HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975_01_08 Town Board Regular Minutes v 1- \ 1-8-75 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, HELD JANUARY 8th, 1975, IN THE AUDITORIUM OF THE WEAVER STREET FIREHOUSE, WEAVER STREET, TOWN OF MAMARONECK. CALL TO ORDER The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. 1 ROLL CALL ' Present: Supervisor Helwig Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot Councilman Bloom Councilman White Councilman McMillan Absent: None Also Present: Mrs. Miller - Town Clerk Mrs. Brewer - Secretary Mrs. Dallara - Deputy Town Clerk Mr. Johnston - Town Attorney Mr. Aitchison - Supt. of Highways Mr. DeLuca - Comptroller Mr. Elfreich - Engineer Mr. Kronenberger - Supt. of Recreation Guests: Town Justice Martin E. King : ' ' Mr. John Stahr, Chairman of the Recreation Commigs±on The Supervisor As the first order of business this evening, Mrs. Helwig presented Judge King who was present this evening to administer the oath of office to the new Town Clerk, Mrs. Dorothy Miller. Following Mrs. Miller's induction, the Supervisor seated her at the table and with the members of the Board welcomed her to the Town's Official Family, adding further comments to the many nice things already said when she had been appointed at the December 18th meeting. Mrs. Helwig, after thanking Judge King and all those who had joined the Board for coffee at 7:30 in honor of Mrs. Miller, then turned to the evenings first order of business for the 1975 Annual Meeting, the organization matters. WHEREUPON, on motions duly made and seconded, the following resolu- tions were unanimously adopted for: ' 1. Appointments III a. Deputy Receiver of Taxes - Raymond Bingman b. Deputy Comptroller - Genevieve Soriano - 1 - 2 1-8-75 RESOLVED;, that in accordance with the Comptroller's recommendation, Raymond Bingman and Genevieve Soriano are hereby appointed to serve without salary as Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Deputy Comptroller re- spectively for the year 1975. b. Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics - Evelyn Dallara s III RESOLVED, that in accordance with the Town Board's recommendation in the absence of the Town Clerk, Evelyn Dallara is hereby appointed to serve without salary as Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar of S of Vital Statistics for the year 1975. c. Trustees, Police Pension Fund - Supervisor Helwig Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot RESOLVED, that Supervisor Helwig and Deputy Supervisor Vandernoot are hereby appointed Trustees of the Police Pension Fund for the year 1975. d. Treasurer, Police Pension Fund - Carmine DeLuca RESOLVED, that Carmine DeLuca is hereby appointed Treasurer of the Police Pension Fund for the year 1975. The Supervisor here noted for the record the resignation of Former Town Councilman C. Benjamin Brush, Jr. as of December 31st of 1974 and expressed the Board's thanks and appreciation for his many years of excellent and dedicated service in this post which the Board unanimously ordered be conveyed to Mr. Brush in a letter addressed to him by the Supervisor on behalf of the Board. e. Members, Conservation Advisory Commission - Mr. Herbert Bijur Mr. Wallace Irwin Mrs. Sally Kennelly RESOLVED, that Herbert Bijur, Wallace Irwin and Mrs. Sally Kennelly are hereby reappointed members of the C.A.C. , to serve for a term of office of three years effective January 1, 1975 and terminating December 31, 1977. For the information of those present, Councilman Bloom briefly re- viewed the qualifications so aptly fitting these persons for their reappointment, and expressed the Board's thanks and appreciation for their past service and for their willingness to continue to serve. f. Member, Board of Review - William G. Massey, Jr. RESOLVED, that pursuant to Title 1, Section 1520 of the new Assessment Improvement Law, effective Octo- ber 1st, 1971, William G. Massey, Jr. of 290 Weaver Street, resident taxpayer of the Town, is hereby reappointed a member and Chairman of the Board of Review, to serve for a five-year term of office terminating in 1979. -2- 3 1-8-75 g. Civil Officers RESOLVED, that the following persons are reappointed Civil Officers with the powers and duties of Constables in Civil actions and proceedings only as provided in Section 20, la of the Town Law, to serve without salary for a term of one year starting January 1st, and term- inating December 31st, 1975: Frank Comblo Dominick Faillace Peter J. Reale Ralph Condro h. Board of Ethics RESOLVED, that the following persons are hereby re- appointed members of the Board of Ethics, to serve for a term of office of one year, effective immediately and terminating on December 31st, 1975: R. Stuart Armstrong, Chairman William T. Aitchison Mrs. George E. Ashley Richard J. Creedy Mrs. Pierce McCreary 2. Approval of Supervisor's Appointments of: a. Executive Assistant and Confidential Secretary to the Secretary - Lavenia Brewer RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the Supervisor's appointment of Lavenia Brewer as her Executive Assistant and Confidential Secre- tary for the year 1975. b. Member - Examining Board of Plumbers - Sam Paonessa RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the Supervisor's appointment of Sam Paonessa as a member of the Executive Board of Plumbers for a two-year term of office, effective immediately and terminating December 31st, 1976. 3. Designation of: a. Town Board Meetings RESOLVED, that regular meetings of this Board shall be held at 8:15 p.m. in the Council Room or Auditorium of the Weaver _Str-een Fi'rehouse; - Weaver Street, Town of Mamaroneck, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month excepting June, July, August and September when the Board shall sit only on the 1st Wednesday of the month. b. Official Newspaper - THE DAILY TIMES RESOLVED, that THE DAILY TIMES is hereby desig- nated the official newspaper of the Town for publication of legal notices during 1975. -3- 4 1-8-75 For the record the Supervisor expressed the Board's appreciation of the Paper's regular coverage of all Town Board meetings and its thanks for the carefully researched series of articles such as the one recently completed by Michael Mudd on flooding problems in the Town and Villages. Such articles, she said, were truly valuable in giving history and background information so that the problems could be seen in true per- spective. c. Depositories of Bank Funds and Bank Signatures RESOLVED, that the following banks and trust companies are hereby designated as depositories of funds of the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1975, and that the escrow agreements between these banks and the Town presently in effect shall be continued: The County Trust Company 232 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, New York The National Bank of Westchester Chatsworth Avenue Larchmont, New York The First Westchester National Bank 213 Mamaroneck Avenue Mamaroneck, New York The First National City Bank 1920 Palmer & Wendt Aves. Larchmont, New York The Marine Midland Bank 1043 West Boston Post Road Mamaroneck, New York and be it further RESOLVED, that all authority heretofore granted to withdraw funds from, and to draw checks, drafts, and other orders upon Town of Mamaroneck accounts main- tained at the following banks hereby is rescinded and revoked, and hereafter such withdrawals, checks, drafts and other orders shall be authorized when signed by signature or facsimile signature by Christine K. Helwig, Supervisor, and Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller, or by Joseph Vandernoot, Deputy Supervisor, with Carmine A. DeLuca, Comptroller, or Genevieve Soriano, Deputy Comp- troller: The County Trust Company The National Bank of Westchester The First Westchester National Bank The First National City Bank The Marine Midland Bank 4. Approving Contract with: a. Westchester Shore Humane Society RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authroized to execute the contract between the Westchester Shore Humane Society Inc. and the Town of Mamaroneck for the year 1975 totaling $13,010.00, as provided in the 1975 budget subject to approval by the Town Attorney. -4- 1-8-75 b. Larchmont Public Library RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized to execute the contract for the year 1975 between the Town of Mamaroneck, Village of Larchmont and the Larch- mont Public Library in the amount of $122,945.00 as provided in the 1975 budget. III REGULAR AGENDA Report on Town Ice Skating Rink Mr. Kronenberger, the Superintendent of Recreation, opened his report with the words -- "we are finally in business starting as of last Saturday and we are very pleased indeed to be in business." "I would say judging from the people who have been there so far that the acceptance is gracious," he said; "on Saturday, there were 1,000 present for the four sessions; and on Sunday 1,250 -- and cogitating from these figures if that interest continues, we will be able, I believe, to meet our payments as estimated." He then presented and briefly outlined the present schedules noting the addition of 2 sessions Monday and Wednesday mornings and the scheduled use by the Interscholastic Junior Varsity Hockey League and the Mamaroneck School Junior and Varsity Hockey Leagues. Mrs. Helwig thanked Mr. Kronenberger saying -- "all of us are tremen- dously gratified, Jim, that you had that 'gleam' in your eye and the tenacity and perseverence to make this facility become a reality!" III Mr. Kronenberger in replying to Mrs. Helwig acknowledged that the 'gleam' was his but that he had had to have a great deal of assistance to that 'gleam' to make the rink a reality! He thanked first the Town Board for its confidence and support particularly naming Councilman White whose vigorous support at all times had more than once furnished a much-needed boost at down moments. He also thanked each of the members and the Chairman of the Recreation Commission for their unfail- ing support and confidence and also called to attention the tremendous contribution made by Chuck Elfreich, the Town Engineer, who had served as General Contractor for the entire project thus saving the Town pos- sibly some $60,000. or more and without whose efforts the rink might simply never have come to pass. Last, he named and thanked Howard Finn, the Rink's Manager, whose know-how and expertise in this field had al- ready contributed greatly to the success of the operation. Councilman White then addressed the Board and all present requesting that his remarks be noted in the record of this meeting." "This project," he said, "had been under study by Mr. Kronenberger for at least the past five years and under actual work for the past two years. There are lots of "Bubbles" and lots of "Skating Rinks", he continued, "but this is one where the two have been put together -- and it is only because Jim Kronenberger has that kind of spark of genius which is very rare and very unique that he was able to make that kind of contribution to us and to our community!" III "Also," he said, "there was a special kind of engineering needed for this construction on tidal land which was met by the Town Engineer and clearly demonstrates another phase of his creativity. It is due to these combined efforts that this facility has been brought into being and it is to them that we are grateful." -5- 6 1-8-75 Following Councilman Blooms's comment on the nice editorial in the DAILY TIMES and Mr. McMillan's compliments to and praise of the Junior and Senior Varsity Hockey Teams, the Supervisor invited Mr. Stahr, Chairman of the Recreation Commission, to add any remarks he might care to make to what had already been said, again commenting on the Commission's absolute confidence in the facility from its beginning and the nursing-along the Commission had given the project during some extremely discouraging and difficult times during the early stages of its development. Mr. Stahr thanked Mrs. Helwig, the members of the Board, Mr. Kronen- berger and Mr. Elfreich and said he would add only that he would like the minutes and proceedings of this meeting to show that the Recreation Commission was intensely grateful to the Town Board for its support, enthusiasm, and daring in going ahead with this project and very proud indeed of the Town Board, Jim Kronenberger and Chuck Elfreich! NEW BUSINESS 1. Salary Authorizations a. Community Beautification Pursuant to memorandum of December 30, 1974, presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman White, seconded by DeputyiSupervisor Vandernoot, this Board hereby RESOLVED, that the following: Michael Dolan, Park Attendant, be compensated at the rate of $3.25 per hour, effective January 6, 1975, and Michael Caserta, Park Attendant, be compensated at the rate of $2.80 per hour, effective January 6-;, 1975. b. Recreation Pursuant to memorandamof December 26 and 30, 1974, presented and ordered received and filed, on motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman Bloom, this Board hereby RESOLVED, that the following: John 0. Barres, Recreation Assistant, Basketball Program, be compensated at the rate of $6.00 per session, effective 12/21/74. Richard Stayman, Recreation Assistant, Basketball Program, be compensated at the rate of $6.00 per session, effective 12/21/74. Marc Goodman, Recreation Assistant, Basketball Program, be compensated at the rate of $6.00 per session, effective 12/21/74. David Burch, Recreation Assistant, Basketball Program, be compensated at the rate of $6.00 per session, effective 12/21/74. Robert Wilson, Recreation Attendant, Hommocks Ice Rink, be compensated at the rate of $2.00 per hour, effective 12/26/74. -6- 7 1-8-75 M. Lawrence Noyer, Recreation Attendant, Hommocks Ice Rink, be compensated at the rate of $2.00 per hour, effective 12/26/74. Steven Blossy, Recreation Attendant, Hommocks Ice Rink be compensated at the rate of $2.00 per hour, effective 12/26/74. be it further RESOLVED, that the following: Alexander Fletcher, Sr. , Recreation Leader, Ice Hockey Program be compensated at the rate of $9.00 per hour, effective 1/1/75. Oliver Gill, Sr. , Recreation Leader, Ice Hockey Program, be compensated at the rate of $9.00 per hour, effective 1/1/75. Mark Masterangelo, Recreation Assistant, Ice Hockey Program, be compensated at the rate of $28.00 per session, effective 1/1/75. Kris Talgo, Recreation Assistant, Ice Hockey Program, be compensated at the rate of $28.00 per session, effective 1/1/75. Andy Bergquist, Recreation Attendant, Hommocks Ice Rink, be compensated at the rate of $2.00 per hour, effective 1/1/75. Vivian Lawrence, Recreation Attendant, Hommocks Ice Rink, be compensated at the rate of $2.00 per hour, effective 1/1/75. 2. Adoption of Resolution Approving Agreement for Expenditure of Highway Monies Upon presentation of Comptroller's request as herewith presented and ordered, received and filed, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Vandernoot, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board hereby approves the "Agreement for the Expenditure of Highway Monies for the year 1975" in accordance with Section 284 of the Highway Law. COMMUNICATIONS 1. Association of Towns - Notice of Annual Meeting February 10, 11 and 12, 1975 Designation of Delegate and Alternate and Attendance Authorization Following and filing of the notice of 1975 Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns, on motion by Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman White, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Supervisor Christine K. Helwig and Deputy Supervisor Joseph F. Vandernoot are hereby designated Delegate and Alternate respectively to the 1975 Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns for the purpose of voting; -7- 8 1-8-75 and be it further RESOLVED, that the comptroller is hereby authorized to audit the claims for expenses of all Town Staff attend- ing any sessions of the aforesaid Annual Meeting, said claims to be paid from the proper items of the 1975 budget. 2. Notice of Meeting - Zoning Board of Appeals Village of Larchmont Upon presentation and following the Attorney's advice that no action was required by the Town, the foregoing notice was ordered received and filed. NOT ON AGENDA 3. Letter, Roswell C. Dikeman Sykes, Galloway & Dikeman, Bonding Attorneys Following Mr. DeLuca's presentation of Mr. Dikeman's letter and request pursuant thereto for amendment of Bonding Resolution for the purchase of Garbage trucks for Garbage District #l, so as to state amount of cost for each truck, on motion by Council- man Bloom, seconded by Councilman White the following resolution was offered: BOND RESOLUTION DATED JANUARY 8, 1975. A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE RESOLUTION ENTITLED: "BOND RESOLUTION DATED DECEMBER 10th, 1974. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $72,490 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO PAY A PART OF THE COST OF THE PURCHASE OF THREE TRUCKS FOR REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 IN SAID TOWN. IN RELATION TO THE MAXIMUM ESTIMATED COST OF EACH OF SAID TRUCKS. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York, as follows : Section 1. Section 2 of the resolution entitled: "BOND RESOLUTION DATED DECEMBER 10th, 1974. A RESOLU- TION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $72,490 SERIAL BONDS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK, WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NEW YORK, TO PAY A PART OF THE COST OF THE PURCHASE OF THREE TRUCKS FOR REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 IN SAID TOWN.", duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on December 10, 1974, is hereby amended to provide that the maximum esti- mated cost of each of the trucks therein described is $24,980. instead of $24,164. In all other respects such resolution shall remain in full force and effect as originally adopted. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: Supervisor Helwig VOTING Yes Councilman Vandernoot VOTING Yes Councilman Bloom VOTING Yes Councilman White VOTING Yes Councilman McMillan VOTING Yes The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. -8- 9 1-8-75 REPORTS The Clerk's Office -- The following reports were herewith presented and ordered received and filed: Report of Building and Plumbing Inspector for the month of December 1974. Report of Town Clerk's Office for the month of December 1974. Upon recognition, Mrs. Marlene Kolbert requested the Board to give consideration to the provision of increased facilities for collection of newspapers mentioning the gondola under truck used by N. Pelham and stating that in a two week period a house becomes a repository. The Supervisor advised Mrs. Kolbert that Mr. Aitchison and Mr. Kellog were presently looking into the area of something being attached to the trucks--and thanked her for bringing this to the Board's attention. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion duly made and seconded, it was declared adjourned at 9:17 p.m. , to reconvene on January 22, 1975. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Board of Fire Commissioners was convened immediately upon the adjournment of the Town Board Meeting. 1. Claims Upon presentation for authorization of payment by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner McMillan, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's office: Con Edison Co. $ 5.00 Dri-Chem Ext. Co. 175.75 Excelsior Garage & Machine Works 364.95 N. LaRussell 46.15 Lawrence Heat & Power Corp. 509.52 New Rochelle Water Co. 114.30 New York Telephone Co. 11.34 New York Telephone Co. 210.69 Office Essentials Inc. 12.69 Royal Globe Insurance Co. 50.00 Wm. Smith Supplies 41.90 Suburban Communications Inc. 22.00 Sykes, Galloway & Dikeman 50.00 Westchester Joint Water Works 65.34 $ 1679.63 -9- 10 1-8-75 2. Reports Commissioner Bloom presented the Fire Department Report for the month of December 1974 which was ordered received and filed for the record. 3. Other Business Supervisor Helwig - The Supervisor expressed her thanks and that of the Commissioners to Chief Acoccella and those who had assisted him in arranging the delightful "coffee" immediately preceding the meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the meeting it was declared adjourned at 9:25 p.m. , to reconvene on January 22, 1975. Dorothy S. Miller Town Clerk by: 0 n -10-