HomeMy WebLinkAbout1921_02_16 Town Board Minutes Minutes of meeting of the Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK held, February 16th, 1921. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 8.30 P.M. PRESENT:- Supervisor Burton, Justices Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer, Deputy Clerk Sherman, Counsellor Gamble. The minutes of the meetings of January 19th and Feb- ruary 2nd, 1921 were read and upon motion approved. The report of the Receiver of Taxes for the month of January, 1921, was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows:- February 1st, 1921. Sir: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Westchester County Tax Law I hereby respectfully report the amount of State, County, Town, School, Highway and Special District taxes, together with the interests and penalties thereon, collected by me during the month of January 1921. 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 All Taxes Taxer Taxes Taxes Taxes Arrears TOTAL State & County 790.12 150.33 570.61 121.51 257.76 286.46 2176.79 Town. 584.90 65.54 650.44 High- Way. 176.28 4.18 180.46 School Dist #1 2496.98 290.09 2787.07 Int. & Penaltys. 358.31 115.47 122.58 52.21 116.49 277.85 1042.91 TOTAL $6837.67 Deposited with 1st Nat'l, Mamaroneck $6837.67 Respectfully submitted, Sighned, T. Palmer Howell. Receiver of Taxes. To Geo W. Burton, Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, New York. The report of the Town Clerk for the month of January 1921 was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows; February 1st, 1921. Hon Geo. W. Burton, Supervisor Town of Mamaroneck, Mamaroneck, N.Y. I herewith report the a:nount of fes collected in the Town Clerk's office for the month of January 1921 as follows;- Dog licenses issued 6 $1.50 Lost tags " 2 .50 Hunting licenses " 70 17.50 Marriage " " 6 6.00 Chattels filed 30 3.60 Total $29.10 Respectfully submitted, John C. Fairchild Town Clerk. Check covering amount by Frederick M. Sherman. made to order of Deputy Clerk. Supervisor. The report of the Supervisor for the month ending January 31st, 101 was received, read, ordered placed on file and is as follows:- February 1st, 1921. Gentlemen:- Permit me to submit herewith my financial report for the period ending January 31st, 1921, to wit; Balance on hand previously reported, $30,440.76 Deposited by Receiver of Taxes, $6,837.67 Received from Town Clerk, fees 36.40 Received from John H. Hill, County Jail Tarden, fine 48.00 Received from Justice Boyd, fines, 110.00 Received from Justice Shafer, '' 60.00 Received from Excise Dep't. " 50.00 Refund of Overpayment, Highway ac/ .48 7,142.55 Total amount received, $37,583.31 PAYMENTS: Audited account, $1,982.27 Garbage contract account, 266.66 Highway fund, Item #1 236.50 " " Item #3 92.58 " " Item #4 174.08 Interest account 600.00 Salary account, 2,459.15 School Treasurer Dist #1 ac/ 3,873.27 " " " #2 " 459.74 10,144. 25 Balance on hand this day, $27,439.06 Respectfully submitted, Sgnd, Geo W. Burton, Supervisor. The Police report of the month of January, 1921 reporting 12 arrests and 20 street lights as being out was received, read, ordered noted in the minutes and filed with the Clerk. A comminication from the Board of Education in relation to the manner of treating cases of attendance officers brought before them was real and ordered filed with the Clerk. A communication from the Richbell Press in relation to the Mamaroneck Paragraph and Larchmonter Times was received, read, ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows: February 3rd, 1921. To the Supervisor & Town Board. of the Town of Mamaroneck, Gentlemen: In view of the fact that a communication has been presented to your Board in which the Richbell Press deems that its contemporaries aimed at a conspiracy against the said Richbell Press. It is our desire to go on record before your Board and the public of the Town of Mamaroneck as follows: The Ricbell Press being a Republican newspaper and always has been. That the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck is a Republican Board- entirely. It is therefore the sense of the Richbell Press that it should not be obliged to share any public printing of any Town notices with its two Democratic contemporaries . In the controversy over the tax sale published last May, the Richbell Press wishes to state, that this printing was taken with the understanding that the Richbell Press was to do the entire work and pay the entire expense, which it did, and to divide with its contemporaries on a one third basis, the profits. As the Board of Auditors of the Town of Mamaroneck saw fit to cut the fifty cents a parcel price, which we under- stood would be paid for the publication of the tax sale, the amount received from the Supervisor only paid the expense of publication of said sale, and there was no profits to divide. Hoping this is very plain and that the Town Board will spread this on the minutes as it has done our contemporaries communication, I remain, Yours very truly, Sgn. J. Wallace Clapp. "A Real Republican" The communication was ordered filed with the Clerk. The Clerk reported the receipt of several forms and tariff leaves of the Westchester Lighting Co, filed with the Public Service Commission, Second District. Same were ordered received and filed with the Town Clerk. The following resolution was offered by Justice Dudley and seconded by Justice Shafer. RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this Town Board to consider the gas service charge excessive and that the Super- visor be authorized and requested to appear for the Town in opposing the levying of said charge. CARRIED. The following resolution was offered by Justice Boyd and seconded by Justice Dudley. RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Mamaro- neck shall arrange for the collection and disposal of ashes, garbage, refuse, etc, within Fire District 2 of the Town of Mamaroneck, and that the cost thereof be levied, assessed and collected against the taxable property lying and being within Fire District 2 of the Town of Mamaroneck. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, same was declared adopted by the following vote. AYES: Messrs, Burton, Boyd, Dudley, Shafer and Sherman. NAYS; None. The next order of business was the opening of bids for the contract for the collection and disposal of ashes, garbage, swill and refuse in Fire Districts 1 and 2. It was upon motion duly seconded, Voted that the bids received be now opened. The Clerk proceeded to open and read the bids which were as follows: FIRE DISTRICT ONE. Gabriel Sganga. at least twice each week $3900.00 " " 3 times each week, June to Sept. 4100.00 Wm. Poschen at least twice each week, 3500.00 " " 3 times each week, June to Sept. 3500.00 Kreoll v Walsh at least twice ech week, 2800.00 " " 3 times each week, June to Sept. 3000.00 FIRE DISTRICT TWO. Gabriel Sganga. at least twice each week, $1100.00 William Poschen at least twice each week, 800.00 All bids were accompanied by the required deposit of One Hundred Dollars. Upon motion, it was voted that the Board together with Counsel recess and go into Executive session for deliber- dtion on the awarding of the contracts. Upon reconvening Justice Boyd offered the following resolution which was seconded by Justice Shafer. RESOLVED, that the bid of Kreoll and Walsh being the lowest bidders for the collection and disposal of ashes, swill garbage and refuse in Fire District 1 be and the sane hereby is awarded to said Kreoll & Walsh at the price of $3000.00 as provided in Paragraph 2 of said bid and estimate, provided they qualify in accordance with their bid and estimate and proposal by providing a proper bond and execute a contract in form satisfactory to Counsel, and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to execute said contract and the Clerk be authorized to attest, the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, same was declared adopted by the following vote. AYES: Messrs, Burton, Boyd, Dudley, Shafer and Sherman. NAYS: None. Upon motion by Justice Shafer seconded by Justice Dudley, the following resolution was offered. RESOLVED, that the bid of William Poschen being the lowest bidder for the collection and disposition of ashes, garbage, swill, etc in Fire District Two, be and the same hereby is awarded to said Wiiliam Poschen at the price of $800.00 same to be levied and assessed against the taxable property in Fire District Two, provided the said William Poschen qualifies in accordance with his bid or estimate add proposal by providing a proper bond and execute a con- tract in form satisfactory to Counsel, and that the Supervisor be and he herby is authorized and empowered to execute said contract and the Clerk be authorized to attest the seal of the Town of Mamatoneck. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, same was declared adopted by the following vote. AYES: Messrs, Burton, Boyd, Dudley, Shafer and Sherman. PAYS. None. Upon motion duly seconded it was, RESOLVED, that the bid of Gabriel Sganga be rejected and that the deposits namely $200.00 be forthwith returned, and that upon the execution of contracts of the successful bidders all other bids be re- jected and deposits returned. The question being taken upon the foregoing motion, same was declared carried, upon Roll Call. The Clerk reported the refusal of the Board of Auditors to audit the bill for the bond of the Deputy Town Clerk as not being proper town charge. Same was referred to Counsel to report back to the Board at its next meeting. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11.00 P.M. John C . Fairchild Town Clerk. Deputy Clerk.