HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973_07_05 Town Board Regular Minutes 28
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Councilman Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman White
Absent: Councilman Faiola
Also Present: Mr. Gronberg - Town Clerk
Mrs. Brewer - Deputy Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Highway Superintendent
Mr. Elfreich - Town Engineer
Before proceeding with this evening's meeting, Mrs. Helwig
paid tribute to Joseph Altieri, Finance Officer of the Town
of Mamaroneck, whose untimely death on June 25th deprived
the Town not only of its Comptroller and Director of Finance
but of a man who was a good friend to all with whom he worked
and served.
As the Editorial in The Daily Times had said, she continued,
"his passing leaves a hole in the Town's official hierarchy
that won't be easy to fill". His talents were great and he
devoted his time and his skills unstintingly to the affairs
of the Town. Doubtless, she said, the Councilmen would like
to add to these comments -- after which a moment of silence
would be observed in tribute to Mr. Altieri.
Councilman Bloom remarked that there was little left to say
following the Supervisor's comments but certainly he would
reiterate that Joe had been a tireless worker, truly dedicated
to his job. Councilman Vandernoot added that unfortunately
Mr. Altieri had been one who did not know how to get away
from his job and relax, and that literally he had given his
life to his job, and Councilman White stated that truly Joe
had been a remarkable man and one whose place it would indeed
be difficult to fill.
And thereupon following a moment of silence, the following
resolution was adopted unanimously in memoriam to Mr. Altieri,
to be spread upon the minutes of this meeting in tribute to
him and forwarded to his wife and son with the deep sympathy.
of this Board, the Town Staff and residents of the community
he served with such devotion:
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WHEREAS, Joseph Altieri, former Comptroller of
the Town of Mamaroneck, died on June 25th, 1973;
WHEREAS, during his twelve years of service to
the Town, his ability was recognized through his
increasing responsibilities as Town Accountant,
Comptroller and Director of Finance;
WHEREAS, he was a dedicated public servant and a
loyal member of the Town staff discharging his
duties faithfully and with unfailing energy;
WHEREAS, his concern for the best interests of
the Town and its residents led him to devote
his time and his talents far beyond the call of
RESOLVED, that we in the Town of Mamaroneck record
our deep sense of loss and grief;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a moment of silence be observed at
the opening of this meeting in memory of
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon the
minutes of this meeting in public tribute to him,
and that a copy thereof be forwarded to his wife
and son with deepest sympathy and condolences at
this sorrowful time.
The minutes of the special meeting of June 25th, 1973 were
presented and on motion duly made and seconded, approved
as submitted.
1. Report on Permissive Referendum
(Appointed rather than Elected
Receiver of Taxes )
The Supervisor reported that on May 16th the Town Board as
permitted by law had adopted a resolution providing that the
office of Receiver of Taxes be appointive rather than elective
subject to permissive referendum which runs for a period of
30 days from the date of publication and posting of such reso-
lution. Therefore, she continued, since the period had expired
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on June 21st, it was now in order for this Board to announce
that henceforth in the Town of Mamaroneck the office of
Receiver of Taxes would be appointive rather than elective, and
also for the Clerk to forward to the County Board of Elections
a certified copy of the aforesaid resolution so that the office
would be removed from the ballot for forthcoming elections.
2. Report on Tour
Premium River - Pine Brook Drains
A report addressed to the Board by the Town Engineer under
today's date summarizing the results of an inspection of the
Pine Brook Drain area made by Mr. Leddy and himself with
Mr. Bonchonsky of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency was
herewith presented and ordered received and filed for the
1. Request - Senior Citizen Center
The Supervisor invited Mrs. Samuels, Chairman of the Larchmont-
Mamaroneck Committee on Family and Youth and also of its Senior
Citizens Coordinating Council, to address the Board regarding
the Committee's request for the establishment of a "Senior
Citizen Drop-in Center".
Mrs. Samuels thanked the Supervisor and members of the Board
for affording her this opportunity and also for the previous
cooperation always extended to the Committee on the many
matters it had presented to this Board for its consideration
in the past.
She then stated that as the Board knew, until now the Committee
had been discussing teen-agers, while at present it had turned
to the other side of the coin to discuss the twilight years --
the needs of the elderly. She pointed out that of the Town's
population of 13,002, 11% were over 65 and 17% over 60 years
of age; a percentage, she noted, that was well above the aver-
age of most of the communities in the County and which would
seem to indicate that services for this large group should cer-
tainly be included in the over-all program.
She also advised that in order to ascertain the need for such
a program, the Committee had conducted a Senior Citizens
Registration Day in March with distribution of a questionnaire
aimed at ascertaining this information. From the results
which had been carefully tabulated and represented an 11%
return, she presented a statistical summarization which, she
said, seemed to indicate as the most logical beginning for
such a program the establishment of a Drop-in Center where
people could meet and socialize and where the needs and desires
for programs could be learned first-hand from the seniors them-
' selves. This center, she continued, would be run entirely by
volunteers and would be patterned on that of the League for
Service at the New Rochelle Hospital.
Mrs. Samuels then said that as the Village of Mamaroneck
conducted its own program for Senior Citizens, the Committee's
appeal was for a joint appropriation by the Town and Larchmont
Village in order to make it possible to rent a store for such
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a Center and cover the costs of insurance, electricity,
maintenance, etc. She explained that the request for funds
was based on the numbers to be served in each municipality --
thus the Town with 65% was asked for $4,500. which she hoped
would be authorized this evening and the Village with 35% for
$2,500. which'-had been authorized at the Village meeting Mon-
day evening. Of this total of $7,000. she stated that $5,600.
was earmarked for rent with any balance to be used for funding
activities such as trips by bys, etc.
In reply to questions by the Board, Mrs. Samuels said that with
the funds in hand, the Committee hoped to be able to open the
Center by September 1st and agreed that prior to any under-
writing of a permanent budgetary appropriation, an experimental
period was necessary to determine whether such a Center was
successfully meeting the needs.
Mr. Harold Klein, upon recognition by the Chair, spoke from the
floor questioning the rent which at $450. a month seemed high
and the location of the store on a main artery. Mrs. Samuels
replied that the Committee felt that the place must be easily
accessible but added that the Committee was grateful for his
suggestions as no definite decisions had been made as of this
The Supervisor explained that the appropriation could legally
be made from Federal Revenue Sharing funds and inquired as to
the Board's pleasure, whereupon Councilman Bloom after remark-
ing that in interest and concern for our Senior Citizens it would
seem only proper that this proposal be tried for a year and so
moved the appropriation.
The motion was seconded by Councilman White who noted that it
was for a good use and the following resolution was thereupon
unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that
the sum of $4,500. be appropriated from Part-Town
Funds to the Senior Citizens Coordinating Council,
a sub-committee of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck
Committee on Family and Youth, to be used for
the establishment of a Senior Citizen Drop-in
and be it further
RESOLVED, that Federal Revenue Sharing funds
received in 1973 and not yet appropriated be
drawn upon for this purpose.
Mrs. Samuels expressed her thanks and appreciation to the
Board and Councilman Vandernoot in turn thanked her for her
excellent presentation.
Not on Agenda
At this time, the Supervisor recognized Mrs. Eugenia Pirro of
133 Laurel Avenue who addressed the Board with reference to
the Recreation questionnaire requesting provision of a Teen
Center rather than any of the facilities proposed thereon such
as ball fields, a tennis-ice skating bubble, play yard:°at Hummocks,
etc. She stated that she felt such a Center was the most needed
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facility in this community as it would provide teen-agers with
a place of their own in which they could congregate and have
evening and weekend activities thus keeping them off the streets
and eliminating, or at least lessening, the vandalism which
certainly everyone in this community was well aware of.
Mrs. Pirro particularly questioned the proposed expenditure
of $225,000. for a tennis-ice skating bubble facility to serve
a small number of tennis players in view of the urgent needs of
the teen-agers two of which in addition to the Teen Center
she listed as a publicly run mini bike track and basketball
hoops in Memorial Park to take care of the older boys. She also
questioned the need for Horse Shoe Pitching and Shuffle Board
as these were of no interest to the kids. Mrs. Helwig explained
that these had been requested mainly by older persons.
Councilman White then explained that the proposed tennis-ice
skating bubble was to be wholely and solely on a pay-as-you-go
basis by those who used the facility and also noted that the
response of the community had been heavily in favor of the
provision of this facility. The school, too, he stated, was
strongly in favor of it since it would provide a facility much
needed for its hockey teams and additional indoor physical ed-
ucation facilities for the balance of the school year.
The following persons also addressed the Board:
Mr. Gerard J. Dapolito of 129 Murray Avenue who spoke strongly
in favor of both a Teen Center and mini bike track.
Mr. Charles L. Rocque of 134 Murray Avenue who also urged
provision of a mini bike track perhaps on the Mamaroneck High
School track and which would be publicly operated and run as
were those in Pelham, Mount Vernon, Mamaroneck and New Rochelle.
Mrs. Maria Russell of 18 Mountain Avenue who requested that
the pool regulations be reconsidered so as to make it possible
for teen-agers to swim in the evening without being accompanied
by an adult member of the family. Mrs. Helwig advised that
this matter was presently being studied.
Mr. Elwin C. Kimmey of 59 Myrtle Boulevard endorsed the need
for both the Teen Center and Basketball Courts in Memorial
Park, emphasizing however that there must be supervision
when as and if such a Center should be established.
Also speaking to these points were Mr. Carmine Perciasepe, Jr.
of 3 Wood Street, Mrs. Joseph Garofalo of 61 Murray Avenue
and Mrs. John Mussachio of 99 Myrtle Boulevard.
Mrs. Judy Raab of 102 Edgewood Avenue, upon-recognition, then
called to the Board's attention the condition of the Play Area
at Memorial Park which she said had once been an attractive
place for little children to play but which had now deteriorated
within the last six weeks to the point of being virtually unusable.
She listed the condition of the sand box - without sand - the un-
availability of rest room facilities except when an attendant was
present, the broken drinking fountain, and the broken toys and
added that when she had questioned an attendant about these things,
he had replied that nothing could be done.
The Supervisor explained that the police were patrolling the area
but must see an act of vandalism being perpetrated in order to
make an arrest -- and that a great deal of money had been spent
by the Town in trying to repair and maintain the equipment, she
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said, to almost no avail.
During discussion of these matters Mrs. Elaine Samuels described
the new Saturday Night Open House Program to be held at the
High School which was being planned and patterned on the Scarsdale
program and would provide one evening activity for teen-agers,
and Councilman Bloom stated that in view of the information
given this evening about mini bike tracks, a check of the legal
questions involved would be made and the possibilities investi-
gated to see what could be worked out. In reference to these
tracks, the Supervisor asked whether they were open to other
than residents of the municipalities they served but no one
present had definite information -- and further, in reply to
her query as to how the bikes would be transported to such
tracks, she was assured that this would have to be done by the
parents of those who participated.
Councilman Vandernoot then said with reference to the park
vandalism that the only solution would seem to be the furnish-
ing of round-the-clock surveillance. Mr. Klein suggested in
this respect that a constant police patrol of the park be tried.
Councilman White stated that a "dark-of-night-uniform patrol"
would cost well in excess of $20,000. a year which was a pro-
hibitive cost and one that might well concern the taxpayers who
would have to pay this increased cost. He agreed that it was
sad indeed that this Yg la round could not be used - addin g that
he felt we were all in a crisis of which Larchmont was a part
regarding the apparent lack of respect for law and order and
respect for property, and Councilman Bloom added the problem was
not what the Town could do - but rather what all of us could do
together to .improve the situation.
Mrs. Peggy Snyder of 31 Seton Road asked whether it would be
possible to fence the playground area to protect it? Mrs. Helwig
questioned whether fences were the answer - referring to the
damages to the fenced in tennis court area, and Mrs. Samuels noted
that while she was all for Youth Centers as she was for Centers
for the elderly, such a Center might not be the answer to vandal-
ism quoting that 50% of the entire budget to run the Teen-age
Inn at St. Thomas 's which had worked out to being a program
mainly for Mamaroneck Village youths, had been and was still
being spent to repair the vandalism to this property caused
by the users. This problem, she said, she felt was a much deeper
one concerning a sense of values and something it seemed was
happening so that the young people were not being taught values
and not to destroy other people's property.
The Supervisor thanked all for their suggestions which she stated
would be taken to the Recreation Commission and Recreation Super-
Mrs. Judy Raab then brought to the Board's attention the manage-
ment of the Pre-School Play-School program at Murray Avenue.
She stated that no one was present in charge of the program
due to a death in the Director's family, and that no exit had
been available for the 35 to 40 children present. She further
said she had called the Recreation Department and been told
daily that conditions would be corrected. This had not happened,
she said, and suggested therefore the program be closed in the
interest of safety until its reorganization could be effected.
Mrs. Helwig thanked Mrs. Raab and advised that she would visit
the program tomorrow morning herself in order to ascertain
whether it needed to be closed or what needed to be done to
remedy the situation Mrs. Raab described.
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The Board then resumed the regular order of business as
follows :
2. Request for Performance Bond
($16,000. - $4,000. cash - Elfreich)
Griffen Estates
Pursuant to memorandum of Engineer addressed to the Board
under date of July 3rd, 1971 and an attachment dated
January 25th, 1973, herewith presented and ordered received
and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Council-
man White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby accepts a
cash deposit of $4,000. and issuance of
performance bond in the amount of $16,000.
for roadway improvements in the subdivision
known as Griffen Estates, said bond subject
to approval by the Town Attorney as to form
sufficiency and manner of execution.
3. Request for Reduction of
Performance Bond - Saxon Glen
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the.Engineer
on June 21st, 1973 herewith presented and ordered recieved
and filed for the record, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that the Performance Bond No. 901497 of
Saxon Development Corporation of 4525 Greystone
Avenue, Bronx, New York as Principal and Wilbur
Fried and Judith Fried as Co-Principals and the
Republic Insurance Company, in the amount of
$60,000. for subdivision map prepared by Thomas
John McEvoy, N.Y.S. License No. 39309 dated
October 10, 1967 and entitled Subdivision map
of Saxon Glen in the Town of Mamaroneck, West-
chester County, New York - County Block 3964
Parcels 36 and 45 on the Tax Assessment Map
of the Town of Mamaroneck, be reduced to $8,000.
effective as of this date.
4. Authorization.to Advertise for Bids
Traffic Light, Sts. John and Paul
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Engineer
under date of July 5th, 1973 herewith presented and ordered
received and filed, on motion by Councilman White, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with law, the
Town Clerk be and he hereby is authorized
to publish in the official newspaper of the
Town of Mamaroneck, "The Daily Times", a
Notice for Bids, to be returnable August 1st,
1973, and opened and read aloud at a regular
meeting of this Board at 8:15 p.m. on that
date for the furnishing and installing of
Flashing Beacon Signal on Weaver Street at
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Sts. John and Paul School, in accordance with the
specifications set forth in the Notice, provided
that the said specifications have been approved -
by the Town Attorney prior to the publication
of the aforesaid Notice for Bids.
5. Authorization for Payment:
a) Police Emergency Overtime
Pursuant to memorandum of the Police Commission under date of
June 25th, 1973, herewith presented and ordered received and
filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Council-
man Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as approved by the Board of
Police Commissioners, this Board hereby
authorizes payment of Emergency Overtime
Compensation to the following officers of
the Town of Mamaroneck Police Department
for the number of hours set forth for each
covering the period from May 22nd, 1973 to
June 21st, 1973:
Name Hours Min.
Sgt. Diamond 2
Det. Mulcahy 5
Ptl. Adamo 2 30
" Ambrosovitch 2
" Anderson 2
" Fuller 2
" Graziano 1
" Mosiello 12
" Pyrch 2
" Pfoh 1
" Thompson 10
Total 41 30
b) Fire Emergency Overtime
Pursuant to memorandum of the Fire Chief under date of
June 21st, 1973, herewith presented and ordered received and
filed for the record, on motion by Councilman White, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as approved by the Fire Chief,
this Board hereby authorizes payment of Emergency
Overtime Compensation to the following Firemen of
the Town of Mamaroneck Fire Department for the
number of hours set forth for each covering the
period from May 24th to June 21st, 1973:
Name Hours
Lieut. L. Testa 20
F. Felice 24
" J. Garofalo 33
" S. Garofalo 132
Fireman C. Mirande 14
F. Carpino 272
" J. Laverty 30
" N. Wilson 24
- 8 -
Y O6
b) Fire Emergency Overtime (cont'd)
Name Hours
Fireman K. Valle 14
H. Newman 14
R. Baron 42
M. Rappaport 28
Total 284
In reply to the Supervisor's query, Chief Ciardullo explained
that the increased number of hours was due to the two-man
shortage during this period of time.
c) Mandatory Anniversary Police Increments
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller's
office.:under-_date of June 28th, 1973, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Vandernoot,
seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that in accordance with Civil Service
Law and the Town of Mamaroneck Compensation
Plan for 1973, this Board hereby authorizes
payment of the following mandatory salary
increments to the following Police Officers
as set forth herebelow:
P. Gerardi 8/23/73 $ 303.00 $12,297.00 $12,600.00
L. Mosiello 12/27/73 303.00 12,297.00 00 12,600.00
R. Knox 7/26/73 303.00 11,994. 12,297.00
J. Passafume 11/ 1/73 303.00 11,994.00 12,297.00
M. Nardelli 11/ 1/73 303.00 11,994.00 12,297.00
J. Thompson 6/28/73 303.00 11,691.00 11,994.00
6. Authorization for Salary Increases
Chief Barasch and Lts. Lovely and Federice
Pursuant to letter addressed to the Supervisor by P. A. Schrat-
wieser under date of June 15th, 1973, for the Board of Police
Commissioners as herewith presented and ordered received and
filed as part of the record of this meeting, on motion by Coun-
cilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that
effective as of June 28th, 1973, the compensa-
tion of Police Chief Robert M. Barasch and Lts.
Christopher Lovely and William A. Federice be
increased in the amount of $850. , or for Chief
Barasch from $17,872. to $18,722. , for Lt. Lovely
from $15,458. to $16,308. and for Lt. Federice
from $15,158. to $16,008. per annum beginning as
of that date.
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7. Authorization to Increase Appropriation
($1500.) Hurricane Agnes.
Pursuant to a memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Comptroller's office under date of July 3rd, 1973, and
in accordance with the explanations set forth therein,
on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman
White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds within the
1973 Budget:
General Fund Town Wide Surplus - A/C 501 $1500.00
Tax Abatements - "Hurricane Agnes" - A/C A9209.0 $1500.00
8. Authorization to Purchase Tractor -
Recreation, Highway, Conservation.
Following presentation of the memorandum addressed to the
Supervisor and Town Board by James W. K'ronenberger,
Superintendent of Recreation under date of July 3rd, 1973,
herewith ordered received and filed for the record, upon
the Town Engineer's explanation that although this equip-
ment was available at State price, delivery could not be
made for a minimum of 120 days, by common consent of the
Board, it was directed that this matter would be tabled
for inclusion in the 1974 Budget.
9. Authorization - Settlement $50.00 Deductible
Insurance Claim.
Pursuant to communication addressed to the Clerk by Knox,
Lent and Tucker under date of June 12th, 1973, herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of claim of Knox, Lent and Tucker, Inc.
in connection with the settlement of a property
damage claim under Town Policy #RLU704156 with
Royal Indemnity Company containing a $50.00
deductible property damage clause.
10. Authorization - Rental Heavy Equipment Highway
Pursuant to a memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Superintendent of Highways under date of July 2nd, 1973,
hereby presented and ordered received and filed, on
motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman
Vandernoot, it was unanimously
- 10
.�� ,
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Superintendent of Highways to rent paving
equipment from Peckham Materials Corp. for
the scheduled 1973 highway repaving program
in accordance with the rates attached thereto
and subject to approval by the Westchester
County Commissioner of Public Works.
11. Transfer of Funds - Premium River (Title Search).
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the
Comptroller's office under date of July 3rd, 1973, herewith
presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman White, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the following transfer of funds subject to
the Town Attorney's approval as to marketable
General Town Surplus - A/C 501 $500.00
General Fund - Town Wide - Miscellaneous - $500.00
A/C A9208.0 (Premium River Title Search)
12. Authorization - Summer Recreation Payroll.
Upon presentation of the Superintendent of Recreation's
Summer Recreation Personnel as approved by the Commission,
dated July 2nd, 1973 and herewith ordered received and filed,
on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman White,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission and the Superintendent of Recreation,
this Board hereby authorizes the following
salary expenditures to the persons named on the
list herebelow inserted, for the terms of employ-
ment and at a rate of compensation for each as
set forth.-thereon:
- 11 -
William Celestino Sr. Rec. Leader 8 Weeks $175.00
Margaret Huepper Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $135.00
Barbara Fluhr Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $ 60.00
Kay Francis Richiards Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $130.00
Lydia Ritacco Sr. Rec. Leader 7 .Weeks $125.00
Patricia Vallieri Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks $ 60.00
David Sleeper Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 70.00
John Nagel Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $135.00
Susan Ikeda Sr, Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $
Mave Brennan Rec.'=Assistant- 7 Weeks $ 60.00
Kenneth Huepper Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 70.00
James Cowen Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks $135.00
Brigid Quinn Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks $ 60.00
Leslie Farrand Rec. Specialist 8 Weeks $ 60.00
William Oppenheimer Rec. Specialist 8 .Weeks $ 60.00
Sally Williams Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks $ 65.00
Susie Williams Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks $ 65.00
Kathleen Morrow Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks $ 65.00
Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks $ 65.00
Jean Ann Santoro Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $ 60.00
Linda Yergin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 40.00
Marcia Hampton Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 40.00
Bertha Batzanian Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Alice G. Burlinson Rec.AAssistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Jane Purcell Rec. Assistant . 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Pamela Hampton Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Pamela Geary Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Linda Williams Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Susan Walker Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
• ? Ann Marie O'Reilly Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks $ 60.00
Regina Poccia Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks $ 60.00
i, Regina Poccia Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $ 50.00
Mary Jill Fisher Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Kathleen Gray Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Joann Lancia Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Mercedes Yans Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Rose 'Batzan&an Rec.AAssistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Lena Grande Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Gail Kelly Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Frances Katzenstein Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Sally Jo Berends Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Catherine Santoro Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Kathryn Megroz Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $ 60.00
Irene Reisman Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 42.00
Tina Marie .Capobianco Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Kathleen Sweeney Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Patricia Cantwell Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Amy Crean Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
Marylena Simone Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 36.00
i Susan Ransom Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $336.00
Brenda Barrett Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
i Cathleen Devlin Rec. Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Nancy Noletti Rec., Assistant 7 Weeks $ 33.00
Julian Spencer Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $150.00
Audrey Morrison Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $ 65.00
David Lathrop Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $ 65.00
Michelle Licea Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $ 50.00
Susan Guberman Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $ 45.00
Conrad Andriani Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $ 40.00
Constance Trenholm Rec. Specialist 6 Weeks $ 40.00
Sheryl Underwood D.anceSpecalist 6 Weeks $ 40.00
Kathleen Carr Dance Specialist 6 Weeks $ 40.00
Richard Owen Rec. Specialist 3 Weeks $285.00
Thomas Auchterlonie Rec. Specialist 4 Weeks $285.00
Carol Sullivan Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks $285.00
Chrissy Schechter Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks (AM ONLY) $ 50.00
Francesca Pasqua Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks (AM ONLY) $ 50.00
Rec. Specialist 7 Weeks (AM ONLY) $ 50.00
Roy O'Neill Sr. Rec. Leader 7 Weeks $ 80.00
Nora Mazzone Rec_. Assistant 6 Weeks $ 60.00
Rita Marsella Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks $ 60.00
NellaBriotta Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks $ 60.00
Stephanie Alt Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks $ 60.00
Robert J. Martel Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks $ 55.00
Kathleen Moran Rec. Assistant 6 Weeks $ 55.00
Audrey Morrison Music Specialist 6 Weeks $ 50.00
Elizabeth Melley Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks `=$272.50 TOTAL
Kim Ross Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272,50 TOTAL
Karen Lee Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
Therese Lucas Rec. Assistant . 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
Michelle Constantine Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
Erica Licea Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
Richard Merson Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
Carol O'Neill Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
} Robert De'Litto Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
BennettGGoodman Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $272.50 TOTAL
ti°e Sarah Brewton Rec. Assistant 5 Weeks $125.00 TOTAL
And further, pursuant to memoranda of the Superintendent
of Recreation dated July 2nd & 3rd, 1973 herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman
Bloom, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that as recommended by the Recreation
Commission, this Board hereby authorizes that
the following Recreation Personnel be engaged
and compensated as set forth.:below:
Name Title Effective Salary
Maru L. Fenich Lifeguard 6/22/73 $2.25 per hr.
Robert G. Hofmann " It " " " " "
Deborah A. Mackenzie " " " " " " it
Ellen M. McEvily " " " " " " it
Eileen P. O'Donnell " " " " " It
Marc D. Sherman " " " " It " "
David H. Williams " II II I/ 11 II. "
Keven J. McCarthy " " " " "
Frank Gallagher Rec. Attend. " if " 2.00 " "
Mary Ann Leonardi " " " " " " - " I/
Stephen Walsh " It " " " " " It
Patricia Wilson " " " " " " " II
Kathleen A. O'Neill " " " " It " " it
Robert Wilson " " 6/29/73 " " It
James Cowen Rec. Special. 6/1/73 3.50 " "
13. Salary Authorization
a. Leo N. Orsino (Part-Time)
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller's
office under date of June 21st, 1973, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that
Leo N.. Orsino, former Tax Receiver of the Town
of Mamaroneck, be compensated in an amount not
exceed the sum of $175.00 per month for part-time
services in the office of Receiver of Taxes,
effective as of July 1st, 1973.
b. Philip Stein. (Part-Time)
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Comptroller's
office under date of June 21st, 1973, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that
Philip Stein, a retired highway employee, be
compensated in the amount of $4.12 per hour for
Election services during the year 1973.
14. Authorization - Compensation for Additional Auditing
The Supervisor advised the Board that the Town Auditors, Glick-
Freedman, and Meckler, G.P.A. , had furnished additional auditing
services to the Comptroller's office for the period from
February 22nd, through June 30th of this year and requested
authorization for reimbursement therefor at a rate not to
exceed the sum of $100.00 per day.
- 12 -
Whereupon, on a motion by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded
by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes that
Glick-Freedman, and Meckler, C.P.A. , 271 North
Avenue, New Rochelle, Auditors for the Town of
Mamaroneck, be reimbursed for additional auditing
services rendered for the period from February 22nd
through June 30th 1973, at a rate not to exceed
the sum of $100.00 per day.
15. Authorization - Payment of Interest
to New York State Retirement System.
The Supervisor presented for authorization of payment, state-
ments of interest due and payable to the New York State
Policemen's and Firemen's Retirement System and New York
State Employees ' Retirement System on payments due June 15th,
1973, which were herewith ordered received and filed for the
record,and thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Councilman White, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
payment of interest charges (5% for 10 days)
in the amount of $229.52 to the New York State
Policemen's and Firemen's Retirement System
and $156.21 to the New York State Employees'
Retirement System.
Not on Agenda
Mrs. Peggy Snyder, 31 Seton Road.
In reply to Mrs. Snyder's question regarding the use of
Federal Revenue Sharing monies for funding CAP, the
Supervisor stated that -everyeffort was being made to ascertain
the legality of using such funds, but that it seemed to be
difficult to obtain definitive information. She further stated
that a very lengthy explanation would be needed to recount the
situation in detail, but that she had talked with various State
officials including a Mr. Doling of the New York State Department
of Audit and Control who had advised her that he believed further
and definite information on this matter would be available in the
very near future.
Councilman White stated that he believed the question at issue
was a legal one -- as to whether or not CAP was still a
governmental agency following the elimination of federal funding,
The Supervisor concluded the discussion advising Mrs. Synder that
funds had been provided which would enable CAP to function through
the month of July pending receipt of the further information.
1. Letter, City of White Plains - Resolution re Tax Relief
for Tenants.
The Supervisor briefly summarized a resolution adopted by the
Common Council of the City of White Plains on June 4th, 1973
- 13 -
calling upon Congress and the New York State Legislature to
pass legislation allowing residential tenants to deduct
Real Estate Taxes from the payment of Income Taxes, which was
herewith ordered received and filed.
2. I.C.C. Notice of Hearing re Railroad Merger.
3. P.S.C. Notice of Hearing re Con Ed (Rules &Regulations) .
4. Board of Appeals, Larchmont - Notice of Hearing.
The above Notice of Hearings all held during the past month,
which had been referred to the Attorney and required no action,
were herewith ordered received and filed upon presentation for
the Board's information.
Not on Agenda
Councilman White re Library Board.
Councilman White called to the Board's attention that
Dr. McCarthy had resigned from the Board of Trustees of the
Larchmont Library and the Town had been requested to submit
a recommendation to the Village Board for appointment of a
successor. He said he realized this would be indeed difficult
to do, but requested all of his fellow members to give this
request their earnest consideration, keeping in mind that
Mr. Oresman had advised that someone with an engineering or
architectural background would be of tremendous value to the
Library Board.
Councilman White then paid great tribute to Dr. McCarthy for
his invaluable service while a Library Trustee, commenting on
his many constructive contributions to the improvement of the
Library, which remarks he requested be recorded in the minutes
of this meeting.
Each of the members of the Board heartily seconded Councilman
White's remarks of tribute to Dr. McCarthy adding that he would
indeed be missed throughout the community he had served so well.
Whereupon on motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman
Bloom,the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote
of the Board:
WHEREAS, Dr. Joseph F. X. McCarthy has served as a
Trustee of the Larchmont Library for the
past five years,
WHEREAS, during those years he devoted his time and
his special knowledge and ability to improving
our Library, and has made many constructive
contributions thereto,
RESOLVED, that we, the members' of this Board, do
hereby adept this resolution to be spread
upon the minutes of this meeting in public
tribute to
- 14 -
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be
forwarded to him with deep appreciation
and sincere thanks and the very best
wishes of this Board and the citizenry
he served with such distinction and
The Town Clerk --
The Clerk presented the following reports which were ordered
received and filed:
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments
for the month of June 1973.
Reports of the Building and Plumbing Inspector
for the months of May and June 1973.
Reports of the Town Clerk for the months of
May and June 1973.
Report of the Supervisor for the year ended
December 31, 1972, which report the Clerk
announced was filed in his office and available
for public inspection every day in the week-from
Monday through Friday from 9:00 A.M. through 4:30
Affidavit of Publication of the adoption of a
resolution on May 16, 1973 providing partial
exemption from Town taxes of Real Property
owned by certain persons with limited income
who are sixty-five years or over.
The Supervisor --
1. Meeting with Mr. Arthur Freed, Westchester
County Traffic Operation Program.
The Supervisor reported briefly on a meeting held this
morning with Mr. Arthur Freed in the office of Mr. Gianunzio
in the Village of Mamaroneck to discuss ways and means of
improving the traffic operation program on Palmer Avenue.
2. Announcement of July 16th Hearing
re Railroad Safety Hazards.
The Supervisor informed the Board that she would attend this
hearing and submit a statement on behalf of the Town to the
Committee on External Affairs of the County Board of
The Councilman --
Mr. Vaudernoot --
1. Apportionments.
- 15 -
Upon presentation of the following apportionments, on motion
by Councilman Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman White, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented petiti for
the correction of the assessment roll for certain
years pursuant to the provisions of Section 557,
Article 16 of the Westchester County Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration this Board finds
it desirable to grant said petitions for the correction
of said assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1972 - 1973,
taxes of 1973, which shows property now appearing
on the rolls as follows:
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
207 532 Antonio M. Leon & W. $6,000. $14,800. $20,800.
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
207 532 Kuo - Ping Yu $5,300. $14,800. $20,100.
207 700 Jack E. Robbins 700. --- 700.
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1973 - 1974,
taxes of 1974, which shows property now appearing on
the rolls as follows :
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
505 205 Selma Hansen $2,000. $6,500. $8,500.
505 210 Selma Hansen 1,900. 3,700. 5,600,
505 218 Selma Hansen 1,400. --- 1,400.
be corrected as follows in accordance with the
provisions of subdivision 5 of Section 557:
Block Parcel Owner Land Imp. Total
505 205 Esther Hawthorne $1,500. $6,500. $8,000.
505 210 Helen Katherine Palmer 2,800. 3,700. 6,500.
505 218 Esther Hawthorne 1,000. --- 1,000.
Mr. Bloom
1. Appointment to Conservation Advisory Committee
Herbert Bijur.
Councilman Bloom presented for appointment to the Conservation
Advisory Committee the name of Mr. Herbert Bijur, explaining
that Mr. Bijur would be appointed to fill the unexpired portion
of the term of Mr. George Brown who had served as the representa-
tive from the Village of Mamaroneck.
- 16 -
Mr. Bloom, after payingnhighest tribute to Mr. Brown for
his invaluablefecontributians-to the work of this Committee
and deep regret at his lams and the loss of those contributions
he would have continued to make as a member, presented a brief
resume of Mr. Bijurrs particular qualifications and abilities
for appointmentyto succeed Mr. Brown, and thereupon moved his
The motion was seconded by Councilman White and the following
' resolution thereupon adopted:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints
Mr. Herbert Bijur of 502 Orienta Avenue,
Mamaroneck, New York, a member of the
Conservation Advisory Committee to serve
for the unexpired term of Mr. George Brown
or until December 31, 1974.
2. Report - Supplemental Agreement for Removal
and Replacement Pool Top.
Councilman Bloom reportedtto the Board that the Arbitration
Committee consistingoof Stanley Plesent, Donald Oresman and
himself, had met and proposed a settlement in the matter of
the cost of the removal and replacement of the bubble top at
the Hommocks pool on a 50 - 50 basis.
He further explained that the original agreement had recited
the cost at 2/3 to the school and 1/3 to the Town: That the
first year there had been no discussion and the Town had borne
the 1/3 cost. The second year when a question arose, no payment
had been made and in this, the third year, the entire matter
had been referred to Arbitration.
Councilman Bloom then moved acceptance of the proposed
settlement, Councilman White seconded ti-e motion, and there-
upon the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and she hereby
is authorized to sign on behalf of the Town of
Mamaroneck, the amended Agreement for the cost
of replacing and removing the Hommocks pool bubble
top as recited therein.
There being no further business to come' before the meeting, on
motion duly made and seconded,, it was declared adjourned at
10:30 p.m. , to reconvene on August 1st, 1973.
The meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners was convened
immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board meeting.
- 17
1. Claims
Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner
Vandernoot and on his motion, seconded by Commissioner Bloom, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes
payment of the following Fire Department claims
approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the
Comptroller's office:
American LaFranch $ 75.00
R. G. Brewer 44.07
Brigante Lawnmowers 12.07
1st Deputy Vincent J. Ciardullo 261.00
Con Edison 199.52
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Company 235.05
Excelsior Garage & Machine Works, Inc. 210.78
Exterminating Services Company 7.00
Exxon Company, U.S.A. 65.68
Franklin Cleaners 217.50
House of Flowers, Inc. 85.00
I.&T. Plumbing & Heating, Co. , Inc. 14.80
W.A.Kraft Corp. 30.29
Philip Laptook 49.96
McGuire Bros. , Inc. 16.80
New York Telephone Company 154.38
New York Telephone Company 9.84
Plaza Pharmacy 14.63
Proskauer Rose Goetz & Mendelsohn 120.00
Robert's 413.96
Chief Joseph V. Santoro 349.40
William Smith Supplies 17.70
William Smith Supplies 38.22
Westchester Joint Water Works 53.19
Total $2,695.84
2. Report
Commissioner Vandernoot presented the Fire Report for the month
of June 1973.
3. Other Business - Tribute to Fire Department
All of the Commissioners paid tribute to the appearance of the Town
Fire Department at the Twenty-Sixth Annual Mamaroneck Fire Department
Carnival and Parade, remarking that they felt that the Town should
have had first place on its old hand drawn hose reel so ably recon-
ditioned by the Town's young Volunteers!
4. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 10:35 p.m. to
reconvene on August 1st, 1973.
AKL4 A( A(
- 18 -