HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975_12_17 Town Board Regular Minutes 189
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
Present: Supervisor Helwig
Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot
Councilman Bloom
Councilman McMillan
Absent: Councilman White
Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk
Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney
Mr. Aitchison - Superintendent of Highways
Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller
Mr. Elfreich -- Town Engineer
(not on agenda)
Prior to proceeding with the regular order of business, the Supervisor
said since this was the last meeting at which she would preside ( it
being the 351st regular or special Board meeting she had attended dur-
ing her sixteen years as Councilwoman and Supervisor of the Town ) that
she would like to express some thoughts which were and had been very
much on her mind for some time past.
First, she said, I would like to express my thanks and my gratitude to
the sixty-seven persons who have served on our regular Board and Commis-
sions, to the twenty citizens who have worked on our specially-appointed
Committees, and to the entire Town staff, including our twelve Department
Heads, all of whom have played such an important role in the conduct of
all Town business and whose advice and expertise has been and is invaluable
to the Supervisor and members of the Board. She paid particular tribute
to these citizens, all eighty-seven of them, who had given so generously
of their time and talents and who had thus contributed so much to the
Town and its government and so enriched the lives of all of the residents
of this community, both young and adult.
Mrs. Helwig then thanked all of the.:persons present for attending this
meeting and sharing with her the informal coffee-hour so graciously
arranged in Councilman White's and her honor. Councilman White, she_ex-
plained, was ill and so was unable to be here this evening unfortunately--
although Mrs. White was present. The Supervisor cited Councilman White
as a "fine, constructive and innovative Councilman" --whose many contri-
butions to the Board and thus to the Town would be long remembered with
thanks from all concerned.
On behalf of all of the people, Mrs. Helwig also acknowledged the Town
Boards, past and present, Mayors and members of the Boards of both
Villages and the members of the School Boards, stating that it had
indeed been a real privilege and a pleasure to have served and
worked with them.
Upon recognition by the Chair, the Deputy Supervisor addressing the
Supervisor and all present referred to tonight's "coffee" as only
a small token of appreciation to Mrs. Helwig '-- adding there will
be another of a larger nature sometime in February, date not as yet
announced--although he said "no matter what we may have, we can
never really thank Christine Helwig for her services to this Town."
Mr. McMillan echoed Mr. Vandernoot's sentiments and statements about
the Supervisor and also paid a particular tribute to Mr. Helwig who
was present, saying "Ed, a successful businessman, has been very
supportive during all the years of Chris's public service."
Councilman Bloom said -- "Joe has said it for all of us!" Further,
he noted that his association with Mrs. Helwig dated back to his
days on the Planning Board and hers on the School Board -- and added
that he had run for Town Councilman only because of her personal
The Supervisor then after once again thanking all present for their
kindnesses and after acknowledging the presence of Mrs. Vandernoot,
Mrs. Bloom and Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Jeanne Robinson, Chairman of the
Republican Town Committee, Mrs. Marjorie Garriques, its Secretary,
and John L. Delius, former Town Attorney for thirty years, moved on
to the first order of business for the meeting.
Minutes of the special meeting of July 16, 1975 were presented and
on motion duly made and seconded, approved as submitted.
PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment of General Ordinances to Allow Daytime
Parking by Permit in Lot #3
On motion by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and it
hereby is declared open.
The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of
Notice of Hearing for the record.
When. Supervisor Helwig explained that the procedure to be followed
would be to hear first those in favor of the amendment, then those
in opposition, at her request, the Town Clerk reviewed the reasons
for recommending that that section of the Code be amended, and the
following persons addressed the Board stating that they were in
complete agreement with the Clerk's recommendation and urged the
Board's approval:
Joseph Greene - 16 No. Chatsworth Ave.
Brian Killeen - 17 No. Chatsworth Ave.
Martha Hardesty - 14 No. Chatsworth Ave.
Nicholas Sparkman- 172 Myrtle Blvd.
Selena Grissom - 126 Richbell Rd.
Following some clarifying statements regarding the proposal and
since no one else wished to be heard either in favor of or in
opposition to the amendment, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it hereby
III is declared closed.
And thereupon in response to the Supervisor's query as to the
Board's pleasure, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by
Councilman McMillan, the following resolution was adopted by
majority vote of the Board:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby decrees
that residents of the Town of Mamaroneck
who purchase permits may park their auto-
mobiles on a 24 hour basis in the Permit
Area created in a section of Lot #3 be-
tween the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 8:30 A.M.
at a fee of $ 60.00 annually (or $30.00
semi-annually) in addition to the $30.00
annual fee (or $15.00 semi-annual fee) for
overnight parking totaling $90.00 per year;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that no person may park an auto-
mobile in this designated area unless the
owner or operator has obtained a permit and
sticker from the Town Clerk, said sticker
to be affixed to the right rear window of
the car;
III and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town
of Mamaroneck is hereby authorized and
directed to post and publish this resolu-
tion as required by law.
PUBLIC HEARING: Amendment to Local Law No. 2-1970 re Penalties
On motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the public hearing be and
it hereby is declared open.
The Clerk presented the Affidavits of Publication and Posting of Notice
of Hearing for the record, and the Supervisor briefly reviewed the need
for amending the Property Maintenance Law, since following the previous
hearing the law was not filed in Albany.
Mrs. Helwig then declared that the usual order of a hearing would be
followed and inquired whether anyone present wished to be heard, re-
questing that first those in favor of, then those in opposition to the
IIIamendment address the Board.
Mrs. Peggy Snyder, 31 Seton Road, Town addressed. the Board speaking
in favor of the amendment and added that many persons had spoken
in favor at the previous hearing.
Whereupon since no one else wished to be heard, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, it
was unanimously
RESOLVED, that the hearing be and it
hereby is declared closed.
In reply to the Supervisor's question as to the Board's pleasure,
on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Deputy Supervisor Vander-
noot, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous vote of the
Board, Councilman White being absent and therefore not voting:
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby amends
Local Law No. 2-1970 by adding a new
paragraph to the section thereof entitled,
"Penalties" which shall read as follows:
"Each and every day of violation
is to be considered a separate
violation under this Property Main-
tenance Law, and therefore, subjects
the offender to a separate penalty
for each and every day."
At this time representatives of the Volunteer Fire Department,
Ira Freireich and William vonZehle asked if they could address the
Board regarding the legality of the Town Board acting as the Board
of Fire Commissioners. Councilman Bloom explained that authori-
zation for such was through the enactment of special legislation
in 1939 and further stated that the Board recognizes the concerns
of the Volunteer and Paid Firemen and will be setting up meetings
with both groups and the Chief.
PUBLIC HEARING: Enactment of a Local Law re the Compilation,
Renumbering and Tabulation of Town Local Laws,
Ordinances and Resolutions
On motion by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, the hearing was declared open and the Affidavits of Publi-
cation and Posting of the Notice of Hearing were herewith presented
and ordered received and filed for the record.
The Supervisor called to attention the aforementioned proposal re-
garding the Code, and in accordance with usual procedure, stated
that first those in favor, then those opposed to the proposal would
be heard.
Following a brief discussion in which Mrs. Peggy Snyder asked several
questions regarding the new setup of the Code, said questions being
answered by Councilman McMillan, and since no one wished to speak
either in favor of or in opposition to the proposal, on motion by
Councilman McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
resolved that the hearing be closed.
The following resolution was then offered by Councilman Bloom,
who moved its adoption, seconded by Councilman McMillan and adopted
by majority vote of the Board:
WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 9 of the
New York State Constitution, the pro-
; visions of the Town Law and the Municipal
Home Rule Law of the State of New York,
as amended, a public hearing was duly held
before this Board on the proposed adoption
of Local Law No. 2-1975;
WHEREAS., all persons interested were given
an opportunity to be heard;
RESOLVED, that following the close of said
hearing, this. Board hereby adopts Local Law
No. 2-1975, a local law to compile, renumber
and tabulate the local laws, ordinances and
resolutions of the Town of Mamaroneck from
existing numbers with adoption and effective
dates to newly assigned numbering by chapter
and section
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of the Town
of Mamaroneck is hereby authorized and
directed to post and publish this resolu-
tion as required by law.
Supervisor Helwig once again departed from the regular agenda and
asked if anyone wished to address the Board. In reply Mr. E. T.
Houghton spoke of the impending discontinuation of.the New Rochelle
Hospital Ambulance Service, and issued a plea for more volunteers
in the Town's Volunteer Ambulance Corps, especially daytime workers.
Mr. Donald La Sala expressed his concern that the fight for the
abatement of thruway noise would not continue with the retirement
of Mrs. Helwig, to which Mrs. Helwig replied that the work would
1. Adoption of the 1976 Budget
In presenting the proposed 1976 Annual Budget, Supervisor Helwig
called to attention the considerable additional study given follow-
ing the public hearing, and continued by outlining the changes made
since the adoption of the Preliminary Budget with slightly increased
appropriations but a $ 49,291.00 reduction in the tax levy.
Mrs. Helwig stated that the tax levy is now $3,405,950.00 which
means a tax rate of $45.13 per thousand assessed valuation in-
stead of the previous figure of $45.55 for property-owners in the
Unincorporated Area and $2.27 per thousand assessed valuation
instead of the original $2.46 for property-owners in the two
The Supervisor explained that $44,515.00 increases in estimated
revenues and $20,611.00 in the unexpended balance was the cause
for the tax levy reduction and that most of the increased revenue
goes to the town-wide fund. She further stated that despite
$9,920.00 in additional appropriations, the town-wide levy was
reduced by $30,788.00 to $366,122.00. She noted particularly
that increases in recreation fees will provide about $40,000.00
of the increased revenues. Attention was also called to the
recent increase in water revenues.
Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot and Councilman McMillan added their
comments relative to the budget and at this point Councilman
Bloom stated he felt the Board had done a good job with the help-
ful and constructive suggestions offered by the citizens and on
his motion, seconded by Councilman McMillan, the following reso-
lution was thereupon adopted by majority vote of the Board,
Councilman White being absent and thus not voting:
WHEREAS, this Town Board has met on
December 3rd at the time and place
specified in the Notice of Public
Hearing on the adoption of a Prelim-
inary Budget for 1976 and has heard
all persons desiring to be heard
WHEREAS, the Preliminary Budget as
adopted on November 19th has been
modified as of this date;
RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby
adopt such Preliminary Budget as modi-
fied as the Annual Budget of this Town
for the fiscal year beginning on the
first (1st) day of January, 1976, and
that such budget as so adopted be
entered in detail in the minutes of
the proceedings of this Town Board;
(Budget herewith inserted)
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this
Town shall prepare and certify, in
duplicate, copies of said Annual Budget
as adopted by this Town Board, together
with the estimates, if any, adopted
pursuant to section 202-a, subdivision 2
of the Town Law, and deliver one (1) copy
thereof to the Supervisor of this
Town to be presented by her to the
County Board of Legislators of this
and be it further
RESOLVED, that for the fiscal year 1976 the
sum hereinafter set forth in the attached
budget be levied, assessed, and collected
upon the taxable properties in the Town of
Mamaroneck outside of the Villages of
Larchmont and Mamaroneck ( Part Town ), the
properties of the several districts and the
several parcels of taxable property, fran-
chise and assessments, and persons within
the Town and within such special districts,
be extended on the tax roll of the Town of
Mamaroneck against each of the several par-
cels affected by such assessments, or parts
and be it further
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions
of Chapter 654 of the Laws of 1927 as
amended, and the provisions of Article 12
of Chapter 61 of the Consolidated Laws,
known as the Town Law, as amended, there
be levied against the several lots and
parcels of land contained upon the state-
ment hereto annexed and marked "Exhibit A",
the several sums set forth opposite each
such parcel or lot of land on such state-
ment as and for unpaid water charges due
upon said lots or parcels, which said sums
shall be_placed in a, separate column of
the tax roll of the Town of Mamaroneck under
the name "Water Rents".
1. Comptroller's Request for Authorization for Blanket
Resolution to Cover All Budget Transfers for Fiscal
Year 1975
Pursuant to the Comptroller's memorandum of December 17, 1975 here-
with presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by the
Deputy Supervisor, seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Comptroller to make all transfers of
funds within the 1975 budget necessary to
close out the books for the end of the fiscal
year 1975.
2. Salary Authorizations - Recreation
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Superintendent
of Recreation under date of December 9, 1975, herewith presented
and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
and seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes that John Manning, Recrea-
tion Assistant in the Basketball
Program, be compensated at the rate
of $2.20 per hour, effective Decem-
ber 6, 1975, and that Anthony Mastro,
Senior Skate Guard, Hommocks Ice Rink,
be compensated at the rate of $4.00
per hour (working only on weekends),
effective December 1, 1975.
In accordance with the memorandum of the Superintendent of
Recreation, dated December 15, 1975, herewith presented and
ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Councilman McMillan, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby
authorizes that Richard Henn, Recrea-
tion Assistant in the Basketball Program
be compensated at the rate of $ 2.20 per
hour, effective December 13, 1975.
3. Town Clerk's Request - Authorization to Increase Marriage
License Fee
Pursuant to memorandum addressed to the Board by the Town Clerk,
herewith presented and ordered received and filed, and following
the Clerk's explanation of her reasons for requesting that the
fee be increased from $3.00 to $4.00, on motion by Councilman
McMillan, seconded by Councilman Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board in accordance
with the Domestic Relations Law, Section 14-a
and Chapter 545 of the Laws of 1968 hereby
fixes $2.00 as the fee to be charged by the
Town Clerk for the issuance of a Certificate
of Marriage Registration bringing the total
fee for Marriage License to $4.00.
4. Weaver Street Extension - 8-inch Water Main
Supervisor Helwig called to attention a request from Westchester
Joint Water Works for the replacement of water main in the Weaver
Street Extension to repair the leak discovered there. Following
some discussion of the matter, on motion by Councilman Bloom,
seconded by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the Westchester Joint Water Works to replace
the existing .4-inch main with 8-inch pipe in
the Weaver Street Extension provided the
necessary easements can be obtained.
1. Increase in User Fees - Croton Point Landfill
A letter addressed to the Larchmont-Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Commis-
sion by Robert W. Huntington, Deputy Commissioner of Solid Waste,
Westchester County, under date of November 26, 1975 regarding an
increase to $8.20 per ton for solid waste disposal facility users,
was presented and ordered received and filed for the record.
2. Inquiry re Use. of Ticket Machines in Parking Lots
The Supervisor presented a letter addressed to her by the Chief of
Police, Robert M. Barasch under date of December 11, 1975, in which
he reported that the results of his investigation regarding the use
of automatic ticket dispensing machines in the parking lots in the
Town of Mamaroneck shows them as being excessively costly. The
letter was ordered received and filed.
3. Official Statement and Decision of Canvass
General Election - November 4, 1975
The Clerk presented the Statement and Decision of Canvass of the
General Election of November 4, 1975, which was herewith ordered
received and filed for the record.
4. Letters, Senators Javits, Buckley and Brock
Supervisor Helwig acknowledged receipt of several letters addressed
to her by Senator James L. Buckley under date of December 5, 1975,
Senator Jacob K. Javits under date of December 10, 1975 and Senator
Bill Brock under date of December 11, 1975 all in response to her
communication endorsing Senator Brock's revenue sharing bill. The
letters were ordered received and filed.
5. Letter, League of Women Voter's of Larchmont
A letter addressed to the Supervisor and Town Board by Paula Willey,
President of the Larchmont League of Women Voters under date of
December 5, 1975 regarding the Town's budgetary process was here-
with presented and ordered received and filed.
6. Letter, N.Y.S. Dept. of Transportation re Weaver Street
and Forest Avenue
A letter addressed to the Supervisor by R. M. Gardeski, Regional
Traffic Engineer of the New York State Department of Transportation,
under date of December 12, 1975, indicating that the Town's request
regarding traffic conditions at the intersection of Route 125 and
Forest Avenue and the conditions at the intersection of Route 1 and
Weaver Street were both being given their attention, was presented
and herewith ordered received and filed.
Town Clerk
The Clerk presented the following report which was ordered received
and filed:
Report of the Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments for the month of November 1975.
The Deputy Supervisor
1. Apportionment
Upon Mr. Vandernoot's presentation of the following apportionment
and on his motion, seconded by Councilman McMillan, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, the Assessor has presented
petition for the correction of the
assessment roll for certain years
pursuant to the provisions of Sec-
tion 557, Article 16 of the West-
chester County Tax Law;
WHEREAS, after due consideration, this
Board finds it desirable to grant said
petition for the correction of said
assessment roll;
RESOLVED, that the assessment roll of 1975-
76 taxes of 1976, which shows property now
appearing on the roll as follows:
Block Parcel Owner Land Improve. Total
809 49 Thomas L. Morris $500.00. ---- $500.00
be apportioned as follows in accordance
with the provisions of subdivision 5 of
Section 557:
Block Parcel Owner Land Improve. Total
809 54 Clinton W. Gilbert $100.00 ---- $100.00
809 49 Wayne L. Cilento $400.00 ---- $400.00
The Town Attorney
1. Beekman Estate
In accordance with the offer of settlement made by Harry G. Davidson,
Attorney for the Beekman. Estate to the Supervisor, on a motion offered
by Councilman Bloom and seconded by Councilman Mc Milian, the
following resolution was adopted by majority vote of the Board,
Councilman.White being absent and therefore not voting:
WHEREAS, heretofore writs of certiorari
were obtained by The Beekman Estate,
owners of property known and described
as Block 914, Lots 1 and 15 on the Tax
Assessment Map and the Assessment Roll
of the Town of Mamaroneck, for the
following years: 1972 for taxes of 1973,
1973 for taxes of 1974, 1974 for taxes
of 1975;
WHEREAS, the Town Attorney recommends to this
Board that the proceedings be settled and
discontinued upon the reduction of certain
of these assessments;
RESOLVED, that the assessments for the years
1972 for taxes of 1973, 1973 for taxes of
1974, 1974 for taxes of 1975, upon property
owned by The Beekman Estate and described
on the Assessment Map and Assessment Roll of
the Town of Mamaroneck as Block 914, Lots 1
and 15, be reduced as follows:
Assm't. Tax
Year Year Land Imp. Total
1972 1973 $ 78,300. $ 247,000. $ 325,300.
1973 1974 78,300. 247,000. 325,300.
1974 1975 78,300. 247,000. 325,300.
Assm't. Tax
Year Year Land Imp. Total
1972 1973 $ 71,151. $ 160,248.85 $ 231,399.85
1973 1974 67,881. 140,949.38 208,810.38
1974 1975 70,380. 156,509.82 226,889.82
provided the certiorari proceedings now pending
in the name of The Beekman Estate be discontinued
without costs as against either party;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that all refunds of taxes due by
reason of such reductions be paid without
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby author-
ized and directed to sign the necessary stip-
ulations to dispose of these proceedings
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board also hereby authorizes the
Town Attorney to settle and discontinue a pending
certiorari proceeding involving the 1975 assessment
on the aforementioned property on the basis of the
court ordered figures as heretofore mentioned.
2. Con Edison Special Assessments
James J. Johnston reported on the status of the litigation by
the Town of Mamaroneck and four other Westchester County muni-
cipalities . (Mt. Vernon, Eastchester, Scarsdale and Mt. Pleasant)
challenging the method used by the State Board of Equalization
in setting the special franchise assessment for Con Edison for
1974 and requested that the Board join with those communities
and continue to fund its share of the cost of the Special Counsel,
Henry J. Smith and thereupon on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded
by Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby joins
with Mt. Vernon, Eastchester, Scarsdale
and Mt. Pleasant and authorizes the con-
tinued engagement of Henry J. Smith as
Special Counsel to the Town in its appeal
of the Con Edison Special Franchise Assess-
ment litigation at a cost not to exceed the
previously set fee;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that approval is granted for pay-
"' to Mr. Smith of $3,314.00 for services
already rendered.
At the conclusion of the business meeting, upon recognition,
Mr. Irving Scharf and Mr. Everett Houghton addressed the Board;
Mr. Scharf suggesting that the Council appoint Mrs. Helwig as
Special Consultant and Mr. Houghton offering a motion from the
floor for the adoption of a resolution of appreciation to Mrs. Helwig.
In replying to Mr. Houghton, the Supervisor said, "I'll accept that
if you include Mr. White."
Mr. Houghton so amended his motion with the audience joining the
Council in its unanimous adoption of the motion that the meeting
this evening stand adjourned in appreciation and tribute to the
Supervisor and Councilman White.
And thereupon since there was no further business to come before
the Board, on motion unanimously made and seconded, this meeting,
to reconvene on January 7th, 1976, was declared adjourned at
10:00 P.M. with the following resolutions of appreciation and
tribute to Christing K. Helwig, Supervisor, and Thomas E. White,
Town Councilman, spread upon the minutes thereof:
( see next page )
I--1 WHEREAS, the Honorable Christine K. Helwig, Super-
visor of the Town of Mamaroneck for the
past seven years, is retiring from that
office on December 31st of this year,
WHEREAS, as Supervisor she served as Chief Executive
of the Town and gave unstintingly of her
time, talents and ability and was untiring
in her efforts to promote the welfare and
well being of the Town and all of its resi-
WHEREAS, the many improvements and significant addi-
tions to our parks, recreation, and open
space made during her administration will be
long enjoyed by all in this community and
will be a lasting reminder of her able gui-
dance and leadership,
RESOLVED, that we, the members of this Board, do hereby
adopt this resolution to be spread upon the
minutes of this meeting in honor of and as a
public tribute to
Honorable Christine K. Helwig
and be it further
RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded
to her with the deep appreciation, sincere
thanks, and very best wishes of this Board
and the entire citizenry she served with
such selfless dedication and great distinction.
__ J