HomeMy WebLinkAbout1920_01_20 Town Board Minutes January 19th, 1921. JOINT MEETING OF THE VILLAGE AND TOWN BOARDS IN RELATION TO THE ABANDONMENT OF THE POST ROAD TROLLEY FROM THE BAND STAND TO CHATSWORTH AVENUE. Present for the Village. Dr .Hunter, President Trustees, Kassebart, Stanley and Roy. Village Clerk Howe Counselor Eckley. Present for the Town Supervisor Burton Justices, Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer . Deputy Clerk Sherman Counsellor Gamble. Upon mention, duly seconded it was voted that the Supervisor act as Chairman of the meeting. CARRIED. Dr. Hunter and Supervisor Burton reported the receipt of a communication from Mr. Miller receiver of the Westchester Street Railway Co., abandoning the service on the Post Road from the Band Stand to Chatsworth Ave, and a 40 minute schedule from the Band Stand to White Plains. After considerable discussion in relation to the att- itude of Mr.Miller in violation of orders of the Public Service Commiss - ion, the following resolution was adopted. RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this meeting that the Village and Town Boards act in co-operation to fight the abandonment of the trolley either a portion of it or in its entirety. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, some was declared adopted. Upon motion, the meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M. Edgar L.Howe Village Clerk. Frederick M. Sherman. Deputy Clerk. Minutes of meeting of the Town Board TOWN OF MAMARONECK held, February 2nd 1921. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Burton at 9:00 P.M. PRESENT: Supervisor Burton Justices, Boyd, Collins, Dudley and Shafer, Deputy Clerk, Sherman; Counsellor Gamble. The reading of minutes of meetings not yet approved were dispensed with. A communication from the Mamaroneck Paragraph and the Larchmonter Times in relation to the Richbell Press was received read, ordered spread upon the minutes and is as follows: Mamaroneck N.Y. Feb. 2, 1921 The Honorable Town Board, Mamaroneck, N.Y. Gentlemen :- Permit us to call your attention to the fact that it is our wish that official record be made of our desire not to accept or be a party in any manner or form to any designation of printing or publication in which the Richbell Press may be named as co- partner. We have reached this conclusion owing to the fact that we, or either of us has not received our share of the proceeds of the publication of the annual tax sale published last may in the Richbell Press and to which it was agreed that we were to be com- pensated by one third each of the profits after all expenses were paid. We want to take this opportunity to thank your honorable body for the many courtesies granted us and our respective news- papers. The Mamaroneck Paragraph and the Larchmonter Times in the past. Respectfully yours, Charles F. Rice The Mamaroneck Paragraph. Geo. P. Forbes The Larchmonter Times. The communication was ordered filed with the Clerk and to notify Messrs Rice and Forbes of the action of this Board. A communication from Mr. James Sullivan, Director, Division of Archives and History with his report attached was received and read and same was laid over for the regular order of business The Supervisor presented a communication from Mr. Gail Borden in relation to erroneous assessment of his property in School District #1 instead of School District #2 of the 1920 assessment roll. Same was referred to Counsel who was requested to prepare the proper resolution in connection therewith. A communication was received from the the Weaver Street Fire House stating that that the Fire House needed repairs, also that the auxiliary firehouse on Weaver Street needed attention, and asking that uniforms be procured for the men stationed at the Firehouse. The Supervisor reported that some repairs had been made The other matters were referred to the Supervisor with power. Counsel reported that he had prepared the proposals and estimates for the collection of ashes and garbage and that same had been delivered to the Town Clerk. Upon motion duly seconded it was VOTED, that the regular order of business be suspended in order that any one present who wished to address the board, be giv- en permission to do so. Mr. Edgar L. Howe appeared in behalf of Domenick Barberi of Mamaroneck N.Y. in relation to reduction of taxes on Section 8 Block 87 Lots 27 & 28. Upon motion, it was moved that the matter be referred to Counsel. The communication from Mr. James Sullivan in relation to his report of the records of the Town Clerks office was then taken up and Upon motion it was moved that the matter be laid over for some future meeting. The following resolution was offerred. by Justice Shafer and seconded by Justice Boyd. WHEREAS, this Board heretofore and on January 5th, 1921 authorized and em- powered the Supervisor to confer with the other municipalities in relation to the water supply question and if necessarry that he be authorized and empowered to employ Special Counsel and WHEREAS, the Supervisor has found it necessary to take immediate legal action in the premises and has employed Special Counsel fro said purpose and has reported said action to this Board, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board approves of and ratifies the action of the Supervisor in employing Special Counsel in taking immediate action to protect the interests of the Town and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Super- visor be and he hereby is further auth- orized and empowered to take any furthet necessary steps to prosecute the matter to a conclusion to the end that the intexe crests of the Town of Mamaroneck may be properly protected. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution same was declared adopted by the following vote. AYES: Messrs Burton, Boyd, Collins, Dudley, Shafer and Sherman. NAYS: None. Upon the recommendation of Justice Collins it was moved and seconded that the lease of quarters for the office of Justice Collins be increased to $35.00 Per month for a period of one year and that the lease presented be referred to Counsel and if found correct as to form the Supervisor and Town Clerk be authorized to execute the same. The question being taken upon the foregoing resolution, same was declared adopted by the following vote. AYES: Messrs Burton, Boyd, Collins, Dudley, Shafer and Sherman. NAYS: None . Upon motion the meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. John C. Fairchild Town Clerk Deputy Clerk.