Ordinance level. Mr. Barbato said the sign can also be adjusted lower. Mr. Jacobson asked Mr. Barbato to describe the thickness of the sign and asked if it would be solid. Board of Architectural Review March 25, 1996 Page 2 Mr. Barbato said the thickness will be 6 in. and will be solid, the casing will be metal and the faces will be of plastic construction, lexan. The side face is a 6 in. black casing all around. Mr. Jacobson asked about the graphics on the sign. Mr. Barbato said the graphics is molded and baked, by a company called Everbright in Houston. Mr. Jacobson read the application statement indicating that the sign emits less than 20 ft. candles when measured 25 ft. from the sign face, and asked Mr. Gerety if this has been checked to see if it meets the sign criteria. Mr. Gerety said it meets the sign criteria. Ms. Washington made a motion to accept the sign as presented, seconded by Mr. Leone and was unanimously approved, 3-0. Mr. Barbato asked if he needed an application or permit posted at the site. Mr. Gerety informed Mr. Barbato to give him a call in the morning to discuss the fee, and then come into the Building Department to get a building permit. Mr. Jacobson read the application as follows: TOWN OF MAMARONECK RECREATION DEPARTMENT- 140 Hommocks Road-Block 411 Lot 1 & 16 - Signs/Site Improvement Mr. Jacobson informed the Board that the Planning Board has designated itself as Lead Agency pursuant to 6NYCRR Part 617 and Local Law#4 of 1989, and has determined the aforementioned proposal for the Hommocks pool expansion be an Unlisted Action. William Zimmerman, Superintendent for the Recreation Department for the Town of Mamaroneck and Lawrence Feeley, one of the architects from Ward Associates, the architect of record for the project appeared. Mr. Zimmerman gave an overview of the project. A survey was performed in the summer of '92 at the pool inquiring what pool users were interested in at the pool. The end result was the expansion or renovation of an area the Town has been using for the last number of summers for the majority of outdoor pool users. The design presentation shows a decorative paver deck in front of the main pool separating the landscaped area from the pool building creating a grass area and trees and shrubs that will bloom later on giving shade, which the Town desperately needs. Shade is one of the large priorities of the users. In addition there will be perimeter landscaping so there will be screening, and a new chain link contour 6 ft. fence line, which is the County code requirement replacing what currently exists. The School District owns the property from the fence towards the main pool and the current concrete deck. The existing pool will be eliminated, the entire concrete deck will be demolished, the current awning will be removed and relocated; the fence will be removed, opening up the entire area; there will be paver material used, installed over a complete pile supported poured concrete deck; there will be a training pool 30 ft. x 50 ft., which will be 2 ft. to 3 ft. in depth for all the new swimmers; there will be a fenced in decoratively closed off wading pool of 20 ft. x 30 ft. which will be a tot spray pool, zero to 1 ft. in depth at all sides; there are already some free-standing umbrellas, chaise lounges and lawn chairs. Mr. Zimmerman then pointed out the filter building located as close to utilities as possible. Another item for the teenagers and adults of the community is a volleyball court will be installed in an area not currently utilized in the boulevard approach to the ice rink. A gate and paver material near the curb cut creates an entrance to the ice rink. The path system will be repaved, regraded, lifted slightly and crowned, because currently it retains water. The pool area and filter building will be slightly elevated out of the flood plain to avoid current flooding. Drainage and lawn sprinklers will be installed on site. It will be a nice option Board of Architectural Review March 25, 1996 Page 3 to expand the pool program, as it responds to all the concerns of the resident pool users. Residents will enter through the main entry way, then proceed through the locker rooms to the yard area. Mr. Jacobson said he noticed on the site plan that there are benches located at the access to the skating rink, and asked what they relate to. Mr. Zimmerman said the benches relate to the pedestrian traffic and waiting for a car during the ice rink season. Presently there are no benches for children, adults or senior citizens. Since the ice facility is going to be used for a roller in-line skating rink, it is important in the area turnaround to have a spot for residents to wait. There is access to the filter building for deliveries and emergencies, the only emergency entrance. Currently to the right of the fence is the old bicycle path which was created as an emergency road to the facility. The road will also now serve as access to the hydrant located next to Flint Park; also access back through the boulevard to allow entrance for emergency vehicles and chlorine delivery to the pool as well. Ms. Washington asked if the path was wide enough to handle the traffic in both directions. Mr. Zimmerman said in the original design there was going to be a two-way service road, but for a number of reasons, safety, emissions, etc. that was eliminated. Ms. Washington asked when the gate will be open and closed. Mr. Zimmerman said it will be controlled for deliveries, and during the large peak season, for the ice rink. It will probably have a card access, to eliminate vehicles from going through. Mr. Zimmerman said the Town encourages the Police Department to spend time in and around the facility, but if the gates are left open residents abuse the use. Sixty-seven percent of the permit holders buy a permit as a family for the summer. The Recreation Department is trying to improve the area to raise the level of enjoyment. Mr. Jacobson said the landscaping is nice, but he did not understand from the design point of view the tree configuration in the green area between the two pools. It seemed that the large indoor pool and the outside pools are going to work together as a single complex, and he asked if the arch configuration of the trees has some special meaning related to the complex. Mr. Feeley said there is really no significance. Mr. Zimmerman said to keep in mind that when this facility is developed by design, the Town wants to separate the children non-swimmer camp activity from the main pool. Each area will be supervised by the appropriate required staff. Mr. Zimmerman said he received comments from the CZMC approving five of the planting schemes and recommended replacing the Honey Locust and Day Lily with White Oaks, Lindens, Beeches or any of those combinations. The idea is to give residents some shade. The Town will use the land practice guide to help make a selection. Mr. Jacobson said the Board feels it is a handsome plan,and the configuration of trees in the center doesn't seem to make sense as there is no explanation for the arched shape. It seems to be favoring the new pools and turning its back on the large pool. Mr. Feeley said it is considered part of the sunning area and because of the drainage aspects that will be taking place, the trees should not be bunched into the center where the roots will gain excessive moisture. Mr. Jacobson said in his experience these tree configuration issues are very difficult design problems, and he feels that some other studies should be done. Mr. Feeley said Ward Associates will consider the design problem, when they consider the comments from CZMC. Board of Architectural Review March 25, 1996 Page 4 Mr. Jacobson said the Board would like to know what species of trees Ward Associates chooses to use as replacements. Mr. Feeley said this will be done. Ms. Washington asked if Ward Associates was asking for approval this evening. Mr. Feeley said they were coming in for approval subject to the Board's recommendations, as the Planning Board has put the matter on the agenda for a Public Hearing April 10, 1996. Mr. Jacobson said there were only three of the Board members present and even though there is a quorum present, a unanimous vote is required to approve the project. The Board of Architectural Review can recommend to the Planning Board that the plan be approved subject to a restudy of the tree configuration. Mr. Leone said he thought Ward Associates should soften the geometry of the planting, and is in favor of a random pattern. Mr. Feeley said in light of what Coastal Zone has requested, he would prefer if he could get back with alternatives species and perhaps address that issue. Mr. Feeley asked if a written list would be feasible, or does the Board want them to reappear at another meeting. Mr. Jacobson said this is exceedingly important, and he would like more of the Board members to be able to review the plan. It would also be helpful to the Board if one of the landscape architects at Ward Associates were available. Mr. Feeley asked when the next meeting would be scheduled. Mr. Jacobson said the next meeting would be April 18, 1996. Mr. Leone asked if Mr. Feeley could bring cut sheets/photographs of the landscaping. Mr. Feeley said he would do so. Mr. Jacobson said they had not addressed the sign issue. Mr. Feeley said it was submitted with a rendering the building. Mr. Jacobson said the building was acceptable, but questioned the color of the roof, a metal standing seam. Mr. Feeley said the they wanted to pick up the color from the rink building to be compatible with the site, taking the brick from the main pool building, and the roof is a sand tone beige. Ms. Washington asked Mr. Feeley to bring a sample at the next meeting, and also photographs of the existing site, the rink and the swimming pool. Mr. Jacobson said the comment he would have about the sign, was simply that on the presentation it said graphics and sign color as selected by owner. Does that mean the one submitted isn't the sign as proposed. Mr. Feeley said basically the one presented would be the one they would recommend, and the graphics would be similar to the type style on the site now, a bronze tone. Mr. Zimmerman said the main entry signs are designed that way. The sign that they are replacing is the old construction sign. Board of Architectural Review March 25, 1996 Page 5 Mr. Jacobson asked Mr. Feeley to make a complete presentation with regard to color, type face, etc. at the next meeting. Mr. Leone said the type face presented is called Benquiat, and he wonders whether this has been used on the other signs. Graphic standards should be established in terms of typeface and color, upper and lower case or all caps. The Benquiat is a very difficult type face to read, because its ornamental. Mr. Feeley said this sign would be consistent with the signage that they already have in place. Mr. Leone asked when it comes to specifying the color, typeface and size, who handles that. Mr. Feeley said they would have to specify what was used. Mr. Jacobson said the total height of the monument sign is 7 ft. This does not fit into the normal sign guidelines of 6 ft. maximum. Mr. Gerety said he wasn't sure at this time, and would look into the guidelines. Mr. Feeley said they would look into the sign guidelines also. Mr. Jacobson said they could accept the site plan with the pools as they are shown, the configuration of the paving, the configuration of the perimeter landscaping and the fence. A restudy of the tree planting configuration and the species of trees, color samples of the materials for the filter building,more detail on the site sign, cuts on security lights and benches are required. (Mr. Zimmerman said the canopy is an existing structure and will be relocated; Mr. Jacobson would like a photograph, to put it in context with the other things; Mr. Leone asked about the fabric; Mr. Zimmerman said the fabric is green, beige, burgundy mix that is used for the lawn furniture). Mr. Jacobson asked if the Board could view this as a preliminary review, due to the fact that there are so many elements it is difficult to separate the issues, and postpone a final decision on the plan until the next meeting. Mr. Jacobson said he will formulate a statement for the Planning Board following the meeting. Mr. Gerety said the statement can be included in the Minutes, a copy of which can be sent to Bill Zimmerman and to the Planning Board with pertinent sections highlighted. Mr. Jacobson said the Board will postpone final review until the next meeting. Mr. Jacobson read the application as follows: PRELIMINARY REVIEW - NAUTILUS DINER OF MAMARONECK - 1240 Boston Post Road - Block 408 Lot 110 - additions/alterations Tom Regal from DeRaffele Manufacturing and Steve Efstathiou,the owner of the Nautilus Diner appeared. Mr. Regal said the applicant is planning to get authorization to put a glassed walled extension out close to the property line and leave room for a row of bushes. The applicant wants to change the front with a glass wall to match the area where the canopy is. The room will alleviate the overflow that occurs on the weekends. The roof is solid. The clear glass comes from table height up to the eave line. Ms. Washington confirmed that it is not a greenhouse look, it is glass on the front facade with a solid roof. Mr. Regal referred to the plans and said posts are used every three windows. Board of Architectural Review March 25, 1996 Page 6 Mr. Jacobson said if the applicant makes it a solid roof, it has to be structured, insulated, etc. If this is aluminum as stated, it is important to know what the aluminum looks like. Mr. Regal will submit photographs of a similar project at the next meeting. Mr. Jacobson said there appears to be reflective glass with dark brown aluminum mullions between the glass lites. Ms. Washington asked if there were going to be gutters and leaders. Mr. Regal explained where the gutters and leaders would be. Mr. Jacobson said the Board would like the planting bed in front, but instead of the 18 in. on the plan, is there any way to increase the planting bed? Mr. Regal said it was difficult to do so. Ms. Washington asked if there were any setbacks on the property. Mr. Gerety said there are no setbacks on a commercial property, the owner can build up to the property line. Mr. Jacobson asked what was the minimum width required for booths. Mr. Regal said the minimum width required is 24 in. and uncomfortable. The booths being proposed are 30 in. booths for comfort. Ms. Washington asked what will happen to the existing facade with the stone work on it. Mr. Regal said it will all come down, and steel uprights will be installed. Mr. Jacobson said to solidify the discussion, the applicant has given a reading of 9.2 ft. and given the Board 4 in. more for planting. For the Board to make a final approval, the applicant will provide photographs. The glass that is not reflective is lightly tinted, and the applicant will bring a sample to the next meeting. Mr. Leone said it is important to keep the presentation more visual by submitting photographs of the site and existing conditions and to bring samples for the Board to review. Mr. Washington said Mr. Regal should discuss the options with the owner before making a presentation to the Board, so no changes will be made after approval. Mr. Jacobson asked what the plant material will be. Mr. Regal will submit a plant proposal at the next meeting. Ms. Washington asked if this was an opportunity to put street trees in front of the property? Mr. Regal asked where he could put a tree. Ms. Washington suggested taking out some of the sidewalk and putting in a tree at the street. Mr. Gerety said as far as addressing the parking lot as a whole, the Board could request plantings or changing configuration to upgrade the parking lot. Board of Architectural Review March 25, 1996 Page 7 Mr. Jacobson said he didn't feel strongly about planting in the parking lot, but Ms. Washington's point about street trees is a good point because the street has such a barren look. Ms. Washington said the Board looks forward to a complete presentation at the next meeting that won't change upon construction. Mr. Leone asked if the sign is an existing sign for the shopping plaza. Mr. Regal said the sign on the plan is a sign from the shopping center, and does not know why it is on the plan. Mr. Gerety said you cannot put the sign for one property on someone else's property. Technically it could cause a problem. Mr. Leone said it should be flagged as being irregular. Mr. Gerety said it is a concern the department will look into. Mr. Jacobson said the applicant should go on record with the sign owner stating the applicant knows the sign is incorrectly placed there and feels that it is inappropriate. Mr. Regal asked when the next board meeting will be held. Mr. Leone said the third Thursday in April. Mr. Gerety said Mr. Regal needs to fill out a building permit application in addition. Mr. Regal asked how long the permit was valid. Mr. Gerety said the permit is valid for one year. New Matter Mr. Gerety said he wanted to discuss an application received from Dunkin Donuts. The application is a proposal to gain a little space for some refrigerated storage that they need to update their equipment, and put in a better handicapped bathroom. Mr. Jacobson asked if it complied with zoning setbacks. Mr. Gerety said this, as well as Nautilus,will go for PEER review. It is very preliminary, but he wanted to give the Board some idea of what is being proposed. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held on April 18, 1996. ADJOURNMENT On a motion made by Mr. Leone, seconded by Ms. Washington, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Marguerite Roiba, Recording Secretary